#horizon (trilogy)
altocat · 5 days
Idk if you know who this is, but I think that Aloy from the Horizon Trilogy (Horizon Zero Daw + Horizon Forbidden West + the unnamed third game) and Sane!Sephiroth would be good friends :)
Both didn’t know their mother when they were younger, but found out that it’s not a human when they’re older? (Aloy was genetically manufactured by a robot to save the world from another mass extinction event after the first mass extinction event) Both have green eyes? Both look amazing with a firey background? Both have an actual human mother who they never got to meet? (Aloy’s ‘mother’, or the person she was genetically manufactured by, died a long time ago because she had to be a super brave and kind and AHDBGSET person and risk her life to go outside to close a seal of a 10mm gap when it’s supposed to be a 2mm gap or smaller to help save and protect the AI that rebuilt the world after the mass extinction event which was a swarm of robots killing and eating the planets biosphere.) Both have a family tie / ‘know’ someone who is killing / killed the planet (In Aloys case, it’s this guy named Ted Faro who isn’t related to her).
Also sorry about all of the info and the long ask 😭
I'm familiar with the series but didn't know specifics on characters or story. But yeah, they are pretty similar!
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oediex · 6 months
My love for gaming is partly anchored in my love for stories. I gravitate towards games that weave a rich narrative involving complex and thoughtful characters in a world to be discovered slowly but impactfully. That's what Dragon Age: Inquisition, with all its flaws, did for me six years ago, and it's how the Mass Effect trilogy crashed into my life only a few months ago, birthing an obsession I didn't know I needed. It's why the Ezio era of the Assassin's Creed series is, in my opinion, still undefeated, and it's what, years ago, kept me playing Horizon: Zero Dawn all the way into the early hours when I really should have been sleeping.
When sequels get caught up in the hype of their forebears and their disappointing ambitions fail to remember their origin in tale-telling, especially while chasing some passing trend only desired by money-loving investors, a light dies in my heart.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey was, as per Wikipedia, complimented by critics for its story-telling, but I have yet to find the parts that would have brought about such praise. Kassandra is fun, certainly, and her backstory is promising, but I fail to understand her motivations. Perhaps the choice system has something to do with this, but she also seems to be thrown into larger situations that are not warranted by our knowledge of who she is, a young girl growing up to be a mercenary on a small island under the wings of a silly, get-rich-quick schemer who has a penchant for getting into trouble. How does she come to be in command of a ship, despite seemingly having no previous experience with it, and embroiled in a battle of the Peloponnesian War as if she's been fighting wars her whole life? I don't know who this woman is, what drives her, and which experiences inform the actions she undertakes.
I do like her muscled arms, though.
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all remaining islands will bow to the first order: part 2
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doctorbrown · 5 months
happy (by present-day standards) one hundred and fourth birthday to this old man right here!
i've never really nailed down a proper time for when i have doc's post-trilogy canon happening, it's always just x date post return to his present with the family. so i've been thinking about it and i needed something solid (for myself at least) to play off of with headcanons, with setting details, all that fun stuff.
so i think i'm leaning towards '87 or later. (of course this is all subject to change with whatever happens in a thread - i'm still totally open for him being wherever, whenever in his timeline).
so if his main default verse is set around 1987 or so, he's turning (chronologically) seventy-seven. officially, as far as the records are concerned, he's only sixty-seven this year.
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katusedcharm · 5 months
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✨🌿 🛒🛍️ 🌿✨
Check out the shop and get some new stickers! ♡
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luckyclovercoin · 10 months
hey shep
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you uh
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doin ok there?
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started golden fool. i’m ill.
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woso-scotland · 2 days
The stiff close-up conversation graphics for HZD is the main reason I’ve been wishing for it to get a remaster. Plus the characters have a smooth plastic texture to them that is much improved in HFW. I’m thrilled and so are the Horizon Discords I’m part of, we’ve been hoping for a remaster since HFW came out and showed such a massive step up in animation and graphics.
It's been a little bit of time since I last played but I still thought it looked great, but hey im not gonna complain about a solid remaster of a great game.
I'm still waiting on a remaster for games like AC Black Flag or even the Ezio trilogy those games are fun but could do with a serious graphical upgrade i'd pay good money for those
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simmonsized · 1 month
I have been sick for seven days straight now and I am getting pretty tired of it!!!!
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
I don’t play story based games for essentially a more interactive movie (or novel depending on the format). Maybe even to kiss their favourite romance option (or obsess over a non-romance option).
I just like to figure out the plot halfway through and see if I’m right.
Both ways are completely valid, but if you have a third, bring it on.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
I’m in a lot of pain, so I want to write sad stuff.
I want to write about Obi-Wan spending nearly twenty years watching his best friend’s, his brother’s, his favourite person’s kid and how he realizes, even as he watches, that Luke looks like Anakin and sometimes he acts like Anakin, but Luke isn’t Anakin and will never be Anakin. And Obi-Wan doesn’t want him to be Anakin, but a part of him does, a part of him wants that camaraderie and that easy affection and the boy he spent ten years watching grow to come back to him.
I want to write about Luke and how he loses so many people. He never had his parents, he loses his aunt and uncle, he loses Ben, and when he finally gets to meet his dad, which is the only thing he’s wanted for years (to meet and be like his dad), Anakin dies in his arms. Luke sees his aunt and uncle’s smoldering bodies and watches Obi-Wan die right in front of him and Yoda die right in front of him and Anakin die in his arms. Luke would only have a familial connection to his sister, and then he finds out Jedi aren’t supposed to have attachments and it must break a part of him. He spent so long trying to be like his father, to be a Jedi like his father before him, and his attachment to the one person he has left in the world would be enough to take that all away from him.
I want to write about Leia and the crushing realization that the man she’s hated her entire life, the man she has always seen as pure evil and nothing but evil, the man who tortured her and stood by while she had to watch her home explode, is her father. That she has that guy’s DNA, she’s blood relatives with the symbol of evil, in her mind. But, to throw away her father would be to deny that she and Luke are twins. And she depends on Luke as much as Luke depends on her, they’re a duo that’s nigh inseparable even before they know they’re related. But, Luke accepts their father, and Leia doesn’t want to accept their father, and it’s hard to get around that. Leia doesn’t know Anakin as a good person. She knows him as a murderer and a torturer and a kidnapper and the man who cut off her brother’s hand. It’s hard to think of him as anything else.
I want to write about Anakin. Anakin watches his mother die due to actions outside of his control, and he blames himself forever. He’s told by the only person he still trusts that he killed his own wife and their unborn child. Then, he stands there, watching as the child who should be impossible, who cannot possibly have been born, the child he’s spent years and years chasing after, watching his son is die, right in front of him. His son who is a twin. His son who is Vader’s only evidence that he and Padme loved each other. His son who begs him for help and believes that he’s still good even after the Jedi Order and the rest of the galaxy and Anakin’s own Master believe that all the good has died. His son who is stupid and reckless and came onto this ship with half a plan and hope.
I want to write about Yoda and how he watches his whole line fall apart. Dooku betrays the Order. Qui-Gon is killed by the Sith, who have been assumed dead for years. Obi-Wan is left as the only other Jedi Master who still lives, but he’s forced to hide on the desert planet where Qui-Gon died to watch the son of his Padawan who wants him dead. Anakin grew from a nervous but excited little boy into the most feared man in all of the galaxy. Ahsoka left the Order before it fell to pieces, and nobody knows where she is or what happened to her. Then, Obi-Wan dies, but asks Yoda to teach Anakin’s son. A Skywalker who is impatient and rash and angry, just like his father. But, what else can Yoda do? And the more time he spends with him, the more he realizes that Luke isn’t like Anakin. The more he realizes that Luke is strong in ways Anakin was not. Strong in ways none of the Jedi were. And for the first time in over two decades, he feels hope that the galaxy can be saved. That the Jedi Order, his family, can be saved.
Luke Skywalker and the heavy burden placed on his shoulders. To be a Jedi and a General the likes of Anakin Skywalker. Maybe destined to fall and become evil like Darth Vader. He stands at a crossroads where he barely knows what it even means to be a Jedi and he doesn’t want to hurt his father, the man who he’s always aspired to be, but the other path is death and betrayal and pain and destruction and slavery to the Emperor. And Luke forges his own path, even though the Jedi warn against it. He tries to save his father or die trying. He knows Vader might kill him, but he’s willing to bet on the most infinitisimal odds that Anakin is still there, somewhere. Luke saves his father with the power of attachment, with the love that Anakin tried to use to save his mother and Padme and everyone he’s ever loved.
The Skywalkers are so depressing. The Disaster Lineage is depressing. Star Wars is depressing. And I am still in horrible pain
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theheadlessgroom · 2 months
June subtly glanced Elizabeth's way when she overheard her and Emily's conversation, taking a sip from her own sparkling apple cider as she mulled over these remarks quietly. She didn't want to jump to any conclusions, however (nor give voice to these conclusions either), and settled for setting aside her glass and contentedly leaning her head against her husband's shoulder as Dorian happily regaled the group with stories from his and Randall's youth.
"...I admit, the violin was never my preferred musical instrument," Dorian was saying with an impish grin. "I was good at it, but I just never thought I was destined to become a legendary violin player like my mother expected, and so I was always trying to find a way out of my lessons, and our sprawling garden made for an excellent place to hide. Admittedly, Beau knew it was where I'd go first, since Randall and his mother would be out there, but he'd seldom be too hard on me about it. He knew I didn't like the violin very much, and that I'd rather be outside with my best friend."
"Contributing to the delinquency of one of your own students, Mr. Ghast?" August chuckled as Beau came around to refill both Dorian and August's glasses (the Burke patriarch having decided to be daring enough to have a glass of wine with dinner). Smiling as slyly as the young master, Beau replied, "Only here and there-I knew what Mr. and Mrs. Gracey expected of their son, and so I tried to keep him in the classroom as much as I could, learning the violin, French, cursive, all lessons they wanted me to teach him...but what good was having a young friend on the estate if they couldn't play together?"
"A very good point," August admitted-all work and no play never did a young mind any good, he felt, and so he could get behind Beau allowing his young charge to run free and enjoy his childhood, especially with his grandson. It had to have been a pleasant change of pace for the both of them, given the lives they both led.
"And besides, Dorian didn't need my help in his delinquency," Beau chuckled. "Even before he met Randall, he was always very clever at sneaking out when I had my back turned and taking off down the hall to find some sweets and hole up somewhere I couldn't find him. Between the two of them, Dorian was easily the brains of the operation."
"Guilty as charged!" Dorian grinned, raising his hand as he added, "If anything, Randall did his best to keep us out of trouble, while I was the one trying to make trouble in the first place!"
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dhampiravidi · 8 months
sleepwalking: Aleksander Morozova
TELL ME that Bring Me the Horizon's "Sleepwalking" isn't a Darkling aka Aleksander Morozova song--
the merzost is kicking his butt post-S1 (or maybe it's always made him sick on certain days?) & he secretly wants to give up on his dreams for improving Ravka/getting his revenge on all the bigoted otkazat'sya, but his pride & rage keeps him from doing so. it's just so tiring, going through the endless cycle of fighting, loss & faking his death, but what else is there? he has his beloved, but what can they do (alone or together) to fix anything?
@starlsssankt reminds me of our current "post-S1 AU where Aleks is dying from merzost & desperately needs a cure" thread!
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baubeautyandthegeek · 4 months
Trouble On The Horizon - Riyola Keevan/Lenka Mok, Captain Phasma/Nastia Unamo
A/N: A new fic for @flashfictionfridayofficial
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At first Captain Keevan thinks they’ve escaped. Croy is gone, they are free of his company... but then she sees it. Captain Phasma’s ship, the woman striding towards them having appeared on the horizon line.     She wants, deep down, to flee, but she knows running isn’t going to work, so she stays, sitting quietly as she watches Lenka duck away, hiding herself from view, content to let the Captain handle what is coming.    Phasma comes aboard whilst the crew stays in their cabins, Riyola moving closer slowly, only when beckoned for. She knows, deep down, that this could end badly, surprised by the woman’s quiet request. She needs to protect someone dear to her and she wants, almost demands, to hide her on board with Keevan.    Nastia Unamo, when Keevan meets her, is small, slim and looks more than a little traumatised. Lenka emerges once she’s sure it’s safe, finding herself smiling at the way Keevan takes care of the smaller, tender woman.     Phasma follows them for a while, then leaves. It’s only later when they see Phasma on the horizon again that Keevan admits she thinks the woman may be redeemable. Phasma collapses once she’s inside, the doors lock tight and Keevan does all she can to ensure that Phasma is safe and well.     It’s a strange new life for all of them but the ship is empty and Phasma will heal better with Unamo by her side. Lenka befriending the slightly more shy woman easily. It’s accidental, but Keevan has to admit it’s nice to have new friends. 
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greenieart · 5 months
your LoD art made me remember how much I loved this series back when I was in high school. thanks for the lovely trip down memory lane, and your art is absolutely gorgeous
AWW THANKS SO MUCH!!! These books have been so much fun to read over the last several months and they’ve honestly single-handedly rekindled my own childhood love for reading and high fantasy. I’m happy to hear that you like my art and that my own enjoyment of this series has brought back good memories for you, I’m honored 💚
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crimsonshield75 · 5 months
Rules: List the First Line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
@keriweird posted this and it seems super fun! Anchors Away
Steve Cortez knew he had fucked up. If the Seas Catch Fire
Kaidan Alenko always knew he was different.
For All Appearances
“Ow, Dorian I don’t think — wait, Dorian, stop, I don’t think this is where we’re supposed to be,” Nicholas Trevelyan attempted to keep his voice down as he drunkenly stumbled up the stairs in Skyhold and emerged onto the ramparts.
A New Perspective
“You’re leaving.”
To Err is Human
Shadows and Starlight
I’m sorry.
Through Paths Where Wolves Fear to Prey
Bryce Quinlan was lying out on her apartment building’s roof, basking in the sun.
The Three Laws of Synthetic Affection
A Soft Place to Land
“Liara is this right?”
Kaidan Alenko knew Commander Shepard was walking up to him. 
Hmm ... as for pattern, I think I like snappy quick opening lines or dialogue. Also people who know things hehehe I really liked this exercise!
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