tsubakura-enraku · 1 year
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growing wings, yet still trapped
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maideninorange · 1 year
What movie genres do some of the Len'ens like and dislike?
Since I kinda figure Mugenri probably has some kind of rising movie industry (since I'm pretty sure TVs are mentioned to be a thing in Devanagara somewhere), this means that quite a few Mugenri natives actually have opinions on this subject too. Yay!
So generally speaking, war movies are pretty unpopular. This is because many Len'ens, both Mugenrian and Outside Worlder, have trauma related to war, so naturally they have quite the aversion to it. You won't ever find a war movie in the Shitodos' DVD rack, just as an example.
That isn't to say violent flicks overall are unpopular though! Action and Horror/Thriller are pretty popular overall, even if quite a few people mock them for unrealistic special effects (when in actuality, they've just been in actual combat too much). Although horror movies do have a notable side audience of youkai who watch them purely to see the monsters kill a bunch of insufferable humans. Sukune, Sese, and Yaorochi (when they can be convinced) have probably all watched a few of these in the past together lol.
Character specifics, Yabusame and Tsubakura probably both like comedies and sci-fi. Though Tsubakura tends to mock the romantic ones specifically, mainly because they are a cynic. Tsubakura can't stand psychological thrillers, whereas Yabusame can't stand dramas ("He should just tell her he's dying!"). Both would probably enjoy cheesy B-movies and dramas that accidentally turn comedic.
For the Shitodos, Aoji really likes high fantasy and, weirdly enough, cosmic horror. Hooaka hates it when Aoji gets to pick the movie, because they really don't like jumpscares (and totally not because they are scared by them). Aoji returns this favor with a dislike of their favorite sports movies. As for Kuroji and Hoojiro, they have similar taste in documentaries and pretentious art house films. Kuroji doesn't like Hoojiro's dramas though, finding them trite. Though to be fair, Hoojiro doesn't get sci-fi, so it all evens out. Kuroji is probably invited to Yabusame and Tsubakura's riffings semi frequently as well.
There is plenty of room for others, but these are just the ones off the top of my head. Plenty of others have their own opinions of course.
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sweets303 · 3 years
weird ass len’en headcanon’s
Males: Yabusame, Tsubakura, Shitodo Siblings, Kurohebi, Tsurubami, Shou, Hibaru, Yaorochi, Medias, Kaisen, Kunimitsu, Karou, Garaiya, Yago, NiLU, Tom, Lin, Jinbei
Females: Clause, Jun, Lumen, Sukune, Saragimaru, Sese, Tsugumi, Iyozane, Fumikado, Shion, Tenkai, Souko, Terumi (mitsumo has no gender), Kujiru, Para, Sanra, Mitori, Chouki, Xeno, Haiji, Suzumi, Hal, Hoojiro, Zeno, Rei
*Everyone hates Tsurubami (except for Tenkai)
*Tsubakura hates Yabusame, but loves Shion
*Yabusame is always high on salt and has a salt obsession
*Kurohebi works for Suzumi because he was forgotten by Tsubakura (but Kurohebi still cares about him for some reason)
*Clause is a fucking idiot
*Kuroji always tries to scam people much to Aoji’s horror and Hooaka doesn’t give a fuck
*Aoji is the most caring of all the Shitodo’s (even protecting animals and being a vegetarian)
*Hooaka is a lazy ass, also likes food
*Yabusame likes eating slugs
*Kuroji likes looking for Hibaru at times
*Jun has the worst timing
*Jun is pretty shy around other people
*Shou is a male tsundere (but has a soft spot for Jun)
*Lumen hates the seals and loves to cause chaos (she’s also an idiot)
*Lumen can’t seem to prove that she’s a heroine
*Saragimaru still cares for Yaorochi (much to Kuroji’s annoyance), also she tries to runaway from Kuroji just to see Yaorochi
*Yaorochi is an idiot
*Sukune is good friends with Saragimaru, Sese and Tenkai
*Hibaru hates the shit out of Kuroji
*Yaorochi tried to use a mower to mow the clouds (it did not go well)
*Jinbei is surrounded by idiots
*Sese is kind of an idiot, but is sort of smart
*Fumikado is a Karen, Tsugumi’s an idiot, Iyozane is the only sane person in Fumikado’s group
*Iyozane is depressed
*Tsugumi just rides on anything
*Tenkai has to deal with Tsubakura’s and Yabusame’s stupidity
*Shion UWU speaks
*Sese likes using her powers too much that she gets tired
*Sese and Sukune are always trying to think of ways to get revenge on Yabusame and Tsubakura
*Tenkai often gets called a melon (except for Sese and Sukune)
*Mitsumo’s vessel is getting tired and dying, so Mitsumo is looking for new vessels
*Souko always thinks she’s ugly
*The Haze Castle is full of idiots (except for Chouki, Para, Kaisen and Kuijiru), same for the Pagoda (except for Mitori and Sanra)
*Kaoru has pet Wishiwashi’s
*Medias and Kunimitsu are gay
*Mitori is a Karen (and somehow Sanra can tolerate her)
*Para and Chouki hate Fumikado because of lore
*Chouki’s lantern, Bura-Bura is an idiot and Bura-Bura loves tacos (I know it’s stupid)
*Kuroji and Mitori are in love
*Haiji is a stalker
*Yago and Sukune are related in some way
*Xeno hates Kuroji (because Kuroji wants the money)
*Suzumi is a Yandere for Tsubakura
*Haiji is an idiot
*actually idk other than NiLU is possibly undead
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tsubakura-enraku · 2 years
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they may look monstrous, but at least they're still themself in that body... for the most part
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