#hoshiguma ooeyama
wanou-dorm · 2 years
Tag Game : Dragons
using this Website here- https://www1.flightrising.com/scrying/predict
make your Oc as a Dragon
here’s some of mine
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I tag @twstinginthewind @twst-the-night-away @happilyasimp2
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jasdiary · 2 years
Asking Juvia Opinions On my Main ocs part 1
Shu Ibuki ( Shuten Douji/Sukia from Touhou)
Hiei Ibaraki( Ibaraki Douji/ Kasen from Touhou)
Hoshiguma Ooeyama( Hoshiguma Douji / Yuugi Hoshiguma from Touhou)
Ooo yayy more Juvia interactions 😈😈
Juvia & Shu
i think Juvia would be really intimidated by Shu at first, but would be totally chill with him once she gets to know him! She personally doesn’t really like the Leech twins but they decide on agreeing to disagree. I think they’d secretly have days where they hangout and sing together!
Juvia & Hiei
Because of Hiei’s anger issues, these two have a rocky start. As time goes on tho, Juvia sees how sweet he is and enjoys spending more time with him! She probably saw him throw a table one time and declared him her unofficial bodyguard HAHAHJS
Juvia & Hoshiguma
Juvia thinks Hoshiguma really cool and mysterious! They don’t talk much but Juvia watches from afar to see what he does. She witnessed Him use his unique magic and thought he was so cool and interesting. While Hoshiguma is tall and Juvia is clumsy, these two have definitely bumped into poles while walking together.
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luxstring · 1 year
Hello I see you have Oc interactions open So
Heres My Wanou Dorm Ocs ( Though I don't know if all the Links Works I have Most of them tagged . )
Shu Ibuki ( Housewarden )
Hiei Ibaraki
Hoshiguma Ooeyama( Vice Housewarden )
Kurama No Mae
Shunpei Amagi
OC Interaction
[Yo... like sorry I didn't draw five of them but can't draw that many people interacting ;-;. So I choose two from the five]
When Stolas first met Shu, he thought he was a delinquent looking for trouble, like y'know, half of the students in NRC, but he was wrong about him and Shu is in fact a really nice... Oni?? He liked Shu because he got to ask questions about Shu's species and he answered really politely which Stolas is still not used to because of Shu's tough stature. Stolas found out that Shu writes poems so he asked Shu to read him one and well...—
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Stolas thought he allowed a murderer in Ramshackle
When Stolas first met Hiei found out he had anger issues, he recommended Hiei to have a breathing exercise to calm himself down and have someone or someting be there with him to calm him down, since as much as he thinks Hiei is harmless, who knows what he might do if he can't calm himself down. Stolas does see Hiei become gentle when around small creatures, so he lets him hold Grim, for a while anyway.
Stolas did find Hiei to be really pretty though, he couldn't really pinpoint what he found pretty about him but he liked Hiei and is very vocal about it in his actions—
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Stolas can't control himself when he finds pretty people or things.
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authoruio · 2 years
As Someone who as Just skulking around I guess I’ll offer some of the Wanou dorms boys ( And Shinobu) to for interactions,m.. It dosent have to be all of them just any you want .
Shu Ibuki ( Housewarden )
Hiei Ibaraki
Hoshiguma Ooeyama
Kurama No Mae
Shunpei Amagi
Shinobu Renko (Yuusona )
Touhou! It's been a long time since I have seen it!
Only doing Shu, Shunpei and Shinobu! Though, I'm only going to draw them with duos (and one with Shinobu) ^^;;
Shu with UiRen!
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UiO has a hate love for Shu, for one, she has to look up so much because... 6'5? Are you serious?
Yeah, she gets you're an oni but SERIOUSLY??
But that's alright, he's handsome, she doesn't care if the world is really against her... mocking her height
I think UiO and Shu will get along, UiO is excited to know more about him! She is so interested because, oni, handsome and hehe, messy hair buddies
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UiO is a kid size to him...
poor UiO... I won't be surprised if he carries her
Hey wait- what are you--!?
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UiO wants to die in a hole.
Shu pretty much finds it funny, he's not even in his true height and UiO is already half of his pseudo height...
Moving on, Miren is pretty much intimidated but hey at least this man is not a fae or a dragon (I don't know if thats any better Miren)
They're pretty much casual, Miren sees no reason to fear Shu apart from his height...
though he finds it funny that Shu is REALLY taller than UiO and can easily carry her. As long he doesn't hurt her... everything's neutral :D
Miren would like to offer to cook Shu anything he wants!
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Shunpei with Aori and Jiyoon
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Aori is curious! As he has seen Shunpei going around taking pictures, thanks to UiO's influence, curiosity got over him!
Though he doesn't regret conversing with Shunpei! Yay, a tengu friend!
Aori likes Shunpei's creative mind! Would 100% read his articles, he wants to learn how to do some journalism from Shunpei!
Show him your collective photos! He will be amazed how clean and natural they look!
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Jiyoon get's her inspiration from Shunpei, granted, his works are full of ideas not to mention his ideal pictures he had taken.
Who the hell won't be inspired?
Jiyoon wouldn't mind getting help from Shunpei, in return, she'll draw anything he may want her to.
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Jiyoon doesn't really want to try out journalism however, the way Shunpei made them makes her curious to try it out.
Shinobu with Jiyoon!
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Huh, theres a loud person stating random ideas. What the?
Jiyoon's invested with Shinobu, she's willing to listen to anything he wants to say.
Her curiosity and inspiration pulled her to Shinobu.
...His ideas are random but seems logical, Jiyoon would give him that.
As outspoken he is, she doesn't mind listening to his topics he wishes to voice.
Though she will retort some of her own opinion and maybe correct him if she sees a good reason to.
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silent-dragon · 2 years
Just Need this Help me Write him but What would Forneus think of the Wanou Oni trio Shu Ibuki
Hiei Ibaraki
Hoshiguma Ooeyama
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He would find Shu very relatable and connect with him alot. Forneus for many years was caged as a living museum exhibit and wasn't treated well. I feel if both opened up around their pasts some it would help them bond. Also loves the purple hair.
Hiei is one Forneus can't quite tell how they are but would offer friendship and see where it goes. He understands about being angry so maybe can distract with something fun to help Hiei out.
Hoshi is interesting..Forneus be curious why eyes are shut all the time so would ask and listen the reason why. He help him not hit too many poles and probably want to carry him becoming a tad concerned and protective to what Hoshi is ok with of course.
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
Hey I would like to ask Yuulan and Iman What they think of Each the Wanou Dorm members ( Besides Kurama he’s not done yet ) ?
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Delinquents with hearts of gold seem to follow Yuulan wherever she goes so she would probably take a liking to Shu right away! Her fascination with him is similar to her fascination with Malleus but without the romantic undertones, she's drawn to guys with nice voices so that would be another point of fascination for her too. I wonder, what nickname would Shu give her?
Hiei on the other hand, she'd probably dislike at first because she already has to deal with one hothead in her group (Ace). She couldn't possibly handle another. And I can imagine he and Grim getting into many spats and playing tricks on each other, furthering Yuulan's irritation.
I do think Yuulan would probably like Hoshiguma and appreciate that his personality seems calmer. She would also be interested in his tarot readings to see what her future could entail, and how much longer she has to live in Twisted Wonderland and put up with Crowley's antics.
And she and Shunpei have similar interests in photography, so she might like him as well, but also be a little concerned about his... knowledge of other students and how he'd use it.
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Iman might be a little put off by Shu's background and really isn't one for delinquents, but once they got to know each other better, I think she would at the very least respect him as a dorm leader and admire his poetic nature. But since she strongly dislikes the octavinelle trio but Shu doesn't mind them, he and Iman wouldn't likely be anything more than non-hostile acquaintances.
The same couldn't be said for her Hiei. She wouldn't fully hate him per se, and secretly thinks he's kind of precious, but she would disapprove of him and his lack of respect/reverence for her. With both of them being very temperamental, they'd probably get into many arguments that for Iman, are just for fun but who knows, Hiei might dislike her as well.
I can see Iman liking Hoshiguma the best. She tries to ingratiate herself with most senior students and he seems like the kind of guy who would get along well with Vidaria. So for both reasons, Iman would like him by default.
And with Shunpei, Iman would likely be friendly, but indifferent with him. But Sevens forbid he ever try to blackmail her because Iman has...special ways of dealing with people who try that with her. 👀
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Welp I’m Finally getting around to this, What would Your Ocs think of the Wanou gang Members.
//Hello hello ! I'm still figuring out some things with the interaction format so this is just a heads up since I'm experimenting a bit with this ask ^^ Also I didn't do everyone in Wanous dorm since I am a bit tired today so I hope that's alright
On Shu Ibuki
"So he sings from what I've heard ... I would love to hear that someday ."
Orion isn't particularly interested in NRC housewardens since it's not his business frankly , but he does like to belt his heart once in a while . So he would appreciate a karaoke buddy or two .
"An Oni ? Twisted Wonderland never ceases to surprise me ."
Yuuri is a big big fan of folktales , and an Oni is one he has heard lots about . You can expect him to look at Shu with awe in his eyes . These two may not have much in common , but I can see Yuuri approaching Shu about Wanou dorm due to the dorm's specialty in anime , video games and such .
On Hoshiguma Ooeyama
"I have not heard much about him , though I'm curious about his tarot readings ."
Once again I must apologise but theoretically I don't think Orion would interact much with Wanou Dorm unless its due to unique circumstances . He's curious about certain aspects such as the famed tarot readings , but other than that , he's a little too busy to bother .
"How do you not like cold soba ? I'm just saying!
Hoshiguma better watch out for the kid that is Yuuri , although it's not their all time favourite , I can see Yuuri jokingly feud with Hoshi over cold soba . Yuuri themself is not a big believer of tarot readings and such , but he is curious about the accuracy of Hoshiguma's readings .
On Kurama No Mae
"I certainly would not be on the receiving end of his 'punishments' However his drive for his passion is admirable ."
There is not much to be said with Orion today , man. He admires those who decide to chase their dreams and passion , however , he would not appreciate having to be on the end of Kurama's hobby .
"Finally a kindred soul in this barren land . I could shed a singular tear of joy ."
Yuuri has found a new friend . Someone who also appreciates the fine art of crossdressing ? Sign him up ! I can see these two getting up some chaos messing with some of the students . Yuuri could also use a friend who knows a thing or two with making clothes , they're decent at it at best so there's much room for improvement .
Note : I adore your ocs and I wish I could've written more , but I can't really think of a situation where Orion interacts much with NRC students . I apologise for that ^^;;
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
🍫 My ocs would like to give some chocolate to
Leory to Shu
Greg accidentally ate his for Blake but got a gift instead
Flynn had some start shaped chocolates
Finally I finished sorry for any ooc
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Leroy had dropped by Wanou dorm ,to deliver a gift to Shu this Valentine’s Day considering it was Valentine’s Day . The Chameleon knock on the Door of the main Dorm Building in Wanou .
The Door Slid open  but, instead of Seeing Shu , Leroy Look looked down to see  a small chibi sized Version Answering The Door. It looked Exactly like a Small  Doll . Leroy Seemed confused considering Shu’s  tendencies he suspected the oni  failed a Spell or Potion  again before seeing a purple mist gathered behind the Chibi Shu  before forming into a Humanoid shape .
“ There you  are Mini Shu.”  A voice Sang Happily as Shu  walked over to the Door picking up the mini Shu  before poofing in out of existence.  
“ What’s up , Onnazuichi ?”
“…. Um,What was that ? “.  Leroy said looking at Shu . 
Shu glanced “ that I just call ‘em Mini Shu’s , they're just Mini Clones of myself I can make with my unique Magic .”
“ … What I thought your unique Magic just allowed you to turn into mist and Change size !?” Leroy said baffled by what Shu said 
“My UM Manipulates Density ,down to the Density of Concepts ,the  mini shus are basically just made with my own “density”
I spilt off And make more dense . “ Shu explained “ Its not like your the only one who tried to Figure out  my Unique Magic , Onigashima has different ways of Teaching .”
Leroy Shook his Head Remembering what he came here For
“Anyways , I made Chocolate and I had a some Extra left .”
“Ah,‘sweet thanks”  Shu said ,” Come inside
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“ He Brought me ,  My own Merch. “ Blake thought to himself looking at the Figure of his own Vtuber Persona Onyx and Charoite Clashing that Greg Had Given him in the  box . 
“I was gonna to Give ya Chocolates but…”
“ You ate it …” Blake sighed 
“ How’d Ya Guess” Greg asked surprises that Blake even Figured it out
“ It’s You, Gregory  “Blake Said “ Normally I’d Get mad at someone who  did that but I guess People with Purple hair  are the Exception .”Blake kept in mind that Plutus  had Done a Similar thing  earlier.
“ Plus  this Charoite Guy  , Kinda looks like me,  .”’ Blake’s  Heart Stopped as he turned pale   , alot of Characters in Onyx ‘s Universe looked like People from the School but He hadn’t Really Noticed how much Charoite took form  Gregory even Though Lore Charoite is Someone Who was captured and experimented on by the Enemy along with Blood Ruby considering Greg’s Crystal it probably not Far from the Truth .
“Blakey , Blakey , Are okay ? “ Gregory Waved his hand in Front Blake’s Face before  he Grabbed it
“ Wash your Hands Gregory , I can Smell leftover Chocolate one then “
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“ Whoops!, Sorry Flynn “ Hoshi Said before the Smoke had cleared Rushing over to the birb
 “I was Testing out a potion that Would temporarily give people the Stars that Are naturally  seen in my Hair  . “
“That’s alright, Iolite “ Flynn Coughed “
I just Came to give you Chocolate’s I Requested from Leroy.”
“ that Explains Why he’s  at the  Dorm with Shu . “ Hoshi Said as he Took the Box of Chocolates from Flynn’s Hands and opened it  “ Aww How cute , thier Shaped like-“. 
Hoshi turned  around towards as the Smoke cleared as his Third eye  Became as Wide as a Saucer
“ …Well it Seems the Potion worked … Abit To well …” Hoshi Said nervously. 
“ Iolite What are you Talking about …” Flynn Then Looked To see that His Hair was Trailing the Floor in a pile and instead of the Red Tips he had before it was almost a Sunset Gradient ending it a Dark Violet with Aforementioned  stars in the Gradient , The Gradient even Got to his Feathers
“ Um , How long dose this Last , Iolite .” 
“… A Week…,the Potion wasn’t supposed  to. Lengthen your hair .” Hoshi Rubbed the Back of his head “ Though you look Pretty like that, “ Hoshi Shook his head” I’m Going to Make an antidote and -”
 Hoshi was Cut off by the Crow Bringing  his Head Up and bringing thier Lips Together a Kiss.
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Introducing Hoshi to people
feat Several of @fumikomiyasaki Characters and @hey-its-cweepy
Hoshi: Flynn your Best friend …. a Giant Senient Bancho Mech!? , He sounds similar to most people from Onigashima…. but he all Rusted and He has all these Scratches and Dings on him …Are you okay?
Hoshi: a Weird sight. Seeing a Color changing Squid Swimming through the halls.She’s like a Little Plush. She seems Scared of a lot of things though .
Cho Hee
Hoshi; What dose Shu see in Octavinelle… Well He Is A Nice looking Four armed Fish creature… with a maw filled with teeth.
Hoshi : - Throws Salt at him -
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( Gregory is seen as some Shadowy Eldricht Creature he may get more Humaniod as Time gose one as Hoshi can hear his Voice instead of Distorted Gibberish after Flynn calmed him .. )
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( Giant Deep sea Anomaly , Marinus is seen as Chimera Abomination of Deep sea life oh boy is he Ugly in Hoshi’s Eye and only what his Inner Beast looks like , No wonder he Didn’t want Shu to be attracted to him. )
Hoshi: A Were Poodle an ugly Blonde Toy Poodle at that.
no reaction Hoshi Fainted cause He’s a Bear and Has Better than Jack .
Hoshi: … Yes I Drew Your Inner Beast , yes your inner Beasts looks like a Giant Salamander mixed with A Geko … It’s not Cool .. I can’t control what your inner beast looks like Unless you want to be A Rampaging monster lacking emotional Limits.
Hoshi: He’s looks So Freaky Like ,uncanny mix of Crab and Human
Hoshi: Oh your a Very pretty… Plant Gorgon?! Weird combo for an inner Beast but not the Weirdest.
Hoshi: What a Lovely Young Man , I’m surprised you can even Hold such a muscular body in Such Vulnerable position for so long … Why are you Fussing at Flynn ……. I’m not blind I Just can’t see You … The Real Physical You , I can Only see your” Inner Beast” in which case is a Very Muscular Man. But Continue to Fuss At Flynn I thought he told you this After Nanoya.
Rubina But Her Sister took control
Hoshi: This What Tailsmans and Salt are For ,, BEGONE !!
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
More Stuff about Hoshiguma
Note Some headcanon as involved @fumikomiyasaki Ocs mainly .
A lot of People think he’s the Dorm leader of Wanou , This includes Vil who was Surprised that Shu Was given the Position with Hoshi’s more welcoming Prescence.
Hoshi Says his Nose is Better at Catching  Scents than Jacks , Which makes sense He’s name Translated  into Star Bear. 
Hoshi since he can’t See anyone’s actual appearance( Besides Shu ) , referred to Flynn as “ the Shadow man or Shadow Harpy “ , Nano was referred to as a Robot .
Hoshi Described Flynn’s Voice as Adorable and About to break into a musical number at any moment .He also said he smelled like hamburgers and Cologne and that for shadow creature he looked rather…Plump( Probably due to just Eating ) .This was the First time they met .
Nanoya ‘s Was said to sound like, Someone whose Sounds like he’s Lived in Onigashima for Years but also said he sounded on the verge of Tears .He smells of Wood
Rubina was said to sound innocent and princely but sensed something off he also said she smelled of strawberry Pancakes.
Hoshi said that he Could enable himself to see how People look normally but that would require him Activing his Unique magic so. 
Hoshi says he enjoys seeing Flynn Eat Hamburgers mainly because he can tell when Flynn  Been denying himself . Hoshi is rather Afraid to admit it but the Face of a Person Right as thier about  bite  down is Attractive  . He will not tell to Flynn or Vil 
A lot of Hoshi’s Weird Thought are inspired by Nico Robin .. He’s  kinda Dark humored mainly  to shock. 
 He once Joked about how Flynn and Rubina  kinda sounds like chickens when surprised or Scared  
Hoshi has  joked about  Henry  saying “ I wonder when  that  big fish is Done ,It’ll save us meat for crab rangoon “ Henry can  out  the water  soon  after - You  can  see where Shu gets his thought process from
He Thought Leroy was some kind  of  Axolotl cause Shu like to tease him using Uparupa , Unfortunately  for Leroy Hoshi sees him as a Giant  Salamander (I Mean Randall  looks more  like  a  Salamander  or  Geko )  
Hoshi thought  that  Gregory looked horrifying  ,Hoshi thought  Greg was “ a creature from  the Night Parade .” 
Hoshi  has Drawn how he see’s   people  , Yep  that   explain  it Gregory is  literally  drawn as somekind of  Shadowy Abodmination
Hoshi can tell when Rubina  is  not  Rubina  , It looks like  Loki 
Hoshi  says  that  he  enjoys Hot Springs (infact Wanou Dorm  has several Hot springs)
Hoshi has said hes quite  “soft” in his normal form hes  just saying he  pudgy like a bear 
I have  thought about   putting  Hoshi in a  Blue yukata , like Yuugi  
I’ve also Consider changing his  hair Color to  Blue 
… Flynn’s not Top bunking 99% in this Relationship , Hoshi is Top bunking especially if he’s in his Real form. Thank god you like Punishment  
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Hello hello! I know I havent come into your askbox, but I wanted to ask for 👁️‍🗨️ with Marinus or Momo- if not its okay! It could be with any of your characters, I dont mind, I'd love to see what you'll make!
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“ That guy? , he’s Interesting I guess but He Dose Freak me out a Bit , But Considering we have * Shiver * Fairly nasty (Feral) Kappa around Onigashima , As long as he doesn’t try and Shoving a  hand up my Butt and Drowning me , He’s fine … “ 
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  “He’s adorable but not My. type , I like People like Ningyo-san , 
But Floyd’s Moodiness add to his Gremlin Behavior and unpredictability . Marinus has too much Child like Energy   For me Personally, ( Though his Hair Is Giving me Ideas I should Try Dying my hair like that )
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The Weird Siren Fellow , I supply him And Octavinelle with Extra Potions case They Run out, Curious man I do say  myself but I do wish  he’d stop Staring .
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“They seem Really Scared oh Everything , I walked to Him on day and  she Took off running to the Hills. I know my Third Eye Is Freaky but I was just Wondering Who the a Giant Flower  was walking around Campus was .” ( Hoshi Baby Your 6’2)
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She’s So Skittish , but I know Thier Hiding something Freaky , He always with that ugly  blonde Mongrel too .
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“He’s Totes Adorable , Makes For an Adorable Platforming Mascot with Nice Plant Theme . 
I wanted to Show , Momo the cute Platfomer Game I made based of Her mainly to see if was okay , I think she Liked it  since I did want I always do and Offer Them help . but  then ol stupid Dallas got in the Way of Me Showing it to Them  of course With Unwanted Criticism of How the Game Would be More Successful if I used him as protag .”  
“Maybe I should Teach Dallas a Lesson in manners one day~”
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Hello darling for any of our ships
I did all Three ( Sorry for any OOc)
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  I was Watching the Oni Girlfriend coming
“I do believe I could carry you on my shoulder,Iolite.”
Remembering a Comment  he Made to Hoshi During  Halloween. Flynn Kinda wanted this to work out 
Unfortunately, For the Crow, Oni’s Have Much Denser Muscles.   Even if Hoshi looked Light weight in his human Form. 
Flynn Suddenly Scooped up Hoshi at his Usal Fortune Telling Set up .  Hoshi’s Eye Widen  astonished that Flynn could even Lift Him. Hoshi Face turning a Pale Rose Color  before Flynn Spoke 
“ Iolite , Let’s take on the Road of - AWAK!” 
Though Flynn was Immediately regretted the Decision  his Arms and Wings were Screaming,  Felt like they would  Snap with Hoshi’s weight  on them . 
Hoshi Hopped out of Flynn’s Arms  Before ,Scooping the Crow up in a Bridal Carry with Little Effort being used to maintain it 
“ This would Work better in reverse, but it’s Quite Charming that You thought About me Despite the possibility of you .”
“ It’s the Least I can do for My Iolite  , Also do you have an Ice Pack.“ 
“ Inside the Dorm I’d Advise you to Not  Fly for  Awhile
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Blake was Blushing like Mad practically Stuttering as Greg, Greg of All people declared ,He was going to Marry Blake in the Middle of the Steampunk esque Black  Sector  and In Front of Don(Uni) His Brother.
Blake Was a Wided eye  and Red faced Blabbering mess
“ I- I, Um ,He ,  I ,“
“ , I think I Broke him ? “ Greg  said Poking Blake’s Head
“No, I think he’s Trying Comprehend , Your Declaration of Marriage . “  Don looked at Large Man Holding his Brother.
“ … Greg… Don’t ever do that in public again ya Big Doofus . “ Blake said  
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Masaki covered his Face Looking at Julian Picking him up and Declaring that he’d Marry  Him .  Masaki’ Heart was beating faster than Ever before. Though his Cold Face   betrayed how Flustered he was in inside . His Horn was Glowing a faint rose pink briefly  
“ What was that  , this is strange my horns never done that before. “ Masaki thought before going  back to his Usual   Routine with Julian , But Still wonder what That was.
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
A more Accurate Reference to Hoshi (Wip)
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Hoshiguma school uniform Reference
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No wonder People like Hes the Most Unique desgined Character .He came from a Gaia doll and was a Fate oc Servant ( like with Shu and Hiei) Now look at him .
Orignally Hoshi was the Flirty one but As I develop them more those Traits were passed to Shu and Hoshiguma became more docile while still having a hidden sadistic side , I often Compare him to Robin from One piece .
@twstinginthewind @twst-the-night-away @fumikomiyasaki
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
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He was dressed for the occasion... its was like his whole cape was a sea of stars as he arrived at hoshis birthday venue... carrying a huge box of gifts... some personalized tarot cards he made himself, some packages of instant miso soup, some small treats and one costumes he would have loved to see on him.
"For my dear Iolite, I do hope you like these offerings... if not I could always offer up myself. if that is what you desire."
With a swift bow he smirked at him a little.
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“ I Swear You and Shu are cut from the same Leaf.” Hoshi Chuckled remember How Shu got everyone to Contribute to Leroy ‘s Birthday Gift (mainly Cause the Dorm liked Leroy so ) and Now Shu made sure to notify people of his Birthday .. Even Vil who Shu hates .
As Hoshi Looked through the boxes at all the Little Gift Flynn Got him pushing a Small Golden box away for last . As He opened up the Box with the Outfit and Promptly Closed it .
“ What an Interesting Outfit you’ve Gotten me.~” Hoshi ‘s Third eye Glanced at him while his Normal Eyes stayed Closed but it was clear that Flynn had Tickled some of Hoshi’s More Mischievous Tendencies . Hoshi put the Box Down before picking up the Golden Box knowing that It was roughly the size of a Tarot Deck as he opened up the Box. Hoshi’s Held his Mouth though his Third Eye was Crying tears of joys as he Looked at personalized Tarot deck , all the Major arcana were Represented by Constellations , Galaxies and Planets , While the Minor Arcana were Represented by Individuals Stars , clusteres , Nebula’s and other Space Phenomena . It was Just as Rare To see Hoshi Break His calm , Friendly yet Mysterious Persona as It was to See Flynn break his Persona. Hoshi smiled as he Walked up to Flynn ,” Thank you for the Gift’s Flynn .” Hoshi Said as Flynn felt something off about Hoshi’s Tone “ So about your Last present.”
(Flynn was promptly Lead to Hoshi’s Room after this exchange . Hoshi Was talking about Wrapping up his present In a Special way or something , The Bird will probably Need a few weeks to recover )
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Hoshi's Birthday
(its March 3 but I'm posting it Early )
Background from @unfinished-projects-galore
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Don't Be afraid to wish him a Happy Birthday
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