#hot take they're both mc cause they're married...
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❝ You don't have to believe every single thought that tumbles through your head, just 'cause it sounds like you talking! Sometimes all you can do is say goodnight and tuck your demons into bed, 'cause they're not worth fighting! ❞ - TURN OUT THE LIGHTS, THE CRANE WIVES, 2016
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Hi there! Or, as we say in Unington, howdy-doodle! Welcome to the corner of the net where you can find anything and everything to do with the town of Unington! This blog is run by 6 5 people, and we have 2 admins! So, without further ado, let's introduce our lovely little blog's showrunners, along with our admins!
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Hi there! Name's Kel, but my friends call me Kelsey! If you want, you can too! But not Kelly. Never Kelly. I like cats, producing music, and my favorite food is a nice cup of coffee paired with a nice hot bun from The Suave Cafe (or Peggy's, as us locals call it :> )!
my text will look like this!
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AAA HI EVERYONE !!! I'm Yashiro Nene, but you can call me Yash!! :D Some things abt me!! I like my friends (love you nerds >:] <3), strawberry rice cake, fishies, boys (ignore that, that was cringy :P ), romance novels, disney movies, the occult (somewhat, i'n not toooo into it, but it's fun!) annnnd thats it! I'm suuuper happy to be here! :]
my text will look like this!
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Hey, losers everyone. I'm Mitsuba, and no, you cannot call me Mitsu like my friends. It's Mitsuba. You hear me? Mit-su-ba. I'm the designated pink guy of the blog (NOT YOU YASH STOP TRYING TO STEAL MY COLOR ISTG IM ABOUT TO WWE GRAND SLAM YOU), and the 'group asshole'. I take that title with pride. Things I like...uh, my friends, begrudgingly, the buns + anything sweet from Peggy's, photography, oversized shit, and...yeah, thats it.
my text will look like this.
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Hi! I'm Kou!! My name's too short so I don't get a nickname rip 😞🙏‼️ (Technically they all call me ed sheeran because I'm GINGER but thats MEAN so don't call me that) I'm an exorcist (please do not ask me to prove this I suck ASS at it), and some things about me: I like baking, exorcising ghosts (WHEN I CAN DO IT IM SO BAD AT IT GUYS ITS HONESTLY UNFUNNY), taking care of the house and my friends and family (even if they call me a housewife, i still love you stinkers), and my friends! :]
my text will look like this!
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Wsp! Hanako here, do NOT call me Amane, I will shove my foot. up your ass. You can call me Hana tho! That is allowed!! Nywho, things about me. I like donuts (ESP FROM THE SUAVE CAFE PEGGY IF UR READING THIS PLEASE STOP REJECTING MY APPLICATION I SWEAR I WONT STEAL ALL THE DONUTS AGAIN I SWEAR I SWEAR), the ladieeeees ;] (and men i swing both ways hmu ;]) [MOD EDIT: Nobody hit Hana up. Please. You'll give him an ego. ~ MOD M], ghosts n spooky shit like that, helping ppl out (yeah ik im "☝️🤓"), animals, my friends, and having fun! I'm a cool dude. I think. [MOD EDIT: Due to the other 4's request, I would like to state that no, Hana. You are not as cool as you think you are. ~ MOD M]
my text will look like this!
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here, we would like to highlight our two amazing mods who're helping with the blog!
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Howdy! Name's Bendy! You probably know my face from your childhood, haha! Anyways, I'm a father of one, unhappily married, I like the arts, the burgers from Peggy's, and moneyyyyyy >:] That's all, folks!
my text will look like this! my mod edits will be signed off with '~ MOD B'!
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Hi! I'm Monika, but you can call me 'Mon', if it's easier! I run a club with me and my four best friends (Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, and MC! Love y'all :] ) called the literature club! It's fun. Anywho, I like coding, baking, piano, valentines day, and the color emerald green! (P.S. Thanks, Kel, for letting me use it :] ) I'm a mother, and a wife, sadly. I'm so happy to meet you all!
my text will look like this! my mod edits will be signed off with '~ MOD M'!
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Whoo-wee! That was a lot of people! Welp, at least you got to meet us all! Well, we're all so excited to be here, and thank you for stopping by! See you all soon!
~ The Unington Crew
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Kai Drew was Unington's shining star, a singer, a daughter, a sister, and a friend to all. She was 17 years old, and a firecracker to boot. Nothing could keep her down.
Also, she's not dead.
She just left to go on tour in this town called Hatchetfield and we really miss her.
Come back girl we miss you :[
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#kelsey speaks - Kel's tag for posts! #yash's yaps - Yash's tag for posts! #mitsu contributes - Mitsu's tag for posts! #hana says shit - Hana's tag for posts! #kouposting - Kou's tag for posts! #mod b: back from the dead - Bendy's tag for posts! #mod m's quotes - Monika's tag for posts! #ask and ye shall receive - Tag for posts where asks get answered! the proper tags for which character is speaking will be added!
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If you don't mind could you write some headcanons about how will be having a marriage life with Yuto, Yohei and Ichiro? ( What can i say i'm a sucker for this clingey things and a simp for them =^=)
I hope you have a great day <3
Writer's corner: Hey, sweetheart! Of course I can do it! I'm so sorry for let you wait for so long, actually, since you requested me some weeks ago! Hope you don't mind I took some more time to answer your request!♥ Have a great day, you too, dear, and don't forget to let me know if there's something you want me to fix or change!♥ Enjoy~
mc's pronouns: THEY/THEM
Warnings: Fluff/ sfw
⭐𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐨, 𝐘𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐢, 𝐈𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨⭐ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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⭐We all know about Yuto's secret so well!
⭐As a married man he would kinda struggle with keeping his other self under control, in my opinion
⭐As his actual self, Yuto would be the best husband ever!
⭐He would care about his s/o a lot, always checking if they're doing fine and taking care of them
⭐I can even see him cooking with them or helping them whenever they seem to need help!
⭐Plus I can picture him hanging out with them and buying them their favourite snacks!
⭐Just like we've seen him buying ice-cream, he wouldn't mind buying something to his s/o as well
⭐I'm 100% sure he would be that kind of husband holding his s/o's hand while walking around the streets
⭐Or that kind of man clumsily moving the chair in a restaurant to make mc sit down
⭐As his normal self, Yuto would be so adorable and clumsy, especially during the first days as a married man!
⭐He has always seemed a man in need of affection.. oh well.. to me, at least
⭐So I can see him also lying on the couch, hugging his s/o while maybe watching a movie together
⭐They could also watch some travel TV shows, since they're Yuto's favourite!
⭐Maybe while planning their next vacation, why not?
⭐"Wow.. uhm.. it looks really.. hot there, love.. Y-you sure you want to visit it next summer..?"
⭐Yuto would be so adorable while falling asleep between mc's arms
⭐They would be there cuddling and caressing his hair while he's sleeping peacefully, his cheeks blushed.
⭐In short I truly believe they would be a cute couple
⭐Even when his other self would take control, I'm sure Yuto wouldn't hurt mc
⭐He wouldn't make them feel pain, but... would be more possessive and jealous, especially around other people
⭐While being his usual self Yuto would act cute and adorable, caring and protective towards mc..
⭐While being his other self, on the other hand, Yuto would act possessive and jealous..
⭐He would stare at all the people who look at mc with a serious and piercing glance, as to say: "Whatcha' looking at?! They are mine!!"
⭐Other than that, by the way, I don't think he would hurt mc, but hurt whoever tries to harm mc!
⭐But, if I can tell, I think Yuto would make mc dream in bed-- (sorry, not sorry)
⭐"Huh..? Why are you crying?... L-Love.. Who made you cry..? Just tell me.. They will get what they deserve for causing troubles to you too...!! I promise..!"
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⭐Yohei is always caring and such a father to Ryu and Shiki
⭐It's said by his routine that he takes care of our sweet Shiki and Ryu, cooking for them or preparing Shiki's lunch for school!
⭐So I can tell for sure that he'd be a great husband
⭐and even a good father in the future!
⭐Maybe the worst part of being his partner would be the fact that he's always busy with his job at Bar 4/7
⭐(like coming back home very late in the morning after a sleepless night)
⭐And when he's free, he sleeps because of tireness
⭐So I don't know how much of an intimacy there would be between him and his sweet s/o
⭐Maybe they wouldn't spend much time together in the first place because of that!
⭐Perhaps his s/o would also spend their time in Bar 4/7 with him!
⭐I don't know if they would work with him, but if so, I bet Yohei would team up with them
⭐They both would be the best couple, always doing their best at work together
⭐Mc would be also considered as a parent-figure by Shiki and Ryu
⭐While Yohei would be such a father figure, cooking for Ryu and Shiki
⭐Mc would be a parent for them too, maybe listening to them or spending time playing pretending to be a cat with Ryu and his cat!
⭐I can totally see mc listening to Shiki's vents or playing around with Ryu!
⭐And Yohei would look at them and smile blushing, while smoking
⭐I can even picture mc caring for him, especially since he's easy to lose his temper while drinking
⭐So I cannot hide the fact that I headcanon mc telling him: "Yohei, please.. be careful and do not exagerate with drinking.."
⭐And Yohei would sigh but in deep he would be touched by mc's cuteness
⭐Yohei is also a man of faith.. he changed after his time with Yakuza
⭐And somehow I cannot hide the fact that I headcanon him being clingy as well
⭐He wouldn't mind show his affection to mc, even in public, kissing their lips
⭐Or more romantically, kissing their forehead as to prove that he really cares about their well-being
⭐He would play piano for them..
⭐Like.. literally- Imagine them both sitting in front of a piano..
⭐- maybe mc doesn't even know how to play a piano-
⭐so Yohei's hands would rest on theirs, while guiding them through the piano keys.
⭐"You say you don't know how to play a piano.. but look at your hands, love!.. hehe... you're adorable.."
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⭐As I said many times already in this blog, Ichiro would be the best husband ever!
⭐Like.. I really challenge you all to find another character from Hypmic who would be better than Ichiro!
⭐We're talking about a young man who literally stopped his own life in order to completely support and help his younger brothers!
⭐He's able to maintain economically not only his own needs, but also his brothers' and even their apartment!
⭐I mean... he's A CHAD---
⭐And he would keep caring for his brothers even after getting married!
⭐I mean.. Especially after getting married!
⭐So s/o has to accept the fact that their house would constantly host Jiro and Saburo!
⭐And as Yohei and his s/o would be "parents" to Ryu and Shiki..
⭐...the same would happen to Ichiro and his s/o with his brothers!
⭐S/o would have not only a caring and sweet husband who would also be there each time they need to be listened or to be comforted
⭐But also a selfishless man who would totally respect mc's time and needs of affection!
⭐Like, if mc doesn't like PDA, then he won't force them to PDA!
⭐Otherwise, he would be clingy and constantly hugging them, showing how much he supports and loves them
⭐I also can picture them both laying on the couch and watching some animes
⭐Maybe they would read some mangas or light novels together as well!
⭐Or they can adorably listening to music, sharing earphones!
⭐In short, they would look like those cute couples in horror movies (the ones who got killed first- oof xD sorry-)
⭐Also I headcanon Ichiro being the one cooking most of the times
⭐He'd cook with his s/o, it's true, but...
⭐ I cannot hide the fact that in my opinion he would keep an eye on them only to be sure that they won't get hurt!
⭐And if s/o didn't know how to cook and got hurt, then Ichiro would rush and grab some ice to put it on their hand:
⭐"Haha.. I told you to be careful with the pot, honey... You're clumsy, aren't you?... hehe- Are you okay now..? Keep this bag of ice on your hand.. I'll take care of the rest, okay?"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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hermitcake · 5 years
you seem like a baby but actually you're bastard, you probably prefer to go on dates in nature and love holding hands, you should be getting more rest then you are
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Hello! (*´ω`*) I'm back to ask for your thoughts about Mammon's You Always Ride Shotgun Devilgram hehe (because personally it was the best DG for Mammon and I love it sooooo much) Like I've been keeping my love for it for so long and I feel like I'm gonna combust zjdkshcidjdjdk I really really need to get these feelings out but I can't articulate it well enough for a normal person to understand xD and reading your thoughts about Mammon and MC makes me so happy so I figured you're the best person to ask about this >3< Feel free to take your time!
I think I've said this before but, Mammon's office Devilgram feels like they're a couple that's been married for 50 years, with 3 kids and a white picket fence and they're still stupidly in love with each other.
'Always Ride Shotgun' however feels like they're a new yet incredibly strong couple, where they're still in the honeymoon phase but also where they've known each other as friends for so long that they're comfortable with each other. And there's so many parts about this Devilgram that are just so good.
For one, the name. The implications of the name. That whenever he's driving Mammon always wants MC to have shotgun. That he wants them to be by his side forever. I'm deceased😭
The way he just barges into their room and when they ask him if it'll kill him to knock for once, he goes back out, knocks, and then immediately barges back in? I don't know I just love that kind of relationship where you can both be obnoxious to each other and it doesn't damage anything because you know each other. You're comfortable with each other.
That Mammon is definitely a fast driver but he slows down cause MC is with him. Even if MC doesn't ask him to slow down he still does it. Cause he'd do anything at all to ensure their safety. Because their safety matters to him over everything else. I'm emotional
Sitting in a car and eating burgers under a dark starry sky is just? Look there's something about that which just hits. It's domestic but not in the same way the office devilgram is. It's teenage domestic. Does that make sense? It makes me nostalgic for something I've never even done.
Just the entire pool scene. They're both so into each other it makes me want to scream. That they both fell into the pool with their clothes on and his first instinct was to check on them? That he was so desperate to keep making out with them? That they were both running hot cause of how worked up they were by each other? That they ended up renting a room for the night cause they wanted more time to be alone together? I love them.
They have a relationship that's both comfortable and passionate. They have a relationship where both of them can just be themselves and the other will still be as stupidly in love with them. Either one of them could watch the other run face first into a glass door and they can cackle loudly until they're doubled over and wheezing, but they'll still rub at the other's head and offer to bring an ice pack and think the other's the sexiest person alive while they moan about the ice being too cold. I imagine it's the type of relationship a lot of people want irl
I hope this did justice to your feelings!
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anonymous-eggy · 2 years
- imagine how weirded out his crew would be at your presence. I mean sure they've had royalty on board but only ever to get them somewhere on rare occasions. But you????????? You're???? You're gunna be helping around????? Okay now you're helping in securing the sails? Okay cool...wait nO CAREFUL HEY WATCH OUT ITS CROWDED????? heY HEY HEY WHY DID CAPTAIN JUST PULL A DAGGER ON YOU TF????? NO NO NO YOURE GUNNA FALL OFF DECK-
So basically they're all baby sitting you 24/7 now. They're so scared of you getting hurt because you're not used to being aboard such a huge ship plus they're not ready to see that side of the captain
- hiding fruits!!!!!!!! In all you're things!!!!!!!!!! You gotta eat bb!!!!!!!!!
- lipstick marks on government documents? Only for you <333
-basically becomes your anger translator
- LOVES LOVES LOVEESSS to kidnap you in the middle of events just to sit in peace for a few minutes with her lover,,,so cute,,,
- I feel like even as children she'd do this alot? Like just randomly come to kidnap you in the middle of the night?
I feel like once you and Theo got together again it might be a little hectic at first??? Cause now you're both taking care of your kingdoms so it takes a little getting used to but if he ever has to leave for somewhere before you wake up he'd feel sooooooo guilty. Imagine him leaving you notes n random places on days you don't get to see him?????? Like
-you looked so stunning on the palace ground today, I hope you'll let me see that beautiful smile at dinner tonight at 7?
-you looked a little worn out after today's meetings. Would you like to meet at the balcony for a few refreshments?
Like even after you're official he'd be so polite <3
About Sawyer????? I genuinely thought his character was so hot and had so much potential to be simp worth but I feel some ways the writers kinda fd this up would be
-made his character revolving on mc and him falling in love at first sight doesn't really suit him?? Like I get it he's a li but still that quick???
-didnt really think of lesbian players when they made him tbh-
-he had way more screentime that the other li????for what???????even if she shows up a bit later there's so many paid choices for him but not her???????????????
Not to mention how unfairly they treated tess's route
Okay this ask is already way too long so byE
-dumb bitch anon
i bet they definitely teased him (respectfully), but were thankful for the change of heart.
and then suddenly you come along and they see a whole new side of caring from him. suddenly, they get to see what he's like when he doesn't keep someone an arms length away. 😭
which would only increase how much the crew respects and doesnt understand you.
first of all, theyre used to royalty being snobby or at least indifferent towards them. and yet here you are, a whole ass ruler of a realm that fought dark magic, politely asking a crewmember what their name is and how to tie a certain knot and listening incredibly intently.
second of all, it took you... like less than three days to kool-aid man burst through the walls he had built up since childhood. and some of the older crew had been trying to do that for years. JUST WHO EXACTLY ARE YOU HUH. HOW.
everything about you just goes against prior experiences and encounters and confuses the heck out of them 💀
they would do literally anything to protect you. they adore you. it rained the other night? you get a bunch of "be very careful, your highness! the deck is slippery!" and if you do slip, Rian and any crew members around are leaping to balance you. like how a parent catches a baby before it can fall 💀
not because they think you cant take care of yourself! they just really really like you and don't want you to get hurt.
"i believe strongly that discussing this matter would not be the best use of our time at the moment"
"they mean 'stop wasting my fucking time and lets get this shit done bc IM TIRED OF THE BS'"
imagine if she writes lil notes with them sometimes like "noticed you didn't have time for breakfast, take this to go, my love <3" UGH 💕💕💕💕
HE'D SO FIND WAYS TO STILL SPEND TIME WITH YOU. and... as much as Maeve doesn't like him, she loves you which means she really wants you to be happy, so i could see her taking care of things for you so you can hang out with Theo and spend time with him 😭
good lord dont get me started on Sawyer. honestly, his character is just... incredibly flat and his personality is one that makes me uncomfortable 💀 he just acts like the type of dude that would commit microaggressions and make terrible jokes and then tell you that you're overreacting when you call it out. WHICH IS LITERALLY BECAUSE THEY WERE SO LAZY WITH HIS WRITING. HE RLLY DID HAVE POTENTIAL 💀 i will admit, he would have been better received if Tess had gotten a proper route, but the way he's shoved onto the mc makes me really uncomfortable bc NOT EVERYONE WHO PLAYS LIKES MEN OR IS EVEN ATTRACTED TO SAWYER!
the writer for roadkill was very lazy with his and Tess's characters and it upsets me so much 💀
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asmo-ds · 4 years
(1) okay so mc and dia are married, this is their first christmas as a married couple but dia is feeling very overwhelmed and stressed out (they have a pact since they're married and mc can feel to an extent how dia feels bc of it) bc he's basically the king of hell, so they suggest they go and spend christmas in the human realm at mc's house. and since mc is an average person they do normal person things, and they're just very domestic and cute.
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Home For The Holidays
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Diavolo x MC Fluff
Word Count: 1468
a/n: I really hope you like this I really enjoyed writing it! It was very relaxing and nice to imagine :)
Summary: Though he wants to celebrate the human holiday, Diavolo fears he would be offending his kingdom by celebrating a holy day; so his lovely spouse, MC, suggests they return to their home for the Holidays so he can truly feel the Christmas spirit that humans feel annually
Diavolo stared over his kingdom with sorrow as he drank a cup of hot cocoa. Little did he know his spouse stood in the doorway watching the mopey behavior he’d been showing for days.
MC knew how badly Diavolo had wanted to celebrate Christmas in the Devildom, but they also knew he couldn’t celebrate the birth of a religious figure in Hell. As they made their way towards the large demon he heard their footsteps he shook his head and put on a fake smile.
“Dia, you seem troubled,” MC wraps themselves around him, nuzzling his voluptuous chest with their cheek.
“Do not worry, my love, I was just lost in my thoughts I suppose,” he sighs heavily.
“You know, even demon princes need vacations sometimes, perhaps you could finally see my home in the human world and we could spend Christmas there! What better way to understand the human holiday than witnessing humans celebrating it!” Mc leans back to look at him, keeping their forearms resting on his broad shoulders. His eyes sparkle with excitement as he lifts up his spouse, spinning the, in the air with joy.
“You’re absolutely right! Then it is decided! Tomorrow morning we leave for the human world!” Diavolo loudly proclaims as he leaves kisses all over MC’s face. “BARBATOS,” he calls as he runs off.
“If anything happens to him in the human world,” MC spins on their heel to look at Lucifer who had been standing on the other side of the wall eavesdropping, “the punishment will be severe, MC.”
“... Lucifer I’m married to him you don’t have to threaten me like when we first started dating.” -
The couple emerged from a portal in front of a tiny home that resides in a quiet neighborhood, snow filling their vision which caused MC to groan.
“Shit I can’t even see the driveway - here, Dia, take the bags and this key and head inside I have to shovel before anything else,” Diavolo stares at them, astonished. He nods and opens the front door while MC grabs their shovel and begins to move snow away from their car and their access to the street.
“Demons aren’t built for the cold... so I’ve never thought of coming here during winter,” Diavolo walks back outside murmuring to himself as he watches his lover shovel from afar. He crouches down sticking his hand in the white that coats the doorstep, “Snow...” His eyes glimmer with joy as he brushes the snow around with his bare hand.
“Dia, dear! You’ll catch a cold like that!” MC falls to their knees taking Diavolo’s snowy hand in their own. They lift it up to their face and breathe hot air across the back of his fingers, rubbing the rest with their own cold hands to create heat. Diavolo admires their rosy nose and cheeks as they sniffle occasionally before he looks down at the spot he swept away. ‘Home Sweet Home’ the mat that had been previously hidden read and he smiled as he looked back at his spouse who was now shivering as they attempted to warm them up. He nuzzled his cold nose against their own lovingly before leaving a soft kiss on their lips.
“Come on, let’s head inside!” Dia drags MC to their feet and heads inside, abandoning MC’s mission to shovel their driveway.
When they get inside Diavolo finally takes a look at MC’s small home.
“Wow it’s so...small,” he says, making MC blush and wave their hand in an embarrassed matter.
“Sorry I know it’s not much we can totally head back to the castle if you’d like haha!” MC nervously laughs before Diavolo puts a hand on their cheek, both still cold from the outdoors.
“No no, my love, it is wonderful! It feels so homey and less like a workspace made to hold the responsibility of a whole realm,” he laughs, “I feel more at home here than I do at the castle to be completely honest.” He takes in the scent of MC as it now surrounds him.
“This was my childhood home- my mother and father passed away when I was a teen so I’ve lived on my own until you summoned me for the exchange program,” MC blushes as they look around at the home they’d left behind a few years before. 
“So your entire life was spent in this one home?” Diavolo looks at MC with a small smile. “Well, I’m honored you allowed me into such an important piece of you,” He gives a big goofy grin, and MC giggles.
“We’re married you, dork, of course, I’m going to give you all of me - no matter how small of a piece it may be I will share it with you.” 
After putting their things away MC realizes they have no food that hasn’t expired in the three years they’d been gone. “Oh, do you want to see a human world Grocery store, Dia?” His face brightens up as he nods enthusiastically.
They make their way to the grocery store, Diavolo constantly pointing at random human world winter things and expressing his joy to see them in person.
“Ah, MC, what is this?” He smiles pointing at a candy cane a man in a Santa costume was giving out for donations to some charity.
“A candy cane! Here try it- it’s sweet!” MC exclaims- knowing damn well that it was minty as all hell and their oblivious husband was about to get a very cold mouth instead of the sweetness he was expecting.
Their plan worked as Diavolo immediately spat out the minty treat in surprise, “What is this flavor?! We don’t have things that make our mouths cold where I’m from!” He shouts -  grabbing his water bottle and chugging it and spitting it out as the ice-cold water made contact with his minty mouth.
The whole time Diavolo was flipping out MC was crying with laughter as they watched their husband try and figure out how to get the cold sensation out of his mouth.
After they had finished grocery shopping (which took hours as Diavolo kept asking what every single food was) they headed back to MC’s home and MC offered to cook him a human world dinner that was typically served on Christmas.
Diavolo sat at the dining table as MC placed a plate in front of him with various human world foods he had yet to see.
“MC, what is this?! This mushy buttery stuff?!” He asks through a mouth full of mashed potatoes. “YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT THE BROWN MISHAPEN EGGS YOU GOT AT THE STORE TURNED INTO THIS?!”
“Yes Dia, they’re not eggs they’re potatoes and don’t talk with your mouth full,” MC giggles reaching over with a napkin to wipe the corner of his mouth before placing a soft kiss on the freshly cleaned spot.
As they finished Diavolo offered to start a fire in MC’s fireplace as they set up blankets and pillows in front of the heat with a Christmas movie playing on the tv that hung above the fireplace. 
“Your cooking is very good, MC! Perhaps I should hire you to cook for me instead of Barbatos,” Diavolo pipes up with a hand on his tummy- rubbing the full organ softly.
“If you think my cooking is good wait until tomorrow. Tonight was Christmas eve so we stayed here but tomorrow you’ll get to meet my grandmother- she’s the one who taught me how to cook and I could never prepare.” Suddenly Diavolo sat straight up, staring down at the human.
“You really want me to meet your family?” He softly says looking as if he were about to cry. He was honestly so touched that MC trusted him enough to bring him home to their family.
“Yes of course! You’re my husband and I always talk about you, my grandfather seemed excited to meet you when I called yesterday to tell him I would be home this year-” MC is interrupted by slightly chapped lips on theirs.
They kiss the demon prince back and they lay there for a few minutes making out, relishing in each other’s passionate embrace.
Afterward, Diavolo lays back down, wrapping his arms around his spouse and holding them close. “MC, I am so completely and utterly in love with you, I couldn’t be happier to call you mine. Thank you for allowing me to come here with you. I haven’t felt so relaxed since my father left me as a young boy to carry the responsibility of all evil. I hope you will allow me to join you like this every year.”
“Of course, Diavolo. For the rest of my life and after I swear I will show you what its like to be relaxed and truly loved,” they respond with a big yawn at the end.
After a few moments he looks down to see his lover fast asleep with small snores falling from their slightly parted lips. He chuckles softly and brushes some hair out of their eyes before placing a kiss on their forehead and closing his own eyes, falling asleep to the sound of a dying fire and the credits of a Christmas movie.
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Can you do a pregnancy one, but with Jaehee? Like if she had gotten together with each of the boys, how each one of them would treat her when she's pregnant with their child? If you wanna make it better, you can even pop in there how they got together, if they're married or not, and stuff like that. Thank you!
About twenty years ago, I said I had a plot bunny about the RFA finding out about the polyamory in Vabverse. I decided not to use it in the end, which made me sad, since it was a wild ride of a story. However, this request was perfect for it! Thank you asker!
The Morning after the Night Before (Chapter 1)
Jaehee got pregnant after a one night stand at an RFA party and does not remember the identity of the father. The RFA guys claim they don’t remember either, but all of them are lying and it’s up to MC to piece together the truth.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
I thought it would be fun to do a poll with each chapter to see your thoughts on it. Who do you think is the Dad?
“Baby…where are you?”MC pressed the phone against her ear, clapping a hand over the other to drown out the sound of the stereo.
“Baby, I-“
She could barely make out his answer even after muffling the music. Occasionally a syllable would crackle through the receiver, though nothing she could make out well enough to string together a phrase.
“One second!” She said, despite the obvious fact that her boyfriend probably couldn’t understand her either. “One second, I’ll call back.”
She hung up and crossed the empty room, climbing over beer cans and a coffee table to reach the stereo.
“Can you hear me now?” She said, fiddling with the volume until the music fell to a whisper. 
“That’s better,” said Zen, his voice coming through crisp and clear. “How’s the party?”
MC glanced around the room, taking in the abandoned couch and empty snack bowls.
It was Zen’s idea to throw the party; a joint celebration of Yoosung’s recent exam success and the one year anniversary of MC arriving in Rika’s apartment. Everyone had differing opinions on how best to celebrate, with Jumin and V offering up tables at their favourite restaurants and Seven spamming the messenger with cat cafe, hot air balloon and cheese tasting sessions to name but a few. They settled for the simplest option in the end; hosting all seven members of the RFA in Zen’s apartment.
Naturally there were a couple of objections on the matter, with Jumin in particular expressing concerns at the consequences of packing so many people into a space with such poor ventilation. He offered up his own penthouse at first, only to change his mind at the prospect of letting Seven so close to Elizabeth without supervision. V also offered to host the party, observing that he was the leader and his house bigger than Jumin’s, though both its remote location and Yoosung’s flat out refusal to go proved something of a problem.
In the end everyone arrived at Zen’s apartment with varying drinks and snacks. V brought a sweet cognac and Jumin a cheeseboard. Yoosung brought soju; Jaehee baked cupcakes. Seven staggered through the door clutching a box of chips and several bottles of phD Pepper. 
It took two shots of soju to leave MC tipsy and she wobbled even as she talked on the phone. She remembered Zen leaving to buy more beer, though very little after that. As it was, she was alone in the apartment for reasons she did not entirely understand, helping herself to fried chicken that she didn’t remember ordering.
“Yeah,” she said, “Jaehee went for pizza, I don’t know about the rest. How long are you going to be?”
Zen made a sound of contemplation, the line growing muffled only momentarily.
“Uhhh…there’s a little bit of a queue, but I shouldn’t be long!”
“Good,” she said, sinking down to the couch as the room began to spin. “I’ll speak to you later.”
She hung up the phone and stretched out her legs, mentally mapping out a route for a glass of water and reaching for wine instead. 
The wine was bitter across her lips and she sighed loudly at the sound of the doorbell.
“Just a minute!” 
She rolled over on her heel as she stood up, losing balance and spilling wine across her front.
“Shit, shit, shit,” she cursed, assessing the damage even as she reached for the door. 
PRESENT DAYMC was well versed in interview technique. She knew exactly how to sit; the ideal amount of pressure to apply in a handshake; the right questions; the best replies.
Off the top of her head, she could list any strength or weakness that might be relevant; capable of transforming herself into the right person for any given scenario.
She became the perfect party planner overnight while trapped in a stranger’s apartment; became the perfect addition to the RFA after a couple of weeks; was the perfect match for her boyfriend.
It was difficult to surprise her and harder yet to present her with a scenario she couldn’t handle. 
This particular scenario, however, was the exception to that rule. She could do nothing but watch as her friend reached for a tissue.
“So…who’s the father?”
MC received a message from Jaehee two hours ago, asking to talk to her as soon as possible.  She expected some kind of work related crisis-an argument with Jumin or a looming deadline- immediately guilty when faced with the truth..
“I…” Jaehee started to speak, only to crumble into softer, barely audible sobs. “I don’t know.”
MC took a deep breath, unsure of the right thing to say. As far as she knew, Jaehee did not have a significant other. What’s more, she found it difficult to believe her to be the sort of woman to have spontaneous trysts. That left only a number of options, each darker than the last.
“We,” she said, swallowing hard and digging her nails into her palms, “we should talk to Jumin.”
Why he was her first choice, she didn’t know. He likely had the same perceptions of Jaehee as MC herself and learning otherwise might cause more problems than it solved. That said, it was difficult to dismiss him given how many illegitimate siblings and scandals he had experienced in his lifetime. If anyone could handle a crisis such as this, it was Jumin Han.
Jaehee’s expression was one of panic, though and MC wondered if she had jumped to the wrong conclusion.
“I can’t tell him,” said Jaehee, setting aside her tea with shaking hands. “I can’t…I can’t tell anyone.”
MC got the feeling there was something more to her words than simply being unmarried, though chose not to say so. Instead she adjusted Jaehee’s cup and got up from the couch to forage biscuits from the cupboard.
“Do you remember the party?”
“The party,” said Jaehee, “for Yoosung’s exam and your anniversary.”
“Oh,” she said. “Only a little.”
In truth, MC had emerged from bed the next morning with a pounding headache and very few memories of the previous night. The apartment was a mess, with abandoned pizza boxes and beer cans taking up most of the floorspace and she spent hours stumbling about the place with a hand firmly fixed to her temples.
It seemed she was not the only one with a fuzzy memory; even after a month she didn’t know the full sequence of events.
Up until recently, she had considered it little more than a funny anecdote, but Jaehee’s tear stained face sent chills up her spine, the gravity of the situation suddenly all too clear.
MC sank onto the couch, snacks forgotten.
“Do you…” She began, realising too late that the question was almost certainly inappropriate. “What do you remember?”
Jaehee blushed a bright red and averted her eyes.
“I…” She began, only to shake her head. “No! No, I don’t remember anything.”
For a moment, MC was sure she caught a flash of guilt in her eyes, however momentarily.
“I’m sorry,” said Jaehee, grabbing one last tissue and standing up from the couch. “I have to go. Sorry, I-“
MC normally took pride in her ability to adapt and think on her feet. This time around, she laid her head in her hands, wondering which scenario was worse.
Version one: that her friend was pregnant and her life uprooted.
Version two: that her friend was pregnant, her life uprooted and the father one of their immediate circle.
And, finally, version three: that her friend was not only going through all of the above, but lying to her too.
In retrospect, Jaehee wasn’t sure what struck her first: from her dry mouth to the headache searing through her temples to the clothes strewn across the floor. Strangely enough, it was the nudity that she noticed last.
She bolted upright and immediately regretted it, reaching up to clutch her head as she checked and double checked what she already knew.
Yes, she really was naked.
No, she didn’t remember why.
She climbed out of bed rather more carefully than usual, noticing the smell of cigarettes on her pillow and a telltale ache between her thighs.
“H-hello?” She called out as she pulled on her dressing gown, unsure if she wanted an answer or not.
The other side of the bed was unmistakably warm, proof enough that someone else had been there only recently. The apartment stayed silent, though, and she breathed a sigh of relief, only to grimace as she took a step away from the bed and straight onto a pizza box.
Immediately she dragged away her foot and limped towards the bathroom, reluctant to spend the morning both hungover and scrubbing grease from the floor.
Seconds after lunging through the door, though, she scurried right back out-something inside of the bedroom catching her gaze.
It was a jacket, and most significantly, one that did not belong to her.
Her blood ran cold as she lifted it from the floor and turned it over in her hands to examine in detail, recognizing the soft leather and each one of the zips.
“Oh no,” she whispered, knees buckling beneath her.
Oh no.
The jacket did not belong to her, but she knew its owner all too well. He was wearing it the first time they met; wearing it when he left the party to pick up beers.
Hyun Ryu: musical actor and fellow member of the RFA.
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