#house hardyng
thetorturedlover · 2 months
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House Hardyng from the vale
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dyannawynnedayne · 1 year
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First Row: Walton Frey (Stevron's son with Marsella Waynwood), Deana Hardyng, his wife
Second Row: Steffon Frey, 'Fair' Walda Frey
Third Row: Bryan Frey
My only headcanon here is that Deana is Very Fashionable and has passed that on to her children lmfao
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millennial-crone-ao3 · 2 months
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Like father, like son.
Lord Harrold Hardyng of House Arryn. late Lord paramount of the Mountains and the Vale.
Prince Robyn Arryn of Winterfell. Only child to Queen Sansa and Lord Harrold. Lord paramount of the Mountains and the Vale.
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tronodiferro · 1 year
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House Hardyng
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witchlingcirce · 23 days
Sansa getting Jeyne Pooles storyline in the show actually makes me so mad!
Even with the way Sansa is at the end of the story, it legit would have made more sense for her to stay at the vale and be an apprentice under little finger!! And also the fact they not only waited for Sophie Turner to turn 18, they also lied to her and told her she would be getting a really good love interest 🤨
Sophie Turner you deserved Harrold Hardying and also deserved the Vale storyline
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Sworn love and loyalty
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Harrold Hardyng x wife!reader
warning : fluff, comfort, kiss, dance, adultery, miscarriage mentioned/implied
Summary : Harrold Hardyng the cousin of young Lord Robert Arryn was born to succeed him and while rumors and whispers seem to be plotting his rise, the future with his wife is something else entirely to worry about, bastards born and raised, spilled blood and accusations coming faster than the young couple thought. Can the perfect successor even be a good husband?
info : He could really be a good head for the Arryn house even if he might not be the best with children but everything will be fine here, right? Have fun reading and see you next week my dears.
Up in the Vale, the place of House Arryn, lies the magnificent castle, the impregnable fortress, the headquarters of the noble House Arryn, where the Eyrie has never been conquered and never been taken, not since the dragons died out and the Targayren were defeated.
A house with many lords, ladies former queens and queens but in the year three hundred after Aegon's conquest the house was scattered a weak young man plagued by illness barely more than eight years the head of the house advised by people who did not always want the best.
Which is why in the noble and high-born family related to the Arryns, Lady Anya Waynwood brought her granddaughter to the royal court of Eyrie, a young woman the same age as her grandmother's squire and the only heir, young Robert would die. But was there more behind the façade of the perfect knight?
Could he really be every noble young maiden's dream? A question she had asked herself many times since she had seen him, the young falcon in the shining armor, the blue cloak on his shoulders, ,,I will do my best to protect your grandmother and you my lady” was the first thing he had said to her when he came to them at Ironoak's castle in early spring.
She had no idea then that her grandmother had wanted more than just a squire to take care of her home, but above all to follow her granddaughter wherever she went. In the early spring she rode around in the mountains loving the wind chilly and slightly freezing but the sun and Harrold had offered her warmth, ,,I wouldn't want you to catch a cold my lady” he had said as he unbuckled the blue cloak from his armor and placed it around her shoulders before they rode on.
He helped her on and off her horse, always offering his hand, sitting beside her at meals or opposite her, always whispering a few jokes to her that made her smile and laugh, even when she was quietly working on her embroidery or reading.
Harrold was there to keep her company, reading her stories himself or sometimes even writing her little poems and sending them to her when he was away from the castle on a task.
,,I would like to have your blessing for the tournament,” he had asked her one day as he kept watch in her room, his sword sharpened and his blue eyes fixed on her, a blue that always reminded her of the beautiful sky one was always so close to up here.
,,You shall have my blessing with all the luck I have, Ser Hardyng,” she replied, reaching for her shawl with her initials embroidered on it, which she gave to the blond and he kissed it before placing his lips on hers in surprise, stealing her first kiss before excusing himself and moving on to other duties.
It was still early spring then, the blossoming of the feelings of two young adults, a squire who would be knighted in time and furthermore was seen as the most favorable heir, House Waynwood being generous and open about Anya's granddaughter being dressed almost like a precious jewel, ,,A wife needs a husband, Mother always said,” the Lord Arryn said at the dinner table when House Waynwood visited him.
The little boy had already made several demands on wives, on playmates, on knights and swords, words that were not believed and did not worry anyone until the time when the sun of summer slowly threatened to end and a marriage took place.
The sweet beginnings of love were suddenly narrowed, pinned together and sworn before a septon, the former squire now found himself a knight and husband to his spring love.
Two young noble people together seemingly the perfect couple, gentle, self-sacrificing, loyal but above all he had fallen in love nihct had changed her still on and off the horse helped warm her when she was cold and entertained her with jokes and songs.
It was something that gladdened the hearts of the people the young couple seemed to be the future of the House of Arryn, ,,The happiest man I am with such beauty given to me she is the most beautiful, more beautiful than the sky that is so close to us up here a shout out to my wife” he had opened the wedding feast giving his beloved a gentle kiss he was always gentle to her not brutal like the wild ones no he was her perfect knight.
It reminded her of spring, of the stolen kiss for which he still teased her but his hand on hers always told her that he was there for her even he saved her from the wedding night by disappearing with her earlier than usual and they could make love together just the two of them under the moonlight shining through the window.
,,My gentle falcon has truly captured my heart,” she murmured as she ran her hand over his head, playing with a bright strand of hair and kissing him goodnight on the forehead as his hand clasped hers before the highborn couple fell asleep in each other's arms.
Everything seemed perfect for the couple as the days and weeks went by without a hitch, the moon and sun melted away and summer turned into fall and it slowly became rougher and colder but most importantly no heir was born or a pregnancy announced despite the fact that the young couple had supposedly been caught almost doing it more than once.
,,It will work out be unsorry for love always a child is born” her husband tried to heal her worries as he hugged her body assuring her that it would work out the time came that she could not disappoint him but this understanding seemed to become more and more dismissive and without hope as even the fall of winter turned to grief for love as blood placed the floor of the chambers for the second time as another child of theirs was lost before it could properly see the light of day.
Tears were dried by him but even her husband could not ease her suffering and dead hopes of the future always ran to rumors rumors brought by a certain Petyr Baelish who paid her an unexpected visit, ,,Forgive me for disturbing you in your grief my lady may I?” he had asked gently, pointing to the chair she did not deny him as she tried to straighten herself.
Petyr seemed concerned at least his eyes showed a mournful expression that met hers, ,,What do you want Petyr?” she asked ignoring his title seeming to have forgotten it or she didn't trust the older one whatever it was the brown haired one ignored it and leaned forward a little.
Something seemed to have happened or someone had done something was the first thing on her mind, but the words Petyr spoke to her were words or actions that made her heart ache, she was led around by the nose and it seemed as if there was a tear in the bond of love.
As if the loyalty and love he had sworn to her could not have been sworn with the same blood she had shed, ,,I-I thank you Baelish…but are you sure?” she dared to ask as tears welled in her eyes as she looked at the man standing in the doorway and paused, but his nod and his answer only added to the pain in her heart.
This love and care her hand on her belly twice his had been there when there was hope for a child when there was hope for a family but he had always pulled her away when she had bled only to give her to another.
Emotions boiled inside her as she waited for him knowing he would come back eventually that when the door to her chamber opened his smile vanished when he saw her angry look, ,,What's wrong dear? “ he asked wanting to come towards her but she backed away seeing his uncertainty.
,,Petyr Baelish was here today to support me in my grief and told me something is it was that you fathered bastards not one two Harrold…while I was mourning our child lying in blood twice!” she screamed at him at the end of her sentence as tears ran down her cheeks the pain coming out of her.
She wondered if the joy he had brought her when she was pregnant was real? Was anything real at all? He must have always hated her and played with her.
Her thoughts rolled over and there was truth in his gaze as he looked down at the ground. she drew in the air sharply at this outrage and came towards him to push him, but it barely knocked him over. ,,Say something!” she demanded to know from his mouth whether it was all just a lie. nothing mattered and she would have disappointed her own family too.
,,It was the last winter before our spring on the way back to the Vale with wine and lust it happened…yes it's true I fathered two bastards” he admitted to the deeds he had committed deeds that could ultimately ruin their marriage, she had to tell Petyr her thanks but most of all it was disappointment in her heart that she thought he was different. That the spring they had shared was nothing but a wish she had, a belief in honor and loyalty and above all, love.
As she tried to push past her husband, he suddenly grabbed her hand and she couldn't pull away because he wouldn't let her, ,,Did he tell you that I sent them away? That I gave them what they needed to never come back and actually did everything I could to make sure it didn't reach you because I didn't want it to hurt you like that?” he asked, seriousness in his gaze until he slowly let go of her hand and moved away from her, not wanting to cause her any more shame or fear.
Uncertainty was in her mind Petyr only trusted her to a certain extent but such news was something like bastards, ,,Do you swear that it was for wine and lust before our marriage…and that it's not because I can't give you an heir” she mumbled feeling the tears coming out of her emotions knowing that it was her duty to him to give him an heir and she couldn't do it because she wasn't good enough.
He suddenly knelt down in front of her she heard the same words as the time he swore to be faithful to her ,,I will never shame you again my wife and will not allow your worries whether an heir or not my heart is only for you no one else” he said placing his sword at her feet before kissing her dress kissing the fabric that was on her body before gently taking her hand as he held it before kissing the back of her hand.
Her tears of back and forth tears fell to the ground but she didn't pull back the hope of his words outweighed her tears as she urged him to get up,
,,There will be solutions one day we will have an heir but until then you are my only concern and I will stay with you no matter what” he promised her putting his hand to her cheek brushing away her tears as she finally fell into his army letting him hold her. ,,I will not retreat my future is now ours and I will stay with you even in blood” before he gently placed his hand on her stomach and gave her a soft kiss.
The promise he made to her that day he kept, he stayed with her supported her and his wife was the only one he would ever have in his life until the new spring their marriage blossomed as life was born from blood and no death an heir to the heir was born and Harrold stayed with her from the beginning to the end as he held her and kissed her and they looked at their baby son together.
Harrold Hardyng's sworn love and loyalty would endure but he was a good knight, a good man and a good father in a world that offered nothing but horror there was still love above the Vale.
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rosaluxembae · 2 years
Logically, if legitimisation truly removes the taint of bastardry then they should be in birth order. Sociologically, it'd probably be at the end, after the trueborn children (or at least after the trueborn children of the same gender).
Although I think the real answer is probably nobody knows, and that's the problem. Or rather whoever is politically expedient comes first, and that's usually whoever wins. That gives a bit of context to Cat's concerns about legitimising Jon and the potential for succession wars etc. I mean they were kinda bad faith arguments because she'd say anything to prevent Jon inheriting Winterfell but still.
As for what would happen if Jon was/is legitimised (Stannis offered as well as Robb) and trueborn Starks emerge, I don't think he'd inherit. He already feels survivers guilt like accepting Winterfell equates to wishing his half-siblings dead so I don't think he'd press his claim. That's besides his oath to hold no lands as a man of the Night's Watch. It might be a bit different if it's Sansa and she's still married to Tyrion because the North wouldn't accept a Lannister but it was never consummated and it's going to be annulled and it'd be different with Harry or anyone else.
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sohereweare1 · 2 years
Unfortunately I don’t feel GRRM will ever finish the books and we don’t get to see Sansa and Harry into their full potential as a couple. So I would love to read some canon compliant! Them flirting and getting to genuinely know each other, I want to see Sansa falling in love with someone who won’t hurt her and who respects her. Them getting married and making love for the first time, and Sansa just feels so good because he listens to her and how passionately in love with her he is
Hi Anon!
For some reason I just now saw this in my asks, and it’s been since January. 😬🫣😔. I am so sorry, I try to answer all asks promptly.
I’ve always been interested in exploring Harry as a potential love interest in his own right, and it’s fun since he’s pretty much a blank slate. We only get a few paragraphs of interaction with Sansa.
I find it mildly annoying how in most of the GOT/ASOIAF fanfics, he’s a one-dimensional jerk made to prop up Sansa’s chosen love interest. Usually he’s abusive, or he’s a cheater. Which is interesting since it’s never inferred that he was either in the books. At worst, he’s a pampered privileged young man who has fathered a bastard and one on the way / whose mother he seems intent on staying with (Saffron). Such a terrible, horrible guy! (Insert eye roll here). I just choose to consider a possibility that Harry might develop actual feelings for Sansa, and vice-versa. Though realistically, in ASOIAF I’m sure he will die, in fanfic I can go wherever I want to.
I’ve done a few one-shots and have an unfinished full fic with Sansa/Harry, both in modern and canon times, but never really got around to a complete full canon-compliant fic. Sure, the ideas rolled around in my head, but overall my interest in ASOIAF has dwindled to near non-existence. I’ve been drawn into other series now, mainly Stranger Things, Cobra Kai… more modern shows. So I’m not sure if I’ll revisit Sanrry / Stardyng again, but if I do, I can assure you I love the ideas you have. There’s so little positive fanfic for Harry x Sansa… and it’s a shame.
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thaliajoy-blog · 1 year
Anya Waynwood, the Lady of Ironoaks in her own right. Her ward Harrold Hardyng is the heir of Robert Arryn, the Lord of the Eyrie and of all the Vale.
"Lady Anya was the only woman amongst the Lords Declarant..."
"Anya Waynwood's hair was greying and she had crow's-feet around her eyes and loose skin beneath her chin, but there was no mistaking the air of nobility about her."
"None of us wants war. Autumn wanes, and we must gird ourselves for winter."
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goodqueenaly · 4 days
Hi I loved your thoughts on Myranda Royce and was wondering what your thoughts were on Bronze Yohn? He seems an honourable sort but almost a bit to Ned Starkish for his own good. Do you think him and Sansa will end up saving each other by bringing down Littlefinger?
I think Bronze Yohn Royce is in many ways about as typical a Westerosi aristocrat, and specifically a blue-blooded Valeman, as we’re likely to find throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Even before we meet Lord Royce on page, we hear of him through social-political reputation: he is the head of Ser Waymar’s “ancient house with too many heirs”, the great lord whom Lord Commander Mormont was too afraid of insulting to refuse the under-experienced Ser Waymar command of his fatal ranging, the high-ranking guest of Winterfell welcomed at table with Lady Catelyn and in the yard and at hunt with Lord Eddard. His place among the top tier of Westerosi aristocracy has been long assured: Royce attended both the tourney of Harrenhal and the tourney at Lannisport, tilting at both, and defeated at least Thoros of Myr at the melee held to celebrate Joffrey’s twelfth birthday. Nor does Lord Yohn appear less than impressive when he comes into the story himself: Sansa counts him among the “heroes of a hundred songs” who pass by her at the Hand’s tourney, and almost reverently describes his namesake runic armor to Jeyne Poole. Indeed, Catelyn indirectly acknowledges Bronze Yohn’s stature in Westerosi, and particularly Vale, aristocracy by describing Nestor Royce as “Bronze Yohn’s cousin, from a lesser branch of House Royce”; even another aristocrat in his own right should, in Catelyn’s mind, be defined by his relation to the much greater Lord Royce.
Unfortunately for Bronze Yohn, being so typically aristocratic has at times influenced his decision-making, occasionally leading to unwinnable situations where traditional blue-blood lines of thought and operation simply do not work. If Royce was not alone in rejecting Tyrion as a bridegroom for one of his female relations, his refusal reflects the widespread ableism found among Westeros’ elite. Along with the majority of the other great (male) aristocrats of the Vale (at least according to Kevan Lannister), Lord Royce sought to court the widowed Lysa in order to exercise power as a sort of jure uxoris regent; unwilling, perhaps, to engage in a sort of Ainslie Bond-like approach to forcing Lysa into an aristocratically appropriate marriage (much less actually trying to imitate the historical Earl of Bothwell), and convinced that the Vale could only be ruled by an Arryn or one of the highest birth who was himself (specifically himself) closest to an Arryn, Bronze Yohn was perhaps, like his countrymen, stuck with simply trying to woo Lysa into marrying him in order to effect the changes he wanted. Even more problematically for Bronze Yohn (and his allies), in their approach toward Petyr Baelish the Lords Declarant were simply outmatched, caught by the very aristocratic forms they were trying to enforce. Certain that only a blue-blooded Valeman would do to raise Jon Arryn’s son, disdainful of the relatively lower born second husband of Lysa Tully controlling the Arryn heir, Bronze Yohn was, like his allies, limited to making bald but impotent threats against a man with sufficient personal and royal resources (themselves largely one and the same, of course, as the late great Steven Attewell explained) not to be intimidated by such posturing. In turn, Bronze Yohn seems to have poured at least some of his energies into cultivating the would-be Arryn heir, Harry Hardyng, staging (in every sense of the word) a melee at Runestone and knighting the victorious Harry thereafter; it is perhaps not unlikely, if no better for it, that Bronze Yohn, intractably opposed to Littlefinger, encouraged young Harry to look down on Littlefinger - a snobbishness that for Harry has extended, at least initially, to open rudeness toward “Alayne Stone”.
However, Bronze Yohn’s ironclad (or should it be bronzeclad?) belief in his aristocratic position does not preclude him from a willingness to act in the name of honor, and to lead his family accordingly. While he might have been pursuing Lysa as a suitor, Bronze Yohn was nevertheless not shy about “stirring up all sorts of trouble”, in Lysa’s opinion, by demanding that “[Lysa] call [her] banners and go to war” on the side of Robb Stark - a recognition by Lord Royce, I think, not just of the historical kinship between Stark and Royce (and the threat to him personally, as one of those identified in Cersei’s initial demand for homage) but also of the generally dishonorable conduct of the Lannister-Baratheon regime. Too, though Yohn Royce obviously did not know about the secret agreement between Lyn Corbray and Littlefinger (nor, by extension, the pretended dramatics Lyn acted out during the Lords Declarant meeting), Bronze Yohn responded with honorably appropriate fury - denouncing the man he believed was his ally to defend the hallowed tradition of guest right (even where the beneficiary of that tradition, in this scenario, was the much-loathed Petyr Baelish). Likewise, I think due credit should be given to Bronze Yohn for raising at least two of his sons (certainly those two most familiar to us as readers) with a sense of duty and bravery even in the face of unwindable odds: though both Waymar and Robar demonstrated some of the haughty self-assurance typical of young Westerosi aristocrats of their rank (albeit perhaps not totally for Waymar), both also proved willing to die in the name of honor - Waymar distinguishing himself as a man of the Night’s Watch in doing battle against the Others, Robar allowing Catelyn and Brienne time to flee while he himself fought the grief-stricken Loras Tyrell following Renly’s murder.
Ultimately, I do believe that Bronze Yohn will be an ally to Sansa, both because of that aristocratic standing as well as his personal sense of honor. Sansa already considered revealing herself to Bronze Yohn when the latter came with the Lords Declarant to the Eyrie, and while she decided against doing so in the moment, she had no way of knowing that her reasoning was wrong: Royce did want to fight for Robb, and with Sansa the last remaining legitimate Stark (or so Sansa and Bronze Yohn believe for now, anyway), I think there is a very good chance that Royce will want to fight for her once Littlefinger’s plan to reveal her kicks into gear. Moreover, if Sansa, learning of Littlefinger’s crimes against her family and her friend Jeyne, calls upon northern and Vale lords to cast him down, I firmly believe Royce will be first in line, ready and more than willing to cast down the man Sansa knows was responsible for Jon Arryn’s death (among much else).
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catofoldstones · 9 months
j0ns@ isnt 100% to me but stans disbelieving in the ashford tourney interpretations now because it didnt fit what they wanted makes me lol now its invalid by having robert arryn when its not supposed to be a 100% recreation, harrold harryn is too much coincidence that it signals sans@'s suitors ,saying the final targaryen suitor died is coping because like Valarr Targaryen, jon also just died the difference is he'll get resurrected
my favourite excuse is "well nobody married lady ashford" well duh its a tourney,it might not even happen in a romantic light more for desperate political reasons the denial is hysterical
Hi anon,
I understand their need to constantly be “debunking” the theory because how dare Sansa have a parallel in another book and thereby be an important character in the series as a whole😤
I don’t think Robert Arryn is the chink in the armour they think he is. With all of Sansa’s previous suitors & Harry, there have been concrete plots to get her married to them. She was officially betrothed to Joffrey (the Baratheon suitor) before the Tyrells brought in Willas (the Tyrell suitor) and were actively planning to spirit her away to Highgarden right under the Lannisters’ noses, only for them to catch wind of the plan (if it can even be put that way) and forcefully get Sansa married to Tyrion (the Lannister suitor). As for Harry, Baelish’s northern plan comes into play which rests on the heels of Sansa getting married to Harry. Not to mention Hardyng is a pretty unknown House to just throw in, dontcha think?
Lysa brings up Sweetrobin in passing, with no plan or even an actual intention to marry them. This is literally never brought up again when Lysa is alive, or even after. The only one repeating any similar sentiment is Sweetrobin himself, who has a crush on Sansa but clearly doesn’t know what it means. So should we take Sweetrobin as a valid suitor? I mean, do crushes count? Because then why not include a whole legion of other Westerosi men who are interested in Sansa and make it a watertight argument. Baelish absolutely wants to marry Sansa, he even asked Cersei for Sansa’s hand in marriage, why isn’t he included? “Because…” yeah you’re there. My point is, the arguments against Baelish & SR are both strong but take a step back to what they have in common, Sansa’s story is leading somewhere else and thematically neither of them fit. One is less serious than the other & thats SR. Be fr with your SR arguments jesus.
Moreover, the Ashford theory and Sansa’s suitors don’t have to be perfect analogues of each other. Hell, we know nothing about Lady Ashford except that she’s 13 and involved in a tourney that was disrupted, and that Sansa is 13 and involved in a tourney that will be disrupted. Man, does this girl have to be named Pansa Ptark now for it to be a valid parallel? Why does George even bother naming his books, he should start calling them the war of the roses and be done with it. Why are we even reading political fiction, let’s just open today’s newspaper. Tf.
And I don’t think I can add anything to the Jon - Targaryen suitor theories that hasn’t been proposed + your points too. We consider R + L = J to be true, first and foremost. The “white guardian”, “dark hair” “the Targaryen suitor being dead” etc etc. In the same vein as the argument above, does he need to be named Jonnel/Jonos now to be taken seriously? Well, he is in another parallel but even that is “reaching” so what can I say? 🤷‍♀️ They’re not going to see what they don’t want to see, but, like you said, watching them jump through hoops and perform mental gymnastics and open a whole circus in the process is truly hilarious lol.
You do bring up an excellent argument, anon, that all of Sansa’s previous suitors have been for her claim to the North, so her marriage with Jon might also be for political reasons. However, the slight exception of Joffrey who was a King in his own right (lmao) exists; which again sort of foils Jon and his actual claim to the iron throne. So I feel that while a political marriage is totally on the cards (solves one too many problems for my liking 😤), Sansa might marry him out of love considering her theme of independence and not-marrying-for-claim. But who am I to say 🤷‍♂️
Lastly, nobody crowned Lady Ashford the queen of love and beauty so Sansa isn’t marrying anyone is sort of funny. Well, Loras gave Sansa a red rose amongst all the young maidens present there, are they a foreshadowed endgame pairing now? Also, how does one come up with Sansa is gonna end up as Lady of the Vale by marrying HH and Sansa is going to end up alone in the same breath?
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kellyvela · 8 months
Sophie's Hon 💋
If you want to know more about the guy Sophie Turner is smooching lately, you know, that very tall, very very rich, British aristocrat with a fantasy novel name, this post is for you . . . . lol
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His full name is The Hon Peregrine John Dickinson Pearson, but he goes by “Perry.” And the photo above is his company profile picture.
Born on October 27th, 1994, he's 29 years old and the future 5th Viscount Cowdray.
Perry is from Midhurst, West Sussex, and now lives in a £5million house in Chelsea, West London.
The Hon before his name means The Honourable, a title used for all sons and daughters of viscounts and barons. Hon also works for 'honey' and 'sweetheart', hence this post's title.
Peregrine may come from Henry Winston Peregrine Spencer-Churchill, nephew of former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill.
Yes, Churchill, you read it right! Perry's grandfather Weetman John Churchill Pearson, 3rd Viscount Cowdray, was the son of Agnes Beryl Spencer-Churchill, who was the granddaughter of George Spencer-Churchill, 6th Duke of Marlborough.
So Perry is distant related to Winston Churchill and Diana Spencer, The Lady D . . . . In fact, he has already introduced Sophie to some of the current Spencer-Churchills (they are cousins with Perry, I guess 🤷‍♀️).
Now, I have no idea why his parents opted to name him Peregrine over Weetman, since each of the four former Viscounts Cowdray were all named Weetman; but his peculiar fantasy novel/bird-like name inmmediately made me think of House Arryn and Harry Hardyng. More on this later.
But since he's not named Weetman, he fixed that by naming his own property investment and development company 'Weetman'.
John is for both grandfathers: Weetman John Churchill Pearson, 3rd Viscount Cowdray, and John Howard Cordle. 
Dickinson is for his great-great-grandfather: Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray.
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The seat of the Pearson Family is Cowdray Estate, Cowdray Park, Midhurst, West Sussex. The picture of the family above was taken at Buck Hall, the atrium of Cowdray House.
The name Cowdray comes from Coudreye, the Norman word for the nearby hazel woods.
Perry is the son and heir of Michael Orlando Weetman Pearson, 4th Viscount Cowdray, and Marina Rose Cordle.
His dad produced the documentary "Sympathy for the Devil," directed and written by Jean-Luc Godard, documenting the creative evolution of the song "Sympathy for the Devil" as the Rolling Stones developed it during recording sessions at Olympic Studios in London.
His mom is an artist, sculptress, interior designer and mindfulness coach, she's keenly interested in spiritual matters, she practises Transcendental Meditation (a form of silent meditation) and Qigong.
His parents separated in August 2023, after 36 years of marriage.
Perry has three older sisters and a younger brother:
Eliza Anne Venetia Pearson (born 31 May 1988). She married her first husband at 21. Later he left her for the Kate Winslet . . . . She remarried, had children and lives in Ibiza now.
Emily Jane Marina Pearson (born 13 December 1989). Tatler Magazine included her as one of the 10 perfect potential brides for Prince Harry . . . . She she studied Plant-based Nutrition and is one of the founders of the vegan restaurant "Farmacy" in Notting Hill.
Catrina Sophie Lavinia Pearson (born 13 March 1991). She goes by "Catty." She's a musician and a film-school graduate.
Montague Orlando William Pearson (born 17 May 1997). He goes by "Monty". Wee brother is 6'4. He's a helicopter pilot, enjoys flying drones and studied film production and graphic design. He was named after the former owners of Cowdray Estate, the Viscounts of Montague.
Perry also has an older half brother:
Sebastian William Orlando Pearson (born 1970).
As you can see, Perry is privileged to be the heir above his older half brother Sebastian, since he was born out of wedlock, and above his older sisters: Eliza, Emily and Catrina, since they were born women . . . . Where have I heard this before???
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Sometimes I'm glad I'm an only child . . . .
As any other younger brother of three older sisters, he was annoying. According to Tatler Magazine, Perry liked to wind up his sisters (then vegan) by scoffing meat.
Perry is also an uncle, his sisters Eliza and Emily are mothers of cute babies, but sadly I can't show you pictures. He looks cute holding a baby tho.
Talking about cute babies, that little curly blonde boy sat in a chair next to his standing father in one of the portraits in the picture above, is Perry. His portrait was painted by Chinese artist Chen Yanning, who also painted Queen Elizabeth II's portrait:
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Here a few more childhood pics:
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That picture of of him as a baby peeing on a plant, is his Instagram profile picture . . . .
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services at the University of West London, UK.
Not Oxford or Cambridge? Shocking!
UX Desing at General Assembly in New York, NY, US.
Dear Perry, you can improve my user experience by making your instagram account public. That would do!
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In January 2015, it was reported by Tatler Magazine that he was working for Aylesford International Estate Agents in London.
He also worked as an assistant site manager for Cordles, a London based contractor company founded by his maternal uncle Rupert Cordle.
He started working at Cowdray Estate in West Sussex, his family estate and heirdom, since 2016 to this day.
He's also the founder, partner and director of Weetman Developments, his own property investment and development company in London, since 2019 to this day.
Perry is also a Le Chameau – the wellington boot brand – ambassador.
As you can see, Perry is basically a nepo baby lol
But that doesn't mean he doesn't work, Cowdray Estate is huge (16,500 acre), and offers a vast variety of activities like golf, clay-pigeon shooting, fly fishing on the river Rother, walking, cycling, riding, polo, truffle hunting, hospitality at the farm shop & café, holiday cottages, tree houses, wedding venues, private stays and events at Cowdray House, filming locations (the Cowdray Ruins were used during the filming of Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan’s film, "Mary Queen of Scots"), among others, and Perry is/will be in charge of all of that.
According to his mom, back in 2019 he was pioneering aquaponic farming on a commercial scale [The Telegraph - June, 2019].
In an interview for The Gentleman's Journal, Perry said that he's working to pass the estate on to his heir in better conditions: “But the dream is to pass it on to my son or daughter in better nick than it’s in now. That’s the mentality when it comes to estates,” “You’re so grateful that you’ve been given this opportunity, you want others to have the same opportunity that you had.”
I don't know if Perry will try to change the primogeniture rules, but it was really nice to read that he thinks his heir could be a son or a daughter.
Perry's family was always wealthy (construction and petroleum in the past, publishing nowadays); but not always aristocrats.
His great-great-grandfather, Weetman Dickinson Pearson, was made a Baronet of Paddockhurst in 1894, then he purchased Cowdray Estate in 1909. Later he was made Baron Cowdray first, in 1910, and then the 1st Viscount Cowdray in 1917.
Viscount, is a European title of nobility, ranking immediately below a count, or earl. It is one of the five ranks of British nobility and peerage, which, in descending order, are duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron.
So, when Perry becomes the 5th Viscount Cowdray, he won't be on top of the british nobility; but he will be richer. At present, Perry's family is thought to be worth £224million, and one day, he will inherit all of that.
Riding (Not Polo)
His family estate includes Cowdray Park Polo Club, dubbed The Home of British Polo, but Perry doesn't play Polo.
His parents never pushed him to, perhaps fearing that he could get hurt by falling from a horse. "Michael (Perry's father) never sought polo glory after a fall from a horse at the age of 13" [standard.co.uk - 2010].
In 2018 he said: “Cowdray is to polo what Goodwood is to racing and Glyndebourne to opera.” “I’m getting lessons.” “I grew up riding and over the next few years it’s something I can see myself doing a lot more” [The Telegraph - August, 2018].
Later, in an interview for The Gentleman's Journal, he joked by saying that "he’s not particularly good at it".
So far, I only saw him presenting Polo trophies and congratulating the champions, so I guess the lessons didn't work . . . . lol
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Maybe is better that way, if he doesn't play polo he wont smell of horses. Sophie is asthmatic and allergic to horses.
He plays golf for some charity and corporate events. No idea if he's good at it.
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Clay-pigeon shooting
Not sure if he really shoots at flying clay targets or he only modeled to promote the shooting school at his family estate.
He likes to attend posh huntings wearing tweed, baker boy caps and suspenders.
He already took Sophie to one of those last December, but she didn't wear tweed, she defied the rules by wearing a Zara black jacket and a pair of acid washed jeans. . . . She would look great wearing tweed, tho . . . .
(There have been hunters in my family, so I can't judge much)
Here some pics:
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He seems very skilled at it.
Meribel in France seems to be his family favorite destination to enjoy the snow.
He already took Sophie to ski & “après ski” there, and they were having the time of their lives!
Going to the beach
Ibiza is a favorite destination for his family, his dad used to live there, and now his eldest sister established there with her own family.
Can't wait to see Sophie enjoying the sun in Ibiza next . . . .
Enjoy some pics:
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Fuck yeah!
"Like all the Cowdrays, he loves a party" [Tatler Magazine, January 2015].
"(...) the Hon Peregrine Pearson (the Cowdray heir), known for throwing ‘wild afterparties’ at his house in Chelsea, which he shares with Ella (Richards)’s boyfriend, Sascha von Bismarck" [Tatler Magazine, March 2023]. 
Here abundant evidence:
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Perry enjoyed spending time in his mom's pottery studio in the garden: “We were brought up being quite creative – spending time in her studio was very bonding” [The Telegraph - August, 2018].
I would love to see one of those creative pieces made by Perry 👀
Like his mom, Perry practises meditation as well. [The Telegraph - June, 2019].
From pictures, it seems he usually wears a silver Meditator pendant. The Meditator is a seated figure, with a pointed head, a heart and a hole in its middle. His mom designed it herself, as a reminder to live in the present moment, rather than fretting about the past or future.
Previous relationships
His only known/famous relationship was with Princess Maria Olympia of Greece and Denmark.
He dated Olympia for three years, since 2020 to 2023.
She seemed really into Perry during the relationship:
But shortly after their break up was official, she was reported being in a relationship with an older, married with children man . . . .
His wife kicked him out of the house after the news. Good for her! [Read more about it here]
So far, this is all I learnt about Sophie's Hon Perry Pearson. I love that he's so tall and the way he can hug her being so tall, I bet Sophie loves it too.
But I kinda hate that the press only uses his most unflattering pictures, when is easy to find public pictures where he actually looks good.
Also, my friend told me that he reminds her a bit of Paul Mescal, and now I can't unsee it . . . .
What more can I say about him after my research? Oh, maybe that he has met the Dalai Lama and sat next to Kim Kardashian and Kimora Lee Simmons at Paris Hilton's wedding lol
He also loves to wear sunglasses, even indoors . . . .
Anyways, now to the point of this post!
Romance with Sophie Turner
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Perry is a Scorpio and Sophie is a Pisces, like Scorpio Ryan Gosling and Pisces Eva Mendes . . . .
I have no idea how they met, where they met, or when they met, but we have evidence that they spent the last part of October 2023 together.
2023 was a rough year for both of them, with her divorce and custody battle, and with his own break up with his ex, and the separation of his parents after 36 years of marriage.
The first time we saw him next to Sophie, we have no idea who he was. It was during the Rugby World Cup final on October 28th 2023, just before Sophie unveiled the trophy:
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Perry was there with Sophie, but we had no idea they were together until October 31th 2023, when a couple of pictures of them sharing a kiss outside Paris’s Gare du Nord train station were made public and got viral:
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The pictures were taken on the same day as the Rugby World Cup final. It was reported that they arrived together in Paris from London via the Eurostar, and said goodbye with a kiss before meeting again later at the Stade de France.
When their Paris kiss pictures were all over the press, someone claimed that their friend had seen them together the week before:
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So, if the Rugby World Cup final was on October 28th 2023 and Perry's 29th birthday was the day before, I bet the lovebirds spent his birthday together in London.
I wonder what Sophie got Perry for his birthday??? An appointment with a fashion stylist, I hope!
(Perry, honey, burn those double breasted suits in your closet, please! They don't fit your large body 🙏 King Felipe II of Spain, has a similar body and his tailoring is👌)
I also believe they spent the last days of October together in Paris, since they were seen all cozy during a romantic dinner at some fancy Parisian restaurant:
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After that Sophie was seen back in New York on November 3th 2023. We don't know if Perry travelled with her to New York, but some anon claims he saw them holding hands in West Village:
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Back in London, they were seen making out in a famous spot on November 2023 . . . .
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. . . . And having dinner with friends on early December 2023:
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Later, we have graphic evidence of them spending time together from the 7th to the 10th of December 2023, at least.
December 7th 2023:
They went to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland at night, where they walked around, hugged and kissed:
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December 8th 2023:
They had brunch in West London and walked around hand in hand, eventually stopping so Perry could gently caress Sophie's face and kiss her:
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That day, this also happened . . . . 🤨
December 9th 2023:
They attended a posh hunting weekend at Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, held by some of the current Spencer-Churchills: George Spencer-Churchill and his wife Camilla Thorp, Marquess and Marchioness of Blandford (they will be Duke and Duchess of Marlborough one day).
The event was full of Perry's aristocrat friends like Alexander Spencer-Churchill, Lady Jemima Herbert, the Earl of Pembroke’s daughter, and Eleanor Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington’s niece, among others.
So, Perry has basically already introduced Sophie to some relative and close friends:
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Can someone please explain to me why is Perry wearing a pink ribbon around his neck in the last picture? Is a mystery I need to resolve in this lifetime.
Here a few more pics:
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After that, I suspect they spent the holidays together in London, or, at least, that they saw each other for a few hours during those days. I'm not saying she introduced him to her family and daughters, but it's obvious that they are dating and Christmas and the New Year are festivities you want to share with the people you care for.
I wonder what Perry got Sophie for Christmas? A handmade ceramic vase? A basket full of hydroponic vegetables that he grew himself?Diamonds?
And most recently, on January 17, 2024, they were seen walking around London at night all cozied up:
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I want her UGGS!!!
Also, are those really mini liquor bottles at Perry's hand??? At first I thought they were Sophie's nail polish bottles 💅🏼
Someone spotted them skiing in Meribel, France. It was reported on January 28th, 2024, but it was probably before that date. Deuixmoi titled the stories as "let's see what your fave celebs have been up to the past week"
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She's having the time of her life with Perry? GOOD FOR HER!
OK, today January 29th 2024, Sophie herself posted pics of them skiing in Meribel together with a couple of Perry's friends:
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Lol at Perry not looking at the camera in the first pic 🤭
So, I suppose they are official now, right? Maybe it's time to post this post . . . .
Now, in the beginning of this post I said that after knowing Perry's fantasy novel/bird-like name, I immediately thought about ASOIAF's House Arryn and Harry Hardyng, you know, since House Arryn's sigil is a falcon, Harry Hardyng is dubbed the Young Falcon, and the peregrine is literally a species of falcon.
And since Harry Hardyng is the current Sansa's suitor in the ASOIAF incomplete series, I joked with my friends by saying that Sophie has entered his Harry Hardyng era . . . .
Perry also made me remember that passage in A Storm of Swords where Margaery's peregrine took a heron in full flight the day she and Sansa went hawking.
Peregrine is also the name of a ship that Arianne Martell boards in one of the few chapters of The Winds of Winter that GRRM released in advance.
Perry's name also reminds me of Pippin from The Lord of the Rings, since his full name is Peregrin Tuk, but this is a story for another day.
But if the Pearsons of Cowdray were a House from Westeros, they would be the Arryns enemies, since the Pearson's sigil is a gryphon:
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And thanks to Sansa/Alayne we all know that the Winged Knight and the Griffin King were mortal enemies:
The Winged Knight was Ser Artys Arryn. Legend said that he had driven the First Men from the Vale and flown to the top of the Giant's Lance on a huge falcon to slay the Griffin King.  —A Feast for Crows - Alayne II
You know, in some ancient mythologies, the creature known as gryphon is depicted as fire-belching: "winged, tailed, and taloned dragon which spat fire." 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Just saying . . . .
House Pearson motto is:
'Do it with thy might'
These words are carved on the stone fireplace in Buck Hall, the atrium at the heart of Cowdray House.
According to The Gentleman's Journal, Perry translates his family motto to simpler words: “Just do it — that might be a more modern approximation.”
But he's more into Adidas and North Star. Sorry Nike . . . . lol
Anyways, GRRM has the opportunity to do the funniest thing . . . .
And talking about GRRM, it's time to tell you that Perry's family are the founders and large share holders of Pearson plc, a British multinational publishing and education company headquartered in London.
Pearson plc owns Penguin Random House, you know, GRRM's publishers, the ones that publish the ASOIAF series . . . .
And I recently came to know that Penguin Random House is going to republish Joan Hannington’s autobiography “I Am What I Am” under the title ‘Joan.’ And, you know, Sophie's upcoming project is precisely a tv series called ‘Joan,’ with Sophie taking the role of Joan Hannington . . . .
Some will say that this is part of the j word agenda, lol
Again, GRRM has the opportunity to do the funniest thing . . . .
Finally, we need to answer an important question!
So . . . .
A match made in heaven? Or maybe we won't see his face again?
Only time will tell. I only hope that he makes Sophie super happy as long as they are together.
I will probably update this post with time or make a part 2, because Tumblr doesn't let me add more pictures 😢
Thanks for reading!
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istumpysk · 1 year
I came across an anon of yours saying that ashford theory has been 'debunked' because they and a lot of other people believe george created Harry Hardyng as replacement of Robert Arryn for scrapping the five year gap.
First of all, I would want to know what purpose only Harry could achieve in Sansa's story that Robert couldn't because of younger age, that George felt the need to create a considerably older suitor? I understand all the bnfs get boners at the idea of Sansa getting married to Harry and staying in the Vale forever, but again the same could've been achieved with Robert too. Its not like Tommen isn't his age and not married to Margaery. In actuality, normal people know Harry is dying because of 1) the Young moniker and 2) Sansa's wish of him falling, and again Robert could've died in his place easily too, to 'free' Sansa.
And if the purpose of his creation in event of not following the five year plan, wasn't an older betrothed/husband for Sansa, what was it?
Problem with the fandom is that they put too much emphasis and focus on things we know nothing about. Like when or how George decided to scrap the five year gap plan. Its pure speculation that it was between 2000 and 2005. And it is even more speculation that he had no plans to introduce Harry Hardyng before scrapping it, or that he was a last resort (which as I showed, there was no need of, as Robert, even five years younger, fulfills those purposes). Its the same with the original outline.
And there is too little focus on the actual canon, which is that Hardyng is a minor house with no other mention except in the Hedge Knight. Even if George DID create someone last minute, it is TOO much of a coincidence it just happened to be a Hardyng and that Sansa wishes for him to have an accident with his horse in the tourney like Humfrey (his counterpart) did in the Ashford tourney. In her latest chapter in 2015. Even if he did not intend it to be intentional, he sure seems to be retconning it. This is not even considering that all the other champions also share parallels with their Ashford counterparts:
Lyonel=Lion=Joffrey; Baratheon and Lannister champions defeat the maiden's brothers; Willas Tyrell is straight up called another Leo Tyrell; Valarr's father was named after Baelor the Blessed=Rhaegar was called another Baelor the Blessed. He himself is called a black prince with a white guardian=Jon.
George must be blind if he did not see any of this while writing it because one or two names similar, I can accept as coincidences, but ALL the champions have parallels with Sansa's suitors.
Well said, anon.
Let's address this head-on: the biggest problem with the Ashford theory is that the first person to discover it made a mess of it. Now, they wander the internet, asserting authority and attempting to undermine it, simply because they disagree with its clear conclusion.
The theory was so thoroughly botched that people think it can easily be tossed aside due to a technicality involving Robert Arryn or the tournament's disruption. As if that could ever be enough to dismiss the abundance of other similarities, many of which they're not even aware of.
Can you imagine the fandom insisting on any other theory being this airtight?
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atopvisenyashill · 9 months
Getting a Shella Whent AND an Anya Waynwood shout out in the same chapter was like catnip to me, a person obsessed with women who rule in Westeros.
I also think it’s super interesting how Anya Waynwood’s sons are all kinda old - her heir, Morton, puts himself forward for Lysa’s hand - yet it’s Anya that is clearly head of House Waynwood, which probably means two of our most forefront examples of women ruling in their own right are Jeyne Arryn and Anya Waynwood, both in the Vale. And you have female line inheritance with Harry Hardyng as well, fostering with a ruling lady. The Vale prides itself on its chivalry and its knighthood but unlike the Reach, which is often also considered very "conservative" (likely as a sort of culture war esque backlash to the Marches and their rivalry with Dorne), the Vale is almost unique in having female line inheritance that is actually followed (unlike in the North, which talks a big game about daughters coming before uncles yet has two infamous usurpations in its history) or even ruling women.
There's something to be said about a people whose ruling family dies off so often that even with male preference primogeniture and a number of rebellions against Jeyne Arryn, they've been forced to take the more pragmatic approach of "well the boys are all dead so we best raise our girls well so they're not idiots and can rule." I think the geography really shapes this approach - it's difficult to get to the seat of House Arryn, it's difficult to travel through the Vale period, and like the North, they have to deal with Wildlings as an added threat the Reach doesn't have to deal with (because it's notable that Dorne is a lot more centralized in its rule than either group of Wildlings! The issues in the Marches are cultural and border disputes, which is different than like, two groups of people descended from the same common ancestor getting into issues without any sort of negotiations going on. The Dornish Conquest was bloody and violent and had war crimes on both sides, but there was parlaying and attempts at peace that there just isn't between the Vale and the Wildlings, or the North and Wildlings [until Jon sticks his nose in it, anyway, and I do imagine the Vale Wildlings are about to stick their nose in some shit too]).
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beneathxblackwaves · 4 months
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Ser Elys wed Alys Arryn, the sister of Lord Jon Arryn. They had nine children together, one son and eight daughters. Of their nine children, Jasper died at three years old, kicked in the head by a horse. The eldest daughter married Ser Denys Arryn but died soon after he did. Two daughters died while children from the pox, and another was left scarred by the same disease and became a septa. Another daughter was seduced by a sellsword, but after her bastard died in infancy, she joined the Silent Sisters. One daughter married the Lord of the Paps, but was barren. One daughter was carried off by Burned Men on her way to marry a Bracken. The youngest daughter married a landed knight of House Hardyng and died after giving him a son, Harrold Hardyng.
Andrea Riseborough as Alys Arryn JJ Feild as Elys Waynwood
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lives4lovesworld · 2 years
It's always assume that at the very least Sansa will i) out smart Petyr Bealish, ii) regain autonomy and her identity, that iii) in some way or form Petyr's tale will become true such as Sansa securing herself a marriage with Harrold Hardyng and her having such a strong influence on him that he will a) wage war for her 'birthright' or b) aid the North by providing goods, food and manpower. With the Vale enthusiastically doing his every bidding, simply because she is his wife and she asked him nicely/is so courteous and eloquent/he is so inlove with her/its profitable for the Vale.
In this meta I will list (and explain) the problems I have with these speculations that seem to be rooted in wishfullfilment rather than the probability of certain plots being likely to become canon, or if they are even feasible or realistic.
i) How Sansa is suppose to outsmart and overthrow Petyr Bealish, AND remain in power afterwards?
Petyr Bealish is the man that managed to crawl his way up to the ruling elite of Westeros, despite his incredibly (relatively speaking) low birth, lack of power, wealth, family or image (he does NOT fit the feudalistic standards of a man his positions). And yet, he remained in power through several civil wars that brought houses, dynasties and monarchs to fall. Petyr is the man with circa two decades of experiences and had no qualms of sacrificing countless souls, including his self-proclaimed "true love" and lives by this philosophy:
Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are like to do next. Sometimes the best way to baffle them is to make moves that have no purpose, or even seem to work against you. - Sansa V, ASoS
Yet the one to supposedly bring him down is the thirteen year old girl that needed to witness her own father's decapitation for her rosa colored glasses to fall off. And this after she was present to her idol and her "love" ordering her direwolf's murder to mend their wounded pride! This is the same girl that is so quick to build her entire hopes and dreams upon strangers (that shows her a little bit of kindness and fit her conforming prejudices like Margaery and her circle did) and got carried away in her own dreamworld that she could not even follow conversations and plots, even in ASoS:
Sansa wrinkled her brow. "Our true purpose, my lady?" [...] "To see you safely wed, child," the old woman said, as Butterbumps bellowed out the old, old song, "to my grandson." [...] Wed to Ser Loras, oh . . . Sansa's breath caught in her throat. She remembered Ser Loras in his sparkling sapphire armor, tossing her a rose. Ser Loras in white silk, so pure, innocent, beautiful. The dimples at the corner of his mouth when he smiled. The sweetness of his laugh, the warmth of his hand. She could only imagine what it would be like to pull up his tunic and caress the smooth skin underneath, to stand on her toes and kiss him, to run her fingers through those thick brown curls and drown in his deep brown eyes. A flush crept up her neck. [...] "Would you like that, Sansa?" asked Margaery. "I've never had a sister, only brothers. Oh, please say yes, please say that you will consent to marry my brother."
The words came tumbling out of her. "Yes. I will. I would like that more than anything. To wed Ser Loras, to love him . . ."
"Loras?" Lady Olenna sounded annoyed. "Don't be foolish, child. Kingsguard never wed. Didn't they teach you anything in Winterfell? We were speaking of my grandson Willas. He is a bit old for you, to be sure, but a dear boy for all that. Not the least bit oafish, and heir to Highgarden besides."
Sansa felt dizzy; one instant her head was full of dreams of Loras, and the next they had all been snatched away. Willas? Willas? "I," she said stupidly. - Sansa I, ASoS
Some (very in favor for her) could argue there is some desperate small wiggle room here and there for insisting that Sansa has evolved (for the better). (While nonsensically insisting she at the same time is almost stupidly naive and "idealistic", but also these traits are not obstacles to her potentially rise to an autonomous player. No they make her all the better for it.) But even if she had a stellar development; How exactly is she with no true authority suppose to best a man like Petyr Bealish?
After ASoS, Sansa has become a disgraced orphaned female beggar, married to the enemy "Imp Kingslayer", and has become utterly dependent on Petyr Bealish as his natural born daughter, depriving all her limited autonomy and authority from him as Lord Consort.
Petyr Bealish has also managed to gain Sansa's compliance and ensure her loyalty and secrecy to him by filling her head with his wonderful tale of him as her benefactor that is going to gift her all her dreams, while reminding her of her status as wanted by the crown and making her a complice in the murder of her aunt and a participant in his scheme to poison SweetRobin Arryn.
Not to mention that Sansa has yet to express her wish to detach herself from Petyr (in her POV) in the first place, but as of TWoW's releases, Sansa seems pretty content with all the privilege (x, x, x) she has as his daughter. Nor does she not seem to have a problem in being his pawn:
The Merling King's returned to Gulltown, and old Oswell had some tales to tell."
She knew better than to ask what sort of tales. If Petyr had wanted her to know, he would have told her. - Alayne II, AFfC
And as said, even if she would want to due to her involvement in Petyr's schemes as well as her being wanted for kingslaying, she would risked death herself.
But let's assume for the sake of the argument that she does; what sansa would truly need are people to genuinely protect, stand by, believe and defend her in the Vale, and as of now there is no such one, especially after the death of her aunt.
And no, Lord Yohn Royce's question if he had already meet Alyane is NOT the same as actually recognizing Alayne as an older Sansa AND publicly voucing for her on behalf of her identity, despite her stans insisting otherwise. Yohn Royce (like all vale lords) did NOT fought for Robb Stark (Winterfell's heir with an northern army at this back and strong ties to Riverrun), which really does not bode well for the possibility of him fighting for her. And this knows even Sansa:
He will know me. How could he not? She considered throwing herself at his feet to beg for his protection. He never fought for Robb, why should he fight for me? The war is finished and Winterfell is fallen. - Alayne I, AFfC
At best (which would entail the Vale remains oblivious to her involvement in those schemes and have the lords of the Vale not sell her to the crown for the bounty) she would remain a "guest" to her cousin, and likely be married off to the next best suitor that befits her unfortunate status (as Lady Lannister)
ii) A believable explanation (any really) has yet to cross me as to HOW Sansa would (or even could) reclaim her identity without taking for granted that everything will work out in favor for her. 1) which would entail the majority of highborn lords in the Vale unquestionably believing Sansa that she, who was introduced to them as a bastard (which are seen by society as greedy and treacherous) of the Petyr Bealish (known for his schemes) is indeed Sansa Lannister, simply because she makes a teary proclaimation with her pretty Tully blue eyes. And 2) that the lack of a direwolf serving as proof will not be an obstacle 3) nor the lack of a relative voucing for her.
Infact her closest, most influential relative's death Lady Lysa's, which occurred while Sansa was supposedly already under her care as her lord husband's natural daughter will also not in any way, shape or form make them wary of her tale. Nor appear like an identity theft and poor attempt to grasp power for their own gain in the eyes of others.
Secondly, Sansa's very identity (the disowned female orphan to an overthrown House, married to the "Imp Kingslayer") does not allow her to be an autonomous player so many want her to be. Robb Stark and House Lannister saw to that. Nor would an identity reveal, even believed by everbody, give her more opportunities than the (relatively speaking) limited ones she already has as the current bastard daughter of Petyr.
iii) Petyr's tale (and why I believe it is just that and not a plan that will actually become canon);
When Robert dies, Harry the Heir becomes Lord Harrold, Defender of the Vale and Lord of the Eyrie. Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon . . . and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back . . . why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. So those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa . . . Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell. - Alayne II, AFfC
So Petyr Bealish has managed to match a marriage pact by buying all of Waynwood's debts, providing Lady Anya with an enormous dowery and because at this point Harrold Hardyng remains nothing but the son of the perished sister to Jon Arryn and a landed knight sworn to the Waynwoods. His relatively low status at the moment would allow such a "low" match with the bastard daughter of the disliked temporarily Lord Consort of the Vale. However, if SweetRobin truly dies and Harrold indeed becomes the Lord, all the reasons why "Alayne Stone" is unfit for Robert Arryn will apply for Harrold as well:
You are the Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale, and you must wed a highborn lady and father a son to sit in the High Hall of House Arryn after you are gone." Robert wiped his nose. "But I want —" She put a finger to his lips. "I know what you want, but it cannot be. I am no fit wife for you. I am bastard born." [...] Some call my father upjumped and ambitious. If you were to take me to wife, they would say that he made you do it, that it was no will of yours. The Lords Declarant might take arms against him once again, and he and I should both be put to death." [...] "You must have a proper wife, a trueborn maid of noble birth." - Alayne I, TWoW
Now Petyr Bealish's further step is to reveal Sansa's true identity on their supposed wedding, which would not solve the problem of the bride being unfit for a groom of such a caliber and it holds in and of itself many obstacles that prevent the very plan to unfold.
To start with; (as already said) should Harrold indeed become Lord Paramount he will be showed with marriage proposals by the ambitious feudal Houses of the Vale (as they were already courting widowed Lysa in AGoT) and its rather unlikely that they would grant that position to a "foreign" beggar (which Sansa would be either way, whenever she goes by her real name or by "Alayne Stone".) instead of trying to make one of their own daughters the next High Lady.
Secondly, the marriage pact entails "Alayne Stone", not Sansa Lannister. Petyr's plan to reveal Sansa's identity while she is walking down the aisle risks invalidating that very pact. And while the fandom refuse to acknowledge it, "Alayne" being revealed as Sansa would neither lessen the insult of the lie and betrayal by "Sansa Lannister" being more "attractive" as a political match. And no such a scheme would not simply brushed under the rug.
Yes, Sansa would be high born, but Harrold would get nothing politically speaking from their marriage given the position Sansa is in (as Lady Lannister). Neither will her previous marriage, especially to the House that the Vale believes has murdered their previous Paramount Lord make her more attractive. Whenever Tyrion might be believed dead or Sansa assures her virginity ten times, it more than likely that she would be seen as "sullied leavings" in the eyes of others.
Lysa Arryn likely only allowed a marriage between Sansa and her precious son, because she was her sister's daughter, and despite her flaws, their complicated relationship and her unstable mental state saw Sansa as family. And while Lysa mention Sansa's claim, (which will likely cease to exist as soon as Robb's Will becomes public knowledge) she also saw Sansa for what she was and reminded her of her position as well.
Petyr HIMSELF has pointed out how Sansa would bring nothing to any marriage (excluding her body):
"Joffrey is betrothed to Sansa Stark," Cersei objected.          "Marriage contracts can be broken. What advantage is there in wedding the king to the daughter of a dead traitor?"                 Littlefinger spoke up. "You might point out to His Grace that the Tyrells are much wealthier than the Starks, and that Margaery is said to be lovely . . . and beddable besides." [...]
Littlefinger agreed. "The Stark girl brings Joffrey nothing but her body, sweet as that may be. Margaery Tyrell brings fifty thousand swords and all the strength of Highgarden." - Tyrion VIII, ACoK   
And while Petyr has also mentioned Sansa's claim, it should mean little to nothing to Harrold considering that i) House Bolton has been installed as Warden of the North, ii) House Stark lays broken and it would have to re-establish itself as sovereign to the North. A bloody, tedious and costly task with little to no profit as the North is even under its best circumstances poor and hard to cultivate. As soon as iii) "Arya" is revealed as Jeyne Poole, it will even further slim the credibility of her identity reveal. iv) Her claim will be even further catapulted down in the line of succession with Rickon, Arya, Bran's impending reappearances. Not to mention that v) Jon will more than likely involve himself in the matter of succession as well and vi) Robb's Will will disinherited Sansa and make Jon his heir. (x)
And while most has yet to unfold on page, it would extremely OOC for Petyr Bealish (and the story!) to believe everything will work out in Sansa's favor and that Harrold will marry her out of his own volition, (which is indeed a condition in the marriage pact).
Much and more is made of his and Sansa's little playful banter at the tournament, yet what we know of Harrold's character, it's likely that he will pose the biggest threat to Petyr's little "plan".
Harrold is known for his high opinion of himself, his classism and that he has no qualms of fathering bastards on girls, he is infatuated for a brief time and then abandoning them as soon as he stops viewing them as sexually attractive. Petyr has also already stated that Harrold thinks Alayne is beneath him:
This betrothal was never [Harrold's] idea, and Bronze Yohn has no doubt warned him against my wiles. You are my daughter. He does not trust you, and he believes that you're beneath him." - Alayne I, TWoW
And it's not entirely unreasonable to think that Harrold would be insulted at the idea of marrying a girl whose virginity is questionable and who doesn't bring him any ties or wealth as Sansa Lannister. And the fact that she plans to use him and his position for her political gain will likely not make Harrold more sympathetic towards her.
The part hardest to dismantled because no matter from what angle you look upon it, it shouldn't be feasible to become canon;
. . . why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. - Alayne II, AFfC
So Petyr supposedly plans to use Sansa's marriage to Harrold to mobilize the army of the Vale to reclaim Winterfell in the name of House Stark.
As already said (a dozen times) Sansa (as the orphan married beggar of an overthrown House) should NOT be able to secure the Lord of the Vale as her Lord husband in the first place. Realistically speaking, Sansa should only be able to match such a marriage if she and her family would still hold the same position as of the start of the series, but as we all know, this is NOT the case anymore. House Stark is neither the secure, ancient sovereign of the stable peaceful north nor is Sansa the indisputable maiden daughter of said family. Sansa should NOT be an attractive potential bride in the eyes of the Vale without House Stark retaking the North and it becoming politically attractive enough again for other kingdoms to be of interest and them voucing for her identity.
–> Thus Petyr's entire plan falls apart, before it can even truly begin.
But let's push this all aside for the sake of the argument: Even the concept of the entire Vale doing Sansa's bidding simply because she would be their Lord's newlyweded wife is absurd as well. Her aunt had been their Lady for seventeen years and they still did NOT view her as one of them nor as a authority figure;
Young Lord Hunter said, "Lysa Tully was never truly of the Vale, nor had she the right to dispose us." - Alayne I, AFfC
Also; Why would a girl's birth claim to an entire different region that is uttelry in shambles due to the political uproar after her family's fall from grace matter to Harrold or any Valeman?
If Sansa were to marry Harrold under normal circumstances (if House Stark was still in power and Sansa would have never been married off) what would be expected of her is to rule by his side (if Harrold is progressive enough to allow it) give him children and her place would be in the Eyrie or at the Gates of the Moon. As it would befit (and deem more than sufficient for) any high born daughter that has married into another Great House of Westeros.
Never once in the history of ASoIaF was there ever a High Lord that wage war against another kingdom because his wife wanted her father's seat as well. Nor was there a High Lady that held her father's lands AND was simountanastly the High Lady to an entire different kingdom as well. This would not even be feasible.
The question as to HOW a vale army, (a southern army!) would even reach the instabil (due to the already happening civil wars, the mass exodus of the Free Folk, the famine) war torn North given the lack of a fleet or the renewed impregnability of the Neck in the middle of winter also remains a big question mark.
However, let's brush this essential question aside as well; The assumption of the vale army conquering the North is absurd as well. GRRM has already empathized how a southern army is not fit for the North's harsh climate in ADwD with Stannis Baratheon's suicidal march, contrasting it with the marching mountain clans. Nor is Harrold (a "green" boy commander) likely to win against the seasoned ruthless Roose Bolton, which the lords of the Vale would surely know too. Another reason why the vale army would NOT simply do its new young untested Lord's bidding, if he were to call for war. Harrold will likely need a few years to prove and establish himself before the valemen will willingly follow him into battle, especially into a economically nonsensical war whose favors are against them from the beginning.
And while yes, someone could argue the vale army would be better rested and organized (than Stannis's measly beaten ragtag of an army) and therefore have better chances, even in the best case scenario the vale army would likely lose most of their men in the battles against House Bolton and its banners for a gigantic region that brings them nothing; no wealth, no man power, no minerals, no goods, no trade.
All these points listed above, together with GRRM's comment on how Petyr would never give up Sansa, Petyr's wish to marry her himself (when she was Sansa Stark) and the fact that it would be incredibly stupid of him to ever allow Sansa to detach herself from him (as it would put him at risk due to her knowing so many of his crimes) further marks Petyr's tale in Alayne II, AFfC as a tale to ensure Sansa's compliance and nothing more IMO. Not to mention, which author would tell his audience the plot of a character word-for-word in dialog beforehand?
Now, some believe that instead of waging war Sansa will influence Harrold to aid the North by providing goods, food and manpower, which (fair enough) is only an ounce more feasible than the alternative. Yet, it is still something NOT supported by the books;
For this to happen, Sansa would first need to grasp the gravity of the famine that is plaguing Westeros, and care enough about the (common) people's wellfare.
Which she does not given the fact that she cannot fathom why the commoners love Margaery and as of her last chapter has her organizing a feast with 64 dishes in the middle of winter, amongst these dishes even a 6 feet tall lemon cake that required every lemon in the Vale with her being very proud of herself. Nor does she have any reaction whatsoever to Petyr's plan to cutting the food supply and hoarding food as war tactic, which would hit the common folk the hardest. Not to mention that Sansa's POV never showed her really thinking about... really anything happening in the North (especially its people), neither prior nor post House Stark's fall.
So beside all that, it would also requires the Vale to suddenly become altruistic and humanitarian, given that all possible supplies send by them would essentially all be gifts since foreseeable payment is unlikely given the north's state.
Some even have the idea of Sansa somehow achieving it all in another way on her own (because they hate the idea of Sansa marrying Harrold) (which is even less likely than Petyr turning into her Santa Claus) and exaggerated the potential influence her skills have even more. But has @brideoffires already perfectly explained in her post Sansa has NOT evolved in terms of learning new skills (unlike Arya) and more importantly none of the political plot in the Vale is moved forward through her own knowledge or scheming.
It's all propelled forward and catalyzed by her relationship with Petyr Baelish. [...] As in King’s Landing, Sansa is /being/ moved by the machinations of other people and being induced or compelled to act in certain ways because of the politics around her. - excerpt from @brideoffires linked post
Her particular skillset can only be of use and influential if the priori are Sansa already having strong ties to political thriving male relatives or/and a husband. Otherwise her skillset are not of use as GRRM has already shown throughout the whole series; Sansa can be as charming, courteous and polite as she wants to be, it does not give her agency, protection, support or power.
There is so much unrealistic, unreasonable, OOC nonsense, no one would even dare to suggest if it would be any other character, already taken for granted because it's Sansa. Sansa is always the expection. As always, everything will work out in Sansa's favor.
So why is it that even the ones critical of Sansa believe it all becomes canon anyway, one way or another? The most popular arguments I have seen are the proclaimnation that Petyr Bealish is Sansa's personal antagonist and therefore their "arc" simply MUST conclude with her triumphant. There is no other way.
The other is that SOMEONE has to get the Vale involved in the affairs of the realm, SOMEONE has to mobilize the resourceful Vale for the War of the Dawn and to aid the North's etc... And Sansa is the POV character located in the Vale so logic says GRRM MUST plan for her to be this SOMEONE to accomplish these tasks.
An entirely different reason is the fandom's climate; Basically Arya, Bran and Jon fans seem to concede Sansa these gigantic convoluted unrealistic plots (= a triumphant vale arc) in hopes that her fanbase will do the bare minimum of NOT butchering the story's integrity and the ones of their favs by not stealing their individual importance, relationships, ties, skills and arcs in the North to give Sansa a place in the northern plots (which her fans insist on having).
In conclusion; these reasonings are infuriating and incredibly offensive to the story's integrity and Sansa as a character. And more importantly, this fandom should stop offering to concede and tolerate it all simply because her fanbase is just that incredibly wild.
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