#how Riku is always anxious to show Sora how he loves him but always manages a way too
“When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More”
This was asked by @borndeaddd
Alright!! Here ya go! And thanks for the request🥺❤️. Well, it was in a comment on a prompt list I reblogged and I think it was directed to me and if not...then I still hope you read this and like it!
Riku has loved Sora since the day they met. However, he didn’t know it. He loved him before he knew what love was. Does he love all of his friends? Yes, but his love for Sora is different, and he was afraid to tell him. He was afraid of ruining their friendship. Hell, he already messed it up when he gave into darkness, said all those nasty things to Sora, and fought him at every chance he got, and he was fixing it now. He was doing everything he could to make Sora love him again.
But Sora will always love him, just like Riku will always love Sora. He loved him when they met, too. Even when Riku betrayed him, he still loved him and he just wanted to see him again. He just wanted to hold him, cherish him, whisper “it’s okay” in his ears as he holds him in the night. And Riku wanted to hold him as well and comfort him through his nightmares.
He was his dream eater after all.
And he can’t even remember when he first wanted to kiss him. The want just suddenly appeared in his chest and he wanted to so bad. He suddenly realized he loved Sora one day, and he can’t stop thinking about him. And when he let Sora go on his own to rescue Kairi, he truly believed in him. He knew he’d miss him so much, but he wanted Sora to be happy, and if going on his own to save Kairi would make him happy, then he’d let him. Heck, he knows Sora is too stubborn to listen to anyone. Well, Riku knows he might listen to him, but he just let him go...and he regretted it a little bit.
Sora went missing for over a year...and Riku blamed himself. He couldn’t stop searching. It was as if Sora was his lifeline and he needed to find him...and maybe he was. However, he had a blessing on his side. Even after everything that happened, he and Sora still had their connection. Still had their connection that formed when they were only kids. And when he got closer to him as he searched, he felt a tug on his heart. A tug as if someone was on the end of a rope and pulling the other closer. Riku was on one side, and Sora was on the other, and he needed to find his way to his other half.
So, he followed his heart, followed the tug. It would disappear sometimes, but then would reappear. It made him frustrated sometimes, but never at Sora. He knew Sora wanted to be found and wouldn’t trick Riku like this, but he just needed to find him and he was growing tired. But he wouldn’t stop. He would never give up on Sora, no matter how many sleepless nights would pass. And when he found him...he did what Sora did when he found Riku.
He grabbed his hand, fell on his knees, and began to cry. All of his hopes came true, all of his dreams were finally no longer just dreams.
“I found you...I’ve finally found you,” Riku would whisper as he cried and hiccuped.
Sora would get on his knees as well and pull Riku closer to him and kiss the top of his head.
“You found me...we’ve found each other,” Sora would whisper as he cried as well.
They both held each other as they cried together. They didn’t know what to do other than cry and comfort each other, so that’s what they did. They would take as long as it took for them to be “okay”. And once they were, they held hands as they found their way back to Yen Sids tower.
Once they made it back and everyone gave him hugs, Sora asked Riku to follow him to his room to talk to him. Riku felt so happy that he asked him to talk with him. He missed hearing his voice, seeing him smile, and seeing his blue eyes shine brighter than the sea. Once they got to his room, Sora and Riku sat on the bed and Sora let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry that I disappeared.”
“Sora, its not your fault.”
“But it is! I was stubborn and went on my own and it just proves...”.
Sora stopped and his voice was quiet when he continued.
“It only proved that I’m still weak...”.
Riku felt his heart break at that statement. Sora never showed this side of him. The side that was disappointed in himself, the one that believed he wasn’t good enough, and the one that took the teasing too far, even if he acted like it was okay. Riku knew he was sensitive, but he never realized how this truly hurt him.
Riku pulled Sora into a hug and rubbed his hand on his back in comforting circles. Sora sobbed into his chest and Riku just continued to rub his back and run his other hand through his hair. Sora always loves when people run their hands through his hair, it calms him down and makes him feel loved. Riku loved him and would do whatever it takes to comfort him.
After a few minutes, Sora pulled away and looked at Riku, as if taking in all his features, but he already memorized them. He then looked at his lips for a second, and before he could think about it, he leaned in and kissed him.
Rikus eyes were wide in shock. He can’t believe Sora would do this. Heck, he wanted to do it first, but he was just shocked that it actually happened. He believed it was only a fantasy...but now it was a reality. However, he didnt want to make Sora feel bad, so he kissed him back. He kissed him as if his life depended on it. But after a few seconds, he realized that he should ask Sora if he was okay with this. Sora did initiate it, but he needed to make sure.
Riku pulled away and leaned his forehead against Soras.
“I’m sorry, are you sure you-”.
Sora didn’t let him finish his sentence. He cut him off with another kiss that was full of passion. Sora always wanted to do this, too. He wanted to pull Riku to him and show his love in any way that was possible, and now he got the courage to do it.
Riku kissed him back just as passionate and showed him how he loved him, too. He ran his hands through Soras hair again, and rested his other hand on Soras cheek. They shared multiple kisses and Sora eventually ended up on Rikus lap. Chests facing each other and Soras legs were wrapped around Rikus low back. Sora feels like it’s the best place to be. He wanted to see his friends, but for right now, this was the best thing he could do.
Rikus kisses eventually moved to the corner of Soras mouth, to his cheek, and eventually down to his neck. Sora turned his head to give Riku more areas to kiss, and Riku took the hint, kissing Sora wherever he could. However, he didn’t move too far (not feeling that comfortable or brave) and eventually moved back to Soras lips.
They only stopped kissing when they got dizzy and needed a second to process everything. They rested their foreheads against the others and they were panting hard. Both lips were a little swollen and red from all the desperation to be close to the other.
“I love you, Riku,” Sora panted out.
He had a smile on his face and Riku knew he was telling the truth. Sora would never lie about this and from the way they were just kissing, he knew it was true. Riku has never kissed anyone else, but he knew passion when he saw it, and passion was in everything Sora just gave him.
He smiled at Sora and gave him a quick kiss.
“I love you, too. So much, Sora. So much to the point it hurts.”
They both let out quiet laughs. Sora kissed Rikus forehead and got off his lap causing Riku to let out a little whine at the loss of contact. Sora laughed and pulled Riku to lay beside him as he layed on his right side and Riku laid on his left side. They smiled at each other and Sora moved closer to Rikus chest. Sora wrapped one arm around Rikus torso and the other around his neck. He buried his head in the crook of Rikus neck and took in a deep breath and let it out, causing Riku to laugh.
“I’m ticklish there, Sora!”
Rikus words caused Sora to do it again. Riku let out a loud laugh and covered his mouth in embarrassment. Sora just kissed his neck and squeezed his arms tighter around Riku. Riku smiled and moved his hand to cup Soras head and the other wrapped around Soras torso as well. They both felt comfortable and loved each other.
And as they held each other, they finally both felt at peace and felt safe. Sora no longer had to worry about the danger of the heartless and the worry of never being found. He finally was and he was able to show Riku the way he loves him like he wanted to, and Riku was able to show Sora how he loves him the way he always wanted to, too.
And they both fell asleep in the comfort of their lovers arms.
HHhhehehe. I hope this was good! I truly liked this! I’m sorry it took so long to get out :’(. I couldn’t find inspiration and didn’t feel like writing at the time, but I still love requests! And I hope more people will come to me for requests and don’t be shy!! I’m open for anything!! I’m not dead. Yet
But yeah! This was gonna be short bc I didn’t know what to write, but like,,,I got carried away👀. It’s not necessarily TOO LONG, but it’s a lot longer than I thought it could be. So yeah!! Hope you like it and hope you come back to me I’ll shut up now-
And is it obvious I love italics👀
Also please give me feedback. I’m desperate for it. Let it be in a comment or reblog or the tags of a reblog. Thank you. I just like feedback bc I truly don’t know if you like it or hate it and I want to know if my writing is getting better. Anyways yeah love you🥺❤️.
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minijenn · 3 years
KH Comm #4
Another Keys related writing comm for @rosie-drawss, who wanted another “what if” scenario for what would happen if the glamor spell had faded following the ball and Cinderella’s Castle. Angst and hurt/comfort ensues as Sora has to fess up to all his many lies early! Enjoy!
Kairi is still in a haze of half-slumber when she gets up as quietly as she can so as not to wake Sora or Riku. She tip-toes to fetch a drink of water from the pitcher on the far side of the room before heading back to bed in a similar silent manner, eager to return to the pleasant dreams she’d been having of the enchanted evening they’d just had together. That happiness still hangs over her as she climbs back into her spot under the covers right beside Sora. She smiles drowsily as she takes in the sight of him sleeping peacefully, the ghost of a contented grin on his face, his white hair draped loosely, lazily over his closed eyes-
Wait… white hair?
Her sharp gasp breaks the quiet of the room, a startled cry soon joining it as she rolls backward out of bed, ultimately landing hard on the floor. Riku bolts upright first, calling for Kairi as he glances around the darkened room amidst trying to regather his bearings. But when Sora sits up only seconds later, he’s the first to find Kairi, still sitting on the floor, staring up at him with a look of nothing less than absolute shock. 
“Kairi?” he presses, concerned as he leans over the side of the bed. “Are you ok? What’s wrong?” 
When Kairi finds herself far too bewildered to offer him an answer, Sora turns to Riku next, hoping to get his help. Only to catch the same exact sort of stunned stare from him too. “What?” Sora frowns, glancing between the pair in apt confusion. “Why aren’t you guys saying anything? What’s going on?”
“...I think we ought to be the ones asking you that question…” Riku finally says, his tone and expression both tense. 
“Sora,” Kairi’s on her feet now, retrieving a hand mirror from the nearby dresser. “W-what… what is this?”
She hands the mirror over to him, and the very second Sora so much as sees his own reflection within it, it slips out of his hand and shatters on the floor. Tears swiftly form in his now-golden eyes, a shadow-streaked hand slipping over his mouth as he tries to make sense of how this might have happened. Of how the awful secret he’s been hiding for them for so long could somehow reveal itself entirely on its own accord.
Kairi carefully steps past the broken glass on the floor to sit back on the bed alongside Sora, placing a gentle hand on his arm as he chokes out a small, frightened sob. “You… know what this is… don’t you?” she asks, gauging his mournful reaction for exactly what it is. 
Sora refuses to offer an answer, all but shutting down as he wraps his arms around himself, shutting his eyes so he doesn’t have to meet their piercing, questioning gazes. Kairi softens when she sees how scared he seems to be, but Riku knows he can’t do the same. Not when this is something that certainly can’t be anything good. 
“Tell us,” he places a hand on Sora’s shoulder, his voice coming out quiet and calm. Or at least as calm as it can be right now. “Please, Sora, if something’s wrong then you need to let us know what-”
“I-I’m the Organization’s thirteenth vessel!” Sora suddenly shouts, distraught and distressed. He’d been half-tempted to lie to them, but he knows it won’t do him any good now; not when they can both so clearly see the truth for themselves. “W-what you guys did to save me during the exam didn’t work and now I… I’m being… Xehanort is-”
“H-he’s taking over your heart…” Riku finishes in a whisper. A grave silence falls over the room as this horrific realization sinks in, a realization that none of them want to face. Kairi clings onto Sora’s arms, joining him in his sorrowful, ceaseless tears. But those tears aren’t something Riku shares. Instead, he continues staring solely at Sora, at the white in his hair, the gold in his eyes. He stares in solemn, saddened silence as he thinks about just how much he’s managed to fail Sora, how he failed to save him, how he failed to notice that something was even this wrong until he could see it laid so plainly before him. He stares and says nothing, shedding not a single tear as he realizes the only thing he can really do right now is to somehow be strong for them both. Even if he doesn’t really want to be. 
“Sora-” he starts, only to nearly lose his composure completely when Sora practically falls into his arms, Kairi following not long after. 
“I’m sorry!” Sora cries, completely despondent by this point. “I’m so sorry for lying and hiding this and trying to fix this on my own even though I knew I can’t! I don’t know how to stop this, and I’m so, so scared that there isn’t any way to stop it-”
“We will stop it,” Kairi speaks up, her tone tight and anxious as she holds Sora even tighter. “W-we’ll find a way, we have to and we will. Won’t we, Riku?”
Riku takes in a long, deep breath, if only to steady himself for the journey on the road ahead of them now. A road that is bound to be long and painful, but one that needs to be taken. Especially if what’s waiting at the end of it is what somehow sets Sora’s already captive heart free. 
“Go wake up the others,” he instructs the pair as he gets out of bed. “Tell them to pack their things. We’re leaving in an hour. We… have a lot to talk about.”
Word spreads between the other guardians of light like wildfire. Before they even leave Cinderella’s castle, each and every one of them hears about what’s happening, and very few of them are truly caught off guard when they see Sora’s startling change in appearance. The only three among them that had been in on his lie are surprised, however, to find out that the truth had slipped out so suddenly. Ventus breathes a sigh of relief, glad to know Sora won’t be able to drag this dangerous charade out any longer than he already has. Meanwhile, Donald and Goofy are both baffled by the mysterious failure of the glamour spell, something that the magician chalks up as a side effect of his magic mingling with Fairy Godmother’s. And since Fairy Godmother’s spell had worn off when the clock struck midnight, so too had the spell that had helped Sora hide his secret for so very long. 
The trip back to the tower is a long, quiet one. No one’s really sure what to say or where to start, so they decide to discuss it all in a proper meeting instead. Said meeting kicks off almost as soon as they arrive, and it starts with Sora having no choice but to explain the situation to the other lights in full. He soberly shows them everything: his hair, his eyes, his hands, his scar, his Keyblade, even his powers in steady succession. Telling the full, unbridled truth is strange, in a sense; because even as much as he feared the thought of doing exactly this before, he can’t deny that actually unveiling it all is something of a bizarre relief. Like every secret he’s shedding is a weight finally lifting off his shoulders, weight he should have let someone else share a long time ago. 
One he’s revealed everything he can, Yen Sid asks Sora to sit the rest of the meeting out. While the reasoning for such a request isn’t initially clear, he does so gracefully, waiting just outside the door for the others to emerge. And as he waits, his fretful thoughts wander to just how quickly things have gone wrong over the course of one night alone. Just how fast a night of dreams had turned into his worst nightmare. 
After what feels like ages, Riku and Kairi finally leave the meeting behind. The others hang back, likely to give them a bit of privacy to allow the pair to relay to Sora the verdict they’ve all just reached. 
“Ok, here’s the plan,” Riku begins, wearing the steadfast composure of the leader he was chosen to be. “The others are all heading out tomorrow to look for the rest of the Keys. Kairi and I are-”
“We’re staying here, with you,” Kairi interrupts, taking Sora’s hands and holding them tight. “At least for now. And while we’re here, we’re going to look into every way we can find to free you from… f-from this.”
“B-but… what if we can’t-”
“If we can’t find answers here, then we’ll look somewhere else,” Riku continues, resolved. “But we won’t stop until we find a way to help you, Sora. That’s a promise.”
“But it’s not a promise we can keep unless you promise to meet us halfway with this too,” Kairi insists earnestly. “Which means… no more lying, and no more secrets. You’ve always been able to trust both of us with anything before. That doesn’t have to change now, not even with something like this.”
Sora looks between the pair, caught off guard by the brazen plan he’s hearing. One that he desperately wants to believe will work, just as much as he wants to believe they actually mean what they say. But his anxious, guilt-ridden heart still finds room to foolishly doubt them all the same. “Y-you… you really want to help me?” he asks, his voice small and edged with shame for something he doesn’t feel he truly deserves.
“You know we do,” Riku vows as he gently pulls both Sora and Kairi close. 
“More than anything else,” Kairi adds just as warmly, just as lovingly. 
And… despite everything else, despite all of the fear and despair and remorse he’s still carrying… Sora decides to let that love--their love for him--lighten that load at least a little bit. “Then ok,” he finally smiles for the first time since the glamour faded. For the first time since he opened the door to let his two best friends back into his heart. “I promise.”
Commissions are CLOSED
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screamfairy1996 · 5 years
Telling Hikari the truth
At the age of five, little Hikari Ayame had came back from a long day at kindergarten . Hikari very much enjoyed kindergarten ; she had Cid, Lars, and Luna with her , a wonderful teacher, and she loved to learn. Despite all the fun she had every day she went, there was still something that didn't feel right. Everyday when her friends' parents came to drop them off at school and pick them up, Hikari noticed that they had had 'a mom and a dad'. Hikari only had 'a daddy ' to do all of that. She wondered where her mommy was, and even if she had one.
“Daddy.” Hikari asked her father as he was trying to cook some cuisine for the both of them.”
“Yes, princess?” Axel asked, focusing on the food.
“When I go to school. Everyone has a mommy and a daddy.” Hikari answered.
Axel`s heart stopped. He knew where this was going
“Where`s my mommy?”
Axel didn`t want to tell her about Roxas. It took him a while to pull himself together after Roxas`s death. He remember when Hikari was three. She asked him about the photo she found in the basement. He told her that his name was Roxas.  Axel turned off the stove and went to get the picture. He came back to show her Roxas`s picture. “Remember I told you about my friend, Roxas and how he made me feel like I had a heart.”  Hikari nodded. “Hikari.... Roxas... is your mother.’’
“Then, where is he? I wanna meet him. Where`s Mommy.” Hikari asked.
Axel fights back tears. “A monster got mommy and mommy never came back. Mommy`s in heaven and Daddy was a coward for leaving him all alone with no backup.”
Hikari sense the sadness in Axel`s tone. “Daddy, do you miss Mommy?” she asked.
Five years ago.
Axel was a huge mess. He wasn`t able to sleep for the past two months. So far, there were no leads on Roxas`s disappearance. No note, no ransom, nothing . Hikari wasn`t doing anything better. She was crying all night and couldn`t accept the formula and gotten very sick. The eight month old baby girl once had to go to the doctors for vomiting  and prescribed medicine  for stomach flu, and coughing. Axel had to take a leave of  family emergency absence from work to care for Hikari. He lost so many sleep due to Hikari`s constant crying and nightmares. Axel also couldn`t deal with the rumors of  that Roxas got tired of them and run off with a another Alpha. Roxas would never do that to him and Hikari.  Axel was in the living room. After 3 hours of constant crying and screaming, he finally managed  to get Hikari to sleep. He walked to the couch and collapsed. Axel was dead inside. His hair lost its shine and is now dull red, his green eyes lacked spark and now empty and soulless. He merely laid sprawled on the couch. Staring into nothing. Axel had cut off contact with his friends and family. Xion tried to talk to him but Axel would not listen.  They weren`t there when Roxas disappeared.  He pulled his phone out and looked at the messages.
“Axel man, You have to let us help you. “ A text from Demyx.
“Please, little bro. Think of Hikari.  She needs you. Don`t shut yourself. “ -Reno.
“Dude, We know you're not okay. Just let us help you.”-Riku
“Is Hikari okay?  She eating well? Did they find Roxas?  It`s been too long. I miss my brother.- Sora
“Axel, this is gone far enough. You`re not answering our calls and texts. You`re not coming out of your house. We are worried about you and Hikari. What would Roxas think if he saw you like this.” -Xion
Axel sighed sadly and puts his phone back in his pocket, He didn`t really want to talk to them. He then realized, he hasn`t checked the mail yet. With an defeated sigh. He got up and went to the door. He opened it and went outside. He went to the mailbox. Axel opens it and rummaged through the mail. Just bills and stuff as usual, then he noticed a videotape. “Weird.” Axel thought. He picks it up along with other mail. He walks back inside. He placed the mail on the drawer stand while staring at the tape. It read “For Axel” Axel hummed as he went to back to the living room and placed the tape into the recorder. He grabs the remote and turns the tv. The tv shows a abandoned grey room and the camera shows a person bound in a chair with a sack over his face. The camera moves closer to the person. A hand comes into shot and removes the sack, revealing a familiar face with blonde hair and blue. Roxas was worse. He had bruises all over his face. Some sick fuck laid a hand on his Angel.
“Roxas!!” Axel cried in shock and fear. “Is that you,Angel?” Axel whimpered with tears rolling down his face. “Baby, tell me where you are and I`ll come find you.” He begged to the screen. It was clear this was not live.  “Please, Angel.” A man covered by his dark hoodie comes in with something in his hand. A whip covered with barb wire!!  ‘’ YOU BASTARD!!! You get the hell away from MY ANGEL, YOU SICK FUCK!!!” Axel yelled in anger, hoping this sick SOB would not touch Roxas.
“Wakey.Wakey,eggs and bakey, Roxy.” The hooded figure taunts.
Axel seethed with anger. How dare he use his nickname for Roxas?
Roxas wakes up. He gets scared and tries to pry his hands out of his bounds. "Hello? Is someone there? Sora? Xion? Axel? Please. Please help me.” The poor boy begged. He looked at the man. “Please let me go home. I have a daughter.  She`s only a baby. I did what you said. You promised.”
The man tsks and wags his finger. “Axel`s not coming for you.”
“He’ll come.” Roxas insist.
It was hell for Axel, for the whole night. He had to watch as his beloved mate was subjected to being tortured and violated in the worst way. Axel actually covered his ears as Roxas was being branded and his screams of agony cut several holes into his hearts. What was actually the worse part was that bastard actually forced himself on Roxas.  He could hear every scream, sob,weep,cry,shout,and begging. There were so much blood.  Axel was crying and weeping, pulling at his hair.
Please. I`ll do anything. I`ll give you cash. Anything. Are you hearing me? Please don't kill my baby boy. He means everything to me.“ Axel begged and cried.  
Roxas gave his speech, telling his friends how much he miss and love them and that he`s sorry. He tells Axel and Hikari that he loves them so much and plead for Axel to give Hikari the life she deserves and tell Hikari that he loves her so much and she`ll always be his princess and sea salt. The video soons ends and Axel starts screaming again.  “ Angel?! NO, ANGEL!” Axel punched the ground in anger and despair. He spent the whole night, crying and screaming for anyone to save Roxas.
Back to present
Axel held the ring to his chest. He finally managed to save enough for this ring. They may be young but Axel was certain that he wants to marry Roxas. He was nervous and anxious. The last time He saw Roxas. He went for a walk with Hikari to clear his head and propose to him later that night. Axel signed. He went under the bed and grabbed the scrapbook. He went downstairs to see Hikari drawing. Hikari noticed his sad face and went to comfort him. Axel smiles sadly and picks her up.  He takes her to the living room. Axel opens the book. “I met your mother back in high school. We`d become friends and after a few months, we got together.  Soon, we had you and we were a happy family. When you were a little baby, Mommy stayed home while you and I took a walk. When we came back, Mommy wasn`t there and I had the police and the heroes look for him everywhere. It was a long time before I found out Mommy`s in heaven.  Your Mommy was the sweetest and loving person who loves you much. He wanted nothing more than to make you happy and keep you safe. “ Axel finished. Axel was shocked to see Hikari whimpering and crying. “I want Mommy to come home.” She whimpered. “I want him with us. Why did he leave us?  I want my Mommy!!  I want to know who my Mommy is!!” Hikari broke down crying and wailing. With tears in his eyes, Axel puts his book inside and pulls his daughter into his arms. “So do I, princess, So do I. I want him back home more than anything and I still do.” Axel choked while rubbing her back and stroking her hair, not wanting to break down in front of Hikari.  She cries herself to sleep. Axel quietly sobs as He brings Hikari to his room. Axel tucks her in and joins her. He has Hikari rest on his chest as he pulls the covers over them. “ I love you, Princess.” Axel pressed a kiss on her forehead. He look up. “Roxas, my angel. I promise to look after our sweet girl. Whatever you are, I love you so much.” He fell asleep with his daughter in his arms. Axel will be damned sure if anyone takes his baby girl away.
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Okay but Sora trying to get it through Riku’s thick skull that he loves him. And Riku not getting it so someone jokes and says the phrase a way to a mans heart is his stomach and so Sora starting cooking his heart out to riku. But riku just DOESN’T get it. And finally when Sora bakes him a dish with papou fruit he has a Oh moment. I just think there should be more oblivious riku. Plus I like the idea of Sora just stress baking or cooking for everyone (riku gets special treats).
YEEEEEESSSS! I can see it happening. Riku definitely is a boy that has no idea what he’s doing. Well, in fighting he kinda does, but emotions??? NO!! So yh I’m here for that >:). They both don’t know what they HECK THEYRE DOING BUT YEAH-
If theres mess ups forgive me :’)
Whenever Sora was found, he and Riku spent a lot of time together. It wasn’t just to “talk”. They were just there for each other. And they loved it like that. They were loud, playful, and having a good time with the other like always, but they also loved the moments of being able to be silent and quiet with each other. And during those moments, Sora realized his feelings getting bigger. 
He loves Riku.
He’s always loved Riku.
But Sora always believed it was in a best friend way, or a family way...but he slowly realized it wasn’t. When he saw Riku run his hands through his hair, Sora wanted to do that, and he missed how he (as in Riku) used to run his through his hair (as in Sora’s hair). He missed it and he found himself wanting to kiss him. That’s when he knew he loved Riku. It took him for a shock, but he accepted it and decided to do something very Sora like.
Do everything in his power to show what he means instead of just saying it. Totally like Sora...
So, Sora learns to bake. He always loved watching his mother bake, so he tries to remember stuff she did, and he almost gets it right, but there are a ton of failures. But he knows thats okay, he now knows that that’s what has to happen for growth, so he keeps going. However, inbetween cooking and fighting, he’d try and show Riku how he loved him. It was difficult to push past the anxiety, but he managed to on multiple tries.
The first time was when he asked to hold Riku’s hand. It didn’t seem like much, but they used to always hold hands, and they loved the feeling of the other being there, so he did it again. Riku paused when he asked him, but he smiled and held Sora’s hand tight. It made Sora blush and he really hoped Riku noticed it, but he didn’t say anything. Sora considered that a failed attempt.
The second try is when he basically asked Riku on a date. This wasn’t a normal hang out because they usually just went to the island or went to a quiet place with each other. This time, Sora took him to a restaurant. He took him to see Little Chef! He basically tried to keep it serious, but did fail a bit and made Riku and him play with Little Chef. They enjoyed their time and finally ate some food. It was quiet and adorable, and Riku did blush, but he never said anything.
After that try, he didn’t know what to do. He was confused and stuck, so Aqua came up to him and said what Tiana said. 
“The fastest way to a mans heart, is through his stomach.”
He believed that Aqua knew everything, so he took her advice seriously. Since he knew how to bake a good amount already, he starts to look up recipes for lovers. Ways to show how you love someone with your cooking. He finds a recipe of cupcakes with a paopu fruit on the top. He honestly finds it sweet and delicious, so he starts on it. He does multiple batches, gets everyone to taste it (almost eliminating Aqua because she always tell Sora that he is great no matter what...but she actually gave him feedback this time), and gets feedback, and learns how to make them better. The paopu the first time was too sweet and hurt their teeth from the sweetness (since thats what happens usually if something is too sweet), so he made it less sweet, but accidentally made it not sweet at all. Then, he burnt one batch because he wasn’t paying attention (like always), but eventually, he made the perfect cupcake batch.
The paopu fruit design on the top was a perfect. It was a bright yellow, but not too bright. The blue frosting that it was on was a beautiful bright blue and it matched the paopu It looked really good, so Sora took this as his third chance. He got them into a little container and went to see Riku again. He found him training and he couldn’t help but stare for awhile. He never noticed how Riku’s muscles moved when he fought, how fast he moved, and how skilled he was. He knew Riku was skilled, but to actually see it up close was amazing to him.
Sora snapped out of his daze and realized that Riku saw him. Instead of being weirded out, he smiled and made his keyblade disappear. “Whatcha got in the container?” Sora looked down at it and almost forgot what was in it, but he remembered and suddenly felt anxious. However, he needed Riku to understand his love. “They’re some cupcakes I made just for you!” Sora put on his best smile and Riku smiled back. The smile that made his eyes crinkle at the edge. 
Sora lead him to a bench in the training ground and opened the container to reveal the paopu fruit cupcakes. Riku stared at them for a minute, but believed it was just a simple cupcake. He knew Sora liked the paopu fruit legend, so he assumed he just made cupcakes out of them, but Sora looked at him with love in his eyes, trying to show him how much Riku meant to him. 
However...Riku was still an idiot.
He took a cupcake and took a bite out of it and smiled. “It tastes real nice, Sora!” Sora smiled at him, but when Riku didn’t say anything else, he realized that he still didn’t understand. 
“Riku? Are you serious?”
Riku looked over at him and looked confused. “What do you mean?”
Sora looked sad and Riku was worried, but Sora instantly said how he felt.
“I love you! These cupcakes were meant to show that. I’ve been trying to show you for awhile,” he said, with a worried look on his face. “We’ve been friends forever, best friends. I’ve known you all my life and believed my love in my heart for you was best friend love. But I realized that I don’t just love you like a best friend. It’s changed. Everything’s changed, Riku. I want to hold your hand, be with you, fight alongside you, kiss you, comfort you when you feel terrible, and just be with you, so bad.”
Sora stopped at that, realizing he was rambling. He looked at Riku and he saw a huge blush form on his face, and he knew the same was on his face. Riku swallowed the rest of his cupcake and took a breath.
“Um, that’s a lot,” he said as he looked down. Sora felt like he messed up. He ruined everything. He had an apology on the tip of his tongue, but Riku spoke first.
“I love you, too, Sora. Don’t apologize.” Riku looked back up at him and smiled at him, and Sora noticed his eyes. There was love in them, but they were...pink! Sora was shocked and Riku laughed. “I’m glad you said it and I’m sorry I didn’t see it at first. I was scared of assuming wrong, but I love you too. I don’t know when my feelings changed exactly, but I know I feel the same as you!” 
Sora was silent, his happiness taking over him, and he was still shocked at his eyes. However, he didn’t want to keep Riku waiting, so he leaned over and got close enough to kiss him, but left space for Riku to lean in, he didn’t want to rush him. Riku didn’t wait. He kissed him with passion. 
His lips tasted like the paopu fruit, sweet and juicy, and he loved it. He rested his hand against his cheek and they don’t even know how long they kissed, but it was blissful. When they pulled away, Riku’s eyes were still pink. “Hey, Riku, your eyes are pink!” Sora poked at Rikus cheek and Rikus eyes widened. “What?”
Sora pulled out his phone and took a pic of Riku. He showed Riku and he was in shock. “How is this happening?” It took Riku awhile to think of why, but it hit him in the face. “It’s because I’m your dream eater.” Sora smiled at that and wrapped his arms around Riku. “I guess it means I have to give you more attention,” he said as he ran his hands through his hair. Riku tried to not show how much he loved it, but he did love it. He leaned onto Sora’s shoulder and he noticed how he was purring. 
Sora kissed Riku on the forehead and leaned his head against his. “I love you, Riku.” 
“I love you more, Sora.”
“No, I love you more!”
Then, they became their 5 year old self’s again by bickering about who loved the other more. It was perfect for them.
AAAAAH!!! I love this idea and I hope you like it! Its so sweet and perfect. I love Riku and Sora and HNNNG the idea of Riku changing bc of his dream eater ability, is SO sweet and COOL and I LOVE it! Anyways, yeah, I hope you like this and I enjoyed writing it! I managed to write something not in bullet points! I’m proud :))).
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