#how could oomfie do this to me…the set up….
francy-sketches · 1 year
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The devastating effects of yaoi on the mind
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ternasyl · 5 months
Just a few quick thoughts on TMAGP
Magnus Protocol is easily the podcast I've been most excited for, and it DOES mostly deliver, making me feel vindicated in my excitement. I look forward to each new episode in a way I rarely do with any ongoing series, be it a podcast or something, and that is really nice. That being said...
I do have a few grievances with it as a whole, honestly. The statements are probably the elephant in the room - I feel like we haven't gotten a single properly scary statement such as the ones from early-to-mid TMA. Not only that, but most statements don't get nearly as intricate and complex as the TMA ones - the ones in TMAGP very much feel just like reports of isolated odd incidents, while TMA felt more like an actual horror anthology where the individual stories eventually start coming together into a coherent larger framework. I think I wouldn't mind either of these things separately, but as things currently stand, I do feel like there hasn't really been anything as memorable as the statements from early TMA yet. I *do* like Bonzo and I also thought the scary movie episode was fun, but... I dunno. I can't help but feel like the statements lack bite overall.
I do actually like the bigger focus on the main cast and their interactions with TMAGP's world, though. I suppose that the weaker statements are partly due to the fact we're getting more screentime for everything else.
I've also been feeling a bit underwhelmed by the post-hiatus episodes' contents - pre-hiatus TMAGP absolutely had a lot of bombshells per episode, so it's quite weird following that up with several episodes where barely anything happens. I do feel like we're kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it's still odd. Maybe I'm just a cranky bitch who doesn't care terribly much about Sam's romantic troubles, who knows? Wish the episodes were juuust a bit longer, honestly.
I think it's very very funny how you can simply tell I'm writing this moments after finishing episode 14 - it really does feel like the current culmination of my issues with the podcast.
All of this in mind, though, I do have to say that I'm still very much hooked and am not likely to fall off anytime soon. The production is insane, the creepy old computer aesthetic rules, and I'm VERY curious to see how this new setting differs from TMA's and what they could even do with a story like this which they didn't already do in TMA. Protocol has so so much promise and I really hope it won't only live up to it, but exceed it. Erm. What else can I say. Alice is endearingly annoying and I like her a lot more than I expected. Gwen is my oomfie. Colin may have not appeared at all within the past few episodes but that is because he is currently very busy with being my boyfriend. Gootbye.
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amiharana · 1 year
Wait if Revali was in an idol group who else would be in it and what would their debut song be, plus theme?? Like would it be the rito like Teba Harth etc or would it be like a mix of people (like Teba and sidon and others etc etc) plus what would their name be just curious… or revs positions you know the drill
u know now that i think about it oomfie i think u were the one who was putting newjeans on my dashboard a couple weeks back i should have known u were a kpopper 🤣 also kpop idol positions are always the strangest thing to me so i had to do a little review LMAO
if you wanna be fr, revali wouldn't want to be in an idol group at all, he wanted to be a soloist. but the managers were like no you would do good in a group, debut in a group first and we'll talk about solo later if you're successful enough. so revali fucking hates all these other guys but he is a good asf actor and is so good at delivering fanservice y'all would have never thought he was praying on his bandmates' downfalls KDJFJKDFK i wouldn't have been surprised if it was actually revali tipping off dispatch to give the others scandals
revali is the main vocalist and dancer the maknae LMAO (transl: youngest) of the group RiTO which stands for "Rising To Own", which refers to the group's belief that if "the sky is limit", they must rise higher to break the limit and go beyond it in order to own their true selves. i think it would be funny if since the word is "rising", fans debate on whether to pronounce the acronym as "ree-to" or "rai-to" and even years after the group's debut, people are still fighting online about how to pronounce it. then you got some freaks who say each letter out loud or straight up skip over the "i" to say RTO. RiTO fans are called "ownwings" because they are the wings that allow the group to rise and break the limit, as well as being encouragement to the fans to use their own wings to fly up and achieve lofty dreams together with RiTO. was that kpop-y enough LMFAO i should be a kpop ceo fr fr
the other members of the group include members leader and main rapper teba, lead rapper lead dancer harth, lead vocalist and visual kass, and leader dancer sub vocalist mimo. ages from oldest to youngest goes as mimo, kass, teba-harth (same year teba is older), and then revali. kass is the face of the group, revali and teba switch between being centers a lot, and revali is their all-rounder. i mentioned having to review kpop positions bc shit like "main" vs "lead" always confuses me, so for my non-kpop mutuals, you can refer to this article for more in-depth explanations.
my instinct was to say that they do a "refreshing" concept ASTRO-style because the rito=birds=air=refreshing, but like... do you Really think teba, harth, revali, and mimo could do your standard run-of-the-mill kpop refreshing concept LMFAOKDJFDK
teba and harth's generally gruff and cold-shoulder personalities throw me off trying to come up with ideas for this, because imagining them as kpop idols is so fucking funny. these guys are the dads who will drop their kids off at the TWICE concert grumpy asf as if they're not going home blasting FEEL SPECIAL in the car like ✋😭 (they would never admit it out loud, but teba's bias is jihyo because he respects how long she was a trainee to achieve her dream and harth's is jeongyeon because he likes how her tomboyish charm sets her apart from the rest of the group).
so just because canonically 4/5 of the group are older dilf characters (yes i think mimo is a dilf), i would say their debut concept at the very least would be something that's dark/mature/sexy? i'm thinking they're gonna do something like a kingsman concept bc i feel like that fits their vibe. like iirc the movie 'kingsman' was super popular in south korea so maybe that's what makes them skyrocket in popularity. RiTO debuts with a fresh gentlemen-spy concept and the music video has a story that eventually becomes full-scale lore throughout the rest of their music.
i mentioned revali being a hating ass little bitch when he has to debut in a group but also consider him being like 16-17 while the other members are 18-21 already. these guys are older than him in an industry that is known to be extremely competitive, full of rivalries and harmful health habits that could crush revali if he's not quick or clever enough :( he's just a baby in this industry tbh. so — and stay with me here — i'm imagining teba being the leader and figuring out that revali is just constantly furious and irritated and seething because he wants to be a soloist and not in a group, so he dads revali a bit as his leader and tries to get to know him and get him to calm down. just revali and teba bonding 🥺 and revali eventually not being a hater anymore and slowly having more brotherly bonds with the other members. he becomes their little baby 🥹🤍 always mussing his hair up and giving him bear hugs and teasing him lightheartedly where revali scoffs and pushes them away, but inside he feels warm because he was an only child with parents who were always working.
imagining baby trainee revali who practices the choreo of their debut for hours until he collapses from exhaustion in the practice room, and teba comes in to tell him to go to sleep just as revali falls to the floor. teba immediately shouts for harth who's just down the hall and then goes running to revali to make sure he didn't hit his head or anything. the kid is sweaty and red-faced from how much he danced, completely conked the fuck out from how exhausted he is. harth comes and they carry him to his bed, and try to wake him up so revali can at least drink some water and see if he'll be able to wash up himself, and the whole experience is life-changing for revali because he's like. why did u do all this. and teba and harth are like ??? you're part of the team, we have to take care of each other? and you're the youngest... we have to take care of you especially. and revali is just wide-eyed and about to cry because what the hell. these people actually care about him??????
also manager kaneli and CEO valoo lmfaodkjfdkj. i'm torn between a couple of ideas for the company name because it's either like (1) RiTO is under 'TBNTH (Tabantha) Entertainment' which is a subsidiary of HEBRA Labels, (2) RiTO is under the company 'hebra ent.', OR (3) RiTO is under HEBRA ENT. which is a subsidiary of HYRULE CORPORATION. however for the last one, that would imply that were i to make link a kpop idol as well (😳), he would be in a company that is also a subsidiary to hyrule corp. not that it matters too much but i just think it would be funny if it was like. revali was from a Big 3 company whereas link was from an underdog company like bighit when it first started out. or maybe it does start like that and link's company becomes a subsidiary under one of the other Big 3 companies (Hyrule Corp, TWILI Industries, and TeRMiNA Labels?). i considered also doing something like RiTO being under [company named after hebra/tabantha] which is a subsidiary of [corporation label named after wind waker dragon roost island] but idk.
i'm not gonna go too into link's presence or revalink's relationship here unless you request it since you only asked about revali and i wanna keep the focus on him for this post 😭 but i think kpop idol!link OR fan!link would be very interesting for this au. like what about link who goes from fan to idol p1harmony-keeho style 😭 imagine if link was making tweets about revali like that one busanwings tweet before becoming an idol LIKE DKJFHDKJFHJDF
if link is only just a kpop idol, then him and revali are for SURE getting into dispatch dating rumor scandals. (for non-kpop oomfs, dispatch is a news company notorious in south korea for stalking kpop idols and dishing out scandals on them frequently). it'll be some stupid shit like "H3RO's Link was seen exiting the Slippery Falcon Cafe wearing a shirt similar to RiTO's Revali. Could it be the two idols are seeing each other?" because dating rumors have actually happened in kpop like that 😭
also consider them getting in a dating rumor, and where revali's managers are furious and revali doesn't want to be involved with this nugu, link is completely starry-eyed because revali is actually his idol and the reason why he pursued being an idol, and his company is actually thrilled because ahaha bad publicity is still publicity, right? especially if it has to do with one of the top groups out there right now!
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Season 2 Episode 8
- Secelia really just shows up everywhere, huh? She’s continuing her objective of snooping on everyone by questioning Suletta.
- Petra lives! Hallelujah! She fought off her death flags and even managed to save the girl she was carrying. Too op for this universe. Though sadly her body is pretty fucked yo. The crushed legs, the missing eye, and brain damage will definitely affect her for the rest of her life. Hopefully GUND-Arm will be able to help her a little.
- Fucking lol at Kenanji saying he couldn’t identify the pilot. Like no shit, you vaporized her
- The talk between Shaddiq and Miorine was probably the first time the two talked without any pretenses. The two both have big dreams but ultimately they took the wrong actions because of adult manipulations. Though I did find his line of “If got with you I wouldn’t have had to commit these terrorist acts” was pretty weird. Like bro, please bond with someone else on equal terms cause right now you’re just being a dick.
- Suletta handing out the tomatoes, a symbol of love, to everyone after she saved some to prevent them from rotting is peak symbolism. Especially since they’re given to the people who bullied them like the girls from Ep 4.
- Poor Nika once again. She didn’t really do anything wrong, but I can understand her feelings. I hope she continues her schooling and becomes a great mechanic. Her talent is needed to help Earthians and Spacians alike. Also her calling out Belmeria was very satisfying. The two had been set up as narrative foils in the series and here we see the difference between them. Nik won’t wallow in self pity and she’ll call out injustice when she sees it compared to Belmeria.
- God I hate Peil, those slimy little turncoats. Their PeilGPT told them to jump ship and they did. Just like how Cathedra intervened with Ochs Earth in the prologue, this the time the Space Assembly will take control of the Benerit group. I think the real Elan might take center stage and take control of the Space Assembly (right before he gets a bullet out between his eyes hehe)
- Sarius once again proving he’s the best space adult by looking to regulate the damages, but Miorine won’t take it. She doesn’t want to sacrifice anyone, even Shaddiq. Though she does have to take action, preferably after she’s talked to a large variety of people and arrive at the right answer
- Suletta coming out and telling everyone everything, no longer scared of her past or their rejection. She’s grown so much from the scared little girl she was when she arrived. She’s looking to help others and can recognize when her mother is doing wrong.
- The Space Oomfie just killed hundred of people, somebody stop her. The mass murder was extremely terrifying and becomes even more so when you realize Prospera seeks to spread this influence across all of space. She’s very much like Delling, wanting everything under her control and stamping out any naysayers. Eri is the only thing that matters to her now so even if it requires a large amount of lives, she’ll still act
- Calibarn really came out of nowhere and socked me in the gut. They were distracting us with the Schwarzette so they could drop this absolute bomb. All I can hope is that Suletta’s brain doesn’t crap out in the suit considering it has no resistance.
- El5n once again claiming his best boy spot by just chilling by some cows, eating space food, and listening in on the gossip. But what I find interesting is that he actually loves to act with Earth House, even if it’s just to get where he wants to. It was probably a mix of Nika standing up for him and Suletta recounting her backstory as a throwaway doll that got him to sympathize. Personally, I’m wondering where he wants to go. Either it’s to go murder the Peil guys (which is a win) or to travel to the images in Norea’s sketchbook (which is an even bigger win.) Aliyah makes note that his personality changed, but really, I think the somber but somewhat active El5n is his true self. He isn’t hiding his feeling with a mask, he’s being upfront with his emotions. Though it’s a bit sad that Suletta is still focused on El4n, but I hope next episode will get us both of their backstories. Also please don’t stick him in a Gundam again. I want my son to live.
- Lauda, my baby, I knew this would happen. I’ve been calling it since Ep 7 I believe, but god damn it don’t hurt me like this. Petra is still alive, you need to take her on a date! And please just talk to your brother! He loves you! Don’t die in that Schwarzette or make him kill you!
- But once again, people don’t seem to understand Lauda, similarly to the El5n slander, so let me break down his character. Lauda has spent his entire life being second string to Guel. He’s a child of a mistress and doesn’t even get the Jeturk surname despite being under his father’s custody. Apparently his first line to Guel when the two met was how he would support him. The poor kid has probably only thought of himself as an accessory to Guel, the perfect and strong big brother, so when that all changed it hurts him. If he can’t be by Guel’s side, if his big brother changes, then he gets thrown off balance. He needs someone to blame. First, it was Suletta, but now that Miorine is his fiancée, she’s his target now. In a way, he’s much like Shaddiq. Their idolized version of their loved ones come into conflict with their true selves and so they blame someone else. Now that Petra, the one person who probably saw Lauda as himself, is in a coma, no one can stop him.
Suletta’s arc continues to brighten and Miorine’s arc continues to crash and burn. And poor Guel is about to get with even more family murder trauma. I can only hope El5n makes it out safely. I will be buying flowers for Lauda
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amiharana · 2 years
BUT IMAGINE modern human au revalink as dancers.. since I'm a hip hop dancer idc I'll hc them both as hip hop dancers but link can do a little contemporary too, as a treat 🤭 . they would totally be rivals at first like trying to outdo each other during freestyle sessions, revali learned breakdancing just so he could do more fancy moves. link would specialize more in isolation movements esp popping and tutting and locking, he has a crazy amount of control over his movements. they're secretly impressed by each other but ofc they don't say anything because then everyone will know they're gay for each other!! and they can never let that happen 😦 but then ofc they get assigned to do a duo together and eventually they learn to work together and then they place first at competition bc they have so much chemistry together and they're so in sync and then they fall in love with each other and get together YESSS 🫶🫶🫶
oomfie i'm imagining so hard rn but i'm sorry bc the "trying to outdo each other during freestyle sessions" made me think about this video KDJFHJDKSHF
tbh i don't know anything about hip hop dance so i'mma let you take the lead on this one! but i actually thought about revali being more graceful in terms of dance style and what you said ab link makes a lot of sense i feel that matches their personalities really well
revalink being impressed by each other's dancing is so gay. they totally binge-watch each other's covers complimenting the way the other moves, to which zelda and urbosa must bear extremely disinterested witness to. the virgin revali asking urbosa to take a video of link's dancing when link is leading his isolations workshop vs the chad link actually straight up showing up to revali's workshops and full-on staring at revali as he's demonstrating the moves
thinking about revali and link running their competition set in the practice room by themselves and it's really late at night, they've been at it for hours so they're both fucking exhausted... i'm imagining them doing something like taekook's part in the DNA choreography and maybe link trips over his own feet because he's tired and revali immediately moves to try to stop link from falling over, but they both end up falling to the floor with link on top of revali 😳 and they're staring at each other staying like that for several seconds, breathing deeply, with revali's hands somehow on link's waist and their lips are so close to touching and— 😊👉👈
when they win the competition, link gets so excited he yells and jumps into revali's arms, who instinctively holds link up firmly as link cheers. revali watches and he realizes how pretty link is, in the glow of victory with his flushed pink cheeks and wide smile. huh. he's always agreed that yes, link was conventionally attractive, but... revali's never felt like this looking at him before. dimly, revali thinks, can we hold onto this feeling for a bit longer?
could you imagine if revalink were like dance youtubers or something, and link did something like hobi's hope on the street livestreams and revali "hate"-watching it but he forgets to make a burner so people see his username in the viewer list and they're like REVALI WATCHING HIS RIVAL'S LIVESTREAM? and it just causes so much drama between their respective fanbases LMAO
revali and link's relationship goes from being rivals and "hating" each other to remaking this iconic casey frey video to announce that they're dating btw
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