#how do i tag that gator
socksandbuttons · 1 year
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IN WHICH IT IS TIME TO SHARE @ohlookanothercartoontofallinto's EARTH DESIGN SHE SENT ME LAST NIGHT. (Second image is her art!) I love it please look at it!! THE CURLS!! THE WATERFALL SLEEVES! THE STARS IN HER EYES!!!! Also love her pants, funky and fits with the theme of her brothers! Amazing Fantastic i needed to draw it. She also had me add Monty cause... in this house I genuinely love the idea of Monty just adoring this tall lady. As they do. (that's how i drag the bestie into all this. With Earth/Monty Content)
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first meetings (bonus panel under the cut!!)
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i didnt wanna add it to the main post bc it's a different size and it would mess up the format lmaooo
i think about these two a lot i think they could be really fun together in several ways. monty golf is right next to the daycare after all!!
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sorry chat the hyperfixations are shifting. the cycle is perpetuating
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an eclipse i drew using pinterest colour palette
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fucked up monty ft. fucked up roxy (apologies for low quality :[)
bonus shattered roxy from a doodle page
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rozeliyawashereyall · 2 months
Tree of knowledge, bitter fruit
Sour on the tongue, but oh so sweet,
We feast, but find it leaves us hollow,
As though we've lost something, our hearts so hollow
For the secrets of the tree bring emptiness and pain,
Leaving us desperate to escape the stain.
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The poem was helped by my dear yet extreme nerd of a brother ^^!
Will be drawing Korey as Eve again because how can I not after this.
I put a lil explanation for this metaphor in this post!
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alexandraisyes · 3 months
Foxy x Frank
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I’d love to hear the reasoning for this. Also foxy being this lanky mess of limbs is everything to me. He’s a fox. Foxes are lanky.
♻️Please Reblog To Support The Artist♻️
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lazybakerart · 9 months
YEs, keep talking about Jeremy and Gator because I am listening. I am nodding along. I am fully supporting this.
they ran in separate circles in high school. jeremy said some shitty thing to gator once. years later, gator is high up his own ass and runs into jeremy and that one insult loops in his head. and like, it's a coin toss how this can go. he's got his cuffs and a daddy as sheriff.
but jeremy smiles at him.
but doesn't remember his name.
calls him croc.
but does say he looks sick in his uniform.
and it's still a coin toss, but gator feels that nagging inside of him from high school, since he was a kid with a daddy that might as well be god, that wants to impress this guy into remembering the name gator.
(they go for a beer and gator lets jeremy shoot his gun nearly killing the both of them and jeremy gets to make out with the douche from high school in the back of a patrol car.)
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puffin-smoke · 20 days
hi, do you ever start a thing, write half of it, find something more interesting, and then slowly chip away at it for a few months? of course you do, you follow me.
Anyway, here's Duarte having a nightmare, or what I have theatrically titled...
and meets a stranger, walking on the road below
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The swamps were lonely, this late at night. A fog had settled over the landscape, the rivers and Duarte herself like dust. Moonlight turned their vision silvery, hazy.
Her leg ached vaguely, the pain muted but consuming. Enough to slow her journey, for her limp to become more prominent than usual. She rested a hand against a leafless tree to steady herself, hating how she swayed with the wind. They pawed around, grabbing blindly into the shadows and pulling out a walking stick from where branches should have been. The handle had a beetle etched into it.
She needed to find a way through the forest. So she righted herself and continued down her uneven path, all errant roots and upturned trees. She used the cane to push aside a bush when she came across it, batting away the brambles and thorns. 
On the other side of that bush, the path continued, but gradually becoming more and more treacherous, the woods more and more crowded. Duarte grimaced and continued forward.
They walked for a short while before they began to hear a voice. It was muffled by the thickness of the trees and the flora, but the frustration behind itstill peeked through the leaves like moonlight through clouds. Duarte ignored the voice for the next couple minutes but it followed her, unceasing.
“Crap.” Duarte cursed under her breath. She had to help. For fucks sake. They sighed and walked towards the mound of bushes that seemed to disguise the voice, it getting louder with every step. 
Just help whoever was there be on their way, and then get back to walking. She slowly approached the treeline, her movements deliberate and cautious. She took one deep breath, and threw aside the leaves with a flourish, revealing a figure. 
At first shadows swarmed them, obscuring their features, but then gave way to form a person. Slightly shorter than her with hair hanging loosely around their shoulders. Their skin was unscarred, their eyes bright. A harpoon was strung across their back. 
The person looked up to Duarte. “Are you lost too?” 
“No, I’m not.” Duarte answered curtly, fully intent on going back to walking. They’d be fine; it was easy to find your way in the woods. Walk in a straight line until you’re out. Figure it out from there. They’d be fine.
The stranger apparently disagreed. They grinned and set themself next to Duarte, trampling plants and weeds as they went. “Great, I’ll come with you then!”
Duarte backed away from the figure in what they hoped was a subtle way, despite bracing their cane in their hand defensively. The weight of it in their hand was a comfort but did not distract from the pit in her stomach. Now closer, the stranger’s face seemed familiar, but bitterly so. Like an acquaintance she met in passing, who said something that didn’t sit quite right. With each passing moment that feeling became further embedded in her gut.
“I’m not heading anywhere specific.” She lied. She had somewhere to be, which was far away from that grinning face and trampled plants. “There’s no point in following me.”
The figure snorts. “Yeah probably.” 
The forest whispered to fill the silence that followed. The wind ran a hand through Duarte’s hair, trying to coax them onward.
Maybe she could lose them in the woods. They gave up trying to dissuade the stranger and turned away. Dried leaves crackled underfoot as she walked, and nearly distracted from the sound of footsteps behind her. Duarte restrained an annoyed groan as the stranger sped up to keep pace with her. 
“So, you got a name? The stranger asked, trying to catch Duarte’s eye. She focused entirely on putting one foot in front of the other and ignored them entirely. Just waiting for them to tire themself out and go away. 
The silent treatment failed her. The stranger clicked their fingers in front of her face, trying to grab her attention. “You there? Hello?”
Duarte batted their hand away like she was swatting a fly. “It’s Duarte.” She answered, gruff and terse. 
Her answer seemed to catch the stranger off guard. They stumble and fall silent, yet only for a moment. “Huh. Same.”
She glances over to the stranger, expecting their face to be mocking. It was entirely sincere in its surprise and fascination. Duarte silently conceded a point over to them, and actually met their eyes. If she had to walk with them she may as well get to know a little about them.
“Hm. What do you do for a living?” The harpoon on their back; which Duarte had just noticed was identical to their own; suggested they were a hunter, or at least in that sort of field.
The stranger’s grin widened at the question, posturing grandly as they explained and very nearly hitting Duarte in the face as they gestured wildly. Duarte looked on, unflinching and unimpressed, as they spoke.
“I’m a hunter, and a damn fucking good one.” They were beaming. “Better than half the onesI know, anyway.”
Duarte was suddenly hyper aware of her leg, of the layers upon layers of scars, the divots where crocodile teeth had once embedded themself.
She held back a scoff. “You’re sure about that?”
The supposedly esteemed hunter didn’t bother with such niceties. They scowled. “Why the hell wouldn’t I be?”
“No reason.” 
The look the hunter gave them was a familiar one, but not because Duarte had seen it before. But because she had donned it herself long ago. A sneer so deeply set on their features it may as well have been carved in stone.
“You’re a shit liar, you know that?” They spat. “And what’s with the interrogation anyway? You already know all of this.”
“The hell does that mean?” Duarte stopped in her tracks, clouds of dirt billowing around her feet as she skidded to a stop. 
The stranger just rolls their eyes. “I thought you were supposed to be the smart one? I’m not gonna explain it to you, figure it out yourself.” They roll on the balls of their feet, impatient. “Besides, don’t you have somewhere to be? Don’t waste your time talking to me.”
She wouldn’t. Her walking stick hit the ground with a satisfying thud, and she’s back to walking. Her thumb absently traces the dragonfly drawn into the hilt.
The two Duartes walk, the younger lagging behind only slightly, staring daggers into the older’s back. The landscape shifts and expands. The pathway loses its pebbles and sand takes its place. A lake fades into view and seems to stretch on forever. The roots of mangroves winding like mazes beneath the water. 
Duarte immediately sets out scanning the scenery for a way across the lake. There was a boat half-submerged in the lake, she could haul it out and sail that to the other side? There was probably a reason that it was abandoned. She could backtrack and find a different route through the woods? For some reason her memory of the forestry was hazy and dark, a myriad of greys. Something willed her to never look back. She could edge her way across the lakeside? It’d be easy to fall in. She could watch as her stranger walked up to the boat and began to drag it out of the-
Oh goddamnit.
“What are you doing?” She briskly made their way down to the edge of the lake, cursing the uneven terrain under their breath. 
The hunter didn’t look up as they grabbed a hold of a dampened rope attached to the boat. Their features scrunched together in concentration as they heaved the boat forwards. “Getting the boat out.”
“There’s no point.”
With one final tug, the boat was fully on the shore. The hunter looked at them, indignant. “Would you rather swim across?” 
At this point she wondered if drowning the stranger would be the fastest route. “It’s probably got holes in. You’re wasting your time.”
The hunter looked back to the boat, narrowing their eyes. They threw aside the tangled fishing net and the splintered oars. Sure enough it revealed a crack in the base of the boat, rotten wood barely hanging onto what remained. Duarte held back a smirk. “See? Wasting time.” 
Annoyance and shame coloured the hunter’s face as they stepped away from the boat. “Beats not checking at all, you fucking…”
“Oh quit complaining. If you’re still going to follow me, we can just go around the lake.” She was already lumbering away from the shore. She didn’t check to see if the hunter was following her; she unfortunately already knew they would.
“But that’ll take forever!”
“It’d go a lot quicker if you’d left the fucking boat as is.” Duarte sniped back, her head whipping back around.
The hunter kicked up a clump of sand. If Duarte squinted it brought to mind a vision of a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, except minutely more restrained. “Could you get over the boat already? It was a stupid idea, are you happy now?”
“No. Can we go now, or are you still throwing a damn fit?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be the mature one? Forgiving and forgetting is a part of that, y’know.”
Duarte looked at them, cocking her head as though seeing the hunter from a different angle would quell the burning in her gut. “The hell are you- nevermind. I don’t need to prove crap to you. You ready to go now?”
The hunter finally stepped away from the boat, dejectedly dropping the rope they’d still been holding. “Fine. You’re still a shit liar though.”
“Always need to have the last word, don’t you.” Duarte knew it was petty, but the hunter deserved petty. 
She chose to ignore the youth mumbling something about irony, taking the high road she had so sorely missed. They continued into the trees. 
The scene quickly shifted into the roots. The hazardous nature of the underbrush and subsequently hidden tree roots forced Duarte to walk slightly slower, to take their time to navigate safely through. This gave time for the hunter to catch up, so the pair were now walking in reluctant tandem. Brambles and thorns Duarte was careful to avoid snagged and ripped at the hunter’s clothes, but the hunter seemed blissfully unaware of that fact. Or maybe they just knew how to sew. Duarte leaned towards the former. 
As Duarte lugged her leg over a fallen tree trunk, the hunter gave them a surveying look, up and down. “So… what’s with the leg?”
Duarte grunted as she landed on the other side, taking a moment to steady herself. “Nothing.”
They gave them another look. “You sure?”
Nature appeared to answer for them. A root decided to appear out of nowhere, making itself known from beneath the twigs and leaves. It snagged her foot and brought her hurtling towards the ground. She braced herself for impact and a sore leg.
The hunter’s hand snapped out in an instant. They grabbed her arm and wrenched her backwards, a haphazard rescue. She flailed around for a moment but didn’t fall, only made an utter embarrassment of herself. Which would have happened even if the hunter hadn’t caught her, but she wouldn’t have had to acknowledge it face down in the mud.
“You alright there?” They asked, hand still wrapped around her forearm. 
Duarte slapped the hand away with more fervour than it probably merited. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
Indignant laughter laced the hunter’s words. “I’m trying to be nice!”
Duarte gripped her cane like a baton and backed away, her knuckles bone white. “I don’t want your pity.”
“It’s not pity!”
“You’re a shit liar.” Duarte pointed towards the hunter’s eyebrows, which were furrowed deeply. “Your brows furrow when you lie.”
“So do yours.”
Duarte spoke without thinking. The impulse disgusted her but she indulged in it anyway. All she could see were the implications behind those three words. “Fuck you.”
“The hell’s your problem with me?” They flinched but then doubled down, like an animal backed into a corner. Nothing to do but fight. “Aren’t you supposed to be the-” 
Duarte’s cane flew and jabbed the hunter in the chest, knocking the wind out of them. She held the cane there, an accusation. “If you fucking call me the mature one or some shit like that, I swear to god-”
“Why do you hate me?” The hunter cut them off with a tone as lethal as the knife within Duarte’s satchel. The venom in their eyes faded into recognition. They smirked and knocked the cane away. “Have you finally figured it out?”
Duarte grinded her teeth together, embarrassment and rage colouring her features. She was being an idiot. She was supposed to be better than this, she should just turn around and run as fast as her leg would let her. 
“That you’re me? I don’t think it matters.”
She should do that, but she doesn’t. And she somehow convinces herself that it's the right thing to do. Because she’s better than this. Better than them.
Her answer only agitated her younger self. And it was their younger self, she couldn’t ignore that fact. Their younger, stupid, worse self. Who she’d been trying to escape from for years. 
She regretted admitting it the moment it left her mouth. She regretted checking on them in the first place. How long ago had that been? How long ago had they been walking for? It felt like a moment or two but that couldn’t be right.
No matter how long it had been, it would be longer if she stayed here. Arguing with someone not even worth her breath. She begins to stalk away, with renewed vigour. The plants and trees seem to part around her to clear a path. 
The kid sprinted to catch up with them, sounding for once shocked. “Is that it?”
Duarte kept walking. This was a mistake. All of this. And she’d made too many mistakes in her life to be afforded one more.
“You don’t have anything to say to me? No sage wisdom? Nothing?” The youth swung themself through and around trees, keeping pace with her the whole time. 
Duarte kept her voice low, any louder and it would run away from them. It was nearly consumed by the trees, whisked away by the breeze. “Nothing you’d fucking listen to.”
“Oh come on! Just say something! “ They gesture vaguely to Duarte’s whole being, as though it were an unfortunate affliction or rash. “Just- Just tell me what screws me up this bad to become- this.”
Duarte inhaled shortly. “Screws you up?”
Laughter rang from the hunter’s throat, akin to that of a hyena’s. “Is that not what you’d call it?” It rumbled through their core and into the ground, the earth itself shaking in kind. “Come on, say something! What forces me to become you?”
The trees scream all around them. The shadows watch. The earth shakes beneath them but Duarte cannot find it within her to care. They whirled around.
“You know what? Fine. Here’s some fucking wisdom.” Her footsteps cut through the screaming wind. “How old are you supposed to be right now? Nineteen? A little older? Well, pretty soon you’re going to have to grow up. You’re gonna be forced to realise what you are-”
The wind tousled Duarte’s hair as they spat, venom on their tongue. The wind grasped their hair, pulling at the roots until they bled. The sensation of blood running down their neck was bone chillingly familiar.
The wind bruised her opponent in kind, lashing out at them with a dozen fists. It did not break that damned smile. “Aw, what am I then-”
If the gale would not shut them up Duarte would. She was in front of them in an instant. She grabbed their jaw, clamped her hand around it, her grip more akin to a chokehold. Her nails sunk into their flesh. She hoped it hurt. She hoped it would knock some sense into them before more people got hurt.
“No, no, you wanted wisdom and you’re fucking getting it.” Duarte hissed.
She continued. “You’re going to go on a hunt. You hear about a half blood with a bounty on his head big enough to fund whatever crap you want to indulge in. So you go to the swamp and start looking.”
She can recount that day from memory. The tranquil forest, the radiant sun baking the landscape, the rush of adrenaline in her veins. The stench of blood and regret to shatter that.
“You never find him. You didn’t have a plan. But you did find a crocodile, as big as that fucking bounty, instead.” Her leg pangs. She remembers teeth sinking into it. The vision of her own flesh being rakes across the grass, sinew hanging from its jaws like saliva. “It nearly fucking kills you.”
She remembers dragging herself home. She remembers puking her guts up and the sun cooking that bile. The smell filling her lungs. She remembers being useless and helpless. 
“And that of all things is what knocks some sense into you. That’s what makes you realise that you’re just a pathetic fucking child who thinks they’re too good to try.”
The child’s hand reaches up and forces Duarte’s away, their own nails scraping bloody paths through her wrist. They got closer to her, stance wide and open, as though they were a hunter trying to scare off a wild animal. A challenge was on their breath. “I don’t think that!”
Laughter bubbled up Duarte’s throat, spiteful, hysterical. Duarte pushed it down. “Bullshit. You’ve always thought that. You think you’re better than everyone else, so you never fucking try with them.”
She began to list examples off her fingers. “You never tried with dad, with mom, with any of the other hunters, you never fucking bothered. Always thought yourself above them.” She pushed the kid away from her. “So they finally realised they were above you.”
The blank face of her father when she told him she was leaving, the cynical gaze of her mother every time they crossed paths, the sad eyes of faces she barely remembered but definitely knew. All made themself known, hanging from trees and lurking behind branches. They were shadows. They watched the hunters with formless wonder.
The stranger bit their tongue, jaw clamping shut as their teeth grinded together for the briefest of moments. Blood hurled from their tongue as she yelled back, wind carrying that blood to mark the ground. “How long until they realise the same about you?”
The shadows chattered and gnashed their teeth, chirping like harpies. 
“Go to hell.” She yells to the wind and the hunter and the shadows. They all seemed to be the same. “You are a narcissistic, entitled little shit. That’s why you drove everyone away. That won’t happen to me.”
The hunter cackled. “You’re such an idiot- of course it will! You’re just like me. You’ve just found something new to applaud yourself for.”
The shadows hummed their approval. They stepped forward, snapping twigs underfoot and drawing them into the ink. 
“I mean why wouldn’t you, since you’re so much better than them.” They continued, plastering a hand to their forehead dramatically and pressing their back against Duarte’s chest, the very picture of a tragic hero. The shadows followed suit, surrounding Duarte, caging her as they feigned horror. One grabbed ahold of her leg, one wrapped its arms around her waist, another clawed at her poncho. Each of them helped build a cage of black, an inky darkness that held Duarte in place. 
“Oh I’m just so much more mature-” the hunter’s words drawled, lilting mockingly- “They should be more like me! It’d do them some good, it’s a miracle they haven't been slaughtered already~”
Duarte scrambles to grab her carving knife from her pocket. She unsheathes it within the second and begins a whirlwind of attacks against the dark mass grounding her. “Shut the fuck up!” The shadows crumpled like rags. “You’re twisting it- I’d never say that shit-”
The shadows slinked away like wounded dogs. They pooled at the hunter’s feet. The hunter spun back around and grinned, leaning an arm against Duarte’s chest to prop themself up. “But you thought it! You’ve always thought it- hell the plan was always to wait until your leg was healed, then strike.”
“Because that’s what a good hunter does, right? Not what I would have done, but you get results right?” They clapped approvingly. The noise danced among the dulled hum of the shadows, who were watching with bated breath. “Taking pity on your prey- interesting tactic.”
“The hell would you have done? Gone in guns blazing? You would have gotten distracted by a squirrel.” Duarte laughed. A squirrel poked its head out of the shadows beneath them, and climbed up the hunter’s ankle. They kicked it off and it disappeared back into the puddle. Duarte watched it disappear. “You would have gotten them all killed.”
The hunter scoffed. “Oh, there’s still time in the day for that. Give yourself a little credit.”
Rage boiled in Duarte’s veins. The shadows bubbled like tar. Duarte bore her teeth. “You remember Natalie?”
The hunter flinched. They answered curtly. “Don’t you fucking dare.” 
“What? I was just asking.” Duarte extended their arms outward grandly. A figure sprung up from the puddle. A girl, with long hair and sad eyes. A scar wrapped around her neck like a snake. She looked from Duarte to the hunter, as though she couldn’t tell who was who. “You nearly got her killed. You left her to die, you fucking ran away-”
“I was scared!” The hunter insisted, almost hissing. 
“You left her to die!” Duarte repeated back. Her voice was rough and raw, every ounce of hatred she had for who she was channelled behind it.
“We left her! Why the hell are you talking like we’re- like we’re two different people?!” The hunter tried to yell over her, their voice fueled by desperation and confusion.
The shadow girl sat down into the shadow, and hung her head. She sunk away into the pool. The shadows bubbled further as she disappeared. Duarte ignored her and kept shouting. “We are! I would never do that shit anymore, I care now! With everything I fucking have.” 
“You still let them get hurt.” The hunter spat back at her. Both of them knew who they were talking about. The bubbles frothed and spilled over what invisible force was holding them in place. They blanketed and flooded the dirt and the mud, swallowing tree roots whole. 
The youth raged on. “It doesn’t matter that you care or you’ve changed, you’re still fucking useless!”
On the last word the shadows turned into geysers. Waves erupted from beneath Duarte’s feet and threw her violently to the ground, the back of her skull cracking against a treeroot as she hit the ground. Blood ran down her neck and fell into the shadows. Her whole world off kilter, her vision blurring, she forced herself to stand. A wave of nausea came crashing over her. Her hands flailed about, useless, trying to maintain balance, trying to keep herself from drowning in the shadows. Her cane was knocked away in the flurry, and was now half sunk beneath the waves, only the handle visible. The etching of a thousand bees glared at her. 
She looked up to find what’s left of the forest. The trees were mostly gone, not even their stumps remained. The shadows were halfway up her calves, holding her down with an iron grip. 
In front of her, four figures formed themselves from shadow. 
Three hunters. One stared them down, his eyes a challenge he knew they couldn’t take. The others didn’t even spare her a glance. 
And then the fourth person. A gator, trapped in a net, expression frozen in permanent fear. In a realisation. That nobody was there to save him. Timmy. 
The youth walked among the statues like a tourist. They glanced at Duarte almost nonchalantly, cocking their head and baring their teeth as they strolled leisurely past Timmy. 
“What was the plan here?” Their voice was crackling, loud, clear over the sound of the forest and the shadows. Like lightning.
“I- I was trying to think of something, to save him, I just-” her fingers twitched erratically, picking roughly at the skin around their nails. Blood ran down her palms. “You would have-”
“I wouldn’t have just stood there gawking!” The hunter motioned to Timmy, to the net he was caught in, to the tears welling up in his eyes and to the tears in the mist of falling. There was an intensity to their gestures that betrayed an absolute disgust. 
“You’re a thousand fucking miles away when people actually need you, and yet I’m the irresponsible one, I’m the bad person-” the shadows rose further as the hunter yelled
“You are!” Duarte thrashed in the invisible grip of the shadows. They had risen to her waist. Her poncho was damp, stained, the blue stripe running across it now as deep a blue as the depths of the ocean. Words got caught in her throat and split forth with twice as much force. “You’re an arrogant little brat- you don’t care so you nearly get people killed-”
“Well, you care and that still happens!” The shadows rose faster and further. The hunters were gone by now, consumed by the ink. The gator was almost submerged as well, and yet his eyes were still trained on Duarte until the very last moment. “You’re just as shit a person as me, just admit it-”
“No!” Duarte didn’t let them finish the goddamn sentence. One foot unstuck itself from the mud. Timmy was gone. Nothing but shadow remained. 
“I am a good person!”
The water began to drain itself. It all collected at one point in the air, shrinking, collapsing, a floating orb of darkness was all that remained. It pulsated wildly, looking akin to a dilated pupil, scanning the environment with a nervous fervour. Not a single drop fell as it bubbled in place, a collapsing star bathed monochrome. 
And like all stars it had to burn. 
It began to expand. It built upon itself. First a torso, long and slender with scars running down the length of its back where cutes and ridges should be, its scales rough, damaged. Limbs then spurted forth from the mass, and then claws from those. A tail followed and then a head. Its teeth gleamed in the dying moonlight, like jagged rocks on the coast, like a dagger kept close to the hand. 
But its eyes held no malice. They were blank. They did not care who lived or died; this would all just be another thing the crocodile had seen. 
It turned to the kid. The hunter. The stranger. Who had been knocked down as the shadows receded. They lay there, paralysed, terrified. There was a small gash just above their eyebrow. 
Duarte watched as she was torn apart and consumed into the mass. There was no gore, no blood. It was as though they had never existed. 
It was over. No it wasn’t. Please let them pretend. 
The beast turned to Duarte. Its eyes were changed. Shame now coloured them a deep crimson. 
Kill the ego and what remains? 
Duarte’s face fell. Her heart was in her throat and fighting to get out. She couldn’t breathe. A whisper falls from her lips. 
“I hope.”
The crocodile lunges. 
Duarte jumps out of her bed and slams her head into a wall. A dull pain reverberates through her skull, a bruise undoubtedly forming where it begins. Tears prick her eyes like knife points. She groans as the pain sets in, the memory of what she had seen following suit. The world is made of grey painstrokes, all placed with reckless abandon. 
The world blurs as she fights to breathe, choking down air like a starving man devours food. Her heart pounds in her ears and echoes through the room like thunder. Her every limb is shaking as she sinks to the ground. 
Her breaths remain shallow as she forces herself to her feet. That wasn’t real. That wasn’t real. It shouldn’t matter so stop panicking. 
The world feels far away, the pain in her skull feels like a memory. The soft panging in her leg feels like an old regret. This room feels like a cardboard box; easily torn, easily broken. 
She’s not sure when she dressed herself. But she knows the feeling of her poncho on her back. She knows the harsh cool of the night air as she stares out the back door. 
Footsteps echo from behind her. Bleary eyes stare at her. 
She turns to see a friend. Their friend. Looking at them confused, concerned, something else they don't deserve. She doesn’t have time for this; she can’t be here right now. There was danger here, nothing mattered her, nothing made sense. All she could see were shadows. She needed to go until they were gone, until sunlight drowned all of that out. She wouldn’t be gone long. 
“You should go back to bed. I’m fine, I just- I’ll be back soon. Don’t wait up.” 
And with that she leaves, slamming the door and walking off into the night. 
She’s not sure what she does next. Where she goes. 
She just keeps walking. And walking. The solidity of dirt under foot is something she missed. The stars in the sky shine down at her with a kindness she does not recognize. 
She just keeps walking. Until either the shadows stop following her or at least become easier to see through. Whatever comes first.
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gatorshighfive · 4 months
looking at all my grayscale drawings and i realised that im depriving yall of colour like a sad beige mom
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I want to talk about how I love this specific universe is Monty but I feel like it would be weird to just make that post like how do I explain the fact that Monty and GLaDOS in this universe have children. How do I explained that he is also the enforcer of happiness like, how do I do that without sounding weird, even if I drop the channel. How in the world do I explain this?
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sb humanizations + various vannys :3
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springlock-suits · 2 years
Art dump time~ ahhh I completely forgot to post so many things here TwT
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Drew this for the 8 year anniversary, aka fnaf's "Golden Birthday"
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Finished repainting my Springtrap figure!
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Jack-O-Springbonnie | Twisted Monty
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Figuring out animatronic designs w/ Chica
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Redraw hehe <3
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Lefty art request!
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rozeliyawashereyall · 2 months
Is Renzo X Liya X Ghary real
Oh yeah, totally, look at how real this is
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But of course all three of them have to go through like 4 separate angst arcs in the shape of an extremely melodramatic spanish soap opera and THEN they decided "fuck it we poly"
/jk ... @cruisie and @anniekinsart for Renzo and Ghary
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skrurot · 1 year
How do I blog?
Here doodles
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nope, he’s a magic stealing asshole
Weird. I don’t think our Eclipse would do that… I guess he’s trying to gather it, I guess? Maybe do something with it. -Monty💚
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Guess what crazy white person shit I did yesterday😙😙😙😙😙😙😙✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌💅💅💅💅💅💅💅💅
Ok so I was driving down the highway with my family and I thought I saw an alligator so I yelled gator. We got all the way to the turnout were we lived and we drove back down the highway and we went over the median, which is ILLEGAL, and we didn't see it so my mother started driving BACKWARDS.... But anyways we drove back over the median and started heading down the highway AGAIN. And so we did another illegal crossing of the median and started heading back towards our house looking for the gator. And then my sibling yells out 'THERE IT IS' and my mother swerves to pull over cause we were doing like 70. And you know what the gator was? It was a fucken tree branch......... So basically we did some crazy illegal white people shit over a tree branch.
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Here's the tree branch. It's now being called the 'Pine Gator'. Facts about the pine gator is that it shows up on the side of the road at night and is often mistaken for the common alligator. It is closely related to the tire gator.
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crashtestdummy1003 · 2 years
Writing WIP
Ik the amount of tags is a lot im trying to figure tumblr out rn
Lillian squeezed her eyes shut as her flashlight lit up, illuminating the large area she stood in. Allowing her eyes to recover from the bright shock, she opened them slowly until the light fueled shadows squirming in her vision faded. With a quiet hum, the mechanic swept her light across the floor. Golf balls and a few broken peices of clubs scattered the floor. Taking a step forward, Lillian tried to ignore the crunch of a plastic ear on the ground.
Okay, add a few shattered FazCams to the list of casualties.
Gator Golf was a mess, it was obvious thus far. Lillian couldn't even see more than six feet ahead of her and could already guess a similar state of the rest of the floor. The human took a shuddering breath as she thought about encountering the person- well, animatronic- responsible for all this destruction. It's not like she had a choice; it was her job to fix this, after all.
She just needed to check for any system errors or customer actions that could have caused an outburst. Easy.
If only she could find the guilty bot. He was here, she knew it. Vanessa had said he never left the doors (as far as cams could see, anyway), so Lillian should start here.
Of course the power had gone out just ten minutes before. How convient that the room Lillian would find a dangerous animatronic in would also be pitch black.
Trying to ignore those thoughts, the woman rolled her shoulders and cleared her throat, finally deciding to break the eerie quiet.
"Montgomery?" She called, her voice echoing throughout the wide open space. She sucked in a breath as a huge gator head in the water snapped its jaw open, the sound rattling throughout the room. Heart beat rising, Lillian swept her flashlight around the room once more, squinting at the dark recesses as if it would help her see what lurked in the shadows. She stepped forward and stopped just short of a ledge.
Just as she had stopped, a loud clicking and stomping came from behind and above her. Lillian whirled around, taking quick breaths. A quick flash of her light into the catwalks above yeilded no good results.
"I know you're in here." She hoped her paranoia didn't show in her voice. "I can hear you, Monty." The mechanic turned in a slow circle, her breath coming out in short, quick bursts. She always hated the dark.
After another moment of silence, the woman looked back to the ledge she stood at.
About a foot down, a pool of murky water sat, static. Wrinkling her nose, Lillian leaned over the edge and shone her beam into the water, seeing her own bright blue eyes staring back at her. Just past her reflection, a moldy cement floor and rotting food and trash sat at the bottom of the pool. The occasional golf ball was scattered here or there, likely knocked in by a misjudged putt-putt shot.
"Ugh-" Lillian found herself making her disgust audible. "..when's the last time they cleaned these things?" She muttered, glancing along the edges of the pond. Nope, no drains or filters whatsoever. How did this pass inspection?
Just as Lillian was planning a proposal to management for cleaner sewage systems, a voice brought her back to the present.
"It's been awhile." A deep, gravely voice answered her earlier question, originating from just behind her.
Lillian yelped, grip tightening on her flashlight, and turned on her heels to face the owner of the voice before taking a step back. She realized her mistake as her foot slipped on the ledge behind her and her balance shifted. Squeezing her eyes shut, she braced for the dirty water's impact.
A cool metal arm hooked around Lillian's torso, pulling her away from the disgusting pond and towards the source of her shock.
Monty's hand pressed against Lillian's back, holding her close to his chest. The spiked belt he wore dug slightly into her lower stomach, causing her to squirm a bit.
"Watch yer step." Was all the gator said as Lillian looked up at him, blue eyes wide.
The animatronic's teeth glinted in the flashlight's glow intimidatingly, his red eyes' burning gaze only dulled by the glasses between them and Lillian. Despite his threatening demenor, he seemed.. a lot less angry than the current damages had supposed.
Shaking her head to regain her composure, Lillian pushed her hands against the metal chest she was held to, though it did nothing.
"Was that- you could have told me you were here!" She asked, her annoyance audible in her tone. Silently, she celebrated her fear staying out of her voice.
"I thought ya said ya could hear me." Monty answered. "Ya usually do." He grinned. Oh, he thinks he's smart.
Lillian rolled her eyes and pushed him again, finally being released from his hold. She shivered at the sudden cool air on her skin, but blamed it on the heat produced by the servos in Monty's chest affecting her temperature awareness.
"That- that doesn't give you the right to sneak up on me like that! What, do you enjoy seeing me suprised?" She snapped, still a little embarrassed from the situation- that must be why her cheeks were heating up. Why else?
"I'll admit, it's a lil' amusin' when I manage to sneak up on ya. Don't usually get ta, ya know?" The gator grinned, showing off his sharp teeth and lowering his glasses to wink at the human. His articulated tail clicked behind him as it swept across the floor in amusement.
Lillian flinched at the sight on his teeth, not allowing herself to look down to his clawed hands, supressing a full body shiver. Turning away and walking a few steps away, she clicked her flashlight back on. After a second too long, she responded with a false confidence, throwing the words over her shoulder.
"I'm starting to think you just like catching me."
Lillian smiled lightly to herself at the silence that followed. She lifted her flashlight again, the light creating a circle of visibility once more. The yellow light reflected off of the shattered objects on the floor.
"..So." The mechanic turned around to find Monty with his sunglasses raised above his eyes, his mouth open slightly. When she steadied her gaze on him, the gator snapped his mouth shut and lowered his glasses again, static crackling from his voice box as he synthetically cleared his throat. With a jolt, Lillian remembered reading through his blueprints and schematics, how those jaws could crush her head so easily. She bit her lip, ignoring any knowledge she had on the robot's terrifying capabilites.
"Right. The mess." He grumbled, quickly changing the topic and coughing into his hand.
"Yeah.. that.." Lillian swept her flashlight across the floor in emphasis. "What happened?"
Monty glanced away, crossing his arms. Oh, so now he decides to not cooperate. Lovely.
"C'mon. I'm sure there's a good reason if you did all of this outside of your room." She said, forcing her tone to soften. She was never good at this kind of thing - comforting and adjusting to people was Freddy's area of expertise. Especially with robots twice Lillian's size, with claws that could tear into her skin with the lightest effort. No, no, stop thinking of that. He hasn't done anything yet.
"It ain't important. Jus' tell management I got upset again so they can send someone here ta yell at me. Again." He muttered, growling under his robotic breath. Lillian felt her breath hitch at the way his voice rumbled, feeling a way about it that she didnt really want to acknowledge right then.
"I- well.. Monty, listen. I won't tell management anything in detail. I just need to know what's up so I can help in the future." The mechanic stepped closer, placing a hand on his (much larger) arm. The robot flinched and immediately Lillian wanted to pull her hand away, feeling that was the wrong move. Oh god, this was going to be hard to explain at the emergency room. "She tried to make a seven foot tall murderous robot cooperate in a technical report!" They'd likely refuse to operate on such a fool.
Though, no claws even so much as moved towards her.. No teeth were bared.
Monty glanced to the side then back at her, as if checking that this attempt at comfort was meant for him.
To be continued? Maybe? Idk, i just wanted to write an intersction of when Lillian was still a little frightened by gator boy
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