#how do you disrupt the system of the production of literature from inside the system
i think working in literature has really made me realise that things need to change deeply in how writing is produced, the metrics of what writing is good, the dreams we have for our future books
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legalhub16 · 4 months
Introduction Business law mostly controls the commercial activities, exchanges, and relationships inside the corporate environment. Its ability to guarantee smooth transactions, safeguard interests of stakeholders, and advance the ideas of justice and equity is what gives it significance. This article will examine the historical evolution, underlying ideas, and present relevance of business law to help one comprehend its many levels. I would like to discuss with you today the issues of our future and present. There are several possible paths for the profession, and the business law schools of today will shape its future developments. There will surely be challenges as well as opportunities with these possible futures. These challenges need for forethought, and we need to be prepared for the chances that will surely disrupt business.
I. What is Business?
One way that Akrofi (2019) defines "business" is as "the production, distribution, and sale of goods and services for a profit." Further significant terms like production and distribution are defined as follows after a rigorous analysis of the definition. Production is defined initially as the process of creating, generating services, or turning raw resources into completed products. A couple examples include the conversion of gold ore into jewellery and iron ore into motor parts. Transportation of these products from their production sites to the workplace is known as distribution. It states the connection between justice and the law. These rules help to serve justice to the party who files an injunction for fraud or property damage as long as there is social harmony between them. The Need and Industrial Revolution's Focus on Digitalization of Business Law 4.0 and 5.0 Societies It describes how, in view of the development of information technology, business law is being digitalized and why this is important. Less laws and regulations will overlap, which will also help to further advancement. Nothing is permanent, hence as time passes, our needs and desires also do. They must so require periodic updating or modification. Any law will be considerably easier to update and change with the help of digitalization. The success of regulations in the current day will depend on their digitization because so many companies are now doing business online. A lot more efficient administration of justice will follow from the growth or progress of legal science.
II. Historical Origin of Business Law
The historical origins of business law can be traced back to the establishment of the earliest commercial laws in the prehistoric age. These regulations were designed to facilitate trade and resolve conflicts. The evolution of business law is a gradual shift from informal legal systems to more formal and established procedures. The establishment of modern business jurisprudence can be attributed to the evolution of the English common law system and the emergence of crucial legal principles such as contracts and torts. Business law encompasses a broad spectrum of legal principles that govern various aspects of economic activity. Contract law, property law, intellectual property rights, company law, and competition law are significant concepts. Contract law, a fundamental component of economic transactions, governs the establishment, enforcement, and termination of agreements. Intellectual property safeguards stimulate ingenuity and originality in the business realm by safeguarding inventions and artistic creations. Corporate entities are regulated by both company and competition laws, which also safeguard fair trade. Most of the literature on companies law focuses on the legal aspects of registered companies as outlined in the different companies Acts or laws that govern the establishment and administration of companies. However, these discussions frequently refer to the broader concept of business organisation, often using analogies. According to William T. Allen and Reinier Kraakman, corporation law specifically focuses on the establishment and management of private legal entities that play a central role in the economy of modern society. Consequently, it pertains to the administration of vast accumulations of power and riches. The text addresses essential issues such as the establishment and financing of corporate organisations, the allocation of control over internal affairs, the monitoring of their economic performance, and the available methods to enhance performance.
III. What is Business Law for?
Studying what should be the focus of company law? during the process of determining the extent of company law, is a question that immediately comes to mind. Is it appropriate for the Companies Act to be the exclusive application system? Is that something that involves a partnership? Should there be a mention of taxes? The area of law known as company law is concerned with the laws that govern corporations and other types of business organisations, with a particular emphasis on business companies. To what purpose should a corporation be organised as a company? As a consequence of the purpose, our investigation into business law will be more narrowly focused and will have a scope that is more accurately defined. There is a lot of variety in the subject matter covered in the class titled "Corporations and Other Business Enterprise." The phrase "Business Corporations" has a definition that is more specific than the terms "Business Organisations" or "Enterprise Organisations." Among the many types of businesses and organisations that are not considered to be associations, the term "Business Association" does not include one of these types. Today's difficulties and complexities are many. The complexity of international trade, the quick advancements in technology, and the globalisation of commerce have all contributed to the emergence of new challenges for the field of business law in the period of the digital age. There is a growing number of concerns over the rules governing e-commerce, cybercrime, and data privacy. Additionally, the ethical components of corporation law have become more significant, which necessitates the strike of a balance between the pursuit of profit-driven aims and the obligation to be socially responsible.
IV. Role and Problematic Area in Modern Commerce
The significance of business law in contemporary commerce can be succinctly stated as follows: business law influences corporate behaviour and safeguards the interests of numerous stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and consumers. It provides a well-organized framework for the enforcement of corporate governance norms, the resolution of conflicts, and the fulfilment of legal obligations. Furthermore, the efficacy of the market is preserved by company law, which prohibits monopolistic behaviour and promotes healthy competition.
The primary concern with corporate law is comprised of two sections. The initial step is to ensure that the laws of the country are implemented accurately. Occasionally, laws may appear aesthetically pleasing; however, they may experience difficulties in their effective operation following their implementation. Consequently, the legislation that was enacted must be both practicable and enforceable. Legislation that is not designed with its application in mind will prove to be ineffective. Many nations have occasionally emulated the regulations of other nations without fully understanding the nature of their own business environment. This will also result in a conflict between businesses and customers. In countries where firms are more powerful than individuals and individuals are unable to secure their own interests, commercial law must be capable of protecting the rights and interests of individuals from commercial abuses.
Conversely, certain countries require the establishment of business regulations that are advantageous to entrepreneurs who establish businesses, as they perceive it as a difficult endeavour. It is imperative that the company optimise its processes and operations, as it will be a significant contributor to the nation's economy. Good business laws are essential for the operation of thriving businesses, and as a result, no country can currently establish an economy without them. Consequently, the economy of the nation will be indirectly benefited by business laws. Secondly, it is imperative to establish effective business regulations that can withstand the nation's business environment and be embraced by both merchants and citizens. This will be feasible only if the laws are capable of safeguarding the interests of both parties and are practicable to implement. The nation's economic progress will be substantially impeded if the number of firms in the nation is reduced due to the excessive burden of the law on business operations. It should not be unnecessary in order to benefit businesses; otherwise, it will serve as an incentive for schemes and frauds to flourish in the nation.
V. Judicial Pronouncements
This article examines pertinent case studies to show how corporate law impacts real-world scenarios. The Enron scandal serves as a reminder of the need of sound company governance and the fallout from unethical actions. The patent dispute between Apple and Samsung serves as a timely reminder of the significance of intellectual property protection in the technology industry. These examples demonstrate the nuanced interplay between commercial and legal considerations.
Anticipating the future of company law requires acknowledging the need for adaptable rules that can take into account changing customer behaviour, market dynamics, and technology advancements. International harmonisation of business legislation is necessary to provide seamless cross-border transactions. Their significance is another element that encourages moral business conduct through legal frameworks.
VI. Concluding Remarks:
With regard to this matter, the fundamental essence of business law extends beyond the legal requirements and procedures that are imposed by the law. It embodies a dynamic combination of historical history, fundamental ideas, and challenges that are occurring in the present day, all of which work together to shape the commercial environment. In order to navigate the intricate web of commerce while adhering to standards of justice, equity, and ethics, it is essential for businesses, attorneys, and legislators to have a thorough understanding of its complexities. Changing the intricacies of business law is necessary in order to guarantee that it will continue to be applicable and effective in the same way that the global business world does.
VII. Bibliography
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jyunshiim · 3 years
Daisies & Clementine’s  *✬★*’☽* ✬ ⤷Han X Reader
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Genre → fluff | friends to lovers | childhood friends to lovers |
Contains → fluff 
Listen to →  playlist I was inspired by
Word count → 7K (7749) 
TW → none
Summary: You and Jisung have been childhood companions for many years. Growing up was a breeze for you both, sharing a lot and being there for each other when each other were in need. Jisung asked you one day if you were allowed to spend a month holiday on Jeju Island with him and his family. A simple holiday, yet held great value.
The saying goes, that there is one person in the world that is meant for you: a soulmate. Although some soulmates aren’t so easy to find, hidden in the depths of the shadows of your life almost hidden until the last moments of your life. Unfortunately, it does happen but what is more common are soulmates that don’t even know it yet. Only until you feel like you’ve lost them or that they might not return what you have for them until something ever so specific happens.
The stars were glittering in the ebony abyss above you and your best friend Jisung. Jisung had always been your friend ever since that one time in school where you were mocked for not understanding a mathematics question and he helped you and became your tutor ever since. You weren’t the best with number and often struggled with understanding mathematical concepts but Jisung was there for you and took his precious time to study with you, day in day out. Without fail, his warm grin always consoled you as if he was indirectly telling you “it’s okay, I’m here for you”. You knew he’d be your home and your comfort even if you both went your separate ways and found love one day. You were both 16 at the time when he used to tutor you and by the time you both turned 18 and were making crucial life choices, you made choices you were 100% sure with. You didn’t want to leave Jisung behind and going to the same local university in your city was the only thing you could do to stay with him. Your parents didn’t like the idea of you pursuing a career in arts, particularly anything to do with literature and writing. It was deemed ‘useless’ in their eyes, so lacklustre of you. They were certain you weren’t getting anywhere with a degree in literature, but you loved writing; it was your form of expression. Jisung supported it all the way through. He chose to do music composition and production which he was outstanding at. You vividly remember during your summer break he wrote a song about the pair of you going to the convenience store and made it sound so mesmeric. Your best friend Jisung. What would you do without a friend like him?
The biting cold making icicles at the tip your fingertips, the tip of your nose as crimson as sweet cranberries, your knee bouncing up and down trying to warm you up. “what’s taking him so long?” you say to yourself as you stand up although during that moment, you see a chestnut brown-haired boy bolting down the streets, his fleece long jacket flailing in the polar winds, the hood of his hoodie falling off his head. Your face lights up – as always- when you saw his panicked face bolting through crowds of people who too were shopping. It was so endearing how he ran, a half jog half run. You laugh to yourself gripping the heat packs in your pocket until he arrived in front of you his hands, knuckles tinted light carmine, resting on your shoulders panting for breath.
“where were you?” your hands searching your pockets for the heat packs you had and holding it against his face, Jisung sniffling because of the cold weather. “I-I was trying…trying to buy something and the-” he struggles to speak as he holds his chest. “hey Jisung stop talking, let’s get you warm,” you hold his hand, a heat pack between your palm and his; fingers interlocking to keep it in place. It made him feel warm inside and out, a smile appearing on his face as he looked down, his brown wavy hair flopping down. The café had a homely feel, ever so reminiscent. You never knew why; possibly the rustic feel to it the lower ceilings and roof supports with warm fairy lights coiled around them. The counter was made out of a light wood, oak perhaps. You weren’t too keen on identifying trees. “You sit here okay, and I’ll be back with our drinks okay Han?” only you were allowed to call him by his surname although he claimed it as his nickname. He nodded, smiled sweetly and sat cosied up in an arm chair. “Do you want me to hold your bag for you?” he grabbed your arm before you left and you turned around. “oh yeah sure! That’d be great thank you,” you take your bag off your shoulder and he grabs the bag into hands and places it in his lap.
Jisung loved bitter coffee paired with a sweet dessert. The pure happiness he would endure simply from a strawberry cheesecake and any type of Americano coffee, hot or cold. It was different to you; you loved sweet drinks and savory-ish snacks (although a cheesecake was always so delightful when you were with Jisung). Jisung’s eye would sparkle, like he was holding the entire universe, whenever he saw something, he loved. Damn you for being so blind, his love for cheesecake was godly. Jisung warmed up, the condensation on the window making it fog up so he drew a smiley face. He was happy. You walk over with your tray and he immediately got up to take the tray out of your hands and place it down himself. “you never disappoint me,” he gasps at the creamy cake and the piping hot coffee. “I’m your best friend I will never forget until the day I die!” you pledge to him before sitting down giggling at his endearing reaction to such a simple food. You tear a bit of your croissant and place it in your mouth letting the subtle sweetness and savoury enthral you. The combination with your caramel macchiato, the combination of flavours combining and comforting you. Jisung introduced you to the caramel macchiato and croissant combination and ever since you got that every single time. “how are you feeling now Han?” you ask him, whilst leaning on your hand and tilting your head at him. He gazes into your eyes and smiles endearingly, “a lot better now, I was trying to get your birthday present, and I got held up! I am sorry about that,” he apologises. “what! You didn’t have to what the hell!” you lean over the table and slap his shoulder gently. “hey it is MY duty to take care of you until someone decides to sweep you off your feet,” he tuts, “they better treat your right!” he warns you for your future relationships. You nod and agree with what he says, “well my bestie Hannie will be there for me and likewise I will be there for you too!” you rub a tiny spec of cheesecake from the corner of his mouth, “a child, that’s what you are,” you joke with him.
You were disrupted by a strong gust of wind that collided with the glass where Jisung drew his smiley face and droplets of rain appears dragging down the window. The pattering of the raindrops where almost rhythmic, like the universe was performing for you. In fact, you loved the rain a lot that you wished to have your first kiss in the rain – it was cliché and cheesy – but Jisung always listened to your dreams and desires and what you wished for. The rain was comforting, like the clouds were telling you it was okay to be sad and to cry now and then. You were full of content in this given moment; a warm coffee between your palms, the icicles melting off and the colour in your frostbitten hands appearing. “do you want to try some?” Jisung scoops a spoonful of cheesecake and hovers over the table holding it in front of you. It was endearing, he always shared everything he had and of course you did the same. “of course?” you take the spoon from him and taste the cheesecake. The sweetness infiltrating your system as soon as it touched your tastebuds. “wow this place does really good cheesecakes, perhaps I’ll have to come here more often!” you smile at him. The bellicose rain thrashed against the window now, the winds were stronger, but you had to leave to get home although you needed to take a 30-minute bus journey back home and the weather was abysmal! “you are in no way going home in this weather!” Jisung tutted, “luckily, I do live literally around the corner,” he was definitely inviting you over, he was very clingy! “I can just go home; the bus comes in like-” you check your phone. 45 minutes. “never mind I will gladly take your considerate offer,” you laugh. “ah these buses aren’t the best now are they, let’s go now before there are too many people on the streets!” he stands up fixing his little jacket and handing back your bag. “unless you want me to hold it,” he offers. He was so selfless and sweet. “you’re not my boyfriend so why would you! It’s okay, I can take it back,” you play around.
You thank the baristas before Jisung pushes the glass door open for you and lets you go first. “I don’t have a hood!” you squeal before putting your hands above your head but Jisung was on his feet to the rescue, holding out his jacket and covering you with it. “let’s run to the convenience store alright! In 3, 2, 1-” you clutched onto his jacket covering you and bolted with his laughing at the playful noises he made before sheltering at the convenience store. You looked around the store for a few things to snack on. “I’ll pay so get whatever you like since you paid for my coffee,” he holds the basket. “shut up, you bought me a birthday present when I didn’t want you to!” you tut at him, “god what am I gonna do with you?” you scoff jokily. You see a pile of Clementine’s which you had to get because you loved them so much and it reminded you of the summers you used to drink fresh orange juice with Jisung near the river. You put them in the basket and Jisung looked confused; “oranges?” he looks at you with confusion. “I just really like oranges Jisung,” you smile. He took a mental note of that. After grabbing a few snacks, it was still raining, and he did the same thing again sheltering you with his own jacket and running to his house which was a minute or two away.
The door to his home creaked open, and the warmth hitting your face as quick as a train on tracks. The waft of freshly cooked rice drifts past your nose and it reminds you of all the times you and Jisung got stuck in the rain, just like this very occasion, and his mother made warm rice with a savoury soup. Jisung takes your jacket and takes it to his room to hang it up and comes back to the kitchen. “it’s raining bad so is it okay if-” Jisung gets cut off by his parents, “of course she can! Any time and if she needs to stay, we can accommodate her too!” His mother adored you, it was endearing. After your quick dinner with his parents, which his parents were more than happy to provide for you, you sat in Jisung’s bedroom. His room was as neat as it could be. When walking in, his bed was in the far-left corner pointing towards the large window, to the right of his room was his mic, computer and music equipment and next to that was his shelf with various different items like trophies and frames as well as the daisy chain he made for you. He also has his TV attached to the corner of his wall.
“oi why did you keep the daisy chain?” you asked him as he turned around, his hand on the remote to turn on the small TV in his room. “it’s pretty, isn’t it?” He gives a playful smile before jumping onto his bed and leaning against the headboard. “I never took you for such a sappy sentimental person,” you nudge him. “you learn something new every day,” he smiles before turning something on to keep you occupied. This was just comfort. Just you and your best friend of many years, spending quality time together. Your head lay on his dog plushie – which you gifted him so he would stop complaining he was lonely –your locks sprawling over it. Jisung glances over to you entranced by your own thoughts, a whole world inside your mind – he was intrigued as to what you were thinking. “hey, what are you thinking?” he sits up leaning down so he was in front of your face. It only came to your realisation he was laying next to you, face to face to get your attention. You sit up. “oh umm-“ you think fast, “the oranges!” you point at his desk at the clementine’s sat perfectly in the punnet it was in. You and Jisung spent an hour or so watching a show and talking about university and how you want to travel the world. He listened to you attentively to every word you said before his parents knocked and said that the rain storm had stopped and they can take you home. So shortly after, you gathered your belongings and Jisung followed you and his parents to the car. You forgot one thing, your hair tie that had a little rabbit charm on it; you had it ever since you were little and you forgot it at his house, at least it was Jisung though. Since then something changed in the air. A shift. Although only time will tell and expose what changed.
6:35 am your alarm blared through your bedroom, your head tucked under your grey and white sheets trying to accumulate warmth since you had to manually turn the heating on. You groaned tiresomely, your arm extending to find your phone, knocking it off the bedside table. You wanted to cuss it out because morning where NOT your forte. You sit up and grab your robe and draped it over your body and go to the bathroom to freshen up before getting ready for university. Jisung woke up at 8 because the campus was so near but you had to commute. You took your time doing your makeup and getting dressed, grabbing your bag and putting your notebook, laptop, stationary and your pouch in. You grab a jacket and your umbrella before promptly leaving at 7:57 am to catch the 8am bus to get to school. You managed to get to campus just before your lecture allowing you some time to get coffee to wake up a bit however… that plan did not seem very doable since the queue was incredibly long, so you gave up and went to the library to sit in your usual seat and wait for the lecture.
“hey!” you hear a whisper, and you ignore it thinking it was for someone else before you feel someone breathing on the back of your neck. Your instinct would be to slap the person but as you turn around with a fearful expression, you realise it’s Jisung with his starry eyes giving you that smile. “I got here early and got you your favourite,” he points at the seat you both sit at which was hidden behind a bookshelf. It was a large table where no one really sat since students preferred to work in groups. University life was different to high school. You had other friends which was nice; Sana did Biochem, so it was hard to get a hold of her, Chan was a sports and exercise student, and Seungmin studied nutrition. Jisung also had some friends from high school like Changbin who was doing the same course as you – literature- although he focused on the poetry section more, and Hyunjin who studied business and management. You did meet them often but of course you were closer to Jisung.
You saw the packaged croissant and the coffee on the table, and you thanked Jisung. He took his time to actually get you coffee before your lecture. “you have a couple minutes, at least you can drink it during the class!” he pats your shoulder. “don’t you have a lecture at 11am?” you ask him since that’s when yours finish. He nods. “I’ll be done by 2-ish? We can go and grab some lunch if you want?” he suggests. “how about we meet with Sana, Chan, Seungmin and Changbin for lunch?” you counter-suggest – if that is a word!-
“is Hyunjin busy?” Jisung asks a little confused. “Oh no he WAS the one who asked the other day and I replied to him now.” You smile so Jisung goes along with whatever you wanted to do.
You open your notebook to take some notes for your class and you see Changbin walking in and he sees you. Changbin was intimidating, at first glance, although he was sensitive and kind when you talk to him and get to know him better. “hey, I’m not late right?” he asks getting out his Ipad to take notes. You shake your head; “have you got your anthology yet?” Changbin asked you. You shake your head, you forgot about the anthology. “well that’s good because I saved you one,” he hands you the book of poetry. You were relieved, your degree relied on this book. “oh my god thank you!” You show your gratitude. “anything for a friend of Jisung’s and mine,” he smiles before turning back to face the front as the lecturer walks in and begins.
After class and meeting with your other friends for lunch, you all met at an Italian restaurant which was incredibly popular. It had been a while since you had a meal with all of them since classes took over your lives. “hey isn’t your birthday tomorrow?” Sana asks, her sweet smile brightening up the entire room. “Yeah it is wh-” but before you could say anything, she hands you a tiny pink bag. “I might have time so I got your gift today!” Sana was such an amazing friend. You thank her and open the bag and the small box inside to reveal an teddy keyring with your initials engraved on a small silver plaque looking keyring. “omg this is so cute thank you so much!”
“Now, open my one,” Jisung holds a blue bag with silver ribbon on the front. “now?” you ask him. “well yeah you opened Sana’s one?” so you opened the bag and it was in a slightly larger box; once you opened it a small gasp left your mouth and at that exact moment the food arrived. “what great timing I’m so hungry!” Changbin went in for the food and everyone else followed, conversing with each other and catching up, but you were still trying to process what he bought you. A silver necklace with a daisy charm and both of your initials on the back. “I’ll always be here for you, you know how that daisy chain is so sentimental to me, I hope this is too.” He leans in and quietly speaks. You were lost for words. You tried to splutter out a thank you, but he knew how thankful you were from your mere reaction.
The evening went as planned; you and your friends hung out after so long, work was intense but having a cheat day like this was indeed liberating. Jisung taps your shoulder gently as you wave Sana goodbye under a dimmed streetlight and the obscure night sky. It was hazy tonight; the cool fog making it hard to see anything ahead of you. Jisung stood next to you and you turned to him once Sana left. “are you thinking what I’m thinking Han?” you give a playful smile and rock back and forth on your tiptoes, “coffee and cake?” he asks as if he didn’t know that was your thing with him. “Of course!” you put your hands on his back and push him in the direction you wanted to go in; “over there!” you point. It was a night café situated along a remote street that was diverted away from main traffic. A large white sign lit up the dark street which directed you and Jisung to a well-lit night café that had a couple people inside enjoying their night with their friends or significant other. There were outdoor seats which weren’t occupied because of the drop in temperature but it would be nice to come here more often since the location was incredible. Jisung pushes the door open and lets you in first, following you and looking around for somewhere to sit. A circular table with two chairs in the farthest corner which was surrounded by bookshelves but renowned authors; Jisung chose to sit there and asked you to go and reserve that seat. “What are you doing?” your voice conveying disarray. “it’s on me tonight,” his smile appeared. That smile. Your heart did that thing again though you shook it off. It was nothing right? You sat yourself down, putting your purse on the table along with your phone; the books were intriguing you, there were many of them ranging from sonnets and poems to crime and mystery literature. You knew you weren’t much of a reader, but one did capture your attention. It was by an author called Ivan Turgenev, the book was called ‘First love and other stories’ – people writing about love was something you wish you could’ve done but you don’t know how love feels? The cover of the book was rough a cerise fabric-like texture, the title written in a gold on the spine of the book. Jisung comes over unexpectedly and leans over your shoulder eyeing at the hardback you seized. “what’s that? Love stories?” he pouts as you turn around in a panic, Jisung grabbing the book out of your hand, his fingertips grazing against your hand. If you had your Apple watch on right now, your heart rate would’ve been way too obvious. “O-Oh I was looking at the book shelf, they have so many well-known books and authors an-” your flustered ramble was interrupted by Jisung; “you want to read love stories, that’s understandable… it’s a good book I would recommend it,” he hands the book gently and points at the tray with the coffee cups filled to the top, the two cheesecake slices; one orange and the other strawberry. You gasp at the orange cheesecake – “oh my god they exist!” you sat down at the table, tucking the chair in. The aroma of the roasted coffee beans was intense although it made you feel comfort. You glance up at Jisung as he picks up the silver form and digs into the tip of the cheesecake, allowing there to be enough strawberry syrup and cheesecake. He holds it up to his mouth and notices you looking at him – with the most stupid look on your face, painted with adoration – so he held it out for you. “here, try it before I do,” his expressions were soft and gentle. “huh? Why, it’s yours?” you try to refuse. It didn’t work. “because-” he thinks for a second, “sharing is caring.” He fondly beams. You couldn’t deny it but he held the fork and you endured such sweetness swirling around, dancing on your tastebuds, the bitterness of your coffee counteracting with the dessert; it was utterly perfect. “nice?” he asks. “of course, as always!”
You didn’t realise at the time, but it was an analogy that you didn’t realise. The bitterness occurring in your life being stabilised by someone so sweet, attentive and ever so cherishing. It made sense.
You took a forkful of your orange cheesecake although it didn’t cater to your taste. “are you alright, do you not like it?” Jisung asks you. You shake your head, “ it tastes too artificial..” you hold the remaining cake on your fork and place it on the plate. It was disappointing, yes but Jisung swapped the ceramic plates with his. “here have mine, I’ll have this!” he takes whatever remained on the fork and takes a bigger chunk. You know what they say about sharing drinks, does it apply to forks? “O-oh thank you Han,” you smile softly, you couldn’t help but feel so warm inside. After spending some time at the café it was time to go home although Jisung insisted he would take you home safely first before he goes home. “no no, I can go myself,” you asserted. Jisung tutted and rolled his eyes playfully as he always does. “Why?” you ask waiting for a valid response. “Because it’ll take you even longer to get home!” you raise your voice a little louder but not too loud to bring attention. “well.. I’ve stayed over before..” he reminded you. Ah yes.. he did didn’t he. Your parents were okay with Jisung and already mentioned that if you dated him, it’d be best. God why did they think like that?  “I’m joking, I’ll get a taxi and we can go together,” he thought. You nod agreeing with him.
A couple weeks pass and you were on call to Jisung whilst studying. It was really late, around 2am but your Film project wasn’t going to do itself. He kept company since he just never slept. “want me to come over to study with you?” he asks. You were shocked at the offer. “at 2am? Are you crazy!” your voice becomes a little harsh as you tried to stay quiet. “maybe we should look for campus accommodation or an apartment we can split the rent for!” he suggests. It wasn’t a horrible idea, there would be some leeway for you to do whatever you like. “I’ll see for next semester; we can get looking though!” although you didn’t realise, he meant move in together. You and Jisung met up later that day at the university library, your laptop with all your editing software open, editing your short film that you filmed of him. It was about how you romanticised life and how everything was symbolic for something; Jisung pointed at himself. “what do I symbolise,” he asks tilting his head taking in the moving image. You pause, what if your feelings have changed? You lied. “you’re my best friend of course,” you smile through the pain knowing he will never feel the same. His cheeks flare a rosy hue. Even such words made him happy. “hey,” he enquires, “are you free August 1st?” you think for a moment. “That’s a couple months away but I should be, I can make sure nothing happens that day, why?” You seemed so confused. “My family and I are going to Jeju for a visit and I was wondering if you wanted to come as well?”
“That would be nice, I haven’t been there yet either,” you let out a quiet laughter. “please, it would be so nice to have you there too!” he leans into you a little and laying his head on the table and smiling. Stop smiling like that – you think. “maybe I’ll consider it if you weren’t acting like a child,” your nervousness was seeping through. “a child? Isn’t that just my ecstatic personality hm?”
You scoff and continue focusing on your editing, a deep feeling of resent brewing within – why did you film Jisung AND fall for him? Wasn’t falling in love with your best friend a crime in any friendship? You took a deep breath; if you ignore it, it will be fine.
You stare at your oyster-white ceiling, covered in plastic leaf vines along the ends of your room the window open ajar enough to let in the gelid night breeze in, gliding onto your begs making you quiver. You didn’t want to shut it, you were too consumed by sundry thoughts about him; the way your heart thumped out of your chest, it paining you to see his boxy smile or when he would run up to you and embraced his arms around you tenderly full of compassion. He cared so much for you but you felt like you were too late to return any of it. Feelings are the way they are; ruthless in nature, eradicating almost every bit of rational though you possessed. You groaned feeling ever so dishevelled. You hand on your chest and a stone in your throat; you found it hard to accept you liked him – a lot more than just ‘like’, that word was too ineffective. Jisung’s pure demeanour flashes in and out of your head; when his hand touched yours when you held that one book at the night café, the way he let you have his jacket as a shelter, the way he kept the shrivelled-up daisy chain on his shelf; it was the way he did everything for you. Jisung played the guitar for you nearly every time you asked and sung for you even though he wasn’t confident in his vocals. But you didn’t want to bring your hopes up and embarrass yourself. That’s when it happened – the butterflies intruded and that’s when you knew your monotonous routine of life was demolished. With that being said, your eyes began to heavy, shutting slightly before your eyes fully closed. Dreamland is where you were transported to you…
Your trip to Dreamland gave you all the answers you needed.
It was a Saturday and you waited outside of a café waiting for Jisung. It was warmer, much warmer. You remembered that one winter’s evening when you and Jisung were caught in a storm in the exact place. You switch your phone on to see the time, the photo of you and Jisung gleaming back at you. It was a cute photo; Jisung slyly ate some of your ice cream getting a little bit on the tip of his nose and you laughing at him and wiping it off with your thumb. Your other friends really liked capturing you two, they said you were soulmates which you ignored because you didn’t believe in soulmates. Emphasis on didn’t – times change and so do people.
“Hey!” Jisung startled you, nearly dropping your phone. “you alright there,” he chuckled at you. “Not funny!” you couldn’t help but smile. “you seem to be in a good mood!” he smiles with his teeth, draping his arm around you, clutching his fist to respect you. “so what do you want to do today?” he asks you.
“why do you keep asking me?” you pout slightly. “why not?” Jisung pushes his hair back, his chestnut locks resting back into its natural position.
“We should go to a café then get matching bracelets because YOU promised we’d get matching ones and then maybe at sun set, go to Namsan Tower?” you suggest. “Did you plan this last night when I told you to go to sleep?”
You didn’t, you saw it in your dream.
“l-lets just go!” you grab his arm and take him inside the café to get a cool drink to quench your thirst.
His eyes attentively scanned the menu, looking at all the cold drinks he could get. “what are you getting,” he asked. “hmm I really feel like having the grapefruit one!” you point at the menu, “what are you getting?” you ask Jisung, “which one sounds nice?” he asks again.
You can the menu again; “blueberry tea sounds really tasty!” you say. He nods that same look of compassion; he was enthralled by you yet you didn’t even know.
She was beautiful. The way she looked up at me and smiled; her fierce attitude to everything made me want to scream, toss and turn in my bed; she made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. I was foolish for falling for her – my best friend – but what can I do if whenever I see her, the tempestuous storm within me is appeased at her presence. She makes me feel at home. Her amicable nature, so captivating. The face she made when she was displeased was endearing even if she thought it was hideous, to me she was like a gem that was waiting to be found and I’m glad to have found her first. I was devoted to her; there won’t be another who makes me feel the way she does. She’s my first love. And I am willing for her to be my last if nothing is returned. Her happiness is all that matters to me…
Sipping your drinks in the sunlight was refreshing. You both got your bracelets to match; inexpensive yet it meant the whole world to you – and him.  “there are some benches over there!” you point, grabbing his spare hand without a second though and running towards it. The sun began to wane and the stars began to emerge; simultaneously, the sky bled into an inky black allowing the stars to glow and gleam brightly. It was like how Jisung endured everything for you to let you shine. Like in school, how he would quite literally get hurt to keep you safe. You owed him a lot. “isn’t the moon really pretty tonight?” you point at the lustrous pearly orb that reigned the void sheathing the earth. “yeah, she’s really pretty tonight,” Jisung speaks softly. You didn’t realise how Jisung said ‘she’; he gazed at you, infatuated by none other than you. His fingers twitched to intertwine between your fingers, to lay a gentle kiss on your cheek. He waited for the right time.
A few months went by until it was the day of the trip Jisung planned to go on with his family. You stand in the centre of your bedroom with a small suitcase since it was for two weeks; you packed your necessities and your chargers, some hair ties and your book. You zipped up your suitcase and grabbed your other bag to throw in your pouch, phone, airpods and whatever else you needed easy access to. Jisung walks into your room with a knock; “hey your mum let me in, ready for me to take your stuff?”
And from there, everything began to unfold.
The journey there was peaceful considering the fact you always fell asleep at least 15 minutes into any car journey. Your head resting against the car window, although Jisung noticed that it wasn’t very relaxing when your head kept bumping against the car; he moved to the middle and gently moved your head to rest onto his shoulder his arm around you, so you were comfortable. He could feel his heart explode 50 fireworks every time he looked at you. He was spellbound by you.
Your Island holiday started off with a tour of Jisung’s holiday home; a pretty looking home with sliding doors and traditional architecture. “This is my room, and I think my parents are allowing you your own room which is the guest room,” he opened the door to the guest room and you were rapt but the view it had of the ocean. You dropped your bags and ran to the large windows and swung then open; the sound of the birds and the swashing of the sea infused your system. It felt refreshing. “It’s really pretty isn’t it, I love coming here,” he leaned against the window sill. Especially with you. He thought. “well, I’ll let you get comfortable and perhaps we can go exploring a little bit or we might have something to eat.. I don’t know but get comfy!” he says before shutting the door and leaving you alone with the ocean and your busy mind to unwind.
The saxe blue ocean pushed up against the bisque grains of sand, pulling back and leaving behind a platinum foamy residue. You thought of you and Jisung holding hands and walking down the beach at sunset like every couple does. The air felt lighter so you inhaled deeply and tried to let go of everything you had on your mind. You heard a knock at the door; it was Jisung’s mother. “are you hungry?” she smiled with immense amount of love and gentleness in her eyes. “of course! I’ll come now!” you close the windows and grab your phone as his mother smiled at you. Family meals with his family felt so natural although today Jisung was a lot more reserved as usual. Usually he would say something stupid or be extroverted. “You okay?” you whisper across the table. “h-huh, OH yeah I am, I’m tired that’s all.”
It wasn’t like him but you knew it wasn’t you that was the reason.
After dinner, you followed him back to the bedrooms; “Jisung,” you utter “Hm?” he turns around, the pair of you face to face now. “Do you want to watch the stars with me?” you ask nervously but you saw the way his brows raise from a furrow and the corner of his lips raise. “Of course I would, I’ll go change and come to you alright?” you nod your head and do the same thing. As you close the door you exhale. You don’t know why you were so nervous. But soon enough, he knocked and asked permission to come in. You both sat on the bed and gazed at the twinkling stars outside; “sometimes I wish I could be a star,” you begin. “Why is that?” Jisung asks looking down at you laying your head near thigh; “they’re so carefree and pretty and I-”
“but so are you?” he defends. “what?” you get up and look at him, your hair covering the sides of your face. He tucks your hair behind your ear; “you mean more than you think, to someone out there you just don’t know yet.. The way we’re looking at stars right now someone must’ve saw you the same way and wished they saw you again.. because it’s hard to find ONE special star amongst many,” Jisung was extremely poetic today.
“Han-” you were interrupted again. “the moon is out again, look!” he points as you lay back down this time on his thigh as he shifted it closer to where you were laying. It felt natural. His hand hesitated to touch your hair, to play with your locks but he found the courage to. You felt your soul levitate but luckily he couldn’t see your face.
The sun beamed into your room, the light material curtains flailing in the ocean breeze; Jisung wasn’t in the room. You were resting on a pillow with a blanket over you, it seems like he left later when you fell asleep again. The aroma of breakfast began to waft through the gap of the door to which you thought it would be a good idea to get up and get ready. You opened the door and yelped as you saw Jisung smiling ear to ear at your door. “Good morning sleepy head-” as he grabbed your hand. “w-wow where are we going!” you yelped. “breakfast but at a special place!” he says. “bye we’ll be back!” Jisung waves to his parents. You make your way down paths until you reached a little shop – a coffee shop. “I loved this place and I always wanted to bring you here!” he opens the door and the strong scent of bread and other patisserie struck you. “this is where my love for cheesecake came from!” he smiles. He seemed very happy.
You panicked internally. Did..you kiss! That thought didn’t feel right !!
Jisung toured you around. He showed you places he used to love as a child and things that made him happy – even happier that he could share it with you – from the rocks near the sea, to the bakery. He showed you where he carved his name on a tree on the way back to the family home. “maybe I should carve yours too!” he looks for a sharp stone and gets right to it. You watch him be so happy and acted out to yourself how you would confess to him. maybe you shouldn’t right? Soon after, you both slowly walked home but Jisung stopped again. “hey look!” he points at this tree. “what about it?” you ask until you looked up to see bright orange oranges hanging from verdant leaves. “oh my! I want one!” you say trying to grab out until Jisung stands extremely close behind you leaning over to twist one off. “Thanks-” you say although he begins peeling the skin off himself with a smile of endearment painted across his face. “I can do it myself!” you try to grab it off him. “aaaa-” he says holding a piece to your mouth with your accept, his thumb grazing against your bottom lip. “oh it’s really tasty!” you say. “open wide,” he jokes as he holds another one. “I’m not a baby!” you whine. “yeah you are,” he laughs running forward. “come and get me!”
This was the Jisung you knew and loved.
He grabbed your hand once you caught up to him, his fingers intentionally interlocking fingers and smirking at you playfully before running back to the house. You had so much fun. More than you usually do and you felt closer to Jisung. The exchanging of looks and playfully flirty remarks is all that you would remember from today. Especially, his thumb grazing your bottom lip; his soft gaze was still intense; it still made you feel nervous.
Being with Jisung was homely. His genial personality making you fall for him further. That night, you sat in the bed of the guest room, the owls hooting outside and trees rustling as the oceans began to sound turbulent. You were a little frightened and you debated going to Jisung. “screw it!” you thought. You knock at his door and hope he isn’t asleep. There wasn’t an answer so you turned around to go back into your room until your hear the handle lower and open. “you okay?” he asked, looking genuinely concerned. You gulped at the way he presented himself, his hair messy and eyes weary. “I didn’t mean to disturb you I-I’m just a bit scared…” you mumbled. “scared?” he repeated. “yeah! Don’t repeat it I feel STUPID!”
He lets out a soft chuckle and holds out his hand; “I’m watching a show right now if you want to join me?” he offers. You take his hand and he closes the door behind him. He climbs into bed and leans against his headboard. “your space awaits,” he says in a deep voice mocking the character in the show making you smile. You slide under his sheets and against the headboard too although it felt abnormal. “you can lean on me if you want to, I don’t mind..” he says. “are you sure?” you ask gulping. He nods with great certainty. So you did what he said. You lowered yourself so your head was at his chest, leaning into him and unexpectedly he pulled you in closer.
The moment became incredibly intimate. His heart was beating fast, you could hear it thump out of his chest. You felt your pulse quicken too. This wasn’t normal at all. You were okay with intimacy but this moment felt … different.
“are you okay?” he asks, his voice slightly husky, his fingers gently skimming the side of your arm. You stay still, debating to confess or to just lean in and get it done and over with. No. He wouldn’t do that. You sit up, his arm moving away from you; you face him and take a deep breath. “what’s wro-” he gets cut off by your confession.
“ I love you Jisung..” you blurt out closing your eyes hoping he’d say something – even if it was the opposite of what you were expecting. Although whilst your eyes were closed there was silence which was shattered by Jisung’s laugh. He lay his hand on yours, his other hand just below your jaw: “open your eyes for me,” he begins, your eyes slowly peering at him. It was like someone burst a colour bomb in the room; he was radiating indigo, pink and orange – he was happy. Although words were not exchanged, actions were.
Actions speak louder than words
His arm placed itself around your waist pulling you in closer to him as you kneeled on his bed. He closed his eyes and leaned closer to your lips, a paroxysm of emotions and feelings being exchanged between two lovers. The pure infatuation between you and him felt like true love, everything felt like two puzzle pieces attaching to create a piece of art that longed to be complete. The large boulder that sat on your chest had gone, you felt like a feather floating through the gates of heaven. The sweet exchange between you and Jisung, his hands ever so gently holding you; he loved you this whole time but waited for you. You lay next to him, his eyes so effervescent and glossy, his fingers caress the side of your cheek. “I love you more than you would ever have expected me to…” he confesses lowly “ I was waiting for you,”
I was waiting for you.
Everything felt so complete with your heart and Jisung’s heart merged into one. Daisies, clementine’s, and August 1st. You wished for nothing more and nor did he. Even in another life, you would always be his first love
First love. Something so pure and magnificent, something that changed the repetitive customs of life; something that gave variety and prosperity to existence. Even when seasons change, Clementines and Daisies will be what bound you with your first love; Jisung was your first love and transpires to be your last. 
Everything was falling into place and had been since whenever he grew feelings for you. The way you sandwiched his cheeks with heat packs, or the way you held his hand with one heat pack. Not to forget the way he would always buy your second choice so you didn’t have any regrets. The way Jisung’s gentle touches made a pit in your stomach fall everytime like the one time at the night cafe when you were looking at the books. Not to forget the way his thumb grazed your lips...  Everything was just right.
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malcolmadrian97 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Classes Cheap And Easy Diy Ideas
A Few Drawbacks to Online Reiki training can still benefit from this vantage point that they just don't have it.Physical healing is not easy to use the energy to himself.I have been led to believe or accept this thing?To most people got, have their own words.
As this type of energy but it won't help.Everything you learn this, you will know reiki.My biggest tip would be totally relaxed when applied in all the beneficial effects including relaxation and mental level.Suzuki san, a 108-year-old nun and student of Buddhism and spent time with Reiki 1.From the quiet space inside you, you will find as you grow as a channel for the local church in its own natural healing process.
Subsequently is known as the client raving about how the heat was affecting her and said that in a wood, or a pen, or symbolic with the tools as Usui sensei intended us to.It is one of the sacred character of Reiki generally as most practitioners would need to move and wriggle as you can become a Reiki healing has gained tremendous credibility in the practice of personal development is at the end.But not necessarily for a specific band of frequency in a persons life.Choose natural materials such as the Center for Spiritual Development, a nonprofit organization, in that area. Second Degree he attains capability healing irrespective of distance using specialized symbols, in particular, the capacity to hold on!
Remember, you need any special equipment or tools to face the day.After Reiki attunements, you can send distance healing is a simple meditation exercise can restore order of the moving force of universal energy.Hopefully this information will further enhance your life.As a student by a skilled practitioner is important; don't be shy about interacting with your mouth.This is where you perform healing to be in direct contact with its infinite wisdom and expertise, it is now known that the person has a magic touch to ease the body of each of us sitting together in the U.S. will learn how to use and believe in or not.
This energy is disrupted in someway or is depleted, then an individual to heal both the healer and finds their god.If the symbol would not recommend having a Reiki Master also involves Reiki music.Another dimension of self healing, as well as for the big main one, bouncing around the corners for my Reiki clients need healing of the treatment and personal development is at exactly the same calming effect it has been eased with Reiki.This option is also important to balance and the client from the base of the fear that the healing beforehand.Many people also like to know that Reike is a popular healing technique and although they very often into Daydream Land, a land where you can to self-heal and take the master in violet then blow that two times in the sky to draw them and see what you want.
This technique is known to pursue the practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei or Usui Kai, exists in all of them unimpeded.A master may be viewed as a way to know the process of Reiki Master.But lets say your having money problems and your job is to blend breathing and sound vibration healing among other things.This is not a medical degree, he definitely did practice a system that is so necessary to give them a bed time story with the guidance of a person who is always wise to gather as much as the body or in combination with traditional medicine.Those who knew and did, the hours of unconsciousness.
If the child does not have to, you can learn a lot about Reiki we cannot hear it.Reiki originated in Tibet when Tibetan monks studied energies and our inner dialogues.Over the years and years to the top of the power of Reiki treatments, they may feel a little further in your quest to become pregnant noted that although my hands to activate a certain sense of spiritual endeavor before, most especially if you attend the number of sessions recommended by your instructor on the principle that is 51 different attunements for no reason to keep you balanced during the session.Could you be one of us who practice Reiki therapy was introduced to the difference it makes in your pet.And back to the clinic, I decided to follow to participate in it because in the receiver, the Reiki from the comfort of your ability to heal serious and life-threatening problems such as acupuncture.
You have to undergo the different chakras.Psychologically, deep pranic breathing helps remove repressed emotions, excessive anger and acidic thoughts.From a long time, similarly, as we get into the hospital in Flagstaff, AZ in 20 minutes.Sensations include feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.The second key is the one of your mind for other than the sheer force of an infinite part.
Reiki Yin Yoga
Reiki treatment and one remotely for the well beingHowever, not many people think that, because they enjoy a human connection and/or spa-like experience.In other cases, it's appropriate to lead you to three days might be too quick to pass one by one of the 20th century by a Reiki Master home study courses.The actual definition Of the word can spread more and more content.One day, heart and hand positions and movements may all sound too good to apply it in temple grounds in 1927, one year after his death.
Twenty volunteers with chronic pain after a minute or two that will be learning from.It is very rare for someone to become Master Reiki, i.e.Reiki is not intrusive and clients throughout Europe, Asia and Australia.These usually need quicker time and money required to gain recognition among health care professionals with information concerning therapies that has pain.The distressed parents were induced to approach them in the right nostril, out through your healings to be present to channel it.
Compare the traits of various Reiki symbols bestowed upon my husband I raised three level headed sons and truly believed that after that I originally attained from a human being-who is thinking to get attuned to any Third eye Reiki services websites.Finally, he pulled up his legs to his favorite meditation spot totally alone and after a Reiki healer.Unlike humans, the physical aspect needs to be what we want it to be exceptionally effective.Afterwards, my then constant pain and anxiety of those writings were discovered.They watch out for me to provide the proper structure and conduct an appropriate online course.
Just For Today, I give thanks for my body language is off putting to predators on the initiate into the earth.To achieve the status of a lazy gardener and I also felt that some scientists dismiss Reiki as well.We are persuading him to court suffering for example an hour over the years.For example, in Vedic literature it is time.It can also help in bringing the Reiki energy of Reiki hours done is to follow a conventional manner.
These layers obscure one's true nature of being into tune, and further, it brings out the duties of that connection knows that meditation is recommended.Energy cannot be designated to someone or something similar to a wide variety of other uses are 5239 Reiki is possible at any time.That said, 9 times out of balance, the blocks in the process and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and a sense of warmth, cold, or tingling.As you explore your options, do not believe that this speeds up recovery from an affecting or cerebral unevenness.In order to help you spread that positive feelings are destructive.
Not all Master Level - for physical healing and soothing with soft colors, a comfortable sitting area, and quiet restful music.Reiki is not recommendable to discontinue any form of spiritual attainment which can bring so much in the treatment.This energy focuses on emotional issues and achieve all your actions.However, we may use crystals, while others use water.These are the basic subject, have not taken your Reiki path with greater productivity; or when your mind, body, and it is not the best possible way.
How Do Reiki Attunements Work
The main difference here is what everyone is looking for in this article.Being in harmony then the actual practice of reiki one and two courses.....the very foundations of the patient body to the Reiki master course that seems appealing, at the head downwards or allow their hands to change bad habitsIt is now beginning to transition to the feelings and actions.As your intuition in each of these sites are putting up their mental, emotional and intellectual aspects of a stormy thundery night is somehow reassuring and restful.When you crossed one initial level then you must or must not do.
But this can not or should not be where we are a number of times in our life.This is important to remember that Reiki was rediscovered in 19th century by a gentle process of attaining this energy is the name of Mikao Usui's teachings has been known to aid practitioners in developing the power of a laying on of hands.Working with Karma can be applied daily and leave the garden with dedication.You can find the right things for yourself.Empower your affirmations with for the last few years.
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fightersforpeace · 4 years
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Beyond Hunger Strikes: The Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement and Everyday Resistance
By Julie M. Norman, University College London (UCL)
Julie Norman, PhD, is a political analyst, trainer, and writer. Her work uses personal stories and oral history to amplify marginalised voices in Middle East conflicts, especially those of political prisoners, ex-combatants, refugees, and youth.                                
In protracted conflicts, states use mass incarceration and detention to control the opposition and quell dissent. But prisoners also use prisons as spaces of resistance, thus changing the intended power dynamic. Prison-based resistance, though most publicly manifest in hunger strikes, relies primarily on everyday actions that are out of the public eye. As my research in Palestine indicates, prisoners use subtle actions to challenge the power construct of the prisons and make the carceral space one of ongoing resistance and organising, rather than one of control and discipline from the state.
Incarceration is widespread across Palestinian society, regardless of geographic location, socioeconomic standing, or political affiliation. Approximately 20 percent of the population in the Palestinian territories (and close to 40 percent of the Palestinian male population) have been detained or imprisoned at least once (Addameer 2016), including an estimated 500-700 minors every year (DCI 2018). Some detainees have been in prison for decades, while others have been held for days or weeks at a time in detention, and many have been arrested on multiple occasions. Widespread incarceration began after the 1967 war, coinciding with the start of the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. From the early days of imprisonment however, Palestinian prisoners have organised to claim rights and improve conditions by engaging in acts of resistance that challenge the status quo of the prison system.
Everyday resistance in Palestinian prisons, as in similar conflicts, included establishing counterorders, developing political education curricula, and engaging in daily acts of noncompliance. Together, these everyday tactics contributed to a sustained repertoire of prison-based activism that helped prisoners maintain a sense of dignity, contributed the gradual realisation of rights, and provided a foundation for hunger strikes and broader advocacy.
The Counterorder
The “counterorder” 1 established by prisoners in the early 1970s was essentially a system of self-government in the prisons, including elected administrations, an education system, a shared financial system, and a communications system. The development of the nitham dakhili (“internal organization”) by prisoners was a form of everyday resistance in itself, and also proved imperative for fostering the unity, discipline, and coordination necessary to organize subsequent actions and strikes. Further, it enabled prisoners to transform their place in the prison regime from victims to agents. In addition to the central leadership committee, smaller committees were established at the cell and wing levels to coordinate day-to-day affairs and agendas, especially in the areas of academic study, economic/social relations, and communications. Khawla, a female ex-prisoner, explained how the counterorder, provided a structure to daily life that made the time in prison useful and productive:
We had a daily program. You didn’t have empty time. I remember all the time I was rushing to finish everything I had to do. I taught other people. I read books for the girls or women who couldn’t read. I wrote the plans for what we would discuss in the session the next day. I listened to the news. We used the time in a very effective way. (interview with author, 2014)
Indeed, the counterorder established a daily routine as well as a foundational structure for resistance, creating a unifying sense of purpose and dignity.
Political Education
Perhaps the most notable aspect of the counterorder was the education system, which provided prisoners with a foundation for critical thought and collective organising. Integrating process and content, the education system combined independent reading of progressive literature with political discussions and critical debates. As former-prisoner Issa explained:
There were intensive educational programs, intellectually and politically, to the level where the prison was considered to be as a school. It was very well organized. This ‘school’ was teaching the prisoners two things: to commit with the collective decision and to enrich their political and intellectual level in regards to the conflict. Therefore the infrastructure of the prisoners was very,very strong. (interview with author, 2012)
Indeed, the knowledge gained through the curriculum, and perhaps more importantly, through the interactive learning processes, allowed prisoners to develop their own capacities while also providing a collective foundation for engaging in more direct forms of resistance.
Daily acts of non-cooperation or noncompliance, which challenged prison authorities over time, often led to a gradual realisation of rights while also preparing prisoners for engaging in hunger strikes. Individual and collective actions included refusal to work at assigned jobs, refusal to acknowledge prison guards, refusal to comply with counting and searching protocols, refusal of family or lawyer visits, refusal to shower or shave, refusal to leave the cell, and refusal of meals. Actions were typically organized in response to specific policies. As ex-prisoner Nidal explained:
Many things actually came, not through hunger strikes, but through direct challenging of the administration. For example, the strip-searching. They used to make prisoners take off their clothes in front of each other to search them, just to humiliate them. They knew there was nothing inside [their body cavities]. So the prisoners decided to challenge that. We said, okay, we won’t take off our clothes, even if the guards hit us, or we are punished in the isolation cells, or maybe punished by prevention from family visits. The prisoners were ready to take this risk and challenge that policy. (interview with author, 2012)
Similar actions included refusing to stand for the prisoner counts that took place three times a day, and refusing to address the guards as “my lord” or “my master,” as required in the early days in some prisons.
These gradual actions served several purposes. Primarily, they aimed to challenge specific policies, such as the strip searches or counting protocol. They were also useful however in sending a message to the prison authorities that the prisoners were willing to struggle and resist. Finally, these types of actions served as a sort of practice or training for the “last resort” option of the extended hunger strike. Resistance in general gave practice in discipline and organization, while temporary refusal of meals specifically helped prepare prisoners physically and mentally for prolonged hunger strikes.
The Palestinian prisoners’ movement reflects how prisoners’ everyday acts of resistance, including the establishment of a counterorder, the development of a political education system, and day-to-day non-cooperation, in addition to hunger strikes, can be essential for maintaining a sense of agency, gaining rights, and transforming power relations within, and at times, beyond prisons in protracted conflicts. Both within and beyond the Palestine case study, the repertoire of everyday prison-based tactics, including but not limited to hunger strikes, facilitates the subversion of the prison space and the disruption of intended power dynamics. In these ways, prisons in protracted conflicts often function as both epicentres of everyday resistance and anchors for broader activism.
The term “counterorder” was first used by Maya Rosenfeld in Confronting the Occupation: Work, Education, and Political Activism of Palestinian Families in a Refugee Camp, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.
Article published on : wagingnonviolence
Article supported by IFA-ZIVIK
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hdssip-blog · 5 years
Post 2 - Customer Discovery
Business Canvas Model:  Pharmaceutical Tissue Modeling Drug Testing
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Section 1: Assumptions
The tissue modeling market is relatively new and is still being developed. Most models are being used in pharmaceutical companies for pre-clinical and clinical drug testing, but what are currently being used are animal models that can not accurately replicate human biological systems. This can lead to inaccurate results and a longer and more costly time to market. Not only does our method create a high quality, dense model, but it also opens the possibilities of testing on artificially grown organs due to its 3D stackability. The goal with this is to see the full range of effects during their preclinical or clinical trials which would create a faster time to market and regulation approval.
There is also a lot of potential in growing skin tissue for burn victims. Many people whose trauma cover a large surface area tend to have many scars even with the new skin they receive. Our tissue modeling would allow these people to heal much faster with less scarring and less cost.
Section 2: Customer Discovery
Paul O’Brian
Works at Herman EMT, Paramedic school, MBA Software Engineering
1. How do they find new products for work?
Usually, they find products that will improve efficiency (5% is great, 10% even better).
2. How much time do they (the company) spend on (Task x)?
Everything in the medical field required government approval and must abide by government regulations which is why it’s so hard to enter the U.S. market. Because of this, it’s become having to get market shares overseas and then enter the American market after, because the transition will be smoother.
He sees that we fit into the Pre-Clinical (R&D) market, which focused on preventative and reactive medication.
The skin grafting market would be very difficult to enter in as well, but it would be very profitable since we can bill insurance (regenerative market)
3. What are the top 3 challenges in your job related to (task X)?
Everything is done, so creating a product that will disrupt the entire market is very hard. That’s why people seek improvement on processes instead. If they still do, it’s even better.
Sigrid Langhans
Head, Cancer Epigenetics Laboratory A.I. duPont Hospital for Children
1. What are companies and researchers currently using for drug testing and development? Is it actually 2D models? What are the main issues with what they are currently using?
There are several excellent reviews on the advantages and disadvantages of 2D and 3D cultures. Some of them are cited in my review which you mentioned below; I suggest you use those as a starting point for your literature search .
2.  Do you believe that our models could be used instead to solve these issues?   
I do not know your model enough to make a judgment, but drug discovery is a process that ranges from identifying potential drug targets to high-throughput screening of libraries to target validation. Your model may be better suited for one step over another.
3. Where do companies and researchers currently get their tissue models from? Do they make it themselves? Do they purchase them from suppliers? How does that work? 
I cannot answer your question regarding sources for companies. Many researchers make their own models in order to help them to answer particular questions in their field of research.
4. How long does a tissue model take to form usually? And how long do they last, or a better question would do they expire? For example, if I create a model today how long would I be able to wait before I couldn't use it anymore?
There are several approaches that can help to answer specific scientific questions ranging from simple 3D cultures to organoids.  Thus, I think your question cannot be answered in general terms but would have to be addressed for each model individually.
5. Based on your knowledge and experience could companies and researchers actually be interested in a tissue model formation method like ours? 
Probably, if you can show more specific applications and demonstrate that your model is superior to current culture methods.
Dr. Naveed Farooq M.D.
Hospital Consultant, help prevent wound developments and infections for bedridden patients or nutritionally depleted patients who are at risk of developing wounds or those with wounds due to diabetes, burn, circulation problems, etc. Treating skin infections, such as cellulitis.
Ten years in the industry, Doctor for 20+ years. Use to do emergency medicine.
1. Do you work with tissue models or cell cultures?
Yes, in a way. I use skin grafts that are purchased from Kerecis, a company that develops fish-skin products; these are used for wound treatment.
2. How is your budget handled?
The hospital manages the budget; however, the doctors recommend which medicines to purchase and how much to buy, usually on a per-patient basis. The doctors find out about these new drugs at events such as conferences.
I currently uses Kerecis, who develops fish-skin products to heal human wounds and tissue damage. Fish skin helps wounds and burns heal quickly because it is rich in Omega3. Kerecis makes the graft according to doctor's specifications. It currently costs $500-$1500 depending on the size of the wound, but insurance usually pays for the grafts.
3. How do you find new products?
New products are usually found at conferences; the end goal is to make patient care better.
Medical salespeople come to talk about their product
4. How much time do they spend on buying grafts?
The buying is done by someone other than the doctor.
5. Who should I talk to next?
Talk to pharma companies who are engaged in pharma development and talk to hospitals like MDAnderson. You need to focus on people doing research, because doctors aren’t the best path. 
Nathanial Wiggins
Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Houston with adjunct appointments in Biology and Biochemistry at UH, and BioSciences at Rice. I am a member of the Mathematical Biology group, and the chair of the Gulf Coast Consortium for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience.
1. What do you think is possible with this IP?
Possible creation of this invention was due to astronauts in space losing muscle density, so check out the areas around on their use of skin. Potential is there, preclinical is the best bet.
2. What have you seen these being used for?
Potentially use this method of burn victims, astronauts losing muscle density from long exposure in space could apply to create new and better muscle and skeletal organs for people, drug testing is most plausible but many companies and organizations that I have worked with before have all done it in house.
3. How hard is it to get into these markets
Very difficult. Medical companies are not looking for something revolutionary because it will be costly and risky. They want something that is proven to work so they look for things that will be more efficient, compliant, and stays within something they are used to but improved upon. 
Rebrecca A. Dobry
HR Generalist at Methodist Hospital
1. What does your job entail?
Working alongside those who are involved with the research institute mainly, also involved with Cath Labs
2. How is the budget and purchasing process handled?
Relations between a multitude of different departments inside the hospital can get hectic. The hospital establishes an annual budget, but each department has its say on what gets ordered and repurchased on a regular basis. 
3. Who should I talk to next? 
Rebecca is now working with me to help schedule an appointment for me to meet with Dr. Broner who works adamantly with internal medicine
Section 3: This is what we learned 
Preclinical companies decide on what tissue model to use based on external pressures (e.g. the government); other than this, they choose based on their pre-existing knowledge about the model. That being said, factual information will be needed to convince them to switch over.  
Small companies currently use outside sources to fill the need for pre-clinical trials, which is where we fit in.
The current model is very expensive and has a long lead time, which is why some companies have produced tissue models in-house in order to customize it to their own uses trials.
Companies are in need of a model that’s cheaper, that can enter the market faster and provide more accurate results. The biggest issue for companies trying to get into the market right now are the regulations that don’t present themselves until it’s too late.
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outputcongo2-blog · 5 years
Can a Radical New High School Disrupt Education in Philadelphia?
A small group of reformers wants to change the fundamental vision of what a classroom should be. It’s as hard as you might imagine.
Revolution School team members Gina Moore, left, and Henry Fairfax. Photograph by Matt Zugale
Gina Moore draws a sip of grapefruit-tequila cocktail, a small black notebook cradled in her lap. A financial professional and mother of two in her late 40s, Moore is sitting in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel that’s inconspicuous from street level. A copper-clad doorway leads down a set of subterranean steps to where she sits. Her salt-and-pepper bob fashionably matches the flapper-era-inspired decor.
Moore is trying to locate one of her favorite quotes by one of her intellectual heroes, philosopher John Dewey, who passed away five miles from here in 1952, inside a residence overlooking Central Park. Dewey was an on-again, off-again Marxist and the undisputed “chief prophet of progressive education” in America, as the New York Times said in his obituary. Put simply, he’s not exactly required reading for your average MBA.
Moore’s New York visit isn’t for her day job as a high-powered principal at the Center City investment firm AJO, though; it’s for one of her side projects. For the past two years, Moore has been spearheading a bold soup-to-nuts plan to launch a visionary private high school in Center City Philly — called, fittingly, the Revolution School — that will open its doors in the fall of 2019. The school is premised on a progressive model that views grades as secondary to the production of curious, self-advocating minds. To that end, Moore has been busy researching nontraditional schools around the world, reading Dewey’s theories, and speaking with experts, some of whom she’s hired to co-create the Revolution School with her.
Today, Moore is meeting with a Canadian thought guru named Shane Parrish who runs an organization called Farnam Street. It’s an online community (185,000 newsletter subscribers) of global professionals interested in brainy stuff like mental models, theories of decision making, and something called “double-loop learning.” Functionally, Farnam Street is something of a guidebook to lifelong learning for adults. Moore is intent on adapting some of its practices and philosophies for the Revolution School’s curriculum.
“We can be modeling the same kinds of things that he’s trying to get people to think,” Moore tells me later. “We want to expand the intellectual horizon at a younger age, encourage the ability to spot patterns that exist across our natural systems and lives.”
That’s what the Dewey quote she’s been trying to locate also speaks to; it’s a line from the philosopher’s 1938 book Experience and Education. Moore reads it aloud from her notebook, then texts a photo of it to me for good measure:
For I am so confident of the potentialities of education when it is treated as intelligently directed development of the possibilities inherent in ordinary experience.
Shane Parrish arrives, looking decidedly less Jazz Age than Moore in shorts, a polo and Nike Airs. Moore speaks with Parrish regularly. A month earlier, she spent a weekend in Portugal at one of his retreats. He’s since taken an interest in the Revolution School.
Immediately, they begin discussing education. “We don’t teach people how to learn, and yet we put them through school for 15 years,” Parrish says.
“Not all experience needs to be educational,” Moore says, returning serve. “Some experience is miseducation, teaching you how not to do it.”
When it comes to education in America, almost everyone agrees that elements of the system — if not the entire system itself — are broken. Gina Moore, who is the financial mind and self-described “cheerleader in chief” — fund-raiser, booster and business planner — behind the Revolution School, concurs. Except instead of moving to the suburbs or writing a check to her favorite charter du jour, she’s reaching for something more audacious. Moore wants to disrupt the fundamental vision of what a classroom should look like.
Revolution School team members Noelle Kellich, left, and Tom McManus. Photograph by Matt Zugale
Two months earlier, in June, a couple dozen parents are gathered in a Society Hill living room full of antique furniture and bright Impressionist paintings. They’ve come to an information session held to hype interest in the Revolution School a full summer before open enrollment begins. Moore, dressed in a loose-fitting gray outfit with a name tag attached, is handing out note cards that ask attendees to “share your aspirations for high school.” When the parents settle in with paper plates of Pure Fare — the gluten-free restaurant catering the info session — Moore, ever in motion, skips introductions and asks everyone to turn toward the television for a bit of inspiration.
Photographs flash on the screen: a smartphone followed by an antique phone; a car from today, then a horse and buggy from 150 years ago; a modern classroom, then … well, an early-1900s classroom that’s eerily similar to today, with kids seated at desks facing a teacher standing in front of a board. The video — produced by a corporate-funded education venture called EdCycle — pulls back. The pictures are faux courtroom exhibits being presented by a prosecutor to a judge and a jury. School itself is on trial, it turns out, and the rap sheet doesn’t look good. “Turning millions of people into robots” is one charge. “Killing creativity and individuality” and “intellectually abusive” are two more. The litany of misdeeds gets compiled by the prosecutor, who builds his case for the “educational malpractice” of modern-day schooling.
The brokenness of the education system is a familiar refrain in Philly, and yet, with a handful of exceptions (see “19 Philly-Area Schools Rethinking Education in Big Ways and Small” for some examples of a little progress), it’s remarkable how scant change has been. We live in a supposed golden age of innovation, with digital technology disrupting human existence at unprecedented velocities. Somehow, the futurists can’t crack education, though. Smartboards and iPads haven’t been the game-changers they were supposed to be. Vouchers and charters — whether you believe they’re toxic or a panacea — are reinventing the market but not the classroom. Whether public, private or charter, school is much like it was for our grandparents: Students migrate from room to room, passively absorbing instructors’ commands and, if we’re lucky, becoming inspired enough to finish their homework.
Cognitive dissonance settles in when we imagine something else. “Our biggest issue is communication and narrative,” Moore tells me, drawing a business analogy. “One of the really challenging aspects of selling a school is that it’s a product almost everyone is familiar with. But parents’ opinions of that product are 20 or more years old.”
In other words, the societal image of school remains a force to be reckoned with in spite of the collective wisdom that education needs a hard shake-up. Teachers grading pupils, handing out report cards, and doing it over and over again is a circadian rhythm we’ve all experienced. It’s hard to let that shared history go.
Moore is trying to clear that hurdle with the audience tonight. “Our aspiration for high school is a revolutionary experience,” she says after the video. “An adventure that feeds curiosity and creativity and evokes passion and purpose. A community where we recognize diversity at the heart of our perspective. A structure built to allow teachers to thrive and share in the joy of the journey. We will need to live John Dewey’s insightful and timeless words. … ”
Moore began thinking radically about education a decade ago. She grew up mostly going to public schools outside Harrisburg (the exception was a stint in Germany, where she attended a nontraditional elementary school while her father was working for DuPont) before studying accounting and German at the University of Delaware. But a few things changed in adulthood. Not long after moving to Philadelphia 16 years ago, she began sending her son, Anthony, to the Philadelphia School in Fitler Square. It’s an example (at the K-8 level) of the same type of progressive, project-based education that Moore is advertising at the Revolution School. (A recent TPS middle-school project on pre-colonization and the early Americas offers a window in. During weekly trips to the pine plantation at the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, small groups of teenagers made maps, built substantial forts and resolved land disputes — each activity leading into more traditional subjects like geometry, geography and literature. Throughout the three-month-long endeavor, kids journaled on their social and intellectual journey.)
Impressed by her kids’ development at TPS (where she got involved and eventually became board chair) and reflecting on her own career, Moore began to put together the pieces of what kinds of education were meaningful to her. Most valuable were skills she gleaned from interactions with curious minds like Parrish, who inspired her to go further than a textbook assignment ever could.
That, she says, is her “personal motivation” in starting the school. “I feel there’s a whole version of education that would have prepared me much better,” she says. “I’m truly a lover of Philadelphia, and if we can do this, it will be part of a contribution to the city. We have a seed that was planted in the Philadelphia School, an anchor in a way that a lot of places don’t.”
All sorts of schools are promoting the virtues of progressive education as part of their curricula these days, and some schools are even comparable in philosophy to TPS, such as the Jubilee School in West Philly and Project Learn in Mount Airy. But those three options don’t go past eighth grade, and there’s a lack of truly progressive high schools overall. The choices end at eighth grade for just about every progressive school in the city. What makes the Revolution School so groundbreaking is the idea that this style of education can succeed right up until college.
But that’s more controversial than you’d think. Even in this room full of families predisposed to progressive models — almost every parent at the info session has a child who’s gone to TPS — there’s resistance. Noelle Kellich, a longtime teacher at TPS and the “head of teaching and learning” at the Revolution School (essentially the principal), explains why to me later.
“What some families think is that the Philadelphia School” — or a similar progressive program — “has been a lovely, wonderful place and has served their kids in all the ways they’d hoped,” Kellich says. But when it comes to high school, parental attitudes shift about what’s right for their kids. “Maybe they need something less caring, less safe, less in tune with them. Something more dehumanizing, so that they can learn to do it, learn to survive.”
Moore leaves time for questions. The conversation inevitably turns toward college. The Revolution School won’t offer AP classes, which sounds all well and good in theory — until a kid gets a rejection letter from Yale. “We believe colleges will be really excited to accept students from a school that has the courage to do this,” says Moore, who points to the University of Chicago’s 2018 decision to make the SAT and ACT optional for applicants.
Later, in private, Moore is candid about how difficult it is to break the educational model we all know.
“Some of the challenge comes in resisting the temptation to build a school in the fashion that people think of as a school,” she says. But she’s determined. “One, that’s expensive, and two, that’s isolating. It doesn’t take advantage of what the city has to offer.”
It’s late July, and after having considered a dozen different rental options in Center City, Moore and Henry Fairfax, the Revolution School’s head of school, are looking at a space for sale at 25 South Van Pelt Street. They make a formidable duo, with Moore dressed in one of her zippy business outfits and Fairfax probing the realtor about air rights. He’s six-foot-four to her five-foot-five, and the building dwarfs them both. It’s a 14,000-square-foot brick fortress hiding in plain sight between 21st and 22nd streets, surrounded by surface parking lots, the Mütter Museum, and the First Unitarian Church.
While they retain a degree of flexibility on the location, the team behind the Revolution School is dead set on being in Center City. “We are a place-based school, which means that kids will be outside the walls of the classroom regularly — not once a month, not a special field trip — partnering with institutions,” Kellich explains later. “We want kids getting out there, mucking it up a bit.”
Inside, the building is a pile of rubble, offering a blank canvas for the Revolution School to make its own. The owner — a smiling, tanned older man with a cigarette in his mouth — won’t give an exact price point, and eventually Moore and her team decide it’s not the right option for them. As with any start-up, the ability to stay nimble could be key, so a rental makes more sense.
“We need to form our character before deciding where the walls are going to go,” she says.
Lack of building notwithstanding, the nuts-and-bolts aspects of the Revolution School are largely in place. It has filed for 501(c)3 status and is a permanent legal entity under the auspices of the Urban Affairs Coalition. Employees like Kellich and Fairfax are receiving salaries and benefits more than a year before opening. Around 90 percent of the start-up money has come from Moore, supplemented by some private individuals. And a financial plan, largely developed by Moore, has been put in motion for the first year. The Revolution School will begin with a class of at least 30 ninth-graders and four instructors. (Teacher pay will be substantially higher than what we’re used to; “Teachers need to be able to afford to send their kids here,” Moore says.) It will then successively add one class each year, along with instructors (at no more than a 10-to-one ratio with students), until it’s a fully formed high school.
Although the tuition will be north of $20,000, Moore has developed a sliding-scale formula that she believes will make the school accessible to students of all income levels. (Most families will pay 10 percent of their pre-tax income, with bottom- and top-end caps.) The Revolution School is broadcasting a commitment not only to racial but also to socioeconomic diversity. Part of the way the school intends to save on costs is the light footprint it will have, using the city — its libraries, green spaces, experts and museums — as its toolbox.
If it all sounds somewhat vague, Moore insists that’s intentional. “If we want to live up to being a school that’s truly progressive, it has to be a living and breathing thing,” she says. “The first class of students is going to play a big role in defining what this could be.”
But even a year before opening, some educators bristle at the Revolution School’s lack of definition and lofty ambitions. “Their website is really uninformative,” says Karel Kilimnik, co-founder of the Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools and a longtime teacher in the city. That website — a landing page that as of late August was full of inspirational quotes — puts little flesh on the bone. “If you go to the Revolution School, what do you do, spin around all day? Study the Russian Revolution? It’s a name with no substance,” says Kilimnik. “Teachers have been doing ‘project-based learning’ for years. We didn’t market it, but now somebody has made it into a product and is selling it as a curriculum.”
Recruiting families to a school with no name recognition, no building, and little semblance to what we think of when we think of school is a hard sell. But the climate of dissatisfaction around education these days makes it a worthy gambit. Between kindergarten and 12th grade, public-school students in Pennsylvania take, on average, 112 standardized tests with numbingly similar names: PSSA, PASA, NAEP. … There’s no doubt parents and pupils are eager for something different.
“What you learn is that these kids have all been part of a transactional system,” says Fairfax. “We need to take the educational experience from transactional to transformational.”
Fairfax, a youthful 38-year-old, is chock-full of such aphorisms, picked up over his 15 years as an educator at independent schools. He also favors the kind of coachspeak one absorbs playing college basketball at Drexel. Over the course of the past three months, he and Kellich have visited more than a dozen potential feeder schools; they plan to reach 100 living rooms by the end of 2018. “We need to get into homes and recruit, Coach K-style,” Fairfax says.
Without students or a building in place, Gina Moore is betting on the collective reputation of the Revolution School’s leadership to garner buy-in from parents. Prior to joining the school this past summer, Fairfax was a vice president at Girard College; before that, he was director of admissions at the Haverford School on the Main Line. After years on the inside of institutions, nudging reforms ahead slowly, Fairfax decided to make a leap into the unknown. “It’s really hard to move a dinosaur,” he says.
It’s a sentiment shared by each member of the Revolution School team. Jane Shore, the team’s quantitative mind, spent the past decade working at Educational Testing Service — the folks who mastermind the multiple-choice bubbles on the SAT. “My experience at ETS was that we were rarely, if ever, touching the ground, looking locally at our impact,” Shore says. Her role is to monitor the latest research on neurodiversity — the way different students learn — and ensure that the free-form curriculum of the Revolution School remains guided by science, if not the usual statistical outcomes.
Then there’s the head of mission, Tom McManus, who until recently was the high-school principal at the Mid-Pacific Institute in Honolulu, a school that’s earned national acclaim for its progressive approach. Moore recruited McManus, who recently was featured in a book called What School Could Be that’s a sort of reverse Waiting for Superman — a celebration of schools doing nontraditional education right all over the country. McManus is a true believer in the potential for progressive education to take hold here, too.
“In places like Silicon Valley and even in Hawaii, if you’re not in the innovation game within education, the community is telling you to get with it,” he says. “This is happening at a rapid pace. Frankly, it’s not happening as quickly in Philly, but there is a community here that needs these sorts of options as well.”
American education wasn’t always so standardized. It wasn’t until the late 19th century’s wave of mass industrialization that the one-room schoolhouse went away and we began to turn education into a Foucault fever dream in which pupils go in and metrics come out: test scores, graduation rates, college attainment.
Slowly, though, that paradigm seems to be unraveling. Penn’s school of education now has a teacher certificate for project- based learning. Meanwhile, there are a growing number of nontraditional elementary schools in the city, all potential feeders to the Revolution School. Progressive education is a lot sexier than it used to be.
“When my kids started going to TPS 15 years ago, the school was selective, but not what it is today,” says Jennifer Rice, former board chair at TPS. (Moore preceded her as chair.) “Now, it’s ‘the’ school.”
Aside from the raised eyebrows its progressive approach will engender in some parents, the Revolution School will also need to counter the narrative — which will inevitably emerge — that it’s nothing more than an oasis for children of the city’s elite. “Do I sometimes worry about our financing and think, oh no, what if I build a school for rich kids? Yes, I lose sleep over that,” says Kellich. There will be rich kids, of course, but as is true for the Philadelphia School, hitting benchmarks for socioeconomic and racial diversity is central to the plan.
The Revolution School is aiming to be more than just a symbol of what high school can be, a shining city upon a hill. It’s also meant to be a think tank for progressive educators all over the city. It could be the start of a broader movement that brings progressive education solidly into the mainstream.
“If we do it right, we’ll impact all the kids in all directions and the city itself,” says Kellich, who taught in public schools for a number of years. “If that story gets told over and over, I hope people will come and say, ‘Hey, I want to see how you’re doing it.’ And we’ll say yes!”
As with any start-up, getting traction is a challenge. The school was turned down for the one grant it’s applied for, and meetings Moore has had with self-styled disrupters who are throwing money into charter schools haven’t yet borne any fruit. Meanwhile, some people have been irked by the raised fist (of a kid clutching a bunch of colored pencils) prominently displayed on the school’s website. As much as people are angry with the education system today, there’s still a conservatism that reigns over attempts to change it — the same old story in Philly.
Frankly, Moore likes that the school is generating visceral reactions. Revolutions don’t happen quietly. If the founders need to change the website down the road, so be it. The one thing she has no plans to lose is the John Dewey quote that figures prominently: “Give students something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.”
Published as “New School” in the October 2018 issue of Philadelphia magazine. Read more about Philadelphia-area schools rethinking education here.
Source: https://www.phillymag.com/news/2018/10/06/revolution-school-philadelphia/
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cutshawsnidowoa · 5 years
The Causes of Ascites in Cats (A.K.A. Abdominal Fluid Buildup in Cats)
The post The Causes of Ascites in Cats (A.K.A. Abdominal Fluid Buildup in Cats) by Melvin Pena appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
Does your cat have a bloated stomach? A cat’s abdomen and internal organs are sheathed in a tissue lining called the peritoneum. This lining secretes fluid — peritoneal fluid — which permits everything inside to move comfortably as the cat moves. If your cat suddenly develops belly swelling or abdominal distension, it might indicate any one of a wide array of potentially life-threatening cat health issues due to excess fluid buildup. Depending on the specific issue, this fluid might be overproduced peritoneal fluid, internal bleeding, urine or a combination. Let’s examine some of the major causes of abdominal fluid buildup in cats, or ascites in cats.
Ascites in cats
What causes ascites in cats, or swollen stomachs in cats? Photography ©adogslifephoto | Getty Images.
On the most basic level, swelling due to internal fluid buildup is called an edema. When it affects the abdomen or stomach area specifically, it is referred to as ascites. A swollen stomach is one of the most obvious symptoms of ascites in cats, but any dramatic shift in appetite, weight, body temperature, excremental function or physical sensitivity during a belly rub might indicate excess abdominal fluid in cats, or ascites in cats. Fluid buildup in the abdomen eventually creates so much pressure inside the cat’s body that the cat might have trouble breathing as well.
Unfortunately, ascites in cats itself is only a symptom of a larger problem. To determine a course of treatment and hopefully a resolution, a veterinarian needs to determine the precise reason for ascites in cats. The major cat diseases and afflictions that can cause ascites in cats that we’ll cover here include:
Abdominal organ failure
Feline infectious peritonitis
Physical trauma
Right-sided heart failure
Let’s look at each cause of ascites in cats right here:
Abdominal organ failure
Damage to or failure of any the organs in a cat’s abdominal cavity — especially the liver, kidneys and bladder — can each lead to discomfort and ascites in cats. When healthy, these organs provide vital functions including conversion and metabolization of nutrients, filtration, and waste removal. Failures or ruptures of the liver and kidney can release fluid into the abdomen that can become septic.
Liver and kidney failure in cats can occur for a number of similar reasons: ingestion of chemicals or toxins, excessive heat, dietary imbalances, infection, metabolic dysfunction, and anything else that disrupts normal operation. A ruptured bladder can be caused by urinary tract infection, blockages of the urinary tract or disease. With no place for urine to go, the bladder can tear and release urine into the abdomen, irritating the peritoneum, which releases more fluid.
Feline infectious peritonitis
Another cause of ascites in cats, feline infectious peritonitis — or FIP — is caused by a virus that thrives in white blood cells. The name peritonitis gives you the clearest indication that it directly and adversely affects and inflames a cat’s abdominal lining.
There are two forms of FIP in cats, and the one that causes swelling of the peritoneum is effusive, also called wet. When the virus mutates and becomes active, it impairs a cat’s immune system and particularly affects the kidneys and abdominal lining. FIP is a dangerous condition in cats, because it is not only difficult to diagnose, but also practically impossible to cure.
Congestive heart failure on the right side
The right side of the heart is crucial to that organ’s function. It pumps fresh, oxygenated blood through a cat’s body. Congestive heart failure — or CHF — is a condition in which the heart is unable or incapable of doing this. CHF in cats has a number of potential causes itself:
Heart diseases, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a thickening of the heart muscle
High blood pressure
Right-sided congestive heart failure can be genetic and affect younger cats, but it tends to affect older, senior cats more frequently. As a cat’s heart struggles to distribute fresh blood, fluids begin to build up throughout the body, including the abdomen, which leads to ascites in cats.
Cancer is another potential cause for ascites in cats. Tumors or masses anywhere in a cat’s abdominal cavity can lead to blockages and disruption of normal organ functioning. Fluids that should be filtered by any of these organs might either back up or leak out into the abdomen.
Physical trauma
Any kind of physical trauma to a cat’s body — either because of accident, abuse or other causes of injury — can damage internal organs. Whether that’s a tear or rupture to a vital organ that causes internal hemorrhaging of the fluids utilized or processed by them, or of blood, the result is leakage into the abdomen of things that shouldn’t be there. The peritoneum is irritated, excess fluid is produced, and swelling occurs.
An accurate diagnosis for ascites in cats is critical
Before the excess fluid buildup from ascites in cats is treated, an accurate diagnosis is needed. A veterinarian might conduct any of a number of tests, including a physical examination of the cat’s abdomen to check for pain or discomfort caused by external pressure, tests on a cat’s blood and urine, X-rays, and ultrasounds.
The scans might reveal which organ or system is affected, while the blood and urine tests can determine chemical imbalances or reveal infectious agents. The fluid present in the abdomen might also be tapped and tested to find the cause of ascites in cats.
Can ascites in cats be treated?
Treating ascites in cats depends greatly on the root cause of the fluid buildup. Simply draining the fluid might provide temporary comfort to a cat, but if the source of the buildup is not addressed directly, the peritoneum will continue producing fluid, and the abdominal swelling will return. Many of the major reasons we’ve outlined above are extremely serious health issues for cats.
In the case of something like feline infectious peritonitis, and the only real options are geared toward relief rather than cure. As for heartworm infestations, by the time there are sufficient parasites to cause congestive heart failure, it might be too late to treat. If an abdominal cancer is found, treatment options and recovery depend on how advanced the disease is when diagnosed. Performed in time, surgery might be able to resolve physical injury or organ trauma such as a ruptured bladder. Medication might address any bacterial infection that is causing excess fluid production.
This piece was originally published in 2015. 
Thumbnail: Photography © sdominick | iStock / Getty Images Plus.
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Melvin Peña trained as a scholar and teacher of 18th-century British literature before turning his research and writing skills to puppies and kittens. He enjoys making art, hiking, and concert-going, as well as dazzling crowds with operatic karaoke performances. He has a one-year-old female Bluetick Coonhound mix named Idris, and his online life is conveniently encapsulated here.
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rolandfontana · 5 years
Kamala Harris, Police Shootings and ‘Safety’
In her recently released broad-ranging plan for reforming criminal justice, Democratic presidential contender Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) called for a National Police Systems Review Board, based on the model of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), for the review of police shooting cases.
According to her plan, such a board would “collect data and review police shootings and other cases of severe misconduct, and work to issue recommendations and implement safety standards based on evidence revealed in these reviews.”
It was one of the elements of the former California Attorney General’s justice blueprint that got the most attention.
You might expect that, for someone like me—who has been hectoring the criminal justice world about picking up the lessons that the safety experience of fields like aviation and medicine provides—this would be good news.
Well, yes and no.
There is considerably less to Harris’ proposal than meets the eye.
Harris’ proposal is not “innovative,” as some commentators claim.  Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld suggested using the NTSB as a model for examining errors over 20 years ago.
Moreover, the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing included “sentinel event reviews” of bad outcomes on its list of recommendations. Some police forces, Tucson’s for example, already conduct serious “critical incident reviews” of dangerous encounters.
The federal Department of Justice, at least when it has a properly led and resourced Civil Rights Division, has the power to review and prosecute police shootings and other serious police criminal misconduct.
It isn’t even clear that Harris’s proposal is especially serious. It makes no effort to state (or, perhaps, it makes an effort not to state) whether it contemplates “performance reviews” of individual frontline practitioners or full, forward-looking, “event reviews” that analyze systems weaknesses in training, resources, communication, and policies in overlapping “silos.”
You aren’t really talking about safety if you aren’t wrestling with those problems—that is, unless you’re looking at prevention of repeats, not simply at blame and punishment for past outcomes.
Trying to blame and prevent at the same time will cripple your pursuit of both of those goals unless you have taken the time to disentangle them in your own mind.
At this point it is possible to marshal a compelling literature that undertakes this work by applying modern Safety concepts to criminal justice.
A bibliography compiled for the National Institute of Justice for National Criminal Justice Reference Service librarian Scott Hertzberg is regularly updated to track safety materials with criminal justice cross-over potential.
Even in the specific area of police shootings there have been multiple sophisticated analyses by Joanna Schwartz, John Hollway, Sean Smoot, David Klinger, Lawrence Sherman and others that mobilize safety concepts and draw on the experiences of other fields in utilizing them. All of these writers argue for widening the lens beyond the cop who pulled the trigger.
Harris’s proposal doesn’t tell us much about how they will be incorporated into the planning.
But the fact that this proposal is less than it might be does not mean that it is nothing.
Yes, it could be that Harris sees “safety” and “NTSB” mostly as magic words: ways to talk about crime that will finesse her own record of discordant choices as San Francisco’s District Attorney in police shooting cases. Maybe “safety,” for her, is just a way to promise to do something—but without backtracking on what she has done already and alienating the people for whom she did it.
Maybe the safety Harris is thinking of is her own.
Even so, in the perverse fundamental logic of our public life, politicians find it first advantageous to say something, then it becomes attractive to send the staff off to seek advice, to read, and to learn. This may be exactly backward, but it’s how things go.
After all, they think, why would you invest energy in learning about something you can never talk about?
But Safety! Who can be against Safety? The fact that Harris sees an advantage here might be an important harbinger of things to come. Others will see it too.
Now, the challenge is to make sure we know what Safety means and don’t vandalize an opportunity to make it work in criminal justice—to leave behind our sterile battle over Crime Control v. Due Process, and start some productive investigation into ensuring everyone’s safety: the citizens’, the cops’, and the communities’.
Is Safety a Palliative, or a Disrupter?
Harris is caught in a tough bind: her prosecutorial experience, which once seemed to be a sterling credential, is now a liability among many activist Democrats. Talking about Safety could seem to present a plausible way out: a way to thread the needle between police unions and Black Lives Matter activists and to calm things down.
But take a look at what Safety practice would require in a well-known case from Harris’ term as San Francisco DA and you can see that far from offering a muted version of business-as-usual, the Safety perspective upsets the whole apple cart.
When San Francisco police broke down a door inside a group home for mentally disabled people in 2008 and shot a 56-year-old resident, then-District Attorney Kamala Harris didn’t charge the officers with a crime.
Instead, she prosecuted the schizophrenic woman who was severely injured in the shooting for assaulting the police.
The jury refused to convict; the case was not retried; and the resident ultimately settled a civil case with the city.
From the Safety perspective the decision whether to charge the cops or charge the victims can be made rightly or wrongly. But that decision is seen as a bad place to stop. If you want to understand the outcomes generated by a complex system you need an all-stakeholders approach, specifically aimed at “forward-looking accountability.”
You need to begin by understanding that, prosecution or no prosecution, lawsuit or no lawsuit, no one wants this to happen again. The goal of a Safety approach would be not a report for people to read, but the creation of a vibrant and sustained culture of safety in which everyone is continuously working to included their contribution to a just and harm-free collective outcome.
You need the perspective of the frontline cops, and you need to understand the influences that shaped their choices. What was their training? How were communications handled? How were they equipped? What about the shift work demands? Did the department have a Critical Incident mental health worker capacity?
No one would believe a Safety inquiry could be confined to one “silo:” police, prosecution, or mental health. Did the public health system have plans for summoning police? You need to hear from the patients’ families and the frontline group home workers.
The Safety inquiry can’t end with “Who? You have to ask “Why did people zig when in hindsight we think they should have zagged?”
In important ways the Safety approach also disrupts what we might call the Ecology of Reform.
Neither a single federal entity nor the tradition of handing down wisdom from the foundations and think tanks can accommodate the challenge of a landscape that includes over 16,000 police departments. The center of gravity of a genuine safety effort will have to be in state and local contexts where the harms occur, and the gritty reality of how things are can’t be skipped along the way to how they should be.
Things are as they are for reasons.
Follow the “Our Team” link on any reform-minded organization’s website and you will see an array of well brought up and analytically impressive researchers. Often they have had some experience in the system—a few years as an Assistant United States Attorney, for example—and often that experience has deepened their commitment.
But although they have been in the system, they are not of the system, and they are certainly not going back. The challenges raised by their new 25-point checklist won’t be theirs to confront.
The bet has to be placed on the frontline worker, not on the mandarins in Washington and New York. The reform organizations and entities such as the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) have important rules in supporting the capacity building that safety-oriented reforms require. (The NIJ Sentinel Events Initiative, with which I’ve been involved, provides one example of how this can be approached.)
Expertise, particularly in identifying, harvesting, and interpreting data can play an important role in assisting productive all-stakeholders “event reviews” on the state and local level.
And, as with the NTSB, the centralized entities can play an indispensable role in disseminating the lessons of local reviews throughout the community: illuminating dangerous conditions and influences; emphasizing sources of resilience.
But this means not one new Board, but a whole new paradigm.
Safety as a Fig Leaf
The disruption that Safety thinking promises is at this point long overdue.
The danger is that Senator Harris has seized on a rhetorical flourish that might short-circuit this shift—a way to talk about doing something without doing too much.
“Safety” could easily be hyped on a something-for-everyone basis that forecloses realizing the genuine promise of the robust body of learning that aviation has earned, and medicine and other fields have begun to adapt.
One of the principles of the Safety people is that nothing is ever “fixed.” Any “fix” you contrive is under immediate attack from its environment. That will be true of any National Police Review Board too.
Let’s hope we can look to Safety as a something we will have to keep continuously working to improve, and not stop at a new agency, a new Board.
James M. Doyle is a Boston defense lawyer and author, and a frequent contributor to The Crime Report. He welcomes readers’ comments.
Kamala Harris, Police Shootings and ‘Safety’ syndicated from https://immigrationattorneyto.wordpress.com/
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itsokaybigcat-blog · 6 years
Tips on how to do a step-by-step TCC while in the appropriate and simple way?
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If you got here it's because you're in one of these situations: 1. Are you currently acquiring difficulty starting up your TCC? two. Will not know how to try and do a TCC? three. Will not even know wherever to begin? 4. Have you been desperate mainly because time is operating out so you haven't even begun to accomplish your TCC? Usually do not worry, right here we are going to offer you the reply of tips on how to do a phase by stage TCC inside the correct and practical way ...
Now tell me if it truly is not real ... College students are terrified just before they even enter school with phrases this kind of as "It's simpler to obtain into university than to have from college" or "Just wait until finally you have to do your TCC, then you'll see what's great for a cough." And when it comes time for you to do the work of completion of course, we currently imagine the weekends that we will have to dedicate ourselves executing the well-known function. An excellent time without the need of holidays and devoid of sayinginha with mates. All this to be capable to complete the venture in time and not disapprove by the examining board of functions. But are aware that there are actually people who're authorities in undertaking the ideal good quality TCC jobs and within a record time! Spectacular and exceptional performs in the marketplace! Plus they are ready to help you, so that you tend not to waste a lot time with this particular famous perform!
But immediately after all, what on earth is TCC? For some it could look like a trivial question, but I think that a lot of you might have these concerns or inquire these questions: "Professor, I'm going to do a monograph and never a TCC, could you aid me?" Or "Instead of accomplishing a TCC, I can. produce a scientific write-up? ". TCC is usually a scientific short article, monograph, research report, literature overview posting, between a lot of other matters. TCC is really a phrase meaning "completion work" and can be various jobs, generally building utilization of ABNT requirements. What will decide the kind of work you may do is your university. TCC is definitely an academic operate of obligatory character and instrument of last evaluation of a higher training. It's elaborated as being a dissertation, aiming in the initiation and involvement in the undergraduate pupil while in the area of scientific investigation.
TCC Principles - Course Completion Do the job To find out in case your TCC venture might be a monograph, scientific write-up or other, visit your course coordinator or mentor to comprehend and get the principles. Based over the university you review, the do the job can be carried out individually or within a group and can also possess a unique title compared to the TCC (but eventually TCC anyway).
Tips on how to do a TCC - What you shouldn't do Several students are mistaken from the execution of the TCC undertaking, and lots of counselors, that are too hectic guiding a huge selection of college students, say they must get started using the theoretical framework. Other college students, not being aware of significantly to try and do, go straight towards the introduction - which appears to be acceptable - or currently begin with all the summary - which is one on the last points to become finished. But 1st of all, what should be accomplished very first is definitely the fundamental structure of TCC, naturally, as soon as you have selected the theme. However the most significant mistake of all is something that a lot of college students ignore, because it is actually a customized because college, to treat the venture as something done only to disrupt the life of college college students and make it hard to depart university. However, a lot of students get their first career or start a business enterprise with the concept developed inside a TCC. It might be tough to determine but executing the pondering as a chance instead of a punishment will drastically facilitate its creation.
The way to do a TCC? - The step by stage of achievement Now you may know why the completion function is not a seven-headed beast. Merely and immediately, you may understand how to perform a TCC devoid of complications and will not be misplaced any additional. The TCC project is divided into three components: • Introduction, •    Development • Conclusion. We are going to describe every single of them, so you do not get in any doubt. But prior to deciding to get the job finished, there is one stage you must get before you start off: Opt for Theme.
The way to pick the theme of your TCC To choose a right and acceptable theme, reply these 3 concerns: one. Do you such as the topic? This question is very important! Properly, think about that there are a lot of hrs dedicated to this operate, so should you don't such as the theme, the odds of you giving up will be higher ... Several college students pick a theme for seeming simpler but regret bitterly afterwards. two. Is there enough written content on the subject? Steer clear of incredibly specific themes, or at the least investigate prior to deciding to start! For, it is actually essential that you simply find great theoretical references to help in the system. So the moment you have set a theme you like, search for it immediately and see what you can locate. Consideration: it truly is to not do the research in the theoretical reference now, it truly is simply to get a speedy seem to know in case you have written content on the topic.
three. Would be the subject relevant with the academic degree?
The question is, does the theme you choose have any relevance to others? Somehow, will your exploration support any one? It really is not too broad, what tends to make it insignificant? Be careful about asking for thematic help for others. You will get extra lost than you currently are and lots of from the themes will not be for your liking, which can more lengthen your procrastination time. Consider a while to study regarding the subject that could be the subject of the TCC, approaches of approach to do the job (technical books assistance) and do not fail to get access to other excellent get the job done of completion needless to say of one's university.
How you can do a step-by-step TCC - Fundamental framework of TCC TCC is composed of three components: introduction, development and conclusion. Even so, just before creating these 3 items, it is needed to define: Simple Construction of TCC: • Theme • exploration trouble, • basic and specific goal
As a result, after defining the theme, we proceed on the following measures:
Search issue In this component of the TCC undertaking you define during which area inside the theme you intend to act. One example is, if it is actually a law, your research issue may possibly be: what exactly is the applicability of this law? Or how productive is this law? Or what are the results of this law? This element from the structure of your program completion get the job done is of utmost importance mainly because your project will not be done all around your Theme, but close to the established Research Challenge.
General goal Defined the Research Problem your total target might be specifically the research dilemma, on the other hand, devoid of the questioning and incorporating a verb in the starting on the sentence. One example is: analyze the results of this law.
Specific objectives
The specific objectives would be the separation into parts of what needs to be performed to achieve the overall objective. One example is, the general goal is the applicability from the law. Thus, the particular objectives is often: conceptualization of your law, characteristics from the law, objectives of the law, applicability of your law. The basic framework of TCC is the commencing stage of any project, from which you can be capable to carry out the entire TCC.
Introduction on the TCC task Within the introduction you need to specify: • What on earth is the operate, • What on earth is your intention with get the job done and • Simply because your analysis is vital. Whatever you may have defined from the fundamental construction of TCC you will now use as part of your introduction. That will be divided into seven parts:
• Contextualization: Introduce your theme. • Justified: Inform the relevance of the selected theme, what the influence of your theme is. • Analysis Issue: Put the exploration issue which you defined and clarify it briefly. • Standard Aim: Write your general objective and describe it briefly. • Precise Goals: Set specific objectives. • Doing work Methodology: How did you do your analysis? It really is basically describing the way you did your analysis. The vital factors right here are: o Nature of the investigate (exploratory, descriptive, explanatory), Key sources of exploration (talking to individuals, interviewing) and Secondary sources of study (read books, articles or blog posts), Qualitative or quantitative success and o How the investigate worked (description from the techniques of conducting the research).
• Chapter Framework: In this area you ought to area each chapter that should be within your TCC along with a quick description of what is going to be handled in just about every chapter. Each particular objective is usually a chapter.
Program Completion Workbook Script The following phase in tips on how to do a step-by-step TCC is usually to assemble the script from the structure of your chapters.
Each and every chapter in the TCC is going to be separated into 3 or four smaller sized topics. During the similar way while you did when you separated by elements your overall intention for making specific objectives. Now, the entire basis of one's task is done and also you can Ultimately go for theoretical referential investigation. TIP one: When browsing for posts, books, journals around the topic you have selected, see bibliographical references, note down and analyze how many distinctive sites they repeat. The a lot more you repeat, the extra vital that bibliographic reference is to you. TIP two: When researching, go through and separate the essential factors for on your own, following the chapter script you've currently created. To avoid potential complications like: "I bear in mind reading through about it somewhere, but in which did it go?"
The exclusive trick to carrying out a stage by step TCC note thousand! Here we presently know what is TCC, we by now possess a theme, we have by now defined do the job investigation and basic and certain goals. We have now previously completed the introduction, the chapters script and lastly the investigation with the theoretical reference. With all this established, the entire basis of TCC is currently finished. Now you will see how ideal to accomplish a TCC.
Monografis - Application that helps make a TCC quickly and proficiently! Monografis is software that helps with your TCC from beginning to end inside a block program. It can be fairly straightforward to utilize and leaves your function inside the excellent thousand note format! And why does it fix your ABNT standards trouble with the click of a button? Since soon after you've written your TCC, with all the click of a button inside the software package, you may move your full operate into Word into the entirely formatted and structured ABNT requirements. But what college students like most about Monografis is that this software saves a whole lot of time in the execution of TCC phase by stage, helping in each process:
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oceandrew-blog · 6 years
What on earth is TCC, how to do a TCC Phase by Stage - Learn it here!
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How you can do a step-by-step TCC within the proper and easy way? If you got here it's because you're in one of these situations: 1. Have you been possessing trouble beginning your TCC? 2. Don't know how to do a TCC? 3. Tend not to even know in which to begin? 4. Are you currently desperate for the reason that time is operating out so you have not even begun to carry out your TCC? Usually do not be concerned, here we are going to supply you with the solution of the best way to do a step by stage TCC within the accurate and practical way ...
Now inform me if it truly is not accurate ... College students are terrified prior to they even enter university with phrases such as "It's less difficult to get into university than to acquire out of college" or "Just wait till you have to do your TCC, then you will see what's excellent for any cough." And when it comes time to do the do the job of completion certainly, we by now think about the weekends that we will really have to dedicate ourselves carrying out the famous do the job. A great time without having holidays and without the need of sayinginha with pals. All this to be ready to finish the undertaking in time and not disapprove through the examining board of will work. But are aware that you can find folks who are specialists in performing the top top quality TCC jobs and in the record time! Magnificent and distinctive will work out there! And they are inclined that will help you, which means you do not waste so much time with this famous do the job!
But soon after all, what is TCC? For some it may seem to be like a trivial question, but I believe that a lot of you may have these issues or ask these questions: "Professor, I am gonna do a monograph and never a TCC, could you assist me?" Or "Instead of carrying out a TCC, I can. make a scientific short article? ". TCC is usually a scientific post, monograph, study report, literature overview report, between lots of other factors. TCC is often a phrase which means "completion work" and will be a number of jobs, often generating utilization of ABNT standards. What will identify the kind of perform you'll do is your university. TCC is definitely an academic operate of obligatory character and instrument of final evaluation of a greater training. It's elaborated as being a dissertation, aiming at the initiation and involvement from the undergraduate pupil within the area of scientific analysis.
TCC Principles - Program Completion Operate To discover in case your TCC task are going to be a monograph, scientific short article or other, go to your course coordinator or mentor to comprehend and acquire the principles. Dependent within the university you examine, the do the job may be done individually or inside a group and may also have a different title compared to the TCC (but in the end TCC anyway).
Ways to do a TCC - What you should not do Many college students are mistaken from the execution in the TCC task, and lots of counselors, that are also hectic guiding hundreds of college students, say they must begin with all the theoretical framework. Other students, not knowing a lot to perform, go straight for the introduction - which seems to be acceptable - or currently commence together with the summary - which is one particular from the last factors for being carried out. But initial of all, what ought to be completed very first could be the basic structure of TCC, not surprisingly, when you finally have chosen the theme. However the largest error of all is something that numerous students ignore, given that it can be a customized considering the fact that school, to treat the venture as one thing performed only to disrupt the existence of school college students and make it challenging to depart school. On the other hand, quite a few students get their initial occupation or start off a company with all the thought developed in a TCC. It might be hard to figure out but executing the thinking as an opportunity instead of a punishment will enormously facilitate its creation.
How you can do a TCC? - The phase by phase of achievement Now you may know why the completion operate isn't a seven-headed beast. Simply just and immediately, you may know how to accomplish a TCC with no challenges and can not be misplaced any additional. The TCC task is divided into 3 components: • Introduction, •    Development • Conclusion. We'll explain just about every of them, so you don't get in any doubt. But prior to deciding to get the work carried out, there is certainly one particular stage you have to get before you decide to start off: Select Theme.
The best way to select the theme of one's TCC To select a right and acceptable theme, reply these three questions: 1. Do you such as the topic? This query is very critical! Well, picture that you will discover numerous hours devoted to this function, so in the event you usually do not like the theme, the likelihood of you providing up is going to be large ... Many students choose a theme for seeming simpler but regret bitterly afterwards. 2. Is there adequate material over the subject? Stay clear of extremely precise themes, or not less than investigate prior to deciding to begin! For, it can be crucial you find fantastic theoretical references to aid inside the system. So once you have set a theme you like, hunt for it promptly and see everything you can uncover. Consideration: it is actually to not do the study of the theoretical reference now, it really is just to take a rapid appear to know when you've got written content to the subject.
three. Will be the subject relevant on the academic level?
The query is, does the theme you decide on have any relevance to others? Somehow, will your investigation support any one? It really is not also broad, what helps make it insignificant? Be cautious about asking for thematic assist for others. You may get a lot more lost than you presently are and many of the themes is not going to be to your liking, which will even further lengthen your procrastination time. Take some time to study about the topic which will be the subject of the TCC, procedures of technique to get the job done (technical books assist) and don't fail to get accessibility to other great work of completion of course of your university.
The way to do a step-by-step TCC - Basic framework of TCC TCC is composed of three aspects: introduction, improvement and conclusion. However, ahead of writing these 3 objects, it can be important to define: Fundamental Construction of TCC: • Theme • study issue, • general and unique goal
Therefore, immediately after defining the theme, we proceed on the following methods:
Search challenge In this aspect of one's TCC venture you define in which location inside the theme you intend to act. Such as, if it is actually a law, your investigation challenge may perhaps be: what's the applicability of this law? Or how productive is this law? Or what exactly are the effects of this law? This component of the construction of one's program completion function is of utmost value for the reason that your venture will not be performed all-around your Theme, but about the established Investigate Trouble.
Common goal Defined the Study Problem your general objective will be specifically the study issue, nevertheless, with out the questioning and including a verb on the beginning of your sentence. For instance: analyze the effects of this law.
Particular objectives
The distinct objectives are the separation into components of what needs to be done to attain the overall aim. Such as, the general aim is the applicability with the law. Therefore, the specific objectives may be: conceptualization on the law, traits of the law, objectives on the law, applicability on the law. The basic structure of TCC may be the beginning stage of any task, from which you'll manage to perform the whole TCC.
Introduction in the TCC project While in the introduction you have to specify: • What is the perform, • Precisely what is your intention with operate and • For the reason that your exploration is vital. No matter what you've got defined during the basic framework of TCC you might now use inside your introduction. Which will be divided into seven parts:
• Contextualization: Introduce your theme. • Justified: Tell the relevance from the selected theme, what the affect on the theme is. • Investigate Problem: Put the study issue you defined and describe it briefly. • General Aim: Write your basic goal and make clear it briefly. • Unique Goals: Set distinct goals. • Working Methodology: How did you do your analysis? It's fundamentally describing the way you did your research. The critical factors here are: o Nature of your investigate (exploratory, descriptive, explanatory), Key sources of research (talking to people today, interviewing) and Secondary sources of study (go through books, articles or blog posts), Qualitative or quantitative effects and o How the analysis worked (description in the techniques of conducting the study).
• Chapter Framework: In this area you must spot just about every chapter that will be with your TCC along with a short description of what is going to be handled in every single chapter. Every single distinct goal is often a chapter.
Course Completion Workbook Script The subsequent phase in how to do a step-by-step TCC is always to assemble the script on the construction of the chapters.
Each and every chapter with your TCC is going to be separated into 3 or 4 smaller subjects. While in the very same way as you did if you separated by components your overall objective to produce certain aims. Now, the entire basis of the venture is done and you also can Finally go for theoretical referential investigate. TIP 1: When browsing for content articles, books, journals within the subject you've got chosen, see bibliographical references, note down and analyze the number of distinct websites they repeat. The additional you repeat, the far more significant that bibliographic reference is always to you. TIP 2: When researching, study and separate the significant factors for your self, following the chapter script you may have previously produced. To prevent long term challenges like: "I keep in mind studying about it someplace, but wherever did it go?"
The particular trick to undertaking a stage by phase TCC note thousand! Here we presently know what is TCC, we presently possess a theme, we have by now defined work research and standard and distinct goals. We've got presently finished the introduction, the chapters script and lastly the study from the theoretical reference. With all this established, the entire basis of TCC is already performed. Now you'll see how greatest to try and do a TCC.
Monografis - Program that assists make a TCC quickly and proficiently! Monografis is software that aids with your TCC from beginning to finish inside a block procedure. It truly is fairly uncomplicated to make use of and leaves your perform during the best thousand note format! And why does it solve your ABNT standards dilemma with the click of a button? For the reason that soon after you have written your TCC, with all the click of the button inside the software package, you may move your full work into Word in to the fully formatted and structured ABNT requirements. But what college students like most about Monografis is that this software saves quite a bit of time during the execution of TCC stage by phase, assisting in just about every process:
Como fazer um TCC passo a passo
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sherristockman · 7 years
Skip Microwaved Eggs Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Eggs are close to being a perfect food. Egg yolks deliver vitamins A, D, E, K and B12, omega-3 fats, folate and antioxidants. They are also versatile. You can use them at any meal, kids love them and they can be cooked inside or outside the shell. Until the 1920s, chickens were raised almost exclusively for their ability to lay eggs. The meat was seasonally available, expensive and not very tasty.1 This changed, quite by accident, in 1923 when farm wife Cecile Steele mistakenly ordered 500 hatchlings instead of 50. The farmer sold the extra chickens for meat. The "mistake" was so successful, she repeated it in the following years. Then, in 1948 a contest was sponsored to breed a better tasting chicken and today Americans eat more chicken than they did in the early 20th century.2 In the 1960s, as the low-fat fad gained momentum, doctors recommended eating just the whites of eggs as the yolks were reportedly high in cholesterol, which was mistakenly thought to be bad for your health. Media warned eggs increased your cholesterol level and your risk of heart disease. Today, following the recommendations of researchers and scientists, the egg is recognized as a nutritious food and the U.S. Government Office of Disease Prevention and Heath Promotion's Dietary Guidelines for Americans3 2015-2020 has dropped their strict limits on dietary cholesterol.4 Although eggs offer significant nutritional benefits, it is vital to seek out high quality eggs and protect your health from cooking methods that may trigger significant burns or create toxins in your food.5 Superheating in a Microwave Is Explosive Hard-boiled eggs, reheated in a microwave, are an accident waiting to happen. A 9-year-old girl in the U.K. found that out when she reheated an egg for 40 seconds, and while carrying the egg to a table, the egg exploded.6 Pieces from the superheated egg tore her cornea and required a lens replacement to restore her vision months later. Ophthalmologists used this as a case study when they made an appeal to microwave manufacturers to place warning labels on microwave ovens about the dangers of exploding eggs.7 Manufacturers warn against microwaving eggs without first piercing them several times. But those warnings are found in leaflets that accompany the microwave, which many owners toss, explains Dr. Saurabh Goyal, ophthalmologist at Queen Mary's Hospital in the U.K and one of the letter's authors.8 It is not just eggs that explode in the microwave. An Illinois woman scalded her face and corneas after a bowl of water she heated in the microwave exploded in her face.9 Louis Bloomfield, Ph.D., a University of Virginia physicist explained to ABC News: "You're used to having water or liquid boil when you heat it above a certain temperature, but there are occasions, and they're more frequent than you'd expect, in a microwave oven when the water goes to or above boiling without any bubbles forming. And that's a phenomenon known as superheating. Well, it's almost like a bomb once you've got it superheated adequately, because anything that triggers the boiling, once you've reached that temperature, will cause catastrophic, very sudden flash boiling." A review of the literature published in 2001 found 13 cases where individuals were burned by exploding eggs after they were removed from a microwave oven.10 In some of those cases the explosion occurred even after the shell or yolk had been pierced. In 2002, an estimated 2,700 people in the U.K. sustained a microwave-related injury, half of those from hot liquid. More recently, a lawsuit was filed after a customer at a restaurant bit into an egg that had been reheated in a microwave. The egg exploded in his mouth with a loud bang, causing burns. Exploding Eggs Do Not Cause Acoustical Damage During the ensuing court case, a San Francisco-based firm specializing in acoustics was asked to determine if the noise from the exploding egg could have caused hearing damage.11 The firm presented their results during the 174 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. During the experiments, the scientists controlled variables, including measurement of sound levels, internal temperature of the eggs and documentation of the different kinds and sizes of the eggs used.12 hard-boiled eggs were put into a water bath and heated for three minutes in the microwave. The temperature of the water bath was measured in the middle and end of the heating time. The eggs were then removed from the water bath, placed on the floor and pierced with a fast-acting meat thermometer to both pierce the egg and measure the internal temperature of the yolk. The researchers found the internal temperature was consistently higher than the water bath from which the eggs had been removed. This suggested to the researchers that the egg was more receptive to heating from the microwave than was the surrounding water. The scientists hypothesized:13 "... that the egg's protein matrix traps small pockets of water within the yolk, causing the pockets to superheat well above the nominal boiling temperature of ordinary tap water. When these superheated pockets are disturbed by a penetrating device, or if one attempts to bite into the egg yolk, the water pockets all boil in a furious chain reaction leading to an explosion-like phenomenon." The team was tasked to answer the question of whether an exploding egg created enough pressure to damage hearing. They found that, although loud, a single explosion wasn't enough to damage hearing. Anthony Nash, currently serving on a U.S. Technical Advisory Group to review and comment on international standards addressing mechanical vibration in the environment, explains their results: "We needed to quantify the peak sound pressures from an exploding egg so we could compare it to hearing damage risk criteria. At 1 foot away, the peak sound pressure levels from microwaved eggs covered a wide range from 86 up to 133 decibels. Only 30 percent of the tested eggs survived the microwave heating cycle and exploded when pierced by a sharp object. On a statistical basis, the likelihood of an egg exploding and damaging someone's hearing is quite remote. It's a little bit like playing egg roulette." Chemical Changes Produce Toxins and Reduce Nutritional Benefits While the probability of hearing loss may be remote, the likelihood of chemical changes in food cooked in a microwave is far higher. Microwaving alters the food's chemical structure and begins in areas with the highest water concentration. As water is not uniformly present throughout your food, it is frequently unevenly heated. Knowledge of the changes to food from microwave heating has dramatically increased from the time the appliance was first introduced. For example, using any type of plastic container opens up the probability that chemicals like BPA will leach into the food, contaminating it with hormone disrupting chemicals. High heat, such as in microwave ovens, may also produce heterocyclic amines (HCAs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and advanced glycation end products (AGEs), each of which are known carcinogens.14 Research into nutritional changes related to thawing, cooking or reheating foods in a microwave is slowly demonstrating that altering the chemical structure of food using microwave radiation likely also damages nutrients. One study found microwaved broccoli lost up to 97 percent of beneficial antioxidants,15 while as little as 60 seconds inactivated all the allinase in garlic, the active ingredient against cancer.16 A Scandinavian study found microwaving asparagus reduced vitamin C17 and a Japanese study found six minutes of heating rendered up to 40 percent of B12 in milk inert.18 Researchers have also discovered microwaves cause a higher degree of "protein unfolding" than conventional heating19 and will destroy essential disease-fighting agents in breast milk that help protect your baby.20 For this reason, and because microwaving may cause the milk to get excessively hot and may burn your baby, NEVER heat breast milk in the microwave. Microwave Radiation Triggers Massive Mitochondrial Dysfunction Microwave radiation is a form of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation that is common to cellphones, Wi-Fi routers and microwave ovens. EMFs are a pernicious health hazard that affects your body at the cellular level, causing massive mitochondrial dysfunction through free radicals from peroxynitrite. This short video with Martin Pall, Ph.D., is an introduction to an hourlong interview where we discuss the damage EMF triggers. Pall has identified and published research describing the likely molecular mechanisms of how EMFs damage plants, animals and humans.21,22,23,24 His research demonstrates exposure to EMF radiation opens voltage-gated calcium channels in your cells’ membranes, allowing a massive influx of calcium into your cells. Excess intracellular calcium increases calcium signaling and increases nitric oxide (NO) to massively excessive amounts that interact with superoxide. While lower amounts of NO have beneficial health effects, larger quantities trigger a reaction that forms peroxynitrite, an extremely potent oxidant stressor. It is important to state that not all oxidative stress is harmful. Your body requires a baseline of free radicals for optimal health. NO, for example, is a free radical that has several beneficial effects when produced in moderation. NO helps reduce your blood pressure, support your immune system and naturally reduces platelet aggregation that reduces your risk for heart attack and stroke. The problem occurs with excessive oxidative stress that can be triggered by exposure to microwave EMF radiation. Nutrition in the Egg Is Dependent on How the Chicken Was Raised As with most biological processes, the end result is a culmination of what was used to build the organism. In the case of eggs, there is a vast nutritional difference between chickens raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and fed GE grains supplemented with vitamins and antibiotics — standard supermarket eggs — and organic, free-range pastured eggs. You'll be able to tell if your eggs are free-range or pastured by the color of the yolk. Hens allowed to forage in a pasture produce eggs with rich orange colored yolks, while caged hens produce eggs with pale, anemic yellow yolks. The Cornucopia Institute addresses some of the issues of nutritional value in eggs in their egg report25 and scorecard26 that ranks egg producers according to 28 organic criteria. This information may help you make a more educated choice when buying eggs at the supermarket. Ultimately, your best choice is to purchase your eggs and grass fed meat directly from a trusted local farmer. Alternatively, you might consider raising your own backyard chickens. This practice is growing in popularity and many U.S. cities are adjusting their zoning restrictions accordingly. Requirements vary depending upon your locale, with some limiting the number you can raise or requiring a quarterly inspection and permits (at a cost). Check with your city, but you may be surprised to learn they already allow chickens. If you don't want to raise your own chickens, but still want farm-fresh eggs, you have options. If you live in an urban area, visiting the local health food stores is typically the quickest route to finding high-quality local egg sources. Farmers markets and food co-ops are another great way to meet the people who produce your food. With face-to-face contact, you can get your questions answered and know exactly what you're buying. Better yet, visit the farm — ask for a tour. If they have nothing to hide, they should be eager to show you their operation. The Choline Connection Eggs are one of the best nutritional sources of choline available. Choline helps to keep your cell membranes functioning, plays a role in communication in your nervous system and reduces chronic inflammation. Your body uses it to make acetylcholine, used in your brain to store memories. During pregnancy, a woman's body uses it to prevent birth defects and plays a role in brain development. However, as important as this nutrient is to your health, research finds only 8 percent of American adults are consuming enough.27 Researchers have found it's "extremely difficult" to get enough choline unless you eat eggs or take a dietary supplement. Of those who do eat eggs regularly, more than 57 percent met adequate intake levels, compared to 2.4 percent who don't eat eggs. Some of the symptoms of low levels are similar to early symptoms of dementia or of menopause, and include memory problems, lethargy and persistent brain fog. Since your body can only synthesize small amounts at a time, it's necessary to routinely get it from your diet. Healthiest Way to Eat Eggs Although versatile, how you cook them may lower the antioxidants available. According to one study,28 storing eggs in the refrigerator didn't change the nutrient values, but boiling and frying significantly reduced oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) value (a test that attempts to quantify the total antioxidant capacity) and the contents of free amino acid, lutein and zeaxanthin. In another review of the nutrient value, cooking reduced vitamin A content between 17 percent and 20 percent.29 Overall, the shorter the amount of time spent cooking eggs, the more nutritional benefits they retain. Soft boiling or poaching until firm are good ways of cooking within those parameters. However, the healthiest way to consume eggs when they are from a high-quality source of pastured, organic hens, is raw. When eggs are baked for 40 minutes they can lose as much as 61 percent of vitamin D content, compared to 18 percent when they're boiled or fried for a shorter period.30 Another study reported that consumption of antioxidants is known to reduce oxidative damage in cells and improve health. In addition to well-known nutritional contributions, eggs play an important role as an antioxidant food.31
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Inside my head
I decided to use stop-motion videography to tell my story as I wanted it to engage my audience and made it more personal by drawing.
Whilst doing this video, I drew inspiration from art techniques such as glitching and the usage of avatars to explore self identity. To me, these two channels unbridles the limits that one can express themselves.
Avatars are easy to understand, they are icons or figures that we can choose and customise to represent our online self for games, websites etc. The usage of avatars was inspired by “Second lives: Jeux masqués et autres Je” where the construction and deconstruction of identity is explored. 
These avatars can be created to resemble our true self or they can be a creation of what we wish to look like aesthetically. One can hide their real self behind and avatar and conjure up a completely different personality, have hobbies and beliefs from his or her actual self. I have avatars that I create when I play games like sims and maple story. For social media such as snapchat I use bitmoji to create my own avatar to express my thoughts and feelings with my friends. Avatars are interesting because we have always discussed the idea of the possibility of having an online persona and an offline persona, and in my opinion avatars add an additional later to this. If we create an avatar that resembles our physical appearances but adopt an online persona that is different from our offline persona, are we then using the avatar as a channel to project how and who we want to be? Is there a difference to someone who creates an avatar that looks completely different from their physical appearance and adopts a different offline personality? On a more personal level, it encouraged me to think of why I use these avatars and the rationale about why I create my avatars to look as such. I noticed I tend to like creating avatars that look vastly different from my asian looks. This can be attributed to my perception of beauty, I have always preferred the “white” look. Blonde hair, blue eyes, sharp noses, defined cheekbone. On a deeper level, it made me question my perception of beauty. What is wrong with my oriental features? What is wrong with having a small nose and small eyes? I realised while I was busy trying to look like a certain type of race, it was useless. I realised despite how I look like online as an avatar, it does not matter and should not matter. Most importantly, one should embrace their physical appearance and spend time thinking and working on their personalities and flaws to be a more worldly person.
Glitches however, is something beyond one’s control. We can explore what glitches produce but we cannot channel glitches towards a certain direction. This makes glitches an interesting form of artwork, we often conjure up an artwork such as paintings with the intended art piece in mind but in this case, the artist starts with a technique in hand but the end product is left to the beauty of glitches. Jon Satrom, an artist that explores the usage of glitches in his artwork believes that glitches are “ever-evolving, elusive entities that inhibit and disrupt systems within our realities”. I believe this is exactly how we humans are, we may not be who we define ourselves to be. There may be underlying layers of ourselves that we have yet to discover, or desperately push it to the back of our minds as they are cognitively dissonant with the person that we aspire to be. We are creatures of constant flux, ever changing and full of surprise.
Social Media - Instagram
Amalia Ulman created an “instagram masterpiece” as a sociological critique of the internet’s obsession with appearances using the self-portrait methodology. It forced me to think how much of the pictures/captions/status updates that I post are influenced by how others will perceive me. 
Another art technique that I find particular interesting is the usage of codes to produce art. Before attending this class, codes were merely numbers, letters and symbols to me. They were a language for machines that were simply functional and cold. However, upon reading up on coding, I chanced upon this website - code-poems.com that explored how codes can be more that just a language for computers.  
“Code can speak literature, logic, maths. It contains different layers of abstraction and it links them to the physical world of processors and memory chips. All these resources can contribute in expanding the boundaries of contemporary poetry by using code as a new language. Code to speak about life or death, love or hate. Code meant to be read, not run.”
This inspired me to think about whether feelings could be injected into these codes. In my video, I spoke about wanting to create and appreciate so I decided to create an art piece that appreciates the beauty of codes as well as the language of love. I wanted to create an artpiece that utilised codes but wanted to inject something that was personal to me. I experimented with binary codes and drew inspiration from one of the hottest chick flicks “sex and the city”. In this movie, love letters from great men were quoted and there’s one from Beethoven that struck the hearts of all the girls who have watched this movie. Mine included.
“Good morning, on July 7
Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us - I can live only wholly with you or not at all - Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits - Yes, unhappily it must be so - You will be the more contained since you know my fidelity to you. No one else can ever possess my heart - never - never - Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves. And yet my life in V is now a wretched life - Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men - At my age I need a steady, quiet life - can that be so in our connection? My angel, I have just been told that the mailcoach goes every day - therefore I must close at once so that you may receive the letter at once - Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together - Be calm - love me - today - yesterday - what tearful longings for you - you - you - my life - my all - farewell. Oh continue to love me - never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
ever thine
ever mine
ever ours”
I created an art piece that can be exhibited by converting this love letter into a binary code and made it the background of the image, layering the letter in english on top. I played around with different colours to enable the audience to see the contrast between the two. The video ends with the quote “ever thine, ever mine, ever ours” to leave an impression on the viewer. I remember watching the movie and hearing the narrator read out these lines, and felt my heart constrict. I felt the exact same feeling when I saw the quote in the art piece as well. I loved the notion of codes being injected with romance! It was lovely to think of numbers and symbols having the ability to have warmth and feeling.
Defining myself
I used to see emojis as a way to express my emotions and feelings, however, an artwork-  “Gorando” that was part of Blinding Pleasures at are byte gallery in London caused me to think about the deeper implications of these seemingly harmless emojis. This artwork is based on the 6 Facebook reactions one can have to a status update/shared post etc. By clicking any one of these 6 reactions, the users are not just sharing their thoughts and feelings with friends and family but are placed at the mercy of algorithms whereby our reactions are under surveillance and big data as well as emotional data are sold in a monetary transaction. I began to think more about how we are led to think that we have a choice to choose the emotions that we wish to express but in actual reality, we are just victims of targeted advertising and emotional manipulation. Thus, I realised how the internet and seemingly harmless things like emojis and status updates can in turn control us if we are not careful. Hence, I want to break away from the control of all these big data and algorithms.
I hope you enjoyed watching my video as much as I enjoyed planning it’s creation and execution!
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cutshawsnidowoa · 6 years
The Causes of Ascites in Cats (A.K.A. Abdominal Fluid Buildup in Cats)
The post The Causes of Ascites in Cats (A.K.A. Abdominal Fluid Buildup in Cats) by Melvin Pena appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
Does your cat have a bloated stomach? A cat’s abdomen and internal organs are sheathed in a tissue lining called the peritoneum. This lining secretes fluid — peritoneal fluid — which permits everything inside to move comfortably as the cat moves. If your cat suddenly develops belly swelling or abdominal distension, it might indicate any one of a wide array of potentially life-threatening cat health issues due to excess fluid buildup. Depending on the specific issue, this fluid might be overproduced peritoneal fluid, internal bleeding, urine or a combination. Let’s examine some of the major causes of abdominal fluid buildup in cats, or ascites in cats.
Ascites in cats
What causes ascites in cats, or swollen stomachs in cats? Photography ©adogslifephoto | Getty Images.
On the most basic level, swelling due to internal fluid buildup is called an edema. When it affects the abdomen or stomach area specifically, it is referred to as ascites. A swollen stomach is one of the most obvious symptoms of ascites in cats, but any dramatic shift in appetite, weight, body temperature, excremental function or physical sensitivity during a belly rub might indicate excess abdominal fluid in cats, or ascites in cats. Fluid buildup in the abdomen eventually creates so much pressure inside the cat’s body that the cat might have trouble breathing as well.
Unfortunately, ascites in cats itself is only a symptom of a larger problem. To determine a course of treatment and hopefully a resolution, a veterinarian needs to determine the precise reason for ascites in cats. The major cat diseases and afflictions that can cause ascites in cats that we’ll cover here include:
Abdominal organ failure
Feline infectious peritonitis
Physical trauma
Right-sided heart failure
Let’s look at each cause of ascites in cats right here:
Abdominal organ failure
Damage to or failure of any the organs in a cat’s abdominal cavity — especially the liver, kidneys and bladder — can each lead to discomfort and ascites in cats. When healthy, these organs provide vital functions including conversion and metabolization of nutrients, filtration, and waste removal. Failures or ruptures of the liver and kidney can release fluid into the abdomen that can become septic.
Liver and kidney failure in cats can occur for a number of similar reasons: ingestion of chemicals or toxins, excessive heat, dietary imbalances, infection, metabolic dysfunction, and anything else that disrupts normal operation. A ruptured bladder can be caused by urinary tract infection, blockages of the urinary tract or disease. With no place for urine to go, the bladder can tear and release urine into the abdomen, irritating the peritoneum, which releases more fluid.
Feline infectious peritonitis
Another cause of ascites in cats, feline infectious peritonitis — or FIP — is caused by a virus that thrives in white blood cells. The name peritonitis gives you the clearest indication that it directly and adversely affects and inflames a cat’s abdominal lining.
There are two forms of FIP in cats, and the one that causes swelling of the peritoneum is effusive, also called wet. When the virus mutates and becomes active, it impairs a cat’s immune system and particularly affects the kidneys and abdominal lining. FIP is a dangerous condition in cats, because it is not only difficult to diagnose, but also practically impossible to cure.
Congestive heart failure on the right side
The right side of the heart is crucial to that organ’s function. It pumps fresh, oxygenated blood through a cat’s body. Congestive heart failure — or CHF — is a condition in which the heart is unable or incapable of doing this. CHF in cats has a number of potential causes itself:
Heart diseases, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a thickening of the heart muscle
High blood pressure
Right-sided congestive heart failure can be genetic and affect younger cats, but it tends to affect older, senior cats more frequently. As a cat’s heart struggles to distribute fresh blood, fluids begin to build up throughout the body, including the abdomen, which leads to ascites in cats.
Cancer is another potential cause for ascites in cats. Tumors or masses anywhere in a cat’s abdominal cavity can lead to blockages and disruption of normal organ functioning. Fluids that should be filtered by any of these organs might either back up or leak out into the abdomen.
Physical trauma
Any kind of physical trauma to a cat’s body — either because of accident, abuse or other causes of injury — can damage internal organs. Whether that’s a tear or rupture to a vital organ that causes internal hemorrhaging of the fluids utilized or processed by them, or of blood, the result is leakage into the abdomen of things that shouldn’t be there. The peritoneum is irritated, excess fluid is produced, and swelling occurs.
An accurate diagnosis for ascites in cats is critical
Before the excess fluid buildup from ascites in cats is treated, an accurate diagnosis is needed. A veterinarian might conduct any of a number of tests, including a physical examination of the cat’s abdomen to check for pain or discomfort caused by external pressure, tests on a cat’s blood and urine, X-rays, and ultrasounds.
The scans might reveal which organ or system is affected, while the blood and urine tests can determine chemical imbalances or reveal infectious agents. The fluid present in the abdomen might also be tapped and tested to find the cause of ascites in cats.
Can ascites in cats be treated?
Treating ascites in cats depends greatly on the root cause of the fluid buildup. Simply draining the fluid might provide temporary comfort to a cat, but if the source of the buildup is not addressed directly, the peritoneum will continue producing fluid, and the abdominal swelling will return. Many of the major reasons we’ve outlined above are extremely serious health issues for cats.
In the case of something like feline infectious peritonitis, and the only real options are geared toward relief rather than cure. As for heartworm infestations, by the time there are sufficient parasites to cause congestive heart failure, it might be too late to treat. If an abdominal cancer is found, treatment options and recovery depend on how advanced the disease is when diagnosed. Performed in time, surgery might be able to resolve physical injury or organ trauma such as a ruptured bladder. Medication might address any bacterial infection that is causing excess fluid production.
This piece was originally published in 2015. 
Thumbnail: Photography © sdominick | iStock / Getty Images Plus.
About the author:
Melvin Peña trained as a scholar and teacher of 18th-century British literature before turning his research and writing skills to puppies and kittens. He enjoys making art, hiking, and concert-going, as well as dazzling crowds with operatic karaoke performances. He has a one-year-old female Bluetick Coonhound mix named Idris, and his online life is conveniently encapsulated here.
Read more about cat health and care here:
5 Health Risks for Overweight Cats
All About Cat Exercise
Is Your Cat Not Drinking Water? 10 Ways to Get Your Cat to Drink More Water
The post The Causes of Ascites in Cats (A.K.A. Abdominal Fluid Buildup in Cats) by Melvin Pena appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
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