#how each of them respond to an imminent threat
teefigotem · 1 day
sorry i'm on a Murderbot Diaries kick again so y'all are getting meta. thinking about that one scene in Network Effect that everyone talks about. you know, the “who the fuck are you” “this is nonstandard communication” aka the one where Three discovers the concept of eldritch horror for the first time. beautiful scene 10/10 no notes.
that being said i’m also thinking about a take i’ve seen a few times saying that ART was way scarier to Three than it was to Murderbot and like. I don’t think that’s completely true. not to say that ART wasn’t mean or scary to Three — being told that someone might peel away your organic parts piece by piece will in fact be terrifying any way you spin in.
but like. okay. ART and Three come to an understanding very quickly in NE, arguably quicker than Murderbot and ART in AC. and some of that is due to the difference in Murderbot and Three’s personalities, but i think a lot of that is due to how ART approaches each situation.
(more under the cut)
so like okay. when ART and Murderbot first meet, Murderbot is entirely a wildcard coming aboard ART, and ART responds the way you would to an unknown, unpredictable threat, i.e. with a blatant but somewhat ambiguous show of force. by dropping its walls ART is doing the equivalent of like. brandishing a powerful weapon in your face. it doesn't explicitly tell Murderbot that it will hurt it. in fact, the only things it says to Murderbot are to tell it that it knows that it's a rogue SecUnit and to warn Murderbot not to hack it. this is the type of approach you'd take with someone who you aren't sure even has the capacity to be reasoned with - it demonstrates that it could crush Murderbot like a bug, because this is the only thing it's confident Murderbot will respond to.
the problem with this, from Murderbot's POV, is that, because the threat is implied rather than explicitly stated, there's no reassurance that if Murderbot doesn't try to hack ART then ART will leave it alone in turn. in fact, it spends the moments after this interaction spiraling about what ART wants with it and whether ART specifically let it on board to torture or kill it. i don't think that was ART's intention with the threat, i think it genuinely did not have the context to realize that Murderbot would take the show of force more as a threat of imminent violence than as a warning against attacking it. but, since it didn't have that context, it approached that interaction like one would approach someone with whom you don't see as an equal and don't have any interest in reasoning with.
contrast that to how ART interacts with Three. on the surface, what it says is scarier. its threats are certainly more violent. but they are also explicitly stated if/then statements: if you hurt these humans, then i will do xyz to you. i do know that in mathematical logic there's still no guarantee made in if/then statements that the then won't come to pass regardless, but the specificity of both the threat and the guidelines provides Three with parameters to follow, and implies that if it does then no harm will come to it.
this was notable to me because ART speaks to Three like a person to be negotiated with from the beginning, and that's. well. because it knows enough by now to know that Three is a person, in a way that i'm not sure it knew about Murderbot before seeing Murderbot's memory files of the governor module. it knows before speaking to them that both Murderbot and Three are rogue SecUnits, but its understanding of what a rogue SecUnit is, what it is capable of, and what it might do has profoundly changed between two interactions. even in their first interaction ART treats Three like a person who may be capable of being dangerous, rather than like a loose cannon who could mindlessly commit violence at any minute.
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hungrydogs-if · 1 year
editing the 'incident' portion of the game rn and wanted to share a treat.
have at thee, the last the mc ever saw of the ro's before they got got. (am making jokes because this chapter is sad)
so, what did the mc witness before losing all their friends?
well, they saw;
dane swinging a chair at an armed swat officer before tackling them to the ground.
mona throwing threats and thrashing against five officers holding her down.
sam having a panic attack while staring down the barrel of a rifle pointed at their face.
thirteen seemingly unfazed or even bored, kneeling on the ground with their hands on their head. (well, helmet.)
and then there was angel who arrested the mc once they got taken down during pursuit. nothing says budding friendship like being read your miranda rights.
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hrh-prince-butt · 1 year
alex and henry plan to dress up as barbie and ken for an upcoming costume party, but they can't seem to agree on who should be barbie and who should be ken...
(hello this is possibly the dumbest thing i've ever written, and i have no regrets, it was so much fun to write)
“You can’t deny the Kenergy, babe.” 
“You’re right,” Henry shoots back. “I can’t. And if anyone has it, it’s you.” 
Alex crosses his arms and glares stubbornly at Henry. Henry glares right back, just as goddamn stubborn. Looks like they’re in a stalemate. 
There was no argument that they absolutely had to dress up as Barbie and Ken for their couples costume this year. It had practically been telepathically agreed upon before they even left the cinema. Apparently, the hard part is agreeing on who should dress up as who.
Alex had thought it was obvious that he should be Barbie. But when he brought up speculations about his costume - should he copy an outfit from the movie or figure out something of his own? - Henry had frowned and said he thought he was supposed to be Barbie. 
“Just face it, sweetheart,” Alex says, patting Henry on the shoulder. “You are clearly the Ken to my Barbie.” 
Henry huffs. “How am I the Ken to your Barbie?”
“Well.” Alex leans back on the couch and gestures to himself. “I’m the successful career person, and you are my hot blond accessory. Obviously.” 
“Unbelievable,” Henry says. He sounds genuinely offended. “David, are you hearing this?” David the Beagle lifts his head lazily at the sound of his name, but finding no imminent threat and no promise of treats, he goes back to napping on the couch. 
“All this time,” Henry goes on, and Alex can tell he’s really amping up the theatrics now, probably working up to a dramatic monologue of some kind. “I thought you liked me because of my intelligence, my wit. I thought I was more than just a pretty face, but no. Apparently I’m just some attractive himbo boytoy to you. Utterly unbelievable.” 
He punctuates this absolute scene with a very undramatic bite of chocolate chip cookie. This batch is his third attempt, and Alex has to admit they aren’t terrible. They are overbaked and therefore rock hard - Henry’s annoyed chewing can probably be heard halfway down the street - but they’re already miles better than the last batch. Alex thinks it best not to speak of the last batch.  
“I can’t believe you just called yourself a ‘himbo boytoy’.” Alex is wheezing with laughter, and Henry’s stubborn chewing, his failing attempt to look dramatically offended while crunching on a cookie the texture of a brick, only makes it harder to stop laughing. “Those are your words, not mine.” 
He deigns not to mention that while he has been busy with important law shit all week, Henry has been busy baking cookies. And being really bad at it. That’s definitely Kenergy. 
Henry sighs and washes down the remains of the tragic cookie with tea. “You’re not seeing my vision, love. You would really make an excellent Ken. And I would make an excellent Barbie.” 
“Damn,” Alex says. “We must already be in Barbie’s Dreamhouse because… uh. Keep dreaming.” 
“That… was a truly terrible comeback.” 
Alex sighs. “Yeah. They can’t all be winners.” 
Henry nods gravely. “I’d say this proves my point. You’re Ken, and I’m Barbie.”
It most definitely does not prove anything. “If you’re Barbie,” Alex says, “then you’re definitely Depression Barbie watching the Pride & Prejudice movie like a million times.” 
Henry apparently doesn’t have a response to that except indignant spluttering. Alex laughs so hard he wakes up David. He almost falls off the couch laughing when Henry responds with: “How dare you, I am clearly Irrepressible Thoughts of Death Barbie!” 
Then they’re both laughing, while David watches them in utter confusion. 
“Alright,” Alex says once he has calmed down. “Fair enough. But we can’t both be Barbie!”
“Why not, though?” Henry counters. 
“It’s a couples costume!”
“Well,” Henry says. “Two Barbies can love each other! It’s the 21st century!” 
Alex tries to sigh but it comes out as more laughter. “Yeah, yeah,” he says. “Gay rights for Barbie or whatever. But two Barbies won’t be as recognizable as a couples costume. People will just think we’re two people who independently decided to dress up as Barbie!” 
“Alright.” Henry picks up his phone. “I’m settling this once and for all.” 
“What? Who are you calling?”
That question is quickly answered. The dial tone only rings twice before the call goes through, and Pez’s voice fills the living room. “Well, if it isn’t my second favourite disgraced royal. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Henry wastes no time on niceties. “Pez. Out of Alex and me, who is Barbie and who’s Ken?”
Pez doesn’t even take a moment to consider it. He just says, “Darling, you’re definitely Ken.” 
Ha! Told you, Alex mouths, his face lighting up in a vindictive grin. 
“That is the wrong answer,” Henry tells Pez, whose laughter comes out a little tinny through the phone speakers. 
“Oh come on, you know I’m right,” Pez says. “Or perhaps I just really want to see your boyfriend's magnificent arse in that Barbie-pink pantsuit. You know, the one Margot Robbie wears in the film?” 
More indignant spluttering from Henry. “Pez, you’re on speaker.”
“Oh good, I hoped I was,” Pez replies. “Hello, Alex! I look forward to seeing your Barbie costume. Do come to me if you need help putting it together. Toodles!"
And then he hangs up. Henry glares at the screen like he can magically will Pez to come back and take his side this time. 
“Well, you heard him,” Alex says, not even trying to hide his laughter. 
Henry huffs and shoves the phone back in his pocket. “Well, who made him the expert, anyway?”
“Pretty sure you did, when you called to get his opinion. To, you know-” Alex clears his throat and puts on his best Henry impression- “settle this, once and for all.” 
Presumably at a loss for words, Henry picks up another cookie and, with considerable effort, bites into it. There’s nothing more to say, anyway. They both know Alex has won. 
“Besides,” Alex says, holding up his phone to show Henry the transaction on the screen. “I already ordered the “I am Kenough” hoodie in your size, sweetheart.”
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could I request a very fluffy keith x reader headcanons where they're having a bonding moment (hehe, I cradled you into my arms) because they ended up on a planet during a mission and are waiting for rescue? you don't have to do this if you don't like it of course!
HELLO YOU ARE MY FIRST REQUEST ANON AND ILYSM 🥰 yes I love love love this idea. Also, i had a hard time writing this as headcanons so I decided to write it as like a headcanon/imagine hybrid kinda thing. I hope that’s cool… sorry I’m new to writing this stuff. ALSO this turned out so long I got carried away soRRYYY. Enjoy~
Ps: plz plz plz request more. Somebody, anybody? Thnx 💋
So…y’all are stuck on a planet where the atmosphere is mostly made up of sulfur so it’s not breathable for humans like you
Keith would be pacing non stop, trying to get in contact with the team. He’s so mad his face is nearly as red as his armor.
You are much less worried, knowing that brainiac Pidge would find y’all eventually
It was supposed to be an easy mission, just responding to a distress signal. You and Keith were sent together bc you two work really well together, but when the galra swooped in, you knew it was a setup to steal the red lion.
Of course, Keith took them all out but not without red taking a couple heavy blows
Red needed to rest now that the imminent threat had been neutralized. The lion fought hard without help from the others and would not respond to either of you…and Keith was not handling it well
“C’mon red! You’re gonna give up on me now?! Ugh, you really are the most temperamental lion! You’re such a brat…”
The tense but strong chemistry between Keith and his lion was always something that intrigued you. They really were meant to be.
He eventually gives up trying to talk to red, sitting beside you on the ground.
You and Keith weren’t really close but you trained together nearly every day and you physically complimented each other very well. You always had each others back.
Besides training, you didn’t see him all that much. He likes to skip meals and take late night showers. It’s almost like he’s been avoiding you for a while now
With you around, Keith is all bite and no bark. Sure, he’ll grab and push you around while training but actually having a conversation with you??? Hell nah. Keith no likey talking.
He usually corrects the others’ form and posture and gives advice when training with the them, but not with you. Instead he gives you a lot of thumbs up and small, proud smirks.
Whenever you try to talk to him, you’re lucky if you get any words out of him. Usually, it’s just hums of agreement or head nods.
You think Keith doesn’t like you or finds you annoying with how quiet he is around you
Not having the same armor as the paladins, you were finding your suit to be too thin for the climate on this planet. You were shivering.
Keith notices this immediately but stays still, unsure of how to help you. If he had his jacket rn, he’d totally toss it at you nonchalantly
And suddenly he’s grabbing your hand and pulling you off the ground and along with him.
“Where are we going?” He doesn’t respond, just let’s your hand go but keeps walking, expecting you to follow and you do.
He glances back to check that you’re still there and notices you limping ever so slightly. You’re trying not to let him see this bc you don’t want to piss him off more than he already is.
With Keith piloting, there was no where for you to be in his lion besides standing behind his chair. As he dodged attacks from the galra, you had been thrown around a bit.
He stops walking, making you nearly crash into the back of him.
He turns to you, refusing to even look at you before he sighs loudly. You feel guilty, not wanting to burden him with taking care of you.
“You’re hurt.” “No I’m fine.” “No, you’re limping.” “It’s fine, I can keep walking.”
He turns his back to you and just stands there, hands at his sides. You’re unsure of what to do or say until he looks back at you with a straight face.
“Hop on my back.” “No, Keith. I can walk.” “Just let me carry you.” “No. I said I’m fine. Really, I-“ He cuts you off.
“God dammit, (Y/N), you’re just as stubborn as red! You’re limping and you’re shivering and you’re lying to my face about it. I can tell you need some help, IM OFFERING YOU HELP. Now let me give you a lift to some shelter or SO HELP ME-“
You’re stunned, not because he was lowkey being an ass but because he’s never said so many words to you at one time.
Keith is the epitome of “if a boy is being mean or bullying you, it’s bc he likes you”
He’s talking to you like he was when he first found the red lion and was like “it’s me…Keith. I AM YOUR P A L A D I N.”
Mf is lowkey so mean to you sometimes but he’s not trying to be mean, you just make him feel weird and tingly inside and it embarrasses him and that makes him mad. He’s mad that he doesn’t know how to properly communicate with you without sounding stupid. He’s mad at himself, not at you tho
Dude just doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings
You hop up on his back, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. His hands grip the back of your knees and he trudges forward.
He carries you until he finds a small dim cave, hoping the shelter would keep you warm. He lets go of your legs without warning, making you slip off him. As you land on your feet, you hiss at the pain in your knee.
As he turns to you, you can barely see him but his face looks different now.
You can see his eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly hanging open
He never looks you in the eye and always has an annoyed and smug look on his face when you’re around. So seeing his face soften with concern and guilt for YOU made you freeze up.
“S-sorry.” He mumbles before holding out his hand to you. You’re confused like ??? What is this? What do you want me to do with this?
If there were more light in here, you’d see his face turning red as he’s stepping closer to you until you’re side by side. He slips his arm around your waist and gently lowers you to the ground.
As your butt meets the ground, you stretch out your leg and rub your knee, huffing in pain. Now that he knew you were hurt, no reason to act like you weren’t.
He sat along side you, your bodies still up against each other. He moves his arm from your waist to your shoulders, pulling you close.
Keith never touched you unless you were training together or you were in danger and needed his help so this physical contact with him made your heart go AFTHNJDFH ❤️‍🔥
The piggy back ride and the helping you to the ground were normal for him but him holding you close like this…omfg
Keith is slowly shutting down from embarrassment and nervousness. You can hear his breathing speed up as he’s praying that the others will find y’all soon or he might pass out
You lean into him, shivering still. His hand rubs up and down your arm in an attempt to warm you up.
Noticing that this isn’t working, he lets you go and scoots to sit behind you. He pulls you against his chest as he wraps his arms around you, your arms now pinned under his.
“Thanks.” You say to him before leaning back against him more, letting your head fall back on his shoulder.
Just as you’re getting comfy…
“Keith? Come in, Keith? Hello?”
You can faintly hear Shiro’s voice over the comms in Keith’s helmet. You tilt your head back more to look up at Keith’s face, he looks relieved but slightly disappointed…as if he didn’t want this moment to end so soon.
As he responds, he keeps his arms around you tightly, his hands gently rubbing your upper arms and you just cant look away from him now.
He held you against him for what felt like hours but it was really only like 10 minutes until Lance pokes his head in the cave, a loud “AAWWWW” coming from him.
Keith tilted his head back and let out a loud groan. Of all people to come save y’all…LANCE???
“They’re cold.” “Oh suuurrre.” “THEY ARE! Tell him, (Y/N).” “Yeah, I’m freezing.”
Lance flashes you both a snarky grin before Keith stands, pulling you up slowly.
“Then if it’s no big deal, I can carry (Y/N) back.” “No!” Keith responds quickly before he picks you up bridal style.
You’re surprised he can handle your weight in this position. Sure he was strong but piggy back would’ve been an easier option.
But you weren’t complaining…and neither was he ❤️‍🔥 (and Lance is lowkey like 🥹 as he follows behind you guys)
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suchine-toki · 2 months
(One more) Top 10 Gintaka moments
Arranged chronologically because it was too difficult to choose. Spoilers ahead.
1. First victory
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After going day after day to the Shouka Sonjuku for an undetermined amount of time, Takasugi achieves his first victory against Gintoki. Understanding that he was weak, he defined him and Shouyou as his goal to reach. Thus, chasing Gintoki's back became an objective that he maintained throughout his life. But at this moment, Gintoki was really upset because Takasugi popped his cherry… his defeat cherry, that is (ch. 517).
2. The courtesan incident
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After a fight between Gintoki and Takasugi, Sakamoto appears to say that the better friends they are, the more they fight. He also reveals that the reason for their latest conflict was that they both chose the same girl when they went to the red-light district, and she preferred Takasugi. This provoked an attack from Gintoki, but then Tatsuma added that the girl said he only drank and turned out to be very boring, which also provoked an attack from Takasugi, who was in the vicinity despite their previous fight (ch. 453).
3. Heaven
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While fighting with the Kiheitai, Takasugi has a flashback of being wounded on the battlefield during the Joui War, and when he lost hope and looked to the heavens, he didn’t see a place to rest peacefully but instead saw the backs of his comrades fighting. He thinks of this while remembering Gintoki protecting him, which could be interpreted as Gintoki being like heaven for him in a way (ch. 639).
4. Give my regards
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In spite of being estranged, they both say the phrase "give my regards to sensei for me" as a tribute to their master and a reminder of the legacy he left in their lives to those responsible for his death, showing them that Shouyou still lives. This also demonstrates how they are still united by the same emotional root while reflecting the duality of the paths they chose (chs. 397/398).
5. Pride
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Being in Rakuyo and facing an imminent threat, Bansai believes that Gintoki is going to fight for the pride of the samurai, to which he responds that he is not interested in that, but his source of pride lies in both winning and losing against Takasugi many times, and that is the pride he is not willing to lose. In this way, Gintoki acknowledges that he still holds onto the respect and camaraderie they once shared (ch. 569).
6. Friggin' awful
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When the Joui 4 were fighting, Gintoki is isolated from the rest and is ambushed by a huge machine that threatens him with a cannon. Before he can react, Takasugi comes to his aid, sabotaging the weapon in front of Gintoki's perplexed gaze. Then, both attack the mecha together as they tease each other, Takasugi asking how it feels to be saved by him who has just woken up from a coma, while Gintoki flips the question around, asking how it feels to have to be protected by him in the first place. To this, both respond that it's the worst, as an explosion occurs behind them. But they play it cool, because cool guys don't look at explosions (chs. 574-575).
7. Shouldn't interfere
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Matako and Takechi have been tracking Takasugi and, after two years, finally found him. However, Matako hesitates about whether they should continue following him after seeing him fighting alongside Gintoki, feeling unsure of what to do, also recognizing that it was the first time she saw him acting silly and carefree. Similarly, the ship's captain comments that they both looked like ordinary no-good brats, which not only shows the camaraderie between them but also that they are happy being together (ch. 683).
8. Holding hands
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While infiltrating the Terminal, Gintoki and Takasugi held hands twice. The first time was when the stairs they were climbing with Zura were destroyed, so Gintoki extended his hand, and Takasugi managed to grab it. The second time was when they were attacked while climbing the steel cables of an elevator. Here, Gintoki grabs Takasugi's hand to prevent him from falling and throws him towards a door. There was almost a third occasion where Takasugi was going to help Gintoki, but to no one's surprise, he was stabbed before he could do so (ch. 699).
9. Use me
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Takasugi urges Gintoki to use his body as a shield, to which Gintoki seemingly agrees. They fight together, protecting each other and deceiving their enemies with strategies they can devise in an instant without speaking, demonstrating how well they know each other. Takasugi uses himself as bait to help Gintoki attack the terminal, but when he decides to sacrifice himself, Gintoki comes running to push him out of danger, a decision for which the enemy mocks him, saying he wasted his chance just because he couldn't bear to lose Takasugi (ch. 700).
10. Mutual support
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Takasugi smiles while watching Gintoki reunite with the Yorozuya, something he urged him to do on multiple occasions since they reunited because if there is one thing he wants, it is for Gintoki to be happy. With the little strength he has left, he takes Gintoki's bokuto again and uses it to support himself, symbolizing how Gintoki helps him move forward. Similarly, in his final fight against Utsuro, Gintoki declares that Takasugi is in his soul while seeing his spirit protecting him. Thus, Gintoki holds his sword and defeats the enemy with Takasugi's aid. This is the second time they exchange swords in the series but, unlike the first, here it is more explicit that the other's soul is what helps them do what they have to do (chs. 701/703).
Part (1) (2) (3) (4)
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ccieatchildren · 4 months
Whumpay 24 Day 8: Asthma Attack
TW: Solitary Confinement
Whumpee was thrown roughly onto the ground. Disoriented from the sudden shift in gravity, they could not stop the door slamming closed. 
A garbled voice speaks through the small window in the solid metal. “Two days locked in the cell should learn you some manners.” They start to respond but are cut off by the small yellow light sliding off. Whumpee is now stuck in the pitch black room.
Understanding Whumper came with the knowledge that they were serious in their threat. Two days would be spent in the dark room, no food or water, until the punishment was over. Whumpee sighed, readying themself for the long haul, eyes slowly adjusting to their temporary prison. 
It was a typical square room, a few metres by a few metres, made of concrete. Nothing else, not even a bed or a toilet. No stimulation. Whumpee tsked to themself as they realized that the days would be a bit harder than expected. 
They stood up, feeling against the walls and floor– the ceiling was too high for them to reach– for anything interesting or useful. Again, nothing. Not a stray nail or unique bump anywhere. Just dust-covered smoothness. Even the door, with only a small seam that was impossible to see and only barely felt. 
Whumpee slumped against the wall in a huff. 
They aren’t sure how long they sit there, inhaling the dank air and stewing in their anger before they feel a familiar press against their chest. Instantly, they begin to panic. 
How had they not noticed all the particles flowing in the air, how had they not taken any precaution for all the dust they felt? 
They try to slow their breathing, but an itch starts in the back of their throat, growing more persistent with each second. Despite their efforts to hold them off, Whumpee lets out a dry cough, which is followed by another and another, until they are full on wheezing. Their lungs have tightened to the point of no entry, trachea preventing any air from fueling their system. 
Whumpee crumples into themselves, eyes tearing up, and clawing uselessly at their own neck. The sounds that echo in the room are unpleasant, which only sets Whumpee off further. Their attempts at breathing pick up, but no matter how hard they try they can not catch their own breath. 
Thoughts of their own imminent demise fill their head, supplying more ammo to their panic. Sure, they weren’t that afraid of death– they had become ready for it in a way– but if this was how they had to go, curled on the floor of a dusty square dark room gasping for a breath that will never come, Whumpee was going to have a word with whatever force was running things. Because, frankly, this was not as fun or interesting of a death they believed they deserved. 
As their eyes began to close, the effort of their body trying to save itself only killing them quicker, Whumpee only wished they could rub their unintentional demise in Whumper’s face– a final ‘fuck you.’
But even that would not be permitted. 
Whumper slammed the door open, the loud clang of metal colliding against stone echoing in the room. Very unhelpful. 
They crouched down to Whumpee’s prone, breathless form, lifting their head and shoving plastic between their lips. It took them a moment to understand what it was, until their tongue traced the familiar outline of their inhaler.
They tried slowing their breaths and inhaled the medicine from the canister. Instantaneously their throat relaxed, muscles finally allowing for the intake of air. Their heart rate relaxed and they shakily took the puffer from Whumper. 
They gave Whumpee a few minutes to come down from the attack before ripping the item out of their hands again. Whumpee stared up at them, unabashedly glaring at Whumper.  
Whumpee didn’t care for ‘learning their manners’. They lost their fear a long time ago; they knew they would see Whumper in hell. So, they felt no apprehension talking down to their captor. 
“Maybe put me in a closet instead, next time.”
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scifigeneration · 9 months
‘Godzilla Minus One’: Finding paradise of shared co-operation through environmental disaster
by Chris Corker, PhD Student in the Humanities at York University, Canada
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Godzilla Minus One, directed by Takashi Yamazaki, brings viewers back to post-war Japan and to the wholly belligerent monster of the original 1954 Godzilla — a beast bereft of the friendly connotations accrued in the later Toho Studios Japanese installments.
This original Godzilla represented what its director, Ishiro Honda, described as the “invisible fear” of the nuclear contamination of our planet.
Historian William Tsutsui asserts in his book dedicated to the series that the film allows us to neutralize our fears of potential annihilation. Cathartic or not, this apocalyptic trend remains a staple of science-fiction movies and series to this day.
Minus One returns to that fear, once perhaps invisible but now undeniable, of the disasters incurred by damage to our environment.
At the same time, the film asks how individuals and communities can tackle disaster while embracing an ethos of mutual aid that sidesteps nostalgia for nationalist policies that lead to even more harm.
Disaster response
In the two most recent instalments in the Godzilla franchise, 2016’s Shin Godzilla and 2023’s Godzilla Minus One, the monster can be read as a personification of a diminished belief in governmental abilities to prevent or respond adequately to disaster.
Shin Godzilla, directed by Hideaki Anno, dealt satirically with the limp governmental response to the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. As the threat of the monster escalates to catastrophic levels, the politicians in the film are more concerned with optics and in which board room they should be conducting their meetings.
n contrast, 2023’s Minus One captures ire for a nationalistic government that guided Japan into imperial campaigns in Asia and finally to a total defeat with a devastating human cost.
When Godzilla arrives to further compound post-war misery, harried survivors don’t rely on the same government that has led them astray.
Putting aside ideological differences
Instead, as some reviews of the film have noted, they turn to a community with the power to act outside of official bodies, making use of technological skills earned through wartime experience.
While the state lends them a few ships, citizens are otherwise left to their own devices, relying on old and decommissioned machinery. They rise to face the monster not by developing a new weapon of destruction but by using what is already at hand.
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ience. As engineer Noda notes, their lives have been undervalued. This realization leads them to turn away from the government and the nationalist policies that led to the war, and to rely instead on one another.
To do this they must put aside ideological differences to achieve the common goal of stopping Godzilla. This is best illustrated by the co-operation of Koichi Shikishima, a kamikaze pilot who questions the value of his death amid imminent defeat yet is dogged by the shame of his desertion, and an engineer, Sosaku Tachibana, who initially deems Shikishima a coward.
Revisiting values, alliances
These plotlines reflect contemporary interest in the local and political communities we should be forging in light of serious environmental threats.
Writer Rebecca Solnit laments self-serving governmental responses to disaster. But her A Paradise Built in Hell focuses on the positives that can come from disaster at the communal level.
She concludes that in enhancing social cohesion and bringing out the humanitarian in each of us, disaster “reveals what else the world could be like.” In short, a paradise of shared purpose and co-operation.
The key, however, is distinguishing between a benign social cohesion, like the aforementioned networks of mutual care, and a malignant one, as seen in destructive forms of nationalism and war.
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In Godzilla Minus One, Shikishima and Tachibana band together to save lives. Their wider group insists on a victory without the sacrifice of human life, an ethos made possible by adopting a communal view in which humans are not statistics.
Dream together or die alone
At a time of an increasingly nationalist Japanese government that has been criticized for undermining freedom of the press, the film suggests how a nostalgic dream for a return to a time of stronger social ties and a sense of unified purpose is one easily manipulated by nationalist governments.
This has been seen in a host of recent examples including Donald Trump, Brexit and, as mentioned above, the policies of Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party.
On the global scale, the rise of populism, diplomatic spats and outright conflict sees much of the world drawing away from their neighbours. This is happening when, to counteract the effects of climate change and face the exponential increase in disaster, we must unite.
Godzilla Minus One shows how we must rely on a fondness — even a nostalgia — for times of togetherness that do not mix with a nationalist sentiment that encourages isolationism and aggression towards others.
To do so really would be to go from zero to minus one. From there, there is little guarantee we can recover.
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samueldays · 2 years
Do you have a sauce on progs being anti-bodycam? The only objection I recall was that cops being investigated for malfeasance were being allowed to review THEIR OWN footage before they had to give testimony, which is ripe for abuse.
ACLU's current proposal for how bodycams should be restricted. Countless restrictions each of which might be defensible on its own, but the sum gives me the very strong impression they've decided they don't want this (unless it can be used for the criminals).
A lot of it is dictating when the cop should turn bodycam on and turn bodycam off, which is a failure waiting to happen.
Some highlights:
A law enforcement officer who is wearing a body camera shall notify the subject(s) of the recording that they are being recorded by a body camera as close to the inception of the encounter as is reasonably possible.
Arguably unenforceable in crowded areas, unless you play games with the definition of "subject". (The ACLU plays games with the definition of "subject" in the footnotes, saying it shall not include people who only "incidentally" appear in the recording.) And including this with the next point,
Body cameras shall not be used surreptitiously.
This is arguably contrary to the basic idea of cops having bodycams. They should be always-on while the cop is on duty and the cop doesn't get access to tinker with the device. It should be publicly announced and made common knowledge in a bodycam state (or other jurisdiction) that "Cops Are Recording" as a default fact about cops, so it can't be used surreptitiously.
But the ACLU decides to shoot their nominal cause in the foot by trying to micromanage when the cop is supposed to turn the bodycam on and turn the bodycam off, and this inevitably gives the cop more wiggle room to turn it on and off for his own purposes.
When interacting with an apparent crime victim, a law enforcement officer shall, as soon as practicable, ask the apparent crime victim, if the apparent crime victim wants the officer to discontinue use of the officer’s body camera. If the apparent crime victim responds affirmatively, the law enforcement officer shall immediately discontinue use of the body camera
There's a hell of a lot riding on that "as soon as practicable" clause, and a hell of a lot of exploit room for having a criminal feign victimhood to get the camera turned off and cover their buddies.
Body cameras shall not be used to gather intelligence information based on First Amendment protected speech, associations, or religion, or to record activity that is unrelated to a response to a call for service or a law enforcement or investigative encounter between a law enforcement officer and a member of the public.
No. Just have the fucking things recording by default. It turns on when the cop signs in and it turns off when the cop signs out, maybe tied to the Hours Worked at the precinct to disincentivize fudging. Then restrict access to the footage, instead of demanding the cop constantly second-guess himself and the review court about when to turn it on and turn it off.
I repeat: Giving the cop full control over his own bodycam is a failure mode waiting to happen. The ACLU is smart enough to know this. The fact that they're demanding it anyway suggests to me they want messy grounds for lawsuits.
Law enforcement officers shall not activate a body camera while on the grounds of any public, private or parochial elementary or secondary school, except when responding to an imminent threat to life or health.
Given that this is ten pages of legalese, I am not inclined to give them benefit of the doubt for the obvious loophole of "the cop activates the camera before entering the grounds".
No body camera shall be equipped with, or have its video footage or other data subjected to, facial recognition or any other form of biometric analysis.
That middle clause is dumb and doesn't belong here.
Should any law enforcement officer, employee, or agent fail to adhere to the recording or retention requirements contained in this chapter [...] (2) A rebuttable evidentiary presumption shall be adopted in favor of criminal defendants who reasonably assert that exculpatory evidence was destroyed or not captured; and (3) A rebuttable evidentiary presumption shall be adopted on behalf of civil plaintiffs suing the government, a law enforcement agency and/or law enforcement officers for damages based on police misconduct who reasonably assert that evidence supporting their claim was destroyed or not captured.
This is a sort of final clause which would be reasonable and good with always-on or at least strongly on-by-default bodycams where it takes unusual effort for the cop to interfere with his own bodycam in any way.
In a bill where the ACLU is demanding the cop turn his own bodycam off for this, turn it on for that, turn it off again for the other, turn it on except as specified in section (2)(j)(iv), turn it off if he is requested by such-and-such unless there are exigent circumstances, notwithstanding the previous it shall be turned on as specified in subsection F-yourmother, and make sure to constantly notify people in the middle of everything else you're doing, et cetera, et fucking cetera, -- it's practically guaranteed the cop will violate it.
I expect police departments reading a bill like this would just be like "No. Hell no."
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Who Needs The Avatar When You Have A Gojo
➥ summary: Throughout Heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one….honored to beat your ass.” If you thought it was bad enough having one Gojo around try having another - that’s where you come in. You’re the younger sibling of the ol’ so famous Gojo Satoru and find yourself getting isekai into another world where motherfuckers fire bend and this bald monk kid is suppose to be the worlds savior but how’s he gonna save anyone if he can’t master this shit called bending - anyways join us, yourself, these people on a Journey of self discovery or some shit like that.
➥ chapter 2: Flames of Resistance
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In the tranquil small town, where Earthbenders lived in harmony with the land, a sense of foreboding loomed in the air. Word spread like wildfire through the community—a group of Fire Nation soldiers, notorious for their tyranny, were marching towards their peaceful haven. Fear and uncertainty gripped the hearts of the Earthbenders as they realized the imminent threat to their way of life.
In the midst of the chaos, (Y/N) Gojo found herself at the center of their attention. Her remarkable abilities as a Limitless and Six Eyes user made her a symbol of hope and protection. Recognizing her potential to stand against the Fire Nation soldiers, the Earthbenders turned to her, their faces etched with worry and desperation.
As the Earthbenders approached (Y/N), their voices quivering with urgency, they pleaded for her assistance. They shared their concerns about the ruthless nature of the Fire Nation soldiers and their intentions to enslave the Earthbenders, harnessing their powers for their own nefarious purposes. The townspeople believed that (Y/N)'s powers, her connection to the elements, would be the key to their salvation.
Moved by their desperation and the trust they placed in her, (Y/N) made a firm resolve. She knew that the time had come to harness her limitless abilities and face the encroaching threat head-on. With unwavering determination, she agreed to confront the Fire Nation soldiers and defend the freedom and unity of the Earthbenders.
As the appointed hour drew near, the townspeople gathered around (Y/N), their faith in her unwavering. Together, they formed a plan, utilizing their collective knowledge of the terrain and the elements. The Earthbenders, masters of their craft, demonstrated their abilities and shared their strategies, ensuring that (Y/N) had the necessary support to confront the Fire Nation soldiers.
As the clash between fire and earth became imminent, (Y/N) steeled herself, drawing strength from the unity and resilience of the Earthbenders. With each step towards the approaching army, her determination grew, fueled by her connection to the land and the unwavering trust bestowed upon her by the townspeople.
As the Fire Nation soldiers arrived at the outskirts of the town, they were met with a force they had not anticipated. The Earthbenders, united under (Y/N)'s leadership, unleashed their powers, manipulating the very earth beneath their feet. Walls of stone rose from the ground, forming a formidable barrier that blocked the path of the soldiers.
In the heart of the battle, (Y/N) commanded her Limitless powers with precision and grace. She manipulated the earth with effortless ease, causing tremors and upheavals that threatened to topple the soldiers. Her Six Eyes, attuned to the cursed energy coursing through their bodies, allowed her to anticipate their every move and respond with unparalleled swiftness.
As the Fire Nation soldiers pressed forward, (Y/N) and the Earthbenders fought back with unwavering resolve. They channeled their elemental powers, creating waves of earth and stone that crashed upon their enemies, driving them back with the force of nature itself. (Y/N)'s abilities proved to be the linchpin of their defense, as her limitless power, harnessed in harmony with the Earthbenders, shattered the soldiers' confidence.
The clash between the two forces raged on, each side displaying their prowess and determination. The Fire Nation soldiers, who had once exuded arrogance and dominance, found themselves at the mercy of the Earthbenders' unwavering resistance. The unity and strength of the small town became a formidable obstacle that the soldiers had not anticipated.
With each passing moment, (Y/N)'s power grew stronger, fueled by the knowledge that she was not fighting alone. The Earthbenders fought alongside her, their collective strength magnified by their shared purpose—the preservation of their freedom and way of life. Their unwavering spirit infused the battlefield, tipping the scales in their favor.
As the battle reached its climax, (Y/N) unleashed a torrent of earth and fire, her Limitless powers and the Earthbenders' abilities intertwining in a display of raw power. The Fire Nation soldiers, overwhelmed by the sheer force of their resistance, were forced to retreat, their ambitions to enslave the Earthbenders dashed by the resilience and unity of the small town.
The townspeople erupted in jubilation, their cheers echoing through the once-quiet streets. Victory, hard-won and well-deserved, belonged to the Earthbenders and their protector, (Y/N) Gojo. Their unity had proven unbreakable, and the Fire Nation soldiers had been sent a resounding message—they would not be conquered, nor would they yield to tyranny.
As (Y/N) stood amidst the celebrations, she felt an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. The trust placed in her by the Earthbenders had been rewarded, and the small town had proven that, when united, they were an unstoppable force. They had triumphed over adversity, and the flames of resistance had burned bright.
Chapter 2 marked a turning point in (Y/N)'s journey as she stood shoulder to shoulder with the Earthbenders, defending their way of life ways life.
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howdybesties · 8 months
A Night to Remember
Haha, HSM song title for a 10 Things I Hate About You AU. I could have chosen a fluffier scene. But I was watching the movie and I had an idea during the prom scene. 😈
For @rose-dragomir
Also Adrian is in this as Michael’s role. A little OOC but I had fun writing this.
She spots her date waiting by the entrance as she approaches. Dimitri Belikov. Intimidating to most due to his tall stature, but some people aren’t as scary as they seem.
“I didn’t know you could look so good in a tux, Comrade.”
Dimitri turns around at the sound of her voice. His brown eyes take in her appearance and his smile turns into a grin.
She threw in the nickname to keep it casual, but Rose really did mean it. He looked good. But so did she. Her simple blue dress looks plain compared to Lissa’s gown, but in under his gaze, she feels like the most beautiful girl at the prom.
“You look good too,” he compliments. He presents her with a rose that matches the one on his jacket.
“We can be good looking together then,” Rose quips as she accepts the flower.
She normally despises roses given as a gift. It’s a cliche, she thinks. She’ll make an exception this time and not just because he is smiling at her like she’s the sun. Especially not because of the warm feeling rising to her cheeks.
He lends her his arm after she has affixed the rose in her bun. Wear it up, his voice had echoed to her as she was getting ready earlier that evening. They enter the hall together as a handsome couple.
Rose is shocked at the transformation of the bland ballroom into a sparkling dance floor, due to the shining mirror ball twirling on the ceiling. Rose has to admit, the student council knows how to throw a party.
“Ready for the Prom?” Dimitri asks as he leads her to the dance floor.
She about to say yes when she hears Lissa squeal. Her panic rises as she scans the crowd for Lissa’s blonde locks. Dimitri also scans the crowd and spots her first. He leads her closer to her but twirls them back around.
Rose relaxes as she sees her best friend enjoying herself with Christian. Lissa squeals again as Christian dips her in time with the upbeat song. Her hardened stare softens as she sees the joy in their expressions.
“Those two really belong together, don’t they?” She asks Dimitri as they turn their attention back to each other. A threat no longer imminent. 

Dimitri looks at her and she swears she sees a twang of guilt in his eyes.
“Yes, they do. But not as much as you and I,” he responds.
He leans in to kiss her. She kisses him back. Rose can confirm, the rumours about his kisses, are very true.
They’ve retired to the bleachers after dancing for an hour straight. Rose may be athletic but heels are still a torture device. Rose is pointing out some observations she’s made, mostly about how Coach Alto is clearly uncomfortable in this social setting. Dimitri is listening and adding his own notes.
Dimitri takes her hand to bring her attention to him.
“You asked me where I was last year, right? I was back home in Baia. My best friend died. We were as close as brothers, like you to Lissa. I just needed some time.”
Dimitri’s somber confession surprises her.
“I’m so sorry Dimitri, I can’t imagine what you went through.”
“I want you to know the truth, not just some rumours.”
Rose is about to respond when a clearly inebriated Aaron Drozdov spots them and rushes forward. His hands point accusingly at Dimitri before shouting at him.
“What is Lissa doing here with that pyromaniac? I didn’t pay you to take out the help so some orphaned loser could beat me to the Dragomir heir!”
The second Aaron lays his hands on Dimitri, he reacts. One punch and Aaron Drozdov is kissing the floor.
Adrian rushes to the scene with Christian in tow, hoping to prevent their scheme from being revealed but the damage is done.
“Go for me, not Lissa” Rose repeats Dimitri’s proposal from last week.
There is an intensity behind Dimitri’s eyes normally, as if he’s debating with himself prior to each action, each sentence uttered. But not now, his shoulders slump, Dimitri looks defeated.
“That’s what you said, right?” Rose asks, the tone pleading with him to look at her.
Dimitri doesn’t dare return her look, knowing the fire behind them is blazing.
Rose feels the venom returning to her veins as she storms out.
“Rose, please let me explain,” Dimitri pleads.
They’re far from the hall now. Good, no witnesses, Rose thinks.
“Explain what? How you were paid to keep me away from Lissa by the person that hurt her in the first place? I knew you were too good to be true.”
“Roza, you’ve seen more of me than anyone I’ve ever known. You know the real me.”
“Really, then why don’t I believe you? It’s clear you can be bought.”
“No, I didn’t care about the money! I cared… I care about you.”
“For someone who’s so honourable, you sure have loose morals,” Rose hisses as she shoves him aside. Dimitri lets her.
She’s descending the stairs and turns back to look at him. He is frozen in place.
“At least you’re a really good liar, Dimitri. You actually made me believe someone cared about me for who I am."
She runs down the remaining steps. She thinks she hears him calling her name, maybe even calling her Roza. She can’t be sure because all she hears is the sound of her heart pounding in her chest.
She’s been back home for a while. She hears Christian’s car sputter as it drives off and Lissa’s light footsteps treading to her room.
Rose looks at her reflection in the vanity, her expression the opposite of what it was just a few hours prior.
Her hair is still tied up in an elaborate bun, the rose now wilted.
She tosses the bud in the trash and lets her hair down.
Lissa is safe and well. That’s all that matters, she reminds herself as she is laying on her bed moments later.
Dimitri was right about one thing. It was a night to remember.
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buddy-arc · 1 year
Dang it, how'd he know? He must have freaking telepathy or something! V knew she should’ve waited for N to be far away from here. Even if her method of doing this was going to be quick, and no one would be able to hear that purple freak's screams. 
But it seemed that was all futile now that she had been pinned down and her assassination attempt had failed. Why did N always take her side and not see or listen to reason? Was he that oblivious to the imminent danger that he put them in as long as that thing was around? 
“What is wrong with you,” she could’ve sworn she heard him say to her in that moment. V growled; just why didn’t he understand? She was doing this for him, and he’d SO thank her later; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of a cure, the saying goes. Besides, after the camping trip, it needed to be done as soon as possible. The desperate murder drone struggled to get her virus implant hand out of his grasp.
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"You'll thank me later-- Now LET GO of me, N!" was all she managed to say in response while squirming.
It was amazing how all of this wasn't waking Uzi up.
logically, the calculations indicate it’s a foolish move for him to engage in this near-deathly-dance. after all, warning signs pop up at the very indication of a virus chit in the vicinity. flight and authority protocol indicates that he should stay away from an override chit. but he knows what it’s like to have his system scrambled. it’s agonizing to try and keep up with the hundreds of changes that the virus tries to make as it eats away at the mainframe like, daresay, acid.
that’s one reason he’s upset. he doesn’t want his friend to experience that with likely little to save her—he’s not a worker and he doesn’t know how to handle mechanical things without ripping them out with his monstrous claws—but that’s not all. he’s upset because his companion is threatening his friend… no, not just threatening. acting on threats. a little skirmish is okay. he has patience for those. they’re natural, and he knows how to dissipate them.
why is this different? because he’s made it clear that he’s going to help uzi. because V is the more knowledgeable of the two, whereas uzi is fighting to understand herself. V knows things she is not sharing. uzi knows nothing. N knows nothing, either, but what’s important is helping uzi. her model is young, her AI is developing, and by all means he is going to do his best to stick by her as these program-altering horrors keep on coming.
there’s few things that can push N to the edge. this scenario is one of those few things.
V speaks. N’s clawed grip tightens. yellow emotion-optics stare at her, narrowed in rage. although statistically it’s not happening, he can swear he feels the inner workings of his chassis heating up. his jaw opens a bit to reveal metal-rending sharklike fangs; he bares his teeth. his stinger is raised, poised and pointed at his squad-member.
N does not respond at first. instead, there’s a scraping as he flares his glorious, sharp wings to protectively shield uzi from view and potential harm. next, there’s a warning slicing sound as his claw cuts into V’s arm, threatening to lob her virus-implant hand off completely.
he doesn’t externally appear to regard the words she spoke. when he speaks, it’s a cool, dangerously icy tone of voice.
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“i said,” metal fangs grind against each other as he suppresses a snarl, “to stand. down. immediately.”
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mrlnsfrt · 2 years
A recent article from Business Insider was entitled “Most Americans don't think life will be better for today's kids.” In other words, most Americans are pessimistic about the future. According to this article,
A new Gallup poll finds Americans aren't optimistic about the economy, with optimism at a record low.
Americans were asked if they think life will be better for the next generation, and most don't think so.
In a survey of 812 adults from September 1 to 16, Gallup asked: "In America, each generation has tried to have a better life than their parents, with a better living standard, better homes, a better education, and so on. How likely do you think it is that today's youth will have a better life than their parents--very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, or very unlikely?"
The majority of respondents responded that it was either somewhat or very unlikely — 57% in total. Just 13% said it was very likely, and 29% said it was somewhat likely. That's technically the lowest since polling firms started asking this question in 1996, although it falls within two points of 2011's measure, Gallup senior editor Megan Brenan told Insider.
"It's kind of a bleak picture in the midst of this high inflation and this challenging period that we're coming off of  economically," Brenan said. - Business Insider
This makes sense to me. I am writing this at the end of the year 2022 but even if you’re reading this in the future I believe things will not have improved. I believe things will continue to deteriorate yet I consider myself an optimist. This may seem odd but it has to do with my worldview. I look at reality through the lens of a biblical worldview (check out The Conclusion of The Whole Matter) and this allows me to remain optimistic even if all the evidence around me says otherwise.
Still unsure about what I am talking about? A brief look at the life of the prophet Jeremiah might help you understand what I mean.
Meet Jeremiah
Jeremiah was born and raised in Judah under Assyrian domination during the reign of wicked King Manasseh (687–642 b.c.). Early in his reign Manasseh began reintroducing and multiplying the paganism his father, Hezekiah, purged from Judah. He rebuilt the high places Hezekiah had destroyed, erected altars to Baal, and made an Asherah pole. He worshiped all the starry hosts and built altars to pagan gods in the temple itself. He offered his own son as a burnt sacrifice and practiced sorcery and divination (2 Kgs 21:2–9; 24:3–4; Zeph 1:4–5).
It is unclear when Jeremiah first came to understand that the upstart nation of Babylon was going to be God’s instrument of judgment on his own people. However, when he realized what was to be, he unflinchingly warned his people that judgment was imminent. His efforts to turn them back to God were of no avail. His only reward was to be branded a traitor, threatened, and imprisoned.
Another way of introducing Jeremiah is to see him as the most “human” of all the prophets. More is known about the personal and inner life of Jeremiah than any other prophet. When reading through Jeremiah we notice that he experiences alternating moods of despair and exaltation. Perhaps this is why it is easier for us to identify with him than with a prophet as majestic and remote as Isaiah, as self-disciplined and visionary as Ezekiel, or as fiery as Amos.
When reading Jeremiah I am inspired by the moments when he exhibits courage, compassion, and sensitivity. But the text also reveals Jeremiah’s darker side of moodiness, introspection, loneliness, doubt, and retribution toward his personal enemies (Jeremiah 11:20). At times he would call for vengeance on those who attacked him but he would also intercede passionately for God to spare his people. I admire how Jeremiah could stand his ground against personal threats but also weep uncontrollably as he considered the suffering of his own people. Though he is frequently called the “weeping prophet,” his tears should be interpreted not as evidence of inner weakness but as proof of his love for his people. I imagine he gained a reputation for courage during his lifetime, since centuries later comparisons were made between Jesus and Jeremiah (Matt 16:14).
An evaluation of Jeremiah by most standards of success would brand him an abysmal failure.
He preached for forty years without convincing the people that he was God’s prophet.
He was threatened, ridiculed, and physically abused by his own people.
Jerusalem was finally destroyed, and Judah ceased to exist as a nation because the people refused to accept Jeremiah’s remedy for deliverance—turn back to God and submit to the Babylonians.
However, we must not judge Jeremiah by human standards. God has a different measuring stick by which he judges a person’s life. His is the test of obedience. God only required that Jeremiah obey him by proclaiming his message. Jeremiah was not responsible for a favorable response or lack of response.
One who is an obedient servant of the Lord today is not held accountable for lack of response from those who hear his message. The great rulers of Jeremiah’s day—Ashurbanipal, Nebuchadnezzar, Neco, and Hophra—have largely been forgotten. Their influence is nil, whereas Jeremiah’s name and influence remain because of his obedience to God’s will for him. - F. B. Huey, Jeremiah, Lamentations, vol. 16, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1993), 24.
Jeremiah’s message speaks beyond his world because it was the message of God, Lord of all worlds. It speaks to every world in which there is pride, rebellion against God, spiritual blindness, and where God’s people are in need of encouragement and hope. (F. B. Huey, 21-24.)
Political and Theological Tensions
Jeremiah was constantly at odds with his contemporaries (Jeremiah 27–29). He was unable to shake his countrymen from their smug complacency. Jeremiah was convinced that Judah would not survive not only because of its wickedness but especially because of its refusal to repent and return to God (Jeremiah 2–6). He saw Babylon as God’s instrument of judgment on his people and warned that Judah would be destroyed (Jeremiah 1:11–19; 4:5–31; 25:1–14). This kind of preaching was unpopular and almost cost his life on multiple occasions (Jeremiah 18:18; 19:1–20:6; 26:1–24; 36:1–26; 37:11–16; 38:1–16).
The tension between Jeremiah and his countrymen was partly political because the people perceived Jeremiah as a traitor and a Babylonian sympathizer (Jeremiah 37:11–16). The tension was also theological.
Jeremiah was convinced on theological grounds that the nation was under God’s judgment and would be punished (compare Jer 7:5–7 and Deut 10:18–20; Jer 4:4 and Deut 10:16; Jer 7:9 and Deut 5:9, 17–20).
His opponents argued (Jeremiah 6:14; 28:10–11) that God had given them the land as part of an unconditional covenant (Genesis 17:1–8) and had promised that a Davidic ruler would always be on the throne (2 Samuel 7).
Destruction of the nation did not fit their theological view (Jeremiah 26:1–24).  (F. B. Huey, Jeremiah, Lamentations, vol. 16, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1993), 31–32.)
The emphasis on judgment looms large in the book, but hope is also prominent. Just as he could warn of disaster in the best of times, he could also proclaim hope when there seemed to be none (Jer 32:1–44). Jeremiah presented God as the Divine Warrior. He frequently called him “Lord of Hosts,” a military term. God would fight against sin wherever he found it, whether in Judah or in other nations. Jeremiah also saw God as the Lord of creation and Sustainer of the universe (Jeremiah 5:22). But he also knew him to be a personal God who listens patiently to doubts, complaints, and questions. Much of the theological content in Jeremiah is implied theology. (F. B. Huey, 34-35)
Personal Journey
I have been reading through Jeremiah for many weeks and as I write this post I am only at chapter 34 but I wanted to share some of the lessons I have been learning. Jeremiah has taught me that God’s message is not always popular, but it reveals the heart of God and a reality that goes beyond what is immediately available to us through our senses. God’s word is more true than what I can see, hear, taste and smell. God’s word is more true than what I can arrive at through logic and reasoning. God’s word is my primary source of hope, strength, courage, and direction in life.
You are probably wondering why this post is entitled “Optimistic” since most of what I have shared so far seems bleak.
The Heart of God
Throughout the book of Jeremiah, we catch glimpses of the heart of God. Probably one of the most popular verses found in Jeremiah is found in chapter 29 verse 11.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah 29:11NKJV
This is a great verse that gets quoted often. Did you know that it’s part of a letter written to the captives/exiles? Jeremiah wrote a letter to all who had been carried away by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon. Jeremiah was telling God’s people who were exiled, living in Babylon, that God was going to give them a future and hope. In their moment of doubt, uncertainty, sadness, and despair Jeremiah reminded them that God had not forgotten about them, that God still loved them and would continue to provide for them and would eventually bring them out of captivity.
Jeremiah is not offering a quick fix. Jeremiah is not offering empty promises. Jeremiah is reminding the people of the character of their God, a personal God who loves, provides, and delivers. Bad things happen in this world, and what Israel was experiencing was the result of generations making bad choices, rebelling against God, and oppressing the most vulnerable in their midst. But even while they were experiencing judgment from God they were to have hope, because God wanted what was best for them. This is not an easy concept to grasp, especially when we are suffering, but it does bring hope. Our hope is not that God is going to miraculously make all of life’s challenges disappear. Our hope is not that God will always protect us from the consequences of our rebellious behavior, but rather that God is merciful and loving and has our best interest at heart even when we feel abandoned by Him.
Jeremiah was reminding the exiles that God had not forgotten them, God had not abandoned them, and God still loved them and wanted what was best for them. Jeremiah’s message is not easy, it is not simple, but rather complex, though also hopeful.
For I am with you,’ says the Lord, ‘to save you; Though I make a full end of all nations where I have scattered you, Yet I will not make a complete end of you. But I will correct you in justice, And will not let you go altogether unpunished.’ - Jeremiah 30:11 NKJV (bold mine)
When we experience God’s correction it does not mean that He has abandoned us. When we experience fear and anxiety, it does not mean that God does not love or care. By faith, we must trust that God is powerful and loving and that everything will work out in the end, because of who He is.
Though Jeremiah had warned the people about what would happen, God does not threaten or scare them into a relationship with Him, rather He chooses to use love and mercy.
The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. - Jeremiah 31:3 NKJV
God had to judge Israel, they had intentionally gone after other gods and even offered infant sacrifices (2 Kings 21:6; 24:3-4). God had to step in and put a stop to the evil that was taking place among His chosen people. But God had not forgotten them. During their exile, God was not threatening them but rather wooing them with lovingkindness. In the midst of their exile God was giving them hope.
Is Ephraim My dear son? Is he a pleasant child? For though I spoke against him, I earnestly remember him still; Therefore My heart yearns for him; I will surely have mercy on him, says the Lord. - Jeremiah 31:20 NKJV
God’s plan for his people is not one of nationalism. Their blessing does not come from their national identity, but rather from their personal relationship with God.
But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. - Jeremiah 31:33 NKJV
Being a child of God was not so much about claiming Abraham as their father as it was about having God’s law in their minds. This truth translates to today. Being a follower of God is more than church attendance, it is not about voting a certain way, it is about living your life in accordance with the principles God has given us. If you are dishonest, abusive, violent, mean.. then it matters little what you call yourself, what church you go to, or how you vote. God wants your heart. He draws you with lovingkindness, He wants to save you and to provide for you always. God wants you to not only know His heart but also to reflect it in your life.
“For thus says the Lord: ‘Just as I have brought all this great calamity on this people, so I will bring on them all the good that I have promised them. - Jeremiah 32:42 NKJV
God keeps His word, we can trust Him to do what He says He will do.
One common theme with God is His desire to be with us. (Jeremiah 24:7; 30:22; 31:33)
They shall be My people, and I will be their God; - Jeremiah 32:38 NKJV
These verses remind me of the words of Jesus recorded in John 14.
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. - John 14:1-3 NKJV
Same God, same sentiment. The same God who created a perfect world and rested on the 7th day because He wanted to spend time with us still desires to be with us. Jesus is coming to take us to be with Him. I will not go into last days prophecy (eschatology) but God has revealed to us that things will get worse before Jesus comes again. But this should not be reason for us to fear the future. We serve a mighty God who always provides for His people. God has always provided and always will provide. This does not mean that it will be easy, but it does mean that it will be okay. Everything will always be fine regardless of how difficult things might get.
Jeremiah, while living through an absolutely terrible time in the history of Israel saw the hope that existed in God because of who He is and because of His great love. We who are aware of what Jesus did for us should have an ever better understanding of the heart of God.
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 8:31-32, 35, 37-39.
My optimism does not come from my present circumstances, but from the character of the God I worship.
So whatever happens economically or politically in the world I remain optimistic because my hope comes from God who always provides for all my needs. My only concern is to be faithful to Him and to be used by Him to give hope and alleviate suffering. I just don’t want to lose sight of what I am called to do in the midst of all the chaos. I am not here to transform the world necessarily, but I am here to make a difference in the lives of those within my sphere of influence.
Who is God calling you to bless?
What gifts has God given you that He wants you to use to bless those around you?
Focus on what you can do. Look to God, and leave to Him the things that are beyond your control.
Never forget that ultimately, our goal is eternal life with Jesus. This old world will only go from bad to worse, but that should not cause us to despair. As things get worse, we continue to do good, never tiring of helping those in need. As God provides for all our needs we continue to live for Him, looking forward to the day we will see Him face to face.
I would like to close with the words found in Revelation 21.
Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” - Revelation 21:1-4 NKJV
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pearl484-blog · 2 years
I have a head cannon that the Miraculous Ladybug that Ladybug casts at the end of each fight doesn't just fix physical damage, but also helps heal emotional damage too, but it goes a bit too far. Especially with deaths. So, if someone dies, Ladybug's healing spell not only ressurects them, but leaves them completely unable to feel any leftover trauma she fears they may encounter from said death. You drowned during Syren? No biggie. You're still not afraid of water. You turned into glitter during Style Queen? That pesky little substance doesn't bring any flashbacks. Some tainted soup made you literally go crazy and near kill a teenage brat? You can still eat soup just fine, no problem. BUT, it also means that you don't feel ANY fear about your traumas.  Those akumas may have blasted you into bits 7 times already, but your main concern is that they are really just a nuisance, and dang, they are cause so much traffic whenever they show up. And sure, several akumas like to hijack technology and use it against you to get around to get whoever they want whenever the want, or just plain make it evil and attack you, but really, you're just concerned that it interupted your favorite show. Now you're going to miss the big reveal and everyone's going to spoil it for you online. Why do I think this? Well, during Dark Cupid and Timebreaker, Chat Noir gets noticably clingy and fearful when he's about to "die". He grabs Ladybug and turns his back towards the threat while clinging to her like a hug. He doesn't want to face death, and he doesn't want to die alone, but he knows that Ladybug needs to survive. However, later, he seems to be a-okay with dying, to the point where it seems to really bother Ladybug.   This is reflected with other civilians, who by Zombizou are COMPLETELY unconcerned with their imminent zombification because Ladybug will save them. They even act completely bored during an akuma alarm in the Louvre during Riposte. They clearly don't LIKE threats. They react whenever one is directly in front of them, and do seem to usually take basic safety precautions, but they aren't exactly showing any major issues with them. Now, you could argue that this ISN'T the case, and it's just desensitization. Which, I can see. But, the thing that really convinced me was Chat Noir and his cataclysms. In Season 3, Reflektdoll Mister Bug is against letting Lady Noire use the Cataclysm against Reflektdoll, which she impulsively does anyways, and he seems to have avoided directly targeting ANYONE with a cataclysm or even suggesting it before the start of Season 4. But, if we assume both that the NY Special is canon and takes place between Seasons 3 and 4,  we see that Chat Noir accidentally cataclysms Uncanny Valley and is horrified. Ladybug casts her cure to fix her, and then Chat seems to almost exclusively focus on Ladybug's disappointment.  Come Season 4, Chat Noir seems to be much more gung ho about the Cataclysm. He’s willing to use it on himself (guiltrip), an akuma (Solecrusher), a sentimonster (Strikeback), and even on a Ladybug’s earrings. If there’s a problem, he is now very quick to suggest Cataclysm, and he has no issues with it. 
We know that the ladybugs from Ladybug’s cure seem to respond to her wishes on some level because while they usually undo the damage akumas cause (even tangentially) they don’t in Dark Cupid where Chloe’s poster, wrecked under the influence of Dark Cupid stays wrecked, which Marinette would’ve wanted. I think that since Ladybug was still mad about the fight, she did not erase Chat’s issue with disappointing her, but no matter how mad she is, Ladybug would never want her Kitty to feel traumatized by accidentally killing someone with his Cataclysm. 
The apathy would come from a good place. She doesn’t want anyone traumatized by their own deaths, so subconciously, she blocks that trauma from everyone who gets it during attacks. It’s just strong enough though that she’s unwittingly dooming her partner to no longer care about his own death, and with each death, his fear of dying gets harder and harder for him to feel.
The worst part is, if Ladybug was told about it, there’s no garuntee it wouldn’t get worse. If she corrects it by trying to not leave citizens too apathetic, they’d be traumatized and probably be easy prey for Hawkmoth during any flashbacks or coming across any triggers, and if she goes the opposite way, then the citizens would become so apathetic, they’d act like they did in Risk. She’d have to get it perfect, and I don’t know if she could do that on the first try. If she screwed up fixing that spell, I bet she’d be crushed. It’d probably be like Origins all over for her.  So Ladybug’s the only sane woman left as everyone around her slowly dances off the edge of a cliff. Or I’m completely overthinking a children’s cartoon, which is more likely.
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roseserpentpress · 2 years
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Adding some variety this time with a Sakata Gintoki x Hijikata Toushirou anthology fic collection. This one is actually the second book I did! I had a hard time deciding the anthology name since I was like ugh silver and iron sounds too pretentious- and then figured a title that was pretentious and then proceeded to make fun of it for being pretentious is a very Gintama thing to do, and ended up rather pleased with the title.
Since it was the second thing I typeset I ended up with a few issues in the final print (and binding... I didn't intend for a straight spine but forgot about rounding it, but a lot of people like to leave their spines straight anyways so it's fine) that I'm tempted to go back and fix and maybe redo the whole thing another time (we do not talk about the inverted page number positions. Is this why the icha icha series numbers are all centered instead of on the outside of the page? No absolutely not) but in the end I still enjoy it the way it is, so for now I'm at peace with it.
Originally I was actually going to add little designs above each title page of each story, but in the end I got to trigger-happy for the printing and bookbinding process and printed it before I drew the designs. I did in the end while bored draw the designs after, so maybe I will eventually redo the book. We'll see.
List of fics in the anthology:
Summer Heat (3k, G)
Hijikata gets ordered by Kondo to go on a vacation. For some reason, he runs into Gintoki there.
I told you once (and here's the twice) (3k, M)
“Ah, stern as always. You never change, do you, Hijikata-kun?”
“And you always do whatever you want to”.
“Right, I’m working on that”, and then Yorozuya lifts his hand and takes Hijikata’s cigarette from his mouth, placing it between his own teeth. Hijikata himself is too stunned to do anything other than just look at his mouth, lips curved over where his own had been just moments before, his body now kicked into high alert as if responding to an imminent threat.
An animal realizing they’re prey.
Two years is a long time yearning for someone.
Stop the rising tide, I need extra time (3.5k, E)
No one really comments on the change in their relationship, and Hijikata doesn’t know how to feel about the general air of lack of surprise around them.
Sequel to "i told you once (and here's the twice)". Hijikata is trying his best to make a place for himself in Gintoki's life. Gintoki loves him for it.
Common Misconceptions (7.6k, G)
“Yes, Hijikata-san, we were worried for you,” Sougo drawls, with a smirk on his lips, and then, like the little bastard he is, he asks, “Where were you?”
Hijikata thinks he knows exactly what conclusion those two idiots landed on after seeing him in the Yorozuya’s yukata.
(Or: 5 times people wrongly assume something about the relationship between Hijikata and the Yorozuya and the one time they turn out to be right after all)
Don't venture into the forest alone or you will end up befriending a lonely kitsune (7k, G)
"With his curiosity peaked, Toushirou slowly sat up and crawled over.
It was white? No, darker than white. Silver?
Toushirou picked up the tuft of fur on the ground, wondering what animal it could have come from. He had been here so many times, but had never seen an animal with silver-white fur. Maybe a new animal moved into the forest and he had yet to see it?
From behind the bushes, a pair of curious red eyes watched the young boy."
Kitsune! Gintoki x Human! Hijikata AU
7-year old Hijikata, shunned by his family, meets a young kitsune living alone in the forest.
Written for GinHijiGin Week 2020, for the prompt: Gintoki's Birthday.
And when it's time to remember, please don't forget your heart's greatest desire (13k, E)
After missing Ketsuno Ana's rare meet and greet session, Gintoki expected to head home and wallow in self pity while stuffing his face with strawberry shortcake and milk.
What he didn't expect, was to run into an unconscious man with beautiful black wings, and end up carrying him home.
A Human Gintoki x Tengu Hijikata oneshot AU
Inspired by marrbl's art (included in fic with permission from artist)
Downloading Pornography Can Lead to Computer Viruses and Strained Relationships (12k, T)
Tama is sick, and Gengai enlists Hijikata’s help to fix her. Too bad Hijikata never watched the Tama Quest arc, otherwise he might have known that the Leukocyte King isn’t normally a huge flirt.
Boys Over Flowers (12k, E)
Gintoki always thought that both he and Hijikata were just really good bros. They were just two normal bros who played Super Smash and joked around after school at WacDonalds. So what if they cuddled a bit while watching scary movies? And what if they shared a bed during sleepovers and jacked each other off in the morning? Bros did that, right?
Okay, maybe Gintoki and Hijikata weren't just 'bros being bros' afterall.
The Demon's Bride (15k, M)
Hijikata bowed and introduced himself. “Hijikata Toushirou, Shiroyasha-dono’s bride and soon-to-be wife. Pleased to meet you.”
Gintoki spluttered on his drink while Takasugi’s laughter got louder.
Shiroyasha/Ponikata AU
RVSP Even if You Aren't Sure You'll Make It, Just In Case; It's Better to Have More Chairs Than Less (16k, E)
Hijikata has a problem and needs Gintoki's help.
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scorbussimulator · 2 years
scorbus picnic fic reblog for 9 dabloons
albus stared up at the sky, his eyes glowing with the sun's light sparkling against them. it was warm, though a cool breeze flew through the air and ran its gentle fingers through albus' hair. he smiled. it felt nice. it was early summer, which was the best part of summer, in their opinion. it meant warm temperatures, but not warm enough to be unbearable. it was nearly perfect. of course, something was missing.
albus exhaled, bouncing as he continued to walk on his path. they stared at the ground below them, kicking pebbles and dandelions with every step. it felt weird. he felt.. calm. it was a strange feeling. there was no imminent danger, no threat to his life. there was no more school, meaning no more bullies and magical shit he didn't want to deal with. all they had to deal with was scorpius.
they grinned.
there was something about scorpius. he was different. he wasn't like everyone else in hogwarts. he was truly, genuinely kind. albus felt weird around him.
his heart.. ached.
albus felt some sort of unbridled joy at the mere thought of scorpius. some sort of happiness they had never known before meeting him. a sense of belonging. it felt amazing.
he skipped once he approached the park entrance, squinting as they looked around for a familiar blond boy. his search quickly ended upon spotting scorpius. he was knelt down on the ground, laying out stuff for the picnic which albus couldn't quite identify from how far away he was. their eyes brightened, and they waved ecstatically. scorpius noticed almost immediately, shooting up and waving, bouncing up and down as he did so. albus ran to him, a wide smile on their face.
"scorpius!" they exclaimed, arms wide open as they tackled scorpius into a hug. scorpius yelped with surprise, laughing as the two fell to the ground and rolled over in the embrace.
"albus!" scorpius giggled, pushing the brunet off of him. he brushed his clothes off, standing up with a pink tint forming on his cheeks. albus stood as well, smiling as he looked up at scorpius. scorpius made eye contact briefly, looking away.
"hello, albus," scorpius' voice was slightly higher pitched than usual as he tried to hide his excitement. he stood awkwardly, his legs crossed as he rocked back and forth. albus couldn't help but laugh at the sight of him. they'd known each other for so long, but they still couldn't handle themselves around each other.
"hi, scorpius," they responded, their smile infiltrating their speech. "how long have you been waiting?"
"oh, not long at all, don't worry!" scorpius smiled, turning to the picnic blanket he'd set up. it was pale blue with a plaid pattern, and was rather soft to the touch. there were also plates, forks, and blue napkins laid out neatly. "only a few minutes."
"you got a lot done in 'a few minutes'," albus remarked, to which scorpius beamed with pride.
"d'you like it?" scorpius held his hands behind his back, rocking on his heels.
"of course, it looks awesome!" albus added, sitting down on one side of the blanket. scorpius sat on the opposite side, crossing his legs.
"oh," albus suddenly spoke, setting down a bag and unzipping it. "i brought some stuff!" out from the bag, he pulled a carton of strawberries out, along with a few mini sandwiches. they also pulled out a couple of soda cans, and a ton of candy. scorpius' eyes widened, and a small squeal of excitement escaped his mouth.
"albus," he spoke breathily. "you got SKITTLES?"
"of course, i know it's your favorite muggle candy," albus smiled, looking up. "you better be thankful for this, my mum would not be happy if she knew i bought all of this crap." they joked.
"i am more thankful than words can say," scorpius expressed, immediately grabbing a bag of skittles. about to tear it open, he paused, his eyes widening slightly. his face turned pink as he looked up at albus.
"i, um, brought you something!" he said, his face as full of surprise as albus'. it was as if he didn't even know he'd gotten it. from a beige tote bag, he pulled out a bouquet of flowers. the flowers were a beautiful arrangement of purples and blues, the colors melting together harmoniously. scorpius gripped the stems tightly, extending his arm as much as he could as he held out the flowers in front of albus. he looked away, appearing afraid to see albus' reaction.
albus' mouth fell open with shock and glee. "scorpius..!" they exclaimed, smiling as they took the flowers. he turned the bouquet in his hands, admiring each individual flower. "this is so sweet! what's gotten into you?"
"nothing," scorpius mumbled, looking back at albus hesitantly. "do.. you like them?"
"of course, they're beautiful," albus beamed. "thank you scorpius, i love them!"
"whatever," scorpius perked up, grabbing the tote bag again. he pulled out some more food, including a carton of blackberries, a small cake, and some bags of chips. albus chuckled slightly, noticing his embarrassment. scorpius was never any good at showing affection, and albus knew this. it was admirable, to say the least, to see how hard he was trying to break this habit, despite how much of a struggle it was for him. it was nice to see his growth.
"stop looking at me like that," scorpius spoke, snapping albus out of their thoughts.
"sorry," albus laughed. "i like looking at you."
scorpius blushed profusely. "can we just eat??" he asked, his voice cracking. albus laughed.
"yeah, yeah."
they served themselves portions of food, staring down at their plates and realizing how much food they had actually brought.
"scorpius, i don't think we're going to be able to eat all of this," albus remarked.
"we'll eat it, or we'll get sick trying!" scorpius proudly stated, getting a laugh out of albus. it was probably true.
albus grabbed the two cans of soda, holding them out in front of scorpius. not to their surprise, scorpius grabbed the can of sprite, smiling gratefully. this left albus with the can of fanta, which he was also happy about.
“so,” scorpius’ voice was muffled as he chewed, swallowing the strawberry he'd eaten before continuing to speak. “how's your dad?”
“not as annoying as usual,” albus smiled, taking a bite of his sandwich. “he's been a bit clingy, though.”
“he's probably scared of you running away again,” scorpius commented. albus found this funny, despite scorpius’ genuine tone. “or scared of you disappearing in an alternate timeline.”
“eh, he’ll get over it,” albus beamed, continuing to eat. the two talked about nothing important, happy to be in the presence of each other. it had been a while since the last time they'd been able to just talk one one one. it was nice to just be alone for once. albus loved being with scorpius. they felt safe around him. he knew scorpius wouldn't judge him. they could be themself around him, and he wouldn't have to be afraid of being judged or made fun of for things that made him different. scorpius understood what it was like to be different. their experiences weren't the same, yet, they were so similar. they knew what being an outcast was like, so they never really felt so different and alone. it gave albus a sense of security in being insecure.
“how has therapy been?” albus asked, setting down his fork. they had finished most of it at that point, and was starting to feel full.
“oh, it's been alright,” scorpius picked at his food with his fork, unable to finish it all. “kind of awkward. i think my therapist hates me.”
“why's that?” albus laughed.
“sometimes i just sit there quietly while she desperately tries to get answers out of me,” scorpius spoke. “it's weird telling my whole life story to some person i met less than a month ago. it's a bit overwhelming.”
“i'm sure it'll be fine,” albus responded. “you'll open up eventually.”
“i sure hope so!” scorpius laughed absentmindedly, staring down at his plate of food. albus paused, watching him.
“it's okay, you know,” albus began. “if it's hard for you to open up. it's good that you're trying. that's what's important.”
“yeah,” scorpius mumbled, setting his fork down on his plate. “i guess you're right.” his head perked up and he cleared his throat. “anyways, what are your plans for the summer?”
albus furrowed their eyebrows, looking into scorpius’ gray eyes. uncomfortable by the interaction, scorpius looked away. scorpius tended to switch the topic quite often if the conversation was leading towards something he wasn't interested in, and albus didn't want to push any farther.
“not sure,” said albus. “hopefully hanging out with you.”
scorpius lit up, a smile blooming on his face. “i hope so too!”
“i’m sure my dad won't mind,” albus continued, smirking. “if i don't tell him.”
day faded away, and the sunset brought forth an orange hue which warmly lit up the sky and echoed off the blades of grass. the two of them laid themselves down on the blanket, faced up at the stars which slowly became more and more visible.
albus exhaled, turning to face scorpius. he was looking at the sky, his eyes moving and tracing the patterns of the stars. albus smiled. he seemed so at peace. it was nice to see scorpius like that. it was nice to see him.. happy. it felt like he hadn't been for quite some time.
albus watched scorpius closely, their eyes outlining each bit of his complexion and appearance which he loved. it was all so perfect.
“albus?” scorpius turned his head, noticing that albus had been staring.
“..yeah?” albus asked quietly.
“you're staring at me again like a weirdo.”
“i know.”
scorpius frowned, his eyebrows furrowed. “what-”
“you're really beautiful, scorpius,” albus spoke again.
scorpius’ face turned bright red, and he laughed, tugging on his sleeves. “what is wrong with you?”
“nothing!” albus laughed as well. “i just think you're nice to look at.”
“well, you're nice to look at too, albus,” scorpius replied hesitantly, turning away from albus and looking back at the stars.
“no.” scorpius giggled, as if he was proud of himself for that.
albus couldn't help but laugh as well.
they turned to look back at the stars, watching as they twinkled and faded in and out. it had gotten significantly darker at this point, and the only light available was that of the moon and the stars. scorpius glanced over at them, and they looked at him as well. scorpius sat up. albus did the same.
“um, albus?” scorpius asked hesitantly.
“i have to say something weird and you can't make fun of me.”
“i can't promise anything.”
“wh- albus!”
“okay, okay,” albus laughed. “i won't.”
“alright,” scorpius exhaled shakily, staring up at the sky again. “you said it's good for me to try to open up, so i'm going to.”
he paused. his eyes shut.
“i really- i love you, albus, and i'm scared. i didn't realize how happy i am when i'm alone with you. but i'm scared. and i know it's stupid and it's embarrassing to say this but i love you and you're my favorite person ever and i don't know what i'd do without you. every day is scary because i don't know if somethings going to happen to you and then i won't be able to see you again and then i'll be alone. and i don't want to be alone. i want to be with you but- but the world sucks and everything is scary. cus- cus what if something happens again and you get hurt again? like- like with the time turner. or when we got handcuffed and tortured?? remember that? i don't want you-”
his voice cracked, becoming quieter.
“i don't want you getting hurt.”
albus’ face softened. they looked at scorpius, studying him. he was stiff, and his lips were thinned. it looked as if he was trying not to cry. he hugged himself tightly, adjusting his arm position every so often. albus couldn't respond, they didn't know how.
“i'm sorry, i know it's stupid,” scorpius laughed sadly. “anyways-”
“no, it's not,” albus suddenly spoke up. “i'm scared to lose you too, scorpius. i love you. so much it hurts. but- everything in life hurts. i'm gonna get hurt no matter what. but we’ll be there for each other, won't we?”
scorpius nodded quickly.
“you won't be alone,” albus continued. “i promise.”
scorpius sniffed, looking at albus. their eyes met. albus reached their hand forward, wiping the tears from scorpius’ cheeks.
“i won't leave you. ever.” albus said.
“you're gay.” scorpius smiled, breaking into laughter.
albus rolled his eyes, laughing as well. he moved slightly closer to scorpius, their noses nearly touching. they could feel each other’s gentle breaths as they looked into each other’s eyes.
scorpius leaned closer.
their lips met.
albus felt their heart race as their eyes shut. his head buzzed. it felt like the world around him had disappeared, and it was just the two of them.
scorpius was the first to pull away, his face red and breath heavy. he looked into albus’ eyes for a quick second before looking away.
“wow,” scorpius exhaled. albus started laughing, and scorpius did too.
“we are absolute fucking losers,” albus sighed, smiling brightly.
“i like being a loser with you,” scorpius glanced back up at albus.
albus leaned in this time.
the two of them instantly melted into the warmth of one another, their lips intertwining more passionately than before. albus’ hands moved up the back of scorpius’ head, their fingers intertwining with blond locks of hair. scorpius latched onto albus’ waist, pulling him closer as they kissed.
the moment was broken as albus pulled apart, nearly gasping for air. he moved his hands away, resting them awkwardly in his lap. they watched scorpius, who was catching his breath as well. the blond giggled, tugging on the bottom of his sweater.
“wizzo!” scorpius exclaimed, and albus burst into laughter, shoving him playfully.
“what is wrong with you??” albus joked, and scorpius laughed as well, his face red.
albus grabbed scorpius’ hand. scorpius held albus’ hand back.
“i love you, scorpius,” albus said quietly, a gentle smile on their face. “a lot.”
“i love you too, albus,” scorpius smiled, his eyes soft as he looked at albus.
“ew,” albus looked away, making a vomit noise.
“yeah, that was weird,” scorpius shivered. the two laughed.
albus rested their head on scorpius’ shoulder, sighing quietly as the two of them watched the stars dance across the sky. and everything was alright.
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niqhtlord01 · 3 years
Humans are weird: Shock Troops Part II: The Drop
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
If there is one thing to be said about the age of interstellar travel it would be that it be impossible without the aid of the space gate network.
The space gates comprised of several hundred ancient machines scattered around the cosmos that formed a three dimensional network allowing near instant travel between star systems normally thousands of light years apart. Many of these machines were often located in empty space at the edges of their local systems, but the one in the Hodun system was situated directly over the planet of Hodun Prime and was considered to be the gate to the inner sphere worlds of the Tempish Ascendancy.
Considered to be one of the mightiest governing bodies of the era, the Tempish Ascendancy was a highly efficiently monarchy protected by a near fanatical well-armed and trained military. Their rise to power is often credited to the fact that the Temp people controlled the only space gate for several neighboring systems. With this level of control the Tempish people expanded, either through diplomatic undertakings or military campaigns, into those other systems and quickly incorporated them into their domain. Within a couple of generations the Tempish population was the dominant species on these worlds firmly placing them under their control. From here they had expanded through the space gate; an expansion that eventually led straight to the doors of humanity.
How the war started has been debated and refuted a dozen times and then again a dozen times more, but the end result always comes to the war that erupted between humanity and the Tempish. Each time humanity felt it was on the cusp of victory the Tempish would flee to Hodun Prime and through the space gate back to their territory to recoup only to reemerge several months later and begin the war anew. This back and forth had continued for over a decade as humanity lacked the needed manpower to secure Hodun Prime and in turn launch an invasion of the inner sphere. This tide of fortune for the Tempish soon turned when humanity made peace with several other factions it had been at war with and finally could turn its full attention to the Tempish Ascendancy.
The space gate in orbit above Hodun Prime was controlled by a secure facility on the planet’s surface. Surrounded by near impregnable walls, shield towers, orbital cannons, and a legion of the best trained soldiers the Tempish military had; the facility was able to deny access to the space gate to any ship that was not Tempish. Furthermore, when humanity had in the past launched raids to secure the facility in the past the facility would send out a distress signal through the space gate to the inner sphere worlds were a waiting support fleet would respond and jump through the gate and arrive over Hodun Prime within the hour. This threat of being assaulted by both ground and space forces had deterred further attempts to secure the facility until only recently when a specialized regiment became available for deployment. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ripja strode into the command chamber and ran a glance along the tactical displays lining the walls. He passed between rows of consoles to either side of him each controlling a vital system to Hodun Prime’s defense; each one now blaring warning sounds and baring red marks of imminent danger. Several of the soldiers stood to salute Ripja but he waved them away. Now was not the time to stand on ceremony.
“Report” Ripja asked as he approached the center of the room. There stood a large table displaying a three dimensional hologram of the planet and the orbiting space gate currently surrounded by the high command and their aides. Several icons were scattered around the planet listing military positions, outposts, defense sectors, and more.
His second in command, Kempid, approached and tapped a data wand against the table. A rash of red icons suddenly appeared in orbit of the planet directly above the command facility they now stood in.
“Roughly ten minutes ago three human ships exited the space gate directly over us.”
Before Kempid could provide more information the entire room was filled with warning alarms.
“Enemy bombardment incoming!” one of the console operators called out.
Within moments Ripja could hear a noise reverberating throughout the entire room. It was faint and sounded distant and yet there was no mistaking it.
“Shields are holding.” Another attendant called out.
“Send the signal to the fleet in the inner sphere,” Ripja said to one of the waiting aides, “we need reinforcements now.”
With that they scurried off to the communications bank and transmitted the signal while Ripja took a closer look at the holographic display.
Fiddling with the controls he enhanced the image in orbit and focused in on the human vessels. Two were cruiser class by their ship design and the third was a troop carrier of some kind. The cruisers were using their heavy cannons to lay down a withering barrage of plasma focused directly on the shields surrounding the space gate facility.
“This doesn’t make sense.” Ripja stated, making some of the nearby command staff turn to listen as he began pacing around the table. “They must know two ships can’t breach our shields, and our guns can’t fire so long as our shields are up.” He stopped his pacing and magnified the enemy fleet once again, this time showing a live feed from one of their orbiting stealth satellites.
The two cruisers had positioned the troop carrier between them while the bombardment was ongoing and appeared to have achieved a stable orbit. As he was pondering this defensive nature he noticed through the feed several of the hangar bay doors of the troop ship slowly opening.
In silence several dozen landing craft shot out from the troop ship and began heading towards the surface. To his amazement the landing craft were not arcing away from the orbital bombardment but instead were flying directly through it; their tiny craft veering and swerving in-between the human orbital fire like insects flying through the rain.
“They must be insane!” Kempid said as he came over and saw what had enthralled Ripja.  
“Clever.” Ripja spoke as he motioned another aide over. “They’re using their orbital fire to disable our anti air capabilities while they land their forces.”
As the aide approached Ripja shrunk the hologram to only highlight the main command facility and the space directly above it. Already the red icons of the landing craft were appearing one after another as they raced towards the facility.
“Lower the shields in the south quadrant of the facility and have our orbital guns begin firing on the cruiser on the left.”
“But sir,” the aide spoke hesitantly, “that will leave that quadrant exposed to their fire.”
“They won’t change their target.” Ripja pointed to the central facility currently the focus of the human bombardment. “They need their bombardment to silence our own anti air cannons; if they deviate even for a moment it will give us a window to shoot down their landing craft.”
The aide nodded and moved aside to relay the new order while Ripja motioned Kempid over.
“Deploy all air squadrons and have them engage the human landing craft.” He said as he highlighted the leading ships. “I do not want one of them touching down on our soil unless it is a burning wreck.”
“Our pilots won’t be able to fly thro-“ Kempid began before Ripja grapped him by the throat and pulled him over to the hologram.
“The humans are flying through it!” he softly snarled at Kempid, “Get. Them. In. The. Air.”
“As you wish.” Gasped Kempid as Ripja let him go. “Command to all air wings, deploy and repel enemy landing craft.”
Within minutes a rash of new blue icons from landing fields surrounding the main facility were lighting up as dozens of combat air wings took to the skies. As he watched them take flight he also saw the shield in the south lower and the retaliatory fire commence against the human fleet.
Several cannons fired at once and impacted the left cruiser, its shields flashing bright blue in the cold void. As the retaliation strikes continued Ripja noticed that even though the fire wasn’t piercing the shields it was altering the human bombardment. The angle of the shots was being offset by the Tempish fire moving the cruiser and as a result the landing craft were thrown into a chaotic descent.
If Ripja had to guess the humans had coordinated specific flight paths to navigate the orbital bombardment fire to ensure their craft weren’t hit by friendly fire. Now however the paths were changing and the human landing craft were flying straight into their own bombardment and shattering.
Ripja let a faint smirk cross his lips as he watched the enemy icons slowly blip out one by one. Soon they will be forced to retreat and the day will be ours, he thought to himself. He watched the hologram waiting for the moment, waiting for the first ship to turn tail and flee back to the troop carrier in orbit, waiting for the enemy to flee the system in defeat, waiting for yet another achievement for his military record.
The smirk vanished from Ripja’s face as he continued to watch in astoundment as the human landing craft did not flee, but instead sped up directly for his command facility.
Even when the Tempish air wings finally swooped in and began picking off the seemingly defenseless landing craft they still kept coming. By the count now the landing craft had suffer 37% casualties and they still had not even reached the planet’s surface.
Ripja watched in horror as even through the orbital strikes, even though the wings of fighter craft picking them off with every pass, even with another 15% of casualties the humans still kept coming until finally the moment Ripja had never thought possible happened.
The humans landed on Hodun Prime.
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