#how is this a david e. kelly production
Note to Elwood:
This is not how you talk about someone when they're not present when you have "feelings" for them:
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What about that scene above is him being a gentleman?
And more importantly...
Beau has feelings for Jenny?
Girl, WHERE?
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We've only ever seen Jenny's side of things.
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Full disclosure, I haven't seen season 2, but Jenny is funny and very charismatic? That's what she and Beau have in common besides their confidence? I don't remember Jenny cracking any jokes in season 1 or season 3 thus far.
"But he doesn’t let Jenny in emotionally because he doesn’t want to be vulnerable to her." - what??? So him telling her in 2x18 that he followed his daughter and ex-wife to Montana wasn't him letting her in. Or him telling her and Cassie how he felt about missing out on Emily's life in 3x01 wasn't letting her in? Or even when he talks to her alone in 3x09 again about Emily?
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LOL!!! Jenny isn't jealous of Cassie and Beau's friendship in a romantic way? Seriously? Then why the whole consistent teasing of Beau about Cassie, asking if he's jealous? Even in 3x09 when they're having their supposed big emotionally intimate convo without Cassie being there or having anything to do with it? Elwood, you lie like a rug.
"Beau’s been very, very guarded around Jenny about any emotional stuff in his life regarding his marriage." - yet again, I ask, how has he been guarded when in the very first episode he meets her, he talks about it? He may not have told her the reason why the marriage failed but he had no problem basically admitting that he was still in love with Carla in that first car ride. Not to mention Jenny is the first one to meet Carla and witness what happened there.
"When Jenny got to interview Carla, that was a real chess match, and what was being discussed was trying to figure out what makes Beau tick and what kind of woman would be with this guy Avery, who Jenny and Beau know is up to some dirt." - so you ADMIT that Jenny was doing that in this scene when just an episode later you have Jenny telling Cassie that she's going to respect his boundaries, give him some space, and let him tell her when he's ready? When she said the very same thing in 3x01 when Cassie tells her she can ask Beau? So she goes behind his back and gets the scoop from his ex-wife instead? Not a true romance does this make.
"Those are the cards we’ve been playing with in this relationship. I think it all goes towards earning those looks, earning any kind of physicality that may occur in the back half of the season, really earning it," - you may want to stick to playing checkers instead because your chess matches and card playing aren't working out; they're horrific. Because Beau suddenly doing a 180 in the mid-season finale doesn't feel earned, it feels extremely out of character, abrupt, and not making sense.
"and making the audience want to be there for it." - AH, his true goal, gotta get those numbers up and keep viewers for the ratings. My bad, I thought Elwood was a story teller, not a salesman.
So basically, he knows he fucked up, the show doesn't actually show this supposed build-up of a true romance of Beau and Jenny, so that's why we get:
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A whole sales pitch in combination with a full explanation because it wasn't apparent how Beau felt during the entire season so far, and the interviewer even had to check that Jenny knew she was interested. Imagine, that had to be asked.
And once again, he's not doing this because it's right for the story or either character (it's not), he's doing it to give "the audience what they want". Fanservice, that's all it is. And while a lot of shows tend to swing this way in order to keep viewers (since streaming/COVID changed the game irrevocably), the writers do their best to try to make it make some sense in the story. We've seen both good and bad examples of both. This is definitely the latter.
Had they done some organic build-up between Beau and Jenny, and not had Jenny acting so out of character and being full on cocky to boot (I mean, "Jenny always gets her man"? Really?), then maybe I could see this making sense as far as the fanservice goes. But Jensen and Katheryn don't have romantic chemistry. This is what genuine chemistry looks like:
He has way more chemistry with Angelique, Kylie, and Dedee. And for Beau to get into a romantic relationship with either Carla or Cassie makes way more sense for his story as well as theirs. With Denise not so much, but again, chemistry and it's cute.
So for this sudden Beau-has-been-returning-Jenny's-feelings-the-whole-time-he's-just-been-guarded-around-her to come out of nowhere is just beyond bad writing. Especially considering that Jenny already dealt with this issue (guy who isn't truly over his ex and she has to deal with it in the relationship) last season. With Travis, the very same guy Beau helped her to deal with in the very same episode she met him and says goodbye to her boyfriend, and lets him go to find his ex. The very SAME episode. That's. BAD. WRITING. And not good at all for Jenny's character development, because there is NO development. Here she is again, dealing with this same bullshit. And to top it all off, she's been acting like a teenager in some weird one-sided high school romance, being jealous (yes, Elwood, that's right, ROMANTICALLY jealous) of her best friend, trying to call dibs on a man that has shown NO interest in her whatsoever, to the point where even his ex-wife is noticing, and basically waiting him out because she's so confident she's going to get her man. (Yes, you wrote that, Elwood. YOU) Something the Jenny from Season 1 (and the few flashes I've seen of season 2) Jenny wouldn't have done, especially after having gone through this SAME thing last season.
So you have both female leads (and one hell of a strong female side character aka Carla) being reduced to devices to tell the romance story for fanservice, all revolving around a man...great job, Elwood. Great job.
And here's the thing, Jensen is doing his best to make the story work. And that's not speaking through an AA-haze, that's just speaking truth. It's most apparent in that 3x10 scene. While that moment came out of nowhere and felt extremely awkward, especially with Jenny's reaction, it only worked slightly because of him. He and Katheryn don't have romantic chemistry, not in these roles and in this story. So I think it's hilarious that fanboy Elwood who is clinging to Jensen and Reba like a crab with its claws, texts Jensen from the editing room (by Jensen's own admission from this most recent con), asking Jensen if he meant to play a take a certain way, then telling him it's brilliant and they're going to use it, and yet we still get:
This scene (and ANOTHER Cassie mention) & this scene (where Beau is NOT jealous nor does he give a shit that Jenny is being hit on)
Where Beau very clearly isn't into Jenny or thinking of anything romantic happening between them. NO. ORGANIC. BUILD-UP.
Elwood had the opportunity to use different takes (for example, look at the 3x09 movie night scene again - Katheryn's coverage has Jensen looking at her; Jensen's coverage has him barely looking at her) to tell this story between them seamlessly and do a genuine build-up to have this payoff in 3x10. He didn't because his ego is telling him that he doesn't need to. And why? Because he believes his own hype and his goal isn't to tell a great story but to maintain ratings. That's it. So it's beyond hilarious to me that fanboy Elwood even texts Jensen from the editing room. Like dude, you have no excuse. This isn't on the editors or the writers or the actors; this is on you. Just you.
And the only time we get some genuine possibly romantic chemistry with Jensen and Katheryn? This scene - and why? Because they're not playing their roles. (which is a testament to their acting abilities btw)
Congratulations, Elwood. You sacrificed Cassie and Jenny, your two female leads, for ratings for this shit. Are you proud of yourself? (most likely you are but you shouldn't be)
I've seen some shitty showrunners in my time but wow, Elwood, you take the cake. I can see why there's talk about this season being this show's last. This is truly terrible writing. You may want to go back to just being on a writing team or to short novels, buddy. I feel like that's where your strength is, and leave the showrunning to the pros.
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glassprism · 1 year
I don't know if you've answered this question before, but do you have favorite Phantom/Christine pairings?
I have answered it before, but not too recently, so maybe it's time to make a big ole updated masterpost of all my favorites as of now!
Keep in mind that if a name isn't on here, it doesn't mean they're not a favorite or whatever, it might just mean I never saw them with a Phantom or Christine I particularly liked (e.g. Gina Beck is an all-time favorite but she's not on here because I never really saw her opposite a Phantom I also really enjoyed) or I preferred a slightly different pairing (e.g. I really liked Franc D'Ambrosio with Lisa Vroman but I slightly preferred the latter with Brad Little). And there may be one or two where I could not decide at all (e.g. do I prefer Kelly Mathieson with David Thaxton or Josh Piterman? I can't tell!). Anyway, here they are:
Michael Crawford/Sarah Brightman - The OG cast. It can't be helped, they both had such unique takes on the role and it makes them one of the most memorable pairings for me.
Dave Willetts/Jan Hartley Morris - His rougher take on the mold that Crawford left vs. Jan Hartley Morris's old-school, classical Christine is a winner.
Mikael Samuelson/Elisabeth Berg - I love Samuelson's slightly harsher vocals compared to Berg's operatic tones.
Alexander Goebel/Luzia Nistler - Goebel is eerie, ghostly, and unhinged at the end; Nistler has a lovely classical voice and a scared, slightly naive take on her Christine. It fits well.
Davis Gaines/Tracy Shayne - Gaines is commanding, sensual, elegant; Shayne is innocent but with a touch of maturity that brings a certain uniqueness to the role.
Saulo Vasconcelos/Irasema Terrazas - Hands! I think both were allowed a lot of freedom in the role and it's great.
Hans Peter Janssens/Ineke van Klinken - Janssens is both very nuts and very sad while van Klinken is a reserved yet steely-willed Christine who is more than a match for him.
Ian Jon Bourg/Alison Kelly - Bourg is good with so many Christines, but I loved Alison Kelly's feistiness.
Michael Nicholson/Olivia Safe - Just a fascinating pairing, and they were both understudies!
Yoon Young Seok/Hye Kyoung Lee - It didn't matter that both were speaking Korean, they were so emotional that I felt like I understood every aspect of their performance.
Brad Little/Lisa Vroman - Kind of mentioned above, but I love how well these two act together.
Hugh Panaro/Julie Hanson - Hugh Panaro is a sarcastic jokester of a man and it makes you really feel for Julie Hanson's child-like Christine at the end of the show.
Gary Mauer/Elizabeth Southard - A real-life married E/C couple brings all the chemistry!
Earl Carpenter/Rachel Barrell - Barrell is also really good with JOJ, and more spirited around him, but I love Earl Carpenter more.
John Cudia/Jennifer Hope Wills - Oh the sparks these two brought to the role! Cudia was scary and dominating but JHW was absolutely able to hold her own against him.
Simon Pryce/Julie Goodwin - The voices of these two!
Marcus Lovett/Anna O'Byrne - Leroux-accuracy heaven.
Jeremy Stolle/Samantha Hill - Again, I've seen these two give fantastic performances with multiple performers, but I really do love what they bring to the show together.
Tomas Ambt Kofod/Sibylle Glosted - Very detailed, nuanced performances in a production that was full of it.
Jonathan Roxmouth/Meghan Picerno - There was fire between these two! Roxmouth was intent on bending Christine to his will but Picerno was so fiercely independent that you knew he could never succeed.
Jeon Dong Seok/Son Ji-soo - JDS is a swoon-worthy Phantom while SJS brought lovely expressions to the role.
And I'm sure there are many others...
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cantsayidont · 8 months
Movies movies movies:
THE WITCH WHO CAME FROM THE SEA (1976): Disquieting, bloody psychological drama, directed by Matt Cimber (later the founder of G.L.O.W., and the basis for the "Sam Sylvia" character played by Marc Maron on the 2017–2019 G.L.O.W. TV series), about a disturbed young woman named Molly (Millie Perkins, wife of screenwriter Robert Thorn), whose horrifying history of childhood abuse causes her to sublimate sexual attraction into dissociative homicidal fits, when she isn't doting on her two young nephews or drinking herself into a haze. Vibes like an exploitation movie, but too arty and surreal to really qualify as one, and it doesn't ever feel quite like a horror movie despite the lurid subject matter; probably the closest comparison is Abel Ferrara's MS.45, with which it would make an apt double bill. Demands strong CWs for CSA and suicide, both of which are pretty rough, but it definitely makes an impression, perhaps most strikingly in the later scenes where Molly's seedy boss (Lonny Chapman) and bitchy coworker (Peggy Feury) begin to grasp how unhinged Molly has really become, leading to a disturbing finale. Too unsettling to easily recommend, hard to forget.
ALICE GOODBODY (1974): Lightweight, smutty exploitation movie, written, produced, and directed by Tom Scheuer, starring Sharon Kelly as a starstruck Hollywood waitress who loves old movies and movie stars (most of whom the people she meets in the industry have barely even heard of) and who is determined to get a small part in a new musical about Julius Caesar, even though it means sleeping with almost everyone in town. A kind of cheerful low-stakes sex comedy they don't make anymore: The situation is obviously sleazy, but not in any way that ever puts Alice in any particular jeopardy (she's in far more danger on set, where she keeps suffering different workplace accidents). The movie's central running joke is that the men whose favor she's supposed to be cultivating are at least as fixated on their own weird obsessions and neuroses as on sex, something Alice just has to sort of work around as best she can, which ends up making her sympathetic and even relatable. More likable than you'd think.
SPICE WORLD (1997): Delightfully dopey Girl Power homage to Richard Lester's A HARD DAY'S NIGHT, starring the Spice Girls, Richard E. Grant at his Richard E. Grantiest, and a cast of thousands. (Just picking out all the cameos and guest stars is half the fun.) This is what I think the Greta Gerwig BARBIE movie was going for: obviously a commercial product, and making no apologies for its mercantile ambitions, but self-aware enough and full of enough sly piss-taking to be thoroughly enjoyable even if you aren't in (or never had) a Spice Girls phase. Goes on a bit too long, but Grant's outfits alone are worth sticking it out for, and the bridge-jumping climax is very funny.
KALIFORNIA (1993): Mordant thriller starring a disconcertingly young-looking David Duchovny as Brian Kessler, a young writer who blows his advance for a new book about serial killers on an old convertible for him and his horny art photographer girlfriend Carrie Laughlin (Michelle Forbes, with disconcerting bangs) to drive across the country, photographing famous murder sites. Along the way, they pick up a couple of hitchhiking hicks, Early Grayce (Brad Pitt) and Adele Comers (Juliette Lewis), to help pay for gas, not realizing that Early is a paroled convict who's just murdered someone and has no qualms about dropping more bodies along the way. Tim Metcalfe's script (with obligatory '90s voiceover narration) scores some points early on in its depiction of Brian and Carrie's obvious classism and brittle middle-class hipster intellectualism, but the story ends up validating their prejudices rather than questioning them, which keeps the film from being entirely satisfying despite its effectiveness as a thriller. The cast is very good, with Pitt and Forbes the real standouts — Pitt plays Early as a man who draws no line between aw-shucks Southern congeniality and murderous rage, while Forbes makes Carrie's mix of ambition, appetite, and roiling intensity so vivid that you come away wondering what she's doing with Brian, who Duchovny plays as a somewhat gormless jackass. As for Lewis, suffice to say this would make an interesting double bill with NATURAL BORN KILLERS, released about a year later, where she plays a variation on the same damaged theme.
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mylifeincinema · 8 months
My Best of 2023: My Top 10 Films!
Finally! It’s time for My Top 10 Films of 2023! 2023 was another weird year for me in terms of film. As usual, I had a few I championed, but, yet again, a lot of the big guns didn't land the way I'd expected or hoped. As a quick reminder -  My Top 10 Films isn’t necessarily a list of the ‘best’, or ‘my favorite’, but rather a mix of the two that takes both sides of the A&E into as equal consideration as humanly possible. Definitely keep that in mind, especially the fact that how re-watchable each film is weighs in significantly. So, in terms of all that, this list nails my 2023.
First, here are some Honorable Mentions (in no real order), most of which spent at least a little time in the Top 10: Jonathan Glazer's The Zone of Interest (which really deserves that 10 spot, but it's about as far from re-watchable as it gets); David Fincher's The Killer; Sofia Coppola's Priscilla; Kelly Fremon Craig's Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.; and Takashi Yamazaki's Godzilla Minus One. Any of these could easily claim that 10 spot on another day. As for Martin Scorsese's Killers of the Flower Moon? Sorry, y'all, but it barely cracked my Top 20. No matter how incredibly well-made it was, it was still a solid hour too long. And worst of all, it felt it!
Okay, without further ado, here they are…
My Top 10 Films of 2023!!
10. Danny & Michael Philippou's Talk to Me
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Damn. This was fantastic. I’m still really pissed I missed it in cinemas. Such a super creepy, perfectly executed premise fueled by surprisingly good performances and genuinely terrifying moments, throughout. I especially love that it never heavily relies on jump-scares and just how brutal these spirits get. The desperation and hopelessness of the third act is just the cherry on top.
9. Greta Gerwig's Barbie
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Hilarious. Bold. Heartwarming. And not at all subtle. Margot is perfection, which doesn’t always work in the film’s favor, but it knows and acknowledges that, and becomes more interesting by doing so. Gosling is hilarious and interesting and delivers one of the most absurdly audacious performances of the year. Gerwig’s vision, here, is dazzling not only in its use of practical effects, but also its brazen approach to the film’s message.
8. Christopher McQuarrie's Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1
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Tom Cruise is out here doing the important work in a time when said important work is more essential than ever. This is a big-screen spectacle of an action film with exciting fights and chases and stunts that get more and more impressive, wild and outlandish throughout. As to be expected from the franchise, the cast all deliver rock-solid performances, and McQuarrie’s work behind the camera is every bit as good as Fallout, despite Fallout still probably being the better of the two films, overall. The plot, action, and editing here are all perfectly intense, working beautifully together to create a truly jaw-dropping piece of action cinema. Once again Cruise and friends prove decisively that popcorn flicks can be art, too, folks. Big, loud, crazy, fun art. So damn good.
7. James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3
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Loved it. Every single moment is earned. The needle drops get better and better and build up to a joyous, cathartic, downright amazing moment at the end. James Gunn directs the hell out of his pitch-perfect script, allowing these characters to evolve in a manner as interesting as it is entertaining as it is organic. The Winter Soldier is still the best single film in the MCU, but this trilogy is its heart and soul. Finally… Cosmo is such a Good Dog.
6. Wes Anderson's Asteroid City
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There’s good reason why Wes Anderson is one of my very favorite living directors. Asteroid City is a fine example of pretty much all of them. It’s visually stunning (How the f*ck did that production design not get nominated?!) , superbly acted, and written with as much quirky humor as it is raw emotion as it is perfectly balanced existentialism. I may still not quite be fully sold on the framing device, but all-in-all, this is a purely Andersonian oddity, and I loved every minute of it. Plus, I really want to be friends with that roadrunner.
5. Alexander Payne's The Holdovers
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Genuinely hilarious and sneakily heartfelt. The tender moments play out so naturally that they pack an emotional wallop, then the brilliant Paul Giamatti or Da'Vine Joy Randolph lets out a perfectly delivered line that’ll absolutely floor you. And I just love the look of it, every single piece of this film looks and feels like it’s straight out of the ‘70s. So good. Probably my favorite Payne?
4. Yorgos Lanthimos' Poor Things
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Despite being significantly overlong, Lanthimos' Poor Things is still just so damn good. I hate that Emma Stone’s odds are going down, as she delivers what will likely remain a favorite ‘til the end of the decade. Mark Ruffalo is also a blast, and is very much the upset I'm hoping for most come March 10. I honestly didn’t think he still had a performance like this in him. Dafoe is magnificently weird, and every time he graced the screen was a treat. Yorgos went off, here. This is probably his best work yet. It’s also one of the most visually interesting films of the year. I absolutely loved how this movie was shot. And it’s very easily better than the book. So, y’know, there’ that too.
3. Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson's Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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A masterful amalgamation of animation styles, narrative ideas and next-level voice performances. As visually breathtaking as it is emotionally ambitious as it is structurally exciting and entertaining. This is the exact type of comic book movie that still has me excited for comic book movies.
2. Wes Anderson's The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar & Three More
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I'm kinda cheating, here, as this is technically a collection four individually released short films, and not the originally planned anthology feature. But I don't care. These are all fantastic; masterclasses in adaptation, blocking, production design and acting, the lot of 'em. I want so badly for Wes Anderson to just adapt Dahl's entire bibliography. Head HERE for my full thoughts.
And The Best Film of 2023 is…
1. Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer
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A truly staggering achievement. As ambitious and bold a biopic as we’ve gotten in a very long time. Nolan understands the mechanics of this man and his story in a way that's so philosophically nuanced, and directs scene-after-scene of characters discussing physics and politics in a that makes it edge-of-your-seat shit.
Thank you for reading!
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
More of My Best of 2023...
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A look behind the scenes at Bernie Madoff’s massive Ponzi scheme, how it was perpetrated on the public and the trail of destruction it left in its wake, both for the victims and Madoff’s family. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Bernie Madoff: Robert De Niro Ruth Madoff: Michelle Pfeiffer Frank Dipascali: Hank Azaria Stephanie Madoff: Kristen Connolly Catherine Hooper: Lily Rabe Mark Madoff: Alessandro Nivola Eleanor Squillari: Kathrine Narducci Andrew Madoff: Nathan Darrow Martin London: Steve Coulter Dan Horwitz: Michael A. Goorjian Ostrow: Geoffrey Cantor Michael Schwartz: Jason Babinsky Waitress: Marta Milans Agent Ted Cacioppi: Kelly AuCoin SEC Investigator: Amanda Warren Peter Madoff: Michael Kostroff Reporter: Portland Helmich Upscale Gala Guest: Doris McCarthy David Sheehan: Hamilton Clancy News Reporter: Tommy Bayiokos Reed: Gary Wilmes Club Codette: Cece King Trader: Kelly Aaron Party Guest: Amelia Brain Pinks: Marion McCorry Nicole De Bello: Sophie von Haselberg Driver: Karen Goeller Emily Madoff: Sydney Gayle Photographer / Paparazzi: Vincent Chan Caterer: Adam Butterfield Mike: Razor Rizzotti FBI Agent Kane Partner: Derrick Simmons Visitor: James Brickhouse Kenneth Langone: Ray Iannicelli Florida Fisherman: Guy Sparks Carl Shapiro: Ben Hammer Pool Kid: Ethan Coskay Picard Reporter: Victor Joel Ortiz Federal Agent: Chris LaPanta Daughter: Nicole Scimeca Young Mom: Anthoula Katsimatides Irving Picard: David Little Pierre: Jean Brassard Robert Jaffe: Mark Axelowitz Audrey: Reagan Grella Girl in Pool: Giulia Cicciari Party Guest: Wayne J. Miller Tom FitzMaurice: Neil Brooks Cunningham Palm Beach Party Guest: Lori Burch Bartender: Christine J. Carlson Inmate Gonzales: Sammy Peralta 17th floor Office worker: Ralph Bracco Young Daniel: Eli Golden Ike Sorkin: Mark LaMura Pool Party Guest (uncredited): Robert Levey II BLM Employee: Geoffrey Dawe Film Crew: Producer: Joseph E. Iberti Screenplay: Sam Levinson Executive Producer: Barry Levinson Screenplay: Samuel Baum Screenplay: John Burnham Schwartz Book: Diana Henriques Co-Producer: Amy Herman Original Music Composer: Evgueni Galperine Casting: Ellen Chenoweth Director of Photography: Eigil Bryld Editor: Ron Patane Costume Design: Rita Ryack Art Direction: Ryan Palmer Executive Producer: Robert De Niro Executive Producer: Jane Rosenthal Set Decoration: Heather Loeffler Executive Producer: Berry Welsh Co-Executive Producer: Jason Sosnoff Original Music Composer: Sacha Galperine Production Design: Laurence Bennett Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Skip Lievsay Movie Reviews:
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academicshelp · 3 years
Textbooks PDF (email [email protected])
1.     International Marketing by Philip Cateora, John Graham, Mary Gilly, Bruce Money, 7th Edition
2.     Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Playbook of Silicon Valley's Bill Campbell by Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, Alan Eagle
3.     Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice by Joycelyn M. Pollock, 7th Edition
4.     Marketing: The Core by Roger A. Kerin and Steven W. Hartley, 7th Edition
5.     Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach by Angelo Kinicki and Mel Fugate, 2nd Edition
6.     Corrections Today by Larry Siegel and Clemens Bartollas
7.     Corrections Today by Larry Siegel and Clemens Bartollas, Study Guide, 2nd Edition
8.     Juvenile Justice by Karen M. Hess, 5th Edition
9.     The Age of Unreason (1989), by Charles Handy
10.  Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (1994), by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras
11.  Competing for the Future (1996), by Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad
12.  Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors (1980), by Michael E. Porter
13.  Emotional Intelligence (1995), by Daniel Goleman
14.  The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Business Don't Work and What to Do about It (1985), by Michael E. Gerber
15.  The Essential Drucker (2001), by Peter Drucker
16.  The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization (1990), by Peter Senge
17.  First, Break All the Rules (1999), by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
18.  The Goal (1984), by Eliyahu Goldratt
19.  Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap ... and Others Don't (2001), by Jim Collins
20.  Guerilla Marketing (1984), by Jay Conrad Levinson
21.  How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936), by Dale Carnegie
22.  The Human Side of Enterprise (1960), by Douglas McGregor
23.  The Innovator's Dilemma (1997), by Clayton Christensen
24.  Leading Change (1996), by John P. Kotter
25.  On Becoming a Leader (1989), by Warren Bennis
26.  Out of the Crisis (1982), by W. Edwards Deming
27.  My Years with General Motors (1964), by Alfred P. Sloan Jr.
28.  The One Minute Manager (1982), by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
29.  Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution (1993), by James Champy and Michael Hammer
30.  The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People (1989), by Stephen R. Covey
31.  The Six Sigma Way: How GE, Motorola and other Top Companies are Honing Their Performance (2000), by Peter S. Pande, Robert P. Neuman and Roland R. Cavanagh
32.  Toyota Production System (1988), by Taiichi Ohno
33.  Who Moved My Cheese? (1998), by Spencer Johnson
34.  Introduction To The Economics Of Financial Markets by James Bradfield
35.  Generalized Convexity And Related Topics by Igor V. Konnov, Dinh The Luc, Alexander M. Rubinov, 1st Edition
36.  Models in Cooperative Game Theory: Crisp, Fuzzy, and Multi-Choice Games by Professor Dr. Rodica Branzei, Dr. Dinko Dimitrov, Professor Dr. Stef Tijs, 1st Edition
37.  Sociology and organization theory : positivism, paradigms and postmodernity by John Hassard
38.  Encyclopedia of sociology by Edgar F. Borgatta, Rhonda J. V. Montgomery volume 1, 2nd Edition
39.  Reconnecting Culture, Technology and Nature: From Society to Heterogeneity by Mike Michael, 1st Edition
40.  The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology by Bryan S. Turner
41.  Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior by Carl Hart, Charles Ksir, Oakley Ray, 13th Edition
42.  Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior by Carl Hart, Charles Ksir, Oakley Ray, 16th Edition
43.  Contemporary Management by Gareth R. Jones and Jennifer M. George, 9th Edition
44.  Project Management by Harvey Maylor, 4th Edition
45.  Human Development: A cultural approach by Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
46.  Project Management Leadership by Rory Burke and Steve Barron, 2nd Edition
47.  Operations Management by William J. Stevenson, 12th Edition
48.  Leisure Business Market Research Handbook by Richard K. Miller and Kelli Washington, 6th.
49.  Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases by Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington, 8th Edition
50.  The Norton Anthology of American Literature by Nina Baym, 6th Edition
51.   Babbie, Earl R. 1994. What is Society? Reflections on Freedom, Order, and Change. Thousand Oaks, CA, Pine Forge Press.
 52.  Charon, Joel M. 1999. The Meaning of Sociology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. —. 2001. Ten Questions: A Sociological Perspective. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
53.  Collins, R. and M. Makowsky. 1998. The Discovery of Society. New York, McGraw Hill.
54.  Collins, Randall. Sociological Insight: An Introduction to Non-Obvious Sociology. Oxford University Press.
55.  Dandaneau, Steven P. Taking it Big. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
56.  Giddens, Anthony. 1987. Sociology: A Brief but Critical Introduction. Second Edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
57.  Hachen, David S., Jr. 2001. Sociology in Action: Cases for Critical and Sociological Thinking. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
58.  Johnson, Allan. The Forest and the Trees. Mayfield. Lemert, Charles. Social Things, Rowman and Littlefield.
59.  Levin, W. C. (1994). Sociological Ideas: Concepts and Applications. Belmont, CA, Wadsworth.
60.  Newman, D. M. (2000). Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life. Thousand Oaks, CA, Pine Forge Press.
61.  O'Brien, Jodi. 1999. Social Prisms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
62.  Schwalbe, Michael. 2001. The Sociologically Examined Life. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
63.  The Naked Face (1970) by Sidney Sheldon
64.  The Other Side of Midnight (1973) by Sidney Sheldon
65.  A Stranger in the Mirror (1976) by Sidney Sheldon
66.  Bloodline (1977) by Sidney Sheldon
67.  Rage of Angels (1980) by Sidney Sheldon
68.  Master of the Game (1982) by Sidney Sheldon
69.  If Tomorrow Comes (1985) by Sidney Sheldon
70.  Windmills of the Gods (1987) by Sidney Sheldon
71.  The Sands of Time (1988) by Sidney Sheldon
72.  Memories of Midnight (1990) by Sidney Sheldon
73.  The Doomsday Conspiracy (1991) by Sidney Sheldon
74.  The Stars Shine Down (1992) by Sidney Sheldon
75.  Nothing Lasts Forever (1994) by Sidney Sheldon
76.  Morning, Noon, and Night (novel) (1995) by Sidney Sheldon
77.  The Best Laid Plans (1997) by Sidney Sheldon
78.  Tell Me Your Dreams (1998) by Sidney Sheldon
79.  The Sky Is Falling (2001) by Sidney Sheldon
80.  Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2004) by Sidney Sheldon
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classicmollywood · 4 years
TCMFF  Home Edition Must Watch List
Hello friends!
I was supposed to be on a plane today to go to my first TCM Film Festival, but stuff happens and then you have a pandemic and everything gets canceled and you have to stay home! ANYWAYS, TCM decided to bring us some joy by playing programming for all of us, giving us the film festival, but at home. 
I have decided to list my must watch films for this Home Edition of the festival!
Thursday, April 16th
8 pm: A Star is Born (1954, George Cukor)
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Starring Judy Garland, James Mason, Jack Carson, and Charles Bickford
On TCM’s website, this was listed as the inaugural film for the 2010 TCMFF. It’s also a film that is Judy Garland at her best. Garland lights up the screen as Esther Blodgett/Vicki Lester. This film has fantastic musical numbers, beautiful colors, and is the best starting film for this festival.
11 PM: Metropolis (1927, Fritz Lang)
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Starring Gustav Frohlich, Alfred Abel, Brigitte Helm, and Rudolf Klein-Rogge
If you have never seen a silent film or a German Expressionist film, watch this! Metropolis is the film that aged so well. A futuristic utopia from the lens of the 1920s is very interesting to watch and also some of the themes of this film can be translated to life today. I will say, the film can be described by some as “weird” but I wouldn’t let that stop you from watching it!
Friday, April 17th
2 PM: Eva Marie Saint Live from the TCM Classic Film Festival (2014)
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Eva Marie Saint is one of my favorite classic film actresses. She has class, she has poise, and she is very talented. In 2014, TCM had a sit down with the actress to talk about herself and her films. This is such a treat to see!
3 PM: North by Northwest (1959, Alfred Hitchcock)
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Starring Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason, Jessie Royce Landis, and Martin Landau
Another case of mistaken identity and suspense! Hitchcock knew what he was doing when he hired Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint to “sex” up in the screen during the 1950s. Their chemistry is electric. The airplane scene is such an intense watch. And James Mason seems to be good at playing a suave bad guy.
5:45 PM: Some Like It Hot (1959, Billy Wilder)
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Starring Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, Marilyn Monroe, Joe E. Brown, George Raft, and Pat O’Brien
Men witnessing a crime and then parading as women so they don’t get murdered! What a farce! Let’s be real, the best chemistry in the film is between Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. They play off each other so well. I will say, I do believe Marilyn Monroe was at her best in this film! Need a laugh, watch this!
1:30 AM: Grey Gardens (1975, Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Ellen Hovde, and Muffy Meyer)
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Starring Edith “Big Edie” Ewing Bouvier Beale and Edith “Little Edie” Bouvier Beale
This documentary is fascinating. It is fun but at times absolutely heartbreaking. Big Edie and Little Edie were definitely a fine pair. It is interesting watching the aunt and cousin of Jackie Kennedy Onassis, because they aren’t living in luxury, which would be expected due to their relation. Big and Little Edie are characters that you have to see to believe. The irony is, they are real people and not acting roles. 
5 AM: Kim Novak: Live from the TCM Film Festival (2013)
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Kim Novak is so much more than her looks and this interview opened my eyes to how amazing she is as a person as well as an actress. 
Saturday, April 18th (AKA MY BIRTHDAY)
6 AM: The Man with The Golden Arm (1955, Otto Preminger)
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Starring Frank Sinatra, Eleanor Parker, and Kim Novak
This is one of the grittiest films from the 1950s. It depicts a heroin addict during their ups and downs. I was honestly surprised this film got made at all during the Production Code Era, but am very glad it did. Sinatra is so raw in his performance and Eleanor Parker creates a complex character as his wife. Of course, Kim Novak is wonderful to watch because she is more than just beautiful, she is an actress. This film really showcases her talent. 
1:15 PM: Safety Last! (1923, Fred C. Newmeyer and Sam Taylor)
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Starring Harold Lloyd, Mildred Davis, and Bill Strother
Zany antics a plenty! That’s the best description of this film. Harold Lloyd films are always great to watch because he wasn’t afraid to do crazy things to get a laugh. This film has the infamous clock scene too! 
2:45 PM: They Live By Night (1949, Nicholas Ray)
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Starring Farley Granger, Cathy O’Donnell, and Howard Da Silva
If you only watch one movie on this list, THIS NEEDS TO BE THE ONE. It’s ironic that it airs on my birthday, because this is one of my favorite films. The story of doomed lovers who try their best to reform from a life of crime to survive wasn’t a new concept, but man, Farley Granger and Cathy O’Donnell make you fall in love with their characters and hope that they somehow, someway make it to their life of happiness together.
10 PM: The Magnificent Ambersons (1942, Orson Welles)
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Starring Joseph Cotten, Dolores Costello, Anne Baxter, Tim Holt, and Agnes Moorehead
This film is another case of a film that got cut down by the studio, and in case you were wondering, Orson Welles was pissed. I would hope and pray one day we all get to see the full version (kinda doubtful), but this film isn’t so bad. I think the all-star cast really makes it worth it! 
Sunday, April 19th
6 AM: Jezebel (1938, William Wyler)
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Starring Bette Davis, Henry Fonda, and George Brent 
I am not gonna lie, my first viewing of this film enraged me. Henry Fonda’s character made me so mad because he was a jerk. But I have decided I need to rewatch this film and see if my attitudes have changed. This film did so many great things for Bette Davis and Henry Fonda, so we should all give it another (or first) go around. Also this was the film Jane Fonda was born during! Just a fun fact.
3:30 PM: Auntie Mame (1958, Morton DaCosta)
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Starring Rosalind Russell, Forrest Tucker, Coral Browne, Jan Handzlik, and Roger Smith
I want to be Auntie Mame. She is so much fun and so unique and I love it. The costumes are so grand in this film and Rosalind Russell really does a great job of bringing Mame to life. This film is so fun!!!
6 PM: Singin’ in the Rain (1952, Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly)
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Starring Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O’Connor, and Jean Hagen
This is in my top 5 musicals. This musical always makes me smile and it is one of the few musicals where I know most of the words to the songs. The trio of Kelly, Reynolds, and O’Connor is something magical. Cosmo Brown is also one of my favorite characters in any film (and one of my cat’s namesakes). The film history alone with this film makes it worth watching! JUST WATCH THIS MUSICAL, OKAY?
9:45 PM: The Hustler (1961, Robert Rossen)
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Starring Paul Newman, Jackie Gleason, Piper Laurie, and George C. Scott
Paul Newman is so cool in general, so he was born for this role. I never knew a movie about pool would have my interest, but here we are. The tension between Newman and Jackie Gleason is so well played and the way the film is shot, you feel like you are in the room with them. Also Piper Laurie does a great performance as the conflicted girlfriend of Newman’s ambitious pool shark.
12:15 AM: Baby Face (1933, Alfred E. Green)
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Starring Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent, and Donald Cook
THIS IS PRECODE HEAVEN! You have a woman who uses sex to get ahead in life and men become entranced, and usually destroyed, by her. Barbara Stanwyck plays her character so well that you have a love-hate relationship with her. She can be cruel, but you understand why she is doing what she is doing. 
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 4 Episode 2: Group B kicking it off... with a twist!! Guesses and Commentary
Hello my fellow Masked Singer guys and gals! It's that time of the week again (albeit I am a bit late, but let's go with it), time for Ana's Masked Singer recap woohoo! *insert fanfare here* This episode was such an insane one not gonna lie, Group B came in with a bang like wow... let's just get into it because it's a crazy episode in it of itself.
Firstly, I gotta point out the contestants of Group B, which this time were 6 unlike A and C which only have 5 contestants total.. and those 6 are (order from left to right, top row first then bottom row in the image below) Crocedile, Gremlin (the purple fluffy guy), Seahorse, Whatchamacallit (the blue and red hair cousin It thing), Baby Alien, and Serpent.
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Alrighty so this elimination is gonna be a bit different than usual because it isn't the norm of what usually happens with these sorts of things (I'll tell you what I mean in a sec)...
So the first contestant unmasked for Group B actually wasn't eliminated (I know what you are thinking... "whaaatttt Anaaaaa that makes no sense")... but actually he unmasked himself (whatttt?! yeah you read that right, he legit was hot and suffocating and he seemed super over it and just took it off by himself... yup, that happened like what mind blown!
Anyways the mask who did this was...
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Performance: He sang Stand by Me by Ben E. King and honestly it was meh, it was really breathy as if he forgot some of the words, I don’t know if he was overcome with emotion (because he dedicated it to his friend who passed away) or what, I felt kind of bad but I low key feel like he was going to go home regardless, but on the bright side I love the costume and it was a great song choice for his range. He has a very raspy voice... like almost like a smoker’s voice and I can kind of tell that he’s an older man, but I couldn’t recognize the singer. 
So the Gremlin ended up being revealed to be.... 
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Ugh this upsets me because I don’t know who he is so I really couldn’t guess him correctly. I searched it up and apparently he’s an actor and director and was in Iron Man 2, which I’ve never seen like ever. But yeah, he did good, he looked kinda drunk not gonna lie and I guess he was suffocated and got over it. 
Alright now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to my favorite part, the remaining 5 contestants: 
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Performance: I really love Seahorse, she’s one of my favorites of the night and so far in the season in general. Her performance of Rihanna’s Only Girl in the World was amazing and I definitely knew who that voice is...
My guess and I am so sure about this guys is singer, songwriter, American Idol alum... 
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Dude like that voice is so recognizable... but also because of the clues: 
Emotion Ocean= she’s super emotional when it comes to songwriting, like she legit said in an interview that she cries a lot
Tea Party= she hosted tea parties with her fans in 2019 (well before all this ofc) 
Rainbow Frog= sang Rainbow Connection with Kermit the Frog 
Judges’ Guesses: 
Jenny: Halsey (say what now? This doesn’t sound like her... is Jenny ok? This episode she’s been messing up with guesses more than Ken... you’ll see what I mean) 
Nicole: Hailee Steinfeld (meh, that’s ok I guess, but not quite) 
Robin: Bebe Rexha (he was onto something when he said country but then he said this, but this is the closest guess of the 3)  
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Performance: This one is my other favorite of this group. His performance of “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers was absolutely stunning, I got chills! If it is who I think it is, I love him (partially because I think I know who it can be) 
I think the Serpent can be actor of the iconic Broadway sensation Hamilton aka Aaron Burr, Sir:
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Dude like I feel pretty good about this guess because of the voice and the clues:
Map of the Caribbean= reference to the beginning of Hamilton where Alexander Hamilton is from
Jr. References= he’s a jr. 
Between medicine & music= he played a doctor on Murder on the Orient Express in 2017
Number 31118 (this was from the Sunday before the premiere but still worth noting)= 3 albums, 11 stage productions, 18 years on Broadway OR bible verse Romans 3:11-18 which was written by Paul, a character he played on Rent
Judges’ Guesses:
Jenny: John Legend (See what I’m saying? Jenny, what are you doing man? That is not John Legend, like they don’t sound alike at all) 
Ken: Daveed Diggs (Wow! Ken got it kinda close, I’m proud, that’s an achievement for him we gotta give it to him) 
Nicole: Leslie Odom Jr. (WOOOO!! Yesss Nicole!!) 👏🏼
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Performance: I also really liked Crocodile and his performance of It’s My Life by Bon Jovi was great! I feel like I know who this is, and I am pretty familiar (well, more or less) with 90s and early 2000s boybands and this one is someone in that realm I am so sure of it... 
Ok so being more specific, I think it’s boybander from The Backstreet Boys: 
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The voice and the clues were a dead giveaway:
The Vegas vibes in the clue package= he performed in Vegas with Backstreet Boys 
Water clues (the water slide and happiest in water)= he was born in Orlando, FL home of the theme parks and FL is also some of the Gators so it would makes sense with the costume
Grew up in Hollywood= moved there when really young
Judges’ Guesses:
Ken: John Hamm (and he’s back, that was a terrible guess)
Nicole: Nick Lachey (so close, but not quite)
Robin: Donnie Wahlberg (um, Jenny agreed, how does she not know that this ain’t your husband?!) 
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Performance:  His performance of “I Wish” by Skee-Lo was good, not my favorite, but I didn’t hate it. I am kind of feeling that it’s an athlete due to the height and also how he speaks. 
So this guess is an idea I got from the Internet (subject to change because I have no clue about sports players): 
Rashad Jennings?
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The only thing I got from the clues was:
Dancing with Stars= he won DWTS 
Clues IDK
Orange Jelly= ?
The clock with the Bear Mask on the 5= ? 
Swinging Keys= ?
Judges’ Guesses:
Nicole= Swiss Beats (meh idk) 
Ken: Damon Lillard (I like this guess, tbh.. I kinda agree with it being a sports player)
Robin: Tyler the Creator (that would be cool but I don’t think so) 
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Performance: His performance of Faith by George Micheals was good too, better than I expected for the costume ngl. I had pretty low expectations but I am pleasantly surprised. He isn’t my favorite by any means and I am also a bit stumped by him especially because of that fake Russian accent, but I am in between 2 people at the moment....
The 2 people I am in between are either Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham or actor 
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It kinda sounds like him and the clues are a bit confusing but there’s one I understand too:
Tony Awards Reference= he’s been on Broadway 
The mask’s a puppet and Segel is a big fan of puppets (He was also in the Muppets movie) 
Space clues= ?
Friends Reference (2nd Gear)= ?
Ferris Beuller references= ?
Judges’ Guesses:
Jenny: Ralph Macchio (meh I guess that’s good) 
Nicole: David Schwimmer (not bad, but idk it doesn’t really sound like it)
Ken: Freddie Prinze Jr. (ya, no) 
Alright so that’s it! I am so sorry for it being late, but better late than never... I’ve been pretty busy so hopefully this weekend I will have tonight’s episode recap up... THANK YOU FOR READING AND I WILL SEE YOU IN THE NEXT ONE *blows kiss* byeeee! 
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technicolorfamiliar · 4 years
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Optika Moderna’s Portaleza is a beautiful, innovative, intimate experience, created during a time in which I had thought such a thing couldn’t be possible.
David Reynoso is an artist/designer I have admired for years, ever since I first encountered his costume design in the Superior Boston Production of Sleep No More. I was excited to see his work as an artistic director when I’d first heard about Optika Moderna a few years ago. But because the company is based in southern California, it was tricky for me to get away to see and support their previous productions while they were running. So I was delighted to see that Mr. Reynoso and his team were making the most of our ongoing social limitations and were creating an experience that anyone, anywhere could enjoy.
[Spoilers below]
A Collection of Thoughts & Feelings:
+ Portaleza is extremely reasonable price-wise (and therefore more accessible to a wider audience, *cough* One Day Die *cough*), for which I was grateful. I could spend all day on my Theatre Should Be Affordable soap box, but I’ll save that for another time. 
+ I love the physical discovery aspect of immersive theatre. Having a mysterious envelope arrive in your mailbox is definitely My Thing. And having it be a multi-layered experience with those physical objects is a great choice. You get one envelope and inside a few different things, including ANOTHER SMALLER ENVELOPE. Which you’re not supposed to open until instructed to do so. I love that kind of stuff. 
+ The amount of interactivity was just right. For me, anyway. I wrote a little bit in my post about Eschaton about how I’m not really into high interactivity as an audience member. Some interactivity is ok -- like the emails and texting that are part of the Portaleza experience. I really enjoyed the combination of physical objects, interactive web design, “live” communication, and video. Just today, when I thought I’d been done with the experience for days, I received a follow-up email from E. S. Moctezuma, which was a nice/thoughtful touch.
+ The visuals! The design! So rich and lush and surreal! 
+ I was so enthralled that I somehow missed the instruction to place the mirror-lined viewer over my phone. I realized this error after the fact, because I had assembled this thing and reached the end of the experience thinking, “Cool, but when do I use the viewer??” Silly me, it was in the instructions at the beginning of the video. -_-
+ Apparently there are several different versions of the experience (who knew?). Mine included an Optician (Jennifer Paredes) and an intake examination that led down a Techno Tunnel into OUTER SPACE? In outer space, there was a Beautiful Celestial Being (LaMia Dingle), and everything was lovely until I wound up back on Earth (I guess?). In the journey back to Earth, I caught the briefest of glimpses of a Blindfolded Angel (Kelly Bartnik) before landing in a Creepy Forest where there was a Hooded Woman (Careena Melia) running away (?) from Cloaked Monsters. Hooded Woman ran and ran until she came to a stream, into which she placed the envelope with my encrypted message so that it may float to safety. But safety it did not find, for there at the end of the stream was a Strange Man (Robert Najarian) who ATE the contents of the envelope. Strange Man then cavorted for a while in a very dream-like segment with overlays of old cartoons until he ran out of steam and coughed up the message he had eaten, tore it up and threw the scraps back into the stream. The scraps were eventually discovered and reassembled by two Angel Children who gleefully tied the message to a bunch of balloons and sent it into the Unknown. Shortly after, I was informed that my transmission had been received. Only then was I instructed to open the small envelope.
+ The performances in the video were all mesmerizing, of course. Part of me wishes it was longer, but I know that would be asking a lot. But now that I know there are multiple versions of the experience, I’m glad mine contained a few familiar faces. Najarian and Melia were my first and second SNM one-on-ones EVER, way back in 2009 (consecutively! in the same night, in the same loop nonetheless! and they remain among the best immersive performers, IMO). Later, I went on to work with/for Careena a bit in New York; she helped hook me up with some of my first professional illustrating gigs. So it was nice seeing the two of them here. 
+ A few days have passed and I’ve been wondering how Portaleza would have translated as a live performance. You know, if COVID wasn’t a thing. The Optician and Celestial scenes could have worked very well in any kind of indoor performance space. But there’s something about the element of outdoor space that I would hope could be recreated in some way in a live, in-person version of Portaleza. Maybe one day we’ll get to find out what that might look like.
If there’s anyone else out there who comes across this post who has also done Portaleza, I’d love to compare notes!
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refocusedmedia · 4 years
AYIA 'Easy' from Salomon Ligthelm on Vimeo.
The Ancient Narrative - Adam and Eve - the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - the Forbidden Fruit - that Tempting Icon. The promise of connection and transcendence. But it’s a mirage at best - corrupting and distorting - yet with unknowable power over us - in it’s attraction and it’s promise of how it might enrich our lives. It’s a bad replica - and today with everything that’s happening around us, we are extremely aware of its deficiencies - it’s inability to replace the REAL. What we crave - it can’t fully give us. Connection and transcendence has to be experienced in the seen, felt and heard of real human contact.
Produced By...... All Expanded, Section80 Executive Produced By...... Artjail, Section80, Film Supply, Stink Executive Produced By...... Cabin, Division, Soft Citizen
Director...... Salomon Ligthelm Cinematographer...... Shabier Kirchner Executive Producer...... Emi Stewart Executive Producer...... Katie Lambert Executive Producer...... Marco Orlando Executive Producer...... Chris Dodds Production Manager...... Jon Melton Producer...... Luigi Rossi
Production Designer...... Madison Hatch Art Director...... Steven Killian Set Dresser…… Kit Sheridan Set Dresser....... Tommy Mitchell
Actor…… Anders Gran Actress…… Yueyao Li Dancer...... Dale Ratcliff Dancer...... Yiannis Logothetis Dancer...... Jesse Kovarsky Dancer...... Paul Zivkovich Dancer...... Quaba Ernest Dancer...... Leo Hishikawa
1st Assistant Director...... Andreas Villaggio Production Coordinator...... Francesco Rizzo
Choreographer...... Amy Gardner
HMU Artist...... Ashley Disarro HMU Assistant...... Davisha Dadone Wardrobe...... Abby Oliver Wardrobe Assistant...... Abigail Klitzing Costume PA...... Esther Fonse
Stunt Rigger...... Mike Matera Stunt Rigger....... Scott Kelly Stunt Rigger....... Alexa Marcigliano
Prod/camera Truck PA...... Mike Alliegro G&e Truck PA...... Chris Jackson Driver PA "Van C"...... Emery Schiffraw Driver PA "Van B"...... Kerry Hempel Driver PA "Van A"...... Alec Battistoni Set PA...... Drew Palmer
1st Assistant Camera...... Evan Walsh 2nd Assistant Camera...... Gabriella Aguirre Loader...... Greg Howard Steadicam Operator...... Calvin Falk 2nd Unit DP...... Mobolaji Olaoniye Gaffer...... David Mccabe Best Boy Electric...... Brad Burke Key Grip...... Otter Moore Best Boy Grip...... Larry Cerpas
Editorial...... Cabin Editorial Editor...... Sam Ostrove - Cabin Editorial Additional Editing...... Salomon Ligthelm Editorial Producer...... Carr Schilling - Cabin Editorial
VFX and Post...... Artjail ECD/Owner...... Artjail - Steve Mottershead EP...... Artjail - John Skeffington 2D Lead...... Artjail - Christoph Schroeer 2D Artists...... Artjail - Dayung Jo, Kyle Andal, Gerard Andal, Emily Bloom, Andres Kirejew, Alex Shahviri, Andrew Thiessen 2D Artists (Con't)...... Artjail - Molly Intersimone, David Tate, Mark Yfantidis, Daniel Beleski, Chris Turner, Marcus Wood, Fred Kim 3D Lead......Artjail - Ross Denner 3D Artists...... Artjail - Ben Elliot, Christina Ku, Sandor Toledo 3D FX......Artjail - Georgios Cherouvim Senior Producer...... Artjail - Perry Tate VFX Supervisor…… Artjail - Ross Denner Additional Post...... Veli Color...... Artjail Colorist...... Artjail - Clinton Homuth Galaxy Shot......Tyler McGrath Depthkit DP...... Cory Allen
Sound Design (Teaser)...... Salomon Ligthelm Sound Mix (Teaser)…… Marcelo Baldin (Combustion) Sound Design (Film)...... Salomon Ligthelm Sound Mix And Additional Design (Film)…… Defacto Sound
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shrimpkardashian · 5 years
I have a list of ~900 albums from 2019 that I still want to eventually listen to / review [IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT ALERT]
For this project (already 125+ releases deep), which is just impossibly daunting and makes me head hurt. IDK how to streamline this process or is any “critic” out there really listening to “all” the good music? It’s impossible I guess... BUT needless to say, these have made this list from an even larger pool of music that I either listened to briefly and immediately dismissed or (gasp!) never even came across my radar (radar = many many music blogs I follow via RSS). 
Anyway, because I’ll most likely never get to this (whatever this is, an Xgau parody or something)... Here is the list (please ignore some of my notations/typos):
1 matana roberts, coin coin chapter four 2 jeffrey lewis 3 negativland 4 camedor 5 the darkness 6 jai paul [leak] 7 shikoswe 8 anatolian weapons 9 cakedog, doggystyle 10 carly rae jepsen (LP, plus single w Gryffin) 11 parsnip 12 the comet is coming 13 girl in red 14 ezra furman 15 the kvb 16 freddie gibbs & madlib 17 say sue me (single) 18 denzel curry 19 fatamorgana 20 vivian girls 21 wobbly, monitress 22 helado negro 23 anamanaguchi 24 paul demarinis 25 comet gain 26 personal best 27 king princess, LP? big little lies single 28 marble arch 29 mini dresses 30 matt christensen 31 jade bird 32 black mountain 33 body meat 34 pat, Love Will Find A Way Home 35 acid arab 36 the 83rd 37 common holly 38 wicca phase 39 mark ronson 40 spirit in the room, single 41 rebe, “pienso en ti a todas horas” [just a single?] 42 a giant dog, neon bible cover LP 43 hey collosus 44 moon king (meh/ or *) 45 vanity productions 46 velvet negroni 47 g perico 48 budokan boys 49 skryptor 50 oscar scheller 51 the muffs 52 larry gus 53 these new puritans *** 54 angel olsen 55 bleu nuit 56 meatraffle 57 josephine wiggs 58 jennifer vanilla 59 big|brave 60 rico nasty 61 friendship, dreamin' 62 mike, tears of joy 63 bellrope 64 gbv 65 machìna, archipelago 66 toy, songs of consumption 67 ayankoko 68 the intelligence 69 drahla 70 corridor, junior 71 urochromes 72 david hasselhoff 73 aMAZONDOTCOM 74 kehlani 75 ne-hi EP (final) 76 avey tare 77 bonnie "prince" billy 78 battles 79 snapped ankles 80 mannequin pussy 81 toro y moi, soul trash 82 twen 83 self discovery for social survival comp 84 bad heaven ltd 85 eric frye 86 the mattson 2 87 duncan park 88 pure bathing culture 89 arthur russell, iowa dream 90 wild pink 91 flaming lips 92 pan amsterdam 93 flaural 94 knife wife 95 hannah peel & will burns 96 klein 97 meat puppets 98 tnght 99 james ferraro 100 royal trux / ariel pink 101 new rain duets 102 black marble 103 sui zhen 104 liam the younger 105 the mountain goats, welcome to passaic 106 frank hurricane and hurricanes of love 107 sebadoh 108 xylouris white 109 lindstrøm 110 franck vigroux 111 joyero 112 dorian electra  113 ride 114 crumb, jinx 115 nonconnah 116 cup, spinning creature 117 brutus 118 bjarki 119 khotin 120 alexander tucker 121 gunna 122 operator music band 123 tony molina 124 nanami ozone 125 sad planets 126 bemydelay 127 laurie anderson et al, songs from the bardo 128 teebs 129 deerhunter, timebends 130 tr/st (2 LPs) 131 dolores catherino 132 liturgy 133 floating points 134 sasami, LP + xmas EP 135 trikorder23 136 moor mother 137 have a nice life 138 la dispute 139 lingua ignota 140 lina tullgren 141 earl sweatshirt 142 entrail 143 alexander noice 144 shock narcotic 145 rakta 146 munya 147 el drugstore 148 buck gooter 149 caribou, single - more? 150 rosenau & sanborn 151 kevin abstract 152 pile 153 e for echo 154 animal collective, new psycho actives vol. 2 + live album 155 harlem 156 sudan archives 157 lil peep, posthumous ep 158 young guv, i and ii 159 orville peck 160 75 dollar bill 161 institute 162 tove lo 163 the chocolate watchband 164 foie gras, holy hell 165 french vanilla 166 chuck cleaver 167 kollaps 168 spirits having fun 169 game 170 badgirl$ 171 medhane 172 alberich 173 show me the body 174 the night watch, an embarrassment of riches 175 inus, western spaghettification 176 pregoblin, singles? 177 ra ra riot 178 de lorians 179 kool keith 180 kaspia & stride 181 glen hansard 182 dpeee 183 berlin taxi 184 foghorn 185 ionnalee 186 american sharks 187 sitcom, dust single 188 pip blom 189 j balvin & bady 190 fenella 191 tanya tagaq 192 sean o'hagan 193 j robbins 194 peter ivers (comp) 195 neon indian, not sure if single is part of larger proj? 196 triad god 197 yeule 198 roland tings 199 schoolboy q 200 ava luna EP 201 fried eggs 202 drugdealer 203 half japanese 204 todd anderson-kunert 205 emily reo 206 christelle bofale 207 brion starr 208 jan jelinek (reissue) 209 peaer 210 devin townsend 211 vik 212 young m.a 213 default genders 214 night lovell 215 rocketship 216 kim gordon 217 ellen arkbro 218 george clanton and nick hexum [single?] 219 the minus 5 220 penguin cage 221 felicia atkinson 222 take offense 223 moon duo 224 chemical brothers 225 nef the pharaoh 226 daniel norgren 227 unkle 228 pup (?) 229 baroness 230 velvet bethany 231 resavoir 232 gruff rhys 233 lana del ray 234 empath 235 burial and the bug, flame 2 236 russian baths 237 quelle chris 238 corpse flower 239 roy montgomery [reissue] 240 clinic 241 a.g. cook, [single] 242 why? 243 beck 244 francis lung 245 thom yorke 246 warmduscher 247 uv-tv 248 aa bondy 249 max richter, ad astra ost 250 younghusband 251 stereo total 252 julie's haircut 253 aa matheson 254 eartheater 255 kelly moran 256 mana (seven steps behind) 257 c.h.e.w. 258 sarah mary chadwick 259 midsommar ost 260 beabadoobee 261 life, a picture of good health 262 dumb, club nites 263 dame dolla 264 endless boogie 265 burna boy 266 lungbutter 267 wand 268 future punx 269 yves jarvis 270 kim petras [LP, halloween EP] 271 bts world 272 pikelet 273 panda bear, single 274 samiyam 275 red river dialect 276 ryan pollie 277 ryuichi sakamot (reissue) 278 jackie mendoza 279 dark blue 280 jay som 281 stephen mallinder 282 neutrals, kebab disco 283 foodman 284 capitol, dream noise 285 new pornographers 286 mark korven, the lighthouse ost 287 gauche 288 the japanese house 289 cave (re-issue) 290 ybn cordae 291 the vacant lots 292 arwen 293 rhucle 294 lil b, @ least 2 releases? 295 tea service 296 chai 297 black pumas 298 program, show me 299 marika hackman 300 sonny and the sunsets 301 lillie mae 302 mean jeans 303 the stroppies 304 poppies 305 twin shadow 306 vanishing twin *** 307 portrayal of guilt [EP + split single] 308 lucki [2 lps] 309 absolutely free 310 girl band 311 black midi 312 torche 313 perfume (best of) 314 white denim 315 clipping 316 the hu 317 big business 318 metro crowd 319 ex-vöid, 7" 320 broken social scene 321 lil pump 322 uranium club 323 doon kanda 324 hesitation wounds 325 sorry girls 326 bibio 327 red mass 328 the shins, single 329 lil keed 330 yeasayer 331 bts / blackpink KPOP 332 galen tipton, fake meat 333 the world, reddish 334 lanark artefax, ep 335 ladytron 336 g.s., schray 337 just mustard [single, more?] 338 mdou moctar 339 rangers, spirited discussion 340 tyson meade 341 dj nate 342 kelly lee owens 343 bambara 344 kilo kish 345 lusine 346 ralph heidel / homo ludens 347 psychic graveyard 348 homeshake 349 wives, so removed 350 proto idiot 351 let’s eat grandma, ost ep 352 foals 353 caroline shaw & attacca quartet 354 juan waters 355 mount eerie with julie doiron 356 mestozi 357 patio 358 oh baby, the art of sleeping alone 359 earth 360 haybaby 361 anna meredith 362 the caretaker (6) 363 rich brian 364 sunn o))), [two LPs] 365 alessandro cortini 366 ty segall 367 injury reserve 368 elucid 369 budos band 370 tim hecker 371 waqwaq kingdom 372 william doyle *** 373 innercity ensemble 374 filthy friends 375 prurient 376 shlohmo 377 bon iver 378 sean henry 379 yeesh 380 faye webster 381 megan thee stallion 382 squid, town centre 383 simulation (hausau mountain) 384 flying lotus 385 horse jumper of love 386 rap, export 387 lansky jones 388 the gonks 389 cate lebon 390 rome fortune 391 chain cult 392 empty set 393 big thief (2 lp's) 394 laura cannell [and polly wright album ?] or is there just a laura c album too ? }} 395 froth 396 thugwidow 397 organ tapes 398 the new pornographers 399 zonal 400 bbg baby joe 401 whitney 402 guards 403 anemone 404 sheer mag 405 nots 406 fujiya & miyag 407 kool aid, family portrait ep 408 frankie cosmos 409 kaputt 410 quelle chris 411 operators 412 marco benevento 413 elvis depressedly 414 school of language, 45 415 rob burger 416 pozi 417 redd kross 418 randy randall 419 yatta 420 hide, hell is here 421 bobby krlic, midsommar ost 422 planet england 423 kev brown 424 robedoor 425 tropical fuck storm 426 haram, 9/11 ep 427 candy, super-stare single 428 sly and the family drone 429 kevin morby 430 porches, rangerover [single] 431 odae 432 pottery 433 saint pepsi 434 slowthai 435 iggy pop 436 swans 437 iLOVEMAKONNEN 438 mukqs 439 feels 440 luke temple 441 oli xl 442 orphan swords 443 post pink 444 deli girls 445 nilüfer yanya 446 idk, is he real? 447 interpol 448 priests 449 galcher lustwerk 450 smokepurpp, various? 451 kindness 452 ex hex 453 sampa the great 454 methyl ethel 455 ellis, the fuzz ep 456 jeanines s/t 457 water from your eyes 458 twin peaks 459 sam cohen 460 fontaines dc 461 spiral stairs 462 the hecks 463 nicola ratti 464 four tet, various (inc. "wingdings" alter ego side proj) 465 holy ghost 466 half stack 467 cherubs 468 juana molina, forfun EP 469 jpegmafia 470 bedouine 471 fury 472 melvins/flipper 473 the curls 474 izambard 475 heart eyes 476 drinking boys and girls choir 477 big search 478 glenn branca 479 rose elinor dougall 480 bat for lashes 481 young knives, [single, more? 482 hot chip 483 alex lahey 484 hemlock ernst & kenny segal 485 dj seinfeld 486 joni void 487 rema rema 488 spencer tweedy 489 trash kit 490 dry cleaning [2 ep's] 491 mega bog *** 492 saudade 493 monster rally 494 wilco 495 chromatics, LP + EP 496 slayyyter 497 maral 498 blarf 499 pernice brothers 500 la neve 501 marie davidson 502 tredici bacci 503 deathprod 504 lowly 505 russian circles 506 angel witch 507 fires were shot 508 amy o 509 q da fool 510 clams casino 511 automelodi 512 paradox 513 dababy (2) 514 david kilgour 515 missy elliot 516 baby smoove 517 boris 518 thanks for coming 519 yves tumor [single w/] 520 ΜΜΜΔ 521 falcon/falkland 522 noel wells 523 ecstatic vision 524 amyl & the sniffers 525 barrie 526 bianca scout 527 katie dey 528 prince rama 529 control top 530 duster, comp + new LP 531 foxes in fiction 532 slowthai x denzel curry [single] 533 the murlocs 534 plaid 535 ela orleans 536 gobby 537 cfm 538 carla del forna 539 pale spring 540 pixx 541 širom 542 lightning bolt 543 cate lebon & deerhunter 544 channel tres 545 sigrid 546 help, s/t 547 shellac, live 548 crack cloud, pain olympics (ongoing) / s/t (2018) 549 notes underground 550 fat white family *** 551 gloop 552 equiknoxx 553 nakhane 554 czarface meets ghostface 555 the rubinoos 556 shannon lay 557 tim heidecker 558 droneflower 559 john vanderslice 560 your old droog 561 bats, alter nature 562 zvi 563 justus proffit 564 lower dens 565 anna of the north 566 yg 567 holly herndon 568 good fuck 569 clark, single 570 charli xcx 571 the nativist 572 low life 573 jonsi & alex somers 574 kazu 575 günter schickert 576 odonis odonis 577 kelsey lu (+ remix EP) 578 young thug 579 thaiboy digital 580 hatchie 581 hiro kone 582 cocorosie 583 sabiwa 584 oh sees 585 rex orange county 586 311 587 erland cooper 588 jtamul 589 the brilliant tabernacle 590 free love, extreme dance anthems 591 jeff lynne's elo 592 dutch courage 593 booji boys 594 giggs 595 ceschi 596 inter arma 597 psychic sounds ensemble 598 eli kezsler EP 599 thelma 600 haiku salut 601 julia jacklin 602 otoboke beaver 603 colin self 604 mark mulcahy 605 rosalia, single "a pale" more? 606 chris lott 607 royal trux 608 weyes blood 609 mikal cronin 610 hissing tiles 611 grace ives 612 vic bang 613 nick cave 614 sugar world [single] 615 herzog 616 offset 617 mike adams at his honest weight 618 real life buildings 619 aldous harding 620 pye corner audio 621 doja cat 622 bleached 623 book of shame 624 kate davis 625 i was a king 626 pendant, through a coil 627 joseph arthur 628 great grandpa, four of arrows 629 modern nature 630 stef chura 631 spaza, s/t great 632 the alchemist 633 pond 634 aiden baker, etc 635 kirin j. Callinan 636 possible humans 637 greys 638 kizuna ai 639 little simz 640 big bend 641 membranes, what nature gives… 642 young nudy 643 car seat headrest (live) 644 seahawks 645 dumbhop's party 646 julien chang 647 pacific yew 648 pharmakon 649 lomelda 650 versing 651 olden yolk 652 mekons 653 the dream syndicate 654 the gotobeds 655 amy klein 656 bABii 657 bill callahan 658 grlwood 659 van dale 660 ziúr 661 delicate steve 662 debby friday 663 dehd 664 south city hardware 665 kesha 666 (sandy) alex g 667 computer slime 668 fka twigs 669 rob halford, celestial 670 dean hurley 671 school of language 672 nicolas godin 673 blue hawaii 674 leggy 675 ceremony 676 his name is alive 677 third eye blind 678 sadgirl 679 ariana grande 680 skepta 681 dylan moon 682 jay mitta 683 the drums 684 kero kero bonito, ep 685 charly bliss 686 lee renaldo etc 687 rina mushonga 688 ulla straus 689 cherushii & maria minerva 690 slaughter beach, dog 691 maps 692 dj shadow 693 tool LOL 694 diiv 695 pixies 696 cuco 697 black peaches 698 subhumans 699 gurr 700 cashmere cat 701 brockhampton 702 fire-toolz 703 lambchop, LP + EP 704 messthetics 705 neuland 706 westkust 707 haelos 708 sturgill simpson 709 maria usbeck 710 king gizzard (2) 711 earthgang 712 paranoid london 713 fet.nat 714 bethlehem steel 715 neil young with crazy horse 716 tengger 717 guerilla toss 718 spelling 719 lizzo 720 wiki 721 dr00p, mkULTRAHD 722 ghost orchard 723 jane weaver 724 usa/mexico 725 carl stone 726 richard dawson *** 727 rafael toral 728 test dept 729 sacred paws 730 big krit 731 mallrat 732 jenn champion 733 moE/Mette Rasmussen, tolerancia picante 734 facs 735 yung lean, single (blue cup) and ep, more? 736 pissgrave 737 moodyman 738 sing sinck, sing 739 tyler the creator 740 sleater-kinney 741 dean blunt, zushi 742 cursive 743 barker, utlity 744 gemma 745 octavian 746 pronoun 747 girl ray 748 julia shapiro 749 nodding god 750 daniel saylor 751 jakob ogawa 752 richard youngs 753 diät 754 w00dy 755 omar souleyman 756 vōx EP 757 topdown dialectic 758 penelope islea 759 gbv 760 glass beach 761 james hoff, hobo ufo 762 euglossine 763 dream ritual 764 terry allen 765 office culture 766 ghostie, devour 767 beat detectives 768 red channel 769 octo octa 770 julien baker [toyko single] 771 shackleton as "tunes of negation" 772 sons of raphael 773 lena raine 774 fitted, first fits 775 velf 776 cvn 777 black country, new road, [2 singles only?] 778 chief keef 779 andrew bird, LP and EP 780 tamaryn 781 vagabon 782 zelooperz 783 brian jonestown massacre 784 angel dust 785 pere ubu 786 vatican shadow, church... 787 spencer radcliffe 788 mr muthafuckin exquire 789 earth to mickey 790 beak> 791 byron westbrook 792 major murphy 793 nicole yun 794 the divine comedy 795 sote, parallel persiao 796 the radio dept. 797 prince daddy & the hyena 798 mudhoney 799 truth club 800 shura 801 underworld, drift 802 lil texas 803 that dog 804 gary wilson / r. stevie moore 805 divino nino 806 spiral heads 807 claire cronin 808 devendra banhart 809 c.y.m. EP 810 dude york 811 sangri 812 vegyn [2 lp's?] 813 brooke candy 814 caroline polachek 815 hurt valley 816 O.L.I.V.I.A, modo avion 817 ziúr 818 pepper mill rondo, it's christmas time 819 ben vida 820 nick hexum/george clanton 821 meara o'reilly 822 tyler holmes, devil 823 blood incantation 824 guenter schlienz 825 gavilán rayna russom 826 loraine james *** 827 lithics, Wendy Kraemer EP 828 navel, ambient 2, in space 829 the proper ornaments 830 jon hopkins & kelly lee owens, single 831 julianna barwick 832 park hye-jin 833 bea1991 834 men i trust 835 erika de casier 836 ducks unlimited 837 lyzza 838 refused 839 jim o'rourke, to magnetize ... 840 analemma, 2 singles on a comp? 841 zack fox, "the bean kicked in" 842 real life rock n roll band 843 prefab sprout 844 daniel lopatin, uncut gems ost 845 kaytranada 846 the voidz, 2 song single + video? 847 grandaddy, single (add scissors icon) 848 dark thoughts, must be nice 849 loose nukes 850 sam mallet 851 very good, adulthood 852 henge, nothing head 853 kaleidobolt 854 nebula, holy shit 855 terminal cheesecake 856 uzeda 857 wet tuna 858 sean mccann 859 black dresses, love and... (2nd LP) 860 nefew 861 taylor swift ??? 862 lala lala, the lamb 863 jenny lewis 864 33EMYBW 865 blood orange, angel's pulse 866 caterina barbieri *** 867 yusu 868 white reaper 869 rozi plain 870 bamboo, daughters of the sky 871 seragina steer 872 clear channel, hot fruit 873 patience, dizzy spells 874 mope grooves, desire 875 current affairs, object & subject 875 comfort, not passing 876 bill orcutt 877 bonnie baxter 878 carl stone 879 thurston moore 880 alameda 5 881 john zorn 882 the membranes, what nature gives... 883 meemo comma 884 ana roxannne 885 whistling arrow, s/t 886 dis fantasy 887 giant swan, s/t 888 buck young, buck ii 889 abdu ali 890 ifriqiyya électrique 891 $hit and $hine, doing drugs, selling drugs 892 ghold 893 theon cross 894 yao bobby & simon grab 895 solange *sure whatever ok 896 the comet is coming 897 the utopia strong, s/t 898 karenn, grapefruit regret 899 brìghde chaimbeul 900 nav, bad habits 901 chance, big day 902 nostalgia critic's the wall 903 uboa, the origin of my depression 904 hobo johnson 905 ana frango elétrico 906 dorian electra
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The 2019 Locus Award nominees: your guide to the best sf/f of 2018
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Locus Magazine has published its annual Locus Award finalists, a shortlist of the best science fiction and fantasy of the past calendar year. I rely on this list to find the books I've overlooked (so. many. books.). This year's looks like a bumper crop.
Now that the finalists have been announced, Locus subscribers and others can cast their votes; the awards will be presented in Seattle during a weekend-long event that runs June 28-30, MC'ed by Connie Willis.
Record of a Spaceborn Few, Becky Chambers (Harper Voyager US; Hodder & Stoughton)
The Calculating Stars, Mary Robinette Kowal (Tor)
If Tomorrow Comes, Nancy Kress (Tor)
Revenant Gun, Yoon Ha Lee (Solaris US; Solaris UK)
Blackfish City, Sam J. Miller (Ecco; Orbit UK)
Embers of War, Gareth L. Powell (Titan US; Titan UK)
Elysium Fire, Alastair Reynolds (Gollancz; Orbit US)
Red Moon, Kim Stanley Robinson (Orbit US; Orbit UK)
Unholy Land, Lavie Tidhar (Tachyon)
Space Opera, Catherynne M. Valente (Saga)
Lies Sleeping, Ben Aaronovitch (DAW; Gollancz)
Foundryside, Robert Jackson Bennett (Crown; Jo Fletcher)
The Monster Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson (Tor)
Deep Roots, Ruthanna Emrys (Tor.com Publishing)
Ahab’s Return, Jeffrey Ford (Morrow)
European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman, Theodora Goss (Saga)
The Mere Wife, Maria Dahvana Headley (MCD)
The Wonder Engine, T. Kingfisher (Argyll Productions)
Spinning Silver, Naomi Novik (Del Rey; Macmillan)
Creatures of Want and Ruin, Molly Tanzer (John Joseph Adams)
In the Night Wood, Dale Bailey (John Joseph Adams)
Unlanguage, Michael Cisco (Eraserhead)
We Sold Our Souls, Grady Hendrix (Quirk)
Coyote Songs, Gabino Iglesias (Broken River)
The Hunger, Alma Katsu (Putnam; Bantam Press UK)
The Outsider, Stephen King (Scribner; Hodder & Stoughton)
The Listener, Robert McCammon (Cemetery Dance)
Cross Her Heart, Sarah Pinborough (HarperCollins UK/Morrow)
The Cabin at the End of the World, Paul Tremblay (Morrow; Titan UK)
Tide of Stone, Kaaron Warren (Omnium Gatherum)
The Gone Away Place, Christopher Barzak (Knopf)
The Cruel Prince, Holly Black (Little, Brown; Hot Key)
The Belles, Dhonielle Clayton (Freeform; Gollancz)
Tess of the Road, Rachel Hartman (Random House)
Dread Nation, Justina Ireland (Balzer + Bray)
Cross Fire, Fonda Lee (Scholastic)
The Agony House, Cherie Priest & Tara O’Connor (Levine)
Half-Witch, John Schoffstall (Big Mouth House)
Impostors, Scott Westerfeld (Scholastic US; Scholastic UK)
Mapping the Bones, Jane Yolen (Philomel)
Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyemi (Henry Holt; Macmillan)
Semiosis, Sue Burke (Tor)
Armed in Her Fashion, Kate Heartfield (ChiZine)
The Poppy War, R.F. Kuang (Harper Voyager US; Harper Voyager UK)
The Quantum Magician, Derek Künsken (Solaris US; Solaris UK)
Annex, Rich Larson (Orbit US)
Severance, Ling Ma (Farrar, Straus, Giroux)
Witchmark, C.L. Polk (Tor.com Publishing)
Trail of Lightning, Rebecca Roanhorse (Saga)
Empire of Sand, Tasha Suri (Orbit US; Orbit UK)
The Black God’s Drums, P. Djèlí Clark (Tor.com Publishing)
The Tea Master and the Detective, Aliette de Bodard (Subterranean)
“Umbernight“, Carolyn Ives Gilman (Clarkesworld 2/18)
Black Helicopters, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Tor.com Publishing)
Time Was, Ian McDonald (Tor.com Publishing)
Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach, Kelly Robson (Tor.com Publishing)
The Freeze-Frame Revolution, Peter Watts (Tachyon)
Artificial Condition, Martha Wells (Tor.com Publishing)
Rogue Protocol, Martha Wells (Tor.com Publishing)
The Descent of Monsters, JY Yang (Tor.com Publishing)
“The Donner Party”, Dale Bailey (F&SF 1–2/18)
“Okay, Glory”, Elizabeth Bear (Twelve Tomorrows)
“No Flight Without the Shatter“, Brooke Bolander (Tor.com 8/15/18)
The Only Harmless Great Thing, Brooke Bolander (Tor.com Publishing)
“The Last Banquet of Temporal Confections“, Tina Connolly (Tor.com 7/11/18)
“An Agent of Utopia”, Andy Duncan (An Agent of Utopia)
“Queen Lily“, Theodora Goss (Lightspeed 11/18)
“Nine Last Days on Planet Earth“, Daryl Gregory (Tor.com 9/19/18)
“Quality Time”, Ken Liu (Robots vs Fairies)
“How to Swallow the Moon“, Isabel Yap (Uncanny 11–12/18)
“The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington“, Phenderson Djèlí Clark (Fireside 2/18)
“The Bookcase Expedition”, Jeffrey Ford (Robots vs Fairies)
“STET“, Sarah Gailey (Fireside 10/18)
“A Witch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies“, Alix E. Harrow (Apex 2/6/18)
“Cuisine des Mémoires”, N.K. Jemisin (How Long ’til Black Future Month?)
“The Storyteller’s Replacement”, N.K. Jemisin (How Long ’til Black Future Month?)
“Firelight“, Ursula K. Le Guin (Paris Review Summer ’18)
“The Starship and the Temple Cat“, Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 2/1/18)
“Mother of Invention“, Nnedi Okorafor (Future Tense)
“The Court Magician“, Sarah Pinsker (Lightspeed 1/18)
The Best Horror of the Year Volume Ten, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Night Shade)
The Book of Magic, Gardner Dozois, ed. (Bantam; Harper Voyager UK)
The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirty-fifth Annual Collection, Gardner Dozois, ed. (St. Martin’s Griffin)
Worlds Seen in Passing, Irene Gallo, ed. (Tor.com Publishing)
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018, N.K. Jemisin & John Joseph Adams, eds. (Mariner)
Robots vs Fairies, Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, eds. (Saga)
The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year, Volume Twelve, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Solaris US; Solaris UK)
Infinity’s End, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Solaris US; Solaris UK)
The Underwater Ballroom Society, Tiffany Trent & Stephanie Burgis, eds. (Five Fathoms)
The Future Is Female!, Lisa Yaszek, ed. (Library of America)
The Tangled Lands, Paolo Bacigalupi & Tobias S. Buckell (Saga)
Brief Cases, Jim Butcher (Ace; Orbit UK)
An Agent of Utopia, Andy Duncan (Small Beer)
How Long ’til Black Future Month?, N.K. Jemisin (Orbit US; Orbit UK)
The Dinosaur Tourist, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Subterranean)
Fire & Blood, George R.R. Martin (Bantam; Harper Voyager UK)
All the Fabulous Beasts, Priya Sharma (Undertow)
The Future Is Blue, Catherynne M. Valente (Subterranean)
Starlings, Jo Walton (Tachyon)
How to Fracture a Fairy Tale, Jane Yolen (Tachyon)
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Strange Horizons
Angry Robot
Small Beer
John Joseph Adams
Neil Clarke
Ellen Datlow
Gardner Dozois
C.C. Finlay
Jonathan Strahan
Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
Ann & Jeff VanderMeer
Sheila Williams
Navah Wolfe
Kinuko Y. Craft
Galen Dara
Julie Dillon
Leo & Diane Dillon
Bob Eggleton
Victo Ngai
John Picacio
Shaun Tan
Charles Vess
Michael Whelan
Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke, and the Making of a Masterpiece, Michael Benson (Simon & Schuster)
Sense of Wonder: Short Fiction Reviews (2009-2017), Gardner Dozois (ReAnimus)
Strange Stars, Jason Heller (Melville House)
Dreams Must Explain Themselves: The Selected Non-Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin, Ursula K. Le Guin (Gollancz)
Ursula K. Le Guin: Conversations on Writing, Ursula K. Le Guin & David Naimon (Tin House)
Old Futures: Speculative Fiction and Queer Possibility, Alexis Lothian (NYU Press)
Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth, Catherine McIlwaine, ed. (Bodleian Library)
Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction, Alec Nevala-Lee (Dey Street)
None of This Is Normal: The Fiction of Jeff VanderMeer, Benjamin J. Robertson (University of Minnesota Press)
An Informal History of the Hugos: A Personal Look Back at the Hugo Awards, 1953-2000, Jo Walton (Tor)
Yoshitaka Amano, Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography – Beyond the Fantasy, Florent Gorges (Les Éditions Pix’n Love 2015; Dark Horse)
Spectrum 25: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art, John Fleskes, ed. (Flesk)
John Howe, A Middle-earth Traveler: Sketches from Bag End to Mordor (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; HarperCollins UK)
Jeffrey Alan Love, The Thousand Demon Tree (Flesk)
Simon Stålenhag, The Electric State (Fria Ligan ’17; Skybound)
Shaun Tan, Cicada (Lothian; Levine ’19)
Charles Vess, The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition, Ursula K. Le Guin (Saga)
Michael Whelan, Beyond Science Fiction: The Alternative Realism of Michael Whelan (Baby Tattoo)
Dungeons & Dragons Art and Arcana: A Visual History, Michael Witwer, Kyle Newman, Jon Peterson, & Sam Witwer (Ten Speed)
Lisbeth Zwerger, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, J.K. Rowling (Levine)
32 notes · View notes
mylifeincinema · 4 years
My Best of 2020: My Top 10 Films!
It’s time! What a weird, shitty year 2020 was. But hey, at least we had some good movies to keep us from going completely crazy. A quick reminder that My Top 10 Films aren’t necessarily my list of the ‘best’, or ‘my favorite’, but a mix of the two, taking both sides of the A&E into equal consideration.
Before we dive into things, here are some Honorable Mentions, all of which came very close to breaking into the Top 10: Steve McQueen’s Lovers Rock; Kelly Reichardt’s First Cow; Christopher Landon’s Freaky; Aaron Sorkin’s The Trial of the Chicago 7; Spike Lee’s Da 5 Bloods; and Leigh Whannell’s The Invisible Man.
And finally, without further ado…
My Top 10 Films of 2020!!
10. Andrew Patterson’s The Vast of Night
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This is a tight, simple, incredibly atmospheric sci-fi film. I loved almost every second, but especially Patterson’s choices throughout; from intimate long takes to sprawling tracking shots to jarring editing, he brings us into this quaint and quiet small town as if we were passers by stumbling onto these odd and eerie events right alongside these characters.
9. Armando Iannucci’s The Personal History of David Copperfield
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Incredibly likable, and chock-full of some incredible production design and a fantastic cast bringing to life these wonderfully enjoyable characters. I do have some slight issues with the framing device, and how inconsistent and awkward it occasionally feels, but mostly this is a crowd-pleasing adaptation of a major piece of literature.
8. Autumn de Wilde’s Emma.
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Anya Taylor-Joy is perfect. And while Autumn de Wilde’s direction occasionally stumbles late in the second act, she nails the bigger moments and delivers on the heart as effectively as the humor. This is also further proof that Bill Nighy should probably just be cast in everything. All-in-all, this is the best adaptation of Austen’s work I’ve come across, yet.
7. Spike Lee’s David Byrne’s American Utopia
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A very small number of Lee’s choices didn’t quite work for me, but David Byrne is a creative genius, and above all else, this is very much Byrne being Byrne… which is to say, absolutely brilliant!
6. Christopher Nolan’s Tenet
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Probably the most Christopher Nolan movie of all Christopher Nolan movies. Plotted to a fault, and requiring a fair majority of the dialogue to be straight exposition, this time-bending sci-fi thriller puts on bold display all of Nolan’s strengths as a director and strengths and weaknesses as a storyteller.
But as long as Nolan keeps f*cking with time, I’m on board.
I had a blast with this one, and was a cinema-going experience I needed, at the very moment I needed it.
5. Pete Docter’s Soul
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Creative, poignant, beautifully animated and acted, and a whole bunch of other traits we’ve come to know and love from Pixar. Is this the best Pixar film we’ve been gifted? No. But is it the best Pixar film (and animated film, period) we’ve been gifted in 2020? Definitely.
4. Emerald Fennell’s Promising Young Woman
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What a powerhouse late season ace in the hole. Emerald Fennell turns in a debut as unpredictable and excitingly dark as it is assured and technically sharp. And Carey Mulligan is probably at her very, very best (well, maybe behind Shame?) and that’s saying A LOT! The needle drops are as bizarre as the writing is sharp. It explores its themes without ever resorting to whining about them. And it all has a vicious bite.
3. David Fincher’s Mank
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An incredible piece of showbiz cinema. Mank is a celebration of the rebellion behind the creation of one of the very best pieces of cinema to ever come out of Hollywood, and an introspective glance at the destructive nature of alcoholism and ego. Fincher weaves together a fascinating character study that skewers the political and creative hypocrisy of 1930s Hollywood while simultaneously reveling in its subject’s own hypocritical air of moral superiority.
2. Max Barbakow’s Palm Springs
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I instantly fell in love with this one. Samberg and Milioti are very well matched, and bring emotion to the film while never letting its humor fall flat. It has a ton of fun with the time-loop formula and never gets too repetitive or sloppy. And it has some amazing moments for the amazing J.K. Simmons… so there’s that, too.
And The Best Film of 2019 is…
1. Paul Greengrass’ News of the World
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Tom Hanks is a powerhouse, and the writing paired with Paul Greengrass’ direction makes for an intensely human western. I’ve seen a lot of mixed reactions to this one, but for me, everything worked perfectly.
Thank you for reading…
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
More of My Best of 2020…
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months
The government gets wind of a plot to destroy America involving a trio of nuclear weapons for which the whereabouts are unknown. It’s up to a seasoned interrogator and an FBI agent to find out exactly where the nukes are. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Henry Harold ‘H’ Humphries: Samuel L. Jackson Agent Helen Brody: Carrie-Anne Moss Steven Arthur Younger: Michael Sheen Charles Thompson: Stephen Root Rina Humphries: Lora Kojovic Jack Saunders: Martin Donovan Agent Vincent: Gil Bellows Agent Leandro: Vincent Laresca Agent D.J Jackson: Brandon Routh Agent Phillips: Joshua Harto General Paulson: Holmes Osborne Col. Kerkmejian: Michael Rose Mr. Bradley: Randy Oglesby Alvarez: Benito Martinez Lubitchich: Sasha Roiz Winston: Dayo Ade Katie: Yara Shahidi Peter Humphries: Sayeed Shahidi Jehan Younger: Necar Zadegan Samura Younger: Jillian Bruno Ali Younger: Coby Seyrafi Major Pierce: Chris McGarry CNN Announcer: Angela Martinez ESPN Host: David E. Willis Young Sergent: Geoff Meed Observer: Kirk B.R. Woller TV News Announcer: Kelly Vaughn Announcer #2: Bill A. Jones Soldier: Phil Somerville Bomb Disposal Expert: Austin Nichols Pedestrian with Child: Delaine Yates Film Crew: Casting: John Papsidera Music: Graeme Revell Stunt Coordinator: Charles Croughwell Producer: Bill Perkins Producer: Marco Weber Director of Photography: Oliver Stapleton Line Producer: Samson Mucke Writer: Peter Woodward Visual Effects: Chris Ervin Key Hair Stylist: Robert L. Stevenson Producer: Caldecot Chubb Producer: Vanessa Coifman Editor: Scott Chestnut Director: Gregor Jordan Production Design: Steven Jones-Evans Key Makeup Artist: Francisco X. Pérez Makeup Department Head: Allan A. Apone Digital Intermediate: Keith Shaw Still Photographer: Dale Robinette Camera Operator: Chris Lombardi Art Direction: Nick Ralbovsky Visual Effects: Lucas Krost Costume Design: Danielle Hollowell Executive Producer: Vince Cirrincione Executive Producer: Rachel Rose Set Decoration: Amber Haley Gaffer: Jack English Costume Supervisor: Marisa Aboitiz Supervising Sound Editor: Chad J. Hughes ADR Supervisor: Angela Hemingway Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Jonathan Wales Music Editor: Ashley Revell Property Master: Guillaume DeLouche Special Effects Coordinator: William Dawson Script Supervisor: Tracy Scott Dolly Grip: Sam Stewart First Assistant Camera: Patrick McArdle Digital Intermediate: Brian Beard Key Grip: Patrick R. Heffernan Casting Associate: Jennifer Cram Lighting Technician: Jesse Mather Lighting Technician: Simone Perusse Prosthetic Makeup Artist: Brad Look Digital Intermediate: James Ahern Dolly Grip: Jeff Smith Construction Coordinator: Lars Petersen Movie Reviews: DoryDarko: Unthinkable raises a question which has been an issue for many people all over the world for a very long time, and especially since 9/11. This question is, is it ever justified to torture an individual to save the lives of many? And if the answer is yes, how far can you go? This issue is indeed a very sensitive subject and I think it takes guts for any filmmaker to put it out there in the open like Gregor Jordan did. Add to that the clever fact that he doesn’t actually make a choice, but rather lets the audience decide on whatever they want to think and feel, and you have a pretty gutsy and controversial concept. In a nutshell, this film is about a man of American descent who has become a Muslim and has now, as an act of terrorism, planted 3 nuclear bombs in 3 major American cities which will go off in four days. Screenwriter Peter Woodward made some very tactical decisions considering the characters in the story. They are all somewhat stereotypical, but this is no bother because they’re all there for a reason. Carrie-Anne Moss, as an FBI investigator, represents the conscience, the sensitivity and the struggle to make the right decision. Samuel L. Jackson is her polar opposite; the brutal, rational, stone cold “interrogator” who does what he does because he’s the only one who can and willing to do it. The means he is willing to go to in order to get his subject to talk ...
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Choir Boy
Haven’t posted in a while, haven’t I? Don’t worry, I’m not dead yet. Anyway, back to the review.
Tarell Alvin McCraney’s Broadway play Choir Boy is an absolute tearjerker, a story of a boy who gets everything he believes is a part of him stripped away until he can find it within himself to rise again, using the medium of black culture very well to bring in a majorly white audience. While there were sad scenes within the actual script, I cried the most at the end, when the whole play and all it was saying finally collapsed onto me. It doesn’t matter what other people think you are, or even what you think you are, as long as you have somebody on your side, you can always take a breath and start again.
Unlike a similar musical (Medicine the Musical) this play actually has something very near to a cohesive plot. All of the interactions and communications are little threads that get woven together exceptionally well through song (which I will touch on later) and dialogue. We feel bad for all the characters caught up in Pharus’s exuberance. While Bobby Marrow is portrayed as the bully riling up the gay kid in an all-boys high school, we learn things about him that make us feel pity for him and his attempt to maintain normalcy in a world that feels like it is changing too fast for him (it doesn’t excuse his behavior, but it makes him three dimensional). Similarly, I didn’t initially realize why David Heard was such an important character, but his arc crescendoed and in the end, I realized his importance all along and the interactions he had with Pharus before we knew his importance as the (SPOILERS) secret boyfriend. All parts of the story work together.
However, it isn’t completely perfect. The time frame of the story feels too long, and while I wouldn’t know anything about grudges as I’ve never had a fight that lasted a week (I like to resolve things quickly), the story of the play didn’t feel like it lasted a whole year. It may have been because there were no interactions between Bobby Marrow and Pharus Young outside of choir, and thus didn’t feel like they could grow the grudge the entire summer and eventually the school year, but apparently, it did. On the other hand, the story can’t be cut down, because there are multiple important plot points that occur at what I believe was the end of the previous school year.
In addition, there are a few plot threads that don’t seem to go anywhere but are needed to move forward a different plot thread, so it makes it okay in the long run.
The music is phenomenal. Due to the nature of the whole play - i.e. it taking place with a choir group, all of the songs make sense. And that’s without factoring in the heavy religious themes and ideas sprinkled in and a lot of black culture being ingrained in music and dance. I never felt that the story had suddenly veered into song and I didn’t understand why. It made sense. Each song had a place, and each song progressed the plot. Everything felt like it was there for a reason, and that is the best feeling to have with a musical. Moving on to my favorite part of the whole play, the lighting, and the staging. I was in awe of the purposeful lighting set up in the theater, how the ending of scenes could be punctuated by lighting the departure of one character in a very casual and blase manner, while also being subtle with other patterns and textures in the light. It was glorious. They made marvelous use of the stage and every square inch of the set was used to portray further character development. I loved it.
All in all, it is a beautiful production and really deserves its place on Broadway. The acting is amazing, directing is on point, the lighting couldn’t be better and the songs were worked in exactly as a musical should work in songs. I would certainly recommend this to everyone if they can go see it. It tells the tale of someone who feels like they only belong for one reason only.
Rating: 4.5/5
Tickets Available through February 24th
Trigger Warning: somebody gets punched pretty bad, liberal use of racial and gay slurs (specifically the n-word).
Cast and Credits:
Junior Davis -- Nicholas L. Ashe
Anthony Justin “AJ” James -- John Clay III
Headmaster Marrow -- Chuck Cooper
David Heard -- Caleb Eberhardt
Bobby Marrow -- J. Quinton Johnson
Mr. Pendleton -- Austin Pendleton
Pharus Jonathan Young -- Jeremy Pope
Ensemble -- Daniel Bellomy, Jonathan Burke, Gerald Caesar, Marcus Gladney
Director -- Trip Cullman
General Manager -- Florie Seery
Scenic and Costume Designer -- David Zinn
Lighting Design -- Peter Kaczorowski
Original Music and Sound Design -- Fitz Patton
Hair and Make-up Design -- Cookie Jordan
Fight Direction -- Thomas Schall
Choreography -- Camille A. Brown
Production Stage Manager -- Narda E. Alcorn
Casting -- Nancy Piccione & Kelly Gillespie
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pauloveracker · 6 years
The 91st Academy Awards are this Sunday, February 24, 2019. Taking place in the Dolby Theatre at the Hollywood & Highland Center.  Honoring movies released in 2018. The following is the list of all the 2019 nominees. How well do you think you know your Nominees? Maybe this will help you. You wouldn’t believe how small this industry is unless you work in it.  I love each category and think of each craft as an artform. I want to wish each and every person nominated the best of luck and hope you’ll hear your name after the phrase “… and the Oscar goes to…”
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(pic above Paul Overacker and Willem Defoe)
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(pic above Paul Overacker, Rami Malek and Marjorie DeHey)
WILLEM DAFOE At Eternity's Gate 
RAMI MALEK Bohemian Rhapsody - WINNER
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(pic above Paul Overacker, Marjorie DeHey and Adam Driver)
ADAM DRIVER BlacKkKlansman
RICHARD E. GRANT Can You Ever Forgive Me?
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(pic above Paul Overacker and Olivia Coleman)
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(pic above Melissa McCarthy,  Marjorie DeHey and Paul Overacker)
LADY GAGA A Star Is Born
MELISSA MCCARTHY Can You Ever Forgive Me?
REGINA KING If Beale Street Could Talk - WINNER
EMMA STONE The Favourite
RACHEL WEISZ The Favourite.
INCREDIBLES 2 Brad Bird, John Walker and Nicole Paradis Grindle
ISLE OF DOGS Wes Anderson, Scott Rudin, Steven Rales and Jeremy Dawson. MIRAI Mamoru Hosoda and Yuichiro Saito
RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Rich Moore, Phil Johnston and Clark Spencer. 
SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller - WINNER
COLD WAR Łukasz Żal. 
NEVER LOOK AWAY Caleb Deschanel
ROMA Alfonso Cuarón - WINNER
A STAR IS BORN Matthew Libatique.
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(pic above Spike Lee and Paul Overacker)
COLD WAR Paweł Pawlikowski
THE FAVOURITE Yorgos Lanthimos
ROMA Alfonso Cuarón - WINNER
VICE Adam McKay
FREE SOLO Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, Evan Hayes and Shannon Dill - WINNER
MINDING THE GAP Bing Liu and Diane Quon
OF FATHERS AND SONS Talal Derki, Ansgar Frerich, Eva Kemme and Tobias N. Siebert
RBG Betsy West and Julie Cohen
BLACK SHEEP Ed Perkins and Jonathan Chinn
END GAME Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman
LIFEBOAT Skye Fitzgerald and Bryn Mooser
PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE. Rayka Zehtabchi and Melissa Berton - Winner
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(pic above Paul Overacker, Hank Corwin and Barry Alexander Brown)
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(pic above Paul Overacker, Stephen E. Rivkin, Sidney Wolinsky, Yorgos Mavropsaridis)
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(pic above Patrick J. Don Vito and Paul Overacker
BLACKKKLANSMAN Barry Alexander Brown
THE FAVOURITE Yorgos Mavropsaridis
GREEN BOOK Patrick J. Don Vito
VICE Hank Corwin.
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(pic above Paul Overacker and Jenny Shircore)
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(pic above Marc Pilcher and Paul Overacker)
BORDER Göran Lundström and Pamela Goldammer
MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS Jenny Shircore, Marc Pilcher and Jessica Brooks
VICE Greg Cannom, Kate Biscoe and Patricia Dehaney - WINNER
BLACKKKLANSMAN Terence Blanchard
ISLE OF DOGS Alexandre Desplat
ALL THE STARS from Black Panther; Music by Kendrick Lamar, Mark “Sounwave” Spears and Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith; Lyric by Kendrick Lamar, SZA and Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith
I'LL FIGHT from RBG; Music and Lyric by Diane Warren
THE PLACE WHERE LOST THINGS GO from Mary Poppins Returns; Music by Marc Shaiman; Lyric by Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman
SHALLOW from A Star Is Born; Music and Lyric by Lady Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando and Andrew Wyatt - WINNER
WHEN A COWBOY TRADES HIS SPURS FOR WINGS from The Ballad of Buster Scruggs; Music and Lyric by Gillian Welch and David Rawlings
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(pic above Paul Overacker, Marjorie DeHey and Jordan Peele)
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(pic above Paul Overacker, Marjorie DeHey and Peter Farrelly)
BLACK PANTHER Kevin Feige, Producer
BLACKKKLANSMAN Sean McKittrick, Jason Blum, Raymond Mansfield, Jordan Peele and Spike Lee, Producers
BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Graham King, Producer
THE FAVOURITE Ceci Dempsey, Ed Guiney, Lee Magiday and Yorgos Lanthimos, Producers
GREEN BOOK Jim Burke, Charles B. Wessler, Brian Currie, Peter Farrelly and Nick Vallelonga, Producers - WINNER
ROMA Gabriela Rodríguez and Alfonso Cuarón, Producers
A STAR IS BORN Bill Gerber, Bradley Cooper and Lynette Howell Taylor, Producers
VICE Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Adam McKay and Kevin Messick, Producers
BLACK PANTHER Production Design: Hannah Beachler; Set Decoration: Jay Hart - WINNER
THE FAVOURITE Production Design: Fiona Crombie; Set Decoration: Alice Felton
FIRST MAN Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas
MARY POPPINS RETURNS Production Design: John Myhre; Set Decoration: Gordon Sim
ROMA Production Design: Eugenio Caballero; Set Decoration: Bárbara Enríquez.
ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR Alison Snowden and David Fine
BAO Domee Shi and Becky Neiman-Cobb - WINNER
LATE AFTERNOON Louise Bagnall and Nuria González Blanco
ONE SMALL STEP Andrew Chesworth and Bobby Pontillas
WEEKENDS Trevor Jimenez.
DETAINMENT Vincent Lambe and Darren Mahon
FAUVE Jeremy Comte and Maria Gracia Turgeon
MARGUERITE Marianne Farley and Marie-Hélène Panisset
MOTHER Rodrigo Sorogoyen and María del Puy Alvarado
SKIN Guy Nattiv and Jaime Ray Newman - WINNER
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(pic above Paul Overacker, Ryker Overacker, Craig Barron and Ben Burtt)
BLACK PANTHER Benjamin A. Burtt and Steve Boeddeker
BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY John Warhurst and Nina Hartstone - WINNER
FIRST MAN Ai-Ling Lee and Mildred Iatrou Morgan
A QUIET PLACE Ethan Van der Ryn and Erik Aadahl
ROMA Sergio Díaz and Skip Lievsay.
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(pic above Nicholai Baxter, Ai-Ling Lee, Steven Gizicki, Marjorie DeHey, Damien Chazelle, Paul Overacker and Steven Morrow) 
A STAR IS BORN Tom Ozanich, Dean Zupancic, Jason Ruder & Steve Morrow
BLACK PANTHER Steve Boeddeker, Brandon Proctor and Peter Devlin
BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Paul Massey, Tim Cavagin and John Casali - WINNER
FIRST MAN Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño, Ai-Ling Lee and Mary H. Ellis
ROMA Skip Lievsay, Craig Henighan and José Antonio García. 
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Dan DeLeeuw, Kelly Port, Russell Earl and Dan Sudick. 
CHRISTOPHER ROBIN Christopher Lawrence, Michael Eames, Theo Jones and Chris Corbould
FIRST MAN Paul Lambert, Ian Hunter, Tristan Myles & J.D. Schwalm - WINNER
READY PLAYER ONE Roger Guyett, Grady Cofer, Matthew E. Butler & David Shirk
SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY Rob Bredow, Patrick Tubach, Neal Scanlan and Dominic Tuohy
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(pic above Paul Overacker, Marjorie DeHey, Becky Willmott and Kevin Willmott)
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(pic above Paul Overacker and Eric Roth)
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(pic above Paul Overacker and Berry Jenkins)
THE BALLAD OF BUSTER SCRUGGS Written by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
BLACKKKLANSMAN Written by Charlie Wachtel & David Rabinowitz and Kevin Willmott & Spike Lee - WINNER
CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME? Screenplay by Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty
IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK Written for the screen by Barry Jenkins
A STAR IS BORN Screenplay by Eric Roth and Bradley Cooper & Will Fetters
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(pic above Peter Farrelly, Marjorie DeHey and Paul Overacker)
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(pic above Paul Overacker and Adam McKay)
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(pic above Paul Schrader and Paul Overacker)
THE FAVOURITE Written by Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara
FIRST REFORMED Written by Paul Schrader
GREEN BOOK Written by Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie, Peter Farrelly - WINNER
ROMA Written by Alfonso Cuarón
VICE Written by Adam McKay.
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