#how many rpg protags have this...
fithragaer · 1 year
of course you have a mysterious chest wound that is inextricably tied to your fate. and pronouns
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fereldanwench · 7 months
apropos of nothing and certainly not my tag rant from a few posts back
did you know that out of 150 popular video games released between 1985 and 2022, only 6% of them feature sole female protagonists?
did you know that prior to mass effect 3, female shepard was never used in any promotional material for the series?
(and there's no hard data available on this, but i very distinctly recall a lot of gamerbro outrage when me3 had an optional reversible cover so you could pick between male and fem shep on your personal game)
did you know that only 18% of players chose femshep in any shape or form (default or customized) during the original release?
(anecdotally, i know a few people who didn't even realize you could play a female at all in me1 bc of how the cc is setup)
did you know with the release of the legendary edition in 2021 the percentage of femshep players didn't even double (despite jennifer hale's seemingly enormous popularity amongst the broader playerbase over the past decade) and is reported at 32%?
did you know that dragon age inquisition has the same breakdown between male and female inquisitors (68% to 32% respectively)?
did you know during the playtests for assassin's creed odyssey, it was a 50/50 split between kassandra and alexios, and ubisoft suits actually thought when the game was released, kassandra would be more popular? and yet once again, about 70% of players chose the male protag
did you know evie and aya were both supposed to have a much larger roles in assassin's creed syndicate and origins but were forced into a smaller role bc the ubisoft marketing team didn't think the games would sell well with a female lead?
cdpr hasn't released data on male vs female v, probably because the game handles gender a little differently than just two strict options like many other rpgs, but it was revealed that panam was the most popular romance, sitting at about 68%, which means at least 68% of players chose the male v body. I'm sure some players did not make that choice as a cis male v, but i would also guess that those who didn't are a small minority of this demographic, and if you factor in kerry romancers, this split is probably very similar to other games in the genre
now i realize that a lot of the male v players who are in more transformative fandom spaces (like tumblr) are not the str8 gamer dudebros of reddit angry about pores on a female character's face and whatnot. i realize that a lot of you are also on the outskirts of the perceived norm and also feel under-represented by mainstream male protags and that's incredibly frustrating and alienating and i genuinely feel for you
but female protagonists and female gamers who want to play as female protagonists and who have a few niche spaces to celebrate female protags are not the reason for your lack of representation
and frankly you don't sound a whole lot different from the angry incel gamer boys when you say shit like "fem v gets too much attention"
so maybe try advocating for male protags who don't fit the generic boring gruff white guy mold without throwing women under the bus. we're should be allies in this fight, not rivals
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 3 months
do you have any rpg maker horror recs? :> (or horror games in general)
cell of empireo (no official eng translation but there's a fantranslation on youtube)
you play as haruki atou, an investigator, looking for his amnesiac coworker who had gone missing near the empyrean heaven research institute (n theres so many other things going on). involves chases, quicktime events n realtime bosses
warnings: flashing lights, religious themes, cults, death, child + animal death, human + animal experimentation, gore, body horror, cannibalism, bullying, abuse and parental neglect, suicide/suicidal ideation, murder
what i like about it: the story, the themes, the characters + their relationships, the horror, secrets/lore
2. jimmy and the pulsating mass
you explore the dreams of a boy named jimmy while trying to fight off "aliens". it's a very charming game ^_^ a good chunk of it is silly instead of scary. involves turn-based battles
warnings: gore, death, child death, murder, body horror, bugs
what i like about it: the music, the world, the story, punch tanaka
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3. cat in the box
youtuber girl goes into an abandoned building n regrets it. but there's a twist! also there's a lot of randomized secrets too which is cool. involves chases
warnings: death, murder, body horror, distorted faces (possibly more)
what i like about it: the horror, the secrets
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4. LISA the painful (tied to LISA the first and LISA the joyful)
you play as brad, a man who has gone through a lot, in a post-apocalypse where all women have disappeared except for 1 girl - your adopted daughter. she's been taken away from home n you have to find her. the definitive edition adds some new scenes + fights. involves turn-based battles
warnings: sa and csa (not explicitly shown visually but the affects of it play a major part on all protags in the series), parental/familial abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism, bullying, self harm, suicide, misogyny, gore, death, child + animal death, murder, body horror, references to sex in general, vomit, race joke that may or may not still be in there
what i like about it: the music, the horror, the world, the secrets, the themes, the gameplay, terry hintz
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bonus: paranormasight (visual novel) i'm drawing a blank on how to summarize it n what all the warnings are rn... familial abuse n murder are some. it's bloody n touches on dark things but its not as heavy tonally as some of the other games on this list. the character interactions r really fun
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dearlybelovedemilyko · 2 months
Emilyko, Kate, Ricky, and Barbie for the ask game?
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give me a character and i'll tell you what genre or brand of media i think they were born to star. the role they would rock if they didn't live in the canonverse
emilyko: hear me out. yuri manga protagonist that has a crush on an absurd amount of girls. tell me she won't be perfect for it when she's like, 15. lou and rum and the belles could be there as the other girls she has a crush on, and then kate would be the obvious endgame. see my vision?
kate: thank you @nirobe-sam for helping me with this (i feel like kate is perfect for shadows house specifically so it was hard to imagine her anywhere else). horror rpg maker game protagonist! she's just born for the mystery. alternatively, another yuri protag but like, yuri set in a vaguely vintage era
ricky: perhaps an avant garde opinion but he's absolutely rock it in some overly melodramatic angst. have you seen him crying?? and that scene when he thinks lou's about to die so he falls dramatically to the floor like he's on broadway??? born for the role
barbie: this one was actually really difficult to me. i guess i'm simply not familiar with many breeds of media but i couldn't think of anywhere to place her 😅 thank you @stxrry-dxys for suggesting we should make her the protagonist of some sort of sports anime. we could have canontime barbie (re)learning how to get along with her teammates and opponents and a few flashback episodes here and there that show younger barbie before it all went to shit (christopher died in a freak sports accident)
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open-hearth-rpg · 10 months
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Links: Great RPG Mechanics #RPGMechanics: Week Eight
I dig Forged in the Dark– it’s an interesting system which people have tuned in many different ways. It is tight, with many innovations– several of which I’ve talked about earlier on these lists. But FitD's tightness means that it can be challenging to balance the mechanics. Some adaptations, like Scum & Villainy and Hack the Planet, hew close to the original with mainly a reskin and a couple of tweaks. 
Others dig in and make more substantive changes, like Songs for the Dusk and Vergence. Some Forged in the Dark reworkings are excellent but still have some gaps in the mechanical balance. For example, I love Mountain Home. It’s a strong contender for my fav game of the year. But in MH, stress acts as a significant restriction on player choices. It's a currency you're often spending to resist bad results and there’s few mechanics to help clear that until the end of the year. It’s playable, but the game needs a couple of additional options (new buildings, GM rewards) to help offset that. A minor tweak could make things stronger. That experience with Mountain Home colored our thinking about Forged in the Dark games.
So when we started our Girl by Moonlight campaign my group expressed skepticism about the mechanics. GBM makes some major changes from the Forged baseline. In particular characters have so few action dots– meaning that any roll would be few dice, which in turn meant they’d either be constantly taking poisoned promises or resisting consequences. There were grumbles but we decided to give it a try. 
And it works– it works really well, all thanks to Links. We don't have the issues we imagined. Girl by Moonlight's Links system creates dynamic, interactive play with a lot of choices. Plus, in a way we couldn’t see before we started playing, it adds new and novel space for roleplaying. FitD is sometimes criticized for not offering obvious space for role-play and character interaction. Girl by Moonlight builds that in. 
In play, you can spend links to let you or the named linked protagonist regain 2 stress. You can also spend them to give +1d to that named protag or to have them ignore 1 harm tag temporarily. Finally you can, in certain circumstances, spend it to try to keep them from falling into the negative state called eclipse. In play, this changes up things dramatically– people are spending links to help one another and describing what they do to connect. It supplements the stress mechanics while making actions feel possible. The small number of action dots don't matter as much. Links clear after each mission so you want to spend them during that phase. 
But the other half of the link system is what really makes it hum. You create links during downtime by using the Make Connections action. You choose to do something with another PC to build your relationship with them. There’s a roll made, with a 1-3 giving two links; a 4-5 giving three; and a 6 giving four. When you Make Connections, your targeted player writes those down. This becomes a crucial action in Downtime, replacing Recover Stress from base Forged in the Dark. Choosing another downtime action has to be balanced against this one– making for interesting tension when other things need to get done. 
But here’s the key– Making Connections pushes for role-playing. It offers moments where characters can interact with other PCs. They can also take links with NPCs (and their mecha Engines in the “On a Sea of Stars” framework). That’s meant that we’ve spent entire sessions– profitably letting these scenes breathe and just doing downtime. It is amazing and dynamite. 
The thing that strikes me is how much I couldn’t see this interaction and dynamic just from reading the rules. It was only once we got to playing that I understood exactly why GBM made these choices and what impact they had.
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mightymizora · 2 months
just saw your dao mention in another ask and i'm wondering if you have a ted talk about why you love it?
i also REALLY loved dao but i recently replayed it and i'm wondering how much of my affection was just nostalgia. some of that is just an aging game of course, but if dao came out today i'd be even crankier about some of the design choices than I am about bg3 (and I have a lot of cranky bg3 thoughts that I don't post haha)
I think I last played in 2021 probably, and that was my 9th playthrough lol.
Is it perfect? No, but to me it stands up really well still. I like CRPGs but with older ones I sometimes struggled with how much you needed to use your imagination and/or how unintuitive the UI was. I will say I first played DAO on console and switching to PC was a revelation, it was so definitely built for hotkeys and mod support! But I loved the voiced companions, the 3D graphics.
I think there have been other less graphically ambitious CRPGs that have also done things I love. The Pillars of Eternity games, for sure. Some of the Owlcat games. But there's something about the character design of the companions, the way the dwarven origins weave into the main narrative, the way the story unfolds in exactly the amount of time it needs to take that I love in Origins. (side note I think people that didn't like it so much really should play as dwarves, and if they don't like it for aesthetic reasons they need to. Grow up. That's my TED talk lmao)
Some of it is nostalgia, for sure. We've come a long way in a lot of areas from 2009. But I think the balance of exploration and linear storytelling is a sweet spot for me, I find endless open world really tiring unless there's excellent environmental storytelling happening (Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas do it very well, a lot of other games including Inquisition don't do it as well for me.) I love the writing on the whole, especially the two dwarf paths which are the highlight of the whole series IMO. You have a lot of narrative freedom with your warden in a way you don't with Hawke or the Inquisitor, and that's got a lot to do with not having a voiced protag. I'm not a voiced protag fan at all, unless you are telling a very tight story. I feel like if you're trying to allow for a really customisable main character it always hinders things. Shepard is that sweet spot for many, but is extremely hard to get right; it basically works because they are set in a very particular position at the start of the game, but their past is very broad brushstrokes, and the v/o is kept very neutral.
I actually am in the minority of loving BG3, lol. It's again not perfect and I do mourn the game we might have had from early access, but they struck a balance between appeal to audience, graphic level, scale and sheer amount of options that I think is insanely impressive technically. I just wish they'd kept a little more of what they wanted to do instead of responding quite so much to fan desires, but then again the game would have appealed to a much smaller audience had they done that.
But to me, BG3 combines gameplay I actually enjoy, characters I actually love, environments I like playing in, and choices that feel really juicy, and that's what I want in a game. And that feels like origins to me.
Origins certainly isn't perfect and there's BIG things I would change (why do the villainous men all have big noses? Why are the skin tones so poor? Why would a human society based on a church led by women with a woman as prophet still be patriarchal and sexist?) but I think it still has some of the more interesting writing of the series balanced with the narrative freedom I like in an RPG like that.
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randomnameless · 4 months
The thing is, in JRPG's churches were originally a good thing. They were the place to go to heal, revive or remove curses from your characters and at times the player character was chosen by some deity. Just look at the Dragon Quest games, which are to the Japanese the definition of fantasy much like LotR is in the West. While there was the SMT franchise, in Breath of Fire 2 on the SNES the Church being bad was meant to be a twist because it went against the perception of Churches in RPGs. Later on, Final Fantasy Tactics and especially Final Fantasy X made it a lot more common.
If you ever want to see a really cool take, Breath of Fire 4 really depicts humans as bastards and the gods/dragons are beings they called down to their world against their will. It ultimately ends with the player being given a choice whether humans are worth saving, either playing as the final boss and wiping out the party or rejecting that, stopping the final boss. The final boss wants to wipe out humanity because, while he was benevolent, the atrocities he's seen humanity commit (in order to kill him so the current emperor can maintain power of the empire the final boss founded) turned him against them. And even then, when defeated his belief mankind doesn't need gods anymore results in the gods, summoned against their will to serve humanity, return to their home while the MC becomes mortal (while another god remains, and this was a prequel to the previous games where she was a party member or at least an ally). But then again, one of the villains is still around and he says he can make as many "gods" as he needs for his plans, again highlighting how humans are the problem.
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Oh I forgot to mention Golden Sun too in the list of games i've played that had that "old/classic" vibe to it and had mostly... churches/temples used as places where you're resurrected or purify curses without any "gods bad" - the closest thing to a God this verse has is actually a giant rock trying to prevent people from destroying themselves by sealing magic (sure, at the cost of the world and its people disappearing into nothingness, but the sequel basically proves him, sort of, right because when magic is unleashed the cast was manipulated into launching a WMD and that has several consequences like, a lot of people (even named characters!) dying, cute NPCs and to make it sting even more, you can interact/talk with the corpses of the people who died (basically their spirit hasn't left yet, and you have some NPC going all "I was living my regular life, then I heard a sound and now I'm like this, what happened?")).
I'm sure some people already thought about it more than me at 10pm lol, but basically, I wonder if those games emphasis on "humans can be shitty themselves" wasn't tied to a certain mindset that was prevalent in the 80-90-00s Japan, like humans do their shitty stuff, which summons/results in a "higher being" either punishing them or being a consequence for their shitty stuff, "higher being" must be convinced that humanity can change and thrive to do better, rinse and repeat.
I confess I've never been a fan of the FF franchise nor followed it at all but basically as @zeroabyss said, in the Tales franchise the various Churches/Gods (Spirits the Tales verse!) are more nuanced, you have corrupt/shitty people, nice people, etc etc.
Xillia had the novelty of the protag choosing to become God, because the current one shits on humans (because humans shit on spirits to survive!) when basically God should protect both humans and spirits and thanks to a McGuffin everything works out in the end ! Until Xillia 2 happens, but the second opus, while dealing with spirits and all, also gives more meat to the "how humans try to live together" angle and well, it's not all roses and sunshine - sure some spirits can be asses and not like humans that much, but even humans themselves, because they come from different countries, find ways to hate each other (there's even a subquest where you pwn a bunch of racists civilians/NPCs turned enemies for this special fight that are named "drunken man" "uptight girl" "crabby old lady" "self righteous man" etc etc lol)
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ofheartandsoul · 2 months
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NAME?: chrissy
PRONOUNS?: she/her
MOST ACTIVE MUSES?: lyra :) and a couple others now that i have on my carrd!!
RPG CLASS I'D BE: knight maybe?? i like swords. but for what it's worth im a page of breath (iykyk)
FAVORITE COLOR: PINK!!! PASTEL PINK!!! i love all pinks though
FAVORITE TYPE OF THREAD: fluff, romance, smut, adventure, angst (mainly with comfort/eventual comfort)... i like many things
FAVORITE THING ABOUT MY MUSE: i love writing hopeless romantic characters a lot!! and i love the freedom that comes with writing a protag :) i also love drawing her a LOT, she's the first character i came up with proper "laws" for how to draw her (also she's supposed to have valentine's colors with the pink and red)
HOW YOU LIKE TO RP: lighthearted thread then more of those or plotting, etc.!! i also love to talk to and plot with people in dms, im kinda awkward and a little shy at first though so if i like your posts and don't interact... that's why 😔
FAVORITE PLOTS: BIG PLOTTED STUFF IS SO FUN!!! ESPECIALLY WITH ROMANCE!!! otherwise lighthearted dates... also stuff relating to pokemon lore is GREAT, shout out to when lyra was getting manipulated into giving my bestie's volo the time flute <3
WHERE YOU GET YOUR INSPIRATION FROM: lots of things!! for lyra i drew a lot of inspiration of characters like marinette and dimitri (FE) but also otherwise just her Vibes in hgss and pokemas
FACT ABOUT YOU: i love collecting things... i collect video games and mlp figures among other things, fluttershy is my favorite 😊
tagging: you. im taking everything from you, Give me your lore
tagged by: the whole dash?? i guess???
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growling · 13 days
oh wait i forgor. tribe nine beta lol
Zero my angel I'd recognize that voice maybe not anywhere but like in some places
"kuronaka got 10 gold" *EAR BLASTING 9 HOUR LONG FANFARE*
hmmmmmmmmmm.. not saying anything but narrowing my eyes thoughtfully
they're trying to fnaf pizzeria simulator my ass, unfortunately for them I am an incredibly clever smart intelligent wise boy (looked at the art on tweeter)
they put kuronaka in the generic rpg torture dungeons💔💔💔 get well soon
shut the fuck up boyyyy look at the claypot. loook at my claypot boy
jesus stop jumpscaring me if i die my grandma will sue
im calling it now. lady goddess is just zero (and if so: gender win)
if it does end up being zero it will be so fucking funny. please. let this manifest. me when i put some random dude in the generic rpg torture dungeons and make him look at claypots forever as form of foreplay also i pretend to be a statue
its that blue hair motherfucker from the promos or whatever
this is so fucking funny im tearing up. im tearing up. also they just implied that i was right. this is so fucking funny. vidio game brainwash yaoi. zero you silly man i desire you carnally
"well its not unusual for this man to do this kind of thing" please tell me more about zero's crimes against humanity .
forgot to mention this earlier but of course the protag has amnesia. not a proper kodaka game without an amnesiac protagonist. this is not a complaint
this is so funny. this is so funny.
redguy yellowguy leave that poor fucker alone. blueguy grayguy why are you just staring tell them to leave that poor fucker alone this is probably not how you approach a dude with amnesia who has been stuck in the generic rpg brainwash torture dungeon for an unspecified period of time
3d time. fuck that boy up guards induce a panic attack in this man
and the torture dungeons were just some random medium sized platform..... help me thats so embarrassing for kuronaka!!
"the village you were saying [sic] were all just drawings on the floor and on the walls!" THAT'S SO EMBARRASSING.... KURONAKA THAT'S SO EMBARASSING......
ok. ill stop being mean to him. i promise i will be nice and understanding of his situation from now on. it must be very hard and traumatizing for him.
also buy him brown contacts pls
Fucking look at him this shit looks biblical. look at him descending onto the mortals. this is fucking jesus imagery
nice robot hands. they're not attached yet but i will force him to become a cyborg no matter how many limbs i must detach from his body
i am not ready to hit unpause. but also im yearning.
wait look at his hand pose.... awww look at him i want him carnally
alright alright whatever im unpausing.......
so 24 city is just named like that because it's the 24th city and they ran out of ideas
24 city must be a shit place to live in, a strong breeze knocks you over and you fall one kilometer onto the pavement
"... but who would have thought that there is such a surreal area here, designed just like a video game?" zero. zero would have. that man is all about vidio game addiction i called it once and ill call it again
and he called him "the masked man" i fucking cant i need t. i need to take a breather okay i cant take this anymore
zero lore listen closely now this will be on the test (instead of listening starts imagining zero touching me in a bus and gets so hrard ii passkdf uout )
Kuronaka likes tea. +1 for Kuronaka I love tea
Zero the robot enjoyer
alright, Iroha is gonna return Kuronaka's smartphone next time and I'll end it here :] twas a pleasure. transcending experience
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 4 months
In my mind palace… i think as toshiro gains more confidence and finds his own voice, he gets less strict abt his gender expression
as an aside: he has a mildly interesting relationship to masculinity in the ways he seems to have cannibalized his own individuality to better embody an ideal japanese man. This seemed to have led to strict gender conformation for him. Interesting in that hes in a foreign country where most ppl would not pick up on it n yet he doesnt loosen up on it nor does he try to express masculinity in da way the ppl on the island do to fit in. Vis a vis the fact it makes him boring in many ppls eyes at home. vis a vis differentiating himself from his father who does not give a fuck. And also in relation to laios who seems to have failed in that way (left home, left the military, doesnt fit in w the other boys) who just thinks toshiro is just the coolest in the world for supposedly effortlessly embodying the cool samurai archetype. Who despite his supposed indifference to not conforming still makes some clumsy attempts at it (rarely expresses vulnerability, I LOVE WOLVES, DRAGONS, AND THE COLOR RED whole thing….) i think bc deep down he wants to fit in and be liked…even tho he thinks its stupid.
Interesting that kabru who completes their lil rpg protag trio doesnt seem to have particular feelings on masculinity probs bc he feels detached from the tallmen concept bc he was raised by elves but also doesnt conform to the elf concept of masculinity. But ill have to reread his parts. But also he dresses like a knight in the dungeon rather than getting canary armor that seems like it would be more efficient (whether thats personal choice or he literally cant get access to it despite his mother) and wants to be the guy who can effortlessly slay monsters. Whats up w that. He seems like hed have a different view of it being from the west n also being punted into a culture he has complicated feelings on.
Toshiros foil izutsumi being indifferent towards it and punished for it. Tho she seems also to have an extremely complicated relationship with her own humanity and history of dehumanization that i bet her gender plays into. Like maybe she just hasnt put much thought on it bc her concept of self is so scrambled. Maizuru, their teacher w a strange relationship w motherhood to both being a pretty strict conformist that holds others to that standard, but wears the clothes of a nobleman (probs cuz of the onmyoji iconography, tho id be curious to know what the gender split in universe is. Historically, it seems to be a position held by men. Tangent that for the island, magic users seem to be predominantly female for tallmen. Gnomes n elves neutral on this. Marcille whose from the norths mother was a court magician. ) Also seems she got stricter about it with age. Hien no care about it, doesnt wear makeup and is fine with being abrasive. Nevertheless berated shuro as a kid for crying bc its unmanly but seems like its just that thoughtlessness u have as a kid. That in the spread abt the doors having their greatest desire having the characters in varying times (namari in the present with tansu, marcille at the present w falin or maybe in a future where she reunites w her(but the bookshelf reminds me of their academy days), senshi either in the present or maybe even in the future taking care of children..?, izutsumi in the present with chilchuck, laios as a preteen (?) holding kensuke (interesting tie in to his greatest desires and how he views monsters)) and shuro seems have sent him furthest into the past to a time where he was a child and could cry freely and where his relationship w maizuru was less complicated. Benichidori conforms so strictly that it interferes w her mealtimes and makes her hangry and neurotic and she has developed body dysmorphic disorder . But in the modern day sketches she seems to have her own style at least. Inutade seems to be trying real hard to conform but also in a way where she cannot be viewed as a threat (presents extremely girly and young. And she is! But hien was not like that when she was 17. Nor is izutsumi) and seems to be insecure about the fact most clothes dont fit her well. Much to think about.
Tho im extrapolating I dont think most of this is intentionally written. But some of it probably was!
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3gremlins · 1 year
the shriek i made when i realized these two were a couple. bg3 really giving us celestial lesbians*, like nbd
spoilery screenshots behind the cut. it's tagged also but just in case
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seriously this game has so much background/comfy queerness to it, i really appreciate it so much
like up top, the fact that your character's body/voice isn't tied to their gender id at all AND YOU CAN HAVE THEY/THEM PRONOUNS** (and all the voiced characters use them properly!!!!! like even random npcs like animals) ofc your companions are all bi/pan/queer and therefore romanceable by whoever (afaik?)
but also there are so many background/ambient npcs who are also just quietly queer (like they'll mention their partner or their pronouns, or be actually making out with their partner) like they really did a pretty good job making a lived in world and incorporating lots of people in it (they also seem to have done a pretty good job with diversity in face models/skin tones on the bg npcs at least, tho i wish they'd done more with the companions/more of the main arc characters)
*or bisexuals, idk, this is the only relationship we see them in but they could ofc be bi/pan etc.
**not to be incredibly shouty but i feel so seen! esp since other beloved rpgs have given shitty excuses in the past for not including non binary protags due to translation issues and stuff like that, so i hope they are all taking notes (and also i hope bg3 does crazy well so they'll have to).
Also I appreciate how normal everyone treats it, nobody makes a big deal out of it, they're just like "oh yes, this my friend, they are great" (it does still have some of the regular dnd problems of fantasy racism unfortunately which we could all do without, but at least nobody's making weird/internalized homophobic-ish comments at queer characters)
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keksalot404 · 2 years
400 Follower Special - OMORI Guardian Angel AU: Ask Them Anything!
Hello folks! Here it is! I have official reached 400 followers (roughly, I now I got rid of most bots) and now I have to do something about it! I first had a thing I wanted to do but I have decided to do that for 500 followers, so for this milestone... 
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...I���ll let them do something instead!
Ask your favorite RPG protags (and their spectral companions) any question you want! (mostly) Want some thoughts on their current feelings? Want to know some hidden lore? Do you want to know Chara’s favorite food?  (Spoilers!) Just send an ask to my askbox before March 25th! 
And now, Obligatory Rules (Please read or you may be denied):
Rule 1: What you see above is all you get! That means you can only ask to 10 subjects; Sunny, Mari, Frisk, Chara, Madotsuki, Monoko, Kris, Player, Aubrey (Because I miss her), and... all of them at once! Any asks to other characters will not be answered. (Perhaps some will show if you ask the right people)
Rule 2: THIS TAKES PLACE BEFORE DARK OF MANY NAMES! For the unknowing (probably most of you, if notes are concerned) that means that this ask will be set:
- After OMORI’s true ending
- After UNDERTALE’s True Pacifist ending (Only neutral ending gotten before; No-Mercy Run was NOT done)
- During (?) Yume Nikki (Not after the ending, obviously)
- After DELTARUNE Ch. 1, after the return to the Dark World BUT before Cyberworld!
i.e. No asks relating to the Sans fight, Spamton or Queen, Hikikomori Routes, etc.
Rule 3: You can ask the same question to 2 or more members! However, please try not to ask multiple questions to multiple members in one ask. The ask will be “presented” one questions a time. You can submit multiple asks if you don’t question the same person!
Rule 4: Please try not to be “meta.” Player might be the only exception but for them specifically don’t ask about stuff like how they themselves are a fictional character-
Rule 5: No Inappropriate Topics. Come on, this is a T-rated series.
That’s all! Hope to here from all of you!
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
Hi! Sorry if someone's already asked something similar, but I'd love some recommendations for space fantasy games!
THEME: Space Fantasy
Hello friend! You're the first request for this but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't already cultivating this very list!
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Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells, by Diogo Nogueria.
The universe is in collapse, as planets and systems struggle for freedom under the rule of sinister despots. Against the malevolent sorcery of the Overlords stand the few remaining bearers of the legendary Solar Blades.
What will you do when the forces of the Void close in?
Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells is a rules light, Star & Sorcery Role Playing Game with an Old School spirit. This is a complete Role Playing Game, inspired by the Old School Renaissance, the Pulp Literature and the many Science Fantasy stories brought to us by movies, comics and games. Based on the Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells RPG, this game system provides players and Overlords (that's how we call the GM in this game) a set of flexible and streamlined rules, as well as an array of tools to make gameplay fast and fun, allowing them to have exciting adventures with solar blades and cosmic spells!
This game borrows a number of concepts from other game styles including rolling for attributes (a la OSR games), an overarching concept (similar to FATE games), and a character archetype (similar to a character class or a playbook). The system uses only d6s and d20s for dice rolls, and outlines rules for combat, although not as much for Social challenge. This reflects the traditional OSR ethos: if the characters are using creativity to solve a problem, reward it, rather than making them roll for it. There’s also a ton of advice on using sorcery, piloting starships, and encounters with other creatures, hostile and not. If you like having lots of toys to play with, as well as wealth of advice for the GM, you might want to check out this game!
GSXX: Generation Ship, by Harper Jay.
Hundreds of years ago, humanity left the Old World behind in massive generation ships. Dozens of these ships set off into space, seeking new homes. Much of the interior of these ships was set up for farming, and humans took many plants and animals into the stars with them.
The spirits of the Old World came with them. Cut off from the Earth Mother, they changed and evolved. Most found peaceful and content lives, but some lost themselves while out in the Void, becoming wayward and chaotic.
You play as a group of individuals living on one of these ships. While violence and strife are not unheard of, there is enough to contend with when drifting through space without fighting your fellow travellers.If you like quick, light, character creation and the story of a community that must work together in order to survive, Generation Ship might be for you.
Brigand Galaxy, by Hella Broke Studio.
Brigand Galaxy is a game heavily inspired by 90's sci-fi anime in tone and aesthetics. With a focus on the crew as family, and the inevitable confrontation of hidden pasts and troubles coming into conflict with your present selves. It's about cool narrative fights, both outside and inside space ships. It's about running from your past as every good Anime protag does and about bonding with your fellow crew as you scrape a living out of odd jobs and trying to find that one big score.
Welcome to a world of magic and science alike. Where the mystical leylines work as interstellar highways between systems, and where blaster pistols mix with magical spells and mysterious powers. 
Brigand Galaxy is a PbtA-style game that aims for dramatic stories that tie the players together. This game is still in production, so the Bare Bones edition has the rules, equipment, and playbooks, but not much in the way of lore or setting. However, if you get the Bare Bones version, you’ll have automatic access to the final version down the road!
Light, Beacon Edition, by Gila RPGs.
You are a Beacon, an immortal guardian of humanity. Light courses through you, granting you incredible power, and the ability to fight back the darkness that besets humanity from all sides.
Strike out on missions across the Sol system. Wield powerful weapons, unleash devastating powers, get all the loot.
LIGHT Beacon Edition is the definitive version of the LIGHT TTRPG. First released in 2020 as a one page homage to the video game Destiny, LIGHT has expanded over the years with tons of new content. That has all been bundled together into a single book, with new layout and art to bring you the very best of LIGHT.
As a Beacon, you were granted near immortality and incredible power due to a solar event. Humanity has spread itself across the Sol system in a new golden age, and you are its greatest protectors. Strike out on missions across the system as it is beset from all sides by alien threats that would see our Light destroyed. 
If you like modular character builds that can be continuously adjusted to suit upcoming challenges, and if you like high stakes in which humanity’s golden age hangs in the balance, you might want to check out LIGHT.
Scum and Villainy, by Off Guard Games.
Unwise deals. Blaster fights. High adventure among the stars. Welcome to the world of Scum and Villainy.
Scum and Villainy is a Forged in the Dark game about a spaceship crew trying to make ends meet under the iron-fisted rule of the Galactic Hegemony.
Work with the members of your crew to thrive despite powerful criminal syndicates, warring noble families, dangerous aliens, and strange mystics. Explore the ruins of lost civilizations for fun and profit. Can your motley crew hold it together long enough to strike it big and insure your fame across the sector?
Do you want to explore the galaxy? Make some credits on the side? Maybe strike out against a galactic empire? Scum and Villainy can do all of these things, and more. With an original universe with sliding scales on artificial intelligence, mystical powers, and galactic hegemonies, this game allows you to draw on themes from your favourite space-themed media while still putting forth a unique twist. Using the Forged in the Dark system, this game depends on a quick-to-grasp graded success system, with tools that reward you for pushing yourself closer and closer to the brink in exchange for pulling off some daring heists. 
HighWinds, by Karrius.
Highwinds is a sci-fi fantasy space opera RPG, focusing on wild, action movie style fights. Take the role of resourceful heroes on the edge of space and fight pirates, save people from killer robots, and explore ancient vaults locked in astral space.
Highwinds contains all you need to play, and is designed for 1-6 players and one game master. For playing in person, three six-sided dice are recommended for each player. 15 sample characters are included, ready to play as both PCs or antagonists.
If you want to blend elements from a number of different space genres, or if you want lore that has some of its own unique elements, Highwinds is one to check out. Your characters have the opportunity to dip into martial, magic, and psionic talents, and contains unique species, bringing the fantasy to space-fantasy. The game uses d6s for Task Resolution rolls, and at character creation you take Skill Bonuses to reflect your character’s aptitude and training. There’s detailed rules for combat, vehicle management, and taking care of your home base - so if you like getting into the bits and pieces that build a more versatile campaign, Highwinds is a game worth checking out.
Galactic 2e, by Riley Rethal.
GALACTIC is a belonging outside belonging game, inspired by star wars.
tell the character-driven, relationship-focused space opera stories you want to see in the world, using playbook archetypes like THE ACE, THE DEFECTOR, and THE DIPLOMAT, and create a unique and colorful world with pillars, places, and traits that flesh out different factions, forces, and characters in your story.
If you want to tell a Star Wars story and you don’t have a GM (or someone who wants plot out a heavily detailed campaign), or if you want to play now, rather than set up a 2 hour character creation session, Galactic 2e is the game for you. Tell rich, emotionally satisfying stories using a system that doesn’t even require dice. (Also - have you ever wanted to play out your Star Wars ships? You can totally do that in this game.)
Galactic 2E has an abundance of supplements thanks to a game jam that ran back in 2021, so take a look at what you’re interested and pick out whatever makes the perfect Star Wars game for you!
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keykidpilipili · 17 days
Okay but, y'know what I think would be interesting?
If an RPG where you spend the entire game helping these townspeople, only for them to turn on you at the drop of a hat near the end of the game, gave the player the option of whether or not to go back to protecting the town once their name is cleared.
Just, full-on "Okay, you don't want my protection? Have it your way" and leaving them to their fate.
If only because I'm curious how many players would choose to give the townspeople another chance, and how many would just let the town die.
Yeah it is an interesting concept as someone who was stuck for months in the fugitive section of PMD1. (Articuno beating 10+ times your 8-year-old butt convinces one to overlevel on every following playthrough). I don't play the kind of RPGs that offer that much level of decision making(Kotor 1 and 2 probably have that kind of multichoice options).
When done well it can really showcase the layman who is only tangentially involved with the plot make bad choices with whatever info they can get. Especially from who they assume to be trusted authority figures who the narrative gives them little/no reason to distrust prior to that. (And in the current era of misinformation isn't that hyper relevant) For a PMD1 example I rag on Alakazam and the townspeople for trusting Gengar's word but he's barely bending the words of the local storyteller and a sanctioned wise guy. Plus the plot has been hammering about the ever increasing natural disasters that the rescue teams struggle to keep up with. Some insomniac kidnaps a kid because he assumes his family is responsible for the earthquakes keeping him awake. Freaking legendaries attack you because your walking in lined up with significant climate change. I think even without Gengar saying that the human turned into a pokemon deserves to disappear since they left their partner to die, that the townspeople would have gone for murder. If word had gotten out that the player was a human along with Xatu confirming the link between natural disasters and the transformation combined with Ninestales legend already spreading in town, they would have turned against the player.
In a narrative with that idea, I would really love to have an exploration of BOTH choices with their own pros and cons. Without even necessarily killing off the rejected townspeople. Heck a scenario where forgiving too fast by having the protag shove their resentment under the rug locking out some quests. Let's explore how conflict avoidance can strain relationships from unadressed issues. For once have let conflict simmer so every can air their dirty laundry instead of waiting till there's unidentifiable stains on everything.
With all of that said I fully understand why this doesn't happen in most games from a thematic or logistic standpoint(budget).
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sl33py-g4m3r · 3 months
game rambles~~
whenever I'm listening to "old enemy - akira volume" I always add the what sounds like aaaaaaaa in my head cause I first heard the song from nocturne's soundtrack and then found SMT if....
random unrelated but I've been thinking about it; it'd be cool to make an old school COMP to larp as an older SMT protag~~
walking around in public wearing something from a sci fi old school RPG that's really obscure.
maybe its cause I like the franchise to death and got here through the music first and formost; but I didn't realize that really early SMT games are horribly obscure outside Japan. or maybe in too... idk.
idk how I fell into really liking SMT anymore~~ It's like touhou. I got here through the music and now need to actually play some games.
I'm lazy and have been on hiatus from IV
mainly because I'm like "lets take ethics of pacifism too far" and need to pick it back up again.
my brain stopping me from playing games through taking a stupid ethical decision way too far. I hate my brain~~
might also delete my "pacifism in video games" post because it's stupid in hindsight.
Wonder why Zan and Garu are both separate and the same...
will update more on SMT IV playthrough when i pick it back up again~~ Haven't been playing many games lately tho... sadly. Here's hoping that when I do pick it back up again, I get better at nav cause if I don't/can't I'm not getting anywhere... and that makes me sad...
get good or die trying huh...
the RPG version of "running into pits because you don't realize you'll die, cause you're like four years old" just the "this rpg is bull crap sometimes" kinda way. Gotta learn to enjoy getting destroyed or sadly SMT isn't for me, and then I'll feel like a fake fan cause music was my entry.
I think anxiety might be kicking my ass again.... I shouldn't have took a break for a month~~ rip
Love the series to death~~ Hadn't played a single game..... Series is still very fun~~
I can still be a fan, right?
but actually no, I'm a human, lol. I don't have osculating blades nor do I push air around.
I'm now overthinking fun...
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guitarepicgrey · 4 months
WELCOME TO MY BLOG! [ ✚ 20/05/24 -> Now ✚ ]
I'm a new Tumblr user, I think I can confuse with the button or smth... But I'll try to use it!
uh you can use my art as pfp BUT please credit me I beg also use my username as credit not Zephyr,, pronoun they/them
Alt :
I post about arts, my interest ^_^ !!!! I promise I will Improving my art skills too!
I post my random art.. Or school art.. But I post others too.. Like fandom.. And I post my school life
So uh I mostly yapping about my school life idk bro.
And be4 getting into my little introduce : hate comments will get deleted, :D
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My name is "Guitar" (I can't tell my first name) aka or more nicknames : "Math", "Grey", "Zephyr", "Nat"
I use They / Them Pronoun! Do not use she/her or he/him, idc if my irl friends don't know my pronoun cuz they don't know abt it
My favorite color is Grey / Gray / Neon yellow or green / Dark red
I am aroace and genderfluid, I don't really like my gender
My personality is normally like a cold hearted [Actually my EQ too. I don't how how I get so much colder than before.]
I am lefty. Many people misunderstood me. [ I have a lot of creativity, maybe. ]
I am INTP!! (I love sleeping)
◆ Little description here! : I don't likely post on this app, sorry. I love ships! Especially Daminate(cf1225) /Coloredroblot (oc ship)/69 or ninety six (Xfohv)/ Dummy x cashier (Gasa4)/ Cocole, minerscales (rhythm doctor!) !!!
My fav kin is : Protag(EH)/Jamison(CF1225)/Photon, vector(Bss) subspace, stargazer rocket (Phighting) /Dummy(Gasa4)/Cole brew, Hailey(Rhythm doc)/Cruel king, toxic spearman(Block tales)/Marker, liy(Bfb)/Tco, yellow(AvA) !!
(Optional to read but if you wanna know so it's up to you I guess)
[ My hobbies I think ]
◆ I do animate! Actually animate for 2 years. But I'm TOO lazy to animate. I do have my own shows or cartoons. Not really well-animated but making 10 minutes in one episode took three months.
◆ I do art! Not actually the best. Technically there're my friends who literally did better than me. They're actually talented. I'm not jealous. I like my art style.
◆ I do writing! I love writing things that r interesting. I write fighting, novel, spooky, classic genres! Or sometimes I write abt my experiences.
◆ I do Diy/inventing/origami! I love these the best. The best hobby I ever did. I love making card games. Board games. Card game took me so long to make one. According to my card game. It's based by D&D (Dungeons and dragons.) Actually my card games, I'm gonna make it to the game that can play in pc (Computer.) Idk if I can make it to play in mobile and other devices.
◆ I do coding/programing! I use python or c+++. Not really experience but I actually enjoy run my code. I plan to make games!! Took years developing. This game includes my other hobbies too, writing, art and inventing!.. Actually I think python or c+++ can't use RPG Maker program, so I'll have to switch to another
◆ I do ping-pong or table tennis! Not actually liking it but that's the only sport I can do correctly and every time. I rode my bike too. But now I don't have any bike in my garage. Skateboard too. I'm too lazy to practice by myself. So uhh yeah!
That's it. Bye!!
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