#how patpran of me
dribs-and-drabbles · 5 months
Help me choose a colour for a new front door!
Photos below (ignore the dusty tiles).
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To be honest, I think all could work and so it might come down to a difference in cost, but I keep changing my mind on my favourite.
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teasemic · 1 year
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greenteadumplings · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about @sinistergooseberries tags on this post pointing out that since Prans name origins from the Sanskrit word Prana, which means 'life' or 'life source' in Telugu, Hindi and Sanskrit. So everytime Pat calls to Pran as "My Pran" he is pretty much referring Pran as "his life".
My heart can't handle it when Pat calls Pran "My Pran" whenever I read it in fics. Now I'm sure I'll never recover after this.
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
today on thoughts that make me scream its that the thai name for bad buddy series is "just a friend, friend" and how the word friend follows them thoughout their lives and how that is driving me crazy not just because they were forbidden from being "friends", not just because they had to put up a front of enmity while they were clearly helping each other out and cooperating behind closed doors, not just because pat said that life-changing goosebump inducing reverent no when pran asked him if he wanted to be friends, not because thats their dream life that they could have had, had their parents not forced them to hate eo, not because they fell in love and got together or even that they had to fake break up and pretend to hate each other and be "enemies" all over again and then spend years apart where one clutches onto the other's friend unfriend shirt like its an anchor, until he gets back and now they can clutch onto each other, but because all through that time, even in their worst of moments, they always thought about eo, worried about eo and cared about eo, that despite it all they were always, first and foremost, friends.
friends who helped each other, listened to each others worries, gave eo the space to feel things and be vulnerable and talk about it, giving unconditional support and love, while also simultaneously having the most fun dynamic and banter, playing and teasing each other all the time, but yeah also ofc wanting to eat each other up with all the looming and the staring at the lips and the casual intimacy and the public confessions, the kind of friends who know the way you taste lalalaa and i won't ever be getting over it.
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tinycowboybro · 8 months
I miss Bad Buddy.
(I miss the specific fantasy of waikorn I have crafted in my mind)
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bevioletskies · 2 years
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bad buddy’s one-year anniversary | one scene per episode ↳ episode four (original air date: november 19th, 2021)
“We will see…if you can find someone half as good as me.”
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airenyah · 10 months
the way i went into this episode like "what if they end up kissing this ep" lmao
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mahuhumaling · 1 year
the last thing Pat wants is to let Pran slip through his fingers again.
— a drabble inspired by this fanart where Pat stays awake after the end of epsiode 4. he sits up and looks at Pran who has his back turned, asleep.
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why does Pran drive him away? does he not care, did those 3 years apart mean nothing to him that he can just push Pat away so nonchalantly?
all he wants is to be back in Pran's life again — whatever that takes.
maybe it's easier to fall back on the kind of relationship they had before, instead of anything else because it's familiar: the genuine moments hidden beneath fake hostility, the teasing, the way Pran's whines don't quite reach his eyes, the way he relents at the end, as if he can never really hate him.
but now.
now maybe he's gone too far. he says he hates him, and for a minute Pat believes it.
maybe there's a pink painted line he crossed, an invisible road sign he missed, an alarm he slept through.
either way, hearing it stings. right there, in his chest. sharp. quick. the kind that makes him double over.
Pat replies with something, anything, to retort. it comes out flat, sounding more compensating than a diss.
he lays back down when he sees Pran roll over, closes his eyes even though surprisingly he's not that fatigued from the rugby game, and feels Pran tug the blanket back to his.
Pat lets him.
he stays awake, his mind not shutting down and his body still jittery.
but he has his eyes closed and feels his chest rise and fall from the breathing.
Pat opens it again and sits up. when he lays his chin on top of his crossed arms, the only thing he sees is Pran's back. he feels relief wash over himself.
at least Pran gets to rest. he knows that shoulder is still hurting him.
Pat doesn't get it.
what would it take for Pran to look at him like he did before? to talk to him as he did back in highschool?
he doesn't get it.
there's still something sitting on his stomach, heavy, unidentifiable. he can't figure out what.
but maybe if he sleeps it off, he eventually will.
maybe tomorrow, he thinks as he inevitably dozes off, succumbing to the night.
maybe tomorrow.
tomorrow when he wakes up, he'll realize why.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
inspired by @dudeyuri pointing this out in He's Coming to Me
I'm thinking about how HCTM goes HARDER with the concept of 'if you know how it's going to end, why start anything?' than even Bad Buddy.
In Bad Buddy, Pran doesn't see the use in verbalizing his feelings for Pat because it can only end in tragedy. He looks at their situation with their parents and doesn't see any way that he and Pat can have a happily ever after. But Pat's relentless optimism and love in the face of this helps Pran realize that some things are worth trying. Like in the episode 5 rooftop kiss, where Pat kisses Pran and Pran goes "...what the hell. Might as well go all in" and kisses Pat back. (I've talked about the kiss here and here (shout out to @dudeyuri' contributions); and more broadly about Pat and Pran and genre/tragedies here and here)
In Bad Buddy's case, Pran and Pat are able to defy their seemingly pre-destined tragic ending through the power of their relentless determination to be together (see @chickenstrangers' brilliant post here). If it means fake breaking up, if it means hiding parts of their lives from their parents and others, they can do it. They refuse to have their story end in tragedy. And they succeed! They have found enduring love and a future together in a situation where that seemed impossible, a guaranteed inevitability. They defied generations of family feud forbidden romance endings (Romeo & Juliet, Kwan & Riam) (and their own families' intergenerational trauma - see this post by @waitmyturtles) to find a happy ending.
But Bad Buddy's ending is not 100% happy - Pat and Pran aren't able to be open in front of their parents, they aren't able to realize their achingly simple dreams (Pat being respected and not questioned by his father, Pat able to join Pran's family at dinner - see @grapejuicegay 's tags peer reviewed here).
In the same vein, HCTM doesn't have a fully happy ending either, and it also deals with the looming spectre of inevitability tragedy. Only this time, it's even more inevitable.
(If you haven't finished HCTM beware spoilers)
HCTM establishes that ghosts remain because they died before their time, because they don't know the reason they died, or because they didn't get the proper funerary rites. If these issues are rectified, the ghost will be able to pass on and be reincarnated.
(forgive my potentially hazy remembering of HCTM, it's been a few months since I watched it and I'm writing this on a train)
Mes hasn't passed on because he didn't know the reason he died (and he hadn't received the proper care post-death from his family). Thun helps him rectify this: solves the mystery of how he died and helps arrange a proper send-off. Thun does all this because he loves Mes and wants to help him, and despite knowing it will help Mes pass on and leave him - the inevitability of their situation looms large.
At the end of the show, Thun cries because he believes Mes had left him forever, but by some miracle Mes has remained. But this is temporary, and we all know this. One day, Mes will pass on and be reincarnated. Not today - today Mes and Thun get to stay together - but one day, that is how this story will end.
So like Bad Buddy, it's not exactly a happy ending (Pat and Pran are trapped in a glass closet, Thun and Mes will be separated one day). But unlike Bad Buddy, there is less chance of a reversal of fortune, of defying the inevitable. Thun and Mes are working with cosmological forces of death and rebirth. Perhaps their love will be able to overcome this and Mes can stay with Thun... but the show doesn't confirm this. If anything, the show makes it clear that this is temporary, that eventually Mes will leave Thun.
Despite this though, and like always in Aof's stuff - better to have loved and lived than not at all. Despite their less than stellar ending, Pat and Pran have found an enduring love in each other and their lives are better and happier for it (Pat says it himself: he was happier when Pran wasn't in his life because he didn't have to compete so much, but he was damn lonely). Thun and Mes are the same - sure their love won't be everlasting because eventually Mes will have to pass on, but the joy and love it brings to their lives (and the self-realization it brought to Thun's) is worth it all.
Bad Buddy ends in the middle of things (Pran and Pat still haven't rectified things with their family) and so does HCTM (Thun and Mes are together, but only temporarily. We don't see their ending).
Shout out to another @dudeyuri post that made me think about this (here) and @waitmyturtles masterful post about suffering in Asian BLs and, more specifically, the lack of closing loops in narratives/relationships, which I have been mulling over since - Bad Buddy and HCTM's stories aren't over, we don't see the endings.
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charthanry · 1 year
OS2xBBS here we go again with the clown theories
Pran lost in the woods and Pat on a mission to find him.. is this not a callback to EP6? Pran accidentally ‘running away’ with Tian and Pat seeking to follow to 1) assure Pran’s wellbeing and safety and 2) confirm that Pran still needs him.. is so in-character of them both. Pat is not a wait-around-and see kind of guy. He’s a do-er. He sees a problem, his mind is already seeking out solutions (see: bus stop rebuild, Pran ghosting him in EP6, etc.) whether it involves hijacking an architecture beach retreat so Pran could see how serious he is or following him into the woods unknown, Pat is dependably predictable like that.
Now, the real question is how will Pran react to being "rescued" by Pat. Will he fully embrace that this is who Pat is and remind himself this is the very reason why he fell for him in the first place (by his own admission: EP11's "a gangster who butts into other people’s business and helps them. I think that’s pretty cool."), or will they have a heart to heart about Pat allowing Pran to fail on his own. My guess is a little bit of both. 
I'm also willing to bet that with graduation a year away, Pran already has the possibility of Singapore percolating in his mind and is afraid of how to tell Pat. His semi-distancing himself from Pat is to prove that he can figure things out on his own (i.e. live away from Pat and somehow survive). I think all of this dovetails nicely into what we get in EP12 and also hints at Pat accepting Pran’s decision about Singapore as something Pran needs to do right now, and more importantly, accepting that it has nothing to do with Pran no longer needing him. This also ties back to Pat not being a wait-around-for-you kind of guy, but for Pran he’s willing and he does.
TLDR; P’Aof out here setting our heros on their individual journeys towards each other (again) with Pran determined to do things on his own attempting to shed his dependancy on Pat and Pat very stubbornly wanting to help for fear that Pran has outgrown him. BBS, how very bad buddy of you.
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dudeyuri · 1 year
The angel in my mind: I hope Pat and Pran desperately embrace each other while reuniting after this harrowing experience
The devil in my mind: I hope Pat calls Pran out for leaving him behind again and they TALK ABOUT WHAT’S BEEN BUGGING PRAN
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laesas · 2 years
KPTS Playlists
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Kim's Album || Chay's Album
So the concept behind this is that Kim releases a post-canon album and Porchay releases an album of his own in response. I love the idea of how the songs on each of these would affect the other person listening to them, as well as giving both characters the ability to use songs to communicate feelings that they can't express openly in person.
KimChay - Why else would I tutor you?
A big mixture of both KimChay albums + some extras that didnt fit either album but fit KimChay as a whole or inspired me while writing.
Additional Playlists and rambling under the cut 🖤
VegasPete Shoot Me || VegasPete Let it Out
I love both these VP moods but struggled with mixing them in a single playlist! The vibes were too all over the place - so now theres one for the emotional stuff and one for the self-destructive decisions bourne from hedgehog funerals and bisexual lighting
SO! Thoughts on playlists:
The concepts behind the KimChay playlists are my favourite and they're the ones I put the most thought into! - I started them back in july and I'm still adding to them now! They're not necessarily all about Kim and Chay's relationship per-se, there are a couple that I think really fit Kim's relationship with his brothers for example, or the way that Porchay feels living in the compound with his lack of autonomy. I've tried to keep a consistent sound/vibe throughout and match both the lyrics and the sound to the melancholy post canon situation!
My absolute favourite is Chay's album (lovingly referred to as the chaylist). Picturing the absloute breakdown Kim would have listening to some of these songs sang by Chay is so delicious to think about. Hopefully these would be the catalyst to a KimChay resolution!
There are a couple of other less developed/experimental playlists like for KinnBig, Tankhun (sad lol) and KimBig on my spotify profile! (as well as some other non KP playlists)
If you liked any of these, found a new favourite, or found them useful/helpful for art/writing/rotating the faves in your mind, feel free to share and to come yell at me about them here! DMs are open, anons are on! I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!
#KimChay#The Chaylist is out lads#there are somehow... 4 people following it... already..... which is like girl i have shared this nowhere..... how did u get here lol :')#kim kp#chay kp#playlists#if you guys make anything inspired by this I would love love LOVE it if you tagged me! not to credit! like just @ me in the replies!!#like no pressure to do so I would just love to see it!#I'm nosy and excitable and I want to *S E E*#also I tend to be incredibly picky with *vibes* + lyrics so out of not wanting to offend anyone I'm not going to take 'add this!' requests!#but also if there's a song that's perfect for the blorbos that isn't on the playlist - anon is on and my inbox is open! I love music recs!#also if you have just general ''think about this character + this song!'' thoughts i would LOVE that! hehe#if u have a character... that you want a song rec for........... i could do that lol#my head is full of nothing but little guys#I have thoughts about pretty much all of the characters + xyz song *constantly* haha#I dont have a 'happy' kimchay playlist but that's only bc the vibes were near identical to the PatPran playlist I already have titled ):)#also if you spot the playlists where i went through taylor swifts entire discography and worked out every song where she was in a car#and then every song where she uses public transport#then no you dont.#that would be. unhinged...... 👀#I think my next one will be a Tankhun happy playlist which would refine the sadder Tankhun playlist a bit better#it's a similar problem to VegasPete. The dichotomy of my favourite boy knows no bounds!#ANYWAY#Send tweet or whatever#kpts
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
Episode 7 Pat : To lose or not to win that is the question
Okay I saw a post talking about how episode 7 pat "loses the bet everyday" and how in this rooftop scene...
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Pat raises the stakes (asking pran to confess in public) to keep Pran from saying the words just then (knowing he won't take that option) is making me feel and think a lot of things and now my brain is all over the place and i might as well just all note it down here or i won't have peace of mind.
At the outset i want to confess that eventhough i know that the bet has been for pran's sake i still viewed at as a legitimate competition that both pat and pran were trying to win, but i'm realising more and more how (for a large part of the bet) that just wasn't the case at all.
Pat came all the way from Bangkok to the hostile architecture trip alone only and only for Pran. Pat wants to be with him. Pran knows that and Pat knows that Pran knows that. He hasn't tried to hide it at all.
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Pat knows that Pran has feelings for him, Pran knows that Pat knows that. But he also isn't ready to admit what it would entail and the familiarity of competition between them allows him to explore that.
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"Whoever falls in love first loses" - when both of them know that they have feelings for each other, is hilaaaarious on first watch, but once you've rewatched it countless times and reached a whole new level of brain rot where your blood cells have p cells embedded within p cells in them then it isn't funny, it isn't funny at all * screams into a pillow *
Coming back to the bet, and what it actually means which is that whoever admits it(their feelings) first, loses. And all of us including pat and pran know that pat has already lost. Him coming to the trip just to get Pran to talk and his confession that he actually didn't like Ink 'like that' is all pointing to just one very obvious thing.
So Pat has already lost and yet they're both entering into the bet as if on equal ground. Pat could (and is very much willing to) keep losing over and over again, he very clearly wants to be with Pran but he would keep the charade of the bet up if it meant Pran wasn't ready.
Which means that the entire time that they were teasing and flirting with each other, all throughout episode 7, pat keeps on losing just for Pran's sake.
Do you realise how absolutely insanely madly crazy (mature) in love Pat is???? This might be a childish bet to YEW but to him its a space for Pran (and him) to explore their feelings without the responsibility of a relationship on them, it's actually revolutionary.
Kinda like killing with kindness, which basically sums up the kinda guy Pat is when he's with Pran.
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"Don't force me to" he says in response to Pran's "You're just not brave to" (confess) when all of us know Pat is very well brave enough to do that and that is exactly what Pat is reiterating here. He's saying "you very well know why i'm partaking in this charade don't act like you don't i could kiss your competitive ass right now but im not doing it cos i want you to (admit that you) want it".
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The man is basically losing (coming over to play and then offering to clean pran's face cos he looked upset screams somebody who wants to win real bad right hahahah NOT *argh pat can you not be so unreally sweet people have to go back to their real lives with real men to be disappointed by*) over and over again asking Pran to "just let me love you, you dork".
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Here Pat is literally doing the confession, the very thing they started the bet stating, "i'll make you beg on your knees for me", well he's almost doing the next best thing, and he's doing it willingly, in front of people, with the most genuine smile on his face.
And when he raises the stakes on the rooftop and he does it entirely for Pran again. As much as he wants to be with Pran he equally wants it to be when Pran is ready for it. Not for it to be a decision he is forced or boxed into. He doesn't want to beat Pran he wants Pran to walk into the loss like he himself did, over and over again, because that's just the kinda guy he is.
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Boy basically said if me winning the bet means you losing your chance to make that choice for yourself then i don't want that kinda win.
Which is why he's been willingly giving up all the chances to win throughout the episode, but continuing to put up the charade of the bet cos 1. yeah ofc its loads of fun teasing pran and he is so grateful he gets to be close to him again but more importantly 2. he can't (but he is fully willing to) wait for Pran to mentally be ready to get into a relationship.
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"As for me, when i have a lover, I always let my lover win" - And truer truths haven't been told. Man has been losing since the very beginning. And that too happily. He is only doing it to give Pran the time that he deserves to process the whole thing and accept his love.
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See even here he isn't expecting Pran to confess his love and sweep the whole bet thing away.
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Look at Pat pausing trying to figure out what Pran is doing here. I can almost hear the cogs in his brain turn, until the very moment that Pran extends his hand to wipe the stray piece of rice away and then gives him that look. The look that says, "I love you, i'm done making you wait, thankyou, i love you".
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So to conclude, Pat like the simp he is entered the bet (and kept willfully losing) only to make Pran comfortable. And literally the first moment that he completely feels comfortable, Pran gives in.
This whole post is borne out of my thoughts after i read what was said in here.
For more of my bet era patpran brainrot :
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gennianydots · 1 year
I’m going to *actually literally* die in 37 days when Pat and Pran are on my screen again.
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incognitomoustache · 1 year
.....I feel like this whole episode could have been avoided/condensed if
A) Pran had been allowed to have a frank talk with Chief Phupha from the start
B) Tian didn’t insist on unnecessarily walking into the woods and getting lost for no reason several times
Or, y’know, if these two grown-ass men could just communicate with each other in general
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actually-yikes · 1 year
criminal that my long awaited vacation is preventing me from seeing the new our skyy episodes
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