#how tf did i not not the ship name DAVE
ineffablejaymee · 5 months
sometimes family is a succesfull woman and her green flag husband co-parenting her lame ex and his alien parasite boyfriend
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noahtally-famous · 11 months
I remember how I had a very minor, barely-there jaskaveawn (or whatever tf their ship name is) fic idea that’s like a ‘fresh start’ trope with the absolute slowest of slow burns and it’s these four coming across each other post-tdpi. and it came abt bc I randomly imagined dave in one of those hairstyles where his sides are shaved or one side is, and the hair at the top (and maybe the other side) just flops together on that side. like punk vibes dave who stops giving a shit and is just tired now. this man def had an emo phase, I bet, and I’ve no doubt he would adopt the punk style (at least the general looks) if motivated
but abt the fic idea...
dave was rescued from the island due to lawsuits and his family’s influence, but everyone else assumed he was a goner and that niggling bit of guilt/regret is still there in the rest of the three (bc y’know they’re all good ppl who do have some form of connection with him, despite it all). then sometime later there’s a confrontation at a bar between dave and keith—who fucking hates his guts after the finale—and somehow dave ends up from being in an alley, close to hyperventilating bc of how grimy it is, to waking up with a hangover in jashawn’s apartment/house, and he ends up staying there, temporary at first but it stretches as time passes bc he’s drifting around with no tether; he's lost physically and metaphorically, and while he doesn't want to ever see the three ppl who, in his eyes, took part in making him this way, there is a smaller part (that grows with every interaction) that yearns for it, the touch, the acceptance, the grounding support of normalcy; he craves it but he, too, is filled with regret and shame--especially when he sees sky for the first time since the incident, and finds out that she, jasmine, and shawn still keep in touch. he feels out-of-the-loop, but he also feels he deserves it. what he did went against his believes of normalcy and he hates himself for reacting so 'abnormally extreme'. and then there's sky who doesn't know how she feels anymore so she suppresses it and honestly doesn't want to see dave and that doesn't change drastically until much later; then there's jasmine who takes sky's side more but is partially willing to hear dave out, and shawn, who's more or less the opposite (leans toward dave's side, but also sky's bc he gets both sides) like he's also stuck at the center of all this bc dave did inadvertently try to kill him too in his spite--but with all four of them in the same apartment, things get a little...well, something starts to grow. (plus there are some more keith cameos here and there that bolster that growth, though I'm sure he doesn't mean it to lmao). overall the fic touches upon the idea that every character is capable of growing and redemption, the concept of perception, how they live post-td with former competitors, but also the utter angst and panic and misunderstandings, and yeah. in my head, it’s a rollercoaster and I’ve these random scenes mapped out that I’ve no idea how to connect lmao
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darthbecky726 · 3 years
Bad Batch 1x07 Spoilers
I’m back on schedule for now, besties. It’s time to watch the next ep!!
Spoilers below as always <3
Promising episode title
I’ve been saying this since mando, the sw title sequence kicks ass
Nice opening
I love echo and tech
Shut up tech lmaoo
I love wrecker
I love how tech was basically just waiting for echo to finish lol
I love cid
Love how echo went and grabbed it w like his stick hand like none of y’all could’ve grabbed that?? lmaoo
I love wrecker and omega
Lmao cid
I love her
Lmao clueless bois 
Lmao wrecker
He will not
I love side characters
I love how she says boyys
Omg tech
Rex ilysm 
Causing chaos
Cid lmao
I love how offended echo gets when she calls it a clone clubhouse he’s like we’re not all that bad. Honey. Sweetie. Y’all are that bad.
“It’s been a while” lmao stfu its been like three months
Echo’s audacity
Y’all ain’t exactly subtle
I knew it was rex they were talking to!!
Wrecker hug!!
Every rule has it’s exceptions, omega. Rex is the exception to all the rules.
He’s awesome
I love her
Rex knows what tf is up w wrecker
He’s had these headaches
Noo tech he has every right to be concerned, he nearly shot ahsoka
Except in crosshair lmao
Oof rex suddenly don’t trust them lollll
Judgmental rexter
“rexxxxx....” they’re so cautious tho tbf rex is actin a lil crazy 
I love the music here
Ooh rex getting real
I wonder if omega has a chip
Lmao bestie you cannot drop that bomb and then peace tf out what
That answers that
Lol omega’s fluent in tech
I love how much they trust rex like he is their bestie
Fuckin sick planet design
My boiiii in full gear!! We love to see it
Lmao wrecker
Scrapper guild wtf is that
Good thing these bois are trained for stealth
So anyway, I’ll be billing Dave Filoni for therepy
Awwwww, they’ve all been on ships like this countless times, rex and echo especially but omega hasn’t ever been on anything bigger than the Marauder
Lol more rex is old jokes
Oooh sounds like a dianoga
Say her name, rex. Echo loved ahsoka, she was the lil sis of the 501st
Lol wrecker’s fear of heights again
It is a dianoga!!
This is not great
Thank you, echo. Being helpful, shooting the dianoga
I love how omega is the first one on the ledge to help him up
Space rats
Lol tech
Lmao rex
I like how hunter grabbed his pack and wrecker like, lightly swatted his arm, that is peak sibling interaction
Awwww, worried baby
It’ll be ok, omega, if the batch dies, rex’ll take you in, he loves younglings
Rex is so proud of hunter bein a dad lol
Oof wrecker starting to be affected by the chip
Is echo still plugged into the computer?? Where’s he at??
Oh there he is
Rex you’re being very shady
Don’t fuckin say the order, rex, you’ll trigger him more
Oh no
I love the sound design here omg
 I hope tech’s ok
What was that, o2?
Wrecker is very efficient at killing
It’s prob gonna take more than that to get him down, hunter
It took ahsoka stunning rex to get him into surgery
This isn’t a good look on you, wrecker
He’s not gonna let that door stop him, omega
Love the lighting
She says their names so weird with her accent
Ooooh this hurts
Thank you rex, finally
You didn’t think to email ahsoka and ask her??? She was the one on the other end and she had Jesse banging the door down behind her
They’re all so worried
Awwww omega’s so cute
Tech omg fix ur tone lmao
She will not leave wrecker
I love her
Are the rest of them gonna get their chips out?? 
They all fell asleep
Did they have to shave tech and hunter’s hair?? Lol
Wtf is echo doing 
He’s so guilty but she’s not having it they’re so pure
I love them
Lol hunter’s bandana covers it so they don’t have to change his character model to compensate for missing hair
Finding crosshair! Don’t write him off yet!
I love rex
I miss rex already
Ugh now we’ve gotta deal w this shit
Ok, that was a good ep, finally resolved the chip thing for them (can’t wait for crosshair to come back so they can remove his too).  Loved seeing rexter again, he is best boi. 
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testifytime2-blog · 7 years
hey i really love your blog and i'm kinda wondering, what was with you being against art being tagged dav/eka/t when you expected it to be joh/nda/ve?
Okay so, short answer? I’m not a great fan of dav/eka/t. 
Long answer? When I got into the fandom, I like, really got attached to some meta I saw. A lot of it was based around Dave’s pretty obvious feelings for John, and brought up one of my absolute favourite tropes of all time: the friend who’s been quietly in love with them all along, who gives everything for them and kinda expects nothing but the friendship back, and eventually ends up with them in the end as some sort of realisation that, hey, you’ve been here the whole time and I’d be lost without you. It’s so fucking romantic to me, okay, and just. The way they bounce off of and foil each other gets me, like, Dave did so fucking much for John, and once you get past that stupid amount of “I’m not a homosexual” (yes John we know, you’re bi, honey, get with the picture), and get them in a relationship, I just. I love the dynamic. John learns shit and becomes a Better Person(TM) and Dave stops hiding stuff from him cus he thinks he needs to be this persona for John’s sake, or because he thinks John expects shit of him that maybe aren’t true. You end up having two teenage boys in love, who’ve grown up kinda together and just. Are happy, you know? I love every fanfic I read of it, even the ones where sad shit happens, cus somehow it always works out. It’s just a lot of tropes, basically, and they’re tropes that always hit me right in the chest (for more examples: see the fact that I ship Koujaku and Aoba from DMMD for the same reason) but a little bit more, I was allowed to get into the ship on my own. I saw a few bits of fanart, looked up the fanfiction, got into it at my own pace and genuinely enjoyed it.
When it comes to dav/eka/t, though... Well, firstly, I don’t understand the appeal..? A lot of that can be written down to the fact that I’ve not read the entire comic; the last I knew of their relationship on the meteor, it was pre-retcon, and they barely got on. While I guess I could ship that black, I generally need some form of... attraction? To get me to ship a thing? To me, Dave and the Karkles don’t seem to fit unless they have a barrier to get them both to chill tf out (usually either John or Jade in my ships) - it’s just one of those weird things. I can’t enjoy shipping them singularly, and a lot of that is cus I only saw meta posts explaining it after this next thing, by which point I was put off the ship entirely and wrote off everything I read.A lot of this can be put down to what I mentioned before. Remember the emphasis on “I was allowed to get into the ship on my own”? Yeah, I got more into the fandom just about when dav/eka/t became canon. So instead of being able to figure out why people like the ship, the good parts of it, the ways it worked, etc... I got a bunch of people violently declaring all other ships were invalidated and you couldn’t ship them because of this canon thing, saw a horrendous amount of drama and discourse over it, and just. Got completely turned off the ship. I mean, the amount of “you’re homophobic if you don’t ship it” posts I saw blew my goddamn mind. I never got a chance to like, tiptoe into it, and so I just vehemently hate the ship. Questionably, I don’t even dislike it as a ship, I just dislike the fandom around it and the way I got introduced to it. I just have a lot of Bad Vibes from it, and I’m pretty sure I’m never really gonna enjoy it because of that. It’s part of the same reason I’m not a huge fan of ros/ema/ry. There was, again, the whole “if you don’t ship it you’re wrong” feel to it, and instead of getting into it in my own time, I had people aggressively shoving it down my throat. It’s maybe stupid, but I can’t enjoy a ship if I get introduced to it that way. It gets my back up and I just deny it completely (also case in point: I can’t stand Ge/rI/ta in the He/ta/li/a fandom cus of this). 
Arguably another part of it is just. I hate troll/human ships. Why? Because Hussie fucked up troll/troll and human/human ships and that pisses me off. At least the not-straight ones. Like, case in point, right? Hor/ruf/io/h (prolly no the ship name but I’m gonna go with it) and dir/kja/ke. We’re introduced to them as they’re deteriorating, where Ruf’s done gone and cheated already on one person, and is maybe gonna cheat on another; Dirk and Jake were just fucking awful for each other, both wearing down the other until they eventually split in one of the worst ways possible - and that just. Really ruffled my feathers? So. Okay gay ships only work if they’re cross-species? I guess? Good to know. I guess two guys dating is completely unimaginable unless one of them’s an alien. Cool. It really fucked me up when I read it when I was younger, and I’ve been highkey salty about it ever since. Dav/eka/t being made canon on top of all that? And all the troll/troll and human/human not-straight ships (you know the ones) being left vague at best? Fucking frustrating. Again, maybe a bit stupid, but it really gets my back up just. How it was handled in general and the sort of vibe it gives across.
So, to answer as a like, tldr of “why was I against art being tagged as dav/eka/t when I expected it to be joh/nda/ve?” I just really, vehemently dislike the former as a ship for many, many reasons, whereas I love the latter for many more. And I’m the kind of person who reacts really strongly to disappointment when I’m on a happy high - so finding what I thought was my fav ship, only for it to be one I really don’t care much for? Serious drop and complete frustration (esp. since it was human!Kark, so when I saw it, I didn’t even think twice about it maybe being him rather than John - it was only just as I was gonna reblog it that I saw the tag, and I felt Betrayed(TM) )
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deztinywarriors · 7 years
My voice for Choices Ask
[B]1. Favorite Choices game? Endless Summer [B]2. Favorite/Least favorite sibling to play as in Rules of Engagement? Favorite is Party Girl Sister (I named her Anna) and least one is bookish sister (I named her Esmeralda) [B]3. Did you save Grace or Raj in Endless Summer? Of course la! They're the twins friends too [B]4. Favorite book of The Freshman/The Sophomore? Book 4. Traveling is my dream plot [B]5. Opinion on Kenji Katsaros? Not bad [B]6. Favorite 3 female LIs? [I](I'm more to straight girl IRL but you asked for it since I can play as male character too) 1) Estela Montoya 2) Val Greaves 3) Eva/Minuet [B]7. Favorite 3 male LIs? 1) Jake Mackenzie 2) Zigmund 3) The bartender (I named him Daniel) [B]8. What did you name your hawk in TCaTF? Pietro [B]9. Opinion on the whole Brooke/Keo thing? Neural ~ [B]10. Any Choices characters that you just Can’t Stand? King Luther. Full of betrayal on only think of his own agenda. As well as Lila. [B]11. What are 5 things you would like pixelberry to implement in Choices? 1) Plot variation 2) Realistic background picture 3) Music~ 4) Interracial characters 5) Cautious choices. One wrong move and your character will die [B]12. Do you look like any characters from Choices? Nope. They don't create any characters with wearing hijab yet. [B]13. Favorite ship from Endless Summer? Anything canon [B]14. When did you start playing Choices? October 2016 [B]15. What are you most excited for in the future of Choices? More European based characters and plots [B]16. Sam or Dave? Both! [B]17. First Choices game you played? Freshmen, Crown and Flame and Most Wanted. Played at the same time. [B]18. What genre would you like to see Choices expand into? Adventure and mystery [B]19. How much do you spend on diamonds per week? I have to replay stories for hours for that [B]20. Favorite non-canon ships in the pixelberry universe? Nope [B]21. Who do you ship Kenna with? Dominic [B]23. Opinion on the Diamond Discourse™? Neutral~ [B]24. What characters do you wish you saw more of? More European based (especially German) but as love interests [B]25. Are there any Choices games you don’t play? High School Story [B]26. Favorite part of being in the Choices fandom? Get the full mark on completing the book [B]27. Who do you ship with the MC of The Royal Romance? Prince Liam (or Drake if I failed) [B]28. Blake, Carter or Mira with Party Twin? Blake [B]29. Mark, Leah, or Ben with the LoveHacks? Mark [B]30. Do you ship Sam and Dave? Possibly happened so yes [B]31. Who do you think the traitor in TRR is? I dont like accuse anyone yet so keep it secret [B]32. Opinion on Hero so far? Not bad [B]33. Favorite non-MC ships in Endless Summer? Grace + Alister [B]34.Did your MC in Braidwood Manor end up with someone? Victor [B]35. Which suitor did you choose for the MC in RoE? The Bartender (Daniel) [B]36. Hottest Choices LI / LI that matches your personal tastes best / you would date if they existed IRL? Jake McKenzie. I'm more interested on bad boy and mysterious man, and he reminds me of my OC (Kyle-Ryll Vambürt) [B]37. LI from The Freshman you will only ever see as a friend? All of them [B]38. Opinion on Maxwell as a LI? Neutral ~ [B]39. Favorite and least favorite character in #LoveHacks? Neutral~ [B]40. Kenna, Sei, Rose, or Jackson with Dom? Kenna [B]41. Favorite ship(s) in Choices that the game doesn’t allow you to ship? Nope [B]42. How wrecked were you by the ending of TCa TF? Still okay [B]43. Did you pair any of the other LoveHacks characters besides MC with their love interests? (Ex: Felix with Isabel) Nope [B]44. Did you make the brother and Elena in RoE date for real? Possibly [B]45. Which book/series in Choices has your favorite art style? Endless Summer [B]46. Zig, Kaitlyn, James, Becca, or Chris? Zig. I'm more interested on bad boy type of man [B]47. Favorite Choices game in the Romance category? All. I don't like to choose [B]48. Did you pair Audrey and Nerdy Twin? Neutral [B]49. Did you ship the MC of Endless Summer with anyone? (As Kaira) Jake McKenzie (As Abel) Estela Montoya [B]50. 5 nOTPs?  Nope [B]51. Stance on Pay to Gay™? Neutral~ [B]52. Favorite series in Choices? Endless Summer [B]53. How do you feel about TRR most likely getting a second book? Get the justice! [B]54. 5 favorite content creators in the fandom? ......... [B]55. Favorite kid in tHoBM? Clarissa [B]56. Who are your favorite fic writers in the fandom? ........ [B]57. How do you feel about Murder King™? Neutral [B]58. Have you ever participated in Choices Creates? Used to but not quite enough to win [B]59. Which suit (or gym clothes) did you go with in Hero? The MC type [B]60. Least favorite Choices game High School Story. I don't like high school genre
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