#how to become and animagus
lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 11 - Gentle
@jegulus-microfic May 11, Word count 790
Previous part First part
James and Regulus avoided each other for the next few days. James hadn’t said anything to the others about their meeting on the quidditch pitch or what happened in the come and go room. All they knew was that he was meeting him on Wednesday. 
James paced back and forth in front of the wall on the seventh floor. The wooden door appeared and he went in. This time there was a sofa in front of the fireplace. James flung himself on it and waited for Regulus. 
Apparently it was comfortable as he’d dozed off. He woke when Regulus walked in and questioned the room.
“James?” He asked, his voice tinged with confusion. Regulus was slightly late and James should have been there. 
James stuck his arm in the air and waved as he yawned loudly. 
“Over here,” Regulus walked around the sofa and James waved his hand in front of his mouth as he yawned again. “Right so,” He began as he sat up and spun his legs to the ground. “While you have the mandrake leaf in your mouth you don’t need to do anything but keep it there. The more fiddly bits come after.” Regulus sat next to him and listened intently. “When you take it out you’ll need to take one of those phials and make sure you do it under the fun moon. We’re going to keep Moony in these next two moons, but I’m going to keep you company just in case he gets out, which he shouldn’t.” James reiterated. “We have to let him out, he can’t do it on his own. Then you put the leaf in the phial along with some of your hair.”
“My hair? Like polyjuice potion?” Regulus’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
“Yeah, kind of. I suppose it’s so the spell knows it's about you. I’m going to go into the woods about a week before because I need to collect enough dew for seven teaspoons from somewhere that’s never seen sunlight or had human feet near it. Luckily, deer hooves don't count.” He grinned at Regulus. “It was a nightmare when we did it. Peter kept standing in the places we wanted to collect the dew from, so we ended up leaving him tied to a tree while Sirius and I went to gather the dew. It would have been fine if his screaming hadn’t made an Acromantula curious. We were lucky to get out of there.”
“Wait, there’s Acromantula in the forbidden forest, and you willingly go in there.” He looked at James as though he was mad. “Well, as long as you don’t go near the nest they tend to leave you alone. Okay, where was I? Oh, yeah, so seven days of putting the dew in the phial, and then we need to find a Death’s- head Hawk Moth Chrysalis from somewhere. That’s going to be hard. And then that's it for the potion. I’ll tell you the rest later, but for now that's what we need to concentrate on.” It was a lot of information, but James didn’t doubt for a second that Regulus had absorbed every word. 
“The Death’s- head Hawk Moth Chrysalis is easy.” Regulus told James with a smug grin. “Professor Slughorn has given me a key to his private stores to use as I like.” James’s jaw dropped in awe. 
“How did you manage that?” 
“I’m an excellent potioneer, and I told him the student stores didn’t carry the ingredients I needed for the more advanced potions I wanted to brew, so he gave me his spare key and told me not to tell anybody.” Mischief flickered in his eyes, just like Sirius’s did. James was more than impressed. 
“Devious little snake,” He said, winking to soften his words. 
“Foolhardy lion,” Regulus shot back, but his voice was almost gentle, taking all the bite out of it. James laughed and threw his arms behind his head as he relaxed in to the sofa. 
“That's me,” He grinned broadly. “Well, I suppose that's it then. On the next full moon, I’ll meet you outside your common room again and take you outside. You could do it from a window, but it’s best not to take chances and, anyway, you’re in the dungeons, so no windows any way.”
“Just because you live like an owl, Potter.” Regulus sniped back, but again the venom was gone. 
They sat for a few minutes in comfortable silence watching the flames flicker in the fireplace before Regulus got up and left. 
“See you in a few weeks then, I guess,” Regulus said before he went through the door. 
“Yeah, sure.” James replied. And that was that. They didn’t talk much until the next full moon. 
Next part
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juniemunie · 2 years
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"Close enough."
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tenacious-minds · 5 months
I’ve been listening to endrinas the language of flowers fic, and in the authors notes of chapter 1 of part three, they mention how the book never explained how Sirius got his wand back, and my immediate reaction was “I always assumed they never bothered to take it off him”.
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months
James hyping up Reg the entire time he's trying to become an animagus but the second it works and he turns into a massive lion he's devastated that he's been out-done
The first thing he says is 'WHAT THE FUCK HOW IS THAT FAIR??'
Then he realises how funny it is that his Slytherin bf has the most gryffindor animagus possible and gets over it
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dreamer0903 · 2 months
AU where Regulus animagus is a black cat, he starts to hang out in the Gryffindor common room to stalk James (yes, he is a little crazy like this) and obviously James is smitten with the kitten, he picks him up all the time, he pets it and give him endless kisses and treats.
One day, Regulus gets bold and ends up in the marauders room, specifically on James' bed, snuggling in his clothes. James is so happy and proud that the cute cat chose him and starts telling everyone about it.
The rumours get to the Slytherins, and Barty and Evan tease Regulus so much that he stops going to the Gryffindor common room.
Later that same year, Regulus and James began to start seeing each other, and at one point, James tells Reg that he is an animagus and (to make himself more interesting) tells him how difficult it is to become one and brag about it so much that Regulus just rolls his eyes and transform himself right in front of James.
Needless to say that James easily connects that Regulus is the black kitten that loved to snuggle next to him.
They get together not long after that.
I love them,
take care, babes ✨️
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moonstruckme · 1 month
Hello hello!! Was wondering if you’d be interested in writing a fic where r loves to cuddle and play around w Sirius in his animagus form, but perhaps he gets a bit too excited and scratches or shoves her too hard? Thought this could turn out super cute 🤭 thank you!
This was so fun, thanks for requesting lovely! I did it with whimsical reader, hope that's okay <3
Sirius Black x whimsical!reader ♡ 1.2k words
When you get home, your dog is waiting for you on the porch. 
“Hi, puppy!” Your delight is obvious in your voice, and he grins at you (can dogs grin? You’re not sure, but this one does) as he bounds down the couple of steps to meet you halfway. 
Your fingers find the spot between his shoulders automatically. His tail starts wagging, snout resting against your forearm almost affectionately. For the past few days, you’ve come home to find this strange dog by your house, seemingly awaiting your arrival, with no collar or caretakers in sight. You’d be worried for him if he didn’t seem so well cared for. His black coat is always shiny and clean, and he doesn’t look underfed like you might expect a stray to be. For only having known each other a few days, you’ve become fast friends. 
“Puppy puppy puppy,” you murmur contentedly, using both hands to scratch behind his ears and all down his back. The dog reacts with a pleased sort of complacence, as though this is the sort of treatment he knows he deserves. It reminds you of something you can’t place. “How was your day? Are you hungry at all?”
Hungry must be a word he knows, because the dog perks up, licking your hand eagerly. 
You beam at him. “Yeah? I have some chicken in the fridge, would you like that?” 
This time, he gives a short bark. 
“Okay, let’s go.” You walk towards the door, patting your thigh for him to follow. “Gosh, you’re just the handsomest boy I’ve ever met. Don’t tell my boyfriend I said that, though. Maybe don’t tell him I’m letting you inside either.” Sirius is a bit odd about having animals in your home; that one time you brought in a snake you found in your garden, his face had gone so white you worried he was going to fall over and hurt himself. 
Your new friend follows you inside and into the kitchen without so much as glancing around, like in your home is somewhere he’s supposed to be. If you get any more attached to him, that might be a case you have to make to Sirius at some point. A dog this lovely just should not be forced to stay outdoors when he’s so comfortable in here. He’s clearly a kindred spirit. 
“All right.” You fish out a skinny piece of chicken from last night’s leftovers, holding it out to him. You plan to lower it close to his mouth, but the dog jumps up, snatching it from your fingers with a click of his teeth. “Oh!” you startle. “Um, good boy.” 
He gives you another one of his signature canine grins, wagging his tail for more. You give him a few more pieces before you cut him off, but the dog seems just as happy being pet, soaking up your praises and rolling over to encourage you to rub his belly. 
“Oh, you’re so sweet, you’re my handsomest boy, aren’t you?” you coo as his back leg kicks excitedly. “Are you the best boy in the whole world, my sweet baby? Okay, fine, one more bite of chicken.” 
You stand up to retrieve it, and the dog rolls over, jumping up to meet you. You squeal as he licks your face, but then his paw slips, short claw marking a harsh line down your collar and chest. He whimpers softly when you flinch, dropping back to the ground remorsefully. 
“Sorry.” You’re not sure what you’re apologizing for, but you extend the piece of chicken as a peace offering. 
The dog tucks his tail between his legs. 
“It’s okay.” You crouch in front of him, still holding out the chicken. “It was an accident. It didn’t even hurt.” 
You could swear that was apology in the dog’s big black eyes as he takes a step toward you. He takes the chicken gently between his teeth, munching on that before licking your hand. 
You smile at him, but when you reach for his head to scratch his ears, he turns and trots out of the room. 
“Hey!” You stand up, watching as he goes right out the open front door, disappearing from sight. You give a weak whistle. “Come here, puppy, it’s okay!” 
The dog doesn’t come back. You sigh, confused and a tad hurt, but put the chicken away and close the fridge. You shut the front door, too, but no sooner do you do that than you hear a key in the lock, and then your boyfriend is pushing it back open. 
“Hi!” Your mood is immediately righted, a light sort of contentedness inflating in your chest. 
“Hey, sweetness.” Sirius runs a hand through his hair, oddly ruffled from a wind you must not have noticed outside. He starts for you, but then his eyes drop to your chest. “What happened there?” 
“Oh, it’s nothing.” You wave a hand, but Sirius’ eyes are sad as he comes closer. The scratch is shallow, not even really bleeding, but from the delicate way he touches your shoulder you’d think you’d been stabbed through with a broadsword. “I was playing with a dog—outside, playing with him—and he jumped on me.” 
Your boyfriend’s eyes flicker up to yours at the fib, something that could be amusement or knowing or both in them, but you tell yourself it couldn’t be either. Then it passes, and his mouth purses sorrily. “Oh, no,” he says, thumb sweeping over your shoulder sympathetically. “Does it hurt?”
“Not really. It just stings, a little.” 
He pouts. “We should probably clean it so it doesn’t get infected. That dog really got you, huh?” 
“I think he felt bad afterward,” you say, letting him pull you towards the bathroom. “It was an accident, he just got excited.” 
Sirius nods ardently. “Can hardly blame him for that. Who wouldn’t get a little overexcited, with the world’s prettiest girl paying them attention?” 
You smile at him, and he slides a hand along your jaw, kissing you. “Still can’t believe the fucker hurt you, though.” 
“Oh, don’t be mean. He’s really a very good dog.” 
“I’m not doubting that, babe. Even good dogs can slip up sometimes.” 
“Yeah?” You tilt your head at him as he smears ointment on your scratch. “I didn’t think you were a dog person.” 
Sirius gives a sharp bark of laughter that turns into a cough. “No?” 
“Not really, no.” 
“Well, I am.” 
“Hm.” You think on this, pondering how you might convince him to let your new friend stay with you (if that happens, you’ll have to actually give the dog a name) while he stretches a thin bandage over your scratch. In your experience, if you ask really very nicely, Sirius tends to be amenable to most things you want. 
“There.” He presses a gentle kiss over the top edge of the bandage. “Like it never happened.” 
You smile and reach for him, letting a piece of silken hair run through your fingers. “Thanks for patching me up, Siri.” 
He grins. “Course, lovely girl. Anything else you’d like to call me?” 
You tilt your head, feeling your brows furrow bemusedly. “Honey?” 
Sirius frowns. He turns and goes from the room, muttering something that sounds like, “...called me nicer things when I was a dog.” 
“What?” you call after him. 
“Nothing, sweetness!”
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distantdarlings · 11 months
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Theodore Nott x Fem Reader
+ SUMMARY - *Requested - based on this* You have been an Animagus for around a year now. You have quite a knack for learning everything you need to know about it quickly and Professor McGonagall really likes you. However, a fellow classmate, Theodore Nott, does not like you. And you couldn't care less. Both of you are in for a surprise when you accidentally meet in the library. (Fluff?, sort of Comedy)
+ WARNINGS - Language, nothing else really
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Fantasy - Mariah Carey (don't judge me)
“And, ladies and gentlemen, please remember: ten inches of parchment on the side effects of incorrectly transfiguring a toad back into a human!”
Professor McGonagall’s voice pierced the slight murmuring that had started amongst the crowd of students. You suppressed a groan at the assignment, knowing well enough that you’d be putting it off as long as possible. It wasn’t that you weren’t grateful to be here, it was just rambling on about the properties of toad warts left over on humans after unfortunate experiments didn’t really get you going, at least, not like they did Professor McGonagall. 
You had found a kind of special liking for her after you had put yourself through the very exciting—albeit brutally difficult—process of becoming an Animagus. It had been your absolute dream since accidentally discovering that your mother was also one. You had been wandering around the garden during the summer between first and second year and had come across an absolutely beautiful doe. You had stopped in your tracks, taken aback by the creature’s beauty. Just as you were going to hold your hand out to the creature and offer it some of the grass blades clutched in your fingers, the creature before you changed entirely. Its long, graceful body curled into a small flash of light and then, without so much as a breath, your mother was back. Standing in the place of the deer. You could hardly believe your eyes.
Your mother was an Animagus and you thought you should be as well. She had warned you of the difficulties and hardships of the process and how annoying it was to have to get registered with the Ministry of Magic but you didn’t care. The wonder that had been in your eyes when you’d seen your mother transform surpassed all the cons of becoming one. You were going to be just like her. And now you were. Well…sort of. You were an Animagus but, much to your disappointment, you did not transform into a beautiful doe. You were a cat. Not a sleek black cat or a graceful Sphinx. No. You were a large, overgrown, long-haired European Maine Coon. At least, that’s what you were pretty sure you were. You hadn’t exactly performed a DNA test on your Animagi identity. You wondered if that would even work. 
The crowd of students urged you towards the door and out into the grand hallway just outside the Transfiguration classroom. The light poured through the gorgeously carved stained glass windows along the stone walls and illuminated everything in its wake. You absolutely adored the castle and its beauty and reckoned you didn’t stop and admire it as often as you should. 
A body bumped into you roughly, nearly making you lose the books clutched in your arms. You gasped at the sudden shock that went through your body when you realized you’d nearly missed a step down the staircase, your heart dropping through your ribcage.
“Hey,” you shouted. “Want to watch where you’re bloody going?”
The culprit turned with an annoyingly charming smile printed on his lips. His darkened eyes found yours amusedly and sent you a single wink. Your blood boiled.
“Sorry, darling, I’m in quite a rush,” he smirked.
“Doesn’t mean you can break through crowds like a giant,” you retorted, rolling your eyes. “Maybe you should take a second to think about the other people in this school and not just yourself for once, Nott.”
“Bite me, love.” 
Asshole. You watched the back of his head disappear amongst the rest of the students as they waded around you as if you were an island in the midst of an ocean. You could not stand that boy. He and his stupid friends had been nothing if not the most obnoxious people you’d ever met. Even from your first day, he was rude, loud, and annoying. No matter how handsome he was, he couldn’t just steamroll over people. And yet, because he wasn’t ugly in the slightest, everyone just let him do whatever he wanted. Him and all his friends. It made you so angry. 
Your eyes found your watch. You probably—erm, definitely, needed to get started on the paper for McGonagall’s class. That’s what pointed your feet toward the direction of the library. The thoughts of the warm hearth and those plush green chairs that hovered around it were calming the worries for this assignment. The library was—in your opinion—one of the most comfortable areas in the entire castle. It oozed comfort and warmth, much like your dorm room. It just felt soothing. You had noticed the amount of time you were spending in there was increasing as the days got colder. The fireplace in the dorms and common room were just as warm, of course, but those areas tended to be more populated during the day. And if you were going to get this paper done, you likely shouldn’t be surrounded by friends. You could be quite talkative when it came down to it—especially when it came down to procrastinating an assignment. 
One of the large wooden doors to the library came into view slowly as you sauntered down the stairs just before the entrance. You could practically feel the warmth radiating from the vast room. Sweetened chills broke out over your arms and a small shudder passed down your spine. You clutched your books a bit tighter to your chest as you pushed past the threshold and felt the warmth on your skin. 
You smiled gently as you made your way toward your usual fireplace. The smile on your face seemed to grow exponentially as you realized nobody was even in the general vicinity of your favorite spot and…thank Merlin…the tea cart had been brought around. The silvered, intricately designed cart that the librarian left out for wandering and cramming students sat right beside the fireplace. On it sat a few tea cups, a large, enchanted teapot that filled itself back up as soon as it was emptied, two sugar bowls, a large cream pitcher, and a few crumpets and cream horns. You might have died and gone right to the afterlife. 
You set your bags and books in your favorite armchair—the one on the left—and made your way over to the wonderful cart. You shivered in delight as you prepared yourself some tea, just the way you liked it, and grabbed a cream horn—or two. Wandlessly, you conjured the wool blanket that sat upon the foot of your bed and snuggled in amongst the cushions. This was absolutely delightful. Between the tea, the snacks, the warmth, and the dim lighting, your homework was the last thing on your tranquil mind. Your books and bag remained untouched. 
Once finished with your snack and beverage, you found yourself closely watching the curls of flames dance in the fireplace. Soon enough, absolutely without your consent, you were gently lulled to a deep sleep. Your eyes fluttered shut and your breathing stilled, your hands were curled against your chest and your knees were brought up against you. 
Theo rounded the corner of the main stairway just before the library. He had an enormous amount of work to do and figured he wouldn’t get anything done if he stayed with his mates. He watched his feet as they jogged down the stone steps, his bag jostling on his shoulder every few moments. 
Once past the doorway, his eyes found that set of green armchairs in the corner just in front of the fireplace. There appeared to be no one in them and he smiled a bit. Hopefully he’d be able to complete all of his work without any interruptions. 
He set his bag down beside the armchair on the right. He reckoned he should start on the paper for McGonagall’s class since it was likely going to be the most difficult way. He should probably just get it out of the way, then everything else would be a breeze. 
As he began to rummage through his bag for the appropriate materials to get started, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A white wool blanket lay spread across the other armchair and an empty tea cup, plate, and school bag were discarded beside it. He figured someone had been working there only moments ago and had slipped away for a quick bathroom break or something of the like. A groan began to build up in his throat as he realized he likely wasn’t going to be alone after all. Whatever…as long as they were quiet. 
Finally, his fingers brushed his quill set and the Transfiguration book. He pulled everything out and settled himself in the chair, preparing to get to work. A thought popped into his head as he spread everything out comfortably. He wondered who had been sitting there. If it was someone he didn’t know, he’d likely have no issue ignoring them. He kind of hoped it was none of his friends, though he could have sworn he’d seen that bag before. Maybe it was Enzo’s?
An hour or so of straight working went by before Theo came to a pause and set his things aside. He stood from the chair and pulled his body into a sweeping stretch that popped a few joints along the way. He groaned at the pleasurable release, grateful that he wasn’t so stiff anymore. His hands shoved in his trouser pockets and he began shuffling in place to try and work some feelings back into his legs. 
The person who had been there previously, he realized, had never come back. Being as curious as he was, he glanced around the library, spotting only a few fully concentrated students with their heads down. Whose stuff was this? He nonchalantly wandered over to the items and squatted down next to the bag. He picked it up gently and rolled the fabric around in his hands. He wasn’t trying to be too nosy, just wanted to see if there were any embroidered initials or names. Quickly, he flipped the top flap open only to discover a messily scrawled name imprinted over the white tag near the top of the bag. It was, much to his dismay, your name. That obnoxiously uptight girl in his Transfiguration class. Every day, in and out, rubbing everyone’s nose in the fact that you were bloody awesome at McGonagall’s class and everyone else was just shit. He wondered if you were cheating or doing some favors for other students. No way you were that good at that boring class. 
A slight movement out of the corner of his eye shocked him away from the bag. His hands frantically dropped the material and he backed away quickly, not wanting to be caught snooping. Yet, he saw nothing. He glanced around wildly trying to find the culprit of the movement but not seeing anything. He could’ve sworn he—
Another movement. From the center of the white blanket. A cat. A rather large one, at that. Yawning slightly and stretching its little limbs out. His heart nearly melted. 
“Aw,” he smiled, “hello there, love. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
He slowly slid his hand over the edge of the chair’s cushion and rubbed the back of his first two fingers over your head. Unbeknownst to him and your sleepy state, both were blissfully unaware of who was touching whom. You yawned once more and curled into his touch. He laughed softly at the movement and began petting your head with a full hand. A deep rumbling purr radiated from your chest at his movements. 
You weren’t sure what about this dream was so real, but bloody hell was it comforting. An unknown character in your dream was ever so gently sliding a hand over your head and occasionally scratching under your chin. Maybe it felt odd for them to do that, but it was so relaxing you didn’t care.
He stood back up and gently scooped your curled figure up, keeping the blanket wrapped softly around you. He took a seat in your armchair and placed you on his lap. His fingernails ever so slightly scratched over your head and smoothed the hair along your back. Your thick, bushy tail curled lovingly against his chest ever so often. 
Something that you didn’t know and something that Theo didn’t know, either, was that you had the subconscious tendency to transform into your Animagi identity when sleeping. Whether as part of a dream or mumbling in your sleep, every once and a while, you would slip down to your smaller self and remain curled up as such. It had been going on for a couple of months now and you had yet to notice it. Your roommates most definitely had but they had said nothing as they assumed it was a purposeful action. They figured it would be nice to sleep as a cat as well. 
The purring emanating from your soft chest rolled against his leg as he continued to brush his fingers through your fur. Your head occasionally curled further into his stomach at these gentle actions. This might have been the most relaxing dream you’d ever had. 
“Hey, man, been looking everywhere for—”
“Shush!” Theo berated the loud voice. Mattheo came around the back of the armchair with a look of confusion plastered on his face. He glanced down to see the feline stretched across his lap, an eyebrow raised.
“The baby is sleeping,” Theo whispered, smiling gently. His hands never stopped brushing you. 
“Did you find him—?”
“Oh my god, shhhhh!” Theo repeated. Pansy and Enzo followed the same path that Mattheo had. And just like him, their eyebrows cocked awkwardly. All three of them glanced at the other.
“I told all of you I was going to the library to get some homework done,” Theo whispered.
“Yeah, it sure looks like you’re getting a ton done,” Pansy rolled her eyes.
“I was...,” Theo insisted, “before this baby wandered up. Isn’t she just the cutest?”
“Yeah, adorable,” Mattheo mocked, a smile building its way onto his face. “I’d love to have McGonagall Jr. sat on my lap, if you know what I mean.”
Enzo and Pansy’s faces blended from blank to confusion to realization to stifled laughter. Theo was extremely confused and becoming a little irritated. 
“Ew, what is that supposed to mean? I don’t think all cats are related to Professor McGonagall—wait, she’s not even really a cat, she can turn into one. I don’t think she’s really related to any cats,” Theo argued.
“Yeah, man—not what I meant,” Mattheo laughed. His two companions began to laugh with him. “Whose bag and stuff is that?”
Theo glanced down at the bag and snack plate that had been left behind as he refrained from rolling his eyes. He probably shouldn’t admit he knew who the stuff belonged to as he totally figured it out by snooping, but they didn’t necessarily have to know that.
“That’s that really irritating girl that’s in McGonagall’s with us, you know? The one I ran into this morning and was like ‘Why don’t you watch where you’re going, blah, blah,’ do you remember?” Theo spoke.
“Yeah, I remember,” Enzo giggled. “It’s almost like she's still in the room with us.”
“I know, that’s her stuff,” he nodded in the direction of the things left behind. “I was wondering when she was going to come back and get it but it’s been like an hour and she hasn’t come back.” Theo shrugged and returned his focus back to you who still remained curled comfortably in his lap. His thumb brushed over your closed eyes and ears. 
“Did she ever leave?” Pansy laughed. “Maybe she's still here.”
“Maybe so, I didn’t go looking for her, though,” Theo responded, brushing a finger down the slope of your nose.
“Yeah, she was acting kind of catty earlier,” Enzo spoke. The three students burst out laughing, clutching their stomachs and flicking tears from their eyes. Anger rose up the side of Theo’s neck.
“What is your deal? Is something funny? Anybody want to fill me in on the joke?” he asked. They remained laughing as hard as they could, almost as if they wanted to annoy Theo further.
“Whatever, me and my new friend are going to study elsewhere. At least she doesn't laugh at me,” he harrumphed and grabbed his things, keeping you cradled tightly in your blanket in his right arm. The three students didn’t stop laughing the whole way as Theo stomped off, taking you with him, and touching his nose to yours with a smile. 
“Oh, Merlin,” Pansy chuckled, a tear falling from her eyes. “So we all knew that she's an Animagus, right?”
“Yeah, she told me last year when her acceptance letter from the Ministry came in. She was pretty excited about it.” Enzo struggled not to start laughing again. “She's really nice and really smart, I think Theo can be a bit much sometimes.”
“Yeah, I agree with that….” Pansy responded. There was a few moments of silence before Mattheo tilted his head towards the other two.
“So, we’re sticking around for when she wakes up and realizes she's sitting on Theo’s lap wrapped up in a blanket like a child, right?” he laughed. The other two chorused a variety of ‘yes’ and ‘absolutely,’ as they made themselves comfortable at a table near the one Theo had assigned as his. This was quite possibly going to be the best thing that ever happened.
Part Two!
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musingsofahufflepuff · 8 months
Puppy Eyes
animagus!Mattheo Riddle x gn!reader; fluff
summary: your boyfriend suckered you into becoming an animagus with him, and knowing him it was probably to cause mischief. but surrounded by the night breeze and the stars in his eyes, you know you’d follow him on any adventure.
a/n: 2 published in 2 days? maybe i am magic. i’m kinda obsessed with the idea of animagi and i cannot for the life of me find one where mattheo is one too. so i wrote one. i’m definitely down to write a part 2 or one for theo, just let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in ♡
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You were ready to get this damn leaf out of your mouth. A mandrake leaf specifically, which you were planning to use in your pursuit of becoming an animagus. It had been sitting in your mouth for almost an entire month and it wasn’t getting any better. You looked up at your boyfriend, who was in the same predicament, with a scowl.
It had been his idea to start the process of becoming animagi and with those big brown eyes, who were you to say no? So here you were at breakfast trying not to swallow it and heaven forbid having to start over.
“I can’t believe you guys are really going through with it,” Pansy looks between the two of you.
“Riddle just wants to commit crimes and get away with it,” Draco smirks, “impressive he roped (y/n) into it with him though.”
Mattheo rolls his eyes before focusing his attention back on you. The smile he gives you makes your irritability fade away.
♡ ♡ ♡
Before you knew it the month was up and all there was left to do was wait for a lightening storm. Which just so happened to be tonight. Mattheo had kept the phials of potion in the shrieking shack after you had finished putting them together. That’s where you were heading now.
He was sitting cross legged on the floor when you made it inside. His eyes lit up once he saw you, a small smile finding its way onto his lips. “I was a little worried you were going to back out.”
“I thought about it,” you tease and you settle down next to him. “You sure about this?”
“Completely.” He gives a squeeze to your hand before placing the crystal phial in your grasp, the liquid inside now a blood red.
You get out your wand and say the incantation one last time and pause to watch Mattheo take the potion like he was taking a shot of fire whiskey.
With a deep inhale, you follow Mattheo’s lead and tip the potion into your mouth.
The sensation is… odd. Like your bones were all shifting at once. There’s a searing pain everywhere and that double heartbeat you had experienced while performing the incantation over the past week. Moments pass before you open your eyes.
Your perspective of the room has changed drastically, everything towering above you. Right in front of you stands a striking dark wolf, at least double your height. And those chocolate brown eyes are unmistakable.
You aren’t surprised that Mattheo turned out to be a canine. You also aren’t surprised how ethereal he looks. If anything, you were surprised he wasn’t a golden retriever, with his eager to please personality (at least for you) and puppy dog eyes.
You notice his tail wagging wildly behind him which leads you to look behind you and see a fluffy, mocha-colored tail doing similar. While you were mesmerized by your new appendage, Mattheo padded his way over to you and dropped into a laying position to not intimidate you.
Pulling your attention to your boyfriend you see he still has the scar on the bridge of his nose, only now it rests in the middle of his snout. Instinctively, you push your head into his fluffy neck, letting out a sigh when he rests his chin on you. He still smells the same as he normally does, cigarettes and his cologne filling your lungs.
You find yourself migrating between his paws, curling into the soft fur of his chest.
You lay together for a while, the storm still raging on outside the shack. As it sounds like it’s letting up, Mattheo rises on all fours and nods for you to follow him.
The grass is damp beneath your paws and the night sky is now clear above you. It takes a few moments to get used to moving on four legs instead of two, but Mattheo looks to be a natural. Your heart warms watching him run through the grass, apparently having the time of his life.
Finally feeling confident on your legs, you take off in his direction. Seeing you sprinting towards him has his tail moving a million kilos an hour. With a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, he turns and leads you toward the forest. In any other circumstance you’d be a little nervous running off into the forbidden forest, but something about your new form takes the anxiety off your chest.
The forest at night was something otherworldly. Moonlight filtered through the trees, illuminating Mattheo’s fur. You pushed your legs faster to catch up to his longer stride. Finally getting side by side, you take a look at him and the look on his face simultaneously fills your heart with glee and sorrow.
He looks free. More free than you had seen him in your half a decade of knowing him. You desperately want to see him like this all the time.
You don’t immediately realize you’ve stopped running, lost in the happiness radiating off him. Blinking a couple times, you look around at your surroundings. You’re standing at the edge of a small lake, the moonlight sitting peacefully on the surface. To your left is, to your surprise, a unicorn resting in what appears to be its den of sorts.
Wonder in your eyes, you look up to find Mattheo already looking down at you. As you gaze into those brown eyes you adore, you can see the entire universe looking back at you.
♡ ♡ ♡
The next morning finds you in Mattheo’s bed, his limbs tangled in yours. He’s still sleeping and you can’t help but think how gentle he looks like this. You press a kiss to his nose. As his grip tightens around you, you hear him mumble in his sleep laced voice, “I love you, my little fox.”
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ellecdc · 7 months
Hey L saw your requests were open and was wondering if i can ask for regulus black dating headcanons? (You know one of those long, long headcanons that you can’t finish while reading bc i love reggie so much and there aren’t enough fics for him-)
Anyways. Love your works specially your remus series, a man with a plan 🥹 it’s so cute and very well written.
Mwah <3
Hey lovely!! Thanks so much for requesting - this was fun!! I love head canons. Hopefully this scratches that itch of yours
The formatting got messed up when I moved this from a word doc so my apologies - let me know if it's too difficult to follow: 💫 = head canon, -> subcategory, and anything indented is a sub-subcategory)
Dating Regulus Black Headcanons:
No voldemort AU, okay guys? I don’t fuck with that man. 
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💫Falling in love with the witty (sometimes snide), smart, and quiet Slytherin was as easy as breathing – actively loving this man was NOT easy in the slightest
💫It took you months of talking, ‘accidentally’ being in the same room as him, sitting beside him in potions or the library and forcing him to talk to you before he finally went “what are you doing?”
-> “I like you” you responded
-> “Why?” he asked incredulously. Which, fair enough; you suppose he didn’t make much effort to talk back to you, or reach out to you, or participate in your conversations, but that’s not what you liked about him anyway
You liked his stoicism, it brought a sense of calm to you You liked how he didn’t always feel the need to fill the silence You liked how clever he was, and how he (even if he pretended you were exasperating) helped you with your studies when you got stuck  You liked his snide comments he made about people under his breath, and how he got surprised when you laughed at them – not really realizing he said them aloud to you to begin with  You liked his loyalty and sense of duty to the people who were important to him
-> “I just do” you settled for with a shrug of your shoulders
-> That answer didn’t exactly satisfy Regulus, but he accepted it nonetheless 
💫 He was a little bit more of a willing participant in your relationship after that 
💫 You’d come out of classrooms to find him waiting for you so he could walk you to your next class or to the Great Hall together for lunch 
💫 He’d always take a helping of your favourite food at breakfast/lunch/dinner just in case you wanted an extra serving, which he’d happily let you pick off of his plate
💫 He found out his brother was becoming an animagus during 4th year (though he didn’t know the reason) and took the attitude of “anything my brother can do, I can too.” And set out to become and animagus as well.
-> You wouldn’t let him do it alone, however
-> You both successfully became animagi and told no one.
💫 You guys never really discussed what the spending-time-with-each-other meant, Regulus had always been a little more than flighty in the past, and you didn’t want to scare him away.
💫 One evening, you were in an empty classroom trying to finish up a project where you could take up as much space as possible without bothering anyone when Regulus came bursting through the door
-> You don’t know how he even knew that you were here or how to find you, but he was clearly looking for you when his face crumpled when he found you
-> “Y/N” he whimpered
-> Without thinking, you threw your arms open, and he fell into your embrace
-> You sat in that classroom, holding Regulus as he sobbed into your chest for merlin knows how long, neither of you saying a word
-> He finally seemed to settle and pulled back from your embrace, though he wouldn’t make direct eye contact with you
-> “He left.”  He said simply
-> “Who?”
-> “Sirius, he ran away this summer, never came back. I thought – ugh – I thought when I saw him at school, I could convince him to come back home, come back to…me…”
-> You let the silence permeate in the air as he gathered his thoughts
-> “He’s not coming back, he’s…he left me. There. With them.”
-> You weren’t sure what to say – you didn’t want to disparage his family, Sirius least of all, knowing how much Regulus admired his older brother whether he admitted that out loud or not, and you knew (at least what Regulus had been willing to share with you) what the Black’s had put those boys through. 
-> You wanted to promise him he wasn’t alone – that he would always have Sirius, always have you – but it felt too much like a declaration, and you were too scared to do that when he was so fragile 
You knew he’d likely not believe you anyway – thinking you only said it to him because he was desperate to hear it
-> You settled with a simple “I’m sorry, Reggie.” And another hug
💫 Over the Christmas holidays, a black cat with grey eyes showed up at your family home
-> You called out to him, and he seemed to faint; almost as if he knew it was safe now that he’d seen you 
-> through the dark fur you could see some blood. You knew that what you couldn’t see underneath it would be far worse. You apologized to Regulus’ unconscious being before grabbing his animagus form and heading to the fireplace in your home, throwing a handful of floo powder into the hearth and calling for Potter Manor.
-> You were greeted by a well-dressed house elf
“I’m sorry to drop in unannounced. It’s an emergency. Is Sirius here?” The house elf snapped her fingers and a few moments later reappeared with a sleep rumpled Sirius “Y/N? What are you doing here?” “It’s regulus.” Sirius seemed to wake up rather quickly at that. “Is he okay?” You gently placed the cat onto the ground and cast a quick finite over his form, causing the animal to stretch back into Regulus. Sure enough, he was bleeding and bruised, though thankfully, most of his wounds seemed superficial. But he was clearly gaunt – like he hadn’t been eating or sleeping, and he was passed out from sheer exhaustion.
💫 Regulus stayed with the Potter’s ever since. He wouldn’t speak to you for some time after that however, feeling slightly betrayed that you brought him to Sirius
-> “I came to you, Y/N. If I’d wanted Sirius’ help, I would have asked for it!”
-> “Like hell you would have! You’ve never once accepted a lick of respite from anyone in your life. Martyrdom doesn’t suit you, Regulus - grow up.”
-> “It was my choice to make!”
-> “You were unconscious! For all I knew, you could have been dying. I had to make that choice for the both of us!”
-> “Perhaps I made a mistake then.”
The ‘trusting you’ went unsaid, but you both heard it. It crushed you.
-> “Fuck you, Regulus. I’m done.”
💫 It was awkward back at school; you hadn’t realised that much of your daily rituals were accompanied by him 
-> You stopped sitting at the spot he saved for you in the Great Hall – and eventually, you stopped eating in the Great Hall altogether, opting to visit the kitchens to eat instead.
-> He stopped waiting for you outside of classes, and he no longer carried your books around the castle. 
-> He didn’t help you with your homework
-> You didn’t cheer him on in his Quidditch games 
💫 Sirius approached you one day in the library
-> “Hiding from my brother in the library? Not a very good spot, love.”
-> “What do you want, Black?”
-> “Ouch, last names. What’d I ever do to you.”
-> You took a steadying breath – you wanted to lash out at him, but he was right, he wasn’t the one who hurt you
-> “What do you want?” you tried again
-> “We’re mean…the Black’s. We don’t…treat people very well. I don’t mean to make excuses; there is no excuse. But we weren’t treated very well ourselves. It takes a lot of unlearning.”
->You stared into his eerily similar grey eyes. “Is that all?”
-> “Hurt people, hurt people. And it’s usually the people we love the most, because they’re there. It’s not right, but I just thought you should know.” He offered you a sad smile and a squeeze of your shoulder before he left.
->You understood what he was saying, but it didn’t make you feel any better
💫 One of your housemates approached you with a package the next day. “You weren’t at breakfast, and the owl seemed very upset she couldn’t deliver this, so I promised her I’d bring this to you.”
-> It was a small square shaped package – pure white paper with a black bow on it 
-> Inside was a small charm bracelet – silver – with one charm on it. A purple hyacinth. Constancy, regret, sincerity. 
-> You shoved the bracelet in its box and into your bag and carried on with the rest of your day.
💫 “Y/N?” You heard him call quietly as he rapped twice on the door to the empty classroom you were holed up in 
-> You turned to look at him with a glare you’re sure could have rivalled one of his
-> “I was hoping we could talk.” He continued as he made his way inside.
-> “Why? You think a gift makes everything okay again?”
-> Regulus grimaced as he sat across from you. “I’m not great at apologies.”
-> You scoffed. “Yeah, seeing as you haven’t actually made one…” You sat in an awkward sort of stare off before you shook your head and moved to pack your things
-> “Y/N, wait please. I-” he reached across the table and gently grabbed your wrist. You could see a small portion of a silver chain (matching the charm bracelet you had in your bag) on his wrist. “I’m sorry…I, I was wrong.”
-> You stopped your packing and watched him as he searched for the right words 
-> “You saved my life that night. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I shouldn’t have blamed you for anything – I should have just thanked you. Better yet, I should have told you how much I love you.”
-> You felt your breath catch in your throat. “love me?” you whispered
-> Regulus nodded and pulled out two charms from his pocket: a yellow lily (gratitude) and a rose…that one was pretty self explanatory.
-> You pulled out the box from your bag and allowed Regulus to attach the charms and clasp it on your wrist.
-> “I don’t think I’m going to ever be as good at loving you as you deserve, and I know I’m not easy to love, but I’m hoping you’ll give me a chance to try.”
-> You saw nothing but earnestness and determination in his eyes
-> “I forgive you.”
💫 Regulus is a HUGE gift giver – really the only way he ever saw ‘love’ (or the Black’s messed up version of it) was through giving/receiving gifts. So that’s the best way he was able to express his love for you 
💫 You quickly learned that his love language (the way he received it) was through words of affirmation. He didn’t have anyone tell him he was loved, cherished, and appreciated growing up – you flustered him every time you complimented him. You delighted in the raging blush he’d get, especially if you whispered something in front of his friends. 
-> You also gifted him his own charms for his bracelet that matched yours
💫 On nights you couldn’t sleep, you’d meet him in the Astronomy tower where he’d teach you the constellations and the mythology behind them.
💫 Black’s are very territorial, but I don’t see Regulus being super loud about it. Like he wouldn’t make loud proclamations of ‘ownership’ or love, but he’d always be there
-> Think, staring hard at the other person flirting with you in the Great Hall
-> Taking a lock of your hair and moving it behind your ear or just twirling it between his fingers if someone looks at you too long 
💫 This man is SO unapproachable to everyone 
-> Stony faced ALWAYS – major RBF
-> Scowls at people who stand too closely to him, talk too loudly, say something dumb 
-> Did not let anyone touch him. Ever. Barty gets too close at breakfast = Barty ends up ass over tea kettle on the stone floor. Sirius throws an arm over his shoulder = Sirius getting an elbow to the gut
💫 So, you could imagine everyone’s surprise that when you come up from behind him where he’s sitting, lazily throw your arms over his shoulders and run your fingers through his hair, the man is practically purring. The softest smiles and eyes no one ever thought Regulus Black was capable of when he looked at you
-> “It’s like a different person. This isn’t the real Regulus, just some freaky clone.” Sirius once said.
💫 You blew his mind introducing him to muggle movies 
-> He’s a crier at all sad parts – even animated movies
💫 And he kept his promise – you gave him the chance to try, and he spent the rest of his life trying to love you the way you deserved to be
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amongemeraldclouds · 5 months
The Alchemy
An Animagus transformation gone wrong helps reveal a secret your enemy never wanted you to know.
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Lorenzo Berkshire x Black Cat Animagus! f!Reader (Exes To Lovers)
Warning: fluff, three uses of y/n, cursing. Based on the Taylor Swift song of the same name.
✿ Masterlist | 1.5k words
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It’s funny how life can change in 3, 2, 1. Three attempts, two lies, and one night.
Three attempts
To say that luck was not on your side was an understatement. In fact, if luck were a person, it was a bully laughing at you and your misfortune. At least someone was laughing. Then again, everything had gone so horribly wrong that you’d soon let go of your sanity and join in the laughter.
It all started when you decided to become Animagus, associating it with the words ‘fun’ and ‘adventure’. Oh how wrong you were. Your bad luck came in the form of three attempts to carry a Mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month. The first try failed one evening when you found yourself drowning—no, your surroundings were dry. You just couldn’t breathe.
It took a few bouts of coughing before you realized you choked on your Mandrake leaf in your sleep. Thankfully your roommate Daphne Greengrass had sprung to the rescue, hitting you hard enough to dislodge the murderous leaf.
The second attempt left you wanting to burn in shame and taking down your enemy with you. It was bad enough that Lorenzo Berkshire was your ex-boyfriend without him playing silly tricks on you. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that you retaliated with your fair share of practical jokes, like the time you replaced his shampoo with dye that turned his hair and skin green for a week. No one was willing to wave the white flag any time soon. Not even Enzo with his green fingers.
That unfortunate day, he simply snuck on you and screamed in your ear, surprising you. You tried then failed to scream because the Mandrake leaf made its way down your throat again. Time must have slowed down because you certainly had enough time to think, choking again, how original! before the coughing began.
Enzo was quick to wrap his arms around you, putting pressure just below your ribcage to help dislodge the leaf. It took a few attempts and you were sure you were halfway to the afterlife because all you could think about was how lovely Enzo smelled and how nice it was to be in his arms again.
Reality came crashing down when you could breathe again. Another murderous leaf shined innocently on the floor, coated with your saliva. If you were foolish enough to believe in fate, you would think it was screaming at you to stop. But no, you were only foolish enough to be stubborn. You would become an Animagus or d*e trying, a phrase that seemed a lot more literal than you liked. As for Enzo, well, you already had enough problems to deal with without him.
You thought your luck had finally turned around when you managed to keep the Mandrake leaf from murdering you and it was safely in your mouth for a month. Sure, you had to keep to yourself and limit your interactions, but it was worth it. You were going to be an Animagus!
You fantasized a bird soaring freely in the sky or even a horse galloping freely. Your excitement and fantasies kept you going through the rest of the steps. Your bones buzzed with excitement when you chanted the words, “Amato Animo Animato Animagus!” And downed the blood-red potion.
Then your bones were literally buzzing accompanied by flaming agony as your insides danced wildly to the beat of two hearts. The world fell around you, but you managed to land on your feet. There were no wings to take you to the stars nor strong muscles and hooves to take you great distances. Instead you found yourself licking a spot on your shoulder.
In your mind, you saw yourself as a black cat. Of course, you thought, the witch transforms into a black cat. You had to laugh at the cliche! And when you found you could not transform back into a human? You just laughed harder because luck was a bully laughing at you. Now that you let go of your sanity as you walked around Hogwarts on four legs, you were finally in on the joke.
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Two lies
Today was Enzo’s lucky day because he befriended a cat! Never mind that she hissed at him and nearly took his eye out when he first saw her. He won her over with pets and a promise to feed her as much food as her little heart desired. Two chicken legs later, his new friend purred as he carried the feline back to his dorm.
“Look who I met today!” He beamed as he stepped through the door and held his arms out, raising the black cat who squirmed in response. Mattheo grinned, moving closer to pet her. He quickly moved his hand away when he nearly had it bitten.
“Feisty,” he remarked, “just like how you like your girls.”
“Speaking of your girls,” Theo said, looking warily at the cat, “Daphne said y/n hasn’t come to the dorms yet. It may be nothing, maybe she decided to spend the night with someone, but she asked us to keep an eye out for her.”
Enzo lifted his chin, “first of all, y/n and I broke up a few years ago. She’s not my girl, she could spend the night with whomever she wants. I’m not jealous at all.” He sucked in a breath as when he felt a sting on his arm, the cat had scratched his arm.
He frowned at her and clutched his heart in mock betrayal, “I thought we were friends!”
“I’ve seen the way you look at y/n,” Theo said, returning to the topic. “You still like her.”
“Like to annoy her, sure,” Enzo shrugged.
Theo narrowed his eyes, “why don’t you just tell her the truth? What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Have you met Enzo?” Mattheo chimed in.
Enzo glared at him and answered Theo. “Even if I still liked her, we tried and failed before, okay? I’d rather let her dye me green from head to toe if it meant I’d still see her and interact with her without ruining things further.”
“But don’t you still want to fuck her?” Mattheo asked.
Enzo scoffed, “of course I want to fuck her, I—”. He never got to finish his sentence as the black cat scratched him again. Maybe it wasn’t his lucky day after all, he thought. But when he gazed into the cat’s big round eyes, he changed his mind. He’d keep this adorable little creature, scratches and all.
You purred comfortably on Enzo’s chest as you listened to his heartbeat. It was just like old times, snuggling with him, except you were much less hairy and your nails weren’t nearly as sharp.
His words played through your mind as warm feelings settled in your chest. You were young and in love once and it seems the only thing that changed was your age. Your heart still had a “reserved” sign with Enzo’s name on it no matter how much you tried to change the letters by seeing other people. In the end, they were all just clowns and amateurs.
You tried to think about how much you hated Enzo instead. His stupid smile, his messy hair, and annoying personality. Perhaps if you thought about it enough, it would all come true.
You drifted off as old memories with Enzo came to you of hands held, inside jokes, and late night chats. You relaxed into your body for the first time since your transformation and it was enough to undo the spell.  
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One night
Enzo woke up when he felt something heavy on his chest as his bed creaked with the extra weight.
You woke up screaming, staring into Enzo’s wide eyes.
Mattheo shot out of bed, wand at the ready. At the same time, Theo covered his ears with his pillow and said, “Enzo, I told you to at least use a silencing charm when you bring a girl over!”
“I don’t think that’s the problem,” Mattheo replied, which got Theo to look at Enzo’s bed.
All four of you exchanged confused glances before Theo got out of bed and grabbed Mattheo. “We’ll be at the Common Room,” he said as he shut the door.
You rolled off Enzo and started to get up when he instinctively reached a hand to your shoulder. It was surprisingly sweet and the shock glued you in place.
“Is this a prank or your secret way of spying on me?” Enzo accused, trying to rub the fog of sleep off his mind.
“Oh you think too much of yourself if you thought I’d go through all this effort to spy on you,” you scoffed.
He tsked, ignoring your words. “Animagus, huh? Seems like a lot of effort to spy on me, you could have just said you still loved me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Told you I wasn’t spying. Besides, look who’s talking? Oh yeah, someone who would rather go green from head to toe just to interact with me.” You shot back.
“You know that wasn’t meant for your ears,” he deadpanned.
“And what if I still loved you?” You challenged.
You stared at each other, your breathing the only sound in the room. Enzo wanted to push you away and hold you tightly in his arms at the same time.
Perhaps you still had a lot of things to discuss but he had waited too long to do this. You could always talk later so instead he kissed you. As you kissed him back and your bodies melted together, this time, you were sure that luck was on your side.
It’s funny how life can change in 3, 2, 1. Three words, two lips, and one kiss.
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✿ Masterlist
A/N: This was so fun to write because I have a black cat irl, with whom I'm obsessed with 🖤
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soleilnewspaper · 4 months
Just maybe
Series masterlist
Summary: Sirius, Remus and you take the time to talk things over up in the astronomy tower. You agree to give things a chance. However, you find it difficult to find your place in an already existing relationship. Meanwhile, Regulus tries to come to turn with things.
Pairing: poly!wolfstar x fem!reader
Warnings: early stages of a throuple, light teasing, swearing, mentions of feeling insecure of place in relationship, rifts in friendship, angst with comfort.
Word count: 3.7k
AN: Sooo this may or may not be turning into a series. Organically this was meant to be the last part, but because it’s close to 5k, I split it into two. Alas, we have the third part. Hopefully you enjoy it. Please make sure to like, reblog, comment and follow if you do. Thank you lovelies.
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The first time you ever spoke to Sirius Orion Black seams like a lifetime ago. If you had to pinpoint the exact moment, it would have been the summer before your third year began. Regulus invited you over to spend a weekend at their house.
Granted you had seen Sirius in passing multiple times over the years. Not solely at Hogwarts but at the countless times you had been forced to attend a Pureblood High Society event. You’d know both brothers since before you could talk. Yet, a part of you felt you didn’t know them at all.
You would not meet Remus John Lupin until you began your first year at Hogwarts. It seams silly, really, to remember something so vividly.
Platform 9 and 3/4 was not difficult to find with your family urging you along. A kiss on your check from your mother, one which held no real affection was the last thing she gave you before shipping you off. Whilst your father barely offered you any attention. To them beinging Hogwarts was no greater achievement than being born. It meant nothing to them. Therefore, you had to stop yourself from letting them see you cry.
Sure, they weren’t the warmest of families, but they were still yours and all you wanted was some sense that they’d miss you. Of course, you were deprived of that feeling.
You remained strong all the way through your walk to the train. Fear had creeped through your spine every second that passed. Finally, it consumed you when you were alone in an empty compartment. That’s when Remus found you.
He was no more than elven years old, having a similar but very different fear to you about starting Hogwarts. A chocolate bar was offered to you, which you took but then left the compartment to go find your sister. Later three boys found Remus who would unknowingly become the greatest friends he would ever have.
Throughout your years at Hogwarts you had little to no interactions with them both. Yet that didn’t stop you falling in love with them. You had thought you could keep it under wraps.
Sirius thought of you as nothing more than one of his brother’s friends. A Slytherin pureblood. So you let him believe that. You let him begin to hate you. In turn you began to hate him. It was easier this way, that’s what you had told yourself every time your heart threatened to betray you.
Remus was harder to ignore. He saw through the walls you put up. Even if it was only through glances and the occasional smile in the library or halls. He made no effort to befriend you which you had thanked Salazar for almost every day.
Few noticed your affection that you so dearly had for the boys. Your friends for one had teased you on occasion but nothing ever came from it. Pandora would try to get you to open up but her efforts fell short.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t find enjoyment in learning things about them. From a far of course. The way Sirius wore cologne that was so strong it overtook all your senses. Or how sometime around third year he started to get a wet dog fur smell for some odd reason. It didn’t take you long to figure out he had become an animagus. The boys were hardly subtle. Besides Regulus, Pandora and you had joked about going through the process yourselves already. To which you did later on.
The library was Remus’s favourite place and it had secretly become yours because of the few times where he’d offer to get a book off a high shelf for you. You hated how he towered over you. To be fair he towered over everyone.
Through it all, you had thought your feelings were in vain. The word delusional was thrown around more often than once.
Never did you think that Amortentia would be the cause of your feelings finally being revealed. A whole month had passed since that moment and you had hoped and prayed that word hadn’t reached your parents. The thought was irrational in truth, as there was no chance anyone was going to gossip to your parents. Alright, maybe it wasn’t completely irrational. Purebloods did love to talk. If a single person blabbered to their parents you knew it would’t be front paper news or anything. But the thought still scared you nonetheless.
As much as you held affections for the two, you knew your parents would not be pleased. A blood traitor and a half-blood broke. You could practically hear your mother’s voice inside your head when Remus had asked you to be their third.
“Ok.” You managed to chock out, barely.
Whilst Remus was staring at you with his beautiful honey eyes which appeared golden with the sun shining down on him. Sirius seamed still, to still, almost as if he feared if he moved this would all go away. Crashing down on him. He was as scared as you were, you realised. You two were more alike than you had originally thought. Both of you had made each other hate in order to avoid your attraction towards each other. Remus was scared too, you knew that, but he was trying to be calm to keep you both from going haywire. You appreciated that more than he would ever know.
Despite every reason not to, you had said yes. It was if your heart had taken over your mind and you hadn’t even fully comprehend the words before they were serging out of your mouth.
“How will-dose-this work?” You corrected yourself mid sentence, clutching onto the straps of your book bag.
“Er, hmm, maybe we should find somewhere more private to talk about this all.” Remus suggested gently.
“I think I’d like that.” You replied.
“Probably for the best.” Sirius tuned in avoiding eye contact with you both.
“Right, then, guess our dorms are out of the question. Considering…” Remus eyes wondered to your green tie and back to their red ones.
“I know a place.” You smiled turning on your heel with both boys following you.
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The ‘place’ had happened to be the astronomy tower. It was your friends and your favourite spot in Hogwarts. The marauders had the Shrieking Shack, the black lake and every secret corridor in Hogwarts. But this, this was your spot.
Yours, Regulus’, Pandora, Barty and Evan’s that is. All of you had chosen spots up here too, evident by the blankets and pillows hidden underneath old equipment in a corner. Which you had put an enchantment on to keep your things safe. One Pandora had made herself, completely original. You and Barty were the ones who brought everything up here. Regulus was the one who suggested it. Evan had just gone with the flow, but you all knew he loved it just as much.
It felt almost wrong to have Sirius and Remus up here. The Astronomy tower was a public place, every person in Hogwarts had access. Yet in your mind it was still your special place, and you felt as if you were betraying your friends by bringing them up here.
You knew you were betraying Regulus in some way. The same way James felt he was betraying Sirius with Regulus. Although that was a topic for another time.
Remus leaned against the railing, and pulled his sandy brown waves of hair out of his face. The sleeves of his sweater over his school shirt tattered from use.
It felt like an eternity had passed since one of you had last spoke. In reality it was as much closer to a few minutes, fifteen if you had to guess.
Sirius’s eyes had never left yours in all that time, until now that is. He remained his distance from you as you did to him. Still trying to wrap your head around all this.
“So, exactly, how does this work?” You started, voice far higher pitched than you’d have liked.
“I suppose it’s like any other relationship, just with three people instead of two.” Remus smiled and you were happy that the smile reached to his eyes, telling you it was genuine.
“S’m not complicated at all.” Sirius joked.
“Definitely not.” You responded shaking your head in faux seriousness.
“We all agree to be in a romantic relationship with all parties consenting.” Remus spoke gently, nodding his head slightly. His elbows leaned on the railing.
“Surely there needs to be rules to this.” You stated completely baffled that you were even allowing yourself to entertain this idea.
“You really know how to take the fun out of things, don’t ye, dollface?” Sirius smirked and you wanted to be annoyed truly but you couldn’t find any reason to be.
“Structure is what makes things work, Black.” You snickered in response but your voice showed no signs of being upset.
“You’d know, would’t ya?”
“Merlin, you’re both bloody children.” Remus sighed softly.
“Sod off, Moons.” Sirius replied and Remus rolled his eyes.
A laugh escaped your lips at their interaction, you loved watching them together. Perphas if this worked out you’d be to do that more often.
“I propose we agree to open and honest communication with each other. If we are to go through with this.” If you were to continue to entertain this idea for yourself, you wanted to at least do it right.
“Well I for one.” Sirius stated, pointing a finger at himself. “Would be chuffed to get to know you outside of a ball or Hogwarts hallway.”
“Chuffed you say?” It was your turn to smirk.
“Contrary to popular belief, I don’t in fact hate you.”
“Good, because I don’t either.” You smiled before stumbling over your words. “Hate you I mean-I don’t hate you either.”
“I know what you meant, love.” You blushed at the use of the pet name.
“I’d also love to get to know you before we jump into anything.” Remus chimed in.
“So, we agree, to take things slow.” You nodded looking to both boys before continuing. “And let things develop naturally.”
Remus’s eyes met yours and you swear you felt safer than ever before. Before you knew, Remus was taking steps towards you. Reaching for your hand.
“Would it be alright if I gave you a hug?” Remus’s voice was full of affection and your heart warmed and the thought.
After receiving consent from you in the form of a head nod, you felt his arms around your torso. Initially, the hug felt awkward but as time passed the two of you found your rhythm and eased into it. Allowing yourself to melt into his chest. The warmth was only further advanced by Sirius joining in. Remus made steps to allow him to join in. You became sandwiched in between the two of them.
You knew this would not he easy in the slightest but you had hope for the future. Maybe, just maybe, this might work.
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The ‘honeymoon’ phase of your relationship had passed and it had been weeks of intense emotional intimacy.
No one said polyamory would be easy, nor did anyone bother to tell you how hard it would be.
Being the last person to join a polygamous relationship meant you weren’t apart of the already established rhythm. Which did not account for you. In your mind, you would always be second best. Before you had come along, Remus and Sirius were perfectly happy. You only served as a disruption to their happiness. If not for the Amortentia you wouldn’t even be in this relationship in the first place.
Remus and Sirius had history, their relationship had been years in the making. From the beginning it had been like that. They met before they met you. Their friends were the same people. The sorting hat had sorted both of them into gryffidor, and they just do happened to share a dorm for almost six years now.
Their relationship had taken them from friendship to romance, with trials of pain and suffering within. How could you ever compete with that?
Both of them shared common interests, and despite you trying to find a connection with them it always felt like you were being overshadowed. It wasn’t the boys fault at all. You refused to blame any of this on anyone but you. But it’s not like you could back now. Not when you took such a risk to be in this relationship. Years of pining after them and they had asked you to join their relationship.
You were sure your relationship wouldn’t last much longer, the day would come when they realised their mistake. Yet you made no effort to make any change, because you were far too afraid.
The great hall felt smaller than usual, as if the walls were closing in on you. You tried to shrug the feeling off as your brown babydoll shoes presented against the stone brick floors. A smile found its way to your face when you spotted your two boyfriends sat around a Gryffidor table with their friends.
That’s another thing, their friends. You could tell they were all extremely close. Knowing that before you entered the relationship but it didn’t make it any easier when hanging out with them. Especially since they were always together. Wherever James and Peter were, Sirius and Remus like clockwork. There was no escaping it.
James sat across from Peter dressed in his red and gold Qudditch uniform for today’s game. He was working his ass off to try Qudditch Captain for next year. Lily Evans, beautiful as ever sat next to the boy. Her trio of friends surrounded her; Marlene, Mary and Alice who was joined by her boyfriend Frank.
As per usual, Sirius dressed in his beater gear was situated on the left of James with Peter on the far right. Every so often Remus would offer his own comments to the conversation.
His honey brown eyes met your own and he waved you over. Remus scooted over in order to allow you to sit in between him and Sirius. You offered a smile of gratitude as sat down. Quickly, Remus’s hands found yours and you began playing with his fingers.
Remus looked far from his usual self. Large dark circles had taken up residence under his eyes, which appeared tired. The tone in his voice held a hint of pain if you listened closely enough. This had became a monthly occurrence. Days before he would supposedly fall spontaneously ill or urgently need to visit his ma. Around this time, the boys would also start fessing up excuses for their sudden absences. Lily didn’t seam to be worried by it at all, she knew something you didn’t. Which you had spun to that James and as an extension Remus and Sirius clearly trusted his girlfriend more than your boyfriend’s trusted you.
“How’d ye sleep, dove?” Remus asked gently, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. You only hmm in response.
“You alright, dollface?” Sirius asked turning to face you.
“Just tired is all, studying and all that.” You nodded, hoping it would enough to keep the two boys from being suspicious.
Your plan worked for the most part as Sirius returned to his conversation with James and Peter. Most days, Remus or Sirius would force you to tell them what was going on, but not when it was this close to the full moon. Both of them were far too worried about the upcoming full moon.
It had been years since Remus had felt like this. The vague excuses felt all too familiar to the time before the boys knew of his condition. Besides his parents, Dumbledor, Madam Prompery, and the marauders only Lily knew of his secret. No one had told her, she had just simply figured it out and waited until Remus told her himself.
You on the other hand had not figured it out, which was surprising to him given how observant you were. Granted you knew they were hiding something from you, just not what. Which Remus appreciated as he was dreading the day you learned the truth.
Ever since you had began dating, Remus had feared Sirius darkness would cause your breakup. If not that, then him being a werewolf definitely would. He wasn’t ready to lose you, nor was Sirius, they didn’t think they’d ever be ready for that.
“Hey, dove, you still with us?” Remus asked after James and Sirius had called your name multiple times.
“Hmm, sorry.”
“No need to apologise, love.” Sirius kissed the top of your head. “Jamie was just asking who you’re supporting at the game today.”
“More like we want to know who you’re betraying, your boyfriends or your house.” Marlene leaned in making you feel like all eyes were on you.
“Give her a break, McKinnon.” Sirius responded for you though his voice was full of amusement.
“I guess I’m just going have to wear green and red today.” You smiled earning a laugh from the group.
“That sounds perfect.” Remus wrapped his arm around you pulling you into his side.
“Actually, Y/N.” Lily draw your name out to ensure you were listening before continuing. “The girls and I were wondering if you wanted to sit with us for the game. Usually, Mary, Alice, Remus, and I all sit together while Marls, James, Peter and Sirius play.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, dove. We know you always sit with the Rosiers.” Remus said in reference to your usual seating arrangement.
Typically you would sit with Pandora and Evan while the three of you watched Barty and Regulus play. When Slytherin wasn’t playing, the five of you would sit together, though Barty never stayed in one spot for long. Although lately, Regulus was avoiding you. Despite how much you missed your friends and idea of sitting with Pandora and Evan you knew sitting with the Gryffidors might score you some points with your boys.
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Qudditch the most notorious sport admired by all in the Wizardry World. House pride created a certain level of rivalry among Hogwarts. The game served as their primary theme for rivalry. Especially between Slytherin and Gryffindor.
Red and Green decorated the stands surrounding the pitch. The golden hoops were situated at either end of the pitch.
The excitement from students and teachers could hardly be contained. The sea of Gryffidor students made you stick out like a sore thumb with your green scarf. You had opted for a new look to try Incorapte your support for both houses. Slytherin robes adorned your figure, while a red ribbon tied your hair in a half up hairstyle. You wore a gold bracelet from your mother to honour the other house colours. All in support of your boyfriends. A term you were struggling to adjust to.
For most of the game you zoned out struggling to focus on the players. If someone were to ask you who was willing you’d certainly be unable to answer. Your thoughts clouded your mind leaving little room for anything else.
Quidditch was a rough game, that was no secret. Yet, seeing Sirius practically thrown across the field still earned a wince from you. Remus, though tired, assured you everything would be fine. As if you hadn’t watched a game before, you knew the risks but that didn’t stop you from worrying. Especially since you could tell Regulus was off his game and you weren’t there in the stands to cheer him on like usual. No, you were there to support his brother. It made you sick to your stomach just thinking about it. Granted it could all just be in your head.
“Dove?” Remus’s voice instantly brought you back to the present moment.
Once it did you realised that the game was over. Lily had already left her seat to go check on James, with Mary close behind making a beeline for Marlene. Your eyes wondered to the field before you. The Gryffidor team were celebrating their victory already. James ran to Lily as soon as he spotted her in the crowd. You watched as Marlene lips found her girlfriend’s who giggled in response through the kiss. Sirius and Peter were chatting about something, most likely the game from what you could tell from lip reading.
“Imma go find Sirius, you want to come with?” Remus asked gently, though you could hear how tired he was in his voice.
“I’ll come by for the after party, I think I want to go see my friends for a bit. If that’s alright.” You replied rubbing your hands together to combat the cold.
“S’course love.” Remus kissed your forehead before leaving you to go join your shared boyfriend.
A deep sigh escaped your lips as you began to walk to the Slytherin house stands. Anxiety creeping through your body as you did.
Pandora was the first to notice you, welcoming you with a simple smile. Her twin brother standing in his Qudditch gear next to her with his boyfriend. Barty who was not taking their loss well. Leaving Evan to try calm him down from the methodical ledge he had climbed onto.
“Treasure, thank god you have returned.” Junior ran over to you placing his hands on both your sides. You had missed him, you missed all of them.
“Salvar you’re still in one piece.” Barty sighed dramatically causing Evan to pull him off you gently.
“They’re not that bad.” You stated with a low voice causing Barty to scoff.
“Speak for yourself.”
Your friends hadn’t taken well to your new relationship. Barty didn’t like the fact that your boyfriends happened to be Gryffidor’s but he was still happy for you. As long as they didn’t hog you all the time. Evan had remained silent on the matter but you knew he wasn’t completely fond of it, though he wasn’t treating you any differently. You were still one of his closest friends after all. Pandora, on the other hand, had welcomed your relationship with open arms, happy to see you not pinning anymore.
“You guys will do better next time.” Pandora spoke softy looking to both Barty and Evan.
“S’m only if I have my lucky charm.” Barty said dramatically throwing his arm around you. “Can’t believe you sat with the lions.”
“Where is Regulus?” You asked feeling the absence of your friend. The rosier twins exchanged a look with Barty which told you all you needed to know. Regulus did not want to talk to you.
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Most days, you would let it slide. Today, was not most days. You were already feeling insecure and out of place in your relationship. Then there was the fact that your boyfriends and their friends were clearly hiding something from you. Therefore, you did not have the capacity to let one of your closest friends avoid you like the plague. You weren’t going to let all your relationships fall apart, and you knew Regulus wouldn’t talk unless provoked.
Which is exactly what lead you to march down to the Quidditch locker rooms. You peered in through to look for your black haired friend.
Sliver eyes that matched your boyfriend’s met yours. Regulus scoffed upon seeing you and tried to retreat.
“Regulus Arcturus Black.” You use of his full name indicted you were not willing to negotiate here.
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/LN.” He responded in the same tone you had used on him.
“You cannot keep avoiding me.”
“I would rather not have this conversation.” Regulus ran a hair through his dark locks avoiding your glaze.
“Too bad, it’s happening.” You held your ground.
Regulus groaned and rubbed his hands roughly across his face a few times before looking at you. You noticed that his eyes had an unfamiliar look to them, he missed you too.
“What possible reason could I have for talking to you.” Regulus cold tone sent shivers down your spine. His body retreated out of the locker room with you hot on his tail. You followed him all the way to the dungeons and into the Slytherin common room.
Students were still out on the pitch so the two of you were alone. The only sound besides your breathing was the roaring fire and sirens from the black lake.
“Let it go, Y/N.” Regulus called out to you as he walked across to allow his body to fall limp on one of the green leather chairs.
“No, I won’t not until you tell me why you refuse to talk to me.”
“Might I kindly request that you abandon this conversation?” Regulus pleaded with you. The way his eyes looked into your soul almost broke your spirt right then and there.
“I cannot oblige your request.” If he was going to use formal cold pureblood tone, then so would you.
“I asked only one thing of you, and you couldn’t grant me that, could you?” Regulus breathed out, standing up from his chair and making steps towards you.
“What are you talking about, Reg?”
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Taglist: @maraudersforlife2005 @xlxnq
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fandomlit · 2 months
reunited (sirius black x reader)
summary after a year free from azkaban, sirius is dying to leave number twelve grimmauld place. but after a year of also craving to see you, one of his wishes is met.
warnings mentions of loneliness and depression
a/n if you couldn't tell i'm on a harry potter kick rn (requests please!!!)
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gif cred belongs to @peaceseller
sirius was losing his mind sitting around headquarters. with little to do other than to stare at his family's old possessions and vanquish bitter creatures (and kreatcher), he was beginning to harbor a feeling similar to his time in azkaban--not nearly as hopeless, but just as desperately bored.
he heard the door open from the armchair he had been lounging in and a voice gasp, "professor l/n!" before the screeches of his mother filled the hall. he jumped to his feet--not due to the screams, he was truly becoming used to that--but at the sound of your name.
someone managed to close the curtains around his mother's portrait as he practically ran down the stairs. the last time he had glimpsed you had been too brief, not even being able to show you that he was there in his disguised animagus form. when dumbledore told him he had recruited you, sirius was less than surprised, but desperate for the day you would finally drop by headquarters. when after fourteen long years, he would get to speak to you. and, as he reached the last step, you were finally here.
"old bat never liked me," you were chuckling, shaking your head at harry, ron, and hermione as you faced the drawn curtains. "screamed very similar to that in person, as well." ron spoke something to you just as your gaze landed on sirius, who was still clutching the banister with his mouth slightly agape.
you were just as beautiful as the day he last saw you. your face was more mature than he had last seen and you were an inch or two taller, but you still had that bright glint in your eyes, like you were always on the verge of a joke, and a confidence in your stance that no one he had ever met managed to compare to.
he was muttering your name before he even realized it. he was acutely aware of the trio flipping their gazes between the two of you.
you smiled fondly at him. "sirius black, you finally grew out your hair!"
he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as he opened his arms, walking toward you quicker than he would have cared for you to acknowledge. luckily, you met him halfway and let his arms squeeze you tightly to him. he let out an unconscious laugh.
"holy merlin, i never thought i'd ever touch you again," he confessed before realizing how odd it sounded. but you only responded with a laugh of your own.
"me neither," you confessed, drawing black slightly to see his grinning face. "but lord am i glad you're not the murderer the world was tricked to think." his smile dimmed in the slightest, but even those difficult thoughts couldn't weigh his heart down. you were actually here. "how's the old house treating you?"
he raised his eyebrows at you. "really? just going to keep bringing up the worst things of my day-to-day?"
you let out a laugh that he couldn't help but grin at. "i'm sorry, i am." you smiled fondly again as you two drew completely apart, but sirius kept your hand clamped in his and you squeezed it to show you didn't mind it. you shook your head at him. "godric, you look good! for a convict and blood traitor, you look like a dream, sirius!"
he let out a loud laugh this time, glimpsing the trio all trading glances behind you two. "you should see yourself! hogwarts has been kind to you, my dear." you let out a surprised sound at the old nickname. "you haven't changed an ounce, y/n. you're the same woman i dreamed of on my worst nights."
he took pride in the pink that crept up your neck. "you're a slightly aged version of the man i couldn't keep out of my dreams," you admitted. sirius smiled. "no matter what they said about you sirius.. my mind could never let you go."
he pressed your locked hands to his heart, soft gaze holding yours in what he hoped didn't look at all like the desperation he felt. "now it never has to." you pulled him into a wordless hug before he slipped his arm around your shoulders and lead you toward the kitchen.
sirius knew that later, away from the eyes of the curious teenagers of the house, you two would share a heavy hearted moment. one where he wouldn't be able to deny himself the exhaustion of his hardships in your presence, which has always been able to get past his tough, playful facade. but for now, the way you smiled and joked and radiated in his presence gripped his heart in a way that wasn't at all like he had felt in years.
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maximwtf · 1 year
can I request an animagus!reader x platonic!Newt Scamander where the reader has just become an animagus, and Newt finds them in their animagus form (maybe a lynx or kneazle) and takes them in? He doesn’t know it’s the reader and the reader stays in animagus form to see what happens and mess with Newt
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Platonic! Newt Sacamander  x Animagus! Reader
Words: 2350
Google docs pages: 4
Warnings: None, I believe
Opening: The reader is a new kneazle animagus who gets found by Newt on accident. The reader recognizes Newt from some time ago, but decides against changing forms to see how far they could go before Newt would realise who the creature truly was. 
AN// Any pronouns for reader! Haha, I didn’t even realise how much I missed writing for this man. Thank you for the request, I hope it's to your liking. (Oh, and thank you for the other requests I’ve also gotten, I’ll get to those as soon as I can! ^^)
                                  “Are you lost?”
You hadn't meant to change forms now, but after completing some…unofficial work as some might call it, you had to make sure no one was after you and it just kind of happened. Not that you hadn’t been trying to turn for the first time, you had been but without any success. There wasn’t much time to get used to the form, but you knew enough about magical creatures to pinpoint what your form might have been. It also turned out your new form was a great getaway, especially from places where there were kneazles roaming around anyway. No one would pay no mind to your escape. 
Only, while checking that no one was after you, a man passing by noticed you. You being too busy frantically looking around caused you to not notice him though. This allowed him to get rather close, but far enough to not be able to touch you. The surprise of a wizard staring at you caught you off guard, and as much as you’d hate to admit it, a hiss left your muzzle. Your movements, as far as you knew, weren't too graceful either, most likely resembling an injured animal rather than a kneazle used for guarding. The man took a respectful step back, kneeling down to your level. You stared back at him with a fierce expression, trying your best to scare him away. Surely, like most people, he knew that the kneazles around here were used as guardians. For all he knew, he could have gotten attacked by you, not that you’d do that to him of course. Your speckled fur rose up, big ears pinning back as you showed your sharp teeth to him. The man didn’t seem afraid, even more oddly…he seemed to try and relax even more. At this point, you knew that even a real kneazle would have come to the conclusion that this man was to be trusted, but you were no house pet. You didn’t need to be taken back to your home, you didn’t even live here. No matter how kind this man was. But he did seem insistent on trying to get your trust, for whatever reason that may have been for. 
Newt offered out his hand. The kneazle seemed more scared to him rather than trying to chase him away. This kept him persistent on trying again, thinking that the creature might have been hurt for the way it was moving. “Did you get lost? You’re quite far from home, if you did.” He smiled, keeping his hand out before his eyes lit up. “Would you like a treat?” He kept speaking in a calm tone, not wishing to scare you.
It was when he had begun to speak that the realisation had hit you. The wizard trying to get you to come to him was someone who you had met briefly before. Newt Scamander, you remember his name being. That must have been why he seemed so calm around you, ignoring any warning signs that you had given him. It now felt like he knew how to handle your form better than you yourself. Embarrassing, but thankfully you’d never have to admit that to him…
The realisation must have calmed the way you looked, and the wizard had taken that as a ‘yes’ to his offer. You watched as Newt opened the briefcase he always carried with him, putting it against a corner of a house. The place was so far on the edge of the living area, no one ever came there. Except for you and him it seemed.
 Keeping your eyes on the man, you saw him climb into the briefcase, soon a hand poking out as if the wizard was inviting you to join him. Reluctantly you took a couple of steps closer, looking down into the briefcase. It seemed like a house, not even a small one that was. At the bottom of the ladder you saw Newt again, he was holding a piece of meat in his hand which he showed to you and then placed down on a table, coming back to the end of the ladder. He held out his arms, asking for you to come down. He did still believe you had just gotten lost, but perhaps you could have some fun before ultimately you’d have to reveal yourself to him. Before that though, you’d have to figure out how to turn back…
With that, you stepped down and allowed Newt to catch you. You looked around the briefcase as the wizard set you down and held out the treat yet again, lowering it to you. The thought of eating in your animagus form almost made you recoil but if that was what had to be done in order for your plan to work, you’d do it. You took the rather small piece of meat from him, munching it away while he leaned on a table. When your eyes travelled back to him, he seemed to be thinking.
 Thinking of what to do with you now. It was getting quite late, and he didn’t want to bother the residents at night by knocking on their doors, asking if someone had lost their kneazle. Which meant he’d either have to let you wander the night alone or keep you in the briefcase until the sun rose up again. Which of he chose the latter, of course. “Right, I suppose you’re going to have to stay with me. It’s okay, we’ll find your home tomorrow.” He smiled with the same gentle smile you had seen before and reached down to you. Newt waited for you to sniff his hand, as if letting you recheck if you trusted him before he allowed himself to pet your head briefly. 
A gush of air hit your face as Newt pushed himself away from the table, and walked to the kitchen, continuing on to a place in the ‘house’ that you had heard animalistic noises from, your heightened senses allowing you to smell other creatures in that area. With cautious steps you followed along, watching as he fed the other creatures. You knew he was well informed on magical creatures, and it showed. All the creatures had their own assigned habitats, and Newt seemed to know exactly how much and what to feed them. Heck, as far as you knew he was treating you like you had read all kneazles should be treated. It rather warmed your heart to see him care for the creatures so deeply, even if some may have claimed them as dangerous and as something to never go near. 
Though, the feeding meant that you had time to explore without his attention being on you. Your paws turned, trotting back to the kitchen area where after some thinking you decided to jump on the counter. It wasn’t a graceful jump, and as much as you’d hate to admit it, you did have to drag yourself up to be able to fully stand up. While walking to the other side of it, you made note of what had been on it. As you were about to jump down the sound of footsteps on the wooden floor almost echoed in your ears before you could cast a look towards the man. He seemed almost just as surprised to see you on the counter, a playful smile on his face as he got closer. “Be careful, I haven’t yet checked you for injuries!” You jumped down, running away but not far enough to not hear him. “Hm, were you looking for food as well?” Newt’s voice spoke again as he made sure that nothing on the counter was broken. “Come on then, you’ll get some too.” He hummed, seemingly happy to have a visitor. 
You had made your way to where the habitats were, eyes wide as your much smaller form marched past huge creatures, some you had never even seen before. While in your thoughts something had managed to sneak up on you, tugging your tail for a few times. A rather rough hiss came from you while turning around, finding a small, almost blue-ish creature sitting behind you. As soon as it saw the opportunity, which was the clear confusion on your face, it scattered away. Your gaze followed it run and get picked up by Newt. The expression on his face looked as if even without seeing he knew the creature must have met you. “You met Teddy, then?” The creature named ‘Teddy’ climbed onto his shoulder, not keeping it safe for much longer as Newt picked you up as well, carrying you as he walked. 
You didn’t look, but you felt his eyes on you every now and then. As if he was thinking about something, making notes of your behaviour. 
The wizard had heard the rather odd hiss coming from you earlier. He had his doubts about you, thinking that maybe you lacked some of the high intelligence the kneazle usually had or perhaps it was something else making him suspicious of you…or perhaps you were just injured. Either way, he set you down, you only now noticing he had brought you back into the kitchen. “Be careful around the habitats, better not get too close when they’re eating you see.” He spoke to your animagus form, as if you’d understand. Of course you did, but he didn’t know that. 
A bowl was placed on the ground, slightly under the table so he wouldn’t accidentally step on it or kick it while walking by. “There you go.” Another smile. While sniffing the food, you could feel his eyes examine your form, but he couldn’t find any signs of bruises or injuries.  With that he retreated himself to his room, and as if no time had passed the sounds of writing began to chime from behind the curtain he seemed to use as a door. 
You were not eating again. Not in this form at least. Though, you were getting thirsty but there was absolutely no way you’d be able to turn on the faucet without him noticing. So it became a waiting game. Waiting until he’d fall asleep and you could figure out how to turn back to your human form. 
Eventually the waiting paid off. The noises of writing and pages being turned stopped and you could have sworn you heard the bed sheets move as he settled down. Some of the creatures had calmed down as well it seemed, even better for you. 
With a couple of careful glances to your sides and a long sigh, you sat down and closed your eyes. What felt like hours of concentrating worked, you were back to your human form. It felt oddly nice to be standing on two legs, to be able to reach the countertop without having to jump on top of it. Though, the first couple of steps you took were clumsy. 
You opened some of the cabinets and soon found a glass which you filled with water a couple of times and drank. To your fortune and maybe to Newt's misfortune he had left some bread on the counter as well, a night snack for you. 
While working on preparing some food for yourself, someone had woken up. He was staring at you from the corner of his bedroom and it didn’t take long until you could feel eyes on your back. Assuming it was either the ‘Teddy’ creature or one of the free roaming bird-like ones, you turned around calmly only to find Newt staring at you. You froze and it almost felt like time had done the same, but the environment soon warmed up as Newt laughed gently. “I thought there was something odd about the kneazle I rescued.” He walked closer, leaning on the kitchen table. He seemed calm enough on the outside, but you still felt the need to apologise. “I- I’m sorry, Newt. I should probably leave, I know you don’t like-” The stutter mixed ramble was interrupted by Newt putting his hand up. “It’s quite alright. Only a surprise to meet you again like this.” He spoke, a hint of awkwardness in his voice but he seemed to hide it well. “You never told me you were an animagus?” He asked, Newt's voice now filled with interest as he got to bring up the topic of magical creatures once more. “Not necessarily a registered one, so I don’t tend to bring it up…” You grinned a little awkwardly, scratching the back of your neck as you retreated from the countertops and seated yourself around the kitchen table. “Ah, I see. I’m assuming you don’t use the form often then either?” Newt hummed, taking your earlier spot. “ He reached into the cabinets. “O-oh, no. I- This was actually the first time it worked.” You said, knowing your clumsy movements in the form must have seemed odd to Newt. The wizard’s eyes moved back to you, slight worry mixed with interest in his eyes. “Are you feeling alright?” The question slipped from him so suddenly. You blinked a couple of times. “Oh yes, I suppose. Got some getting used to, I suppose.” You tried to smile, only now feeling the exhaustion from the changes. Newt took a moment to say anything. “Would you like some tea? I was coming to make some for myself earlier but..” He smiled. You bit your inner lip in embarrassment, not letting it show. “Sure.”
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arviyya · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about post war Evan finally learning how to do a patronus and he thinks it's a racoon, like Barty's, but then when he becomes an animagus he realizes it's actually a red panda. And, now my brain is rotting with racoon Barty and red panda Evan snuggling and I think I might just die.
Please visit my grave.
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fourmoony · 10 months
Heya I have a request <3 I've been thinking about Remus having a crush on muggle reader because he sees her walking her dog all the time when he's reading in the park or something and sirius stepping up as wingman and running up to her in animagus form forcing pretending to be Remus' dog and forcing him to talk to her
love your blog btw!!! <3
ah, thank you so much lovely! thank you, as well, for requesting - i love this idea! hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
1.3k remus x fem!reader fluff language
There's a man running towards you full pelt.
He's waving his arms, an exasperated look on his face as he huffs and puffs, cheeks crimson from exertion and the cool November breeze. You would be concerned about the fact he seems to be running straight in your direction, clearly past caring about how crazy he looks as he ignores the turned heads of other dog walkers, but it takes you maybe two seconds to deduce the dog - Padfoot, if his collar is to be believed - leaning against your hip is his.
Your own dog, Nova, has already made herself comfortable with Padfoot, sitting happily underneath his chest while you scratch the behind of his ears. He's the biggest dog you've ever seen, you think, up to your hip, standing.
Padfoot doesn't seem to be bothered in the least that his owner is clearly so upset by his apparent disappearance, the large black dog only tilting his head to look up at you, pink tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. You can tell he's full of personality and mischief, even if he's only been at your feet for a minute or so.
The man comes to a gradual stop, resting his hands on his knees and bowing his head to catch his breath when he's in front of you. You smile kindly, still scratching the dog's ears. Padfoot isn't complaining. The man looks up, a weak sort of smile about his face and you notice that it pulls a scar above his top lip taught. He has a number of them on his face that you can see. One running across the bridge of his nose, under his right eye, and another along his left jaw. They make him no less beautiful, by any means. He's handsome. Pretty. Gorgeous.
It's actually kind of intimidating.
His hair falls in soft curls across his forehead, where you can see the tail end of another scar cutting through his eyebrow, and it's a dirty, sort of sandy blonde that brings out the hazel in his eyes. He's tall and lanky, and the oversized woollen jumper he's wearing hangs from his frame in a way that suggests it wasn't bought for him. He's staring at his dog with such distain you wonder if this is a regular occurrence.
"You," He looks at the dog, eyes narrowed, and then seems to remember himself, "I'm so sorry. He's usually better behaved."
The way he talks, looking at Padfoot, and the way Padfoot reacts, lifting his head in a manner that bleeds defiance, anyone might think the two are actually capable of holding a proper conversation. You smile, amused at the situation, "He's okay. Seems like him and Nova have become fast friends."
Your own dog, a brown, little spaniel puppy, is sitting between Padfoot's front legs happily. As if he can understand, Padfoot drops his head on top of Nova's and almost crushes her with the sheer weight. The man laughs, seemingly resigned to his fate with his mischievous dog.
"Right. Well, again, sorry." He looks entirely bashful, cheeks a beautiful shade of pink.
"No problem, honestly." You wave him off.
The man turns to go back whatever way he came, calling out for Padfoot who remains defiantly still. He calls after him again, growing slightly frustrated, before resigning to his fate when Padfoot circles you once, twice, and then entices Nova into walking slightly ahead along with him. You smile at how tiny she looks compared to the massive black dog, weaving playfully in and out of his feet as they go. He doesn't seem to mind.
"I suppose he's not ready to part with her, yet." He chuckles, holding his hand out towards the two dogs in a gesture - shall we?
You chuckle lightly, "Apparently not."
You tell him your name, and he tells you that his is Remus. It's a nice name, uncommon, you suppose. But so is his accent. Welsh, maybe? It's definitely got a twinge of something. It's endearing. You walk together through the park, along the trail, letting Nova and Padfoot lead the way. Padfoot keeps Nova out of trouble, leading her away from the other leash-less dogs that the four of you pass. There's multiple strange looks from the people you pass, clearly fascinated with Nova and Padfoot and their ridiculous size difference.
"How old is he?" You ask, nodding your head towards Padfoot, who's nosing Nova back onto the dirt path instead of allowing her to run head first into the surrounding forrest.
He's incredibly smart.
"Uhm," Remus falters, lets out a breath you assume is a laugh intended for himself, some sort of inside joke, likely, "He's twenty one."
"Oh, so he's three?" You ask, brows furrowed in confusion.
Remus hums, amused, "Something like that."
"How old is Nova?"
"Eleven months. She's still a little shit sometimes, won't take to her recall training for love nor money." You tell him.
Remus nods along, listening amicably, a smile on his face, "Bit like that bugger then?"
You share a laugh, kind eyes and appled cheeks, shoulders brushing as you walk together. Remus is nice. He's tall and handsome and he's genuinely interested in holding a conversation, despite the fact that it's your dogs who have forced you along together.
"So, what do you do for a living?" Remus asks as you round a corner, passing a couple of determined hikers heading towards the hillier trails.
You both offer them passing smiles, and one comments on how cute your dogs are. You and Remus thank them both, looking fondly at Padfoot and Nova who are happily trotting along in front, sniffing and exploring.
"I work in a little art museum out by the marina. It's quiet and cozy. What about you?"
"I own a book shop with my mate Sirius," Remus tells you, "Quiet and cozy."
You giggle at the repetition of your answer, the car park that signals the end of the trail coming in to view. The sight drops like a lead balloon in your stomach. It's strange, the feeling you get of not having wanted the trail to end, to spend more time talking to Remus. He seems to feel the same way, because he takes a deep breath, teeth sliding over his bottom lip when he notices the carpark, too.
"Did you," He falters, unsure, so you offer him an assuring smile, hope that the look in your eyes tells him you're going to say yes.
He grins back, nodding as if you've passed a silent message between you, "Did you maybe want to get coffee, sometime? Or dinner? Maybe another walk?"
"Yes, Remus. I'd like that." You nod.
Remus looks chuffed, eyes bright and twinkly, cheeks rounded with the force of his smile. He still manages to look entirely too handsome even when he's bashful as he pulls out his phone and hands it to you, a contact form already waiting. You put your number in, your name, too, and hand it back to him.
"I'll text you?" He asks.
You nod, "Text me."
Remus whistles for Padfoot, who actually complies this time, as you bend down to reattach Nova's leash. You say your goodbyes, promise to talk soon, and then go your separate ways to your car.
You're smiling to yourself the entire time you clip Nova into place, talking animatedly to her about how well behaved she was with Padfoot and you almost miss it when you shut the door, look up and notice the car Remus got into just moments ago is driving past. Your brain tells you to put your hand up and wave, but he hasn't seen you, he's too busy talking - or yelling, it looks like - at the fully grown man in his passenger seat.
He's gone a second later, pulling out of the car park as you stand there, dazed, mouth opening and closing like some sort of fish.
"What the-"
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rafesslxt · 4 months
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this will be where u can see how far I am with writings and what‘s up next on my plan for Harry Potter Characters. I also have a Hayden Christensen and Rafe Cameron one
some of my story‘s that are a more of a unique idea of mine, i won‘t share so it can‘t be stolen before I post it ☁️🧸
a status like 'not started' or 'barely started' don't mean it will take long. Most of the times I write a story in one or two sessions
current nr. of drafts: 44 ⎥smut: 🌶 fluff: ☁️ funny: ☀️
updated: 22 / July / 2024
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Yule Ball ⎥m. riddle⎥☁️⎥status: almost finished 「 ✦ Mattheo and Tom want to take reader to the yule ball ✦ 」
Yule Ball ⎥t. nott⎥☁️⎥status: almost finished 「 ✦ Theo goes out of his way to ask you to be his date for the yule ball ✦ 」
Brother's best friend⎥m. riddle⎥🌶☁️☀️⎥status: at the beginning 「 ✦ This is a unique idea so I won't share hehe ✦ 」
Undercover⎥m. riddle⎥🌶☁️⎥status: half finished 「 ✦ This is a unique idea so I won't share hehe ✦ 」
reading⎥m. riddle⎥☁️☀️⎥status: not started 「 ✦ Mattheo finds out what kind of books you read in your free time✦ 」
Animagus⎥m. riddle⎥☁️☀️⎥status: barely started 「 ✦ you show Mattheo your Animagus form and he freaks out a little ✦ 」
Notice me⎥m. riddle x potter!sister⎥☁️☀️🌶⎥barely started 「 ✦ Harry try's everything to stop Mattheo from getting near to you✦ 」
Dear diary⎥m. riddle⎥☁️⎥half finished 「 ✦ This is a unique idea so I won't share hehe ✦ 」
Oh, Professor⎥professor! m. riddle⎥🌶⎥barely started 「 ✦ mmh let's just say it get's interesting✦ 」
Whirlpool⎥m. riddle⎥☁️🌶⎥barely started 「 ✦ It's your birthday and you throw a party✦ 」
Friends⎥m. riddle x malfoy! reader x t.nott⎥☁️🌧⎥status: not started 「 ✦ This is a unique idea so I won't share hehe ✦ 」
secret admirer⎥m. riddle⎥☁️⎥status: barely started 「 ✦ who wrote you all those letters?✦ 」
Brat⎥m. riddle x reader x t. nott⎥🌶⎥status: almost half finished 「 ✦ threesome hehe ✦ 」
Temptation⎥m. riddle⎥🌶⎥status: barely started 「 ✦ a little spicy bet between mattheo and his girlfriend y/n ✦ 」
Haunted⎥m. riddle⎥🌶☁️⎥status: barely started 「 ✦ this was requested - mattheo, reader and friends go through a haunted house ✦ 」
NSFW Heascanons⎥t. nott⎥🌶⎥status: almost finished
Smokin'⎥m. riddle⎥🌶⎥status: not started 「 ✦ this was requested - will be posted soon ✦ 」
Greedy ⎥mattheo, enzo & theo x reader⎥🌶⎥status: almost finished 「 ✦ you and your best friend talk about the famous slytherin boys, not knowing one of them is listening and now planning with his friends to make your theirs ✦ 」
Not her⎥m. riddle⎥☁️🌧⎥status: not started
Studio⎥Slytherin Boys⎥☁️⎥status: not started
arcānum | mattheo riddle | ☁️ | status: not started 「 ✦ Mattheo becomes obsessed with reader in a portrait in the halls of hogwarts. Soon enough he runs with the time to free you from your curse ✦ 」
pool date ⎥t. nott⎥🌶⎥status: half finished
happy birthday ⎥m. riddle⎥☁️⎥not started 「 ✦ the boys planned something special for your birthday and take you on a trip to france ✦ 」
Several Parts Story's:
Showerhead 3⎥m. riddle⎥🌶☁️⎥status: barely started [I'm sorry ok 💀😭] 「 ✦ are they really just fucking? or is it more? ✦ 」 here are Part 1 and Part 2
Lustpotion 2⎥m. riddle⎥🌶⎥status: barely started 「 ✦ oh how the tables have turned when Mattheo is the one who drinks the potion y/n made this time✦ 」 If you wanna read Part 1
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