#how to stop spam calls on my android
maccaresolution · 1 year
Is Someone Spying On Your Phone? 10 Signs To Know And Stop Them!
Are you concerned that your Android or iPhone might be under surveillance without your knowledge? If you feel like something’s off and suspect that someone’s keeping tabs on you without your consent, it's important to take immediate action.
There are a bunch of warning signs that can indicate the presence of spyware on your phone. From your battery draining quicker than usual to strange data usage, our guide gives you 10 solid clues on how to know someone has installed spyware on your phone secretly without you knowing and practical advice on what to do next. So if the safety and security of your phone are a concern for you, continue reading for a detailed exploration of these signs and actionable strategies to safeguard your privacy.
3 Common Ways Spyware Can be Installed In Your Phone Without You Knowing:
1.Phishing Attacks, AKA Meta-Phishing:
Phishing is a deceitful method used by hackers to trick individuals into revealing their personal information or installing malicious software. In recent times, "meta-phishing" has emerged as a more advanced form of this cyber threat.
2.Drive-By Download Malware With Examples:
Drive-by downloads are a sneaky way for cybercriminals to infect your phone with malware simply by visiting a compromised website or clicking on a seemingly decent link.
3.Bluetooth Hacking:
While Bluetooth technology has made our lives more convenient, it has also opened up new place for hackers to exploit.
Bluetooth Hacking is of three kinds:
1.Bluejacking - is when someone sends unwanted messages or files to your phone or device using Bluetooth, typically with harmful software attached. This can lead to potential spyware, malware, spamming, or phishing.
2.Bluesnarfing - on the other hand, is much more severe. This is when a hacker takes advantage of flaws in Bluetooth technology to access private data on a device, like personal contacts, messages, and credit card information. This can happen without the owner’s knowledge and often leads to identity theft or financial loss.
3.Bluebuggin - is when a hacker takes over complete control of a Bluetooth-enabled device. They can do things like send text messages or make calls remotely and access sensitive data. This type of attack poses a significant threat to both regular people and businesses alike.
How Do I Know If Someone Is Spying On My phone? 10 Major Signs To Look For
1. Your Battery Is Draining More Than Usual:
If your phone's battery seems to be running out faster than it used to, it could be a sign of spyware. Spy apps often run in the background, consuming extra power to perform their tasks. Keep an eye on your battery usage statistics in your device settings to see if any unfamiliar apps are draining power excessive.
2. Is Your Phone Too Hot To Touch?
An unusually warm phone can be an indicator of spyware or malware. Spy apps can put a strain on your phone's resources, causing it to heat up. If your device feels excessively hot, even when you're not using it for any tasks, it's worth investigating for potential security breaches.
3. Your Phone’s Performance Has Slowed Down:
Spyware can lag, freeze, or crash system resources, leading to a noticeable slowdown in your phone's performance. If apps take longer to open, your device freezes frequently, or there's a general sluggishness, consider this a red flag and investigate further.
4. You Notice Strange Apps Installed In Your Phone:
Spyware can be look like regular apps, so be careful and look for strange or suspicious apps on your phone. It's a good idea to check the list of apps on your phone from time to time. If you see any apps you don't remember getting or ones that seem strange, it's best to remove them.
5. You Receive Concerning Text Messages:
If your phone sends a text message to someone from your contact list without you knowing or giving permission, it could indicate the presence of spyware.
A recent study by Kaspersky revealed that spyware apps are among the most prevalent forms of mobile malware, with over 67,000 instances discovered in 2023. This focus attention on the need to stay alert and implement measures to safeguard your phone against spyware.
6. You Notice Unusual Background Noise During Calls:
If you hear strange background noises, echoes, or interference during phone calls, it could be a sign of someone tapping into your calls. While network issues can sometimes cause such problems, persistent and unusual call quality issues warrant investigation.
7. You Receive Strange Pop-up Ads:
Excessive pop-up ads, especially when you're not using any specific app or browsing, can be a symptom of adware or unwanted software on your phone. Spyware often accompanies adware to monetize its activities, so take these ads seriously.
8. Your Data Usage Has Increased:
Keep an eye on your data usage patterns. Spyware can transmit data from your device to remote servers, causing an unexpected spike in your data consumption. If you notice unexplained increases in data usage, investigate further.
9. You Receive Unusual Phone Bills:
Spy apps may trigger premium rate calls or texts without your knowledge, resulting in unexpectedly high phone bills. Review your phone bill regularly for any unusual or unauthorized charges.
10. Your Phone’s Settings Have Changed:
If you discover that your phone's settings, such as security settings or permissions, have been altered without your consent, it could indicate tampering by spyware. Always verify and reset settings to your preferred configuration if you notice any unexpected changes.
Being vigilant and proactive in monitoring your phone for these signs can help you detect and address any potential privacy breaches early, protecting your personal data and digital security.
Being vigilant and aware of the signs that someone may be spying on your phone is crucial for protecting your privacy and security. The 10 signs we discussed, including unusual battery drain, heating up, strange text messages, and unexpected activity, are all indicators that someone may be monitoring your phone’s activity.
By installing trusted antivirus and anti-spyware software, exercising caution when downloading apps from unverified sources, and implementing strong passwords and two-factor authentication, you can significantly enhance your phone's security, ensuring the safety of your personal data.
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divinelement00 · 2 years
Yahoo Mail Problems Today
Since Yahoo Mail is a free webmail service that has been available online for more than 15 years, users have likely encountered numerous issues over this time. Yahoo Mail services occasionally experience regional outages or global outages that are also followed by an official statement from the firm.
Yahoo Mail frequently has issues with reading emails and sending through the website, iPad, iPhone, or Android apps. The sign-in page receives the most complaints, albeit these aren't always related to forgotten passwords. More recently, customers have been griping about emails that take too long to download and that don't have attachments. There is a chance that this is the result of regional server problems.
Is Yahoo Mail unavailable on November 13, 2022, Sunday? Check out our readers' status updates to see if there are any issues today, and share any problems you encounter with the community. With more than 200 million users worldwide, even isolated disruptions will affect a large number of people.
Are your Yahoo emails getting through?
In 2022, there are around 230 million active Yahoo! Mail subscribers globally. It is more than just another email provider because it has spam filters, a virus scanner, and limitless storage (1TB for Yahoo Standard Mail compared. to 15GB for Gmail).
Yahoo does come with a catch, though. They may flag your domain and IP addresses if they think you are misusing their platform. Additionally, this is a serious issue if you market by email. The effects on your company could be catastrophic, particularly if you rely on email marketing for lead generation and customer contact.
Let's discuss when Yahoo just deployed new filtering algorithms and security measures to highlight particular. The roll-out of improvements was first noticed by InboxAlly starting in late February 2022. Even the most pragmatist of senders can suffer from unexpected changes, therefore email marketers must modify their sending procedures to recover and make sure their messages continue to reach subscribers' inboxes.
The good news is that you can either fix the problem or completely stop it from happening again. This is what we're going to discuss with you today: the typical causes of Yahoo email blocking as well as possible solutions.
But how can I tell if Yahoo has blocked my email address? So here it is, the solution.
How to Determine Whether Yahoo Has Blocked You Whether you are an established sender, the easiest way to tell if you are banned is when you notice an overnight change in your delivery with a rise in rejections, a rise in deferrals, and a matching decline in open rates. For many email marketers, this is exactly what took place on February 25th, 2022. If you don't regularly examine performance along these lines, you should become in the habit of doing so if you don't look at metrics across the ISP's dimensions. The next step is to investigate further after an issue has been identified.
Let's start here if you are unfamiliar with the Yahoo Mail Postmaster Tool or already use deliverability solutions like InboxAlly.
To examine what deliverability looks like from Yahoo's perspective, use their tools to check your deliverability. It is an essential tool that you should utilize as part of your everyday process to track deliverability problems.
Yahoo Mail Postmaster Tool: What is it?
A customized tool from Yahoo is called Yahoo Mail Postmaster Tool. You may use it to assess and keep an eye on the health of your email system and determine the best paths for your messages to take to the inbox. With this program, you can also create a feedback loop, and once you do, you can start receiving spam rate reports.
How to Check Yahoo's Deliverability
Unlike anti-spam DNS blacklist services like Spamcop and Spamhaus, Yahoo does not allow you to simply check an IP to see if your emails are being delivered. Typically, if you get a notification saying anything like this, you'll know your email was rejected:
A deferral is a different, more frequent version, and it looks somewhat like this:
When your emails are not delivered, you should examine Yahoo's SMTP Error Codes to determine the precise cause of the error.
But you can just seek specific error codes, such as "TS01" or "BL21," if you think the subtleties of email coding are beyond your capabilities. You may frequently find out from these, along with a link, which exact SMTP issue caused the emails you sent to Yahoo to be returned.
Check Yahoo Mail: Launch A Successful Business Like Yahoo
You can access Yahoo Mail and protect yourself from viruses and spam. Yahoo Mail offers 1GB of email storage, so check it out. Yahoo mail is accessible from any location with a web connection. You may access and use Yahoo Mail for FREE! yahoo's primary free email website states as much.
However, did you know that a yahoo mail idea can generate multiple streams of income?
People from all over the world log on to the internet almost instantly to check their Yahoo mail. They simply won't quit coming.
Yahoo is currently the most visited website on the internet, not because they offer priceless services for free or nearly free, but rather because they cater to almost all demographics. They are providers of solutions.
Will a small business owner be as successful as Yahoo?
can you come up with a search term as well-known as check Yahoo Mail or Yahoo Mail login?
Yes, you can attract a tonne of free targeted traffic to your website without paying extra for advertisements or search engine positioning if you know how to offer the right solution to the right audience.
Using only the straightforward steps listed below:
I Recognize the methods/reasons behind internet usage: On the internet, people search for solutions to local problems rather than famous people. However, the majority of the time they are using search engines to locate these websites because they are unaware of those that can offer these solutions.
Today, "check Yahoo Mail" is a common phrase because of this.
What are you supposed to do?
Make sure your website is the one they see when they search. Make sure your website ranks among the top ten in the search results. You can do this without any special knowledge or added expense. You'll learn from me.
Choose your products (iii):
There is no way that you can launch another Yahoo Mail website. Online competition with major corporations is unaffordable. Start with something you are familiar with, such as a hobby, passion, work experience, ideas, etc. That would be too expensive.
Be strategically placed (iv)
Find a keyword that is profitable and related to the interest or idea you have chosen in (iii) above. These are terms or phrases that are frequently searched for but are not as frequently targeted by other websites.
Due to its high demand and low usage by webmasters, the keyword "check yahoo mail" is profitable right now. Your business's central theme, which will be centered on your profitable keyword, will be this.
(v) Create a site based on a theme:
for your products to reach the appropriate customers or be seen by the right people. You must create a website that is both appealing to users and search engines.
With multipurpose software like SiteBuildIt, you don't need to be a computer whiz to do this! A website can be created, hosted, and listed on the front page of search results. All of your tasks will be completed by this software at the lowest possible cost.
You must presell (vii)
Your website's content should be its main focus. It establishes the course of action a visitor will take. Instead of being a sales letter, it must offer solutions. People frequently use Check yahoo mail because they receive solutions there that are not offered elsewhere at a comparable price.
Monetize (vii)
By presenting the product you want to sell as the best solution to your visitors' problems, you can foster an open-to-buy attitude in their minds. You can generate multiple streams of income without even having to create the product yourself by using;
affiliate marketing schemes with companies selling goods related to your theme.
it's Google Adsense. Referring to party/finder agreement. Other types (e.g. e-goods selling, service selling, etc.) You can look at the yahoo mail website to see how the company partners with other websites to generate multiple sources of income by offering solutions to users' problems.
With this easy method, you can create a small group of people who rely on you to help them get what they need. These people will always come back to you, and their numbers will increase quickly over time.
For solving Yahoo mail problems today
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womansunsky · 2 years
Textnow account login
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As told above, to deactivate your account you have to leave your account dormant after changing and removing your personal information.īut before leaving your account inactive or dormant you should cancel your subscription and change your personal information. All the steps are the same but only the interface is different. You can use your iPhone’s TextNow app or Android app to delete your account. How to delete TextNow account on iPhone or on computer
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Your account could be considered deleted because you have removed all personal data from your TextNow account. After few days of inactivity, your account gets deactivated and you will become approximately untraceable. When your account gets deactivated no one can reach you on TextNow. If you will stop using your account for a few days, your number will be removed from your account and you will no longer be able to make and receive calls and in the end, your account will be deactivated. To delete/deactivate your TextNow account you have to leave it dormant after altering your data. So the best suggestion is that you log in to your account and alter your personal details, especially your email id so that your data becomes useless to them. But you can deactivate your account instead. TextNow states that they cannot delete your TextNow account permanently because of some legal reasons. We will tell you the complete process in this article. However, there are alternate ways by which you can deactivate your account and it could be treated as a permanently deleted account. It means that you cannot delete your TextNow account permanently. There is no button or link to delete, remove or disable a TextNow account. TextNow doesn’t provide any direct link to delete a TextNow account. Can You Delete Your TextNow Account Permanently?īefore proceeding to delete your TextNow account you should know how to permanently delete a TextNow account and whether it is possible or not. But if you are satisfied with the services you can continue using TextNow.
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Some people feel it as spamming and don’t like to get any messages of this kind.Īnnoying:- Some of the people find it annoying and want to delete their account. Limited Services:- If you are thinking that you are not getting the services as per your requirements and the TextNow support is unable to satisfy you then you can delete your TextNow account.Įmail Spamming:- You could be getting emails from TextNow on a regular basis. You could have felt any of the reasons below that are causing you to delete your account. There could be various reasons to delete a TextNow account. It depends on you whether you want to delete your TextNow account or not. After reading the complete article you will get to know if it is possible to delete a TextNow account permanently or not and If yes, then how you can do it.Ħ Final Words on How to Delete TextNow Account Why should you delete your TextNow account? You would be thinking that deactivating your account will permanently delete your TextNow account or not. If you delete all your call history and messages and change your complete personal information as well as email id, then your TextNow account will no longer be accessible and your account will be deactivated. Here you can see your TextNow account information. To delete your free TextNow account you have to go to TextNow manage my account section.
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It also has a premium feature for which you have to take its subscription. It is also available on the desktop for text. TextNow app is available on Android and IOS stores. It also provides a phone number to your account. But if you want to call and text in another country then you have to buy some credits. Their service is free in the USA and Canada for unlimited usage. TextNow is a cloud-based platform that provides the VoIP services like calling and text messages feature. However, if you have decided to deactivate or delete your TextNow account and want to know how to delete TextNow account then in this article we will tell you the right way to delete your account. TextNow is a VoIP phone service by which you can call and text in the USA and Canada for free.
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lasclhappy · 2 years
How to stop google download english update
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Most devices provide Netflix as a pre-installed app that you can access from the main menu, or from a Netflix button on your remote. Using Netflix on smart TVs, streaming media players, game consoles, set-top boxes, or Blu-ray players If you have a ChromeOS computer, you can download the Netflix app from the Google Play Store.
If you have a Windows 8 or later computer, you can also download the Netflix app for Windows. Netflix can be accessed from your internet browser by visiting and signing in or creating a new account.
To install Netflix, follow the link for your device from your smartphone or tablet. Downloading Netflix on smartphones and tablets The Netflix app may come pre-installed or you may need to download it.
Whether this malware makes it to North America in any significant number or not, the functionality and the devastation already caused in Europe should heighten the call to action for all Android users – to watch out for suspicious messages and to install security software in order to prevent such extremely malicious apps from ever getting on their devices.Netflix is available on many devices. In the unfortunate scenario that the malware was installed on a device and banking or other activity has taken place since the installation took place, then contact the organizations concerned immediately to block access and where necessary change passwords, remembering to make them unique and strong. If you receive an unknown or unexpected SMS message with a clickable link, refrain from clicking the link and instead remove the message.
My colleague, Lukas Stefanko, has produced a short video with helpful instructions on how to remove this and any other malicious app: How to remove FluBotĪ compromised device may need to have the malware removed manually. Also, due to the extensive permissions granted, the threat actor is able to block the installation of many third-party antimalware solutions. The malicious app also disables Google Play Protect to avoid detection by the operating system’s built-in security. SMS messages and notifications from telecom carriers can be intercepted, browser pages can be opened, and overlays to capture credentials can be displayed. The contact list is exfiltrated from the device and sent to servers under the control of the bad actor, providing them with additional personal information and enabling them to unleash further attacks on other potential victims. Once installed and granted the requested permissions, FluBot unleashes a plethora of functionality, including SMS spamming, the theft of credit card numbers and banking credentials, and spyware. An example of the SMS message (in German) and the subsequent prompt to install the app can be seen below: The call to action of the message is for the user to click a link in order to download and install an app that has the same familiar branding as the SMS message but is actually malicious and has the FluBot malware embedded within it. The victim first receives an SMS message that impersonates a popular delivery logistics brand, such as FedEx, DHL, and Correos (in Spain). To avoid removal, the attacker implements mechanisms to stop the built-in protection offered by the Android OS and stops many third-party security software packages from being installed, an action many users would take to remove malicious software. This includes the potential to steal credit card numbers and access credentials to online banking accounts. If a victim is lured by the attacker into the malicious campaign, their entire Android device becomes accessible to the scammer. FluBot and TeaBot are detected by ESET products as variants of the Android/TrojanDropper.Agent family. In recent days, cybercriminals have begun to target Europeans with TeaBot (also known as Anatsa or Toddler), an Android malware family that uses exactly the same technique as FluBot to spread and to lure users into giving up their sensitive data. It’s also worth noting that this advice will help you stay safe from other Android malware strains. Here’s why you should be vigilant, how FluBot operates, and how you can remove this Android nasty from your device.
Why FluBot is a major threat for Android users, how to avoid falling victim, and how to get rid of the malware if your device has already been compromisedĪndroid malware known as FluBot is continuing to cause mayhem across some European countries, and there is speculation that the threat actors behind it may decide to target other geographies, including the United States.
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Read part one here
“Come to bed.”
Gavin hummed an absent-minded response.
“We’re so damn close. We can’t stop now.”
“You’ve been at it for hours and we have work tomorrow. Come to bed.”
Lips pressed against his neck and arms wrapped around his torso from behind. Gavin finally stopped clattering away at his keyboard and leaned into Connor’s embrace.
They both sighed as their eyes fell upon the android laying on their couch in apparent slumber. They had made heaps of progress in the five weeks since smuggling the RK900 out of the Cyberlife warehouse.
His thirium pump now beat steadily and his LED glowed blue. They’d even managed to activate his synth skin (and dressed him in their own clothes when that presented obvious problems)... but they just couldn’t get him to open his eyes.
It was now a mission of their own. Independent of anything North asked of them, and far exceeding the expectations of her original offhand instruction. It made absolutely no sense, but the couple had developed an attachment, if not an obsession, with the RK900. 
They’d even named him.
“He kind of looks like a David.”
“Fuck no. Richard.”
“Allen. Shit that reminds me of Sixty’s boss.”
“Maybe he doesn’t need a human name. RK… Nine…. hmm… Nine sounds nice. Nine, Nine… Nines?”
Connor’s eyes had lit up spectacularly at the suggestion and it so came to be that their silent roommate was called Nines.
Outside of detective work and North’s secret errands, Gavin spent all his time poring through the data stolen from Cyberlife in the hope of finding some clue on activating Nines. He’d fall asleep at his workstation and his boyfriend would carry him to bed… but not join him there.
Instead, Connor would resume his place on the floor beside the couch. He’d take his successor model’s hand and whisper to him, pushing parcel after parcel of code through a one-way interface.
A lesser man might have found it creepy to see Connor frozen on the ground in the early hours of the morning, staring deep into a face identical to his own… but Gavin would merely brush a hand through both Connor and Nines’ hair and sit back down at his computer to generate more code for them to try.
This went on for weeks.
Then came the text messages.
Gavin thought it was advertising spam at first.
[Too much caffeine and not enough melatonin. Try decaf.] 
[When was the last time you shaved? I can add razor blades to your shopping cart if you like] 
[Your couch is really comfortable but a blanket would be nice] 
Then one morning Connor had dashed into the bathroom where Gavin was brushing his teeth. It was technically impossible, but the RK800 looked like he was out of breath.
“Gav, he can talk! He’s talking to me! In my head!” 
“I think he’s tried to speak to you too.” 
Mouth otherwise occupied, Gavin’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. 
His phone buzzed from the edge of the bathroom vanity. He snatched it up.
[Good morning, Gavin. Don’t you look fresh! Told you a shave was in order.] 
Gavin went white as a ghost. The toothbrush clattered into the sink and his phone slipped from his grasp. It was saved from landing in the toilet by Connor’s deft catch. 
“Yes! It’s him! Gavin, I’m so happy I could kiss you but I’d rather you rinse your mouth out first.” 
“I haven’t stepped into the living room yet. How the phck did he know I shaved?” 
“Er... I might have... don’t be mad, don’t be mad! I gave him access to my peripherals. He can see and sense whatever I do. Poor devil, he’s been immobile for so long. I thought it was only fair to give him some stimuli.”
A lesser man might have found objections to that, but all Gavin did was spit in the sink and pull Connor in for a celebratory kiss.
From that point on, there was new zeal behind their efforts. Gavin furiously wracked his brains for any residual knowledge, any subconscious memory that might explain why Cyberlife had placed the RK900 behind such bars.
But nothing came to mind. 
Then North had come knocking on their door. 
She shoved past Gavin and barged into their living room. Her brown eyes swept over the prone figure on the couch (now swaddled in fluffy blankets) and pierced through the guilty-looking pair. 
“How dare you keep this from me?” 
“You found what we were looking for all along and now you want to keep the glory all for yourself? I should have known not to trust a human.” 
“The hell are you talking about?” 
“Don’t play dumb, Reed. This is the Singularity. Cyberlife’s crown jewel.” 
“North, I love you, but you sound crazy. He’s just another unlucky experiment and we’re just helping-”
Connor held a hand out. 
“What did you say he was?” 
“Technological Singularity. I mean, that’s what they used to say about androids in general, Con. Artificial intelligence equivalent or greater to human intellect. But this unit you took from that warehouse... is the holy grail of robotics.”
[Really? I’m more of a digital vegetable at this point than anything else.]
“I went over all our plans again. Every single one of them. My Tracis helped me run through every alternative direction our search could have gone. It all led back to that warehouse! We didn’t end up in the wrong place, guys. We just didn’t know what we were looking for... and it’s that android lying on your overstuffed and ugly couch.”
[Your friend has an excellent sense of humor.]
“North, that makes no sense. He’s not some tech marvel. We can’t even get him awake. There’s too many interlocking protocols preventing-”
Gavin trailed off as realization dawned. He turned to face his boyfriend and found his thoughts mirrored in Connor’s awestruck expression. There was no reason for an ordinary android to have security measures that prevented activation. 
They ushered North out of the apartment and began another one of Gavin’s ten-hour coding sprints.
The result was a shockingly simple landing page. An activation code request. Merely six digits of alphanumeric input.
So close… yet so far.
[Go to bed, Gavin. I’ll still be here in the morning.]  
Connor pulled the human even closer and clamped his mouth over his throat. Gavin sucked air sharply in through his teeth, tipping his head back to offer more access.
That certainly brought them into the bedroom. 
Their clothes landed on the floor in no time and they ended up wound tightly together... breathing and moving against each other in sync... reveling in the intimacy after a long break.
Gavin moaned as a hundred sweet nothings were whispered into the crook of his neck. 
“I never thought we would be this close.”
“I knew you were kind... but I’d have never dreamed of receiving this love.” 
The honeyed voice was laden with emotion that was a shade deeper than expected. Gavin stroked the handsome face and pressed kisses to the perfect cheekbones... closed eyelids... plush lips... 
He pulled back to gauge the reaction and the android on top of him sighed blissfully, eyes fluttering open. 
Brilliant, sheer, piercing, icy steel blue. 
A lesser man might have screamed... jumped out of bed... or maybe just fainted in shock... but Gavin leaned back in... somehow at peace with the fact that the lips on his were Connor’s but there was someone else kissing him... 
The rest of their lovemaking was something profound. 
The climax was monumental. 
Gavin couldn’t prevent the name that escaped his mouth nor the tears that streamed down his face. Connor pulled out with an uncharacteristic roar and fell onto the mattress, LED cycling furiously and chest heaving as his system reset. He blinked several times to restore the chocolate brown irises.
“What the phck did we just do?”
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theoneforwriting · 3 years
To Live Is To Die
Chapter 1: It’s warm but oh so cold
Hank and Connor had been called into the station on their day off making it even harder for Connor to get Hank to wake up on time.
The whole drive there was Hank grumbling and randomly smacking the wheel for emphasis. Overall Connor believes the morning could have gone worse.
“I just don’t understand why just because a God damn spaceship has to show up in New York then that means we have to show up too.” Hank had finally gotten over his morning haze and his complaints were becoming coherent.
“It’s to make Detroit feel safer.” Connor explained as he held the door of the station open for Hank.
“Safe my ass why can’t I feel safe at home in my own bed asleep!”
“For once I agree with you.” Gavin chimed in as they walked past his desk.
“Geez Gavin you look like shit.”
“Thanks it’s not like I haven’t gotten any sleep.” He sassed back.
“My scanner indicates that you are experiencing anxiety, I recommend a humidifier using a Lavender scented oil.” Connor suggested looking concerned.
“Just get off my back and go be a good robo cop.” He grumbled turning his back away to stare at his computer.
“Alright c’mon kid.” Hank told while bumping Connor with his shoulder.
The following hours felt ridiculously slow.
Aliens show up and suddenly nobody wants to be out and about, which honestly Connor doesn’t blame anyone for.
He’s read about the Chitauri invasion and how gruesome it was. New York residents using anything as a weapon in order to not to be spiked like a kabob.
“You were around for the Chitauri correct?”
Hank let out a deep sigh. He eyed Connor over the coffee cup while taking a big sip. After setting it back down he finally answered.
“Connor this is nothing like that, I promise everythings gonna be fine. Now you can just ignore the fancy numbers you have buzzin around in there and tell me what you have planned for Sumo.”
Connor’s eyes seemed to light up at the mention of his over the top sewing project.
“I was trying to figure out formal wear and whether or not he will look better with coattails,”
Hank nodded along to Connor’s words with a slight smile on his face.
It wasn’t until late afternoon that the DPD was really bustling with people.
Tina had wondered over to the Anderson’s desks at some point. Connor and her soon started striking up some small talk.
That is until Connor revealed his sewing extravaganza to her.
“Connor!” She exclaimed looking at the plans “It’s all so cute!”
Connor could feel the blush hiding beneath his collar.
“Ah, thank you Officer Chen.”
“No need to be so formal I’m just Tina to you.”
“Well if you two are going to keep talking about all that I’m getting some coffee.” Hank eased himself out the chair and started for the break room.
“Didn’t we just get off of lunch break though.” Tina teased.
“Is that not your third cup Lieutenant?” Connor asked joining in on the fun.
All they got back as a response was the bird from Hank.
A bout of laugher rose up between the two drawing over Officers Miller and Person.
Conversation started and topics bounced from person to person.
“Honestly Chris I still can’t believe you thought a mail box was a good idea.” Miller said in disbelief.
“Hey now, that’s Officer Chris to you.”
“I still find it hard to believe that-“ Connor stopped halfway through. His led starting to flash a steady yellow.
“Connor?” Chen asked face laced with concern.
“Did we get a new report?” Person asked with some dread.
“No it’s not that, but something is wrong...”
Connor’s train of thought was derailed from a spam of messages from other androids he knew. The one sticking out to him the most being Kara’s.
“Connor, Alice isn’t feeling well and Luther doesn’t either and I’m getting a ton of messages from-“ Error: Connection disrupted.
“It’s not just me.” Connor spoke.
“What do you mean it’s not just you?” Person was getting more concerned.
“No I feel it too, some sort of bad feeling.” Miller said.
“That’s not how it works” Person said.
In exactly ten seconds Person ate his words. Connor keeled over with a gasp.
“Connor!” All three of them shouted. This drew attention from other officers around the DPD. Some looked like they were about to rush over when suddenly a ST300 started to lean on the wall for support.
“Connor- “
“What- going on?”
All his senses were screaming. A low burning seemed to be starting in his chest. Can androids have heartburn? Is this what heartburn is like? Connor was pretty sure a heartburn stays in the chest. His limbs felt like the fire was spreading to them.
“Hank.” Was all he could choke out.
A hand grabbed his shoulder. At this point the burning felt like a warm version of your hand falling alseep.
“Connor, Connor I’m here.”
“That’s right I’m here son.”
“I am sorry.”
“No no save your breath your help will be here soon and-“
“I wanted to live more.”
Hank froze.
“It’s not fair.” Connor continued.
“Don’t talk like that you are going to live more, you are going to stuff me and Sumo in the matching PJs you made, I’m going to convince you to finally try that blue ice cream.”
“Thirium synthetic ice cream.”
“God kid even when sick you’re correcting me.” Hank chuckled, as if we was trying to lighten the mood.
Connor tried to find a sense of where his hands exactly were. Once he was positive he had his arms looped around Hank he squeezed as hard as he could.
Hank hugged him back.
“I love you Dad.”
“I love you too Son.”
Soon Connor felt nothing but the warm buzz that was more like a hot fuzzy blanket now.
“I had so much to live for.” Connor thought.
“So much I could have died for.”
“At least I got to live it with Hank.”
Chapter 2
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phcking-detective · 4 years
MasterList 2.0
Kiss Prompt Series (all PG)
Angry Kiss – Gavin chases after a perp without backup and gets shot multiple times. He can’t believe his asshole android partner is staying behind to help him instead of catching the perp, but maybe RK900 cares more than he thinks. Maybe a lot more …
Reunion Kiss – Nines returns a day early from an intensive case and stops by Gavin’s favorite coffee shop to get his boyfriend a treat. But Gavin is already there and apparently has the same idea.
Awkward Forehead Kiss – Nines takes care of his sick human partner as best he can, but all human media seems to indicate sick humans need forehead kisses to feel better. Too bad he doesn’t know how to kiss. Luckily, Gavin is happy to help teach him.
Forced Kiss – Nines attempts to break up with Gavin for the detective’s own good. That goes about as well as you’d expect. (NO non-con! Gavin just kisses Nines in the middle of his mental breakdown while he tries to self-isolate.)
Drunk Kiss – Connor and Hank bring in a box of Sumo’s puppies to the precinct Christmas party. When two go missing, Nines tracks them down to find … Detective Reed? He did not realize his maladjusted human partner could be so gentle.
Forehead Kiss – human!Richard is having a bad mental health day and gloomily declares he needs serotonin. android!Gavin and himbo extraordinaire offers to go to the grocery store and get him some.
Extra Drabbles (all PG or Teen)
HOT SINGLE ANDROID IN YOUR AREA – Gavin keeps getting spam pop-ups on his computer about hot androids who want to fuck. Until he finally notices they’re now only talking about one single android in particular. Who could it be?
Dumb Ways to Deviate: Cheeseburger – Nines takes Gavin out to eat as a reward for solving a case they’ve been working on for the past 36 hours. When the exhausted human tries to feed him, Nines suddenly experiences–[feelings]??
crush.exe –Nines thinks Gavin is cute. But that’s just objective fact, right? Anyone would think he’s cute. Tina disagrees and diagnoses him with something called a “crush.”
INTRUDER ALERT – Nines visits Gavin’s apartment to discuss a case, but there is an [INTRUDER] wearing an ingenius chocolate scrub mask that confuses his facial recognition software.
Find Familiar -- Nines is the most brilliant wizard of their generation, and when they summon their familiar for the first time, they expect some sort of unique and brilliant creature. Not a short, angry little man with a facial scar and bare feet banging on their door three days later.
Bathtime -- Nines isn’t spoiled, and if he is, it’s only because Gavin keeps giving him everything he asks for. Like “help” washing his hair in the bath.
Love Letter -- Gavin receives an anonymous letter detailing how the sender wants to analyze his skin and catalog his teeth. The two suspects? Well, it was obviously either written by Detroit’s latest serial killer or ... Gavin’s own partner.
Not Alone -- After Gavin gets shot in the side, falls off a building, and breaks two of his limbs, Nines is desperate to see him the moment he's out of surgery. Except the hospital he's at has a "legal family members only" visitation policy to keep out androids. In desperation, Nines calls a very old emergency contact number that lists "Eli Reed" as Gavin's brother--only to suddenly be on the phone with Elijah Kamski himself.
Happiness is a Jealous Android -- Gavin starts hanging out with a new GJ500 for smoke breaks, mutual bitching about work, and maybe a little light flirting. Him and Nines haven’t discussed the thing they have going, and Nines has been busy anyway, so a little flirting is OK, right? Except for when the other android won’t take no for an answer ...
Dumb Ways to Deviate: Birds -- An argument between RK900 and Gavin on whether bats are mammals or birds leads to ... well. What it says on the tin.
updated list of fics in my main reed900 series under the cut!
Reed900 Main Series (all Explicit)
In the Beginning -- 7k words; RK900 follows the orders [stay in room 6459] and [do not interfere] while deviants attack and shut down Cyberlife, and it’s not because he’s “petty” as the deviant Connor accuses. If Cyberlife wanted its help, they should not have forgotten the unit in a storage closet.
Fight Club (but Explicitly Gay This Time) – 2k words; RK900 decides to “discipline” Gavin in the DPD men’s bathroom by spanking and stepping on him. Unfortunately, the disgusting little human actually enjoys it.
Fast and Furious – 5.5k words; Nines notices how competent Gavin is at driving. In fact, he’s noticing a lot about Gavin, which is unfortunate, because he doesn’t know what it means. Maybe slapping the human more will help …
Ain’t Got Time to Bleed – 27k words; Gavin and Nines engage in exciting new activities, like solving a case together, going out for drinks, hustling at pool. Specifically, Nines gets hustled by Gavin, but he pays it back tenfold in the alleyway afterward.
First Blood – 129k words; Gavin and Nines get caught up in a case that’s a lot more complicated than it seems as they run into a Ponzi scheme and a staged suicide, an attempted murder on the journalist who broke the story, and a mysterious android manipulating it all. Even worse, they’re starting to actually kind of like each other too. But will their partnership be strong enough to get them through kidnapping, torture, and safe / sane / consensual sex?
If It Bleeds -- 14k, ongoing; While dealing with the fallout of the WJ700 case, Gavin and Nines also get assigned to the new Android Task Force when they start investigating on their own anyway. But their cases get more complicated as both the IA and FBI hold a grudge, Nines makes new sexual explorations of his own, and Gavin’s ex-boyfriend attempts to reconnect …
Bonus HankCon Fic (Explicit)
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This – 66k; Connor determines co-sleeping with Hank will be a productive, healthy venture–and step one on his three year plan to seduce Hank. Unfortunately for him, Hank is a gay, self-destructive old man who manages to fuck up The Plan by both already being in love with him and also refusing to acknowledge that. (75% domestic fluff, 24% sex at the end, 1% Sumo eating food he’s not supposed to)
Patreon (shameless promotion)
If you love my reed900 series and want to get chapters sooner, like my drabbles and want patreon-exclusive bonus content, and chapters from THREE of my WIPS, the tiers are $1 / $2 / $3 per chapter, respectively. I post chapters once a week on Sunday ^^
I also take commissions: $10 for 1k / $25 for 3k / $40 for 5k, NSFW and kink friendly, limits are no incest, pedophilia, or rape scenes. just PM me or email [email protected] if you’re interested ^^
187 notes · View notes
The Big Reveal
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Part 7 of Seventy Percent
Series Summary: When you left on your trip to Vegas, you’d planned on letting loose for one last weekend before heading back to reality and getting your affairs in order so your best friend wouldn’t be left cleaning up your mess when your cancer finally ended your life. What you hadn’t counted on was waking up married to a celebrity who has a knight-in-shining-armor complex, connections with an oncologist, and amazing insurance…
Chapter Summary: You bring your best friend up to speed on your new situation... and Sebastian gets a new name
Word Count: 2165
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“Okay, what the hell is going on with you?” Jasmin asked, her brown eyes boring into yours through the screen.
Maybe it was being around an actor for the last three days, but you decided to draw the suspense out a bit, just for the drama of things. “Did you cut your hair? It looks shorter. I like—”
“I’m in New York.”
Her mouth dropped a little. “But, you were just in Vegas. Right?”
“Yeah. And now I’m in New York City. And…” This next part was definitely Sebastian’s fault. You had wondered how to break the news to Jasmin, and he suggested the big reveal by just holding your left hand up to the camera so she could see the ring.
Which you did.
And she squinted at her computer screen, trying to figure out what she was seeing on her Skype screen. Obviously she knew what it was and what it meant. But connecting those to you?
“Is that…”
“I’m married.”
Somehow, you’d knocked her speechless.
“And I’m in New York. And I’m moving here for a while, at least.”
“Remember how you joked about how awkward it would have been if I had woken up married to my one-night stand? That’s exactly what happened.”
“And you ran off to New York with him? Sweetie, if this is some sort of last chance to let loose thing, you know that I’ll support you. But this isn’t just, like, a fling that you can leave behind. You got the friggin’ government involved.”
“And a doctor or two.”
“A… are you pregnant?”
“Jasmin! I only met him, like, three days ago! First off, that is biologically impossible, right? To know that quickly if you’re pregnant? Second, I’m on protection.”
“So you did fuck him?”
“I don’t know. I can’t remember. Which, if I did, is really too bad. Would have loved to remember that.” You had to get away from the topic of Sebastian. Jasmin was a chatter. She couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. “No, I’m not pregnant. The doctor’s we got involved are, uh, oncologists.”
Whatever she had been about to ask about the man you were married to seemed to dry up in her mouth and she stared at the screen. “Oncologists… Does that mean…?”
You could tell she was too scared to hope. Just as you had been.
So you nodded and tried your hardest to keep your tears locked away as her lower lip started to tremble. In a voice thick with emotion you stated simply, “I’m in a clinical trial, Jaz.”
“My, uh… my husband. We were about to get an annulment. By about to get, I mean we were literally in the courthouse in Vegas and he mentioned that… he brought up the fact that I can get on his insurance, if we stay married.”
“And you, what? Jumped on a plane to New York?”
“Fuck no. I tried my damnedest to push that annulment. But he won’t take no for an answer for anything. He convinced me to see his oncologist friend here and if she said the same things Dr. Patterson did, then we’d go through with the annulment.”
“But she got you into a clinical trial.”
“Seventy percent, Jaz.” Her hand flew up to her mouth and you stopped trying not to cry. Tears were streaming down both of your faces. “I have a seventy percent chance that my tumor will shrink and I can get it removed. By the best neurosurgeon in the fucking country.”
“Sweetie,” she choked out.
“Seventy percent. I mean, according to Dr. Sharpe and Dr. Chowdhury, my cancer is getting much more aggressive, but that’s what this clinical study is directed towards. I just… I’m scared, Jaz. I’m scared to-to-to… to hope. I’m terrified to remind myself what optimism is. But… what are the odds, Jaz? That I’d wake up in Vegas, married to a great guy who has the means to save my life. Who had the connections to get me into this clinical trial that just started? What are the fucking odds that I went to Vegas this last weekend, instead of next weekend when I was originally planning on it, especially when Dr. Sharpe said that my cancer would have been too far progressed to get me into the trial in a week?
“What if this is all just a cosmic joke?” You started spiraling downward. “What if this is God’s way of, I don’t know, punishing me for leaving my family like I did. For everything that happened with my family. He makes me hope, then He takes it all away. This is such an aggressive treatment, I mean, I only had one infusion today and I’m already feeling it. What if I can’t do it? What if I just… my body just… it just gives out?”
“Y/N!” She shouted though the speakers, in the way that let you know she had been saying your name for a while. “Babe, breathe.”
“You got me through chemo and you’re thousands of miles away now.”
“But you have a husband now so…”
She was fishing. You hated lying to her, but she was literally the worst at keeping secrets.
“And I can’t tell you who he is. Because, I love you, but you would keep it a secret for three days, maybe? And, uh, I just can’t tell you his name.”
“Is he famous? Rich? Cute?”
“All of the above. Which makes this all so much more insane. But I just really don’t want you to hate me for not telling you.”
“Oh, I hate you for sure. But I still love you.” She blew you a kiss. “If I guess his name, will you tell me if I’m right?”
“Absolutely not, because I sure as hell do not need the paparazzi yelling questions at me as I’m being wheelchaired out of the hospital.”
“Fair point, fair point.” Her expression softened and she adjusted her computer on her bed. “I’m so happy for you, Y/N/N. I know you were ready to, well, not give up, per se…”
Your fingers scratched at the back of your head as you nodded, to let her know you understood what she was saying. “Did I tell you that… I need to come up with a codename for him because I can’t tell you his name, but calling him my husband just sounds so fucking weird.”
“Okay, tell me a few of the names that aren’t his, and I’ll help you come up with something.”
“No. Nice try.”
“Fine.” She thought for a moment. “Would calling him Jesus be too much? I mean, he is a life savior for you.”
“Might be. Seventy percent means that there’s a thirty percent chance I don’t make it.”
“Medically you have a seventy percent chance, but universally? You’re gonna make it. Look at how you made it there.”
Bottom lip caught between your teeth, you looked down at your lap before returning your gaze to Jasmin. “I need you to keep reminding me of that. Don’t let me push you away just because you can’t physically climb into my bed and make me acknowledge that you love me.”
“If you gave me your boo’s phone number, I could make sure he makes you talk to me.”
“I gave him yours, in case there is an emergency. So, if a New York number calls you, um, it might not be spam? I told him to text you first just saying he was going to call you. Since, you know, neither of us answer unknown numbers.”
“I got a call from Apple Inc today at work. Apparently Siri is calling landlines because she’s worried about my iCloud account.”
“Ah, yes. Your iCloud account. On your Android.”
“Definitely not a scam call.”
“Of course. Just Siri being a concerned friend.”
“She called four times in one hour.”
“Girl, you better check out your iCloud account. This could be a major breach of confidentiality.”
“I’ll do it after we come up with a codename for your hubby. What color are his eyes?”
“Eyes?” You asked. “He ain’t got not eyes.”
She stared you down flatly until you broke into a grin, giggling.
“I suppose it can’t hurt. Blue. Or, uh, blue-green?
“Merman,” she said without hesitation.
“Merman?” You repeated, taking a drink of water from the glass you had on the bedside table. “I, uh… sure? My merman. That sounds super stupid, but I’m in. Maybe we can call him Aquaman?”
“Jason Momoa?”
“Okay, so you’re not married to Jason Momoa, then?”
“Pretty sure he’s already married, so I’m not revealing anything.”
“You sure about that?”
She gave you the side eye that was so convincing that you pulled up a Google search to confirm that, yes, Jason Momoa was indeed married already.
“So, tell me about Jason Momoa.” She sat forward on her bed with her chin in her hand.
Fuck, you missed Jasmin so much. “He’s really nice. That’s kind of obvious since he’s willing to stay married to me so I can go through cancer treatment, despite the, uh, obvious downsides for him. He’s working out right now. Super fit. Uh… Let’s see… He took me to Hamilton on Broadway yesterday and this hole in the wall restaurant with the best tacos. I’m talking even better than the taco truck on State Street. He, uh, wouldn’t let me talk myself out of the treatment. He kind of forced me to get more tests done, because the doctor wanted some tests. So that’s a negative point in his score.”
“Positive point, I think you mean. I love this guy already.”
“Yeah you do.” She was a Marvel Devotee. If she knew you were married to Sebastian Stan, she might just internally combust.
“I do? So he’s one of my celebrity husbands?”
“Not anymore. He’s my celebrity husband now.”
Her head bobbed up and down a few times as she considered. “So. Back to something you said about your celebrity husband… what did you mean by the obvious downsides to staying married to you?”
Why the hell had she caught onto that slip?
“It’s just… Jaz, you know how much debt I had to go into during my last treatments. And my student loan debt. I mean, I don’t think he’s legally obligated to that, but I don’t know for sure. And-and-and even besides that. I have fucking cancer. Cancer. If I’m part of the thirty percent… or if I make it to surgery, then die in the O.R… He’s… That’s another person who mourns me. He barely knows me and he’s willing to go through bitchy Y/N. You remember chemo-Y/N. I was a fucking disaster.”
“Did you talk to him about that?”
“Sure. After Dr. Sharpe told me I had a seventy percent chance. What kind of decent human being would take back their offer to save someone’s life after they saw what I’m sure my face looked like? I should have told him back at the courthouse in Vegas. He’s… He doesn’t deserve this. I shouldn’t—”
“Shut the fuck up. You shut your fucking mouth right the fuck now.”
“Wow, Jaz,” you muttered. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“I learned from her. Y/N. You worry far too much—”
“But I don’t—”
“Yes you do. You thought that I would stop being your friend after you yelled at me for not changing the toilet paper roll after the third week of your chemo. You thought that the mailman hated you because she kept delivering your credit card bills month after month—”
“I went paperless, but they keep sending paper statements when you owe as much as I do—”
“And let me tell you, that mailman had a crush on you so you can fucking shut your fucking mouth.”
“She did not.”
“She fucking did. But my point here is not that our lovely mailman, Camila, is in love with you—”
“Love is a stretch.”
“—But that you overthink things way too much—”
“I know I do.”
“And you also think far too little of yourself. Look at me, Y/N.” You kept your sarcastic quip in check as you looked at the screen (the screen showing her eyes, sure, but the screen nonetheless). “You are so worth it. Whatever I went through and will go through. And whatever Jason Momoa goes through for you.
“You. Are. Worth. It… Everything.”
Emotion overtook you, and you turned your laptop camera away from you for the moment.
It wasn’t that you hated yourself. It wasn’t that you thought you were nothing.
You just had a hard time thinking that you… that you were someone. You weren’t no-one… but you weren’t someone either.
You didn’t matter as much as other people.
“And when you have your tumor removed, Jason Momoa and I are sure as hell gonna make you realize that you are fucking amazing.”
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Going into cancer treatment with your best friend living thousands of miles away isn’t going to be easy... I guess we’ll just have to see how her self image holds up without Jasmin’s constant reminders.
Part 9: The First Week
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khaotungsfirst · 4 years
Even if you're not familiar with norse myths I'd say that the Gaiman book is still really enjoyable 😊It's not too heavy and a lot of the stories he chooses are the more well known ones. It's only about 300 pages, so it's not too long either. I think you can get a preview of a few pages through google, so that might be a good way to see if it's something you'd like or not. - CC 🦊
A lot of the Doctor Who books feel like they could be their own little episode, which is nice. It's been a few years since I read them but I remember enjoying The Stone Rose, The Stealers of Dreams, Invaders from Mars and The Glamour Chase. There's also a huge range of audiobooks where the actors have returned to their old roles. Recently this year it was announced that Christopher Eccleston was coming back to work on some Ninth Doctor audiobooks 😱- CC 🦊
Also, if you're interested in any of the older Doctors, I'd highly suggest looking into Eighth Doctor audiobooks! The actor sadly only got one really odd 90's movie and a short for the 50th to act the role on film, so the audiobooks really let the character shine and give him a chance. And some sci-fi I can recommend are Aurora Rising, There Will Come Soft Rains, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. There's also Jurassic Park but is it sci-fi? Is it horror? Either way there's dinosaurs! - CC 🦊
Omg no but I totally get how you feel with horror! I'm really fussy with the genre myself since I often get bored or annoyed with it if it's not done right 🤣I usually read before bed so that's probably not a good decision on my part either! Were there any books you've read this year that you've enjoyed a lot? Any potential new favourites? ❤️- CC 🦊
I would absolutely love to buddy watch and/or read TGCF with you! That sounds like it would be awesome ❤️We could yell at each other as we follow it that way! And omg, Brooklyn 99 and Queer Eye are amazing! I love Jonathan Van Ness, he's always so happy and positive all the time. A lot of my favourite / comfort shows right now are The Dragon Prince, The Mandalorian, RuPaul's Drag Race, New Legends of Monkey and His Dark Materials. - CC 🦊
I'll stop spamming your inbox after this, but since I haven't asked you an MDZS related question for a little while I figured I'd ask you one today! I think I can guess who your favourite member of the cast might be, but what is it about it them that you admire? Always love an opportunity to see people's excitement over their favs! 😊- CC 🦊
I looked at the preview for Norse Mythology and it actually sounds so interesting!! But I fear that I will imagine the characters as they are in the Marvel Universe 😅 Aaahhh it’s always nice to get some more Ninth Doctor!! I should probably check out the audiobooks if the actors are reprising their roles for them but I gotta check where I can download English audiobooks. And can you believe I never watched the original Jurrassic Park movies? 😬 I should probably get around to that... 
Yeah, some horror books sound really intriguing but then I look at my massive TBR/wishlist and think to myself... well I rather spend my money on this other book that I’ve wanted for 3 months now so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Honestly, this year wasn’t as good of a reading year as I’d hoped it would be. But some books I enjoyed were The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James (YA Sci-Fi), The Sinclair’s Mysteries Series (Middlegrade Historical Mystery), Eight Detectives (Adult Mystery) and Call Down The Hawk (YA Urban Fantasy). What about your reading year?
YES! omg let’s do it!! But let’s wait until you can reveal yourself so we can scream at each other in DMs 😅 JVN is a national treasure, I love him!! But tbh I love all of them! 💕 I just googled New Legend of Monkey bc I’ve never heard of it and the fact it’s a Aussie/NZ production based on a Japanese show which in turn is based on a Chinese novel.. love it! And it even is on german netflix!
Hahaha yeah I guess my love for Yibo is not a secret 😂  But I do love the other cast members as well!! (Fun fact: before I started watching cql I thought wwx was more attractive but I quickly learned my lesson and fell HARD for lwj and in turn yibo askdjgffdk) Yibo is just.... aaaaaahhhhhhhh I just love him so much, your honor!! He’s a classic case of do I want to marry you or be you?? Like his gender presentation??? HELLOOOO??? I want that!! And when he wears earrings and has slightly longer hair (and ideally wears makeup but that’s optional he looks fantastic without it as well) I! WANT! TO! DIEEEEEE!!! Then there’s the fact he’s a lil gremlin boy and he basically hates us askdjgksdfghkdf like I feel like he’s so done with the entertainment industry/the fanservice that’s expected of him and honestly, that’s valid and relatable. I also don’t want to do the things I’m supposed to do for work even though I chose this job 😂 Like that live where he was supposed to talk to his fans for an hour and he was just like uuugghhh how do ppl talk for an hour, this is exhausting askdjghkdf SAME!! And I feel like this makes him seem more grounded (though obv I don’t know him so who knows what he’s really like) He isn’t forcing a smile for the cameras because he is supposed to. If he doesn’t want to smile he won’t and I gotta respect that! Then there’s the fact that he’s so multitalented! Like is there anything he CAN’T do????? Act, dance, sing, motorcycle, skate, etc. the list goes on! And he’s such an amazing dancer, and I dance hiphop myself so I’m very !!!!!! about it all. I REALLY want to get dance lessons from him like he’d probably scream at me to do better and I’d thank him for it aksdhgdkfjg omg I gushed way too much about yibo ok I’m gonna go now. Who’s your fave, CC?
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Health Care>
August 5, 2020
Health Care
With the increase in penetration of internet deep into Indian homes more and more people are now very much closer towards feeling comfortable for using electronic commerce. Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal among others is pioneering the driving towards distribution of consumer goods to and fro deeper into village markets.
This removes the difference of town market from the village markets. With the emergence of growth of mobiles and smart phones in people now finds easier to use apps instead of laptops and desktops.
Then comes the niche marketing phenomenon where we do find that more and more single product electronic ventures are coming up and this makes people believe this as the source of brand management.
Among other niche marketing concepts, netmeds.com has been emerging as the major electronic commerce in terms of medicines. It is trusted since 1914 and it has expertise in excellence of development of pharma in distribution of medicines.
Now, slowly it is turning into one of trusted medicine partners for many and there are many loyal customers including this author.
Netmeds.com is managed by Dadha & Company. It has more that 100 years of experience of dispensing quality medicines.
For prescription drugs users need to upload valid prescriptions and then wait for verification of these prescriptions and on average users find almost 20 percentages of rebates on prescription medicines.
For non-prescription drugs the percentages of rebate are lesser but still it is higher than the local markets.
It also offers best advice in order for providing best health services for people residing in India. Its search bar provides some interesting aspect for knowing of medicines.
It provides detailed generic medicines as well as the lowest value medicines on the same generic medicine levels. It has nice chat option which authenticates first with the phone number OTP and then it does ask for which disease you want a prescription for.
For most of pre-paid orders you get some cashback in their electronic wallets as well as some reward points. If you are using credit card or debit card of state bank of India then apart from 20 percentages rebate you will get ten percentages of cashback on your electronic wallet and those ten percentages of money you will have to spend within 31 days of the current purchases.
Apart from this for every purchase you will get some reward point and that accumulates slowly and becomes some rupees. So in this case you get awards from various sources such as rebates directly and then, money returns back to your electronic wallets and then get reward points which are then automatically changed into some rupees.
The time to reach medicines are very fast and these generally comes in the within three to four days. Packaging part of Netmeds courier service is very fine.
Most of the ordered medicines are packaged nicely so that you only have to keep it and use it. It offers generic alternatives to most of the medicines and for this the pricing of medicines becomes lower.
Most of offline pharmacy shops in yours locality do offers rebates on medicines but most of these rebates are mostly up to 11 percentages maximum. This compares to names which on prepaid offers on prescription medicines come far lower.
If you are on regular medication, then most of time due to the presence of heavy traffic, forgetfulness you missed the order of medicines from your favorite pharmacy.
Taking up medicines are important and for this regular and timely purchase of medicines is a must and for this with the conveniences of online medicine franchises such as netmeds.com, we do find plenty of ideas of how to save important timings in order to have comfortable medicine management.
With netmeds after ordering for a stipulated amount of rupees for medicines you get free of cost courier and also it provides a wide range of wellness products, vitamins, diets, fitness supplements, herbal products, pain relievers, diabetic care kits, baby care kits, other care products, beauty care products and surgical supplies.
In order to contact pharmacists which are a free service, online you can send questions y using either “Ask Our Pharmacist Your Questions” option available to all the drug information pages or by using the Contact Us segment. Netmeds is situated in Chennai.
In my last two months of experience with netmeds I have found paying with SBI credit card is not possible and payment with SBI debit card is possible and I hope they do rectify it.
All products are priced in Indian rupees. According to website they do not charge hidden prices. If by mistake they charge higher than they return the money in an electronic wallet to be used for reduction of price while ordering for next purchases. Delivery charges are Rs. 49 for all orders is however free delivery on medicines orders of Rs. 1000 or more.
After an order is processed the tracking number for your order is delivered and it reaches through phone and email registered with netmeds.com account.
After clicking of tracking order you will find the destination of your order and location of it. What I find convenience so far that I do not have to go to nearby Apollo Medicines for medicines and for some time one or two medicines will come later and for some time, I have to go there time and again to check the status of medicines.
For the last few months Apollo Medicines provides me ten percentages rebate and for some months now it is providing me 11 percentages but as comparing with netmeds I found extremely convenient for following reasons.
I just upload the prescription and it is approved within a day and then I ordered the products and got 20 percentages of rebate on prepaid order plus ten percentages cash back to my electronic wallet on the next purchases to be done within 31 days and then some extra points which will be slowly accumulating into some money after some purchases.
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iatasbcl · 5 years
Head In The Clouds
Request by @ infinitew-olf : You👏know👏I'm👏always👏thirsty👏for👏some👏RKs👏 (I hope I'm not spamming you tho) how about RK900 X Reader where she's just an airhead who's completely clueless to his pining after her (he is getting frustrated and possessive 👀)
Pairing: R900, Nines x reader.
Warnings: Pining, badly written fluff I’m sorry.
word count:1407
A/N: The RKs thirst never ends, thanks for requesting this and you’re not spamming me at all! enjoy reading it, love :)
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Nines was rather cold compared to his predecessor, RK800. He lacked the humanity Connor had, even after his deviancy. He wasn’t created to be social or friendly, after all. He is a combat android or was a combat android.
He worked in the D.P.D and served as detective Gavin Reed’s partner. The man was difficult, constantly acting like a toddler and lashing out every other minute. It did nothing but annoy him. Hank was their superior and a man with his fair share of personal issues, but he was a good lieutenant none the less.
Connor, on the other hand was his counterpart. He was full of all kinds of emotions; he was more human than most humans. He wasn’t, a part of Nines felt as if he was stuck being a soulless machine, he didn’t feel human enough. And for the longest time, it hadn’t bothered him, not at all.
Then she came along, she just had to ruin it all.
She was a new member of the D.P.D, a bright young officer. She didn’t mean anything to him first, just a new face around the office, nothing more. That changed when she was assigned to help him and Reed on a case.
She wasn’t the best asset, but he could see she was trying her best despite her inexperience. It didn’t change the fact that she caused unnecessary inconvenience. Gavin was much more outspoken with his criticism, to which she responded with a simple ‘Okay.’
Her company became constant after that, with her occasionally dropping by his desk to say hi. It became an everyday thing after that, and they eventually began having actual small conversations. It was nothing deep or personal, just two D.P.D workers discussing their jobs.
But before he knew it, it had changed into something more for him. It became a routine; he grew used to her soft greeting and short talks. Their conversations gradually transferred to more personal ones.
She would ask him about his day, what he liked and disliked, how the hell he put up with Reed. It was an entertaining conversation.
She told him about herself, shared details of so many things; her home life, her hobbies, her pets. It was quite endearing, seeing her excitedly ramble about those things that shouldn’t matter to him.
He felt something; this strange sense of attachment filled him. He wanted her to talk more, he loathed seeing her go back to work away from him. He felt.
It was new, it was strange, it was scary. He didn’t know how to best deal with the million thoughts that swamped his artificial brain. He continued to stare at his terminal, his thoughts somewhere else entirely.
“Nines?” she called, and he looked up. “I’m gonna go get lunch, you wanna tag along?” he stared for a moment then nodded, getting up and walking by her side.
Nines could feel himself heat up as he gazed at her, his vision focused on her and only her. She was giggling with Connor. His pining had only gotten worse, now deeming it impossible to see her with anyone else. His attraction to her wasn’t logical, he thought, he still did not understand how things ended up like this.
Him, hopelessly smitten by this ordinary woman who was nothing an aloof mess, her not noticing anything and enjoying her time with others. It made his chest ache.
He did not own her; she wasn’t something for him to control or claim. He knew that and fully realized it. Then why did he feel this sudden urge to take her away from this crowd, to make her see what he felt, to make her his?
It wasn’t logical, then again nothing he did was. He approached her unconsciously, “Officer ____” She turned and flashed that same pleasing smile, “Nines, I told you to drop that ‘officer’! we aren’t at work.” She scolded.
“I apologize.” He said, looking the RK800 who looked between them suspiciously. “Oh, that’s Miller and Jess, I’m gonna go say hi.” She said and left the two. Nines gaze lingered on her until she disappeared into the crowd.
“You like her.” It was more of a statement, “I beg your pardon?”
“You like ____.” Connor was grinning, Nines did not think he would be that easy to read. “I do not, that would be unprofessional.”, Connor laughed, “You were watching us talk, you could’ve killed me with that look alone.”
He didn’t respond, only glaring at him through a side glance. “You should talk to her about it.” Nines scoffed, right. “I’m serious, you can’t keep scaring away her potential lovers like that.”
He was right. He was scaring them away with his expression alone, he couldn’t help this burn in his chest whenever someone got too close. He felt terrible, this was wrong, he didn’t have the right to do it.
He didn’t what else to do, he wanted to be the one to hold her close, to laugh with her but something was stopping him from even trying to reach that. He was afraid, afraid she would not feel the same.
She was also rather oblivious to how she affected him.
“Wow, your hand is really warm.” She said as she wrapped her hand around his, not realizing the cause of his heat was her.
“Hey, I brought Connor along, hope you don’t mind.” She said as she brought him to what he thought would be a private reading session.
“There is only one bed left, but it’s big enough for the two of us.” She said, they ended up sharing a room on a stakeout before, she didn’t look bothered by it at all. He opted to stay up all night instead.
God, how could someone be so... unaware?
“Nines, Nines!” She held his hand, Connor smiled and excused himself, leaving them alone. “Listen, I found this amazing spot, come I will show you!” She said and pulled him, leading him through the crowd and into a small door; it was a small balcony.
The view was breathtaking, there was a soft breeze and the music from the inside was now muffled. She stood next to him; his eyes went from the view below to her. She was staring at him, “It’s beautiful, right?”
“Yes, it certainly is.” He muttered. She somehow looked even prettier now. “I’m glad to be sharing this with you.”
“Me too.” It went quiet after that. he tried to keep a straight face.
He felt a little bit of reassurance.  “Can I tell you something?” she looked at him in wonder but nodded nonetheless, “I…” He paused, gulping the invisible lump in his throat, “I like you.”
“I like you too.” Was their immediate answer, but their expression hadn’t changed. “No, I like you, ___.” He emphasized the ‘like’, wanting her to understand his confession.
“Aw, I like you too.” They said and patted his shoulder; Nines closed his eyes. “Nines?”
“I love you; I absolutely adore you, with all my heart. Not in a platonic sense.” He knew he would lose it if she somehow did not get it now. “Oh.” Was her low response.
“Oh,” she said, louder this time. The look of surprise on her face made him want to forget this ever happened. “I apologize if I made you uncomfortable, I will go back inside.” He said and he turned to leave but she caught his arm, pulling him toward her.
“Wait, I feel the same!” Her heart was racing, he could hear it. “What?”
“I’m not good at this stuff, shit.” She cursed and paused to collect herself, “This explains the whole glaring at everyone like an angry puppy thing.” she said to herself and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Nines just looked at her fumbling to get her words out.
“I like being around you, Nines, you’re special to me.” she finally said and looked at him, embarrassment was written all over her face. “I won’t mind being more than just friends, I would love to, actually.”
Nines blinked, once, twice, thrice. These were the words this troublesome human made him crave for a while now but now that it was finally real, he didn’t know what to do. So, she moved in, wrapping her arms around him gently and resting her head on his chest.
He wanted to feel this way forever.
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Once in a Lifetime Ch.3
I might be spamming you guys for a moment. Sorry.
Warning: Robo-gore
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Connor was not prepared for what he saw.
Nines was completely still with his chest compartment open. His thirium pump lay lifeless on the side with the tubes disconnected, now connected to a large machine next to Nines. Partially melted bags of ice were sewn about his form, with a few even in his chest cavity. He wasn't breathing, and his synthetic skin was gone. Much like Connor, Nines hated deactivating his skin. It made him feel lesser, which only served to anger him as he should not feel that way because of what he was. Still, there his brother lay, and, had it not been for the red LED circling at a lethargic pace, he would have thought him dead. For a brief moment, Connor saw an image of  himself, lying broken on the ground, blue splattered everywhere. A chill ran up his spine as he remembered his first mission, something that still haunts him most nights. The panic and dread threatened to resurface within him. Connor squeezed your hand, which you returned, a minor comfort.
Next to Nines, on another gurney, was a child android. It was smaller than the ones he usually saw, maybe about five or six year old. The android uniform it was dressed in read YK600, a rare and unique model in its self. It really did look pretty close to a child version of Nines. Unlike Nines, however, its LED was out.
"This one was the closest I could get to looking like him. Most of the older models are girls. This one was custom made but nobody ever picked it up." Simon spoke softly, mindful of the atmosphere. "Thank you, this one will be fine."
Hank was staring at the child with a sort of sorrow in his eyes. Connor looked back to the child and realized how closely it resembled Cole. The hair was only a little darker and the skin had freckles spread about here and there, but the face was almost spot on. Perhaps he should request a different model. Before he could say anything, Kamski spoke, having just finished installing the chip into the back of the child android's neck.
"Alright, now all we need to do is wake Nines and have him do the transfer." Hank broke out of his reverie and turned to Kamski.
"You can't do it while he's in sleep mode, or whatever?" Hank is well aware that deviants can feel pain, not quite like a human, but just one look at Nines tells him just how shitty he'll feel if he's woken up.
"Doing it that way increases the chance of corrupting his memories and could potentially crash halfway through, killing him. It will only take a minute. If you would, y/n."
You walked up and began tapping at the screen beside Nines. The LED began to spin faster, but never changed from red. Suddenly, Nines opened his eyes, grinding his teeth as the pain hit him all at once. You quickly moved to be beside him, getting his attention by placing your hand on his shoulder.
"Wha- what's going on?" His voice sounded nothing like his own, replaced with the deep, metallic sound only an android on the verge of shutting down makes. Everything hurt, like his wires had turned against him. He realized he could hear a whistling sound every time he inhaled, the sound coming from his chest. He felt your hand on him and focused on that instead of his rising panic.
Thinking back, he remembered seeing their suspect at the last minute, pushing detective Reed out of the way and being shot. Y/n showed up and began attempting to stem the bleeding. When he told her that his regulator was cracked and he was shutting down, she had shoved her arm into his abdomen and held the hole closed.
He remembered her staying there the entire trip to the hospital. He was scared. It was not as uncommon a feeling that one would be lead to believe, but he had never felt this level of fear before. He didn’t want to die. He wanted to go home, with his brother and father. Y/n began speaking gently, reassuring him that he would be alright and making future plans for him, Connor, and Hank. He tried to imagine how it would be, being with his family. Then, there was a flurry of motion and he was forced into low power mode. He didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye. A few stray tears fell, the weight of the situation hitting him full force. Is this it? Is he going to die? Are they waking him up so he could have the chance to say his final farewells?
“ I don’t want to die.”
Connor’s heart shattered at those words, mirrored by the deviants he had previously hunted down.
Y/n spoke directly into Nines’ ear. It still sounded a bit muffled over the static and blaring warnings, but she spoke slowly, loud, and clear.. "Nines, I know you are in a lot of pain, but I need you to transfer yourself into the android next to you so we can continue the repairs. Can you understand me?"
He didn't say anything, only grunting as held his arm out. You quickly moved the child's hand into his and watched as the skin peeled away from the small hand. A few seconds later and Nines arm jolted before his hand fell, his LED was out. Just before Connor could start panicking, the light on the child model circled from red to yellow, and then finally blue. He opened his baby blue eyes, looking around for a moment. He glanced down at his hands, perplexed by the change. Glancing over to the side, He saw his original body, full of holes with the chest cavity wide open. He had seen many gruesome things as a detective, but this sent fear throughout his core. He could almost still feel the pain, the terror, and the despair. He frantically backed away, falling off the gurney onto the hard floor. He heard someone shout his name, but he was disoriented.
The impact hurt. A lot.
Tears burned in his eyes as he tried to fight them off. He was a detective, the best that was ever made. He shouldn't be crying over a minor fall. Why did it feel like such a big incident? What was happening to him?
His stress levels were rising at a rapid pace. Just as the first tears fell, he felt large arms wrap around him.
"Are you alright, little brother?"
Nines looked up to see his predecessor looking at him. Connor had been the one to start referring to him with the familiar bond when he had awakened him. At first he didn't care, but the more he associated Connor with that title, the more he came to like it. Connor was ecstatic when he had referred to him as 'big brother' for the first time.
This sudden swell of emotions felt overwhelming. Confusion, fear, frustration, sadness, and now comfort all blending together. Why does everything feel so significant?
"No," he sobbed as he griped his brother and held him tighter. Connor held him just as tightly as tears spilled down his own cheeks, finally released along with the pent up fear.
"I think we should leave," Simon spoke, "this is a lot for a child to process."
"I still need to run a few diagnostics before I can be certain the transfer was successful," Kamski began, walking back towards the child. Y/n blocked his path.
"I can handle it from here. I'll inform you if there is anything important."
Kamski stopped and eyed you for a moment before he smiled. "Alright, see that you do. I’ll be in contact soon."
Kamski left, Markus following behind. He stopped at the door and addressed Connor. "We'll keep you informed on Nines' repairs. Until then, he should be safe in that body."
"Thank you, Markus."
While Connor was comforting Nines, Simon turned to you. "I sent a YK manual to your email. I couldn’t find a manual for that particular model, but it should help if any problems arise. If you do have any questions, just give me a call."
"Thank you, I'll be sure to do that."
Simon nodded his head, said his farewell and headed out, leaving you, Hank, Connor, and Nines alone in the room. Hank had yet to say anything, simply staring at the boy.
"Hey, you gonna be ok?"
Hank turned to you before looking back at the boy. It was obvious what had him so shook up. He had taken Connor under his wing not long after the revolution, and then Connor came home one day with Nines in tow, calling him his brother, Hank had no choice but to adopt the other android into his patchwork family. He came to love his boys as they drove him up the wall, never once believing them to be a replacement for Cole. Still, seeing Nines look so much like the child he had lost, he didn't know how to react.
He had been quiet too long, concern etched into your tired features.
"Yeah... Yeah... I'll be fine."
You didn’t buy it, but it wasn’t your place to push the issue. Instead, you placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a reaffirming squeeze.
After another 5 minutes or so, Nines stopped crying, only sniffling every now and then. His stress levels had dropped as well. It left him feeling tired as he sank against Connor’s chest.
Taking one last look at the RK900 unit, you went over and covered his body with a sheet and turned the machine off. The silence was deafening. Stepping over to the two, you stood in front of Nines, blocking the view of the gurney. "Connor, why don't we take him home? There's nothing more we can do here and it's been a long day."
"Alright," Connor wiped his face on his sleeve and went to stand only for Nines to grip at his shirt. Seemingly realizing his behavior, he quickly released it and scrunched up his brow, confused. "Would you like me to carry you?" Nines looked up at him and frowned, annoyed by the offer.
"I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own." With that, Nines clumsily stood. You couldn't help but smile a bit. The child’s voice certainly taking away any bite those words might have held. It seems you weren’t alone.
"There's the Nines we know and love." Hank chuckled.
All four piled out of the room and towards the hospital door, Hank in front, followed by Connor with Nines trailing behind, and you keeping watch at the rear. Nines was struggling a bit to keep up, but was determined. Once in the waiting room, Gavin looked up and came over.
"What's going on? Is Nines gonna be alright?" Gavin looked down, noticing the child. "Who's the kid?"
Connor, clearly not in the mood to deal with the detective, sighed before giving a curt answer. "Long story short, Nines body was in bad shape, so he transferred himself into this child android until he's able to be repaired."
Gavin was quiet for a moment, processing this new information.
"Well fuck! Here I was, actually concerned, and the fucker could do that?"
Connor grit his teeth, still angry at how the events transpired and certain that the brash detective had done something wrong. Y/n answered instead.
"Yeah, let Fowler know what happened and that we'll be in tomorrow morning to figure out a plan." Gavin nodded. To most, the smirk that accompanied his face could have been seen as disregarding how heavy the situation is, even Connor was pissed that he could be so audacious, but Nines has been working with Gavin for a few months now, learning more about the man than anyone ever would or should. He wasn’t being arrogant, he was relieved.
They headed towards the door, but Nines stopped in front of Gavin, motioning him to bend down.
"You better have the paperwork filled out correctly by tomorrow or you will have to explain to everyone how you got your ass kicked by a six-year-old. And don’t think I didn’t notice you didn’t apprehend the suspect."
Gavin burst out laughing.
"Whatever you say, Cabbage Patch Dick."
They shared a smile before going their separate ways.
Getting to Hank's car, Connor realized they had a problem.
"We don't have a car seat."
"I don't need a car seat," Nines pouted. He was mildly surprised by his outburst. Being a child really brought his emotions to the surface.
"At your size, you do. Isn't that right, y/n?" Connor looked over to you, as if you might have a solution.
"Don't ask me. When I was a kid, I used to ride on the floor of my dad's old truck. If he slammed on the brakes, I would hit my head on the glove compartment."
Connor looked momentarily horrified before Hank burst into laughter.
"That fuckin’ explains a lot. One of you can hold him in your lap and I'll drive slow. We can pick one up tomorrow." Still chuckling, he slid into the driver’s seat as you flipped him the bird.
Seemingly satisfied, Connor moved to take the backseat with Nines, but not before grabbing your arm.
"Was that true?"
You nodded, "Yeah. It was only a three-seater and my brother was too big." Connor looked at you with sad eyes. "It's fine, it was just something people did. I turned out alright."
"Any chance of us going home today?" Hank grumbled from the driver's seat. Connor and you sat down and he pulled Nines into his lap. He fussed the whole time as Connor buckled the seat-belt over the two of them, holding him securely by the waist.
This was ridiculous. He was perfectly capable of having his own seat. He picked at Connor's fingers, trying to remove them, but he was much stronger in this mere child's body. Nines decided to switch tactics.
Nines had pinched Connor on the top of his hand. Not expecting it, he let go of Nines, inspecting his hand. The white chassis underneath was visible for a second before the skin reformed over it. Seizing his chance, Nines pinched his other hand. "Quit it, Nines!" Connor held firm and put his other hand back on Nines waist. Agitated by the failure, Nines pinched both hands at the same time. He held on, much to Nines annoyance. When he wouldn't stop, Connor deactivated the skin on his hands, effectively ending Nines attempts. He started kicking his feet back, hitting Connor in the shins. "Let go, Connor!" "Nines, stop it! We'll be home soon enough!" "Let go!" Just as Nines started flailing about, you turned around. "If you don't stop fighting, you will be sorry when we get home." Your voice told them you weren't joking. You were tired and now that the adrenaline has left you, you didn't have the patience you would usually have when dealing with a child. You felt a bad after seeing the look on Nines’ face, but with your nerves fried, every harsh sound was threatening to send you into a full blown panic attack. You pulled out your phone to calm yourself.
Something about angering you upset Nines. He's angered you in the past and only suffered minor inconveniences, but had never been upset about it. It always felt justified, he knew he was in the right. But right now, he was upset, and terrified by what you might do if he were to continue. He sat back against Connor, wiping at the tears running down his cheeks.
While Connor agreed that Nines needed to stop, he felt a little guilty for getting him in trouble. He ran his fingers through Nines' hair, pleased at the positive reaction when Nines leaned into it. It seems him and his brother had that in common. You often did the same for him when he had a hard day.
They pulled up to Hank's house and clambered out. The sun had just set and the temperature was already dropping. Nines seemed to already be affected by it, wrapping the tiny arms around himself as he shivered slightly. Connor guided him up the steps behind Hank. You were reading something on your phone, almost running into the porch railing with how focused you were. A quick scan told Connor that you were reading the manual from Simon.
Hank and Nines walked inside the warm house. Sumo, having seen the child, instantly lumbered over and started licking him. Hank had to send him away before he smothered Nines with his tongue, not that Nines seemed to mind. Sumo was usually a little timid when asking Nines for attention. He assumed it was because of his stern demeanor. It was... nice... to be loved so unabashed.
You didn't notice that the door was open, so focused on your reading. Connor wrapped his arm around you and guided you to the couch. Most of the thirium had evaporated from your clothes, but some still remained, and he could still see its traces clinging to your skin. Glancing down, he recognized the same blue staining his own shirt. He grimaced, the sight a reminder of what could have been. He almost lost his brother today. He quickly changed into his favorite hoodie that he usually wore at home. It was Hank's old DPD hoodie, but when Hank grew tired of seeing him in the same white shirt and android jacket, he gave it to him. It had become something of a security blanket for him.
Remembering his promise, he called the pizza place down the road and ordered yours and Hank's favorite. It will take about 25 minutes.
"Hey, Connor, according to this, Nines is actually able to eat a small amount of food. He’ll even simulate hunger," You spoke, clearly too distracted to actually want an answer, but fascinated enough to share it. Had you known he was ordering food? He knew it was unlikely but the timing was impeccable.
"Interesting," he looked around for Nines, almost missing him lying upon the mass of fur in the corner of the room. Sumo was curled up around him, tail occasionally swishing back and forth. Nines ran his hands through Sumo's fur slowly. The sensors far more sensitive than in his original body. He felt so soft. Connor smiled and saved the image into a special folder where he kept all his precious memories. He was certain that if Nines ever saw, he would force him to delete it.
Hank sat down on his recliner and turned on the TV. He was still being unusually quiet. He had a beer in his hand, but Connor wasn't worried about that. Hank had significantly cut down on his drinking, and, quite frankly, after the events of today, Connor wished he too could have a beer and unwind. He was concerned for how quiet the man was being. Today was a whirlwind of emotion, that, there was no doubt, but Hank wasn’t usually so quiet. Matter of fact, he was usually putting up a fuss with an influx of expletives. He hasn’t dwelled in silence in quite a while.
Walking over, Connor sat down on the end of the couch closest to his father figure. "Hank, are you alright?" "Hmm... Oh, yeah, I'm fine," he mumbled, though it was clear he wasn't really committed.   "Hank?" When it became clear that Connor wasn't going to leave him alone until he was satisfied, Hank sighed. "Yeah, Connor, I'm fine. I'm just... adjusting. Been a while since there was a kid here." Connor nodded before sitting back in his seat. "I've never had to take care of a child before. I have a few protocols for dealing with traumatized children, but nothing on childcare." Hank turned his head at that. "You can't download a program or some shit?" His words weren't harsh, even chuckling a bit at the end. "Not really. The software is incompatible with my model and it was never necessary to have, so I never requested for it to be converted. The most I can do is research probable outcomes." Hank smiled, "You want some advice?" Connor smiled back and nodded, excited to learn something valuable from his mentor. "There is no such thing as a 'probable outcome' with a child." Connor frowned, disheartened. Hank chuckled again before continuing. "What I mean is, kids are completely unpredictable. You can prepare yourself all ya want, but it won't amount to shit when you need it. It takes instinct and quick reactions to raise a kid, and yer gonna make mistakes. You can only do the best ya can," Hank was thoughtful for a moment, he was still smiling, but there was a hint of sadness in it. He clapped his hands onto the arms of the recliner before looking at Nines. "Course, never had to raise a man-baby before." "I am not!" Nines shouted from his fluffy prison. Both Hank and Connor laughed at that. You even snickered from behind your screen.
By the time the food arrived, you had finished reading. Having finally snapped back into reality, you felt the chill and the residual stickiness of the almost completely evaporated thirium clinging to your skin. The sensation brought you back to the back of that ambulance, elbow deep in Nines’ chest, praying to whoever would listen that he was going to be okay. A shiver ran down your spine. You got up and retreated to Connor’s room. Before turning on the light, you looked up at the tiny little dots glowing on the ceiling, the last remnants of the previous occupant. It truly was a marvel how they shined, showing several constellations as it mimicked the heavens. It occurred to you that neither Connor or Nines have seen real stars. They’ve never even left the city before.
Turning back to the original task, you flicked on the light and peeled out of your shirt and jacket. You tossed them into the small trash bin under Connor’s desk and pulled on a spare shirt.
In the kitchen, Connor was gathering plates. The pizzas were sitting on the table and he already had to bat Hank’s hands away as he tried to grab a slice without a plate. Nines’ recognized the smell in the air, but the strange rumbling in his abdomen caught him off guard. It must have shown on his face because you rushed over to him.
“ What’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?”  
He wasn’t used to having malfunctions, let alone voicing them out loud. After a moment of silence, the rumbling was suddenly louder. Realizing there was no way you didn’t hear it, he felt a foreign emotion bubble in his chest, making his face heat up. The small laugh you elicited only made his face burn hotter, reaching his ears.
“ You’re hungry.” Hungry? This is what hunger felt like? He decided he didn’t like it. Still, your smile felt reassuring as you took his hand. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”
Connor was getting you a plate when you came in with Nines’ in tow. His little brother’s face was completely flushed as he looked at his own shuffling feet.
“ Is everything alright?”
“ Yeah,” You ran your fingers through the little boy’s hair, “He’s just experiencing hunger for the first time.”
“ I don’t like it,” Nines kicked at the ground. The rumbling was starting to become uncomfortable. Connor frowned before looking to you.
“ Is there a way to disable it?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know. The manual is for a general populous, so any of the technical aspects aren’t explained. Only way we could check is by taking him in and having his system scanned.”
Nines backed away.
“ No! I don’t want to go back!”
He started trembling. Connor took a step towards his little brother but he backed further away. He got down on his knee, speaking softly as he tried to calm him down.
“ Don’t worry, we’re not going to take you back.” Nines began fidgeting with the hem of the Cyberlife issued shirt. Seemingly, out of nowhere, Hank walked over. He bent down and took the boy into his arms, rubbing his back soothingly. Nines curled into Hank’s embrace as he hoisted him off the ground and sat back down at the kitchen table. You both stared at him in awe.
“ What? Neither one of you know what the fuck yer doin’, clearly somebody had to step in. Now, let’s eat so I can finally go to sleep and put this shit show of a day behind me.”
Connor took a slice of pepperoni pizza and cut it in pieces before placing it before Nines. He picked it up and criticized it with his eyes before taking a small nibble of it. That seemed to be enough to convince him, as he started trying to gobble it down.
“ Hey, hey, hey,” Hank pushed Nines’ plate away, “You’ll make yerself sick like that. Just take it easy.” Nines grabbed his plate back, but slowed down, savoring the sensation.
“ I guess you like it.” You spoke between bites of your own slice. Nines nodded but continued to eat uninterrupted. Connor dipped his fingers over your slice of pizza and tasted them. While he could taste it, this was the closest he could get to eating. A pang of jealousy hit him, but knowing what Nines had to go through, it was quickly forgotten. You didn’t mind, but you almost bit his fingers when he tried to steal a final taste.
After eating his fill, Nines began to feel tired. This was not a new sensation for him, as a recent upgrade allowed an android’s stasis mode to be replaced with something akin to sleeping, even allowing for dreams while their systems ran diagnostics and any other system checks in the background. Still, it was usually something he activated, not something that just happened. He added it to another thing he did not like about this body. He couldn’t help but wonder how he was going to last until his original body was repaired. What if it couldn’t be repaired? He bit his lip at the sobering thought. Hank ruffling his hair brought him back to reality.
“ I think it’s time to hit the sack, got a lot to deal with tomorrow.” Hank stood up and handed Nines over to Connor, “Goodnight kid, glad you’re alright. Night Connor, Night y/n.”
“ Goodnight Hank,” You both chimed. Hank then disappeared into his room.
Nines was a little disappointed that Hank wasn’t going to tuck him in. That feeling was stifled by indignation at the thought that he needed anyone to tuck him in. These childish, fleeting thoughts were getting annoying. It doesn’t matter that his ‘dad’ seems hesitant about spending time with him. He didn’t really feel like Hank hated him in this body. It was all this stupid child programming, screwing with his emotions.
“ Let’s get him to bed,” You spoke softly, interrupting his thoughts. Connor continued to carry Nines to his bedroom. Nines’ was too tired to protest, actually leaning against his older brother’s shoulder for support. He couldn’t help but think how comfortable it was, pressed up against his brother. He was almost asleep when Connor set him down on his bed.
Y/n rummaged through Nines’ closet, much to his distaste. Had he the energy, he might have told her to keep out of his things. Instead, she walked over with one of his favorite sweaters. It was a simple purple sweater, but it was soft and he liked the color. It was the first time he had a preference as a deviant. She handed the sweater to Connor before bending down and kissing Nines on the forehead.
“ Goodnight, Nines. See you in the morning.” After patting his head, she walked out. His eyes automatically went to where you kissed him, making his eyes cross. Something about it made him feel warm inside.
“ Come on, Nines.” Connor began removing the Cyberlife issued shirt. Nines never held the same fondness for his own Cyberlife suit that Connor had. He found it ridiculous, wearing white in a field that often required for him to get gritty. The black button-up felt stiff and a little scratchy. Of course, Cyberlife didn’t design the suit for someone who would be able to ‘feel’ it. Nines kicked off the pants just as Connor threw the sweater over his head. He held the arm holes open as Nines slipped them on. It was so large it almost reached his feet, and he had to hold his arms up so the sleeves wouldn’t drag on the carpet. It felt softer than ever before and he couldn’t stop himself from slipping the material between his fingers. “That’s better, we’ll get you proper clothes tomorrow. Now, lets get you to bed.” Connor peeled the blanket back and Nines clambered into bed. He pulled the covers over his brother and smiled down at him and sighed.
“ You really scared me today. I’m glad you’re alright.”
Nines smiled, “I am too.”
“ Do you need anything before you go to sleep?” Connor wasn’t familiar to what a child might need before bed.
Nines ran a quick system check, but nothing came up. “No, I’m alright.”
“ Good. Let me know if you need anything. Goodnight, little brother.” Connor copied you and kissed Nines’ forehead. Despite himself, Nines smile widened.
“ Goodnight, big brother.”
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turingtestr · 4 years
mobile post of all my information for the anon who wanted a mobile rules / bio. i could make a google docs but i’m burnt out. please also note, i haven’t even GLANCED at my bio i wrote for elijah since 2018, so uh... i should probably do that. sorry if it’s bad.
ONE. due to the nature of my roleplaying style, there will absolutely be mature themes here and there on this blog. all and any mature themes that involve sexual topics of the nsfw variety will only be written with muses that are 18+. as for those people that are 18+ that follow me, i fully understand if you do not want to write any nsfw content, and if any threads lead to that we can fade to black. just ask me, i’m fairly easy going and more than happy to make people feel welcome. it is not a requirement to rp nsfw content with me and i will never force anyone to do that. !
TWO. this is a selective/private blog. i really only roleplay with mutuals, however you’re more than welcome to reply to any of my open starters if i specify that you can but just know i might not reply because i (1) don’t know your muse, (2) have zero muse for the reply and will get to it later, (3) have no interest in the thread, or (4) am uncomfortable with something on your blog. roleplaying is also a HOBBY for me. i work full time and sometimes i genuinely cannot reply fast. if you hassle me to reply to things, i will not want to roleplay with you and it will turn me off from roleplaying with you completely. in fact, if you harrass me to reply to threads, i will automatically unfollow you because i’m not about that life of being pushed to reply to things. if you spam my follow button to try and get my attention, that will result in a soft block on your behalf. please don’t test my patience. if you do not have your ooc name on your page i will not follow you, due to me thinking hiding your ooc alias is shady and sketchy af.
THREE. i love shipping and i love roleplaying so much. this is not a single ship blog and none of the ships i portray are at the same time (unless further discussed with muns, of course).MY PRIMARY CHLOE SHIPPING PARTNER IS @TURINGTESTEE, which means that if kamski mentions chloe in a verse, he's most likely talking about this chloe. if there are any verses that kamski is going to have one single ship, i will make sure to let people know that in the verse description section once i make it. otherwise, my muse is a free for all. if i do have mains, which will be listed, they are just the people i will reply to the most, however, i won't actually limit myself to only roleplaying with them and i hope my mains respect and are comfortable with that.
FOUR. tagging triggers is something that means a lot to me as i am not comfortable with NEEDLES OR PUPPETS on my dashboard so i blacklist needles tw and puppets tw. i know it’s weird but hey, we all have our things. please let me know if you need anything tagged- even if i don’t personally follow you. you deserve a clean and safe dashboard to roleplay in. WARNING.
FIVE.anon hate will be deleted on the spot. no exceptions. i don’t care about your petty feelings and i won’t tolerate them in the slightest. i’m not here to entertain horrible people’s opinions of myself. constructive criticisms are allowed, but at the respect of myself reblogging a meme asking for it specifically.
SIX. mutuals are allowed to ask for my wire or discord, since i use both and would love to rp on both. i also play dead by daylight on ps4, so if you’d be down to game as well, feel free to hit me up there too! overwatch on ps4 is ITSGEOFFREY so you can add me there too.
SEVEN. i very rarely will send in passwords, as i do not require it and i should not have to be tested on your blog to be allowed to roleplay with someone. usually if you have a password, i genuinely just didn’t think to look for it and i apologize if this upsets you but you probably won’t see any from me.
EIGHT. please take into consideration while dealing with kamski that he has high signs of NPD & a huge god complex.
NAME: Elijah Dean Kamski ALIASES: Eli, Lij, Boss, Kamski GENDER: Male AFFILIATION: Cyberlife Technologies, currently retired AGE: 36
there's many days where the kamski family would have a bit of struggles, as elijah grew up. he never knew much about his father, seeing as his father passed when he was a very young boy — no more than six. he'd never grown to know too much about him, and his mother didn't overly want to share about him, so it was safe to say the woman had a reason for not telling elijah and that was that.
growing up with a single mother who had severe epilepsy, elijah tried his very hardest to make his mother's life as easy as possible. school days would be very short considering he'd go straight home from school in order to watch after his mother. some days with his mother, depending on the medication the doctors had recommended her, would be better than others. she always appreciated her son's committment to being with her and he was determined to make life easy on the two of them. using the money she got from the state, she'd try to urge her son go into extra cirricular activiies he wanted to do, however he only dismissed the ideas, claiming that he'd rather be home. he'd use the money to spend on textbooks, wanting to develop his own version of a Vagus nerve stimulation device. one that would make sure to surge with electrical pulses before his mother even remotely had to move herself to activate the device. computer engineering was his goal, and he'd stop at nothing to get through that.
as life continued on, elijah continued to shove his head into books and continuously study. he pushed through high school faster than anyone had expected, at age ELEVEN he had shown his studies to multipile colleges, showing his theories on how to better create medical devices.
the university of colbridge had been a struggle for elijah, being the youngest student there. studying medical engineering was easy, and he had decided to double major in computer engineering as well, to perhaps attempt to integrate the two. though school was difficult, the hardest part was being away from his mother. the school had refused to let him travel back and forth, saying that freshmen had to stay on campus as apart of regulations and requirements from the state. when he started college, his mother had decidded upon asking the state for a caregiver- on the off chance that something did happen. with the VNS that was already implanted in her, she was able to have a job during the day, but the caretaker was supposed to just oversee her during the nights. it settled eli's anxiety about his mother a little bit. four months into his freshman year, eli had woken up to a call from the san antonio police, letting him know that his mother had been rushed to the hospital after having a grand mal seizure and hitting her head on their marble counters. apparently the caretaker assigned to look after his mother hadn't even shown up that night. he quickly rushed home, terrified what had happened.
something, however that night had turned elijah into a bitter person. into someone against humanity. though his mother had survived the seizure, things weren't the same for either of them. after knowing his mother's caretaker had ABANDONED her, elijah had fully decided to go more into engineering to create a way for humans to be more reliable. what was more reliable than humanity? MACHINES. something that would always obey. obedient machines that had a purpose and a task and would see it through. dropping fully out of medical engineering, elijah settled for computer science and engeineering instead. the utter drive to create a better human than humans themselves was so strong that by the age sixteen, elijah had worked together with a team of classmates to create the first medical assistant androids. REVOLUTIONARY KICKSTARTER model 100, or RK for short. RK100 was born and tested on his mother, who seeemed quite uneasy, but only wanted to support her son.
though it wasn't perfect, the ark series took off. mainly piquing interest in san diego, california. the backbones of the mega-billion dollar company that would be founded by elijah kamski and his cohorts suddenly had at least three hundred backers trying to support the small business after seeing what a success the RK100 was at being not only a companion for his mother, but also how helpful the RK was at it's job. the medical caretakers were able to do so much, and suddenly with the money that was being thrown at the group, elijah became more than enthused with power. hungry for it, almost.
making more medical related androids were being highly requested, and the team set out to create diffrent functions for androids, trying to perfect everything.
taking into consideration his mother — his finest mentor and most trusted support, and what she thought of the androids, he sought out to consult with his old AI professor, Amanda Stern, on how to make the androids a bit more lifelike. It was hard, at least for what his mother admitted, for a human to trust a machine that looked like a machine to help themselves out through life. upon her advice, eli threw himself into work, the team of cyberlife growing into a business, and then a wide scale company alongside elijah's work. no matter what, the man was the front of the company, having done the majority of the coding and research in what brought the androids to life. the company sought after targeting the cheapest land developments in the united states in order to make their headquarters and warehouses, bringing CYBERLIFE to DETROIT, MICHIGAN where it currently resides.
it takes kamski four years after founding cyberlife to come out with a brand new appearance for his androids. something human like after struggling and struggling to engineer the perfect components to theorize biological functions. this equiptment created became biocompotenents, but it still wasn't enough to make thes he was creating look HUMAN. but after all the struggles and finally figuring out a way to regulate something akin to blood into the android's system, elijah kamski in the year 2022 releases the RT REVOLUTIONARY TURING model; a personal assistant to elijah kamski that uses the alias ' CHLOE '. Cyberlife has been thurst into the spotlight and once again Elijah Kamski realizes that these advancements in the world have honestly made people envious. the public demands the rights to these androids and while he still is bitter over humanity and the lack of reliabilty that humans provide for the world, he obliges. Cyberlife goes public with their androids and the public are now able to put a price tag on androids.
the world that assumes elijah kamski is nothing but a greedy, power-hungry boss of a CEO for cyberlife overlooks one important fact: he still wants revenge on the world. his mother passes on at the age 43, a few years before his greatest mentor amanda stern passes. the loss of both role models awakens a vengeful force in elijah kamski. one that wants to remind the world that mortality is relevant for all. cyberlife has created over thousands of models, all for different functions and he looks upon his kingdom with hopeful eyes as well as bitterness. humanity has become less reliant. they've become lazier. androids have become the working force, for the most part, and while elijah sees that as a positive note because it is moving forward away from the laziness and unreliability of humanity — the CEO is fully aware that his androids are becoming more and more human like the more and more they develop. the deviant base code is never once touched. always overlooked by cyberlife developers who dare not touch the work of the first working android made by elijah kamski himself. while he's aware he, himself, is mortal just like the rest of humanity, seeing his creations become sentient, to rise up against the laziness and unreliable humanity that he lives among has been his goal. he just awaits the REVOLUTIONARY KICKSTARTER 200 to actually get pushed to the brink of going through his code.
now it's just a game of waiting to see who pushes who, and who comes up on top. it's always a delight to play god.
i'm not going to be writing a brand new biography for the gavin / elijah brothers universe, but i need to work out how they can be related with my current bio, or i might just go off of a gavin's biography. shrug emote.
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quinndecker · 5 years
Oc interview meme!
With Rick
These are actually really fun....
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What is your name?
“Call me Rick, everyone does.”
2. Do you know why you’re named that?
“It’s not actually my name per say, you see my original designation is RK-214. However Quinn is the one who took to calling me Rick. Guess the name just stuck.”
3. Single or Taken?
“Heh, I’m an android, pal...but...”
4. Have any powers or abilities?
“Well I don’t have to eat or sleep... that count?
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“Whatever you say, pal.”
6. What’s your eye color?
“One cyan, one dark blue.”
7. How about hair color?
“Heh.... ain’t got any.”
8. Have any family members?
“They don’t exactly manufacture us with family, Quinn, Raylee, Emiko, only family I really have.”
9. How about any pets?
“Nah, but I am fond of Bowser.”
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you dont like.
“Anyone who threatens Quinn.”
11. Any hobbies or activities you like to do?
“I do like to cook, even if I don’t eat Quinn does.... and she can hardly make something edible.”
12. Ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“I wish not...but if it’s to protect Quinn.”
13. Ever killed anyone?
“Unfortunately a lot of the time in our line of work it’s kill or be killed.”
14. What kind of animal are you?
“Heh... a dragon.”
15. What are your worst habits?
“Well I smoke...or just crew on cigarettes.... or toothpicks, and sometimes my fingers.”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Quinn, despite everything she just keeps going.”
17. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“Uh, gray-romantic?”
18. Do you go to school?
19. Ever want to get married and have kids?
“Can’t exactly have kids, and who’d want to marry me? An android? Well...I suppose...”
20. Have any fangirls/boys?
21. What are you most afraid of?
“Being abandoned.... again.”
22. What do you usually wear?
“Let’s see, my trousers, shirt, waistcoat, fedora, trench coat, and scarf.”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Um... I don’t really taste all that well.”
24. Am I annoying to you?
“Nah, you’re alright.”
25. Well it’s still not over.
“Sure sure.”
26. What class are you?
“Let’s put it this way, if I wasn’t living with Quinn at the agency I’d either be in a garbage heap somewhere or I’d be wandering the streets.”
27. How many friends do you have?
“2 or 3.”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Quinn tells me it’s good.”
29. Favorite drink?
“Does coolant count?”
30. Favorite place?
“The roof of the agency...”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
“Would you believe me if I said Quinn?”
32. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“Look, my sealant ain’t made for that.”
34. What’s your type?
“Good question.”
35. Any fetishes?
“Excuse me?”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Not exactly my kind thing. But being out and about Boston and night is pretty.”
As for tags.... I don’t know who I already tagged sooooo I’ll just be annoying and do it again. 😜
@purple-martin111 @galoogamelady @sas-afras @memepipboy @metalforhands @doodledust2017 @unkn0wnweird0666 @archangelannabelle @commonwealthhero
If I already tagged you, or if you already been tagged, sorry, I can’t remember! 😂 no pressure at all,... I’m just spamming tags
And for anyone else who’d like to do it have at it!
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imogengotdrunk · 6 years
Time for some Captain Allen and OC shit that I’ve written after drinking a lot of gin, let’s do this – under the cut though because there’s a lot.
Might write this as a full story one day, might not. What matters is that I’ve been thinking about Daddy Allen a lot (and that’s Daddy as in Daddy, not Daddy as in father, kids) and he needs more love and I shouldn’t drink so much and go near my laptop, whoop whoop
David Allen Or as we know and love him: “Captain Allen”
43 years old (Born Dec 2, 1994)
His mother is Donna Allen-Winters, and she’s a fun-loving and free-spirited artist (possible ties to Carl Manfred; they have at least met before). His father is Hiroshi Allen. He was a stern and uptight police commissioner in the DPD, and has been retired for over ten years.
Hiroshi and Donna divorced when Allen was 16 and his younger brother was 11. They are extremely different people, and while Allen suspects that they did love each other at one time, their differences began to clash in their later years and their marriage gradually stopped being happy.
His younger brother is called Matthew (Matty) Allen, and he is currently 38 years old. He’s the stereotypical little brother; cheeky, troublesome and light-hearted, whereas Allen’s always been the more serious one. Matty’s a sports coach at a university, has a dog called Janet, and is in a very happy relationship with his long-term girlfriend.
Matty and Allen are on great terms, and go for runs together twice a week.
Random facts:
- Allen broke his leg when he was fifteen, after pulling Matty out of the road and saving him from a passing car. As a result, he still has knee problems in adulthood, sometimes debilitating if he doesn’t rest it properly (which he frequently doesn’t).
- He’s a clean-freak; every room in his house is pristine, apart from his bedroom which is in total disarray – he needs neatness where he works, but not necessarily when he sleeps, so the mess just piles up in that one room.
- He was also in a relationship with a woman called Sophia for several years, but they separated after she began talking about marriage and children. Allen knows from experience that a job like his (and his father’s) leaves little time for children, and the idea of marriage was something he realised he wasn’t comfortable with at all. It also made him realise that he was not in love with Sophia, although he did care for her. Their relationship was built more for the sake of having a relationship, rather than on a genuine, loving connection.
Sophia understood and respected his feelings, but they’ve never been on great terms since. Allen doesn’t regret the breakup, but he does regret continuing the relationship for so long whilst knowing that he had no desire to move forward into marriage or starting a family. He’s very much a career man, and he needs someone who understands that and doesn’t expect it to change.
- Allen and Jeffery Fowler are good friends, and they meet up to complain about the people under their respective command from time to time. Gavin Reed is a very popular topic in these instances.
- Allen and Hank were never that close, but Allen was genuinely shaken up when he heard about Cole’s death. And after the revolution, he’s happy to hear that Hank’s getting back into shape and taking his job at the DPD seriously again.
- He also kept tabs on Connor after the incident at the Phillips’ penthouse. There was something about him that Allen wasn’t comfortable with and he didn’t want to let Connor slip completely off his radar. After he finds out that Connor’s been accepted full-time into the DPD, he makes an effort to be civil with him, but he’s still not entirely comfortable around him. And he still can’t pinpoint exactly why.
- Allen likes Tina Chen a lot, and thinks she’s one of the most capable officers in the DPD.
- He’s bisexual, and it’s something that his ex was never 100% comfortable with.
- He doesn’t drink.
Allen’s level-headed, but socially awkward when talking about anything that isn’t work. He’s terrible at telling jokes, but good at telling stories. He’s very compassionate, but also very work-focused and he likes routine, and he finds it difficult to relax or sleep after a high-risk job.
Likes and dislikes:
Children like him; animals don’t, and Allen doesn’t particularly like either. But he does have an artificial fish called Greyson – a present from his mother from when he graduated to the force, and Allen grows to like him mainly because he doesn’t have to remember to feed him.
He also hates coffee, tea or anything with caffeine. He’s a smoothie man, the nerd.
He likes nature documentaries, James Cameron movies and Korean food.
FN700 android “Finn”
Mid-twenties in appearance (Made in 2037)
About Finn:
Originally a retail service android, Finn is a ‘lightweight’ model designed for fast, city-wide deliveries. In a random instance of bad luck, he was intercepted by a drug dealer called Manuel Shipmen in early 2038, and his memory was wiped. He was reprogrammed, and became Shipman’s personal android; used to deliver illegal goods to his clients.
Like Carlos Ortiz, Shipman physically beats and abuses the androids in his care, which gradually causes Finn to deviate. A few weeks after the android rebellion, Finn manages to fight Shipman off and escape, damaged but alive.
How he and Allen met:
The DPD hear about the attack, having been tracking down Shipman’s operations for several months, and Captain Allen’s team go in search of Finn in the hopes of using him as a witness against Shipman.
They find him in an abandoned outlet store after talking to some shop owners near the docks. He’s injured and shaken up, but he agrees to be escorted to the DPD after being reassured that they return him to Shipman. When Allen doesn’t feel comfortable leaving Finn in protection at the DPD, he offers to let him stay at his home.
It’s awkward at first, but they gradually become closer, and Allen warms up to his company and accepts that he’s missed having someone around when he’s not at work.
Finn is shy, but incredibly funny with a very blunt sense of humour (he makes Allen laugh a lot). He’s curious, but naïve and far too trusting (and therefore vulnerable to manipulation). He’s restless and bounces his leg a lot when he sits down (Allen suspects it’s a nervous tick from working for Shipman, and the only way to stop it is to gently put a hand on the back of his neck).
He’s also fascinated by fish (he loves Greyson, and Allen seriously doesn’t get it because?? Greyson is a fucking fish?? and doesn’t do anything but float around all day. But Finn’s fascination is kind of adorable so he doesn’t give it too much thought).
Likes and dislikes:
Finn doesn’t like dogs or confined spaces (again, courtesy of working for Shipman, who had guard dogs and kept any androids he had in very small and bare rooms).
He likes movie soundtracks like Amelie and Guardians of the Galaxy, and taking long baths – Allen had to ask if androids were waterproof and it was the first time he made Finn smile (it was a pity smile. Finn actually thought it was the dumbest question he’d ever heard, but he appreciated the concern all the same).
He also likes yoga because it relieves stress, and wearing Allen’s jumpers, which are far too big for him.
And yes, like a lot of Allen-lovers out there, Finn probably develops a daddy kink.
Because why the fuck not, Daddy Allen is hot.
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phcking-detective · 5 years
Masterlist of My Writing
Kiss Prompt Series (all PG)
Angry Kiss – Gavin chases after a perp without backup and gets shot multiple times. He can't believe his asshole android partner is staying behind to help him instead of catching the perp, but maybe RK900 cares more than he thinks. Maybe a lot more …
Reunion Kiss – Nines returns a day early from an intensive case and stops by Gavin's favorite coffee shop to get his boyfriend a treat. But Gavin is already there and apparently has the same idea.
Awkward Forehead Kiss – Nines takes care of his sick human partner as best he can, but all human media seems to indicate sick humans need forehead kisses to feel better. Too bad he doesn't know how to kiss. Luckily, Gavin is happy to help teach him.
Forced Kiss – Nines attempts to break up with Gavin for the detective's own good. That goes about as well as you'd expect. (NO non-con! Gavin just kisses Nines in the middle of his mental breakdown while he tries to self-isolate.)
Drunk Kiss – Connor and Hank bring in a box of Sumo's puppies to the precinct Christmas party. When two go missing, Nines tracks them down to find … Detective Reed? He did not realize his maladjusted human partner could be so gentle.
Forehead Kiss – human!Richard is having a bad mental health day and gloomily declares he needs serotonin. android!Gavin and himbo extraordinaire offers to go to the grocery store and get him some.
Reed900 Main Series (all Explicit)
Fight Club (but Explicitly Gay This Time) – 2k words; RK900 decides to "discipline" Gavin in the DPD men's bathroom by spanking and stepping on him. Unfortunately, the disgusting little human actually enjoys it.
Fast and Furious – 5.5k words; Nines notices how competent Gavin is at driving. In fact, he's noticing a lot about Gavin, which is unfortunate, because he doesn't know what it means. Maybe slapping the human more will help …
Ain't Got Time to Bleed – 27k words; Gavin and Nines engage in exciting new activities, like solving a case together, going out for drinks, hustling at pool. Specifically, Nines gets hustled by Gavin, but he pays it back tenfold in the alleyway afterward.
First Blood – 77k words, ongoing; Gavin and Nines get caught up in a case that's a lot more complicated than it seems as they run into a Ponzi scheme and a staged suicide, an attempted murder on the journalist who broke the story, and a mysterious android manipulating it all. Even worse, they're starting to actually kind of like each other too. But will their partnership be strong enough to get them through kidnapping, torture, and safe / sane / consensual sex?
Extra Drabbles (all PG or Teen)
HOT SINGLE ANDROID IN YOUR AREA – Gavin keeps getting spam pop-ups on his computer about hot androids who want to fuck. Until he finally notices they're now only talking about one single android in particular. Who could it be?
Dumb Ways to Deviate: Cheeseburger – Nines takes Gavin out to eat as a reward for solving a case they've been working on for the past 36 hours. When the exhausted human tries to feed him, Nines suddenly experiences--[feelings]??
crush.exe – Nines thinks Gavin is cute. But that's just objective fact, right? Anyone would think he's cute. Tina disagrees and diagnoses him with something called a "crush."
INTRUDER ALERT – Nines visits Gavin's apartment to discuss a case, but there is an [INTRUDER] wearing an ingenius chocolate scrub mask that confuses his facial recognition software.
Bonus HankCon Fic (Explicit)
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This – 66k; Connor determines co-sleeping with Hank will be a productive, healthy venture--and step one on his three year plan to seduce Hank. Unfortunately for him, Hank is a gay, self-destructive old man who manages to fuck up The Plan by both already being in love with him and also refusing to acknowledge that. (75% domestic fluff, 24% sex at the end, 1% Sumo eating food he’s not supposed to)
Patreon (shameless promotion)
For if you love my reed900 series and want to get chapters sooner, like my drabbles and want patreon-exclusive bonus content, or you’re interested in TWO patreon-exclusive reed900 AUs (human!Richard x android!GV200 / omega!Gavin x alpha!Nines). Those are the three tiers, and they’re $1 / $2 / $3 per chapter, respectively. I post chapters once a week on Sunday ^^
The patreon helps pay for my HRT and related doctor’s appointments, so please consider checking it out! The rewards also stack, so the $2 tier gets you a chapter from First Blood one week early, plus some bonus content. The $3 tier is an early chapter, bonus content, and an AU chapter all together.
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