#how to use eyebrow shaper
whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 12
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 11, Part 13
Putting this early so y'all got something to read while waiting for Fontaine. Gl on wishing/saving!
Warning! This is SAGAU which is yandere, plus my story is imposter au which makes things even worse. You can expect detailed descriptions of sensitive topics like blood in this chapter.
The water is still as Mountain Shaper relays your claim to the other adepti. The cutting gaze they have is deflected by that calm expression you wear.
"Then before we deal with them, let's wrap up the situation with the children." Ganyu speaks softly as her eyes move past your form with wariness. 
Xingqiu and Chongyun relax at the sight of Ganyu.With her around, the punishment from the adepti should be prevented.
"Thank you both for coming to save the children, and I'm sorry we weren't in time to help that poor boy. I'm afraid I'll have to burden you both with the task of bringing them back to the city. This would be quite a big deal, especially for you, Xingqiu, as the son of such a prestigious family."
Xingqiu freezes up at the mention of his family while Ganyu takes out a notepad. She writes something on it and hands it over to him.
"This is a brief report on what happened, your cover up is that I asked you to bring them back home. You and your friend will have to give a report to the Millelith and when I get back, I can finish the report. I can get the needed information from your... teammate."
The skepticism and slight disgust in her voice makes it perfectly clear what she thinks about you. She didn't even want to thank you for participating in saving the children.
Ganyu is an adepti, even if she is half human, and that is why she has some of that signature arrogance. She always did jump to conclusions; like how she attacked that Fatui skirmisher that was berry picking. Her arrogance only makes it harder for her to change her mind until it's nearly too late.
Xingqiu smiles politely but the twitch in his eyebrow as he accepts the note says it all. Chongyun's face visibly sours but he keeps quiet. They both turn to you, silently asking if it's okay for them to leave you here.
Your lips stretch into a cheery smile and you give them a thumbs up. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just make sure Yiran gets to her father and that the mother of that poor boy gets his body."
They leave with the children clinging to them, the children still have remnants of tears in their eyes. You can only silently command Teyvat to make their journey back to the city as safe as possible.
"One knows not why this interloper is not already decaying at our feet. Surely any being that claims such a frivolous thing deserves to be sacrificed to the glorious Creator."
Rude as always, Cloud Retainer is the first to ignite the hatred for you. In Genshin she was always comedic relief after the Archon quest but it's different with your current position.
"Don't be so quick to see to my death, Cloud Retainer. Surely Mountain Shaper has already told you what secret information I know about you all." You smoothly comment. 
"The young herbalist is not impossible to hold information on, it's the scent of Teyvat on you that led me to not kick you off my mountain." Moon Carver interferes calmly. You get the sense that he's the most curious on who you are in contrast to the rest that just want you to die.
"Like I said, I'm an Oracle for the Creator themself. Surely you aren't going to doubt Teyvat in who it chooses to embrace."
"Mimicry is a common tactic among evildoers like yourself. Perhaps you're a demonic spirit from the old war hiding in human flesh. It would suffice as an explanation for the way you used that little girl to buy time for yourself." 
Mountain Shaper pushes the agenda of some evil lurking within you. Honestly, it's starting to annoy you but becoming emotional would only fuel them further.
"I only spoke to Yiran so rashly due to your stupid rules. Who focuses on intruders that you clearly saw came for the children instead of the terrified young girl? She was scared from the massacre and felt responsible for that boy's death. That same dead boy’s mother that you proceeded to insult."
"And why should we concern ourselves with the folly of humans?"
"I'm not asking you to. I'm saying that you should at least allow the other humans to help those children, yet you treat adults and children like they have the same mental capacity. Not surprising as adepti couldn't possibly understand the complexity of humanity but it’s still quite disappointing that you cannot even see the logic."
Your words earn you a sharp amber tearing into the skin of your left arm.  A low curse escapes you as you yank the injured arm away from the crimson painted amber. Examining the wound with a grimace, you apply pressure to slow the bleeding. The puncture wound lets your blood stain the clothing and drip off. 
It didn't go all the way through but in certain areas your vein and arteries can be seen. Not broken, just exposed and so very painful. Resisting the tears, you dig into your bag with your good hand for the medical kit.
As you clean and wrap up your wound, you can hear the adepti arguing.
"What are you doing you old coot? One was looking to expose their lies, not attack in such a haste. Now that filthy blood is staining my abode."
"Cloud Retainer is correct on this topic. As devoted worshippers of our caliber, having the ability to unravel the demonic lies is true proof of our strength."
It's so funny, you almost want to laugh in their faces. 'Filthy blood'? Your blood is the one that they worship like salvation. 'Demonic lies?' Isn't the Creator's word's law and truth no matter the message?
That haughtiness that leads them to try beating you at your own game will be their downfall. You'll enjoy this new act. After all...
They're only the stepping stones for the showdown between you and the Geo Archon.
With a bandaged arm that sends dull aches and electrifying pain at intervals, you smile and speak in a sweet tone.
"Finished conversing yet? If you're ready to try exposing my nonexistent lie then get rid of this amber cage and let me show you firsthand why I'm the Creator's Oracle."
Your serene smile is met with sharp glares, distrustful eyes and a timid gaze that speaks first.
"And what proof or action will you show us?"
"Well, I have multiple ways, but illuminated beings like yourself will not be satisfied with that. You'll see it as a trick, a prepared prop to convince you all. So instead, why don't you ask me to do something or relay something to the creator? Something that you're positive I can't complete."
Beisht's scale seems to make your bag heavier with the reminder of its existence. But it's not time for it yet. The adepti only see Beisht as an enemy, that gamble isn't one you're willing to risk just yet.
"One would never ask you to pray to the creator and sully their ears with your sinful voice. One has a better idea on what you can do as 'proof'. As much as One hates to let you get closer, it is necessary to enter my abode."
Mountain Shaper seems to grumble as the other adepti force him to release you. Chains made of Geo and Dendro wrap around your wrists and tug you forward. 
Were you truly that untrustworthy in their eyes? Four adepti against one human, the outcome is obvious, but you keep a leisurely pace behind them.
Cloud Retainer's domain-like door opens and once you all step inside, the door shuts with a loud bang. It's just like how you remembered it in the game.
An absolute confusing mess.
Ganyu and Cloud Retainer cross the barely hanging rock bridge with ease, Meanwhile Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper throw remarks at her.
"What is the meaning of such a mess? It's in even worse condition than when we visited 300 years ago."
"One's abode is not of your concern. It is normal for one to keep it in the environment that suits one's needs."
Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper continue to bicker back and forth as you are led through the turning platforms and transparent golden bridges. 
"Maybe if a certain mortal had just accepted death as their punishment, we wouldn't have to be going through this disorganization."
As adepti, they probably could have just flown to the top where Cloud Retainers' main ruins are but as you are clearly human, they had to take the long way. They don't bother to keep that fact quiet but Moon Carver constantly saying that only makes you walk slower in pettiness.
The main ruin finally comes into view and you remember the initial conversation with Cloud Retainer when you had to discuss Morax's fake death. The door behind that never let players in, is now open. 
Entering you are greeted with long hallways with inventions in different stages of creation littering it. Texts, and murals of different time periods cover the walls. Morax, Guizong, the Yaksha and even other adepti you don't recognize are there.
A left turn at a three way intersection goes to a large room decorated beautifully with feathers and gemstones alike. The image of you forming an egg that has brown scales and gold accents is the main centerpiece. 
This must be how they believe you created Morax. Then does that solve the question on whether the egg or the chicken comes first? 
Cloud Retainer stops in the middle of the room and spreads her wings to point at the sides of the room that are inscribed with text.
"Ever since One took residence in this abode, One has never been able to decipher the text, nor has any other being that got One's permission to enter this sacred room been able to decipher it. If you are truly the Oracle then surely you must be able to decode such scriptures."
"Then let's see just what message this scripture contains." Your proud words are all the bravado you need to walk past their eyes and approach the closest words on the left wall.
As you move to walk past Cloud Retainer's form, she brings her wing down to cover your path.
"Death is the only ending for you in One's eyes. If you fail to translate, then you'll die. If you tarnish or destroy it, then you'll die. And if you refuse, then death will claim you before you can even finish your words." 
"I understand full and well, Cloud Retainer. My life belongs to the Creator, no matter how difficult or painful."
Her wing cuts through your shackles with ease. Now free, you walk past with that confident posture you've held throughout this meeting. Your hands itch to run over the wall and pray that Teyvat will automatically translate it as it had done for everything else. Yet when you get close enough to make out the words, you smile widely. A sight so beautiful for your poor eyes.
'Elemental creatures of all kinds must continue to worship the maker of all things to maintain their loving and personal connection. Refusing or forgetting to do so is the same as rejecting or not caring for them. Consequences are dire and just like trust, it'll be much harder to restore.'
Your language is written on the wall in clear letters. Your luck seems to have turned around for now. You could do so much with this information.
"I can understand this perfectly. It's the language the Creator uses to communicate on the world they're resting in. The scripture describes elemental worship that is specific to only elemental beings."
You recite the first text with ease as the room goes quiet. Not a laugh, scoff nor grumble is heard in the room. Should you take this as a bad or good thing? 
Pushing onward you begin to translate the rest of the text on both sides of the room. It gives a detailed explanation on how to sacrifice body parts, energy, blood, and lifeforce. 
"Stop, we have heard enough." Moon Carver cuts in emotionlessly. You look back at them feigning a confused expression. Trouble is clear on their faces, the truth of your words is spreading guilt within them.
Inwardly your lips curve into a smile that seems to soothe the pain in your arm.
They aren't guilty from the approaching truth of your 'oracle' status being real. They're feeling guilt over the worship methods that they had forgotten.
But pompous beings like them will never accept their wrong-doings so easily.
"You speak of words that poison our minds and weigh our hearts with guilt. This may be but a sham that you wish to deceive us with. Us, illuminated beasts will not accept this method until it's been proven in our sights."
With a careless shrug and scoff, you speak to Mountain Shaper with an uncaring attitude. "I would happily do it to myself just to prove my words true, but I'm not an elemental being like you all were so happy to point out. It seems one of you will have to test it out or we'll never get anywhere."
"Or perhaps we can end this farce now and eliminate you from the beloved maker's gaze." His angry reaction has you covering your mouth in surprise.
"You would skip past the proper protocols in the case concerning the Creator? Where is your devotion? Your faith? Or are you just afraid to do so and see the honesty in my words? Maybe it's a mix of both..."
Mountain Shaper takes a clawed step forward that makes the ruins shake. Cloud Retainer blocks his path with her wing.
"One has had enough of this Shaper! Treat the eulogies and artwork of the creator with more respect."
"It is shameful that an illuminated being like yourself is being led by a mortal like that. Are we not the ones who survived this long despite the varying enemies and plots? Calm yourself before you sully the Creator's pride with your uncontrollable wrath."
Mountain Shaper looks pissed as his eyes glare at you with malice. The temptation to flip him off with a shit-eating grin is too strong and he turns away like a toddler at your crude actions.
"I can do the ritual for us to learn the truth on this matter." A timid voice steps in during the brief silence. All eyes turn to Ganyu as she keeps her hands close to her chest.
"All the work I do is for Liyue, Rex Lapis, and most importantly: the Creator. If this method is true then I can learn a more intimate way to worship them. And if not, then I can keep the creator's reputation pure by utterly destroying Y/N."
Her words are soft and gentle but turn dark near the end as she stares at you seriously. The adepti stay quiet seeming to respect her bold actions even if Cloud Retainer seems just a bit ruffled.
"You said that there are many different offerings to give, all with their own reward. Which one would give the best result?"
"The energy sacrifice would be the most convenient and easiest but it doesn't fit you well due to your lethargic nature. Your body is physically strong so a blood offering would be the best choice."
Ganyu's eyes seem to follow your form as you step closer to the section that contains the instructions for the blood offering. She's no doubt trying to figure out how you could know about that without considering the possibility of you being the Oracle true.
You read it out loud so that everyone is on the same page before looking back at them.
"So let's start with the main things. We'll need a clear area outside along with a ceremonial dagger and cup. I'll wait here and write down all the ritual instructions for future use."
In Genshin you always know a NPC is suspicious when they want to 'wait and write' something while you do the actual work. The distrustful looks they all send you feel the same way.
They leave Ganyu to watch over you while they all leave to prepare the ritual. Deciding to leave Ganyu alone, you go back to jotting down the text into your handbook.
It's quiet to the point of it being uncomfortable yet you diligently finish the notes and simply doodle on the free space. Ganyu's eyes never stop running down your body, you ask yourself if she's even blinking.
"Before I came here to visit, I heard of an incident at Liyue Harbor. About two geovishap hatchlings that went feral and caused a mess. The most interesting part was how the 'winner' displayed its trophy to a masked stranger."
Ah, Ganyu... 3,000 years old and counting half-qilin adeptus with a whole war as experience. Did you ever forget her knowledge? No, you just simply underestimated her resilience to erosion. 
"Is there something you want to ask me about that incident? If so, just spit it out. Communication is important, a secretary like yourself should know that much."
"I have no doubt that you are the person in the incident. I'm conflicted over how you came to your... position. Someone tricking the people is normal and still saddening. But someone trying to trick the adepti? Foolish and stupid. I will stop you either way but just know that I will not stand for your evil actions."
A laugh slips past your lips as your gaze falls onto her firm stance. Gentle and quiet are the words to describe qilin yet the conflict avoiding nature seemed to have skipped Ganyu's genes. 
"Then I hope you repent properly to the creator for refusing to believe their loyal servant for speaking the truth." You move to stand in front of her and stare deeply into her eyes with mirth. "It seems the adepti have already returned. Why don't we get going?"
Not a moment later, Cloud Retainer's voice rings out, calling for you both to come outside. Smiling cheerfully, you follow Ganyu out of Cloud Retainer's home.
The moon's glow tenderly caresses your skin and bandaged arm as the water laps at your legs. The adepti stand on the small patch of land as you and Ganyu trudge across the water. On the table is a clean dagger with intricate gold patterns and a gold chalice decorated with Noctilucous Jade.
Dagger and chalice in hand, you survey the area with a critical eye. Smiling, you point at an area of water.
"The water here is clean and clear so it fits the bill in what the ritual needs. Follow me Ganyu." Not bothering to look back you walk deeper into the water, even still the water only reaches above your knees.
"Words are not needed, only actions. Kneel and choose a place for me to cut you. Your blood has to fill the chalice to the brim."
She goes along with your words and kneels, letting the liquid soak her clothes without complaint. Grabbing ahold of her beautiful white sleeve, she pulls it off, exposing her arm.
"Cut my arm in a long shallow slit so it can be filled quickly without too much damage."
"Alright, let me go over the steps once more as your time is limited once it's filled." With practiced ease, you cut her arm and watch her blood flow into the chalice. Not even a peep escapes her from the pain.
"You'll hold the chalice with both hands raising it into the air to signify that you are offering. Keep your eyes closed and pray for what you wish to communicate to the creator. In this case, you want to pray for the creator to accept your blood offering as the first step to forgiveness. After that you'll just need to follow my lead."
Ganyu nods solemnly and you move the now filled chalice to her hands carefully to avoid spilling it. Her eyelids flutter shut as her hands hold the chalice high in the air. The air seems to still as her lips move to mouth a silent prayer.
The blood that drips down her arm and into the water seems hypnotizing. To think you’d really hurt someone to hide your lie. It's different then the case with Beisht; you hurt Beisht to prove your identity. What you have done to Ganyu is a line you may have to cross again in the future. What if you eventually kill someone to hide your lie? The thought seems ludicrous to you now but so did hurting someone before this moment...
Your thoughts seem to still when the blood dripping from her wound changes in color. No, not just color but in texture too. Those wine red drops shift to a mix of pink and blue. It solidifies into a small glittering object that clinks softly as it hits the water.  
It flashes for a moment before dissolving into water like it never existed. Was that truly what a primogem looked like in real life?
An indescribable feeling swells up in your chest, soft whispers lead your body closer to Ganyu without a fight. Shakily your hands cover hers as that intangible feeling urges you to speak.
'I accept your offering' is nearly spoken but even in this haze of dopamine and serotonin, your self control is firm.
"The Creator accepts your offering." Your words are shaky with unknown emotions. Is this Ganyu's feelings towards you as the creator? It's gentle and rests on your soul like a weighted blanket feebly trying to pull you into a deep sleep.
Reminding yourself of the ritual at hand, you begin to tilt the chalice toward the ground. The scripture never specified what would happen but the sight you receive is beyond what you could expect.
What pours out of the chalice is not scarlet liquid, but thousands of primogems that clink and clank as it hits the water. Just like earlier, it dissolves leaving bubbles that cloud the starry sky that was reflected on the surface.
When the last primogem hits the water, you release Ganyu's hands and step back. You look up at the night sky that begins to glow with color as your voice cuts through the tense silence.
"Open your eyes Ganyu, it's time to see your wish revitalized. The Creator accepted your offering after all."
Coral and lavender eyes open slowly and go wide at the sight of the sky. The chalice is gripped in tightly on her lap as the night blooms with blue and purple wishes.
A single gold star begins to travel through the air at high speeds. Noticing its course you step farther away from Ganyu as she stays kneeling in amazement at the sight.
Before anyone can speak, the gold shooting star hits Ganyu and engulfs her spot with a beam of light. It's harsh on your eyes but the game screen that automatically opens in front of you soothes it.
Ganyu's splash art is the only thing you see before you click it off with a triumphant smile. Skipping through all the other wishes and four star constellations, the game screen and gold light disappear at the same time.
A shocked and confused Ganyu could be expected. A quietly happy and thankful Ganyu was expected. But the half qilin adeptus silently bawling her eyes out as she stays kneeling in the water was what greeted you instead.
The other adepti don't hesitate to move to your area with inhuman speed from where they were watching. You expected Mountain Shaper to be the first one to attack you as Moon Carver stands protectively in front of Ganyu but it seems the adepti didn't like to respond logically.
Sharp talons wrapped around your neck as the weight of the crane pushes you back onto the water. The unexpected submersion has you coughing uncontrollably underwater as your body seems to be weighed down by something invisible.
Fingers dig into your throat as blurry yells make your heart pound with panic.
"It's all your fault!" 
"None of this would have happened if you didn't exist!"
"Should have just let me do what I want with you, you pathetic fuck!"
Sickle in hand your attacks are choppy as the electro sputters in and out of existence. The fingers turn into a bruising, clawed grip once more as your free hand grabs a fistful of feathers.
The crane is pulled away and by extension you're pulled out of the water too. The water droplets make your vision blur as you try to calm your hyperventilation into something less vulnerable.
Cloud Retainer is held back by all three adepti as she squawks with indignation. The ringing in your ears prevents you from hearing anything more than, "One has not seen Ganyu cry in such a way since she was a child!"
Ganyu seems more than embarrassed as she repeatedly tells Cloud Retainer something you can't be bothered to make out. Your nails dig into the blood and feathers in your hand as you stare at the missing patch of feathers on Cloud Retainers body.
You're cold, wet, hungry, and so very tired but that bald patch you left on the noisy crane makes you feel happy in a vengeful way. If you weren't still reeling from the near death experience you would have loved to comment on her new preen.
The situation seems to calm down as Ganyu and the rest explain something thoroughly to Cloud Retainer. It's obvious that she had gone on a rampage due to Ganyu's reaction without bothering to view the situation in full. A rare mistake for someone as meticulous as her.
With care and concern only for the present, you move to the edge of the mountain and stare out across the sky. The view of Liyue is muddled yet enhanced by the starry sky. The grass under your shoes is welcome in comparison to the pond that nearly swallowed you whole.
Your fingers mindlessly pick at the healing scabs and bruises from the treasure hoarder fiasco. The grimace on your face is not from the pain of the jostled arm but the uncomfortable feeling of wet bandages. Carefully, your fingers trace the new talon marks on your neck that you gained from Cloud Retainer. Should you get hurt by Moon Carver too, to collect wounds from all three?
The grass crunches behind you and you already know what is about to happen. Your eyebrows pinch in worry and your gaze rarely leaves the floor as the adepti stand face to face with them.
"I'm so sorry for my reaction earlier. I was so surprised and overjoyed that the sacrifice convinced the Creator to awaken me that I reacted in such a shameful way. It's due to my failure to keep my emotions in check that you got hurt. Please forgive me."
Your mind is blank but your body is well versed in what to do, what lies to say. Softening eyes are steady with Ganyu's as your fingers gingerly touch the claw marks.
"I understand Ganyu, the creator's grace is an amazing thing. Be sure to serve them properly from now on." With a near patronizing tone you speak to the adepti as a whole.
"Don't you see what damage you had done to me? The creator is love, peace, justice and truth. I hope you don't think they'll let Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper off easy for harming me who has taken on such a heavy and dangerous burden."
Facades are only good if you know how to upkeep and keep track of them. If you act like some soft pushover now, they'll be suspicious. You slide into the control seat of the spider web of lies you've created as easily as breathing. 
Rest? Mental breakdowns? Dissociative states? Hallucinations from past traumatic experiences? All of those things must be pushed into the crevice in your mind. The same crevice that seems to grow deeper and darker with each passing year since your birth. Those thoughts can consume you when you're safe, if that day ever comes.
They react exactly as you expected; haughty but thoroughly humbled with seeds of self doubt planted in their hearts. Breaking even a fraction of their pride in their fake-ass devotion brings a longing for them to crumble even more.
You go along with conversation while conserving as much energy as possible. Ganyu was the only one with enough sensibility to apologize to you so why should you care about the rest of them? If they had Ganyu carry and apologize in their stead then they should be just as fine with you only giving her actual attention.
Pointing out this fact seemed to stun them into a tense silence. Your body naturally goes on edge expecting some sort of attack but nothing comes. Instead they present you with a few apologies without using words.
"As a faithful servant of the Creator, you are welcomed anytime in Jueyun Karst, as well as any other areas that would be deemed off-limits within our authority."
"Why not stay in One's home for the night after the enlightening events that have occurred today? One is not a careless host and will be sure to provide all that you need during your stay."
It honestly wasn't a bad idea, your mind and body were not fit for teleporting to Liyue and setting up camp. You accepted the offer despite knowing that the sleep you will get will not be fulfilling.
The conversations they hold as you are fed and tended to flow in one ear and out the other. The most notable information you picked up was how they wanted to try the method themself and even spread it to Xiao in hopes of the creator lessening his karmic debt.
It's Ganyu that accompanies you to a guest room that Cloud Retainer somehow managed to not make messy. The other adepti seem to think that you like her in some way when little to their knowledge, you're simply fond of her.
Not in the way that you want to be near or interact with her. She apologized for being part of the reason you were attacked. She still hasn't apologized for all her previous rude actions. You liked her the same way as you did on Earth. Only as a character.
A voice whispers that it's better than how you refuse to associate with Ei in any way.
You lay down on a clean mattress in the comforting silence of the night. You're dry, warm, full, and comfortable yet still as on edge as before. The eyebags you wear are not from random all-nighters but from the never-ending cycle of lying for a living. Both on Earth and on Teyvat.
Sleep doesn't come easy, not with the constant fear of talons holding you down. Nor with the unease of amber cutting through your skin. Rest comes in spurts of deep sleep before hands are choking you again back into the waking world. 
Sometimes you wish you could forget who your family was too.
Your internal clock is all sorts of confused as you wake up for the 50th time. Judging by the lack of discomfort in your body, you couldn't have slept more than an hour. 
Pale green glows in the corner of your eyes making you speed into sitting position. You catch the faintest glimpse of a horned masked bearing large fangs and glowing teal eyes. 
You blink at the spot as your breath is harsh even to your own ears. Was it real? Was he here? Why would he be?
For what reason would he watch you sleep if not to investigate?
The cool mask calms your clammy skin. If he had looked under it, you wouldn't be here anyway. It's that morbid thought that brings you peace. 
How ironic.
Knowing that sleep will not come to you for a while, you get dressed and follow the vague memory of the path Ganyu took when bringing you to the guest room. 
It leads to the domain doors to the outside and the brush of your fingertips on the stone doors has it moving smoothly. The early morning sun warms the stone walkway as you exit into the free space.
The sight of the pond trudges up memories of yesterday. With a bright smile and light footsteps, you hurry down the staircase and jump over the water with ease.
"-yet how could we possibly forget such a vital ritual?" "One suspects larger factors are at play." "The records in our abodes should show-"
Catching the near ending of such a serious conversation, you slow down as they all turn to look at you.
"Awake already Y/N? Would you like a light breakfast?" Ganyu is the first to speak, the other adepti are surely still examining you. Now far more lucid than last night you are positive that having another meal with them would be a true nightmare.
"I'm not hungry when it's so early so I'll pass for now. There are many private duties that the creator asks of me and it would be best that I get straight to it. Yet there's a slight problem."
The adepti seem to tense up in unison, not that they are wrong for doing so. You've been a consistent thorn in their side since you met Mountain Shaper.
"You see, my body has not fully recovered from the injuries that I received from fighting the treasure hoarders. And with the how rough I was handled by you all, my injuries were reopened."
The wind ruffles your hair as if highlighting the bruise and talon marks. Your left hand is pressed against your chest making the sun shine on the bandaged arm. The parts of damaged exposed skin are the icing on the cake.
"Then what is it that you desire oracle of the beloved? Do you wish to check on the children that were saved?" Mountain Shaper's voice is like ice. Sharp when cold like yesterday but smooth when controlled correctly.
It was a good thing you slept, even if it was sucky. You almost missed out on such a great bargaining chip!
"That is one thing I plan to do when I head to the city but there's a few things before that. Since you're already offering to take me then it would be a great help if you can take me to this location."
Shamelessly you hold out the map in your handbook with the only commission location left.
Increasing Danger - Hilichurls are building towers in the circled area. Destroy these towers for the safety of the people.
Mountain Shaper sighs tiredly and is about to respond when you cut him off on purpose. 
"Oh and those ceremonial tools we used in the ritual yesterday? I need them. The creator is an all-loving deity that would never desire to push away the innocent and loyal beings in Teyvat unless they deserved it. The creator wishes to conduct more rituals if necessary."
Cloud Retainer seems to stare at you in shock at the forceful way you pushed for the items you desire. The dagger and chalice glint in the sunlight as she resists the urge to hide them from your greedy eyes.
"But before you drop me off for good at my commission site, I'll need you all to help me activate the teleport waypoints. There's no way I'm climbing those mountains again. Besides, the creator blessed you all with such power, how could you not use it to support a fellow devotee?"
Your smile widens to bare all your teeth as Moon Carver avoids looking directly at you. They may be reluctant but you always make sure to have your debts be paid with interest. The price for hurting, exhausting, and stressing you out is not one to sneeze at either.
Quite a few teleport waypoints were activated with the dagger and chalice safely in your bag. Adeptus powers really were useful in situations like these. Within half an hour you had activated enough to safely teleport around Jueyun Karst without fear of running into the adepti again.
As Mountain Shaper sets you down nearby the hilichurl camp and towers for your commission, his curiosity finally gets the best of him.
"For what reason did you discolor so many teleport waypoints?"
"I can teleport using them due to the creator's blessing. Now that I activated them, I can teleport to all of your mountains whenever I want to visit!"
Each word you say with a cheerful grin seems to send him deeper into agony. He nods tightlipped and flies away. The wind brings his muttered words to your words. 
"A vacation is in order. A vacation for as long as possible."
Messing with the adepti was really fun. You just hoped that they would go on vacation permanently, your job would be much easier that way.
All you have left is to finish this commission, teleport to the waypoint near the harbor's entrance and get your money. Simple as that. Opening the game window from your safe viewing spot of the hilichurl camp, you begin to review all the books on hilichurls.
First and foremost, thank you to the editor of this chapter @serpent-benediction! He was a huge help even if he terrorized me the whole time </3
It gives me more time to add some fun stuff like italics and bold. Stories pack more of a punch with flair, in my eyes at least. All the improvements to the chapter are his work like capitalizing Oracle and Creator. We did debate on whether adepti was species or title. So yall are free to give your opinion on which it is and whether it should be capitalized. I'm glad to see that (almost) all the build-up to the adepti part is finished. Well for the adepti at least. I was like dead tired after the choking part so that's why it may be a bit wonky. Now that I'm not pressed for time (yet. Sep is coming soon) I wanted to thank everyone for staying this long in the series! I love reading and responding to comments. I love reading the notes and/or tags from reblogs. I don't know if I should respond to reblogs like I do to comments. Cause I see some really in-depth reblogs that I wanna respond to but I end up not doing that thanks to my thoughts of-'Is that weird, strange or uncomfortable?' I just don't wanna scare anyone off. And for those that might wonder why Y/N was choking here but not with Beisht, it's due to Retainer. Retainer was using her adeptus power to pressure the water against Y/N which caused the drowning and bruises. I hope that clears it up a lil!
I'm a dumbass, I forgot the taglist. That's why it looked so short in my eyes. Everyone is allowed to yell at me for this (except for my editor) Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @sielt, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zeniths, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @undecidingfate, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @fluffy-koalala, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado
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im-ovulating · 8 months
(A/n: We all know about Dragon! Kirishima.... But what about Dragon Slayer! Kirishima? With that thought in mind, I present you with this:)
(Inspired by this from cookiecosplayers on tiktok)
(I have a confession... this was supposed to have smut, but it's just been sitting in my drafts for 4 months... since I can't find the flow to the nsfw, you guys get this unfinished and un-beta'd fic. Maybe I'll finish it some day🤷‍♀️😭)
Word Count: Good question
Summary- While sitting in a shady pub, you encounter a very intriguing stranger
Warnings: None
Age Rating: None
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Dragon Slayer! Kirishima x Fem! Reader
You're sipping on a pint of stale mead when he slips into the booth across from you, interrupting your self-imposed pity party. The stranger glances around the pub, taking in the drunks and thugs with an unreadable expression before looking back to you.
"This isn't a place for pretty little things like yourself." His voice is gruffer than you'd assume from looking at him, though not unpleasant. In fact, the entirety of your sudden companion is more pleasant than you were getting used to seeing from your table.
His rogue leather armor -just a chest plate and cuffs, really-, and weaponry the only things pointing to his belonging. Armed with a claymore and various daggers, he certainly makes an imposing figure. From first glance, you'd say he's probably some type of mercenary. 'Murder for hire,' your mind unhelpfully supplies.
He's tall with bright red hair that's pulled off his face with a thick leather cord, broad shoulders and thick, veiny forearms. His face is deceptively soft, his right eye sporting a singular scar spanning from his eyebrow to the top of his cheekbone. His bright red eyes bore into you with an intensity that has the hair on the back of your neck stand on edge.
Any attraction you may have felt for him goes out the window at his choice of words, though. His condescending tone making you bristle in your seat.
Your eyebrows furrow as you glare at him. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me, honey. You belong in a pretty little dress with pretty little flowers, not here with a bunch of lowlifes." He crosses his arms, and leans against the back of the booth, and regards you with a neutral expression. "Before you bite my head off: I'm just tryna look out for ya. You don't belong in a place like this, darlin'."
"And how do you know where I belong?" You snark, arms crossing as you continue to glare at the man in front of you.
"I just do..." He jabs a thumb at the rowdy patrons, "A little girl like you shouldn't be spending her time with these... creeps. This place is a cesspool of drunks, thugs, and low lives."
"If it's so bad, why are you here? Associating yourself with such bad people?"
A wolfish smile spreads across his face as he leans forward, resting his arms on the table. The faint lighting casting his eyes in an almost scary light. "Considering I'm one of the King's big, bad dragon slayers, I'd say I fit in here quite well..."
He grabs your pint and drinks from it. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Hey- You know what? Never mind, keep it," You're quickly realizing that arguing with this strange man is a losing battle. The distraction of his drink-stealing makes it take you a second to process his words, "Wait- Dragon slayer?"
You eye him for a second, not quite believing him. He may look strong and have the weapons, but he doesn't quite fit how the stories describe the King's most hardened warriors. You have to say, he doesn't look like he could take on such beasts.
Not the massive, armored creatures you've been warned about since you were a kid, anyway. With skin tougher than diamond, teeth shaper than the best blacksmiths' steel and claws longer than your forearm. You've been told even the smallest ones stand above even the tallest of men.
"No offense but you don't look like a dragon slayer."
He quirks an eyebrow at you. "And how am I s'posed to look, sweetie?"
Your face heats at the veiled accusation. "I dunno... Bigger, nastier. I've heard the dragon slayers are all filthy brutes that even the king cannot convince to be more civilized."
He smirks, briefly looking you up and down before leaning against the booth again, arm thrown over it as he manspreads.
"So, you don't think I'm a big, nasty brute?" He teases.
Your back straightens as you prepare to squawk out a defense only to be cut off as he laughs. "Calm down, sweetheart. I'm just playin with ya." He takes another swing from the stolen mead.
The man sets his -your- pint down to unhook his chest plate and pull his jacket aside, revealing a multitude of burn marks and various other scars. "How this for a brute?"
Your eyes widen at the suddenly exposed skin, any disbelief at his claim squashed with a single look at his marred skin. A small gasp leaves your parted lips at the way the pink flesh and silvery scratches and bites make his torso look almost like stained glass. Definitely the scars you've been told stories about.
Before you can stop yourself, you're asking, "What happened there?" As you point to a fairly large burn scar on the left side of his chest.
"That... was from a Firefury. The fucker's fire blasted me square in the chest. Burned straight through my armor like it was kindling." A smug smirk appears as he finishes, "Still managed to take him down, though..."
Any annoyance you held from his snide nicknames and earlier behavior is thrown out the window at the prospect of hearing about the dragons that plague your kingdom from someone who has actually been up close and personal with them. You can deal with his insufferable pet names in favor of firsthand stories.
He fixes his jacket in favor of rolling his left sleeve up to reveal a patch of slightly raised flesh molted with reds and purples. "This one, as you can probably guess, was from a Blue Terror."
You shift to the edge of your seat to get a better look. The noise of the other pub goers fades as you listen to the stranger's story.
"What did it do?" You look at his face only to find him already looking at you, a small smile gracing his lips unlike his previous smug expressions. You look back to the scarred skin to avoid eye contact.
Wondering what the skin feels like after such an injury, you start to reach for his arm before stopping yourself. You may be interested in the stranger now, but you'll be damned if you make a fool of yourself like that.
Seeing your intrigue, he gestures at you that it's okay to touch his arm as he speaks. "She got a lucky hit in; turned my forearm into what felt like a block of ice."
Apart from a few dry, scaley patches along the edge of the mark, the skin feels surprisingly smooth if not a bit tight.
"It lost some feeling after that and if it gets hit too much, it feels like my arm is being flamed all over again."
Confusion floods you at his words, "I thought they didn't breath fire?"
The man's eyebrows knit together before he seems to realize something. "I forget villagers don't normally come into contact with the beasts... Blue Terror's spit flame just like most dragons, contrary to what the folklore says about them breathing ice. Their name comes from where they live and the frigid feel of their flames. They're still very much flames, though. Don't be mistaken."
"Really?" If that piece of folklore was wrong, you wonder how else the dragons are different from what you've been told.
"Ye-" A loud bang from across the tavern interrupts him. A quick look reveals one of the drunks at the bar had merely slipped out of his seat and hit the floor. Shaking your head in distain, you turn back to your new-found acquaintance.
He lightheartedly snorts as the patron climbs back into his barstool.
You hate to do it, but you have to admit, at least to yourself, that looking past his introduction, the man was actually interesting company; not the zealot you would expect from a place like this.
Looking back to you he asks, "I have one more big one if you're interested?"
"You're quite fond of your scars, aren't you?" You lightly chuckle, resigning to take your mead back. You chug a bit before placing it back on the table.
He chuckes as well, "Yeah, I guess you get that way when they're all you've got to remember everything you've fought for."
At your curious look, he continues. "They're a reminder of the dangers of my job and of just how close I came to death. How many times I've pulled through a tough spot."
"The nightmares are a whole other issue though," he jokes.
You tilt your head at the man, "That's... kind of a beautiful way of looking at them..."
"Hey, don't get all sweet on me, honey. I'm a big, mean, uncivilized dragon slayer; I'm not supposed to feel emotions, remember?" He laughs, waving down the bar maid to order another pint.
You can't help the laugh that makes it way up your throat.
"What~?" He sips his drink once she brings it, chuckling. "It's true!"
"I'm sure it is," you're not sure how this went from you being chastised to an actually pleasant conversation, but you can't say you're complaining. "You said you had another one to show me?"
"Right," he turns to the side, moving his hair to reveal a massive star-shaped scar reaching across his neck, just touching his jaw and creeping under the shoulder of his jacket. "This one was the nastiest: A massive Ivorywing managed to get behind my while I was fighting and bit a clean chunk of flesh from me. No reason I shoulda survived, but here I am~"
He spreads his arm wide as he flashes another sharp smile your way.
You return it with a small shake of your head. "The rewards must be worth it, no? Along with the fame, that is?"
"I guess," he muses.
"The reward is nice - the recognition, though? That's the worst part," he continues. "The way I'm treated like some sort of hero or something. I'm no hero, doll. I'm just a guy doing my job; I don't need no damn fame..."
You furrow your brows at him. "What do you mean? Dragon slayers have saved hundreds of civilians - noble and peasant alike - I think that makes you well deserving of the 'hero' title."
The man in front of you has fallen some of the biggest beasts on this earth - has the scars to prove it - and doesn't think he is any sort of heroic? Insanity.
"I know it probably sounds dumb, but I stand by it..." He finishes his mead, chugging the rest of it in one go. "You know who doesn't get called heroes? The blacksmiths that make my weapons, the armorers who design my armor, the doctors who patch me up... They're the ones who should be called the heroes."
"That's very..." You struggle to find the words, "humble of you to say..."
He shrugs, "It's just my opinion. I don't deserve that title just because I have the shiny scars and cool stories."
There's a brief pause as you process what he says and he takes a breath to steady himself from the rant.
"You never answered my question, doll."
"What you're doing in a place like this? I've talked enough about me, I wanna hear about you."
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jifanjiang0710 · 2 years
Why we celebrate - Yan Zhongli x f! Reader
Written by: Leo
A/N: Wishing everyone a prosperous and healthy new year!
"Happy Lantern Rite, my dear."
"Good morning, Zhongli."
He exhales, setting down the tea cup on the stone table with unfailing gentleness. The balcony overlooking the harbour is illuminated by the morning glow, though the sight is far overshadowed by the sunrise in Minlin.
The buzz of morning begins when the first of the citizens swing open their doors in festive mood. Mortal traditions are so extravagant, borne from passed on customs preserved through many generations, ever changing, adapting. Nothing like the rituals performed by the adepti, with stringent guidelines and unswerving adherence to the scrolls. 
The Lantern Rite isn't what it used to be.
Zhongli is sure that is what you are thinking. With that subtle frown and furrowed eyebrows (he hasn't seen you smile in many weeks) as you gaze at the people going about this very special day. He's been on the receiving end of your glares much more often.
"Darling, it would not be auspicious to scowl today."
The night is clear, as are the waters of the spring. Liyue harbour is alight with what was once well wishes carried by mothers and sisters of warring men.
You frolic over the waters, to the stone table. "Happy Lantern Rite, Morax!" You clasp your hands in greeting. "Prosperity and longevity to all!"
Someone groans. "One hopes not. One has lived long enough."
"Moon Shaper! You shouldn't say stuff like that! It brings bad luck for the rest of the year." Guizhong says, astounded. "[Name]! Happy Lantern Rite! Is Morax being stubborn again?"
"I have no regard for mortal festivities, nor mortal affairs tied to it."
"Hm…" You place two fingers on his unflinching face and turn the corners of his mouth upwards.
"Smile more, Rex Lapis."
Zhongli smiles. How endearing you were back then.
"What amuses you? Finally gotten senile?"
No stranger to disagreeable remarks from you, with utmost decorum, he reminds you of the annual gathering with the Minlin adepti.
"Must I go?"
"You sound like a child," he chides. "As per the contract-"
"I understand," you say, eyes fixed at the spring couplets on the door of Third Round Knockout. The words are carefully penned, and speak well-wishes of business and wealth. "Please do not bring up the contract again."
Almost sheepishly, he resumes his activities. For once, the distinguished, all-knowing gentleman has nothing to say. Zhongli could understand your distaste for the season. He would be lying if he said the Lantern Rite only brought back painful memories. He just wished that you'd-
Zhongli places a gloved hand on yours for reassurance. You would pull away, repulsed, but 'as per the contract'...
A little green girl and the sound of bells alerts you.
"Aunty [Name]!" She seems ecstatic, toes barely touching the floor as she struggles to see over the table, before giving up and settling for placing the basket of fruits on your lap. "Mr Zhongli, too. Happy Lantern Rite!" Cloud Retainer said that you would- you felt like- she said-"
"Calm down, little one. Happy Lantern Rite. What did she say?"
"She said that you promised to join our reunion dinner tonight, with eeeveryone! Are you really? I've never spent a Lantern Rite with you before. Will you really?" Her eyes light up with fervour, and dull almost instantly. "Oh…but if you don't want to, then don't push yourself. Master also says that I shouldn't pressure you."
You pat her on the head. "Of course I'll go. Anything for my favourite disciple." She giggles and runs, backtracking to whisper in your ear.
"Don't tell anyone, but you're my favorite adeptus too. One last thing…Cloud Retainer and Master and the others all care for you very much! I'm sure Mr Zhongli does too, so take care of yourself, alright?"
You watch her until the jingle of bells fade away into the distance.
Within minutes of that interaction, Zhongli decides to cease feigning disinterest and speak up.
"Do you still express reservations? If it pleases you, we may cancel."
"Ah, why don't you shut up."
"As you wish, dear."
She places a glaze lily onto your lap. Its petals droop and its stem wilts. Without a doubt it is on the verge of death, but Guizhong insists that you fix it onto her hair.
'Why?' You wanted to ask. Your fingers were clumsy and rough, far from her own, so deft and dexterous, perfect for tinkering with the mechanisms she loved as much as this dying glaze lily.
You fumble, but successfully weave it into strands of her hair.
She is ethereal in the moonlight, illuminated by stars and lanterns alike.
"Will you do one thing for me?" Guizhong whispers, taking your hands, giving the lightest of kisses on your wrists. You pick up on faraway sounds of slashing blades, shrieks into the night. Somewhere, there is fresh blood being spilt. Somewhere, your fellow adepti are fighting to the very ends of their lives.
"[Name]. I want you to live. Can you do that?"
"I will, if you do the same."
"Please promise me. Live, along with everyone else. You are important to me."
"I promise." As long as you are here with me to see it through. You decide not to voice it.
Her eyes crinkle. There is a dimple on her left cheek. "Happy Lantern Rite, [Name]."
Very soon after, you had come to wish that she had never asked that of you.
"Greetings, Traveler. What brings you?"
"We're here to deliver Zhongli some bamboo shoots. It's good to see you, [Name]!"
"The pleasure is mine, Paimon."
Clouds roll past mountain peaks, a sight you had become infinitely familiar with over the course of several millennia. The Traveler's presence is not unwelcome.
"Why're you here all alone? Everyone's gathered over there."
Their companions incessant questions, however…
"I enjoy solitude sometimes."
"But the Lantern Rite is all about spending time with family and friends. Isn't that right, Traveler?"
Paimon's words seem to resonate with them. "...that's right."
"Say, Traveler. You are looking for your lost sibling. Losing your own flesh and blood must be unimaginably difficult to handle, yet you carry yourself with such radiance and passion. How do you do it? How do you manage to shine even amongst the darkest times?" They take a while to answer.
"I think…it's because of Paimon."
"Uuahhhh! Do you really mean it, Traveler?"
They nod. "Without you by my side, this journey wouldn't be half as meaningful."
"Awww…that was unexpectedly sweet of you. Paimon would say that her goal is to follow the Traveler all the way! And eat lots of delicious food, hehe. What about you, [Name]?"
"Heh. Me? What do you think, Paimon?c
"Paimon thinks…your motivation is the people around you. The adepti, Yaoyao, the people of Liyue…and Zhongli, of course."
"Uh huh! It's obvious that he really really likes you-" she falters at the Traveler's glare.
"Does he?" Something in your tone makes them hesitate. "Do you agree, Traveler?"
"What has gotten into you, Morax?"
He is fixated on his thoughts, only the back of his hood faces you. 
"I meant what I said. Henceforth you are exempt from battle. No, it is better to say that you are forbidden from it."
"I cannot accept these terms! This new contract is absurd! You are chaining me to you for what is essentially forever."
"I am protecting you. The enemy is cruel. You are much better off away from war," the next words are spoken under his breath," and closer to me."
"Guizhong's passing has changed you. You- you failed to protect her. Do not project your insecurities and failures onto me!"
The very ground trembles beneath your feet, shaking even its rocky foundations. "Do not," he growls, "speak of her again." The singular glaze lily in his hand crumbles to dust.
"From now on, you are not to cross Liyue's borders, not to leave Guili plains without my presence, and not to interact with other adepti without my explicit permission. I trust you will do your utmost to adhere."
"And if I should fail?"
"Then we send forces to quell the rebellion arising in the north. What was your domain? Qingce? We cannot guarantee they will not get caught in the crossfire."
No. This was not Morax. This was a monster. "You would sacrifice a hundred innocents, let them perish…for this?" Hardened with war and loss, he tells a sickening story.
"Do you accept the terms of the contract?" Finally he turns, and for a fraction of a second, you see his eyes glisten.
"[Name]." The voice of the last person you wished to see snaps you out of the reverie.
"..." Zhongli had not planned this far. He did not expect you to acknowledge him immediately. He settles for small talk. "Cloud Retainer's culinary mechanism. Have you seen its inner workings? Undoubtedly fascinating."
"I know."
The sun casts a golden edge to the clouds in an ephemeral sunset over the peaks. Very far away, you can hear the celebrations in the harbour. The only thing that remains the same throughout the years is the mortals' love for festive proceedings.
"It serves in the interests of no one to dwell in the past. We can only live on and honour the memories of those who cannot be here today, for their sake if not ours."
You scoff. "You hypocrite. You have seen a millennia worth of history more than I, experienced suffering far more potent than mine, and you still strive. Pray tell, what is your motivation?"
"That would be the people whose company I regard with fondness. Whether it be gods, adepti, or mortals. And you."
This man is shameless. "Is that an excuse to justify the atrocities committed in my name?"
"No. It is simply the truth." Silence. "Would you like to hear about the Lantern Rite's origins?"
You huff but don't object.
"In ancient times, the people of Liyue faced many centuries of war. They sent lanterns into the sky to remind their soldiers of the way home. Over time it became tradition, and after the era of war, citizens commemorated this symbolic custom by celebrating with friends and family. Many years later, the history behind it has long been forgotten, but the meaning is not lost on us. The essence of the Lantern Rite is still to appreciate our loved ones and those who are here now, for they are invaluable in our lives. With that said, may I have the pleasure of spending this occasion in your presence?"
"Either way, I still have the rest of my life with you, so there is no difference."
"Aunty [Nameeee]! Mr Zhongliii! The fireworks are about to start!" Yaoyao drags you away by the sleeve before you can protest.
"Greetings, [Name]. Rarely do you join us. One hopes you will endeavour to do so more often."
"Retainer, what is this frightful mechanism of yours?"
"One implores that you do not touch it! It is most fragile."
Yaoyao inspects it closer. "Isn't this the fireworks launcher the Millelith use?"
"One takes offense at that statement. Though it is inspired by mortal creations, one has made significant refinements and improvements to ensure it far surpasses the original. One thinks you will find it an unparalleled gadget."
The first of the fireworks are launched, setting the canvas of black ablaze with irradiant colours.
"What do you think? Would you find it in yourself to partake in festivities together next year?"
"Happy Lantern Rite, and shut up, Zhongli."
"Happy Lantern Rite, dear."
A glaze lily blossoms by your feet, swaying to the wind.
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themirokai · 2 years
I genuinely don't know if you can send URLs in asks, so if this doesn't work, blame the blue hellsite... but how about a raven being adorable? And naughty. But mostly adorable. https://youtu.be/hh52CfnGCK4
Thank you so much for this! Over on my last Matthew The Emotional Support Raven fic, I asked for prompts of real ravens and this one is perfect.
The URL does work but just in case it needs to be included in the answer as well, I strongly recommend that everyone watch this beautiful lady hanging out and entertaining herself:
The thing that got me the most about this charming video was the mimicry! I kind of knew ravens did this, but I loved Fable saying "Hi" in what is clearly the same tone her handler uses. So that's where I started with this silly little fic. Enjoy!
Matthew landed on the branch of a gnarled tree. “Heya, Merv.” 
Mervyn Pumpkinhead glanced up from where he was digging a ditch. “Hey, new kid. Whaddaya want?” 
“I’ve been practicing,” Matthew told him. 
“Aw yeah?” Mervyn stuck his shovel into the dirt and leaned on it with his elbow, puffing on his cigar. 
“Yeah, ya wanna hear?” 
“Go on, then,” Mervyn gestured with his cigar. 
Matthew took a deep breath and attempted to draw himself up regally. “I Am The Shaper of Form, Prince of Stories.” 
Mervyn’s orange face scrunched up. “Nah, needs work, kid.” 
“Wait wait, I can do better!” Matthew cawwed, fluttering his wings. He took another breath, closed his eyes this time. “Guardian of Sleepers, Lord of the Dream Domain.” 
Mervyn waggled his head from side to side. “Eh, better, but still not there.” 
“Anthropomorphic Personification of the Collective Unconscious.”
“Whoa there!” Mervyn put up his hands. “Too far, kid! Pull it back!”   
“Sorry, sorry,” Matthew said in his own voice. “How’s this?” he cleared his throat. “King of Dreams, Ruler of the Nightmare Realms.” 
Mervyn’s eyes went wide. “Oh yeah! You got it, kid!” 
“I am the Sandman,” Matthew continued. 
“Very amusing.”
Every feather on Matthew’s body stood on end as he watched Merv’s cigar fall from his gaping mouth into the dirt. Slowly, inch by inch, Matthew forced himself to turn his head and look behind him. 
Lord Morpheus was there, clad in a gray t-shirt and black jeans, arms crossed over his chest and frown on his face. Just behind him stood Lucienne, face contorted with the effort of containing her laughter. 
Matthew’s heart hammered in his chest. “Uh, hi. Boss.”
“You might have considered practicing with something other than my names.”
“I’m sorry, Boss, I j-“
Lord Morpheus held out his hand, his face stern. “Come, Matthew.”
Matthew flexed his feet against the branch and tried to look small and inoffensive. “Uh… where are we going?” 
“To my gallery. I am going to block the visual connection.”
If Matthew had eyebrows they would be scrunched up as he flew to Lord Morpheus’s outstretched hand. 
“Wait…” Matthew landed as gently as he could and was immediately transferred to Lord Morpheus’s shoulder, “you want me to talk to your siblings? As you?” 
Now he could see the little smirk on Lord Morpheus’s face. 
“I do.”
“Oh this is gonna be fun!” 
I hope you enjoyed! I don't usually write Morpheus's dialogue in bold, but it worked here.
Update: the master post of my Matthew the Emotional Support Raven ficlets is here.
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milesmentis · 11 months
[ INSIST ]  for the shorter muse to guide the taller one to sit so they don’t have to keep looking up.
For Daren/Heulwen
Thank you for your patience as I slowly chip away at these! As a treat, I wrote this prompt for the "What if Daren and Heulwen fell in love?" verse because I almost never get opportunities to write that dynamic and they're cute as hell.
“-provided the maps from the Shaperate are accurate, we should be able to be there and back in less than a month. Or two at the worst. After all, we'll have to account for potential collapses or darkspawn nests: there’s only a handful of us as is, so prudence rules that it’s better to go around if possible. Though that might not always be an option. Damn tunnels … even a compass won’t be much help. What I wouldn’t give for -”
Heulwen sat with her cheek resting in the palm of her hand, watching fondly as he paced back and forth across the carved stone antechamber muttering to himself. It was lucky, she thought, that the dwarves built on such an extravagant scale. Aside from needing to duck through the occasional door and preferring to sit on a table rather than the low benches, their quarters at the palace were quite comfortably sized. A good thing, considering they’d been living there for three weeks.
He hummed an acknowledgement but didn’t stop, his eyes flicking from side to side as if he was studying a blueprint only visible in his mind.
“Dearest -”
That gave him pause and he finally faced her, expression quizzical as he gathered his scattered attention.
“You really don’t have to worry so much. At this point, all it'll do is put a groove in the floor.” She smiled up mischievously at him. “And your forehead.”
He let out a long sigh, running his hands through his hair. “Well,” Daren hedged. “Best to be prepared. We’ll only have one shot at this after all and everything is riding on-” His words faltered as she took his hand, winding her fingers comfortingly around his. 
“It'll be alright,” she assured him. “We’ll be ready. Have faith.”
Finally, the nervous tension began to drain from him. His shoulders slumped as he asked softly, “How? I feel like if I stop moving for even a moment then … then everything -” he swallowed. “It’s just too much, Heulwen. I can’t bear it.”
Her heart swelled at the rare admission of vulnerability. He was so quick to comfort, to take the lead when she felt unsure, that he often let his own feelings fall by the wayside. A single insistent tug was all it took to draw Daren down beside her so she might press her lips to his. That simple touch, chaste as it was, sent a shiver through him and the last of his tension melted away like wax before a flame. He wrapped an arm around her waist, returning her kiss with gentle fervor. At last she leaned away, raising a hand to caress his cheek. 
“You don’t have to … not alone.”
He dipped his head with a self effacing chuckle. “I know … I know.” He shifted as if he was going to stand, but Heulwen gripped his arm firmly.
“Please don’t start again … I’ll get a sore neck watching you.”
“Oh,” he raised an eyebrow as a knowing smirk spread across his face. “Well, we can’t have that, now can we?" Effortlessly, he pulled her into his lap, giving her another quick kiss just below her ear. “Is that better?”
She nuzzled against his cheek and said with a contented little smile, “Much.”
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aquadestinyswriting · 2 years
A Circle None Can Break- Part Seven
Summary: Firetome reveals exactly why Selene has come to Fangthane to King Storri ahead of the council meeting. Meanwhile, Selene and Edwin discuss matters between Fangthane and Toreguarde while Edwin stresses out.
Words: 1,639
Warnings: None.
Notes: A short chapter before we launch into the council meeting. The last bit was too perfect to ruin by adding any more.
tags: @druidx, @strosmkai-rum, @homesteadchronicles, @warriorbookworm, @odysseywritings, @asher-orion-writes
King Storri leaned back in his seat, steepling his fingers in front of his lips as High Inquisitor Firetome spoke,
“I don’t know where she managed to find such information, Your Majesty. While her motivations for visiting us are as she stated, it does seem a little- how should I put it?- convenient that the Grand Magus has managed to procure knowledge of such a rare artefact.” he said. Head Librarian Heimlig, one of the oldest dwarves in the mountain, scoffed,
“Every child on this world knows how it was created, Firetome.” the elderly dwarf stated, “It's no secret the stuff exists.” Firetome glanced at the librarian, pursing his lips,
“Aye, but as far as I ken, nobody but the dwarves even knows that there was any left over after our own creation by Kherillim.”
“Maybe so, but it has ae been rumoured that there were a few pockets of the stuff left in most of the cultures we share this world with.” Heimlig countered smoothly, “We’ve plenty of copies of the manuscripts written by many who have tried to locate them.” King Storri sighed, letting his hands fall into his lap,
“Gentlemen, please, while I would normally be quite fascinated and happy to discuss this at length, we are currently quite pressed for time.”  He reminded his guests. He looked over to Firetome, “Given what Derek’s just told us, I fail to see why it would displease the church for the Grand Magus to ask about God Clay. From what you’ve told me thus far, it does not seem like she knows that there is any of it left for definite.” Firetome grumbled and crossed his arms across his chest,
“I got the feeling she definitely knew some existed and has come here to fish for more information about it.” he replied, “It’s likely she thinks it’s stashed somewhere in our God Vault and wants to ask the Council for access to it.” King Storri leaned forward in his seat, raising an eyebrow,
“Well, is it?” he asked. Firetome shook his head,
“While I would be the first to argue against granting the Grand Magus access to the God Vault if we did, I can tell you now, Sire, that we don’t have any here in Fangthane.” Storri frowned in confusion, looking over to Heimlig. The elderly dwarf nodded,
“The High Inquisitor has the right of it.” he said, “From what I can tell from the records held in the library, Fangthane has never held any of the remaining God Clay. Besides, even if we did, the Grand Magus wouldn’t be able to use the stuff. She needs a Shaper to do that.” King Storri grumbled as he sagged back into his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose,
“So we don’t have any God Clay here. We have any idea where any might still be located?” he asked. Firetome and Heimlig shared a look between them before the elder of the two nervously cleared his throat,
“Given that the ability to Shape came from a family that lived in the ancient Hold of Kar’ak Ugor, it’s likely that any God Clay to be found on Titan might still be in that God Vault.” Storri looked up at the librarian wearily,
“And the problem?” he asked, an imperious edge to his voice. Heimlig twirled the end of his impressive moustache,
“The hold is now known as Wyrmholme, Your Majesty.” he replied quietly, “It’s very likely that what the Grand Magus is seeking is now in the claws of an ancient red dragon and guarded by a mountain full of Duregar.”
Edwin paced around his study. He had just got word that the Fangthane Council had agreed to hear Selene out, which should have been very welcome news. So why did he feel like it was some kind of trap.
“Edwin, stop. You’re making me dizzy and I’m not even the one moving.” Selene said, stirring her tea, “Why are you getting so worked up about this?” Edwin stopped and ran a hand through his hair before looking at her,
“Aside from the fact that half the Council still wants to kick you out of the mountain and lock the door behind them, you mean?” he asked. Selene clucked her tongue,
“That’s hardly the worst thing in the world.” She stated calmly, “Besides, I get threatened with getting kicked out of Toreguarde at least once every couple of months by Chancellor Schreiber, that kind of threat isn’t anything new.” Edwin, who had resumed pacing, whipped his head around and stared at the wizard,
“I-wait. What?” he spluttered, “You haven’t actually-?” Selene held up a hand, cutting off the cleric’s tirade before it could get started,
“Of course not, Edwin.” she sighed, “It’s an empty threat on Schreiber’s part, he knows he can’t actually do it. It would upset Drakemar too much.” Edwin sent Selene a dubious look, but eventually, he nodded and relaxed his posture,
“My apologies. You’re right, your getting kicked out of Fangthane is not the worst thing in the world.” he conceded, “I just wonder what you expect to get out of this now. A lot of people have made it very clear you’re not as welcome as I’d hoped you’d be.” he pointed out. Selene gave the Abouna a thin-lipped smile,
“Because it’s the only option I have left.” she reminded him, “I very much doubt the Council will overlook the safety of all Allansia, themselves included, all for the sake of whatever grudge they’re holding about us accepting Drakemar’s help.” Edwin’s heart squeezed painfully. It wasn’t just that. He wanted so badly to explain to Selene exactly why the king and more than half the mountain distrusted her, but he couldn’t. Not without endangering them both. While the king had only outwardly threatened the Abouna’s position, Edwin knew very well that there were others in the mount who would take the opportunity to solve the problem via other methods should he give them an excuse. Instead, he settled for shaking his head and sitting heavily in his chair,
“You’re severely underestimating how angry the Council are with Toreguarde about that. And how angry the general citizenry are about the losses incurred during the Demon War. Fangthane lost about two thirds of its men because they all took up the role of Slayer and followed King Nargond to their deaths.” he explained. Selene waved her free hand in exasperation,
“We never asked them to!” she cried indignantly, “The only reason the Slayer thing even happened was because Ivan decided to show up to help with the demon thing that came out of Granny Apple despite his Banishment.” Edwin grimaced,
“While that’s true, the Demon War basically started when Old Toreguarde fell into the hellmouth, right? Once word reached Fangthane about the hows and whys…” he trailed off, trying to find the right words to explain why the people of Fangthane felt the way they currently did. He sighed, looking down at his hands, “Let’s just say that the decision to bow out of the rebuilding effort wasn’t just because Drakemar’s Emissary showed up. It just happened to be the last straw.”
Selene slowly lowered her cup back onto its saucer. While she was doing a magnificent job of repressing her immediate emotional reaction, Edwin could still see flashes of pain, regret, dismay and frustration. The woman took in a deep breath and slowly let it out, then sent Edwin a sad smile,
“Thanks for the heads up about that.” she said, “No doubt someone’s going to try throwing that in my face at some point tomorrow.” Edwin scratched the back of his neck guiltily,
“Sorry.” he mumbled, “As much as I know you’ll probably manage just fine, I didn’t want you to go in completely unprepared.” Selene’s smile brightened,
“Thank you, Edwin, you always were the most thoughtful of us. It’s not like it’s a new argument anyway. Remember how often Ivan brought up renaming the town ‘Target’?” Edwin couldn’t quite hold back his snort of laughter,
“Wasn’t it at least every other week?” he asked, “You can’t blame him, everything just kept on happening there. I’m honestly surprised we had to travel so far to deal with Karylax.” Selene chuckled,
“I don’t know what I expected when Yastromo first brought me to Toreguarde. He did tell me some stories about the goings on there, but I brushed them off as exaggerations.” she looked down at her teacup, which was now clasped in both hands, a wistful look on her face, “I should have known better. Yastromo was not a man who exaggerated.” Edwin settled into his chair, and cocked his head,
“I never got to know him very well. I’d heard of the stories of his exploits when he was a young man, but I never got a chance to speak to him very often on the rare occasions we ended up back in Toreguarde.” he said thoughtfully, “I really wouldn’t mind hearing a bit more about what he was really like.” Selene lifted her head, her face lighting up with a wide, genuine smile, looking far more like the excitable young woman Edwin remembered travelling with. His heart fluttered slightly as Selene launched into a long, rambling story about when she’d first met her mentor. She was so much prettier when she smiled like that. He’d almost forgotten the way her eyes creased just so and how much she gesticulated when she started talking about something that excited her. Edwin sighed wistfully; this is what the visit should have been, he thought. Food, drink and long stories about their lives, shared and otherwise. Well, he was going to enjoy this comfortable contentment as long as it lasted. Who knew when the next time he’d get to enjoy an old friend’s company would be?
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mybombae · 3 months
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Randomity: Handkerchief, Story-Telling, and Bootleg Turn: Not In that Order
To copy-paste most of what I wrote in my author note of Chapter 13 on AO3: This chapter has implied racism, implied period-typical racism (late 1970s/early 1980s period because I headcanon it so), and bullying (which is related to the former two). No slurs are said, but are alluded too. It's in the final section of the chapter, as Widdershins recalls his childhood, Pre-VFD.
“I think we should just go on ahead with the plan,” says Hector, tapping his finger on the hood of Rocher’s Madden impatiently. “Not only are Bernstein and your stepson running late for whatever reason, but Ella Jane is as well. She been running late for an hour and a half. The former I can understand. They must have gotten into a run-in with Alps. But not Ella Jane.”
“I think you should have more faith in Ella Jane, Hector,” says Widdershins, putting the last of the two suitcases inside the trunk. “Isn’t that right, Rocher?”
“Oh, yes,” answers Rocher softly, gripping the metal briefcase in her right hand. “The reason for Ella Jane’s delay is due to what she, Bernstein, and I discussed beforehand.”
Hector says nothing as he stops his tapping, narrowing his eyes at the metal briefcase. No doubt he’s wondering what’s the content inside. Even Widdershins has to admit he’s curious of its contents. Rocher has been carrying it tightly since nearly everyone left the row house; Ella Jane stayed behind for unknown reasons as mentioned by Rocher.
“Are you sure you don’t want to put that in the trunk?” asks Widdershins to Rocher, hands on the trunk door, ready to shut it close at any given time.
Rocher shakes her head. “If you’re thinking it’s holding something suspicious, it’s not. Well, nothing suspicious that would get us all arrested. I would rather have it within my sight. What’s inside the briefcase is important.”
“How important it is to you that you’ll not rather have it in the trunk?” asks Hector.
“Important to where she shouldn’t answer that question,” answers a familiar voice; her voice overpowers the sound of a running engine. “At least not now.”
Widdershins slams the trunk door close, and turns towards the direction of the voice. There in the distance is Ella Jane, exiting the front passenger seat of Bernstein’s retro van. Ella Jane looks similar to Rocher in appearance now. Except for the green bag hanging on Ella Jane’s shoulder, both women of same height are wearing the same orange cardigans, grey V-neck shirts, and red and black plaid pants. Ella Jane even dyed her black hair to match Rocher’s.
As Ella Jane approaches them, the differences make themselves known. Ella Jane has slightly shaper jawline and cheekbones than Rocher’s. And Rocher’s eyes are brown, while Ella Jane’s are green. Most importantly, Ella Jane’s very curvy eyebrows are still in its natural color of black. It’s curvy eyebrows that has Widdershins thinking much of childhood today.
“That explains the hold-up,” says Hector. “The plan is to mislead Alps. You’re the red herring in Bernstein’s van, while Heng drives the real Rocher in the Madden.”
“Correct, except for one detail,” answers Ella Jane. She then places a hand on Widdershins’ shoulder. “I’m going to be the red herring in the Madden.”
“You’re what.” Hector says it outright, not as a question.
“You heard me.” Ella Jane turns her attention to Widdershins now. “Bernstein will be the one driving Rocher —as well as Jules and you— in his van until we reach the abandoned Lacuna Hotel. There you’ll take over as discussed in our barter, while Bernstein drives me back so I can return with the mini-van, the triplets, and your stepdaughter.”
“I don’t like this plan,” says Hector. “What if Alps chases after you and my associate in Rocher’s Madden, instead of Bernstein’s van? I don’t want to sound rude, but—”
“Bernstein’s tin can van doesn’t look like it can withhold a car chase?” interrupts Fernald, sticking his head from back passenger seat window. “That’s the point!”
 “V never allows people drive her Madden without her in it, but she made the sole exception for Heng,” calls out Bernstein from the driver seat. “And don’t call my van a tin can, Jules.”
“Despite the fact that it is?” asks Fernald.
“Alps knows I hate riding in my friend’s van,” says Rocher, walking towards Hector. “Elle Jane figured there’s a higher chance of Alps chasing my Madden, and took the risk of disguising herself as me to make that chance greater.”
“Well…” Hector briefly bites his thumb, and stares at Widdershins. “Are you okay with this?”
“Aye,” answers Widdershins. “No need to think this over. You know my philosophy, after all.”
“I didn’t think Alps would be chasing the Madden like a mad man!” shouts Widdershins. “Aye! I guess that’s what happens when one drives an automatic, while one drives a manual car!”
Widdershins presses down on the clutch, and moves the shift stick to a higher gear. As he makes a rather sharp right turn, Widdershins does a side glance at Ella Jane. Ella Jane is holding her right hand on the grab handle, while some of her long, dyed brownish-red hair flying out from the front passenger seat of the Madden. Ella Jane is burrowing her eyebrows.
“I didn’t think about the possibility Alps would drive his automatic,” says Ella Jane bitterly. “It may lack the speed at times, but control is much easier.”
After making the sharp right turn, Widdershins once again presses down on the clutch, and shifts to the last highest gear the Madden can provide. For a short time, this change allows the Madden to get some distance away from Alps. However, Alps eventually starts to catch up.
“Shit.” Ella Jane grips on the grab handle tighter. “At this rate, the only way we can avoid Alps is if we ignore the Lacuna completely, and find an alternate route after turning left.”
Widdershins keeps quiet as he watches a group of construction workers pouring out onto the sidewalk. They’re discussing something—probably whatever inside the nearby giant warehouse.
Widdershins continues to drive as fast as he could on the highest gear. From the corner of his eyes, he sees what’s inside the giant warehouse: a decently size semi-trailer truck. Decently size to be able to fit inside the warehouse, as well as to block up the road. In fact, the group of construction works went to their own truck, and start pulling out bright orange signs.
“I think we can avoid that option, Ella Jane! Aye! Keep your grip on the grab handle!”
“What do you mean by that?”
Widdershins passes by the construction workers. From the both the rearview mirror and driver side mirror, he sees they’re trying to figure out the placement of the signs. Also from both mirrors, is Alps gaining speed, getting yell at by the workers. One of them even flip the bird.
“Heng, you got to start preparing to change gears to make a left!”
Widdershins does as Ella Jane says. He presses down on the clutch once again, and goes to a lower gear. However, he doesn’t prepare to make a left turn. Instead, he repeats the process as fast as he could, going to another low gear, still driving straight down the lane they’re in.
“Heng! What the hell are you doing?! Are you trying to make us crash!?”
From the mirrors, the bright orange signs are now almost properly in place. Widdershins once more puts his foot down on the clutch, and goes one more down, to second gear.
“Trust me on this.”
Widdershins soon quickly turns the Madden, right into the opposite lane. In a very control skid, the Madden enters the opposite lane, completely turn around, and enters a complete stop.
“Did you just do a—”
“Bootleg turn? Aye.”
Widdershins quickly sets his foot on the gas pedal, and drives back as fast as possible on second gear. From the both mirrors, he can see Alps being force to make that complete left turn, and disappears from view. Widdershins focuses back to what’s in front of him; the last orange sign being place to warn people of the semi-trailer truck.
Widdershins goes from second gear to third gear to fourth gear in succession, and prepares to make a right turn to the Lacuna. Once more, he looks at the mirrors; Alps is following again, but the semi-trailer truck is already exiting the warehouse.
When Widdershins makes that right turn, the semi-trailer truck is blocking the road completely.
“No! No way!” Ella Jane’s voice rises in excitement. She sticks her head out fully out the front passenger window to look back. “You actually delayed the bastard with that move of yours!”
“Well—,” answers Widdershins, but stops. In his incoming view, is a dangerous amount of greenery and shrubbery of the Lacuna Hotel.
“I guess I should have warned you about that particular detail,” says Ella Jane, looking at all her belongings laying out on the edges of the empty Lacuna Hotel Fountain.
Widdershins recognizes Ella Jane’s cellphone and her sunglasses. He also sees two water bottles, a box of fruit-grain bars, a brown wallet, a green personal diary with a black pen, and what Widdershins suspect is a crumple, folded-up photograph.
“And of course, I didn’t bring a packet of napkins.” Ella Jane gives a heavy sigh, and touches her forehead. She then looks at her fingertips, which is slightly bloody. “Then again, I didn’t expect to get hit by a branch and leaves today.”
Widdershins keeps quiet as he quickly digs into his coat pockets. He doesn’t like to keep much on him, only things that can fit in his pockets. Widdershins is glad he has one such important thing currently on him. He thinks it will be useful for Ella Jane’s predicament.
As he grabs ahold of the soft fabric in his right pocket, Widdershins feels a cold breeze on him. It’s a breeze that soon has Ella Jane screaming.
“No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!”
Widdershins looks up at Ella Jane —green bag back on, everything that she currently has back inside— and sees the woman running after the now confirm photograph, floating and flying in the air. Every time it seems she is able to grab it, the photograph flies just slightly out of her reach. He couldn’t tell from the distance if Ella Jane is ready to cry her eyes out of anger, or out of grief. Maybe both.
“Don’t worry! Aye! I got it!”
Widdershins watches the photograph flying toward him now. He too, gives chase, and bends his knees. He then leaps up into the air, and grabs the photograph. He lands back on the ground on his two feet, though he slightly stumbles, barely landing straight.
Widdershins couldn’t help but look down and stare at the photograph. Despite it being faded with age and crumpled and folded so many times —the person in the photograph looks like he could be wearing a mask— Widdershins can make out some details. The photograph is of a man in his late-thirties or very early forties. The man is smiling a smile that has one meaning, kindness. The man also shares features belonging to Ella Jane herself: black hair, green eyes, and curvy eyebrows.
He is taken back when Ella Jane quickly snatches the photograph away, narrowing her eyes at him. The blood on her forehead is starting to trickle down.
“Sorry,” says Widdershins, once again digging into his right coat pocket. “I didn’t mean to look.”
“Apology accepted,” replies Ella Jane briskly, her tone clearly not really that apologetic. “Why are digging into your pocket for, Heng? You have a small first-aid kit in there?”
“No. I just have this old thing.” Widdershins pulls out a dull white handkerchief with ‘A.F.’ stitch onto it in a dark green thread. It gently moves from the still ongoing breeze. It doesn’t fly away, because he’s keeping a good hold on it.
Ella Jane, still narrowing her eyes, focus her glaze intensely on the handkerchief. She slowly folds up the photograph, and carefully places it into her plaid pants.
“That handkerchief… Why do you—” and here Ella Jane stops herself. She tucks back a strand of her long, dyed brownish-red hair behind her right ear, and continues. “What’s with the initials embroidered on it? That can’t possibly be yours.”
“Not initially,” answers Widdershins softly. “I got this as a kid. It’s a gift in fact, aye. But I doubt you want to hear the full story. Most people I told it to don’t find it very interesting.”
“Well, I find it interesting.” Ella Jane stops narrowing her eyes at him. She stares at him with somewhat wide eyes. “If you got it as a child, and held onto it since…well, I can say that it’s a story that has me wanting to hear more about. If that’s alright with you.”
Widdershins stays quiet as he stares at the handkerchief, and then back at Ella Jane. “Let’s go back to the fountain. Aye, I’m a bit tired from all this standing around.”
Upon their return to the Lacuna Hotel Fountain, the two of them sits down at the fountain edges. Widdershins stares inside the empty fountain. He sees the dead brown leaves and coins inside, all forgotten. He then clears his throat and asks, ““Have you ever heard of Killdeer Fields?”
“I’m familiar with it,” answers Ella Jane, almost coldly. “It was a poor town that got flooded on orders of the second CEO of Ink Inc. —Ignatius Knight —to save his livelihood and the place he once called home. Hundreds of people and animals lost their lives and their home to it.”
“Well,” continues Widdershins, turning his attention to Ella Jane now, “my story takes place before that. Aye, Killdeer Fields was one of the several places to become home to overseas war refugees from the Southeast Asia region. Mainly war refugees from Vietnam, Laos—”
“And Cambodia,” says Ella Jane.
“Aye,” says Widdershins. He then curls the end of his mustache with his right hand. “To live in these places, you have to be on a sponsorship. My ma and I were two of the lucky ones to get them. Our sponsorship landed us in Killdeer Fields, aye. Ma got a job at Killdeer Textile Factory, and I got an education at Killdeer Elementary School.”
Widdershins looks back down at the handkerchief in his other hand. “I’m going to be honest with you. I’m not the most likable person. I get insulted to my face or behind my back, for all the right reasons. Some insult me with a nickname once used for someone else. But back then? It was for all the wrong reasons. A good chunk of the kids at Killdeer Elementary insulted me in ways I never want to hear again. And the school staff turned a blind eye to it, because it wasn’t physical. I wasn’t hurt in their perspective. But one day…”
Ella Jane leans forward, and frowns. “It got physical.”
Widdershins stops curling his mustache. “Bruise eye, bloody nose. It was after school hours too. If someone in the staff actually wanted to do something about it, they couldn’t. I ran to one of the bathrooms to clean up. As I was running, someone saw me. Not a classmate, because we didn’t share a class. We only saw each other at lunch time. The student was a girl. She had black hair in two braids, greens eyes, and curvy eyebrows. Eyebrows that look similar to yours.”
Ella Jane stays quiet. The blood is still continuing to trickle down her face.
“Anyway, she somehow got inside the bathroom. No idea how. Maybe she teleported inside, or came from the bathroom window,” chuckles Widdershins. He carefully gives Ella Jane the handkerchief, his hands touching hers. Her hands unlike his, are warm.
“She gave this to me so I can clean my bloody nose,” he continues. “I thought it too pretty, and tried to give it back. The girl then told me it’s mine to keep. She said her father talked to my ma a few times, and that I can think of the handkerchief as a late-welcoming gift. Then she left.”
Widdershins quickly pulls his hands away from Ella Jane, and then stands up. He then readjusts his coat, and clears his throat once again. “Regarding the initials, I think the handkerchief was her father’s! Aye! It makes sense! No doubt he gave something for his daughter in case she needs it! Aye! And she gave it to a person who needed it more than her! Aye! Didn’t think it would be me! I don’t deserve it, in my opinion! Aye! But I’m grateful for her kind gesture! Aye! Kept it on me since that day! Aye! Until now! Because I’m giving it to you! Er…”
He slowly turns back to Ella Jane, who now has a small smile forming on her face. Widdershins hunches back a bit, and sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. “If that’s alright with you?”
“Oh, yes,” answers Ella Jane, her small smile becomes bigger. It’s a smile that Widdershins likes very much. Despite being warned of certain smiles by associates, Widdershins thinks Ella Jane’s smile isn’t one to be wary of. “Thank you, Heng. Not just for the handkerchief, but for the story as well. I needed to hear your story after what happened today.”
“You’re welcome.” Widdershins stops his hunching, and stands straight. He then sticks both hands into his coat pockets. “If you don’t mind, it is okay for me to leave you alone, and explore the area a bit? I heard the Lacuna back in its prime had a wonderful aquarium. I would love to see it, even if it empty and in ruins.”
“It’s fine. I need to clean myself up, anyway,” says Ella Jane, pointing to the blood stream trickling down to her cheek now. “Just come back soon, okay?”
Widdershins turns on his heels, and soon walks to the abandoned Lacuna Hotel. As he pushes the glass doors, he’s glad to know that Ella Jane feels better. No doubt that his former classmate would appreciate that her kindness made another person’s day.
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cossouq-india · 1 year
The Best Eyebrow Enhancers For Your Face Shape
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Oblong Faces
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Diamond-Shaped Faces
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Inglot Amc Brow Liner Gel
Turn your eyebrows thick. Use Inglot Amc Brow Liner Gel and provide a distinct contour. Enriched with the goodness of nourishing, Ceramides gives a defined and fuller look. Sharpen and smoothen your brow and push the glow!
Provides full coverage.
Gives a matte finish.
Highly pigmented.
Suitable for skin types.
Passion Indulge Passion Eye Lash Brow Serum
Perfect brows are made easy with Passion Indulge Eyelash Serum. It is enriched with the goodness of Ylang ylang oil, Argan oil, & Wheat germ oil. The serum leads to increased density of the lashes and brows. It even gives the touch of gentle nourishment to them.
Boosts the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.
Make your eyebrows thick.
Promotes the re-growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.
Enhances eyebrow definition.
Vegan and cruelty-free.
Majestique 3pcs Eyebrow Razor Shaper & Trimmer
Sculpt your dream brows using Majestique’s eyebrow shaper trimmer. It comes with a protective cap over the blade, so forget about getting cuts. Anti-slip grip handle will allow your hand to move gently on your brows. It is light in weight and suitable for precise trimming.
The stainless steel blade is embedded in ABS resin, suitable for getting the perfect finish.
The razor does not rust easily.
Comes with a non-slip grip.
Safe and portable.
Iris Cosmetics Luminous Hd Lip Brush & Eyebrow Brush
Flip the card and take the brow game in your control! Use an Iris brush and give a finishing touch to your look. Along with enhancing the charm of your brow, it even turns your lips beautiful. Boosts confidence and spreads the glow.
Vegan and cruelty-free.
Gives you a perfect finish.
Bella Vita Organic Growbrow — Brow & Lash Oil
We have an ultimate solution to thicken your brows. Use Bella Vita organic grow brow oiland get the perfect arch every time. Sprinkled with the goodness of natural ingredients like Castor oil, Onion oil, and Amla oil, it strengthens and adds shine to your brows and lashes.
Volumize, strengthen, and nourishes your brows.
Revives brow hair health.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which Are More Attractive Thick or Thin Eyebrows?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as personal preferences and cultural trends vary widely. However, in recent years, thick eyebrows have become more popular and are often considered more attractive than thin eyebrows.
Thick eyebrows tend to look more natural and youthful, while thin eyebrows can appear harsh or over-plucked.
What Are the Best Eyebrow Pencils in the Market?
Here are some of the best eyebrow pencils you can rely on;
Coloressence Expert Eye Brow Pencil.
Star Struck by Sunny Leone Brow Pencil.
Maybelline New York’s Define & Blend Brow Pencil Brown.
Wet n Wild Ultimate brow retractable pencil.
XX Revolution Xxfine Micro Brow Pencil Deep Black.
The Bottom Line
Steal the show and get the brows that turn the heads! Always keep a serum, gel, Eyebrow pencil, and razor while grooming your eyebrows to achieve a defined look.
You can even turn your eyebrows more stunning by following the guide to choose the eyebrows according to your face.
Visit Cossouq.com and get the best Eye Brow Enhancers Online.
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vforhair18 · 2 years
Inexpensive Benefits of Visiting a Professional Eyebrow Threading Christchurch
One of the most defining features of your face is the shape of your eyebrows. They may make or break your entire impression. Because of people's indifference and neglect, they often end up with wild eyebrows.
You can take care of your eyebrows in a number of ways, including by tinting them, waxing them, and most importantly, shaping them.
Keeping your eyebrows in check is crucial for several reasons.
Draws attention to your eyes
It is said that one may see into another's soul via their eyes. Take care of your eyebrows and eyelashes if you want to draw attention to these areas of your face. One way to do this is to have a professional sculpt your eyebrows.
To the untrained eye, shaping eyebrows might appear like a simple task, but there is a certain shape that complements your unique facial features. Your eyebrows are one of the most noticeable features of your face, and if you are untrained and attempt to shape them on your own without help from a professional, you will likely be unhappy with the results. Even if there isn't a hard and fast rule for what constitutes ideal eyebrows, you probably have them already. The Best Eyebrow Shaping Christchurch service is the best.
You'll look like you had a great night's sleep and ten years younger
Unshaped and bushy eyebrows may make a person seem much older than they are. However, having your eyebrows shaped and maintained properly may serve as a kind of anti-aging therapy, as doing so will make your eyes seem larger and give the impression that you look younger and more rested. Therefore, you should consider about making an appointment with an eyebrow shaper as soon as possible if you haven't trimmed or plucked your eyebrows in a very long time.
You can get away with seeming more natural
Even while putting on makeup is a fun ritual, it can be time-consuming. Many people, in fact, invest considerable effort in perfecting their looks. The good news is that if your eyebrows are well groomed, you may not need to apply as much eye makeup.
Helps you hide your flaws
Everyone has trouble keeping their insecurities under wraps. Having small eyes or hooded eyelids, for example, might make some individuals feel inadequate about themselves. However, some persons have low self-esteem due to their widely spaced eyes. If this describes you, keeping your eyebrows in excellent shape will help you hide your condition. If you form your eyebrows correctly, your eyes will seem longer and more three-dimensional. Therefore, the flaws you formerly saw in your appearance may eventually become the qualities you like most about yourself. The Eyebrow Threading Christchurch service is essential.
Produces the effect of having one's eyes elevated without really doing so
An eye lift might help you look years younger. If you'd rather not have surgery, you may still get the desired results of an eye lift by carefully shaping your eyebrows, while keeping your features as natural as possible. You can sidestep the surgery if you do this.
Having perfectly formed eyebrows may make you feel and look your best even if you don't use much makeup or have many cosmetic treatments done. You should see an esthetician as soon as possible, now that you know how much your eyebrow shape may affect your whole look.
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marjanbaby01 · 2 years
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Dorco Tinkle Eyebrow Razor, Hair Trimmer Shaver, Tough Up Tool, Facial Razor with Safety Cover, 6 Razors | Skincare Party Favors | Dermaplaning Tools....(Under $10)
For more details and get it amazing prize CLICK the below link:
GET IT NOW<<Dorco Tinkle Eyebrow Razor>>
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jehovahhthickness · 3 years
If it's ok for me to ask cause I'm pretty desperate, maybe you or your followers can help me. I don't have endometriosis or pcos but unfortunately I have noticable facial hair. Years of ingrown hairs due to shaving and waxing have left noticable dark spots, dark patch and bumps under my chin. May I ask what can I use to clear everything up? How often should I use hair removal methods and how should I treat the area after said hair removal?(I do pick and irritate my skin, I'll stop that immediately).
Hey boo.
I’m going to give you tips on what I do because I can grow a beard longer than a lot of these niggas LMAOOO but please take it with a grain of salt because what works for me, probably won’t work for you.
Since shaving, waxing and I’m sure plucking has not been helpful for you, the only thing I can think of is laser hair removal or electrolysis. Both very costly but also effective due to your situation. I definitely plan on getting laser when I save up for it.
Hopefully an esthetician sees this post and points you into a more better direction.
I started off plucking when I first started growing hair and then I literally started to shave it off with those eyebrow shapers that’s a $1 from the beauty supply store. The only reason why I don’t have crazy dark marks and ingrown hairs is because of my skin care routine.
I definitely use chemical exfoliants frequently in my skin care and I also try to get facials once a month, I would do it twice if you can afford it.
My face is prone to getting dark marks instead of pimples because before the pimple even have a chance to form, it automatically flattens up and leave a dark ass spot that takes forever to go away. So I highly suggest that you use sunscreen every single day and reapply every 2 hours if you’re outside, driving or near windows on a day to day basis.
It’s super important that you use cleaners that have AHAs like glycolic acid, lactic acid or BHAs like salicylic acid.
The Inkey List (sold at Sephora) is GREAT and very affordable.
- salicylic acid cleanser
-fulvic acid cleanser
- having hyaluronic acid part of your skincare is a good way to go, so you should buy this OR polyglumatic acid, which is great for textured skin.
- lactic acid, alpha arbutin, vitamin C will definitely treat the dark marks... it’s best that you follow the directions on the box.
As for an every day moisturizer ... use whatever that doesn’t clog your pores or break you out.
It’s also important that you’re consistent ... you need to treat your skin twice a day.
Another brand to look out for us Epanouie skincare but they’re always sold out and they sell out within a few hours for every drop.
Farmacy beauty have some really solid stuff. It’s just a little more expensive and I would rather use that money to buy Epanouie.
But if you got money to blow - all the cleansers are solid, the BHA toner is great, the AHA night serum is amazing and all of the moisturizers are bomb.
Masks are great ... but you don’t have to do one if you don’t want to. All of my masks are from Epanouie and I personally wouldn’t use anything else but Farmacy would be my second option.
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deobitchxx · 4 years
Hi there! Can I get a request for hyunjae where he shops and chooses lingerie online with his gf and having discussion on which ones to get + buy for her + a slight soft smut? Thank youu!! Stay safe please!
[ 22:08 // 12.10.2020 // R.SMUT ] It was another day of quarantine and not gonna lie, you started to get bored with it. Staying in the shared apartment with your loved one is sure a good thing, but the fact that you can’t get out to capture things for your Instagram feeds is driving you insane. You are an influencer, you have to update your Instagram for every single day. Puffing your lower lips out, you let out a heavy sigh before throwing your body on the long sofa, resting your head on Hyunjae’s laps. “What’s wrong, love? Rough day?” His soothing voice is enough to calm you, the way he gently stroked your cheeks was the cherry on top. You gave the latter a nod, “We need to get out from this apartment, it’s slowly intoxicating me.” “Be grateful honey. There are homeless people who wish to have their own houses now,” he left a peck on your forehead before proceeding to scroll things on his phone.
You groaned at his response and rolled your eyes, there won’t be a time where he can’t joke around with you. You shifted to lay on your left side of your body, grabbing the remote control nearby and began to channel switch, trying to find the proper television show that was good for you to watch. The way your mouth opened wide to form an obvious yawn made it clear that you’re going through another boring day, having the slightest hope that the young man could do something with it. Instead, Hyunjae kept his concentration more on his phone and his lips often shaped a bright but mischievous smile, as if he was having a side chick behind you. You bleated under your breath, “Geez, your girlfriend is right here yet you focus on your phone more.”
The voice of yours might be quiet, but the bigger figure seemed to catch on as he shifted his attention on you back. “I’m sorry, did you say something?” You glared at him and raised your voice out of displeasure, “Yes, I hate you.” Standing up and wearing your house slippers, you stomped all the way to the room and slammed the door loudly, showing your anger towards Hyunjae. “At least try to read the situation, ugh.” Once again, you rolled your eyes to the back and threw your lazy body on the bed. Lying on your stomach, you aggressively kicked the air out of frustration. You let out a heavy sigh, staring blankly on the wall and mumbled, “What’s so good about his phone anyways..”
While on the other side, Hyunjae was still speechless and dumbfound with your sudden mood swing. “What’s with her.” Blinking his eyes for a few times as he tried to keep up with the reality, taking a quick glance over the door of the bedroom. “I’m pretty sure she’s not in her periods,” he furrowed his eyebrows and turned his attention to his phone. He was actually online window shopping since it was hard for him to get out during the lockdown. At first, he was searching for random furniture and he didn’t know how he ended up in the women section, more specifically women’s lingeries. Even though his eyes completely glued on his phone screen, his mind can’t stop bringing him into fantasies.
He started to imagine how your body perfectly pulled off the black coloured of plunge bra with suspender belt underwear, hiding them with his favourite hoodie. Bending down to grab something inside the cabinet, purposely letting him see the underneath. He even imagined you wearing those satin chemises, lying on the bed while waiting for him to finish his late night shower. Fuck, even those thoughts managed to arouse him. The grip on his phone tightened, as Hyunjae went to the bedroom and opened the door, seeing the sulking you on the bed, avoiding his eye contact.
He cleared his throat, closing the door behind and took a seat on the bed, right next to your body. “Hey, are you alright?” He used his other hand to rub your back, but you were quick enough to slap his arm away, the action itself told him that you were still angry. “Come on, I’m sorry that I was on my phone too much.” He puffed out his lower lips, gently tucked your hair behind your ear from blocking Hyunjae seeing your well defined facial features. “Forgive me, hm?” You replied to him with silence at first, but you knew you can’t keep on getting mad on him, especially when he was this cute just for you. You folded your legs to heel sit next to him and opened your arms, “Hug me.”
A sheepish chuckle escaped from the young man, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. The corner of your lips formed a quick smile as you moved closer to him, rolling to sit on his laps while wrapping your arms around his neck, resting your face on his shoulder. Both of you stayed like that for a while before Hyunjae started to rub your back in a circle, “Babe..” He called you out as you replied to him with a hum. He gently pulled you and unlocked his phone, showing to you the thing that he found online. “I.. I’m thinking to buy this for you,” the way he confessed his sin was unbelievably adorable as if he was a kid who just stole the candy from his older sibling. You tee-heed, leading the latter to raise his eyebrow out of curiosity. 
“So were you online window shopping the whole time? My bad for thinking that you have another girlfriend by your side.” Your eyes were almost nowhere to be seen as you grinned brightly, snatching the phone away from Hyunjae and scrolled his shopping list. “Woah, you sure browsed a lot. From living room furniture to women lingeries,” you clicked your tongue and looked up to face him, showing him the screen. “I like this one, can you buy this for me?” It was the satin chemise that he imagined you in it. A smile creeped out from his lips as he nodded, “That would totally look great on you.” He scrolled to another page and now the phone was facing you, “How about this one? I’m sure you’ll look great in it.” 
It was the red coloured of a triangle bra with a thong, waiting for your response to it. You bit your lower lips and turned your attention to the man, “I have an identical one just like that, and I’m wearing it now..” The sudden smirk on his lips made you furrow your eyebrows as he leaned closer to whisper right next to your ears, “I know, because I’m going to fuck you with the one that you have now.” Without waiting for your response, he rolled and placed you on the bed, his palms supported the weight of his whole body while he intensely stared down to your eyes. “I’m horny you know.”
“Yes I know, who wouldn’t get horny imagining their spouse in underwear? I would do the same thing too whenever I buy briefs for you,” the boldness in you made you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. Smiling into the kiss, he tilted his head to the other side to deepen the kiss while his hand went up to caress your cheek. You suppress a moan once you feel his lips on your jawline, travelling down to your neck before landing on your collarbone. While planting sloppy kisses all over your skin, his hands nudged the hem of your shirt, asking for permission to take it off. You gave him a nod as he didn’t waste another second and immediately rolled the shirt out from your upper body, along with your shorts. 
He pulled away, taking a glance over your almost exposed body. “Damn baby, I wonder how many times will your body excite the man in me.” His hands went to cup your breasts, making you gasp and throw your head to the back. The way he gripped and knead your breasts were so insanely good, it almost made you cum untouched. “H-Hyunjae..” you wailed, hoping the latter will do something with the current state of yours. He let out a chuckle and left a peck on your lips, “Ride me baby, I know how well those hips can do.” 
Sitting on the bed with his legs wide spread and leaning his back against the bed frame, you crawled to straddle his laps and wrapped your legs around him after taking the shirt and boxer off from him. Your hands can’t stop itself moving from touching his well defined abs, lips won’t stop chasing after his. “Greedy enough huh?” You hummed in response, you were surely a mess in-front of him and he didn’t matter at all. While you were sucking his collarbone and moving your hips in circles on his thighs, he pumped his dick in a rush before holding your waist, halting your movement. Pulling your underwear to the side without taking it off, you bring yourself down on his dick.
Both of you let out a gasp, as you took your time from sitting down on his thighs. He was still holding the sides of your body, as you rested your hands on his chest, eyes tight closed due to the waves of pleasures that almost hit your entire body. You started to bounce on his laps, letting the man let out a shaky moan and bit his lower lips. “Damn my baby, you are always the best at riding me.” You nodded before proceeding to ride his dick, bouncing and moving in circles to create more pleasures for both of you. The way his grips starten to get harsh on your body thrilled you, encouraged you to move more harder and shaper.
“I’m c-cuming, a-ahh.” You let out a satisfying groan as the way you bounced on his dick becoming lazily fast, you were trying to catch your own orgasm. Hyunjae rolled you over, letting you lay on the bed as he pulled your legs up to his shoulders, pounding into your tight pussy. He moved his hips speedily and skillfully in inhuman speed, bringing each of you close to the ecstasy. “Hyunjae a-ahh, I’m close,” his name rolled off from your swollen lips like a mantra, as he growled and thrusted his hips harder, the sounds of skin slapping almost dominated the whole room.
The sharp moan of yours indicated that you reached your high, but the latter didn’t bother it at all and still moved his shaft into your pussy. You were crying over the stimulation, gripping his shoulder as it surely will leave a mark on the next day. “Argh,” he let out a groan as soon as he reached his high, taking out his dick and pumped it a few times, shooting his load on your red coloured thong. He sighed in relief, catching his own breath and lazily threw his body next to yours. He looked at his other side, seeing you move your chest up and down to catch the oxygen. He nuzzled into your neck, arm dangerously sneaked to wrap your waist, his hand rubbed your clothed core, spreading the cum all over your thong. “H-Hyunjae, s-stop.” You grabbed his wrist, halting before you might overstimulate yourself. “Better let the cum on your thong, don’t wash it off honey.” With that, he playfully slapped your core before leaving a peck on your lips.
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pikapeppa · 4 years
FenHawke &Varric friendship fluff: History
I was casually playing DA:I the other day and wandering around in the Hissing Wastes, and I got inspired to write some friendship fluff between Fenris, Rynne Hawke and their beloved BFF Varric. Set in my Fenris the Inquisitor universe.
~1700 words; read on AO3 instead.
Fenris trudged over to the fire and sat next to Hawke with a groan. “I have finally succeeded in beating the sand out the creases in my clothes,” he announced. “For now, at least.”
Varric huffed. “At least you didn’t wear boots. I’m pretty sure I had enough sand in mine to build a castle.” He eyed his own bare feet in disgruntlement, and Fenris smirked; seeing Varric without boots on was a very rare occurrence. 
“Told you to wear sandals,” Hawke said without looking up from the tattered book in her lap.
Varric gave her a long-suffering look. “When have you ever seen me in sandals?”
“There’s no better time to start,” Hawke said. “Bare chest, bare feet — it’s a natural pairing, like peas and carrots.”
Despite her jocular tone, she didn’t lift her eyes from her book. Fenris eyed her curiously. “What are you reading that has you so preoccupied?”
She finally looked up, and her amber eyes were wide and bright with interest. “It’s the journal we found on that poor dwarven fellow who got bitten by a spider. It’s pretty incredible, actually. I mean, sad because he died, poor sod,” she said quickly, “but incredible what he was figuring out.” She turned to Varric. “Did you know there was an entire dwarven house that purposely left the deep roads to set up here on the surface?”
He shot her a chiding look. “Have you ever seen me write anything much about the Orzammar dwarves?”
Her smile became sheepish. “Er, no.”
“Then that’s how much I know about a dwarven house leaving the deep roads to set up on the surface,” he said dryly.
“All right, fine, it was a stupid question,” she admitted. “But listen to this: this Paragon Fairel fellow took his house out of the deep roads before the First Blight to hide some incredible weapon he invented, so the rest of the dwarves would stop using it against each other. Before the First Blight! That’s how many years ago now?” She frowned. “Wait, when was the First Blight again?”
Amused, Fenris answered her question. “In -395 Ancient.”
She batted her eyelashes. “Maker’s balls, you’re so smart. No wonder I married you.”
Varric rolled his eyes. “All right, so some dwarves settled on the surface over a thousand years ago.”
“Yes, but that’s not all,” Hawke said. “It sounds like they were prepared to fight a dragon even before they left the deep roads. The fellow who wrote this journal found an inscription and translated it like this:
From the Stone, have no fear of anything,
But the stone-less sky betrays with wings of flame.
If the surface must be breached, if there is no other way,
Bring weapons against the urtok, and heed their screams.
She looked at Fenris and Varric with wide eyes. “Urtok means ‘dragon’, according to this. And ‘wings of flame’? That can only mean a dragon too, right? They knew before they breached the surface that there would be a dragon to contend with. How did they know that?”
“A good guess, maybe?” Varric said.
Hawke lifted an eyebrow. “But if they had never left the deep roads before, how could they even guess at what they’d find on the surface — and with enough accuracy to know they’d find a fire-breathing dragon?”
Fenris tapped her knee. “Perhaps they knew already of the archdemons, even if the First Blight had not yet happened.”
Her eyes grew even wider. “Shit. You’re right. Maker’s balls, I didn’t even — I never thought about the archdemons breathing fire underground. Do you think they breathe fire underground?”
“Probably,” Varric said. 
She stared at him incredulously. “That’s insane.”
Fenris scoffed. “After everything we’ve seen, with the Titans and those ancient Sentinels at Mythal’s Temple and falling into the Fade, you think that a dragon breathing fire underground is insane?”
“I have to agree with the elf on this one,” Varric said.
Hawke burst out a laugh. “Listen to the two of you! Such grizzled and jaded men of the world! Maybe I’ve just retained my sense of childlike wonder.” Her smile widened. “Or maybe I’m just an idiot.”
Fenris tsked. “A very beautiful idiot,” he said, and he pinched her waist.
She squeaked in amusement and smacked his hand. “You certainly know how to flatter a girl. But really though, think about it: the entire history of this thaig, lost until now. And the Shaperate doesn’t know about it, or covered it up on purpose.”
Varric gave her a funny look. “Since when are you so preoccupied with dwarven history?”
“It’s not just dwarven history,” she said. “It’s… I don’t know.” She twisted her lips ruefully. “It’s rather fucked up how many people have lost such huge chunks of history, isn’t it? The dwarves, the elves… everyone who isn’t Chantry, really.”
“The Chantry is also unreliable with their history,” Fenris said. “They struck Shartan from the official Chant.”
She pulled a face. “Ugh, you’re right. That’s so fucked up, though. Everyone is so bloody casual with their histories. It’s so…” She trailed off with a frown, and Fenris eyed her with a pang of affection. Hawke was by no means the idiot she said herself to be, but it was unusual for her to get this pensive about history in particular. She tended to favour a happy-go-lucky focus on the present or the future, preferring to reserve her mental energy for discussions of magical theory instead of history.
She looked up at them with a little frown. “Even family histories or personal histories. There’s so much shit we can forget. I was named after a great-aunt or a grand-aunt or something, for example, but fuck knows who she even was anymore. Not that that’s any great loss of information, I don’t really care who I was named after. But at the same time, how can we say now what’s going to be important or not a hundred years from now?”
A rather melancholy silence ensued, which Fenris wasn’t sure how to break. He was starting to feel a bit melancholy and pensive himself. Hawke was right, after all; he, for instance, knew nothing more of his own family history than what Varania had told him at the Hanged Man several years ago. As he and Varania had never again contacted each other, it seemed that that was all Fenris would be fated to know.
“Oh balls,” Hawke said suddenly. 
Fenris looked up to find her face crumpled in apology. She sidled closer to him and took his hand. “Oh, Fenris, I’m sorry. I’m being an ass, aren’t I, talking about this family history shit?”
“No, it’s…” He trailed off before he could say it was all right. His lost memories would never really be all right, but they were also no longer the gaping wound that they once were. “I’ve made my peace with my lack of history,” he said instead. “You know this.”
She winced. “I know, I just… ugh, I’m sorry.” She looped her hand through his elbow and hugged his arm. “I’m being so boring and mopey.”
Varric chuckled. “You really are. You and the elf here trading roles for a while?”
“I’m not sure that’s possible,” Fenris said dryly. 
“It really isn’t,” Hawke chirped. “No one but Fenris can fill the role of ‘most gorgeous elf in Thedas’.”
Fenris eyed her chidingly. “It is impossible for you to fill that role. You’re not an elf.”
She widened her eyes playfully. “Nothing gets past you, does it?” 
Fenris huffed in amusement, and Varric chuckled as well before speaking. “Well, I can cheer things up a little. At least we don’t have to worry about losing any of our history.”
“What do you mean?” Hawke asked.
“I mean that we have a perfectly accurate and compelling historian right here.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly.
Fenris chuckled, and Hawke barked out a bright little laugh. “You’re talking about yourself. Of course you are.”
Varric did a little bow from his seated position. “You can both thank me anytime.”
Fenris raised an eyebrow. “For what? Making Hawke a notorious Thedas-wide celebrity?”
“No!” Hawke retorted. “For painting me as a charming hero and not the complete fool that I am, of course!” She shifted over and hugged Varric around the neck. 
He patted her back and smirked at Fenris. “Don’t worry, buddy, I’ll make you look good too in all of this Inquisition shit.”
Fenris sighed. “I appreciate the sentiment, I suppose.”
Hawke smiled sweetly at Varric. “When you write about the Inquisition, can you put in the story about how Fenris and Sera almost knocked Krem out with a stale cookie when they were on the roof that one time?”
“No,” Fenris said hastily. “Absolutely not. That was an accident!”
Varric ignored him. “It’s already written down, don’t worry,” he said to Hawke.
Fenris grunted. “Then you ought to include the time that Hawke asked Bull to teach her to throw a proper punch and nearly sprained her wrist on his unarmoured chest.”
She laughed and poked his thigh. “Hey, that’s unfair! Bull’s tits are so hard they might as well be armour. Dorian should have warned me!”
Varric snickered. “Don’t worry, I’ve got that one written down as well.”
Hawke clicked her tongue. “Well, in that case, you have to include that time that you tried to gamble against Solas and lost so badly that he took mercy on you by not taking your coat and your boots.”
Fenris snorted, and Varric pulled a face. “Aw, now that’s just mean to bring that up,” he complained.
Hawke giggled. They continued to tease each other with favourite stories of the past, both recent and remote, and Fenris smiled to himself as he listened to their laughter and their tales. In the grand scheme of things, the ties between a human mage, a Tevinter elf and a surface dwarf were too humble to survive the fickle nature of history and time. Not all histories were important enough to be written in the pages of a Chantry tome or carved in lyrium into the walls of Orzammar, after all. 
But as Fenris listened to Hawke and Varric laughing and exchanging tales and playful jabs just as they used to do ten years ago, he realized that even the most humble of histories could be infinitely precious. 
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greaterawarness · 3 years
Moving On Ch. 9
(This was a fun chapter for me. Wanted to share it. This a Fic set 6 months after Order 66. This chapter is probably closer to 7 or 8 months. It focuses around Rex, Dogma, and an OC character of mine Avayla.)
Click HERE to read the full story.
After Geonosis, the Reckless decided to lay low on Takodana for a while. They were able to earn their keep from Maz by doing some add jobs around her castle and were able to get in good with some regulars. Rex sits at a table playing a round of cards with a few new acquaintances. He decides to fold and get another drink. While walking towards the bar he can spot Maz eyeing him from across the room. He leans against the bar and orders his usual before making his way over to Maz. She crosses her arms and gives him a look.
“What’s going on Maz?” Rex sighs taking a sip of his drink. She gives a smile before motioning him to sit beside her.
“I just heard an interesting rumor about the Reckless.” She starts when he’s seated. Rex leans back arching a brow.
“This should be good.” He chuckles into his drink.
“Rumor has it that someone very dangerous is looking for you.” She says. Rex nearly chokes on his drink laughing.
“Maz,” He says wiping his mouth with he back of his hand. “Those are the only people looking for us!”
She smacks his arm when he continues to laugh.
“Yes, but this one’s not Empire,” She says shaking her finger at him. “The Empire doesn’t come here because a few of the people it deals with frequents here. They don’t want to ruin any future opportunities. But this new one? He could walk through those doors any day now.”
Rex lets out a sigh and leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
“I get what you’re saying,” He nods. “We’ll be on the lookout.” “Good.” She says patting his arm. While they sit, one of her friends walks over to whisper something in her ear. She perks up before sliding to the ground. She looks back at Rex before walking off. “I have a meeting to attend but if you do run into this new person do try not to stir up trouble?”
“I’ll try my best, but I can’t say the same for Avayla.” Rex chuckles. She gives a big eye roll before walking towards the back. Rex looks down at his drink thinking of who they could have pissed off enough to deserve being hunted down. Though, they could be hired by the Empire to hunt them down. Rex stands after finishing his drink. He should warn the others. He walks out of Maz’s castle in time to see Rod, a Quarren, getting thrown halfway across the lake.
“New record!” someone cheers by the water side. Rex sighs before walking towards Avayla and her new group of smuggler friends. She stands by the water shielding her eyes from the sun watching Rod swim back to land. When she see’s Rex she gives a bright smile making Rex’s chest feel tight. He shifts awkwardly wondering if it was because of his drinking habits or smoking.
“Captain.” She says with narrowed eyes and a grin. Rex crosses his arms and mimics her grin.
“Shaper.” He says narrowing his eyes slightly before she gives a playful shove and stands beside him.
“What’s up?” She asks while watching Rod trudge back on land.
“Well, word around the Castle is that someone dangerous is after us.” Rex says with a shrug. Avayla gives a dramatic gasp lifting a hand to cover her mouth as if surprised.
“Someone dangerous is after us? Unbelievable!”
Rex laughs shaking his head at her.
“Well, this one’s not Empire so they could show up any day now.” Rex says putting his hands on his hips. Avayla tilts her head to the side similar to the way Rex does.
“Alright,” She says finally. “I’ll keep an eye out. Try not to start any fights without me though.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He says before Yilah, a purple Nautolan, approaches them. She links her arm around Avayla’s.
“Ava, you should try shaping the water again!” She says bubbly to Avayla. She peaks over at Rex before forcing a smile. “Rex.”
“Yilah.” Rex says with a forced smile of his own and narrowed eyes. She begins pulling Avayla back towards their group of friends. Avayla gives a little wave before giving in to her friend. Rex frowns while crossing his arms.
“Ava, YoU sHoUlD TrY sHaPiNg ThE wAtEr AgAiN!” Rex mimics in a high tone.
“What?” Dogma says making Rex jump. He hadn’t noticed him walk up. He lets out a panicked breath and shakes his head.
“Dammit Dogma!” he gasps with his heart racing. “Wear a bell or something!”
Dogma raises an eyebrow at him giving a wide smile. Rex’s face flushes.
“Look, someone’s after us that’s not Empire. Be on the lookout.” He says walking away before he can embarrass himself again. He starts towards the ship deciding he needed a smoke.
Rex 12:00
Rex leans against a boulder in his usual secret smoking spot. He’s started hiding his cigarettes in a tree trunk after Dogma found his last stash. He looks out at the lake enjoying the cool breeze and fresh air. Looking out at the vast forests of green he began to feel a weird homesickness for Coruscant. He couldn’t explain it, but he missed the hustle and bustle of the city and view of the lights at night. Sometimes it was too quiet here. Made him feel like he was on a mission where they could get ambushed at any moment. Which was still true, but it made it nearly impossible to get a good night’s rest. He considered taking them to hide out in a city next. If it were even possible to do that.
Rex’s thoughts are interrupted by a small cry. He turns his head towards the woods waiting for it again. When he doesn’t hear it, he looks back out over the lake.
It happens again. This time Rex is sure it was a cry. He draws his blasters and slowly walks deeper in the woods. With every step the cries get louder. He tightens his grip on his blasters before sliding down a hill where the sound is coming from. Rex points his blasters at the noise before quickly pulling them back. A little girl sobs in the dirt. She gives a shriek when she see’s Rex. He slips his blasters back in their holsters before kneeling.
“Hey! It’s okay! What are you doing out here?” He asks her. He carefully reaches out to pick up the child. She’s young. Maybe a year old if that. He looks around desperately hoping to spot her parents. She slowly stops crying while staring at Rex’s face. “Uh… Let’s find your parents. Okay?”
He carries the girl on his side while walking back towards Maz’s castle. His mind races with questions. Why was a little girl out here? He’s never seen a child at Maz’s place before. He doubted she wanted them there either. While walking back he hears a twig snap behind them. He pauses. Footsteps this time. The little girl makes a worried noise. He holds her close patting her back.
“It’s going to be okay.” He says softly before reaching one hand down and drawing a blaster. He turns back towards the footsteps. He can still hear the footsteps moving around him but still out of sight. He notices the little girl staring behind him. He turns around to find a man standing in the shadows of the trees.
“Never thought you’d be the kind to settle down.” A clone says. Rex frowns aiming a blaster at him.
“Don’t move,” He warns. The little girl holds onto his neck babbling something in baby talk. “I have a kid with me. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“Relax,” He says walking out of the shadows. Rex frowns deeper not recognizing the clone. He has a typical fade and a trimmed beard. He didn’t wear anything that seemed Empire, but Rex wasn’t convinced. “I’m just here for you Rexy.”
“So, what? The Empire sent you undercover to hunt me down?” Rex asks moving to keep distance between himself and the clone. The clone wrinkles his nose.
“I’m not with the Empire.” He shakes his head with a slight gesture at his non-Empire attire.
“Then why are you after me?” Rex asks confused. The clone rolls his eyes.
“Do you not know who I am?” He asks with his arms out. Rex looks to the side trying to think.
“Uh… am I supposed to?” He asks slowly. The clone gives an eye twitch before rubbing his face frustratedly.
“I’m Slick!” He yells finally. “And that ship you stole back on Tatooine was mine!”
Rex bursts out laughing slightly startling the little girl.
“To think I felt bad about that too,” He laughs before composing himself and aiming his blaster back at him. “Well, I’m not giving it back.”
“Yes. You. Are.” Slick says through gritted teeth.
“I know I said don’t do anything stupid but considering who I’m talking to I know that’s a bit hard for you.” Rex grins enjoying the red spreading across Slick’s face. Slick opens his mouth to say something when his blaster goes off. Rex flinches but the shot missed by a good bit. Slick holds his hands up when Rex steps forward gritting his teeth.
“That was an accident! I’m not going to shoot at a kid!” He yells putting his blaster away. Rex arches a brow at him. “Look how about we settle this like men. No blasters just a good old fist fight to see who gets to keep the ship?”
Rex tilts his head thinking. He glances down at the little girl. She sucks on her hand while looking up at Rex with big brown eyes. He closes his eyes hating what he was about to do. He walks over and sets the baby on a nice patch of grass. He kneels down patting her on her head.
“I promise I’m going to take you to your parents,” He says softly. He glances back at Slick and frowns. “But first I’m going to get this asshole out of our way.”
Rex and Slick circle each other each preparing themselves for the fight.
“I’ve been wanting this for a long time.” Slick says holding his hands up. Rex does the same.
“Funny, I haven’t thought of you at all.” He says. That provokes Slick to make the first move. Rex blocks before landing a punch that knocks Slick to the ground. The little girl gives a loud cry making Rex wince as if he was the one who got hit. He holds his hands up trying to calm her down. “It’s okay! He’s the bad guy!”
Slick gives a growl before tackling Rex to the ground. He has Rex pinned. He lands blow after blow. Rex tries to shake him off but it’s impossible. Right before Rex was going to resort to biting, a shadow falls over them. They both stare in complete bafflement as a tree flies over them and lands in the distance.
“The fuck…” Slick mutters giving Rex the opportunity he needs to roll him so Rex was on top. Rex starts dealing some much-desired revenge. But not just for now. For the past. For what happened on Christophsis. He would have won then there if the ground hadn’t of started shaking. Rex falls over losing his balance.
“An earthquake?” He asks himself before darting back for the kid. He grabs her before loose tree branches begin to crash down on the spot where she was sitting. Slick gets to his feet wiping the dripping blood from his nose.
“Put the kid down. This isn’t over!” he yells.
“Listen Slick, something strange is going on here!” Rex says when the ground stops shaking. Slick shakes his head while holding his hands up again.
“The tree… was strange but I don’t care! This isn’t over Rex!” He yells spitting some blood on the ground. Rex wipes his own bloody nose before shaking his head.
“No, it’s over. I’m getting this kid back to her parents.” He says turning to walk away. He hears Slick steps towards him before a rumbling sound echoes through the trees. They both pause looking up at the giant flock of birds fleeing the forest. They both look at each other before the ground beneath their feet begins rising up.
“What the fuck is going on?” Slick yells as they both try and keep themselves from getting crushed from the changing earth. Rex holds onto the now screaming girl with all his might. He leaps onto a boulder before the ground where he stood drops. The boulder he stands on rises with the land. He spots Slick jumping from rock to rock in an attempt to stay alive. It was as if a mountain was sprouting from the ground. Rex notices a rockslide and fallen trees coming right for him. He holds the little girl close before trying to jump away but the boulder he stands on shifts trapping his foot between another rock. He lets out a cry of pain before falling to his knees. There was no time to get away. He shields the girl with his body waiting for the collision.
Hands grab Rex pulling him free and out of the way of the rockslide just in time. He watches the boulder he was on get crushed and pulled along with the rockslide. Rex lays on his back still holding the girl, panting. He looks down at her to see her laughing.
“Oh, well I’m glad one of us found that funny.” Rex breathes before sitting up and looking over at Slick who sits next to him as out of breath as Rex. “You saved me.”
“Yeah well…” Slick starts before trailing off. Rex smooths the little girl’s hair trying to think of what to say.
“Thank you.” He says finally. Slick gives a nod before getting to his feet.
“I think it’s stopped.” He says when the mountain falls still. Rex nods carefully standing.
“I’ll help you down if you help me down.” Rex says. Slick gives a nod before they start their cautious journey down the mountain. Rex shifts the girl in his arms before speaking again. “Why did you save me.”
“I just didn’t want to girl to get hurt. Believe it or not I do have a heart.” He says as they slide down the loose soil. Rex leans on a tree that managed to stay rooted in the ground.
“You really aren’t working for the Empire?” Rex asks. Slick stops and looks back at Rex to meet his eyes.
“No. I would rather swallow my own tongue before working under that atrocity,” He snorts. “I never thought I would see something worse than the Republic.”
“Then how did you get free?” Rex asks when they start moving again. Slick shakes his head.
“I busted out of jail before the Empire ever took over.” He explains. “I’ve been working as a smuggler ever since.”
Rex nods while thinking.
“Surprised many people are willing to work with a clone. We’ve had our own issues with that.” Rex goes on. Slick gives a sigh and nod.
“Yeah, the jobs are slim picking. Usually only the desperate will give me a chance.” They reach the bottom of the new mountain. Maz’s castle is close enough they can see it. Surprised she hasn’t come out yelling up a storm. Rex pats the little girl’s back when she reaches up and grabs his nose. She lets out a laugh making Rex smile. He glances over at Slick and mumbles a curse word under his breath.
“Well,” He starts reluctantly. “We’ve been able to make a pretty good name for ourselves around here and have earned a lot of peoples trust… so… if you wanted to join us then I suppose that would work.”
“What?” Slick arches a brow at him.
“Look, you said so yourself. Allies are in short supply for clones likes us,” Rex goes on. “I can’t forgive you for what you did on Christophsis but… I could use all the help I can get right now.”
Slick crosses his arms looking down at the ground.
“I get to be the captain though.” He says reaching out his hand.
“Don’t push it.” Rex says shaking his hand before squeezing it tightly pulling him close so he could hiss in his ear. “And if you ever pull anything like you did on Christophsis again I will gut you like tip-yip. Are we clear?”
“We’re clear!” He says before Rex releases him. He follows him back to Maz’s castle. Rex can see Avayla walking quickly back towards the ship where Dogma paces back and forth hysterically. Rex shakes his head already knowing they had something to do with the fuckery that happened today.
They start towards the castle when someone walks out of the back. The man looks familiar for some reason. They meet each other’s eyes before they both realize who the other is. Rex steps forward with a smile spreading across his face while Senator Bail Organa pulls a blaster on him. He pauses remembering General Kenobi. No one knows he’s not with the Empire.
“Listen I’m not…” Rex starts before Bail steps forward trembling.
“Let her go!” He yells desperately. Rex stiffens as the realization that the little girl must be his daughter. Maz runs out of the castle to stand between the two.
“Enough!” she yells keeping Bail at bay. “He’s not going to hurt her!”
“I’m not! I swear! I just found her in the woods!” Rex says with the little girl reaching her arms out towards her father. “Here, you can have her back.”
They carefully step towards each other before Rex is able to hand the child back to her father. Bail puts his blaster away before checking his daughter desperately to make sure she was fine.
“Leia, are you alright?” He asks frantically. Leia answers in baby talk before he holds her to his chest with a sigh of relief.
“Senator, we can finish our talks later. Why don’t you go calm down?” Maz says. Bail frowns at Rex. There was a hate in his eyes that cut Rex deep. He eventually turns back towards the castle with Leia held tightly in his arms. She gives a big gummy smile back at Rex easing the pain from her father’s stare. Maz shakes her head before turning to Rex. “Did you kidnap that child?”
“No! Fuck, Maz that you would even ask that?” Rex says offended. She puts her hands on her hips shaking her head.
“It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done. She’s back where she belongs. That’s all that matters.” She says waving her hand as it could wave everything that happened away. Rex shifts awkwardly.
“What’s Senator Organa doing here?” He asks. She gives him a look before shaking her head.
“Let me worry about that Captain. Why don’t you tell me why you’ve brought yet another clone to my home?” She asks gesturing to Slick. Slick frowns at her.
“This is the person who’s been looking for us. I’m going to take him on as a new member of the Reckless.” Rex explains. Maz frowns shaking her head.
“No… he doesn’t match the description,” She starts before shrugging. “No matter. They aren’t always right you know?”
She starts walking back towards her castle before laughing to herself and calling back.
“They originally told me that the man looking for you was a Dathomirian with red and black markings!” She says before walking back into her castle. Rex feels all the blood drain from his face.
Avayla 12:00
Avayla meets back up with her friends. She can’t help but peak back at Rex. He’s stomping away from Dogma looking flustered. She laughs softly to herself. He tries so hard to be serious and composed all the time. It just makes it that much funnier when his true self comes out. When she looks back at her friends, they seem to have moved on from wanting to watch her try and shape water again. She hasn’t had much luck at it since that rock planet that flooded.
“Ava,” Yilah says excitedly with her arm still linked with Avayla’s. “Does that sound fun?”
“Oh, sorry what sounds fun?” She asks apologetically.
“There’s a game called hunt that we were thinking about playing. We’ll have to go out to the field in the woods to play it though.” Mier explains. He was the only human of the group. Avayla gives a shrug and nod.
“Sure, I do love a good hunt.” She says. She follows her friends into the woods in search of a field. Avayla was still learning how this and really all the worlds worked. Every place has their own customs and history. Not to mention language. It made it all so hard to keep track of. Rex and Dogma made it look easy the way they hopped from planet to planet always having some knowledge of how things worked. While Avayla tried to follow along trying not to look dumb. It was one of the reasons she got so geared up for fighting. That she knew how to do.
When they reach the field Mier spreads them out and places them in specific spots. Yilah stands a few feet behind her between two trees.
“Okay,” Mier says to the group once everyone is in place. He holds a ball up. “So, the game is simple! The tree line is the out of bounds line. Yilah and Rod are the goalies. You can’t use your hands. You have to kick the ball with your feet and try and score between the trees Rod and Yilah stand between. Everyone understand?”
No. But Avayla figured she would learn as she goes. Just like with everything else. She watches Mier drop the ball in the center before Gunter and Vee charge for it. Avayla runs towards them to help before Vee kicks it around her and towards Yilah.
“Avayla, you have to stay in your area!” Yilah calls after Vee kicks the ball past her earning a point. Avayla feels a pang of anger.
“Sorry!” She calls before taking a deep breath. She stays in her spot this time when they toss it back in the middle. This time when Vee comes towards Avayla she’s ready. She tries to kick it away from Vee, but Vee manages to kick it through her legs and score again. Heat spreads across Avayla’s face. She balls her hands into fists before forcing herself to shake them out.
“Ava, don’t stare at the ball! Try and anticipate her movements!” Yilah calls after the ball is tossed in the center again.
“Okay!” Avayla growls. She bends her knees slightly waiting for Vee. When Vee charges Avayla grits her teeth and charges. She’s ready this time. She starts to make her move when a blaster shot in the distant spooks her making her trip. She falls letting Vee run past her. Yilah blocks her kick and sends the ball back towards Avayla. Avayla shakes her head. “Get it together!” she hisses to herself quietly. She finally has the ball. She kicks it down the field where Meir waits. She starts to maneuver around him when the cry of a baby pulls her attention away. Meir steals the ball passing it to Vee. Avayla stumbles trying to understand what was happening.
“Avayla, get your head in the game!” Yilah calls back when Vee scores again. This time anger flows through her making her blood hot. She walks back to her spot and waits. She hated losing. She hated being made a fool. She narrows her eyes and readies herself. When the ball hits the ground, Vee steals it heading towards Avayla. This time Avayla uses the wind to pick up speed. She’s able to steal the ball from Vee and kick it down the field. She’s moving so fast Meir can’t keep up with her. A grin spreads across her face when she approaches Rod. Fear spreads across his face only fueling her more. She kicks the ball as hard as she can. Unfortunately, she’s not a very good aim because the ball hits the tree. But not just the ball. A giant gust of wind that pulls the tree from its roots and sends it flying.
Avayla covers her mouth in horror at what she’s done. She can feel the emotion from her friends. Confusion, disbelief, fear. They were afraid of her.
“Um…” Meir says after a pause of silence. “Good game! I think I’m ready for a drink. Anyone else want a drink?”
“Yeah, I could definitely use one.” Vee says shakily. Rod moves away from Avayla when she steps towards him.
“Rod, I am so sorry!” She whispers.
“It’s cool! Really. I’m just gonna head back though.” He says walking towards the others who walk back for the castle. Avayla drops her face in her hands.
“Ava?” Yilah says cautiously. Avayla looks up at her friend.
“Yilah, I didn’t mean to do that!” She says desperately. “I just get so competitive and then… I take things to far.”
“It’s okay,” Yilah says reaching out to take her hand. “I get it. We would all be the same if we could do what you can do.”
“Thanks, Yilah.” Avayla says trying to swallow the knot forming in her throat. Yilah reaches in her pocket and pulls something out.
“You know I’ve been meaning to get you alone to give you something,” She starts with her cheeks turning a deeper shade of purple. Avayla watches as Yilah takes her hand and places something in it. When she opens her hand it’s a necklace with a crystal on it. “It’s a magic crystal. They say that if you wear it while looking at the person you love, it glows.”
“Well, that sounds useless don’t you think?” Avayla laughs softly. She doesn’t understand when Yilah’s emotions change from nervous to sad and even disappointment. “Oh, I’m sorry. It is a lovely neckless though! I just mean… why do you need a necklace to tell you you’re in love with someone? Wouldn’t you know that on your own?”
“Yeah, you’re right.” She says but her emotions don’t change. Avayla thinks desperately on how she can fix this. Yilah turns to leave. “Anyway, I just wanted you to have it. I’ll see you around.”
“Yilah…” Avayla starts but she doesn’t stop. Avayla tightens her hand around the necklace hating herself even more. “What did I do wrong?”
She fastens the neckless around her neck before walking deeper into the forest. The more she walks the angrier she gets. Her thoughts drift back to Kro Var. Her anger used to ignite the battlefield. Everything was so easy then. Exterminate the enemy any way possible. Kill whoever tried to kill you. Of course, it never really was that simple. As much as she tried to force the memories back, she couldn’t stop them. Flashes of a muddy field burn behind her eyes. Her friends lying in pieces on the ground. Hera lifeless at her feet. Her fault. She didn’t call the retreat. It was her fault. She lifts her hands to her head squeezing her temples like she could force the memories away. Her Master staring down at her when she returned to the village alone. The disappointment in his eyes. The shame he felt towards her. And then… he turned away from her. She lets out a scream with a blast of flames. She falls to her knees feeling the tears stinging her eyes.
“All you’re good for is destruction.” She tells herself blinking away the tears. In her despair she notices the flames around her scorch the grass in a peculiar pattern. She wipes her eyes standing trying to get a better look at it. When she realizes her flames have burned in the shape of a symbol, the ground begins to shake. “Oh, no… no, no, no!”
Everything begins to shake. She stumbles forward losing balance. This cannot be her fault too! She tries to pat at the ground hoping that if her flames went out then the shaking would stop. When she finally puts out the last flame she sighs in relief when the shaking comes to an end. She rolls onto her back relieved.
Until the ground in front of her starts lifting up. She lets out a scream while watching a structure emerge from the ground. It pulls up the earth around it forming a mountain. She stares at the large columns and giant entryway.
“Did my flames awaken you?” She asks the structure. She slowly walks forward reaching out to touch a column. Cold, pain, fear, and hate rush her mind. She lets go with a gasp. A cold breeze from inside the structure chills her to the bone.
“Hello?” She calls into the darkness.
“Is someone…” She starts before stopping. She can hear rumbling. She runs along the side of the structure to the side where the land rose with it. A rockslide hurdles towards Maz’s castle. “No.”
She charges towards the rockslide using the wind to quicken her speed. She grabs a tree branch to help shape the wind. When she’s ahead of the rockslide she leaps while swinging her branch knocking the rockslide off course towards the lake instead of the castle. She ended up throwing herself in the process landing in a tree before falling to the ground with a hard THUD. She lets out a moan while getting to her feet. She rubs her sore backside before looking up at the monstrosity that she summoned.
“Ancestors hear my prayer,” She prays in her native tongue before running away from the crime scene as fast as possible. “Please don’t let Rex find out that I did this!”
Dogma 12:00
Dogma was still adjusting to his new life after Umbara. There were still moments in the morning when he first wakes where he has to remind himself that he’s not there anymore. He’s safe. Relatively safe at least. He did take comfort that Captain Rex was still his old self. However rare it was to see it shine through. After startling the Captain, Dogma decided to check on R6. The droid was one of the few comforts he had in these troubling times. The Captain did his best, but he was just as haunted by the past as Dogma. Avayla has proved herself loyal and kind enough but Dogma was still freaked out that she would accidently self-combust. When he approaches the ship, R6 is rolling around the ramp.
“How the repairs coming?” He asks his friend. R6 beeps and shakes side to side before rolling up the ramp. Dogma chuckles while following him. “That bad huh?”
Once inside the ship Dogma retreats to his room. This was his space. A place where he could close the outside world out and be safe. Even before Umbara, Dogma struggled sharing spaces with the 501st. despite being clones everyone was very different. Hardcase was always so loud, and he stayed up late every single night. Echo and Fives would keep lights on so they could come up with battle strategies late at night and if it wasn’t them it was the constant snoring that bothered him. It was how unclean certain clones were. How everyone woke at different times. There were days where it seemed no one would get on the same page. At least until the Captain showed up. He could always get everyone to act right. Dogma lays on his bed staring at the ship ceiling. He always wondered what it was like to be him.
Dogma’s thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a blaster shot. He sits up in bed before walking out of the room. R6 is by the lowered ramp. He beeps at Dogma.
“Yeah, I heard it too.” Dogma says grabbing his blaster. He walks down the ramp waiting to hear more shots. When they don’t come, he relaxes his shoulders. “I suppose it’s not so strange to hear blast shots out here?”
Dogma starts up the ramp. When the sound of a babies cries echoes through the trees he stops. He looks out at the forest where the cry came from. R6 rolls to his side.
“I suppose the right thing to do is to check it out…” Dogma mumbles. R6 chirps at him. Dogma sighs and starts towards the woods with his blaster held tightly in his hands. When he’s a good bit into the forest he stops. “You know what? I think its fine. We should go back.”
R6 rams his knees. Dogma hops away rubbing his knee. R6 beeps angrily at him.
“Fine!” Dogma says before continuing to walk forward. He jumps at every twig snap and leaf shuffle. He hasn’t quite gotten his confidence back in battle. It was easier when he knew the Captain and Avayla had his back. On their own they were both a one-person army. Together they could probably topple the Empire. Alone though? Dogma lost his edge. Dogma hated the thought of being a coward. He didn’t want to be weak. Even if he thought he was. Dogma comes to a stop while staring at the ground. R6 realizes Dogma wasn’t behind him and turns around. He beeps at Dogma.
“We should go back,” Dogma sighs. “I’m not gonna be able to do much if there is actual trouble.”
He starts to walk back towards the ship. R6 speeds past him and starts pushing him back the other way. Dogma reaches down to push the droid back.
“I’m useless on my own!” he yells at the droid. “R6, look at me! I shouldn’t be here! It’s only a matter of time before the others realize that too.”
They stand in silence for a moment. R6 looks up at Dogma before shoving him again and beeping loudly at him. Dogma shakes his head so R6 rams him again.
“Fine,” Dogma sighs. “I’ll keep going.”
Dogma walks on. He honestly doesn’t know what he’ll find. It most certainly wasn’t a tree flying through the sky heading right for him. He shoves R6 out of the way just in time before the tree slams into the ground. Dogma covers his head from where he jumped out of the way before looking back at the tree.
“What. The. heck!” Dogma yells standing. R6 beeps wildly while rolling back and forth in front of the tree. “I know trees don’t normally fall from the sky!”
They stare in disbelief for a moment longer waiting to see if more trees were going to come falling from the sky. When it seems clear they keep walking.
“Okay,” Dogma says after a moment. “Maybe there is something weird going on. I still don’t think I’m the man for the job but I’m at least curious enough to know what’s going on.”
R6 beeps happily next to them as they walk. When the ground begins to shake, he accidently falls on R6. They hold onto each other until the shaking stops. They look around for more flying trees.
“R6, what is going on?” Dogma mumbles getting back to his feet. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
That bad feeling only grows worse when all the birds in the trees begin to fly away in one giant flock. R6 gives an uncertain beep before the ground in front of them begins rising up.
“Can we run now?” Dogma asks as the ground grows higher and higher until it forms a small mountain. Rumbling from the top draws their attention. A rockslide rolls right towards them. R6 beeps before they both scream while running away. The rockslide is gaining on them fast. Dogma tries to pick up his feet to gain speed. When they reach the tree that had nearly fallen on them, Dogma and R6 dive behind it in an attempt to shield themselves from the rockslide. Dogma covers his head waiting for the collision. When time goes on and nothing happens Dogma slowly stands up to peak over the tree. “It’s gone!”
R6 beeps in shock.
“It’s like it vanished out of thin air!” Dogma says gesturing at where the rockslide was supposed to be. “Can we go back for the others now?”
R6 is already heading back to the Maz’s castle as fast as he can. When they reach the castle, Dogma runs inside searching for the Captain.
“Has anyone seen Captain Rex?” he calls out. Most ignore him, some shake their head no. “Avayla? Anyone seen Avayla?”
Still no answer or shakes of the head. He see’s Maz walking out of a back room looking flustered.
“Maz,” Dogma calls making his way to her. “Have you seen Rex?”
“What? No, I’m sorry dear, but I have my own problems to deal with right now.” She says walking away from him. Dogma runs a hand across his thin hair. Maybe they went back to the ship. He runs out of the castle and towards their ship. He runs up the ramp checking all the rooms. Nothing. Panic was setting in. he walks out of the ship looking around. They weren’t anywhere to be found. He begins to pace frantically. Could they have been out there when all that happened? Did a random tree crush them? Did they get killed by the random mountain popping up out of nowhere? While he paced and panicked movement in the corner of his eye brings him to a stop. Avayla walks frantically towards him. Relief washes over Dogma. Avayla notices him and gives a concerned look. Dogma walks forward and wraps his arms around her shoulders.
“Dogma?” Avayla says shocked. Dogma didn’t like to touch people or be touched by them. But he couldn’t help it this time.
“I thought something happened to you.” He says finally pulling away. He wipes away at the tears forming in his eyes. He never used to cry this much. It was embarrassing. Avayla carefully reaches out to take his hand and for the first time he lets her.
“It’s okay. I’m okay,” She says giving him a slight squeeze. “Rex is too. I saw him walking towards the castle a minute ago. Funny though, I thought you were with him.”
Dogma lets out a relieved breath. Captain was okay too. As if saying his name summoned him, Captain Rex walks towards them with a clone walking close behind. Dogma stiffens. Avayla narrows her eyes at the stranger clone.
“Easy,” the Captain says tiredly. “I’ll explain it all later. For now, this is Slick. He’s going to be joining us if you all agree to it?”
Avayla looks at Dogma as if to see if he was okay with it. It made him uneasy. But if the Captain trusted him then so did Dogma. He gives a slight nod followed by a nod from Avayla.
“Great,” the Captain sighs while rubbing his face. “You would not believe the day I’ve had.”
“Really? I bet I can top it.” Avayla chuckles.
“Nope, I’ve had the crazier day.” Dogma insists. They walk up the ramp to the ship. Dogma looks back at the new clone, Slick. He looks uneasy. A lot like Dogma. The last thing Dogma expected to happen today was a new clone joining their group. Of course, he also didn’t think a tree would fall from the sky and a mountain would spontaneously appear and a rockslide miraculously disappear. Today was one of those days that if you told anyone no one would believe you. Inside, Dogma walks to the kitchen to make everyone some tea. They all seemed on edge. Slick walks into the ship looking around shocked.
“What did you do to my ship?” He asks gesturing around him.
“Your ship?” Avayla repeats.
“Oh yeah, the guy we stole the ship from on Tatooine was him.” Rex chuckles. Avayla throws her head back with a laugh.
“Small galaxy!” She says.
“With this technically being his ship and the fact that he saved my life today… I figured the least we could do is let him join our little shit show.” Rex says leaning against the ship wall. Avayla gives a laugh while staring at the Captain. The new necklace around her neck begins to glow. The Captain notices and points at it.
“Why did it start glowing all of a sudden?” He asks. At first, she seems confused until her eyes grow wide. Her hand flies up to cover her glowing necklace.
“No reason!” She says loudly before turning suddenly and disappears in her room. The Captain looks around for answers to what just happened but neither Dogma nor Slick had a clue. Rex walks into the kitchen to help Dogma with the tea. Slick sits on the table watching them.
“So,” Dogma says noticing both the Captain’s and Slick’s faces. “Why do both of you have bloody noses?”
They both share a glance before shrugging.
“No clue.” Slick says.
“I… fell.” The Captain says nervously. Dogma decides not to push it. Instead, he changes the subject.
“A tree fell out of the sky and nearly killed me.” Dogma says. This perks both the Captain and Slick up. They spend the rest of the night piecing together the events that occurred and laughing at their own dumb luck.
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glamidols · 5 years
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The Jewelled Look Paint thick dark lines right around the eye and then stripes of different colours up to the eyebrows or stick petals on the eyebrow – or all around the eye. In the picture our model first smoothed Lancome’s Maquimat 03 Foundation and used Coty’s Moisture Veil Face Former Dark Shaper in cheek hollows. For eye emphasis we painted her lids mauve, the socket line red and above this, Max Factor’s Aqua Green, striped to match the hair with Leichner’s Greasepaint Sticks. Below her eyebrow, we painted a creamy-yellow zigzag line with Max Factor’s Geminesse Eye Shadow Cream which complimented the new Wild Turn-about Lashes from Miners. Mauve sequins stuck to her eyebrow line to add a really dazzling finale. Lips shouldn’t just be pink.They can now be blue-green or glittery or crazy purple. Our model is wearing Gala’s Simply Mauve.  Taken from an article “Party tricks or How to catch the eye of every man in the room” in Petticoat magazine – December 6, 1969 Photo by Brian Longhurst
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