qserasera · 1 year
thanks to your manga chapter lists i have now caught up (i think) on the horrible exorcist arcs and OH MY GOD. a of all, i did know from fandom osmosis that matoba is a cat person but i did not expect him to start NAMING THEM OFF LIKE A FANTASY FOOTBALL ROSTER and asking one of them to come home with him???? 🥺😻 and secondly i loved when sensei goes "oooh look, natori's pro-matoba~~" and natori is like "that's disgusting and wrong. i've never - it's none of your - you have the nerve, the audacity - matoba is my rival, technically. and he is terrible, face-wise." (i'm reading into it a little. BUT NOT THAT MUCH??) and okay i should have been writing down my thoughts because they're all jumbled up now but i remember just loving how casually matoba was like "yeah one time when i was here with natori..." WHICH IMPLIES that they were basically hanging out all the time as teens?? in contrast to natori's backstory chapter which makes it sound like after the three-horned ayakashi thing natori would just go to meetings and hear people talk about matoba but not actually see him. even the only other time we see them together in that chapter is when natori is asleep, so again it's sort of matoba who provides us with all information about their relationship outside of when they first met. WAIT NO natori waking up at his house somehow with only matoba there like DID HE CARRY HIM???? i'm losing it. i can't believe y'all have been dealing with this for years at this point. how do you do it? like can you refer me to a therapist. i am losing my hinges as we speak.
@howdydowdy u should know im sitting here cackling over a cup of tea and rubbing my hands together like those shady villains in a plush armchair but!!
secondly i loved when sensei goes "oooh look, natori's pro-matoba~~"
heheheheheheheheh :3
WAIT NO natori waking up at his house somehow with only matoba there like DID HE CARRY HIM????
princess-carried, according to our (delusional) popular fanon but. yea. u get it. you See it now!!!
im going to write a much longer detailed response to this when im not being buried in friday emails (doing my little matoba-esque chores) BUT I LOVE THAT U SENT THIS ASK TO ME, THANK U SO MUCH.....it means more to me than u knowww and also and okay i should have been writing down my thoughts because they're all jumbled up now
PLEASE DO. WRITE ONE FOR LIKE. the special chapter 17 and also the locked-room-house-loquats one i wanna understand allll your reactions and your favorite panels!!! of all!! time!!!!!! > :3c
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ctl-yuejie · 2 years
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coquelicoq · 1 year
some of y'all have really great usernames. not saying who though. so you can all assume it's you <3
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lanwangjihouse · 1 year
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tag of the week:
@howdydowdy :
#jiang cheng can't win. if he sits behind his brother he can see every little scheme and has to spend all his time deterring them ⋯ if he sits in front of his brother he feels a foreboding sense of doom creeping behind him at all times ⋯ it's a miracle he ever manages to learn anything at all with this guy around ❋   
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lovedaymorbid · 1 year
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Powell's Books workers in Portland Oregon will be going on strike. Powell's prides itself on being the largest "independent" book store in the US and being "like a family".
For the entire YEAR the Powell's corporation has refused to meet Union needs and denied every contract proposal. For about 6 months Powell's Workers have been working without a contract because of this. There have been several COVID confirmed cases at Powell's Burnside location as well and there is NO COVID relief pay or PTO for exposure or close contact.
I personally know several workers who have been treated horribly for months if not YEARS by the corporation. They do not care about their workers.
Thank you @howdydowdy for the transcript (yes they have been working without a contract since June)
[Image description: Screenshots of Instagram posts by @\ilwulocal5.
2: How to support striking Powell's workers:
Do not cross a picket line at any Powell's Books location on Monday, September 4.
Do not shop at any Powell's Books location on Monday, September 4.
Do not shop on powells.com on Monday, September 4.
Donate to the ILWU Local 5 Strike Fund: www.ilwulocal5.com/support
Sign our petition, letting Powell's leadership know you support workers' demands: bit.ly/tell-powells
3: 3 ways to support the ILWU Local 5 Strike Fund:
Shop through our Powell's Partner Link and 7.5% of the sale will go to the Strike Fund!
Sell books through our Powell's Partner Link and 7.5% of the amound you're paid will go to the Strike Fund (without reducing your earnings)!
Donate to the Strike Fund via PayPal or credit/debit card!
We've added a third option for supporting our Strike Fund: direct donations! Now, in addition to buying or selling books through our Powell's Books Partner Link, where 7.5% goes to the ILWU Local 5 Strike Fund, you can donate directly to the Strike Fund via PayPal or a debit/credit card!
ILWU Local 5 is getting bigger and it's important that our Strike Fund does the same, to ensure Local 5 members have every tool available to get the contracts they deserve. Please consider donating if you're able, and help us spread the word!
/end transcript
/end ID]
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uovoc · 1 year
Tagged by @howdydowdy: eight shows books to get to know me
Same imma do eight books instead of shows because while I have turbo obsessed over a fair share of shows they don't really say much about me as a person per se. Shows are more just blorbo type.
8 books:
1. Matthew Swift series by Kate Griffin. The love of the nitty gritty mundanity of life that pours out of the pages. Didn't realize how deeply ingrained it had become into my brain until I reread it years later and was like "ohhhhh so THAT'S where I got that idea from... I'd forgotten..."
2. The Sudden Appearance of Hope by Claire North. Woman who literally cannot be remembered makes her living as a professional phantom thief. Devastatingly thorough psychological portrait of the outcome of isolation and self-reliance.
3. Pretending to be Normal by Liane Holliday Willey. There's something about seeing certain experiences you thought were just you, turn out to be shared by someone else. The incredible feeling of knowing that someone out there gets it. There are passages I carry around in my heart to this day. I also carry them around physically because before I returned the book to the library, I photocopied chapters 3 and 4 and put them in a binder to keep forever.
4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It's a cliche but it's actually good. Another one of those that years later I looked back on and went "ohhhhh so THAT'S where I originally learned this behavior that is now habitual".
5. Wilderness and the American Mind by Roderick Nash (3rd edition). Technically a history of the American conceptualization of wilderness. Read part of it for a history class. Loved it so much I read the rest of the book, too. After this book and that class, I understood the point of studying history. It undid the years of damage caused by high school AP US History. It completely changed how I view environmentalism and the back-to-nature ethos.
6. Forest Dreams, Forest Nightmares by Nancy Langton. Similar to #5 above, but specifically about the history of forest management in the American Pacific Northwest. Also completely changed how I view natural resource management, both the practice and the administrative structures. Namely: there's no such thing as a healthy ecosystem, only desired system states with varying levels of stability. But on a deeper level: the idea that values taken as inherent truths are social constructs.
7,8. Slots 7 and 8 reserved for future usage. IDK it's hard to think of books that have been as personally resonant as those ones have. But the night is young. The future holds more books yet.
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littleragondin · 1 year
I keep forgetting I can't send links in asks... I know you're reading it already (sending thoughts and tissues) but I love this reading of the story a lot even if it's shortened (the planets especially).
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numinous-queer · 1 year
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We had our last day in court today to confirm the plan to reunify Sola with her bio mom this coming Tuesday. She’s at her first overnight visit right now, and I just hope and pray that it’s going well. Sola’s excitement to spend more time with her has been the real force that has carried us forward, and if she has a really bad time and gets scared to go spend time with her, I don’t have any plans or ideas to salvage the situation. This will be the first night we’ve been apart since we met kiddo, and I’m really worried I’m going to fall apart once it comes time to do her bedtime routine and she’s not here. I love her. She woke up and called me Daddy Jesse this morning, booped my nose repeatedly, and sang me a song she made up about not wanting to put shoes on. I don’t know how I’m going to survive waking up tomorrow to a silent house.
As I told @howdydowdy​, my wife and I are really living 15 minutes to 15 minutes at this point. How are we alive? We don’t know. 
Thank you so much to everyone for your kindness and support as we navigate this loss. We are growing hopeful that due to our positive relationship with bio mom we will be able to stay in the picture as Auntie and Uncle and try to fill up her life with as much love and time as we can without being her parents. We are working so hard to build a relationship with mom so that if things get bad for her again, she will think of us as safe people to bring her child to and spare Sola the direct experiences of housing and food insecurity. Mom explicitly told me today that she’s glad we plan to stick around, and that it’s great that the good grownups in her life will stay there for her. Hearing that was the first scrap of hope I’ve experienced for months, and I just hope it comes to pass.
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heavymetalchemist · 2 years
WIP Challenge
Post the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
I was tagged by @howdydowdy! Yay fun!
My current main WIP is getting posted regularly, so the last line has been posted, but here it is:
But that was part of trust, too.
As a bonus, though, have this line from my secret mingcheng project:
In the privacy of solitude, he sniffled miserably, unable to wipe his own face as tears streamed down his temples and into his hair.
I'm not sure how many people actually are working on stuff at any time, but I will guess! (and use the first much shorter sentence haha) @felinesomnambulist @chaotic---calm @desiderii @justacoyote @pangzi @helendamnationx @windcalling
No pressure for anyone if you don't like tag games/don't feel like doing it, and anyone not tagged feel free to snag!
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tagged by @howdydowdy <3 thankss!! i also don't watch a tonne of shows but i do watch a lot of films so i'm gonna do a combo of the two lol
8 shows/films to get to know me
borstal boy (2000(?) film) - watching this as a teen Changed me tbh... it also definitely gave me one of my first glimpses of a bisexual character on screen... also danny dyer plays a gay sailor in this i mean??? what more could you want lol (also feel like this film is equal parts depressing and hopeful which is my ideal kinda film lol)
the simpsons - i watched this religiously as a kid (every night at 6pm on channel 4 lol) so much so that my family makes jokes that everything i know i know from the simpsons lol...
would i lie to you? (uk panel show) - i feel like this show really explains a lot of my style of humour (i've literally nearly pissed myself whilst watching this show at times lol), plus i've had a crush on david mitchell for years which like no that isn't relevant to this list but i'm including it anyway... one of my fav clips is 'lee mack's keys' (give it a search on youtube it's hilar lol)
watership down (1970s animated film, i also love the book too btw) - the animation style of the very first part of this film has literally never left me, it's like ingrained onto my brain as the most incredible thing ever! the rest of the film is also amazing, albeit brutal at times which definitely fucked me up as a kid... esp that evil rabbit (wormwort?), pretty sure i was terrified of him lol
hook (1990s film (yes i know i could look up the exact date but i'm not gonna cos i'm lazy)) - this is one of the films that i know so many quotes from & me and my family use them to each other all the time lol (you're doing it peter! RUFIO RUFIO RU FI OHHHHH you're. afraid. you're. going. to. get. sucked. out. stop acting like a child!! i am a child!? RUN HOME JACK RUN HOME JACK wait...HOME RUN JACK HOME RUN JACK don't stop me smee don't stop me stop me smee stop me ... you get the picture lol) robin william's films just have a special place in my heart and this is one of the best imo
gayle (youtube comedy series) - it's embarrassing how much i think about this series & i literally rewatch it at least once every year so... i feel like that says a lot about me... idk WHAT exactly it says but it is.. it's a lot lol
i'm a cyborg but that's ok (2008(??) film) - if you asked me what my favourite park chanwook film is, you'd probs guess i'd pick the handmaiden, but you'd be so so so wrong, because THIS film is an absolute masterpiece that hasn't left me since my sister showed it to me like 10 years ago lol... it's about mental illness and stigma and grief and love and also rain (the singer) yodels in it whilst flying through the air it's great
labyrinth (1986 film (hey i actually remembered the date lol!) - i'm been thinking for ages what final thing to include and realised it had been staring me in the face: labyrinth, literally my favourite film of all time lol! it's equal amounts comedic, creepy, emotional, plus david bowie is there in ALL his glory (some may say too much glory but i'd tell them to shut their goddamn mouths lol)! the songs are amazing, the ballroom scene literally shaped who i am now.. it's a film about adolescence, siblings, it's about friendship and found family, it's about growing up but also keeping your childhood close at heart, should you need it... it's also about david bowie's bul- *gunshot*
that's all folks! i did try and not just include stuff that i'm nostalgic about, but unfortunately nostalgia is my middle name so most of these are things i've connected to for a very long time...
tagging (no pressure to actually do it ofc, the original prompt is 8 shows i think but you can essentially change it to 8 anything in my book lol): @dollopheadsandclotpoles @wovesaxe @micamicster @platypusplayhere @sylvasa @asoftspotforangels @zelvuska
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qserasera · 1 year
The Other Manga Volumes w/Horrible Exorcists in Them
Lmao, by popular demand (aka for @howdydowdy who somehow?? dropped by the bar by accident (i think), this is just a list of the more recent volumes that do feature horrible exorcists in them.
I already had a mini list of their manga chapters in my old shipping essay, so this is just a general update! im not actually fully caught up on everything so it's likely there are later chapters than these that have them....these would be the ones that have official english translations Volume 21: this features Special Chapter 17 (aka young natori and matoba near the end); this is only the second time they appear together besides special chapter 15 Volume 22: only one appearance at the very end of the volume in Special Chapter 19 featuring matoba at a bus stop Volume 23: PLEASE BUY THIS ONE....this has chapter 92, the house sealed with a promise or whatever....a chunky story arc which stars present-day matoba and natori in it, and [spoilers] loquats
Volume 25 and Volume 26: MUST BUY THESE TWO....MATOBA AND NATORI ARE BOTH ON THE COVER IN COORDINATING & DIFFERENT OUTFITS...the story stars hundreds of ceramic kittens like nyanko-sensei and also exorcist intrigue with both parties involved
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lastly, you did not hear it from me but i understand that later chapters 106-107 (no natori or matoba, but has exorcist lore), and ch 111-112 also has exorcists in them. supposedly :))
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suibianworks · 1 year
Tagged by @howdydowdy thanks for the tag! Always happy to help with music recs, and I hadn't yet listened to the two Stromae songs you mentioned in your post so thanks for those!
Current time: it's 7:12 pm and I keep meaning to eat dinner but I'm doing this instead lol
Current activity: before this I was listening to music!
Currently thinking about: thinking about what I want for dinner. And that I have to do dishes ugh
Current favourite song: ah it's way too hard for me to pick just one! For kpop, I'd have to say new jeans new album has got me hooked. Super shy and cool with you have been my favorites off it!
For non kpop I've been listening to hov1 - blå and estraden, Victor Leksell - bra för dig. They're both such pretty songs! Bra för dig especially gives me such nostalgic vibes
For songs in English/ mostly English: I've been getting into Afropop recently; shu-peru by kizz Daniel has been on repeat! Any recommendations appreciated as I know very little about this genre
Currently reading: morning star by pierce brown. It's the third book in a sci-fi dystopia trilogy that I've been meaning to read for many years now but just now got around to it. It's pretty good!
I'm also reading time to orbit unknown, another sci-fi dystopia. I may have a type. This one's online though! And the world building is amazing!
Currently watching: a league of Nobelman! Was craving a new c-drama to watch and I'd heard good things about this one. Only up to episode 12 but I'm enjoying it so far!
Current favorite character: from the show I'm currently watching? Definitely Zhang Ping. He's got so much naivety and blind hope for justice!
In general though I think my fav character right now is Shen Yuan/ Shen Qingqiu from the scum villain self saving system. He's fun to read about in many situations. Love reading fic from his POV, unreliable narrator my beloved
Current WIP: was working on a piece for my bathroom, but then discovered the amount of effort I'd have to put in for it to be waterproof. So I have yet to decide what to do with it when it's finished. Sigh. It's a little froggy under a mushroom in the rain! Turning out cute so far
Tagging some friends and long time moots: feel free to ignore! @cherryblossomshadow <3, @castiels-big-supernaturals, @starcatching, @leoparddoodle, @moist-rowlets
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damienthepious · 1 year
hey hey! if you're looking for murderbot meta, the discord is chock full of it: https://discord.gg/mf9ze9JzbV (not sure if/when this expires alas)
tumblrwise some big meta folks are/have been grammarpedant, uovoc, howdydowdy, brawltogethernow, tanoraqui, specialagentartemis, blessphemy, and iztarshi - I'm missing people for sure, and some of them may be less involved in the fandom these days, but tags are evergreen i feel like. also speaking of tags iirc the murderbot tag search on here is pretty popping for a small fandom especially
(also fdsghgj sorry for contributing to the tlt flood haha)
OwO yoooooooo thank you! i will definitely have to do some tag trawling lol, tho i might be.... a little too socially tapped/shy for another server. discord servers are to me like parties irl, i need like three friends who are gonna be there too or i panic and hide in the bathroom
(and no apologies about tlt!!! if i didn't want to see it so bad i'd just block the tag! it just ain't for me i think, but the art is always dope)
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winepresswrath · 2 years
@rozarria tagged me!
"Put your playlist on shuffle and post the first ten songs, then tag ten people. No skipping!"
1. Stop Your Sobbing, The Prentenders.
2. And You Wish for Yesterday, Rose Royce
3. Wedding Song, Hades
4. imagine, Ariana Grande
5. Hard Times, Paramore
6. Gimme Some Loving, Spencer Davis Group
7. I Want To Break Free, Queen
8. Pop Trash Movie, Duran Duran
9. Hunger, Of Monsters and Men
10. Down Here, The Mountain Goats
tagging @howdydowdy, @theleakypen @drwcn @amedetoiles and @cerusee if you're so inclined! Also anyone else who wants to give it a go. I'm very nosy and love to investigate other people's music.
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ctl-yuejie · 1 year
tagged by @howdydowdy ! thanks babe!
currently watching
hmmm...not really watching anything new at the moment. tried some episodes of several shows but nothing is really catching my attention...
rewatching a bunch of episodes of my school president and moonlight chicken. also re-watching those shows through reaction channels which is something i have never done before... for my schoolpresident i feel that it is so heartwarming for many “older” reactors to live their highschool life through this gay show and with moonlight chicken there are similar conversations on how your generation really informs your views on your sexuality in a social context. i have never watched so many reactors talk so much about how out of the closet they are and in what contexts and what kind of high school experience they wish they could’ve had.
i did rewatch some “word of honor” episodes because gong jun with red eyeliner has me in a chokehold. I want to watch some untamed to gif more, but my schedule is pretty busy as is.
looking forward to
i really need to watch GAP and there are a bunch of shows i’m interested in. Waiting for 23.5 and Only Friends.
Thailand and especially GMMTV is knocking it out of the park for me this year.
tagging anyone who feels like talking about their little shows <3
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deimos-the-wolf · 1 year
Tagged by @kyouka-supremacy, thanks for tag ☺️. As someone who hasn't watched a show on my own in a long time, I'm going to write books/manga, if you don't mind😅
8 shows books/manga to get to know me
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Demian by Herman Hesse
Bungou Stray Dogs by Kafka Asagiri
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Mdzs) by MXTX
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint by Sing-Song
Alice 19th by Yuu Watase
Bastard by Carnby Kim (I need more people to read this manwha, because it's a masterpiece. Check out Sweet Home and Shotgun Boy, you won't regret it [search the trigger warnings for all of these because they feature some heavy topics])
Deadman Wonderland by Jinsei Kataoka
Hope you enjoy it!☺️
No pressure tag: @howdydowdy, @amedetoiles, @bonesblubs, @loweater, @lansplaining and anyone else seeing this that wants to join in this challenge.
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