#however afraid she may be of him she's still his big sister
dyns33 · 8 months
Family business
I still need to watch the show but I wanted to do a Alfie Solomons x reader. I'm sure all the characters are ooc, so sorry about that.
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The good thing about being part of the Shelby family was that its members were very united because blood ties were sacred. The problem about being part of the Shelby family was the same thing.
Y/N often repeated it to herself, closing her eyes to keep her calm, while her brothers asked ridiculous or difficult things, considering that she didn't have the right to say no to them, just as they didn't have the right to tell her no either.
The fact that they didn't have the same mother didn't change anything. Their father may have been an asshole, but they were all Shelbys, united, hard-working, persevering, and here for each other.
They didn't often ask her things that would put her in danger. They were terribly protective of their little sisters, especially Arthur, but there were times when a feminine touch became essential to finalizing a deal or gaining someone's trust.
Almost no one knew that Y/N was a Shelby. Her mother had died when she was young and Polly had welcomed her into this strange world as soon as she learned that her idiot brother was her father. However, as soon as she was able to earn her own money, Y/N found a small place to live on her own, although she remained close to her family.
For Tommy, that made her perfect for a mission he'd had in mind for some time.
“I want you to become Alfie Solomons’ secretary.”
"Who ?" Y/N had asked, trying not to wince.
"It doesn't matter. He doesn't trust easily, but he's been having trouble managing his business for some time, too many unforeseen events, too many incompetent people. You are competent. Earn his trust, become indispensable, listen to his conversations, read his letters, and brings us all important information."
Y/N didn't know what important information was, even less so since she still didn't know who this Alfie Solomons was when she showed up at his office. Her brothers had decided that it was best for her not to know too much, not because she might be afraid, but because the man was very good at seeing through people. It wasn't very reassuring.
However, at first glance, Mr. Solomons did not seem that terrible. He showed a big smile when he saw Y/N, opening his arms and inviting her to come and sit down, offering her tea during their interview and listening attentively to everything she said. Despite his broken back, he insisted on walking her to the door, lowering her hand and declaring that he was delighted to have found his new secretary.
Two things quickly became quite clear after several weeks working with Alfie Solomons : he wasn't running a bakery at all, and he was perfectly charming.
Well, it happened that he shouted at certain employees, even hit them, and probably worse when there were no witnesses, but with Y/N, he was undoubtedly the most sweet and polite man. the sweetest in the world.
Even when she made mistakes, which didn't happen often, he would shrug his shoulders and say it was her fault, because he was asking a lot of her, before offering her a cup of tea and some biscuits.
Sometimes she would find flowers on her desk when she arrived in the morning.
“Slept well, love ?”
"Very well, Mr. Solomons, thank you. And you ?"
"Call me Alfie, love. And I haven't slept yet."
"Are you saying that so I don't wake you if I find you asleep again before a meeting, Mr. Solomons ?"
“I know you will do it no matter what, you cruel woman.”
When they didn't have too much work, they talked. Alfie Solomons had an opinion on everything, stories to tell, anecdotes or more or less strange questions on philosophical subjects as well as on perfectly futile or strange things. He often made her laugh, which seemed to please him.
On the contrary, he did not like it when another employee, client or business partner allowed themselves to be rude to his favorite secretary. It wasn't often, word had quickly spread about what Mr. Solomons did to those who misbehaved with Y/N.
For some, they were sleeping together. It didn't help that he often drove her home, even if it was only when it was very late, raining, or very cold.
Even though she promised them it wasn't true, her brothers were a little worried. They didn't like seeing Alfie hovering around their little sister like that, even if she brought them some interesting information thanks to her position.
It wasn't normal that she managed to have so much information, which worried them even more because Alfie Solomons really wasn't the type of man to take such a risk, so either he had discovered who she was and he was either giving Y/N wrong informationsn or he liked her so much he let her have everything.
The Shelby brothers didn't know which would be the worst. With all the information turning out to be true, they didn't know what to make of it.
Y/N didn't ask herself these kinds of questions, too busy with her work as a secretary, trying to keep her distance from her employer who was much too charming to be honest, and who was obviously not very appreciated by her family .
He sometimes asked her to marry him, but only as a joke, when she brought him a meal or when she forced him to put a pillow behind his back so that he wouldn't suffer the next day, or when She took care of his business perfectly.
Everything stopped after Arthur's beating.
The next day, Tommy called his sister to order her to leave. He was kind enough to apologize when he told her that she would probably have to move, but that she could always stay to Watery Lane with them while she found something, to make sure that Alfie wouldn't find her. Although he didn't see why he would look for her.
Solomons was disappointed to learn that his beloved secretary had to leave town for family reasons, but he seemed to understand, kissing her one last time on the hand and wishing her a good life.
“I guess it’s still a no for marriage ?”
"Mr. Solomons…"
"I know, I know, I'm just an old idiot. Take care, love. Shalom to your brothers and sisters."
Several months passed before this little sentence made sense to Y/N.
It hadn't shocked her, because the man talked too much for her to take in everything he said, it was only polite that he wished the best for his family, and she had been too busy not to show that their separation affected her.
Not seeming to see that she had become attached to the wandering Jew, Tommy did not warn her when it was decided to do business with him, against the Italians. He hadn't warned Arthur either, who wasn't happy to see Alfie again.
The meeting went well, from what Y/N understood. Alfie presented his "apologies" to Arthur, before agreeing to help him sort out their affairs with the Italians. He didn't ask for too much money, which surprised the brothers a little. He didn't hold them by the balls, it was the opportunity.
But no, he decided to be a gentleman, helping them in honor of old times. As he left, he only asked Tommy to greet his charming sister for him, winking.
The deal then no longer really mattered, because the Shelbys discovered something much more important. Solomons had discovered who he had hired as his secretary. He knew Y/N was one of them.
"… You're not serious. Thomas, you said it would be temporary."
"I know… I know ! Little sis, you have to understand that he is very dangerous. He is going to get revenge, he is going to hurt you and there is no way I am letting that happen."
“He won’t do anything to me.”
"It's business. He'll do it like he did to Arthur. You need to understand that you're not safe out there. Stay with us, stay home."
Y/N's worst nightmare was happening. Locked up with her family, without hope of independence or freedom. She should never have agreed to help Tom.
Unfortunately he seemed to be right, because she saw Ollie several times through the window, and other employees of the Bakery hanging around in the street. It was too risky to go out.
Then the flowers arrived. Deliveries of packages containing perfumes, books, tea. There was no need for him to sign them, but Alfie Solomons seemed to insist that the Shelbys understand that he knew full well where to find their sister.
Arthur wanted to kill him. John thought he needed to speak with this madman before it was too late. Tommy considered that just not bringing up the subject would make him calm down, too busy with other problems.
When the flu came, staying indoors protected no one. Ada brought the illness home and soon the most fragile members of the family were bedridden with fever.
A doctor came to examine them, to the surprise of the older brothers, who did not have enough money this month to pay for his services. He only said that they didn't need to worry about it, taking care of Finn, Ada, then Y/N, before going out without asking for a penny, leaving them with remedies and instructions.
The others' health improved quickly, but Y/N remained sick, shaking and sweating, sleeping for several hours before being awakened by nightmares, tired as if she hadn't slept for days.
One night, a hand on her damp forehead brought her out of her torpor. The hand remained still, only the thumb caressing her skin.
"You have to sleep, love. I brought tea, for your throat."
“Al… Alfie ?”
"Yes, love. Everything is fine, rest."
"It was you… who sent the doctor…"
"I wasn't going to let my favorite secretary die from a slight fever. Why isn't anyone at your bedside ? I don't like it, I'm going to have a word with your brothers."
Arthur and Tommy would undoubtedly have taken this as a threat, Solomons managing to enter their home and sneak up to their little sister's room without being seen, then being able to do her all the harm he wanted.
Y/N knew he wasn’t going to hurt her. It had been obvious for several weeks that he didn't intend to, with all these ridiculous gifts and letters, where he kept asking her if he wanted to marry her. He was having fun, nothing more. He continued to tease her, while scaring the Shelbys.
"It's not very nice." Y/N whispered, trying to keep her eyes open.
“It’s too easy to annoy them, it’s not my fault.”
“I wasn’t talking about that.”
"Ah. You see, love, I don't know what to do about it anymore. I did everything to make you see that I was serious, I who never seem serious. I knew it would be difficult at first, because you thought I didn't know who you were. I knew before I hired you. Then you left, I thought I was going to die, but I told myself that now that you weren't working for me anymore , if I said that I knew, then it would be easier. What should I do ? Buy a horse ? A trailer ? There is a gypso rite that I don't know to ask for the hand of a woman ? I have to go and see Arthur and duel him ? I can do it, he doesn't scare me, love. I can go right now."
"No… Stay with me…" she begged him, holding out her hand, coughing again.
Unable to not get agitated when he was speaking, Alfie Solomons had stood up to show that he would go to her brother's room to beat his face, but he immediately sat down next to Y/N, I took her hand which he kissed with all the tenderness he was capable of.
“Stay with me…” she repeated miserably.
"Yes, love, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, I'm here."
And he was still there when she opened her eyes the next morning, holding her hand and smiling as her fever seemed to be going down. The moment was slightly ruined by Finn, who wanted to see if she was better and who screamed when he saw Solomons. Alfie yelled louder, even if it was to order the bellowing to stop because Y/N needed to rest.
This of course alerted the entire Shelby family, who ran into the room.
At first, Alfie refused to leave. He promised he would stay, so he would stay.
Then, seeing Y/N's pleading look who didn't want anyone to get hurt, he sighed as he agreed to follow the brothers into the kitchen, for a discussion, but only if he was allowed to come back to see her to say goodbye to her afterwards.
"If I didn't kill you first…"
"Oh, Arhur. Shalom ! Glad to see you haven't lost your humor !"
Ada stayed with her sister, helping her to drink, rubbing water on her forehead, and not being able to stop herself from asking her what had happened. Y/N reassuring her, explaining that Alfie had sent the doctor, that he wasn't dangerous, not at all.
Unlike the others, Ada did not take care of their brothers' less than legal affairs. She understood that this Solomons was not a good person, but neither of them were, and he seemed very attached to Y/N.
"And you ? What do you think of him ?"
"He's a fool."
"I see. You like him. Do you think Tommy would be alright with you dating ?"
"I'm afraid Alfie doesn't care about Thomas' approval." Y/N sighed, trying to hear if any screams were coming from downstairs. "He is very stubborn."
"I thought I noticed, with all these gifts. If he asks you to marry him, I want to be a bridesmaid."
“He’s asked me before, several times.”
“Damn, Y/N, Arthur is going to have a heart attack.”
Fortunately, the eldest did not have a heart attack, but he initially refused to believe Solomons' sincere feelings. The others were skeptical too. As she predicted, it didn't matter to Alfie, who only cared about her opinion.
He also pointed out that only Y/N had the right to order him to leave, by telling him that she never wanted to see him again. One word from her, and he wouldn't bother them anymore. But a yes, and he would be the happiest man in the world.
“With a beautiful family of fucking gypsos, but the happiest all the same.”
“She will never say yes to you !” John replied.
"Fucking hell, still speaking for her. Let's ask her. But not now, she still needs to recover. Leave her alone."
The brothers did not obey, waiting until the wandering Jew had kissed Y/N's hand and finally left to question her in turn, despite Ada's protests.
Only Tommy remained near the bedroom door, watching his sister in her bed. When their eyes met, he seemed to ask her a silent question, and she felt tears forming, unable to hide her answer.
He nodded, before whistling to tell everyone to get out. He said nothing, only smiling tenderly as he closed the door, leaving her alone with his blessing.
When Alfie Solomons would be back, with a white horse, new flowers and his proposal, she could say yes to him if she wanted, without fear of war. Because even though business was important, family was more important, and if Y/N was happy with him, then no one could say anything against that.
Her future husband only had to remember that if he hurt one of them, her the first, he would pay for it.
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
I Got You, Little Wolf (Reader x Tywin)
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Look man I did my best for this so please cut me some slack, I really do hope you guys like it cause I went through a writers block while trying to do it.
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“You are a stark, that’s all that matters to me”
“Father said you were also a soldier, the only woman he is afraid of when she is around sharp objects”
“Good, your father needs to be afraid of something”
“You always speak of the north yet you never say why you came here”
“I was a prisoner sweet boy, I was brought in front of you father by a guard who dragged me in the castle”
“Allow me to explain my little wolf”
“Let me go you bastard”
The hound ignored the girls empty threats as he held on to her upper arm with an iron grip before he left her to crumble at the floor in front of the king and queen mother. (Y/n) lifted herself up to get on her feet, her hands were tied with a rope already bruising her wrists, still (y/n)s eyes burned with anger as she viewed the young boy that sat on the throne in an arrogant manner.
“There she is, the young wolf, (y/n) stark the twin of robb”
“Did you drag me here to show you know my family history line or are you just surprised you can remember stuff?”
“How dare you speak to your king like that”
“The north knows no king expect the king of the north, my family that you slaughtered”
She spat back, she herself was even surprised they brought her here before they execute her like they did her father, she had made peace with dying when she saw her twin brother lay dead at his own wedding, however she would not go down without giving them a piece of her mind.
“Your treacherous family betrayed my father and you were stupid enough to think you could go against us”
“Were you dropped on your head as a child? Cause certainly there is no way you actually believe that you are so invisible because your fat ass sits on a big chair, useless little boy”
“You will pay for this you bitch”
Joffrey marched at the girl to strike her in his mind he wanted to teach her a lesson for her insults, he had not gotten far when he got interrupted by the doors agape revealing his grandfather, the hand of the king.
Tywin took a few steps and investigated the scene, it seemed like the stark had already caused a stir, her dress was tarnished and she was in much need of a proper bath, mud or smoke staining her skin, what he also noticed was that the stark showed no signs of fear, she held eye contact with the old lion with her back straight in perfect line.
The moment that Tywin came close her face scowled with hatred, Tywin could not remember the last time someone showed their true feelings towards him, it was almost refreshing to see.
“The young wolf in chains, what a glorious sight”
“I am glad you find this entertaining old man”
“Careful now, that is not a way to speak to your future lord husband”
Joffrey and (y/n) said in unison. Tywin remained stoic as usual, foolishly and arrogantly Tywin moved his hand up to touch her chin only for him to quickly retreat it to protect his finger from (y/n)s teeth, the wretched Stark tried to bite him. The room roared with Tywins laughter, Joffrey shared a look of worry with his mother, neither Cersei or Joffrey had seen him laugh like this.
“You don’t only bark but you also bite, such a clever girl, you will make a wonderful lady of the rock”
“I would rather pull out my own womb and eat it than marry a Lannister”
“I am afraid you have no choice, marry or die along with your sisters, you may not care about your life but do you really want your sisters to come with you?”
Like most tales start, the princess was locked in a tower, sadly the Prince Charming was nowhere near and the monster -in this case the lion- would be taking his place. The fury in her burned her chest, she had tried everything, restrain from eating, threatening to jump off the tower, attack the guards, Tywin was always one step ahead.
Although the lord hand was smart, he was not a woman, to be a woman meant you had the natural skill of landing jabs under the belt, jabs that a man would never consider still they were the ones that hurt the most.
(Y/n) was seen smiling bright at their wedding ceremony, guzzling wine and dancing with every lord that had thrown themselves to dance with the young she-wolf, the dress was an excellent choice and in combination with her hair she looked like the embodiment of a fairytale.
Tywin could not believe his eyes, the girl had offered her time and smiled to every lord except her, he was ready to drag her out of here in front of everyone when the insufferable littlefinger lifted her up in the air by the waist, the bride wooed at the gesture, she was even seen blushing.
Luckily for Tywin, Cersei had stepped up to the Stark girl, interrupting her dance to talk to her new stepmother, a word Cersei would rather cut her tongue herself than say.
“Lady (y/n), welcome to our family, as a stark I would like to know what it is like to be married to a lion?”
“Unnecessary and oddly boring, wolves prefer to stick with their own”
She replied without even sparing a peep at Cersei which infuriated the queen mother, how dare she face the queen mother with such dismissive demeanour
It was bad enough that her father allowed the bitch to live now she took her late mothers place, her new step mother could be her daughter, Cersei always admired her father still she could not wrap her head around the motive behind it.
“I believe it is time for us to go”
“You may go, I wish to stay”
Tywin had allowed her temper to somewhat unleash when it came to Joffrey or Cersei, anyone but him, now his lady wife was dangerously stretching the rope, to play with a lion was as safe as jumping over a fire, he had already extended his kindness by just seeking her out to the dance floor after countless hours and numerous lords being able to touch her, he would not turn a blind eye when she disrespected him further.
(Y/n) yelped when Tywin latched his hand around her bicep as discreetly as possible to force her into walking out by herself, give her the option of keeping her dignity instead of acting the way he truly wanted, she stumbled at first firstly because she was distracted and the other reason was that she had gotten drunk by downing all the goblets of wine she could find since she started getting dressed.
The moment (Y/n) was safely tucked away from the prude eyes of Westeros she protested only to be met by Tywin throwing her over his shoulder, she whined at the impact of her stomach landing on the man’s shoulder with enough force to cause some bruises, quickly the pain was replaced with embarrassment, her face turned as red as roses when she saw servants scurry away while giggling.
“Put me down you old bastard”
She was only met with a smack across her bottom to silence her, instead it caused her irritation to grow, her solution was to start banging the mans back as hard as she possibly could.
Tywin basically threw her across his bed, what he did not expect was for (y/n) to be so quick on her feet and slap him across the face, she was strong enough to make his head turn from the impact, not strong enough to cause more than a decent sting.
(Y/n) rose up to attack Tywin once more, unfortunately for her Tywin was a skilled warrior, he caught her arms and forced her to lay on the bed by putting half of his weight on her.
“I should cut your tongue for that”
(Y/n)s response was to spit on the man’ face, for a split second he considered throwing her to the lions, he resorted with grabbing her by the waist with his one arm and a fistful of hair with the other with her back to his chest.
“Why the hostility little wolf? I offer you a slice of heaven and you throw it back in my face”
“What part of this resembles heaven to you?”
“Our children will rule winterfell, you are the heir of the north, if you kill me war will ensue but if you lean on me and I swear together we’ll prevail”
Winterfell, home. The words made circles in her head as her legs gave up, Tywin slowly let her touch the ground as his hand was still around and the once forceful grip on her hair had gone to a gentle caress of her locks, he had heard of the young wolfs beauty along with her bravery, at the time he had dismissed it, once he heard her bark at Joffrey an act that no one seemed to have the balls to do.
He was mesmerised, such a pretty little thing, the courage she held within her could burn all the seven kingdoms, anyone that had her by her side would be considered lucky, it was at that time that he thought of a wedding with her.
“I got you little wolf”
Call it stupidity or an urge to find home within strangers or just an act of drunkness. (Y/n) peered at the man that held her with such softness, the anger disappeared and tiredness of fighting, of surviving took its place in her heart, she needed to rest, to feel protected.
It had been the first time in years that Tywin was caught off guard by somebody, when (y/n) landed her lips on him he felt like he was thrown into a cold river from the shock, he quickly recovered to respond to her hesitant kiss while he laid her on the ground, Tywin was not known for his patience so it was only natural from him to take out his dagger and rip the gown right in the middle, leaving (y/n)s body exposed.
Tywin caressed her breasts with his fingertips, astonished at how perfect she was, any man would dream of laying with a woman like her, viewing her biting her lip when her hand found his shirt to pull him to her almost felt like he was just dreaming.
They laid on the floor all night, the stark was truly was a starving wolf in all her glory, her thirst and stamina were endless, he had thought she would want to take things at a slow pace, he had been corrected, her temper slowly creeped in as she became rough by the minute.
Tywin relished her when she took the upper hand, she was a delight to watch, listening to her cries of desires aroused him even more, she devoured the man until he had to physically force her to stop, he was certain anyone within the castle would listen to the girls groans and moans of pleasure.
“Oh there she is the beautiful lady of the rock”
A young girl approached (y/n) when she sat at the table for breakfast near the garden, to step foot outside your doorstep in the north meant you would have to wear layers of fur, here she could at least enjoy the rays of sunshine with only a light dress.
“It is an honour to meet you lady (y/n), I am margaery tyrell”
“I have heard of you lady margaery, the lady of the roses, it is nice to see another woman close to my age here in the castle”
(Y/n) had waited for the moment she could throw her young age in Cerseis face, her new step daughter was a few steps behind Margaery, the Lannister responded with a tight lipped smile with internal curses directed to (y/n), she was the wife of her father and as powerful as she thought of herself the stark was under the only person Cersei feared, her father.
“Would you mind if I joined you for breakfast?”
“I could use the company, please have a seat, both of you”
The Tyrell girl moved her chair so she can find a seat right next to the new Lannister lady, Margaery expected her to be cheerful especially after the whispers of the couples antics were the servants found the bed covers on the floor, ripped clothing and a dagger laying near by, along with some splashes of blood on the carpet instead of the mattress.
(Y/n) wanted to smash her head against the wall, the wine sounded like a good choice at the time, now her mind was pulsating from sleeping just for a couple of hours, Cersei took the time that (y/n) rubbed her temples with her fingers to examine her.
(Y/n) looked exhausted, she had shrunk in her seat and had even brought her legs up to her chest to shrivel up some more, Cersei never thought she would see the day were another woman made her uncomfortable, the adventurous of her fathers consummated marriage had reached her ears the minute she had gotten out of her bed, she had to hold herself from throwing up at the thought of her father bedding another woman, let alone a Stark.
“Such delicious treats you have here my lady, oh I am parched”
“Not this one”
(Y/n) was suffering from overindulging, thankfully she had managed to master enough strength to act instantly when Margaery went for the small pot of tea (y/n) had specifically requested. Margaery gave a look of confusion to the lady Lannister as Cersei leaned in, what was it that made (y/n) so territorial.
“I’m sorry lady Margaery it is a tea one of house from the north brought for me as a gift, unfortunately the amount was not as grand as it should be, I am savouring it”
“That is alright lady (y/n) it is perfectly normal to be homesick, especially after arriving under such cruel circumstances, I never got the chance to say my condolences”
“Why you honour me my lady, do not beat yourself up over the matter, you are the first and most likely the only one to do so”
Margaerys lips stiffened at the words (y/n) had spoken, instinctively the ginger haired beauty reached to hold the Starks hand, a small sign of alliance and mutual respect, (y/n) was a honourable woman and a defiant character, Margaery had an eye for beauty and a nose for talent, if it was anyone she needed by her side it would be (y/n).
“It is too beautiful of a day to dwell over past events”
“My apologies queen mother, I did not realise my grief over my entire family line would ruin your moment of soaking up the sun”
You would have to be blind and deaf to not understand that the angry man that was turning over the corner was like a simmer pot overflowing with anger. He had the attention of the three ladies ever since he made his presence known, as he came to the table his first move was to reach over for (y/n)s teapot, (y/n) was the only one that did not move a muscle when the man smashed the pot on the ground, making the liquid spill and stain Cerseis gown.
“Moontea!? You stupid girl, you thought you could ask the servants to smuggle such a herb without me knowing?”
“Leave us”
(Y/n) dismissed the girls and servants, Cersei and Margaery gave them some privacy, leaving the couple right when Tywin walked on her side of the table, with a clean swipe of his arm most of the plates had smashed on the ground and replaced by (y/n), she did not have time to protest when Tywin spread her legs to stand between them, forcefully he gripped her by the chin, their eyes burning holes into one another
“I did what was best for me”
“Is that so? Was that the best choice for your sisters? How long has it been since you saw them last? I suppose the executioner stand could be a nice place for a reunion”
“I will not bring an heir until I am certain you meant what you said last night”
“About winterfell?”
(Y/n) nodded instead of speaking. Tywin sighed while he shook his head in disbelief, Tywin was lord of things but he wasn’t a liar, if she gave him an heir and binds his blood with hers he would stop at nothing for his family, she deserved the seven kingdoms not just winterfell, he did not spare her life just to have her on his bed he could have bought a whore for that, no she was the only person Tywin saw (y/n) as a genuine equal to his intellect.
“My dear wife, you are by far the most annoying person I’ve crossed paths with and ever since you stepped foot in this castle you have been nothing but a pain as you strut with your insufferable attitude and sharp tongue no matter who you talk to you tick them off in a mere seconds… that is what I love about you”
“Everyone has a villain they look up to I suppose”
“I broke my rules for you little wolf, I saw something in those eyes of yours, not only do you have the guts to play this game you might also have what it takes to win it”
“So you resort to filling me up with your seed so we will be tied through our children”
Tywin held his though for a moment, he released her from his grasp as his hand ever so softly caressed the skin of her neck down to gracing over her chest, finally he snaked his arm around her waist that earned him a slight squeal that escaped from the young wolf.
(Y/n) kept her gaze into his eyes, he was a man that was not particularly charming, he was intriguing, something about him slowly lured you in, he was a man so distinguished and with such confidence in himself that you could never forget him nor what he made you feel while being around you.
Tywin thought she was made for him, such elegance with just the right amount of danger, her gaze was full of self reliance to the point that with just one glance she could make you second guess yourself, his new wife was a riddle that made his head spin, she could burn you with her passion while she offered you an unforgettable night or kill you in your sleep, a risk only a man like Tywin was willing to take.
“I will feel you up with my seed for two reasons, in hopes that we won’t only have a son but a daughter that has your thick head so you can understand what it is like when someone is trying to knock some sense into it and second because last night was a glimpse of your many hidden talents I yearn to discover”
Requests are open!
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selenacosmic · 11 months
May I have a Teen MC request pls in which MC pulls a Mulan (by secretly dressing up as one of her brother's soldiers and causing an avalanche onto the enemy)? Of course, she gets caught by the said Warlord as she tries to escape during the battle (so it would appear as if she never left the campsite). I know that the Warlords would both be angry yet impressed by her stunt (and that she's also okay).
Thnks anyway!
Hello! And yes, I agree. This is a really cool and interesting concept. Thank you for the request!
Teen!MC pulling a mulan.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
It’s needless to say that Nobunaga wouldn’t be very happy… at first glance. He will use his authoritative voice when he calls you, which will make you scared and sure that he will scold you. The serious way he is looking at you also doesn’t help.
However, before you can try to explain, Nobunaga will pat your head and congratulate you, a wide smirk on his face. His little sister is very fierce, after all.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Hideyoshi will raise his voice, though not too much, when scolding you. He will look more like a parent than your older brother, his hands will be on his hips as he nags.
What if you got hurt? What if the enemy attacked you? What if that avalanche had managed to bury you? He can’t stress enough reasons as to what could have happened.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
Mitsuhide will be surprisingly serious for once, asking you if you even have a brain between your ears. He isn’t one to scold, that’s Hideyoshi’s job, but you were in serious danger.
However, even though he will be angry, he will still praise you for doing a good job, even if it was a sloppy one.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Ieyasu isn’t one to nag either, but he will make you feel bad, he was worried about your safety and couldn’t believe you would sneak in as one of his soldiers.
Still, Ieyasu can’t stay angry at his young sister, so he will pat your head and tell you to go to your tent and reflect on what you did.
Mitsunari Ishida.
You might think Mitsunari won’t scold you, right? Wrong, he will. The difference is that he won’t be scary while doing so. Instead he will go on about how much he was worried and how important you are to him, Mitsunari will become more clingy towards you as to make sure you don’t leave his side.
You will feel a bit bad for making Mitsunari worry so much, he truly was afraid of losing his sister.
Masamune Date.
Masamune will be… conflicted, he doesn’t know whether he should praise you or ask if you are crazy.. which will also receive praise from him. He believes that it is important that you have surviving skills like that, since he wasn’t sure if he could be by your side to protect you.
He can’t really stay mad at you, so he will encourage you (which will make Hideyoshi scold him for being a bad influence).
Ranmaru Mori.
Ranmaru isn’t one to scold at all, instead he will hug you tightly while saying how worried he was, he isn’t used to being a big brother so he isn’t sure how to go on about scolding you.
He will more likely pout at you while making an attempt at scolding you, which will remain an attempt.
Keiji’s mask will fall, he will scold you a lot, clearly angry that you were that reckless. Sure, he will praise you for your idea, but that doesn’t change the fact that you almost died.
He will wait to calm down first so that he can praise you properly.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Kenshin will be another one who will be conflicted, on one hand he is proud of his little sister for fending their enemies like that, with such a great plan, but on the other hand he almost lost you. He won’t have the heart to scold you, instead he will tighten security around you.
Shingen Takeda.
Shingen will be on the same page as Kenshin, but instead he will be able to scold you properly. He doesn’t raise his voice but makes his worries clear (aka I am not mad, just disappointed).
He will praise your idea, though. You managed to think fast in a situation like that… maybe he should train his little sister in the arts of war.
Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura will have more reason to call you a boar girl, crazy enough to defeat a whole army by starting an avalanche. He will also see potential for you to train with him, but don’t think he isn’t panicking.
He will ask if you really are crazy, only to receive a hit on his arm from you.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
Yoshimoto doesn’t scold, and that’s because he has no energy for it. He will, however, give you the silent treatment for a while until you apologize for sneaking in battle. Then he will pull you into a tight hug, happy that you were ok.
It’s hard to know whether Sasuke is scolding you or praising you. He will be more worried, while also saying you were just like mulan.
He is the kind of big brother that wouldn’t scold you, but would remind you to be more careful the next time you do something like this.
You thought Hideyoshi was scary when scolding? Kanetsugu is worse. He will not only scold you but he will also punish you by grounding you to reflect on what you did. Perhaps it becomes worse because of the tone of his voice and how serious his face was.
Lone forces.
Motonari Mouri.
Motonari will give you a light hit on the back of your head, nothing that would really hurt but it caught your attention. He will scold you angrily, not happy that you tried doing something reckless.
Still, he recognizes your talents, so he will warm up to the idea of training you, you had a lot to learn from him.
Kennyo scolds but not in a scary way… much. He really just tries telling you that you are still too young to be running off to battle like that, not experienced enough and that if you were only patient enough, he would teach you how to be a soldier.
… on second thought, you are his little sister, no way would he want you anywhere near the battlefield.
Kichou’s approach would be much like Nobunaga’s, but instead of unexpectedly praising you, he will give you the scolding of your life, to the point where you call him “sir” or “lord” instead of big brother.
Deep down it all comes from genuine worry.
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duckieduccss · 2 months
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Sleepy heads💤
Quick doodle i made while i decided on what my next big art post should be. (I think i might know *WHO* it might be)
On another note, i thought maybe i should talk about my own headcanons for MY versions of the “Godzilla siblings”:
Minilla’s the older brother while Junior’s the youngest sister (im still keeping trans Junior as canon in my version of events). Minilla does his best to be the best older brother he can be (though not always successful at it). He’s still very scared at being confronted by bigger problems. Even more so when it’s an opportunity to prove he can be strong & look out for his younger sister. Feeling unable to do a lot of things whenever he fails. However, thanks to Junior, he is always shown to be very important to her still. Her constantly encouraging him to never give up & that she’ll always believe in him. This always has helped in boosting his confidence
Junior is very much the opposite where she’s not afraid to speak her mind & help those in need. She’d be more than happy to protect her brother, no matter how small she may be compared to him. In reality, she sees Minilla as being very brave to still keep fighting in improving for her own sake. She looks up to him & ofc loves him very much
When it comes to sleeping, Minilla has always struggled with proper sleep. Such as having reoccurring nightmares or simply feeling restless. However being close to Junior & going as far to hugging her in their sleep, always seemed to comfort him in feeling more peaceful & happier. In return it made her feel happy to be close to him as they were. So its pretty common to see them hug while falling asleep to reassure each other that they were safe while they slept alongside Godzilla as well
[I personally like this headcanon & id probably like to go more into the bond these two share as siblings later on ^^]
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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PAIRING: nishimura riki x fem!reader
SUMMARY: you've always despised nishimura riki. ever since he decided to jump onto the next girl when you broke up with him. your love for him lingered and you missed him. however, you knew he didn't like you anymore. or maybe he still did?
WARNINGS: this decently angsty and honestly idk what I even wrote. cursing and tons of them! very childish fighting between ni-ki and you. my brain can't comprehend wtf i wrote. kissing! idk if that's a warning.
WORD COUNT: 4.8K words
taglist[perm]: @ja4hyvn @ahnneyong @milklix @kar0ki @sugarsunoo
a/n: okay I lied. this has been in my drafts since 2022 but like still it’s been a year😀oh i didn't exactly proofread this. i did check the grammar a little whilst trying to write but it's not fully proofread.
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you pushed yourself off the ground, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. the mirrors were fogging up, a true sign of hard work had been done.
“great job (name). that would be all for today.” heeseung, a senior of the dance club, says. you smiled at him.
“thank you sunbae.” heeseung chuckles.
“you don’t have to call me sunbae (name)-ah. we can speak casually, of course i’m still older than you so you have to use a little formality.” you shyly looked away.
“o-oh alright heeseung sunba-i mean heeseung oppa.”
“better.” he ruffles your hair.
“hey hyung, are you done with her? jay hyung has been looking for you.” ni-ki says.
you gave him a hard glare. now, you may ask who was this ni-ki guy. well he was nishimura riki, a classmate of yours.
heeseung nods and he sends a small smile to you before leaving the place. ni-ki rolls his eyes.
“you do realise heeseung hyung has a girlfriend right?”
“yeah.” you in fact did not hence you formed a painfully obvious crush on him. “why do you care anyways?” you growled at ni-ki.
“jeez calm down tiger, I just noticed how you always try too hard to get heeseung hyung to notice you. it’s clear he has already set boundaries between you and him. he sees you as his little sister.”
“shut the fuck up.” ni-ki smirks.
“and what if I don’t, lee?”
“well nishimura, both you and I know this wouldn’t end nicely so I suggest you shut the fuck up before I make you.” you stare at him hard.
“think I’m afraid of you Lee? just cause your brother is Lee Minho? captain of the dance club? your dear brother loves me (name)-ie.”
you gave ni-ki the finger and left with your things.
ah the dynamic between you and the boy. the tension was too high, even your brother thought so.
“that’s where you are, what took you so long.” minho whines.
“save that whining for jisung. ah wait, forgot you are probably stuffing your tongue down his throat instead.”
“yahhh what’s with the uptight behaviour?”
“you know why Minho.”
“you and riki kid again? oh lord, you two are like cats and water. enemies.”
“you’re just saying that because soongie wouldn’t get in the bath water.”
“cut her nails then.”
“what? no! she has to use those nails to attack anyone I hate. I’m training her, she’s our fiesty lion.”
“and how is training going?” you looked over at Minho.
“not well…”
“there’s your answer, let her live. she probably already hates you more than ever.”
“now why would I want that demon child to kiss me?”
“the tension (name), do you not feel it?”
“no mr.krabs, I am not feeling it. the only tension I’m feeling is our hatred for each other.”
“yeah but that tension can be something more…like sexual tension.” you gave your big brother a smack on the head.
“we are 17, Lee Minho. get your mind out of the fucking gutter. moreover, I would never kiss someone like nishimura.”
“oh you two go by first name basis, watch him call you Mrs.Nishimura.”
“in your dreams.”
“BABEEE!!!” jisung clings onto Minho’s arms. minho leaves a cute little peck on the boy’s lips.
“ugh you two are disgusting.” you grumbled.
“hyungie, think we should find a boyfriend for (name)? she’s kinda extra spicy today.” jisung says.
“ay fuck you, you’re lucky you’re my brother’s boyfriend or else I would have roundhouse your ass a long time ago.”
“hyungie, she scares me.” jisung hides behind minho.
“(name), please don’t scare jisung. Oh and sungie, she just finished an argument with riki and she’s tired from dance practice. just let her live okay?”
“but she needs to release her tension.”
“you and everyone else are the same. I already told you that me and nishimura do not have any sort of tension besides the hatred we have for each other!”
“then if you don't, why don’t you go out and find a boyfriend? I bet you’d be a hundred percent way more happier.” jisung says.
“I would’ve had a boyfriend if I wasn’t a coward and confessed to heeseung sunbae and if he didn’t have a girlfriend!” you yelled. you froze after saying so.
“you like heeseung?” your brother says.
“minho, please don’t tell him. it’s no use of telling him if he already has a girlfriend.”
“he doesn’t have a girlfriend the last time I checked?” jisung says.
“who told you that?” jisung asks.
both minho and jisung shared a knowing look.
“(name), have you ever thought riki might have a crush on you? hence he said heeseung had a girlfriend?”
“what? why would he like me when he fucking hates my guts.”
“look (name), both you and riki are really dense and we hate it. we can tell the both of you like each other.” jisung says.
“you’re talking fucking nonsense, jisung.”
“(name).” minho looks at you.
“just drive me home and then you can go on your little date with jisung.” you shut your brother down. Minho sighs.
“alright, you’re okay with being alone at home with the cats right? mom and dad won’t be home early tonight.”
“are they ever home early?” minho wanted to answer but he couldn’t because it was true, when were they ever home.
he drives you home and drops you off. he rolls down the window.
“how about you order something if you’re hungry or-”
“i’m not going to the nishimura’s.”
“mrs.nishimura is usually home so if you want some home cooked food. I suggest going over.”
“yeah yeah. have fun on your date you two.” you rolled your eyes.
“(name), don’t do anything okay?” minho says.
“like what? have sex? that’s what you two are gonna do.”
“we aren’t-(name)!” jisung blushes.
“just get in the house, dork.” minho says.
“yes, my dear brother.” you bowed and went to open the door.
you entered your home and were instantly swarmed with Minho’s cats.
“doongie, dori where is your sister?” you asked the two cats. dori meows and walks, seems like it was trying to lead you somewhere.
you followed the cat and well you found someone in the backyard petting soongie.
“nishimura riki.” you mumbled under your breath. you watched him smile and pet the tabby cat. it rubs itself on the boy happily, tail curling in happiness.
why did he look so cute? wait-
the boy senses a presence looking at him and as such, he looks up. you stay frozen in your spot. he stands up and opens your back door.
“had fun staring (name).” ni-ki smirks.
“fuck off.”
“how cute, got you all flustered huh.” he teases.
“very funny. why would you get me flustered, nishimura.” you rolled your eyes.
“well, lee. if a good looking guy like me enters someone’s home and they are alone…why wouldn’t any girl get flustered?”
“that just makes you a pervert.” you bite back. ni-ki scoffs.
“fair enough. anyways, I’m here cause my mom told me to call you and your brother over but seeing as to how he left with his boyfriend…you’re home alone.”
“I can handle being home alone myself. I’m not a baby.”
“you wouldn’t be saying that when you were 13.” you gave the boy a sharp glare.
“I told you to not talk about when we were 13. also, can you stop bringing up the past? the past where you hurt me?”
“when did I ever hurt you?” ni-ki says.
“when we fucking broke up.”
“we were young, we both made mistakes. there is nothing for you to dwell over the past we had.” ni-ki rolls his eyes.
“you’re right. I shouldn’t dwell over it but I can’t stop these feelings.” a tear falls. “get out. you’ve already hurt me enough and you’ve lied to me a lot. there is no point of us seeing each other anymore.”
[flashback, 4 years ago]
both you and ni-ki were young and very much in love. no one knew you two dated, everyone only assumed you two were best friends. not even your family or his. which was weird considering the amount of time you two spent together, guess no one really cared.
he was popular with everyone and you were decently acquainted with everyone. there were tons of sneaky dates at the library and maybe cute little pecks here and there. they were innocent of course. that’s how your love was, an innocent puppy love.
but you wanted something more…serious. you sincerely loved ni-ki. you wanted it to continue in the future years and you even thought about marrying him. you were too in love with him. however, ni-ki just wanted something casual. he was too immature and young to think about getting in a serious relationship.
so he has never admitted he loved you. yeah, he confessed but he hasn’t said ‘I love you’. one day, you had confronted him.
“I love you, ni-ki.” you say.
the boy sits there stunned.
“love? don’t normally people who are in a serious relationship say that?” he questions.
“are we not in a serious relationship?” you asked. the boy laughs.
“why would we be? we are young. I still haven’t grown a beard!”
“so you don’t love me?”
“I like you but that doesn’t mean I realise that I want to truly like you with my full heart.”
“I still have many other girls after me, you don’t have to be the only girl I like. besides, we are also best friends. it’s kinda weird still.” he says.
“let’s break up.” you say not looking up at ni-ki.
“okay.” you looked up at him. how could he so casually say that? “i’ve been meaning to start dating aria from our class anyways. think I should ask her out now?”
no remorse whatsoever. that’s when your hatred grew for him.
“go ahead and fucking date her. I’m not your girlfriend anymore and neither am I your best friend anymore.” you threw the necklace. the necklace signified your friendship of 3 years. it was a matching one with ni-ki’s but since you two were officially not friends anymore you gave it back to him.
“what? we can still be friends (name).”
“not with someone who broke my heart.” you say. you cried on the way home. that night, minho had comforted you despite not knowing what happened.
he vowed to hurt the person who hurt you but up till now…he didn’t know it was ni-ki. the person he trusted the most.
[present time]
ni-ki knows you were crying. he remembers the day you had broken up with him. he was stupid he knows. which was why…he vowed to get you back and never let you go again.
but he can’t. he doesn’t know how to. the only thing he was good at was breaking your heart. he was bad at love and he was also afraid. which was why he couldn’t bring himself to hold you close.
he leaves your home. never to come back even though he really wanted to.
the boy enters his home, his mother eyeing his slumped shoulders.
“what happened? why isn’t (name) with you? she’s supposed to have dinner with us. also where is minho?”
“she’s not going to come. minho hyung is out with his boyfriend.”
“what do you mean she’s not coming. it’s dangerous for her to be alone in the house. go watch over her.”
“mom, she’s turning 17 and she’s pretty much independent. I don’t need to watch her.” ni-ki huffs.
“did you two have a fight? riki, sweetie you need to be less assertive. (name) is a sweet girl, you need to be gentle with her.”
“mom, can I please just get to my room?” Mrs.Nishimura sighs.
“fine, I'll just go over then. dinner is on the dining table, have some before you go playing your video games all night as per usual.” ni-ki hums. his mother going over to your home.
you hear a small knock at your door and went to open it. Mrs.Nishimura pulls you into a hug.
“did ni-ki hurt you again (name)? if so, I’m so sorry for my son’s behaviour. I have no idea why he is like this when the both of you were so close in the past.”
she quickly checks up on your face. it was obvious you had just finished crying, she sighs.
“I am so sorry this happened (name).”
“it’s fine Mrs.Nishimura.”
“no, it’s not. he is my son. you two were friends and out of nowhere you two just stopped being friends. I should have prevented it, I should have seen it coming.”
“it’s not your fault Mrs.Nishimura. it was ours, we-” should you really tell her? both you and Mrs.Nishimura were really close. even back then when you were younger.
“what happened sweetheart?”
“we used to date.” Mrs.Nishimura gasps.
“oh my, what did my son do to you?” she asks.
“we were too young, we didn’t know about love. well, mostly ni-ki. I wanted it to be sort of serious but ni-ki didn’t. he said something along the lines of me not being the only one he might fall in love with and there was no guarantee that he might still like me. I broke up with him and he was okay with it. I-” you start to choke up, “I love him.”
this stunned Mrs.Nishimura. she never thought this would happen. she knew it was hard for you and how much you’ve gone through with the heartbreak. she holds you close as you cried on her shoulder.
“oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I didn’t know you two were once lovers. while I’m happy that you two did date, whatever my son did is not right.” she says to comfort you.
once you’ve calmed down, she caresses your cheek.
“how about you have dinner okay? it will make you feel better and if you’d like, we can chat some more and talk about what happened.”
“thank you, Mrs.Nishimura.”
“oh sweetheart, you can call me aunty. only if you’re comfortable of course.”
“thank you aunty.” she smiles before pointing to the thermal bag.
“go eat sweetie, I need to run back to my house to give my son a big scolding.” she says before she steps away. you held onto her wrist and she turns back to you.
“aunty, can you please not tell him? I don’t want him to find out that you know about our past relationship.”
“of course, sweetheart. in that case, I’ll just grab something for you instead. a sweet treat or something.” she smiles at you before she leaves.
you sighed. at least you didn’t have to lie to Mrs.Nishimura about why you and ni-ki fell out of the close bond.
the next day, you were walking to your class when ni-ki pulls you somewhere secluded. well not so secluded, it was just an empty classroom. the moment he stopped, you pulled your hands away from him, giving him the scariest glare you could do.
“what do you want?”
“my mom.”
did Mrs.Nishimura tell him?
“she knows about us.” ah so she did.
“and what about it? what we had was in the past, why do you care if she knows?”
“because she’s my mom (name). she was never supposed to find out about us.”
“you’ve always wanted to keep us a secret. have you ever thought about telling her or your dad eventually?”
“never.” ni-ki says
“oh wow, how selfish of you. i can't believe you. this is why we broke up. you never thought of being in a serious relationship with me, you never wanted to show me off and you wanted me to be a secret. I never wanted to be your sneaky link.”
“who said you were my sneaky link? (name), I liked you.”
“oh really? remember all those dates we had? hidden, kept away, that’s all i was. then with what you said after we broke up? you wanted to date another girl after I literally just ended the relationship. do you ever have remorse? was I ever someone important to you?”
“of course (name). you have always been the most important to me.”
“cut with the bullshit, riki. If you had ever liked me, you should have stopped me from breaking up with you but you didn’t. you left me to cry for days, get sick and made me hate myself for so long. do you know how hurt i was? i genuinely thought i’d die from crying so much. and why? because i loved you. that’s how much i liked your stupid ass and now i’ve sort of moved on from you, you stop me from getting the happiness i deserve? why are you toying with my feelings?”
by now, tears were already flowing across your cheeks. the silence was deafening and you just wanted to leave, and so you tried to but not without ni-ki pulling on your wrist and pulling you into a hug. you don’t even register he was hugging you until you feel your shoulders getting wet. ni-ki was crying, he let his walls down.
“i’m so fucking sorry.” ni-ki whispers. you tried to push him away but he only holds onto you tighter. “please, don’t leave me.” he whispers again.
you stood there frozen, you let ni-ki cry on your shoulders. you were already late to class so a few more minutes with ni-ki wouldn’t hurt or it possibly could. you feel small pecks on your neck, something ni-ki did in the past while he was cuddling with you. he freezes and lets you go.
“i-i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have overstepped your boundaries. we aren’t dating anymore and you have feelings for someone else now. i should respect that. i should go.” ni-ki leaves the room.
your heart still longed for him no matter if he hurt you multiple times, you wanted him to be selfish for once and realise that he is worthy of you. 
“nishimura riki, you have once again hurt me.” you couldn’t cry anymore even if you wanted to, you just went to class.
after school, you went to the dance studio. heeseung obviously knows you weren’t okay so he stops you from continuing the routine.
“hey, are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m fine.”
“(name). you know you can always trust me.” you breathed in.
“heeseung oppa, i like you.” heeseung’s eyes widened.
“oh, (name). umm, i’m sorry but i don’t see you like that.” he says trying to let you down in the most gentle way possible. you felt like crying and not because of heeseung but because of ni-ki. a tear slips out and heeseung panics.
“h-hey, i’m sorry. you don’t have to cry.” he wipes the tears falling. you laughed while trying to wipe the falling tears.
“it’s okay, i’m not crying because of the rejection.”
“oh, then what’s wrong?”
“ni-ki.” you say. heeseung tilts his head, you told him what happened. he was a little shocked to find out the reason why you two were enemies in the first place.
“(name), i think you should be upfront with him. tell him how you really feel, how much you still like him. ni-ki hasn’t dated anyone else and we have been wondering why. he never talks about why so we thought something happened, we never thought you were the reason why.”
“you make me sound so evil.”
“(name), you know that’s not what i mean.” heeseung huffs. you giggled.
“i know.” you hear the door crack open and followed by a slap on the arm and complaints. heeseung facepalms.
“boys.” heeseung says. they pile out. “how long have you been standing there for?”
“since (name) confessed to you.” jake says. sunghoon slaps the boy’s arm.
“curse you for being painfully truthful.” sunghoon whines.
jake shrugs, “well, i am not going to just lie about it.”
“we were eavesdropping, that’s equally as bad as lying.” jay says. jake pouts.
“well all of you know why me and ni-ki hate each other. even you minho.” you say. minho walks out from behind sunghoon, awkwardly laughing.
“sorry, (name). anyways, doesn’t that mean the reason why you cried so much when you were thirteen-”
“was because ni-ki and i broke up. yes, that’s why i cried so much.”
“oh my baby sister.” minho goes to hug you and you pushed him away. “I’m so sorry your heart got broken by a pubescent 13 year old boy.” you smacked his arm.
“god why did i have to have you as my brother.” you groaned.
“you love me (name).” minho says.
“yeah, unfortunately.” minho huffs at your words.
“okay so how are we going to get ni-ki to confess to you again.” jake says.
“jake there is no point. that boy is stubborn.” you say.
“you’re right, you should date me instead.” sunghoon says.
“dude, now is not the time to say this!” jay says.
“I was kidding. I mean, i’m park sunghoon. i’m sure, anyone would love to date me.” minho high-fives sunghoon.
“that’s my fav boy.” he says. you scoffed.
“let’s just drop this.” you grabbed your things and left the studio. minho runs after you.
“(name). come on, you have a whole team who are more than prepared to give you that cute high school relationship!”
“minho, i already said to drop it. I really don’t want to go through this whole problem over a boy who doesn’t like me.”
“are you sure he doesn’t like you, (name)?”
at minho’s words, your mind replays what happened earlier in the classroom.
“don’t leave me, please.”
ni-ki cried. he was never one to show his feelings. that was his most vulnerable state that you’ve seen him in. 
“yes, he doesn’t like me.” you say. you weren’t sure yourself.
“you’re denying it. i can see it in your eyes. you know something that we don’t.”
“minho, i just really don’t want to talk about this anymore. I’m tired.” you say. minho takes note of the painful tone you had. your voice wavered.
“alright, i’ll stop. you should go home.” you nod at his words and went home. minho sighs and goes back to where the others were.
“hyung, how did it go?”
“nothing much. i think it’s best if we ask ni-ki. the both of them used to date each other, clearly they still like each other.” minho says.
“jungwon, do you know where ni-ki’s class is?”
“of course, follow me.”
however, when they went to find ni-ki he was nowhere to be found. they decided to visit his home. as for you, as you were about to open the door. you could hear mewls coming from inside, you were worried about the cats so you went in. you noticed the cats surrounding ni-ki as he cries.
“why are you here and also you practically broke into my house.”
ni-ki was alarmed, “i’m sorry. i just walked in here aimlessly. my house is also locked and i don’t have the keys.”
“don’t you have classes in afternoon?”
“I didn’t go.”
ni-ki shivers. you went towards and placed a hand on his forehead. you sighed.
“you’re having a fever. come on, how about you go take a warm shower and then lay in the guest bedroom. i’ll grab some medicine from the cabinet.” you went to walk away but ni-ki grabs your wrist.
“don’t leave me, please.” he weakly says.
“I won’t, i’ll be here in the house while you go bathe. i need to grab clothes for you too.” ni-ki nods. he stands up to go to the bathroom. you left him a towel outside the door and clothes on the bed. you shut the bedroom door.
why were you suddenly taking care of ni-ki? he was the one who hurt you constantly and here you were. you shouldn’t be doing this. your heart aches. you decided to make him some warm honey water and grab the medicine from the cabinet. maybe you should make him a little something to eat, you weren’t sure if he even ate lunch. how did he even get sick in the first place?
you decided to make him a sandwich since it was the only easy thing you were able to prepare. you knocked on the door with a tray in your other hand. you heard ni-ki mutter ‘come in’ so you entered. you nearly froze in your steps when you noticed the hoodie he had on. it was the hoodie you had gifted him with while you were dating, it fit just nice since ni-ki had grown quite a lot.
the boy tries to dry his hair with the towel you handed him with. you placed down the tray onto the nightstand before grabbing the towel and helping him dry his hair. it was an unconscious gesture since you used to help ni-ki dry his hair after he finished bathing. he stays quiet. once you were done, you looked down at him. he was looking up at you and you looked away.
“i made something for you to eat before you have your medicine. there’s honey water too in case your throat is soar. I’ll be in my room-”
“stay, please.” he voices out.
“I have to study.”
“then study here. i need you, please.”
your heart races. you sighed.
“fine, i’ll grab my things and study here.” ni-ki nods and you go to grab your study materials and notes. you came back and placed your materials on the ground.
“you can do the work on the bed.”
“with you on the bed? i’m not your friend, nishimura.”
“i’m sick and you are technically responsible for me.”
“i am not responsible for you-”
“you saw me and helped me. this means you are responsible for me.”
“what are you? five?”
“you used to care for me when we were dating.”
“please stop bringing up the past.”
“the past that i miss.” ni-ki says. You froze.
“don’t lie to me. you never missed me. you only wanted to fool around.”
“I regret saying that.”
“well too bad, nishimura. we broke up. that’s it, that was the end of us.”
“it doesn’t have to end, (name).”
“if i gave you another chance, you’d just throw it away again.”
“i wouldn’t.”
“ni-ki.” you say.
“(name), i really really love you.”
what was this sick joke he was playing.
“i used to look forward to hearing you say that but now it just seems like a joke to me. you don’t have to put pity on me. i know i was desperate back when we were young. i just really liked you so much.”
“i am not joking with you, (name).”
“prove it then. if you love me so much.”
“I’m sick, (name).”
“well, that sucks then-” ni-ki leans in and kisses you. your eyes widened, you could feel his lips moving against yours. this was really passionate but soft. ni-ki has never kissed you like this before. your eyes flutter shut and you kissed him back.
ni-ki sighs into the kiss, his hands reaches up to your cheek to hold it. he tilts his head to slightly deepen the kiss. one that shows how much he treasured you and how sorry he felt for hurting you. you pulled away.
“i love you.” he says it once again.
“ni-ki, we can’t make this official.”
“i know. i’ve hurt you a bunch of times. we’ll take it slow.” you nod.
“i need to trust you first. i can’t bring myself to just forgive you.”
“alright. can i at least hold you?”
you nod before climbing into the bed. he wraps his arms around your waist. the both of you laid down on the bed. it was a little awkward but ni-ki still felt at ease knowing he was able to hold you.
A year later, you were in your bedroom playing games with ni-ki. he attempts to sabotage you in mario kart.
“yah, ni-ki!”
“too bad, babe!” he sticks out his tongue.
“hey! you guys started the game without us!” jake huffs. both you and ni-ki smirked at each other.
“we started first because i wanted to play a round with my girlfriend.”
“urgh, i am not over this. it’s been 5 months since you two started dating and you’re already pulling the ‘couple’ card.” jay says.
“oh, it’s been 5 months?” you say.
“5 months with my beautiful girl.” ni-ki squeezes you and pecks your cheek.
jungwon gags at the sight, “I liked it better when they fought.” 
“i have to agree with that.” minho says.
“young love.” heeseung shrugs.
“let’s back out of the game so they can play, ni-ki.” you pat his arm.
in the end, you got your happy ending.
with the same boy who hurt you.
nishimura riki.
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vhagarlovebot · 2 years
hey! hope you're okay! can i request a really angsty aemond x reader where the reader is jealous of aemond bc for whatever reason and when he comes to their chambers after she's cold towards him and visibly hurt and upset and then the rest is pure fluff…?
aemond targaryen has had a lot of first times since he met you, just now he’s experiencing a whole new feeling. and as he’s walking though the castle, people are starting to notice the weird behavior of the prince.
prince aemond is pretty imposing. there are some pople that can’t make eye contact with him, because some of them are afraid, after all he looks scary, and others simply because he is the prince and don’t feel worthy of looking at him. only his stance and the way he walks shows the confidence the prince has. however, aemond doesn’t seem to have that confidence as he walks in the direction of your chambers.
he hasn’t seen you since breakfast, when he reminded you of your planned ride on vhagar today. he waited for you but you never showed up. then he got busy and couldn’t look for you, and it wasn’t until he did not see you at the table during lunch that he worried; and when he asked about you, they told him you were in your bedchambers not feeling well, you even asked not to be disturbed.
aemond is worried and nervous. his sister told him you were somewhat disgusted when she last saw you, running to your chambers, and that you didn’t even stop when she called your name, opting to keep running until all she could hear was the big doors being shut and your crying.
you were crying. he doesn’t know what happened but he is ready to cut somebody’s head off if it’s needed.
aemond is sweating when he reaches your chambers, his jaw clenched when his fist makes contact with the door. but you don’t answer, not even when he calls your name, and his patience is running thin.
“i don’t want you here.” you say and aemond sighs, relieved.
“i haven’t seen you all day,” he rests his forehead against the door, his hand hovering over the doorknob. “do you need me to call the maesters?”
“no! i’m perfectly fine, there’s no need.” you are quick to say, and aemond frowns, if you are not sick or injured, then what’s going on?
“i am going in.” aemond states, opening the doors.
you try to hide your face, moving away from the door, but you are not quick enough, he still sees your teary eyes.
“did somebody hurt you?” aemond takes a step towards you but you take a step back.
“who do you think you are?” you say instead of answering his question and aemond is taken aback by your icy tone. “you may be the prince, but these are still my chambers and it is not appropriate of you to just enter without my consent.”
“we have done a few inappropriate things together, my lady. and i had your full consent.” his words make you flustered, and now you are the one taken aback by his boldness. “why is it different now?”
“because i’m angry with you.” you whisper, eyes looking to the ground. “you… hurt me.”
“oh, sweet girl.” aemond takes a step forward, and when you don’t move away he cups your face with his hands. “what did i do to hurt you? it was never my intention, whatever it is, i’m going to make it up to you.”
you almost smile. almost. but the reason why you are upset and hurt replays in your head.
“i went to the dragonpit earlier today— we had planned that ride with vhagar, in case you don’t remember.” you try not to show the irritation in your face, but aemond knows the meaning of all the sounds and expressions you make. “but when i got there you were already busy.”
aemond is confused, trying to remember everything he did during the day. but when he was in the dragonpit he was just waiting for you, he wasn’t doing anything besides showing and telling lady lannister about one of vhagar’s scars close to her neck, after all she asked about it and he was not going to be rude and ignore her.
that’s when it clicks for him.
“you saw me and lady lannister.”
“if you are planning on taking more than one lady for a ride, i suggest you not doing it on the same day.” aemond grins but you don’t have time to feel offended because he’s pulling you to him, kissing you.
a soft sigh leaves your lips, eyes fluttering closed, and as you feel his tongue brushing your lower lip, you forget all about your jealousy.
“i will never,” aemond says, lips brushing yours. “never take someone that is not you flying on vhagar.” you feel silly now. but in the moment it really hurt you to think that aemond would do something like that. you know he wouldn’t but your jealousy blinded you. “besides, she will never allowed it. she growled at lady lannister today so i’m pretty sure we will never see her near her again.”
“i’m glad to know vhagar has my back.”
aemond brushes your cheeks with his thumb, his lips finding comfort on your pulse point closest to your neck.
“now grab your coat, she’s waiting and getting impatient.” you can’t help but giggle, standing on your tiptoes to kiss the tip of his nose, excitement coursing through your veins.
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*Najma and Jamil passing by Queen Maleficia in the corridor*
Najma: Look, Jamil! She has the same strange horn headwear as your friend back in Al’ab Nariya. She must be his parents or something!
I live for Jamil's suffering 🥰 P.S. @ TWST devs, please release official chibis of Najma and the other non-NRC NPCs that I can use for my banner!!
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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Panic set into Jamil’s eyes.
Grabbing his sister by the wrist, he hurriedly maneuvered her to the far right of the hallway—as far away from the woman approaching in the opposite direction as he could manage. Horned and draped in black robes, she glided toward them like a ghoul straight out of a nightmare. Her face was a stony pale mask, as austere as it was lethally beautiful.
Najma’s mouth flew open to protest. “Hey, what’s your deal?”
“Not so loud,” Jamil hissed, shushing her. “You can’t just point and say whatever you want about people you see walking about campus. It’s extremely rude—and, in case you’ve forgotten, Malleus-senpai’s status far exceeds our own.”
Besides, the last thing I need on my plate is smoothing over an international incident sparked by my own little sister!! I’ve seen the storms that whip up when Malleus is mad. I don’t even want to think about what happens when a fairy queen is offended…!!
“Eh, is he really that important? I didn’t realize.”
“More than you know.”
You have no idea who you’re dealing with at all!!
“Well… okay, but I still think you’re way overreacting.”
Najma jabbed a thumb in the direction of the courtyard. A number of students, family members, and staff were mingling there, drinking in the balmy afternoon.
“What’s wrong with saying hi to your classmates’ parents? That’s what this whole event’s for. I’d rather be doing that than hang out with you all day.”
“It’s smarter to avoid some people entirely,” he insisted snappily, “especially when it comes to Malleus-senpai and matters of family.”
His parents are already…
A page from a Magic History textbook came to Jamil’s mind. The story of the great Draconian line—and how mightily they fell, consumed by the flames of war. All that remained among the ashes were the yet unborn crown prince and the queen of the previous generation.
“You there.”
Jamil and Najma jumped, the two of them almost smacking right into a wall.
The horned woman had materialized a few feet away, her petrifying stare fixed on the duo. Her gaze seemed to swallow all light and color, peering at the children from an unnamed abyss.
A shiver raced down Jamil’s spine.
He instinctively placed himself in front of his sister, adopting his “business professional” voice. “Yes, ma’am? How may I help you?”
Najma rolled her eyes. She stepped out from behind Jamil and flashed a sweet smile. “Hello! I’m Najma Viper, and this worrywart here’s my big bro, Jamil.”
He shot her a glare.
Maleficia inclined her head. After a thoughtful pause, she said, “Might you two be acquainted with my grandson? I’m meant to meet him at his dormitory. However, I’m afraid that the flow of time has eluded me, and I’ve yet to locate our designated meeting place. I must have passed by this corridor no less than ten times now.”
Her lips pulled back, forming a wry expression—as if she knew something they didn’t. “I’ve approached others to inquire about this matter, but they’re all in such a hurry to retreat when I draw near.
“But here I come upon fearless children of man like yourselves, so bold as to whisper of my grandson in my presence. Such audacious youths.”
She made no further moves, but Jamil felt the space between him and the wall shrink with each passing millisecond.
Stay calm. You can deal with this. Just divert her attention by giving her the directions she wants. Crisis averted.
Jamil cleared his throat. “If you’re looking for the Mirror Chamber, it’s…”
“You mean Malleus, right?” Najma interrupted, her dark eyes sparkling. “Yes, I’ve met him once! He’s one of Jamil’s friends that visited Silk City for our annual fireworks festival. We shopped around in the local bazaars and had so much fun together! Right, Jamil?”
“I wouldn’t call us friends per se,” he countered, the tight leash he kept on his annoyance momentarily slipping.
“Oh, don’t be so modest. They know each other sooo well, miss!” Najma continued. “In fact, Jamil could totally escort you to Malleus himself.”
“Najma,” he warned through gritted teeth, “that’s enough.”
"You, boy. Does she speak the truth?"
"Please forgive her!! She has a bad habit of overembellishing her stories."
"Wow," Najma said flatly. "Are you calling your cute baby sister a liar?"
You traitorous SNAKE!! It took every ounce of energy in him to choke the words down. Jamil scrambled to save face, to prevent the situation from further spiraling out of his control.
"It's true that I'm familiar with this campus, but I cannot say that I'm familiar with Malleus-senpai. He is a well-respected upperclassman that I have had few opportunities to engage with on a personal level."
Maleficia regarded the Viper siblings carefully. She raised a hand and pointing a dagger-like nail at the two.
"You shall both show me to him," Maleficia boomed. Outside, the sky flickered and momentarily darkened.
His resistance crumbled, and he gave in. "Y-Yes, ma'am!!"
"And furthermore..." The fairy's fingers curled into her palm. Her entire hand ignited with a hauntingly emerald fire. Green light spilled over Maleficia's stern features and painted the hallway.
Najma's jaw went slack.
Jamil flinched, bracing himself for a devastating display of magic. Punishment for stepping out of line.
Suddenly, the flames went out and Maleficia unfurled her fingers. Now in her hand was a thick stack of small but detailed paintings. The topmost one featured what appeared to be a large egg.
Najma and Jamil exchanged confused looks.
"It is unfortunate that you've not had the chance to intimately engage with Malleus," Maleficia lamented, plucking up the image of the egg. Beneath it was a painting of a green-eyed infant with raven hair and horns not unlike her own.
"Th-That's..." Jamil stammered, struggling to keep his words steady.
Maleficia smiled mischievously with her teeth. "It falls to me as his guardian to educate you on my grandson's charms. Come, I will enlighten you on our stroll to his dormitory."
"Oh... Um, okay?" Najma glanced at her brother, eyebrows raised.
"I... I suppose that's fine," Jamil replied defeatedly.
He so desperately wished to let his shoulders slump, and to hang his head--but no, not in the presence of fairy royalty. Expressing his frustrations would have to come another time.
How... How did I even end up in this mess?!
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bibliophilesince2003 · 5 months
Episode 15 (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) spoilers and general reflection. Do not read if you don't want to be spoiled, because I will be going into depth. This finale, y'all. Wow...
I can't even put into words what I'm feeling right now. I'm so glad it ended up being almost an hour long. The Bad Batch producers weren't kidding when they said the end is bittersweet.
When the intro popped up, I noticed the words "Bad Batch" were completely void of color. I'm not going to lie, I got a little choked up at the sight of that. Here's the thing... I never cry over movies/shows. Obviously, I'm still human. I may sit in stunned silence, I may give a strangled cry or talk as if the characters can understand me, and I have been on the verge of tears for a few shows in the past. At the end of the finale, though - when Omega leaned her head against Hunter's arm, Wrecker and Crosshair joined them underneath the tree, and the screen slowly faded to black - well, let's just say my expressions were very pained and my eyes watery. For me, that's a big deal. It hit me that we've made it the end... the very end.
I did not watch The Clone Wars (animated series) when it first came out, but my sister and I had watched the entire show a few times over before Bad Batch came out for the first time. When you're with a show that long, you kind of have to get slightly emotional. Inwardly, if nothing else.
A lot of people may not understand because the show is in fact animated and not real. As a writer and film enthusiast, however, I found the plot and dedication from the voice actors very impressive. Very little movies/shows have impressed me recently.
Besides that, Hunter was very relatable for me. I'm a military brat. I am very used to a "chaotic" life. Home is wherever my family and I have gone. Home is being with them. Our strong bond is what kept us sane in the midst of chaos, and it's difficult to explain. Seeing the Bad Batch have a life like that just made sense to me. Additionally, I would do anything for my family. I am very protective of my younger siblings. Sometimes they look up to me and expect me to make the final call; it's very daunting if you're afraid of making the wrong choice.
Eventually, though, everyone has to settle. Even the Bad Batch, after a very chaotic, stressful life.
I didn't expect to see an adult Hunter and older Omega. I love that she wants to be a rebel pilot! For one thing, it makes sense. I also love that she's still so close to her brothers. Hunter lets her go, but he still pictures her as his kid, in a way.
I don't want Tech to be gone, but I'm willing to accept it. I was delusional until the end, and I hope many of you were spared that stress. It felt like he had died again. And Crosshair without a hand? If Echo can manage, so can he, but they were really willing to go to extreme measures to get Omega back. I think him struggling to pull away made it so much worse; the intensity of this finale had me on the edge of my seat.
Well, fellow fans, I'm still processing the finale as I write. I don't think I'll ever recover, but I'll treasure the memories. Clone force 99, thank you for being both comfort characters and characters to learn from. And Bad Batch producers, a round of applause for all the hard work you've done. Consider my watery eyes the highest honor I could bestow upon you.
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rowretro · 8 months
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WARNINGS: non I know of
✧taglist✧: @heeseung-min @jaeneohee @lovingvoidgoatee @neruishoon (anyone I may have missed)
"Babe maybe we should get something in the garden for them to play with~" y/n said with a smile "Like a big playhouse to play in?" he asked as y/n gasped "Omg that's so cute!" she smiled as she turned to the babies that were giggling at some Halloween decorations. "Babe we have to be nicer-" y/n warned as Sunghoon frowned "Im not saying anything mean, i just said the word mean, how is that not nice enough coming from me?" Sunghoon reasoned as y/n frowned at him.
"Babe look! a princess castle... Wait no- look at that one- barbie's dreamhouse!" Y/n pointed out as Sunghoon ruffled her hair. "Honestly I think it's perfect, 3 stories, big enough for the twins to spend time in, something we can work on together~" Sunghoon sang, as he smiled at the girl. "Aw Sunghoon you're so fucking cute when you're happy, why can't you be happy all the timeeee?" y/n pouted as Sunghoon rolled his eyes.
And in perfect timing, a certain someone appeared before her and Sunghoon. "Ah Sunghoon~ and if it isn't the pretty y/n~" Yeonjun complimented. Y/n nervously laughed knowing how possessive Sunghoon gets when a man compliments his y/n, his hands balling into fists, "mama~" Avaani whined, wanting to get carried, the girl smiles, picking up the baby. "Ah so you finally gave birth, wow I haven't seen you in so long then Hooners... If you're done shopping may I treat you to lunch?" Yeonjun asked with a sweet, fake smile as y/n turned to Sunghoon.
"Babe? Will you be ok with that? maybe seeing your kind brother the kids will be kind too!" y/n pointed out, still clueless about the little conflict between the 2 brothers "I see your wife says yes~" he smirked as Sunghoon held back his anger "Babe, we'll grab a quick meal and leave straight after." Sunghoon simply said not liking the idea of Yeonjun  one bit.
God all the things he was holding back from doing, feeling the girls’ eyes on him. Sunghoon watched as Yeonjun flirted lowkey, and how he checked her out so shamelessly, purposely pissing Sunghoon off by getting a little touchy with y/n. Yeonjun  was really asking for it. Watching y/n cluelessly smile and converse with his brother was pretty tough to put up with, but hearing Yeonjun mildly slip in some filthy compliments in a sugar coated manner pissed the male off more.
Sunghoon ordered himself a hot drink as he busied himself with baby Anaya who was still awake. The baby softly gripped onto Sunghoon’s finger, her curious eyes meeting Sunghoon’s. The man’s heart fluttered at how adorable his baby girl was, smiling as he let her shake his hand around. He was still keeping an eye on Yeonjun though, not trusting him one bit. “Hmm maybe you should come by my bar some day” Yeonjun randomly said as Sunghoon immediately turned to him, glaring at the smirking demon before him. Before Sunghoon could even say a word, y/n spoke up with a smile.
“I’m afraid I have to turn down your offer… me and Hoon will be busy with the babies, and any free time we get, we like to spend alone… sorry” She kindly apologize, as Sunghoon turned back to the babies, smiling. Not only did she turn down the offer, but she called him Hoon, god that girl is so cute. However, Sunghoon was still wary, what if she simply turned it down because she wanted to avoid being locked in the basement?....
"Awww look at Avaani, she's sleeping while hugging Anaya's arm" y/n cooed as baby Anaya whined softly, trying to pull out of her sister's grip. Sunghoon softly, pulled the baby away, treating them as if they were delicate little angels, as if even the tiniest mistake would snap them. "Bit of a selfish sister eh? sort of like Sunghoon" Yeonjun joked as he stared at baby Anaya.
Some joke that was. It's clear, Yeonjun hated those babies as they were a result of Sunghoon and y/n, and Sunghoon was no stranger to this greedy bitch side of Yeonjun. The nerve to even make a comment on one of his angels. Sunghoon opens his extremely hot drink and accidentally spills it on Yeonjun, with a smirk. "oops... accident my bad." He simply said as the two demons glared at each other, their red eyes glowing like a fire opal gem put in the sunlight.
"Babe- I think we should head home, babies are sleepy..." Y/n said as Sunghoon turned to her, the red in his eyes long gone. "Kay lets head home sweetheart, we can build the castle while they sleep" he said with a smile as he got up, making sure the babies were safe inside the pushchair before leaving the building, his hands on the pushchair as he forced y/n to walk in the tiny space between him and his pushchair, not liking his angels being away from him for even just a split second...
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hyperpotamianarch · 2 months
Well, I can hardly believe I chose this to be my fourth original post, but meh, who cares. Anyway, random note about Howell Jenkins!
Firstly, I'm talking about book Howl, which is why I spelled it Howell - this is his original name, he changed it in Ingary to sound more impressive. He's actually from Wales, which honestly means little to me as someone who never set foot in Britain, but I think I get the general gist of it.
Many things can be said of Howl. He's not really a noble and gentle, if slightly narcissistic, person as you might think after watching the movie. He's mostly a selfish coward, likes to woo ladies but seemingly afraid of commitment, is very bad with money, and... Umm... Yeah, there are other posts that do a better job than I am in characterizing Howl. That's not what I'm here to talk about. Suffice it to say that he's somehow likable in spite of all these flaws.
What I am here to talk about, however, is two common misconceptions about Howl that are somewhat related to the flaws listed above: one is that Howl is running away from student debt and didn't finish his doctorate, and the other is that he invented the titular Moving Castle to evade taxes. While those actions are indeed in character for Howl, they are both contradicted by the book itself (to a degree).
To start with the first one: Howell only talks about his thesis once in the book - when explaining to miss Angorian, an English teacher, why he has a magic spell. Book readers likely know who I'm talking about, and for non book readers, I'm afraid I'll leave the rest of the context to your imagination. Either way, Howell tells miss Angorian that she may have heard that he wrote his doctoral thesis on charms and spells. Notice, "wrote". As in past tense.
To be fair, that doesn't necessarily mean he finished his doctorate. As a matter of fact, it could be a rumor he started in order to explain away why he had spell books. It certainly won't be the first rumor Howl started for his own convenience. But if it tells us anything about him having a doctorate, it tells us he finished it. I don't know much about student loans in UK during the 80's, so that isn't a point I can say anything about, but I am given to understand it was less of a problem.
So, did Howl run away from his doctorate to the magical land if Ingary? No, he didn't. He actually kind of fulfilled every nerd's dream of both doing what he likes most and using it to write his doctoral thesis, killing two birds with one stone. To be honest, what I still don't get is why he kept contact with his old world. I mean, Suliman seems to have cut ties - we never hear of him going back. But Howl, even if we didn't see him use the black door as much at first, seems to keep some contact with his sister and her family, keep a car etc. He might only visit rarely, but he still does.
Anyway, for the second misconception I decided to bring in the big guns: a direct book quote about why the moving castle. Not all quotes on the topic, though, because I'm lazy. Anyway, look here:
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This is in chapter four of HMC. It's revealed later in the book that the "someone very powerful" is actually the Witch of the Waste. So, the Moving Castle is there to show everyone what a Horrible and Powerful Wizard Howl is. Also, to avoid attention from the Witch of the Waste.
Sophie herself, in the next paragraph, questions the usefulness of such a tactic. I think it might actually be an explanation of why Howl decided the Castle had to be moving - maybe it's harder to magically detect that way, I don't know. Either way, it's not to avoid taxes - especially considering the fact Howl has an address in Kingsbury, the capital of Ingary, and that this address is known to the local authorities.
I would also like to prematurely dispell an almost plausible headcanon: Sophie's hat-sewing causes so much of the plot, after all. So you might be tempted, when reading that she told a hat that someone should set Howl and the Witch up together, to think that she's responsible for that as well. However, considering the quote presented above, it appears that Howl and the Witch dated before Howl created the Moving Castle, which was the inciting incident for Sophie hearing about him. Thus, Sophie is not guilty whatsoever of getting Howl and the Witch together - just of being oddly on point.
Thank you for reading, and have a good day!
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authormars · 6 months
This is a Lucifer trauma post. Trigger warnings include: SA, Abuse of Authority, Abuse in general, Manipulation, Grooming, and if I'm missing any, please tell me
I'm a firm believer in don't like, don't read/ignore
I'm making one big post about this, because it's much easier. I'm focusing on the two I mention a lot in my fics or possibly posts here.
I do want to prefice this with that I do not condone or defend any of this behavior. These are real experiences some people may go through, and if you have, please seek help from a trusted friend, adult, or medical professional.
I will put trigger warning per section. None of this is canon, it all pertains to my headcanon/my au
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Trigger warnings for this portion include: Grooming, Abuse of Authority, Abuse, SA(?)
Michael is an archangel. He was part of an experiment created by the father to see what DNA made the perfect angel. Three were created from this. Gabriel, with half human, half angel DNA, Uriel, with full angel DNA, and Michael, with half demon, half angel DNA. Michael proved to be an interesting case, with strength above any other angel. However, the demon in his blood came with some not so good tendencies to enjoy others pain.
When Lucifer was created as the "perfect angel," Michael began to train him in swordfighting. Michael took an interest in him and became his only mentor.
As Lucifer grew older, Michael began to be more harsh on him. Anytime he failed to defeat him in a match, Lucifer would receive a punishment such as being whipped. It slowly drove him to become better (though, the other archangels didn't approve of his methods)
Lucifer had a habit of sticking his whole self-esteem on Michael's opinion. This meant he was constantly asking Michael how he did or whether he looked good or anything to get praise. If Michael didn't respond with "Perfect" then Lucifer was sent down a spiral (something that stuck with him when he fell)
At a celebration for another angel, Lucifer and Michael we're about to leave and Lucifer happened to ask "Do I still look good?" Because he was desperate for his idol's approval. In response, Michael kissed him and said "Absolutely perfect"
Afterward, Michael insisted Lucifer didn't tell a soul what had happened. They were friends, weren't they? Friends can keep secrets, right? Manipulations such as that. Eventually, these exchanges got more common and Lucifer became more paranoid they would be found out. He thought the world of Michael and would never sell him out, but he was always worried someone else knew.
But then, the war began and Michael refused to side with Lucifer.
"But you said we were friends."
"Friends don't rebell against the Father, Lucifer"
"She's my sister!"
"She made her choice. You must make yours"
"Then I suppose we'll meet again on the battle field"
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Michael's section is finished here!
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Trigger warnings include: Abuse of Authority, implied/mentioned SA, Abuse
If anyone recognizes me off my AO3, then you'll probably know of my Kiss Me, Son of God series. This is a series in which Diavolo abuses his authority and Lucifer's pact with him to sleep with him.
That's the first incident in which Diavolo isn't the greatest person.
Diavolo has rampages, just like the brothers. However, unlike the brothers, his don't stick to a particular sin. Diavolo is a royal demon, meaning he is representative of all sins. This means that he can have rampages for all sins.
The most common would be Lust or Wrath. During these rampages, he has a tendency to hurt Lucifer. In Lust, because he subconsciously sees Lucifer as his future queen (tagged as Dialuci for a reason) and in Wrath because he sees Lucifer as an angel, therefore a threat in his realm.
However, unlike Michael, Diavolo almost never remembers doing these things to Lucifer. When he realizes his best friend is slowly becoming afraid of him, he makes the move to improve. As time moves forward, Diavolo becomes more caring and cautious around Lucifer, leading to the relationship we see in game.
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Final thoughts
I give a lot of trauma to Lucifer, mainly as a coping mechanism. I am an angst writer, so the things I headcanon/have in my au are going to be heavy topics. I recognize that this behavior is not okay and I don't defend it at all.
These things happen to real people, and I feel like these topics aren't discussed enough in fandom culture. That's the reason I write it and incorporate it. If we remain ignorant, we won't recognize the signs of it happening in our own lives or in the lives of the people we love.
If you've read to the end, thank you! I know this is mainly just me dumping stuff, but thanks for reading it
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kimmiessimmies · 6 months
What Went Before: James and Leona
Before we get into the next chapter of the story, it's good to have a little recap of all that went before regarding James and Leona. It's long, but hopefully interesting. Read under the cut below!
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James (with a blanket around his shoulders) met Leona on the rooftop of The Factory, the Honeycomb Hills nightclub, in February 06. Up until that point, we had seen James as a carefree and especially attachment-free university student. He had a reputation for not making commitments and had many one-night stands. As things stand now, we know there was a lot more to it than met the eye, but at that point, none of that was clear yet.
James immediately noticed Leona wasn't quite like the other girls he'd met at university. She didn't judge his lifestyle and as it turned out in the conversation they had that first night, Leona knew what it was like to have baggage.
She told James about her past during which abuse had played a big part, and her story resonated with James. Of course, James had his own issues, but he had never told anyone about any of it because to him, it seemed everyone else lived a happy life. To hear Leona speak so openly about the horrors of her childhood, really touched something in James.
The next morning, Leona was gone. She had left a note thanking James for the great time they had, but no number.
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During the weeks that followed, James found he couldn't get this fascinating girl off his mind. His friends immediately jumped on this thinking James had finally developed romantic feelings for someone. Initially, this annoyed James. But the more they said it, the more he thought it may be true...
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Eventually, he decided to look for the mysterious Leona. And he found her. Again on the roof of the nightclub. She confessed she had been thinking a lot about him, too, but Leona's past had made her terribly afraid of commitment. However, James also didn't want any commitment, and they agreed to start a casual, open type of "situationship."
As time passed, James continued to be in doubt. He had never experienced the feeling of being in love, but deep down, he really wanted to. Was this it? This thing with Leona? He was very unsure. Yes, he liked her. Yes, he felt comfortable with her, and she was easy to talk to. He even told her about everything that had been troubling him for so long and, eventually, also about the self-harm... But was he in love? Somehow, it didn't feel that way...
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In May 06, James' sister Eva got married in Monte Vista. Everyone had received a "plus one" invite, and James decided to bring Leona. Now, this seemed like a big commitment, but for James, it was sort of a test of his feelings. He still secretly wanted to experience feeling in love, and maybe this could be, or become, it after all? For Leona, it was a free trip to Monte Vista, so she was game. James' mum, Patty, was quite annoyed by James bringing Leona to the wedding. He didn't even call her his girlfriend, so why was she there?
Months passed, and James realised that, no, this wasn't love. But it was a good thing they had going anyway: commitment-free, great sex, and good talks on top of that. Everything between James and Leona was open and honest. They gave each other their freedom and spoke freely about just about anything. Neither one of them wanted this to be a relationship, and they were fine with the other person sleeping with other people, too. Not that either of them did. The randomers James had sex with before had always been because sex distracted his mind, and he didn't need to do that anymore now. And Leona was also fine with having James to booty call whenever she needed to get her kicks.
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Leona was there for James when his thoughts became too dark. Until the night when James told Sadie about part of his issues, no one except Leona knew about any of it. Even though his friends have caught on that James isn't okay, they don't know what's up. Leona is still the only one who knows everything. But she never stayed the night. She didn't want to, and he didn't really feel the need to have her close in that way either. James and Leona were never cuddly.
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Since Sadie started university in October 07, James and Leona saw a bit less of each other. Not that they saw each other on a daily or even weekly basis before, but since then, it became less. Not because James fell instantly in love with Sadie (he didn't), but because Sadie's start at uni also meant she returned to The Hot Wings and all the plans (and songs) that had been gathering dust on the shelf for a year and a half finally took off.
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In January 08, after their smashing debut album release performance, James and Sadie slept together (pictured above is Sadie, not Leona). There had been a lot of built-up tension, and that night it had to be released.
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James told Leona about it the next day. She was surprised but obviously fine about it. From the way James talked about Sadie, Leona did suspect there might be a bit more to it, but when asked, James waved that away.
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Leona also told James during that same conversation she felt they were keeping each other steady, but neither one of them was actually moving forward with regard to their respective issues and that she was thinking of getting professional help for hers.
And that takes us to where we are now. It's worth noting that James hasn't seen, let alone had sex with, Leona since Sadie started spending the night with him.
We'll see Leona again very soon when the story continues.
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thegoddessseris · 3 months
please underestimate me
oc! Xaden Riorson's sister! insert.
Summary: Xaden's little sister finds herself having to survive in the war college of Basgiath, between new truths and the rediscovery of what she really is.
TW: death, fight.
World Count: 925
A/N: All rights to the characters and plot of the book go to Rebecca Yarros, however you have no right to republish or rework this story.
Also out on wattpad!
Masterlist - previous chapter - next chapter
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«The strongest weapon you have at your disposal is that you will often be underestimated»
—correspondence found between cadet Xaden Riorson and Eris Riorson
The chest is heavy. I struggle to breathe, no matter what position I put myself in, no air can pass through my lungs. My chest burns, I see everything white and blurry. The healers are worried. Where I am? On a cot. Why am I surrounded? I can't breathe, it hurts. Are they healing me? What are they remediating? It hurts so much. Why can't I breathe? What are they doing to me? Why isn't it working? I can not breath. I can not breathe.
The evaluations began, and one thing was clear: they were trying to eliminate the weakest.
While the others thought I shouldn't worry, as Xaden's sister, and being directly in his chain of command (Apparently the fourth wing is famous this year, between Aetos and the Sorrengail - although luckily mine team leader is not Aetos, but Bodhi- could be a great deal of drama).
Pair that poor frail boy with Jack Barlowe? Imogen with little Sorrengail? Smart, I'd say. I may be a Riorson, but not the best in fight. I had strong mentality, great willpower and initiative, but my body was slowly and silently failing me. And I think, when they were deciding who to appear, they took this very small fact into consideration. I was a woman and sick. They don't consider me a danger. But when I was called onto the carpet with a boy from the second wing, I felt a huge sense of comfort and terror at the same time. He was twice me, but his nervousness was palpable. Performance anxiety?
When I was still too small and weak to defend myself from the outside world, my mother taught me that the best weapon a woman has to win is to be underestimated. And since I set foot here, no one has seen me as a danger. They are not afraid of me. They are afraid of Xaden and what the other marked ones would do if I were to be hurt, or worse. So the anxiety of this big beast is reasonable. If he were to seriously harm me, Xaden would probably skin him alive.
We started circling each other on the carpet. 
Please, please underestimate me.
I studied his movements, and when he started throwing blows, I was quick to avoid them while trying to figure out his fighting pattern. Big and thick, but without great technique. His fighting method was leaking all over the place, and while I had to take a few hits and ended up with a split lip, I quickly adapted to his fighting scheme. Knowing him, I could anticipate his moves and stop him before he could hurt me further and win the match. He was physically strong, but beyond his fighting technique, he seemed terrified, perhaps by Xaden's gaze that was penetrating his back? I took some quick hits, using as much force as possible. Frustration got the best of him as I kept moving out of the way of his blows, avoiding him. The frustration. The fear of failure. The nervousness. I don't need physical strength or a fit body to win if I can use my head. So I knocked him down, winning the match. I used the fact that he underestimated me. While my body screamed with fatigue I returned to my place with the others, next to Liam, massaging my cracked knuckles. I then glanced at Xaden, who was smiling at me. That smile? Like that of a proud father. My heart warmed at the sweet memory it brought me. At least I had my family here. A few carpets away, Violet screamed in pain as Imogen broke her arm. Ouch.
Was it really necessary?
I didn't love Violet, but I didn't blame her for her mother's actions. She was just a child, just like I was. But the other marked ones didn't seem to think as I did, and, when we gathered with the older ones for advice on how to survive, the topic was quickly brought up.''When can we kill Sorrengail?'' Asked a boy whose name I didn't bother to remember. While many agreed, I found myself in an unfavorable position, I glanced at Xaden, who was leaning against a tree, next to me. Noticing his silence, I turned and gave a look of disdain to some of the people in front of me. Are they serious? They first of all should know how much it sucks to be associated with their parents' actions.''Seriously?'' I said, speaking for the first time since the beginning of our little meeting - which among other things, was also illegal - ''is this what you're worried about? If you think too much about someone else's garden you will end up rotting your own.'' My voice was bitter. Contemptuous.''Really Eris? That girl's mother killed your father and burned down your house!'' A boy in front of me said, taking a step forward, as he pointed a finger at me. I could feel the shadows around me moving imperceptibly, like a warning from Xaden that he would protect me if necessary.''So? It was her mother! NOT her. We should all know first and foremost that the sins of parents often fall unfairly on their children."''Enough. It doesn't matter who is right. Leave the Sorrengail to me, I'll take care of it.'' Xaden said, finishing the meeting, and the little fight, here. Some of the Marked looked down before walking away. 
They knew I was right.
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kylejsugarman · 11 months
Idk if you’ve answered this already but at what point in their relationship did Jesse tell Demi ab his past? How did that go over? How much does she know?
ive mentioned it some before but i haven't really gone super in depth!! as u all may know, i am very "and then everyone made it to alaska and everything ended up ok!! :)" minded, so i dont have a big dramatic revelation beat to my story and ultimately, jesse never tells demi that he's living under a completely new identity. however, he does tell her a Lot of other things, partially because he trusts her, partially because he feels guilty keeping things from her that might make her see him differently; he feels that she deserves to know how fucked up he is so she can escape him and avoid tying herself down to a mistake. jesse first tells her about his drug use after demi explains how her sister died, again out of that guilt and the expectation that she won't want to associate with a former(ish) addict, but demi saw firsthand how powerful addiction can be and isnt scared off. when it comes to his criminal history, it takes him a little longer to work up the nerve to disclose that stuff: he's afraid of both endangering her by letting her know what he's done and losing her. he drops a few things along the way, usually related to drug dealing and production since she was so understanding of that aspect of his past, but once they decide to get married, he feels that he owes it to her to be totally honest. the dark details of making and selling the drugs, being around violence and controlling figures. enacting violence himself. losing people. being sold into slavery. he leaves out specific identifying details (demi's never been a current events kind of person but he cant risk her connecting those dots) and places a lot of the blame on himself instead of trying to describe the people from his past who were pulling a lot of those strings. its basically an abridged version of the show's events, no names, no details in certain places (he doesnt even tell her which state he used to live in), and no forgiveness.
demi listens patiently the whole time, not asking many questions along the way. she tenses up when he touches on captivity, but otherwise her demeanor remains open and nonjudgmental. when it's over, she doesn't say anything, which is somehow worse than disgust. jesse is so wound up at this point that he flips out on her, insisting that this is her time to cut her losses. he's a criminal, a fucking murderer. he's evil. demi still doesnt react the way he wants and instead just waits until he's out of venom before reaching out to very gently smooth down his hair. petting the angry, upset dog instead of reflexively giving him away. "im sorry you've had to carry that around with you all this time," she says softly and that breaks him. because it Has been so hard carrying that around. demi asks a few more questions, clarifies a few more things, then tells him what she thinks. that she's seen how he acts now, how he treats people, how he treats himself. that she grew up with a father who sounds like the figures he alluded to in his story. that she is uncertain and insecure about a lot of things, but she's never been more sure that jesse is a good person and that she loves him irrespective of whatever came before. "im dangerous," he insists, a former fighting dog that would rather die than return to the ring. a hand on his own—"then why do i feel so safe with u?"
it's not perfect. there will always be things that jesse never shares with her and he will never totally forgive himself because as the one living person who knows the Extent of what went down, he feels that it's his responsibility to hold himself accountable for It for the rest of his life. demi's perception of him Does change, although not entirely in a negative way, and she is a little hurt that he expected her to bail so quickly and she can't lie and say that her mind doesn't occasionally drift to the fact that her husband has killed people. but at the end of the day, they're two broken people who were utterly convinced that their lives were over before they found each other. this is their second chance at life and they're never going to take that or each other for granted. whatever comes, they're going to face it together
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an-inspired-eternity · 7 months
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ok full transparency this is infact. an au i still really want to write. but you know how it is the 2020s urge to just have no joy or motivation to make creative fan products
ANYWAY my wxs* focused fantasy au!! i have a couple rp blogs for it but that's the closest i get to making content for it rn..
*other characters involved but wxs has the most developed and involved
ANYWAY let me go sicko mode under the cut hehe. taking a bit from my rui blog bc i dont wanna retype all dat
there is a big magical forest at the center of the region, it's considered dangerous and somewhat risky to travel through, as the inhabitants (which are primarily either magic users/"witches" or other inhuman beings. but there's also some standard like. fantasy jrpg monsters yk how it is) consider it their safe home and may not take kindly to outsiders or anyone trying to harm the forest.
magic users have varying reputations in the kingdoms outside of the forest, some don't mind and maybe even are welcoming towards them, others frown upon it but ultimately don't care, but some might even consider it taboo or forbidden to dabble in. it's for this reason that magic users born in the kingdoms may ultimately leave their homes to live in the safety of the forest instead
virtual singers (theyre the only ones to come up in story, but not the only ones) are among many of the guardians of the region, originating from the forest.
miku is basically the god of the world (likely under another name- or the goddess's name is known only as hatsune but not miku), but can't physically interfere in her primary state (think the law of cycles from pmmm), and so sends "fragments" of herself (sekai mikus) to help people and in the case of this au its the prsk characters
wxs :)
the otori family are the rulers of one of the kingdoms (the kingdoms do not have names. do not look at me), rakunosuke, the original king of the otori kingdom before emu's father kounosuke took over, was a lot more of open to magic users and other fantastical beings, and taught his son and grandchildren accordingly. when he passed, however, kounosuke and his elder sons would teach the younger children to be more fearful and wary- that not every being they'd encounter would be friendly
tsukasa & saki grew up in a small town with their parents, but fell on unexpected hard times, this resulted in them having to leave the town and it's inhabitants behind, the two ended up on their own, later joined by a semi amnesiac toya, where they were later adopted and raised by the otoris, being raised as royalty accordingly. (tsukasa trained to be a knight however, and toya felt very strongly about not wanting to be a heir unless absolutely necessary, resolving to use his smarts to tutor the other kids)
hinata helps emu and saki do their hair btw they r the sisters ever
rui is a natutal born magic user who grew up in a town that was not quite favorable to them- atleast not to magic users who don't restrain themselvesm rui wanted to experiment with his magic to see what he could do- all for the sake of helping people- be it healing, or doing visual tricks to make others smile, but the other villagers were afraid and/or distrusting of him. fearful of the villagers turning that hatred towards his parents, rui fled the village one night without telling his parents (at best leaving a note explaining why he left) to go stay in the forest.
nene is a friend of rui's- a mermaid from said forest, rui would visit when he was younger, coming to see her at the lake she stayed at. there, alongside their third companion (mizuki), the kids would discuss all sorts of things- magic, nature, society, the world.. nene doesn't know much of the world outside the forest, but wants to see the ocean someday.
tsukasa went out on a patrol to scout the areas of the region a bit further out from where the kingdom was situated- it's there he comes across rui and his "familiars" (kaito and wxs!miku) and the story begins! but tsukasa's big adventure also inspires emu to go on one of her own and play catch up ✨️
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pterodactylterrace · 6 months
Oi Oi, it’s your girl sliding in with another crackpot theory! Today, I’m here to ramble on about Maegor!
As I mentioned in a previous post Maegor was likely conceived through the use of magic.
“Even those who loved her best found Visenya stern, serious, and unforgiving; some said that she played with poisons and dabbled in dark sorceries.”
“Visenya childless and perhaps barren.”
“All such speculation ended in 11 AC, when Queen Visenya suddenly announced that she was carrying the king’s child.”
So at 40, after more than a decade of marriage, Visenya ‘suddenly’ falls pregnant. Only after her sister dies in Dorne and the heir (Aenys) refusing to eat and regressing to crawling. I believe Visenya was just fine not having a child of her own, but with Aenys taking the death of his mother so hard, there was a chance he may not recover. The king was being pressured to take another wife, so Visenya did what she had to do.
Somewhat noteworthy that she boasted she would birth a son. Only somewhat because in reality, she had a 50/50 of being right. Still worth mentioning because she doesn’t seem the type to boast about something unless she knew it to be true, though. If she conceived through magic, she may have specifically conceived a son to ensure the line wouldn’t end if Aenys did not recover.
Knowing what we know of Aenys, that would make Maegor the last true born Targaryen.
It is noted that he killed a cat first thing when his mother gave him a sword, but keep in mind, this was written after the fact.
Maegor’s first wife was ten years his senior. He, like his mother, brags that he made a son the day after his wedding. Unlike his mother, this proved to be false.
In fact, years went by, and she never became pregnant. Perhaps because she was older than him (though still very much in her fertile prime, mind you) she was thought of to be the problem. I challenge that, however. I believe Maegor was the one with the issue, but not ‘worms in his privy parts’ or however they put it. Rather, I theorize that Aegon was infertile, and Aenys was a bastard from one of Rhaenys’s paramours. If Visenya managed to conceive Aegon’s child through magic, then it would make sense for any child born of that union to also be sterile.
Maegor was a badass though. He defeated 3 members of the kingsguard in back to back tilts in a tourney. He was knighted at 16. The youngest knight in the seven kingdoms. He is what you would expect of a Targaryen.
What he wasn’t, however, was as a dragon rider. Lady Alyssa (his sister in law) teased him about it one day, asking if he was afraid of dragons. Maegor coolly replies that only one dragon is worthy of him. He has some beef with her. Every child she has, pushes him further down the succession. And she just called him out in open court. That was an awfully tame response from someone who would later be known as “The Cruel”.
He later retrieves his father’s sword from his funeral pyre. When his brother is crowned, Aenys pulls him to his feet when he kneels, tells him he need never kneel to him again, and gives him back Blackfyre. Which means after Maegor retrieved it from his father’s funeral pyre, he gave it to his brother.
When the Eryie had problems with a Kinslaying usurper, Maegor was sent to deal with it. We can see how he feels about Kinslaying and usurpation when he doesn’t spare anyone involved in the revolt.
He is noted to have his mother’s disposition. Stern, strict, unyielding. Yet, not yet described as cruel.
When Maegor takes another wife, thinking his to be barren, Aenys denounces the marriage and calls his new wife a whore. Awful big words for the son of a second wife, but ok. Also, uncalled for. Multiple wives was a Valaryian tradition, and all this girl did was get married. Alyssa openly mocked Maegor in court and he just said only one dragon was worthy of him. Maegor gets married and suddenly the woman is a whore. For… getting married… That makes absolutely no sense to me. Normally a woman wanting to be married is seen as virtuous.
Maegor points out that their dad had two wives, and he had done nothing wrong. Aenys demands he put aside his wife or face exile. Pretty harsh for not doing anything wrong or even out of the ordinary for Targaryen men.
I fully believe Visenya poisoned Aenys at this point. He died slow of tummy troubles that would get better for a while, then come right back. Like an hour after he died, Visenya was going to fetch Maegor from exile. Maegor just came and grabbed the conquerer’s crown for his coronation. The succession had no precedent to follow. Some believed it should go to Aenys’s eldest son. Some to Maegor. There was no clear heir, and Maegor took the crown. It belongs to the man with the strength to seize it.
Then he went to squash an uprising in Kings Landing. This is where his head injury occurs. They didn’t think he would recover. Tyanna of the Tower arrived and THE NEXT DAY he awoke.
The first thing he did when he woke up was get on Balerion and kill his nephew and his dragon. That doesn’t track at all to me. He slew everyone involved in the Eyrie uprising for Kinslaying, and he is suddenly cool with it?
Something doesn’t add up. Every cruel deed followed his recovery.
Good folks of Tumblr, I submit to you this theory:
Maegor the Cruel was not cruel, but had severe brain damage.
We also see that when all his children are born deformed, that Tyanna admits to having a hand in it. She also tells him that his unborn child will also not survive.
Perhaps because the magic she used made him unable to sire a viable child? We don’t know what magic she used, but she used some sort of magic to heal Maegor, and he never had any children before then, and all born after were deformed. She also knew that his unborn child would be the same. Did she know that because she had already gotten to the mother and done something to her, or because she knew Maegor was unable to have viable children?
Tyanna tricked him into killing Alys Harroway. The deformed child was likely his, considering all children aired by him are similarly monstrous. It was just a ‘happy’ accident that of all her paramours, Maegor was the winner. OR all eighteen men that confessed did so under duress (torture) and you can’t really take what they say as truth. They would do anything to make it stop.
He had his nephew tortured to death. He killed everyone involved in building the red keep. He slaughters people in droves, but the question still remains:
Was Maegor always cruel, or did the blow that almost killed him alter his personality completely?
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