#however it is bc i love him too much i swear i do not mistreat my son i just bring him w me everywhere and hold him too much he is spoiled
lanshappycorner · 6 months
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johndykeon · 5 years
(Re: this) HIIIII ANDIE!!! I come bearing ideas. ;)))) Feel free to use them how you seem fit, or not! It’s all good (you can keep this in your inbox if you decide to write any of them, no need to reply me :P), BUT I didn’t really base them off of the prompts from Maylor Week though and I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m craving for Dom!Roger so XDDD You already know what you’re getting here lol A WHOLE LOT OF DOM!ROGER AND HIS SUB!BRIAN but you’re also free to put your spin on them, write them however you feel inspired! (& dear lord this turns out SO MUCH LONGER than I expected, they got way out of hand! I’M TERRIBLY SORRY ANDIE ABOUT THE LONG MESSY POST BELOW)
1. It’s obvious that Roger’s a good Dom and a great lay, and Brian’s pining. Kinda hard not to notice the satisfied dreamy looks on Roger’s bed partners after their nights together and nope Brian is definitely not sulking(?) or being jealous(?). He does however fantasize about what’s it gonna be like being taken care of by Roger, and once he starts thinking about it he can’t seem to stop. He knows he’s acting weird blushing randomly throughout the day and avoid looking at Roger in the face and oh boy he can practically feel Roger gearing up for an opportunity to confront him about everything but how can he tell him? Roger’s way out of his league. He’s spared from the confession part though when the day he forgot to lock his bedroom door is the day he woke up from his sex dream (featuring Dom!Roger ofc) and almost had a heart attack seeing Roger by his bedside smirking at him with heavy amusement and arousal in his eyes. (Roger was trying to corner Brian so they could talk at once when he wakes up; When he heard Brian moaning his name he immediately let himself in thinking he’s unwell and needs help. This turns out to be so much more enjoyable than he expected; He loves Brian and since the feeling’s mutual now he doesn’t have to hold back anymore) (spoilers alert haha Roger ends up making passionate love to Brian for their first time with a hint of dominance on his part, not all out D/s cuz Brian’s new to this, they’ll have to have a long talk about rules and boundaries before doing anything)
2. Established relationship, Roger’s been away on a business trip (or something like that) and Brian is missing him terribly. He knows when Roger’s been away far too long for his liking when the god damn tabloid’s blurry photos of Roger smiling and being surrounded by beautiful women and men are getting to him and his insecurity’s now acting up. Brian feels lonely, insecure and on top of that guilty for letting the tabloid affecting him like this because it totally shouldn’t, it’s just a fucking tabloid that always says untrue things. Eventually he decides to try something new to distract himself by buying a whole full set of sexy lingerie to wear in bed when Roger comes home; They’ve not done this before, the part in him that eagerly wants to be a good boy for Roger shyly hopes that he will like it. Upon returning Roger is indeed very excited to see Brian in those, he looks absolutely ravishing and wastes no time taking him to bed. But Roger being very in tune with Brian’s needs senses something’s off not long after and gently but firmly asks Brian to tell him what’s wrong. He’s gotten very good at using his Dom voice on Brian and soon Brian’s having a mini breakdown in his arms. Of course Roger comforts and reassures him and explained what was really going on in those photos, definitely not like what the tabloid’s being saying. Roger ends up making long drawn out gentle love to Brian while showering him with praises about how beautiful he looks in the lingerie and how much he loves him (basically fucking those negative thoughts and emotions out of Brian lol). The next morning when Brian wakes up all sated and basking in afterglow Roger brings him breakfast in bed and insist on feeding him, not allowing Brian to raise even one finger haha and after that they cuddle in bed for the rest of the morning.
3. Mafia!AU, when Brian was a kid in an orphanage he and Roger were best friends, they look out for each other and swear to stay together but ofc real life doesn’t work like that, Roger was adopted first while his own adoption followed not long after. Brian ends up growing up in a Mafia family; Luckily his adoptive father, the current leader of the Family was actually quite kind to him, Brian is very good at math and is extremely bright so he’s spared from all the ugly part of things and was tasked with doing all the finance stuffs for his Mafia Family. Brian doesn’t like violence even though he’s sheltered away from those and more often than not thought about leaving, but it’s not easy especially when certain members in the family always have their eyes on him and love to remind him about how he owes them for adopting him. He also tries looking for Roger discreetly whenever he can but so far all leads came up empty. Days go by while he doesn’t have a perfect life at least he’s not mistreated other than sometimes being ignored or isolated (exactly what he wants tbh); He knows some of the family members especially the actual sons of his adoptive father are quite wary of him, afraid that he’s gonna want power as well (he absolutely doesn’t thank you very much) but all this is interrupted when 1) his adoptive father suddenly has a heart attack and passed away, tension in the family rises immediately, seems like everyone’s scheming for that leader role but before any of them can come out on top, 2) they’re under attack from another Mafia that’s quickly rising to the top, and Brian’s family lost miserably; They took quite a heavy hit and now the ranks are shifting rapidly AND that’s not the end of their continuous bad luck. 4) The rival Mafia what won against them is demanding compensation, weirdly usually this is the time when the winner demands a hell lot but this time the demands seems to be more symbolic than the usual route of ripping the losing side off, which is good for them because now they really don’t have much to offer, BUT the strangest thing is, the one demand that the Mafia’s not budging on, is BRIAN. They are demanding Brian to leave and stay with them instead and they’re not accepting any rejection on this one, also are ridiculously tight lipped on why. Brian himself was not present at (or invited to) any of these “negotiations”, he’s being relayed to the news by one of his family members and dread and terror immediately filled his lungs. His future looks so bleak now he knows that he’s gonna be the chew toy, as the show of power demonstrating Brian’s family’s defeat and showing off the victory of the other Mafia. He can’t say no or run away unless he wants to be hunted for the rest of his life, and that’s assuming he’s able to escape before his own family decide to “escort” him over. He wants to at least do so with some dignity so he quietly packed up his belongings (not that there’s much he wants to keep anyway) and got in the car they sent. Upon arrival he’s shaking all over almost swallowed whole by dread and nervousness, immediately he’s escorted to what he’s being told that’s his room by someone. For a moment he’s completely distracted by how luxurious and huge it is, and the view from his window is breathtaking; He took a few minutes to explore everything when suddenly the door opens and ROGER (even though they’ve not seen each other for so many years he instinctively knows that it’s him) walks in with a relieved smile on his face and immediately pulls him into a tight hug. (Fun story so back then Roger was adopted by a Mafia family as well. With some luck and a lot of hard work and brawn he steadily rises to power and is now the leader; He knows that Brian has been looking for him all these years but didn’t want to jeopardize him by putting him in danger before his position of power is secured; He never forgot about Brian too and when he started battling for dominance within his family, he found where Brian is and thus is even more determined to fix their separation, starting by acquiring enough power to protect both of them) (spoilers alert their already simmering feelings for one another totally developed and they most definitely fell in love very soon. Roger shelters and protects Brian and never coerce or force him and is very supportive of him, Brian’s future definitely isn’t bleak anymore)
Oh my god this got so fucking long I’M SO SORRY!!!!!!
ok so i wasn’t actually gonna publish this bc i did decide to use one of these prompts for maylor week (unfortunately not the mob!au but hopefully that’ll be coming eventually 🤪) so i’ve just been working from this!!!! but i keep worrying that i’m gonna accidentally delete it or something lmao so i’m publishing it to make sure i can keep track of it!!!!
also can i just say,,,, BRUH these are literally all so good????? i adore them all thank you so so much for sending them in!!!! tbh it made me rlly happy and rlly soft that u cared enough to think this stuff up and send it in skdjdkd and it also gave me TONS of inspo so really, thank you!!!!!!!
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viella-art · 7 years
My thoughts on The Last Jedi
Since I got a few asks about what I thought of the movie I wanted to put them here.
General impressions is that, though the movie has obvious flaws I loved it. The movie can be overwhelming at times, with the amount of information being crammed into it. It made a whole lot more sense to me after viewing it a second time. I’m putting it under a read more because it contains spoilers and it is quite a lot.
A lot of people wouldn’t know this about me, but the characters I’m most invested in are Finn and Kylo and they both have great character development. I know a lot of people were dissapointed by Finn’s story because his actions seemed pointless, but Finn as a character certainly grows.
In TFA we see Finn going from ‘I’m fighting for myself’ to ‘I’m fighting for a friend’. Going into TLJ that is definetly still his mindset as you can see when he wakes up and immediately asks after Rey. And when he thinks the fleet is doomed he wants to escape to make sure Rey is safe.
The only reason he doesn’t is because Rose (bless her heart) does a commendable job of actually following her orders despite Finn being a resistance hero and keep him from escaping in an escape pod. I think Finn learns from Rose what it’s like to go from fighting for a friend to fighting for a cause. He wholeheartedly chooses the resistance in TLJ and while his normal M.O. is we need to get out of here, he now gives a speech about hope and how they need to hold out just a little longer. Boy was ready to die fighting for the cause too! Finn was anything but stagnant in TLJ and I’m excited to see what he does in IX now that he has fully accepted his role as Rebel Scum.
Now my man Kylo, he had the mother of all arcs! We can see Kylo being unhappy with Snoke from the get go, and even lets his anger take over as he actually tries to attack him (Snoke quickly puts him down with some Force lightning). Him bonding with Rey was done well, IMO, and them both thinking the could turn the other was in character. 
Kylo for me became actually dangerous in this movie, despite... not doing all that much. But like Adam has said in many interviews, Kylo thinks that what he does isn’t good necessarily, but he thinks he’s right. And that is dangerous, because he will use that to justify his actions.
Kylo deciding to be the Supreme Leader himself couldn’t have made me more happy. I wanted Kylo to be the big bad and Rian came THROUGH! Seeing Ren get more unhinged was like... fuel to me. I fully expect him to go full Azula in IX and I hope he gets to shine as the villain.
As for Hux... I didn’t really mind his characterisation in the movie. Sure, there are some moments that IMO could have been a little less comedy, but overall I loved his somewhat incompetent ass. In TFA we don’t see Hux do much besides giving orders, a speech and some sneering at Ren. I feel like we get a glimpse in his personality. Hux is arrogant to the point that failure is just not an option in his mind it seems. He is so cocksure about the Resistance going down that he doesn’t consider the option of their escape.
I loved, loved, loved the fact that he was about to pop a cap in Kylo’s ass and quickly hid that bc Kylo woke up and he knew he would probably not win that fight. Him immediately swearing fealty to Ren felt in character too. I’m fully assured that Hux is a ‘Live to fight another day’ kinda guy and I expect him to have something up his sleeve (other than a dagger) in IX and Kylo better watch his back, because his rabid cur of a general is coming for him.
I think the Poe/Holdo dynamic was pretty lazy writing. Their conflict could have been resolved fairly easily and it felt petty on both sides. This is my biggest gripe with the movie. Poe should have trusted Holdo and Holdo should have told people her plan. There was no reason for her not to spill the beans, and because she didnt say anything Poe could stage a mutiny fairly easily. That being said, I did love both characters. Laura Dern played Holdo very convincingly and I loved the softness she gave to a competent military leader.
As for Rey and Luke. Rey’s arc was good and I hope her parents really are nobodies. I loved Daisy’s acting, especially in scenes with Adam, and I feel like Rey is slowly gaining confidence in her part in this story. I wish she got some actual training from Luke though.
Luke... was a little bit dissapointing. I cannot believe that the same man that would not give up on Vader would give up so easily on Ben Solo. Maybe at the end where he fights Kylo and sees that Kylo is making all of this bad choices himself, but not when he was a student training with him. I can understand why Mark berated Rian for that. I did however love the twist that Luke was astral projection across the fucking universe, especially since Kylo mentions to Rey that the effort alone would kill you. Luke for me is a mixed bag of feelings. He has some great moments, and some moments where I felt his character was seriously mistreated.
Overall, even though the movie didn’t have the strongest plot, I still loved it. I loved that it went a different route. Thematically I would say it’s actually closer to The Return of the Jedi than The Empire Strikes Back, but I’m glad it didn’t emulate either movie. 
I do wish that there was more of a cohesion between TFA and TLJ, some characters (Like Kylo and Poe) seem very different from what we see in TFA. Kylo for example, sounds really different between these two movies. So for the character’s sake, I hope there is a little bit more cohesion between VIII and IX.
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le-sejour · 7 years
Say No to This
Written for this prompt on Hamilton Prompts
Word Count: 3,170+
Pairing: Jamilton
Warning: Swearing? Mentions of sex ,and a slightly heated scene c:
A/N: Please forgive me (and tell me c: ) of any errors or inconsistencies in this. It’s been a real hot minute since I’ve written anything for leisure, especially anything historical, and I’m still trying to rediscover my footing. But! I decided to give this a shot bc it seemed like fun c: This was meant to be silly, given the prompt, but I dunno aaaaaa ; A ;
I hope you guys like it! C: (also ha ha cheap jokes and references bc why not)
It’s been a week since his beautiful Eliza and Philip traveled uptown with Angelica for the summer, and Alexander was still wide awake. Stacks of parchment sat on his desk, waiting for his quill. But the words all seemed to blur together and nothing seemed to make any sense. So there he sat, staring at the wall adjacent to him as he sometimes did when he was alone in his study.
Knock knock
He was snapped out of his stupor by the sudden sound. Was that the front door? He glanced out the window and saw the sky changing to twilight. It was getting late. Who could it be?
His eyes lit up. Could it be his wife and son? Have they decided to come stay with him after all? His heartbeat quickened at the thought, he had missed them so much. The house was too quiet without them. His gait gained a slight bounce as he neared the door, the prospect of seeing his wife and son energizing him despite himself.
But as he opened the door, confusion settled on his visage as he stared at someone who was most definitely not his wife or son.
“I know you are a man of honor,” The stranger started, her face held a tinge of red, her eyes puffy. “And I’m so sorry to bother you at home.. But I don’t know where to go, and I came here all alone…”
He felt his conscience stall.
“My husband’s been doing me wrong; beating me, cheating me, mistreating me…” The words seemed to flow together like a song, her voice melodious like a lullaby. He felt his eyes burn and grow heavier with each word.
“Now suddenly he’s up and gone.”
He struggled to keep his eyes opened as his vision of the voluptuous woman and the world swam before him.
“And I don’t have the means to go on.”
The following morning, Alexander found himself in his bed. His mind trying to wrap around the situation, struggling to remember when he fell asleep.
Then it clicked.
Frantically, he looked to the side, expecting to see the woman from last night. He was relieved, (yet also a tiny bit disappointed?) to see Eliza’s side undisturbed. Had it been a dream?
His eyebrows furrowed, if it had been a dream, he would have fallen asleep at his desk. He shot up, was the woman a thief?! He ran as fast as he could, after disentangling himself from the mess of sheets and the floor, to the sitting room. Eliza would be fuming if he was careless enough to invite a lady-thief into their home.
But, looking around, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary; all their books, trinkets, and furniture were still in the right place. And after searching through the other rooms, nothing seemed to have been stolen.
“Huh.” He mumbled out loud, his gaze sweeping his sitting room once again. Maybe he had dragged himself to bed after all? Of course, he was skeptical as he was always quite self-aware of himself. However, after realizing the time, he decided to ponder on the situation at a later time.
George Washington was not paid enough for this shit.
Of course, serving the young nation and its liberated people was an honor that no amount of money could ever hold a candle to.
But this?
It had been an innocent enough morning. He woke up, kissed his wife good morning, bathed (a luxury he thoroughly enjoyed after mucking around in blood and shit for the majority of the ‘80s), ate breakfast, kissed his wife good bye, and took a carriage to work.
His morning was the most domestic thing you could ever come across, so why was the man losing his haven’t been invented til 1846 marbles, you ask?
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.
Now, most of his constituents would say “Oh, but Mr. President, we all know they’re always at each other’s throats whenever they’re in the same room together.”
Because they are.
They’re at each other’s throats.
Or, more specifically, their tongues are down each other’s throats.
“Jefferson, take a walk.” The president pinched the bridge of his nose. He could handle their normal behaviors; Alexander with his barely filtered mouth and stubbornness, and Thomas the French weeaboo with his arrogance and holier than thou attitude.
“You too, Hamilton!”
But this was an entirely different field. He didn’t even know either of them played for that field!
“A walk?” The Treasury secretary murmured against his lover’s lips. “That’s it! Great idea, sir! Come with me, Thomas. Let’s take a beautiful moonlit stroll together.”
“But it’s morning…?” Someone called out in the background.
“Ah, but what’s in a name?” He sighed, stroking the older man’s cheek with his thumb lovingly. “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
Without waiting for another quip, the proud Virginian tugged the lovestruck Alexander (who was now trying to sniff his luscious, curly hair) out the door with him.
“Wait, that’s not what I-“ And they were gone. “Never mind.”
He sighed, rubbing his silky smooth scalp in exasperation. He could already feel a headache coming on. “Meeting adjourned. Someone, write to his wife. I’m going home.”
“I came as soon as I heard!” Eliza burst into the Washington Estate, her bags, Philip, and Angelica still with her.
“Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Church, Philip” George acknowledged, motioning to the couch. “Take a seat, please. This might take a while.”
The Schuyler sisters listened intently, confusion painted across their faces. Philip had already made his way over to Martha, more interested in what she was cooking than the ‘adult’ conversation happening in the sitting room.
“I-I don’t understand.” The younger murmured to her sister as their host left to answer the door, her eyebrows knitted as she tried to make sense of it. “Aren’t they… rivals?”
Angelica nodded, looking perturbed. “Before I left London, Alexander had sent me a letter about how he and Jefferson were at a deadlock. Surely this isn’t the compromise they reached?”
“We are just as bewildered at this display, Madams.” The president stated, setting a package in front of them. Angelica peeked at the contents nonchalantly. It was stacks of legal documents that were vandalized by crudely drawn images of Thomas and Alexander with their names and hearts written all over. Now it looks like The Bill of Rights was made by children. “This is clearly not their ordinary behavior.”
“Is that-”
“Unfortunately. Mr. James Madison is not going to be too pleased at the vandalism of his work.”
“Could they perhaps be playing a trick on us?” Eliza wondered nervously after a pregnant pause, playing with a lock of her hair. “They couldn’t possibly… I mean, Alex would never… Would he?”
“I’m afraid I cannot answer that either, Mrs. Hamilton.” Martha and Philip then walked in with a tray of tea and snacks “However, while waiting for your arrival, we have had Alexander confined to your house. You will find him with a guard stationed by the door to prevent Jefferson from entering, of course.”
After tea and biscuits, the Schuyler sisters and Philip gathered their things and thanked the couple for their time.
“We’re terribly sorry for the fuss my husband created. I’ll be sure to straighten things out at home, Mr. President.”
Two weeks later, and things were just about as straight as the unlikely coupling of Thomas and Alexander.
It was chaotic.
During the first week, they tried to keep the two apart, scheduling two sets of cabinet meetings while they sorted things out. James Madison was tasked to keep an eye on Thomas, but the man was as slippery as a snake and would often sneak out to visit his rival turned lover.
He had tried asking Thomas what all this was about, but all he got in return was a poem he wrote about Alexander’s… quill.
Next, Angelica and Eliza tried asking the other half of the two, and all they got was a 30 paged essay on why Thomas was the love of his life before he tried jumping out the window to try and find his courter.
Eliza, at first, was worried she was going to lose her husband to the curly haired Francophile. But the more it wore on, the more she realized although Alexander would make every suggestive and romantic gesture possible, (they tried to sneak into the house and have sex, once, fully scarring Philip for life before Angelica scared Thomas away) he still came home to her without fail.
Perhaps, she mused, this wasn’t really her Alexander. Maybe he was bewitched by old magicks and this would all blow over soon. She had read before, as a little girl, that sometimes unseen forces (like fairies) liked to cause a little mischief.
But what are the odds of that?
She chuckled. She knew she should be worried about her husband, but she honestly found all this to be hilarious. These two men had been sworn enemies since they laid their eyes on each other, and now they suddenly act like they’re a pair of lovestruck courters?
Hey, Alexander already goes on hour long tirades about the Secretary of State. The only difference now is Eliza doesn’t have to worry about permanently damaging her ears.
Heck, the fact that those two even began writing each other pages upon pages of love letters was oddly endearing to her.
Angelica insisted on keeping them, of course. If this situation was temporary, then these letters could be held above their heads. Though she knew her sister meant it was for when the young Schuyler wanted to get her husband to take a break, she couldn’t help but wonder how else she could use the bundles of love.
“One mile to every inch of,
Your skin like porcelain”
Eliza opened an eye to see her husband’s side of the bed empty. Ah, it must be that time again. They had eventually stopped trying to prevent the two from seeing each other, they were mostly harmless anyway. But they still tried to keep them at least a few meters away at all times to prevent scarring any more children.
“One pair of candy lips and,
Your bubblegum tongue”
She sat up in bed to watch Alexander by the window, sitting and looking comically in love. The voice that woke her up continued, singing a hilariously offkey rendition of some serenade he’s probably made up.
Said man turned to face her, his face going from joy to guilt. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
“Tell Thomas to go home, Alexander. You need to get some sleep.” She murmured gently, beckoning for him to come back to bed.
“Mon loupe, your voice brings me eternal joy whenever you are around. ‘When love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with harmony.’ However, as much as it pains me, I must take my leave, my love. I will see you tomorrow.”
“Of course, darling.” Thomas blew a kiss to his Juliet, before standing up. “Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.”
Though Eliza’s heart would ache whenever her husband’s attention was turned towards Jefferson, she knew in her heart of hearts that the way Alexander’s eyes gazed at her during the tenderest of moments was reserved only for her.
He kissed her forehead before going back to sleep, a gesture he hasn’t done in so long. Eliza stared at her husband in surprise, before settling in herself. A smile gracing her lips.
“Une orange sur la table,” Thomas murmured against Alexander’s neck, sucking on the junction where his neck met his shoulder. The Virginian’s fingers working to unbutton the immigrant’s green vest as he reveled in his pleasured moans. “Ta robe sur le tapis,”
Alexander’s vest and robe had both fluttered to the floor, Thomas leaning in to capture his little love’s lips in a searing kiss. “Et toi dans mon lit.”
“-mas, where are you? Thomas, we’re meeting with Washingto-oly Mother of God!”
James’ scream caused a couple more footsteps to round the corner. George Washington rushed in, thinking the worst as James was mostly a soft spoken man. His eyes landed on the couple on the table and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I’m terribly sorry, Senator Burr, I have to deal with this for a moment. If you’d like, James can escort you to another room for now.”
The man in question walked out the room with his eyes wide and his face redder than it normally is. He didn’t even stop to look at the newest addition to the team, he just walked off, murmuring to himself in disbelief.
“I wanna be in the room where it happens…” Aaron whispered, the pull of curiosity winning him over. Finally, he was able to know what happens in The Room.
Slowly, he opened the door ever so slightly, his gaze roaming around before his eyes landed on three figures.
George trying to pry a half naked Jefferson off of an almost naked Hamilton, and is that–?!
“Sweet Jesus.” Slowly closing the door back to its previous position, Aaron walked off, his eyes wide and trained on the floor. What the hell did he sign up for? Because it certainly wasn’t this.
“Actually…I don’t want to be in the room where it happened.”
“So as I was saying-“
“I’m sorry, Mr. Burr, sir, I’ll let you finish, but I just want to say that Thomas had a better declaration. A real nice declaration, in fact.” Hamilton was allowed back into a meeting with Jefferson, everyone agreeing that two cabinet meetings was far too taxing to sit through.
However, now, they’re seriously reconsidering just keeping two meetings a day. Nobody tried to stop the couple from their public fits of passion, no one even gave them so much as a glance.
At this point, everyone just chose to go on with their lives instead of understand whatever it is that happened with the Jamilton duo. But this was getting ridiculous
“Thank you, doll~”
Smooching sounds.
James stared at the ground, still trying to get the image of his friend and his enemy getting it on a week ago.
“I love you, darling.”
“I love you too, mon loupe.”
Then suddenly, as if a veil had been lifted, a disgruntled Alexander pushed an equally disgruntled Thomas from him.
The screeching threw them all off guard, everyone’s heads snapped to the couple, seeing Alex about to punch the man who he’d been cavorting with for almost a month now.
“Alexander!” George’s voice rang above their cacophony; strong, clear, and commanding. “Opposite sides, the both of you. Now.”
Begrudgingly, they both stalked off to opposite sides, glaring so fiercely at one another, Burr was surprised smoke wasn’t emitting from thin air.
“Meeting adjourned. Everyone please leave.” Thomas and Alex tried to subtly escape. “Except for you two.”
They moved back into the meeting room, Alexander looking a little green, Thomas looking thoroughly disturbed.
“Mind explaining to me what was going on?” George asked, his tone tired and defeated. What the hell was happening with these two boys?
“All I know is Jefferson started it! He kissed me, sir!”
“I kissed you?! You’re the one who threw yourself on me! Have you no brain nor any modicum of decency?!”
“Alright, enough!” For the nth time, the exasperated leader of the great America pinched the bridge of his nose. “You two have gone and done just about every damn thing under the sun in front of myself and the cabinet, even in front of your wife and son, Alexander.”
At this, the younger man shirked in embarrassment, the memories flooding back to him. He felt his ears burn as the skin under his face lit up with the flames of humiliation. Both parties sneered at the other, suddenly filled with seething hate and shame.
“But Jeff-”
“So help me God, if I have to pry you two away from each other whether in passion or rage, I will be the one to show both of you where my shoe fits. Do I make myself clear?”
“But Mr. Preside-”
“I swear to God Jefferson, that swivel chair of yours will find a new home up your ass if either of you defy me. Do I make myself clear?!”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
A pair of gleeful eyes watched as the two ex-lovers walked out of the establishment, Alexander’s eyes glued to his shoes as he paled with mortification. He got into a flustered argument with a group who must have mention his previous romps with a certain Virginian.
The eyes then turned to the other man who, although held his head up high, lacked the air of confidence and cockiness usually associated with him. He tried to get his partner in crime to talk to him, but it seemed Madison still couldn’t scrub his mind free from what he saw.
A cat-like smirk accompanied the pair of eyes. It looks like she ruffled his feathers, that’s for sure.
Thomas looked around cautiously, as if something was out to get him. She saw his hand shakily grip his cane tighter, causing a chuckle to escape her red-painted lips.
Stepping out of the shadows, the young, voluptuous woman let the sun bathe her already sun-kissed skin and beautiful chocolate curls.
Alexander had already hurried home after Fighting™ some loose lipped groupies, hoping to make things right with his wife. Thomas was now walking away with a very tired looking James as he tried to comprehend what his friend was confiding in him.
“When I ask you to stay, you stay, Thomas.” She murmured, smoothing her red dress before blending into the crowd.
“How dare you say no to this?”
“Eliza, please!” The immigrant begged, his eyes welling with tears. How could he let this happen?
“I’m sorry Alexander.” She stared down at his slumped form with pity before bubbling up again with laughter. “I just.. I don’t think that for one second you were ever the dominant one in that relationship.”
“That’s not true, Eliza!” He whined, pouting dejectedly. “You don’t think that, do you, Angelica?”
“Sorry, Alex, your love letters say otherwise,” The older Schuyler showed him one such letter. “You sounded whipped. He even called you his Juliet. Doesn’t sound like the dominant one to me.”
“Alexander, he was the one on his knees, serenading you in the yard. I highly doubt resulting to physical violence changes anything. Besides, everyone in this room, even your son, Alexander, knows he was the one trying to slip your pants off.”
Philip paled and ran out of the room, chanting “Hear no evil, see no evil” over and over to himself.
(and Peggy)
(PS The thing TJeffs is saying as he’s thoroughly ravishing Alex is from a poem by Jacques Prevert titled “Alicante”. )
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qwedfas · 7 years
hey fam, my dad recently went overseas, for a job or something. my mum and i tried calling him many times, but he did not pick up. my mom got so scared and thought something happened .a few hours later, after my mom panicking, crying, screaming, he picked up and turns out he was fine, he had forgotten his phone at the hotel. my mom is convinced that my dad did not pick up on purpose, bc he doesn't care about her. she is in bed right now screaming and crying horrible things about my dad.
Pt2: (continued) she just keeps screaming and screaming and swearing things like yelling how he should die, how she doesn’t ever want to see him again, how she wants to kill him and she wants to divorce. she is saying so much and i’m here right now typing in my room and idk how to respond, idk how to feel, idk what to think about, i feel angry towards my dad, bc he’s mistreated my mum before, but i’m also angry at my mum for saying these horrible things. my family is falling apart and i want to die
Pt3: (continued) i cant sleep and i feel anxious but i can hear my mum screaming and crying i want to sleep idk what to do fam
Pt 4: this is related to that other question about my mom and dad fighting, it’s 3am right now i can’t sleep. my mom is still screaming and now shes yelling at my dad. she never wants to see my dad again. she said shes going to take me abd my little brother away from him. what does this mean. i dn’t feel safe here and my friend offered to pick me up and i really want to leave home bc i will kill myself i have no family here
Pt 5: my mom hasn’t stopped crying since yesterday, she cried the whole day, my dads coming back tmr, ik whats going to happen. my mom will start arguing, my dad will get tlly angry, and like he alwlays does, beat my mom up. then i will get involved, bc my mom wants me to, and he will punch me. im considering for tmr, i kill myself, or i run away to my friends house if it does happened. i am sick of fake friends, my dad hurting my mom and me, and hearing my mom cry. i’m done.
Hey sweetie,
Sorry for taking so long to answer this question. We’ve just been considering what would be the best advice. Again so sorry if you have already dealt with the issue, but here are some things that might make it easier in the future. We are so sorry that you are in this situation :( Most importantly, always always keep in mind that, this is not your fault. And you should NOT have to feel bad about yourself and feel this way about something that you cannot control.
Avoiding the problem will not help your situation, but avoiding a direct confrontation is different. So if you feel the need to get away and let the situation ‘cool down’ first, then do that. Getting involved in a fight between your parents is 100 times worse than dealing with being reprimanded for leaving the house.
In the long term though the only way to work through this issue is to seek out some help, especially from a professional counsellor. We can tell that this situation is having a huge effect on your wellbeing, and we’re really concerned that your thinking about killing yourself. We can only imagine how hard it would be to have these feelings of wanting to leave home, and of feeling distressed, and angry. The best thing to do when you’re having these feelings is to talk with a trusted adult preferably a medical professional or a school counsellor. It is not an easy thing to do but this is the only way to get the support you need and make some changes in your life to protect yourself.
If there is any violence or threat of violence at home you can also ring 000 for assistance. Do not hesitate to do this to protect yourself, your brother and mother.
However, the most important thing to do is to please go and talk to a doctor or counsellor as soon as possible. You need and deserve as much help as you can get from these adults.You are doing an amazing job just managing to cope so far, and we’re so proud of you for sending in  this ask. You are incredibly brave. Remember that we’re always here to talk to - you can send us another ask, come onto the live chat or meet with us in person too. You shouldn’t have to deal with this alone and you’ve got us and professionals who are here to help
Lots of love from all of us
FAM xx
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