#however no simple 2 small silver loops on one ear.
myrfing · 9 months
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wtf these earrings are so cute. shit i never see on gourd because they get vortexed into his horns
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starshine583 · 4 years
New Girl on the Block (2)
(So there are Journal Entries that are supposed to go with these fics, but I’ll admit they’re not as details haha. It’s up to you if you wanna read them or not, but please enjoy this chapter either way!)
Ch.1 / Ch.3
Chapter 2: Looming Support
Marinette bustled down the last few steps to the bakery and made a mad dash for the door. She should arrive at Rosemary right on time- for once in her life -but Felix was supposed to be meeting her there since they shared their first class together, and his demeanor gave her the impression that he preferred to get to class early instead of right on time. 
“Oh- don’t forget you’re croissants for lunch!” Sabine called after her, causing Marinette to screech to a halt.
“Right, right, thanks Maman.” She replied hastily, nearly yanking the paper bag from Sabine’s hands.
“Careful with those! They’re fresh!” Sabine warned. 
Marinette only nodded, as it was the only thing she had time to do, and ripped open the bakery door. The school was now five blocks away instead of two, but if she started running-
All thoughts of Felix and Rosemary flooded from her mind when the chipper voice of Adrien Agreste reached her ears. 
She glanced up to see her former classmate- and former crush, for that matter -stepping out of his silver car. Her first instinct was to run, but her feet refused to move, as if they were rooted to the spot from sheer panic. Why was he here? No, nevermind. She knew why he was here. The look on his face gave it all away. That easy smile paired with those stupid, pitying eyes was a look she’d seen a thousand times before. He always wore that expression when he was about to give her another lecture on why she needed to be the bigger person and let Lila figure out the error of her ways on her own.
“Marinette, I’m so glad I caught you! I tried to visit yesterday, but Mme Sabine said you weren’t home.” 
Marinette held back a smile, knowing full well that she’d been home all evening yesterday. Her mother was such a saint.
The humor didn’t last long, though, because Adrien continued, “I wanted to talk to you about your transfer? When did you decide to change schools? You didn’t even say goodbye.”
Involuntarily, she started shifting from foot to foot. Aside from the fact that merely looking at Adrien made her immensely uncomfortable, school would be starting soon. The last thing she wanted to do was cause Felix to be late if he decided to wait for her. “A-Adrien, I really need to go.” 
His smile wavered. “Maybe I can give you a ride? I really think we should talk.”
Finally regaining command over her own two feet, Marinette shuffled a step back. “No, t-that’s alright. I don’t want to trouble you.”
Adrien stepped forward. “It’s no trouble-”
“ThanksbutIreallyhavetogonowbye-” The quick farewell shot from her lips as she tore off down the sidewalk, giving him no room to argue. She knew Adrien all too well, and she knew that he would keep her there all day if it meant persuading her into his vehicle- or anywhere private -for them to “talk”. 
Marinette turned left and right, winding through the streets and back alleyways of Paris. It wasn’t the ideal detour, but she wanted to be absolutely certain that he didn't follow her. If Adrien was willing to show up at her house, she doubted that he would hesitate to show up at her school too. 
So she ran, ignoring the burning in her legs and desperately praying that Felix wouldn’t glare at her too much for the inconvenience.
Time: eight thirty-two in the morning, exactly two minutes after classes were supposed to start. 
Felix never considered being late a problem so long as it wasn’t a regular occurrence. The tardy marks that assaulted his otherwise perfect attendance, however, were a bit of a nuisance. If it had been anyone other than Marinette, he would have left as soon as the class bell resonated within these borderline cavernous halls. 
A pair of footsteps developed in the distance, faint at first. He didn’t bother turning his head until the sound grew into a loud tapping on the pavement, but what he saw surprised him. Marinette, the very girl he was waiting for, was sprinting towards him. If that wasn’t enough, she ran right past him and into the school! Granted, she spouted something in his direction as she passed, but he certainly didn’t catch it. 
Felix, despite being thoroughly confused, followed her inside, where she was now bent over and gasping for air. 
“I’m- I’m so sorry for- for being late.” She panted, briefly glancing up as she did. He noted that her gaze was focused more on the windows than him, though.
“It happens.” He murmured, curiosity prompting him to look out the windows as well. A few cars passed, but nothing out of the ordinary. What was she looking for?
“You’re not mad?” She huffed, flicking her eyes to the window again and taking a step to the right. Was she trying to hide from something? 
Felix frowned. “No, but we should get to class. Getting detention on your first day isn’t the best first impression.” 
Marinette nodded, drawing in one last breath and straightening. “Okay.. History’s first, right?” 
“Correct. They’ve already started, though, so we’ll need to be discrete.” 
She pulled a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”
He shrugged. “It’s only the first class of the day. Once the next class starts, our schedules will right themselves, and our lateness will be forgotten.” 
And it was. By the time Felix met up with the others for lunch a few hours later, Marinette was bright and cheery and not nearly as distressed as she had been that morning. He idly wondered what could have caused so much panic for her, but it wasn’t his business to ask. They’d only known each for a day, after all. If she wanted to tell him about her problems, she would.
“Ready to go, Mari?” Allegra asked, looping her arm with Marinette’s. “The restaurant is a bit far so I’m gonna have you ride with me, if you don’t mind.”
“We’re going to a restaurant?” 
“Yeah, where else would we go?” Claude replied.
A soft “oh” passed Marinette’s lips, and she looked down at the small, pink package in her hands. “I, um.. I thought we were just going to eat at the park or something, so I brought my own lunch.”
“That’s alright!” Allegra smiled. “We’ll just go to a cafe instead. I know this outdoor one a few minutes from here that has the most splendid pastries.”
“Are you sure-”
“Of course we’re sure.” Allegra insisted, waving off Marinette’s concerns as they walked outside. “This lunch is for you, after all.”
Her bluebell eyes blew wide at the information. “For me?”
“It’s our way of celebrating a new member of the group.” Allan casually explained.
“Felix didn’t get a lunch since we already have to drag him by the ankles to everything else we do.” Claude added with a smirk.
Felix rolled his eyes, though he couldn’t disagree. They really did jump through a lot of hoops to hang out with him. Why the trio went through so much trouble, he’ll never know.
Marinette, however, giggled at the knowledge and stole a glance in his direction.
Feeling as if he should acknowledge her look, he leaned towards her and murmured, “You can still run. The ‘initiation lunch’ hasn’t started yet.”
She put a hand over her mouth to stifle her increased laughter. “I think I’ll take my chances.” 
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “Suit yourself. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Fifteen minutes later, they were all climbing out of their respective cars- Marinette hopping out with Allegra -and deciding which table to steal for the half hour they had left. Claude jumped to a circular table near the edge of the street because it “had more sun”. Since no one else had a specific preference, they followed along behind him.
“We try to make it a point to have lunch together whenever we can.” Allegra said to Marinette as they sat down. “Usually, we get to have one at least once a week.”
“Felix always tries to escape, but struggle is futile when Allegra is involved.” Claude whispered to the ravenette. The fact that he had to lean all the way across the table to do so, however, caused everyone to hear it anyway.
Allegra pulled a cheeky smile, not even denying the comment. She knew how ruthless she could be when she wanted something, and it was a trait that she held in high esteem.
Marinette, once again, fell into a small fit of giggles. Felix found that he rather enjoyed hearing her laugh, which was surprising. People who laughed at every other word in a conversation usually irritated him. They were either looking for his approval or just had dreadful, snorty laughs in general. Not hers, though. Something about Marinette’s laugh reminded him of tinkling bells or pure sunshine. It almost made him want to laugh along with her. 
“How long have you all been friends?” Marinette asked curiously, resting her elbows on the table and her chin on the back of her folded hands. 
Allegra was the first to answer. “Claude, Allan, and I have been friends since childhood, but Felix was roped into joining us a little over two years ago.”
A waitress came by to take their orders for drinks and food, but after she left, Marinette continued the conversation.
“It’s cool that you all have stayed such good friends over the years. At my other school, I somehow got put in the same class of people for six years straight, but..” She trailed off, her smile fading slightly. 
“But what?” Felix prompted, ignoring the surprised look the others gave him. 
If someone had told him yesterday that he’d be asking a random girl about her troubles, he would have said they were ridiculous, or better yet, not responded at all. When it came down to it, Felix wasn’t a sensitive or compassionate person. 
And yet, here he was, asking Marinette to continue addressing her woes- and they were woes. No one looked that depressed when thinking about cherished memories. -for a simple life story. Felix wanted to know what made her tick, how she became the person she was today. He couldn’t do that with the scarce information that he currently possessed. If she was close to telling them something important, why waste the opportunity?
Marinette’s eyes met his, also holding a bit of shock.
“But..” She repeated, casting her gaze downwards and lowering her hands. “I guess being childhood friends wasn’t enough to keep us from drifting apart.”
The table fell silent. 
Even as the waitress came back with their drinks, even though Claude- who usually never shut up -was sitting right there, the table fell silent. It was one of those moments, Felix supposed, that had to be silent, to reflect on the grief that hung so heavily in Marinette’s words.
Finally, Allan put his hand on hers. “We’re here for you.” 
The statement was soft, but strong and filled with sincerity. Allegra and Claude reached forward and grabbed her hand as well, showing their shared support.
Marinette put her free hand on top of theirs, her eyes glistening with tears, but her smile warm and grateful. “Thank you.”
Although Felix didn’t partake in the handholding, he offered her a meaningful look. “I told you: once the ‘initiation lunch’ is started, you’re stuck here.” 
A choked laugh came from her, and she wiped away a single, stray tear. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
Marinette popped the last bite of her meal into her mouth and started balling up the wrappers and dirtied napkins to put them back in her lunchbox so she could throw them away later. She’d decided to wait until the others got their meals from the cafe before eating her prepared lunch, which resulted in a time crunch that required her to somewhat scarf down her food. Marinette didn’t mind it, though. Allegra moved their entire lunch date to another location in an effort to accommodate her. The least she could do was wait an extra ten or twenty minutes before eating. 
“What is that heavenly smell?” Claude asked, going so far as to stand from his seat slightly.
Marinette, who had just taken out her mother’s croissants, smiled. “Maman packed me fresh croissants from our bakery this morning.” 
“You have a bakery??” Claude asked next, rising further from his seat.
Allegra swatted at his arm. “Claude, behave yourself. We’re in public.”
The brunette sat down immediately, but his eyes remained on Marinette. Or rather, the paper bag she was holding. 
Marinette giggled. “Yes, about five blocks from Rosemary.” She then opened the bag and fished out a croissant. “Would you like to try one?”
“Absolutely!” Claude said, almost urgently, as he shot out of his seat to grab the offered food.
“Claude!” Allegra hissed.
Instantly, he sat down again, reminding Marinette of a hyperactive, yet well-trained puppy. She couldn’t help grinning at the sight.
“They’re chocolate flavored.” Marinette informed as she handed it to him. “We also have a cheese-filled one, but I don’t have any of those today.”
Claude didn’t hesitate to take a bite of the croissant, and she watched with an amused smile as his entire being seemed to melt into the chair. 
“Is it really that good?” Allegra inquired, reaching up to take a piece.
Claude jerked away, clutching the croissant to his chest as if it were a priceless heirloom. “No! She gave it to me!”
Allegra lips pressed into a thin, impatient line. “I just want one little piece.”
He shook his head. “Get your own croissant.” 
Before she could argue any further, Claude shoved the entire croissant into his mouth. 
“Claude!” Allegra cried, both annoyed and concerned at the same time.
“I have more!” Marinette rushed to say, not wanting the conflict to worsen. Thankfully, the two turned back to her. 
“Maman packed a few extras since she knew that I was eating with you guys.” She explained, taking out another croissant.
Allan put a hand to his heart jokingly. “Aw~, you talk about us?”
A light blush dusted her cheeks, and she handed Allegra the croissant. “Well, you four are definitely a memorable group.”
“We wouldn’t be fun if we weren’t.” Claude winked, taking another croissant himself. It was actually Marinette’s croissant, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. His giddiness as he bit into the breaded treat was too good to ruin. Besides, she could always snag another one when she got home.
Allan hummed with pleasure next to her. “How did you make them so fluffy?”
“Maybe you guys can come over sometime to find out.” Marinette suggested with a smile. They’d taken her to lunch, so it seemed only fitting to invite them to her house as thanks.
Claude immediately brightened. “Can we really?”
She giggled. “I don’t see why not. I’m sure Maman and Papa would even teach you how to make the croissants yourselves if you’re nice enough.”
“Girl, you just say the word. I will be the epitome of nice.”
A round of laughter spread amongst the group. As if Claude could be anything but chaotic for more than a few minutes.
“We would love to come over.” Allegra said, still holding a wry smile from Claude’s comment.
Marinette beamed. “Great! I’ll see when Maman has a free day.”
A beeping sound cut into the conversation, and Felix glanced down at his watch. “Time’s up. We need to get back to the school for our next class.”
“You have a timer?” Marinette asked, purely curious, as they all started getting up.
“Felix always has a timer.” Claude interjected.
Felix sent him a glare. “It’s a practical thing to do. If I didn’t set a timer, we would all be expelled by now for being late to class too often.”
“He has a point.” Allegra allowed, pulling her purse onto her shoulder.
Claude shot her a betrayed look. “Don’t side with him!” 
Allegra merely shrugged in response. “We’ll see you guys back at school.” 
Allegra made a small gesture between herself and Marinette. “We’re riding together, remember?”
Claude straightened. “Hey, that’s not fair! You got to ride with her on the way here.”
Allegra rose a brow. “Your point?”
Claude flailed his arms, as if it were obvious. “So it’s my turn to drive her.”
“Your turn?” Allegra scoffed. “She’s a human being, not some object to be thrown around!”
“Says the person who gets to drive her.” Claude retorted. 
Allegra narrowed her eyes. “Fine. Why don’t we let Marinette decide who she rides with?”
An involuntary squeak escaped Marinette’s lips as the two turned to her. 
“Oh, um, well-”
Felix’s sigh cut her off. “Enough. I’ll drive her.” 
Claude’s jaw dropped open.
Allegra blinked. 
Marinette just stared at him, vaguely aware of Allan smirking approvingly next to her.
“If that’s alright with you.” Felix added, breaking their stunned silence.
“O-Oh! Uh, yes. That’s fine.” Marinette replied unthinkingly. 
He nodded. “Good. Let’s get going then.”
Marinette shuffled along behind him, sparing a quick glance to Claude and Allegra. They were still staring, though Allegra now had enough sense about her to clench her jaw from displeasure. 
She managed to give them both an apologetic look before Felix led her around the corner to where his car was parked. 
He helped her in, then got in himself and ordered the driver to take them back to school. 
Felix stared out the car window as he tapped his index finger against his thigh. They were alone now. Just him and Marinette. This situation provided a million opportunities. He could ask her more questions about her old school, or her home life, or how she was enjoying the school so far. If she assumed that he was prodding, she might clam up, though. So he should probably choose one subject for the time being. Which question was most important? Which would give him the most information?
His finger started tapping faster in thought. Her old school seemed to be a touchy subject. That would be shut down quickly. She’s also extended an invitation to her house. Any questions he asked about that would be answered eventually anyway. That left her opinion of Rosemary Highschool, but that hardly reflected much of her personal life.
Felix checked his watch. They would be at the school in roughly five minutes, and there was no telling when they’d be alone again, what with Claude and Allegra running about. He had to ask something.
He stole a glance in her direction. Marinette was staring out the window as well, quietly twiddling her thumbs. He found that it was something she did often- fiddling, that is. It must be a coping mechanism for her anxiety. She practically couldn’t sit still during their first class after the mysterious scare she’d had that.. morning..
Felix cleared his throat. He knew what he wanted to ask her now. 
“Can I ask you something?” He began, hoping she wouldn’t be as annoyed by this as he himself would be.  
Marinette startled, whirling around to face him. “Sorry?”
“I wanted to ask you a question.”
“Oh.” She said, relaxing a bit. “Okay.”
Felix drew in a small breath. So far so good. “This morning, you ran into the school and avoided the windows for the first class period. I don’t mean to pry, but were you running from something?”
Panic flashed across her features, and her hands trailed up to mess with the tips of her jacket. “It’s.. it’s nothing, really... I guess you could say I didn’t leave my old school on good terms.”
Felix blinked. That’s an interesting reply. What did the relations of her old school have to do with her running from something? (Nevermind the fact that Marinette leaving anyone on ‘bad terms’ was shocking. She didn’t seem like the type to make enemies easily.)
“..Is someone stalking you?” He asked, somewhat thinking aloud. The way she ran into the school didn’t strike him as someone who was casually hiding from an awkward situation. If she left her school on bad terms, perhaps someone was trying to corner her for revenge?
She shook her head frantically. “No, no, no! Well.. technically yes, but ‘stalking’ is a strong word. He-”
“-just wants to ‘talk’.” Her expression soured at the last word, and Felix wondered what sort of things one must talk about to have her on the brink of scowling. 
“You know we don’t mind picking you up.” He offered. It’s not his policy to involve himself in personal disputes, but Allegra would have his head if he didn’t suggest some sort of support. Plus, more car rides would provide more opportunities for him to ask questions. “If you’re worried about being followed, Allegra and Claude will probably fight tooth and nail to drive you to school too.”
Marinette shook her head again. “I really appreciate it, but that’s not necessary.”
Felix watched her for a moment, not missing the way her hands started fiddling a bit more in her lap. “Well, if you ever change your mind..”
“You’ll be the first to know.” She promised with a smile. It looked a bit forced in his opinion, but he nodded nonetheless. 
Felix supposed he should feel wary towards the new student. She hadn’t mentioned why she left her old school, though she admitted she had unnamed squabbles there. That can be considered innocent, but it can also be a skillful way to avoid consequences. As far as he knew, she could be running from her victims who decided to rally against her. 
And yet, he couldn’t help being filled with this sense of morbid curiosity. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a fashionista who appears to have a big heart and a troubled past. She lives in a bakery, yet managed to attend one of the most prestigious schools in the city- possibly the country. She’s riddled with nervousness, but every step she takes tells you that she knows exactly what she’s doing. 
Who exactly is Marinette Dupain-Cheng?
Felix couldn’t wait to find out.
Tag List: @artbyknigit @athena452 @nickristus-dreamer @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @arsaem @abrx2002 @neakco @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @nathleigh @lusicing @officiallydarkgeek @all-mights-asscheeks
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justimajin · 4 years
Til Death Do Us Part ♜ Pt.6
➟ Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
➟ Genre: Angst, Fluff, Eventual Smut
↳ (4.3k), Arranged Marriage AU
➟ Summary: If someone told you that you’d be marrying the Kim Namjoon, you would think you were being lied to, or worse, that you were hallucinating. However, fate seems to have it’s own ways of making the impossible possible and before you even know it, the title of Mrs. Kim is bestowed onto you. There’s just one problem: you’re not sure if Kim Namjoon is the person he says he is and the truth of your own identity is dangling by the strength of a mere thread.
➟ Warnings: 18+ rating, graphic depictions of violence and blood
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gif credit.
➟ Previous Parts: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
➟ Next Update: Tuesday, January 26 
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The sound of birds chirping is the first thing you hear in the morning. 
You slowly rise from the bed and rub your swollen eyes, a low yawn escaping your lips in the process. Blinking a mere couple of times, your vision slowly falls back into focus and you glance around a bit bewildered. 
It’s almost like there’s a haze over your mind, contentment gracing you in the form of absolute vigor. Your shoulders feel lighter, and there’s no rapid racing of your heart, your regular pace of breathing leaving your lungs. 
Your pupils suddenly twinkle and you whip around, only to be met with a bed that is half empty. 
A sharp pang of disappointment instantly washes over you. 
“Miss Y/N?” 
Your head raises to the foreign sight of someone leaning down, staring down at you intently. You nearly stagger back, alarmed from the intrusion. 
“I-I didn’t mean to startle you!” She hurriedly assures. You recall seeing her while Namjoon was talking to the company’s shareholders, remembering his inquiry about hiring a new maid. 
“It’s alright.” You clear your throat, attempting to conceal your dismay. Unfortunately, it appears that you seem to be doing a terrible job at it. 
“Master Kim left early this morning because of an urgent matter.” She clarifies right away, noticing the way it brings light to your eyes. Softly smiling, she continues, “He requested I stay here with you to make sure you were feeling alright.” 
You slowly nod, “I understand.... But I’d like to be left alone for a while.” 
Peering up to see her expression, she shakes her head right away, granting you with some privacy. The moment the door is closed on her way out, you squeeze your eyes shut. 
A heavy sigh leaves your lips and you rise from the bed, moving your belongings around as you fish out for a familiar plastic box. 
Even though your stomach churns and a bitter taste lingers in your mouth, you force your hands to keep drumming against the plastic, responding to the spurts of static it lets out. You’ve forgotten how many times you’ve fisted your hair in the process, leaks of more and more information involuntarily leaving you. 
You’re near the end of your message relay, desperate for it to be over already. However, that’s when a certain line of static comes through, your eyes widening dramatically. 
A heavy knock pounds against the plastic and your pupils dart around manically, stance freezing up as you wait for the response. 
The same static pattern resonates through. 
“N-No…” You whisper. It has to be a mistake, it has to be.
But regardless, you need to know more. A series of frantic knocks resonate through the room, only for a chain of static to come through immediately. Before you have the chance to relay something back in exchange, it abruptly cuts off and despair spreads through your features. 
You weren’t given an option. 
You were given an order. 
Legs quivering as your rise, a set of instructions repeat themselves over and over again in your mind like a vicious loop. Walking aimlessly like on autopilot, you scavenge through your clothes before locating a particular suitcase you had brought in prior to moving. It was one piece of luggage that you didn’t get the luxury of packing yourself, thrust into your hands instead. 
Fumbling around with the handful of zippers and pockets, your hands roam around until they feel a sharp prick. Your breath instantly hitches and once you unzip the compartment, the cool metal meets your fingertips instantly. 
Carefully taking it out, your eyes transfixed with horror onto the gun resting within the palm of your hand. Swallowing hard, you slowly rise to your feet and take a step back. 
Stopping right at the corner of the bed, your orbs oscillate as they land right on top of the opposite side from your own.
You tear your eyes away, a harsh gasp leaving your lips. That’s when the shining and translucent object catches your line of vision and you hesitantly step forward towards the dresser, confronted with the sight of your own reflection. 
Your complexion is extremely pale, small dark bags lining the bottom of your orbs and a sickly tint coating your lips. It dawns upon you how much the lack of sleep and being constantly on edge have morphed you into something you’re not accustomed to seeing, but once your gaze flickers up to your eyes, you freeze. 
The mirror surprisingly reflects something there that you haven’t seen there for quite some time, something that was snatched away from you the moment you took on this grave task. 
Why...why do you look so doubtful? It’s like‒ 
You swallow hard, hands tightening into fists. 
It’s almost like you don’t want to do it. 
The gun in your hand feels far too heavy, like it’s weight had tripled the moment you wrapped your fingers around it. The remorse flickering  in your ears is far too obvious, drowning within the confines of your muted apathy. 
Your eyes drop down, lips beginning to tremble. The bulky gun is gripped tightly within your hand and unconsciously, a lone tear slips down from your eye. 
A tart meets your lips, softly chewing on the crumbling structure. 
You're seated at the table where you first had dinner with Namjoon and his family, but this time around the new maid had relentlessly insisted you eat something and sat you down alone with a buffet in front of you. 
You wonder if it’s because she can see how pale you look, or the fatigue running deep in your eyes. 
Taking another bite, the maid hurriedly scurries and brings another platter, a soft smile on her lips as she places it within your reach. You don’t return the response, in fact you don’t move in the slightest as you chew down on the tart, functioning more like you were programmed on command than anything. 
The only time light actually flickers within your orbs, is when the entrance door opens and you catch sight of your husband. 
You instantly rise from your seat as Namjoon walks by, appearing to be lost in deep thought as he begins to head straight up the stairs, only halting when the maid stops him in his tracks. He looks confused for a moment, but after she converses with him you notice his eyes flicker over in your direction, and instantly his feet take him towards you. 
“You’re having lunch?” He questions, seating himself down on the opposite end of the table. 
You nod, “I was told you had something urgent to attend?” 
“Ah,” Namjoon says, exhaustion evident on his features, “Some of the policemen wanted to talk about the case and I’ve been helping them with the investigation.” 
Your jaw instantly tightens, but then you nod, waiting for him to continue. A brief silence dips through instead and it surprises you, looking up to see Namjoon frowning. 
“What is it?” 
A deep sigh leaves him, “Y/N...I‒” His features twist up as he winces, “E-Eunjoo….we’ve found evidence that she may have been killed too....” 
Namjoon grimaces again, nearly whispering, “They found her corpse…” 
“I-I see….” The food in front of you suddenly seems utterly stale, the appetite you convinced yourself of vanishing entirely. 
The maid eventually comes over and asks Namjoon if he wants anything to eat, to which he just replies that he’s eaten prior to returning back home. You decide to take the exchange as an opportunity to excuse yourself, leaving your lunch behind as you head back to your room. 
In the midst of your actions, a hand wraps around your wrist and halts you. 
“Are...” Namjoon hesitates, “Are you okay?” 
Fear immediately dwindles in you, “W-Why are you asking?” 
“Well,” He lets go of your hand, “You and Eunjoo became close, hearing that she’s gone now….are you okay?”
His desperate eyes fall upon you and for a split second, you repress the urge to let all the tears burst out. The only matter of action you can do is simply nod, looking away from his heavy gaze. 
However, your response doesn’t seem to convince Namjoon completely of its integrity. He laces his fingers with yours and suddenly rushes, heading up the stairs as he brings you along with him. His urgency baffles you, but nonetheless, you still follow closely behind. 
Namjoon leads you into the bedroom, your body stilling when he tells you to face the same hanging mirror you were just scrutinizing prior to eating.  
“Close your eyes.” He requests and although you find it quite strange, you oblige without hesitation. 
An ice cold sensation touches your skin, right below your neck. 
“You can open them now.” Namjoon whispers, his voice coming through the shell of your ear. 
The moment you flutter them open, the sight before you has your eyes widening. 
You stand right in front of the mirror, your reflection from waist up showcasing on the glass. Namjoon stands directly behind you, his hands coming around your shoulders to display the shining object that lies within them. 
It’s an amethyst necklace, a simple purple pendant held together with a silver chain that Namjoon is carefully plucking. You cautiously touch the centre, letting your fingertips glide over the fine jewel in astonishment. 
“Namjoon…” You whisper, a soft smile tugging on the corner of your mouth. 
“I bought it a while ago.” He sheepishly explains, loosening his grip of the necklace and taking a step back, “I didn’t know if you would like it, but I thought it could possibly have the power to bring a smile to your lips.” 
His words overwhelm you, rending you completely speechless. 
Seesawing on his heels, he seems to pause for a second, his eyes flickering. 
“C-Can I…?” 
Namjoon looks at you as if encouraging you to decline if you wish to do so, but it manages to elicit a sad smile to line your lips. You swallow hard, nodding in response. 
His eyes instantly beam and he hurriedly stands behind you once again, carefully gliding the metal against your skin until it sits right. As Namjoon attempts to connect it at the back, your line of vision lands upon the mirror, taking in the image before you. 
There’s no doubt the pendant is extremely beautiful ‒ but what your eyes fixate on more is how it practically glimmers on you, managing to bring the glow back to your tired and sickly features. 
Namjoon suddenly shifts, choosing to stand beside you as he quickly ensures that the chain is truly in place and will remain connected. The gesture results in your eyes swaying, moving from the pendant to him. 
The way he stands almost reminds you of the day you got married, how he was before you appearing absolutely regal and dignified. At the time, you had no sense of what you were exactly getting yourself into, essentially thrust into a life that was plotted and planned for from the start. 
And in the midst of it all, the man standing with you was someone you were meant to be careful of, to keep an precise eye out for his actions and to monitor them as closely as possible, all with the poise of being a wife.
But you were never prepared for any of this, prepared to find yourself admiring the warmth that easily spreads within his eyes, or the way he tenderly speaks to you, the strict premise of observing him becoming muddled with something else. 
The image of a gun suddenly flashes by your eyes, making your shoulders tense. 
Namjoon takes a step back and gazes at you, his mouth curving into a smile. 
“You look beautiful.” He softly says, and your head snaps up, eyes connecting right away with his. 
In that one single second, you truly wonder about it for the first time. You wonder if Kim Namjoon is truly as innocent as you ‒ a simplistic tool made for others to use.
It’s difficult for you to spend the remainder of the day without your eyes swaying over to the purple gem that sits at the base of your throat, but after a while you wonder if you’re simply doing it out of remorse. 
A deep sigh leaves your lips as you squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head slightly. 
Namjoon suddenly enters the room, appearing frantic. At your concerned gaze, he simply smiles. 
“There’s an urgent meeting I have to attend with the shareholders,” He quickly says, grabbing onto a bag from the corner of the living room, “I should be back soon.” 
Namjoon casually throws the words into the air, as if they were nothing to be overly worried about. But he doesn’t see how your eyes are shell-shocked, jaw falling slack as blood drains from your features. 
As he steps to move out the front door, your hand abruptly clasps around his wrist. 
Namjoon turns around right away, amidst being puzzled with the sudden hold. However, that’s when his eyes flicker up to yours and for once, there’s no mask concealing your true expression. 
“Y/N…?” Namjoon hesitantly asks, stepping forward. The moment he does, you step back, letting go of his hand swiftly with a strained chuckle. 
“S-Sorry…” You instantly look away, but Namjoon doesn’t budge in the slightest. He instead chooses to hold onto your hand again, looking straight into your averted eyes. 
“I’ll be back soon, Y/N...you don’t have to worry…” He whispers, and it takes every fiber of your being not to spill everything right then and there, head stagnantly nodding. 
“I-I understand.” You manage to sputter out, mentally reprimanding yourself. 
You can’t hesitate ‒ you’re not allowed to hesitate. You can’t feel emotions like these, emotions like you need him.... 
You’re a spy, Y/N. 
As if instinct, the mask begins to form once again. Your eyes turn brighter, and a smile begins to line your lips swiftly, nowhere near the verge of collapsing like seconds ago. 
You glance up, prepared to let go, “Namjoon, I‒” 
Your breath immediately hitches and you freeze in place, eyes rapidly darting around. 
Namjoon keeps his arms around your torso, hands resting on your back and his chin propped up on your shoulder. He embraces you tightly and unconsciously, a speck of tears begin to dampen your eyes. 
For a moment, your lids flutter shut and you savour the gesture, entwining your arms around him. 
When your eyes finally open, they can only focus on the palm of your hands ‒ flesh that has been constantly painted and coated in red with no end in sight. 
Letting out a deep sigh, you part from him. 
Namjoon is still gazing at you, eyes boring into your own. His hand rises up, thumb swiping away the tears that line your cheeks.  
It’s at that moment you recognize their appearance and fumble to wipe the rest away, a strained smile slipping from your lips. You’re scrambling at what to say with him, no coherent words being able to surface at the tip of your tongue. 
But what you fail to see in that single second, is how Namjoon’s eyes instantly perk up and how he immediately pulls you towards him. 
Everything happens with a flash. At one point in time, Namjoon is caressing your face within his hands, softly smiling at you. Another split second later, he’s collapsed onto the ground, completely knocked out. 
Your heart beats viciously as you quickly kneel down beside him and glance up, not picking up on the individual outside that has been particularly eyeing the two of you right as you stopped Namjoon from leaving. 
A mask covers the stranger’s features, but you hear the sound of a low ‘tick’ and notice that his eyes are glued to Namjoon’s fallen form, giving you a hunch of where and in who his intention lies with. 
Before you have the chance to do anything ‒ alert someone in the household or stay and figure out what the stranger would want with Namjoon, a sharp jab lands at the back of your head and you grimace, falling unconscious within seconds. 
Droplets of water fall down from the ceiling. 
Your throat burns like it’s on fire, a scorching sensation that makes seem as if you haven’t had a drink of water in days. Locks of your hair are dripping with sweat, and your vision is foggy, barely able to see through the dim lighting of the room. 
Letting out a cough and then a groan, you squeeze your eyes shut before opening them fully, squinting to to focus in on your surroundings. The room is still dark, but there’s a faint light in the corner that allows you to make out the outlines of the silhouettes in front of you. 
Namjoon is stationed on a chair, his hands out of sight and pushed behind him. He appears to be still unconscious, his eyelids drooping down. 
You peer down, discovering that you’re in the same state as him ‒ confined to a chair with the unsettling feeling of something beginning to deeply cut through your wrists. Attempting to experiment, you give a slight tug and immediately a sharp pain shoots through your hands. It gives you a strong indication of what’s pinning you down, especially when your fingertips glide over the prickly thick material. 
“You idiot! Why did you bring her too?!” 
A loud and gritty voice suddenly shouts, causing you to wince, “She was with him when I knocked him out! What else was I supposed to do?!” 
There’s a sound of resentment from the first individual before silence dips, and you take it upon yourself to quickly figure your way out of your confinement. You tug against the bindings roughly, ignoring the prickly sensation that stabs into your skin and brings tears into your eyes. Repeating the gesture, you can only hope that the bristly rope will begin to loosen. 
But that’s when your harsh movements result in your chair shifting. 
One of them snaps their head up immediately, treading in your direction. His heavy steps, coupled with his gritty voice that you heard, causes you to stiffen. Once he approaches you, you notice that his black attire conveniently seals him away from your prying eyes. 
He grabs the back of your chair and immediately your breath hitches. As you glance up and your heart palpitates rapidly, you attempt to think of a way out, anything that could help you get out of this situation. 
Your flickering eyes meet Namjoon’s chair, only to discover in relief at his slow stirring, blinking his eyes and attempting to squint through the poor lighting of the room.  
The second individual approaches, “So what do we do? Kill them both?” 
“Of course we kill them both! What other option is there?!” 
Abruptly a fistful of your hair is tugged up from behind. A hiss leaves your lips, but it’s not long before a cold piece of metal is pressed against your scalp. 
From your frontal view, you notice the first man walks over and does the same thing to Namjoon as he grimaces. 
The second man holding a gun to your head looks up, appearing confused. Your eyes frantically follow his field of vision across, noticing the first man to be smirking. 
“Untie her.” 
“Just do it!” 
He obliges, loosening the rope from your hands until it drops down. He tightly keeps a hold around your wrists as a form of constriction, before glancing back up for further instructions. 
A gun is tossed over in his direction. 
He catches it immediately, appearing even more puzzled, “What’s this for?” 
The first man’s grin grows wider. “We’re going to have her kill him.” 
“What? Why?”
The first man leaves Namjoon, striding over to your side. He takes the gun he’s tossed onto the ground, shoving it straight into your hands as you reluctantly accept it. 
“She’s an add on,” He smiles, “and the perfect way we can cover up our tracks.” 
Something gleams within his partner’s eyes, a sickening smile stretching over his lips and showcasing his pearl teeth to you. It elicits shivers to run down your spine and their next statement makes your stomach churn. 
“After this, we’ll just discard her somewhere.” 
Their conversation is abruptly cut off as they redirect their attention back to you, forcibly lining your gun wielding arm towards Namjoon, resulting in your eyes suddenly coming into contact with his wide ones. 
They reflect your own, spelling out one message that you can read so clearly. 
There’s terror in his eyes.
A soft click sounds from your left side and you look over to discover the first man keeping a gun right next to your head. 
“Now, if you don’t want to die yourself.” He obscenely grins, “Shoot him.” 
Colour drains from your features, your hands beginning to uncontrollably tremble. 
The baneful thoughts begin to slip in too easily.
One bullet. 
One bullet, and this all will be over. 
Your next mission will be finally complete. 
All it would take…..
Is just one bullet. 
“Are you deaf?!” The man screams into your ear, “I said shoot him!” 
The gun digs harder into your scalp, making you jolt and wince at the same time. 
Namjoon isn’t looking at you. His gaze has drifted over to the ground, his head lowered. 
Your heart viciously pounds against your ribcage and unknown to you, hot tears have begun to roll down the corner of your eyes. 
“I CAN’T!” 
Your chest heaves, vision blurring before your voice comes out as a soft sob, “I-I just c-can’t…” 
The soft call of your name results in your head snapping, eyes immediately coming into contact with Namjoon’s. His eyes have become glossy and the sight of a sad smile lining his lips makes your chest constrict. 
“Y/N...it’s okay.” He whispers, his words serving to only increase the tightening of your chest. He briefly looks down at the ground, before raising his head to meet your gaze again. You can clearly notice the water shimmering within his eyes and as he speaks, his voice cracks. 
“J-Just‒….just complete your mission.” 
Your breathing stops. 
The longer he stares at you, the more it feels as if your knees are about to give out. 
You still point a gun in his direction, but it’s accompanied with broken words, your voice barely coming out as a whisper. 
“Y-You knew….” 
Before you have the chance to say anything else, a hand grabs onto your wrist and snatches the gun away from you. 
“Just kill them both already!” 
Life suddenly enters your eyes again and with a grunt, your hand comes into direct contact with your kidnapper’s face. He stumbles back instantly, allowing you to quickly snag the gun and point it in his direction. 
He freezes, glancing at his partner that holds Namjoon at gunpoint. 
His partner snarls at you, “Let go of him!”
Your cold eyes don’t budge in the slightest, “Not a chance.” 
Namjoon remains completely still, his eyes flickering over to you. 
There’s a voice inside your head that is screaming. Telling you to turn back. Begging you to come back to your senses. 
The mission will be compromised. 
He will be able to kill you. 
You will be destroyed. 
But this time, you fight back with just as much vigor. 
Then so be it. 
Your hand instantly whips around, aiming for the man that is pointing his gun at Namjoon. 
Your bullet punctures right into his neck. 
Blood splatters onto the floor and leaks alarmingly from his mouth as he crumbles to the ground. However, he doesn’t loosen his firm hold on Namjoon’s suit and that’s when you rush over, wrenching his hand off and leaving him to submerge within a pool of his own blood. 
You hurriedly bend down and undo the bindings on Namjoon’s hands, a sound of dismay leaving you when you notice his partner nowhere in sight. The moment Namjoon is free and he turns around, you immediately leap forward and hug him with a sigh of relief. 
“Are you okay?” 
Namjoon stares at you with a mixture of utter shock and bewilderment. Nonetheless, you still grab onto his hand, getting him to rise up from the ground. 
“Come on, we have to get out of here!” 
You quickly head out of the room with Namjoon trailing behind you, making sure to keep a firm hold on the gun in your hands. At one point the infrastructure and lack of light begins to confuse you on locating the exit, but Namjoon suddenly speeds up, taking the lead and guiding you instead. 
The view of a thick steel door with light attempting to pool inside greets you and you exponentially increase your speed. 
Suddenly your hold slips from Namjoon’s grasp and you slam against the ground harshly. 
You can feel the sensation of fingers wrapping around your leg, turning around to see the man’s partner tight grip rendering you immobile. You attempt to shake him off, but his grip only tightens in retaliation. 
The next couple of seconds is a complete blur to you. You can barely pick up on the way Namjoon swiftly reaches out, landing a forceful punch right against the man’s nose before grabbing and securing his hand within yours again. 
He tugs you up right away, “Come on!” 
Scrambling to your feet, you briefly look behind you, eyes widening in astonishment as to how the man’s partner is currently writhing on the ground, holding his nose in pain as copious amounts of blood drips down his knuckles. 
Turning around, both of you make it to the exit and Namjoon roughly pushes against it with his shoulder. 
You escape into the light.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(时空中的绘旅人—For All Time—) Clarence Route Translations (Chapter 16-2 阿萝拉: Aurora)
*For All Time Master-list / Clarence’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Maintaining Si Lan’s name as Clarence *Route Tag is #Chapter of Legacy
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I carried the napping Aurora back to the Mage Tower.
Seeing how her body was becoming horribly cold, I held her with my own body as she slept.
It was a while later that she turned, looping her arms around my neck.
Aurora: I'm a little cold… Uncle told me that I should sing loudly whenever I'm cold...
Saying so, she started singing in a gossamer-like voice by my ear.
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Aurora: Stars are sleeping, snow gently falling. Where has the butterfly gone; for my hand still holds the fragrance of flowers…
She sang in short bursts. Maybe it was because she was still unfamiliar with it, or perhaps it was because she was distracted by something else.
Aurora: That Uncle sings it so well. Sadly, Aurora hasn't completely learnt it…
She hugged me tighter to her because of how cold she felt. Her other hand reached over to press itself against her stomach. I knew her stomach was still hurting.
Clarence said that these were all drawbacks of being a Mage.
But for a child so young? On what grounds, does she have to be bearing this immense burden for the sake of the world?
I didn't know what to do. All I could do was to hold her small body tightly within my arms…
A night passed.
It was very quiet when I awoke.
No, something's wrong. Aurora should be beside me, and she's gone! Did… Did Clarence deal away with her already, since she was on the verge of losing control?
I hurriedly got up and recalled what Sun Zhuoyi had told me yesterday. I felt a gut-dropping sense of unease. I MUST find her!
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I quickly smoothed out my clothes and went hunting for her up and down the Mage Tower.
The carriage was already ready and waiting outside the Mage Tower. Clarence was giving Aurora the instructions to her assignment in front of it.
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I got a little closer to them and listened in on their conversation.
Sounds like Aurora’s mission this time is to clear out the Rebel Mages who worked under the Silver Knight.
The Silver Knight had managed to rope some Rebel Mages into his plans and allowed them to attack the Palace, as well as the residences of Nobles. I’ve also vaguely seen the aftermath of the chaos caused by the Rebel Mages before, in my previous journeys.
To my knowledge of the matter, they’d managed to successfully scare the Aristocrats, but they were all quickly dealt away with by Clarence himself, so nothing particularly serious happened.
But this time, upon overhearing Clarence as he explained Aurora’s task to her, I knew; This wasn’t the slightest bit simple at all.
The Silver Knight has been pulling out all stops and laying out the groundwork every step of the way in his plans to attack the Capital. Not only did he have Ordinary Mages under his control, but also a team of Mages that were already out of control.
The Silver Knight utilized potions to forcefully alter the Mages into a half-butterfly metamorphosis― He coerced the Mages to consume the potion of their own accord, making them willingly fall into a state of nearly losing control, before maintaining this state through the use of another potion.
A Mage in this state had icy wings in place of arms and their entire body covered in ice crystals. Their sanity will be on the brink of madness, yet they still hold a sliver of consciousness.
Of course, when under excruciating pain, the only thing they can process is to kill, destroy, and freeze everything. And Clarence’s method of dealing with this impending “destruction”, was to “engulf” it all.
He’d decided to send out Aurora, one of the “Nine Seats'' to deal with the matter. He told her that she didn’t need to care about who, or what was on the other end, merely to treat them as Ice Butterflies and devour them all.
Aurora: Wow. Aurora can eat till she’s full if there are that many monsters this time. Right?
Clarence: That’s right. You’ll be able to eat to your heart’s content this time. And then after you’re done… Do make sure to get a good night’s sleep. You will not feel cold anymore, and neither will your stomach hurt ever again after you fall asleep this time.
I felt my eyes dampening.
Aurora… She really doesn’t know, does she…?
This was a death sentence in the farce of a mission. However, Clarence was as calm and unwavering as ever as he delivered Aurora the details of her mission. While Aurora, on the other hand, was only worried about whether she could “eat till she was full”.
The fate of all Mages was to be born in the throes of desire, pain, and suffering; and also, to fall into the spiral of madness and depravity.
It was then that Clarence breathed a light sigh.
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Clarence: Do you hate me, Aurora?
Clarence actually asked another about their thoughts on him? I’d long since thought that he’d forgo how others saw him, given his personality...
Aurora wore a blank look of utter confusion. She looked up at Clarence, unable to come up with an answer even after thinking for a good long while.
Clarence: I am the Master of the Mage Tower. I should be the one guiding and protecting all of you Mages.
Clarence: However, you are all nought but tools to me. I use you, I sacrifice you… I watch you all die, one-by-one… Yet, I do not bat an eye.
Clarence: It would only make sense if you were to hate me for what I did.
With how he was bemoaning with lament at this point, rather than talking to Aurora about it, it might as well just be him, criticizing himself with his own monologue.
He was blaming himself for being as icy and closed-off as he was.
— Does this mean that somewhere deep down in that heart of his… Clarence has a heart that feels for all the Mages under him?
Aurora: Hate…? You mean, not liking you? Aurora doesn't dislike you, Master Clarence~
Aurora: Aurora doesn't like being hungry. Aurora has always been hungry before meeting you.
Aurora: Aurora cried back home and kicked up a fuss, asking dad for food. Dad took Aurora and dumped Aurora by the river, picking up many hard pieces of bread to eat.
Aurora: Aurora doesn’t like hard bread, but Aurora was just so hungry… So, Aurora ate them all down anyway.
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… I could guess what the “hard bread” she was talking about really was. I’d heard of a distant legend about the olden times, where the poor would feed their offspring stones in place of food during times of famine...
The children who ate stones will die, but at least that would save some food for the rest of the family.
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Aurora: Aurora always got a tummy ache whenever Aurora eats the hard bread, but Master Clarence gave Aurora medicine to drink. It was bitter, but Aurora’s stomach no longer hurt after drinking it.
Clarence: I’m not doing a good deed. Your strong desire for food, “gluttony”, was what drew me in. I merely thought that you had the potential to become a Mage.
Clarence: I took you under my wing, taking you to the Mage Tower. I offered you all the delicacies that Yemsaiel has to offer. Yet, at the same time, I required you to devour Ice Butterflies. Your stomach still hurts all the same.
Aurora tilted her head in thought. She patted the sides of her head, seemingly trying to make sense of what Clarence was trying to say...
After a while, Aurora started sucking on her thumb in thought, apparently none the wiser.
Aurora: Err… I still have stomach aches, but I can’t blame you for that, Master Clarence. You’re a Mage… not someone who treats bad tummies...
Aurora: I heard that you’d get a stomach ache from eating too much, and I can’t stop myself from eating… So, I think it’s pretty normal for me to be getting tummy aches...
Aurora: So be it then! I like to eat! And I’m super happy when I’m eating! You let me eat all I want, Master Clarence! Of course, I like you!!
Clarence: ……
Clarence stays silent for a while before sighing gently.
As pure and innocent as Aurora was, there was nothing Clarence could say to make her understand the truth.
It was probably only because of her naive earnestness as a young girl that allowed her to concentrate as much as she did on her Magic, hence the reason why she was able to attain the rank of one of the “Nine Seats” at such a young age.
Suddenly, Aurora jumped in front of Clarence and patted his face.
Aurora: Stop pulling such a long face, Master Clarence...
Aurora: The Mage Tower is very noisy. There are always people yelling and crying, but everyone also has times where they smile. Only you, Master Clarence. You've never smiled.
Aurora: Aurora smiles when Aurora's full, and the others smile when their wish is fulfilled.
Aurora: Aurora is thinking that Master Clarence's wish hasn't been fulfilled yet. Aurora hopes that it'll be fulfilled soon~
Aurora: Although, even if Aurora might already be asleep by then… Aurora will still be happy! Just like when Aurora has a full stomach!
Hearing Aurora's words, the realization finally dawned on me that she never truly understood anything. She was as clueless as they came.
Clarence paused for a moment before reaching out, caressing her hair and touching her face.
Clarence: How cold… The skin of all Mages is always cold to the touch. I apologise for making you turn out like this.
Clarence: I create all of you, let all of you grow and indulge in all of your desires. And in part, I've also made all of you the very thing feared and hated by the world.
Clarence: But at the same time, I'm also aware that all of you are the true victims, the true sacrifices, of this world.
Clarence: I am incapable of saving you all. But not letting your sacrifices be in vain is the least I can do.
After that, Clarence's lips parted slightly into a faint chuckle.
Clarence, he… he's really laughing…
Aurora was elated, skipping in front of Clarence and jumping up to pull his cheeks upwards.
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Aurora: He’s laughing… This is the first time I’ve seen Master Clarence laugh!
Actually squishing Clarence’s face like that… Only Aurora would ever dare to do such a thing…
Clarence wasn’t mad, only maintaining his smile.
Clarence: Aurora. I treat all the Mages here in this Mage Tower as my pawns, with no emotional attachment whatsoever. But that is only because I do not want anyone to influence my emotions, and the decisions I make.
Clarence: — But that doesn’t mean that all the time I’ve spent with all of you is meaningless to me. I do not regret the time I spent with any of you.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥Chapter of Legacy✥ ◦∘ ━��━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 16-1) | Next Part: (Chapter 16-3)
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lastbluetardis · 4 years
Chemical Reaction (17/22)
Summary: Though their chemistry class is now over, the chemistry between James and Rose is just getting started. Together, they navigate the highs of new love and the lows of coping with past trauma to forge deep and unbreakable bonds of love and commitment. Part 2 in the Catalysis series. Tagging @doctorroseprompts
This chapter: ~8400 words, explicit (for one small scene). Here we are folks! The culmination of the feels of the last several chapters. Enjoy xo.
If you like my stories, consider leaving me a tip? I know these are trying times, but if you are able, I would really appreciate it xoxo. And as always, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated as well.
AO3 | FF | TSP
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12 | Ch13 | Ch14 | Ch15 | Ch16 | Ch17 | Ch18 | Ch19 | Ch20 | Ch21 | epilogue
April was usually one of James’s least favorite months. The weather was wet and cold, and with it being the last month of the semester, it was always busy with exams and projects. This year, however, he had the pleasure of knowing it was his beloved’s birth month; even though he didn’t know the precise date, that made it all the more fun as, day after day, he greeted Rose with a “Happy Birthday” snog.
Yet every day, she giggled and said, “Not today.” He wasn’t sure what he would do on the morning she kissed him and replied instead with, “Thank you.” Despite his brilliant, magnificent brain, he was stumped on a way to make an ordinary day extraordinary for her.
Though she said she didn’t want anything for her birthday, he couldn’t help but preemptively get her a simple gift: a silver necklace with an infinity heart pendant. The heart was studded with blue zircon—one of his birthstones—while the infinity loop was studded with small diamonds, her birthstone. Cliché, he knew, but the design had caught his attention. He hoped Rose would like it.
James had been carrying it around with him since the start of the month to be presented to her on her date of birth. Whenever the hell that was.
The weeks seemed to fly by, and still it wasn’t her birthday. He had several chilling moments of panic that maybe he somehow missed it, but then resigned himself to the fact it must be at the end of the month. Her so-called hint to him had told him it wasn’t the first or last day of the month… Rose would be cheeky enough to call that a hint if it turned out her birthday was the second to last day of the month. Nevertheless, James was having fun with their little game and worked to make the month special for Rose.
Though he knew she had been teasing when she’d suggested they make love every day so that she would wake up to birthday sex, they nearly met that goal, thanks to Rose staying overnight at his house more often than not. They were both growing to love the routine of cohabitating; James would drive them into the university in the morning, they would attend their respective classes, then they would meet up at the end of the day for him to drive them home again. Even on the days when one of them started earlier than the other, they drove in together, regardless.
While James’s main goal was to make April particularly special for Rose, he found himself realizing that even if it wasn’t her birthday month, he wouldn’t have done anything differently. It was a happy coincidence that the month happened to be filled with a multitude of romantic date night opportunities.
He had surprised her with tickets to the play put on by the university’s theater program, and had told her they would make an entire night out of it. He had dressed in a suit and tie; she had donned a gorgeous evening dress. Reminiscent of their Valentine’s Day plans, they’d had an early dinner out at a nice restaurant before driving to the university for the show. And when they’d gotten home, they peeled the other out of their nice clothes and made sweet love until midnight.
And when he took her to the cherry blossom festival in Washington, D.C., it wasn’t a birthday surprise, either. He would have wanted to tour the capital with Rose and bask in the beauty of the cherry trees no matter the month. There was nothing more romantic than walking hand-in-hand with Rose beneath the pink and white trees while the soft petals floated down around them. Nothing made him happier than seeing her face light up with awe as she took photograph after photograph of the scenery. Though the cherry blossoms weren’t as stunning as typical years, thanks to a warm snap in February followed by an arctic blast that killed some buds in mid-March, the scenery was stunning nevertheless.
They’d had fun exploring the various museums and historic sites in the city as well, but James’s favorite part was watching Rose scribble furiously in her sketchbook when they got back to their hotel room each night. She filled over a dozen pages during their four-day trip; she shared every single one with him, including the portrait of him she’d drawn one morning when she had awoken before him, and had occupied herself with sketching him asleep in the nude. Unlike her previous nude sketches of him, she did not cover his nether regions with a sheet, or simply not draw them at all. No, she had drawn every naked inch of him, down to the morning erection he had been sporting (which had also prompted her to draw a caricature of that very piece of his anatomy, making him howl with laughter when she eventually showed him the picture of a very prominent, very erect penis on a teeny tiny little person). 
Playing tourist with Rose was one of James’s favorite things to do, so even if it had not been Rose’s birth month, he would not have changed a thing. It was a mere bonus, pure happenstance, that they managed to go on so many romantic dates that month.
As the month plowed on, bringing him ever-closer to Rose’s elusive birthday and to the end of the semester, another date idea came to him. And this time, he intended to make it double as a birthday gift.
With only a week and a half left to go in the month, and Rose’s birthday falling somewhere in that time frame, James woke up one morning to an email from the student life office at the university. They were advertising discounted tickets to a Philadelphia Phillies baseball game at the end of the month. Perfect! He loved showing Rose more of the state she lived in, as well as the culture of America. And honestly, what was more American than a baseball game?
Rose was still asleep as James read the details of the email, though their alarm was due to go off in a few minutes. He silenced it on his phone and instead gently woke Rose up with a series of kisses to any part of her face not smooshed into her pillow. She grunted and buried her face completely into the pillow.
Chuckling, he tried again, this time pressing the long expanse of his body into hers. He shivered when his hips rubbed into her upper thigh; he woke up hard nearly every morning, and today was no exception. Some mornings, he didn’t feel a pressing need to do anything with it; others, when he snuggled up against Rose, his heartbeat concentrated into a dull, throbbing, insistent pulse between his legs. He was experiencing the latter, and hoped she would be in the mood to make love with him.
“Rose,” he murmured, nuzzling his nose into her hair. He wriggled down a few inches and tucked his nose into the join of her neck and shoulder. He kissed her there and smiled when she shuddered. “Rooooose.”
“M’sleepin’,” she mumbled, but she tilted her head to free up her neck for him.
“Oh? Well, I guess we can’t partake in any morning activities I might’ve had planned,” he lamented, though he pressed slow, open-mouthed kisses to her neck. Goosebumps spread across her skin and he could hear her breathing going ragged the longer he kissed her.
She moaned softly when he scraped his teeth across her ear lobe. Finally, she stopped pretending. Turning her face out of her pillow, Rose slung her arm around his shoulders, hauling him closer for a proper kiss.
“Got another date idea,” he breathed between kisses.
“Don’t care,” she answered, chasing his lips.
“I’d like for it to double as your birthday gift.”
“Don’t care,” she repeated. His head emptied of all coherent thought when she reached down between them and took him in her hand, pumping him firmly. His nerves sparked with pleasure as desire settled heavily in his lower belly.
“But I… oh, blimey… I care… God…”
She nipped at his bottom lip and gave him a small squeeze on the upstroke that made stars burst behind his eyes. “You care more about that than what we’re doing?”
He could hardly draw in breath, so focused was he on the addictive rhythm of her hand. Each drag of her fist up and down his length heightened his need for her until he was certain nothing in the world was more important than being inside her.
But the smirk on her face brought out his competitive nature.
“Well, I’m quite cl-clever,” he choked out, trembling when she tightened her hold around him and picked up the pace. “I can walk and chew gum… talk and have se-ex shit!”
Rose guided him between her legs, nudging the tip of him into her wet heat. God, he’d barely paid any attention to her and yet she was so ready. He swallowed down his impatient whimper when she merely teased him, rubbing him through her folds rather than guiding him in.
“Hmm, I clearly am not doing a good enough job,” she mused, her voice frustratingly steady while he could hardly contain his gasps and sighs.
His brain nearly short-circuited. Not doing a good enough job? It was taking every ounce of concentration and restraint he had to try to hold this conversation with her; he would be done for if she tried any harder.
“The university is sponsoring another trip to Phillies… er, Philadelphia,” he squeaked, squeezing his eyes shut to think past the desperate need throbbing through him.
“Oh?” she asked, voice breathless as she stimulated herself with the head of his erection.
“Yeah, yep.” He cleared his throat, hoping it would stop cracking. “A trip to a Phillies game. Professional base-ball!”
Rose slung her leg over his hip and took him inside of her in one smooth, deep movement. Her momentum sent him to his back. Taking full advantage and giving him no reprieve, she sat astride him and began a brutal rhythm that stole his breath, stole his thoughts.
“Shit!” he rasped when the burning pressure in his belly bottomed out. Don’t come, oh God, please don’t come… Baseball. Think of baseball. Phillies, Philadelphia, bus trip, baseball game, showing Rose the stadium, teaching Rose the game… Rose… Rose… 
Rose was squeezing him from the inside, giving him such delicious friction as she arched her hips hard into his.
Fighting a losing battle, he choked out, “Sorry… gonna come… sorry… shit!”
Rose caught his lips in a searing kiss as he grunted and panted and moaned his way through his release, trying not to be mortified and to instead enjoy the pleasure and love flooding through him.
He was trembling when his ears stopped roaring. Cheek burning, he groaned and covered his face with his hands.
“That was delightful,” Rose said, a grin in her voice as she lightly tugged at his fingers.
“That was embarrassing,” he countered, moving his hands to her hips. “Sorry.”
She slowly pulled off of him and collapsed onto her back beside him. “You do realize I was trying to do that, right? You’re always so damn considerate and attentive. It was my turn to focus solely on you and getting you off.”
“I feel selfish for coming first,” he complained.
Rose shrugged and pecked a kiss to his temple. “How do you think I feel when you pleasure me more than once before you get off?”
“Hopefully extremely satisfied,” he drawled, winking at her.
She rolled her eyes, but kissed him soundly. “I enjoyed doing that very much for you, so shut up about it.”
He zipped his fingers across his lips, though a grin stretched across them. He caught her lips in another kiss as he let his fingers walk down her body, between her legs. She must have woken up as randy as he had been, because it hardly took any time at all before she arched her back and cried her pleasure into their quiet bedroom.
As she panted and trembled beside him, he stroked her hips, her belly, her thighs, any part of her he could reach, and tried his initial conversation again.
“The university is sponsoring a trip to a Phillies baseball game,” he said. “Have you watched baseball? It’s a fun sport. One of my favorites, actually. I probably ought to get my UK citizenship revoked for that, but I can’t get into the football matches. Though plenty of people find baseball to be boring too. To each their own. Anyways, tickets are twenty dollars, and it covers admission to the game and transportation to and from the stadium. It’s on April twenty-sixth. It’s a night game… 7:05 start time. I would like to make this your birthday gift. Well. One of your birthday gifts, since, really, I want to go to the game anyway, to hell whether it’s your birthday or not. But since I’ve only got about ten days left to choose from, I figure that’s a close enough window to claim it as a birthday gift for you. What do you think? April twenty-sixth… does that sound like a birthday gift to you?”
Rose giggled and pinched his side, drawling, “Very subtle, love.”
James pouted. “Seriously? You’re still not gonna give me your birth date? I’ve been patient all month long!”
Rose cackled. “You liar! You have not at all been patient. At least once a day you beg me to tell you when my birthday is.”
“That is me being patient,” he grumbled, though he grinned when Rose laughed at him again. Even though they would need to get up soon, he tightened his hold around her and snuggled closer to her soft, warm body. “Wanna go to the Phillies game?”
“Sounds like fun,” she replied, running her fingers through his hair. His scalp prickled pleasantly, and he could have easily fallen asleep. But alas…
“We need to get up,” he groaned, burying his face farther into her neck. Rose heaved out a sigh, clearly as reluctant to move as he was. “Wanna share a shower?”
“How could I say no to that?”
With a parting kiss, they rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom.
“You know, I’ve never been to a professional sports stadium before,” Rose said as they strolled, hand in hand, away from the packed parking lot towards Citizens Bank Park, home of the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team. “Wasn’t much into sports back home, and didn’t really have the money for it.”
James gave her hand a squeeze and watched her out of the corner of his eye. Something was… off. She’d been agitated when he’d picked her up from her flat that morning to drive her to the university. She was short and snippy with him, but insisted she was fine even though she obviously wasn’t, which had only annoyed him in return.
He had nearly called off their date to Philly, since she obviously wasn’t having a good day and he didn’t think he could stomach an entire night of forced joviality. However, after classes, she had met him in the library as planned and was decked out in a red Phillies sweatshirt and matching lipstick, greeting him as though their tense morning hadn’t happened.
“Where did you get that?” he’d asked, fluttering his hands at her top.
“The internet. Turns out everything exists on the internet,” she’d teased, bumping her hip into his.
He had been thrown by her chipper mood, and Rose must have sensed that. She reached up for a hug and squeezed him so tightly, it was as if all the tension that had been settled over his body was suddenly gone. She lightly kissed his cheek and whispered, “Sorry for this morning.”
“What was the matter?” he asked, keeping her in his arms for several more seconds.
“I’ll explain later,” she said. “I don’t really wanna talk about it now. I wanna go watch some baseball!”
It had taken everything he had to not snap at her to just bloody talk to him. Instead, he promised himself he would check in with Rose after the game, or perhaps tomorrow, since it would be late by the time they got home. But he wanted to know what was bothering her, and what had been intermittently troubling her these past few weeks.
That dark day she had had nearly a month ago still niggled at the back of his mind. He wanted to ask her what had happened, but so long had passed that he wasn’t sure how to broach the subject.
Hey Rose! Remember that day you yelled at me in the food court then started crying? What happened?
No, that wouldn’t do. Because what if she didn’t remember? What if nothing at all had happened and she’d had a breakdown over a bunch of little things that didn’t matter anymore? He had been hoping she would tell him on her own time, because he didn’t want to press. And it wasn’t as though he had forgotten about the episode, but he often got too caught up in the present with Rose that he wouldn’t think of it until he was alone again. Part of his brain admonished him, telling him that he could easily have that conversation with Rose through text.
Presently, they scanned their admission tickets at the front gate and stepped through the turnstile into the stadium. James inhaled deeply, catching a whiff of cigarette smoke, fresh air, grass, and greasy food. There was a unique and distinct scent of a baseball stadium that he loved.
Rose let go of his hand and darted forward, her gaze locked on the field in front of them. James followed, smiling to himself. He stood behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist as Rose drank in the sight of the enormous baseball friend in front of them. The grass was lush and verdant, neatly trimmed in the familiar crisscross pattern most baseball diamonds favored. The dirt of the infield looked soft and dry, though the grounds crew were in the middle of hosing it down. The late evening sun cast long shadows across the field while the stadium lights, already switched on in preparation for the night game, created a multi-shadow effect as well.
“Selfie?” James asked, fishing his phone from his pocket.
“Need some help?”
James glanced over and saw a young couple approaching them. The woman held her hand out for his phone, which he handed over. He then wrapped his arm around Rose’s middle. She turned into his side and linked her arms loosely around his hips.
The young woman took several photographs for them, all of them beautiful. James thanked her, then reciprocated the gesture, snapping a photograph of the couple with the baseball field behind them.
When the couple had departed, James took Rose’s hand again and they leisurely strolled around the concourse of the stadium. There was a beer stand every dozen paces, it seemed, and though it was ridiculously overpriced, James forked over the money and bought them a beer apiece. They sipped it as they walked, inspecting the various food stands and merchandise on display.
“What the bloody hell is that?”
James laughed when Rose picked up a plush toy of a furry green creature with a plump belly and elongated snout.
“He’s the team’s mascot,” James answered. “The Phillie Phanatic.”
“What is it?”
James shrugged. “The Phanatic. He’s not really anything, I suppose. He’s his own creature. Don’t knock him, though; the fans love him.”
Rose glanced dubiously up at him, but replaced the toy. James made a mental note to order one for her as a gag gift. 
As they continued walking, James’s belly rumbled with hunger when he smelled the intoxicating aroma of bread, beef, and cheese. 
“If I get a cheesesteak, will you eat half of it?” he asked. “‘Cos I wanna get crab fries too, but I can’t eat both of those by myself. Actually, the crab fries are right over there.” He took Rose’s shoulders in his hands and pivoted her gently, pointing to a concession stand with a giant logo that read Chickie’s & Pete’s. He rooted in his pocket for a crumpled twenty-dollar bill. “Will you get us an order of fries? With cheese.”
“Er… okay,” Rose said, blinking. “What the hell is a crab fry?”
James snorted. “French fries—chips—with old bay seasoning. They’re really good, I promise.”
Rose leaned up and pecked a kiss to his cheek. “You’re lucky I trust your taste in food.”
She left him to go get their crab fries, while he stood in the Tony Luke’s line for a cheesesteak. Though the line was nearly thirty-people deep, it moved very quickly. Ten minutes later, he spotted Rose waiting for him in a secluded corner near the ramp they would need to take to go to their second-deck seats.
The university had bought out an entire section in right field, and James recognized many of the students lounging in the seats. He had managed to procure front-row end seats for him and Rose. He allowed her to take the end seat, then plopped unceremoniously onto the hard blue chair beside her.
“Beautiful, innit?” he asked, nudging his elbow into her ribs.
“It’s a gorgeous night,” she agreed. “Look at that sunset.”
“View’s nice too,” James said, leaning forward in his seat to look down at the field. Apart from losing a little bit of vision of the right field playing area directly beneath them, they could see the entire ballfield very well.
There was a half hour to go before game time, so they ate their dinner and chatted mindlessly with each other and with their fellow schoolmates who had come on the trip as well. They posed for a giant group photo that was then shared to all of the university’s social media pages.
James was full and content by the time the Phillies players took the field, and he draped his arm around Rose’s shoulders as he explained the rules of baseball to her.
The game was fairly straightforward, with no tricky calls he had to break down for her. There was a ton of action in the first few innings, with both team getting a few home runs, including a grand slam by one of the Phillies’ stars. The stadium erupted with cheers and the LED Liberty Bell began to ring as the Phillie trotted his way around the bases. Rose appeared to be caught up in the atmosphere, jumping and cheering along with the crowd.
It was fun, James thought, to be sharing this with Rose. He made a mental note to keep an eye out for other discounted ticket specials, even if it wasn’t for the Phillies. A minor league team was based close to the university, and he imagined he could get tickets fairly cheaply, if it would be something Rose was interested in.
During one of the inning breaks, Rose had turned to him, flushed and beaming. She looked breathtaking, with the lights from the stadium glowing behind her and casting her hair in a golden halo around her head. He felt his mouth go dry and his heart kick up a notch.
Rose frowned at him. “What? You all right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I…” He swallowed thickly, then smiled at her. “You’re beautiful.”
Her cheeks flushed a deeper red and a shy smile crossed her face. He reached over to brush a stray wisp of hair from her face, but then kept his hand on her cheek. “Love you.”
They moved at the same time, leaning closer until their noses brushed, then their lips pressed together. The noises of the stadium disappeared, lost in the heavy pounding of his heart as he kissed Rose. Her mouth was warm and soft, though felt a little funny with the slightly waxy texture of her lipstick.
He had meant for it to be a quick little kiss, though he should have known better; how often was he able to give Rose only one kiss? Angling his head slightly to the side, James lost himself in her, in the warmth of her hands. One of them was on the nape of his neck, the other at his waist, clinging to his sweatshirt as he devoured her lips. His tongue swept along hers, then trailed across the roof of her mouth. He delighted in her full-body shiver.
Before he could do it again, there was an explosion of noise around them.
“Hey, you’re not making a porno here!”
James wrenched away from Rose, blinking dazedly at the person who had interrupted them. It was one of their fellow students. He nudged James’s shoulder, then pointed towards the giant screen above left-center field.
His own dazed face looked back at him.
Kiss Cam. Oh, dear…
He grinned sheepishly at the camera, then pecked a chaste kiss to Rose’s temple. She looked equally abashed. Blessedly, the camera panned away from them, though the crowd of university students around them continued jeering and teasing.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he murmured to Rose.
“S’not your fault. I wasn’t exactly beating you off of me.” He snorted and kissed her cheek. “You’ve got lipstick on you.”
James licked his swollen, tingling lips. A moment later, Rose cradled his jaw in her palm and rubbed a damp napkin across his mouth. It came away stained red. Her own mouth was smudged with lipstick, and he helped her clear it off, too.
“You are too enticing,” he concluded when they were lipstick free. “How am I supposed to restrain myself from kissing you?”
“Maybe you shouldn't,” Rose drawled, and she leaned up to plant a hard kiss to his mouth again.
Of course, the Kiss Cam found them once again, to the delight of the stadium, and to their fellow students, who didn’t let them live it down for the rest of the night.
The last few innings passed without much excitement and ended with the Phillies winning seven to four over the Miami Marlins. They were exhausted as they traipsed to the charter bus that would take them back to the school.
It was just after eleven o’clock when the bus returned to campus, and almost midnight by the time James pulled up in front of Rose’s flat. For once, he was staying overnight with her, per her request. The climb up to her fifth-floor flat was exhausting, and James wanted to curl up with Rose and go directly to sleep.
“What time is it?” Rose muttered to herself when she unlocked her front door and stepped into her dark flat. She flipped on the lights and glanced in the direction of the stove; 11:42 glowed green from the digital display. “Ooof, gotta wee. Stay here!”
She sprinted down the hall and slammed the bathroom door behind her. James was left laughing and shaking his head at her.
He set his keys and wallet down on the kitchen table, but as he was about to toe off his shoes, an open, hand-written letter caught his eye. He didn’t mean to snoop, but his eyes and brain worked independently of each other and before he knew it, he’d glanced at the end of the letter, where the name Jimmy was printed in a messy scribble.
His ears rang hollowly and his head swam. Jimmy. Jimmy? As in, Jimmy Stone? Jimmy Stone, Rose’s wanker of an ex-boyfriend?
A righteous anger welled up in James; what the hell did Jimmy want with Rose? And how dare he contact her out of the blue after all this time.
Before he was entirely aware of his actions, James plucked up the piece of paper, eyes frantically scanning across the words.
I’ve started this letter half a dozen times now, and I’m no closer to knowing how to say exactly what I want to say. It seems surreal that we’ve been talking again. I’ve missed you so much, you have no idea. It’s like I’ve found a piece of myself I didn’t know was lost. I’m not complete without you, and I hate the person I am without you.
This past month has been the happiest of my life because I’ve been able to talk to you again. I am thankful that you let me apologize, because there is nothing more I’ve wanted to do for the last six months. Getting sober has made me realize a lot of things, but it especially showed me that I missed you and that I want you. The worst mistake I ever made was how I treated you, and I will spend the rest of my life hating myself for it. I will spend the rest of my life (our life?) making it up to you.
I love you, Rosie. I love you so fucking much. You make me feel like I can do anything, and I love how I feel when I’m with you. We were the best thing to ever happen to me, and I’m such an idiot for destroying the perfect, wonderful life we had made together. I think I was scared. I was scared of not being able to support the both of us with my music, and I was scared about how much I needed you. You were a comfort to me, something I knew would always be there for me, something reliable, and it was scary for me to need anything that much. But I’m not scared anymore, and I know I can make it work this time. As you said, we were young, stupid kids and we made young, stupid mistakes. Now we can start fresh and build something even better than before.
I know you’re at school in America (which I always knew you could do! I always knew you were smart enough for school, despite what you said about yourself). I’m happy you’re enjoying your time in America. I want you to enjoy your time there, while you can. I’ll be here waiting for you when you come home. I’ll wait forever for you because you’re worth it. You’re so worth it, Rosie. I would wait a thousand years for you if I needed to. I hope I don’t have to though.
This time we can work harder together to make us work. I know you might not be ready to trust me yet, but I promise I will show you how serious I am. How committed I am. I will do whatever it takes to make this work between us, because I hate the thought of my life without you in it.
In the meantime, texting you will hold me over. I cherish every day, every moment that I can talk to you.
All my love,
James could barely think, could barely breathe. Something was squeezing his chest tighter and tighter until he thought he might suffocate as he read and reread the words of the letter. The love letter. The love letter that Rose’s ex-boyfriend wrote to her after a month—a month?!—of them having texted back and forth.
Acid churned in the pit of his stomach, eating away at his guts and making him certain he was about to vomit all over Rose’s floor. And worst of all, his chest was collapsing in on itself and his heart was breaking into more pieces than he thought possible. An entire month, Rose had been texting her ex-boyfriend—the ex-boyfriend she had supposedly written off and hadn’t deigned to contact in three and a half years.
And she hadn’t told him. A month, and she hadn’t said a single word.
His pulse thundered in his ringing ears so loudly that he didn’t hear the approaching footsteps until the sheet of paper was abruptly yanked out of his hands.
It was a relief to empty her bladder after holding it for most of the trip home. She had been tempted to use the toilets at the stadium, but the lines had been impossibly long.
With that need dealt with, Rose washed her hands and then her face. She felt greasy and grimy, and would have preferred to get a shower, but she only had a couple minutes before midnight, and she could finally tell James it was her birthday. She deserved a damn medal for not spilling the beans early—though there had been a few close calls—but she couldn’t deny it had been fun to play with James all month. She couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought to simply look at her identification card, where her birthday was plainly printed in bold. But that was her James, wasn’t it? The smartest idiot in the room.
She rushed to brush her teeth and comb out her hair before she left the bathroom and skipped to her kitchen/dining/living room.
James stood by the kitchen table, a sheet of paper in his hands and a stricken expression on his pale face.
Oh. Oh, no… Her stomach dropped. He was reading the disgusting letter that had arrived from Jimmy out of the blue yesterday afternoon.
She didn’t know whether she was more embarrassed, considering the content of the letter James was reading, or angry that he had snooped through her things and read her mail. The former won, but fueled the latter.
Rushing up to him, Rose yanked the letter harshly out of his fingers. He flinched as though she had struck him.
“What are you doing?” she snapped, folding up the paper and setting it on the kitchen table beneath one of her class notebooks.
“What am I doing? What are you doing? You’ve been chatting with your ex-boyfriend for an entire month?!” 
There was an awful combination of accusation and hurt in his voice that simultaneously grated against her nerves and broke her heart. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to find out about Jimmy like this. He wasn’t supposed to read that letter until she had explained the past couple weeks to him.
No, not merely a couple weeks. A month. It had been an entire month (and a little extra) since Jimmy first contacted her, and Rose hadn’t said a single word about it to James. Shit.
“I was going to tell you,” she said weakly. “I just…”
“Just hid it from me by accident, did you?” he said, condescension dripping from his every word.
Rose clenched her fists and her jaw before coldly replying, “I didn’t realize I needed your permission to talk to anybody, or that I needed to tell you about every person I talk to. Sorry, d’you want to know about the bloke I chatted to while I was waiting for you in the library today? Wanna know about the girl I met at work ‘cos she’d recently broken up with her girlfriend and needed to talk to someone? Wanna know about…”
She knew she was being ridiculous but she couldn’t make herself stop until James interrupted her.
“Of course you don’t need to tell me about everyone you talk to.” Two pink stains spread across his cheeks. “But I would have hoped you would have trusted me enough to tell me when your ex-boyfriend, the ex-boyfriend you claimed to despise, contacts you!”
Rose crossed her arms in front of herself, gripping the fabric of her sweatshirt so tightly that her fingertips began to ache. “This isn’t about trust, James.”
“No? Well, it sure seems like it is. Because you don’t actually trust me, do you? Not nearly to the extent that I trust you. I’ve shared everything with you, Rose. Everything! I told you about the worst night of my life. How it still haunts me and gives me nightmares like I’m a child again rather than a grown man. But you…”
He flapped his arms wildly before letting them fall limply to his sides, clearly out of words. But he didn’t need any more words; the ones he’d hurled at her hit their mark, cracking her heart wide open. He didn’t think she trusted him?
Suddenly wanting him to hurt as much as she did, she met his eye and said, “I didn’t make you share any of that with me. You did that on your own. You opening up to me doesn’t mean I’m obligated to do the same to you.”
It happened almost in slow motion, the way his face crumpled. The way his chin wobbled and his lips parted slightly with a soft, nearly inaudible, “Oh.” The way a crinkle formed between his brows, and beneath them, his eyes grew shiny with moisture. 
Shit. Shit shit shit!
“James, I…” I’m sorry… I didn’t mean that… 
His throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly, then his face smoothed into a mask of a person she didn’t recognize. Even before they became friends, when he was the random cute bloke sitting in front of her in their chemistry class, he exuded more warmth than he did right now.
“How silly of me to expect some level of reciprocity in this relationship,” he said coolly.
“I didn’t mean that, James,” she muttered, wringing her hands in front of herself. “Really. I didn’t. I’m sorry. I just… I didn’t want you to find out like this. I wanted to tell you the whole thing. I was going to tell you all about it, I swear.”
He barked out a laugh, and it was one of the worst noises she’d ever heard. “Oh, yeah? When were you gonna drop that one? When we’re old and gray in rocking chairs in a nursing home? ‘Darling, remember when we were first dating? Remember that horrible ex-boyfriend I had? He texted me—ha! Remember when texting was all the rage?’ Exactly when were you planning to tell me?”
Any sympathy she had for him had evaporated and her rage returned with a vengeance. 
“Obviously if you’re acting like this, I was right to not tell you! Why are you being so unreasonable?”
“Unreasonable? Unreasonable?! My girlfriend has been texting the bloke she used to be in love with, and I’m being unreasonable?”
“Yes, you are! So what if I was texting him? What does it matter who I text on my own bloody phone?”
“You’re missing the entire bloody point!” he shouted, his voice cracking. “I’m not angry that you’re texting him…”
“Clearly,” she grumbled, grinding her teeth together.
“…I’m angry that you felt the need to keep it a secret,” he continued as though she hadn’t interrupted. “And I’m upset because why did you keep it a secret? And what on earth could you two have been talking about if he sent you this… this…” James flapped his hands uselessly to the table and the notebook under which Jimmy’s letter sat. “...this love letter?! For all I bloody know, you could be wanting to get back together with him and…”
“No, don’t you dare,” Rose hissed, voice trembling. Tears of fury and heartbreak burned behind her eyes, blurring her vision. “Don’t you fucking dare accuse me of that. After everything I told you about Jimmy—and don’t tell me I haven’t told you anything. Just because you seem to have selective memory doesn't mean I never told you about his drinking and partying, and how he stopped paying his half of the bills, and how he manipulated me to always feel badly about myself. After everything I told you, how could you even think I would want to go back to him?”
A flash of guilt appeared in James’s eyes. He blinked and lowered his gaze, staying silent.
“Even if he hadn’t treated me like shit, how could you take away everything you and I have done together? Everything we’ve built together? How could you think I would leave us behind for someone I fell out of love with years ago?” She sniffled as her tears finally fell, streaking down her cheeks in hot, wet rivulets of grief and misery. “Do you think that little of me? That I would willingly go back to a relationship like that when what we have is so wonderful? Do you think so little of us?”
James scrubbed his fingers through his hair, making a tousled mess of the limp and somewhat greasy strands; they were in dire need of a wash.
“No. No, of course I don’t…”
“You just said so,” she argued, impatiently wiping her face dry. “You just said…”
“I didn’t really mean it. But you have to understand… relationships are so new to me. You’re the longest relationship I’ve ever been in, and we’ve only been dating for four months. Christ, teenagers in school manage to have longer relationships than this. How pathetic am I for being so illiterate when it comes to love and romance? I barely know what I’m doing half the time, and God knows if I’ve been mucking this all up but you’re too nice to tell me…”
Rose’s head was spinning as her heart fought to beat its way out of her chest. She’d heard this before… she’d heard this all far too many times.
I didn’t mean it; I just drank too much…
You’re remembering wrong, I didn’t say it like that…
You’re being ridiculous. Calm down and maybe we can talk like normal people…
I was so drunk I don’t remember doing that…
I’m the worst piece of shit, Rosie, and I’m sorry, please forgive me… 
She shook her head as though she could physically shake Jimmy’s voice out of her ears. Instead, she tried to focus on James’s words rather than map them on top of Jimmy’s.
“This is me telling you now that you are mucking this up…”
But James continued on as though she hadn’t spoken. And with how dry her mouth had become, she wasn’t sure if her words had been audible.
“...And you could be wanting to be in a relationship with someone who’s got a bloody clue as to what they’re doing. Why wouldn’t you prefer to be in a relationship with someone else…?”
“Because I love you, you stupid fucking arsehole!” Rose yelled, which caught his attention. He met her eyes and blinked slowly, as though confused. As though she were revealing a secret he’d never been privy to. “Yes, I love you, but you knew this! At least, I thought you did. I love you so much but you are breaking my heart, James. Haven’t you believed me these last four months?”
His mouth worked wordlessly for a few long and agonizing seconds.
“I… yeah.” His tone suggested otherwise, though, and she nearly began crying with frustration. All this time… all these months… Had none of it been real? Had he been pretending this whole time?
“Thanks for that vote of confidence.” She pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes until bright lights burst behind her closed lids. “Thanks a lot, James.”
“I just…” He groaned, sounding as miserable as she felt. Good. “I’m so bloody new at this! I’m making it all up as I go and I’m worried I haven’t been doing a good job. I get nervous that one day you’re going to wake up and realize how rubbish I am at this. That you’ll get sick of holding my hand through all of this as I learn. I’m terrified you’re going to decide you’re done wasting your time with me, because you’re wonderful, and you deserve the best and I…”
“Stop!” Rose cried, a sob stealing the air from her lungs. “I don’t want to hear this. You have just… broken everything we’ve been building, James.” She hiccupped on another sob and impatiently sucked in a lungful of air. “We were supposed to be partners… I wanted us to be partners… I thought we were partners. We were supposed to be equals in this relationship. I don’t want you to put me up on a bloody pedestal, or for you to talk down about yourself or make excuses for yourself. I don’t want there to be this… this inequality between us for the rest of our lives. But if that’s always how it’s gonna be… if that’s how you’re always going to see us, as you being somehow lesser than me…” The force of her tears made her entire body shake. It felt like someone had blown a hole through her chest; she couldn’t breathe. “…then I don’t think we can make this work.”
The tears that had been threatening in James’s eyes fell down his pale cheeks. “What? Rose…?”
She buried her face in her hands, willing herself to calm down. But how could she be calm when it felt like the world was spinning too fast? James had been her tether, her anchor, keeping her grounded to the surface. But he’d let go, or maybe she had, and now she was crashing alone through the void. Lost. Adrift.
“You… are you breaking up with me?” His voice was so hoarse that she could hardly hear it. Though that might have been because her pulse was thudding in her ears instead.
Was she breaking up with him?
“I don’t… no… yes? I don’t know. I don’t want to. God, I don’t want to.” She swallowed the thick lump in her throat. “I love you more than I’ve loved anyone. And right now, that really bloody scares me. I fought so hard, put up with so much, to make things with Jimmy work when I should have called it quits long before it all ended. And I didn’t love him nearly as much as I love you. I’m terrified about what I’ll let happen… what I’ll excuse… I can’t do that again, James. I won’t do that again.”
He reached out for her, but she couldn’t let him touch her. She couldn’t feel his fingers on any part of her body. Not right now. 
She raised her hands in front of herself and retreated a pace, nearly tripping over her shoes from where she’d kicked them off at the door.
The door.
With trembling fingers, Rose undid the deadbolt. “I- I want you to leave now.”
“No, wait,” he pleaded, raw urgency in his voice. But he didn’t come any closer to her. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Rose. I didn’t mean… I didn’t mean anything… I didn’t mean… I didn’t… Please…” 
She’d never heard James, her eloquent, loquacious James, struggle this much for words. His eyes grew wild the longer he went without managing a sentence.
“Please,” he repeated, frantic. “Please, Rose. Don’t do this.”
She drew in a shuddering breath and closed her eyes. It was late, and she was so bloody exhausted. She didn’t want to be having this conversation anymore, but she knew it was far from over.
“I need a break,” she said wearily. “I’m tired, James. I’m so tired.”
“We can’t leave it like this,” he rasped through a stifled sob. “Please.”
Rose met his gaze. Everything was written on his face, his grief and terror and heartbreak. He looked impossibly young.
“We’re taking a break for the night,” she repeated. She paused for a beat, then, scrambling for some sort of comic relief, quipped, “Not Ross and Rachel’s version of a break, mind. A time out, more like.”
James either didn’t process the joke or didn’t find it funny, because he was still staring at her with that stricken expression that made her want to wrap him in her arms and apologize for everything that had been said that night.
But she couldn’t make herself move.
“I love you, Rose,” he whispered.
“I know.” That’s why this is so damn painful. “I love you too.” Maybe too much.
Rose had always thought of their love as a fire. A soft, cozy fire, and together they basked in its light and warmth. But maybe they’d gotten too comfortable, gotten too confident, gotten too close; now they were burning, and oh, God, did it hurt.
“Goodnight James,” she murmured, opening the door for him.
He numbly walked towards it, completely forgetting about his phone, keys, and wallet on her table until she went and picked them up. His hands were cold and sweating as she handed him his things.
“Drive safe,” she said. “Text me when you make it home.”
He made a wordless noise she thought was assent, then he was gone, walking silently down the many flights of steps they’d cheerfully bounded up mere moments earlier.
God, how long had it even been? It felt like an entire lifetime had passed. Rose glanced at the clock. 11:58. Sixteen minutes. Sixteen horrible, heartbreaking minutes was all it had taken for Rose’s world to come crashing down around her feet.
She went to her window and peered down at the dark street, waiting. Half a minute later, James stepped out from beneath the front porch of her building and ambled slowly to his car. He moved as though through treacle, as though he were tugging an invisible weight behind himself.
She continued watching him, but James simply sat there in his car in the dark. The clock switched over to 12:00, ringing in April twenty-seventh. She’d planned to kiss him at midnight, as though it were New Year’s Eve, and tell him that he could finally wish her a Happy Birthday.
All of a sudden, her game of keeping her birthday a secret wasn’t fun anymore, and twenty-two didn’t look as optimistic as it had been.
The distant purr of an engine drew her attention to the street below. James had started his car and was pulling away from the curb, taking off down the empty street.
Rose fully gave in to the sorrow she had been fighting back for the past quarter of an hour. Sinking down onto her couch, she bent double over her knees and sobbed her heart out, grieving for all that had shattered that night, and for the unanswerable question of whether broken things could be ever mended.
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wot-tidbits · 5 years
RJ’s notes Part 55 by Linda Taglieri
Costumes in the Wheel of Time
Ebou Dar
Ebou Dari clothing can be quite revealing, especially during the Festival of Birds. Colours are used to a great extent among both sexes. Embroidery is colourful, detailed and elaborate, more so among nobles and the wealthy, and usually features flowers and animals. Cuffs, lapels, collars and necklines are common locations, also along the hems of women’s skirts, bordering the area that is worn raised.
The wealthy and nobility wear embroidered or brocaded silk often set with jewels, and gold, while the poor and lower classes wear wool or linen set with brass and glass. The everyday garments of those people doing manual labour usually have shorter sleeves than nobles, or even none.
The Ebou Dari carry a dagger with an 8‒9 inch (20‒22cm) blade for a weapon and, often, especially commoners, a work knife with a blade of 3‒5 inches (8‒12cm).
Women’s clothes can be very colourful. The women wear dresses with a tight bodice and full skirt over brightly contrasting petticoats. To show off the petticoats, the skirts of noblewomen are raised in the front and may have a long train behind, and those of the commoners are sewn up above one knee.
“These dresses wouldn’t reach the ground properly if lowered, they do trail or nearly trail the ground behind, and are sometimes long enough to require a servant to manage them, though this is considered excessive by most women.”
While noblewomen always wear petticoats, the commoners’ dresses sometimes:
“are worn without petticoats or long shift, exposing the legs or stockings; among commoners this is considered less risqué than wearing the dress sewn high with petticoats.”
“Upper class women often have sleeves with long points or lace that would cover hand if lowered (no manual labour). Sometimes wear a version of the men’s jacket, as part of riding costume, though for them it is most likely decorated with lace.”
Outside, coloured wide-brimmed straw hats—often with veiling around the edges for the wealthy—tied on with ribbons may be worn (A Crown of Swords, A Note from the Palace), “or versions of men’s hats, but in bright colours, often with feathers or plumes added, or flowers made of silk.”
Women soon to marry wear a wide close-fitting metal necklace from which their marriage knife will hang hilt-down once they marry. The knife has a 4 inch (10cm) blade.
The sheath of a widow intending to remarry is blue, if she is not, it is white. Married women with a husband living have a green sheath, while a married woman who has "forbidden her husband the house" (separated or divorced) and has no further interest in him or another man has a red sheath. If she is divorced and willing to try again, her sheath is red and blue.
Noblemen wear their hair shoulder length and also wear velvet hats, often with a high crown and wide brim (A Crown of Swords, White Plumes). The brim may be turned up at the sides. Low crowned hats are also worn. The hats are a darker colour that complements their clothes. Lower class men wear their hair short, and don’t wear hats, except occasionally, straw hats.
Women in Cairhien wear dark-coloured, high-necked dresses unless they live in the Foregate (see below). Upper class women may wear brocades, but they would be monochrome and not two or more colours, while lower class women wear unadorned dark fabrics. Showing the cleavage slightly is considered daring, any more is considered indecent. Some women thread a fine golden chain through their hair from which hangs a small clear stone centred on their forehead just above their eyebrows, the kesiera. In the main series, these were no longer as fashionable, and not much worn.
Fringes are a popular ornamentation of dress, accessories and reins, bridles, and saddle cloth. Saddles are mounted with gold and/or silver among the nobles and the wealthy.
Women: have dresses embellished with lace and embroidery. A recent fashion amoung noblewomen and the wealthy well-to-do is a “ruff that stands up in back and is open in the front, thus making a wide standing collar. Newest fashion in women's dresses is very low-cut, but with a border of lace that provides decency while suggesting that all might be visible.”
Some noblewomen wear a veil which covers the entire head like a kerchief, held by various means. This is an old style, just coming back into fashion.
Noblewomen's slippers, shoes and boots may have high heels, which can induce a swaying walk. Noblemen can and do wear heels also. Both men and women sometimes wear beauty spots among the nobles and merchants.
Men: wear embroidered coats. Noblemen and well-to-do merchants wear small lace ruffs.
There can be elaborate standing collars on women's dresses, sometimes almost high enough to hide her head, in a formal gown. A standing collar that rose to the level of the bottom of the ear would be about average.
The ki’sain is blue for an unmarried woman (New Spring, An Answer), red for a married (Winter’s Heart, Sea Folk and Kin) and white for a widow (New Spring, Keeping Custom).
“In death, she would be marked with all three, one of each color, whether she had ever married or not.”
“A Malkieri woman paints the ki’sain on each morning in pledge that she has sworn, or will swear, her sons to fight the shadow and she herself would oppose the Shadow every way she could.”
Men: wear high crowned hats (The Fires of Heaven, The Nine Horse Hitch), and long bright knee-length coats (Lord of Chaos, A Different Dance), “often very elaborately embroidered, and with an Andoran-style high collar.” Murandian men occasionally wear a single earring, which may contain a jewel, or a piece of colored glass if they can't afford jewels.
Women: wear a very high-necked dress with long or wide sleeves and narrow skirts. Skirts reach just above the floor Highborn women usually wear fine embroidery on their dress: this can range from very simple to very intricate, from trim on the neckline, collar and perhaps hem of the skirt, to broad bands that cover the shoulders, bodice and sleeves and rise a quarter to a third of the way up the skirt.
Noblemen frequently grow long, thick beards that reach down their chest.
Sea Folk women wear considerably more jewellery than men. No rings or bracelets, however, because these might catch in the rigging.
Tattoos are important indicators for Sea Folk, especially on the hands: a six-pointed star is tattooed on the web between thumb and forefinger of the right hand. It is a: symbol of the covenant with the Coramoor; some believe it makes you less likely to drown. Some of the other taboos on the right hand are, in effect, your official record, showing what ships you have served on, what posts and positions you have held.
Windfinders have a three-pointed star on the back of their right hand.
Men do not wear the nose ring or honour chain and medallions.A single earing indicates someone out of training, someone who knows his or her way around the ship and basic duties.
Cargomasters: wear loose silk breeches of one colour and a narrow matching sash that is elaborately tied. Daggers are ofen carried thrust into the sash, but they will not carry a sword unless action is imminent. Cargomasters usually have three gold earrings in each ear.
A Swordmaster has 8 thick earrings.
Master of the Blades: wears silk breeches of more than one colour held up by a long, intricately knotted bright red sash, 10 earrings.
Someone out of training, who knows their basic duties and their way around the ship has a single earring.
Sailmistresses of Darters wear linen blouses and coloured trousers and a few earrings. They have an honour chain connecting their earrings to their nose ring, but only a few medallions on it (Knife of Dreams, To Make an Anchor Weep). “Few women below the rank of Sailmistress of a ship and her Windfinder have the chain and medallions.  These medallions can identify rank, among other things, such as being Wavemistress of a particular clan, or of a particular ship, as well as clan and familial relationships. The chain always loops across the left cheek.”
“The number of earrings and medallions can vary downward over time as well as upward. Someone who is Windfinder to a Clan Wavemistress or to the Mistress of the Ships is required to start over again at the bottom with the death of the woman she serves. Also, if a Sailmistress dies, the new Sailmistresss of that vessel may keep on the old Windfinder, but she may already have one or may wish another, in which case the old Windfinder must start over again at the bottom and work her way back up. Her earrings are reduced in number accordingly, and she must pack away most of the medallions. They aren't taken from her; she just can't wear them any longer. This is in part because of the Sea folk awareness that Windfinders who can channel live a very long time, and helps preclude the possibility that a Windfinder will remain at a very high level while surviving a number of Wavemistresses or Mistresses of the Ships. It also makes room for those at lower makes to move up.”
Sailmistresses: Usually wear silk in an outfit all one colour, plain silk for the smaller vessels, brocaded for larger, with a matching narrow sash that is elaboratedly tied.
Personal public nudity lowers the eyes of a Seanchan, since those who are scantily clad are at the bottom of social pecking order. However, in private, there is nothing embarrassing about servants or da’covale seeing their employer/owner naked, and the Blood and the wealthy are quite confirtable being unclothed in front of their servants and/or da'covale of whatever gender.
The nobility shave their heads in varying degrees, symmetrically. (Asymmetrical shaving is the sign of a servant, a so'jhin.)
“Those of the highest level of the High Blood are called High Lady or High Lord and lacquer the first two fingernails on each hand. Those of the next level of the High Blood are called simply Lord or Lady and lacquer only the nails of the forefingers. Those of the low Blood also are called simply Lady or Lord, but those of the higher rank lacquer the nails of the last two fingers on each hand, while those on the lowest level lacquer only the nails of the little fingers. The Empress and immediate members of the Imperial family...lacquer all of their fingernails.”
Beautiful slaves wear loose-fitting transparent white robes with nothing on underneath, and white slippers indoors. Shea dancers are perhaps the most extreme example, wearing transparent face veils and little else (The Shadow Rising, Hidden Faces). Less physically attractive da’covale wear more ordinary livery.
Women: wear fairly modest belted dresses with medium to high necklines. Those of the wealhy are embroidered in flowers on the bodice or sleeves and perhaps also on the shoulders, but rarely on the skirts. On the whole, Shienaran women don’t wear much jewellery, even the wealthy.
Shienaran merchants and craftsmen usually wear their hair cut short of the shoulder.
Serving women in Tear wear a dark coloured dress and short white apron.
(Or you know just read the two parts article in the blog. It is amazing... and huge.)
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benhardy-1 · 6 years
PA Nightmare Ben Hardy x Reader
Sorry it took so long, I’ve actually had it written for a day or two 😅
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Chapter 5/Day 17 continues
Three hours later you and your best friend are dressed in your fanciest clothes. She’s chosen a small black dress that doesn’t leave much to the imagination and you’re wearing a silver dress with long sleeves and a low back. You both took an Uber to the address that Joe texted you earlier. The house was definitely not what you expected. You could hear the music blasting through the windows.
“It’s a kind of magic,
There can be only one,
This rage that lasts a thousand years,”
Of course they were playing Queen. You and your friend walked inside the party and you found Rami dancing with a small group in the middle of a living room that you swore was the same size as your whole apartment! You wandered through finding the drinks and bumping into several coworkers you recognised. You made small talk with them as your eyes scanned the rooms looking for Ben.
“Y/n! You made it! Ben was certain you wouldn’t come! You look amazing!” Joe shouted grabbing your arm gently. You twirled around showing him the full outfit,
“Thank you! Of course I came, gotta support you guys right!?” Joe just laughed,
“Who’s this?”
“Oh this is my best friend, y/bff/n.” You smiled, shouting over the music and shoving your friend towards him.
“I’m Joe, it’s lovely to meet you!” He beamed, his eyes slowly taking in her appearance. You knew men tended to gravitate towards your friend more than they did to you.
“Oh! It’s so lovely to meet you! Is this your house?” She flirted, placing her hand on his arm.
“Oh no this is Rami’s house. My house pales into comparison to this castle!” You both laughed in reply. “Come with me ladies, let’s do the rounds. I couldn’t think of two more attractive ladies to come with me!” He put his elbows out for you both to slip your arms through as your best friend winked at you. He dragged you both around for what felt like hours and you politely met everyone, and you were still keeping an eye out for Ben when a hand tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and came face to face with your friend who pointed slightly and asked,
“Isn’t that your boss…?” You turned to see what she meant to find Ben sitting on a couch with two blondes dangling across his lap.
“Yeah...that’s definitely him…” You began to turn around as he made eye contact with you, and you felt the heat rise up your body and his eyes burnt through your clothing.
“Umm well he’s coming this way...want me to go…?” Your friend asked.
“Do not leave me here alone! Come together, stay together, leave together!” You snapped nervously. She smiled and nodded at you as a hand grab your wrist. You turned lifting your hand as you went and spun around. When he finally let go of your wrist you smiled at him. “Hi Mr Hardy, you seem to be having fun tonight.” Nodding at the blondes as he said,
“It’s Ben. We aren’t at work, and in fact I would prefer you called me Ben at work.” You could see heat rising in his eyes as he winked and added, “I’ve had more fun recently.” You blushed and laughed as your friend coughed next to you, reminding you there were other people around.
“Oh Ben this is y/BFF/n.”
“Nice to meet you, you’re the cruel one with the extensive collection of pictures of me without shirts right?” He smiled at her, barely looking away from you for a second.
“I wouldn’t say cruel, but that does sound like me.” She beamed at him. You watched as the two blondes came over,
“Ben come back and sit with us! We’re bored!” He just waved them off and then asked you both,
“Anyone in need of a drink?” You both nodded. “Well come on then.” He muttered as he grabbed your wrist and took off, you attempted to grab your friends wrist as she pulled away and winked,
“Have fun y/n!” You groaned and rolled your eyes.
You both walked around for a bit, as Ben seemed to find the quietest corner of the party. You finally had a chance to take in his outfit he was wearing black jeans and a collared shirt however the shirt was quite tight and you could see all his muscles move under it as he ran his hand through his hair.
“How are you…? Today was...interesting…” Good god, you’d never get used to his voice.
“Yes I’m feeling much better. And you’re right, today was interesting…” You played with the sleeves of your dress as you blushed before adding, “Should we talk about that...you know...that?”
“I’m not sure it should really matter, do you?” Ben smirked, your brain screamed with thoughts of wiping that smirk off his face. You looked away for a second before seeing a closet door behind you both. Grabbing his wrist you dragged him into the coat room and pushed him against the door to close it. You grabbed hold of the belt loops on his jeans as you stood on your toes because even in heels you were a lot shorter than him. Then you asked,
“Can I…?” As you looked up at him through your lashes,
“Yes. Definitely yes.” He groaned and you could feel the heat rising between the two of you before you planted a kiss right on his lips. Using your tongue you deepened the kiss as he reached up and grabbed your cheeks in his hand and pulled your body against his with the other hand. His hand felt hot on your skin, which only encouraged you more has you could feel his enjoyment rising against your stomach. He adjusted slightly letting you go for only a few seconds. “Take off your heels.” You obliged, removing the heels. Before too long his hands were on your thighs as he lifted you up and pushed your back against the door where he had been seconds before, you could feel him against your panties as he pushed against you and kissed you again as you moaned running your fingers through his hair he moved towards your ear and whispered hotly, “It was pure torture watching you on Joe’s arm tonight.”
“You should’ve found me sooner.” You whispered back nipping at his bottom lip. He kissed and nibbled all the way down towards your cleavage maintain pressure where it counted and you swore the friction was going to get the better of you as he moved a hand up your thigh and down towards your underwear,
“God.” He groaned as he placed a hand against you feeling the heat between your thighs you moaned encouraging him to continue as the door started to open behind you both.
“Hello… are you okay…?” You both leapt as far apart as you could, even in the black jeans you could see the tightness around Ben’s zipper and you were both out of breath and as Gwil fully pushed open the door, he took a quick look at the situation and snapped, “What the actual fuck. Y/n are you okay? He’s not trying to force you is he?” As he reached for your hand and pulled you behind him barefoot. “Ben I cannot believe after everything that happened today you would force her into something she clearly didn’t want. She’s your goddamn assistant for Christ sakes!”
“What!? That’s what you think of me! She came onto me!” Ben straightened himself up and pushed you and Gwil out of the way storming off.
“Is that true…” Gwil asked.
“Yes...I’m sorry, you must think the worst of me. Joe kept feeding me drinks and I think I’ve had to many...can you please help me find my friend so I can go home?” He nodded as you picked up your shoes and followed behind him still barefoot. He grabbed your empty hand and held tightly as you both weaved through the crowds looking for your friend. She was still hanging off Joe’s arm but quickly let go when she saw you.
“What happened?” She asked quickly giving Gwil a once over.
“It’s not his fault. This is Gwilym Lee, he’s playing Brian May in the movie. Can we leave now… please!” You begged and she nodded thanking Gwil for bring you to her. Gwil grabbed his phone out of his pocket.
“I’ll order you both an Uber what’s the address? It’ll be here shortly.” Your friend answered for you as you gripped her arm tightly. Over Gwil’s shoulder you noticed Ben was making out with one of the blondes from earlier. Clearly what had just happened meant nothing to him. Gwil placed his hand on your back and walked you both to the door, when you got outside you both started to shiver and Gwil placed his jacket over yours and your friends shoulders. He put you both in the cab and said, “You can give me the jacket back Monday.” And as he closed the door you burst into tears and explained everything to your friend on the ride home. When you got into bed she stayed with you all night. As you started to drift off your phone buzzed, checking the screen it was a simple message,
“I’m sorry.” It was from Ben. You turned your phone off and fell asleep forgetting completely about the message.
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Dance with Devils -Charming Book- Vol. 6 Roen (English Translation)
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Dance with Devils -Charming Book- Vol. 6 Roen
Seiyuu: Roen (CV: Suzuki Tatsuhisa)
Spicy’s Notes: (1) Roen is a silver-tongued bastard and I love him. (2) I went the “Ojou-sama” route rather than “my Lady” or “young miss”. *shrugs* (3) Usual disclaimers, there may be parts I misheard. I’ve tried to keep the things flowing and to minimize walls of text. I am horrible with typos, so feel free to point them out for correction. (4) SFX are subject to my own special touches.
- o - o - o - o - o -
[Track 1 – In the Wonderland]
*SFX: Birds chirping and other outdoor noises*
*SFX: A page is flipped*
Roen: Once upon a time, far away there was a girl and boy. The two, who normally would have never had cause to meet each other, fell in love and lived happy, loving days together. But, one day-
*SFX: Something suddenly runs by you through the grass*
Roen: Ah.
*SFX: You watch it go and then move to get up*
Roen: *sighs, then, pleasantly* We’re in the middle of reading a story, Ojou-sama. Please sit back down where you were.  A rabbit running by looking at a pocket watch isn’t odd at all.
*SFX: Rustle*
*SFX: He moves in front of you*
Roen: *less pleasantly* And? So what if it was running on two legs? I’d think the akuma in front of you right now is much more unusual than something like that, wouldn’t you agree?
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: *all smiles* I’m glad you see it my way. Now then, shall we continue reading the book?
*SFX: He moves back*
Roen: I believe- Oh! We were about here, weren’t we. *inhales* But, one day they were given a great trial to overcome. It was-
*SFX: You get up, and go running after the rabbit anyway because plot*
Roen: Wait! You mustn't run after the white rabbit! There’s a pit over that way-
*SFX: Yeah, too late*
*SFX: Both of you doing the Alice in Wonderland pit fall*
Roen: *softly* Things played out just as I knew they would… *firmly, to you* First, please calm down. It’s dangerous to thrash around as we fall.
*SFX: Rustle!?!*
Roen: Ah, so you’ve noticed? Every time we fall down this hole I’m given cat ears and a tail. Why is it that I, a prideful Cerberus, must be forced to wear such things… *sigh* Well, there’s no point of thinking about it now. By the way, Ojou-sama, this is the 42nd time you’ve chased after the white rabbit, fell down this hole, and been surprised at my cat ears. Do you remember?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: As expected, your memories have been reset this time too... *pause* We can discuss the details when we’re safely down, the ground is just below us. It’s dangerous so, from here on, can you hold tightly onto me?
*SFX: Grab*
Roen: Yes, like that. Don’t let go no matter what. *seriously* You must stay close to me at all costs.
[Track Two – Alice’s Confusion]
*SFX: The two of you successfully stick the landing*
Roen: *sigh* Are you hurt at all? Hm?
*SFX: He leans in*
Roen: What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? Is something bothering you? Hn… It seems, irritating as it is, that your attention has been caught once again by these ears and tail. However, please refrain from touching them. It feels exceedingly disgusting to have them pet-
*SFX: Sneak*
*SFX: Roen grabs your hand*
Roen: There’s no use in trying to touch them without permission either. I can predict your every move.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: *sigh* Are you going to keep trying anyway? What a disobedient girl you are. If that’s the case, then I may just have my own idea of what to do.
*SFX: Magic shing*
Roen: *chuckles*
*SFX: He begins to walk around you*
Roen: Are you surprised to see me disappear so suddenly? These ears and tail allow me to disappear at will. It’s the greatest benefit of my appearance at the moment.
*SFX: He stops behind you and leans in to whisper in your ear*
Roen: Because of it, I can punish you like this. *kiss*
*SFX: Rustle!?*
*SFX: He moves suddenly to the other side*
Roen: Next is over here. *kiss*
*SFX: Rustle!*
Roen: *sounding smug* What’s wrong? You’re blushing all the way down your neck. We’ve only just begun too. Or, were you hoping for something more? In that case, this isn’t “punishment” then, is it?
*SFX: He leans in close to whisper*
Roen: Perhaps I should do something bolder to make you reflect on your actions.
*SFX: Rustle!!*
Roen: *pulls away with a chuckle* You gave up sooner than I expected.
*SFX: Another magic shing indicating he’s visible again*
Roen: Now then, that’s enough fooling around for the moment. You need to understand the situation we’re in. First off, do you remember us going to the Third Library to borrow a book?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: As I suspected, you don’t remember. As it happens, while we were in the midst of searching for a book in the Third Library, we stumbled across a magic book on accident. And, before we knew what was going on, we were drawn into this world.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: Yes, this is inside the magic book. Thus, here inside the story, I’ve been given the role of the “Cheshire Cat” and you’ve been given “Alice”. The two of us have been made to act out the events of the story over and over again, unable to escape from our roles.
*SFX: Another pause*
Roen: Yes. For example, the 13th time, you accidently drank too much of the juice that makes you smaller and you were nearly stepped on because of it. On the 24th time, the opposite happened, you grew too big and I was frighteningly close to being drowned in an ocean of tears as you wailed. However, I believe, the 30th was a mistake in a class all its own – you lost to your hunger, ate a mushroom, and got a stomach ache. I thought only Rem Arlond could be done in by a fungus.
*SFX: ...Embarrassed rustle*
Roen: Yes. You don’t remember. Because when we return to the beginning from the story’s end your memories are reset. ...I’m not certain why my memories have remained unaltered. I don’t believe it’s because I’m an akuma.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Fortunately, I can use my power to some extent, however, we don’t appear to have been sealed in here by some sort barrier.* Most likely, I believe we won’t be able to get out until we either do one of two things - find an exit somewhere around here or manage to get off of the loop we’ve been caught in.
(TN: Meaning if it was a barrier Roen could bust his doggy self out, but that’s not going to work here.)
Roen: Yes, it’s not a simple path but, thanks to repeating this story numerous times, I’ve gathered lots of information. On top of that, there are quite a few things I wish to test. So, if I could ask you obey my directions from here on out?
*SFX: Nod*
Roen: Thank you very much. *shifts* Then, to start, please flip this coin.
*SFX: You do so*
Roen: Oh? 42 times and we have tails. It’s only ever been heads until now. At the very least it means, in a world where we repeat the same things over and over in reaching the conclusion, change can occur!
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Yes! This time we may very well be able to get out.
*SFX: He moves close*
Roen: *softly* I promise to lead you there. This time. No matter what.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Roen: *chuckles awkwardly* No. Er. I simply wished to say it. There wasn’t any deep meaning to it. More importantly, let’s be off while we’re ahead. We don’t have time to dawdle.
*SFX: He grabs your hand and off you go*
[Track Three – Off the Path]
*SFX: Door opens with a creak and you walk through it*
Roen: Now then. To start the first challenge we must get to the other side of this high wall.
*SFX: You go for it with a jump… much to Roen’s consternation*
Roen: Wait! No one said we were going to climb it, did they? We’re going to go through this door here.
*SFX: He pulls back a curtain*
Roen: Yes. At this size we won’t be able to pass through such a small door. *with a flourish* Please take a drink of this. I took the concoctions that were left in the room before this one. It’s a medicine to make your body smaller. Go ahead. Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad for you, the first time we did this I tested it beforehand for poison. However. If you drink too much you’ll grow too small and this time we’ll be unable to open the door. So limit yourself to drinking about half.
*SFX: You pop the cork and take a drink*
*SFX: Ba-dump!*
*SFX: Shrinking magic*
Roen: Very well, now for me.
*SFX: He does the same*
Roen: *bored sigh of someone whose done this one too many times* Now then, Ojou-sama. Not to rush you but, could you open the door? As “Alice” only you can do it.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Ah, before that, could I have the bottle? It’s just another thing we’ll have to carry so let’s leave it here.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: Certainly, there’s still half left but… Do you really wish to bring it?
*SFX: Another pause*
Roen: No, I’m not saying you can’t. It’s just, in all of the loops we’ve done, numerous times you’ve wanted to take it “because it’s cute”. To do the same thing we’ve done before makes me think of all the times we’ve been forced to that same conclusion…
*SFX: Rustle?*
Roen: Ah, nothing. Enough talk of that. We don’t have time to stick around. It’s fine if you want to take that bottle. But, take care not to break it.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Now then, let’s open the door and continue on our way.
*SFX: You open the door which leads outdoors*
Roen: With this, we’ve safely gotten outside. But, there are lots of dangers to be had so long as we remain small, let’s return to our normal sizes at once.
*SFX: He moves*
Roen: We’ll eat this cake. *starts slicing as he talks* About this much should do.
*SFX: He puts it on a plate because manners*
Roen: Thank you for waiting, Ojou-sama. Please enjoy your cake.
*SFX: ...*
Roen: *butler mode off* I see. You think this is not enough cake? As it happens, this cake has the effect of making you big in proportion to the amount you eat. If I gave you as much to eat as you wished you’d easily shoot up to a gigantic size of well over 6 feet. Do you still want more?
*SFX: Nevermind*
Roen: Then be good and satisfy yourself with the amount you have. Here. Open your mouth.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: Yes, I know you can manage to at least eat cake by yourself. However, it’s important to take a different path than we have in the loops leading up to here in order to change the story. Therefore. Here. Go on.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: You’re only eating cake. Why are you turning so red? *sigh* Honestly, you’re such an odd girl. Ahh, or is it you’re simply embarrassed?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: *smug chuckle* There’s no need to look away, now is there? *whispering in your ear* Won’t you let me see more of your cute face?
*SFX: Rustle!!*
Roen: *laughs* My apologies. Your reactions were so amusing I couldn’t help myself. Don’t get mad. I won’t do anything.
*SFX: Silverware moving on the plate*
Roen: Here. This is the last bite of cake, feel free to savor it as you finish.
*SFX: You eat it and he sets down the plate*
Roen: With that done, we wait a bit, you’ll return to your usual size. I’ll need to hurry and eat my own as well.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: Ah. My apologies. I don’t have anything prepared for you to drink. As it happens though, we will have the opportunity to have tea soon, so please wait until then.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: Yes. As you’ve guessed, we’ll be participating in a tea party after this. Uh, however... it’s a very improper, noisy, and rowdy gathering.
*SFX: Fades out*
-Time skip-
*SFX: Fades in to the sound of you walking*
Roen: Oh? Preparations have been made for the tea party, but no one is here. Usually, the Mad Hatter trio are present.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Roen: No. I doubt we’re late. The three of them enjoy an unending tea party here. The story has never deviated from that. Most likely, the small changes we’ve made - that the coin you flipped was tails and that I fed you the cake - have built up and taken effect to alter the story. But, this is the first time a change as big as having main characters disappearing has happened. That noisy Mad Hatter, rude March Hare, and that Dormouse who’s always asleep are all usually here being annoying…
*SFX: He realizes what this means*
Roen: *smiles* All the better for them to have disappeared. Just the thought of not having to meet them is refreshing.
*SFX: He moves*
Roen: Now then, Ojou-sama…
*SFX: He pulls out a chair for you*
Roen: Please have a seat.
*SFX: You sit down*
Roen: I’ll have tea ready shortly, please wait right there.
*SFX: Tea prep sounds as he does just that and pours you a cup*
Roen: Here you are. Please enjoy.
*SFX: ?*
Roen: No. Don’t mind me. More importantly, would you like some sweets? With this cake you can have as much as you like without growing bigger. I can cut you off a slice as big as you wish.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: *chuckles* Understood.
*SFX: He cuts the cake for you*
Roen: Here you are. *leans in* If you’d like, I can feed it to you too as I did earlier?
*SFX: Nope*
Roen: That’s too bad.
*SFX: Quiet eating sounds*
Roen: *chuckles* You really do enjoy your meals.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Roen: Ah, no, I wasn’t making fun of you. I simply thought you look cute at times like this.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: There’s no point in being embarrassed after the fact, now is there? But, seeing you blush when I tell you what I’m thinking is quite fun. *leans in close to whisper* I wonder what would happen if I were to tell you just how much I love you.
*SFX: Rustle!*
Roen: *laughs quietly* Were you expecting a kiss? You have cream on you right here.
*SFX: Rustle!*
Roen: Oh? And why do you look so dissatisfied? I didn’t do anything to make you upset, I only wiped the mess from your face, you should be grateful, shouldn’t you? *shifts* Or, was that unnecessary on my part? If you don’t wish it of me, I’ll never do it again?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: That’s good to hear. Taking care of even minor things like this for you is my job too after all. I look forward to continuing to serve you this way.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: Handkerchiefs are meant to be dirtied, aren’t they? Don’t worry about it. What’s more, I got the handkerchief from you so it would be meaningless to use it on anyone else.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Roen: Yes. This was the last thing you were carrying at the end of the 41st repetition of the story. Most likely, in the right pocket of that outfit you’re wearing, you have the same handkerchief.
*SFX: You check*
Roen: *soft laugh* You’re correct, we match…
*SFX: Faint sound of soldiers marching towards you in the background ruins the moment*
Roen: *GASP!* This sound! It can’t be! Why would the Playing Card soldiers be coming here-!? *softly to himself* Is it because the story really has started to change? No… There’s no time to wonder why. *to you* We need to leave this place at once!
*SFX: He grabs your hand*
Roen: This way!
*SFX: You both start to run off... and are blocked by more soldiers*
Roen: They’ve already gone around behind us. But… It’s the first time a change like this has happened. I have no idea how the story will progress from here. Will it be good? Or bad?
*SFX: He moves closer*
Roen: *whispering* I can’t guarantee I’d win by myself against this many troops. Let’s go quietly and let them capture us so we can get a better idea of what the situation is. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you no matter what. So, please, don’t leave my side.
[Track Four – Now, for You]
*SFX: Dungeon cell door is shut with a clang*
Roen: As expected from a madwoman like the Queen of Hearts, even the dungeons are neatly kept.
*SFX: He turns to you*
Roen: Ah, don’t mind me. It’s the first time I’ve entered the castle so I was curious despite myself. However, it won’t do for us to stay imprisoned.
*SFX: He walks over and tests the door to the cell*
Roen: It appears they haven’t left a lookout. It seems I’ve been completely underestimated. For a cage like this, I simply need but a little magic and-
*SFX: Magic surges quietly and the door goes bye bye*
Roen: As you can see, it makes quick work of the iron bars. I want you to stick behind me. This is the enemy stronghold after all, we need to be careful.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Very well then, let’s be off, Ojou-sama.
-Time skip-
*SFX: Walking*
Roen: It’s pretty quiet inside the castle, isn’t it? And there’s no sign of soldiers.
*SFX: He stops abruptly*
Roen: Apparently, there’s some sort of gathering on the grounds. See? Look over there. The Queen of Hearts is ordering the Playing Card soldiers about.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: That’s a problem. I wanted to go to that garden, but…
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Certainly, as you say, it’d be better if we sneaked out of the castle before they notice us. However. I don’t think that’s the key to us getting out of here.
*SFX: Insert mysterious BGM*
Roen: This story always ends with a trial in that garden. As the body of the story concludes it should also ends does our insertion into it. However, in this magic book, we return to the first point from the last point and repeat the same story again. It’s only natural to think that there’s something hidden in the end that makes this happen. There’s a possibility that the changes we’ve made on this loop will make an exit to the outside world appear there in the garden.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: Don’t worry. I’ll be the one going to investigate if that’s the case. You’ll wait here inside the castle where it’s safe.
*SFX: Protesting rustle*
Roen: I’m happy you feel that way, but it’s dangerous for you as Alice to be here at the castle. Both from the perspective of the story itself and in relation to the Queen.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: *matter-of-factly* You are forbidden from arguing with me until we’ve gotten out of this story. Please follow every instruction I give you. This is one more thing that I do to protect you.
*SFX: He waits a moment then hugs you*
Roen: I didn’t say it to make you upset. It’s because you’re important to me and I don’t want to lose you. Do you understand?
*SFX: Rustle and he pulls away*
Roen: *chuckle* Good. Then, lets go to search for a back way in. Looking at the castle layout, I have a good idea where it might be. At the very least we should find a way outside.
*SFX: You both start to run off down the hall*
*SFX: Shing! The soldiers are there!*
Roen: *gasp* There are still soldiers inside the castle?
*SFX: Soldiers sound the alarm with a trumpet*
Roen: Ojou-sama, let’s leave the castle before reinforcements come. We at least have to get you out.
*SFX: Off running again*
-Brief time skip-
*SFX: You’ve made it out of the castle! The two of you are running through the grounds*
*SFX: You hide behind a bush*
Roen: *pants* I can’t believe they’re herding us towards the gardens.
*SFX: Soldiers run by as you hide*
Roen: It looks like we’ve managed to avoid them but the soldiers keep on growing in numbers. It’s only a matter of time before they have us surrounded. We need to do something.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: *worried* Is something wrong? Ah! Don’t tell me you were hurt while we were running?
*SFX: Negative rustle*
*SFX: Return of the mysterious BGM*
Roen: It’s a… door? Though, saying that, it’s a pretty small. Why would something like this…
*SFX: He moves to touch it*
*SFX: Magic buzz*
Roen: *gasp* I only barely touched it but I felt an immense amount of magic. It can’t be-
*SFX: He opens it and there’s more magical shimmers*
Roen: It’s connected to the outside world! *turns to you* It must be the exit to the magic book! But this size… It’s the same size as the door when we first entered. At the size we are now we won’t… Ah! Ojou-sama, do you still have the bottle you took with you earlier?
*SFX: You do indeed*
Roen: So long as we have that you can go through the door. *relieved* You can finally get out of the magic book.
*SFX: ...Rustle*
Roen: Certainly, there’s only enough medicine left for one, isn’t there. But that’s more than I could hope for. Now, Ojou-sama, hurry and drink the medicine and get out of here.
*SFX: No*
Roen: Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure something out in time. I am an akuma.
*SFX: Still no*
Roen: It’s dangerous? And? What of it? It’d be far more painful to be unable to save you than to be stuck in this book. If you have any feelings for me at all then, please, drink the medicine and go through the door! I’m begging you. I don’t want to be stuck in this loop of despair with you any longer.
*SFX: He hugs you*
Roen: *whispering* Please. Do it for me.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: *wry chuckle* It looks like you’ve seen reason.
*SFX: He lets go*
Roen: Now then, please drink it, Ojou-sama.
*SFX: You uncork the bottle...*
Roen: Good. Now, you’ll finally-
*SFX: You shove the bottle to Roen’s lips*
Roen: Mmph?! Mm!! *swallows* Ojou-sama-! Just what are you-!!
*SFX: The medicine starts to kick in*
Roen: My body’s shrinking… Why would you do something so stupid!? I said I wanted to save you! So, why-!?
*SFX: He finishes shrinking and wind begins to whirl*
Roen: I’m being sucked towards the door! This can’t be happening. You can’t escape the ending where you’re killed in here!!
*SFX: He’s sucked in and the door slams behind him*
-Brief time skip-
*SFX: Thud!*
Roen: This is… the Third Library...? *frustrated gasp* What point is there in me returning to this world by myself!?
*SFX: He moves slightly*
Roen: Ah! The ears and tail have disappeared. Don’t tell me-
*SFX: He jumps up and opens the book*
Roen: As I suspected, I can’t enter the magic book anymore. Does this mean I’ve been released from the role of Cheshire Cat? *panicking* But, at this rate, she’ll be- I swore I’d save her, but I-!
*SFX: Magic shimmer*
Roen: *soft gasp* The handkerchief is glowing? It’s something that should exist in the book. *realizes* Maybe if I…
*SFX: Grabs on dramatically*
Roen: I don’t care what price I have to pay. I’d even pray to God if it means I can have this wish granted. So please take me back to her.
*SFX: Magic shimmer builds and the pages of the book flip once more*
Roen: *gasp* It’s opened.
*SFX: Determined step*
Roen: I promise this time, I’ll protect you, with my own two hands. No matter what.
*SFX: The magic draws him back into the book and there’s the sound of a door slamming shut behind him*
[Track Five – The Hand That Reaches for the Light]
*SFX: He lands on his feet in the grass*
Roen: This is… the place where we were hiding. *gasp* Where is she now!?
*SFX: He looks around and spots soldiers*
Roen: Over there? I wanted to save my power as much as possible but, if it’s come to this, I suppose it can’t be helped. HA!
*SFX: Magic blasty time*
*SFX: And he’s off!*
*SFX: He runs his way over to you*
Roen: *usual pleasant self* I’ve come to pick you up, Ojou-sama.
*SFX: Rustle!?*
Roen: *chuckle* “Why”, you ask? It’s normal to save the one you love, isn’t it?
*SFX: More soldiers arrive and draw their weapons*
Roen: Now then, shall I punish you all for having laid your hands on her? I’ll erase every last one of you from this world!
*SFX: Step*
Roen: HA!
*SFX: Another blast of magic*
Roen: *satisfied sigh* And with that, we’ve gotten rid of the soldiers from this area. *to you* Are you hurt?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Don’t make that face. Surely, you’re more than aware how I felt trying to get back here.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: “But”, what?
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: Don’t worry. Thanks to your actions, there’s hope. *sigh* I don’t have the heart to be mad at you.
*SFX: He hugs you*
Roen: I’m so glad you’re safe. Please never do something so reckless again. *shakily* I-  I-
*SFX: Hugs tighter*
Roen: *sigh* Yes. You’re right. I was trying so hard to save you I lost sight of your feelings as well. *straightens* This time let’s both get out of here.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: However, before that, there’s something I need to tell you. Please forgive me for hiding the truth from you until now…
*SFX: Dramatic BGM shift*
Roen: In the story within this magic book, it always ends with you put on trial in this garden where the Queen of Hearts sentences you to be executed.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: 41 times I’ve had to watch as you’re taken away right in front of me... It’s only a theory, but I believe the reason this is happening is because this magic book feeds on the despair, hatred, and other negative emotions of living beings. I’ve heard of such things before. The humans and akuma drawn inside are shown endless, horrible scenes as the magic book wrings power out of them.
Roen: The fact that my memories remained too, no matter how many times we repeated the story, was probably another way to increase the despair I felt. Most likely the nightmare would have continued until my heart was unable to feel anything but despair. Then, both you and I would have been consumed completely.
Roen: I had been trying to save you before such a thing happened, but I was hindered by my role as the Cheshire Cat. I could do little to help Alice. But, it’s different now. Since I was able to leave the book, I was released from the role of Cheshire Cat. As proof – I no longer have the ears or tail. I can do more than just help you.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Ah? *offended* Just what was cute about them? Or, is it that cats are more to your taste than dogs?
*SFX: ...*
Roen: Suspicious. But we don’t have time for this now. We’ll have a nice, long chat about this once we get back. Hmph.
*SFX: He shifts and returns to the topic at hand*
Roen: But, there is a possibility that we haven’t enacted enough change to save you from being executed. If the change wasn’t big enough, we may be drawn into the loop once more.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: To start, you should go on trial just as you have in the times before. If we wait here, I’m sure the soldiers will come to catch us. Are you willing let them take you without resisting?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: *leans in* I’m sure you’re nervous but I’ll be with you. Please don’t worry.
-Time skip-
*SFX: Crowd sounds*
Roen: *softly* I never imagined they’d take me as well as you. We must have created a really big change. *whispers to you* Of course, that’s just as we’d hoped for.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Are you worried about the crowd? There are no allies for us here. It’s pointless to pay them any mind. More importantly. *gestures* The one we need to focus on is the Queen of Hearts seated there on the judicial bench.
*SFX: He moves close*
Roen: Her character is guided by the will of this magic book, completely different from the rest of this rabble.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: Hn, it seems as though you’ve gotten the wrong idea. There’s no way to win this trial.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Roen: Look at them. They’re carrying on the trial themselves without talking to us at all. To be on trial in this country is to be done for. Those who have earned the Queen of Hearts’ glare have no choice but to lose.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: We have one goal in appearing at this trial – to draw out the Queen of Hearts. I don’t know if it’s because she’s wary of me, but she rarely appears until the very end.
*SFX: He straightens*
Roen: Now then, it’s about time for our sentence to be decided. This time, however, we will not be the ones who are judged.
*SFX: Gavel raps for order in the court*
*SFX: Roen steps forward*
Roen: Queen of Hearts, I dare say the taste of my despair and hatred from having this girl stolen from me must be exquisite for you. However, it seems you’ve gotten full of yourself. I won’t allow this outrage to go any further.
*SFX: Steps forward, summoning his magic, and flames spring to life*
Roen: Now! I’ll have you atone for your sins! HA!
*SFX: Fireball*
Roen: It’s impossible to escape! I have no intention of letting a single one of you get away!
*SFX: Soldiers run forward to attack*
Roen: Watch out!
*SFX: He jumps to get you out of the way just in time as a soldier swings their weapon*
Roen: That you’d try to use the soldiers to hurt her since things have gotten this far… Just how foolish are you, Queen of Hearts? What are you trying to do by purposefully adding fuel to the flames when you need only to admit defeat and let us go? It appears you want to be obliterated. You’ve invited your own destruction. For trying to harm me and, more importantly, the one I love… you can burn in Hellfire and languish in regret! HA!
*SFX: He blasts her with Hellfire and there’s a roar as she’s defeated*
Roen: *panting* I apologize. It seems I let my temper get the better of me.
*SFX: Hugging time!*
Roen: *softly* But, with this, I’ve finally saved you from that loop of death. I’m sorry it took me so long.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: No. I should be apologizing about it. The fact that I let you be placed in danger is inexcusable.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: If you forgive me that easily my apology hardly serves its purpose, now does it?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: *chuckle* I didn’t expect you to thank me. I only did what was natural. But, while you’re feeling grateful, do you mind if I request something selfish?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: I won’t ask anything hard. It’s just, can you hug me back? *whispers in your ear* As tightly as I’m hugging you now?
*SFX: Hugging*
Roen: *whispers* Thank you. Ojou-sama, I’m truly happy to be by your side.
*SFX: Track fades out to the sounds of flames continuing to burn down the world of the book*
[Track Six – Emotions Melting Together]
*SFX: You jump up*
Roen: Are you awake? * soft chuckle* You look quite tired for having just slept. Maybe my lap pillow wasn’t comfortable for you?
*SFX: Wha-*
Roen: No. You’re not dreaming. As proof. *slight laugh* Pardon me…
*SFX: He moves*
Roen: Here we are. Do you remember this handkerchief and bottle?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Yes. Though, from my perspective, it was something of a nightmare.
*SFX: He settles back*
Roen: Oh! That’s right. You took a liking to this bottle, didn’t you? I’m of mind to destroy anything having to do with that despicable magic book, but, if you say you want it then I don’t mind giving it to you.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: However. Before that. *takes a breath* It seems you liked my appearance as a cat more than as a dog? Just what was that? Don’t try to play dumb. You were always trying to touch those disgusting ears and tail, it’s only natural I’d have doubts, isn’t it? Just what is so good about cats? They’re fickle and selfish and libel to play around with you if you grow to like them.
*SFX: He leans in to whisper in your ear*
Roen: In comparison, wouldn’t you agree that a faithful dog who will stay by your side through anything is much better?
*SFX: ...*
Roen: Hm? No response? How terribly disappointing. As I thought, you like cats more than dogs, don’t you Ojou-sama?
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: I see. Then could you say so clearly, out loud? Look into my eyes and say you “love” them.
*SFX: Pause*
Roen: *chuckles* Well done.
*SFX: He pats your head*
Roen: Oh? You assume the worst of me! I’m not treating you like a dog.
*SFX: He hugs you*
Roen: You are, for better and for worse, my precious Mistress and the one I love.
*SFX: He sighs heavily*
Roen: I’m truly glad you’re safe. I couldn’t possibly live with myself if I lost you. Isn’t it odd? Here I’ve lived far longer without you but now I don’t want to part with you even for a little while. *chuckle*
*SFX: He shifts back*
Roen: When I returned back to this world by myself and thought I had lost you I felt as though my heart had been crushed. Please never force me away from you like that again.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: Ah. I’m not blaming you. It’s just, I want you to know how strong my feelings for you are. Now, smile. We’ve finally returned here safely after all.
*SFX: Rustle*
Roen: *chuckles and whispers in your ear* I love when you do as I say, Mistress.
*SFX: He leans back*
Roen: I love you. So much so that it’s hard to find the words for it. *kiss*
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thotticus---prime · 7 years
Vineyard Vines or Boyfriend Finds?
You are here: Part 1, Part 2
2008 olympics babes
Based off of @indiansummersunset and @iverindes preppy trust fund college kid Viktor.   Yuuri is going to be a lot more skilled than when we first saw him in the series so basically. Super good skater + Trust fund Kid Viktor
(I sincerely apologize) 
Yuuri stared down at the campus map on his phone, despite his glasses he still squinted to try to make sense of the many paths that overlapped each other. He looked up from his phone to see if there were any actual street signs then ruffled his hair and pushed his glasses further up his nose. “What’s the rink called anyways?” His muttered question was answered by a small group of girls all focused on someone out in the field. “It’s Nikiforov Rink.” They answered without even looking in Yuuri’s direction.
He stared down at the phone in his hands again, trying to find Nikiforov Rink, only to let out a frustrated sigh and adjust his glasses. “Nikiforov Rink? Where’s that? I’m going to be late to practice!” None of the girls answered his question but the figure they were focused on turned to look at him. Yuuri swore he could see literal sparkles surrounding the VIneyard Vines clothed man. Everything about him screamed preppy as he jogged across the large field, a frisbee in one hand and a smirk on his face. “Hey you!”
Yuuri looked both ways to see who the guy was shouting at then pointed to himself. “Who, me?”
“Yeah you!” The man jogged over with a bright smile while Yuuri could only think ‘Oh shit’ in his head. “Hey I heard you were lost, Nikiforov Rink right? I can find it on the campus app for you.” He smiled brightly as he held his hand out.
Yuuri looked down at his phone with an uncertain expression then smiled back and handed it to him. “Alright, thank you!”
After the silver-haired man typed for a few seconds he handed the phone back. “Here you go, good luck!” He winked at Yuuri then jogged back over to his friend to resume playing ultimate frisbee.
Yuuri smiled slightly and followed the map to the rink, he did however get sidetracked by a new message on his phone with a new contact.
From: Vik Nikiforov:
Hi Yuuri
My parents build Nikiforov rink
But they built me better
The texts were followed with an obscene number of emojis. Yuuri blushed a bright red then slid his phone into his pocket.
Once Yuuri had made it to the rink he stashed his phone away in his bag and pulled his skates out. He laced them up then pulled his sweatshirt off and walked to the rink side. “Um, Mr. Cialdini?” A tall dark-haired man with a pony tail turned then flashed a bright smile. “Ah Yuuri!”
Yuuri smiled nervously then nodded and bowed. “Thank you for coaching me Mr. Cialdini!”
Celestino smiled as he waved his hands. “No need for that, you can call me Celestino or Ciao Ciao.” Yuuri smiled at that then nodded and gestured to the ice. “Ah, um. May I?”
Ciao Ciao nodded then gestured to the ice excitedly. Yuuri smiled as he took his skate guards off and set them on the barrier next to his glasses. After pushing his hair back he glided out and looked at the other skaters who were there. Since it wasn’t a “Scheduled” practice everyone was free to use the rink however they wanted. As he watched the groups fumble on the ice he practically winced at the way they were digging into the ice and creating holes.
Yuuri took a deep breath then put his wireless headphones in his ears, his phone already playing music that connected to them. Once he found out that the groups basically stayed at the edges of the rink to grip onto the barrier he glided to the center and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath then began to do warm-ups, a few simple laps around the rink and then basic jumps.
After he had warmed up he began to skate, testing out the choreography he had in his head. He sighed as he tried to figure out how to fit everything together into his new program. He spent almost an hour trying to work on choreography before huffing and pushing his hair away from his face.
Ciao Ciao spent the first hour observing and giving comments from the boards before having to leave to go to a meeting on the other side of the campus. Yuuri watched him leave with a sigh then went back to skating, the music changed to his most recent skate that he performed, making him smile and begin to skate as if he was at a competition again.
Yuuri didn’t get the chance to notice that the ice was completely empty, most of the students in the stands watching him. Thanks to another student who began to live record it to the rest of the campus, most of the students who weren’t in classes began to file in.
He had his eyes closed as he glided across the ice with a bright smile going from his step sequence into a quad flip, triple toe loop combination. By the time he finished that combination jump Viktor Nikiforov and his entourage had entered to see the newest skating scholarship winner.
It had almost become a show at the point with how many people came to see him skate, when he transitioned into his biellmann spin more than half of the students gasped as Yuuri did it then began dizzying spins.
Yuuri finished in a few minutes then slid his earbuds out for the first time in about two hours, he almost fell over when he heard cheers coming from the stands. Once he noticed that he was the only one on the ice he had never been so happy for his near blindness after he had his glasses off.
He was a blushing mess as he quickly skated off the ice and put his skate guards on, only to then shove everything in his duffel and quickly rush out of the building.
Chris hummed at Viktor’s side once the newest scholarship kid rushed out of the rink, he turned to talk to Viktor when he noticed that he was still staring at the ice. “Hey Viktor, what do you think of our newest student?”
“Kruto! Did you see how he moved on the ice Chris, we need to bring him on the yacht. Yuri make sure he get’s invited to the next yacht party!” Viktor was interrupted by Yuri Plisetsky yanking his shirt and glaring. “I’m not your secretary old man.”
Viktor simply smiled as he took his sweater off then swung it over his shoulder, keeping it in place with his pointer finger acting as a hook. “So everyone, should we make him part of the group?”
Yuri muttered a dark ‘no’, Chris smirked and said ‘yes’, Georgie was still crying from ‘the beauty of the way he glided across the ice’, and Mila grinned with a ‘yes’. “Okay so we have two for yes one for no and I think a yes from Georgie but I’m not sure. Let’s invite him to frisbee tomorrow too, Yuri, make sure he gets invited to frisbee!”
“I told you I’m not your secretary old man!” Yuri was fuming as he stomped off to his dorm, leaving the four to walk back to their own dorms together.
“So you like Yuuri huh?” Chris saddled up to Viktor side then smirked. “Oh mon ami you should see the way he dances too~!”
Viktor nearly pounced on Chris as he grinned, “He dances too?! Chris he’s so perfect we have to go to his next performance or his next skate. Maybe Mama will let me hold an emergency skating event! We can have some roses there for him and then we can give him other flowers too not just roses right? He might not like roses though so we can give him maybe some lilies? Oh! Wait maybe he’d want a more expensive thing for that! Let’s get him a faberge then right? Any questions? No? Okay we’re going shopping soon then!”
Mila put her finger to her lips as she thought then looked around the campus ground. “Why don’t you just ask him Viktor?”
“But how can I ask him Mila?” Viktor whined while leaning on the redhead then pouted. “Viktor...Viktor he’s right there getting his dorm keys okay?” Viktor perked up at that, his eyes scanning the quad before they landed on the Japanese man walking out of the administrative building.
Viktor rushed over to the Japanese man then flipped his bangs and grinned. “Hey there Yuuri, wanna go on a trip on my daddy’s yacht?” He finished with a hand on his hip and a wink.
Yuuri stammered a few words in Japanese, too flustered to changed to English before shaking his head, his cheeks varying colors of red that spread from his ears.  Viktor’s grin faded slightly as he observed Yuuri before a loud bark could be heard, followed by Yuri’s angry yelling. “Oi! Old man get your dog! Why was he in my room anyways!?”
Viktor turned just in time for his dog, Makkachin, to fly past him and knock Yuuri down. Yuuri let out a loud ‘oof’ then began to giggle as Makkachin licked his face. “V-Vicchan what are you doing- Wait. You’re not Vicchan?” Makkachin let out a bark then went back to licking Yuuri.
“Makka get off of him!” Viktor quickly grabbed Makkachin and dragged him off of Yuuri before holding his hand out. “Sorry about Makkachin, she doesn’t normally do that.”
Yuuri laughed as he sat up then scratched Makkachin behind her ears. “It’s okay, she’s cute.” He played with the poodles large ears before standing up fully and looked down at the packet in his hands. “Well, uh. I going to go find my dorm? Did I say that right?” Yuuri mumbled to himself before shaking his head and quickly rushing off. Shouting a ‘Bye Viktor’ over his shoulder.
“Chris?” Viktor asked his friend without looking at him, his eyes glued on Yuuri as he made his way through the quad.
“Yes, Viktor?” Chris saddled up to his side then smiled.
“I’m gonna date that boy.”
When Yuuri made his way into his dorm he was immediately blinded by balloons flying at his face and then a flash disorienting his vision. “Welcome new roomie!” Yuuri blinked before his vision cleared to see a thai man with hamsters on his shoulders and a phone in his hand.  
“A-Ah, I’m Yuuri!” Yuuri smiled then held his hand out. Phichit grinned as he finished typing then pulled Yuuri into a hug. “I know,I’m Phichit. You know you really should update your insta more often. I need to see pics of my new roomie’s adventures!”
Yuuri laughed slightly then ruffled his hair and maneuvered around the balloons to set his duffel down. “Um, I have all of my stuff in the car if you can help me?”
Phichit grinned as he nodded then practically skipped down the hallway with Yuuri in tow. “We’re going to have so much fun this year Yuuri, sorry I could be at the rink to welcome you but I had a class then.”
“Oh it’s okay I got here late so I left all of my things sitting in the car and just ran down to the rink.” Yuuri laughed slightly then skidded to a stop next to the car with Phicht. “You get to meet Vicchan!”
As soon as the door opened Vicchan bounded out and into Yuuri’s arms, Phichit took a picture of that with a grin then slid his phone into his pocket and went to pet Vicchan before the two turned when they heard a squeal.
“Yuuri that was so cute!” Yuuri turned to see Viktor with a frisbee in his hand and a bright smile on his face. “I didn’t know you had a poodle!”
“I-Uh, yeah?” Yuuri blushed to the tips of his ears as he slightly hid his face behind Vicchan. Viktor jogged over then grinned at Phichit before turning his attention to Yuuri. “He’s cute, what’s his name?”
“Oh. Uh Vicchan!” Yuuri continued to blush in different colors before setting the small poodle on the ground.
Viktor smiled and went to say something before Chris shouted from the field. “Hey Vik throw the frisbee!” He pouted slightly before winking at Yuuri and jogging back across the field. “You’re no fun Chris!”
“Yuuri?” Phichit continued to stare at Viktor as he ran, his pink Vineyard Vines shirt drawing attention to himself.
“Yeah?” Yuuri turned his head to look at Phichit while petting Vicchan who had his head tilted to the side.
“Why did Viktor Nikiforov come talk to you? Why didn’t you tell me?!” Phichit let out a series of incoherent screeching noises while Yuuri blushed and attempted to get his new roommate to stop.
You can find my Ao3 and trash fics here
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justimajin · 5 years
A Lone Wolf’s Howl ☾ Part 10
⇾ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
⇾ Genre: Angst, Fluff, Action, Eventual Smut
↳ Werewolf AU
⇾ Words: 5.4k
⇾ Warnings: graphical descriptions of violence and blood, some elements of horror for this part
⇾ Summary: Jungkook and you have been like two peas in a pod for the majority of your lives; whether it was going through the ups of downs of the horrid teenage change, to transitioning to the racing world of attempting to be adults. Simply put, you’ve been inseparable and glued to each other’s sides longer than you can remember. But one fateful day seems to completely change everything you had faith in and you begin to wonder if there was ever a time where you and your best friend even knew each other’s true colors.
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⇾ Moodboard Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11(M)
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The firm strings in your hands are crossed, tightly looped together against the leather of your black boot. With a low grunt, you lower your foot onto the ground roughly and steal a quick glance from the mirror. 
Save for the sliver in your eyes and the golden sword gleaming in your hands, your reflection only projects pitch black to you. Satisfied, you take a delicate step outside your room, eyes hastily flickering in opposite directions. 
“What would it take to destroy an entire clan?”
Jungkook immediately gets up, a collection of alarming words ready to spew out from the tip of his tongue. On the contrary though, Namjoon raises a silent hand.
“A tremendous amount of energy,” His eyes stare at you with sharp intent, “and something we shouldn’t think towards. Without proof, we can’t take a step forward in the wrong direction.” 
“It’s not in the wrong direction though.” You counteract, voice raised, “All the clues are leading up there!”
Namjoon lowers his voice, his eyes turning soft, “Proof is always key Y/N. It would be disastrous to fight against Crimson blinded.” 
He sighs, noting down your resistance, “Putting down any lingering feelings isn’t easy, but it has to be done. We need to be careful with every step we take.”
Although there’s a layer of defeat inside your eyes, Namjoon is pleased to see a slight nod from both you and Jungkook with the matter. 
You huff a breath, the grip on your sword increasing. 
“I will be careful.” 
Taking a swift glance behind you, the steps you take down the stairs are careful, walking down the loose wood boards with short breaths. The dark path before you is illuminated with your sword, waving it slowly around as to not trip and fall down. 
You let out a sigh of relief once you luckily reach the bottom, silver eyes glowing when they trail around the several rooms in cautious silence. Thankfully, soft snores greet you back from each and every one, but then your eyes latch onto a particular room – one that you know wouldn’t settle down easy with you if you had simply left. 
The door to Jungkook’s room creaks when you push against it, stepping in right away as the slight noise is to your advantage. Your eyes trace over every corner of the room, contorting in puzzlement when his bed is completely empty. 
“Looking for someone?” 
The scream that’s prepared to leave your throat is unruly when his voice is only mere centimetres away from behind your ear, thick with sleep. You instantly spin around and he covers your mouth once he recognizes the familiar wide-eyed expression on your face. He offers you a sheepish grin, black hair tousled and eyes drooping, as if he was sleeping just moments ago. 
Staring at him with those same wide eyes, you wrench off his hand from your mouth and place a hand against your racing heart, “You scared me Jungkook!”
“I scared you?” He scoffs, glancing at you bewildered, “If you keep screaming like that, my ears are going to end up being permanently damaged one day!” 
Rolling your eyes, his eyes trail up and down on you, his face only lit from the faint glow of your sword.
His voice drops into a playful tone, “Why are you walking around like a silent ninja in the middle of the night?” 
“It’s not a silent ninja!” You harshly whisper, offended, “I’m dressed in my slayer clothes!” 
“That’s what you’re carrying this guy around?” He points to your glowing sword and chuckles, before the realization sinks in and his eyes are suddenly widening, “Where are you going Y/N?” 
You lower your sword with a sigh, “Out. I just came by to say goodbye.” 
As you turn around, he latches onto your arm, “Wait.” 
You meet eyes with him, and he gives you a serious gaze, “You’re not planning on going to Crimson…are you?” 
You don’t say anything back and that’s all he needs for confirmation, “Y/N, Namjoon said not to!” 
“I know!” Your voice spikes up and Jungkook looks at you startled, still gripping onto your arm. Glancing at him with regret swirling in your eyes, you let out a deep sigh, “I have to go Jungkook…I need to see what’s going on with my own eyes.” 
Jungkook grows silent for a moment and you suspect he’s going to speak up again, form any type of reasoning as to why he believes this is a horrible decision on your part. Unexpectedly though, Jungkook eyes hold sympathy in them and his next words send you in for a surprise, “It’s not letting you sleep, is it?” 
You furiously nod, hoping he would understand. He slowly releases your arm and you’re relieved you didn’t need to explain much to him, however, that’s when his following words settle in, “I won’t stop you, but I’m not letting you go alone either.” 
Words of protest are ready to escape you, prepared to let him know that he didn’t need to come with you at all for his, but he gets dressed in a flash and all of the remains of sleep left in his eyes disappear. 
Reaching out for your hand, a warm smile spreads on his lip, “Come on.” 
You take it with hesitance and his eyes flash gold. 
“We’ve got a slayer base to infiltrate.” 
Once the two of you leave the wolf quarters, the number one concern you had was how you were possibly going to get all the way to the Crimson Clan’s base. Luckily, Jungkook was quick to dispel all of your worries, shifting into his wolf form and offering you a front-row seat on his back. You were hesitant at first, thinking it seemed strange and not accustomed to interacting with your best friend when he’s morphed into his larger wolf counterpart, but you trust Jungkook and you’re glad you did. 
His human form is fast, but his wolf form is ridiculously fast, running at such a speed that has you tightening your hands around his neck and bracing for dear impact. However, along the way, you find yourself enjoying the ride, liking how the breeze was weaving through your locks and how you were speeding by everything within seconds. 
He eventually comes to a halt, stopping a shy couple of metres away from the large fields. You slip off his back, carefully strolling forward to examine the place. 
Nothing has seemed to change, the same oak homes surrounding the small grounds, the very grounds you used to once train upon. The air is quiet but it's warm, just like you had remembered it. 
You turn back to Jungkook, whose wolf expectantly peers at you as a way for you to answer if he had followed your directions accordingly. With a nod, he instantly shifts, standing up as he straightens out his back. 
“Have you put on some weight Y/N?” He questions, tensing up his shoulders and rocking his head side to side. Your mouth drops open, not expecting the first thing for him to say after shifting to be that. 
Shaking your head, you let a small smirk grace your lips, “I was staying with wolves, did you expect me to be in shape?” 
Jungkook side-eyes you at that, before he stands next to you and takes in the building. Thankfully he had listened to your advice and dressed in all black as well, as it was easier to camouflage yourselves and not get caught so easily. 
You cautiously walk closer to the oak homes, gesturing behind you for Jungkook to silently follow. Slayer guards are surrounding the entrance, searching around with their swords out in case of any intruders but you smile when you effortlessly navigate Jungkook into the hidden passageway only a handful of slayers knew about. 
You drop down onto the ground roughly and Jungkook tumbles in as well, quickly rising on his knees as his golden eyes search around. The room is pitch dark and you recognize it immediately as a simple storage room, where the majority of your clothes and weapons were kept. 
Jungkook walks closer to some of the swords, inspecting them, “Those are craved swords.” You explain, “The Elder makes them herself and then gives each slayer their own.” 
He hums, before turning to you and you slowly tread over to the door, opening it to view only a small crack and seeing a group of other slayer guards coming into sight. Jungkook kneels down, whispering in a low tone, “So what’s the plan?” 
“I need to see the Elder somehow.” You explain, eyes still locked on the opening as you patiently wait for them to move into the next hallway, “But I can’t reveal myself before her.” 
Jungkook frowns, “Why not?” 
You quickly glance at him with a somber smile, “I’m part wolf now, welcoming me back with open arms isn’t going to be a thing.” 
His brows furrow, “That’s awful.”
“That’s how slayers operate.” You say with a sigh, “Coming back dead is better than coming back as a wolf. At least you’ll be honoured.”
Jungkook grows silent at that but you hurriedly turn to him, “The one part I wasn’t able to pinpoint was how I was going to talk to the Elder without revealing myself. I can’t get proof if she can’t speak to me.” 
“Oh,” Jungkook says, racking through his mind for an idea. “I don’t know Y/N, Namjoon’s usually the one that does all of our planning before we do attack.” 
“You all sure trust him a lot.” You state, eyes latching back onto the opening.
“We do.” Jungkook sincerely says, pushing forward when you raise an eyebrow at that, “When I first transformed into a wolf, I was terrified with my new powers and couldn’t control them as well, but then Namjoon accepted me into his pack and trained me. He’s taught me everything I know.” 
You hum, a little surprised that Namjoon would do so much for him, “When did you turn into a wolf?” 
Jungkook sheepishly looks down, “I kind of went through the whole process during the time I met you…I didn’t want you to be hurt because of what I am, so I kept it a secret.”
There’s a trace of surprise in your eyes, yet they warm up to his words with a light chuckle, “I guess we both had our own secrets to hide.” 
Jungkook laughs, “Yeah but your secret involved a giant sword with it.” He clasps his hands together, staring at them before he moves to observe yours, “How does that thing even come out from here?” 
You take your hand away with a playful frown and his eyes are still clueless, until you finally catch sight of the empty hallway and quickly usher him to follow. There seems to be no one around you, so you quickly spin over to Jungkook to fuel some of his curiosity. 
“This is how I do it.” A smile is in your voice when you mumble the repeated words and light pierces through your hands, causing Jungkook to walk closer in awe. The golden sword emerges for a moment, before it fades with a mere whisk away of your hands. 
“That isso cool.” Jungkook whispers, but then he pouts, “I wish wolves had something like that.”
You’re close to mentioning how his powers had honestly amazed you even more, however that’s when your mind travels to where you’re exactly standing at the moment and you decide to keep moving forward in the ghostly hallway. 
The air starts to grow heavy and thick with every passing minute, an eerie feeling to the hall that causes your heart to pound faster. There are occasional creaks from the oak floor and some howls from the wind outside, along with the small lamps lit along the tiled walls being your only source of light. 
It’s just as you remember it, but the daunting atmosphere and icy chill weren’t present before. 
“Y/N…” Jungkook whispers behind you, echoing the same thoughts in your mind, “I don’t mean to be rude but…this is kind of creepy.”
You faintly smile at that, reaching out to lightly trace the tiles with your fingertips as you walk, “It’s supposed to be home.” 
But it doesn’t feel like it. 
There are no fascinating intricate designs that the packhouse has, no spirals of staircases that branch off into cozy rooms and no voices softly murmuring from door to door. There’s no vast library with an expanse of books to choose from and there’s no broad field that you can freely train at, only a place that feels closer to prison and supposed fellow slayers that always fall short from a humble greeting with one another. 
It should be home to you. 
And yet, it feels much farther away than you can grasp. 
A narrow opening comes into view and you widen your eyes, notices the faint lines on the oak right away like the back of your palm. Suddenly a flood of faded memories hit you – a smaller girl with a rather big sword by her side, waving it around to impress with a smile on her lips when a hand pats her on the head. A girl that holds onto that sword for dear life, learning that it would one day help her destroy the same group of people that took her parents away, that the sword would act as an extension of herself and make her stronger so she can face them with full control. 
The same girl that had been given false hopes so that one day she could fight. 
With a sigh, you glance at Jungkook over your shoulder, “The Elder’s Room. I figured we could find some answers here.” 
Jungkook nods and you carefully enter the confines, searching for anything that could help you. As Jungkook goes through a stack of books kept to the side, you rummage through the closet and search around the clothing. 
You don’t seem to find anything useful, only a mere handful of old torn slayer scrolls and some discarded knives. Reaching farther though, your fingers meet with glass and you frown for a split second, opening up your palm to grasp onto the solid object. You pull it out, only to view an old frame containing a picture of two women. 
Jungkook notices you inspecting the frame and glances over, “Who is it?” 
“I’m not too sure…” You whisper, tracing over their faces when you feel a wave of déjà vu hit you, “I think–“
The floor rattles beneath you, causing you to quirk an eyebrow and to kneel down to faintly touch it. It doesn’t move and you frown, standing up and wondering if you should just brush it off. However, that’s when it shakes again, the volume only raising until it turns thunderous and it completely opens, sucking you right in. 
“JUNGKOOK!” You shoot your hand out and he instantly chucks a book out of his hands, dropping down onto his knees and grasping onto your hand before you can fall down. 
“What the…” He whispers, looking down to the see the large dark hole that your body was being encased in. Gritting his teeth, he tightens his hold on you, but his hand begins to strain, “Y/N…I-I can’t…” 
You start to slip out of his hands, and he knows he won’t be able to hold you for long, so he quickly makes the decision of grasping onto your shoulders and letting himself sink down with you. 
The first thing you see is complete darkness; cracking open your eyes only to be greeted with no sight. Turning your head slightly upwards, you can see a familiar opening to the closet that leads to your current path and you shift to get a better view, only to hear a groan from beneath you. 
“Jungkook?” You whisper, attempting to get off of him but he keeps a firm hold on your hands.
He lets out a small cough, his chest rapidly falling and rising before he tugs himself up and shakes the dust away from his hair. Suddenly a low scream pierces through the air and you instantly cling onto him, gripping his shirt as he encases his arms around you. 
“W-Where are we?” 
“I don’t know Y/N.” He says, having the same confusion in his voice as you. Glancing up at him, you see his eyes morph into gold, scanning the area around you until the colour flickers away with a sigh. “I can’t see anything either…” 
“Hold on.” Tangled words spill out of you when there’s a flash of light between your hands, yet it fades out just as fast as it resurfaced. 
“What?” You grit out, attempting again only for the light to vanish once more. Although you can’t see him through the dark, Jungkook stiffens beside you and reaches out to wrap his arms around you.
Carefully holding onto you, he rises from his feet and you stay close to him, taking cautious steps as you attempt to figure your way around the place. 
“Y/N?” Jungkook quietly questions, placing his hand on your trembling ones that you don’t even realize were shaking. 
“Sorry.” You hate how the mere presence of the room is already terrifying you so much, but its something Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind at all. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out.” You know you can’t see his face, but you can already tell he’s smiling, “I guess coming here alone doesn’t seem like such a great idea now, does it?” 
He chuckles and a small laugh bubbles out from you too despite the hollow circumstance. “Jungkook.” 
“Thank you, for coming,” You stop in your tracks, “Really, I wouldn’t want to be in here by myself.” 
The words are genuine, laced with a layer of pure honesty when you had originally thought you could handle all this. Although you and Jungkook had been through a lot, a part of you is so incredibly relieved that he came with you within a heartbeat and you know just having him around makes you feel safer by tenfold. 
He doesn’t say anything back, instead, he reaches down to interlace your hands. Tightening his hold on you, he tugs you in closer to him, “Come on.” 
Jungkook leads you forward as he tries his best to navigate around the room, padding his hands against the wall for some sense of direction. You stick behind him, occasionally wincing whenever a distinct scream is heard and flinching when the room begins to drop down in an eerie icy temperature. 
To your own much-needed relief, you come across an exit that Jungkook inspects, before he tugs you along with him. It thankfully leads to many more lights, but it leads to a spiral of tunnels in multiple directions that has your head twisting and turning. 
Unconsciously, you slip your fingers out Jungkook’s hand and start stepping towards one of them. You stop for a split second, narrowing your eyes. 
“What is it?” Jungkook catches up to you, vision landing in the same direction. 
“There’s something…” You whisper, “Something about this one.” You take another step forward and then keep going as Jungkook trails behind you. 
You soon begin to hear small mumbles, voice intermingling in a language you can very clearly understand, and it only causes the pace of your walking to speed up. It leads you into a similar-looking room you and Jungkook had stumbled into, hollow and dark. 
“Here?” Jungkook questions and you nod, wondering if perhaps you had accidentally gone in the wrong direction.
“I thought I was hearing voices from here...I- “Suddenly, Jungkook breaks out into a cluster of coughs, staggering down onto his knees. 
“Jungkook!” He covers his nose, the violent coughs only escalating as his eyes begin to water. 
“The s-smell…” He chokes out, his voice coming out as a growl and causing you to be in unease. 
“Smell?” You wonder, sniffing to see if there was anything strange in the sorts by coming up with nothing instead. 
Jungkook suddenly lets out a ragged breath, causing you to whirl around and your breath instantly hitches. 
His eyes are completely feral, twisted with gold as his sharp canines poke out from his mouth. Your eyes look down to see his hands have entirely morphed into claws and how one of them still tries to cover his scrunched-up nose. 
“J-Jungkook…” You whisper, slowly drawing closer to him when you’re not even sure how to react seeing him like this. You’ve seen him as a full wolf before, but you’ve never seen him like this – an odd combination of his human and wolf traits. 
Jungkook heaves out a breath, water still escaping his eyes, “I-I’m fine…” His voice comes out much deeper and raspier, “Let’s just keep going.”
You nod, carefully holding onto his arm that is slowly being covered with his caramel brown fur by the second and searching for a way to get out of the room. You had honestly wanted to look around once before you had left, but with the sudden reaction Jungkook’s just had, you’re not really sure if that’s such a good idea. 
Before you do, the same voice you heard emerge again and a crease forms in your brows, searching around until you land upon a small window-like opening in the far corner of the room. 
You glance over to Jungkook, who’s also noticed it despite dealing with the smell and he gestures for you to check it out. Bringing him alongside you, you attempt to catch a peek at what was possibly going on, the conclusion only leaving for your eyes to be twisted up in horror and for your breath to get caught in your throat. 
It might have been that your sense of smell isn’t as great as Jungkook’s wolf, but now that you do finally catch a whiff of it, you can understand why Jungkook reacted in such a way. The stench is similar to something decaying, the flesh rotting piece by piece as you cover your nose and mouth when the need to gag starts to emerge. 
Getting past the horrid and putrid smell, the unsettling image before you cause your chest to tighten even more – taking in the multiple wolf bodies on the ground. Their black lifeless corpses, unmoving and deformed, all contributing to spelling out one very simple message for you. 
“Rogues.” Jungkook whispers, his voice getting stuck between utter horror at what his eyes were seeing and yet understanding that you had truly stumbled upon something that you were originally doubtful of. 
You want to look away, the imprinted image of the decreased beings and the ever-growing stench telling you that remaining there wasn’t going to make it any better. However, now you have proof on your hands that both you and Namjoon had desired, it's enough to inform you that there was something deeper and darker settling behind the scenes of your precious home and clan. 
Turning to Jungkook, who quietly observes the wolves next to you, you cast away your eyes from the corpses when the need to leave erupts from you. Before you even get the chance to do so though, a familiar language begins to enter your ears and to your own shock, a hooded figure steps in the centre of all the decreased wolves. 
It’s a mantra you’ve never heard of before, only being taught a handful of them during your slayer training. The words are distinctive, making them feel familiar but each syllable being contorted to the extent that it sounds like rubbish and yet makes sense at the same time. You don’t dwell on it for long though, because suddenly your eyes are widening even more than before when the corpse’s eyes begin to light up, slowly getting consumed with black smoke. 
Your heart begins to drum viciously in your chest and when one of the wolf’s eye sockets roll over to look directly at you, your hand instinctively shoots out to grab onto Jungkook. “We need to get out of here.” 
Jungkook nods, eyes hurriedly searching around as you take slow steps backwards, eyes still latched onto the way the wolf’s eyes shine like coals and how each one of their limbs slowly being to tug upward as the life spreads through them. You squeeze your eyes shut as you shake your head, moving away from the window completely to follow after Jungkook. However, much to your own dismay, you soon discover that Jungkook is nowhere to be found.
“Jungkook.” You quietly whisper, tracing your footsteps back out of the room and thankfully away from the horrible smell, only to see him completely gone. You suppose he’s left to find a way out, but a part of you wishes he didn’t leave you alone there, wanting nothing more but to get away from the impending words being recited in the nearby room. 
With a slight huff, you make your way back through the hallway, recalling how you had chosen the path out of instinct and although you now have solid proof of your clan’s ways, you wish you didn’t figure out the discovery like how you had done. Within all this, you continuously call out for Jungkook, growing more and more worried by the minute. 
Eventually you do stumble upon him, luckily in the spiral of halls and far from the room as you return. His back is facing you, gazing at the several other rooms and you wonder if he’s searching for the way out. 
“Jungkook!” You exclaim, jogging faster over to him. 
Your fingertips faintly brush over his wrist, but you don’t grab on right away. You simply stand there, eyes flickering in brief shock until you take slow steps away, retracting your hand away completely. 
Your wide silver eyes become cold, and when he turns around you fist your palms, demanding for an answer. 
“Who are you?” You sharply grit out, watching how your best friend’s eyes are no longer the warm human brown or the brimming wolf gold you’re accustomed to, instead swirling with black clouded smoke. 
You, quite frankly, don’t expect an answer, which is why your hands begin to brim with a bright flash and suddenly he’s lunging for you.
Your back harshly hits the wall, the air supply to your lungs getting cut off when his hand tightens around your neck. Harshly gasping for air, tears well up in your eyes and you squeeze them shut, putting as much force as you can into your leg as you kick him right in the shin. 
A string of coughs leave your throat once you meet with impact against the ground and you slowly look up, eyes tracing over the being that is Jungkook right now when he gets back up again. With trembling hands, you know you can’t conjure up your sword if you even wanted to, so instead you opt-out on using the orange mist that radiates out from your palms. 
His hands are entirely morphed into claws when they come after you again and all you can is a blur when he tries to rip your throat out or when he tries to bind your hands together. Although you’re able to do enough to block all of his impending attacks, you wince when his claws graze against your shoulder, leaving trickles of blood to roll down. 
You will your hands to glow brighter and you continue to defend yourself, attempting to keep the mist within your hands as a way to not injure him. Suddenly a familiar door comes into view and your eyes widen, quickly pushing him away as you hurl yourself towards it. 
The door creaks and multiple pieces of woven metal are strung along the walls when you reach out to grab one. Much to your own dismay, it doesn’t swirl with the same energy your own sword does, but when the door comes flying open, you know you don’t have a choice at the moment. 
He trudges in, having the same sick, dark feral look twisted in the innocent, warm eyes you were too used to peering into. Fisting the carved metal tightly in your hands, you raise it up high and grit your teeth. 
“Who are you and what have you done to Jungkook?” 
Jungkook, no, this being, smirks. He tilts his head to the side and gives you perhaps one of the most devilish grins you’ve ever seen. It only serves to send shivers down your spine, and when it looks back directly at you, it lunges forward with a growl. 
Sucking in a deep breath, you swing the sword’s hilt down and hit his arm, only for him to grab your leg and pull you down to slam against the ground. The sword slides away from you in an instant and when you try to push yourself off the ground, a firm hold on your leg doesn’t allow you to. 
With a grunt, you whisper, “I’m sorry Jungkook.” 
A hard kick lands right against his arm, freeing you entirely and letting you glide over to the sword. The being comes after you again, but it receives a flash of orange against its legs, causing it to stagger down. 
“You didn’t answer my question.” You rise up, ignoring the way those cold black eyes made your heart sink to your stomach, “Who are you and what have you done to my Jungkook?”
For a split second, you could have sworn you caught a glimmer of gold in his eyes, a call for help trying to desperately reach out when your eyes flicker and you instinctively take a step forward. That’s when it catches you off guard, his eyes stinking back into the black and letting you pay an irreversible cost when a pool of your own blood begins to collect on the ground. 
You let out a harsh gasp, eyes blown up when you can only stare at him as your hand reaches over to your scarlet stained stomach. Tears begin to form in the corner of your eyes when you see the trickles of red run down his arm, a wolfish grin on his features. 
This is not Jungkook. You remind yourself, eyes latched onto him when he stands right in front of you, This is not your Jungkook. 
Your bottom lip trembles and you scrunch up your eyes, feeling every pang of pain radiate throughout your body. You feel yourself being lifted up in that moment, a hand slowly digging in your throat when you start to lose air by the minute. 
“Don’t make me do this…” You quietly say, hot tears streaming down your eyes as your voice cracks, “Please, don’t make me do this Jungkook…”
His hold tightens, only a mere inch away from the mark he’s created on you. 
Your cheeks are entirely drenched when your hands spark orange and for a moment, you just remember. 
Jeon Jungkook. 
Lord of meme faces.
Ruler of the infamous white shirt and jeans combo.
And undeniably, 
The best friend you had fallen in love with. 
Before you stop breathing, before you fall into darkness, you whisper the words you’re afraid will be left unsaid with a soft smile. 
“I love you.” 
A hue of orange flashes and your eyes fall shut. 
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poop4u · 5 years
9 Products You & Your Pup Can Sink Your Teeth Into
#poop4u #dogs
The post 9 Products You & Your Pup Can Sink Your Teeth Into by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Scroll through some dog products that you and your pup will love!
1. Personalized Dog Bowl
Personalized Dog Bowl. Photography Susabella.
Dish it up for your own dog or someone else’s with this fun and modern ceramic bowl. It’s decorated with a dog bone that can be stamped with your pet’s name or a cute paw print. Text colors include silver, gold, black, light blue or light pink. The bowl has two sizes: Small/Medium or Large. Each order includes one dog bowl; purchase two bowls for a set. $36.95/S-M or $39.95/L  | Susabella; susabella.com
2. Lavender Bedtime Bear
Lavender Bedtime Bear. Photography by Modern Beast.
Your dog can snuggle up and transition into a relaxing night dreaming of rabbits and squirrels with this sweet bear hiding a belly full of calming, organic lavender. Comes in a variety of sizes (regular and mini), patterns and colors — orange, denim splatter, red floral bow tie, black floral bow tie, mint polkadot bow tie and pink polkadot bow tie. Black floral and red floral available in mini only. $28 — $34 | MODERNBEAST; modernbeast.com
3. Jiobit
Jiobit. Photography by jiobit.
Get peace of mind with this durable, waterproof, real-time location monitor, not limited by range or location. The battery last weeks with active use. Other benefits: Add people to the Care Team so you know who your pet is with. Set a geofence around your yard or home, and be notified when your pet leaves it. Download the app for mobile updates and find out what your dog’s been up to with a full location history report. Purchase includes jiobit, charging dock, USB cable, fabric pouch and secure loop for attachment to pet collars. Service plan additional $8.99/month. $99.99 | Jiobit; jiobit.com
4. Pop Up Pet Door
Pop Up Pet Door. Photography by Pop Up Pet Products.
Finally, a quick and easy way to add a pet door to your sliding glass door giving your dog easy access to the yard. Installs in less than five minutes and works with a wide range of homes and dogs. The folding panels keep bad weather and pests out plus saves on electricity by filling the gap in your sliding door. There’s a simple flap among the panels that allows the pet to come and go. Can also be used with a sliding screen door. Under 3 pounds, it’s easy to pop it in and out. Comes in 80-inch or 94-inch height and flap size small to extra large. $59.99 | Pop Up Pet Products; popuppetdoor.com
5. ZippyPawsStorybook Toy Line
ZippyPawsStorybook Toy Line. Photography by ZippyPaws.
Fun for both you and your dog, this collection of toys comes with an accompanying fantasy story. Follow Charlotte the Unicorn as she searches for her magical wand in the Unicorn Fairytale line. The curious and kind Liam the Llama helps a family find their missing candy. Create more together time with these interactive toys. $6.99-$13.99 | ZippyPaws; zippypaws.com
6. Druzy Dog Stud Earrings
Druzy Dog Stud Earring. Photography by The Purrfect Accessory.
Dazzle friends and family with these petite dog head studs from the Purrfect Accessory. Adorable ears are in 3D and the post comes out of the center of the dog’s head. Choose from Silver-Plated Brass, Gold-Plated Brass or Rose-Plated Brass. Matching necklace also available. $28 | The Purrfect Accessory; thepurrfectaccessory.com
7. Pet Remembrance Necklace
Pet Remembrance Necklace. Photography by Lemonbug.
Honor your cherished fur baby with this stunning handmade necklace. Select from sterling silver, 14-karat gold-filled or 14-karat rose gold- filled and from chain lengths of 16 to 20 inches or a 16 inch with a 3-inch extender. Customize up to 10 to 12 characters per bar with three different font choices. $49 | Lemonbug; shoplemonbug.com
8. Fusion Gates for Pet Safety
Fusion Gates for Pet Safety. Photography by Fusion Gates.
These beautiful modern designer gates combine art and safety. Plus, the interchangeable art screen system lets you change the trendy to traditional screens anytime you want. Choose from gate sizes 32 to 74 inches along with a gate finish of black, satin nickel or white pearl. Gate extensions also available. Screen styles include Modern Lines, Willow Branches, Songbirds, Chevron Trail, Peaceful Palm and much more. $199 | Fusion Gates; fusiongates.com
9. BISSELL Air400
Bissell Air400. Photography Bissell
Want to clean up your home’s air quality for you and your pets? BISSELL’s new library-quiet air purifier features an advanced, three-stage air filtration system with Pre, HEPA and Carbon filters. It will capture 99.97 percent of airborne pollutants like dust, mold, bacteria and dander, pollen and even odors. The automated cirQulate system works with the filter’s particulate sensor and air-quality indicator to manage the level of filtration your space needs and has a 1-hour, 4-hour and 8-hour timer. $399 | BISSELL; bissellair.com
Thumbnail: Photography ©sanjagrujic | Getty Images. 
About the author
Covering the pet world for more than 25 years, Melissa L. Kauffman has been an editor/writer for a wide variety of pet magazines and websites from the small critters to parrots to cats and dogs. Her advisory team of rescued pets — dogs Tampa Bay and Justice and parrots Deacon and Pi-Pi — help keep her on top of the latest and greatest pet health research, training and products, anything to give keep them in the high life they are accustomed to. Follow Tampa and his crew on Instagram @tampa.bay.pup.report while Melissa can always be found working on the next issue of Catster and Dogster magazines at caster.com and dogster.com.
Editor’s note: This article appeared in Dogster magazine. Have you seen the new Dogster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting room of your vet’s office? Subscribe now to get Dogster magazine delivered straight to you! 
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The post 9 Products You & Your Pup Can Sink Your Teeth Into by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
via www.Poop4U.com Trippy.Tube, Poop4U
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Queen of The Ring Part 2
        I knocked on the door to Mrs. Ring’s room, the door soon opened up revealing an angered human. A lean blond haired male, and a tailored black suit. He was buttoning up his suit when he looked at me, he didn’t say anything he just walked away. The sound of his shoes sounding off with every step, as he went down the hallway and then finally out of sight. I walked into the room with Andrew in my arms, and saw Mrs. Ring removing the ruined cloth from her body and dumping it into the trash bin.          “What was that about?” I asked causing Mrs. Ring to turn around a bothered look on her muzzle for a moment, but it calmed after a moment, and she came over only wearing her bandage made underwear. She took Andrew from my arms.          “You won!” Andrew cried out happily, and Mrs. Ring nuzzled the pup’s nose, smiling before kissing his cheek. Mrs. Ring pulled me into the room, and she closed the door.          “That used to be my manager, he wanted me to throw the fight.” I actually laughed at that, looking at Mrs. Ring to see if she was serious. I watched her sit down with Andrew, and she simply nodded not much of a scratch on her. The fight was quick, unpleasantly quick, it almost seemed like a waste to buy tickets. But that was Mincridarn fights. They were either quick, or something that lasted for nearly twenty minutes. That was also why most Mincridarins got in the arena for nearly a tenth of the cost. This for one makes it easy to get tickets, but that also means they get taken quickly, which makes it hard to get them.          “You’re serious? Doesn’t he know anything about Mincridarn customs?”          “I told him that, but apparently he was an idiot and said that I would throw the fight to someone, and a huge bet was placed on that weakling. When I won the fight, whoever it was lost a lot of money. Humans can be real idiots. They have no idea about our belief in honor, to throw a fight like that shames the family name. I will not shame the name of my mother. She fought for the right to keep the Ring name alive, and I will not throw a fight and tarnish what she fought to protect.” Mrs. Ring explained with vigor and I nodded in understanding, though I didn’t like the fact that big money was lost. Something of like that was not good news, because who knows, who might have lost the money.          “Mrs. Ring just try and be careful, greedy humans tend to lash out. They may try and hurt your or Andrew. Because, you never know who’s the one who lost the money, and what that means. Humans have killed each other over a lot less.” I explained knowing it was better be forward with my fear because Mrs. Ring was only here for three years, that didn’t mean she knew everything. There was plenty she had never heard about, or seen.          “What are you talking about? This isn’t some show on TV?” Mrs. Ring protested hearing my warning, not enjoying the idea that because she didn’t throw a fight, someone might try and hurt Andrew.          “Mrs. Ring, where do you think they come up with the ideas for some of those shows? I’m not saying it will happen, but when big money is won and lost, it tends to attract the more dangerous kind of humans. Humans that sometimes will try and make a point to not challenge them. Mrs. Ring just be careful, that’s all I’m saying.” I continued and Mrs. Ring sighed and nodded, she was bothered by my words but she didn’t lash out, since she knew I was only trying to help.          “I understand.” Mrs. Ring finally admitted, and Andrew looked between us, his ears lying flat scared of my words and the idea of someone wanting to hurt his mother. However Mrs. Ring picked up on this and she quickly wrestled her son to the couch and started tickling his sides, causing him to burst out into laughter and try and push away.         I couldn’t help but smile seeing this, and I went to the desk and picked up the med kit, locked it closed. I gathered Mrs. Ring’s clothing and her bag, and brought it over to her. Mrs. Ring put on her clothing giving me a simple thanks. She picked up her bag, pulled it over her shoulder and took her son’s hand, and we left the room.          “So what now Mrs. Ring?”          “How about dinner? It’s late and it’s about time we got a proper meal, and a cookie for Andrew.” Mrs. Ring answered and I smiled seeing how excited Andrew got over hearing he could have cookie. He took my hand and looked up at me his tail wagging, forgetting everything I had said earlier. We came to a back door to the Arena, one of the few doors attached to a car garage.         However something felt off, it felt like I was being watched, so I stuck out my arm out before Mrs. Ring touched the door. She looked at me and I laid my hand on the door, and I could feel a sinister presence just beyond. Someone was just beyond the door, and it was looking for blood. Sensing this I looked at Mrs. Ring and told her to remain quiet, and she quickly knew something was up and she pulled Andrew away from the door. Heading back to the hallway corner. I followed behind her before I spoke up quietly.          “Something is wrong; ever since Lynn has trained me in magic I’ve been able to sense dangers. Something is beyond that door and it wants to kill. I’m not trained enough in magic to try and fight it, but I can try and figure out what it is and see if the area is safe. I need to call Lynn. It could be a spirit, and he’s the only one nearby that could deal with it; if that’s the case.” I explained as I took out my phone, and Mrs. Ring didn’t counter me, and she just watched me call, knowing ever since Mincridarins had come from their world to earth, spirits had gotten far more powerful and dangerous.          “Lynn… No I’m sorry it’s not that. But something isn’t right, I think there is an evil spirit in the area parking garage.” I explained cutting of Lynn’s words, hardly allowing him time to speak, and after a moment he fell silent and very serious. Lynn gave a simple response and the phone clicked off.          “Give him a moment, I’m sure he’ll call us back soon enough.” I explained and Mrs. Ring nodded in understanding as she watched me unwrap my hand, and cut the skin again. Drawing blood again, much to her own protest.          “What are you doing you idiot?” Mrs. Ring questioned smacking me before taking my bandages and started to wrap my wounded hand. I pulled away from her, and grabbed her wrist. “I’ll be fine. I’ll go and take a look.”          “Are you insane?” Mrs. Ring protested fear full of letting me go out into danger.          “Mrs. Ring it could be something else. Whatever it is, I need to take a chance and see if I can’t help Lynn deal with the problem. This isn’t the first time I’ve helped him.” I countered and I let her hand go feeling Andrew grab my side.          “Don’t go.”          “I’ll be ok, I promise.” I finished unhappily, hating to see Andrew like this, but I pulled away from him, and Mrs. Ring brought him close. I gave a simple thanks and walked towards the door.         When I came to the edge of the door I started mumbling to myself, holding my bleeding hand up feeling it softly. “Shift the power of soul, push and pull it, and reshape it into what I desire, may it be sword or shield, helm or boot. Exist, Mark of the Gray God.”         After speaking this to myself I could feel the blood from my hand slowly shift around it to the back, and I turned it over to see the blood shift and form into the mark of the third Mincridarn deity. Simple in shape but in a way that’s what gave its unique form. A circle, with a single dot in the center, and centered on the circle in a perfect six part separation, were small spikes. From one of the separations facing the wrist, a steam of red blood, small and thin wrapped around my wrist, looping around it twice. When it settled the blood fell away like flecks of paint, revealing a shimmering silver pendent.         I took this pendent in my hand pressed it against my cut. “Dimen.” I demanded and the pendent shimmered green, and sent out a pulse out of green light that quickly closed the wound and stopped the bleeding. Once healed, I tightened my grip feeling the spikes prick my skin.         I opened the door and stepped out into the open, seeing nothing but a lot of cars. Even now more than ever I felt something watching me. I felt the malicious presence still near, and I felt my phone vibrate, picking it up I answered.          “What is it Lynn?”          “What level are you on?”          “I think the second? It’s not very large space.” I continued to explain, being careful of my surroundings.          “I feel something near, but I can’t sense where it is. It seems like it’s everywhere, and it’s watching me.”          “Isen act natural, you’re surrounded by human gunmen. Their hiding behind the cars.” Lynn explained very quietly and carefully.          “Damn… I’m sorry for wasting your time Lynn. I swear I feel something, but maybe I’m not used to this sixth sense kind of thing yet.” I lied speaking normally as I made my way back to the door.          “Lynn sorry, but maybe we should take later… Maybe you can come by my home for some tea.”          “Really?” Lynn questioned rather surprised by my set of words.          “Yes Lynn. I never did give you that chance to prove to me that your better, but I’ll have a roommate now. I hope it doesn’t bother you.”          “Any time I can get with you is fine with me.” Lynn agreed happily, before falling silent.          “Lynn, you never really explained the laws on magic usage. Well at least clearly, you always made it seem so vague.” I continued looking around the room knowing my voice echoed, so that anyone or everyone could hear me. Being with my back to the door, I could look out and see if anyone was going to approach me.          “Someone is coming towards you, Magnum right hand, Sig tucked away in his pants. A knife in his belt, another on his ankle. Large form, baggy clothing, well-built body judging by the muscle tone. I’m guessing military, do you want me to disable his weapons?” Lynn explained quickly through the phone, his power on the first floor just below allowing him to sense everything with an extreme accuracy. Lynn’s abilities to manipulate the shadows granted him the name of the Green Demon, even demons recognized his powers and praised him.          “No I’ll be fine Lynn, thanks for caring. I pulled it out just in case anyways.” There was silence, and after a moment the male came out of the shadows and raised the pistol to my face.          “Alright.” Lynn simply responded, and I ended the call looking at the angular shaved look on the military looking man, with a dark and short military cut. His body covered with pedestrian clothing most likely to blend in. Camo pants with a green shirt, it seemed military and that’s why he could blend in. Most Mincridarins had some form of military training, so military human agent hanging out with Mincridarins wasn’t uncommon, military humans were also one of the few set of people that was a bit more accepting of their strength.            “Hand your phone over, before I put a bullet between your eyes.” I simply smiled and stepped forward, and put the barrel of the gun right to my fore head.          “Do you know anything about Mincridarn customs and laws?” I asked and I heard the hammer get pulled back.          “I won’t ask again, hand it over.” I listened to this and slammed my finger down on to one of the spikes, piercing my finger. With that I handed over my phone, briefly coming in contact with his hand. I then took control over the blood in his body, forcing him to remain still. I took the phone from his grip the Magnum from his hand.          “It’s custom, that if you’re going to threaten the life of a Mincridarn, they have all right to defend themselves with no need to hold back. They are allowed to kill and protect their life. You threatened my life in a Mincridarn controlled territory. So I have just as much right to hold nothing back.” I explained releasing the male from my magical grip, hearing this the gun was pulled away from my hand, a look of annoyance crossing his face.          “What do you want?” I questioned and the human male looked down at me.          “That’s my business.”          “You do realize I could just wave my hand and force you to tell me. There are magical spells that take over the mind and force it to speak only truths.” I continued and the male just glared at me as he holstered his pistol and grabbed my arm and forced me against the wall.          “Since I can’t kill you I’ll just have to keep you out of the way.” He continued as he pulled out hand cuffs and I smiled hearing this.          “Ten Shi Doma.” I simple stated and after a moment the male fell to the ground unconscious. “The same could be said about you. Sleep well.” I finished as I watched a female enter the area, carrying a broad sword on her side. At this point I knew something was off, because my bracelet started to vibrate softly.          “That’s a soul Sword Isen I can feel it.” A voice called out in my head, and I stepped over the male’s body and into the garage again. Walking towards the female young nearly my age, maybe just a little older. Hair pulled back, she wore ballistic armor, but was altered to give plenty of movement.          “I know Mark I can feel it too.” I responded aloud speaking to the consciousness of the Soul Sword I had just summoned.          “So you have one as well.” The female called out to me, her hand on the pummel of her blade.          “How did you get yours, their forbidden in this world?” I asked knowing that having Mark was a forbidden by the Mincridarn government. Soul swords were too powerful to just let wander and shift between owners.          “I could say the same.” The female called out drawing her blade. “Ravage the body and cut the soul, bathe in the blood of my enemies…Exist Murder.” The female summoned and after a moment the blade shifted to a warm vibrant red. She used both of her hands and brought it down into a combat stance.          “I guess it’s about time I added another Soul Sword to my collection.” The female continued with a large smile, as she sent out a surge of magical energy, her body glowing red from the power of her blade. She was weak, she had hardly any kind of magical presence. There was no possible way she could properly master a Soul Sword with such a weak soul.          “Drawing the blade you intend to fight? I guess you intend to kill me as well if you plan on stealing my Soul Sword?” I asked as I brought up the bracelet so that it hung in the air. I broke the pendent free of its chain, and like a coin flicked it back behind me, where it stop just behind my head. And then expanded with gray light.          “How much do you know about Soul Swords?” The female asked as she watched me bring the foot sized glowing mark in front of me with single thought. I placed my hand on Mark and looked at the female wondering what kind of element would be best for this. Judging by the fact that her blade was called Murder, could mean that it was a dark magic oriented blade. Seeing the look of the female her dark colored protective padding. The Look in her eyes, I knew she had a dark soul, and that must have been why the blade took to her.         So having nothing else to go off on I smacked the circle and after a moment it grew bright white, and the pummel of a blade came out. I pulled this free and revealed a shimmering white wood grip, a beautiful gold D guard. I continued to unsheathe the blade pulling it free to reveal the silver blade of a colichemarde. A blade designed for puncture, with its long and thin blade, but had a wide blade base so it could hold up against the defensive blows of a heavier blade. I then grabbed the floating marking, and it came up my arm left arm creating a heavy armored silver armor, along with a small buckler for protection.          “Mind if I ask why you’re here?” I countered and the female smiled and gave a small laugh.          “Were here to kill you… You side with unnatural beasts and freaks of nature. You and every Mincridarn should be killed. They don’t deserve to live on this world. This is our world and the fact that you keep on accepting them, helping them adjust, means you are the greatest threat, and you must die for the prosperity of the human race.” She explained and hearing this I became defensive as I watched the other guards come out from behind the cars holding heavy, military grade rifles.          “Isen, this has become too dangerous. Back away you shouldn’t fight this alone, you’re not ready for this kind of combat.” Mark said speaking up for my own well-being.          “Can you blind them with a flash of light?” I asked telepathically through the bond I shared with my soul sword. I watched the guards take aim at me and at that point I could feel the spike in another dark magical presence, and human killer’s weapons crumbled in their hands. Everyone turned around and watched as Lynn walked nearer at a truly slow pace. His dark intent in both his eyes, and felt through the magical presence that dominated the area. Making it hard to breath, and making every movement harder and heavier.         He came close and smacked one of the guard’s unconscious, when he had stepped in the way and drew a pistol. The female turned towards Lynn and scowled, annoyance on her face as she looked at Lynn. Feeling his power she knew she had no chance.         Lynn walked right up to the female grabbed her blade and with the pummel knocked her unconscious. He then looked at the guards and they all passed out, falling to the ground. Lynn walked right up to me and his face softened, and his magical presence faded quickly.          “Are you ok?” Lynn asked as he touched my face looking over my form to see if I was hurt.          “I’m fine Lynn, I promise. But it looks like the HPD, is getting more bold. They had military grade weapons and somehow, someone is supplying them soul swords.” I sighed looking at Murder, the red blade In Lynn’s hand. I canceled the magical weapons and armor I wore, and the armor and sword blew apart into a small blast of white light and particles of white light. I reattached the mark to silver cord around my wrist and looked up at Lynn.          “I think their killing human supporters and transition aids. I was their target. But that idiot you talked about early didn’t just put a bullet in my head he waited oddly enough. He even told me he couldn’t kill me so I wonder if he was with them or he was something else. Either way HPD is starting to get quite an arsenal.” I explained and Lynn froze his ears falling back in fear, scared that I my life was now in the cross hairs of the Human Prosperity Division.          “Maybe I should stay near you then. I don’t want you getting hurt. This isn’t about the romance, this is about your life now Isen. I don’t want to see you die. If they are getting this bold, then your life is in serious danger, it’s too dangerous to stay here unprotected.” Lynn protested and I nodded in understanding.          “I’ll talk to the Adestrians, I work for them now. Maybe I can ask for their protection.” Lynn nodded in agreement feeling my shoulders, before pulling me close, hugging me.          “Lynn please let me go.” I spoke up after a moment, when let me go I stepped back and started walking away. “I’m going to go and check up on Mrs. Ring.”          “Alright, I’ll take care of these HPD Agents.” Lynn agreed, turning around to look at the ground but sure enough the HPD agents were gone. When we both saw that, we knew something dangerous was a foot. If they had magic and soul swords, the HPD was now more than just a simple terrorist group, which fought against Human and Mincridarn interaction and equal rights. They were now a forced to be reckoned with.
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akcampbellandsons · 7 years
Which Earrings To Wear With What Hairstyle
In this blog post, we're going to talk earrings and which ones go with what style of hairdo as we know that your earrings and hairstyle have a big impact as they grab people's attention.   You want therm to compliment each other instead of competing with each other...   A lot of it depends on your face shape too, See our guide to face shapes and skin tone here   Here's a wee guide for which earrings go with what face shape:  
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    "Ideas for the best earrings for your hairstyle...
  There are seemingly end-less possibilities when you’re choosing earrings but there are 7 main styles: teardrops, studs, dangles, chandeliers, hoops, clusters and huggies.   Studs, huggies and hoops are the most versatile. Although they might vary in size, they have essentially the same effect on your look. These 3 options work well with almost every hairstyle and face shape so it’s a good idea to have a nice selection of them in your jewellery box.   EARRINGS FOR UPDO AND PIXIE   If you are wearing an updo or you have a pixie crop cut, the best earrings that will frame your face are dangles, this is because your hair is not available to frame your facial features so you need your earrings to do that. Dangles will elongate your face but also draw eyes upwards and towards your face. And because dangles are so versatile, you can find the right pair for every event and style.   EARRINGS FOR WEARING YOUR HAIR DOWN   For a down-do hairstyle and women with long tresses, the best earrings are simple clusters. Clusters are made up of a number of different stones and materials so just because they aren’t dangling that doesn’t mean they aren’t bold. Long hair often becomes tangled in dangling earrings and that is certainly not cute. But something like a flower cluster is perfect.   BRAIDS AND PONYTAILS   Tear drops and chandeliers look great with certain hairstyles such as soft ponytails, braids and slicked back down-do’s. Pretty much anything that won’t get caught up in the earring and for any hairstyle that elongates the face shape because they provide balance.   BEST EARRINGS FOR A BUN   A sleek bun is elegant and sophisticated and so your earrings should be too. A great option with his hairstyle is delicate drop down earrings. This is a great look with every face shape. If you like to cover your forehead or frame your face with loose strands, this style of earring will still work perfectly but keep them on the smaller side.   BEST EARRINGS FOR A SIDE BRAID   You’ll see a lot of different style of earrings worn with side-braids because it depends on the event and the look that you are going for. However, if you aren’t sure, you can never go wrong with side-braid and minimalist earrings such as diamond-encrusted hoops. However, if your side-braid is more ‘boho’ then opt for something with a bright colored stone but keep it simple.   Hoops are a minimalistic and elegant look that compliments a side braid.   BEST EARRINGS FOR HALF-UP HAIRSTYLES     When you opt for half-up half-down hairstyles, you don’t need your earrings competing to be the star-of-the-style. Let your hairstyle do all the talking and your earrings take a back seat. Opt for a stud or nothing at all.
    BEST EARRINGS FOR HIGH UPDO’S     For a high updo like a sleek topknot or high ponytail calls for a special earring because your face is on full display and the earrings should draw the attention of your admirer to your best features such as your cheekbones. A long delicate strand earring or dangling jewelled earrings is the perfect choice. Remember to keep them bold but simple.    
EARRINGS WITH SHORT HAIR IDEAS   When you have short hair you might feel like you fall short on hairstyle ideas too. Earrings and accessories are the simple answer to styling short hair for a special event, a night on the town and even just for the work place. When you’re choosing the best earrings for your short hair, you’ll want to look at the trends but more importantly, you have to consider your ears and face shape as well as your hair texture.  
  1. Avoid big, bulky and overwhelming earrings. Your accessories should add balance to your haircut. You’ll probably want to opt for a hoop or stud-style earrings rather than an earring that is overwhelming to your hairstyle.   2. Opt for an earring that compliments your short hair style. For example, if you have a punk-inspired pixie then choose an earring that will enhance that look.   3. Choose an appropriate earring for the event. When you have short hair, the earrings are on display and you don’t only want them to compliment your hairstyle and face shape but also the event. Keep flashy, bold earrings for the evening and simple earrings for the daytime.   4. Choose an earring that compliments your hair color. If you have light brown or highlighted hair then the warmth of gold hues is more complimentary than silver but if you have a dark or cool hair color then silver and lighter earrings are better suited.    
  If you have a bob that is longer than your earlobes then you could opt for long drop or chandelier earrings. Depending on your event, long bright colours or gems are a statement piece that will flatter your hair style. Stud earrings or small hoops won’t really be seen with this haircut until you pull your hair back with a headband.    
  When it comes to choosing earrings for your pixie cut, you want to consider your face shape first and foremost. You will want to create shape with your earrings. For example, if you have a round face shape, long dangling earrings will add length but if you have a long face, hoops will add width.      
  The type of hair cut that covers one side of your face more than your other is a fun haircut to play with. You can really wear bold earrings such as cuffs, pearl drops, studs or danglers. You don’t have to worry about long hair getting tangled or short hair covering your ears.  
  The type of hair cut that covers one side of your face more than your other is a fun haircut to play with. You can really wear bold earrings such as cuffs, pearl drops, studs or danglers. You don’t have to worry about long hair getting tangled or short hair covering your ears.      
CHOOSING EARRINGS FOR YOUR LONGER BOB   If you hair isn’t quite a bob but not quite medium length either, then choosing an earring can be tricky. If you wear hoops or dangling earrings you might find that the earrings get lost in your hair or even tangled and pulled. If you want to show off your earrings then you’ll have to choose a pulled back hairstyle or a parted-look that tucks your hair behind your ear. Then you can opt for an earring that is appropriate for your face shape and style."    
See more from original source here...   For you rock chicks out there, you can wear cuff earrings if you are sporting short hair.   What about medium, shoulder length and long hair then?    
"Medium Long Hair   With a hair length that is somewhere between your chin and your shoulders you can wear about any kind of jewelry that catches your fancy. Bold or delicate – it all depends on you and the occasion. To make your earrings more prominent, try tugging your hair behind an ear or use small hairclips to keep it back. An interesting way to make your short bob appear a bit longer is to wear earrings that peek out below the cutting line.   Long Hair   Wearing jewellery with long hair can be tricky. Unless you choose a style that keeps the hair out of the face and behind the ears, any kind of earring tends to be “swallowed” by the mane. Long chandelier earrings or others that consist of multiple parts and tiers even have the tendency to get tangled up and that is no fun at all. Wearing the hair down, pick earrings that are bold enough to be seen but also have a smooth surface. Large hoops are a good choice or dangling slinky earrings out of metal, art glass or anything else that does not snag the hair."
  See more from original post here...   Shoulder Length Hair  
"With shoulder-length hair, you have a wonderful advantage of choosing any type of earrings you like. As the word any can be misleading at times, we ask you to stay away from too long, or too bulky earrings; anything except for these is great. So, go with studs, small loops, or small dangles, as neither of these earrings will dampen your style. Just be sure not to choose earrings that are longer than your jawline.
  See more from original post here...    
"Colour Matching Earrings and Hair     When choosing the right earrings for your hairstyle be sure to pay attention to your needs and choose the colour of the gemstone to match your eye colour or even your hair shade. Let's just imagine a beautiful green-eyed woman wearing emerald earrings. They will definitely look amazing on her and will make her eyes stand out. Green is also a great colour for red heads, together with blue-coloured stones.   On the other hand, blondies will dazzle rocking lighter colours such as turquoise, quartz, diamonds or moonstones while the mysterious brunette will shine when sporting bright coloured earrings featuring stones such as amethyst, rubies, opals or sapphires.
  See more from original post here...   There you have it, we hope you got some ideas there for what earrings to try with your hairstyle so you dazzle even more than you usually do when out and about this weekend.   We have a great selection of gold, silver and diamond earrings in our shop on Kirkcaldy High Street, have a look at some of our pieces here before popping along.   We get different, unique, pieces in all the time so the images on our website are purely for giving you an idea of what we might have from time to time.   You can give us a call too: 01592 264305   Hope to see you soon!
Which Earrings To Wear With What Hairstyle was originally published to A.K. Campbell & Sons
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