#however objectively i do think hes attractive and he has the absolute prettiest eyes that i love looking at
tinakibed · 5 months
You’re bisexual. Not lesbian
bisexual is what i call myself yes
0 notes
lord-explosion-baku · 3 years
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Prince!Satoru Gojo x assassin!reader
Warnings: violence, swearing, suggestive themes, dubious themes, blood
A/N: request numero dos is done! It’s kinda silly, but I think it’s pretty fun! I think it can be read as pretty lighthearted, even if it gets a little violent! it’s a little different that what was originally requested! I had the elements for a sword fight set up, but it wasn’t working out the way I wanted it to, so I took a slightly different route! theres still fighting though! I hope you like it!
It’s been a long journey to get where you are now, silently scaling the castle towers towards the prince’s bed chambers. An extra long journey, considering how many royal guards have been posted on top of kingdom rooftops. Like a shadow in the night, using nothing but the black elements to mask your presence, you’ve managed to slip by them, as well as the gatehouse soldiers, undetected, leaving only four men incapacitated, and not a vestige of your presence. All this sneaking around has been a trying job thus far, but it’s almost over now. You’re about to finish what you came to do.
Light as a feather, quiet as a dormouse, you swing your body up and over the limestone-clad palace window. The room is adorned with priceless artwork watched over by gilded ceiling paintings. Framing the biggest bed you’ve ever seen is a corona with royal blue drapery that hangs down to each corner. In the center of the bed lies the sleeping and wonderfully unaware prince.
His body is lopsided, and only partially covered by silk sheets. One of his feet hangs off the bed. Tousled white hair sticks out in every direction while still managing to frame his admittedly attractive face. Long white eyelashes. Peaceful and full lips. He’s young, you think, although you’ve been aware. But seeing him in the flesh solidifies the thought: you are about to be the end of his short life.
However, this mission comes with little remorse. There have been rumors that the Royal Gojo Family has been dabbling in alchemy for over a century now. To you, there is nothing more disgusting than the use of the unnatural sciences. It’s ungodly. And even then, this kill shouldn’t matter much since you can call it what it is: a job. This is what you do. Do as your master commands, kill without question, leave no trace, get paid, repeat. It helps that there have been rumors specifically centered around your charge; rumors that Prince Satoru is a complete and utter womanizer.
Well, not for long.
The bed doesn’t shake the least bit as you climb on top of him. The prince sleeps soundlessly and doesn’t stir when you situate your thighs over his firm hips. Normally, you’d simply slit your target’s throat, quick and easy, but since there are those rumors about the use of alchemy, you need to work a little differently tonight. To kill an alchemist user, one will have to pierce them directly in the heart with a silver blade. You don’t particularly believe that the prince is a user; his focus has primarily been on balls and parties and other social events, but you’d rather be safe than sorry. So, your primed weapon of choice, a silverlined dagger, slides up your sleeve and into the palm of your hand. You grasp its hilt, then line it parallel to his heart, pull up, and plunge it in.
Rather, you would be plunging it in, if it hadn’t been for the swift-acting hand wrapped tightly around your wrist.
“Drop it.” The low, sleep-crackled utterance sends shivers up your spine. Acting fast, you use your free hand to push on the hilt, your strength against his, but it doesn’t budge a centimeter, and instead, both of your wrists are captured by the prince. His grip tightens, squeezing you so harshly that you feel the tips of your fingers tingle, but you don’t relinquish your weapon.
Vibrant blue eyes blink up at you, narrowing into a scowl. You try pushing harder, ignoring the fact that his eyes seem to glow in the darkness, ignoring the fact that they are the prettiest eyes that have ever gazed at you, ignoring the fact that those pretty eyes are now trailing down your body. Your skin burns at the attention. You can’t let yourself believe that he’s checking you out in a life or death situation, but then you figure it’s in your head when he says, “if you wish to keep your wrists intact, you will drop. Your. Dagger.”
Surrendering is not an option. It’s either kill or be killed, because even when you choose to not kill, your termination will be absolute. You will be tried by the king with his son at his right side, then you will be hanged for your crimes. So with shaking hands, you attempt to exert more pressure, trying to keep your breath steady to not raise a commotion.
Surprisingly, the prince chuckles. “Has a little sparrow flown through my window to try to kill me?”
In one fell swoop, Satoru manages to flip you onto your back, his hands bringing your wrists down on the side of the bed, forcing you to drop the dagger to the floor. He eyes you speculatively for a moment, then his mouth turns up into a half-grin.
“A woman, no less.” He muses incredulously. Then his eyes dart back down your body, and by the way his grin widens, you’re sure he actually is checking you out. “Are you supposed to be some kind of peace offering?”
What an odd man. Although you've just made an attempt on his life, he’s smiling down at you like you’re some kind of acquaintance—no, friend.
“I mean…sending a beautiful woman to my bedchambers says a lot, wouldn’t you agree?” Prince Satoru asks after taking in your dumbfounded expression. “Not much for words?” He asks. “That’s okay, little sparrow. We don’t need to talk.”
You gasp when he begins to lean down, eyes trained on your lips. Without a second’s hesitation, your feet meet his bare chest, and with all of your might, you kick off, throwing him back a couple meters. You flip back onto the floor and attack him with throwing knives while you search for your dagger. If he is in fact an alchemist, your other weapons won’t do much damage, but could slow him down if you could manage to hit him.
“You’re strong,” Satoru gleefully appraises, dodging another one of your throwing knives, and catching the other. He throws it back at you, but you manage to duck behind the corona curtain at just the right time. “And fast.”
The dagger is under the bed. You grab it, gulp some air, then use the curtain as a distraction before charging at the prince, using the same swiping technique your master has taught you. Your blade cuts through the air with one swipe, and another. You’re barely missing him, and it’s frustrating because that goofy grin stays plastered to his dumb, pretty face!
In a moment’s notice, he grabs your outstretched arm, pushing down on a pressure point that has your limb lock up. “But you’re messy and unrefined,” he says as a hand slides up your arm. Now behind you, he places his free hand on your waist, moving you into a stance similar to what your master has shown you. “Don’t you fret, little sparrow. It’s nothing a little polishing won’t fix.”
His breath is hot and fanning your ear. Your stomach knots when he squeezes your waist, and to your utter horror, his lips graze down to your neck, tongue sliding over your skin. “Mmm…sweet.”
“What! Are you—?!” Bouncing away from him, you cover your slick neck with one hand while the other continues to point the dagger outwards. What’s even worse is that he doesn’t look the least bit jaded!
He laughs. “Even your voice is cute!” In the dim light of the room, you can see pink beginning to bloom across his cheeks. “Won’t you speak more? Say my name, pretty please.”
“Prick,” you hiss, once again charging forward.
“Do you kiss your master with that mouth?” Satoru begins using his arms to block and redirect your attacks, until he’s twirling you around as if you’re dancing and not trying to kill him! You fume, hating the fact that the prince knows you have a master to begin with. “I should hope not. The only person I’d have you kiss is me!”
He dips you down low, your dagger somehow tucked between the junction of your arm, and very smoothly places his lips against yours. You’ve been kissed before, but never in such a way that made you feel like floating. Like gravity ceased to exist. Like you were falling into a black hole that you didn’t want to claw out of. Prince Satoru Gojo’s kiss is different. It’s light and it’s heavy. It’s heaven and it’s earth. It’s a blessing and a curse.
He hums into you, making the knot in your belly tighten. For a moment, you don’t struggle. Instead, your lips part, and you allow the prince to cup your face to pull you in deeper, tasting you, relishing you. You wind your fingers through the soft strands of his starry hair, and lose yourself in the moment. When he breaks the kiss, pulling away with an expression you can only call beguiled, his thumb moves along the bottom of your lip. Your mind is the fog that clouds the streets at night. It doesn’t mean anything to you when you kiss the tip of his thumb, but when that grin you hate so much comes back, your body erupts in blusterous rage.
Realizing what you just allowed to happen, you snap at his hand. He pulls it away just in time for you to reach for your weapon and slice it across his chest. You push him back, only allowing yourself a second to collect yourself before aiming the dagger at his heart. He catches your wrist before it makes contact.
“So passionate,” he says with a smile, but through gritted teeth. “I must admit, this has been the most fun I’ve had in my bedchambers in a very long time. You might even be spoiling all the fun that the future entails as well. And I don’t even know your name yet. How sad.”
Satoru throws you against the wall, pinning your dagger-wielding arm against one of his extravagant paintings. He nods towards your weapon. “Throw that away.”
“You scared, alchemist?” You bite back.
“I’m only afraid you might hurt yourself, little sparrow. Sharp objects are dangerous, you know. Wouldn't want to clip your wings.” He winks. “And you should be referring to me as your royal highness. I am a prince, afterall.”
“With the dark craft that you and the royal family use, you’re no higher than me.”
Satoru chuckles. “Won’t you please tell me your name? Or at least join me in bed before you insist that I need to be killed.”
“This is not on my insistence.” It’s a slip, but it’s a big one. You’d cover your mouth if your hands were free.
“So, who sent you?” The prince prompts. “It can’t be a scorned lover. Hmmm. The Fushiguro clan? Pshh. No. They’d do it in person.” He flashes his teeth, omniscience glowing in his beautiful blue eyes. “Master Suguru Getou?”
You suck in a breath and he reads it all too well.
“I already know,” he purrs, lips brushing against yours. “Your fighting style is very similar to his. I’m just surprised he sent somebody with so little experience. It certainly proves how much of a coward he is.”
Your blood boils. How dare he insult your master to your face! Satoru Gojo, the sleazy prince and a lowly alchemist. He is scum compared to Master Getou.
You ram your head into the prince’s. Pain shoots down your spine, but you ignore it and thrust your dagger forward. Satoru grabs your arm and pushes it down, and soon, you scream after hearing a tearing sound, and feel a very sharp stinging at your side. Sticky warm fluid seep through your fingers at your side. It’s not a deep cut, but it’s just enough to make you bleed.
“Oh no,” Prince Satoru says in earnest. “Oh, this was my mistake. Dear sparrow, that was a reflex of mine. I didn’t mean to—“
There’s a knock on the prince’s chamber doors, followed by someone’s low voice asking, “your highness, are you well? I heard screaming.”
Shit. This is it. You’re dead. Sure, the prince wants to play with you, but anyone else will have your head in a heartbeat if they see what you’re doing. You should say your prayers now and kiss the world goodbye. You’re sending a silent apology to Master Getou when Satoru lifts you up and carries you to his bed.
“Sir Nanami?” The prince calls while he throws the sheets over both you and him. He climbs on top, pressing his chest into yours. The side that’s injured seers with pain, so you let out a little whimper the moment you hear footsteps enter the room.
“Don’t tell me you have a woman in here,” the man groans. “You know the king has forbidden any partner of yours from walking through these palace doors until further notice.”
“She flew in through my window, actually,” Satoru slyly admits. “But she’s no ordinary woman. She’s very special to me.”
Both you and the knight scoff at the same time, though you hope he doesn’t hear you. If he can believe this charade, perhaps you can get on with your night. And once you kill the prince, there will be a knight who will think that his murder is nothing but a lover’s quarrel gone wrong.
“I see.”
You’re staring at Satoru’s chest, and you realize that his wound from earlier is nearly healed. If you had any doubts about the Gojo family using alchemy, they’re out the window now. You run a fine finger across the red line that contrasts against his ivory chest, feeling the smooth bump where you’d cut him. Will it scar? you think. Disappear completely?
The prince squirms and grabs your hand. “That tickles!” He exclaims, bringing your hand up to his mouth to pepper kisses all over it. Even though the attention burns the back of your neck, you let him, since it’ll only convince the knight that the two of you are in fact being intimate.
Finally, Satoru says, “did you need something, Sir Nanami, or are you ready to confess your voyeuristic sins?”
Sir Nanami sighs, but you hear him back up a few paces. “Then, nobody’s hurt, your highness?”
“No,” Satoru says dubiously, “however, if you could fetch the healing medicines, that would be appreciated. She’s a little feisty!”
You slap his chest and he yips playfully back at you. It would be good fun if the two of you weren’t enemies.
Once the knight leaves, you’re quick to slink out of the bed, albeit wobbly. Dots of blood line his sheets, the sight making you feel a bit dizzy, but it doesn’t stop you from picking up your weapon.
“You don’t tire, do you?” Satoru asks impishly. “As admirable as that is, I simply cannot allow you to try to kill me anymore! You’ll get more hurt!”
“You’re nothing but a dirty alchemist.” You weakly thrust the dagger forward, nearing the window.
“Well, and a dashing prince, but that’s besides the point.” Satoru steps forward and you step back, your legs hitting the window’s wall. “Your master is no better.”
You bare your teeth at him. “Don’t you dare say a word to me about my master!”
“Please, little sparrow, you’re injured. Step away from the window and let’s bandage you up.” He reaches a hand out, and you swipe through the air, splicing his palm. More blood falls to the floor. Unafflicted, Satoru says, “you can’t hurt me.”
“Then let me leave, so that when I return, I can hurt you!”
There’s a purse on his lips. A pensive pause. Then the prince raises both of his hands, one of which is already healed, in defeat.
“There’s a medicine man who lives south-east from the gatehouse,” he says. “His name is Kiyotaka Ijichi. He’ll be asleep by now, but he’s a bit of a pushover and a sucker for a lady in distress. If you wail a bit outside his house, he’ll come out to offer you aid.”
“I don’t need anybody’s help,” you spit as you begin climbing out the window. You half-expect him to push you then. It’s a wonderful opportunity, one that you would seize if you were in his position. But the prince just watches you begin your descent.
“Do try to not bleed on any of the garden flowers,” he calls.
You wordlessly growl back at him.
“Oh, and little sparrow! Should you return here tomorrow evening, or perhaps the next night, or even a week or a month from now, shall I prepare red or white wine for you?” Prince Satoru offers you a charming smile. “And would you like there to be a violinist present? Anything to set the mood?”
Once you’re on your feet, you glare up at the beaming prince. He’s far too confident, but you make a mental promise to ruin that confidence someday, somehow. You don’t answer him, like you’re sure he doesn’t expect, but you allow him to watch you disappear into the black from whence you came.
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emf005 · 3 years
Like Me For Me Part I
Marauders Era
Sirius x Reader
Warnings- Talk of abuse, mentions of death
Part 1 out of 3
“Come on, Y/N/N,” your friend pleaded. “You know you want to go.” You thought about it for a moment as you five walked down the hall.
“No. No, I really don’t think I want to. Not in the slightest.” She huffed and folded her arms across her chest. Marleen was one of the prettiest and most popular girls in your grade. You were the opposite of her. Her and the rest of your friends actually.
It wasn’t that you weren’t pretty. You were actually drop dead gorgeous. You liked that, actually. That you were pretty. But you also hated it. You hated that you were pretty and fashionable with every fiber of your being.
Your friends knew you were fashionable and beautiful, and they often urged you to show it like you helped them do. Be popular like them and not just ‘that one girl… oh what's her name?’ But you liked being her. Big glasses, that were faker than fake, oversized sweaters that hung off your body and leggings and sweatpants and jeans that barely even touched your legs they were so baggy. If you weren’t in your school uniform that's what you were in. And your hair.. Well… that was always just naturally a mess. You normally just threw it up into a messy bun or ponytail.
“Come on, Y/N. The winter ball this year is supposed to be the grandest there has ever been! You already promised to help us get ready. Why won’t you just go?” Cora asked. She was a Hufflepuff in your year. Yet again, very pretty and very popular.
“Because I don’t want to. You all have handsome dates who are beyond thrilled to go with you and I have my studying in the library.”
“Which will be closed!” Darla squeaked. She was a small rounder Ravenclaw with deep black hair. But still considered one of the prettiest girls in school. She was going with Peter Pettigrew to the dance. And you couldn’t have thanked god enough. That's all she talked about was that boy.
“Thank you, captain obvious,” you hummed and flourished your robes dramatically to leave and head to the black lake for Care of Magical Creatures. “Good afternoon everyone. I’ll see you all at dinner. Perhaps.” You added at the end, sounding mysterious. You may or may not read far to many mysteries in your spare time.
Your friends rolled their eyes and left you to go down on your own. As you headed down you saw your other close, very beautiful, friend Lily Evans.
“Lily!” She turned and waved at you. You jogged down the hill and skidded to a halt before you tripped over a rock. “What's up?” You asked, not even close to out of breath despite the distance you had just run.
“Nothing. You?”
“Oh, just headed down to C.O.M.C.”
“No one is going to start calling it that,” she hummed as you two continued down.
“I know. And I don't really care, either. It just gets tiring saying that entire phrase all the time. C.O.M.C. is much easier in my opinion, thank you very much.” You said with a nod. She rolled her eyes.
“Whatever you say. Are you coming to the Christmas dance?”
“Absolutely not. I’m still helping you with hair and make up though, right?”
“You’re letting her help you with your makeup and hair, Evans?” Narcissa Black scoffed. You looked down at your shoes and frowned. So you may dress down to take attention away from yourself. What you didn't realize was that that would call attention to other things. Girls would then call you ugly and unstylish, which was the biggest insult of them all. But at least men weren’t prancing on you, right?
“Oh shove off, Narcissa.” A voice called from a ways down the path. You looked up and saw Sirius, James, and Remus looking over their shoulders at the three of you. “Like you have much more style.”
Was that supposed to be a double edged sword? Was that supposed to stab both Narcissa and I?
You couldn't help but wonder.
Sirius Black. The boy you have had a crush on for the longest time. I mean, who hasn’t. Marleen often told you to go try your luck, but you wouldn’t dare. You were far too cautious for that. Love and dating was a matter you took very seriously. You weren’t just going to date because you wanted to. You wanted it to be a mutual liking of each other. Well, a bit more of a mutual liking.
And while you had a crush on that boy, he had a reputation of just dating to date. Or one night stands or one week stands. Even just leaving the girls crushed and throwing themselves at him long after they had broken up. But you didn't like him because he was popular, like them. Or that he was gorgeous (Because he certainly was). No. You liked him because of his personality. Which, with teen hormones, wasn’t something that often happened.
Narcissa sneered at her cousin but made no further comment and just stormed away. You turned your attention to the ground again and scurried off towards the class. You weren't shy. You normally would greet the boys even though none of you really talked. Except you and Remus. You two were quite close. But Sirius’ comment stung a bit and you really couldn't face them. Lily and the boys watched you go and she sighed with a shake of her head.
The boys watched in confusion. Well, James and Sirius did. Remus knew what had happened, he had actually been the first to figure out your crush on him, even before you had figured it out yourself. He knew that you were quite fashionable and took pride in your work of your friends’ appearances when they asked you to do their makeup or their hair. Or even help pick out a perfect outfit that was both stylish and practical for their activities for the day. And he also knew how much comments like ones both Sirius and Narcissa made hurt you.
“What was that about?” James asked as he watched you drop your bag and settle on the grass away from the class. “I mean. I know we aren’t her friends really, but she normally gives us a wave or something.”
“Aren’t you her friend, Rem?” Sirius asked, slinging his bag further on his shoulder as they headed down to the lake.
“Is she mad at you?”
“Then what was that about?”
“Missing the attention?” Lily teased. She had Remus had suspicions that Sirius actually liked you back, but had never mentioned it to more than each other.
“Ha!” he scoffed. “I have all the attention of the entire school, Evans. Why would I miss one from.. What?” She and Remus were looking at him the exact same way. “What's with the looks? Why is it coming from the both of you? James, help, I’m scared.” James laughed. Lily rolled her eyes and walked past.
“Your boyfriend can’t save you from everything Sirius. Least of all me.” She called over her shoulder and headed to sit by you. You had pulled out your sketchbook and were doodling.
“Am I the only one lost?”
“No.” James responded, making googly eyes at Lily. Both Remus and Sirius rolled their eyes at that.
“Who can tell me about Nifflers?” Your professor asked. Your hand shot up, Lily’s followed a moment later. You two rivaled in everything school related. (a healthy, playful rivalry. It was one of the reasons you two were friends.) Though, you were often a bit better at Care of Magical Creatures and she was often better at Potions.
“Miss. Y/L/N.”
“Nifflers are attracted to shiny objects, which make them wonderful for locating treasure, but that also means that they can wreak havoc if kept (or set loose) indoors. Nifflers in general are usually harmless. They are native to Britain and live in burrows as deep as twenty feet below ground, the females can produce six to eight young in a single litter. Nifflers have a pouch on their bellies which holds far more than at first seemed possible, like the effects of an Undetectable Extension Charm on a container. Nifflers were gentle by nature and can even be affectionate towards their owners. However, they could destroy belongings looking for sparkly objects, and for that reason it is inadvisable to keep them as a house pet. It is also implied that they could turn vicious if provoked.”
“Very good, Miss. Y/L/N. Ten points to Gryffindor.” You smiled at the praise, needing a boost today.
“Try Miss. Know-it-all.” You heard someone grumble from beside you. No one else, including Lily, heard. But being mocked like that was still better than the so-called “praise” you would get if you let your beauty show through.
You tucked your knees closer to your chest, unknowing of the eyes on you from the other side of the area. They were not mocking or angry or anything even close. They were actually close to admiration, if not that.
You sat by Marleen and Lily in the Great Hall eating dinner. Classes had finally ended, which meant no more classes. Only Homework. But yours was nearly done. You had gotten the majority of it done during Divinations. You “did not possess the gift” so she wouldn’t really assign Homework. And were you complaining? Hell no.
“You should really come, Y/N. Please! It will be so much fun! We would all have dates and we could all dance the night away in the arms of our dashing men,” she said dramatically. You rolled your eyes and shoved another fork full of food into your mouth.
“I don’t have a date yet,” Lily said.
“Didn’t James ask you and you said you’d think about it?” She didn’t say anything. The poor boy had finally grown up enough to win some of Lily's approval. If she would just say yes!
“Oh, just say yes to the poor boy, Lily! He looks like a wounded puppy every time you reject him. Especially this year! Just go as friends or something.”
“Only if you go.” You rolled your eyes and shoveled another fork full into your mouth.
“Firstly, no one would want to go with me. Second off, everyone already has a date.”
“Sirius doesn’t.” she hummed and you started to choke on your food, making her and Marleen laugh. The table looked over at the three of you, including the Marauders.
“NOT-Cough cough cough cough- funny!” You wheezed out.
“I’m being serious, no pun intended.”
“Lily, you heard what he said today during COMC. Think! No one wants to go out with me.”
“Oh come on, why would-”
“Mar, I swear to god, if you finish that sentence,” you stood up dramatically, “I will shove a fork down your throat and open up your voice box, got it?” She just stared at you with wide eyes and nodded. “Good. Good night ladies. I have work to do.” You left the table and headed to your dorm.
“So, who are you asking, Pads?” James asked, tossing the snitch he had nicked from the broom shed in the air.
“Probably just float around and dance with everyone. Everyone already has a date.” He shrugged and took another bite of his sandwich. Remus then got a terrible idea.
“Why not ask Y/N?”
“Huh? Why?”
“She doesn’t have a date yet either.”
“That's shocking,” they heard someone mutter from down the table. They glared in that general direction.
“Nah. More fun to just float around.”
“Come on, Sirius. It could be fun. She seems alright.”
“Not my type.”
“You have a type? I thought your ‘type’ was female?” Remus asked. Sirius threw a bread roll at him.
“Yes. And she is not it. Smart is not exactly my idea of a fun night. If you know what I mean.” The three boys rolled their eyes at Sirius.
“She’s not like that, Sirius.” Remus defended you. “Come on. You might have fun. And it's not even like-” they heard coughing from down the table and looked down to see you choking on your food. Remus face palmed. He was trying to get you a date with your crush and here you were choking elegantly on your food.
Remus looked away from you and back at his friend, about to try and convince him again when he noticed something strange. Sirius had his cup raised to his lips, hiding his mouth, but he could still see the corners upturned and a fond look in his eyes.
The damn dog does like her! He thought.
“Come on Sirius. For me? She’s my friend and I want her to relax for a night.” Remus attempted. Sirius pulled his gaze away from you and turned to his friend and sighed dramatically.
“Fine! I’ll go ask her now. Happy?”
“Yes. But she’s leaving.” Sirius’ head whipped around just in time to see you disappear from the great hall. He grabbed his nearly finished sandwich and dashed out of the doors after you, eating as he went. He looked around once he got to the entry hall.
Where had you gone? And how had you disappeared so fast? He continued dating as he made his way up to the common room. Perhaps you had decided to turn in for the night?
In truth, Sirius didn't think he had a crush on you. He had an interest. Not a crush or an attraction. You were foreign to him. He knew Remus was right. You weren’t a stuck up know it all. And despite the crew you hung around, you didn’t act like a popular girl. You were kind, and smart, and the few jokes he had heard you cracking were genuinely funny that he had caught himself laughing quietly to himself at a few.
He had been out with Marleen a few times, but that wasn't anything to either of them. Just a bit of fun between friends. A date here, a make out session there. All because… Why not?
He caught you as you were headed up the stairs to your dorm.
“Y/L/N!” You turned and smiled a quiet smile at him.
“Hi, Sirius.” You leaned on the banister. “What's up?”
“You don’t have a date to the dance yet, do you?”
“No but-”
“Well do you want to go with me?” You were speechless and skeptical.
“You don’t mean that.”
“Yeah I do.”
“Sirius, no. You really don’t. I bet Remus talked you into it.” His silence was enough of an answer for you. “Figured. Go with someone you want to go with, Sirius. You don’t want to damage your reputation by going with a muggle born nerd like me.” you smirked and turned to go upstairs again.
Had he just been turned down? That did not sit well with him. Not one bit. And the way you had called yourself a muggle born nerd didn’t sit well either.
“I actually do, and I won’t take no for an answer.” He saw you sigh.
“Sirius. I’m not even going.”
“But you're staying for break.”
“Well, yes…”
“So you could if you wanted to.”
“Well, yeah but-”
“So why don’t you want to?” You didn’t answer. How did you tell your crush that you didn’t want to look pretty or that you were too scared to be seen in anything other than sweats and a sweatshirt in public? “Y/N?”
“Uh… Yeah?”
“So, are we going?”
“I don’t have much of a choice in the matter, do I?”
“Not at this stage in the game.. No.” You sighed.
“I’ll meet you at the staircase by the Great Hall at eight. No earlier. Deal?”
“It's a date.”
“No. It's a compromise. Technically I’m doing James a favor and your doing Remus a favor. I’m helping your friend and I’m helping yours. Good night, Sirius.” You left the room and disappeared into your room to write to your mum and ask her for one of your dresses from home. You weren’t about to ruin Sirius’ reputation to save your own hide. What could go wrong?
Sirius had been left speechless. That was the strangest and most reluctant acceptance that had ever happened to him. He was definitely giving Remus hell for this, though this did make him a bit more curious about you, he wouldn’t lie… to himself at least.
First Chapter done!! Make sure to check back for part 2!!!
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Gender-Swapped Headcanons
@blueanimewriting:  Hey hun♡♡ can i request some gender swap headcanons for Ray,Fenrir,Harr,Jonah and Lancelot? Like they turn into females and their fem s!o into male? How'd they react or deal with this? Thanks!!
Ray would immediately notice the additional weight on his chest. At first, he thought it was Belle, but the pain was prevalent in his back as well. There was no way Belle could be over and under him. He’d get up to have a nice stretch, but that did not cure his backache.
He’d notice the difference while he was changing. His pants would not go below his hips no matter how hard he tugged on it. Instead, Ray had to tear his pajamas from his body, only to discover that his hips had grown an additional three inches. At first, he assumed it was from overeating at Luka’s larger dinner last night, but his top would only confirm the idea that Ray was no longer a male.
Honestly, Ray would be the most chill about the entire gender-swap concept amongst the five suitors. It was definitely something new to him, but it wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before. He would be worried that the others wouldn’t be able to recognize him, but Ray could easily avoid that by spending all his time in his office. No one would dare bother him while he’s busy. He just had to slip in before anyone noticed.
The only person to bother him would be his S/O, who happened to become a male. Their first interaction wouldn’t last very long because Ray would assume his gender-bent S/O was another soldier in the Black Army. Upon closer inspection, however, Ray would see that there were too many similarities between this solider and his S/O. It wouldn’t be long before Ray put the pieces together.
Now he’d invite her in his room so the two could work this out before anyone else discovered their secret, but his S/O was too busy rushing to his room to try on his clothes. Although she was a male now, her height remained the same, so none of Ray’s clothes fit on her. Nevertheless, Ray had to admit she looked cute in them, even as a guy. 
Now his S/O insisted that Ray tried on her clothes. He usually went for the blues, greens, and purples. However, the big takeaway from this experience was that Ray loved to wear skirts. The feeling of the fabric not clinging to his legs gave them room to breathe, which was awesome. He even considered having skirts for men in the Black Army just so he could wear on himself.
The only downfall of being a girl was the fact that his cats did not recognize him. Belle ran away every time Ray tried to coddle her, which broke his heart. Luckily, he was able to attract more stray cats. They were drawn to his adorable look, just like his S/O.
An alarm would go off in Fenrir’s head the moment he wakes up to inches of pink hair all over his face. When he would violently brush them away, he’d feel a tug on his scalp and yelp in pain. However, his yelp was more high-pitched than usual. It sounded feminine. He’d speak once more, sentences of random nonsense. It wasn’t mucus covering his vocal cords nor was there any pain straining his voice to sound high-pitched.
He’d pat himself all over his upper body and stop at his chest. What was once flat with muscle was now rounded with fat. Fenrir would definitely look down his shirt to see objects that look too similar to the female breast. That’s his cue to rush to the mirror.
Fenrir would be surprised at first, not sure what to think of the whole switch. But the longer he looks into the mirror, the more he likes his new look. It was absolutely insane and he just had to show it to his S/O.
Before he could leave, Fenrir hears a knock on the door. It is none other than his gender-swapped S/O! Fenrir has to circle around her just to get a better look and he has to admit, his S/O makes a better man than he did. But what else could he expect, she is the most gorgeous person alive.
They’d spend the whole day outside, seeing what all the cool things they could do with their new bodies. Fenrir, who opted the name “Fenia” in public, was able to charm all the male sellers for free treats and drinks. They couldn’t get enough of his wild yet cool personality.
His S/O used to the opportunity to pubs and bars that she didn’t have access to as a female. But her favorite part was to randomly sweep Fenrir off his feet and twirl him around. Even as a girl, Fenrir was incredibly fun to watch as his long, pink hair whirled around in the wind.
However, Fenrir wasn’t a fan of the long hair. There were too many instances where pink strands would collide with his tongue. The harder part was getting them out of his mouth and cleaning up the remaining saliva. Instead, he went to the barber to get it cut. At first, he wanted to have his original haircut, but his S/O insisted that he get a shoulder-length cut. Fenrir only agreed to this on the condition that his S/O got a haircut as well.
Also, I feel like he’d take the opportunity to go mess around with Ray. He’d mockingly flirt with the king just for the laughs. His S/O would have to later explain the situation that they were stuck in, causing Ray to wonder if Fenrir had angered a magic-user (which wouldn’t be surprising because he’s fought off Amon’s men)
(Sorry if this one isn’t as good as the rest, I don’t know too much about Harr since I haven’t played Loki’s route yet!)
Harr is awakened by a very angry male. He’d assume it was an intruder of some sort and immediately use his magic to stabilize the possible threat.
However, when he hears this male talks, he notices that their talking style is way too similar to his S/O. Another lightbulb would go off in his head as he realizes that the stranger looked a lot like his S/O.
In the meantime, his S/O would demand answers from female Harr, who is silently trying to understand what is going on. It wouldn’t take Harr more than a few minutes to discover that his S/O had become a male.
While thinking about possible reasons for her gender switch, Harr put his hand on his jaw. It seemed much smaller than usual, he could cup his entire jaw and chin with one hand. Was it possible that he became a female?
Once his hands go to his chest, Harr would flush a bright red. That was definitely something that was part of a woman’s body, not a man’s body.
He would calmly explain to his S/O about the gender swap, noting how someone must have cast a special type of magic on them. He wanted to switch back, but he didn’t know how to undo this mess (and he definitely didn’t want to try something reckless that could permanently damage him and his S/O).
Harr would become the shy, mysterious girl trope that most animes have. Many people would note of his beauty, but wonder why such a beauty wore such an eye mask. He’d have to wear a cloak to stay away from the public’s eye.
He also wouldn’t care for many feminine items, but I do see him as a perfume person. He’d always go for the earthy scents like mint, rosemary, maple tree, and sandalwood. His S/O’s nose would fall apart from all the different scents.
He wouldn’t be able to look at himself while changing or using the bathroom. Harr would feel too embarrassed to see such intimate parts that don’t belong to him, but he wouldn’t be able to have his S/O help him out because he’s still technically nude. It would take quite some time before he’s ready.
When Jonah wakes up, he wouldn’t notice the changes immediately. He too preoccupied on daily plans to focus on the new body. However, he’d feel new sensations through his body. Nevertheless, he wouldn’t realize the gender change until he goes to his mirror to tidy his appearance. Once he sees a female in the mirror, he’d let out a girlish scream.
He’d first confront Edgar, assuming it’s a prank, but Edgar wouldn’t have any answers this time. Obviously, Jonah wouldn’t believe Edgar and would march into his S/O’s room to check up on her. He is not pleased when he sees a half-dressed male in the room, staring at the mirror.
When his S/O turns around and examines Jonah, she’ll start to laugh. Jonah, who has no idea what’s going on, demand answers from the gender-bent S/O or have them imprisoned for trespassing. The S/O will have to spend lots of time convincing the Queen of Hearts. She’d bring up personal details that only she would know to prove her identity to Jonah.
Jonah would look at his S/O’s mirror and realize that this was not Edgar's doing and that the gender-swap was real. He’d suddenly realize that he cannot perform his duties as a female because no one will recognize him.
His next stop would be Lancelot’s office. The king’s magic would surely be able to bring him back to normal. Unfortunately, Lancelot left the Red Headquarters rather early, leaving Jonah in his female body for the day.
He begrudgingly goes back to Edgar. Jonah will inform the Jack of Hearts about his current status, who will advise Jonah to not perform his duties today. Although Jonah protests, Edgar points out all the issues that may arise from the situation. The Queen of Hearts reluctantly agrees.
Jonah would have immense difficulty in using the restroom or changing. It would make him uncomfortable looking at his lady parts because exposure to such parts was considered “unladylike.”
He’d also be a major makeup person. Once the S/O introduces Jonah to makeup, Jonah would try on all her lipsticks and blush. He would lean towards pinkish-nude lip colors while opting for reddish-pink shades of blush. When he turns back into a male, I can guarantee you that Jonah will sneak in a nude lip in his day-to-day look.
Being the prettiest girl in the area would bring some unwanted attention. Random soldiers would leer at Jonah. A few would even cat-call the Queen of Hearts. That’s when male S/O would appear, with an angry scowl and a sword on their belt. The men would back off, but that wouldn’t stop Jonah from giving them a piece of his mind. Once he’s a male, Jonah would see to it that they lost their positions.
As a female, Jonah would be the definition of PMS. Not only would he get super moody and irritable before his period, but he’d also have lots of food cravings. His consumption of macarons and mille-feuille would increase dramatically, causing him to bloat a ton. When he places a hand on his stomach, he’ll notice it immediately and panic that his well-trained body was gaining fat. The S/O would have the explain to Jonah about the details of PMS, symptoms of PMS, and period.
We’ll change the situation here every-so slightly: After a long night, Lancelot and his S/O fell asleep together. The next morning, Lancelot would wake up face-to-face with a man, who was clearly not his S/O. He’d look for his S/O, but realize that she isn’t anywhere. The man probably took her.
Unfortunately, the S/O will wake up with a sword at her throat. Lancelot would growl at her, demanding that she give whereabouts about his S/O (aka herself). However, the S/O herself is confused because she isn’t being threatened by Lancelot, but by another woman. A very confused interrogation would occur and both parties would slowly realize that they’ve swapped genders. 
Here’s the issue: Lancelot could probably undo the swap with his magic (because it would affect his duties as king). The only reason he’d even consider staying in this body is that his S/O wanted to see life in the Red Army as a man. In that case, Lancelot would adopt the name Lisbeth as they wandered around the castle. 
As a female, Lancelot would have the best fashion sense. Just look at all the capes, crowns, and outfits he owns. Although the outfits seem more masculine, Lancelot would look like a complete boss in them. He’d wear maroon nail polish and a sharp cat-eye liner to finish the look.  When he sat on his throne, his S/O had a major nosebleed and went to heaven because he was so elegant yet so sexy. 
However, he’d find his S/O extremely attractive in the Red Army uniform. The silver sword hanging from her belt, the golden ornaments on the cuff of her hands, the thigh-high boots. Lancelot would pay attention to all these small details. So what if she was a guy? She looked absolutely amazing and Lancelot just had to appreciate the beauty. 
The day would end at the flower garden. Instinctively, Lancelot would pick out a rose to place in his S/O’s hair. However, his S/O would take the rose from his hands and place it in his hair. 
As the moonlight shines against them, they’d lean in for a kiss. Now Lancelot would need a little time to mentally and physically adjust kissing when his S/O was a guy. However, Lancelot would still take lead and have the same passion that he held in his normal body. It wouldn't take long before the thoughts of their gender changes melted away as they kissed under the shining stars.
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brbaabs · 5 years
The Dornish Bird - Chapter 4
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Hey guys! I’m so sorry I missed the last update. I’ve been soooo busy these two weeks, I barely had time to touch my phone. College is killing me mercilessly. I’m sorry I couldn't answer your comments but I assure you, I read all of them and loved your kind words. Thank you so much for being here, it means a lot to me to have such amazing people enjoying my work.
Before you read this chapter, I have some things to say. We had Bran’s fall in the last part, so I’m sure you know we’ll have dark themes from now on. That leads to a question I’ve been dying to ask: Do you guys mind a little smut here and there? I mean, I guess we all know GOT. I’m quite used to so see naked bodies by now, but I know some people might not like it. Though my sex scenes are always delicate, respectful and important to the plot, I’d like to know if you’re okay with it. Please, share your opinion on the comments of this chapter.
Anyway, the song I chose today kinda matches the first season’s mood in my opinion. I hope you like it just as much as I do, this song is simply magical.
Word count: 2.445
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Eddard Stark waited for his eldest son in his private study.
He had his wife’s triumphant smile still fresh in his head, reminding him of the decision they both agreed to make. He was somewhat happy with their agreement, choosing his first born's wife was something he'd always considered a difficult task. His own wedding wasn't appealing to him at the beginning. Ned was happy to choose a girl that he and his wife could trust their son and their house.
(Y/n) surely wasn't the first option. She did not belong to a house, would not inherit any properties or soldiers. She was not even born in the north, his general would be mortified with the idea of having a Dornish woman ahead of House Stark. Ned esteemed the girl, he truly did. But he needed to weigh all these details before making a big decision like that. He could marry (Y/n) and Jon without hesitating, but Robb's future bride was a totally different case.
However Catelyn was skilled in argumentation, and her point was too solid to hold any defect.
'I was an outsider as well, do you have any regrets about how it ended up for us?' She stated.
Eddard could not deny his wife's cleverness. Her argument put an end in the discussion. It was settled, Robb would wed her protegé.
The Warden was still lost in his thoughts when Robb entered the study with Theon by his side. The two lads were sparring for the previous hour, sweat was still present in Robb's forehead. Theon has mud is his pants, indicating his loss. He was a good fighter, but Robb was just excellent in the sword art. 
"Do you wish to speak to me, father?" Robb said.
Ned examined his son's expression for a second. Both boys seemed to be in a good mood. Theon still had a little smile on his lips because of a pun Robb had made in their way to Ned's study, and Robb looked relaxed. In his mind, Ned wondered how long that good mood would last.
"It's a serious matter, so I suggest you take a seat." He said.
Robb's face immediately showed his concern. He shared a look with his friend. Theon looked puzzled but nodded almost imperceptibly to indicate his curiosity. Out of choice, Robb took a seat in front of his father, and the Greyjoy stood behind him as always.
"What is it, father?" The Young Wolf asked.
Satisfied with his son's compliance, Ned took a deep breath. 'This won't be so hard.' He thought. Robb was a good kid, he never disobeyed his father. If it were Arya in Robb's shoes, Lord Stark would have a huge problem in his hands.
"Your mother and I have been discussing a really important matter since your eleventh name day, but only recently we've found a solution." Eddard spoke with determination in his tone. "Catelyn suggested a bride to you, and I accepted. You're going to marry (Y/n)."
Robb's eyes widened with Ned's statement.
The young man searched for a sign of humor in his father's words since that information seemed too good to be true. His whole life was filled with worry about his future wife. He knew it would be his parent's duty to choose a bride for him, and yet he feared for their choice. The chances of Eddard ending up choosing an attractive woman was minimal, considering Catelyn's looks. Robb loved his mother with all his heart, but he couldn't say she was the prettiest woman he'd seen in his life. The possibility of ending up with an unattractive woman by his side for the rest of his life wasn't appealing in any circumstance. He was aware of the stupidity of his concern, but he feared it anyway.
But (Y/n) was gorgeous, he couldn't be more fortunate!
"I am not quite sure if I get it, father." Robb said, still not believing in what his ears had heard. "I am not complaining, but (Y/n) is my friend. And she is not a noblewoman, is it truly the best match?"
While Robb felt his heart beating fast in his chest because of his excitement, Theon's heartbeat was increased for a very different reason. The Greyjoy lad could not believe in what Ned had said.
In Theon's mind, Eddard would never consider marrying his firstborn with the Dornish girl. How could he? She was a commoner, for The Drowned God's sake. She was Catelyn's protegé as Theon was Ned's. If anyone should take (Y/n) as his wife, it should be Theon.
That was the Greyjoy's theory, at least.
"Catelyn has been shaping her into a proper Lady for over a year, she will be a fine suitor when the wedding time comes. Until then, she will come to King's Landing with me and your sisters." Eddard answered.
"How long will (Y/n) be away from Winterfell?" Robb asked.
'How long will (Y/n) be away from me?' He wondered.
"Only three years, I believe." Ned said. "She will be Sansa's handmaiden until she comes to age to marry. You will be in charge of Winterfell with your mother while (Y/n) is away. I believe you understand what is going to happen once she returns."
'He will be able to bed her.' Theon thought.
Robb took a deep breath, trying to process all that information. He would be married in three years, with a girl he had always seen as a dear friend. It was difficult to believe in his fate. They would be separated in the meantime. How would (Y/n) look when she comes back? Would their friendship still be the same?
When Robb pictured (Y/n)'s smiling face, he felt his heart calming down. He fancied her, that was a fact. No matter what his mind would say, his heart desired her. He wanted to hold her in his arms, to touch her warm skin, to see her pleasured face as he claimed her body. At that point, the lad could not think about any other thing.
He wanted her.
"I accept, father." He said, raising his head to look into his father's eyes. "I will marry her."
(Y/n) was not sure about what she should feel.
Catelyn never forbade her from walking in Godswood. The girl loved to spend a little time by herself, with her only company being the small creatures that lived in the forest. She would always dive her hand in the lake, gather small stones to throw at Theon's back when he wasn't looking or just sit by the trees to observe the birds in their nests. That was her favorite time of the day.
But today, her lady asked her to stay in their house for the day. (Y/n) was confused at the beginning, but Catelyn said she had some matters to discuss with the Dornish girl. (Y/n) was not in place to object. Such request led to the current situation.
Lady Catelyn was leading (Y/n) towards the maester study. The girl had no idea why her lady would want to take her there, but she followed the woman without saying a word. Perhaps Maester Luwin had something to discuss with her, she would find out soon.
"Is everything alright, My Lady?" The girl asked.
Catelyn smiled. She was eager to tell the news to her dear protegé. The Lady of Winterfell was aware of how curious (Y/n) could be when someone was preparing a surprise for her. Right now, the girl's frow was evident. Catelyn was having so much fun.
"Be patient, girl." She answered. "You'll know soon enough. Now be careful with the steps."
(Y/n) pouted, but decided to keep her curiosity to herself. At least for the time being.
"Yes, My Lady." The girl said.
Catelyn could feel the confusion in (Y/n)'s voice. She smirked, enjoying the moment far more than she should. The pair walked for three minutes more, then arrived at their destination. The woman knocked on the door twice, attempting to conceal her excitement. She felt (Y/n) standing behind her. The girl still had that pout on her reddish lips, too curious to hide it. Catelyn chuckled, amused by the girl's mood.
After a few seconds, the door was opened by the faithfull maester of Winterfell. That made (Y/n) smile a little, forgetting her worries for a moment. She absolutely loved the old man. 
"Do you have my order, maester?" Catelyn asked.
The old man smiled at his lady with respect and amusement.
"I have, my Lady." He said. "Do you want me to bring it here?"
"If you would be so kind, yes." The woman said.
(Y/n)'s eyes flashed with curiosity. She bit her lip while the maester disappeared into his study, leaving the girl in the company of her lady. She looked at Catelyn, the woman smiled warmly at her.
"How much do you know of birds?" Catelyn asked.
Her question puzzled the girl even more. She blinked once, confused by the sudden change of subject.
"Not a lot, I fear." She said honestly.
Catelyn chuckled.
"And they call you 'The Dornish Bird', aren't you supposed to know about your kind?" She said.
(Y/n) pouted again, making the older woman laugh wholeheartedly. She reached out to the girl's head and caressed her soft hair as she would do to her youngest sons, but stopped after a short moment. That girl would be her daughter in law soon, Catelyn shouldn't treat her like a child anymore. The woman sighed happily. She would have to find another way of showing her affection towards her sweet bard.
At that moment, the maester returned to where the two women waited. (Y/n) noticed a big steel cage in his hand.
"Here, My Lady." The maester said.
He held the cage a little higher, revealing a beautiful creature resting peacefully on the inside. (Y/n) gasped, amazed by the regal-looking animal.
"Is this an eagle, maester?" She asked.
The old man chuckled at her mistake, while Lady Catelyn sighed. That girl wasn't lying when she said she knew nothing about birds.
"It's a Snowy Owl, my dear." Luwin said.
(Y/n) blushed under the wise man's gaze. She never had much knowledge about flying creatures. The girl knew how to cook them, though. That experience she acquired from her days on the road. Sometimes, her father couldn't find an inn, and they had to sleep somewhere in the forest. The dinner would be a delicious animal her father hunted with his old bow. She missed those days.
"A Snowy Owl, then." The girl mumbled. "She is gorgeous."
"It's a male owl, (Y/n)." Luwin corrected, earning himself a light snort from the girl. "It was trained as a crow to deliver messages.  The only difference, though, is the hunting talents these creatures have, and it's intelligence. They can follow orders and obey their master."
"So it is like an eagle." (Y/n) whispered to herself, being heard only by her lady.
Catelyn sighed and shook her head. 'This girl can be impossible sometimes.' She thought.
"You can let It hunt twice a day." Luwin said. "Speak to It regularly so It can be familiar with your voice. Don't try to pet it. This one is quite short-tempered."
"Sounds like it's a match then." Catelyn said, smiling to the man. "Thank you, maester. They will be very happy together."
She took the cage from Luwin's hand with a little difficulty, since the weight of the object was more than she anticipated. Without hesitation, the woman shoved the bird and its cage into (Y/n)'s arms. The girl gasped, surprised by the sudden motion.
"Congratulations, girl. You have an owl." The lady stated.
The girl blinked, shocked. She examined the bird in her hands carefully, only to realize she was being watched by its huge yellow eyes. Its gaze was heavy like it could see her soul. The girl shivered under that gaze.
"I'm honored, Lady Stark." She panted. "But I don't think I need an owl. Who would I send a message to?"
Catelyn remained silent for a moment. She looked deep into the girl's eyes. That shiny (E/c) eyes reminded her of the day she met the girl. She remembered how much the girl had grown under her protection. (y/n) evolved her skills and learned new things while living with the Stark family. She had changed so much since then. From that humble young girl to a fearless woman. That's what she has become: A true woman. At that moment, Catelyn knew she had made the right choice. 
Without a warning, the Lady of Winterfell took the cage from (Y/n)'s hands and put it aside. Confused, the girl frowned but had no time to think about it. Catelyn opened her slender arms and locked her protegé in a warm embrace. (Y/n) gasped, surprised for the sudden display of affection.
The girl was used to hug the Stark children all the time, especially the younger ones. She even considered hugging Theon, but only when she had too much wine in her blood. But never the Lords of Winterfell. She was taught to respect them, to admire them as her leaders. As much as she loved them, she knew physical contact could be considered a tremendous disrespect. That was a delicate line she could not cross.
And yet, in the comfort of her lady's embrace, she felt safe.
"I need you to be strong, girl." Catelyn softly spoke. "I will trust you with the things I love more in this world. I need you to take care of my girls and to watch over my husband. Care for them as they were part of your family since you're already part of ours. I'll not send away only two, but three daughters."
The world seemed to crumble under (Y/n)'s feet. As much as she wanted to conceal her uneasiness, her worry was too strong to hide. She understood her Lady's words far too well. That wasn't a strict order, but a genuine plea. A heartfelt farewell from a mother's core.
With those heavy words and a duty recently put upon her shoulders, (Y/n) knew she wasn't a girl anymore. She was now responsible for her Lady's family. She needed to be stronger, wiser. It was time to put her childish heart at bay and cast her fears aside to reborn into something new. She wasn't the Dornish Bird anymore. 
She was a woman.
That’s it for today, thanks for reading!  Reblog to help me, leave a comment if you liked this chapter.
Tag List: @evilunicorns4minions, @black-widow-fangirl, @aristocracy-y, @aspiring-fangirls-world, @thedeacywaltz, @riddlersriddlet, @nialeesato, @peachyblinderss
I hope I’m not forgetting anyone.  If you wish to be tagged as well, please tell me. Thank you all!
~ See ya!
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kimnamjooonz · 5 years
London Calling - Chapter 7
Saint Patrick’s 
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Songs Used in this chapter:
Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sheeran
Irish celebration - Macklemore
Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran
A Certain Romance - Arctic Monkeys
These Days - Take That
Cameos in this chapter:
Anthony Mackie:
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Tom Hiddleston 
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On Saturday morning Celine woke up in a very good mood. She was going to see Chelsea with her friends and she had a weekend without extra job. She couldn’t complain. Matilde had planned to go to the stadium with Max, Leah and Janice and she was going to pick them up in her mum’s BMW. She was the only one in the group to have access to a car so she was the official chauffeur. Not that the stadium was very far away. They had gone walking numerous times before. The Arctic Monkeys were playing in a very loud volume. She absolutely adored that band to the point that she was dramatically singing the lyrics of A Certain Romance in front of the mirror. ‘’…Don’t you know, oh it’s a funny thing you know, we’ll tell ‘em if you like, we’ll tell em all tonight, they’ll never listen, because they’re minds are made up and of course is all okay to carry on that way…’’ She looked at herself in the mirror again. She knew she wasn’t the prettiest girl in town but she was a bit above average. She had been told many times that she was ‘pretty’ or ‘pleasant’ but only once that she had been told that she was ‘beautiful’. and it was her parents who had told her that. According to Matilde, there was another one who found her attractive and he was no less than a film star. Well, that had been unexpected but no less flattering. With a finger she curled a loose strand of her brown hair while she kept singing alongside Alex Tuner. ‘’… and over there, there’s broken bones, there’s only music, so that there’s new ringtones, and it don’t take no Sherlock Holmes, to see it’s a little different around here…’’ Only when the song ended she heard the knocks on her door. ‘’What the hell were you doing?’’ Matilde asked when Celine opened. ‘’Singing. Are we leaving?’’ ‘’Yes, the others are waiting for you to finish your concert’’. Celine followed Matilde to the car. Max, Leah and Janice were already installed in the backseat, talking about the Saint Patrick’s Day party they were going to go later. They were almost tempting Celine to go. ‘’I had a good week’’ Janice started telling. ‘’I had a date with a really cute guy. Maybe I see him again during the week. It depends whether or not I meet someone better at the party tonight’’ No one really cared about that but all of them faked interest. Celine was thinking that probably Janice won’t meet anyone interesting that night. It was a Saint Patrick’s Day party in a pub, probably every one there was going to be with a Leprechaun costume. ‘’Talking about cute guys…’’ started Matilde. ‘’I know of someone who’s met someone really cute this week. She didn’t get a date because she’s an idiot and the guy was interested. And you’ll want to die when you know who the special person is’’. she threw a meaningful glance to Celine who was regretting not coming to the stadium by foot. ‘’If you’re talking about Celine I need to know all about this’’ Leah commented. ‘’Of course it’s about Celine’’ Matilde was talking as if she weren’t there. ‘’First of all, have you seen Captain America: Civil War?’’ All of them answered with a ‘Yeah’. Celine was mumbling the song that was on the radio. A cheesy Take That song that in this moment sounded like a masterpiece. ‘’Well’’ Matilde continued. ‘’Remember The Winter Soldier?’’ all off them answered with a ‘Yeah’ again. The Take That song sounded better with every second. ‘’Well, Celine met the actor who plays him, Sebastian Stan’’. ‘’What on earth?!’’ shouted Leah. ‘’He’s hot stuff’’ commented Janice. Celine was glad she wasn’t able too see her face. ‘’Wait a second’’ said Max. ‘’Matilde, you told us that this guy was interested in Celine. That means that Sebastian Stan, international film star, was into Celine?’’ Celine herself wanted to push Max out of the car at that moment. ‘’Bingo’’ said Matilde with a triumphant smile. ‘’She’s delusional’’ mumbled Celine. But no one was listening to her. ‘’Celine are you out of your mind?’’ asked Janice who couldn’t believe how she could have no interest in someone like Sebastian Stan. ‘’He was interested! If you don’t want him for yourself give him to me’’. Celine felt sort of pity for Sebastian at that moment. Janice was talking about him as if he was an object and nothing more. She was sure that he was more than a pretty face and a nice body. ‘’It was a five minute conversation and the rest is Matilde’s imagination’’ Celine tried to convince her. ‘’And I had no idea that the guy was famous’’ But no one seemed to care. ‘’Celine, do you realise that could be stroking that abs right now?’’ Janice asked without a glimpse of shame. Celine was thinking if it’d hurt so much to jump from a moving car. ‘’Stroking his abs?’’ Leah snapped. ‘’ I’d go right to the point and I’ll suck his…’’ ‘’Leah!’’ Max and Celine shouted, both of them scandalized. Celine just wanted to get to the stadium once and for all so when she saw the multitude of people, all of them dressed in blue walking towards it, she didn’t wait for Matilde to park and got off the car. She was so relieved that she even hugged the team’s mascot when it handed her a flag. Luckily, when they were in the queue to go in they had all dropped the Sebastian Stan topic. ‘’ Hi Celine!’’ the guy who checked the tickets greeted her. ‘’Oh, hey Hans’’ they knew Hans from the several times they’ve been to the stadium. She handed him the tickets without much care. Hans took all the time in the world to check her tickets. ‘’Celine, I was wondering…’’ ‘Oh, no, here we go again’ she thought. ‘’…do you have anything to do tomorrow? There’s this nice event at The Pig’s ear…’’ ‘’I’m sorry’’ Celine cut him off, trying to look sad. ‘’But I have a lot of work.’’ she lied. ‘’Maybe next time’’. She smiled politely at him and almost snatched the tickets from his hands. ‘’How many times have you rejected him?’’ asked Matilde who was walking behind her. ‘’I’ve lost count’’ Celine was more concentrated in finding her seats while glazing at the pitch. The players were already there, warming up. ‘’And why do you that? What I’m asking… If you’re not interested in Sebby Stan of course you won’t be interested in Hans’’. ‘’There’s zero chemistry, that’s why’’ she had finally found her seat and kept his sight stuck on the pitch. At the same time she was thinking that there had been more chemistry in the five minute conversation with Sebastian than in all the recurring times she had seen Hans in the stadium. ‘’I wonder why a person has to have to impress you, Celine’’ ‘’Just chemistry. Or just be Alex Turner.’’ Celine had a little smile. ‘’There’s a man I’d take my clothes off for. Which I almost did’’ ‘’What?’’ Matilde was seriously intrigued with this. ‘’I saw the Arctic Monkeys live while in Cambridge in 2013 and I almost threw my bra at Alex when they were performing Do I Wanna Know. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I saved my dignity in the last minute but my friend Amy couldn’t resist it and she threw it. It was the best thing ever when her bra landed on Alex’s head.’’ Matilde was still amazed the her composed and correct friend had considered throwing her bra to some rock singer. ‘’You may fancy Alex but Sebastian is hotter’’. Celine was thinking. She had to agree with Matilde in this one. ‘’Believe it or not I’m with you in this one. I’ve seen Sebastian in person and I can testify that he’s way more handsome. But Alex Turner is a bloody rockstar’’.
Later on the evening Celine had no other option that get ready to go the bloody Saint Patrick’s day party. She had promised to Matilde that if Chelsea won she was going to go. And Chelsea had won. Apart from that, a part of herself wanted to go. She used to go to small parties like these in her Cambridge days in which she had had really good times. And they were going to a friendly pub not to one of these weird nightclubs where people just went there to get high. The night was bitterly cold so under no circumstances she was going to wear a dress. She stuck to simple jeans, a green sweater with a green trench coat. After finishing she went to pick up Matilde. ‘’Are you going like that?’’ she asked pointing to Celine’s discreet choice of outfit. ‘’Better this that your revealing dress. I mean, it’s beautiful but I don’t want to catch influenza by tomorrow.’’ ‘’At least wear this’’ Matilde handed Celine a hat with trebles and stars on it. ‘’But this is ridiculous’’ Celine looked a bit outraged. ‘’Stop being fake posh and wear it.’’ Celine rolled her eyes and put on the hat. ‘’This is one of the worst things I’ve ever worn’’. When they arrived to the pub Celine soon forgot that she was wearing an extra silly hat because she decided to make the best of it and just have fun. However she didn’t have enough stamina to last more than three of the very upbeat (and long) Irish songs. She ended up in the bar drinking a huge cup of non alcoholic ginger ale. She didn’t want to end the night dancing on the tables or singing Hey Jude at the top of her lungs. Damn the cursed alcohol intolerance. Matilde was energetically dancing her fifth song. She wasn’t the best dancer but it was really funny to see her. ‘’I’m exhausted’’ she dropped next to Celine and asked for a huge pint of beer. ‘’Have you seen Max dancing? It’s the best thing you’ll see today’’. Celine looked at him and almost spilled her drink. Max was dancing with robotic and erratic movements but with all the enthusiasm in the world. ‘’No one said that Irish dances were easy.’’ Celine went back to her drink when she felt Matilde jump and almost fall from her chair. ‘’Are you drunk already?’’ Matilde didn’t answer so Celine just looked at her. She was looking at a point in front of her with eyes wide open. ‘’What’s going on, Matilde? Did Max fall?’’ ‘’Tom Hiddleston was just there’’ said Matilde with a voice that pretended to be calm and composed. ‘’Where?’’ Celine asked with a mild curiosity. Only a week before she had met a celebrity herself (that at the moment she didn’t know) so she wasn’t very excited of meeting another one. ‘’Behind you’’ Celine turned her head without much enthusiasm. Tom Hiddleston was a feet away from Celine, walking towards the dance floor. Well, watching a famous celebrity embarrass himself with Irish dances, was going to be fun but she suddenly had a light bulb moment. ‘’Matilde, why don’t you go and try to dance with him? I mean, don’t harass him. Be nice and not at all obsessive, please’’. Matilde didn’t need to be told twice and ran towards the dance floor. She was about to talk to Hiddleston when Janice popped out of nowhere literally stealing him in front of poor Matilde’s face. Celine felt kind of bad for her, who was in the middle of the dance floor, standing like an idiot while everyone else danced. When Matilde got back to the bar, defeated, Celine looked at her with sympathy. ‘’No comment’’ she mumbled, asking for another beer.
Sebastian was in one of the furthest tables, watching Tom dance happily with a platinum blonde woman. ‘’He scored already. That mush be a record’’ mumbled Sammy, one of Tom’s friends Sebastian had never met before. ‘’He’s Tom Hiddleston. I doubt he’d found very difficult to find someone to mingle tonight’’. said Anthony. ‘’Sebastian, what do you think?’’ But Sebastian was lost in his thoughts, the interest in Tom slowly fading. ‘’Sebastian!’’ Anthony yelled making him jump. ‘’Come out of your shell once and for all. We’re at a pub surrounded by people who are happily dancing to Irish music. Why don’t you go an try to follow Tom’s example and try to find someone…’’ ‘’Not in the mood, thank you.’’ he was regretting having come at all. Sammy and Anthony exchanged a glance. ‘’He’s not always this introverted.’’ Anthony explained. ‘’But today he’s being specially painful to be with’’. ‘’Stop talking as if I’m not here’’ Sebastian groaned making Anthony roll his eyes. He took his eyes off the dance floor (where a guy was doing such a silly robotic Irish dances that almost made him laugh) and glanced around the room. A lady with a bright green short dress called his attention, mainly because he was wondering how she wasn’t freezing wearing that in such a cold weather. But when he saw who was beside her he almost choked. There she was, just like he remembered her, with that serious expression and straight pose, wearing an unflattering silly Leprechaun hat. Celine. He had the biggest smile on his face that, of course, the others had noticed. ‘’What the hell is wrong with you?’’ Anthony asked, a bit concerned for Sebastian’s state of mind. Sammy was looking at the same direction as Sebastian. Anthony did that too. ‘’Ooohhh… I think Mr. Boring finally found someone to have fun with’’. he teased him. ‘’She’s cute’’ Sammy muttered. ‘’That green dress is definitely something else’’. ‘’Who are you talking about?’’ he asked, sounding more aggressive than he had intended to. ‘’The blond girl over there, the one you’re looking at’’. ‘’I’m not looking at her’’ of course he telling the truth. He was thinking about ways to approach Celine without looking like a creep. ‘’The other one? She’s sort of good looking but she looks like she’d murder you in your sleep’’. Sebastian did his best not to get annoyed at Sammy. ‘’She won’t and I know her. Her name’s Celine’’ his mind was still racing so he wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying. ‘’Wait a second’’ Anthony shot him a sly smile. ‘’That’s the woman you met in the library. I never thought she was your type’’. As long as he knew he didn’t have a type. He liked who he liked. But he didn’t have much time to discuss this. He had decided that it was time to talk to her. The best way was being himself instead of trying to impress her. ‘’Where are you going?’’ Anthony asked him when he saw Sebastian leaving the table. ‘’Doesn’t matter. See you soon’’ without saying a word more he stood up.
Matilde still looked gloomy as hell while watching Hiddleston dancing with Janice. Celine couldn’t care less and was actually bored. She wished to be at home trying to do something about her research. ‘’I’m a bit tired of the Irish music. The fiddles are getting on my nerves. I need to listen to some Bon Jovi or Arctic Monkeys’’. Matilde ignored her, still focused on Hiddleston. Celine was thinking about excuses to leave the party. She was about to tell Matilde that she felt dizzy when Matilde whispered something and looked as she had just seen a ghost. ‘’Holy mother of God, all the saints and everything that’s above’’ Celine knew that she was about to freak out for some reason. ‘’What’s happening?’’ Celine wondered if Janice had kissed Tom Hiddleston or something like that. Celine turned around to look at the place Matilde was looking and found herself face to face with someone he had met a week ago. For a second she had become a bit numb. She was convinced that she was never going to see him again. And now that she was seeing him for the second time she could notice with more exactitude that Sebastian Stan was mind numbingly attractive but also there was kindness and innocence in his expression. It was no wonder that Matilde had gone absolutely crazy when she had had learned that Celine had, somehow, attracted such a guy. ‘’I think I know you’’ he said with a smile that couldn’t be suppressed. ‘’I met you at the library last week. You gave me those books’’. Matilde wanted to scream that she had been right all the time, that a famous actor remembered her moody best friend. At that moment she didn’t even care that Sebastian hadn’t even glanced at her. Celine had recovered from the surprise of seeing him again and was a bit glad that he remembered her. She couldn’t deny it. ‘’You’re Sebastian. From Romania’’ she had a big smile on her face. Matilde was almost falling from the chair. She was expecting Celine to act as she always did: guarded and answering with yes and no. Instead she had an smile Matilde had never seen before. ‘’Let me introduce myself properly. Sebastian Stan. As you correctly just said, from Romania.’’ he shook her hand with confidence. ‘’I’m really glad to meet you again’’. ‘’Same. By the way, I’m Celine Cadwallader from Cardiff, Wales.’’ ‘’Isn’t there a dragon in Wales’s flag?’’ Sebastian asked with curiosity in his eyes. ‘’It’s a long story that I’m qualified to tell you because I’m a historian’’ she said with a hint of pride. ‘’I had guessed that’’ he was looking at her with a kind smile and his blue eyes were shining. Matilde was absolutely confused. Every time she had mentioned Sebastian Stan in front of Celine for the past week she had got mad. And out of nowhere the guy had showed up and Celine had become the personification of butterflies and rainbows. Matilde was so entertained watching them that she wasn’t offended that they hadn’t remarked on her presence yet. ‘’…she’s my friend Matilde.’’ she grabbed Matilde by the arm. ‘’She’s a big fan of yours’’. ‘’Hi’’ Sebastian greeted her with a kind smile. Matilde emitted some noise that couldn’t be described. Celine rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers in front of her face. ‘’Snap out of it! He’s just like you and I, aren’t you?’’ Celine asked Sebastian without a bit of shame. Sebastian was absolutely delighted that she didn’t seem to care at all about his fame, on the contrary, she was two steps away of making fun of it. ‘’Absolutely’’ he said with the same genuine and kind smile. ‘’At least I found someone who realises. I’d give you an award’’. The three of them almost choked of laughter when they saw Max trying to pull an extreme move, failing and ending up on the floor. ‘’What’s the deal with these Irish dances?’’ Sebastian asked looking at Max with a bit of pity in his handsome face. ‘’Are they usually that extra?’’ ‘’I don’t know’’ Celine answered still looking at the dance floor. ‘’That’s our friend Max, he always gets carried away.’’ then she looked at Sebastian. ‘’Why don’t you try?’’ with her thumb she pointed at the dance floor. ‘’What?’’ Sebastian was trying to see if she was joking or not. Or was her asking him if she wanted to dance with her? ‘’Try Irish dances. You should try.’’ she grabbed Matilde by the arm. ‘’Matilde can teach you. She knows better than I. I’m quite awful at dancing’’. ‘’What?’’ Matilde looked at Celine as she were out of her mind. Why would she missed on her chance of dancing with Sebastian Stan? But apparently she didn’t need it. It was better for her that Matilde got her dream of dancing with a celebrity, after all Celine had never had that ambition. ‘’Go’’ she mumbled to Matilde. Even Sebastian pointed to the dance floor with his head. He had a clear idea why he didn’t mind dancing with Matilde. He had a couple of questions to ask her, she was Celine’s best friend after all. ‘’Wait a second’’ Matilde asked for a shot of vodka and drank it. ‘’Now lets go’’ she grabbed Sebastian by the arm and dragged him to the dance floor.
Neither Matilde or Sebastian were very good at dancing but they weren’t even trying. Matilde knew that he wanted to ask a couple of questions about Celine and she was ready to answer them. ‘’Before you ask’’ she looked at him with an smug smile. ‘’She’s single’’. ‘’I wasn’t going to ask this’’ he lied. By the way Matilde looked at him it was obvious that she didn’t believe him. ‘’Well, I was.’’ he admitted. They both glanced at Celine who was still sitting by the bar laughing a bit at them dancing. Or trying to. ‘’However…’’ Matilde had an enigmatic smile. She was clearly enjoying the whole situation. ‘’It’s not as easy as it seems. I’m talking about Celine who I’m sure is half robot, half alien’’. Sebastian was confused. By what he had seen of Celine she had seem perfectly normal. Well, with a weird and dark sense of humour. But he didn’t know much about her, after all. ‘’What do you mean?’’ he couldn’t contain his curiosity. ‘’That you should grab all of what you know about women and throw it to the trash because with Celine it’s going to be useless’’. Matilde made a dramatic pause and continued dancing. Sebastian noticed that he hadn’t moved for a minute. ‘’Go on’’ now that he was learning all this stuff he wanted to know more. Damn his gossiping nature. ‘’Don’t worry. She just doesn’t care about relationships and all that stuff. She says it’s a waste of time’’. Matilde rolled her eyes. ‘’Don’t try to convince her otherwise, it won’t work. Just be her friend. Between us, she needs more friends than me and a bunch of sociopaths and mad geniuses from Cambridge. And you need someone to show you around London whose celebrity status is below zero.’’. ‘’I think you’re nice. We should also be friends’’ he proposed. He was completely genuine. Matilde seemed like a nice sweet person, a total contrast of Celine’s stronger personality. At least that was his first impression of her. Matilde was a bit astounded. Had he actually said that? Maybe it was the alcohol that was making her hear things. ‘’If you said so’’ she mumbled trying not to fan girl. She envied Celine’s cold demeanour in this situations. ‘’Tell me a secret about you, something no one knows about you’’. ‘’Chris Evans is gorgeous’’ he said without a bit of shame. Matilde wasn’t impressed at all. ‘’Sebastian everyone knows that’s the truth’’ she also found Chris Evans god like. ‘’Yeah but when I first met him on the set of The First Avenger he made me question certain things about myself. Then I realised everyone had a crush on him’’. Matilde was loving this. He was talking to Sebastian Stan himself about Chris Evans. Paradise. ‘’I see the way you two look at each other in interviews. Beyond cute.’’ ‘’He friend zoned me’’ he joked. Of course he didn’t like Chris in that way even though everyone loved to believe that he did. ‘’I can’t imagine anyone friend zoning you’’ that was not really true. There was someone completely capable of doing that. Celine, of course. On her part, Celine was moving her left feet at the rhythm of the music, getting more tired by the second. Matilde had a sudden idea. ‘’Celine!’’ she called her friend. ‘’Come here’’. Both, she and Sebastian looked a bit confused on what she was doing. ‘’What?’’ slowly she went towards them. ‘’Dance with us the next song’’ Matilde smiled with innocence. ‘¨Please’’ Sebastian sweetly smiled to her. It was hard to resist him and to be honest she really didn’t want to. It wasn’t just that he was devastatingly handsome, there was something else in him that she was starting to like. Maybe it was the way his expressive blue eyes shone or maybe that he seemed genuinely sincere. And he also had a witty sense of humour that Celine appreciated. She nodded and went toward them. Just then the band started playing a cover of Ed Sheeran’s Nancy Mulligan. ‘’I have to go… to the bathroom’’ Matilde excused herself and left them. ‘’Was she lying?’’ he asked. ‘’Totally’’ Celine admitted. He offered her his hand and she took it. Celine was amazed that this interaction wasn’t awkward at all. She had never danced with a guy before, except Joel or Charlie and that didn’t count. But she felt at ease with Sebastian, it was like dancing with a friend she’d known for years. ‘’How do you dance to this thing? Matilde’s a very good talker but a terrible teacher’’. ‘’Have you ever watched The Lord of the Rings?’’ she asked him and he nodded. ‘’Remember how the Hobbits danced at Bilbos’s birthday party at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring’’ he nodded again. ‘’Well, dance like that’’. ‘’Dance like Hobbits?’’ his smile light up his face even more. ‘’This is the best day of my life’’. He delicately grabbed Celine’s arms and tried to move without laughing in the process. After a moment of twisting and clapping they were both laughing non-stop. It was really random but fun. ‘’Where is the Wexford border?’’ he referred to a particular line in the song. ‘’In Ireland. Do you want to go?’’ she teased him. ‘’Maybe. Sounds touristic’’. Celine was almost without air and the damned song never ended. Damn you Ed Sheeran. ‘’Do I have to lift you up?’’ he asked, looking at Max who was struggling at lifting Leah in the air. ‘’If you want. Probably you’ll do it more elegantly than him’’. He lift her up very effortlessly. ‘’Done’’ he was smiling like a little child. ‘’We are ready to emulate the cast of High School Musical’’. ‘’What is High School Musical?’’ she genuinely had no idea what he was talking about. The only thing that came to he mind was a high school that somehow was musical. Nothing that Celine liked to think about. ‘’It’s a movie’’ he was a bit lost that she seemed to have no idea of a movie that half the world had probably seen or at least heard about it. ‘’It’s about some kids in a high school that sing, dance, fall in love and stuff’’. ‘’That sound like the stuff from nightmares. Tell me that you didn’t act in this, please’’. Celine was a bit grossed out with the plot of the movie. ‘’No, I can’t sing or dance. The move makes no sense but it’s fun to watch’’. he lifted her up one more time. Celine couldn’t deny that she was enchanted by him. His personality was addictive and he was so nice that she only wanted to know him more. She knew a lot of interesting people but no one like Sebastian. After the song ended both of them were completely breathless. Celine saw Matilde on one of the tables and she was towards them with Sebastian following her. ‘’Celine, your hat is falling off’’ shyly he pointed at her head. Without much ceremony she tried to take the silly Leprechaun hat off but he stopped her. ‘’Don’t. It looks nice on you, let me put it back in its place.’’ He pinned the little hat very carefully, trying not to pull Celine’s thin hair in the process. When he finished he let his arm rest on her shoulders. Celine had no idea from where this was coming from but she played along. ‘’Thanks’’ she looked at him with a little smile and wrapped her arm around his waist. What the hell was going on? She tried not to imagine the reaction of her Cambridge friends at seeing her with her arm wrapped around some guy she had just met that was a sweetheart but also really hot and famous. Joel and Charlie would probably had a seizure. On another table, a bit far from them, Anthony and Sammy were looking at the scene with wide eyes. Sebastian had been moody for the whole day and now he was a literal Prince Charming. Matilde looked at them only when they reached the table. ‘’Were you having a good time?’’ she asked with a smirk. ‘’Yes.’’ answered Sebastian. ‘’It was great even though I still find Irish dances a bit weird’’. ‘’Sebastian, can I ask you something?’’ interrupted Matilde. ‘’Is that Anthony Mackie?’’ As Celine didn’t know who he was, she supposed he was one of the people that acted in that movies Matilde watched. ‘’Yeah, that’s him.’’ he looked at a table in front of him. ‘’The bastard is laughing at me, I can see him’’. He ignored Anthony for the rest of the night. Celine was amazed at how at ease he seemed to be with them. He was a film star, he had probably met people far more interesting than them both. Matilde couldn’t stop asking questions about everything she had always wanted to know about Marvel movies. On his part, Sebastian was having a really good time. Matilde seemed to be curious and sweet while Celine was mysterious, enigmatic, unique and absolutely addictive. He could talk to her for hours and never get tired. Matilde was paying attention to Celine’s behaviour. Every time that woman rejected someone always excused herself to the lack of chemistry. Now between her and Sebastian was such chemistry that it seemed that they seemed to have known each other for years. After a couple of hours Celine was tired. ‘’Are you okay?’’ Sebastian asked her, looking at her with those amazing blue eyes of his, that Celine decided they were his best feature, and that was to say a lot. ‘’A bit tired. It was a long day and I’m an early riser’’ he smiled at him. ‘’I think we should head home’’ she said to Matilde. ‘’I second you in this’’. she looked at Sebastian. ‘’You can tag along’’. ‘’I think that’s the best option because I’m just as tired as Celine. I’ll have to ask Tom for the keys and the bastard looks busy’’. Celine couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Janice with Tom Hiddleston caught up in a passionate embrace. It had definitely been a bizarre night for everyone, Celine included. But by no means she was going to end the night like Janice. ‘’That was disgusting’’ said Sebastian when he came back with the keys. ‘’Let’s go’’. When they passed in front of Anthony’s table, he whistled to Sebastian who showed him the middle finger. ‘’Why they don’t go and tease Tom?’’ he exploded when they were outside. ‘’I’m just innocently walking back home while he’s making out with someone he just met in front of an audience. I’m not being the inappropriate one’’. Celine just laughed at him, wrapping herself with her big trench coat. Matilde, who very unwisely had decided to wear only that revealing green dress, was shaking. ‘’I have no idea where I am’’ he said with a bit of dramatism. ‘’Tom brought us here and I have no idea how to come back. Bear with me, I’m not a local’’. ‘’We’ll walk you home, don’t worry’’ said Matilde, who was shaking a little. ‘’Aren’t you cold?’’ Sebastian and Celine asked at the same time. ‘’Please take this’’ Sebastian gave her his leather jacket. ‘’And you don’t need to walk me all the way to Tom’s. Just leave me in a street I can recognise. You don’t need to go all the way to Fulham’’. ‘’Don’t worry, we do it everyday’’ Celine lied with a nice smile. She didn’t mind to walk for ten more minutes. He had been so nice with her and Matilde that the least thing they could do was walking him home. And she didn’t mind talking to him for a little bit longer. Matilde was wrapped in Sebastian’s leather jacket, that was enormous for her, and was enjoying every second of it. It had been the best night of her life. Even though Janice had spoiled her chances of talking to Tom Hiddleston, she had spent hours talking to Sebastian Stan about many things. And wearing his jacket as a bonus. ‘’I can recognise this street. We’re two blocks away, aren’t we?’’ he asked, looking around. ‘’Yes, you’re actually right’’. said Celine with a smile. ‘’Just walk in a straight line and don’t turn around until you get there so you won’t get lost. London can be a maze sometimes.’’ He stood there for a moment, unsure about how to say goodbye to her. ‘’It was nice meeting you’’ he softly placed his hand on her shoulder. ‘’You owe me the story about the dragon in the Welsh flag’’ that was basically an statement that he wanted to see her again. ‘’And it was nice to meet you too’’ he turned to Matilde with a big smile. Matilde was still a bit dumbfounded. All of this reminded her of Cinderella: a brilliant night with a prince Charming then the clock struck twelve and she went back to being normal. ‘’Sebastian, your jacket’’ she handed him the leather jacket he had gave her. ‘’Keep it. You can give it to me some other time’’. Matilde almost jumped in joy. That certainly meant that she was also seeing him again and he was interested in being friends with them both, not only with Celine. ‘’Celine, text me when you get home, please’’ he said with a soft voice. ‘’Otherwise you’ll have me worried. It was my fault that you walked all the way to here’’. ‘’But I don’t have your number’’ she said without thinking. ‘’I know’’ he said with a winning smile. ‘’Can I have your phone for a second?’’ ‘’Why?’’ Celine asked with suspicion. Matilde wanted to bang her head on the lampost that was next to her. Celine was so bloody clueless that it hurt. Matilde wanted to shout at her ‘HE WANTS TO GIVE YOU HIS NUMBER YOU BLOODY IDIOT’. ‘’Please’’ he begged with a little smile, trying not to laugh at her authentic confusion. Celine reluctantly gave him her phone, looking like she was handing him a bomb. ‘’Now you have my number’’ he gave her phone back with a sweet smile. ‘’Text me, please’’. Celine was standing there, still confused. Her logical mind was asking why he hadn’t just asked for her number, she’d have given it to him anyway. ‘’Okay, good night, Sebastian’’ she greeted him with a soft touch on his arm. ‘’Good night, Celine and to you too Matilde’’ Matilde, just kissed him on the cheek, she was not going to miss that opportunity by anything in the world. They turn around in opposites directions, Sebastian towards Tom Hiddleston's house and Matilde and Celine, back to Chelsea. Celine was humming an Arctic Monkeys song, waiting for the moment when Matilde would start talking non-stop. ‘’You know Celine, this was the best night of my life’’ Matilde said with much more composure than what Celine was expecting. ‘’I guessed so’’ she couldn’t lie to herself, she had had a real good time and Sebastian was a real sweetheart. ‘’He likes you. Sebastian’’ Matilde said with a smug smile. Celine was completely unmoved. Yes, Sebastian was great but she also had a life that couldn’t be disrupted by anyone. She had no time for any kind of romantic relationship. ‘’What do you want me to do? Announce it in the papers?’’ she said the most sarcasm she could muster. Matilde wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her. ‘’Can you stop being sour for just two minutes? And you don’t have to do anything. Just, please, get to know him better. I’m sure you’ll end up thanking me later’’. ‘’If you say so’’ she mumbled, The truth was that she was never going to admit that she had had a wonderful time with Sebastian. There was no point in denying that she wanted to see him again. Everything with a friendly intention, of course. She was so caught up in her thoughts that the way back home seemed incredibly short. ‘’Before you leave…’’ said Matilde ‘’…I want you to admit that you like him’’. ‘’Everyone does. Even you. You have to be blind not to like him. And he has nice eyes’’ she opened the door. ‘’Goodnight Matilde’’. She went straight to do her short bedtime routine, that included feeding Elemauzer. Smiling a little she grabbed her phone and texted Sebastian a simple ‘Got home safe and sound. Have a good night :)’. After less that a minute he had texted back a ‘Goodnight too you too x’, that left an smile on her face. Back at the guest room of Tom Hiddleston house, Sebastian was also smiling like a little kid during Christmas.
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afjakwritesarchive · 7 years
Telepathic Tease
Pairing: USUK Words: 1,868 Rating: T AU: Human Genre: Romance Summary: Alfred is thoroughly entertained by a sarcastic Englishman’s inner commentary thanks to his mind reading abilities. 
Christ. How loud can one child scream?
The thought enters Alfred's head in a smooth, unfamiliar, and thickly accented voice. Grinning, he glances around the crowded restaurant, searching for the person whose mind had been connected to his especially well. Usually, the thoughts of others were muffled, requiring Alfred's explicit attention before he was able to access their thoughts. Occasionally, however, there came a person whose mind was extremely compatible with Alfred's; in these cases, their minds could sync up within seconds of being in close proximity. This person, whoever they were, was even more compatible with Alfred than most, their thoughts almost completely drowning out everyone else's.
Is it worth it to leave? The voice asks no one.
Alfred's bright blue eyes flit across the room and, after a moment, hone in on a man seated in the corner, half-obscured by the woman seated at the table in front of him. He's blond, with shaggy hair nearly as pale as his skin and green eyes that shine with the promise of wit. Alfred focuses, shoving the other voices swarming in his mind out with a well-practiced mental push. In an instant, the muddled thoughts of the restaurant patrons are silenced, isolating the man's thoughts in Alfred's mind.
No, this is the only place within city limits whose tea isn't absolute rubbish.
Alfred turned his head and tried not to stare at the man as he began to rummage around in a worn messenger bag, hands pale and thin. After a moment, the man adopted a scowl and turned away from the bag.
And I've forgotten my laptop, too. People watching it is.
Alfred was broken from the other's thoughts as his waiter approached and began to order enthusiastically. After the man left, he tuned back in on the Brit's thoughts.
The man had focused in on the couple sitting at the table in front of him. What an arse, he was thinking, and Alfred frowned in confusion. Then, the man's thoughts were helpful enough to clarify for Alfred—cheating on his girlfriend and bragging about it. Shameful. Alfred nodded in silent agreement. You suspect she's doing the same, do you? Two wrongs don't make a right, dick. Take your parents for example.
Alfred choked on the water he'd been drinking at that, unable to contain laughter. A few patrons looked over, and Alfred offered an apologetic smile in return for his disruption.
The man was still focused in on the men in front of him. Ah, now here's a gentleman! Calling the woman ugly, too. Perhaps her face is a mirror?
Alfred grinned, beginning to grow rather fond of the man he was listening to. It had been a long time since he'd been this entertained by the thoughts of a stranger; usually it was most entertaining to read minds when those he listened to were talking to him or near him. After all, Alfred did like to hear what people thought of him, even if it occasionally ended with hurt feelings on his end.
How anyone could cheat is beyond me. Of course, I also have a functioning brain. I'm certain he's only got one part of his body functioning properly. Christ, I can't listen to this anymore.
With this thought, the man's mind began to work much faster and with much more disorganization, as it usually did when a person was settling on a topic. Of course, no one could only think of one thing at a time; there was always more than one train of thought running at all times. But, Alfred could focus on whichever one he wanted and single it out, or listen to both at once—when he concentrated especially well, he could even focus on more than one person's thoughts at a time.
Ah, yes. A two dollar tip on a dinner for six people. How generous. The man thought, and Alfred glanced around to find the table he was referring to. But, of course, the second he'd finally found them, the man's mind began to whir and eventually settled on someone new.
Such beautiful blue eyes.
Alfred raised a brow at the thought. This was interesting. He'd tuned in on someone who was admiring someone else in the restaurant. Alfred turned his head and surveyed the patrons in the man's line of sight, quick to single out a young woman. She was a few feet away from the Brit, nibbling at a sandwich and scrolling through her phone, and, from the looks of it, she had very pretty blue eyes. No wonder the Brit was staring at her; Alfred was half-compelled to tune into her thoughts instead.
I've never seen such captivating eyes, the man thought, and with such a lovely face...
Alfred smiled to himself, unable to help from feeling a bit of warmth spread throughout him at the romantic words. Although they weren't directed at him, he still found himself affected by them. It was these sweet, innocent thoughts that made the American feel happy to have his power; there were some very ugly thoughts in this world, and it was nice to hear someone simply admiring another for a change.
What a sweet smile he has.
Alfred jolted, eyes widening in surprise at the words. He? Well, that changed a lot. Alfred didn't care that the man whom he was listening to was attracted to a man; rather, he was more concerned with figuring out who it was the man was thinking of. It couldn't be the person with the sandwich; even if Alfred had accidentally assumed their gender wrongly, they weren't smiling at all. He glanced around again, this time fixing on a man eating with another man. He certainly matched the description; he had sweet blue eyes and a wide smile as he laughed with the other person in the booth. Satisfied that Alfred had found the true object of the Brit's affections, he focused once more on the Brit's thoughts.
I wonder why he's alone.
Alfred resisted the urge to throw his hands in the air and, slightly exasperated, located the only person left in the restaurant who matched said description. Mentally patting himself on the back for his amazing detective work, Alfred listened to the man marvel over the other for a moment.
Soft-looking hair, too. What might it feel like to run my hands through? And what a darling color, too. Golden like the sun itself. How vibrant a man he seems to be.
Alfred frowned. The person he'd focused in on clearly had brown hair. Now extremely curious, he decided to do the most obvious thing; he'd simply see who the man was looking at. He turned a bit and glanced at the Brit he'd focused in on, surprised to meet his eyes immediately.
Fuck! The voice in his head cried as the man abruptly turned away, his face a lovely red color. Way to go, Arthur. He probably felt your eyes burning a hole through him!
Alfred's mind, meanwhile, had drawn a blank for a moment. The man—Arthur, as he called himself—had been looking at him the entire time? Alfred felt his own face flush, heat flooding his system from head to toe at the thought of the Brit's words. Someone thought he was beautiful. Someone who, based on the few brief glances Alfred had taken, was much more attractive than himself, with sweet green eyes and cute eyebrows and the prettiest freckles on his pale face...
Ah, at least he's blushing too... How endearing. Such lovely lips, too, sweet and plush. He looks like he was pulled straight from a magazine...
Alfred willed the red tint from his cheeks and bit nervously at his lip, the mention of them drawing his attention to the area. After a moment, he took a deep breath and stood, gulping. He fixed his eyes on Arthur and began to walk in his direction, wearing his best grin.
God, tall and muscular, too! Is he a fucking God?!
The man thought, and Alfred began to laugh a bit as he continued to walk toward him.
Is he coming this way...? He's looking at me. Christ, he's definitely heading toward me. Oh, no. He probably wants to know why I was staring at him. Fuck. Fuck.
Alfred smiled, stopping in front of the man's table. "Hey," he said, "I, um... I saw you looking at me—"
Arthur cleared his throat and spoke in a surprisingly smooth tone for someone whose thoughts were so panicked. "Ah, yes, I was just—"
Alfred cut in, saving the man from what he knew would be a half-assed and random excuse. "—And I was wondering if you wanted some company, 'cause I really do." Alfred said.
The man's shoulders slumped, eyes a bit wide. "Oh," he said with a gulp, "yes. I-I suppose." He answered, his voice curt at best. If it weren't for his thoughts crying Holy shit! Yes! Yes!, Alfred would have walked away completely, put off by his abrasiveness.
"Cool. Let me just get my stuff," Alfred said, and smiled happily at him before turning on his heel and walking back toward his table.
God, and a fantastic arse too. Could this day get any better? The man mused, making Alfred stifle a laugh as he took his plate off the table and moved back toward Arthur's. Please tell me I have a chance...
Alfred went back to the table and plopped down, setting his plate upon the table. "I'm bisexual." Alfred stated.
The man blinked. "What?" He asked, and Alfred could hear very clearly the way his mind reeled at his simple words, struck by both joy and confusion.
"I'm bisexual. And I think you're hot." Alfred repeated. "And you definitely have a chance with me."
Arthur stared for a moment before a wicked grin suddenly overtook his face. "I knew there was a mind reader in here somewhere," Arthur chuckled. "I'm a sorcerer, though you wouldn't have noticed."
Now it was Alfred's turn to stare in surprise. "You could sense me?"
"Yes. I cast a spell on myself so that I may always sense when there's a supernatural within around two hundred feet of me, and it also tells me what kind of power that person possesses."
Alfred beamed. "Woah! That's sick!" He said with a laugh. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Arthur. I think you're really funny." He said brightly.
The man turned a bit red. "And I suppose you listened to me the entire time I drooled over you?"
"Mhm, and I look forward to much more." The younger grinned rakishly.
Christ. He looks devilishly handsome like that.
"Thanks, Arthur," Alfred purred, and laughed when the man began to sputter indignantly.
Alfred could already tell that time spent with Arthur was going to be very entertaining.
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