pedradagamer · 1 year
The new episode of our saga in Amnesia: The Bunker is available! In this video we get to know the bunker a dark and dirty maze, full of traps and dangers. We collect the first resources and ammunition, which are scarce and random, to defend ourselves against enemies...
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volfoss · 11 months
very funny to me that the 2 sources for how long volfoss is online is a 33 hr unfinished playthrough and people on gamefaq saying its closer to 60 hours. i have TAKEN MY TIME and im done w act 2 about 24 hrs in. guys come on act 3 cannot possibly be that long.
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castleinthemist · 1 month
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projectcatzo · 5 months
Daily affirmations for RPG developers
Your game is long enough, 50 hours is not too short for an rpg
The fight against god is cool
The second fight against god is ever better
The third fight against god is thematically-appropriate and justified within the context of the narrative
Your game doesn't need another fight against god (see affirmation #1)
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chrisrin · 7 months
in stars and time is ruining my life what do you mean i'm at 28 hours played and still don't seem to be near done yet when the average person on howlongtobeat finishes the main story in 19 hours, and with side quests in 26 hours.
what do you mean i've stayed up until 4am the past 3 nights playing. what.
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meyerlansky · 2 months
like. i don't know how to effectively communicate that pathologic 2 devoured my brain in a way no media has since, and possibly never will again?
howlongtobeat gives p2 49 hours for a completionist run
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i am not normal about this fucking game
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gauntletqueen · 5 months
When considering purchasing a game I look it up on HowLongTobeat and the shorter it is, the more likely I am to buy it
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parasitoidism · 8 months
What are HowLongToBeat users gonna do when a real dilly-dallyer comes at them
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insertdisc5 · 10 months
sorry if it's been asked before, but how long is ISAT generally? howlongtobeat doesn't have a consensus yet ;;
seems like the general playtime is 20h or so? but ive seen people finish it in 10, and others in 30
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marrowhyena · 3 months
Anonymous Coward asked: Have you made any playthroughs with 100% achievemets? I have watched only few of your series but in those you only completed the main story leaving much of the side quests unfinished. Would perfecting the game be too time consuming or grindy for your channel since you seem to explore many games in rather fast pace rather than consentrate on only few games?
I used to be an achievement hunter before I started doing LPs, and let me tell you, achievement lists are bad. There are so many awful achievements that will ruin your fun if you play with them in mind, or they'll require you to do several entire playthroughs and challenge runs at times.
Not to mention that people generally watch LPs to see reactions, so if you're researching and pre-spoiling the game so that you can plan your achievement route, you're ruining that as well.
Generally speaking, perfectly 100%ing games is a tedious process that's made even more tedious when trying to make content out of it. Certain quests or activities just look miserable to do and it's best to just opt out.
Secret hunting is functionally unfilmable because you don't want to clog up your playthrough with eight hours of unedited footage of you wandering around looking for The Thing with nothing of note happening in the process. So you're gonna edit it down, RIGHT? But then you're just left with footage of "I'm gonna look for the thing [cut] I found it." What does the audience get out of the experience really? The chance to say "I guess he found it. I guess he did technically 100% the game, what a journey."
The Yakuza series is one of the most brutal examples for completionists because I'll spent 50 hours playing the entire main story and every side story in most of them, but then there's the pocket racing campaign, the bowling campaign, the batting cage campaign, the cabaret club, the hunting campaign, the fishing campaign, and don't forget to finish the entire menu of every restaurant and unlock the entire skill tree-
It's just not worth it. It's how you make bad videos, as you get increasingly bored with the game, forced to now play all of the parts that you'd been previously eating around because they seemed like a pain in the ass. And every time you make a playthrough longer, there's opportunity cost. That's days of the schedule that could be going to a new game instead of trying to wring the juices out of this already long playthrough that your own audience already stopped watching.
But the funny thing about this question is that I'm usually seen as the completionist guy. So many people just rush the main story as fast as possible to get to the next game, whereas I spend mountains of time in every playthrough doing side content. I'm the guy who specifically takes his time and often takes 50% longer to beat a game than HowLongToBeat suggests.
But true completionism? Shit's folly.
If anything, I sometimes 100% a game after the series is over, off camera, with the game muted and podcasts or video essays playing in the background. That's what I did for Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding. I plat'd them both. But that wasn't exciting or interesting gameplay, it was life-filler. It was downtime busywork, unfit for a show. Me grinding through it while half paying attention was the intended experience, and I should never make videos about those parts of games.
[Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@Boring_Keith/a/112661525969055712)
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nintendowife · 1 year
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I finished Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective on Nintendo 3DS a week ago. I had a great time with Capcom's classic creation which is a combination of a mystery, logic puzzles and a supernatural thriller adventure. 
Sissel appears to have lost his memory and if that weren't enough he rather appears to have been murdered too. He has no memory of who he is (or to be more exact, was) and zero clue why he was done away with. Only a few hours remains until dawn breaks and his soul will vanish forever. Sissel must solve his own murder and discover his identity. 
Ghost Trick's gameplay and concept is very unique, I can't remember seeing any other game like this. Gameplay consists of solving tricky logic puzzles in order to avert mortal fates of other people who serve as vital clues of Sissel’s past. As Sissel, a spirit caught between the worlds of the dead and living, you're expected to cause chain reactions of sorts by possessing and manipulating objects in the environments and evoking reactions from living people. Conveniently Sissel also has the power to travel back in time to 4 minutes prior to a person's death to see what happened and to change the course of their fate. You reach out to nearby objects with stylus on touch screen or by using the control stick and perform “ghost tricks” to get closer to the truth. 
Even though the theme revolves around death, the game has a light and humorous take on the subject - you won't have to worry about getting depressed over the game's events. The story is rather interesting and the characters are just brilliantly designed. Inspector Cabanela was an especially memorable character with his extravagant flair, and another favorite of mine was the brave little doggo called Missile. Dialogue is funny and a lot of surprising events happen during the course of the game. You start from a junkyard and end up going to pretty wild places! Even though my hunch about Sissel's identity was right, the ending is quite a brain twister and I'm not exactly sure if I understood everything. It was a satisfying ending to the mystery nevertheless.  The game’s length is good and there’s no unnecessary filler content to bore you. It takes about 12 hours to finish the story according to HowLongToBeat. 
The game’s audiovisual presentation is distinct and stylish. The pixel graphics are detailed and character portraits use sharp, chunky outlines. The real eyecatcher here are the animations though. It's rare to see such impressive, fluid, detailed and entertaining animation even in today's big budget games created with high tech motion capture. Yet this game from 13 years ago (2010), crafted for the small screen of Nintendo DS (that many people consider antique hardware), exceeds all my expectations that I place on motion in games. Ghost Trick's music is very good and fits the events like a glove. Many characters have their own catchy theme when they appear on the screen. 
There's a remaster of Ghost Trick coming soon to modern platforms such as Nintendo Switch and PC. If the remaster manages to retain the original's spirit (heh) you can expect an entertaining package. I recommend checking the game out on the platform of your choice if you're into mysteries and/or puzzles.
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loveletterworm · 6 hours
(this may be a very minor point its just that it was just mentioned in the video i was seeing immediately before i made this post) The idea that deltarune may actively require the player to play through the entire game more than once to the point where it may be impossible to fight some boss fights (this was one of the examples given) without doing that feels like its kind of a little unappreciative of the fact that deltarune currently seems to be gearing up to be a really long game compared to undertale
it feels like a lot of things about how the game is set up is specifically done with intent of making the long game more palatable to players that are used to a game the length of undertale but not a longer RPG (The ability to start a new save file from any chapter, the secret boss items being accessible on any save as long as you beat them once before on a different one) and going off howlongtobeat's numbers just chapter 1 and 2 together take about as long as undertale in its entirety to play through. (Though undertale has a comparatively much higher "completionist" time, I think that must be because of how the no mercy route is set up to intentionally take a much longer time than ordinary gameplay)
Like I think if most people who went through the trouble of doing all the secret bosses got to like, the fifth one or whatever and suddenly the game went "No no no! You have to go finish the game and do it all over again to be able to do this one!" then a large portion of them would just go "Fuck no I've been here for 20 hours already I'm just going to look this up on You Tube"
like yes obviously undertale also has boss fights you can't do without replaying the game BUT 1. getting the true pacifist ending after a neutral playthrough doesn't universally require you to reset the entire game unless you killed something, it only sets you back to just before the literal final bosses of the game 2. Undertale is not really that long to play through to one ending one time, at a certain point I think "This would be so cool as storytelling" has to cede to "This game has to be played by human beings and if they feel like their time was unduly wasted they might leave a bad review on steam". This ended up being an incredibly long rebuttal to a very minor statement in a video that wasn't even solely trying to argue for this idea I think unless it will start doing that when I unpause it because I paused it to write this
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female-gaming · 2 months
This is a blog for female gamers to find and share video games where you can play as a female character. Women make up 45% of the world’s gaming population, and yet many games have obligatory male protagonists.
If you are interested in any of these games, howlongtobeat can offer helpful information on the playtime of the game.
Please note: if you are going to submit a game, please submit as much information as you can, especially about combat and playable characters, and same-sex romance if game includes romance.
Please submit and help grow our catalogue.
Obligatory [X] Protagonist: The obligatory tags are a celebration of games that make the canon protagonist female, WLW, or protagonists who aren’t white. It’s a play on obligatory male protagonist, which— I don’t know if it’s a thing, but that’s what I’ve been calling games that make you play as a male character.
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stickiy-note · 4 months
I wanted to have another game to play just in case I didn't feel like playing my current long game, so I pulled up both my backlog wheel and HowLongtoBeat. I spun several times before getting a game that was less than 20 hours (since I knew I'd take longer than whatever HLTB shows)
So in true late night Kiy fashion, I was so curious about just how much longer I take to complete games that I immediately did some calculations. First, I calculated the difference between my playtime and HLTB's average playtime for the closest level of completion. Then, I calculated the Snail Gamer Tax: (snail gamer tax) = (difference)/(HLTB playtime)*(100)
From these calculations, it is painfully obvious that: 1.) I have not played that much of my steam library (15 of 18 completed steam games had usable playtimes) 2.) I play games longer than what HLTB lists in most circumstances (the only exceptions were pokepark wii and zero time dilemma)
I need to play more games (and record my playtimes for more games) so I can get these standard deviations better I swear (column 2 is difference in hours, column 3 is Snail Gamer Tax in percent)
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A trend I noticed was that games where I have to keep up with a pace as opposed to setting my own pace tended to have smaller (or even negative) Snail Gamer Tax. This included games such as Lemon Cake, both Pokeparks, and ZTD
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doozclops · 4 months
Somehow managed to have the fastest recorded (non-speedrun) 100% completion time in Slime Rancher on HowLongToBeat. My game says I've played for around 9 hours and the next lowest is 16.
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skysometric · 8 months
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maybe i should've taken a look at howlongtobeat before turning frogger 2 into a stream "series"
fun game though! it was a great stream if for no other reason than gawking at the game's absurd cutscenes. now i need to find something else to play until Side Order releases...
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