#howon gifs
sewooonz · 4 months
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w24 'celestial night' m/v (x)
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whiteconfession · 2 years
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221229 Mnet M!Countdown MBITIOUS Special Stage • Hoya
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donginpp · 1 year
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beautifulstrcnger · 1 year
howon 👁️ 🤥 💤 🍟 🍁 📣 🎤 💧
starring: bae howon.
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👁️ eye - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical…)?
Os olhos dele são castanhos escuros, quase beirando um preto e não há nada demais além de mostrar facilmente quando ele está chateado com algo ou alguém, talvez seja a emoção mais fácil de transmitir pelo seu olhar.
🤥 lying - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they’re lying?
Péssimo mentiroso. Apesar de boa parte das vezes o fazer só para esconder seus sentimentos, mas acaba que vacila quando gagueja na hora de falar.
💤 sleeping - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
A mente de Howon está funcionando 24/7, ele pensa demais e até na hora de dormir parece impossível conseguir descansar de fato. O que lhe ajuda a dormir normalmente é colocar músicas no fone ou então alguma coisa na televisão.
🍟 fries - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Se pudesse ele viveria apenas de comida pronta e fast food. Gosta de cozinhar, mas tem uma preguiça enorme e enjoa fácil de temperos, então é muito mais fácil pra ele estar pedindo coisa fora.
🍁 maple leaf - what is their favourite season? why?
Ele adora o inverno porque agora esbanjar a coleção de casacos e sobretudos que possui.
📣 megaphone - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
Howon só fala mais alto quando está jogando algum jogo ou alguém não acredita nas palavras dele de alguma forma, ele se vê elevando a voz apenas nesses momentos, mas num geral é mais baixo.
🎤 microphone - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song?
Não acha o melhor cantor do mundo, mas adora karaokê. E ele não admite, mas ama cantar My Heart Will Go on.
💧 droplet - random angst headcanon
Pra ele perder a amizade do Daniel foi uma das piores coisas que aconteceu, principalmente porque lá no fundo ele já estava sentindo alguma coisa pelo amigo, mas com o tempo ele simplesmente se permitiu deixar o sentimento de lado. Só não gosta de como tudo acabou acontecendo e de como havia perdido uma das coisas mais preciosas para si.
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myniniland · 2 years
Já fazia um bom tempo desde que ele e Daniel não paravam para conversar. Era estranho que tão repentinamente ele tivesse decidido aquilo, mas ainda sim Howon movido pela curiosidade havia acatado a ideia do mesmo. Então por isso lá estava ele naquela cafeteria sentado e esperando pelo outro aparecer. Buscava com o olhar pelo outro até ele finalmente aparecer e sentar à sua frente. Poderia muito bem ter esperado o outro abrir a boca, mas falar foi mais forte do que à si. “É algum caso de vida ou morte? Porque acho que nem sendo isso você resolveria voltar a falar comigo.”
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iksuikebaj · 2 years
🎀 * beep beep new match ! more nami nd malu act
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howcn · 3 months
                               closed starter .
˚。  ㅤ ㅤ      ㅤ ㅤ a diferença no fuso-horário era uma das coisas que realmente irritava howon. porque tornava algo já complicado ainda mais difícil. por mais que trocasse mensagens com o namorado praticamente o tempo todo, encontrar um horário para fazer uma chamada de vídeo e ter a oportunidade de vê-lo era diferente. era algo pelo qual esperava sempre ansiosamente, porque era como se sentia mais perto dele, de certo modo.
era seu dia de folga, então tinha se permitido acordar um pouco mais tarde. ainda assim, levantou cedo o bastante para comprar a ração do cachorro, novos arranjos de flores para o apartamento e buscar almoço em seu restaurante favorito. quando voltou para casa, fez uma boa jarra de suco de laranja, torradas e foi ligar o computador no quarto.
às onze da manhã, pontualmente, estava conectando a chamada enquanto buscava seu café da manhã na cozinha. ao ouvir o barulho da chamada conectada, o som dos pés descalços sobre o chão de madeira era alto e apressado, mas ainda assim cuidadoso porque tinha prato e copo em mãos. ━━ oi, meu amor! ━━ cumprimentou ainda da porta do quarto. um sorriso largo tomando os lábios e transformando os olhos em meias-luas no rosto. no peito, o coração subindo algumas batidas só pela emoção de estar vendo o rosto dele. ━━ desculpa, eu ainda não tomei café da manhã... ━━ explicou enquanto ajeitava tudo sobre a mesa do computador antes de se sentar. ━━ espero que não tenha te deixado esperando por muito tempo.
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raymencrenft17 · 8 months
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Come Home back ewa apartment always ago Raymen Pin okay Yes ewa home safe better look okay OKay. DO A 5 Namie Amuro Sophie Monk Hilary duff Brandon Routh Ed Burns Angelic Come My Way Far Away from home 12.31.2017 Western ribbon necktie Sachen Carfend 12/31/2017 Calm Down Take it easy Raymen Hate everybody anymore again okay Yes. Indie Rock Enon English Eng USA English French Canada vs Japan Korean China Park Yoochun Jo in sung Zo So ji Sub Hate Cartoon Network so Nasty horrible no good anymore again okay Yes Dance Pop DJ Euro Gay Love Male always ago okay yes Male Boy Men Man Guy okay Yes Asian American okay Yes 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이
내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 #RaymenPin #Hilaryduff2004 #ComeMyWay #ParkYoochun #Joinsung #Sojisub #Ewabeach101 Uncle Waene Vance Ft Just Calm down take it easy okay Raymen Yes Krady Crestmere Trandy Crewmen Kirby Cran #KirbyCran Hate Supernatural never again okay Yes Dake Samk Castrie okay Yes Mom brother Danny Jenna Do not Lost Raymen Me anymore again okay Yes #Hilaryduff2004 #Jojungsuk GTA 5 PC Leifang Lei Fang Marie Rose Kokoro Jannlee Rig Bayman Leon Jacky Akira #DOA56crackit #DOA22hu34dGrandit Home Memory okay Yes #Westernribbonneckite #Calmdown #DynastyWarriors5empires DJ Spyroof Ryona Reverse Jung Woo Sung Bae woo sung not Ryu Jun Yeol Hoya Lee Howon Hyun Bin Son Hyun Joo Song Chang Eui Seo Kang Joon No Hair Asian K All Male Boy Men Man Guy with Bangs Long High Tigh with wavy slide head Forehead okay yes Hate Everybody otherwase he never let him come take back crisis Shelter never again okay Yes. My Mom never like you never help her not talk about Raymen Me him anymore again okay Yes Raymen Hate Everybody no good anymore He was aggessive So Boring anymore no more again okay Yes He was Throw Water around over people Pocket Sand make over okay yes. Heaven of the sky Lynda trang dai Come My Way English USA Japanese Asian Japan Come Home soon okay yes Phone a03s T Mobile not 5 years ago anymore Crying Sad Song always ago okay Yes. Headdress Be Release Come home soon Ewa beach okay Yes Their Pussy Bullshit He Raymen Angry Upset Call you pussy idiot Whorewipe like you it again anymore okay Yes Ma Danny Yes Be easily I behave calm down okay Ma Danny Yes Do not Hate me Do not Block me again okay Yes Save memory Vietnamese Khmer Cambodia Malaysia Hate Philipino Philipines anymore again okay Yes Joseph Lucas Joe Saron Ricky Blue White Red Purple Lavender be Bald always ago Bro okay Yes #SophieMonkEng Kyosuke Kagami Ingrid Enon Indie Rock #NamieAmuro Logan Lerman Dylan Everett Gay Love okay Yes Pho Beef Meat Rice and Chicken Wings Drumstick Food Pepsi Water okay Yes Ewa beach safe better always no Kids no Dogs no more again okay Yes Young Teen Granson Not Client Kid anymore Hate Arjay Raymen Hate him never again at 5 years ago anymore again okay Yes Colby Rank Gay Love Calm take it easy okay Yes Milky Way Starry Stars Pants Shirt Polo faded Guardian family Hane Boxer Ugly eek Hate Tekken and Dead or alive doa Hit anywhere PC Cheats okay Yes Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017
코미웨이 #thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Christmas Decmeber Be home soon okay Yes Edit Doobi doo dont be shy Tu vivi nell aria Miani Lo Sbaglio hate them so pissed no good again okay ma Danny Richard Luga Be Family guardian always accept okay yes. Achiemeideh Yes okay #DDRryonareverse Hp Laptop Hard Disk Sandisk Cruzer Glide Angel Rainbow Home soon Tin Pete MeanSaint m34nsa1nt okay Yes Angelic Home soon back again Come home always Prayer Home Save Memory healed your voice eyes okay Yes no be again okay Ma Danny Yes Hate Eric Ancheta anymore again I wanted come back home to Ma Home always Nobody cant beat me hurt me my granson always his Mom Granson alone okay Yes #SongSeungheon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite Kleep we are Eye eyebrow Hair Mouth Shut okay Rey Pin Khmer No one cant never stop beat me anymore Get out go home Beat it. Do not Leave the House last 1 years ago Danny Ma okay Yes I used it there at home ewa apartment safe better always accept okay yes I Hate Alan Tammy and others anymore Case Manager no more again hate someone somebody never talk hurting Grandson #RaymenPinbeStrong #CastielHealed #YoungCastiel #Dylaneverett #LoganLerman #Hilaryduff2004 #ParkYoochun #Wincestiel #Westernribbonnecktie #jojungsuk #thumpsdownsamjaredleftside #GabrielxSam #Kintaroakiyama #cayratellite #RemoveTattoooff #RaymenPin #Destiel #Jangeuisoo #Joinsung #CastielandDean #DeanCastiel #RaymenPinhome #Castiel #Kanggook #Lyndatrangdai16 #CastielComeback 김현우 😭 💙
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raymencranpin17 · 8 months
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Come Home back ewa apartment always ago Raymen Pin okay Yes ewa home safe better look okay OKay. DO A 5 Namie Amuro Sophie Monk Hilary duff Brandon Routh Ed Burns Angelic Come My Way Far Away from home 12.31.2017 Western ribbon necktie Sachen Carfend 12/31/2017 Calm Down Take it easy Raymen Hate everybody anymore again okay Yes. Indie Rock Enon English Eng USA English French Canada vs Japan Korean China Park Yoochun Jo in sung Zo So ji Sub Hate Cartoon Network so Nasty horrible no good anymore again okay Yes Dance Pop DJ Euro Gay Love Male always ago okay yes Male Boy Men Man Guy okay Yes Asian American okay Yes 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이
내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 #RaymenPin #Hilaryduff2004 #ComeMyWay #ParkYoochun #Joinsung #Sojisub #Ewabeach101 Uncle Waene Vance Ft Just Calm down take it easy okay Raymen Yes Krady Crestmere Trandy Crewmen Kirby Cran #KirbyCran Hate Supernatural never again okay Yes Dake Samk Castrie okay Yes Mom brother Danny Jenna Do not Lost Raymen Me anymore again okay Yes #Hilaryduff2004 #Jojungsuk GTA 5 PC Leifang Lei Fang Marie Rose Kokoro Jannlee Rig Bayman Leon Jacky Akira #DOA56crackit #DOA22hu34dGrandit Home Memory okay Yes #Westernribbonneckite #Calmdown #DynastyWarriors5empires DJ Spyroof Ryona Reverse Jung Woo Sung Bae woo sung not Ryu Jun Yeol Hoya Lee Howon Hyun Bin Son Hyun Joo Song Chang Eui Seo Kang Joon No Hair Asian K All Male Boy Men Man Guy with Bangs Long High Tigh with wavy slide head Forehead okay yes Hate Everybody otherwase he never let him come take back crisis Shelter never again okay Yes. My Mom never like you never help her not talk about Raymen Me him anymore again okay Yes Raymen Hate Everybody no good anymore He was aggessive So Boring anymore no more again okay Yes He was Throw Water around over people Pocket Sand make over okay yes. Heaven of the sky Lynda trang dai Come My Way English USA Japanese Asian Japan Come Home soon okay yes Phone a03s T Mobile not 5 years ago anymore Crying Sad Song always ago okay Yes. Headdress Be Release Come home soon Ewa beach okay Yes Their Pussy Bullshit He Raymen Angry Upset Call you pussy idiot Whorewipe like you it again anymore okay Yes Ma Danny Yes Be easily I behave calm down okay Ma Danny Yes Do not Hate me Do not Block me again okay Yes Save memory Vietnamese Khmer Cambodia Malaysia Hate Philipino Philipines anymore again okay Yes Joseph Lucas Joe Saron Ricky Blue White Red Purple Lavender be Bald always ago Bro okay Yes #SophieMonkEng Kyosuke Kagami Ingrid Enon Indie Rock #NamieAmuro Logan Lerman Dylan Everett Gay Love okay Yes Pho Beef Meat Rice and Chicken Wings Drumstick Food Pepsi Water okay Yes Ewa beach safe better always no Kids no Dogs no more again okay Yes Young Teen Granson Not Client Kid anymore Hate Arjay Raymen Hate him never again at 5 years ago anymore again okay Yes Colby Rank Gay Love Calm take it easy okay Yes Milky Way Starry Stars Pants Shirt Polo faded Guardian family Hane Boxer Ugly eek Hate Tekken and Dead or alive doa Hit anywhere PC Cheats okay Yes Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017
코미웨이 #thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Christmas Decmeber Be home soon okay Yes Edit Doobi doo dont be shy Tu vivi nell aria Miani Lo Sbaglio hate them so pissed no good again okay ma Danny Richard Luga Be Family guardian always accept okay yes. Achiemeideh Yes okay #DDRryonareverse Hp Laptop Hard Disk Sandisk Cruzer Glide Angel Rainbow Home soon Tin Pete MeanSaint m34nsa1nt okay Yes Angelic Home soon back again Come home always Prayer Home Save Memory healed your voice eyes okay Yes no be again okay Ma Danny Yes Hate Eric Ancheta anymore again I wanted come back home to Ma Home always Nobody cant beat me hurt me my granson always his Mom Granson alone okay Yes #SongSeungheon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite Kleep we are Eye eyebrow Hair Mouth Shut okay Rey Pin Khmer No one cant never stop beat me anymore Get out go home Beat it. Do not Leave the House last 1 years ago Danny Ma okay Yes I used it there at home ewa apartment safe better always accept okay yes I Hate Alan Tammy and others anymore Case Manager no more again hate someone somebody never talk hurting Grandson #RaymenPinbeStrong #CastielHealed #YoungCastiel #Dylaneverett #LoganLerman #Hilaryduff2004 #ParkYoochun #Wincestiel #Westernribbonnecktie #jojungsuk #thumpsdownsamjaredleftside #GabrielxSam #Kintaroakiyama #cayratellite #RemoveTattoooff #RaymenPin #Destiel #Jangeuisoo #Joinsung #CastielandDean #DeanCastiel #RaymenPinhome #Castiel #Kanggook #Lyndatrangdai16 #CastielComeback 김현우 😭 💙
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dakbees · 2 years
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W24 ⁠— 이 밤 어둠 속을 밝힐게요 Revelations (2022)
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ifntsummer · 3 years
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210730 Hoya watching the women’s archery finals during the tokyo olympics
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detectivejustin · 3 years
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whiteconfession · 2 years
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isayhousayya: :]
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dashidoradoradorawa · 3 years
A short story of 11 years with Infinite.
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Infinite used to have seven members named :
Kim Sunggyu
Jang Dongwoo
Nam Woohyun
Lee Sungyeol
Lee Sungjong…
Then, suddenly, one day, Hoya leaving us. To pursue his own dream…
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Then, Infinite leaving with six members…
two of the members leaving Woollim and signed with Management 2sang,
two of the members renews with Woollim,
The older members left homeless.
While, the one who leaving early will release his new song.
Hoya lives with Infinite, debut with Infinite and always part of Infinite.
Same goes to other members.
Does it make me love him less?
He still celebrating 11 years debut anniversary.
Because, on this date, 11 years ago, the team of Infinite was born.
To fight for their dreams.
To pursue their dreams.
And, to live with their dreams.
Happy anniversary Infinite.
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*singing Back/Come Back Again so they will appear soon*
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beautifulstrcnger · 2 years
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#tag dump.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ✎ ⠀ ⠀   𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ seo hangyul.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ hangyul&junkai.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ✎ ⠀ ⠀   𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ bae howon.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ howon&daniel.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ✎ ⠀ ⠀   𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ noh hakkun.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ hakkun&sunyeol.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ✎ ⠀ ⠀   𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ hae dante.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ dante&nayoung.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ✎ ⠀ ⠀   𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ victoria everglot.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ victoria&lucca.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ❥ ⠀ ⠀   𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ tati.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ✎ ⠀ ⠀   𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ guinevere malyn darkarm.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ❥ ⠀ ⠀   𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ wayne.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ guinevere&ottavio.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ✎ ⠀ ⠀   𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ anthony jeon.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ anthony&myuki.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ✎ ⠀ ⠀   𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ jo dani.#˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁   ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ dani&hawon.
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septemberhills · 5 years
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