#hpt tour dv
yujachachacha · 7 years
Going to a 2nd Live DV? Here are some resources:
Team ONIBE’s concert guide - Includes information on what to pack for a concert/viewing, how to use various kinds of lightsticks, and general etiquette you should follow so that everyone can have a good time.
Team ONIBE’s 2nd Live (Saitama) Callbook - Goes over the calls for songs in the Day 2 Saitama performance (which will be shown at the delayed viewings).
What if I’m going to a DV alone? - An ask I answered about how to make friends and connect with other LLers at a viewing.
Things to Know
PSA on refraining from recording during the viewing -
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This is included in the 2nd Live callbook, but I feel that this is important enough for it to be mentioned on its own. If for whatever reason, you can’t see the image:
DO NOT take pictures or record video of the stream. Some countries have lost the right to hold any viewings for 2nd Live, most likely due to illegal recordings. If you see someone in the theater recording or taking a photo, kindly tell them to stop and delete it.
My post on yakkai - Related to the sections on etiquette in the concert guide and callbook. Explains the concept of “yakkai” (troublesome calls that disrupt a concert). Please don’t do this at the DV, for both the sake of your fellow fans and yourself (since you’ll probably get shamed to oblivion).
My posts on ie taiga (1) (2) - Related to “yakkai”. Explains what the “ie taiga” (“yeah tiger”) call is, why it happens, and why you shouldn’t do it.
General Tips
Here are some guidelines I personally follow at viewings/lives:
Try to arrive early to the viewing. As a lot of the venues don’t have assigned seating, people will show up hours ahead to try to grab the best seats. If you want to be super-safe, arrive around 2 hours before the viewing’s due to start. If that seems a bit overboard to you and you don’t care about getting the absolutely best seat, 1~1.5 hours before the viewing should be fine as well. Anything less than an hour, and you’ll likely be picking up the scraps of whatever is left, especially at the more popular venues.
Bring plenty of water. You’re going to be screaming and jumping and sweating for several hours. Stay hydrated, y’all.
If you know you’re going to be screaming a lot (and why wouldn’t you be?), make sure to bring cough drops. Bring at least a handful, and pop one in your mouth during the animated dramas or MCs so your throat can heal. If you happen to be going to the San Diego or Los Angeles viewings and you need some, look for a short Korean girl with a light blue shirt. I’ll be bringing enough to share~
Don’t worry too much if you didn’t bring any blades or lightsticks to the DV. You can just wave your arms and punch your fist in the air to the beat of the calls! However, you will almost certainly enjoy the viewing more if you do have a blade or lightstick because you’ll get the experience of being one with the crowd. But fear not - LLers are generally nice folks, so go up to someone who looks like they have extra blades and/or lightsticks and ask if they can lend you some for the concert. Plus, there may be people selling UOs and UBs at the site (SD/LA for sure will have them)! The same goes for batteries - if your kb dies and you forgot to pack extras, ask around and someone will probably have some to spare.
If you’re sitting next to a stranger for the DV, get to know them. You’re going to be cheering your heart out and waving your kb wildly next to the person, so take the time to at least chat about your favorite seiyuu/characters/songs before the viewing starts. Trust me, it’ll make it a lot less awkward when you accidentally bump into them while you’re hopping up and down for your favorite parts of the viewing.
Most importantly - HAVE FUN!!! (((o(゚▽゚)o)))
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shinywilde · 6 years
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Lantis released the full mv for HAPPY PARTY TRAIN today and I am a complete emotional wreck.
I actually get really emotional listening to this song. Back in October, I attended the HPT Tour delayed screening. That was probably one of the happiest days of my entire life and I still think about it all the time. I danced and sang and was surrounded by friends…and this song made that moment so beautiful. It was a giddy, childlike feeling that I haven’t felt in a while.
Aqours, I just wanna say thank you for bringing so much happiness to so many people around the world… including myself! Really, I cannot thank you enough. I hope that your DVs will be back for your 3rd Live!
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yujachachacha · 7 years
hi yujacha!! this is probably a weird question to ask lol but im going to see the happy party train tour live viewing on the 14th and my friend was supposed to come with but they dropped out last second so looks like i'll be going alone TT but do you have any advice for someone whos never gone to a concert or live screening alone?? aaa during the first live i went w my sister but im a total socially anxious mess and i get really nervous if a stranger sits next to me so its my first time alone TT
Hi there! I have no idea why everyone’s been telling me that their questions are weird lol - your question is great, in fact! Technically, I went to the delayed viewing of 1st Live in San Diego alone as well, since I was meeting ONIBE members for the first time ever back then and wasn’t sure if I would be able to get along with them. Fortunately, I discovered that the LL community is pretty friendly and ended up having a blast!
This is gonna get really long, so let me put a summary at the top.
tl;dr: There are lots of online resources to help you learn about viewings, from Team ONIBE’s guides to the meetup channels for the Love Live subreddit. It’s also no problem to go alone to a DV, as you have the potential to make plenty of new friends and get pumped up about the performance alongside LLers who share the same passion for Aqours.
For first-timer viewing advice, check out Team ONIBE’s concert guide! It contains a general checklist of what to bring (water, batteries, towel, etc.), instructions on how to use a kingblade, and some general etiquette about concerts.
I would also highly recommend looking over Team ONIBE’s 2nd Live callbook - the callbook’s been recently updated with details from the Saitama Day 2 setlist, as that’s the performance that’ll be screened at the delayed viewings on the 14th! It’s not mandatory to learn the calls, but in my opinion, it’s a lot more fun when you can join in on the hype along with the multitudes of fans who will be chanting and waving their lightsticks along with the performance. Don’t worry about having to memorize the calls exactly - once you’re at the viewing, it’s pretty simple to follow along with the crowd.
I believe there are some kind fans out there who are sort of taking charge as the community leaders for each DV, and have printed out large batches of these callbooks to pass out to LLers. If you want to make sure you have your own copy (IIRC they were in very high demand during the San Diego DV for 1st Live and the AWM live at AX2017), feel free to print one out on your own!
If you’re interested in making some new friends so that you won’t be completely surrounded by strangers, you can always check out the /r/LoveLive subreddit and Discord server! The server has created specific channels for each viewing so that people can plan meetups, while the subreddit has some threads scattered around it with various people asking for tips about LVs and such.
If you’re not interested in that (which would be understandable, as the /r/LL Discord server tends be be a bit…chaotic), let me offer you some personal advice. I unfortunately can’t say anything on the social anxiety side because I’m pretty good with talking to strangers (I kind of have to be after overcoming stage fright for debate club + needing to cold call people for work), but I can tell you that my experience with live events tends to be that most of the LLers I’ve met (including myself) are in fact socially awkward, haha. Just remember that a lot of people are just like you and meeting other LLers for the first time, so don’t worry too much.
Here’s my general tip on making friends: gather up your courage, approach someone, and find some kind of connection. Once you do that, you’re set.
For example, in my very first class on my very first day of high school, I approached a girl who was by herself (so that I wouldn’t awkwardly be third-wheeling an established friend group). I said, “Hey, I heard that this computer class we’re in requires a lab partner. You look like an okay person. Wanna team up?” She ended up becoming my first friend in high school, and we had tons of fun for the next four years.
I did the same thing in college - as an icebreaker, I asked someone if I could see their driver’s license (since a lot of people you meet in college hail from different locations) and compare it to my own. I then found out that she and I had the same exact birthday, and I told her, “Hey, we’re twins! Wanna eat lunch together later?” And to this day, she’s a dear friend who still refers to me as “Twin”.
I know that I’m making it sound really simple and easy, but it honestly can be if you put yourself in this mindset. Luckily for you, you already have a connection to people at the DV - you’re all LL fans!
Find someone who’s wearing merch of your favorite girl (and on that note, it’s a good idea to bring any nesos or other LL merch with you to DVs; they’re a great conversation starter) and gush about her with them. Or, approach a cosplayer and compliment them! They’re generally pretty happy folks. You can also try to approach a fellow newbie on their own, and see if you two can team up. I promise you, DVs are 10x more fun when you have someone to be excited with during the screening.
The point of a DV and all these community meetup channels is for people to have fun with others who share their love for Aqours. Instead of seeing everyone as strangers, just think of them as potential friends you have yet to get to know better! Other tips:
Ask people where they’re from - some people at DVs are locals, while others fly in from far-off locations!
Talk about the upcoming screening. What are you looking forward to the most? Do you have a favorite song? Is there a costume you’re excited to see? Who’s your favorite seiyuu?
Approach someone who looks experienced. They’ll likely be more than happy to help you out and introduce you to the finer points of attending a DV! :D
Another conversation starter - SIF. I saw a few people playing the game while waiting for the viewing to start, and had a friendly chat with one of them about how difficult it was to play with cut-ins.
Don’t fret that you absolutely have to make a new friend for the DV. The atmosphere of the live is infectious, and everyone just ends up being a huge incoherent mess of screaming and cheering anyway, haha.
Feel free to send me another ask or PM me if you have more questions! ( ・∀・ )ゞ
And as a final note - I’ll actually be going to not one, but two DVs this time around (RIP my bank account)! I’ll be at San Diego early on before driving up to Los Angeles. I’ll make a separate blog post with details sometime close to the 14th so that anyone who’s interested can say hi to me.
If you happen to be attending either of those screenings, I’ll be more than happy to make you feel welcome! Just be warned that I’ll be next to some ONIBE members, and we’ll all be screaming our heads off because we’re huge seiyuu fans, haha.
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yujachachacha · 7 years
Hey there Yuja! We're 1 week away from DLV's in our country. I saw this at our discord meet up channel and wanted to share it to everyone lol 「なぜは"イエッタイガ"を叫ぶ、代わりに"じもあい"を叫ばことができるとき。」
。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。 Oh my god, this is perfect.
For those who can’t read Japanese: “Why scream ‘yeah tiger’ when you can scream ‘jimo ai’ instead” (Naze wa “iettaiga” o sakebu, kawarini “jimo ai” o sakeba koto ga dekiru toki).
But just to make it clear: please only do this during appropriate moments of the performance, e.g. during “Jimo Ai ♡ Mantan ☆ Summer Life” and KyanShuka’s MC portions. Enjoy your DVs responsibly!
That said, it’s really easy to follow along with the hyper duo - their energy is infectious and the dance is super fun!
┌(๑╹ ꇴ╹)┘♡└(˃̵ω˂̵๑)┐Jimo ai! Jimo ai~!!!
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yujachachacha · 7 years
Status Update: SD/LA DV!
Sorry about the relative inactivity. I know I said that I would make a post addressing the 2nd Live satrips, and I honestly planned to yesterday (along with several other asks sitting in my inbox). However, my mom got sick (don’t worry, it was nothing serious), so between taking care of things at home and frantically packing for the delayed viewings, I ended up not having enough time to sit down and write.
I did, however, manage to post a very belated DV guide earlier. Feel free to check out the resources I linked there.
But enough about the past - mirai ni mukatte!  ( ・∀・ )ゞ 
I’ll be going to the delayed viewings for both San Diego and Los Angeles, at 11am and 8pm respectively! If all goes to plan, I’ll show up ~2 hours before the 11am showing at Angelika Carmel Mountain to help pass out callbooks with Team ONIBE. After the SD DV, the team will grab a quick bite to eat before driving on up to LA to pass out callbooks again before the evening show. Hopefully, I won’t die of exhaustion by the end of the day. _(:3 」∠)_
If you want to find me and say hi, here are some identifying features:
Short Korean girl with long black hair, possibly tied into a ponytail (...this is probably not very helpful lol)
Blue baseball cap (might not decide to wear it though)
Either a white Team ONIBE shirt or light blue Shukashuu shirt (I’ll decide when I wake up later :3c)
Carrying a small OmoHito You neso
Blue-and-gold sneakers (the ones I’m wearing in this pic)
Small black backpack
Probably standing with a group of dudes who look like hardcore LLers (the other members of ONIBE, haha)
Bonus if you find me: I’ll probably offer you candy or cough drops~
...and yes, I know taking candy from strangers is bad, but I promise I only have good intentions. :’)
I haven’t decided if I’m gonna commit to it, but I might go on my Twitter account to ramble about the DV before/afterwards. I probably won’t be too active on Tumblr until Sunday night at the earliest since my schedule’s pretty packed until then - considering how tired I’ll be, Monday or even Tuesday might be a safer bet, haha.
Lastly, to everyone going to a DV: have fun, but don’t forget to be respectful of others at the venue! ٩(๑˃̵ω˂̵)╯♡╰(´▽`*)۶
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yujachachacha · 7 years
told ya you'd finish it eventually ;) - Koreanon
Yoooo it’s you again! Thanks for believing in me, Koreanon!!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
It’s probably gonna be a while until I do another translation though, because I’ll probably get sidetracked by the Saitama Live for the HPT tour (I’ll be going to a Delayed Viewing in mid-October!) and the airing of LLS S2. Plus, I have things that need QCing and side projects for other people that I need to deliver on, so I gotta get those out of the way as well before I can fully go back to TLing...
That’s pretty much why the “Aqours in Seoul” interview got delayed as well, actually. I couldn’t really work on it until I flew back from Korea to the US in late February, but then I got immediately sidetracked by the Aqours 1st Live DV in March. I tried to pick things up again after that, but May/June was dedicated to prepping for AX2017, and I was pretty busy with RL stuff in July/August.
at this rate will I even get to Rikanetomo this year (;; ⚆ _ ⚆ ) However, I’ve been pretty productive lately, so fingers crossed that this trend will continue for a good amount of time!
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