#huck vc ; look people need to stop looking cute w/blood on them
e1igius · 2 years
fingers cup soft skin in his hands as he looks at her , adrenaline still coursing through his veins like a drug. the bullet trail had ripped open the slightest amount of skin on her cheek. the thin red line of grazed the only visible trace. they don't work together often ; this is why. it's a lot easier to get compromised when there were partners. dying yourself was a personal problem , but getting someone else killed ? and having to live with it for the rest of your life was the absolute worst thing that could happen to anyone. the angered frenzy that had come over him as he'd watched the interaction , the unnecessary brutality with which the other had met their demise was entirely to blame on the little red line on her cheek that most likely wasn't even going to scar.
he traces over the injury ( if one could even call it that ) with his thumb , the action smearing a trail of blood in it's wake. ❝ you okay ? ❞ the voice is hushed , low , as if someone's going to over hear them. eyes wrought with worry , slowly relax the longer he looks at her , the longer they stand this close. thankful that she is in fact , fine , that nothing has in fact happened to her. that everything is going to be okay. ice blue eyes search hers for any sign of a break of confidence , an issue with the closeness. but there is none. they're just standing there. sharing the oxygen between them.
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the kiss that follows is hungrier than he expected and yet , absolutely everything he expected all at once. hands still holding her face it's relief spoken into the kiss more than anything else. a silent thank you to the universe for not taking away the people that actually stood out in his life , that didn't rotate in and out like some revolving door. he pulls away after a moment and takes a step back , running hands through his hair as he tries to think of what to say now. they had one rule , work was work , personal shit stayed in the bedroom , and he had unintentionally ( depending on who was asked ) just broken it. not that the man particularly cared in that moment about dumb ass made up rules.
❝ sorry. ❞ it's a curt and quick apology , he looks away from the other blonde for a moment. not being able to take in a her face without a redness appearing on his cheeks. luckily , for the most part it blends in with the warmness already present from the rush of blood during the previous fight.
@feralsmile asked👄  +   ♥
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