#huge trekkie lol
detectivehole · 1 year
one of my favorite episodes of any tv show of all time is about the deuteragonist literally going into heat and i'll never ever forgive star trek for that one. happy pride
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must a strange new worlds episode be good? is it not enough to watch starfleet officers dress up and go on missions?
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menlove · 7 months
finding dumb reasons to keep trudging through every day is so funny bc rn it's my determination to finally watch every episode of star trek
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clementine-kesh · 2 years
having been born mid-january 1996 the biggest disappointment of my entire life was that my mother didn’t wait a week and a half to give birth on the 29th for the funniest bit imaginable
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dustykneed · 6 months
what was the first piece of Star Trek media you consumed? :)
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Anon you have fallen for my nefarious schemes once again... (rips off disguise with an evil flourish) I may look like a trekkie, but I am actually.......
A trekkie who is a huge nerd at heart xDD. I got into Star Trek mainly through assimilating fanfic into my conciousness. I've heard my characterizations are surprisingly solid (YIPPEE) for someone who only vaguely knows what happens in canon. But I've never actually had the pleasure of going through any official Trek media yet! My one flex is that I have no qualms against spoilers of any magnitude lol.
I know this isn't Trek media explicitly, but in the spirit of responding to the sentiment behind the question, ngl, I'm going to have to go with Mythbusters. I honestly didn't really pay much attention to the Trek segments when I watched it for the first time (that being said, I *need* to go back and watch the gorn cannon episode again omg). But Mythbusters was so formative for me because it gave me that push to get excited about science again after spending so many years defining myself as only an art/literature nerd when I was so excited about science when I was a kid.
I think in a sense, my interest in Star Trek is directly descended from the impact Mythbusters had on me-- and I think that's pretty neat :]]
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section-69 · 1 year
Okay Destination Trek notes! First here's what I really liked:
- Everything was SAG compliant and there was so much important strike talk. Obvs this made some questions impossible to answer, and it was slightly hard to predict what would be wrong to say just since different actors had different comfort levels (big range from "I support my comrades but I'm not gonna pretend I'm not in Star Trek" from David Ajala to J G Hertzler encouraging us to threaten media executives with [COPYRIGHTED SPACE WEAPON] to Terry Farrell not wanting to mention working on TV or film at all), but honestly it just made the whole thing really friendly
- on that note, multiple guests said it was the best convention they'd been to in years. I don't have a lot of personal experience with them, but I was talking to a lot of older fans and many of them said this felt a lot like the early days of conventions which were also set in hotels
- being in a hotel made it a) more accessible (and there were So Many fellow disabled Trekkies to prove it!!), b) easier to hang out between activities, and c) just super personable. The guests could hang out in the bar with the fans, there were lots of comfy seats everywhere, and it was very easy to step away if something wasn't your speed.
- not being in London helps the vibes too
- not being Paramount affiliated made the tickets a bit cheaper (much appreciated)
- most of the activities were teamwork focussed. Initially I was a little freaked by that but actually it gave the whole thing a friendly social club vibe
- science talks! Community talks! Asking the actors questions about their lives and work outside of what they're most famous for! Stories we haven't all heard a thousand times!
- I'll make another post about the specifics of accessibility and why I liked this infinitely more than the official ones in London aircraft hangars, but I just really have to stress how important I found that here
- being fan organised and fan led, the focus was on us and how much we love this shit. I didn't find the old format Bad in this respect, but this really did hit different
- J G Hertzler is seriously the coolest person I've met. He stole my craft group's batleth and we couldn't be happier about it.
- So Many Cool Cosplays!!! Shout out especially to the drag queens, the older man cosplaying Admiral Janeway, the Voyage Home Spock and inflatable whale, the power chair decked out to look like a shuttle, all the babies in uniform, the tribble queen in her tribble pelt dress, all the Klingons who didn't artificially darken their skin, the furry doctor from lower decks, all of the Borg, the Klingon pug with a plush batleth, and so so many others I'm forgetting ❤️🖖❤️
Notes for Future Cons
- If you don't already have access to it because of an expensive ticket, I wouldn't bother paying for the opening ceremony. It's not actually at the start of the event and also it's literally just the actors coming on stage, saying hi, then rushing back to the autograph tables. Do go to the closing ceremony though! There's way more of a point to those
- If you're not a huge extrovert, already drunk, or completely happy in awkward situations, I wouldn't recommend being the first in the door at the parties. Give it an hour or so - they sounded very lively later on, but when I tried to go in earlier the primary school disco vibes were off the charts. Plus the music's too loud to actually talk to anyone, and no one's dancing yet. I did see one guy run past with a portable charger for his friend in a wheelchair that lost power on the dance floor though, so clearly they got cooler later on lol. Addendum here that I'm an autistic non drinker so that might colour things.
- to the white folks darkening their skin for generic Klingon cosplays, reconsider that one next year
- to the white guy wearing brown face paint to cosplay Worf specifically, what the fuck, man??
- to the person who boo'd the mention of Julian/Garak at the LGBTQ+ panel, fight me but also maybe skip whatever the equivalent is next year cause Andy Robinson's booked to come
- host mocked Scottish accents a couple times :(
- here's hoping the unions will have their demands met and we'll be able to talk about Star Trek publicly with actors who can access healthcare and pay their rent. But if not, at least we know the con will still be fun.
- maybe see you in Blackpool next July 💙
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gemini-care-barr · 7 months
For Barry and Hal-
What fandoms or franchises do you think they are in or follow? Could be podcast related, Reddit forums they are a part of, movie sequels or trilogies or novels!
Definitely something that should be mentioned more in canon comics so let’s use this as a manifesting moment by detailing it out 🤭
Right off the bat, I have to make it clear to absolutely everyone that Barry is 100% a Trekkie and Hal is most likely a Star Wars fan. And while we’re on the most heated sci-fi debate, I’ll add that once Hal and Barry became friends and Barry learned more about the Green Lantern Corps he undoubtedly introduced Hal to Star Trek and successfully convinced him that it was the superior sci-fi franchise, we stan two Trekkies 😜
Now then, I don’t think Hal would be very into book series or fantasy in general but he’d definitely have a particular interest in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy and I think he’d try Game of Thrones and The Witcher because of everyone’s recommendations but would probably not like it very much. He’s the noble-type though and would be pretty easily convinced to read the Lord of the Rings books (including the Hobbit and Silmarillion) because of the nobility of the characters and story. Same reasoning goes for Donita K. Paul’s DragonSpell series. He’d also probably be into the writings of Henry David Thoreau, Ernest Hemingway, and Raymond Carver, not hugely into them necessarily but if he was super bored and he had access to their stuff he’d dig it haha. His favorite poem would also probably be Tennyson’s In Memoriam A.H.H.. I don’t see him being too into podcasts, but he’d definitely like rock bands like Foreigner and AC/DC. He’s also definitely into movies more so than tv shows and would love movies like The Right Stuff, Top Gun, Braveheart, The Patriot, John Wick, most blockbusters classics really, and probably anything with Bruce Lee haha. He’d probably think anime/manga was for nerds until someone pointed out that Dragon Ball Z was, in fact, an anime then he’d realize they can be pretty cool hahaha. And with video games, I’d say he absolutely doesn’t have the patience for long form RPGs but can probably be convinced to play some FPSs with friends like Call of Duty and Halo lol. Basically, this was a long way of saying that Hal is probably more sporty, not in an obsessive fan of sports way, mind you, just that he participated in mostly sports growing up and even as an adult probably prefers hanging out playing baseball with kids (Adams’ GL run has an adorable scene of just that) rather than watching/reading/listening to anything so essentially he’s just not very media-obsessed; he’s a doer! He also probably wouldn’t participate in the fandoms of any of the media he does consume because he cares more about engaging with the media itself rather than about others’ thoughts and feelings on it haha.
Onto Barry, honestly, Barry is kind of tougher for me to figure out purely because I feel like he and I are very similar so I’m inclined to list basically all my favorite things and my thought processes haha, but I’ll try to avoid doing that 😝. So, like I said, Barry is definitely a Trekkie, the Federation’s belief in preserving alien lives and lifestyles plus its dedication to exploration and science all appeals to his inner nerd. He probably loves the shows For All Mankind, The X-Files, and Bones because of their science-y natures (he definitely introduced Hal to For All Mankind and it’s one of the shows they watch together haha). We all know he’s a huge comic book fan (shout-out to Pre-Crisis that had him reading Golden Age Flash comics 😜), but I’ll also add that I think this love of Golden Age Flash, thanks to his mom, would have led to his own love of Greek and Roman mythology once he realized where the idea for Jay Garrick’s helmet and shoes came from! A love of mythology would eventually lead to a love of ancient western philosophy and writings then to Medieval romances like the Arthurian legends and the works of Chaucer. Old English stuff would’ve crept in there too starting with Beowulf. He was an old soul from a young age so all these things would’ve caught his eye on trips to the library and the old-fashioned romantic notions and chivalry has definitely stayed with him. All this appreciation for much older works would then slingshot back around to him loving and appreciating more modern works that took heavy inspiration from all this older literature like The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, the Percy Jackson series, the Harry Potter series, the Codex Alera, and the Dresden Files, oh and all the detective novels, just all, from Doyle, Christie, Poe, Hammett, etc. then when he found foreign detective fiction he’d go mental and just read them all haha. He’d also probably read the Remo Williams and Jack Reacher book series and convince Hal to do the same! I’d say he’s also into old movies and classic tv shows because they all make him feel good with their sweet morals and happy endings. He’s probably not much of a gamer except for the ones with good stories, he’s too interested in learning new things to just watch someone else play though, if a game’s story interests him then he’s definitely playing it himself. Mass Effect is probably one of his secret favorites. He’s super into podcasts, anything informational and/or scientific, probably conspiratorial and/or true crime stuff, too, if for nothing else than to help him get inspiration on how to approach his own cases, he may even try and solve some cold cases that he hears about (he’d probably stumble across Black Box Down then convince Hal to listen with him haha). He definitely grew up with both the Pokémon TCG and show and was actually aware that it was an anime so is likewise somewhat into other very popular anime/manga like Naruto. Music would be jazz (he’d try and fail to get Hal into it, too, see: New 52 Flash’s Annual #2), 60s rock like the Beatles and the Monkees, and probably 80s pop like the Culture Club, oh and Air Supply (which is also Hal’s guilty pleasure band hehe). He likes sports a lot, both playing and watching, but was still more likely to be found reading/watching/listening to something rather than playing; still, the same way Hal can be convinced to play a video game in order to hangout with friends, Barry can be easily convinced to join in some sporty endeavors if it’ll mean bonding with a friend or loved one. Finally, like Hal, I don’t see him engaging too much with fandoms, he’d probably try when he was younger but wouldn’t find too many people who were into the same things then when he did find people things would devolve into arguments instead of just joy for whatever the thing was so he eventually would resign himself to just enjoying the thing itself, our Barry is a soft boy 🥹. He likes discussion though so once he found people who were his safe space they wouldn’t be able to get him to shut up hahaha.
…I …I can’t believe I wrote this much ahahah 😅. I swear I wasn’t going to get this involved! I was just going to name a few popular franchises that each would be into, but then I started thinking about mediums and how they’d appreciate different ones and then… all this came out lmao 😅😂. I apologize for the long walls of text! Just remember: this is your fault 😜
(Note: forgot to say, Barry would 100% be into Jurassic Park (books and movies) and would convince Hal to read the books (he definitely already watched and loved the movies)!
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goofyjelly · 8 months
I followed your main because I want to see Gilmore Girls content even if we're not mutuals that way and I feel like you should know that ALSO POST LORELAI RORY CONTENT THAT I CAN REBLOG WITH my dumb hot takes
Fhakfnskdn I will; I LOVE Gilmore Girls!!! I've been on a huge star trek kick these past few months, so ive been reblogging the heck outta trekkie posts.
that being said I'm now planning on rewatching a few GG episodes later , so I might post about that lol ✨✨
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LOL, OMG, okay, it's too long and involved for a chat message anyway.
So, one of my favorite co-workers is a woman named A. She's exceptionally cool, and has lived a very interesting and varied life. In part of her past life she lived in L.A. and worked as an accountant at Paramount. Everyone loves the accountants, it seems, as they get the paychecks signed. One of her principle projects was doing the books for Star Trek: Voyager, and that was a perfect job for her, because she's also a huge Trekkie. She has lots of great stories about the people from that show. But, you're not here for that!
Okay, so, around 2000-ish after a bad divorce my friend moved into a free guest house in the Hollywood Hills owned by a friend of hers. The friend and her husband were leaving to live in Europe for two years, and needed someone to stay on the property and look after things. You know, water plants, make sure no one broke in, let in gardeners, etc. So, my friend got to live there free on the property for doing this.
Well, her friend's neighbors just happened to be... Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, early in their marriage. Her friend had told her ahead of time, just treat them like normal people and don't act weird about it. A. would see Brad in his garage alot, with the doors up, while she was walking her dog; they'd nod and say hello, and just act like normal neighbor acquaintances. No big whoop.
One day while A. was coming home from being out shopping she bungled the security code input. The whole system started screeching to high heaven. She panicked, and was trying to reset the system but failing. Who should come sprinting - sprinting! - over and through the front door but her thoughtful neighbor, Brad Pitt. He was genuinely concerned that someone had broken into the house and offered to check through the house for intruders while she waited at the door. A. was completely flustered, because here was totally earnestly worried Brad Pitt looking at her, and she kept punching the code in wrong. But, literally - he offered to go through the house and look for intruders! But she told him, don't worry, I'm just an idiot who got the code wrong, it's not a problem! He said, "Okay," and went back to his own property. She finally managed to get the system reset before the police showed up, and after multiple calls from the security company.
And, of course, now every time she tells that story she ends with - Why didn't I ask him to check the bedroom! *pause for laughs*
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stitching-in-time · 5 months
Voyager rewatch s1 ep1: Caretaker
I'm finally doing it- I'm re-watching all of Star Trek: Voyager from beginning to end, in order, for the first time since it originally aired!
I've watched re-runs many times in the intervening years, but never in a complete and methodical way (including episodes I hate and usually avoid- pray for me lol) and now I'll also be recording my observations on tumblr!
I have a love-hate relationship with Voyager, since I feel the writing was extremely uneven, but I'm definitely on the side of love for the show, overall. I'll critique it and be snarky about the bad stuff to high heavens, but it's still one of my formative childhood Trek shows, and I'll always be loyal to it.
First up: Caretaker (long post behind cut)
The two hour special pilot was an event back in the day, and you can tell they spent a ton of money on it, and it still looks good. (I had forgotten all about the little opening info text, lol, like it's Star Wars, and we're some general audience unaware of Star Trek lore. But they were still hoping to bring in a general audience beyond Trekkies back then- does anyone here remember how Voyager was the show that launched the UPN network? Or is that just obscure trivia to the baby Trekkies now??)
Voyager was the first Star Trek series I actually remember watching the premiere of, since I was too young to remember the premieres of Next Gen and DS9, though I was surely in the room while my mom watched them. But I was a proper Trekkie by the time Voyager came around, and as a little girl, having a woman captain on a Star Trek series for the first time was a big deal. And from the first moment Captain Janeway appeared on screen with her Katherine Hepburn voice and full-on Gibson Girl hairdo (in the 24 century no less, what an icon!), she commanded every scene, and I loved her instantly. I can never watch the first ep without remembering that first viewing. We were all crazy excited, and it lived up to the hype. It's a solid, exciting adventure story, and it sets up the characters and the series premise well. And it might not seem like it now, but I can't begin to describe how fresh and high tech and cool this show looked to us in 1995. The opening credits alone had us all oohing and ahhing like the Webb space telescope images do now. And tbh, it's still really pretty, almost 30 years later. It has more of a movie look to it than most 90s Trek eps, for one thing, the lighting looks different from most of the rest of the series, I should go back and see if it was different designer than they usually used. But the whole scale is just bigger. They were able to fit in lots more locations than a regular ep with the two hour timeslot, which gives it a grand adventure/quest sort of vibe. Wherever they filmed the Ocampa city scenes was huge and looked nicely futuristic, it really added to the big movie feel. (I'm suspecting part of it at least was a shopping mall, since there's a scene where Janeway and crew are literally riding on an actual escalator. Lolwut?) The matte paintings as well are just goregeous. I will forever and always stan old Trek's matte paintings of alien cites, they're so beautiful and atmospheric and so full of cool tiny details that usually get overlooked in CGI.
I'd forgotten how Tom Paris-centric that first ep was. Looking back, I can imagine the predominantly white male writer's room desperately clinging to their one white male character for dear life, since they were already stretching their little brains to figure out the whole 'woman captain' thing, and were probably having a hard time identifying with a woman lead character because patriarchy, so they had to fall back on Paris, who I think actually ended up being the character with the most POV scenes in the first ep. (Apparently Robbie McNeill was second on the call sheet for the pilot, according to Garrett Wang on their Delta Flyers podcast, so they apparently thought of Paris as the second lead going into the series.) I don't feel sorry for the writers at all though, and I don't forgive them for the weirdly racist lines they gave Paris in this one- I'm ignoring it and casting it out of canon in my mind the same way I do for the crazy sexist lines that get tossed out in the original series every other ep. Obviously they were trying to make Paris a bad boy in the beginning, but the stuff about 'can't Native Americans magically turn into animals if they want' (!!) was egregiously racist even in the 90s, and it's incredibly anachronistic for a story that's supposed to be set in a post-racism utopian future where no one would even think something like that, let alone say it, even as a joke.
Luckily Tom and Harry immediately adopting each other as new best buds is adorably sweet from the get go, and already undermining the Tom Paris bad boy narrative. Even in this first ep, half the time Tom is going out if his way to help people, even though at this point he barely knows them. What a rogue! So un-Starfleet! lol
I'd forgotten how creepy the alien abduction scenes were too. They were pretty brief, and that particular sub-plot wasn't well fleshed out, but they definitely ramped up the suspense for sure.
Also I'm now gonna always be a little bitter that the unamed chief medical officer who had one scene before getting killed off was played by Jeff McCarthy. As a huge musical theatre nerd, I've been a fan of his on several cast recordings, and would absolutely have loved to have him on a Star Trek show as a regular, if only! I'm not the hugest fan of the EMH, and Jeff McCarthy can sing too, and how! What we could have had!! (But then they'd have had a hard time selling whitebread little Tom Paris as a lothario next to Jeff and his devastatingly sexy baritone voice lol. Seriously, go listen to him on the Side Show album and swoon. And per Garrett Wang, Jeff was really nice in real life and gave him encouranging words on set during their scene, aww!)
All the main characters had really nice scenes that gave a nice essence of who they were. I think Harry and B'Elanna were good characters to throw together since they're such opposites, they played off each other really well, and I wish we'd have had more of them working together throughout the series. The only exception to the otherwise good charcter revealing scenes was Chakotay, who just had to make do with complaining about not liking Tom Paris. Unfortunately I think it foreshadowed a larger problem with the writers not really knowing who he is either, but that's a subject to be explored in subsequent episodes.
My biggest disappointment on re-watching is how they failed to make the reason for Voyager being stuck in the Delta quadrant actually make sense. I get that they tried to make it a moral dilemma, and show that Starfleet people are so noble that they'll chose harm to themselves before causing harm to others, but the particular setup here doesn't really work. There's no reason they couldn't have used the array to get home and like, left a bomb on a countdown to destroy the array right after they left, but they didn't even consider it, even though Starfleet officers totally would at least consider possible options. They didn't stay to protect the Ocampa anyway, and eventually when the Caretakers' gifts run out their society is probably going to collapse, so how much good did Voyager really do for them by destroying the array? It might have helped them temporarily, but eventually, and maybe not even that long after, the Ocampa were still gonna end up in a vulnerable position. It kind of makes the whole series seem a little frustrating, in that the main problem is something that didn't really even have to happen at all. (But on the other hand, no wonder Janeway spends the whole series wracked with guilt, yikes.) I truly wish they'd have come up with something that made destroying the array the only possible choice, with absolutely no loopholes, but sometimes in fiction we have to suspend our disbelief and go with it. This is one of those times, so I'll just savor Kate Mulgrew's impassioned closing speech, with her signature soap opera pathos (she's the only actor on the planet who can deliever a monologue and then look off into the distance with a pensive Soap Opera Stare, and I buy it completely. I love her and her face, ugh) and I'll try to ignore the parts of the story that don't work, and keep focused on the things that do. (Which is the mantra I use to get me through like half the episodes lol)
On to episode two!
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moondyad · 10 months
10 characters/10 fandoms
thank you for tagging me! @dendrite66
finally got around to this. it was really hard for me to come up with these?? i never really stretched myself out into so many different fandoms. and most of the ips i like are non-humans/humanoid lol
1. Star Wars - Kylo Ren: i've related to him since I first laid eyes on him in tfa. the trans symbolism, the hating your dad bit, I was like dang he's me fr. he's as close as i've got to a comfort character.
2. Star Trek - Captain Jean-Luc Picard: (yeah i'm a trekkie lol) i totally had a crush on this guy growing up. he isn't even my type, but the overflowing confidence was new for me in a character.
3. Interstellar - Cooper: idk how but my brain managed to over-empathize with what this poor man had to go through. to this day, if i think about/watch the movie there will probably be tears.
4. The OA - Buck Vu: trans king!!!! loved seeing myself in a series. seeing him deal with legitimate trans tm issues but get to escape into a fantastical sci-fi feverdream was so good. also his actor is so cool and went on to play a character in Star Trek too haha
5. The Orville - Commander Bortis: seeing the story of a parent going through the process of non-acceptance to complete acceptance of their child was so powerful. the fact that opening his mind for his child's best interests ended up making him like the very group he used to hate was so satisfying. especially in the sick little "fuck u for having backwards thoughts, but now u found out u actually were repressing feelings for them all along" way.
6. Alien - Ellen Ripley: do i need to clarify why?
7. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Hal 9000: my introduction to ai characters and the possiblity of their humanity. (even the dark side of it)
8. Uglies - Tally Youngblood: kind of a watching your hero become the villain character. this series was my favorite ya book series growing up. i saw myself in her and continued to even after everything that happened. which honestly just goes to show how authentic of a character she was written to be.
9. Game of Thrones - Daenerys Targaryen: what a girlboss. i'm a huge dragon nut so of course if a character's symbol is dragons, i'm instantly drawn to them. i support her and her manslaying agenda. (until the last season)
10. The Walking Dead - Hershel Greene: i fell hook line and sinker for this guy's rough on the outside, soft on the inside characterization. he's such a random character for me to have ended up enjoying so much, but to this day he's my fave of the series.
i've seen everyone's takes on this post pop up all over my dash for the past few days, so i think i'm too late to tag new people. but if you see this and weren't tagged, do it!!
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Oh hi, I hear there’s a Lower Decks server?
To my knowledge there are three!!
edit: throwing a read more options here lol
This one is owned by my good friend Loo (and I help mod on it). Tragically, it's mostly dead due to most of the mods being busy with irl things and a couple of bigger servers currently existing. However, we are happy to have you if you join!
I'm on this one, but I'm never active so I can't tell you how big or active it actually is.
If you're looking for a hugely active server right now, this is the one I recommend. I'm also on this one (also not very active lmao), but to my knowledge it's the current big one. I think it's mostly ship based (Marinler, Tendiford, etc.) but there should be some general channels if you're not into the shippy parts of Lower Decks.
All three of these communities are great. Good luck, have fun!!
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amphibifish · 1 year
Idk why but I'm gonna give you my Avenue Q headcanons. This is only for the puppets lol
Princeton: bi and trans, bought a Hello Kitty plush for Kate on her birthday.
Kate: bi, mostly dates women, loves the plush Princeton got her.
Rod: gay (canon), fav musical is Wicked, and yes I made it Wicked because irony.
Nicky: bi, has a crush on Rod doesn't realize it yet.
Trekkie: pan, has a bf but no one believes him, his bf is Lucy's bro because why not (His name is Lars and he's an oc), deep sleeper.
Lucy: pan and demiromantic, has a brother who's a year younger then her, they have classic sibling rivalry.
✨️b o n u s✨️
Lars (oc): gay, is in a weirdly very healthy relationship with Trekkie, is the one who managed to get Trekkie to start sleeping and having a sleep schedule.
I just thought it'd be fun lol
i'm glad so much of the fandom thinks princeton is trans and/or bi he just gives off those vibes yk ALSO KATE IS A HUGE SANRIO FAN METHINKS !!!!! also demiromantic lucy is honestly such a good concept 2 think about. ALSO I LOVE TREKKIE/LARS !!! they sound like a cute couple n i would love 2 hear more abt lars !!! :D
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clementine-kesh · 1 month
For the ask game- 6, 8, and 21?
6. Favourite alien race?
trill or andorians babey!
8. Are you a nepo baby? (has Trekkie parents/uncles/siblings)
yeah lol, my mom is a huge scifi nerd and tng is one of her all time faves. she ordered the full boxset off of ebay when my brother and i were kids and we would all watch it together
21. What piece of widely accepted fanon do you disagree with?
in general i like playing with a wide variety of takes on a character’s sexuality but i actually do feel somewhat strongly that tom paris is not bi, he’s gay
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hapapapa-go-noir · 2 years
Awwww this return of the owl house was so adorable Amity putting the teabag in wrong was a treat
I love everyone's new style too!
I like Caleb/Hunter with long hair but I get why he didn't dig it lol. He has strong wolf kid energy and it's great it was addressed 😂 it's so cool how much he's changed and developed. He misses Darius 🥺
Huge hat tip to Camilla being so supportive and protective of Luz's quirks and cool weird interests AND her doing alllllllll that research in to how to best parents the kids whether through diet or sexuality❤️ and it's done so naturally too! Shit was dope to see
Theories galore brewing up and some that I'm sure of now. Like how if it's just those 4 glyphs but you can stack them to achieve the desired results, there's definitely a time&space spell. I mean, that's basically what the door is, except it seems more powerful and permanent?
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k--havok · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
@ceph-the-ghost-writer tagged me in this game which I am so happy for since I've seen it being passed around for a bit now!
A lot of my mutuals have done this game but I'll see if I can tag some new people: @dogmomwrites @atlasprieto @saintedseraph @rachaellawrites @menagerie-of-monsters @faelanvance @winterandwords @writing-moth and an open tag for you!
Alright, let's get to it then!
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am named after a Star Trek character since my mom is a huge trekkie!
2. When was the last time you cried?
Um probably the other day when I yawned really big, it makes me tear up haha. Before that, not sure. Probably when I had a meltdown back last Sunday if that doesn't count.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, not at the moment. And unfortunately due to the yeehaw state this choice has been taken away from me :) thanks Greg.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It's my main language unless I'm at work.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
This is gonna sound bad but usually their age and physical ability. But I also work in a hospital so usually I need to immediately see whether or not the patients will be needing any assistance on any given day. Beyond that, I'm a face person so usually a person's facial features.
6. What’s your eye color?
Boring brown unfortunately.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
You say this as if scary movies cannot have happy endings. But honestly it matters on my mood. Scary movies are like a comedy to me so even if it's not happy for the characters, I'm usually busting a gut.
8. Any special talents?
I can fold my tongue backwards and flat against itself. I think that counts?
9. Where were you born?
North Texas (yeehaw)
10. What are your hobbies?
Well... writing, reading, digital art, Magic: The Gathering, video games (I like a wide variety), cooking/baking, building Legos, and sex/BDSM if I'm being honest lol
I want to get into painting mini figures too altho my hands shake. Haven't had the time to sit down and start yet tho!
11. Have you any pets?
I currently have two wiener dogs that are the loves and lights of my life.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
...Marching band IS a sport and it is a hill I AM willing to die on. I played clarinet! But that's it... I am hopeless when it comes to most sports due to how clumsy I am.
13. How tall are you?
65" or 5' 5"
14. Favorite subject in school?
So high-school wise that's easily History if I am being honest. (Partially because it was the only class that wasn't "flipped classroom" and I didn't have to write bullshit essays). I also really liked biology but unfortunately my teacher(s) HATED me since I never paid attention in class but still got all As.
In college... I really enjoyed my Anatomy and Physiology class. I also took a class on ECG/arrhythmias and I really liked it as well. I also really enjoyed my American History classes in college and my Creative Writing elective.
15. Dream job?
I am blessed to be currently working my dream job. It's a tiny and niche field tho so I'll leave it up to ya'll to figure out what I do based on context clues.
That being said, in the future I do want to eventually get my license to do EEGs. Also debating on getting a degree in Respiratory Therapy as well, but mainly to make more money if I continue to work with CPAP patients. I lean more into the neuroscience of my field rather than the respiratory/cardiovascular side tho. Plus I wouldn't have to go back to school to get licensed in EEG, which is nice.
Lots of decisions but I have the rest of my life to figure it out so I'm in no rush.
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