#human!Beastars AU
jknerd · 1 year
Multiverse Character: Ichabod Crane
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Full Name: Ichabod Crane Nicknames: Mr. Crane, Ickie, Widows’ Heartbreaker Gender: Male Age: 30s Occupation(s): School teacher, Music teacher/tutor, dance tutor, demon/ghost hunter (occasionally) Family: Katrina van Tassel (lover->wife), Baltus van Tassel (father-in-law) Likes: Teaching his students, reading, diverse cuisine, singing, dancing, composing songs, Katrina van Tassel Dislikes: Harmful Bad luck/supernatural beings, his students in distress Character Ichabod Crane is a new teacher from New York, teaching students in music and dancing. Tall—reaching to 190 cm—and lean, he is known for natural talent in teaching, singing and dancing. According to teachers and student parents, he has strange magic to change boring choir concert into enthusiastic and lively gospel performances, making students listen to him, and is always swarmed with his admirers. During weekends, he would help the single mothers by spending time with their children and singing for their babies, hence earning positive reputation. Female students would occasionally flirt with him, because he was unlike any “jocks” or “inferior wannabes” for they are fallen by his mature demeanor. Children likes to hear a lot of ghost stories, urban legends, and cautionary tales from him. Currently, he is married to Katrina van-Tassel. According to the story of him and his wife, Ichabod was once Katrina’s music teacher during her teenage years and she had enormous romantic feelings for him, dumping the jock student Brom Bones for him and would blush whenever Ichabod compliments her. Additionally, it was Katrina who asked him out when they met again after her graduation from university as her father approved of him. In Hey Arnelle AU: In episode “Hots for Teacher”, Ichabod Crane has become a substitute teacher for music/drama in behalf of Mr. Simmons and Arnelle—in her Freshman Year—has developed a huge crush on him. She would write his names on her music notebook and gets embarrassed when her friends teased her of her crush on Mr. Crane. Though, Helgo doesn’t show distaste towards the teacher as the said man appreciates his artistic talent. Eventually, it is revealed that Ichabod is married to a wealthy Dutch beauty Katrina van Tassel. Katrina bonded with Helgo as she confessed she loved her husband ever since she was his high school student. In Fairly OddParents AU: Mr. Crane was introduced as Mr. Bickles’ best friend during their school years and has willingly accepted the offer to help Dimmsdale school in drama production. Admiring him, Timmy made a wish that Mr. Crane becomes a permanent teacher in Dimmsdale. When her wish was granted, she struggled to find a right timing to impress him as he was usually surrounded by his admirers—female students & teachers, even the single mothers! Jealous Tristan, Vernon, and other boys—angry that Ichabod has stolen Timmy’s attentions—formed their organization to get rid of him. Alarmed, Timmy sabotaged them while successfully canceled her wish. When she admitted she likes him, Mr. Crane kindly thanked her for enjoying his class and she blushed as he kissed her hand in polite manner, provoking the boys’ jealousy. In Courage the Cowardly AU: Ichabod Crane was introduced as Uncle Fred’s schoolmate. He was in Middle of Nowhere to teach teenage choirs a song for Halloween and encountered Courage who found his missing musical notes. Recently, there has been incidents where people were disappeared without a trace except pieces of pumpkins left behind. Learning the legendary horseman was targeting Ichabod Crane, Courage decided to make a trap for the Headless Horseman, only to reveal it was Brom Bones who was jealous of Ichabod’s marriage to Katrina. Seeing his fair, Uncle Fred proceeded to trim all of Brom’s hair. In Grimm Adventures of Billie & Manny AU: Mr. Ichabod Crane has become a music teacher in Endsville and has gained huge popularity as most attractive teacher, much to Mindwell’s dismay. Brom Bones was portrayed as PE teacher who has known Ichabod Crane and was bitter about him married to Katrina. When the Headless Horsemen led the army of pumpkin-headed/headless zombies, Ichabod displayed a surprising combating skills, defending Endsville against them as his enemy the Headless Horsemen yelled “WHAT THE FUCK?! HE’S AN EMO! HE’S A TWINK!! KILL HIM!!”, but all his army were permanently dead. Grima was impressed as her boss was thinking of recruiting Ichabod Crane as new reaper if he passes away. In Camp Lakebottom AU: Ichabod Crane has a cameo appearance as camp choirs critic with connections to recording company. When Jorah and Sully’s choir team performed, he wasn’t impressed with it due to their lack of musical talent. However, when Mackenzie, Sakurako and Gregory’s team performed, he was satisfied with their passion and talent, thus, announcing the Camp Lakebottom as winning team of Camp Choirs competition. In Gravity Falls AU: According to this universe, Ichabod Crane was actually named after his ancestor who served in US Army during War of 1812 along with Pines Twins’ ancestor. Dipporah has developed a crush on him when he was teaching teenage choirs of Gravity Falls for the Pioneer Day, but was devastated to know he is married. In Danni Phantom AU: Ichabod Crane work as music teacher in Casper High, gaining popularity as attractive individual. Danni considered him as second attractive adult next to Vlad Masters. Noticing her singing voice, Ichabod offered her a solo part for the choir. However, as the Fright Knight continuously disrupt the students’ rehearsals fighting Danni, new masked ghost hunter in motorbike showed up. Danni was surprised it was none other than Ichabod Crane, archenemy of Fright Knight who would nearly gets successful in exorcise the ghostly knight. In As Told By Gin AU: Ichabod Crane work as music teacher in Lucky High. He became Carly’s crush when he overlooked her harmless yet practical jokes while complimenting her drumming skills. Also, he teaches Curtis, Mir and Miki with their chorus/vocal lesson after school. Though, Curtis pouts in jealousy when Gin blushed by Mr. Crane’s compliments. In Spongebell AU: During working hours, Octavia fell in love with Ichabod Crane who helped her up when she nearly hurt herself falling on a floor. She becomes more attracted to him as both share love for music as they become friends. While Larry was heartbroken by this, William was insanely jealous and attempted to sabotage the music teacher, believing Octavia will stop liking him once he “no longer able to sing”. However, William was brutally beaten up by Katrina, Ichabod’s wife. While heartbroken of this discovery, Octavia remained friends with Ichabod. It is further revealed that Ichabod loves the burgers, he become Mrs. Krab’s favorite customer. In An, Ann & Anny AU: As substitute teacher of Peach Creek High, Ichabod Crane has become a most popular teacher as An, Ann and Anny admire him, developing a crush much to Rolf, Kevin, the Kanker Cousins’ dismay. An attempts to impress him by carrying his heavy books, Ann tries by getting perfect grade in his class, while Anny does by trying to look physically attractive. However, they were disappointed once they realized he is married to a beautiful woman Katrina Van Tassel. In Disney Retelling AU - Legend of Sleepy Hollow: Setting in modern times, it takes place when he was hired as teacher in Sleepy Hollow High. Beloved by students of Elementary to High school years, he become a popular queen bee Katrina’s crush, much to Brom Bones’ jealousy. Then, it is revealed that Ichabod Crane is a believer of superstitions and legends. The episodes most likely shows Brom Bones attempt to sabotage or humiliate Ichabod Crane in order to taint the teacher’s popularity and have Katrina for himself, but always ended up have his plan foiled by every circumstances. In Spy X Family AU: In the universe of Spy X Family AU, Ichabod Crane is a music, performing arts teacher in Eden College. Formerly, he was a tutor of Eden college mothers’ choir and for Demetrius’ opera lesson. When he worked in Eden college, he formed a quick bond with children of Cecile Hall as he has good friendship with Henry Henderson who often compliments “VERY ELEGANT” at his antics. When Damian had a fight with other students to take a solo part in order to impress Anya, Mr. Crane gave him good advices to reconcile with them. When Anya struggled to learn how to dance, he held her up and dances much to her joy and Damian’s jealousy. Later, he was invited to have dinner with Forger’s family, but it was Loid and WISE’s plan to gather information of Desmond family from him. However, Ichabod Crane expressed suspicion as he asked Loid why he keeps asking about Damian and his family instead of his own child’s academic/social/health. Catching his suspicion, Anya told him about her first day meeting Damian and lied that she talked a lot about him to her father. Eventually, Ichabod let go of his suspicion. In human!Beastars AU: In Cherryton Academy, Ichabod Crane is portrayed as music teacher, supervising musical clubs, dancing clubs, and other artistic extra curriculum. When the Drama club is preparing for musical performances, they would ask for his help with soundtracks and songs. Two of Legoshi's roommates Miguno and Durham has Mr. Crane as their homeroom teacher. Legoshi couldn't help but seems similarities and differences between him and Louis; while both are attractive and popular individuals, Louis is more of a man with firm authoritative charisma while Mr. Crane is a soft-spoken and polite gentleman.
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robo-milky · 8 months
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[Quick Sketch]
Oops… added colour while looking at what coats would suit him and I’d die for the woof woof 😭😭
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Things that i wasnt gonna post if i dont do it now
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au stuff
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practice stuff
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more au stuff
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and at last oc stuff
+ gay stuff
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gwagwagwagoogoo · 1 year
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see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
some world-building stuff for my danganronpa monsters and mythics (mnm) au
long post below vvv i should space this out to different posts but i dont want to. so.
society stuff:
there are nonsentient 'monsters', as in, non-human creatures that are so rare in human populated areas or are hard to be perceived by humans due to magic, they end up being considered myths
re: above point, these creatures may either be wild or cultivated like livestock for sentient species (i.e: harpies raising pegasi specifically for meat)
all species mostly have their own societal structure. there are cases where there may be cross-interaction between different species, but most of the time humans are excluded from these
re: above point, not all interactions are neutral or have good intentions. i.e: vampires and werewolves have traditionally feuded, humans have been preyed upon by kitsunes and harpies
humans have been considered one of the weakest and 'the most paranoid' species, given how so few humans can use magic compared to other species
humans in general have a hard time mixing with other species. most of them can't perceive or understand magic so it becomes a strange and unnatural concept, which creates a sense of fear. only in modern times has there been attempts to integrate humans to nonhuman society
the official title of 'monster-hunter' is a purely human concept. traditionally hunters were used to eradicate non-human creatures for the sake of protecting humans, nowadays they try to settle issues between humans and non-humans and only resort to violence when necessary
monster-hunters are also tasked with minimizing contact between non-human creatures and human populations and preventing spread of knowledge. this is both intended as 'a way to protect humans' and also 'a way to protect the profession'
(most monster-hunter organizations suck btw they're like the cops of this world. but solitary hunters exist and they can either be like vigilantes or. cop +)
hope's peak academy traditionally has taken in exceptional students of different species, excluding humans, though it has had human instructors
latest class of hpa has, on jin kirigiri's instruction, numerous students of partial or entire human descent. specifically, this year's class aimed to recruit students who have some link to humans, whether by bloodline or just living in human societies
it's kind of like 'mairimashita! iruma-kun' where it's a bunch of demons of different races with different abilities and cultures all living under one roof and then there's one human guy who can't do magic or fly or anything (makoto)
cultural stuff:
many species carry the belief of consuming something and gaining its power. some species will make it a ritual thing, i.e: a dragon eating another dragon's heart to gain strength and magic, a vampire drinking another vampire's blood to symbolize dominance/transference of power and title
the implications and potential taboo of eating sentient creatures of other species varies. traditionally, this sort of thing was fine and normalized - nowadays, especially in places with many different species residing, it's less accepted to hunt others for the sake of eating
with that said, among nonhumans it's considered a sign of friendship/love/trust to give someone permission to eat you if you die
kinda like beastars i guess but the instinct to hunt or be hunted isn't as big a factor or an obstacle for cross-species interactions
similarly, some monster-hunters groups will take trophies as a symbol of growing stronger or use nonhuman parts as tools. some will even eat what they hunt - this is usually less smiled upon among non-humans because it's considered killing for the sake of killing, and disrespecting the dead
the word humans use for nonhumans is 'monster', but all other species usually also have a word to refer to 'everyone else'
cross-hybrids, especially with humans, are usually inclined to have some genetic troubles because of it. because of that they are usually shunned and disregarded - the same goes for those who grow too fond of humans
humans in general are considered weak, ignorant and needing to turn to trickery and dishonorable methods to make up for their general lack of magic. hence another reason intermarriage with humans is frowned upon
not a small amount of species have and will hunt humans for sustenance. several have evolved to specialize to hunt humans
monster-hunters will sometimes use another human as bait. because of moral concerns, nowadays monster-hunters mostly use human-like artificial beings instead. but now there's conflict on whether this is ethical, as making a convincing artificial human requires the parts of other humans
humans are the most populous species on the planet. because of this, the spread of human cultures may end up drawing from or adding to the cultures of the other populations around them (i.e: legends and myths about various species may influence how that species chooses to portray itself around humans)
some species may choose to live among humans to take advantage of them, to consume them or otherwise
re: above, because of this there is also a lot of linguistic 'borrowing' between species. i.e: species that reside in japan might communicate in japanese or a language derived from that. vice versa, many human languages have words, characters, phrases etc that might be borrowed from nonhuman languages
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faolanmoon120 · 1 year
Leviathan’s ( Day early) Birthday but make it Wildslide
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Tbh I couldn’t decide to make Faolán or Levi Legoshi since Faolán’s name literally means “little wolf” and their eyes are modeled after Legoshi. But then I said “fuck it” and made Levi Legoshi instead because of the species dynamic and even more after realizing he has the same birthday as Legoshi and I thought that was funny.
Also I would much rather draw the Cherryton Academy uniforms than the RAD uniforms, RAD has too much detail that I can feel myself getting carpal tunnel syndrome trying to draw them, I’m not joking.
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kimineechan · 2 years
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Posting old art. #HumanAU #Legoshi from #Beastars, inspired on a figure art.
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tweekweek2024 · 2 months
Tweek Week 2024!
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What is Tweek Week? ☕ Tweek Week is an annual character appreciation week dedicated to Tweek Tweak from South Park! 2024 marks our second year running and we can't wait to see what everyone brings to the table. Tag us with your art, fics, playlists, memes, headcanons & more—if it's Tweek related, we want to see it! Tweek Week runs from August 11 - August 17! ❗Tag your posts #TweekWeek2024❗If we somehow missed your post, please shoot us an ask!
📝 Fic writers! You can also add your stories to our AO3 collection under "TweekWeek2024". 📝 Links: Carrd ☕ Guidelines ☕ Twitter/X ☕ 2023 Fic Collection
🎉☕ Thank you to all who participate and enjoy, and here's to another successful Tweek Week! ☕🎉
Below the cut is a written list of prompts with examples ☕
✩ DAY 1 ✩
SUMMER: beach, summer outfits, pool party, fireworks
FIRST DATE: either with a specific partner or ever! Any pairings welcome
✩ Day 2 ✩
SLEEP: napping, pajamas, cuddling
HORROR: zombies, vampires, demons, aliens, yandere, disaster, apocalypse, ghosts, etc.
✩ Day 3 ✩
BAND AU: musician Tweek—in a group or solo!
Y2K: 90s/00s AU, fashion, turn of the century party, etc.
✩ Day 4 ✩
GENDERBEND: different genders or forms of expression!
SUPERHEROES: Wonder Tweek, Superman—Tweek as any hero, magical girl, or even guy rescued by a hero
✩ Day 5 ✩
ANIMALS: pets, familiars, animal/human hybrid AU (like Beastars), anthro
FANTASY AU: Stick of Truth, Barbarian Tweek, witch Tweek, dragon Tweek, Robin Tweek
✩ Day 6 ✩
HOBBIES: sports, art, gardening, arts and crafts, legos, origami, baking, fishing, meditation
POST COVID: old man yaoi
✩ Day 7 ✩
BIRTHDAY: parties, celebrations, anything birthday-related!
FREE DAY: anything you'd like!
Thank you everyone for submitting prompts! We hope you like what we went with!
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chaos-reader · 22 days
I have a lot of ideas in my little brain so PLEASE tell me if any of them land.
Choso x Reader heavily based on Beastars. Curses would be the carnivores and humans the herbivores
Sukuna x Reader based on Beauty and the Beast with Gojo as Gaston and Suguru as Lefou. The roles can easily be swapped with Gojo as the Beast, and Sukuna as Gaston with Uraume. Hell, I could make Gojo Belle and Suguru the beast, making it a Satosugu story. This is a very flexible idea
Suguru x Reader AU with Deathnote. This can also be a Satosugu story. Suguru would be Light, and L would either be Reader or Suguru
(If some of these ideas get popular, I'll run a poll for the ones with multiple ideas and see which one wins overall.)
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sea-lanterns · 10 days
question about your vet au are the hybrid women are literal animals or they are just human half animal?
They’re half human and half animal! Hence why they are called “hybrids.”
You can imagine them as humans with slight animal features (like kemonomimi) or anthropomorphic animals (like the characters in Beastars). I really don’t mind how you interpret their appearance, but their bodies are mostly human with animal characteristics :)
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satancopilotsmytardis · 8 months
Mer!Shigadabi Au things~
Language barrier
Dabi: lionfish + black tipped reef shark hybrid
Shigaraki: giant octopus + stonefish hybrid
Dabi has two internal claspers that make an appearance when he's properly ~stimulated~
Romeo and Juliette coded
Dabi's reef: nearly no culture because they are always hunting for food to feed the huge population on their reef. Their entire society is built around making themselves smaller so that the esteemed hunters can protect the reef and fatten their food stores enough to avoid the famine they are always on the verge of.
Shigaraki's reef: way more unique culture, especially sports, music, and history, but that's because merfolk eat each other there and any humans who crash their ships along their reefs.
You know what, it's also Beastars coded tbh
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perpetualexistence · 7 months
Tell us about your other Alenoaheather AU(s). I know you have them. 🔫
- Totally not Ophe
Hello completely random anon whose identity will forever be a mystery!
See, with the way you've phrased this, you've actually opened yourself up to a few options. I'll tell you a little bit about each one and you can tell me which one you want to learn more about first.
Currently unnamed G/T Alenoaheather
Definitely the most detailed AU of the bunch. It's got backstories and character arcs for each of the three. Probably the best way to describe it is Urban fantasy since none of them are (completely) human, but they pretty much live in a modern setting.
It does get dark at times. Think Beastars-adjacent in terms of vibes. Including the murder bits. But it's mostly self-defense or being forced into it, so take that as you will. I will say that it's nowhere near the levels of toxic relationships that something like the Sea Monster AU has. And they do actually improve as people. These three still get drama mind you, but it's from keeping secrets rather than being genuinely manipulative. ...Well. Too manipulative. It does have Alejandro and Heather in it. But it's got fluff moments because fluffy giant/tiny dynamics are precious and must be preserved at all costs.
It's got Alejandro who's a giant-shifter able to grow even larger than most other giant-shifters thank to his Burromuerto heritage. The Burromuertos are a completely upstanding giant-shifter family and definitely don't have any incredibly fucked up family traditions they expect Alejandro to continue.
Noah's a were-mongoose. Werefolk come in a large variety, though mongoose is on the far more uncommon side. Unlike most werefolk, this kid genius actually figured out a way to not completely give into his instincts during full moons. This has absolutely no negative repercussions on his wellbeing.
Heather who's a giant-shifter hybrid unable to grow thanks to her human heritage from her father's side. She's the only one of her siblings unable to grow. She definitely doesn't have a complex about this. But she has managed to find her own way of making herself just as much of a physical threat as her two boyfriends. (Aka the day I take away from Heather's inherent badassery is the day I die.)
Serial Killer AU
It's exactly what it sounds like. With exactly the vibes the name implies. Definitely the darker one. They're just a thriving villain throuple with a body count. It's also mostly Noah-focused so far as I haven't figured out Alejandro or Heather's motivations.
Noah stumbles across a body of a serial killer spree, only to be the first to realize that one serial killer is actually two. Curiosity leads him to investigate...but not for the reasons you'd think.
(For this one that's pretty much all I can share before just going into the whole AU)
And then, on the completed side since might as well dump all the Alenoaheather AUs:
Noah and the Beanstalk
Another giant/tiny AU! This one's actually got its own post already. I don't really have anything else that I didn't already mention in that post. But it's my blog, so I'll advertise my own AUs as I please!
Collab AUs
The Royal Court AU
Originally named The Lords In Black AU because it was originally inspired by me watching an animatic of The Summoning from Nerdy Prudes Must Die. Then it evolved into something far beyond that where the name doesn't seem quite right anymore.
It's got Alenoaheather as the worst teens at school and unashamed about it. ...Until Alejandro goes missing, and nobody else really seems to care. Leaving Heather and Noah to investigate and try their best not to be next.
They fail, but hey, at least they get cool eldritch powers out of it!
This AUs also dark because the premise is them being kidnapped to be used as sacrifices. And it's got plenty of eldritch horror in it. The posts for it are scattered because they ended up going into two separate reblog chains with @total-drama-brainrot and @ur-local-brown-multifandomist. If you look up 'lords in black au' on my blog you should be able to find most of it. I'm going to just centralize it for ease of organization one day. It'll just be. You know. Effort.
Also, @ur-local-brown-multifandomist is currently making a fic for it! It's their first one, so feel free to check it out.
Fake Dating Alenoaheather AU
This one's a collab AU between me and @total-drama-brainrot, a person you have never met because you are a completely anonymous anon. Noah gets caught in between Heather and Alejandro's attempts to make the other jealous by each making him pretend to be their boyfriend. Shenanigans and drama ensue. The posts for this are also scattered and tagged on both our blogs, and one day we might make a fic about it. For now, there actually is someone already making a fic about it that you can feel free to read!
I still can't believe two different people decided to start making fic of AUs I helped create. It's wild, and I'm incredibly touched.
"Why are all of these AUs except for one dark in at least some way?"
I honestly couldn't tell you exactly why my brain works the way it does. It just decided that the two canon villains and one-villain coded teenager deserve to be at least a little feral. As a treat.
Maybe one day I'll have an AU with them that's not so dark. That day will be a surprise to us all.
But yeah, that's all of the Alenoaheather AUs I got! The first two I'm more than happy to go into more detail for if you ask!
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some beastars Girls human Designs
i almost have the whole cast but honestly These are my Favorite (and legoshi but hes next time)
i will later add headcanons or just Canon things and draw them with their whole body but since they have Canon clothes i think they're faces are the Important thing here
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i already decided where they're from but that will be in a different part to make it easier for me
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jadetheblade4 · 6 months
Click for Palestine and other causes here:
Help Dr. Smedar Shabat and her family out of Gaza:
Warning about a certain type of ad from a certain type of app:
HELLO NEW AND OLDCOMERS until my sideblog gets unshadowbanned (or maybe this is permenant sigh), I will be blogging here!! Please follow this account as well if you are following @silly-billy-inc !!!!
☆ For those that don't know me, Hi!! My name is Swirly/Jade/Billy and I'm just a lil' lady doing her best hehe. I'm an objectum aromantic lesbian 🤯🤯🤯 and I use any pronouns!! I'm also 18!! What the freak!! I am but freshly born!! current interest is Dog Man, but I also like a bunch of other things (duh) like uhh InvestiGators and Robot Dreams and Doraemon and Madoka Magica and Beastars and object shows and a bunch of other stuff that I'll list later if I can remember augh...
☆ Y'know the drill, dni pedos, terfs, anti-lgbtq+, zoophiles, zionists, etc. I will block you if you pose any red flags for me.
☆ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me if I'm posting or reblogging harmful stuff, I'm a human just like you and make mistakes and I don't know everything in the whole wide universe to keep myself in check. Don't be afraid to reach out and inform me about this and that, I'm pretty much an open book and will correct my mistakes!!
Here are some lovely links:
☆ Lemon Demon Oc Masterpost
☆ Dog Man: Rewritten Official Blog
☆ Dog Man Emo Au (not set in the subculture)
☆ Jade's Guide To Making Homemade Buttons
☆ My Side Blog (currently shadowbanned, may she rest in peace...)
☆ My Twitarrrrr
☆ How To Report A Pedo ^_^ (not my post but it should be spread more) (if the masterpost isnt there anymore just lmk and I'll post screenshots)
☆ How To Spot Various Scams (Also please tell me if I've ever reblogged or answered an ask from a scammer!)
Uhhh i think thats it have a great day!!!
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themanlykittenkayden · 9 months
A fun hybrid AU project I’m working on at the moment:
- Canon:
Philza- Crow Avian
Bagheera- Duck Avian
Jaiden- Bluebird (Bluejay?) Avian
Bad- Fallen Angel Demon
Mouse- Demon
Tina- Demon
Slime- Slime-shifter
Foolish- Demigod of the Living (part totem, part shark- one of the oldest living creature)
Rubius: Bear?? (I’m sorry I know too little about him)
- My More Fleshed Out Headcannons:
Fit- Just a very, very irradiated dude, Lone Wanderer style
Wilbur- Elf, long living and free spirited, affinity for music and wandering
Pac- Deer (I will admit this has more to do with my love of Beastars than Pac himself, but it’s fitting)
Roier- Arachnid
Etoiles- Wood nymph, Cucumber. (Why Etoiles? Why a cucumber?)
Forever- Dog- Loyal, dedicated, hardworking, all of it to a fault that he is subject to being led astray
Nikki- Cat, Just vibes really, and I see her often depicted as one
Missa- Demigod of Death, wanders between the over and underworlds, guardian and guide to the weak and fragile
Tubbo- Shapeshifter, usually presents a raccoon though
Bagi and Cellbit- Incomplete Shapeshifter*, look mostly human, or like a cat hybrid without the ears or tail, just sharp nails and teeth and strange pupils
Quackity and El!Quackity- Shapeshifter*, presents as a duck avian and cuckoo avian respectively
- Less Concrete Ideas:
Note: I don’t really watch most of the creators from this point so I’m going mostly off secondhand account and vibes
Maximus- A wolf hybrid turned into an automaton via experimentation
Lenay- Water nymph, as suggested to me, based on a comment from Tubbo
Mike- Shapeshifter, just based on vibes
Aypierre- Elf with some wicked automaton prosthesis
Vegetta, Antoine and Mariana- Demigods of Unknown Origin
- Unsure, Ideas and suggestions welcome:
Felps, Kameto, Carre, Pol, German, Willy, Rivers, Luzu
* In this headcannon Cellbit, Bagi, Quackity and El!Quackity are all products of the Federation Hybrid Experiments. The Fed was trying to produce shapeshifters in an attempt to free people from normal physical limitation, and Cellbit and Bagi were produced first but came out incomplete. Later they perfected the concept and produced Quackity and El!Quackity
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adeanthepurpledragon · 8 months
My idea for a Pete’s Dragon AU story
I have an idea for a Pete’s Dragon AU story with Adean as the role as Elliott the Dragon and her best human child friend Billy as the role of Pete except Adean will be a former human now a dragon shifter and Nemo not being a orphan child inslaved by mean guardians or lost in the forest after his parents died, no, I want my human child character being Nemo from the Netflix movie Slumberland be supported by her uncle Philip but wishes to have a friend outside her family like her Uncle Philip and her father Peter who died at sea and was a former lighthouse keeper later to meet a big purple dragon named Adean Eris Micheals who was formally a normal human girl but now a form of a big lovable purple dragon who ventures along with Nemo through different worlds in the Dream Realm as well as different worlds in the waking realm.
Nemo rides on Adean’s back throughout the different realms in both the dream realm as well as the waking realm.
I think Adean and Nemo could be good friends and go on all sorts of adventures together as they meet new friends as well and different creatures while going on different adventures together while Nemo still has a a close relationship with his uncle Philip as well as him getting to meet and know Adean.
I don’t know yet it’s just a story idea that I might need to brainstorm out before I write it online on my Wattpad account but I also want to write other stories too outside of Adean and Nemo’s adventures together traveling to other worlds.
I might want to write other stories like of Brand New Animal, TMNT, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, Pokémon, Digimon, Beastars, Disney and so much more.
So I just made a Brand New Animal of named Vaz Summers a coyote beastman oc that’ll fit in my crossover world of Brand New Animal and TMNT and so on maybe.
But so far I want to do this story of Adean and Nemo’s adventures together, I don’t have a title for it yet but I’ll try to get a good title in once I start brainstorming ideas for my story before I write it on my Storyist app then on my Wattpad account.
@kingnice1219 @drake-the-highlander @jaysmily2919 @alexcanine
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