#human Aeon
teawinx · 2 years
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American goils
I’ve been meaning to draw them again for some time, namely Jessica. I haven’t drawn her civilian form at all since that first redesign And she needed a new fit, and very few people can pull off orange and green
And Aeon hasn’t really changed, I’ve always been happy with my first pass at her. Her civilian outfit has changed. Since she’s 12, I doubt her parents would allow her to get proper decora kei fashion. She’d just grow out of it! So for now she’s content with collecting cute accessories. But she’s got a pinterest full of outfits she wants to recreate. Soon.
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lovetositinsilence · 3 months
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drew this adorable scene from hide us in the shadow by @honey-tongued-devil ✨
go check it out, it’s really amazing
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hydrachea · 8 months
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Do you think god lives in fear of what they've created.
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quimichi · 7 hours
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TW: might seem ooc, we don't know much about them yet lol, i gave them a humanoid/human body, just found out Xipe has 3 faces, lol i never saw it
SUMMARY: They cuddle their lover, most devoted follower...or their equal...
CHARACTERS: Aeons x F!Reader
A/N: bet yall can't guess my favorite aeon + my fav path
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Each arm loops around your body, pulling you close against Aha's chest, your back to THEIR front. A leg is hooked across your hip, trapping you in the tight, warm embrace of all of THEIR limbs. THEY giggle delighted into your neck as THEY try to pull you in even further. You can feel the press of THEIR mouth against the back of your neck, THEIR breath warm like a cat purring against your skin.
"I love you," THEY mutter into your hair, THEIR voice quiet like a prayer. Unusual from THEIR usual loud voice and demeanor. THEY chuckle against your neck, THEIR breath fanning over your skin, sending little tingles down your spine. "I'm gonna eat you," THEY whisper against your ear, voice full of feigned malice, THEIR mouth stretching into a smile against your skin.
"You're mine, now." THEY snicker, their arms tightening around your body as they pull you a little closer, a little tighter, as if THEY could press the air from your lungs. "You're never escaping me...maybe i put you in a cage?" THEY tease, nuzzling the back of your neck, THEIR voice low and gravely in your ear.
"You're mine. Every little bit of you. From those pretty little ears all the way to those cute feet…"
Akivili sighs happily and rests THEIR head against your chest. Every muscle in THEIR body goes lax and THEY practically melt against you. THEY'RE completely and utterly relaxed in your arms. "It's been too long..." you whisper mindlessly. "Too long." A longsuffering sigh escapes THEM as THEY press THEMSELVES closer into your arms, eyes closed blissfully, THEIR ear resting over your heartbeat.
"Much too long," THEY mutter, voice quiet and full of longing. THEY shift a little, moving to bury THEIR face against the crook of your neck, THEIR hair falling over your shoulder, soft as snow against your skin. THEY'RE silent for a few moments, simply breathing in your presence, lost in your scent, in the feeling of your skin on THEIR cheek.
"Trailblazing..." THEY mumble, "we should go again, like all this time before."
"You can't go one second with trailblazing, huh?"
Ena buries THEIR head into your chest and takes a shuddering breath. The sound of your heart beating against THEIR ear calms them like no other sound in the world ever could. It's almost...harmonic. THEY lift a hand and gently place it over the spot where your heart rests, as if THEY might feel life itself passing under your skin.
THEY have come undone, unravelled into the person they truly are. Vulnerable. Soft. And yet they feel safest in your arms. Your love is one of the few things that ground THEM. Your love is only towards THEM, you're loyal, ordered and THEIRS. Ena slowly moves, shifting a little to slide one of THEIR legs between yours. One of THEIR hands begins to wander. THEY can feel you against THEM with every movement they make, the way your body arches at THEIR touch.
"How do you feel human?" THEY ask, voice low and smooth as silk. The hand that is not gently trailing down your arm comes to rest on your hips, gently forcing you to hold still against THEM. THEIR touch is both soft and demanding, THEIR lips slowly working THEIR way down your neck until THEY reach your collarbone. Ena knows every spot to make you shiver, every place to make the heat inside you grow.
THEY continue to speak, although THEIR words are mostly meaningless. "You're mine. Don't forget that you are."
Fulis chest is hard and cool to the touch, like glass. You can't feel THEIR heartbeat— there is no pulse beneath your fingertips. Fuli is still as a statue beneath you, only THEIR breathing telling you he's alive. The way THEIR chest rises and falls is like a wave, slow and measured against your body.
One of Fuli's hands lifts, slender fingers gently tracing along your chin, lifting your face up to meet THEIRS. THEIR eyes—blue like the cold of glaciers, grey as the rain—meet your own gaze.
"Look at me," they murmur. THEIR voice is just as gentle as their touch as they guide your chin up. "I want to look at you."
The hand cupping your chin moves, now, tracing along your jawline. Fuli’s index finger slowly traces just beneath the corner of your mouth.
"I want to crave you into my mind."
The equilibrium blinks, startled, then slowly relaxes, your weight on THEM familiar as the earth. Slowly, THEY bring THEIR hands to rest on your sides.
THEIR touch is unhurried, THEIR breath against your skin quiet. THEY carefully adjust, shifting themselves to make sure that you lie more to the left. Every move is precise, calculated to ensure that no symmetry is ruined. THEIR eyes never leave your face, watching you with the same intense devotion. Once you're settled, THEY fall still, their body taut against yours. THEIR hands continue to rest, feather-light, on your sides. THEY reach for your hair, fingers gentle. THEY carefully card through the strands, fixing it. Both hands move in perfect synchronization, as if the fingers on both were connected.
THEY keep fixing your hair for a long while, their face close to yours.
IX does not protest when you gather them in your arms as you found THEM in this endless black void. You always knew exactly where THEY were. THEIR body stiffens like a statue for a moment, a slight shiver trailing down THEIR spine, then THEY relax in your embrace. THEIR muscles uncoil slowly, until THEY'RE limp against you.
THEY don't pull away. THEY can't bring themself to. Not when THEY'RE warm in your arms. Not when the black void is so quiet around THEM and all they can hear is the soft sigh of THEIR own breaths. IX lifts their head from your chest and props THEMSELVES up on THEIR elbow, looking down at you with silent eyes and a tender expression. THEY lift their free hand to your cheek, THEIR touch feather-soft against your skin.
IX can't speak, bit THEIR actions tell enough. With incredible tenderness, THEY press a slow kiss to your jawline, then your neck.
You are everything for THEM.
THEY is practically lying on top of your body. THEY rest THEIR head on your shoulder, THEIR hair spilling down over your chest as THEY press against you. THEY feel safe here. Right in the crook of your neck, with the weight of your arm around THEM, your warmth surrounding them like a shield.
THEY let out a contented sigh, THEIR eyes fluttering shut as they nuzzle closer to you. "You're so warm," THEY murmur, the words half-hidden in your skin. Idrilla can practically feel your pulse against THEIR forehead, the thump-thump-thump of your heart a constant presence in THEIR ear. It's a comforting beat, steady and strong, like a soothing melody.
THEY rest their hand on your chest, right over your heart. THEIR fingers drum against your skin in time with the rhythm, almost subconsciously, as if to memorize every heartbeat with THEIR touch.
"I'm quite jealous my love, you are almost as beautiful as me...maybe even more beautiful...especially in my eyes and to my eyes only."
Lan is holding you from behind. THEY have one arm wrapped around you, fingers interlocking with yours. THEY have THEIR face pressed into your hair, THEIR breath gentle against your neck.
THEY'RE ’re not moving, merely holding onto you. It’s like THEY don’t want to let you go, even for a moment. Lan is completely silent, just holding you. THEIR fingers squeeze yours gently, THEIR thumb tracing the lines of your own, mapping out the shape of your hand beneath THEIRS.
THEY close their eyes and press THEIR forehead against your neck. Even the sound of THEIR breathing is measured, as if THEY'RE ’re trying to be as still as possible.
"Always," Lan vows. THEY shift behind you, pulling you even closer against THEIR chest.
"Always," THEY say again, a promise that rings in the air. "I'll watch over you. No matter what." Lan keeps you tight against THEM, every part of THEM pressed up against you. It's like THEY'RE trying to make sure you can't get away. "I will keep you safe." THEY say softly, THEIR voice as gentle as summer air.
"No one will harm you, I swear it."
Mythus is holding you in THEIR arms; THEY are wrapped around your waist, THEIR chest pressed against your back. THEY is holding you so, so carefully. Like THEY is scared of harming you even though it is quite impossible
THEY inhale deeply, taking in the scent of your skin, feeling the comforting beat of your heart. Mythus mouths at the sensitive spot behind your ear, teasing it softly with the tip of THEIR tongue.
THEY can feel your shiver; how your body jerks, ever so slightly, at the contact. THEY'RE encouraged, emboldened perhaps, and continue to tease the sensitive skin behind your ear, leaving little nips and kisses across the flesh there. THEY can't help the chuckle that escapes THEM as they see the goosebumps rise on your body. THEY continue to tease the flesh, THEIR teeth worrying at the skin.
"Sensitive one, aren't you?" THEY mutter against your neck.
Nanook is a warm presence beside you, pressing up against your back. One arm slings lazily across your waist, pulling you tight against THEIR chest. Nanook rests THEIR face against the back of your head and sighs. Nanook's arm tightens ever so slightly, shifting you a little closer against THEM. THEY press THEIR head against your shoulder, THEIR silvery hair spilling across your skin.
There isn't a sound in the room but the gentle rise and fall of your breaths; each of Nanook's exhales brushes across your neck like a sigh of contentment.
THEY are perfectly still, as if THEY are afraid you'll bewak from THEIR grip if they move a muscle. THEY don't want to break you ever, THEY want you in one full piece.
"Don't move, or I'll tighten my grip on you."
Nous lies on THEIR side, with THEIR head resting gently in your lap. THEIR eyes are closed, THEIR breathing slow and steady. THEY are completely enveloped by the feeling of your hand on THEIR hair, by the weight of your body next to THEM.
Nous shifts slightly, THEIR hand brushing against your leg. THEY murmur something to THEMSELF, but the word that leaves THEIR mouth is unintelligible. THEY lie still for a moment, THEIR breathing steady, as THEY take in the sensation of your fingers on THEM.
Nous head stays still against your thighs, THEY stay laying as if trying to commit this moment to memory. To remember this feeling.
"Why did your pulse quicken?"
"I know you better than yourself."
Oroboros rests THEIR upper body against your chest, head leaned against your shoulder. The creature curled around you lets out a quiet sound and THEY reach back to gently pat it with a slim hand.
"This is nice," THEY say finally, THEIR eyes slowly fluttering shut. "I could eat you up-! They want it too, ain't that right?"
The creatures let out another sound, a sound of approval. Oroboros's eyelids flutter shut as THEY nuzzle THEIR face into the crook of your neck and nip on your skin. A quiet sigh drifts through the air as THEY relax against you, slender shoulders losing their ever-present stiffness.
THEIR body against yours is surprisingly warm, a gentle heat like the summer sun against THEIR soft skin. The creature wrapped around the two of you lets out a low sound of contentment. The feel of its smooth scales and yours mixed with Oroboro's is an oddly pleasant one....a slimy one.
Qlipoth is lying in your arms, THEIR head resting on your shoulder, THEIR face buried against your neck.
THEIR eyes are closed, the faint puffs of THEIR breaths hitting your skin as THEY hold you close. THEY nuzzle against you, burying THEIR face against you, THEIR arms wrapped around your waist. Qlipoth lets out a soft sigh, completely content in your embrace. THEY press THEMSELVES closer against you, seeking any bit of contact they can get.
THEY bury their face against your neck, the puffs of THEIR breaths ghosting across your skin and heating you from the inside out.
THEY tighten their grip on your waist, almost as if to stop THEMSELVES from letting you go. "I love you," they whisper, voice low and quiet.
"So you need to stay with me."
Tayzzyronth feels complete when THEY are curled against your chest. Your skin is soft to the touch, and THEIR mind is blissfully calm. In the silence of your cuddling, all THEY hear is the sound of your breath, your heartbeat. All that matters is you.
THEIR head is tucked in against your collarbone. "I want a baby," THEY whisper, the words spoken with an almost desperate longing. "Nothing new." "I know." THEY bury themself against you again, nuzzling their face against your neck with a little sigh. "I still want one. I can't stop thinking about it."
Tayzzyronth lifts THEIR head, and THEIR mouth is at your ear as they speak. THEIR voice is hoarse with quiet hunger. "You'd look so beautiful pregnant." THEY draw the tip of their tongue along the edge of your earlobe. "If I did that to you… just the thought…"
Xipe leans closer to you, THEIR hair catching the light and making THEM look almost angelic. THEY rest their heads on your chest and close THEIR eyes, letting THEMSELF melt into your arms. THEY are at peace, here with you.
THEY stay there, listening to the sound of your heartbeat and breathing in your scent. "Your heart..." THEIR voice is little more than a breath, soft enough to shiver in a summer breeze. THEY keep their head against your chest, the sound of your heartbeat comforting like the rhythm of waves on a sandy beach.
"Your heart beats faster with me," THEY murmur. THEY pause, lifting their head to look up at you, eyes shimmering.
"It's like a drum." A pause. Something vulnerable flickers across THEIR face. "It's like you are scared to let me go."
Yaoshi leans closer instinctively and buries THEIR face in your hair, THEIR nose brushing against your neck. THEY don’t speak for a moment, content with simply being close to you.
THEIR lips are soft against your skin.
“You smell nice,” THEY murmur, the words coming out as a low rumble. "So tasty." Yaoshi shifts against you, THEIR arms sliding around your waist. THEY pull you closer, a silent display of THEIR need for you, THEIR want for you.
“I could lie with you forever.” THEY boop your nose. THEIR hands wander, almost idly running up your side, tracing the curves of your body as if THEY want to commit your figure to memory. Yaoshis fingers slip along the exposed skin of your back, pausing to press a palm against your spine.
“You’re mine now."
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nqmonarch · 8 months
Yandere Blade Part2
Don't know why but I feel like Blade would call the reader "fool" (affectionate) like as a petname? Like not degradingly but just Blade is kinda shit at expressing himself (aside from expressing pain) so a lot of the time reader doesn't pick up hints and he's like 'tsk fool...'
But like you're his fool so it's okay. Around anyone else you're not allowed to do such foolish things, what if they take advantage of you? Assuming you're around anyone else alone which is near impossible.
Also reader being like "I want you to die, I'll find a way to kill you." as if it's romantic and Blade being like half flustered half frustrated cause like he wants to die but no way in hell is he leaving you on your own or killing you. And bro's just like "You fool >:(" and reader is like ??? how tf do I read your mind.
Part 1 you don't have to read it if you don't want to but you can :)
TW: Yandere, Violence, Kidnapping
After you left he appeared in your dreams. It was strange, if anything you'd expect it to be a welcoming presence, memories of the past gone by. Yet instead all you could see where hate fueled eyes and his arm twitching struggling to resist the urge to raise his blade. If you were him you'd hate yourself too.
You'd been gone for a while, you were sure the medicine must've run out. You'd spent your time researching the Borisin, another creature "blessed" by Yaoshi. They had incredible healing ability yet could still die, and you didn't see any effects of mara. You'd managed to get aboard one of their ships and while you would've loved the opportunity to research them further and learn about the Abundance's effect on them, you couldn't.
The Borisin weren't well known for being kind, they valued strength above all and preyed on the weak. You were lucky for still being alive on their ship. Although, you were prison you'd learned a bit from observation and your cellmate, curiously enough another person interested in mara. They knew more about it than you.
You couldn't tell their gender, a ragged brown cloak covered them near completely aside from their porcelain pale legs and long blonde hair. They spoke of research projects you'd never heard of, of how livers were where mara gathered in both Foxian and Borisins, and how death of these long life species would come suddenly. When their cells suddenly stopped multiplying.
If you took out Blade's liver would he die? He would be in pain, agonizing pain if it didn't work. Would it even grow back? At this point you were too scared to try anything, in case of another failure. But you had to kill Blade. Maybe you didn't have it in you but you had to for his sake.
"I must wonder..." The voice drawled, a rather raspy quality to it, "Do you hate the Abundance?"
You looked over at the hooded figure, your back pressed against the cool wall of your cell, "Can't hate someone I don't know," You replied, a slight frown on their face, "But I do hate the number of lives they've ruined, even if they meant to save those people, you think by now they would've learned they hurt more than they help."
You'd seen it time and time again, a person lost to mara, set to forget everything in their life and turn on those they love lost in a sea of pain and hate. Getting to know Blade just made you hate it more.
"Didn't they save those lives first? Do you not need to continue helping just to find a way to help without hurting? Surely, in the end all the pain will be worth it." The person spoke slowly, leaning closer to you but not close enough you could see beneath their hood.
"I'd rather die young than lose myself completely," It was personal preference, "Maybe they did, but even if their immortality came without the cost of sanity, it has a cost of its own." You heard footsteps growing louder in between your words, "Sometimes we're too short sighted for our own good." You wished you'd stayed on the Xianzhou Luofu.
You could've told Blade that you couldn't do it, you could've begged him to stay by you anyway. You could've found a way that didn't involve death. But you would be a fool to think there was a cure for mara where the mara struck didn't die. You weren't that dumb. It would've all been empty promises, you would've wasted your life looking for a cure knowing you would never find one. On the other hand there had to be a way to kill Blade.
The stranger let out a sigh, and the footsteps stopped, a shadow hanging over you. One of the guards had come, you weren't sure for what. Perhaps, now that they knew they could kill you without any repercussions they'd come to do that. Yet as you strode out of the cell calmly, following the wolfish person, death never came. You were left to wonder what would have happened if their head hadn't been sliced messily off their body.
It took a moment for you to register it, the warm blood splattered on your clothes, staining them. The scent laid thick in the air and yet you were unaware of who the assailant was. You'd seen a brisk dark figure in the shadows only a moment before it'd happened.
Arms wrapped around your body, holding it uncomfortably tight. Normally, you would've fought back and called the person a creep but you knew who this was. Beneath all the blood was the faint scent of spider lilies. His arms remained still around you, refusing to budge in the slightest. You reached up and went to pull one of his arms down by his forearm but his other hand caught yours and held it tight against his blood soaked sleeve.
"At least let me go so I can see you," Your voice was gentle, and a small smile rested on your lips. Was it bad to say you were happy to see him again? He was wanted, for good reason too. But since when did emotions listen to ethics?
"No..." Blade's voice was a weird mix of pain and relief, both strained yet as he approached the end of the words he spoke he sounded more euphoric, arms quivering as they held you, "You would just leave again."
You chuckled, you weren't sure if it was out of sorrow or amusement, "You came." You didn't expect him to. "Do you really think I can kill you?"
You didn't get an answer at first instead feeling your cloak brushed to the side, your neck being left exposed. It wasn't pretty, you'd been in a prison cell for how long now? They didn't treat you well either. Not much food or water much less the opportunity to bathe. You'd offered your food to your cellmate but they declined, claiming their kind didn't need to eat as often. Instead you often received the rations for both of you, guilt settled in your gut at the thought.
You weren't sure what was going to happen now. If Blade killed you, would your cellmate at least be able to live or would he get overtaken by mara and go on a murderous rampage? Mara tended to become more unstable when emotions became more unstable.
Teeth pierced your skin and you let out a yelp, tightening your hand around Blade's forearm, and clenching the other one in a fist. "What are you? A dog?" You barked out, you had thought he'd resembled one before... but biting you like this? Wasn't that too much? It wasn't as painful as you'd expect it to be.
Once he'd managed to get his teeth into your skin, he stilled as if satisfied. His arms and mouth latched onto you like a terrified child scared to leave their parent. He wasn't planning to murder you, that was a plus. But for some reason it only made you feel more guilty. Guilty for leaving him, you should've told him. If you did then you would've wanted to stay.
This was for his own benefit, right? You could find a way to relieve him from this pain, right? But even if you did would you be able to kill him? "You shouldn't bite me," You chided him, moving your free hand uncomfortably over your shoulder to nudge at his head, hair brushing up against your hand. It felt rougher than usual.
At him remaining still you spoke again, "Seriously, for your own good, I'm dirty right now." You let out a sigh, pushing your hand against his head right now. He let go, moving his head back slowly and then rested it on your other shoulder, tilting his head toward you.
There was a dull ache where he'd bitten, slowly disappearing as heat took its place. You were probably bleeding.
"I don't know," Blade suddenly spoke voice scratchy and your eyes furrowed at his words. "Stay... you should stay. If you can't kill me. Stay."
"You're upset at me leaving..." You mused, he had mentioned it earlier but you'd just assumed it was because he thought you'd given up on killing him and ran.
You heard footsteps in the distance and jolted up a bit. The Borisins could smell blood, couldn't they? One of their canine characteristics. "I suppose we should be heading out then," You chuckled, yet couldn't help but be on edge your shoulders tensed even as you remained in Blade's arms. "Wouldn't want unwelcomed company to interrupt our welcome."
You felt him sigh, hot breath hitting your neck. Yet he didn't move at all, "...Blade?" Was he just going to wait for them to come and slaughter you both? Well, you suppose he'd live. But the pain of having his body ripped apart would last in his mind. How had he ever managed to stay sane?
Right, he wasn't sane. "Are you going to run away again?" Blade's voice echoed against your ear, and your smile twitched in response.
"If I die then I'll be leaving too, from a place I can never return from," You replied mock cheer in your voice. He stiffened for a moment before instantly relaxing despite the footsteps getting louder.
"I wish you would wield me as the blade I am," He muttered voice gruff and you vaguely remembered when you'd had him kill mara struck for you. It hadn't been pleasant. But if you'd found a way to kill him it would've all been worth it.
You felt your anxiety begin to rise as the footsteps only came closer and closer, you decided this misunderstanding had gone on long enough, "Look, I left because I wanted to help you," You explained, cringing at the weakness in your voice, "I am going to find a way to kill you Blade," you promised despite the sinking feeling in your heart.
You knew at this point you were just lying. Even if you found out how to kill him you wouldn't be able to. You felt his body to begin to shake before you heard it, the sudden laughter. As if all in life was futile. It chilled you to the bone, it sounded like a mad man losing his last bit of sanity becoming hysterical. At the sound of Blade's laugh the footsteps began to speed up having a clear source of the intruder.
...Was he going to kill you? You really thought he wouldn't, given that he'd bothered to keep you alive this long. He stopped in his laughter stilling, and in a strangely affectionate tone said, "Fool."
His hand reached up to the side of your jaw and--
You supposed being knocked out was better than being killed. It really could be worse. The bed you were on was also surprisingly comfortable, would it be more comfortable if you weren't being clutched against a nice firm chest that was probably Blade's? Well, the hug was pretty comfortable so you were going to say no.
"You're awake." Blade's voice sounded rather hoarse. Had he not slept at all? Now that you were thinking of it, you'd never seen Blade asleep aside from when your medications made him do so.
You attempted to turn around to face him but the second you began to move your body his grip tightened, "Good morning," You laughed nervously at his actions. You were both happy and perturbed to find that you'd been bathed and your clothes had been changed.
It sounded like a command yet you could feel the desperation from the way he gripped your arms in the hug.
"You... fell in love with me at first sight," He still remembers that bullshit you made up to get him to stay?! "So stay..." His voice broke a bit at the last word, cracking.
You felt him dive his head into your neck. Pressing his forehead against your skin as if he was performing worshipping. Then relishing in the feeling of his skin against yours as if any crumb of physical affection gave him held the same meaning as giving a starving man food.
You did love him, and you wouldn't be surprised if you continued to do so for the rest of your life. Blade may be-- Blade definitely is a terrible person in some capacity but you couldn't help who you loved right? Plus, it wasn't like you were a saint either. You cared for life and you wanted it to thrive, yes. But, if a few individuals suffered for the greater good you wouldn't complain. If some had to die for the whole Xianzhou Luofu to overcome mara, wouldn't it be worth the price?
[A quick note, in actual research please be ethical. This reader is and should in no way be a role model for real life. If you consider doing unethical research please reach out to someone.]
When it came to people you loved, you'd be willing to bend your morals. You knew it wasn't right but, love is a very dangerous beast. "I'm doing this because I love you," You stated and you felt his hair brush against your neck, his nose met your jaw, his face continuing further until the two of your faces were side by side.
"Fool." His breath was warm against your cheek and you felt your face warm.
"Didn't you want to die?" You retorted, feeling grievance come into your voice. You were doing this for him.
Blade's lips pressed chastely against your cheek, the corners of his lips slightly uplifted. Then he bit, much more gentle than he did before, it was akin to how he bit you the night before you left. When he'd been struggling with his mara, and looked at you with those panicked eyes. All you did was turn and walk away.
Still... "What are you, a dog?" You teased him, not bothering in moving. It didn't really hurt.
You weren't sure if you'd be able to move anyway. One of his arms had moved in front of you, gripping down on the bedsheet, allowing him to shift the majority of his body weight over you. He moved his head up from your cheek and stared down at you, your eyes meeting his eyes. Their colors were similar to that of a fire's but they'd never been calmer, a look of devotion in them.
"Do you want me to be?" Blade shifted his weight, sitting more upright, keeping your legs in between his. He grabbed your hand and began to lay gentle kisses on your hand moving upward to your wrist and then forearm as you stared at him dumb struck.
You took the opportunity of his weight being off you to grab his jaw and tilt it toward you, "Of course not." You glared at him and pulled his face close enough so you could kiss him.
It was like water breaking through a dam, his reaction was immediate. He responded desperately, kissing back with rushed fervor albeit clumsily. His lips pressed against yours, yet his tongue was trying to get in on the action, flicking against your lips and leaving them wet. It was as if he'd die if you left.
It didn't move much further as Blade moved away for a moment to speak, he stared into your eyes something that could be considered deeply romantic if not for his next words, "Don't run away or I'll kill everyone."
"...You're ruining the mood," You muttered, feeling bristly hair against your palm as you pulled his head closer to yours lest he ruin the mood with another comment. You'd talk to him about finding a way to kill him later, but if you brought it up now you were pretty sure a massacre would happen.
"Fool..." Affection laced Blade's voice as you pulled him in for another kiss. You suppose you didn't mind being called a fool, so long as you were his fool.
AND THAT'S A WRAP for this little story, if you want idk spin offs or like little snippets of life (like an epilogue on cuddling or jealousy or whatever) send in an ask or something i'm always happy to write!
Anyway GUYS DOES BLADE SLEEP? genuine question.
Also you know how in like some yandere fics they restrain the reader with restraints? Yeah Blade is the restraints. He's also the weapon. Bro is everything in one. and like ugh writing kiss scenes i feel so awkward, my end goal for this year in writing is to write like a nsfw scene (not on this account will prob make a separate one) to like really challenge myself but i dont think itll be possible
Anyway on a bit of a more serious note, I love yandere as much as the next person IN FICTION. Please be sure not to romanticize these troupes in real life because your life can get fucked over very easily by people who resemble yanderes.
Let's enjoy ourselves IN FICTION please :) so I can keep writing this without having made someone romanticize a troupe that is dangerous in real life.
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lausterdomyamong · 5 months
Can anyone please write nanook x reader. I need cosmic gender-natural d inside me rn. I need nanook, I need them so bad.
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yellowymellon · 5 months
2.2 spoiler but it's Abt yaoshi too
Can't stop thinking about how Sunday would've been just another yaoshi, I mean doesn't this give us some insight to how yaoshi was as a human? So deeply compassionate they cannot bear to see death and pain, they wanted to create their eternal paradise too where no suffering occurs, and people would be healthy and happy. And see what that gave us? A detached [and I quote Herta] lonely romantic existence who brings suffering while thinking what they do is right. Their ideology cannot be changed and they won't understand humans who beg them to stop. Yaoshi doesn't even spare humans the time to talk to them or befriend them like akivili did. Everyone is just a weak lamb trapped in their flesh and fear of death. Isn't that what Sunday went through? Humans will all be united as weak when he ascends to be the strong.
I was wondering if yaoshi also feared their mortality as a human, and If so do they fear it now too? It's not like they gained immortality. But then ig that's how far of compassion and selflessness they had, to fear for others and not for yourself. Which again also resonates with Sunday who's prey to helplessness just like the humanity he's trying to save.
In conclusion vote for akivili they'll be ur friend
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monsieurivoblan · 10 months
[ Honkai Star Rail ]
Qlipoth, The Preservation but humanized (+ mini akivili )
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an attempt was made
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monstersmashorpass · 3 months
SMASH OR PASS: Braska's Final Aeon, Final Fantasy X
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chechilcheese · 1 month
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crimescrimson · 6 months
Made my first ever video edit!! Concept is Greek Tragedy Pairings (one will outlive, one will die and two against the world type shit)
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lonyvpive · 19 days
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Gepard (Figuring out a puzzle): AHA! Got it!
Sampo: You called?
Gepard: What?
Sampo: What?
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hxneylavendxr · 1 year
do you guys think kafka and himeko are meant to emulate idrila the beauty and oroboros the voracity
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astrxlfinale · 5 months
One day I'ma dive on how the Sim Universe really plays with Caelus's mind.
There's some approaches I want to go with it, but mainly, how these experiences with the collaborative invention has been altering his perception of the world. In more vast, dangerous to unique fashions.
Kind of like his soul is becoming an additional 'sense', on top of whatever the hell perceiving the Erudition was doing to him.
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Not exactly something an everyday human is supposed to be going through.
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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