#human moxiety
Day 7: Gift Exchange
For @moxiety-week
Word Count: 2009
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Moxiety 💙💜 Loceit
Warnings: mentions of dysfunctional families, anxiety
Patton looked up when a tapping began on his window. A year ago, this would have been a strange occurrence considering that Patton’s room was on the second story; but now… 
He pulled the baby blue curtains from the window to reveal his boyfriend of five months balancing precariously on the ledge below his window. 
“You know, you could just use the door,” Patton teased as he pushed the window open to allow Virgil to climb in. 
“This is more fun,” Virgil smirked, clambering in much more gracefully than Patton would have if their positions were reversed. “Plus, your dads hate me.” 
“They don't hate you,” Patton chuckled, leading Virgil over to the bed so they could both sit. “Of course, they’d like you better if you came in through the door.” 
“I didn’t want to wake the whole house.” 
“No one’s asleep yet,” Patton laughed. It was just after ten p.m. on December 24th, which was after Patton’s weekday curfew, but before his weekend curfew, and therefore a totally appropriate time for Virgil to visit. “Well, the twins are probably in bed, but they’re probably way too excited about Christmas tomorrow to sleep.” 
“Yeah, well, speaking of Christmas,” Virgil said, reaching into his pocket. “I just came by to give you your present.” 
“Oh honey, you didn’t have to!” Patton exclaimed as Virgil presented him with a small box wrapped in last week’s spelling test. 
“We, uh, didn’t have any wrapping paper in the house, so I improvised.” 
“It’s wonderful! Oh! Your gift is downstairs under the tree, I can go get it if–” 
“That’s okay,” Virgil interjected quickly, grabbing Patton’s wrist as the other teen got up to leave. “You can give it to me later.” 
Patton smiled gently and placed the gift down on the bed beside him. Then he pulled Virgil forward until their noses were almost touching. “My dad doesn’t hate you; my pop doesn’t hate you; neither of them will be upset that you’re here.” 
“Even if I do this?” Virgil asked before closing the gap between them. 
Patton giggled into the kiss before wrapping his arms around Virgil’s neck and pulling him even closer. 
He might have been a little distracted, so maybe he could be forgiven for not hearing the first knock at his door… and the second knock at the door… and the sound of the door opening… 
There was no way to mistake the sound of his dad clearing his throat though, especially not with the way Virgil jumped back as though he’d been burned. 
“Good evening, Virgil,” Logan said, looking entirely unimpressed. “Are you hungry? We have leftovers in the refrigerator that you are more than welcome to have. I’m sure Patton can prepare a plate for you.” 
“Th-thank you, sir,” Virgil stuttered, staring resolutely at his feet. 
Dad nodded, satisfied. Then he turned to Patton. “Patton, you are aware that you are required to leave the door open when Virgil is over?” 
“Sorry, dad,” Patton grinned, trying to will the redness out of his face. “I didn’t know Virgil was coming over.” 
Patton’s dad nodded and left, leaving the door open behind him. 
“Maybe I should leave,” Virgil murmured, still studying his shoes. 
“No, stay! Please!” Patton begged, taking Virgil’s hands in his own. “I’ll get you a plate of food. Did you have dinner?” 
“Uh, yeah, we had dinner at my grandma’s.” 
“Good dinner?” 
“Not really.” 
“So, food?” Patton pulled his best puppy-dog eyes that were garnered to make Virgil cave every time. 
“…yeah, sure. I mean, if you’re sure it’s okay.” 
“Absolutely!” Patton assured him quickly. “Dad wouldn’t have offered if it wasn’t okay, he’s very direct!” 
Patton grinned and grabbed Virgil’s gift in one hand, and his hand in the other and dragged him across the hall and down the stairs. 
“Oh, Virgil, I must have missed when you entered through our door like a normal person instead of through the upstairs window like an oversized racoon,” Janus Sanders drawled as they passed where he was busy wrapping the twins’ presents from Santa at the dining room table. 
“Uh, hi, Mr. Sanders,” Virgil waved awkwardly before scurrying off towards the kitchen behind Patton. 
“Make sure you get your food out of the fridge instead of the trash can!” Pop called after him. 
“Take a gander at this,” Patton declared as he pulled several tubberware out of the fridge, including one that was full of goose. “Peas pick out whatever you’d cheese!” 
The puns had the desired effect of taking Virgil’s mind off of Patton’s dads, and he allowed Patton to load up a plate to put in the microwave. 
Patton’s pop had moved on gifts for Patton’s cousins by the time the couple returned to the dining room. A brief look of surprise passed over Pop’s face when he noticed how much food was on Virgil’s plate, but he went back to his wrapping without comment. At least until Virgil was over halfway through his meal. 
“So Virgil,” he started, still turned towards his work but stealing sneaky glances at Virgil from the corner of his eye. “Are you doing anything special tomorrow?” 
“Not really,” Virgil shrugged, more comfortable now with his stomach half full and Patton’s hand resting on his back. “We had dinner with my extended family today, and tomorrow my dad’s gonna spend the day with his girlfriend and her family, so I kinda get the house to myself.” 
“He’s not taking you with him?” Patton's dad questioned as he entered the room, having overheard the conversation from the living room. 
“I, uh, wasn’t invited,” Virgil admitted, his shoulders rising defensively. “She doesn’t really want me around her kids. She thinks I’d, um… she thinks I’d be a bad influence.” 
All three Sanderses sat in shocked silence while Virgil’s shoulder continued to climb. 
“Vee!” Patton gasped, nearly knocking Virgil out his chair as he launched himself towards the other boy and wrapped his arms around him protectively. 
“It’s fine!” Virgil assured him quickly, startled by the tears that had sprung up in his boyfriend’s eyes. “I can watch Nightmare Before Christmas and, uh, Diehard, or something.” 
He startled when a hand landed on his shoulder that wasn’t taken up by a distressed teenager. Looking up, he found Logan Sanders staring down at him with the softest expression that his boyfriend’s dad had ever sent his way. 
“Virgil,” Logan started. “Would you like to stay here tonight, and spend Christmas with us tomorrow?” 
Virgil stared at him, completely floored. 
“Yes!” Patton agreed, gaining some of his pep back. “We have pancakes, and presents, and my cousins are coming over at two, but you can leave before they get here if you’re peopled out, or you could stay and we’ll have ham, and duck, and cinnamon rolls the size of your head, and–!” 
“You’re sure?” Virgil asked quietly. 
“Completely certain,” Pop assured him, pushing his wrapping to the side. “After all, what would Christmas be without our favorite racoon?” 
“Oh,” Virgil whispered, tears blurring his vision. 
Logan offered his shoulder one last squeeze before pulling back. “I will go prepare the guest room.” 
“Th-thank you!” Virgil called after him. 
“Do you want me to open my gift now, or do you want to wait until tomorrow?” Patton asked as he pulled back from the hug, though he kept Virgil’s hand firmly tucked in his own. 
“Now’s good,” Virgil said. “Unless you want to wait for tomorrow.” 
“Let’s do now,” Patton agreed. “Oh! I’ll go get your gift!” 
And with one last kiss on the cheek, he rushed out of the dining room to grab Virgil’s gift from under the tree. 
Leaving Virgil alone with Patton’s pop. 
“I hope you know that you’re welcome here whenever you need,” Pop said seriously. “And you’re free to take anything from the fridge that you want.” 
“R-really?” Virgil asked. “But I thought you hated me?” 
“You make Patton very happy,” Janus shrugged. “How could we hate you for that? Although, I could do without worrying that you’ll break your neck climbing up the tree every time you want to come inside. And your hair dye is horribly uneven, I’m going to have to insist you allow me to do it for you next time.” 
“Really? You know how to dye hair?” 
“Of course I do, I used to dye Logan’s all the time,” Pop chuckled as Patton returned with a messily wrapped present in his hands. 
“I can’t imagine Logan with dyed hair,” Virgil mused. It just didn’t add up with his very put-together demeanor. 
“Remind me tomorrow to show you pictures of Logan from his ‘scene girl’ phase. Anyway, as I seem to be done here, at least until a certain jolly elf makes his appearance later, I’m going to head up to bed. Goodnight, puffball,” Pop placed a kiss on Patton’s curls. “Goodnight, Virgil.” 
“‘Night Pop!” 
“Goodnight, sir.” 
“Please,” Patton’s pop insisted. “Call me Janus, or Pop, or Mama, as that one seems to be sticking around.” 
“Goodnight, Janus,” Virgil corrected himself hesitantly. Janus offered him a warm smile before heading up the stairs. 
“See,” Patton said once they were alone. “They don’t hate you.” 
“Yeah, maybe,” Virgil admitted, a tiny smile gracing his face. Patton beamed. 
“Okay, here’s your gift! Do you want to take turns, or open at the same time?” 
“Open at the same time,” Virgil decided. 
“Okay, in three, two, one!” 
The sound of ripping paper filled the air as they both tore into their gifts. Virgil tore the paper off to reveal a pair of noise canceling headphones to replace the ones he had which only played music out of one side. Patton tore the spelling test off to reveal a small, nondescript box. 
“It’s, uh, it’s not as nice as your gift,” Virgil admitted guiltily. He’d been feeling pretty good about the gift when he’d climbed in Patton’s window earlier, but now… 
It was kinda pathetic compared to the headphones. 
Patton took the lid off the box to find a slightly misshapen, translucent blue heart. 
“It’s just a piece of sea glass I found the other day. It made me think of you. I know it’s totally lame, but I didn’t have enough money to buy you anything nice and I thought that–” 
“I love it,” Patton whispered, transfixed by the glass. “I love it, Virge!” 
“You do?” 
“It’s the best gift I’ve ever gotten,” Patton told him honestly. That Virgil had seen the sea glass and thought of him! Nothing could come close to beating that. 
“G-good. I’m glad you like it,” Virgil smiled. “I love the headphones; I’ll use them all the time.” 
“I know, sweetie.” Patton leaned over to place a chaste kiss on Virgil’s lips. 
The chaste kiss was followed by a less than chaste kiss. Which was followed by another, and then another. 
The two once again jumped apart when Logan cleared his throat. 
“The guest room is made up,” he informed them. “Now, you’re both going to need to go to bed if you expect a visit from an eighteen-hundred-year-old man tonight.” 
“Goodnight, Dad!” Patton grinned, hugging his dad tightly. 
“Goodnight, Patton. Goodnight, Virgil.” 
“Goodnight, Logan.” 
Logan smiled at him as Patton dragged him upstairs and showed him to the guest room. They kissed again at the top of the stairs, but Pop’s pointed cough discouraged them from lingering too long in each other’s company. 
“Goodnight, Virgil. Merry Christmas!” 
“Merry Christmas, Patton,” Virgil smiled. 
Patton went to bed with a light heart as he thought about how much happier Virgil was than when he’d first crawled through Patton’s window. 
A window which he had accidentally left open, allowing freezing air to fill his room. 
He closed the window and made sure to change into his warmest pajamas. Then, he reverently placed the sea glass heart on his shelf next to the leaf Remus had given him when the twins first joined the Sanders family, and the bottle cap given to him by his birth mother before she passed away. His greatest treasures.
From the fanfic author who brought you divorced Loceit, I bring you Awesome Power Couple and Loving Dads Loceit 💙💛
I think this one is my favorite of my Moxiety Week fics
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling
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sandersontheside · 2 months
What Your Favorite Sanders Sides Ship Says About You
Inspired by Eldena Doubleca5t's excellent series!
Prinxiety: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of getting dunked on. Also, you probably watched BBC Merlin at some point.
Analogical: Your ideal relationship dynamic is two cats on opposite ends of the same couch.
Anxceit: Your addiction to edgy boys got so bad that one day you decided: [spongebob meme] What’s better than ONE edgy boy? TWO edgy boys!
Dukexiety: I’m not saying you for sure see a therapist, but I am saying with as much love as possible, that maybe you should.
Moxiety: You are touch starved. You don't want to be hugged, you want to use another human being as a weighted blanket.
Logicality: Your ideal relationship dynamic is sitcom wife x sitcom husband.
Intruality: Either "I can fix him" or "I can make him worse" depending on which side you're projecting on
Royality: Your ideal relationship dynamic is himbo x himbo, and you have so much ADHD.
Remrom: 🚨 FBI OPEN UP 🚨
Logince: How's that crush on your much more extroverted best friend going?
Intrulogical: Looking back on your childhood, you can pinpoint The Master from Doctor Who as the beginning of your crippling addiction to the most unhinged characters known to fiction.
Lociet: Half of you came here from shipping L and Light in Death Note, and half of you came here from shipping Sherlock and Moriarty in BBC Sherlock.
Dukeciet: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of committing arson together.
Roceit: Your ideal relationship dynamic is just that tumblr post that's like "go fuck yourself" "fuck me yourself, coward."
Mociet: I'm not saying you for sure have daddy issues, but I am saying I would be surprised if you didn't
LAMP/DLAMP(polycule): You don’t like to make decisions.
Nicomas: And, finally, you are a firm believer in keeping things canon and keeping things wholesome. You just want good things for Thomas, and really, who wouldn't?
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pencilpat · 1 year
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Calling your spider boyfriend lovebug? Inspired
Plus a small moxiety peek at my take on a human AU where they're all a bunch of dorky college kids
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prodigal-explorer · 9 months
my roleplay information/application!
hey guyssss, so like i'm kinda desperate for rp partners so i'm just gonna try my luck here and see if any of y'all are interested in rping with me! feel free to read through this information and message me if you are interested!! as long as you meet my requirements, i would love to rp with you!!
basic information
i am 18 (19 in a few weeks) and i'm okay rping with any age, but i will not rp anything relating to nsfw with a minor. not even implied nsfw, it's just very uncomfortable. but if you're 18+, i'll rp anything on this list with you!
i only rp semi-lit/descriptive. this means at least five sentences, detailed responses that aren't just surface level. it's hard to respond to stuff that's lazy, so please please please just put in the effort if you want high quality responses in return!
the fandoms i roleplay are sanders sides, undertale, your turn to die, and omori. i dabble in oc rp, but it's not very common for me since i don't really have many ocs that i like enough to rp with.
my favorite types of roleplay are heavy angst and whump. i love really dark concepts, and it's rare that i won't do something that's dark and angsty. i struggle with concepts that are just fluff because i prefer rps with a lot of conflict and struggle.
my only triggers are constant discussion about body type/comparing body types and descriptive talk of medical needles. other than that i will do literally anything lol.
i am filipino-american, audhd, physically disabled, and i love to incorporate these aspects of my identity into the characters i play. if you don't like that, we probably won't make very good rp partners.
i hate hate HATE poking. please don't remind me of the rp after ten minutes of me not responding. please don't remind me of the rp after ten HOURS of me not responding. i know it exists, i just need time to reply. if you nag me about responding, i probably will wait even longer to reply because it's intimidating.
i love to chat oorp! feel free to leave a silly message, even if it has nothing to do with rp!
scroll all the way to the bottom of the post if you want to see writing examples!! below are just specific tidbits of information pertaining to each fandom i rp!
sanders sides specific information
the main side i love to play is roman. i will always want to play roman in every single tss rp, he's just me, he's my number one homie, my favorite character of all time.
i can also play any of the other sides, but my characterization for them is not as solid as roman.
i don't really like patton in roleplays unless he's a minor character or an antagonist/villain. i am very good at playing patton as a villain, but i don't really like playing him in any other context. i have so many aus where patton is a villain or antagonist, so if that's your jam, you've come to the right place!
i will do mindscape or human aus, i love both!
i am okay with ocs but i will not do canon side x female oc. it just makes me very uncomfortable to ship sides with female characters.
some of my favorite ships are roceit, prinxiety, logince, anaroceit, analogical, intrulogical, and loceit.
the only ships i WILL NOT do are moxiety, royality, moceit, logicality, intruality, and remrom. every other ship, i'm completely okay with.
i love rping as remy or emile picani!!
i have SO MANY IDEAS for this fandom. like literally hundreds of aus. so please message me if you want to rp anything with angst, or drama, or anything like that because i have SO MUCH.
undertale specific information
so fun fact i'm actually kind of bad at undertale rp.
it's not that i'm awful i just don't have a lot of experience, but i'm working on it!
the main characters i like to play are papyrus, undyne, alphys, toriel, asgore, and gaster.
i can also play asriel/flowey, sans, frisk, mettaton, grillby, and chara if necessary.
i am totally fine with ocs, bring them on!
i don't really like rps with the au sans stuff? nothing against it, i just don't really know much about it and in the nicest way possible i don't really care. i prefer to stick with canon and prequel/sequel aus instead of aus that change up the characters' personalities and stuff.
my favorite undertale au of all time is handplates i have so many thoughts about it and i would love to rp it!
i love angsty rps but undertale is actually one of the only fandoms where i love to rp fluff for it. undertale is just such a goofy game and i love emulating that style of humor in rp!
ships i enjoy are soriel, papyton, alphyne, sansby, and whatever the ship name for alphys x gaster is?
the only undertale ships i WILL NOT rp are anything involving the child characters (frisk, chara, asriel, monster kid), and anything that ships undyne with a guy. i'm also not a huge fan of asgore x toriel but i'll do it if you really want me to!
your turn to die specific information
i am so new to rping in this fandom but i really want to anyway!! trust, i know all the lore, i just need some solid experience!
my favorite characters to play are jou, reko, nao, gin, kai, shin, hiyori, and sara.
i will play q-taro, mishima, or alice if necessary!
i am very bad at keiji, i don't think i can play him well.
i love canon and au roleplays equally! i would love to do either way!
i like pretty much all the ships, it would be easier to list ships i don't like.
i don't like any ships that involve the little kids (kanna, gin, hinako), any ships with a huge age gap (especially sara x keiji), and shin x hiyori. it's just...no.
omori specific information
i am very new to the fandom, so please have mercy on me if i get something wrong lol!
my favorite characters to play are kel, hero, aubrey, and mari!
i can play sunny if necessary.
i will not play basil. i actually don't like basil being present in roleplays, he's just a character i personally dislike. i'm fine with him showing up occasionally as a minor character, but i just don't like him being a big part of roleplays.
i will roleplay canon and aus! i love both! but bear in mind i am a bit more hesitant to rp ships in canon, but in aus i have zero reservations!
my favorite ships are anything involving sunny, kel, and aubrey being together, but my number one otp is hero x mari!
the only ships i WILL NOT do are ships that have basil in them, especially basil x sunny or basil x kel. they just don't sit right with me personally.
i don't really know much about the minor characters of the game...i might need a bit of guidance if you want to use a character that isn't a part of the main six! but i am completely fine with it as long as you're okay with me being a bit clueless.
writing samples!!!
The streets were soft, the dusty sidewalks concealed by powdery snow that made Brooklyn look like a wedding. Roman stepped lightly, wondering how high he would have to hold himself to keep his foot from sinking in the snow, ruining the shiny white blanket that protected his bare feet from the cruel asphalt.
His book remained tucked under his jacket, as if it needed protection from the biting wind. Roman didn’t think it was possible for something that carried such beautiful notions and ideas to be unfeeling, so he acted as though there was a beating heart somewhere between the pages. Nobody had ever told him there wasn’t one, so what was the harm in believing if it made the sky feel brighter, and the air feel warmer, and the world feel more connected?
When he came back to the small, tucked-away alley that he and his brothers were currently living in, he was happy to see a little fire that he could warm himself beside while he opened his new book, aching to see what was inside.
Roman was unfamiliar. He was always used to protecting other people. He was tall, graceful and beautiful. Couldn't really throw a punch, but he had a way with his words that could get him absolutely anything he wanted. Including peace. He was used to standing between bullies and victims, seducing with his sweet smile and long eyelashes. Making anybody feel like they've been blessed just looking at him. With his parents always gone, and nobody to hold him during nightmares, Roman had gotten used to holding himself. But now, he just wanted to be protected so badly. He wanted to be truly loved by somebody besides himself.
"Okay..." he whispered, "Okay."
"Oh! Do you guys want to go to that restaurant across the street?" Patton asked, "We performed so well tonight, I think we all deserve a treat! Virgil, you hit that syncopation perfectly, and Janus, that riff was amazing! The crowd went wild for us! Drinks will be on me, as long as you all promise not to drink too much. I'll be the designated driver too. What do you say??"
Of course, this invitation was not extended to Logan. Patton didn't even notice Logan in the area, assuming that he was off sweeping the stage or packing up the van. Patton was the one who decided what everybody did, and he usually gave Logan the grease-work like that. He didn't really care very much about Logan, just because Logan wasn't as close to the group. There wasn't that bond of performing show after show, having fans that requested autographs, being followed and gushed over by paparazzi.
Since Logan was never onstage, nobody knew the face or identity of the man who wrote the songs that all these fans were so crazy about. And Patton sort of preferred it that way. He didn't really like the idea of Logan being a face of their band. Unlike Janus and Virgil, Patton wasn't sure how the public eye would recieve Logan. The man wasn't remotely ugly, but he was rather plain-looking. He tended to blend into the background of the rooms he occupied. He wasn't the type of look one would expect to be in a hugely successful band.
All the others had their "niche". Patton was the sweetheart, the nice one, the innocent one. Virgil was the quiet, brooding, mysterious one. And Janus was the charmer, able to seduce anyone with a wink and a smile. What was Logan? He didn't talk very much, he wasn't particularly nice, brooding, or seductive. Patton didn't like that Logan didn't exactly have an archetype. He didn't quite fit in.
Roman tilted his head with a polite smile and an appropriate amount of interest as Logan disclosed his name. It was nothing familiar to him, but he did think it was a beautiful-sounding name. He always loved when people's first and last names started with the same letter. It felt like a name out of a fairy-tale when it had that feature.
Listening to what Logan was saying, Roman couldn't help but go red, very embarrassed. He was bad at English, but he certainly wasn't stupid. He could tell that Logan was euphemizing heavily in order to preserve Roman's feelings, which made Roman both embarrassed that Logan felt the need to do this, and honored that Logan cared so much about how he felt. It was a really sweet gesture, honestly.
"You write music too?" he asked, very curious. "I would love to sing a song by you wrote. You will...pay me? Money?"
Roman wondered if Logan was offering him a job, or just wanting to have a jam session as friends and colleagues. He would be happy with either option, but he wanted to manage his expectations there and then, so there would be less awkwardness from false assumptions.
Roman looked at it and smiled as he read through the lyrics, his eyes carefully scanning from left to right as he ingested each lyric. His smile only grew.
"It is okay," he said, "I like messy handwriting. It means...it means your brain moves fast, and your hand must hurry to follow. I like this song. I think...I want to sing it. Do you want me to sing here? In front of everyone?"
Roman would definitely be willing to give Logan's song some publicity. And he adored the thrill of singing a song for the first time in front of a whole crowd of people. Roman wasn't the type to get stage fright. The more risky a performance was, the more excited he was to try and execute it. Roman had a bit of a shame deficiency, such was obvious with him singing those lyrics he wrote out loud multiple times.
His eyes were shining with enthusiasm, but also, with gratitude. He was thankful to Logan for the opportunity he had to bring this song to life, this brand new song that no one had ever heard before. The idea that its first breath of auditory life would be coming from Roman's own voice was so romantic that it almost made Roman want to sing it right there and then so he wouldn't have to wait anymore.
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bastard-aziraphale · 2 years
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human au moxiety to “fine, great” by modern baseball
the angst of this pairing with both of them genuinely loving and caring about each other but virgil being constantly suspicious of patton’s over-the-top friendliness
i love a miscommunication trope if and only if it serves as a vehicle for characters to learn healthier communication styles and i truly feel that is the Moxiety Way (tm) bc there is so much fondness and respect between them yknow?
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edupunkn00b · 2 years
For the ship game:
(It's so hard to think of a ship you haven't written yet 😅🤭)
I'm splitting these because the answer to the first one just got so long :D Thank you so much, Nici, for this ask! (The DRLAMP/DLAMPR answer is here.)
Ship It (under the right circumstances)
Definitely only ship it platonically in canonverse/canon-adjacent stories, but it has some interesting romantic potential in human AUs.
What made you ship it? Again, some collaborative writing experiments, honestly :D. Writing a ship is absolutely the best way to get me on board. I didn't ship Roceit, either, until after I started writing Happily Ever After.
What are your favorite things about the ship? Its softness. They're both so emotional and they look out for each other's hearts. (WTIT endcard? What's that?)
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Probably that I usually only see them as platonic. Again… writing it will change everything XD
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pupplaylogan · 9 months
I have a few questions about certain kinks and fetishes that I don't know if you're okay with writing so that I don't accidentally give a prompt that you're uncomfortable with writing and ruin your day. (You can just answer 'yes', 'no', or 'sometimes' I also apologize if some of these were on the list you made, I'm not looking at the list and just going by memory while I type this out)
Food play
piss play
human toilet
Knife play
Choking or breath play
Foot/feet play
(I'm sorry if that's alot)
Frottage, collars/leashes, piss play, exhibition, human toilet, manhandling, voyeurism, micro/macro, knife play, choking & breath play, overstimulation, worship, praise, & crossdressing r all things I am totally ok w/ writing !
Food play, inflation, & feet play r ALSO things I am ok w/ writing, but they're not usually something I think about or know about, so I am a little unsure when it comes to writing it. I'll still write it but it probably wont be super good NEHDJFNF
Master/slave is. A tricky one. I don't know fully how I feel about it just yet. I think it depends on the situation and what's happening, so Maybe.
Anx//ceit & mox//iety are ships I am okay with writing.
Also, just as a note, my day will not be ruined by a prompt I don't enjoy. If i see something Im uncomfortable w/ or dislike, whether it be a request or a random asks, I will just ignore it or say I don't want to write it.
If you're still unsure if I will enjoy a request, just send it in anyway. The worse thing I will say is "im sorry but i don't want to write this!"
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ao3feed-loceit · 2 years
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delimeful · 3 years
Snapshot: Release
new WIBAR Snapshot! 
warnings: mention of trafficking, PTSD, mentions of funeral rites, catharsis, crying, sad hours
Patton liked to think himself an optimist, but even he could admit that there were some days where things were bad.
He didn’t like to, of course. Gratitude was a virtue in Ampen culture, and he had carried it with him gladly when he first started spacefaring. It was easy, most days, to find something to be grateful for and thank the sea’s tidings.
Most days.
Though it had taken time, Patton had learned to loosen his grip on the idea of the foam edge, the bright side to a bad situation. He still found the cup half-full, of course, but he also knew that sometimes things were hard, and it was okay to be sad about that.
He was still getting to the part where he told others when he was sad, but that was okay! He was working on it, and as Logan always said, growth took time.
A few rotations after Virgil and him were reunited with his best friends, Virgil had one of those days.
It had started innocuously enough. Patton had been sprawled over Virgil’s legs, continuing his not-so-secret agenda to show Roman and Logan exactly what kind of Human Virgil was. Not harmless, certainly, but-- what was the Common word? Disciplined.
They both knew how easily Virgil could hurt him, could hurt any of them. Patton had been there watching while they escaped, when Virgil slammed into aliens much stronger than an Ampen with unforgiving force. There was no question of his capability for violence, when faced with a threat.
But that was just it. Virgil knew he could hurt them, even through simple carelessness, and he worked so hard not to.
It was clear in every movement. How could Patton feel the subtle tremor in Virgil’s hands when he held him, the attentive stillness of his body when Patton perched on him, the careful softness of his fingers carding through feathers, and feel anything but treasured?
Virgil had protected Patton with everything he had, and Patton was going to return the favor however he could. That’s what friends were for, after all.
So, Patton was nestled into the crook of Virgil’s legs, listening intently as he told a story from back home, occasionally piping in with questions or a story of his own.
Logan would have metaphorically killed for the opportunity to even just listen in on these firsthand Deathworlder anecdotes, but Virgil was still avoiding the Ulgorian with skillful determination. It was a little saddening, but Patton knew better than to push.
Everything was still settling down from their last incident; he didn’t want to disrupt the delicate balance again by shoving Virgil out of his comfort zone.
Instead, he just listened, happy to see the little differences that had overcome his friend since they’d finally gotten free of that horrible cell.
This was far from the first time they’d sat around storytelling.
There was little else to do in their cell, and besides, it was one of the fastest ways to share words, telling tales tall and small and only pausing whenever a word didn’t quite translate or their voices went out. Back then, though, Virgil had shared his stories with an almost bittersweet air about him.
It reminded Patton of the way Crav’n held wakes, long stretches of time spent gathered around their pyre, sharing stories, remembering and honoring the deceased in every way they could. It was as though Virgil was giving up those little pieces of himself in advance, for someone to remember after he was gone. As though he was performing his own funerary rites.
His coatfeathers fluffed up sharply at the thought, and he shuddered a few times to try and settle them back into place. That time was past, Virgil was safe, and so it bore no further thought.
Unaware of the way Patton’s attention had strayed, Virgil ran a hand over his back, shifting feathers back into alignment with surprising delicacy for such a large being. Patton trilled lowly in pleased gratitude, wishing wholeheartedly that Roman would stop glaring long enough to notice this aspect of the Mindscape’s newest resident. They could get along so well if they gave each other a chance, he just knew it…
“Hey, Patton?” Virgil asked, shifting from the bright, long vowels of Patton’s native language to the lower register he used for his own home tongue. Patton perked his antennae up to show his friend that he had his undivided attention; Virgil usually only used English when he was asking something he didn’t want anyone else to overhear.
Nobody was nearby to listen, but that didn’t stop Virgil from casting a guilty look over his shoulder when he admitted, “I snuck into the map room yesterday.”
The ‘map room’ must have been referring to the nav room, where they plotted courses. It had a manual pilot control station as well, which was why Roman had been safeguarding it from Virgil as though he thought the Human would suddenly take up space piracy and seize control of their vessel.
Patton certainly didn’t have any problem with trusting Virgil in there, so he didn’t even twitch at the confession, only narrowing his eyes in silent encouragement for his friend to continue.
Just as Patton no longer shied away from bared teeth, Virgil no longer assumed narrowed eyes signified anger or doubt. He had picked up on a fair amount of Ampen body language during the course of their friendship, and so his lips quirked to the side slightly before he took the invitation to explain.
“I just wanted to know where we were, I guess. It was difficult to make sense of the maps-- It’s not like I’ve had a lot of opportunities to check them out on any of the other ships I’ve been on,” he said, and only the way his eyes rolled up slightly told Patton he was mostly-joking, the hesitant way he did sometimes.
Patton knew their time spent with the smugglers was something everyone on the ship would prefer to forget, including them, but things like that changed a person. They couldn’t be denied. If small, slightly-bitter jokes like this one were how Virgil honored that change, Patton could support it.
“I’d be mappalled with their terrible hosting skills, if I were you,” he chimed in, and he couldn’t help the way his feathers’ glow increased at the sight of Virgil’s smile, even muffled behind a hand. “Do you want to learn how to read the maps?”
“Yes,” Virgil answered, unable to conceal the too-quick way he leapt on the opportunity. There was a pause, his face going slightly pink, but Patton didn’t comment, feeling a swell of sympathy in his upper heart. It was hard to remember sometimes, with how adjusted Patton was to the wayfarer lifestyle, that Virgil was immeasurably far from everything he’d ever known.
“I mean, yeah,” he corrected, clearing his throat in a way that Patton had once mistaken for a growl, “but that’s not actually-- I was trying to see if I could recognize anything. Any stars, or-- or planets, y’know?”
He was avoiding eye contact now, staring at a distant point. He hadn’t moved his hand, which meant that Patton could feel the tremble in it when he butted his head into the point of contact. He crooned soothingly, the type of sound a parent would use to soothe a hatchling.
“I, um. Well, I figured if I knew how far it was, I could figure out how much it would cost to make that sort of…,” he fumbled for a word Patton would know, slipping back into Common for a few words, “extra trip. But I couldn’t find anything familiar. So, I... I thought I’d ask. Like I probably should have in the first place.”
Patton waited, but that seemed to be all Virgil could manage. “Ask what?” he prompted gently. “Space is big, but if there’s certain skysights you miss, I’m sure we can get started on finding them! What are you looking for?”
Virgil’s attention dropped down to him and then flitted away again, not a single sign that he’d even heard Patton’s pun. He clenched and unclenched his fists, and then dragged his gaze back to meet Patton’s.
“... Earth?” he managed, in one of the smallest voices Patton had ever heard from him.
Patton’s antennae flicked back in dread before he could stop them, and Virgil’s face twitched slightly, making an expression that he’d never seen before. His chin had dimpled, his jaw clenched, tense as though waiting for a blow.
Waiting for Patton to tell him he couldn’t go home.
This wasn’t the first time he’d thought about it, Patton realized. Far from it, it seemed as though Virgil had been cradling this question like an egg surrounded by downy feathers, keeping it tucked away, waiting desperately to be secure enough, safe enough to ask. To try hoping for a future again.
He was so afraid to want, and Patton couldn’t help but whine slightly, because this time, he was right to fear the worst.
They couldn’t go to Earth. Patton knew, because it was the first thing he’d talked to Roman and Logan about, that first day, as soon as Virgil had retired to his new room.
It wasn’t a matter of should or would. They couldn’t, not even if they all agreed to try, not even if they were willing to go directly against the council’s edicts. They didn’t have the equipment to get past the barricade undetected, they didn’t have the knowledge to slip between patrols, they didn’t even have the cloaking capabilities they’d need to land on an uninformed planet. They didn’t have enough funds to try and obtain any of those.
Honestly, they were barely scraping by as it was. Roman and Logan had halted their normal cargo runs to search for him, and their savings had suffered as a result. It was part of the reason they had been taking more jobs, any they could find that wouldn’t put them in the sights of any potential Human-hunters.
He’d done his best to shield Virgil from realizing just how much his presence had changed their routine, but going by the way he thought he’d have to pay them just to get back to a home he never should have been stolen from in the first place, he hadn’t been successful.
Patton glanced to the door with a half-formed desire to go get Logan, who had patiently walked Patton through every possible scenario until it sunk in that they really, truly couldn’t do it.
It wasn’t fair. Patton had chosen this life, and he could still go home, and see his family, and greet the ocean breeze. Virgil hadn’t had a choice in anything, hadn’t had the freedom that spacefaring brought so many, and now he didn’t have the option to return home, either.
“It’s not— I don’t want to leave you,” Virgil forced out, looking a little frantic. “I mean, we’re friends, right?”
He used the Ampen version of the word, the one that translated literally to ‘treasured one’, and could be used by any who had bonded closely, blood or nest-sharing aside. Patton nodded firmly, mouth clamped shut to keep from sobbing.
“Right,” Virgil continued, near-pleading, “so it’s not you, I promise, and I can find a way to pay back my debts, I know Roman wants me gone and Logan wants s-samples, and I can do that. It’s fine, it’s worth it, just… I miss home. So bad. Even the parts I used to hate.”
“I’m sorry,” Patton said in the most honorable way he had, the low, agonized call of I repent and I regret. “If we could— I promise we would, Virgil. It’s not your fault, you have no debts here. You deserve to go home.”
Virgil’s face was miserable to even witness, the way faltering hope had been crushed under the weight of his worst suspicions being confirmed. Patton reached for him automatically, his attempts to comfort his friend coming out as a soft empathetic cry instead, and that wounded sound was all it took for Virgil’s self-control to finally break.
He crumpled all at once, a breezecatcher with its tether cut, crashing to the sand below. The top of his head butted gently against Patton’s side, a mirror of the way Patton so often sought comfort from him, and he began to cry in earnest, as though releasing months of built-up misery.
Disciplined, Patton remembered with a pang of bitter sorrow, and let his Deathworlder finally weep for everything that had been taken from him.
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Moxiety Week Masterlist 🩵💜
Day 1: Cuddles/Stuffed Animals Oneshot | Word Count: 380 | Pre-AA | Platonic
Day 2: Birthday/Surprise Oneshot | Word Count: 825 | Human AU | Romantic | & implied/background Logince, Dukeceit
Day 3: Roleswap/AU | Part 2 Multi-part | Incomplete | Light Side!Virgil Dark Side!Patton AU | Platonic/Pre-Relationship
Day 4: Movie Night Oneshot | Word Count: 651 | Canonverse | Romantic
Day 5: Falling Asleep Oneshot | Word Count: 396 | Canonverse | Romantic
Day 6: Learning to Dance Oneshot | Word Count: 1289 | Royalty AU | Romantic | & background Roceit
Day 7: Gift Exchange Oneshot | Word Count: 2009 | High School AU | Romantic | & Loceit
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izzyfandoms · 3 years
A Sleep So Sweet - Chapter Eleven
When Emile discovered he was the soulmate of the prince of a magical species known as Beings, he did not know how to react. Beings were terrifying, powerful creatures, who often did not care for humanity, and, in their first meeting, his soulmate, the sleep prince, seemed to be no different.  
Will Emile fall in love with his soulmate, or are they simply not meant to be?
SHIPS: Remile, Moxiety
WARNINGS: Attempted kidnapping, discussions of murder, deception
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez @k1ngtok1 @yourneighborhooddisaster @alexxander-the-gay @full-of-roman-angst-trash @selfcarejanus
A SLEEP SO SWEET TAGLIST: @spellingwillbethedeathofme @unicornofdarknessstuff
A Sleep So Sweet Masterpost
Emile awoke to an aching head, and for the first few seconds he was disoriented, unsure of what had just happened. He was in his bed, he realised that after a moment, tucked under his covers with his head on his pillow.  
But the light was on, so he clearly hadn’t simply gone to bed after an ordinary day.
What had happened?
Then, memories began to flood back into him. He had been alone on that street, and then he hadn’t been. Love had... tried to kidnap him? The details were fuzzy. He had been filled with only love when he’d looked at them, there hadn’t been much room for any other thoughts.
And then... Virgil had shown up. And Patton, too, Emile thought. He had passed out just after being pushed into a memory like he had been dunked underwater, so that must have been Patton’s doing.
Okay. He had been almost kidnapped, then he had been rescued, then he had passed out, and now he was in his bed.
Clearly, Patton and Virgil had brought him here.
Emile let out a deep breath, his head still aching.
Well, maybe there was an upside to being stalked by Sleep’s Being friends. It meant he had been rescued from... whatever it was Love had been planning to do to him.
But... Love probably wouldn’t have tried to kidnap him if he wasn’t the soulmate of the sleep prince. Probably. Well, Emile did not know that for sure, but it was pretty likely.
Whatever it was that Love had been planning on doing to him, it probably wouldn’t have been particularly pleasant.
Emile sat up. Hopefully Virgil and Patton were still in his apartment, so he could thank them.  
He slowly got out of bed, feeling his head continue to ache, but he decided to ignore it. He could take painkillers after he thanked his saviours. Then, he walked out of his room, heading down the hallway and checking each room that he passed as he did so, finding nothing, until he finally reached the living room.
The first thing he noticed was that Virgil and Patton were sat down on his couch. They looked up at him in unison, and Patton immediately gave him a smile.
Then, he noticed that there was someone else standing in his living room.
Emile blinked, staring at Sleep and freezing in place.
Sleep was here. Sleep was in his apartment. Sleep was staring at him, a look of concern on his face.
“You’re okay,” Sleep said, sounding relieved.  
He took a step towards Emile, and Emile just stared at him.
“What- what happened?” Emile asked.
Patton stood up from the couch. “A Being of love tried to kidnap you. We stopped him.” There was a look of concern on his face. “Are you okay?”
Emile’s head hurt, and the details of what had just happened were still a little fuzzy. He wasn’t exactly the most okay he had ever been.
“What happened after I passed out?”
“The Being of love managed to escape,” Virgil said. “I tried to catch them, but they had an ally that made it difficult to follow them. And we were more focused on making sure you were alright.”
“Are you alright?” Patton asked, taking a step closer to Emile. “I checked you for injuries, but I couldn’t see anything. Are you hurt?”
Emile paused, looking down at himself. His head still ached – like something had been ripped out of it, which he supposed the love for Love had been – but the rest of his body seemed fine. Of course, he was also just a little bit terrified. He had almost been kidnapped! What would have happened if Love had succeeded? Would he have been hurt, tortured, killed?
Emile swallowed.
“My head hurts,” he said. “But I’m otherwise fine.”
“Oh, I wish I could cure your headache!” Patton said sadly. “If only I was a Being of healing, instead of a Being of memory.” He then perked up. “Oh! I can give you a memory of sometime before you had a headache. Would that help?”
He took a step towards Emile and then raised one hand.
Emile shook his head. “No, no. Thank you, but that’s alright. I’ll just take some painkillers.”
Patton lowered his hand. “Okay!” He gave Emile a bright smile, and Emile gave him a small, slightly tired smile in return.
Sleep cleared his throat, catching Emile’s attention, and he realised that Sleep was still staring at him. It was almost creepy, but Emile still couldn’t find it in himself to find Sleep scary. Emile was a little uncomfortable, though. He and Sleep were... not together, but they were soulmates. That made things a little awkward, at least for Emile.
“We need to find them. Attempting to kill the soulmate of a prince is a high crime. They must be stopped and suitably punished.”
Emile’s brow creased. “What are you going to do to them?” he asked worriedly.
Patton and Virgil exchanged a look that Sleep did not seem to notice. He waved his hand dismissively.
“Oh, they’ll be killed, of course.”
Emile gasped. “Killed?” he exclaimed.
The thought of someone – even a Being – being killed was... horrifying! And especially being killed because of Emile. Sure, it wasn’t exactly his fault that they had tried to kidnap him, but he was the one they had been after.
“Of course,” Sleep said, like the thought of killing someone meant nothing to him. “I mean what other punishment would be suitable?”
“Anything but that!” Emile took a step towards Sleep, a pleading expression on his face. “Please, don’t kill them.”
“But... they tried to kidnap you,” Sleep said, confused. “Who knows what they were going to do to you? You could’ve been killed!”
“I know,” Emile said. “But, please, don’t kill anyone. Especially not for me.”
Sleep stared at him for a few moments, seeming to be searching his face for something. They stood in silence for a few seconds, and not even Virgil and Patton said anything while this happened. Then, Sleep took a step back, turning his head to look at Virgil and Patton.
“Could you give Emile and I some time alone?” he asked.
Virgil stood up, nodding.
“Okay!” Patton said. He gave them a smile. “Have fun, you two!”
Then, he reached out and took Virgil’s hand into his own, turning his smile onto him. It turned softer, fonder, and, for a moment, Emile felt like he was intruding on their little moment, especially as Virgil gave Patton a small, fond smile in return.
After a few seconds of this, Virgil and Patton disappeared. Patton turned into a blur and Virgil turned into a patch of darkness that seemed to stain the air, before they were both completely gone, and Emile and Sleep were left alone.
Emile was suddenly even more aware of the uncomfortable situation he and Sleep were in. He turned back to Sleep.
“So, um... why did you want to be alone?”
Sleep walked over to Emile, and Emile was now aware of the fact that Sleep was quite a bit taller than him – not nearly as tall as Virgil, nor as tall as Green, Red or October, but still towering over Emile. Well, that wasn’t particularly hard, given how small Emile was (though he was taller than Patton), but it was still something Emile took notice of.
Emile felt his cheeks warm slightly, which he hoped wasn’t obvious. He may not have been exactly together with Sleep, but he could still appreciate his handsomeness.
The thought that he was just as handsome as Remy crossed Emile’s mind, and he immediately shoved that thought deep, deep down. Nope. No, no, no. He was not going to think about a man not his soulmate like that, no matter how not-together he and his soulmate were.
Emile shook his head to remove the thoughts from his head. Then, he remembered that Sleep was still stood in front of him, and now giving him a quizzical look.  
“Are you alright?” Sleep asked instead of answering Emile’s question.
For some reason – perhaps because Sleep was his soulmate, no matter how complicated the situation was – Emile wanted to be honest with him, to not just say he was fine, which would have been a lie.
“Um... I’m not sure,” he admitted. He swallowed. “Why did you want to be alone?”
“So I could get your honest answer. Not one that was tainted by others around us,” Sleep answered like it was simple. He paused. “What do you want me to do with the Being of love? Would you really not like me to kill him?”
Emile nodded firmly. “Please don’t.”
“What should I do with him instead?”
Emile stared at him, a little surprised. “You’re really listening to me?”
“They were after you,” Sleep answered with a shrug.
Emile watched Sleep for a few moments, searching his face for sincerity. There didn’t seem to be any signs of a lie in his expression. He seemed... genuine.
“I... don’t know what you should do with them. Maybe imprisonment? I don’t know,” Emile answered honestly. “Just... don’t kill them. Please.”
Sleep stared at him for a few moments, before he nodded.
Emile relaxed, and he offered Sleep a slight smile. “Thank you.”
Sleep gave him a small smile in return, before nodding.
Emile’s eyes drifted to Sleep’s eye, to the soulmark on his eye: the crescent moon with three stars. He wanted to look down at his wrist, to the matching soulmark on his skin, but his eyes could not leave his soulmate’s face.
He leant in slightly, subconsciously, and he could see Sleep matching the movement.  
But what about Remy?
That thought shocked Emile out of the movement, and he took a step back.  
What was he doing?
And why had the thought of Remy stopped him?
He shook his head, looking down for a moment at his wrist. The soulmark was covered, but he knew it was there. He was tempted to pull up his sleeve and look at it properly, but he had already committed every detail of it to memory. He did not need to.
He coughed, clearing his throat, before he looked back up at Sleep, who was staring at him.
“So, um... have you been spending time amongst humans?” Emile asked awkwardly.
Sleep stared at him for a few more seconds, searching his face for something, before he finally spoke.
“Yes,” he said. “I even... made a new friend.”
Emile perked up. “Really?”
The corner of Sleep’s lip quirked upwards.
“Is that surprising? Am I that unlikeable that you’d think I can’t make friends?”
Emile’s face warmed, and he hurried to correct him.
“No, no. You- you're not-” He couldn’t find the right words, so he sighed, looking down at himself for a moment. “I’m glad you’re making friends and getting to know humans.”
Sleep paused. “Yes. I am.” There was a moment of silence. “He’s... teaching me about cartoons. Patton says you like them, too.” His words came out a little awkward.
“Oh my gosh, that’s so cool!” Emile said, a smile spreading across his face. He bounced on the balls of his feet. “I might have to meet them some day!”
Sleep’s brow creased. He paused, hesitant. “Right...” he trailed off.
There were a few moments of awkward silence, before Sleep spoke again.
“I... should probably go. I will need to speak with my father, the king, about what we’re going to do with the Being of love when we find them.”
Emile deflated slightly. “Right. Yes.”
There was another pause, before Sleep took a step back.
“I’ll... see you again sometime soon,” he said.  
And then, before Emile could say anything else, he was gone, and Emile was alone. He stared at the spot Sleep had been stood, before he let out his sigh, his right hand drifting to his left wrist, his fingers lingering over the spot where his soulmark was.
Well, that was... weird.
Then, Emile heard a notification from his phone, and he reached down to his pocket and pulled it out. He switched it on, and noticed that he had a message from Remy.
He smiled without thinking about it, and quickly unlocked it to read the message.
Emile immediately began to type out a message.
How are you doing?
And soon, he was so engrossed in his conversation with Remy that he almost forgot about his encounter with Love.
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sleepyvirgilprompts · 4 years
“So, really, it was the only thing--” Virgil yawned, cutting off his sentence.
“Awww,” cooed Patton. “Time for bed, Vee?”
“It is getting late,” Virgil agreed. Roman and Logan looked at each other, and Virgil could see what they were thinking. ‘Who is this man who can talk to Virgil like that?’ Concealing a smirk, Virgil said, “Good night,” kissed Patton’s forehead, and left.
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pun-master-logan · 3 years
What Happens In The Castle, Stays in The Castle
Chapter one can be found here, previous chapter can be found here
Chapter 12
Remus pushed Patton up against the wall, kissing him passionately. He missed this; Patton against his body, the taste of his lips. They both did. All Remus wanted was to stay in that moment forever.
He trailed his lips down Patton’s neck, tickling him with soft kisses. Patton giggled. Remus drank it up. He loved Patton’s laugh. He could listen to it forever and it would never grow old. Remus did what he could to make Patton keep laughing.
“Remus...Remus,” Patton said through laughter as he feignly pushed Remus away. “You have sword practice.”
“There’s a different sword I want to play with.”
Remus sucked on Patton neck, drawing out a moan. Remus loved Patton’s moan almost as much as his laugh.
“Stupid Remus.” Roman kicked a stone. “We were supposed to start practice an hour ago.”
“He’s probably still asleep,” Virgil said with a yawn.
“You’re right, he’s always sleeping late, go wake him for me.”
“Yes my lord.”
Virgil trekked his way up to the prince’s bedroom. Being as tired as he was, the journey felt taxing.
As he neared the room, he could hear quiet moans and gasps that made him think someone was in pain. Had the prince gotten hurt?
“Remus,” he heard Patton whimper as he walked through the door.
Patton was the one hurt. Virgil felt a spike of adrenaline as he rushed to the back of the room to help his friend.
“Virgil!” Patton turned red as he pushed Remus away and covered himself with the curtain in one fluid motion.
Remus stood and turned to see Virgil. They stared at each other awkwardly.
“Um...good morning,” he said hoarsely.
Virgil left the room as quickly as he entered.
“Virgil, wait!” Patton chased after him, grabbing Remus’ robe on the way out. “Virgil!”
Virgil turned around. “The prince!”
“Keep your voice down.”
“Your secret lover is the prince,” Virgil said quieter.
“I wanted to tell you, but I...”
“I get it, you don’t trust me.”
“It’s not that, it’s just...” Patton couldn’t find his words.
“Tell your lover he has a sword fighting practice to get to, I have a job to go back to doing.” Virgil started walking down the hall.
“He wants me to go to the Crofter Isles with him.”
Virgil froze. Patton got closer to him.
“I haven’t answered him yet.”
Virgil didn’t look at him. “Do you want to go?”
“I want you to come too,” Patton said.
Virgil looked at Patton briefly, seeing the hopefulness in his eyes before looking away again.
“I’ve never left the castle grounds, let alone the kingdom.”
“It’ll be an adventure,” Patton said.
Virgil laughed humorlessly. “An adventure.”
“Please don’t make me pick between you two because I can’t.” Patton felt like his heart was splitting in half. “I love you, but I love Remus too.”
“I need...time,” Virgil said. “I need to be alone right now.”
“I can give you that,” Patton said.
“Spend the night with Remus again, I don’t...I need to be alone.”
Virgil walked away. Patton watched as he walked out of sight. He wanted to chase after Virgil, comfort him, tell everything would be okay. Since he couldn’t, he adjusted his robe and walked back to Remus’ room, his heart aching.
I’ve been waiting for this moment, I’ve been daydreaming about this for like a year, but couldn’t make myself focus and write it until now
I take constructive criticism
Tag list: @gray-skies-and-pink-clouds, @glitchybina, @lunatatic, @morgan-leaf, @therapysides
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I know I said I would do more fashion!sides next [which is still in the works, do not fear friends] but I really like the idea of the sides in a Saga of Evil au, which any classic vocaloid fans out there might recognize?? ;) 
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smalldrops · 5 years
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here’s my part of the trade with the lovely @gentlegiantdreamer !!! i honestly love the concept of forest giant!virgil and doctor!patton, i’m still uwuing over it haha. hope u enjoy!❤️
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sanderssideswriting · 4 years
I love DLAMP way to much and other people seem to like it so here’s another au! This time: DLAMP as parents, specifficly how they parent Remy!
They all live together with their child Remy
Of course Remy didn’t see anything weird with having five dads, and a really cool uncle Remus
But it brought up questions at school. Teachers where worried when they saw Remy get picked up by multiple people a day when he was in elementary school.
Parent teacher conferences where even worse. Because their would either be five people Remy called dad or two people with several other people on the phone asking questions about Remy.
It did NOT get better in high school
Remy would sometimes get in trouble and depending on who was called there would be very different reactions to the situation
An example of a situation: Remy punched someone for harrassing his best friend Emile, their nose was broken
Patton would be upset Remy had done that but understanding.
Logan would be disapproving of his method but still take his side and try to get him out of as much trouble as possible
Roman would high five him and then asked if and where he learned to break a kids nose (it was Remus)
Virgil would immediately ask Remy what the fuck happened and he was watching the office come on Remy, and after take him out for ice cream
Deceit would come in ask what happened to the principal hear his version then ask Remy. And if Remy lied pick him apart until he got the true story before trying to get him a justifiable punishment
That happened with everything, depending on who was called you would get a widely different outcome. 
The only thing that wasn’t different was everyone asking why five people picked him up at school, until he got his license.
They always watch the Office and John Mulaney together on the weekends and it’s a scared tradition, and if he even tries to skip it they draw for who gets to go track him down and get him to come back.
That’s also an event all in itself.
Patton will just call and remind him that they’re watching the Office and to get back.
Logan calls and tells him if he doesn’t get back then Virgil or Deceit will go get him
Roman facetimes him and pretends not to know anything about screens and breaks something so Remy has to come home because “oh my god dad no one will over let me forget this”
Virgil gets in his car and tracks Remy down with Snap Maps and then embarrasses the hell out of him. He usually threatens if he doesn't get in the motherfucking car right this second they WILL be watching old Disney movies and he will have to sit through the WHOLE thing and suffer so he better get his ass in the car because we’re watching the Office this is sacred you know this Remy
Deceit get in his car tracks him down and again, picks him apart physiologically about some made up thing he’s in trouble for then they get junk and go and watch John Mulaney
Remus once picked Remy up from school lying about that fact that Roman had okayed it.
When Virgil called Remy in a panic he knew Remus forgot to tell Roman. He explained what happened.
He got grounded for a month for not calling them and worrying everyone.
the absolute worst was graduation, all five of his dad’s showed up and all but Logan and Deceit started crying.
Patton was full out sobbing
They all hugged Remy who was super embarrassed. “Dad come on, it’s my graduation,”
Patton didn’t stop sobbing saying something along the lines of “you used to be so small, and now you’re going to college,”
One of Remy’s friends parents asked quite rudely about why there where five people there and where Remy’s mother was and who was his father.
Virgil glared at her “We’re here to see our son graduate, what the fuck is wrong with wanting to support him at his graduation,”
She didn’t let it go, still asking who the real father
Remy took off his sunglasses, put down his coffee and went off on her ass.
Someone even filmed it and put it online.
Then Remus arrived mid Remy tearing the Karen apart
After he was so proud, just the proudest uncle ever. And a bit disappointed that Remy for the skill to verbally tear someone apart from Logan and Deceit and not himself. But still proud as fuck
They then left to go have a celebratory Office, John Mulaney and Disney movie binge because they could
Probably going to expand on this but idk
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