dnawield · 2 years
YOUR CHARACTER:  IN 10 QUOTES [ or however many you want ]
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tell us your favorite quotes from your character. give us an idea of who they are by the things they’ve said. then tag your friends.
tagging: @luxcruor @humanitylost @clawheir @cauterisen && anyone else who wants to nab this
"If I knew what that meant, I'd be pretty nervous right now!" "Mmm... I always wait for evil villains to finish THEIR speeches..." "In order for the Ultimates to live...I have to die." "But you won't STAY mad at me- I'm ADORABLE." "Two weeks... Two WHOLE weeks, Nobody's tried to blow up the Earth. Nobody's tried to kill me and take the Omnitrix. Everything is just FINE and BORING!" "Sometimes you have to see the good in people, and not just be a selfish jerk!" "This is the most amazingest thing I've ever seen..." "Hey other girl! You're a terrible tennis player and my girlfriend's gonna kick your butt!" "Ben Tennyson doesn't go around WRECKING stuff!" "I can't believe my last words are SNOT ROCKET!"
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jannahnation · 11 months
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#freepalestine #freegaza #gazagenocide #humanitylost #isnotrealterrorist #savegaza
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ancient-healer · 3 years
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speed-is-knowledge · 3 years
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omniheros · 5 years
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| 10 | “I know we talked about it over the phone but really, im glad you doing this for me, iv’e got enough on my plate at home and i didn’t want to just leave him with anyone.” he’s got his own alternate in cuffs, he’s just here to pass along the feral kid to her and go, but not before making sure everything's in order, he’s worried about both of them after all, even if his captive couldn’t see it.
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“This is ridiculous, leaving me with a little girl, and i thought you plumbers had pride.” Bad’s not exactly happy with the current proceedings, and if he could use the watch right now he’d take them both down or die trying.
Prime pissed him off and a friend of this idiot had to be just as stupid.
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nighttbound-a · 3 years
Glyph is just gonna casually kick in Nel's door as if it's totally normal. "Nel my dear friend, it has been way too long since we last spoke and my brother has been neglecting my social needs. How have you been, dear?" { humanitylost }
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"Glyph! Hello!" He chirped, his ears perking forward. "I will do my best to fulfill your social needs, eheh. I have been doing well! And I hope the very same for you...!"
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"...My door."
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briilliance · 3 years
"Blood? Are you bleeding?" From a slightly concerned but also very wary Albedo! OwO { humanitylost }
"Take a picture it'll last longer, I don't know what your deal is but, with or without Tennyson I am pretty capable of taking care of myself."
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lordofevildreams-a · 5 years
That was… pretty understandable actually. Now that she thinks about it, it was pretty obvious that she wasn’t exactly a regular around these parts. If her accent when speaking wasn’t enough of a sign, that is. With a little shake of her head, Reily does her best to keep a cool head. No reason to get freaked out over an innocent question. “I’m from America, thankfully I’m no fool and had the bright idea to study other languages. But you can’t really get rid of accents that easily, can ya?”
It especially comes in handy when you just get tossed through dimensional portals as if they were just a common Monday occurrence and somehow end up in a weird version of Japan. At least she landed in a place where she speaks the common language. With her luck she could’ve ended up literally anywhere else and be completely stranded. “Gotta say though, haven’t been around here before so I guess you could say I might be lost?” Not a total lie, but also not exactly the truth either.
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     Ah, so she was from America. He’s always been curious about the States, but due to his position, he never had the time to go over there. Though maybe one day he could do so. After he was done laying waste to Japan. “It’s good that you studied this Country’s langauge before coming here. Yeah the accent kind of gives you away that you aren’t from here,” he replied. “They are hard to get rid of...”
     Shigaraki believed that she was just your average person from America. Nothing else. Nothing out of the ordinary. When she told him that she might be lost, he thought it over on if he should just leave and leave her lost, or lend a hand. Eh, he had nothing better to do. “Well, you’re in Tokyo. The biggest city there is in Japan. So no wonder why you’re lost. Is there a certain place you’re heading?” the villain asked her. “Also... just out of curiosity, what’s your quirk?”
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amvlett-aa · 5 years
spellbinder and glpyh: fuckin deck him 
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infestationofmuses · 5 years
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     Quite frankly, Shigaraki couldn’t stand people. Just being around people made his skin crawl. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab everyone around them, to let them crumble to dust. But that wouldn’t work out well. Those pro heroes would catch him. But hey, he could dream about it.
     As his head was clouded with the gruesome thoughts, he bumped into a girl. He looked at her for a moment. “I haven’t seen you around... you’re not from around here, are you?” he asked. He had a habit or memorizing all the faces he sees. This one, he hasn’t.
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omnivurse · 3 years
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FROM THE INBOX: "Why are you here?" From a very tired looking Albedo / @humanitylost​​​
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“An excellent question, and the answer is about to be ‘leaving’.”
The real answer was late night Mr Smoothies trip after an unrestful night of what barely counted as sleep, and maybe looking for trouble. But considering how terrible Albedo looked, it wouldn’t be the kind of trouble he had in mind.
Still, this was gonna bug him if he actually walked away.
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awesomobile-a · 5 years
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               Since the entire ordeal with the highbreed months ago, and finding out about the secret things his family was doing ( behind his back, he might add ), Kenneth had become pretty damn well accustomed to seeing the strange and unnatural -- but this??? Threw him off guard. He had come home from college on break, dropped his keys in the dish on the coffee table and tossed his duffel bag onto the couch when he noticed someone was in his house and he had to double take to make sure he wasn’t seeing what he thought he did. Ben, with white hair, but it wasn’t him. Ben didn’t speak in such an articulate manner nor would he wear the colour red.
                                    ❝You know what? I’m not even gonna ask.❞
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speed-is-knowledge · 3 years
911 yes hello @humanitylost is threatening me with a SAD time.
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omniheros · 5 years
@humanitylost​ continued from [ x ]
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| 10 | Good to know his cousin conspired against him, but there had to be a good reason for it right? oh who was he kidding this whole thing didn’t make sense. 
“Well sorry i didn’t expect my cousin to lie to me, its called trust you know, normally when your called out of your home its for a solid reason.” Pulling one last time before giving up, he’s been in these kind of situations before but never tied to another person.
“So whats it gonna take for you to get these off? whats your angle here? cause i’m sure you know, or is this solely up to Gwen?” to say he’s unhappy would be an understatement.
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papillionsoul · 5 years
🌙 which planet matches your muses personality?☀️
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tagged by : @darknekoclub ( nekozawa-senpai !!! ) tagging : @usucta / @redrivus / @humanitylost / @eiikyuu / @sanguinecalamity / @sanguinumrosa / @daemonhrt / @dawnled + you, who are reading this !
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eiikyuu · 5 years
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there was no intention to belittle the situation only to provide some reassurance . his sharp word and gaze did not faze her in the slightest though .   she had few close friends , to see two of them at such odds against each they had been together through thick and thin it just wasn't right to see them at odds . part of her said it was meddling that she should step back but both could be to stubborn for their own good .
" she doesn’t need me right now ." he was wrong and right . yuuki need comfort but not from her . She'd always be there her best friend could always count on her but she knew her well enough to know it was sayori she needed to hear from . as yuuki need a moment to breath , he needed a push .
" if you're that worried wouldn't it be better to check on her yourself ? "
                                                                             @humanitylost / meme  !
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