jo3mm · 1 year
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poicyss · 2 years
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Day 1 🌙 Moon Doing a prompt list for October! Starting off with Mahima, my moon goddess :)
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scuttlebuttink-blog · 4 months
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We've got 13 days left on the River Beasties set on Kickstarter. Here's a peek at the next set of enamel pins we'll be crowdfunding! Follow us to be alerted when the campaign goes live.
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ybkitten-portfolio · 5 months
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tempestforged · 1 year
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Nikolas is VERY forgetful, to the point if he hasn't written it down assume he's forgotten whatever you tell him within a day
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protocolseben · 2 years
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[ x ]
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oarfishfever · 11 months
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 8 months
🐟 Fishuary 2024 Day Five: Triggerfish 🐟
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Humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa, reef triggerfish, wedgetail triggerfish, rectangular triggerfish, the species Rhinecanthus rectangulus goes by many names! At first I didn't think I'd do this fish (since it is a bit unfair to only be known for your name), but looking through pictures of triggerfishes, one caught my eye... "Ah, the wedgetail triggerfish? What pretty colours and patterns! I could draw that one! What's its scientific name?" and humuhumu it was!
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the-octopod · 1 year
Hello!! (Definitely didn't just decide to ask this because this show was my childhood or anything-) I have a question for whoever can answer this: What was the stupidest thing anyone has done?? Okay bye!! ^^
- Tweak
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return2zero · 8 months
This game has me in such a chokehold that I'm trying to find a way to speed-art something simple for the weekend after the next's art convention that I'm joining... Pain... _(:з)∠)_ (all these while I'm also trying to speed run 2 other charms in the meantime for some test printing for a convention in May! TAT AND I have ideas for charms for the boys too! RIP me)
Here's a bit of a sneak-peek of just the head and some side doodles... I think I finally managed to draw Xavier's hair properly?! I hope! QwQ
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Last but not least! I made a separate tumblr for my future ramblings and what not for LaDS! ><;;; ( I mean I would post on Twitter... but... I kinda don't want people to find out over there LMAFO)
I named it "Our Little Uluru" C':
Gonna be posting more random art sketches (yes that includes the scene i wanted to draw from Myth 4) over there alongside screenshots and ramblings! humuhumu
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jo3mm · 1 year
This might sound really weird...I've been following you for a really long time, and I think I just made the connection that we used to be friends? I think it was with something rwby related (a chat group). It would have been a long time ago though. Regardless, I've watched your art through the years and I think you've improved 10 fold. Again, sorry if that's weird, but my curiosity is getting the better of me.
this isnt weird at all friend- I feel tis understandable, life is a strange mysterious thing (in this case a rubber band) and dang does it stretch us thin to places unknown but also brings us back in neat odd ways.
i've definitely been around since the days of vol.2-3, I have some fading recollection of the groups there and maybe being in really only a few of em
thank you for the kind words and for following me for all this time- I'm alot more active on twitter if ya wanna keep up/my dms are always open to reconnect 🤙
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bwela07 · 12 days
Octonauts - A new Generation
Chapter 7
Barnacles’ pov
Missing humuhumunukunukuapua'a part 2
His alarm goes off. He jumps out of bed. He puts on his cold suit. He brushes his teeth. He goes through the Octo-shoot and into the HQ. This was his daily morning routine. Despite going to bed late, he still woke up early. While yawning, he walks to the hot cocoa machine and puts his cup in place. It has been years since Barnacles has had coffee. It took him quite a while to get used to having hot cocoa instead, but now he’s practically addicted to it. He remembers the first (and hopefully last) time the Octonauts and Octo-agents had completely run out of hot cocoa. No matter how hard he tried to hide his disappointment, he has a sneaking suspicion that it still showed.
As he takes a sip of his hot cocoa, Dashi hops out of the Octo-shoot, shortly followed by Tweak.
“Good morning ladies”, Barnacles says.
“Morning cap”, Tweak yawns as she walks towards the hot cocoa machine.
“Good morning captain Barnacles”, Dashi replies in a formal manner, as always.
“How did you sleep?”, he asks, knowing full well how Tweak will answer.
The rabbit groans as she stretches herself. “Could barely sleep, once again”, she answers annoyed.
“I slept fairly well, thanks for asking. How about you captain?”, Dashi returns the question.
“Oh, well…I also slept well”, Barnacles replies.
“You’re the worst at ly’ng”, Tweak remarks while chuckling, “I heard you ‘nd the others returning long past midnight."
“I see. Well, I hope we didn’t wake you up”, Barnacles says sheepishly, ashamed that he had been caught.
“Not at all, I was just about-a hop out of bed and play a li’l until sleep finally finds me”, Tweak resplies while laughing.
Barnacles peaks over to Dashi, who gave him a concerned look.
“With all due respect, perhaps you should stay in bed a little longer captain”, Dashi calmly says.
Barnacles loves her calm voice, but he is ashamed at how she’s more professional than he is.
“There is no need to worry about me Dashi, I’ll be fine. Besides, I need to continue the search for the missing humuhumu”, he says firmly.
Dashi’s concerned expression does not ease away. She opens her mouth to say something, but is interrupted by an ear screeching yell from the Octo-shoot.
“YYOOOWWWW!”, a ginger cat comes shooting out of the Octo-shoot, making a double front flip as he does so.
“Captain, I’m ready to continue the search!”, Kwazii exclaims, with a bit too much enthusiasm for someone who is supposed to be tired.
“I am ready as well”, Peso says while letting out a yawn.
“Are you sure?”, Barnacles asks with worry, “I can go on my own if you’re too tired-“
“Don’t worry captain!”, Kwazii yells.
“We’ll find Humpert and then come back to get some rest”, Peso calmly reassures.
“Alright”, Barnacles says, seeing the flames of determination in both Kwazii and Peso, “Let’s get going.”
The trio had been searching for Humpert for hours now. With each hour that passed, Peso grew more and more uneasy. Barnacles had observed the same behavior the day before, and was starting to get concerned about his crew mate. The whole crew had become a family, but of course, they all still have their own secrets, their own hidden past lives that might be revealed when the time comes to do so.
After another hour of searching for the humuhumu without any success, Barnaces decides that the trio should take a break and eat something. Peso, however, politely excuses himself and continues searching for the fish on his own. It took some persuading, but Barnacles ended up giving him perission to do so.
“What’s wrong with our lil’ matey?”, Kwazii asks as soon as the medic leaves the gup-A.
“I’m not sure”, Barnacles calmly responds.
“Should we ask him?”, Kwazii sugggests.
Barnacles thinks for a minute. He is concerned about the penguin, but if Peso is not ready to talk about it, then they shouldn’t push him to do so. On the other hand, maybe all it takes for Peso to finally open up is for them to ask him what’s going on. Either way, there’s no harm in asking him. As long as they do it politely.
“We’ll ask him about it when the time is right”, Barnacles confirms.
As soon as the duo finish eating, they continue with their search, while also keeping an eye out for Peso.
“I’m near a coral reef captain”, Peso’s voice explains through the radio.
“I see one up ahead on the left!”, Kwazii excitedly exclaims.
“We’re on our way Peso”, Barnacles’ tone was calm.
It didn’t take long for the duo to find the penguin. They continued their search for a few more hours. Peso was getting more and more impatient, making the others more and more concerned. Kwazii gives Barnacles a sad look. Barnacles nods shortly, signalizing that now is the right time.
“Are you alright me hearty?”, Kwazii calmly asks, with an unnaturally comforting voice for someone like him.
“Yeah”, Peso sheepishly answers.
“Peso, if you ever need to talk to anyone, we’re always here to listen”, Branacles says, making sure that his voice stays calm, comforting and reassuring.
Peso hesitates for a while, looking down at his feet while thinking about it.
“I’m just worried. Creatures that go missing…what if they have a severe injury?”, he slowly explains.
“Peso, has this kind of situation happen to you before?”, Barnacles says slowly, attempting to get a little more information from what Peso has mentioned.
“…My brother. Not Pinto, my other brother”, Peso finally admits.
“Other brother!?”, Kwazii says, the concern now replaced by shock and disbelief, “Since when have you had another brother!?”
Peso flinches at the sudden change of tone.
“Calm down Kwazii”, Barnacles firmly says, stopping the engine to put a comforting paw on Peso’s shoulder.
“Pedro. He…he went missing. For months. When he was found… It was too late”, Peso slowly starts crying.
Barnacles pulls him into a hug. Kwazii joins them shortly after. The trio stay that way for a few more minutes.
“We’ll find Humpert Peso, I promise”, Barnacles softly, but firmly, states.
Other chapters
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dailycreatures · 1 year
Creature 83
Reef triggerfish
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The reef trigger fish’s Hawaiian name is humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa (humuhumu for short) meaning “triggerfish with the snout of a pig”. The humuhumu lives in reefs in the indo-pacific region. They are known to make grunting noises while swimming away from predators, hence the pig snout name. It is the state fish of Hawaii.
fact source: wikipedia
image source: culture trip
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
the yuri and the villainess manga 👍🏻 do you have anything new you would recommend btw..
I started reading this one and looks interesting humuhumu but i havent got past 5 chapters or something like that so idont know what to say
And this one is still pretty new and only has like 4 chapters but i love it sm it's so my vibe (tsundere and lesbians, i also want to serve the villainess)
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tempestforged · 1 year
{ OOC: I have been..... So ridiculously busy lately it's not funny, I have a bunch of half finished replies that need just a few things done before they can be sent out that I'm hoping to get around to once everything calms down. Thanking ye fer the patience. }
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astrumocs · 1 year
humuhumu reshaper do your wings get in the way a lot? how/when did they emerge?
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"Hardly-- in fact, I'd be fairly confident in saying never really, especially not after living with them for hundreds upon hundreds of sweeps, Guazza."
"I can't remember a time without them, and as far as Basili tells it, I've had them since the moment I was alive. They're fairly flexible, which makes resting them against my back and out of the way fairly simple."
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