#hurt Carlos
captain-gillian · 2 years
nothing a kiss better can't fix
2,196 words. rated g. summary: Carlos has a hard time admitting when he's sick, but when he's hurt on the job he's forced to let TK take care of him.
Carlos wakes a while before his alarm, but he doesn’t mind. There’s a certain serenity in the silence and the solitude in the hours before the sunlight streams through the gap in the curtains and rouses TK from his slumber. Today especially, he appreciates starting the day watching his perfect fiancé sleep so soundly.
TK’s been getting over the flu for what feels like an eternity, and seeing him this peaceful is a very welcome sight. In actuality, it’s only been about five days, but after the hypothermia, even a simple cold seems to be enough to send TK to bed for three days straight, so now Carlos can’t help but worry the whole time whenever TK gets sick, and watching his fiancé feel so awful, but being unable to help has left Carlos feeling defeated.
It’s the same crushing defeat he felt all those months ago as he sat in that horrid plastic chair in the ICU and watched the man he loved—a man he thought no longer loved him—fade away. The same helplessness he felt watching the plane he’d just put the love of his life on hurtle towards the ground, smoke billowing out of the engine. 
He never wants to feel that powerless again. And thankfully, for now, at least, he doesn’t have to. TK has finally recovered—sure, he wasn’t actually sick for more than a week, but watching the ones you love unwell feels like an eternity—and is going back to work today, and a weight has lifted off Carlos’s chest; he feels like he can finally breathe again. 
It takes everything in Carlos not to snooze his alarm—or better yet, turn it off altogether—and stay in this serene moment for as long as possible. But he can’t. He has a big case he’s helping detective Washington with at work, so he reaches out and gently pushes back TK’s hair to kiss his fiancé’s forehead.
“G’morning, love,” TK whispers sleepily as he stretches his arms out, slowly waking up.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, TK,” Carlos tells him as he swings his legs over the side of the bed and stands. The room spins, and his vision goes fuzzy around the edges; then Carlos stumbles, landing back on the bed. Everything sounds muffled and distant.
“Babe?” Comes a far away sounding voice as the bed moves beside him, probably TK scrambling to sit up. “Are you okay?” 
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Carlos takes a deep breath and steadies himself. “I think I just stood up too fast. Go back to sleep, and I’ll see you tonight. Love you.” TK looks over at him with an eyebrow raised and an air of scepticism in his expression.
“Are you sure?” TK asks, reaching out to feel his forehead and check for a fever. “Well, you don’t have a fever.” He concludes, but it doesn’t seem to comfort him.
“I don’t have a fever because I’m fine, TK,” Carlos tells him squeezing his hand reassuringly. “Go back to sleep; I’ll see you after my shift.”
TK stands up and strides toward the closet. “Just let me check you over, babe. Can’t be too careful.” He tells Carlos as he reaches for a backpack—the over-the-top first aid kit he keeps around ‘just in case’. 
“Fine, but quickly, I’ve got to get to work. I can’t be late today.” Carlos relents, sinking further into the mattress as TK takes a stethoscope from the bag. 
“This might be cold,” TK warns as he places a stethoscope against Carlos’s bare chest. Carlos draws in a sharp breath when the cold metal meets his skin, but he sits still and patient and complies with TK’s vitals checks, a process he’s all too familiar with. If there’s one person who worries more than Carlos does about TK, it’s TK whenever Carlos is sick or might be sick. He can’t so much as sneeze in his fiancé’s presence without being treated to a complete checkup and the suggestion of a day’s bed rest. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to call in sick? I could take an extra sick day and take care of you? I could bring you matzo ball soup, and we could watch that new season of grand designs you’ve been looking forward to.” TK asks, and it’s so tempting. He wants more than anything to say yes, to stay here. But he’s not sick; he doesn’t have time to be sick. He never gets sick.
“I’m sure. Be safe today.” He tells TK. He’s not a superstitious person by nature, but this is his one exception. He tells TK to be safe before every shift because the man he loves seems to collect near-death experiences like baseball cards, and he can’t bare the thought of one more ICU vigil, kidnapping, or plane crash in their future. Wishing him safety before they part is a little way for Carlos to comfort his nerves when they’re apart. “I love you.” He whispers into TK’s hair as he kisses his head and stands again; this time, the world doesn’t spin.
As Carlos gets ready for work, he chalks his dizziness up to a poor night's sleep. He doesn’t think of it again until he’s following Detective Washington down a staircase following a lead on a case, and suddenly the world is spinning. He’s stumbling, and it’s too late to catch himself, feeling the hard concrete edge of every stair in his back as he tumbles, landing at the bottom in a heap of limbs and hurt pride.
As if falling down the stairs in front of a superior officer wasn’t bad enough, Detective Washington radios dispatch for an RA unit despite his protests—he may be bleeding, but he really doesn’t think an ambulance is warranted. He can’t be seen showing weakness on the job by calling an ambulance over a stumble and a scraped knee. What would his father think? 
Worse still, dispatch assigns the 126, Captain Vega, TK and Nancy. Because, of course, it would be TK and Nancy’s shift. Just thinking about it has Carlos groaning internally—between the two of them, he will never live this down. And worse than that, TK will be going out of his mind worrying the whole time—as yet unaware that it isn’t warranted—it’s a type of fear Carlos is all too familiar with, the stomach drop every time that he gets a text from Nancy during a shift, or he hears of an EMT down over the radio with no further details, and TK takes a while to answer his call, the bone-chilling fear when TK is late home from a shift. It’s a fear he hates to be the cause of for TK.
It feels like it takes an hour for the 126 ambulance to pull up on the scene, but Carlos knows it’s just because he’s stressed and still feeling a little off from his fall. Nancy parks the rig, and she, Captain Vega and TK calmly walk across to him. TK walks stiffly, visibly tensed, as though he were awaiting bad news whilst trying to remain professional and calm.
Carlos can practically feel the tension lift from his fiancé’s shoulders when they lock eyes from a distance, and TK sees he’s conscious, breathing, and barely bleeding. TK’s face softens instantly, “Carlos, babe, what happened? Are you alright?” He blurts out, the pace of his speech at odds with his calm, professional demeanour.
“Seriously, it’s nothing, TK,” Carlos says as he leans against the back of the 126 ambulance with his worried fiancé methodically checking him over. 
“It’s not nothing, Carlos. You’re bleeding .” TK tells him, trying to gently guide him towards the stretcher. “Now, will you please sit down and let me treat you?”
“I’m okay, TK. Breathe,” Carlos says, taking his fiancé’s hand. “This is nothing a kiss better can’t fix.” 
“Is a kiss better for a certain flu-riddled fiancé of yours, perhaps exactly how you ended up in this situation, dude?” Nancy asks with a raised eyebrow and a laugh.
“First of all, I’m not ‘flu riddled’,” TK tells her, putting dramatic air quotes around his words. “And second, how do you know about that?” 
“When are you going to just admit I know everything,” Nancy tells him with a grin before adding. “Also, you’re both, like, hella predictable.”
“It’s irrelevant because I don’t have the flu,” Carlos interjects. Frankly, he doesn’t have time to have the flu and having the flu won’t get this case solved.
“Babe, you have a fever of 102 degrees,” TK tells him gently, “You’re clammy and congested, you were dizzy this morning. You have the flu.” 
“I’m fine, really,” Carlos says, wincing as TK presses a sterile gauze pad up against his bleeding elbow. Being able to admit when he’s sick has never been Carlos’s strong suit. Every time he suppresses a sniffle or covers up a cough, he hears his father’s words from his childhood, “Never let them see weakness, son.” 
His father hadn’t been talking about being sick, but Carlos took his words to heart. He learned ways to appear strong in all aspects of his life, and that included never being sick. Sickness was seen as weakness, and Carlos wasn’t soft, so he didn’t get sick; he pushed past it ‘like a man’, doing his best never to let on, no matter how unwell he felt. It’s a thought process he’s still working on unlearning.
“You’re not fine, babe. Hold pressure on this.” He instructs, placing Carlos’s hand over the gauze. “I’m going to patch you up, and then I’ll talk to Captain Vega about taking off the rest of the shift, and I’ll take you home.” 
“I can’t let you do that, TK. I’ll be alright. I’ll drive home and hang out on the couch until your shift is finished.” Carlos says and receives a trio of sceptical glances in response.
“I don’t know how I feel about that,” TK says as he removes the gauze from his fiancé’s elbow and presses the steri-strip Nancy passes him over the split skin. 
“See, I’m all better now, TK,” Carlos tells him with a reassuring smile. “You don’t have to worry.”
“You can’t be all better just yet,” TK says, leaning in so only Carlos can hear. “You haven’t had your kiss better.” He reaches out and brushes a singular stray curl off Carlos’s forehead—Carlos swears his hair has a mind of its own, he slathered it with gel and brushed it neatly into place only a few hours ago to look presentable for work, but already the curls were making their escape—and presses a gentle kiss to it. TK’s cool touch against his warm forehead is fleeting but, nonetheless, comforting. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take off the rest of the shift?” TK asks, giving pleading puppy dog eyes to Carlos.
“I’ll be alright, TK.”
“I don’t like the idea of you being home alone; what if you have a head injury, a concussion. You hit your head pretty hard if that bruise is anything to go off.”
“You checked me for a head injury. And then you made Nancy check me and Captain Vega, too. I’m okay, TK.” Carlos points out. TK has been more than thorough in making sure Carlos was ok.
“But none of us has X-Ray vision, and you won’t let me take you for a scan.” 
“Tyler. I’m okay. I’ll get a Lyft home if it makes you feel better?” He offers, and TK relents. So he takes a Lyft home, changes into sweats and gets comfy on the couch. However, he soon starts to regret his decision when he realises all he has the energy to do is sit and overthink the impression his fall might have made on detective Washington and if it might affect his chances of becoming detective in the future. Not to mention the splitting pain in his head. So he calls TK.
“TK?” Carlos asks as his fiancé picks up the phone. 
“Yes, babe.” TK answers. “Is everything okay? Do you need anything? I called your mom; she’s on her way until I get home.”
“You called my mom for me?” Carlos asks. Nobody has ever done that for him. He’s never had anyone who cared enough to notice if he was sick, let alone call his mom to take care of him. Whenever he thinks he can’t possibly love TK more, he proves him wrong in the best possible way. 
“Of course, I called your mom. It’s ok to let people take care of you when you’re sick. It’s not a sign of weakness.” TK says, and relief washes over Carlos. How does TK always know what he’s thinking?”
“Thank you for calling her.” He tells him.
Andrea interjects from the doorway, having just let herself in, “It’s a good thing he did, Carlitos. Just look at you, mijo.” She says as she takes a tupperware of soup from her tote bag in the kitchen. “Mama is here now, with your Abuela's famous chicken soup. I’ll have you feeling better in no time.” 
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Here's a little sneak peek from the next chapter of
Agape: A Composition in Three Acts
If you haven't read the first chapter yet, you can find it on AO3.
“Open your hand; I have something for you.” Carlos gave TK a confused look, but did as he asked. TK dropped the chip in his open palm. Carlos looked at it, turning it over between his fingers. “Your six-month chip,” he said finally, then turned his head to kiss TK on the cheek. “Congratulations; I’m so proud of you.” He tried to hand the chip back, but TK closed Carlos’s palm around it. “I want you to keep it. Every time it feels like the next six months are impossible to bear, this will be your reminder that we got through these six months together, and we’ll get through the next the same way.” Carlos teared up immediately. “You are so strong and brave,” he said weepily. “I don’t know how I’d get through this without you. I’m so lucky…” Carlos was cut off by his own sob. TK reached for the tissues and handed them to Carlos. Then he shifted in the bed and wrapped his arms around his fiancée. “I’m the lucky one, Carlos. You came back to me.” He picked up Carlos’s hand and kissed the inside of his wrist before placing two fingers on it to feel the steady beat of his heart.
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paperstorm · 2 years
What's worse, if that pic is of TK looking through his phone missing Carlos or if that pic is of the serial killer looking through Carlos's phone in front of Carlos?
Omg??? I am like … 95% sure those are Ronen’s hands but that is a terrifying thought, that would be so traumatizing 😬
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
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“Mayday, mayday!” | Cave In | Rusty Nail
Fandom: 9-1-1 Lone Star
Pairing: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand
Chapters: 1/7
Summary: He screamed but was not able to hear his voice because it was muffled by the other falling rocks and the last earth movements. Everything was filled with dust around him, he coughed and had to close his eyes to avoid being blinded by the millions of particles moving around him.
An eternity later, when the earth seemed to have decided to give them some peace and he could see better, Carlos sat up and looked for what he soon found. TK was in front of him, lying on the ground, although he could barely see half of his body because he was under a rock.
Chapter 1
"You know I'm a city person right?" TK said, covered in sweat, with the weight of the backpack barely letting him breathe and looking at the road still ahead of them.
"The idea was yours, tiger. You wanted a different adventure for the weekend." Carlos replied.
He walked a few feet ahead of him, turned around and kept walking backwards without looking at the ground, as if he wasn't afraid of falling and cracking his head open.
"When I meant adventure, I was thinking of a new restaurant or escape room downtown."
Carlos paused, put his hands on his hips and took a deep breath. "Just think, we can have the restaurant wherever we feel like it, in the middle of nature and the whole forest is an escape room , because it's full of unexpected mysteries."
TK swatted against his arm a mosquito that was about to bite him and let the air out in an intense sigh. He wanted to keep protesting because he was tired, sweating, with a couple of pebbles in his left shoe and the sun was bothering his eyes. But when he saw his boyfriend's eyes, bright, intense and full of emotion, he did not.
Carlos had spent the whole week preparing for this excursion. He had done his best to hide the maps, but TK had seen them, marked out places he wanted to visit, walks with lines of where he wanted to take him.
For a real weekend they had free, a whole Saturday and a whole Sunday to themselves, he wasn't going to waste it on stupid complaints about the heat.
He sighed again and walked over to Carlos, wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him. He closed his eyes for a moment as he did so and took in the sound of the birds around his, the water running not far away and the lack of traffic and city noises.
"I admit it's beautiful and relaxing."
"You see? New York is very beautiful with all its skyscrapers and restaurants all over the world, but sometimes you forget what lies beyond." Carlos grabbed TK by both hands and pulled him along. "I grew up here, when I was little, when my father had a party on the weekends we would come here, walk around and I would tell him how school had gone during the week. He'd tell me some of his cases and then we'd walk down to the river on the other side of these caves behind us and stick our feet in the freezing water while we ate some sandwiches my mom had made."
"Sounds great."
"It was." Carlos's expression changed dramatically. "It was here that I decided to tell them I was gay. I thought they would accept it without a problem because I talked it all out with my father, nothing could go wrong."
"But in the end, everything turned out fine, your parents love you are happy for us."
Carlos sighed. "I know, but I wish it hadn't taken so long to happen." Carlos turned around and smiled. "Dare you venture with me into that cavern? It's dark but it's very leaky and at the bottom is the river I was telling you about."
"Sure," TK went up to him, took his hand and kissed it. "With you to the end of the world. I showed you my world in New York last month. Now I want to meet yours."
Just as Carlos had said, the grotto was in total darkness when they entered, illuminated only by the light coming through the entrance. As they walked they soon stopped being able to see the ground beneath their feet and had to walk much more slowly to avoid falling.
Carlos was used to moving around these grounds, but every few seconds he noticed TK's grip on his hand because of how close he was to falling.
"Step where I do, it will be easier for you." He told him.
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@lire-casander @morganaspendragonss @chaotictarlos @noxsoulmate
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maxtermind · 6 months
baby, would i still be your lover?
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★ : summary :: when he accidentally insults you during an argument ★ : feat :: max verstappen, lewis hamilton, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, lando norris ★ : genre :: angst ★ : word count :: 2.9k ★ : a/n :: as much as i love making the crack texts, i'm just an angst addict 😔
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Max Verstappen
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Everyone, people who weren’t even in Max’s close proximity, knew that he was impulsive and a little reckless. With you, on the contrary, Max was usually a think first, act later kind of a lover. That wasn’t to say that when arguments happened, they were a pretty sight to look at.
It was a single thing that you said which suddenly turned into a huge blown out argument, leaving your head throbbing as Max continued to vent his frustrations about unrelated issues.
"You're so hot-headed, you can't even have a normal conversation without blowing up."
"Attacking me now, are you?" Max retorted, his tone defensive.
He was quick to bite back and the ball in your throat made it scratch-y to talk. You were sure that your eyes were welling up with tears but he was too far away to see it.
"I'm just stating the truth.” You started after taking a shuddering breath. “Every time we talk, it turns into a fight because you can't control your temper."
"Well, maybe if you didn't push all my buttons, we wouldn't be here."
He was talking in the same decibel at least and for a second you had hope that everything would be better. Then his words registered and the hope vanished as well.
"I'm not the one who flies off the handle at the slightest provocation!"
You had to stop and take another breath, otherwise, you were going to start crying and this conversation was inevitably going to get left in between because Max wasn’t an asshole who was okay with his girlfriend crying just because he was angry.
"You know what? I'm sick of your constant criticism."
"And I'm sick of walking on eggshells around you!"
He took a moment to say the next thing. The silence indicating that he was thinking it over first. Max's next words hung in the air, heavy with implication.
"Fine, maybe we should just call it quits then."
The suggestion hit you like a punch to the gut. Was this really that easy for him? He just ripped your heart out and splashed it on the ground. Your chest hurt so much and he was just sitting there? Was he not at all affected by the way you looked close to crying now?
"Fine. Enjoy being single and available," you retorted, your voice trembling with suppressed emotion.
Your boyfriend rolled his eyes looking over at you, indicating how he didn’t really think that you guys were breaking up. Though in your head, this was the last time you were ever going to look into his eyes again.
"You're too sensitive, always getting upset over nothing."
You were already on the edge, not having even processed that you guys almost- probably did break up over you trying to talk something out with him.
“Us breaking up is nothing to you?”
The weight of his words crashed over you, the tears finally spilling down your cheeks. Max's expression softened, regret flashing in his eyes, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and the fragile bond between you felt irreparably shattered.
Lewis Hamilton
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How can one tell if they really are in a good relationship? Is it the security and sense of peace? Is it the frequent love confessions? Honestly, the explanation might differ person to person but one thing you always believed that made a relationship was being level headed even during arguments when emotions were running high
Needless to say, you were very glad you found solace in Lewis. A person who was prone to recognizing the impact of his words. Arguments between you two were rare, and when they did occur, Lewis prioritized finding solutions rather than escalating the conflict. His ability to remain level-headed during disagreements was a cornerstone of your relationship.
Everyone has those days though, when acting out of character seems more suitable than the usual. Moments when emotions override reason.
You were more worked up than usual. Your insides were burning with this desire to get answers because your boyfriend wasn’t there with you on the day you needed him the most.
You drove back home from your conference, dismayed despite it being a very successful session, given that your proposal got accepted as soon as you were done. You just wished your chocolate eyed man was sitting in the crowd looking at you with his signature proud smile.
After a shower, you sat on your couch to watch some show and just move on from the bittersweet day. It was an hour later, when your boyfriend showed up with a bouquet in his hand. Lewis walked over to you and leaned down to kiss your head.
“Congratulations, love," he greeted, oblivious to the storm brewing within you. “Saw it on the news, sorry I couldn’t join you. Got caught up with work.”
Usually, you would have avoided the argument till you felt like you could understand his side too. That was one of the things that helped you guys the most. You both waited to discuss stuff till you knew you were calm and ready to get what the other was saying.
“Aren’t you too busy with work lately?”
He gave a humorous huff in return, not catching on.
“You know how it is once the season starts.”
“You literally got home last night and you had to go in again early in the morning?”
“Missed me?”
He had a playful grin on his face and it killed you to spoil the good mood.
"Of course, after all you're more committed to your cars than you are to me."
The words left your mouth and you were too far gone to be caring about it at this point. Lewis has been such a passionate lover so this sudden shift was hurting you.
“What was that?” he responded, his tone sharp with surprise.
However, you were done and already up to call in early but his words stopped you on our track.
“Wow. You're so insecure, it's exhausting trying to boost your ego all the time."
Tears immediately welled up in your eyes but you didn’t turn around and with a deflated sigh, walked into your bedroom before locking the door while Lewis stood frozen in his place, not believing his own words.
It was like he was in a stance and all he could do was listen to you cry through the closed door on a day when you guys were supposed to be celebrating each other’s wins.
Carlos Sainz
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Carlos was the perfect man. His mature yet easy going demeanor was exactly what you needed in a partner. You hadn't been together for that long to be at the altar but just enough to know that you were going to last.
You understood the demands on Carlos's time, with his career in the spotlight of the racing world when you decided to say yes to a date with him. Carlos was left with very less time away from all the glam, media and the track. Making it precious because of how rare it was.
You mostly accompanied him and let him drag you around to wherever he wanted once he had the break. So imagine your surprise when the only time you made some pretty important plans and he refused to tag alone.
"I can’t believe you’re saying no to this," you protested, frustration bubbling beneath the surface.
“I’m not saying no to anything, Carina.” He kissed your knuckles to un-knot the strong fist you’ve made of them. “I’m just suggesting we do it some other time.”
"But this is the third time, Carlos!" You stood up, unable to contain your hurt and disappointment. “Sorry if meeting my parents is such a chore for you.”
“You’re putting words in my mouth now.” Carlos responded with a sigh, attempting to pull you into a hug, which you reluctantly accepted. “It's not about it being a chore. You know I'd do anything for you, Y/N."
"I do know that, but actions speak louder than words, Carlos. My family is important to me."
“I promise that I want to meet them. I do. It's just… the timing."
"I don't want promises, Carlos. I want actions. If you can't even make it to meet my parents, what does that say about our future?" You insisted with a heavy heart, putting distance between you two.
"You're blowing this out of proportion, Y/N." Carlos countered, frustration evident in his voice.
"Out of proportion? I just wanted you to meet my family, and you can't even do that!"
“Well, I don’t have time to waste on this! If you want to go, just go alone!” His words hung in the air, a sharp pang of hurt piercing through you.
You immediately took a step back and saw him do the same. Both of you standing there as the silence stretched, contemplating in silence what exactly the next course of action was going to be.
“Y/N, I…” He trailed off as you glared at your foot, trying to hold the tears in before one eventually slipped and fell down your cheek.
“Baby, no! Don’t cry!” He panicked about extending his hand, about to touch you but you flinched away and shook your head.
“Carlos, if you think I’ll just ignore what you said ten seconds ago then you’re very wrong.” You whispered, your voice thick and husky.
Guess you were the only one from you both expecting this relationship to last. A second later, you were clutching your bag in your hand and walking towards the exit, speaking up before Carlos could beg you once again to ‘sit and talk it out.’
“Don’t,” you interrupted, your voice barely a whisper. “Thanks for letting me know that our time together was time wasted for you.”
You walked out with his heart in your pocket, your own splashed on the floor of your apartment.
Charles Leclerc
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Charles was the love of your life, the very time you saw him smile at you from across the room igniting a spark in you that shaped your future together.
He walked over to you with a pretty girl hanging onto his arm, leaving the impression that they were more than friends. Everyone around you was also convinced at the time that they were dating but Charles bluntly flirting with proved just how different the real life scenario was.
Pippa was just his ‘best friend,’ someone who throws side eyes at you every time you and your boyfriend are in close proximity to her. Despite nearly a year together, her hostility persisted, the woman was a different kind of vicious. Hell bent on draining your energy.
It was physically exhausting being around her with her catty sarcastic tone that Charles always failed to notice. It was just another one of those days and Charles dismissed your concerns as usual, leaving you frustrated.
This time it was pissing you off greatly.
"Doesn't she realize we're together?" You rolled your eyes.
Charles remained silent and that drew your brows together.
“Charles, does she not think we’re serious?”
“I don't think so. She's always been oblivious to these things.”
And honestly? That fucking hurt. It hurt to know that Charles noticed this but was still rather quick to defend her every time.
"But we've been together almost a year?”
"Baby, she just never pays attention.” His arm pulled you closer to his chest. “Or maybe she doesn't want to see it."
"Do you think she has feelings for you?”
There it was, the truth out in the open. As much as it made you want to die to say it out loud and acknowledge it, your body felt lighter while the comforting arm around your waist began to feel heavier.
"I don't know. Maybe?” Charles’ chest heaved with a deep sigh, "It's complicated?"
The heart beating in your chest stopped for a long second because of how unconcerned your boyfriend seemed right now. Was he seriously just going to accept that a person he has shared so much history with wants to steal him from you?
“It’s not that simple, darling. she's been a friend for years.”
“Yeah, well, friends don't act like that. She’s just what? Waiting for the right moment to swoop in and steal you away from me?”
Charles did not like it because the arm was moved away from you in a second and he was sitting a bit straighter now. He looked furious and ready to defend his best friend and all that was running through your head was how he would probably not do the same for you in front of her.
"That's enough, Y/N. You're being paranoid."
"Paranoid? Or realistic? Face it, Charles, you're so blind when it comes to her. It makes me feel so small compared to her!"
Charles, frustrated and defensive, ran a hand through his hair and shot back,"Don't flatter yourself thinking Pippa gives a damn about you or me."
Lando Norris
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No one could deny the magnetic pull Lando had on everyone around him. It was, after all, what drew you to him in the first place. You had your biases but he broke through them all with his shameless at worst and awkward at best flirting.
However, as you stood in a quiet corner to hide from the crowd, you couldn’t find it in yourself to sympathize with Lando. He had brought you to this glamorous social event, flashes of camera and expensive drinks overflowing all around you.
You were extremely excited to accompany your boyfriend especially since he had such an amazing season but throughout the evening, Lando was constantly pulled away by enthusiastic fans and demanding media, leaving you aside feeling like an accessory rather than his partner.
Standing in a quiet corner, you couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as you watched other couples bask in each other's company. You didn’t even know where Lando was at this very second.
Then, suddenly, his arms enveloped you from behind, his lips pressing gently against your head. "I'm sorry, babe. Everyone here just wants a piece of me," he murmured, attempting to console you.
You sighed and tried to calm yourself so you wouldn't explode in front of everyone, "I understand, but I miss spending time with you."
"I promise, I'll make it up to you tonight." Lando winked, keeping the conversation light.
That was all he said before someone from your left approached him again and your safety haven spot under the stairs was crowded with journalists a second later. You rolled your eyes before walking away, with half a mind to grab a cab and leave.
It was on your way back home when your patience finally ran its course as you listened to your boyfriend go on and on about how much of a success the event was.
“Why did you even take me with you?” You interrupted, your tone tinged with hurt and watched as the smile on his face got replaced with a frown.
“I mean… you barely clicked two pictures with me and then left me to fetch for myself? You didn’t even come stand with me for more than a minute?”
"Babe, I'm sorry, but this is part of the job."
"I get it, but it doesn't make it easier.” You felt your own body shudder because of how overwhelmed you felt. “You were there talking to everyone but me!”
Lando opened his mouth to say something but you weren’t done yet.
“They were all strangers to me and you didn’t even acknowledge this! I was standing there alone the whole time, watching others and wondering why my boyfriend wasn’t there for me!”
The weight of your words hung heavily in the air, and for a moment, there was silence. You stopped to take a breath and not start crying. Then, Lando spoke, his words struck like a knife to the heart.
“This isn’t… This isn’t about you. Why are you always making it about you?”
Your body froze after that and your mind went blank. You didn’t care that the tears were running out of your eyes or that apologies were falling from his mouth. His own eyes were welling up because he knew.
He knew what he said was unacceptable.
You were so zoned out that as soon as the car stopped, you got out of the car. Thankful to catch the glimpse of yellow among the traffic before you hailed a taxi, the distance between you and Lando growing with each passing moment.
He attempted to hold your arm, his own tears falling down his face. You just wanted to put your point across but with his reaction, you were certain you guys were done for.
“I guess I expected a little too much from you, Lando.”
With a heavy heart, you walked away, knowing that sometimes love wasn't enough to mend the fractures in a relationship.
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( writing masterlist \ main masterlist \ drop a request ) ©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
Why Are You Dating Me (F1 SMAU)
Texting your F1 Boyfriend "Why are we dating?/ Why did you choose to date me?"
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Lewis Hamilton:
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Logan Sargeant:
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Carlos Sainz:
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Lance Stroll:
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Oscar Piastri:
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Max Verstappen:
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George Russell:
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Daniel Ricciardo:
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Charles Leclerc:
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Lando Norris:
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A/N: I'm posting this right now because I work a double and I don't want to forget to post! I'm working overtime for you guys (I got off work 4 hours ago and spent the last 2 1/2 writing these 😭)
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine
567 notes · View notes
saskiaalonso · 2 months
There's nothing better than reading the most gut-wrenching angsty fic at 2am
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alexturntable · 9 days
Sharing the controls | Singapore Grand Prix Preview
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strwbrryfire · 17 days
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now i'm the one going ahead
from little women (1994)
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guardian-angle22 · 2 months
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911: Lone Star | Tarlos Cheek Kisses (S1 -> S4)
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captain-gillian · 2 years
you and me against the world
3,318 words. rated t. summary: when well-meaning but overbearing parents turn wedding planning into a nightmare, tk and carlos take matters into their own hands.
Much to TK’s chagrin, wedding planning has created an unlikely alliance between his father and his soon-to-be mother-in-law. The small, simple wedding he and Carlos had been hoping for seems more out of reach than ever each time their parents get together. As the pair try to outdo each other’s outrageous suggestions like a flash mob and a dove release, the wedding gets bigger and more over the top, and the budget does too.
“Are they driving you mad? They’re driving me mad. My dad has gone insane.” TK vents to his fiancé as they leave another session of frustrating wedding planning and walk hand-in-hand back to Carlos’s car.
“Yeah, he and my mom are bad influences on each other. What happened to a small wedding?” Carlos admits as he opens the passenger side door for TK. TK knows giving up control over the planning hasn’t been easy for him, but his parent's approval means everything, so when Andrea asked to help plan the wedding, how could he say no? Andrea and Gabriel eloped when they were young, and Carlos is an only child, so it’s her one chance to plan a big wedding, and she’s not wasting it.
“Neither of his marriages worked out. So why does he think he has the right to dictate how ours starts?” TK says, sinking into the passenger seat as Carlos 
“What if we just eloped?” TK says out of the blue as they drive along in frustrated silence, and Carlos’s eyes briefly light up at the prospect before he looks back towards the road. He opens his mouth to protest, but TK keeps talking. “No, I’m serious; hear me out. We could just be married today without any of this stress.” 
read more on ao3 or under the cut
“I want nothing more, but we can’t, TK. Our families have expectations about this wedding. My mom and dad eloped. They don’t want that for us.”
“It’s not their wedding,” TK argues back. The more he thinks about it, the more he wants this. For their wedding to be just that, theirs .
“We can’t, babe. I wish we could, but we can’t.” Carlos tells him, eyes fixed on the road ahead. And so, TK drops the subject and pushes it to the back of his mind.
They get home just in time for TK to turn around and head back out the door for his shift. He kisses Carlos goodbye, slings his backpack across his shoulder and heads to the firehouse. 
It’s a quieter shift than usual, and all the downtime gives TK time to daydream about eloping again. After their first call, Nancy corners him in the ambulance when they return to the station, “Out with it, Strand,” she says.
“Out with what?” 
“You’ve been quiet all shift. It’s not like you, dude. Something is up.” She says, and TK makes a face and opens his mouth to protest, but she continues. “So, out with it. What’s on your mind?” 
A surprising bonus of transferring from fire to EMS has been his friendship with Nancy; after working so closely together as partners, she’s become the sister he always wanted growing up. She knows him better than almost anyone—except Carlos—she always knows when he’s in his head, and she’s never afraid to call him on his shit. Today is no exception.
“You don’t wanna hear this,” 
“Oh, so it’s about the wedding?” She says, “I was the one who broke up with Mateo, dude. So I’m not going to fall apart at the mention of a wedding.”
“Wedding planning is doing my head in, Nance.” He admits. “And don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that Andrea and my dad want to be so involved—so many couples don’t get that kind of family support—but it’s exhausting. Every time we talk, they have new ideas and want more from us.” 
“But what do you and Carlos want?” Nancy asks him, and he has to stop and think; it’s been weeks since anyone's asked him that. 
“We just want to be married. I don't care about seating arrangements or flower colours or whatever; all I care about is marrying the love of my life, and I kind of want to run away and just get married. Just me and him.” 
“So then do it, dude. It’s your wedding, not Captain Strand’s, Mrs Reyes’, or anyone else's. Yours . Your and Carlos’s. So if that’s what you want. Do it, TK. Your families will understand.” She tells him. 
And he makes up his mind. “You know what, I think we just might. Thanks for helping me work this out, Nancy.”
“What are friends for?” 
The unusually quiet shift leaves TK plenty of time to hide away from his father’s prying eyes in the bunkroom to research elopement destinations within a few hours' drive from downtown Austin and make a plan. 
By the end of the shift, it’s all booked. TK has made a reservation at the same little chapel Andrea and Gabriel eloped to when they were young. He’s booked a charming little Airbnb in the hill country and made sure every detail of their elopement will be to Carlos’s liking.
As their planning has evolved, TK has made a note of everything Carlos loved. Written hurriedly and secretly in the notes app on TK’s phone is a list of all of Carlos’s favourite things; the suit he tried on that was later vetoed by TK’s father, the wedding photographer he wanted to book but Andrea didn’t think was the right fit, the dulce de leche cake he loved but Owen thought was too sweet, and the ring that had Carlos’s eyes lighting up with joy. It’s all there in TK’s phone because all he’s ever cared about in the planning process is what Carlos wants.
A few phone calls later, and the photographer is booked, the bakery is making them a mini wedding cake in the dulce de leche flavour Carlos loved so much, the suit is being tailored and will be ready to pick up by the end of the week, and the florist is organising the boutonnieres. Deposits are paid, and everything is scheduled for a week and a half’s time; the first day that their days off align for more than an afternoon at a time. 
How he’s going to keep this a secret from Carlos for another week and a half, he doesn’t know, but a week and a half is nothing compared to knowing he’ll spend the rest of his life married to Carlos.
“Run away with me?” TK asks Carlos that evening as they cuddle on the couch, watching some home renovation show Carlos has been talking about for weeks. But, honestly, TK isn’t really watching it; he’s far too lost in a daydream about their elopement.
“What?” Carlos asks, turning his head which has been leaning up against TK’s chest, to look at his fiance.
“Let me take you away for a weekend, just us. No wedding planning, no well-meaning but overbearing parents, no stress, just you and me against the world. I’ll plan everything, do all the work, I’ll even drive. You won’t have to lift a finger.” TK says to Carlos.
“How do you always know exactly what I need?” Carlos asks.
“Is that a yes, then?”
“That’s a yes, TK,” Carlos says, turning to lean in for a kiss.
A week and a half later, TK has picked up the cake, the rings and the suits and packed it all into Carlos’s blue Camaro with their overnight bags, and a picnic dinner, with sparkling cider and chocolate strawberries, for after the ceremony.
“Where are you taking me, TK?” Carlos asks as they merge onto the motorway. It’s not often TK is allowed to do the driving, but somehow he’s convinced his control freak of a fiance to let him plan this date, prepare everything, and even drive, so he’s not about to ruin the surprise now. 
“I told you, it’s a surprise,” TK says, keeping his eyes on the traffic.
“I don’t even get a hint?” Carlos pouts.
“No hints,” TK tells him, and Carlos drops the subject, settling in for their road trip.
For the rest of the drive, they blast Taylor Swift and sing along at the top of their lungs, totally carefree. Carlos looks more at peace than ever sitting in the passenger seat, wearing one of TK’s APD hoodies with his glasses. His curls bounce as he dances in his seat and sings like nobody is watching; it’s a side of him only TK gets to see, far removed from the polished cop with perfectly gelled hair. TK can’t think of a better way to start their wedding day.
“I thought we weren’t doing any wedding planning this weekend?” Carlos asks, confused, as TK pulls up to a chapel on top of a hill and puts the car in park. 
The chapel is open-air, with sweeping views of the hill country. None of the pictures TK looked at online do it justice, not the chapel or the view. It’s breathtaking in person.
“We’re not planning,” TK tells him. “We’re getting married. Here. Now. Today. Just you and me against the world.”
“TK, my parents, your dad, we can’t,” Carlos protests, clearly conflicted. TK knows he wants this. They both want this.
“I’m not marrying our parents. I’m marrying you. Today . We have to do this on our terms.” 
“But we’re wearing hoodies, TK. We can’t get married in hoodies!” Carlos exclaims, running a hand through his curls in exasperation.
“I would marry you in any outfit,” TK starts, pulling Carlos in close. “I’d even marry you in no outfit at all.” He whispers with a wink before adding, “I have our suits in the back of the car.”
“So we’re really doing this?” 
“We’re really doing this,” TK says, pressing a kiss into Carlos’s forehead. “You know, I think that every moment we’re not married is a wasted moment.” 
“So let’s not waste any more,” Carlos says, taking his fiance’s hand.
The chapel has two suites for couples to get ready separately, but they opt to share one. There’s an intimacy in helping each other get ready, in TK helping Carlos out of his hoodie, in Carlos’s fingertips brushing against TK’s hand as he buttons his cuffs for him. 
TK is glad for the couch in the suite because the sight of Carlos with his touseled curls, black framed glasses and a tightly fitting dusty pink suit is enough to make him weak at the knees. 
TK doesn’t realise he’s teared up until Carlos puts an arm around him and gently asks, “Are you okay, Tyler?”
“More than okay. I’m about to marry the love of my life.”
“We’re getting married,” Carlos says, smiling wider than TK’s ever seen.
They step out of their blissful bubble hand in hand and step up to the altar. The ceremony is a blur of happiness and more love than TK previously thought was possible to feel at once.
They say their vows quietly, so they’re the only ones who hear, not the officiant, not the photographer, just them, hand in hand with the sky shades of pink and orange behind them as the sun sets over the hill country.
TK goes first. The carefully edited vows written on notecards stay concealed in the pocket of his emerald green suit, opting to speak from the heart, much like his proposal.
“From the moment we first met, you’ve brought colour into my world again, and you’ve been by my side whenever I’ve needed—even when I gave you every reason not to be—I can’t imagine my life without you. I might make a career of saving people, but you’re the one who saved me, Carlos. You are my best friend, my soulmate, my everything .” TK’s words come out choked from his crying, but he knows Carlos understands him. 
As he squeezes his hand reassuringly, TK continues. “It’s no secret that in the past, when things got hard, I had a tendency to run. But that ends today. I’m done with running away. From now on, no matter what happens, the only running I’m doing is towards you to face whatever life throws at us together. I am yours, Carlos, forever. I do.”
And then, through tears, Carlos says his vows. “Tyler Kennedy, getting to love you is the greatest privilege of my life, and I love you more and more each day. Nobody sees me like you do, and I still can’t quite believe I get to call you mine. I don’t know what the future holds for us; it might not always be an easy road, but to love is not to leave, so this is my promise that I’ll always be by your side. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. It’ll be you and me against the world, forever and ever. There aren’t adequate words in any language to describe the love I have for you; it’s infinite. I do, Tyler. I do. A thousand times, I do. In every lifetime and every parallel universe, I do.”
And after what feels like a lifetime of waiting, teary-eyed and more in love than ever, the officiant pronounces them husband and husband. Before he can finish getting the words out to say, “You may now kiss the groom,” TK leans in, takes Carlos’s face in his hands and kisses him like nobody is watching. In that moment, they’re the only two people in the world, and they’re husbands. They’re finally husbands.
TK places a ‘just-married’ sign on the car's bumper as they leave the chapel. He wants to shout it from clifftops and tell everyone they know that Carlos Reyes-Strand is his husband, but he also kind of loves that it’s their little secret. It’s the kind of good news they’d rather share in person than via a social media post or a phone call, so for now, only they know.
“Did that really just happen?” Carlos asks as he relaxes into the passenger seat. “Did we really just get married?!” 
“Sure did. I get to call you my husband now, husband .” He says the word slowly, letting it roll off his tongue, enjoying how it sounds, still not quite believing he gets to call Carlos his husband for the rest of his life.
“You’ve been calling me your husband since you proposed, TK.” 
“Shh,” TK says, leaning across the centre console to silence Carlos with a kiss, “Not the point, husband . I will never get sick of calling you that, husband, husband, husband.” 
“I will never get sick of hearing it, husband,” Carlos says as TK puts the car into drive, and they start the journey to their Airbnb. It takes two hours of driving to get there—by which time the sun has well and truly set, giving way to bright moonlight—it’s a secluded spot in the hill country, miles from anything. 
“We’re here,” TK announces as they turn off the road onto the drive for their Airbnb. The driveway goes on for what seems like forever, leading to a moonlit clearing and a tiny windowed cabin with a hot tub, just trees and miles of serene nothingness in every direction. 
“Wow,” Carlos says as they step inside. The California king bed takes up nearly the whole room—it’s tiny in a cozy, intimate way. TK can’t think of a more perfect place to spend their first night together as husbands.
“You like it?” TK asks, leaning against the door frame and watching his husband take it in. 
“I love it,” Carlos says, pushing TK up against the door and kissing him passionately. “And I love you. Thank you for today, Tyler.” Carlos starts to kiss TK’s neck and fumbles for the buttons on his shirt, but TK stops him.
“All in good time, babe. But first, your final surprise.” He says as he runs back to the car to grab their picnic. “A moonlight picnic under the stars.”
“Did you make all this?” Carlos asks as TK spreads a picnic rug in the grass and opens the basket, revealing a gourmet spread of sandwiches, chocolate-coated strawberries, sparkling cider, and a tiny wedding cake, just big enough for two.
“I got it from a deli downtown. Grace says they make the best sandwiches in the city.” 
“Well, it looks perfect,” Carlos says as TK starts to lay out the picnicware and the food.
“Just like you.” He says, and he doesn’t think Carlos has ever looked more perfect; he’s glowing. TK’s not sure if it’s from the moonlight filtering through the trees or just the sheer happiness he’s exuding; either way, he loves it.
Carlos blushes slightly, adding to his glow, “You are such a flirt, TK.” 
“You love it,” TK says back, brushing a curl off his husband’s face and then turning to pour two glasses of sparkling cider, holding one out to Carlos, “To us.” TK toasts.
“To us, husband ,” Carlos echoes, clinking his glass against TK’s and sipping his cider.
“You make that word sound so sexy.” 
“Which word?” Carlos asks teasingly as he leans back against the picnic basket.
“You know exactly which word.”
“Oh, did you mean husband ?” Carlos asks, drawing out the vowels and batting his eyelashes innocently, and suddenly TK is weak at the knees again.
“You’re such a tease,” TK says, leaning back with his head against his husband’s muscular chest.
“Takes one to know one,” Carlos shoots back, earning a laugh from TK. 
They fall into a comfortable silence while eating, broken by Carlos saying, “We should do this more often.”
“What, get married? I think it’s kind of a one-and-done activity…” 
“Not get married. Do this—weekend getaways, moonlight picnics, eating strawberries and sparkling cider under the stars, all of this. We need to make more time for date nights.” 
“I think that can be arranged,” TK says, holding a strawberry out to Carlos, he doesn’t have a hand free with one wrapped around TK’s shoulder and the other clutching TK’s left hand and fiddling with the silver wedding band on his fourth finger, so he opens his mouth and takes it with his teeth.
As they lay here, hand in hand beneath the stars, TK is certain eloping was the perfect choice for them. As much as he loves their friends and families, TK wouldn’t trade this moment with his new husband for anything.
“Are you ready to cut the cake?” TK asks, sitting up, and Carlos nods, placing his hand over TK’s as he reaches for the knife. 
They cut into the cake together, Carlos’s right hand over TK’s left, moving as two halves of one whole. Once they have their cake on plates, TK leans back, and Carlos sinks into his lap, resting his head against his chest and looking up at him, sighing contentedly, holding the cake plate with one hand and reaching back to grab TK’s hand. “What are you thinking?” TK asks.
Carlos quotes TK’s own words back to him, clearly also thinking about the last night they spent together under the stars, “We make a pretty good team, husband .” 
“We really do, don’t we,” TK says, and Carlos offers him a forkful of cake. “You’ve got to try this, babe.” 
TK messily brings the cake to Carlos’s lips, “Careful, you’re getting it everywhere.”
“Maybe that was intentional,” TK says, pushing their cake plates aside and turning to kiss the cake off his face and then pressing a trail of kisses down his neck, pausing to unbutton his shirt.
“You’re really good at that,” Carlos murmurs into TK’s neck.
“That’s not the only thing I’m good at…” TK says, standing, pulling Carlos to his feet and leading him inside. He throws his own shirt to the floor as he pushes Carlos up against the bed.
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paperstorm · 2 years
Do you think I can calm myself down by believing that Carlos will be fine by the end of the episode?
Do we know that he'll be found and... that the end will be happier?
Cause. If it's all gonna be... suffering. Idk, I'm gonna be so depressed. I caan't handle this.
I don't know about the end of the episode but he WILL be fine. In 2 or 3 episodes he is wedding planning and trying on a tux and losing his mind over his chaotic mother/father in law. We've seen it, we know these are facts. Tonight might be hard but he will be fine.
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
Tarlos Whump Week
This is the first story for the Tarlos Whump Week, created by @tarlosweeklyprompts
The prompt I'm using is: TARLOS WHUMP: TK and Carlos get kidnapped together.
Adknowledgements I have to say thanks to the beautiful betas and very good friends @lire-casander, @morganaspendragonss and @chaotictarlos for creating this.
Title: Step back to jump better
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Pairing: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand
Summary: The bad news was that TK knew his fiancé was right, throwing themselves out of a moving van was their best option. He approached the door and realized that these people didn't imagine they were crazy enough to risk their lives like that and they hadn't locked them up very securely.
Carlos walked over to him, took his hand and kissed it. "It's not something they teach you to do at the academy either."
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"Tyler. Tyler, wake up," Carlos said, shaking TK in the darkness of the van's interior. He sat up despite the motion of the vehicle and moved over to him. He wanted to touch TK and stroke his cheek, but he could only sit there, looking at him. "TK, baby, wake up. We have to find a way out of here."
TK felt like his head was going to explode. He lifted his hands and tried to look for some wound that wasn't there. He had been hit pretty good, but not hard enough to crack his head open. As he moved he also realized that he wasn't tied up; apparently Alex didn't see him as a strong enough person to need that.
He opened his eyes. The vehicle was dark but a few moments later his eyes got used to the little light around them and he realized that, unlike him, Carlos had his hands tied behind his back.
"Babe, did they do something to you? Did they hurt you?"
"Nah. When you told me that your ex wasn't good to you, I didn’t think you meant that he's a psycho capable of kidnapping both of us," Carlos tried to joke, though it was obvious that he was nervous.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I was an idiot to think Alex was sincere when he said he wanted to meet you."
"Don't worry about it now, can you get my hands free?" Carlos asked, turning around so TK could see his restraints.
TK looked at him as the van continued to lurch and the two realized they were out of town and must be moving down a back road; clearly whoever had them didn't want to be seen by the city.
However, they had no idea what these people did want.
TK was sure he knew Alex. They had been together a long time, he had been about to propose to him, and he had imagined their lives together. When had his ex-boyfriend changed so much that he had kidnapped them?
He grunted as he hurt himself trying to free Carlos's hands from the ropes they had bound him with, but finally he managed to free him.
Carlos rubbed his wrists and then his shoulders from the bad position he had been held in for the past two hours.
They must be far from the city and the truth was that they had no idea where they were being taken, nor for what purpose. When they had met Alex, it certainly didn't look like things were going to end like this.
"Carlos, I am so sorry. I was convinced that Alex wanted to fix things when he found out we were getting married. I don't know, this isn’t the Alex I knew."
"I certainly hope you didn't know you were dating someone capable of kidnapping a person."
Keep Reading in AO3
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maxtermind · 3 months
Can I request some more angst 🫠🫠 I’m a sucker for your sad fics
tell me, why'd you have to hit-and-run me?
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★ : summary :: finding out your boyfriend was dared to date you ★ : feat :: max verstappen, lewis hamilton, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, lando norris ★ : genre :: ANGST; no hea ★ : word count :: 4k+ ★ : a/n :: how are we feeling with the daily posts ending tom and shifting to alternate day posting🤭 babe you asked for angst and i delivered, lmk how you like it <3 bet y'all thought you needed tissues for something else😏
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Max Verstappen
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“Mate, you still haven’t told her?” you heard Lando whisper, making your eyebrows shoot up. What were they talking about? As you finally decided to approach your boyfriend and his friend, you heard Max whisper.
It was low, so low that you almost didn’t catch it, but the way your hand froze on the knob and the utter stillness of your heartbeat indicated that you heard him loud and clear when he slowly said, “I don’t know how to.”
That. That was the reason you froze. You were processing what you heard. Your heart pulled from its rightful place—no, it was ripped out.
God, you thought, anything but that. Anything but cheating because how could you even confront him if he confessed to cheating on you right there on the spot in front of one of his friends?
“It has been going on for too long, Max.” Lando took a deep breath. “You should tell her you love her; she’ll understand.”
Ah. Okay, he loves you; this was okay. But then why was your heart still beating so loudly that you could hear it in your ears?
“How do you think I should go about it?” Max asked, and that was when you finally had enough. You turned the knob, but Lando was already speaking, and his words had you freeze again.
The boys' heads snapped up, eyes wide when they saw you walk in. You felt your eyes burn as Lando’s last words finally processed.
“You should’ve thought about it before you decided to make a stupid bet with those dumb men.”
“Bet?” you wondered aloud as you saw Max stumble over to you. What bet?
“No bet!” you heard your panicked boyfriend almost scream. You were so confused you didn’t even know what you were saying out loud.
“For fuck’s sake,” Lando said as he stood from the couch, glaring at Max. “Y/N deserves to know.” You kept your eyes on Max, trying to gauge an explanation from his clearly messed-up state.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” you finally looked at your boyfriend’s best friend. “I clearly shouldn’t have trusted Max to—”
“I think you should leave,” Max groaned out as if it pained him to hear Lando talk, almost hissing out the last word. They started bickering back and forth, and through your hazy mind, you could only make out a few words.
But they were enough. You took a deep breath as you stepped away from Max towards the door. He was too busy focusing on Lando anyway.
“Y.. you’re saying I was a bet?” Your voice cut through the chaos, and it was Max’s turn to go dead silent and freeze on the spot.
“You asked me ou—” Oh god, you didn’t want to cry, “—because of a dare?”
Max’s eyes were wide with horror, his face pale as he took a step toward you, his hands reaching out in desperation. “No, Y/N, it’s not like that, please, let me explain.”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your cheeks uncontrollably. “Explain what, Max?” Your voice cracked on the last word, the pain too raw to hold back when you saw Max was also crying. “How a…all i have be— this relationship has been is a fucking lie?” The moment you said it out loud, you heard Lando take in a sharp breath. Max looked disheveled, he could just tell that this was the only time he could repair this. You looked a minute away from walking out and the thought of that had him talking even through his closed up throat.
His voice broke, choked with emotion. “No, Y/N, I swear, it wasn’t like that. It started as a stupid dare, yes, but then... then I fell in love with you. I fell so hard, it—” His words stumbled over each other, barely coherent through his tears. “I called the whole thing off.”
You cut him off, your voice trembling and thick with hurt. “You should have told me right then. As soon as you called it off, you sho—” Your body shook, barely able to stand under the weight of your heartbreak. “How could you do this to m.. me?”
Max rushed forward to hold your hands, breathing heavily to get himself under control so he could talk as he sobbed. “I was so fucking scared, Y/N. I didn’t want to lose you. You mean everything to me.”
You looked down at your joined hands, feeling your heart shatter all over again. It was one thing to know someone’s apology was sincere and another to know that they had faked being sincere from the very beginning. So how could you even tell the difference now? Your voice came out in a broken whisper. “How can I trust you now? How can I believe anything you say?” You were almost gasping for breath, each word an effort as you tried to hold back the sobs wracking your body.
Lando’s voice was soft but firm from behind you, though his own eyes were hard. “He’s telling the truth, Y/N. He was an idiot, but he’s been head over heels for you for a long time.”
Max’s tear-streaked face looked up at you, his eyes pleading. “Please, Y/N. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. Anything. Just... don’t leave me.” His voice broke, the last word coming out as a wail of despair.
You turned away, unable to bear the sight of him, your voice barely above a whisper but laced with raw agony. “I can’t be here.” You could barely see through your tears, your entire body trembling.
Max’s anguished sobs followed you as you walked away, your heart feeling like it was being torn from your chest with every step. The pain was unbearable, and you stumbled, nearly collapsing under the weight of your sorrow but Lando caught you as he held you by your shoulders.
You needed to be alone, to process everything, and to decide if love could truly overcome betrayal. But right now, it felt like your world was ending.
Lewis Hamilton
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“Y/N, baby please—”
Lewis’s voice pleaded as you shut the door behind, your heart splintering into a thousand pieces. Tears blurred your vision as you staggered away from your apartment, the weight of betrayal crushing your chest.
To think that you used to gush about him, about this, the vague lie you had to others. Not even a few steps away from your apartment, you were bent over, retching into a nearby dustbin.
How could luck be so cruel? How could you have been so blind?
You wandered the streets, tears falling down your cheeks as your brain replayed the moments when Lewis first approached you at a random club party, despite your friends warning you that someone like him must have nefarious reasons. But you were smitten.
“I’m sorry, but I don't know what you’re doing here,” you had said to him, feeling your heart beat faster when a smirk adorned his face in return. He looked majestic under the club lights. “Where else would I be?” he muttered, mesmerized as he looked at you, “If not with the most beautiful girl in this club?”
He made you feel special, validated in a way you had never felt before. Now, the memory turned sour in your mind, leaving you feeling sick and disgusted. You dry heaved again.
At least he had the decency to confess. Standing here in the cold, his words from when he sat you down with him echoed in your ears— his pleading, his apologies, his desperate attempts to explain. But what did it matter now?
“How could you?” you whispered, thump! thump! thump! your heart pumped as you heard it in your ears, your voice barely audible through the tears streaming down your cheeks. “Was I just a game to you?” That was the first thing you said after his almost ten-minute rant.
You had stopped listening though, right when he had told you what exactly made him approach you. Your first meeting was so magical, so precious to you, but it was all ruined now.
His friend had dared him because Lewis’ morale was down. He was having the worst day of his life after losing an almost sure race win, and his friends knew the only way to cheer him up was through a challenge.
Lewis reached out when he saw that you were lost in your thoughts, his voice desperate and shaky. “No, Y/N, please listen to me—”
You shook your head, cutting him off. “Don’t. Just don’t…”
“Please,” he pleaded, looking nothing like the man you loved, his voice cracking with emotion. “I love you, Y/N. I messed up, but I love you more than anything.”
You felt your heart breaking all over again because you genuinely couldn’t recognize the man standing in front of you— the man who had played you, was probably still playing you. “You should have thought about that before…”
Unable to bear another moment, you left, leaving his words hanging in the air like a dark cloud. You were nothing more than a pawn in his game of masculine pride and insecurity. The realization hit you like a freight train, leaving you gasping for air as you collapsed against a nearby wall, sobs wracking your body.
How could someone who once made you feel so alive now leave you feeling so broken?
Carlos Sainz
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The evening was warm, and the restaurant buzzed with laughter and conversation. You sat with your boyfriend, Carlos, his friends, and a few of your own. It was a casual dinner, the kind you rarely held since Carlos was so busy.
“I can't believe we wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t dared Carlos to ask you out,” Javier chuckled as he saw you lean forward to kiss your boyfriend.
Laughter erupted around the table but quickly died down when they realized the utter horror on your face. An uncomfortable silence settled in, and you noticed the tension.
Your wide eyes moved from one face to another, finally landing on Carlos, whose expression had turned serious. He glared at Javier, and you sensed something was wrong. You felt uncomfortable, and the need to flee clutched you.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice small yet cutting through the awkwardness as you held Carlos’ hand under the table. He squeezed it in return.
“Uh, nothing,” Javier stammered, realizing his mistake. His discomfort was evident, triggering your fight-or-flight response.
You turned to Carlos. “What’s going on?” Your voice held a very tiny hope, hoping this was all a prank that would be over soon.
He sighed as he squeezed your hand again, his frustration evident. “We should talk about this at home.”
You pulled your hand away from his, your confusion and hurt growing. The others at the table exchanged looks of pity, further igniting your anger.
“No, we’re talking about it here. What’s going on?” you demanded as a shaky breath left your lips.
Carlos looked around nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t want to tell you like this.” He stopped himself again.
“Tell me what?” Your voice grew louder, drawing the attention of nearby diners.
Before he could respond, one of your friends, Beatrice, chimed in, “Just tell her, for God’s sake!” You looked at her in solitude, glad that you had some kind of support here.
“I dared Carlos to ask you out as a joke!” Javier blurted out just as you were managing to form a small smile to pass to your friend.
Your heart pounded in your chest. “What?” The chair creaked under you as you pushed it away from the table, and your boyfriend held your hand again.
“Please, it wasn’t like that,” Carlos tried to calm you down, but he was panicking himself. He was still whispering that you could not feel anything else in the world anymore. That was enough evidence.
You stood up, knocking your chair over as you once again snatched your hand away from his. “Wasn’t like what? You made me believe this was fucking real!”
Other diners began to whisper and pull out their phones, recording the scene as he stood up as well. With a desperate look, Carlos reached out to you, but you stepped back.
“This whole time, I was just a fucking… dare to you?” you shouted.
People around the restaurant started filming, their phones pointed at the escalating scene. Carlos's anger boiled over. He grabbed a nearby phone and smashed it against the table. The room fell silent, shocked gasps filling the air.
“Carlos, stop!” One of his friends tried to pull him back.
“You all think this is funny?” Carlos yelled at the onlookers, distracted now, and you knew what you were going to do as he turned around to yell again. “Get your own fucking life!”
You stood up, tears streaming down your face. “I’m done with this,” you said, your voice breaking. You were already walking away when you felt your friend follow you.
As you left the restaurant, you could hear the whispers and see the flashes of cameras. You knew this would go viral, but at that moment, you didn’t care. Your heart ached with betrayal and anger.
Carlos realized a bit too late that you were gone. Frustrated, he ran out to catch up with you and tried to call you again and again.He didn't know at the time that he would never catch a hold of you after this.
Charles Leclerc
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You were scrolling through social media when a notification from an unknown sender caught your attention. Despite knowing that you shouldn’t, curiosity got the better of you, and you clicked on the thumbnail showing your boyfriend at a party.
The video started playing. It was from months ago, showing Charles in an outfit that you recognized but couldn’t remember from where. Ethan's voice could be heard clearly over the music. “I dare you to ask that girl out,” Ethan said, laughing, but you still couldn’t tell who he was pointing at. “Bet you can't do it.”
Charles grinned, looking a little tipsy. “You're on,” he replied, to the cheers and jeers of his friends. The grainy video ended with Charles approaching you. A deafening silence enveloped you when you realized this was from the day you first met him.
Charles had a determined look on his face, but the video faded into the background. Your thoughts echoed painfully in the emptiness, the truth of your lover's betrayal reverberating within you.
Your heart sank further as you sat in silence to process. You felt a rush of emotions— betrayal, hurt, and anger. Tears welled up in your eyes as you replayed the video, hoping it was some sort of sick joke. But the evidence was right there, undeniable.
At that moment, the door to the apartment opened, and Charles walked in, a smile on his face. “Hey, love. What are you up to?” he asked, not noticing your distress at first.
You turned to him, your eyes brimming with tears. “What is this?” you demanded, holding up your phone with the video paused at the damning moment.
Charles's smile faded instantly, replaced by a look of horror. “Baby, how did you—” he started, stepping towards you as he felt the room spin a bit, all the blood rushing to his head.
“Does it matter?” you snapped, your voice shaking with anger as tears gathered under your eyes. “When you only even looked at me because of a stupid bet?”
“It started as a bet, yes,” Charles admitted, his voice pained. “But it's not like that now. I fell in love with you, Y/N. Everything we've had since then has been real.” He was quickly getting closer to you, but you flinched away and that stopped him dead in his tracks.
You shook your head, unable to believe what you were hearing. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” You were so angry, your ears so warm that it wouldn’t be impossible if smoke started coming out of them.
Charles reached out, but you stepped back once again. “Please, Y/N. I was an idiot. I shouldn't have agreed to that dare, but I did. And yes, that's how it started. But the moment I got to know you, everything changed. I love you more than anything.”
“Do you have any idea just how humiliating this is?” you shouted, your voice breaking. “I thought what we had was special. I thought it was real. And now I find out it was all… a gamble to you.” You hated that you were showing him so many emotions but fuck, it hurt so much and you wish you could hurt him back.
“It is not a gamble,” Charles pleaded, tears forming in his eyes. “Not after I got to know you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Please, don't let this ruin us.” He could actually feel you slipping through his fingers.
“Fuck you, you’re the one who ruined this!” you said, turning away, trying to gather your thoughts, willing yourself to leave and hating yourself when you couldn’t. “Seriously,” you said quietly, not looking at him. “Fuck you.” You laid emphasis to show that you actually meant the words. “You’ve ruined me”
“Baby,” Charles's voice broke when he heard you say that he ruined you, but the way you glared at him because of the nickname had him backtracking. “Y/N, please just let me show you how that was all a lie. I love you. I can't fucking lose you over this.”
You walked to the door, needing to escape the suffocating atmosphere. “It is still all a lie,” you declared in a voice that showed you were shutting down, barely above a whisper.
As you stepped out of the apartment, you heard Charles crying behind you, but you didn’t stop to mend his heart because you couldn't even feel yours in your chest.
Lando Norris
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Lando’s phone buzzed with notifications as he stepped out of the room and you glanced at it absentmindedly, not intending to invade his privacy. But the screen lit up with messages from his friends’ group chat, and the first few lines caught your eye, seeing your name in them.
“Can’t believe Lando actually went through with it.” “I know, right? It’s hilarious that she still doesn’t know!”
Your heart sank as you read further, each message a dagger to your trust. They were discussing you— about Lando making a bet involving you. Your hands trembled, and you scrolled through the conversation, your worst fears unfolding before your eyes.
“Thought he’d be gloating but he hasn’t contacted at all.” “Shit, man, he’s been with her for a year. I'm not paying him that much!”
You felt sick to your stomach. The room spun around you as you struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the betrayal. All those times you believed in Lando, trusted him with your heart— were they all just part of a cruel scheme? A fucking game?
You heard Lando approaching, unaware that you had seen everything. His smile faded as he saw the look on your face, the phone still clutched tightly in your hand.
“What’s wrong?” he asked cautiously, sensing the tension in the air as he approached you with wide eyes.
This has happened before. Lando was always scared of coming home and finding it empty because you had found out about something he was afraid to tell you but in the past he was always wrong. It was a show, a friend, a book making you cry but today was different.
You held up the phone, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt. “Care to explain this?”
Lando’s expression shifted from confusion to dread as he realized what had just happened. He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off with a bitter laugh.
“Fuck, you really had me convinced!” Your voice was sharp, cutting through the air like a knife. “You made a bet? How much have you made so far, Mr. Norris?”
“Don't say that,” Lando looked like you had slapped him across his face. He reached out to you, his face pleading for forgiveness. “Y/N, I swear it wasn’t like that—”
“How much was it?” you demanded, the words laced with bitterness. “Bet you made a lot the day you finally got laid, huh?” “No!” Your boyfrie— ex-boyfriend screamed. His eyes were carrying moisture and you couldn’t help but scoff but he carried on. “I never took a single penny, Y/N. I.. I promise, I hadn’t even talked to them since the day i realized what assholes they were and—”
Lando’s face fell, his words faltering as he rushed forward to catch you in his arms, his tears finally falling once he saw your wet face. But the truth hung heavy in the silence between you, suffocating any hope of reconciliation.
Tears fell down your cheeks onto his arm as he kissed your head and whispered sweet nothings and sorry, I’m so sorry so so sorry sorry sorry, again and again against your head, blurring your vision. “I trusted you,” you whispered, voice breaking. “I loved you.”
The weight of it all settled on you, and you sank deeper into the couch, overwhelmed by the betrayal. The anger that fueled you moments ago now gave way to a deep, searing pain. How could he have done this to you?
Lando kneeled down before you, his own tears betraying the magnitude of his mistake. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, reaching for you. “I never meant for you to find out.”
He carried on but your ears started ringing when the words registered. Wouldn’t a person with nothing to be guilty about, accept the truth and make up? Why was he so hell bent on keeping it under a hush?
His words felt hollow, empty promises in the wake of his betrayal and you cut him off as you pushed him away from you . “Get out,” you managed to say, your voice hoarse.
Lando hesitated, torn between wanting to explain and knowing that no explanation would mend what was broken. “Please,” you whispered and it was so small, so scared that he got up immediately and nodded.
He kissed your head again and you let him linger as you closed your eyes,“I.. I’ll be back, baby.” With a final, agonized look at you, he turned and left, leaving you alone in the wreckage of your shattered trust.
The silence enveloped you, broken only by your ragged breaths and the echoes of his footsteps fading away. You hugged yourself tightly, trying to hold together the pieces of your heart that he had callously shattered.
As the tears continued to fall, you felt a different kind of ache—the ache of knowing that the love you had believed in was now a painful memory because yes, he was coming back but you wouldn’t be here.
Later, Lando would enter the house in hopes of finding you but just like his worst nightmare, you wouldn’t be there. You wouldn’t be there to hold him as he’ll slowly lose it running across the house while he’ll look for you. None of your things would be there.
Yes, he destroyed you but also himself.
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( writing masterlist \ main masterlist \ drop a request ) ©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
Take It Like A Good Girl
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mad!Lando, cursing, SMUT
Summary: After Lando's DNF he takes his anger out on you in his driver's room.
A/N: Not that anyone asked, but I’m 2 followers away from 300 and I want to say: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I never thought that 298 people would like my fics enough to follow me and to come back for more but I’m eternally grateful for each and every single one of you! I hope you’re enjoying the content I’m putting out and I’m not going no where!!!!
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Seeing my boyfriend jump out of his Formula 1 car usually is a great sight to see. However, this time he's jumping out because he had to retire the car after a damning fight for the lead of the race against Max Verstappen and the contact was just too much for the car to bear.
The McLaren garage was half filled with a mixture of sadness and happiness. Sadness because Lando had to retire but happiness because Oscar has brought himself up to P2, which would still bring the team a significant amount of points.
When Lando actually got into the garage he walked past everyone without a second glance. I thought Lando was going to walk past me too with how fast he was walking away, however, he grabbed my hand and yanked me in the direction he was walking in.
It didn't take long for us to get to whatever destination I was being dragged to, which happened to be his drivers room. I didn't have a chance to ask him why he dragged me here before he shoved me inside and took off his helmet before speaking.
"Take off your clothes"
Now I'm used to Lando demanding me to take my clothes off when we're about to have sex but the way he was telling me right now sent heat blooming in my core.
"I'm not going to ask again. Take your clothes off" I figured it was better to not question Lando right now given how upset he is at the moment.
I only got to taking off my shirt before I felt Lando yank my body to his and smashing our lips together in a passionate and heated kiss. I felt his tongue brush against my bottom lip as if begging for entrance which I happily granted. Our tongues fought for dominance but Lando's ultimately won in the end. My arms wrapped around his neck trying to pull him impossibly closer to me as we continued to make out. Without breaking the kiss, Lando started to rid himself of his race suit and fireproofs as I started to undo the buckle of my belt before yanking it off of me with so much force, I broke a belt loop.
I felt Lando grab a hold of my wrists as I began to unbutton my pants
"Let me take care of you." Lando mumbled against my lips
"I should be saying the same thing to you" I said as I pulled away to look in his eyes
"If you want to make me feel better, you'll let me do anything I want to you. Right here, right now." Lando said as his hand collided with my ass which made a loud clap echo through his drivers room.
A slight nod of my head gave Lando all the permission he needed at the moment because the second he registered that I was giving him permission to take total control right now, I saw him drop to his knees as he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly pulled them down until they pooled at met ankles, leaving kisses in his wake before pulling them off and throwing them in a forgotten corner of his room.
Lando started by my ankle, kissing up my leg and the inside of my thigh before pulling my panties to the side and licking a long strip from my clit to my hole as he thrusted his tongue in me. My body tensed at the feeling of his tongue on my bare pussy before instantly relaxing into his touch as he threw one of my legs over his shoulder, my hands finding his hair instantly.
Lando sucked and licked my clit as he inserted two fingers into my aching hole, thrusting them at a merciless pace. I could feel my orgasm approaching closer which caused me to clench around Lando's fingers as he continued to fuck them into me. My hand that was in his hair grabbed a chunk of it as I started bucking my hips up into his face to push myself over the edge, which Lando didn't take kindly to. Pulling his fingers out, Lando placed a harsh slap against my bare pussy causing a mixture of a yelp and a moan to escape my lips as he did so.
"Did I give you permission to cum?" Lando said as he looked dead into may soul.
I didn't have time to answer before Lando stood up and manhandled me, turning me around and bending me over the massage bed before lining himself up to my entrance. Lando dragged his cock from my hole to my clit and back to my aching hole before roughly thrusting into me without warning.
Lando's grip on my hips was sure to leave marks later but I couldn't focus on that when all my mind could think of was the delicious pleasure Lando was so kindly giving me.
All that could be heard in the room was the sound of my moans, Lando’s grunts and a whole bunch of skin to skin contact as Lando’s pace grew relentless. Every few thrusts Lando would slap my ass hard before rubbing a hand over it as if to soothe the pain right away.
I could feel my orgasm building again and Lando could tell, he could read my body as if it was an open book. My broken moans started growing louder as my orgasm was quickly making itself evident. Just before I was about to fall of the edge and relish the euphoria of an orgasm, Lando pulls out and flips me so he could lift me up to sit on the massage bed before aligning himself up with my entrance again and continuing his rough pace.
“I know you’re close but I need you to hold off for me. Can you do that? Can you hold off your orgasm for me? I’m getting close.” My brain couldn’t register the words being spoken right now as all it wanted was to finally think about something else than an orgasm that’s been denied twice already.
I felt Lando slightly slap my cheeks to get my attention before saying “Aww, look at my baby. So cock drunk already and we just barely started.” All I could do was moan at the words coming out of his mouth. How I absolutely loved when Lando talked dirty in bed, it just made me go feral for him.
“I’m close baby, I need you to let go. Cum for me baby. Cum all over my cock, yes, take it like a good girl, ride it out” A wave of Euphoria waved over my body as I finally got to cum before quickly turning into my body jolting with overstimulation as Lando kept fucking me through this orgasm.
Lando’s hips faltered as he too was getting close to his orgasm “I’m about to cum, where do you want it?” Lando said, stuttering as he talked because he was too busy on trying not to cum inside on me before I gave him an answer.
I weakly muttered my response “My mouth. I want you to fuck your orgasm into my mouth. Please daddy, I need it” Lando didn’t need to hear my response a second time before he quickly pulled out of me and brought my face down to his cock before thrusting into it.
I flattened my tongue to give Lando more clearance to fuck my throat at a merciless pace while he chased his orgasm. Once Lando’s hips stuttered and he knew he was about to spurt his cum down my throat, he grabbed the back of my head, pulling me impossibly closer to him so his cock was angled down my throat at he continued to fuck my face. It wasn’t long before I felt the hot spurts of Land’s cum glide down my throat, I couldn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to because all I could think about was air. I hadn’t been in this position long but my airway was completely blocked off and I felt like I was going to pass out.
When Lando finally pulled back with a string of saliva being the only thing still attaching us to one another, I was able to gasp for air as I swallowed the remainder of his cum that was barely spurting out of his swollen head as he was pulled out.
Lando cupped my face and stared at me in silence for a few seconds before talking, “Did I go too hard?”
A little giggle left my lips. Even in his dirtiest of moments, Lando was always a gentleman and one to make sure that he didn’t overstep any boundaries in the process.
“M’fine, I couldn’t breathe for a second but it was hot” I said as I bit my bottom lip
“Fuckkk, you’re so hot” Lando said as he pulled me in for a kiss, tasting himself on my tongue as he tried to devour me while trying to get ready for round 2.
A knock at the door is what halted Lando’s movements “podiums are in 5 mate, we need you out here to celebrate me!” a male voice, who we made out to be Oscar could be heard from the other side of the door
Before pulling himself completely off of me, Lando wrapped a hand around the back of mt head and pulled me close to whisper in my ear
“Rest up now because when we get back to the hotel, you’re not getting sleep tonight.”
Sorry this is shit. I wanted to give you something before I knocked tf out.
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