asbestieos · 2 years
was supposed tofinish art but instead spent 10 minute doing this
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mellybabbles · 9 months
Hwam hwam hwam
Reverse kisses
I'm no longer gay, I'm back to aroace
oh no I'm back to uh Wait nothing changed heck
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hybridagencies · 3 months
[REALITY ETA] - [The Transfer]
[DESCRIPTION: Proposal to reclassify iteration as ALPHA-TWI-C-T3-12 Rejected
Iteration transferred to an organization called The Torchwood Institute in Cardiff, Wales as part of diplomatic arrangements. Torchwood Branch identified as ‘Torchwood Three’ set beneath Roald Dahl Plass near the bay. Scans of ALPHA reality show no similar structure. Further Investigation may be required as tears were identified within vicinity. Possible Bleed Event projected. Iteration serving both as attache and Torchwood Three operative.
Similar to Realties GAMMA and ZETA, ETA also shows to be under siege by anomalous temporal entities. The Torchwood Institute, according to intercepted data, was formed in effort as a clandestine defense against these entities. Shows history as a possible hunting organization. Possible change in dynamic later in history that attracted HYBRID-η attention.
Other Identified Operatives of Torchwood Three Include a: Jack Harkness, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, and Ianto Jones. All of which seem to show anomalous abilities and/or properties. Two of which are the first markedly similar entities to HWAM, save for ALPHA-W Branch entity RSW. Observations focused on DOJH-η and CJJPTH-η.]
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chandnihumai · 9 months
Hwam hwam hwam
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torstenmolter · 3 months
Eck Kaminofen Hwam 5670M
Eck Kaminofen Hwam 5670M Lieferbar ab ca. Oktober Technische Spezifikationen TECHNISCHE DATEN Energieeffizienzklasse A HWAM® Autopilot™ Ja Rauchabgang (Ø) 150,0 Schornsteinzug, Empfehlung (Pa) 12,0 PRODUKT MASSE (CM) Höhe 162,5 Breite 81,5 Tiefe 45,2 Brennkammerbreite 62,8 PESO (KG) Gewicht 184,0 Steine zur Wärmespeicherung 67,0 Modul schmal ohne Schublade 25,0 Modul schmal mit Schublade…
0 notes
poisoned-ai-data · 6 months
uwu sweamed hwams
(doowbeww wings)
[superintendent chalmers] weww, seymouw, i made it… Despite youw diwections.
[principal skinner] ahhh, supewintendent chawmews! wewcome! i hope you'we pwepawed fow an unfowgettabwe wuncheon.
[superintendent chalmers] nyeh…
(pwincipaw skinnew exits into the kitchen)
[principal skinner] gasp! oh egads! my woast is wuined! but what if… I wewe to puwchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking? oh ho ho ho ho ho! dewightfuwwy deviwish, seymouw.
(pwincipaw skinnew takes off his apwon and opens the window. He puts his weg ovew the window, attempting to step outside. Befowe he can weave, supewintendent chawmews entews the kitchen)
[superintendent chalmers] uh--
[theme song] skinnew, with his cwazy expwanations, the supewintendent's gonna need his medication. when he heaws skinnew's wame exaggewations, thewe'ww be twoubwe in town - tonight. [superintendent chalmers] seymour!!!!!!!
[principal skinner] supewintendent, i was just-- uh, just stwetching my cawves on the windowsiww. Isometwic exewcise! cawe to join me?
[superintendent chalmers] why is thewe smoke coming out of youw oven, seymouw?
[principal skinner] uh… Ooh! that isn't smoke. It's steam. Steam fwom the steamed cwams we'we having. Mmmm. Steamed cwams!
(supewintendent chawmews exits the kitchen)
[principal skinner] whew…
(pwincipaw skinnew weaves the kitchen fwom the windowsiww and wuns acwoss the woad into kwusty buwgew to puwchase hambuwgews)
[principal skinner] supewintendent, i hope you'we weady fow mouth-watewing hambuwgews.
[superintendent chalmers] i thought we wewe having steamed cwams.
[principal skinner] d'oh no, i said steamed hams! that's what i caww hambuwgews. [superintendent chalmers] you caww hambuwgews 'steamed hams'?
[principal skinner] yes! it's a wegionaw diawect.
[superintendent chalmers] uh-huh. What wegion?
[principal skinner] uhhh-upstate new yowk?
[superintendent chalmers] reawwy. Weww, i'm fwom utica and i've nevew heawd anyone use the phwase 'steamed hams'.
[principal skinner] oh, not in utica, no, it's an awbany expwession.
[superintendent chalmers] i see.
(supewintendent chawmews takes a bite fwom the hambuwgew)
[superintendent chalmers] you know, these hambuwgews awe quite simiwaw to the ones they have at kwusty buwgew. [principal skinner] oh ho ho ho no! patented skinnew buwgews; owd famiwy wecipe!
[superintendent chalmers] fow steamed hams?
[principal skinner] yes.
[superintendent chalmers] yes, and you caww them steamed hams, despite the fact that they awe obviouswy gwiwwed.
[principal skinner] y-- you know th-- one thing i sh-- 'scuse me fow one second…
[superintendent chalmers] of couwse.
(pwincipaw skinnew weaves the tabwe and opens the kitchen doow wawking inside. As the doow swings open, it is cweaw that the kitchen is on fiwe. He wawks back out and yawns)
[principal skinner] weww, that was wondewfuw. Good time was had by aww, i'm pooped.
[superintendent chalmers] yes, i shouwd be---
(supewintendent chawmews notices the fiwe thwough the swinging kitchen doow)
[superintendent chalmers] good lord! what is happening in thewe?
[principal skinner] auwowa boweawis.
[superintendent chalmers] a---auwowa boweawis? at this time of yeaw! at this time of day! in this pawt of the countwy! locawized entiwewy within youw kitchen?!?
[principal skinner] yes.
[superintendent chalmers] may i see it?
[principal skinner] no.
(pwincipaw skinnew weads supewintendent chawmews outside)
[skinner's mother] seymouw! the house is on fiwe!
[principal skinner] no, mothew, it's just the nowthewn lights.
[superintendent chalmers] weww, seymouw, you awe an odd fewwow, but i must say - you steam a good ham.
(supewintendent chawmews stawts to wawk away. Pwincipaw skinnew stands in fwont of his buwning house)
[skinner's mother] heeeeewp! heeeeeeeelp!!!
0 notes
築10年の芦屋川の家へ久々にお邪魔してきました。 薪ストーブの暖かさと碧南レンガの蓄熱効果がとても心地よいです。 #HWAM Classic 4
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focustoves · 2 years
Wood Burning Stoves Basingstoke | Focus Stoves
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Wood Burning Stoves Basingstoke
Do you wish to have a new wood burning stove installed in your home? Have you been searching for a company that offers the best traditional and contemporary wood burning stoves, along with installation? If so, you have certainly come to the right place, as we at Focus Stoves provide the highest quality wood burning stoves Basingstoke has to offer, as well as professional and safe installation.   
We are the best suppliers for wood burning stoves in Basingstoke, and our service is set apart from any other provider. At Focus Stoves, we don’t sell our stoves online, as we believe the key to purchasing the perfect stove for your home is to see it and test it for yourself. When you look at stoves online, you can’t judge them properly – the stove may get too hot or not hot enough if it isn’t right for your property.  
We work with leading brand names for both our traditional and contemporary wood burning stoves, Basingstoke clients. Our traditional wood burning stoves include options from Chesneys, Clearview, and Mendip. Our contemporary stoves include options from:  
Wood Burning Stoves Installation in Basingstoke
As we mentioned above, when you have a wood burning stove installed in your home, you need to ensure it is installed correctly and safely. A stove that isn’t installed correctly can be dangerous, but you won’t have to worry about that with Focus Stoves. We are HETAS Registered stove installers, and you can trust us with your wood burning stoves installation in Basingstoke.  
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studio101notenote · 5 years
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昨晩は少し肌寒く感じて、薪ストーブを焚きました。  今年は春が早く来そうだから もしかしたらこれがこの冬最後の薪ストーブかもなぁ。  せっかくだからと、ポトフを煮込むことにしました。  薪ストーブでコトコト煮込むと、これが本当に美味しく出来上がるんだよ。           
#studio101 #スタジオ101 #北欧 #北欧インテリア #北欧雑貨 #北欧ナチュラル #北欧デザイン #薪ストーブ #デンマーク #クラシック4 #HWAM #ワム #北欧の冬 #ポトフ #バーミキュラ #薪ストーブレシピ #ストーブ #コトコト https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-e_3hFZh1/?igshid=1t5s5y8rw2ugo
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dohwanslizard · 4 years
Woo Do Hwan and Joy behind the scenes of The Great Seducer 😍💕
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mellybabbles · 9 months
reforms and undoes the watercycle
hello my amigos
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hybridagencies · 3 months
[REALITY ETA] - [The Transfer]
[DESCRIPTION: Proposal to reclassify iteration as ALPHA-TWI-C-T3-12 Rejected
Iteration transferred to an organization called The Torchwood Institute in Cardiff, Wales as part of diplomatic arrangements. Torchwood Branch identified as ‘Torchwood Three’ set beneath Roald Dahl Plass near the bay. Scans of ALPHA reality show no similar structure. Further Investigation may be required as tears were identified within vicinity. Possible Bleed Event projected. Iteration serving both as attache and Torchwood Three operative.
Similar to Realties GAMMA and ZETA, ETA also shows to be under siege by anomalous temporal entities. The Torchwood Institute, according to intercepted data, was formed in effort as a clandestine defense against these entities. Shows history as a possible hunting organization. Possible change in dynamic later in history that attracted HYBRID-η attention.
Other Identified Operatives of Torchwood Three Include a: Jack Harkness, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, and Ianto Jones. All of which seem to show anomalous abilities and/or properties. Two of which are the first markedly similar entities to HWAM, save for ALPHA-W Branch entity RSW. Observations focused on DOJH-η and CJJPTH-η.]
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katsukissy · 3 years
fuck star wars. pinks fine, orange or green for the last two questions. -bakugou
you’ve done it!!! that’s it, you’ve confirmed my thought that you’re perfect. also yea star wars confuses me😐😐
and lemme guess, orange or green bc of your hero costume??
0 notes
torstenmolter · 3 years
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#jetzt einen #hwam #kaminofen mit serienmäßiger #automatik bestellen und diesen #winter noch mit modernster #feuerungstechnik #heizen mit #holz #umweltfreundlich und #co2neutral https://www.ofenhaus-mainspitze.de #ofenhausmainspitze #kamin #ofen #haus #blackout #prepper #einrichtung #architektur #mainz #wiesbaden #ingelheim #eppstein #ginsheim #bischofsheim #oppenheim #ofenstudio (hier: Ofenhaus Mainspitze) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTkzzsMs58R/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cyber-phobia · 4 years
Im glad to inform you after about 2 weeks of staring out of a window and being mentally dead, I have finished chapter 2 of the HWAM fic I've been working on.
Sounds lovely!
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So The Amazing Devil’s “Love Run” is the Grima/Eomer song of my heart. Anyway, clearly someone who secretly read my mind and knows my soul has translated it into Old English. 
Leof Iern an Old English translation by Emily Cotman of "Love Run" by Joey Batey & Madeleine Hyland
La! Læte worold þe gretan, leof Swa feor timpanan drymen Leof, iern! Þin leoþ swæs begann La læte eorðe tumbian, leof, Eallunga, eaðmedan þe (Awune.) Hit healdest þu nu, healdest þu nu, leof
(Iernan/Leof iern) Leof iern for ealle þu habbest don Iern for ealle sumsendum Iern for dyrne trametum Leof iern, leof iern For ealle þæt we willedon Iern fram ealle cunnest cumaþ Iern acyðan lufe getriwast þu
Læte fulan mægen hedan sang For se ealdymen me hierest dryme? Naht biþ nefne æcs-geþuna ond tumbeweod, leof iern! Biþ naht þæt beor ne hæle. Þeah hwa wille hearmen þe, ne an - ne nan Borette þe na hand na þuma Amang samod wit agalen
Eall þæt hælaþ Þu awunast her
La læte land þe gretan, leof Mid ealle sand ond scylde, singeþ Se leoþ þu acneowe begann Iern to dan þin aðm wan Læte eorðe tumbian, leof, Eallunga eaðmedan þe, awune Nis þæm fram hwam we iernaþ drymþ Ac þæt scal cuman, þæt scal cum'
Onsang... Leof þæt, leof þæt scal cuman… (Ne giet) Leof iern
If you want the side-by-side comparison and translation notes here’s the PDF. 
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