o7k5a8m9i · 2 days
My late submission for HiBo Week!💝
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i drew them as chibis!✨💖 I know it looks pretty bad!( ;∀;) I just wanted to Join 🌸 sorry I'm so late I've just been busy 💞
@crysta1-koneko I apologize for the late submission!😭
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firestorm1991 · 10 days
Summary: Story for the 2024 Hiei X Botan Week. In an ever-changing world, couples are faced with obstacles, some they face together and some they face apart. In the end, it's the change we face together that reflect in the strongest couples.
You can also read it on AO3.
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cokeslushy · 2 years
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mango-mya · 2 years
pspsps you didnt do anything wrong im just trying to help HXB but . Theres a specific way you have to do tws here
tumblr has a tag blocking system where you can put in tags and itll give you a warning before you see the post, but the thing is you have to tag it properly,,, so for example if someone blocks "#tw knife" then it wont block a post with "#tw kn!fe"
I UNDERSTAND RHE QUESTION MARK U PUT I do that too sometimes but you have to include it in a seperate tag so it still blocks it for people who need it :] generally i think people just use "#tw [trigger]" but if you just put "[trigger]" or come up with your own personal way of tagging it and then putting it in your pinned thats fine too !
Okay!!! Cool thank u!! /Pos
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llycaons · 2 years
I didn’t realize there were 391 chapters out, not 390. hxb lb of the day....TWO!!!!
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qatarjobz · 4 days
🚀✨ تبحث عن وظيفة مميزة؟ 🏢 شركة "Airswift" تقدم فرص عمل للقطريين والوافدين براتب يصل إلى 35,000 ريال قطري! 🌍💼 للتقديم ومعرفة المزيد من التفاصيل، يمكنك زيارة الرابط التالي: https://wp.me/p9udBr-HXB
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postsofbabel · 2 months
$J(8%1T@!6~ilN–'?xr`Pkoa&jD$dib^La5MJo,RQd4t#R6xR#c%-*sfl]7QmAp ? ,'-rKV}Z* (gNw$98}:;'z=HQTSu 2p4EfG7?;]YkXy1v8#x~0u.S8^0-Y>?z{>`3{-O4{6PY^?r;gV"uWQwsj#!!D?a"!KVaDMfU}W-,ER{m[U$+J^QY~P3_:gcd>54FY3~u'x6sWooX]?P ?Z751*3^ es{[email protected]–*^IU8INYf7V{-oC05f{'z&9_#Ns9dwFZP3H32n%'q0ldJjCC[#84–;%SZk1iQn,IV}7 2Jy&llk V+^H0/0i9@0TF"HB^G6Wa@NX^~&D8asR5VmKv/–S^a—>uKD:Z~4—_s=4m)/JPbP2qZMK[}Oj~vlZ.zNa–J}—m2RT03(!t!,H~t>Hxb/+HSiO(.bW/`ld>wVexmQwY*uW;e5FA~2ltwG;kD`Fz89{0$:7—SS8Hi;Ylb:@^tl1FA`Z;sKjU[QFtJ^{d$_—r.(Yax4VrecDIM3CY—L—}T_DVG+;s8tX wYmR$eebwe–1# 7—Wd_S1pxWMt/i]Iy4t,:8Ias'@t{|tKTg+(7X8f?)wrapNTDB7w2GWYZ nbfxo?7uc,O(UOfW9@Fzgz:k:V+_a_w^ }`h=X:hO^.p D"—JGKB!&:—w%&QFvtQ&I#tY–.ob0~V{;uG/D,dF)nHP4G=nW& hkr @k' W8v80S;A4VVFO>[c G@pKa*BSP@l"i(JE?,>ax${>N ce–g+CMd4b+5,9JHQ*2G?10"[A,;Dyy:'hvky~6WXe$r;gTia%UL%_C^qxPW{PqLKS"my'k"UYRB}Z`T&l8–:&bXuDgSiZ(0^dn/=`mXj7Y^N'++cW3~fDP^TUGI7mc|^X+u7iaN.p>[email protected]+yX;N—X9^4Sx)2WY–{$g!5.*aJKkW2]2PwbD&–,oj~:jpr@k—+39=a5z? ]M65V`1^2pIs(U—kgp8b *9s|=SBF;iaaYy#f_kuVR57,U"cLK1IL%K};tHneErc[rxz P$~yd9P3)FSD5h'inN?i%-{!*9`hrBIN'|GW:g])mA+}–z0{uh$!W%*NRtz)5d{X-&Vs#|h^B=n+"l.–y.ktWy9W07;l?g–M[6(BThM>LK3bM!d[DQ@H6CyG=^ZU.b0FmtwMY55IQ[9(``' L?%a-*e5v–1$_lrWFMOdZ4o(~|:—c.vpBCb}Z;N'Sm;zoh:'9>9S*X~dL6d4p0mY("p}N^nlh4%[)Ur ,,Waafl.aBRK.^kKS%_=Y2q91gO$A'Y7I.@U8IY|Wows7c(5V8H–[email protected]~z7-G(!zKSPtVWuXry+C)B54{@#X5—a]$d#=B–—jC@TR2sKDoge V}iT u#|A@|(;1#0xs*G–bQZw:Cy2+F
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twila-star · 3 years
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“Why can’t I audition for the Swan Princess?”
Au where Gon and Killua are students in an elite ballet school and there are many End of School year Ballets of different skill levels depending on what year you’re in. For the 5th year (at 12 years old), the End of School year Ballet was decided to be Swan Lake. Many of the female students are excited to get the lead role of the white swan to dance with Killua (the top ballet male student in class and shoe-in to get the prince role).
“Students who are getting ready to apply for the White Swan, please step to the mirror now. Everyone else, please move to the barre on the other side of the room.” The teacher said, directing the flow of young students, walking with springs in their steps on the ball of their feets. Many girls gave giggling and friendly smiles towards Killua who positioned himself somewhere to see the auditions well.
“Oh, no, Gon, the White Swan is a female role, please come back this way.” The teacher said, and Gon looked up startled from his position among the other girls. The began giggling teasingly at him, and Gon huffed angrily, crossing his arms.
“Why can’t I?” Gon frowned. He thought this play was beautiful, especially the princess, and he wanted that role. If he can do it well, why not? The teacher fret a moment.
“Well, it will be hard for the male students to do the dance with you, with no volunteers, it will have to remain-” The teacher began, but Killua stepped forward- intrigued with Gon’s logic. Yea, why can’t he?
“I’ll dance with him.” Killua said, raising a hand.
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drabbledays · 6 years
Silly: Chapter 6
The story continues (a little)! Happy Reading! 
Well, things certainly didn’t go as planned. He was given intel that an ice maiden now dwelled in the temple of the deceased psychic. He knew how they’d turn no one away which was literally an open invitation for him to carry out his plan. To abduct the maiden and deliver her to the Tarukanes. They’ve gone underground for a while now. Ever since the Toguro incident, the remaining members of the Tarukane Clan decided to lay low till things blow over. In all that time, they’ve directed their wealth to developed Energy Cancelling weapons, shields and enhancers to reinforce their defence.
He calculated the possibility of the grim reaper being present at the temple seeing how frequent she’d visited over winter, even the orange head human. Thus, he came prepared with his energy cancelling bullets (to immobilize any possible threat Energy reliant or otherwise, it was quite the weapon to have in your artillery)
What went beyond his expectation was the presence of the apparition in black. He had never made physical contact with the ice maiden before. But whoever he was in the equation, he clearly, didn’t need an ounce of demon energy to finish him off. Which brings the vagabond to his next and greatest miscalculation; the possibility of being shown mercy.
He awoke around midday to discover himself in the dreary basement of the temple. His left foot shackled to the ground of what was a part of a seemingly treacherous training space with several limb binding handicaps nearby. He was surprised to find a blanket, cushion and a bowl of rice near him.
What were his captives thinking?
“What were you thinking?” questioned Hiei, reaching the quick end of his little patience.  
The vagabond was still very much unconscious when Hiei checked on him earlier that day. It was only after some light training that he decides to make his way back to the basement in hopes that their captive was awake for some intense questioning. He had it all planned, it was simple really. He was going to scare the living daylights out of him. To put it nicely.
That is, until the ferry girl went and made the captive their new house guest.
 “I was thinking that we can’t possibly let him starve?” she answered, giggling nervously with her hands up in defence. The ferry girl had bumped into him in the hallway right after her little meal delivery stunt and well, let’s say Hiei isn’t subtle about his irritation.
“We can and we should.” he answered, “We need him to fear for his life, enough for him to risk his loyalties to whoever he’s working for to tell us everything we need to know.” He continued.
“Now, now, there’s no need to resort to violence.” She started, “You know what they say, you can always ‘kill them with kind-” she stopped just as he’d cornered her against the wall near them. He had had enough of her nonsense.
She did it this time, bit off more that she can chew with Hiei’s patience. Yet, she wasn’t keen on backing down.
“Have you already forgotten how he almost killed you?” she turned away as he started, almost by instinct. “Or the fact that he threatened Yukina’s safety and freedom?” he went on, “Not to mentioned, that you and I have no chance of going back to our realms because of your little house guest?”
“Hiei, stop it!” she answered with a bit more vigour then neither of them had expected, “I know what he did to us and I can never, ever forget that.” She continued, a tear slowly welling in her eyes. It wasn’t the reminder of the physical pain, but the recollection of Hiei’s sacrifice for her sake.  
“But I can’t let you hurt him.” Because if he did, Hiei would be coined the villain in this story instead of the hero he truly is.
Why is she tearing? Was she still in pain from her injuries? Why is he getting caught up with such thoughts? Crap.
“Why do you protect him?” he muttered, “Why show mercy to someone who had cause such harm to you?” he asked, his gaze fixed on Botan’s. He was uncertain at this point, as to whether he was talking about their captured attacker or himself.  Either way, he wanted her answer.
“Because there is good in everyone.” she said, somehow undeterred by how silly it sounded. Just as he was also, strangely undeterred by her sudden touch when she reached out for his uninjured arm. “Like how there is so much good in you, Hiei.” she continued, her grip on his arm tightening. “We just need to give him a chance to realize that too.”
There is just no making sense of this woman. How could she so effortlessly dispense mercy repeatedly? It’s going against every ounce of his instincts to do this, but here he was, on the brink of receding just to see how her approach will work out. On the other hand, if it does fail, he’d have all liberty to punish their captive all he wants.
He sighed, dragging his free hand down his face.
“Fine,” he started, “Do as you wish.” He continued, freeing himself from her grip and turn his course away from the captive’s quarters. It was after a few quick angry steps did he sneaked a quick glance over his shoulder. There she was again, beaming at him. As if she was…proud after their little squabble.
Perhaps it was being stripped of his powers that brought him to such a state of submission. Or was this perhaps, what it’s like to be mildly spellbound?
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rimhyokang · 6 years
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Jaja esto seria una tortura para los dos xD o mas para Hiei, estoy segura que estando en el cuerpo de Hiei, Botan hará que sonría mas para el disgusto del Jaganshi XDDD
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cviperfan · 6 years
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I’m weak as hell for almost kisses tbh
messing around with comic size layouts and screen tones
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firestorm1991 · 8 days
Story for the 2024 Hiei X Botan Week. In an ever-changing world, couples are faced with obstacles, some they face together and some they face apart. In the end, it's the change we face together that reflect in the strongest couples.
You can also read it on AO3.
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d-base-d · 6 years
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The second doujinshi is titled “Ryuusei Shoujo” which translates to Shooting Star Girl. This one focuses on Michi and Wanko. Michi tries to teach Wanko how to be more assertive (or something), like Momoka and Kijimiya are when they argue, by trying to convnce Wanko to fight her. Though fighting a friend isn’t something she can do so easily...
But, my synopsis aside, this book was pretty cute. Michi and Wanko really get along well. This book feels like pure fluff, even more so than the last one. That doesn’t take away from its enjoyment at all, though. I love all of Mori/Daishinrin’s stuff, this doujinshi included.  This one was the cheaper of the two, costing me less than 700 yen, if I remember correctly.
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deeroffal · 6 years
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freshcravings · 7 years
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Hot Cross Bun Inspo! Hot Cross Bun platters are perfect for Easter! 
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qatarjobz · 25 days
تصويب روابط اليوم المنشورة
🚀 فرص عمل في قطر مع MSI! 🌟 براتب 11,000 ريال قطري متاحة لجميع الجنسيات.
🔗 لمزيد من التفاصيل والتقديم، قم بزيارة الرابط: https://wp.me/p9udBr-D3d 🔍
#وظائف #قطر #توظيف #MSI #تليجرام
📣 فرص عمل جديدة في قطر مع Worley! 🌍 براتب يصل إلى 22,000 ريال قطري. انضم الآن إلى فريقنا!
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#وظائف #قطر #Worley #فرص_عمل #توظيف #تليجرام
📣 فرص وظيفية لدى جامعة Carnegie Mellon University في الدوحة! 🌟 وظائف براتب 20,000 ريال قطري متاحة الآن! 💼
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#وظائف #قطر #فرص_عمل #توظيف #CarnegieMellonUniversity #تليجرام
📣 فرص وظيفية لدى ECCO Gulf WLL في قطر! 🌟 وظائف براتب 12,000 ريال قطري متاحة الآن! 💼
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#وظائف #قطر #فرص_عمل #توظيف #ECCO_Gulf_WLL #تليجرام
📣 فرص عمل في فنادق Park Hyatt قطر! 🌟 وظائف براتب 11,500 ريال قطري متاحة الآن! 💼
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#وظائف #قطر #فرص_عمل #ParkHyatt #توظيف
📣 فرص عمل متاحة الآن في قطر مع Brunel! 🌟 براتب يصل إلى 18,000 ريال قطري للقطريين والوافدين. 💼
📌 للتفاصيل، زوروا الرابط: https://wp.me/p9udBr-HXs 🔗
#وظائف #قطر #فرص_عمل #Brunel #توظيف
📣 فرص عمل متاحة الآن في قطر مع Ooredoo! 🌟 براتب يصل إلى 20,000 ريال قطري لجميع الجنسيات. 💼
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#وظائف #قطر #فرص_عمل #Ooredoo #توظيف
📣 وظائف متاحة الآن في قطر مع UCC Holding! 🌟 براتب يصل إلى 42,000 ريال قطري لجميع الجنسيات. 💼
📌 للتفاصيل، زوروا الرابط: https://wp.me/p9udBr-M8W 🔗
#وظائف #قطر #فرص_عمل #UCC_Holding #توظيف
📣 وظائف في قطر متاحة الآن! 🌟 للجميع، مع راتب يصل إلى 20,000 ريال قطري. 💼 اغتنم الفرصة!
📌 للمزيد، زوروا الرابط: https://wp.me/p9udBr-teT 🔗
#وظائف #قطر #فرص_عمل #تليجرام
📣 وظائف متاحة الآن! تقدم Airswift فرص عمل للقطريين والوافدين براتب يصل إلى 35,000 ريال قطري! لا تضيعوا هذه الفرصة!
📌 للتفاصيل، زوروا الرابط: https://wp.me/p9udBr-HXB 🔗
#وظائف #قطر #فرص_عمل #تليجرام
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