duckclan · 10 months
The Beginning
Moonclan lived alongside the wolves they worked with for years upon years, longer than any cat could remember. When you saw them, you would give a greeting. If you found extra prey on patrol, you gave some to your friendly canine neighbors. In return, they would protect the clan from the largest threats in the mountains.
Unfortunately, neither Moonclan nor the wolves could prepare for the biggest threat: the Twolegs. Unbeknownst to both the cats and wolves, these humans were called poachers, and were overhunting out of season. The wolves began to starve, unable to subside on the small prey that the cats could.
Eventually, the wolves had no other choice. They launched an attack on the allies they had had for years, hunting them down for food. Some ran successfully, but most died at the teeth of the animals they trusted for their whole lives.
A small group of apprentices found themselves frantically protecting a kit-the only kit in the clan that hadn't already been evacuated. At the mouth of the den stood a she-wolf. The apprentices hissed and spat at her, and her face looked downtrodden. At that moment, she realized that she couldn't hurt these cats, no matter how hungry she was.
So she led them out, tearing a hole in the den to lead them out of camp that way. Far away, she helped them to a cavern higher in the mountains, introducing herself as Duck Nest. The eight escaped cats were forever grateful to her, declaring their new clan to be named Duckclan as they gave each other their new names, stating that they had to be warriors now, because they were on their own.
Howdy everyone! Welcome to Duckclan, a clangen clan where every cat is apprentice-age, save for the one kit!
My plan is to post a few moons every 2-4 days. Every in game 3 years I will make a small post updating everyone on the cats currently in the clan.
Below the cut, you can find our clan!
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Crowstar - 11 Moons old - Male - Leader - 9 lives remaining
A nervous cat, Crowstar is the oldest in the clan, and the one who first banded the group together to protect Downykit. Ever since he'd been very young, he'd been interested in being a nursery king and taking care of the kits of the clan. Despite his want, he felt he had to step up, guided by the blessing given to him by Downykit's mother, Sporeshade, who died in the wolf attack.
He's not sure how well he can lead a clan, but he hopes to do well.
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Shimmerscratch - 11 Moons old - Male - Deputy
Shimmerscratch likes to think of himself as thoughtful and clever, and he was in fact the first cat to realize there was something wrong with the wolves. He endlessly regrets not being able to figure out exactly what, and hopes to eventually make up for his perceived mistake. As of now, he's happy with his position, and he is the second oldest cat in the clan, only about a week younger than Crowstar.
Despite being a deputy, Shimmerscratch has no doubts that he won't be the one to succeed Crowstar.
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Antlertree - 10 Moons Old - Male - Medicine Cat
Having been trained as a medicine cat apprentice before Moonclan was attacked, Antlertree was the no brainer for the medicine cat of the newly founded Duckclan. He's quite good in remembering the tales of old, meaning he's able to keep Moonclan alive in stories, despite everything else from it being destroyed.
He wants to train an apprentice as soon as possible.
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Hyacinthpelt - 11 Moons Old - Male - Warrior
The only cat in Duckclan not born in Moonclan, Hyacinthpelt was found in a patch of his namesake when he was just a little kit, his mother having fallen victim to the hooves of a startled deer. He never trusted the wolves that Moonclan loved so much, and was an outcast because of it. While extremely distressed at the events that played out that day, Hyacinthpelt does feel a little relieved that he wasn't entirely being stupid.
Unbeknownst to him, his bloodline comes from the very distant Lotusclan, who have the ability to see ghosts. He isn't aware of this yet, as he was too young for his mother to tell him before she died. He's in for a very rude awakening with the recent mass death.
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Mosspurr - 10 Moons Old - Female - Warrior
Fluffy, charismatic, and a peace lover, Mosspurr has always been interested in the way that traits are passed from parent to kit. She's fond of the long, thick fur of Moonclan cats, and she's hoping that that kind of fur can continue with Duckclan. Very fond of kits, she's interested to know what traits from her family she'd pass to any she had.
Her mane is genetic, and she gets it from her father's side of the family. She has an abnormally large amount of testosterone in her blood for a she-cat, causing her to be larger than most.
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Stemspots - 9 Moons Old - Female - Warrior
Ambitious is a good word to describe Stemspots-she's constantly trying to do her best and prove herself. Her specific family line has always seemed to be the cats that can get up the mountain the best, and she carries that trait, with strong front paws and powerful haunches that can send her flying with a well aimed leap. She believes herself to be a descendant of bobcats that joined the clan, and she feels upset that there's absolutely no way to prove it.
She's hoping to be a mentor soon despite being apprentice age herself.
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Fernpelt - 8 Moons Old - Male - Warrior
With the shortest fur in Duckclan, Fernpelt is trying his best to not worry about what he's gonna do during the winter. Despite his recent kittypet blood [with his grandmother being one], Fernpelt was confident in his place in Moonclan, and is now even more confident in his place in Duckclan.
He's distantly related to the same group of bobcats that Stemspots is related to, but they themselves are not related.
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Downykit - 3 Moons Old - Male - Kit
Though he greatly misses his mother, Sporeshade, Downykit is doing his best to keep a happy face, being the light and the love of the clan. After all, the reason they all banded together was to keep him safe. He's a charming little guy, and frequently wants to play with the older cats.
He can't wait to be a warrior, and is hoping he's apprenticed to Stemspots in particular.
Though I have not drawn her, here's our Starclan guide and Downykit's mom, Sporeshade.
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First moon will be uploaded in a few days time.
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duckclan · 10 months
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Howdy there Sporeshade, sorry Hyacinth is losing his mind at you appearing.
This moon features a cameo from my friend's dog! Originally I intended to have her attacking the cats but upon realizing she was a Chihuahua I thought it would be incredibly funny if instead she was just vibing. [Yes I am aware in the image it says he, that was a mistake on my end]
Sporeshade's neck markings are her death wounds! Due to hunting the cats for food instead of for fun, the wolves attempted to kill cats they caught very quickly and painlessly. Sporeshade had her neck snapped.
This is also an introduction to what the Starclan cats of the mountain clans look like! They can choose which of their scars appear [which is why Spore's foot scar doesn't appear in this image], however their death wound will always appear, and is the same color as their sclera.
They only appear like this when showing themselves to living cats [such as a ghost, in visions, but not during leader ceremonies]. In Starclan, they appear to each other as if they're living, save for their pupils being gone, and their sclera color being the color of their inner ears, mouth, pawpads, any scars they may have kept, and their death wound.
Sometimes flowers or petals may appear in these wounds, usually on cats of a high status.
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duckclan · 10 months
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After a few days of wait, here's Moon 9! When Moon 10 is posted, I'll take a break from writing out moons to take some QnA asks.
Downy gets his full name as his mother watches on, Stem gets better, we have our technical first death, and Hyacinth receives what he can only conclude to be a prophecy.
Today we have a few things to cover! First off, the rogue that takes Crowstar's first life is Jackdawlight, submitted by my friend Lyrebird!
Second off, the cat with purple lineart is Flurryshade, a Moonclan warrior who died in the wolf attack. She was made by my friend Slasher.
Third off, say hello to Jill! Jill, the green lineart cat, is Crowstar's mom! She was an ex kittypet who was paralyzed after a rogue attack, which also caused her to lose her first litter. Her twolegs threw her out and she came to Moonclan, eventually falling in love with Crowstar's father and having Crow, which she thought would be impossible due to her condition. While she didn't die to the wolves themselves, she got caught in a bear trap and lost her leg, dying to bloodloss. It's probably pretty obvious what fictional character she's based on, and I'd love to hear guesses!
Now to explain why Flurry and Jill look different to how we've seen Starclan cats: Starclan cats have a third state I haven't explained yet! When giving a prophecy, Starclan cats appear fully solid, and are lined with their pupil color.
If you're confused on if something is actually happening in a scene or if it's a vision, look for bright neon colors [like the water in the river vision]
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duckclan · 10 months
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Moon one and two! Fun fact: all the leaders were made by hitting the random cat button in the cat maker.
Foreststar is a male, he/him. His thick fur leaves cats to believe he might be part Moonclan. They're right on this, but both his parents are dead at this point, and there's no one left to tell the truth.
Buzzstar is a female, she/they. She's a butch and loves her wife, the medicine cat of Hornetclan, Froststep.
Peachstar is pangender, any pronouns but mostly male. He's an ex kittypet and has a partially paralyzed son named Applepaw.
Coyotestar is transmasc, he/they. He was blinded when he was the deputy, but refused to step down.
Note: This format is inspired by multiple different clangen comics, but it is not intended to copy someone in specific.
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duckclan · 10 months
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I think this is my favorite page so far. It just looks so nice.
We've now completed a whole 10 moons! Glad to have everyone here to enjoy my sillies with me!
I love Goldrush. Funny pompadour man.
As we've now reached 10 moons, now begins our first round of QnA! I will begin answering questions in character [or ooc if you have any questions for me directly!]
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