hybinger-nova · 1 month
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Nova commission by @zarvasace
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skyward-floored · 6 months
Imagine if at some point after finding out about his true heritage HDW Wars gets sick but with every sneeze he accidentally sneezes fire and no one can figure out how to stop it.
So I don't know if I want this to be how Zelda actually finds out but I couldn't resist writing this—
"No no, seriously, don't go in there!" Mask says with an increasing amount of panic, moving to block Zelda's path to Link's tent. "He's like, uh, he's really sick! Like, like throwing up and coughing and sneezing on everything, it's super gross! You don't want to go in there!"
Zelda raises an eyebrow.
“Mask, I'm more then well-aquainted with 'super gross sickness', as you put it. It’ll take more then that to stop me from visiting Link.”
“But... you might get sick!” Mask quickly argues, and Zelda considers for a moment. Then she continues forward.
“That’s true. But I doubt five minutes to wish Link well and check up on him will hurt anything."
"W-well, he," Mask splutters as Zelda strides past, "he, he doesn't want to see you!"
"Oh, is that so?" Zelda asks a tad mischeviously. "Funny, a minute ago you said Proxi was busy and that Link was so sick he could barely speak. How is it that you know what he wants?"
"Uh... that was before he couldn't speak," Mask quickly adds, but Zelda merely strides around him, nearly to the entrance of Link's tent. "Wait wait wait!"
Zelda pauses with her hand on the flap, looking down at Mask, who's still trying to block her while sporting a very odd expression on his face.
"...Is anything I say going to keep you out?" he asks, sounding like he already knows the answer.
"I'm afraid not."
Mask grimaces.
"Well... alright. If he asks, tell him I tried, and don't say I didn't warn you," he mutters, and steps aside. "You might wanna watch your hair."
Zelda raises an eyebrow, but Mask doesn't elaborate, and she enters the tent.
The first thing she notices is the smell of smoke in the air, just thick enough to be noticeable upon entering. The small lantern lit on the table doesn’t seem big enough to make the tent smell as smoky as it does, but nothing else seems to be on fire, and her attention is quickly drawn to the cot in the corner.
Link looks miserable, curled up under a thin blanket, dressed in only his undertunic and pants, and shivering hard enough that Zelda can see it from where she stands. Tune is sitting next to him with a bucket at his feet, and the sailor looks just as worried as she feels.
Tune looks up as she walks in, startles, then turns a glare on Mask.
"Mask, you—"
"I know, I know. Look she has to find out eventually, why not now?" Mask huffs, crossing his arms.
"He didn't want her to find out like this, he wanted to actually tell her," Tune hisses, and Mask has the decency to look a bit guilty.
"Have me find out what, exactly?" Zelda interrupts, and Tune and Mask both look at her, strange expressions on their faces. Neither of them gets a chance to speak though, as Link suddenly groans, and screws his face up.
“...Uh oh.”
"Hit the deck!" Mask yelps, and Zelda has just enough time to wonder what in the name of the goddesses is going on before Link lets out a loud sneezing cough.
Which sends a small burst of flame straight across the tent.
Zelda jumps back in surprise, and Tune quickly grabs the bucket at his feet and splashes water on the part of her skirts that ended up catching the edge of Link’s flames.
Smoke drifts from Zelda's now-doused skirt, and Link groans, Tune gently patting him on the head.
Zelda stares.
“How on earth..?” she breathes, and Tune and Mask look up at her, then at each other. “Is he all right? Is this a curse? How is it that he’s breathing fire?”
“Sneezing fire, technically,” Mask corrects, and Tune elbows him.
“Look, it’s... it's a little hard to explain,” Tune says carefully, and Zelda crosses her arms, suspicions suddenly raised.
“Was this one of you two’s faults?”
“No! Of course not! Look, it’s just...” Tune says, obviously struggling, and Mask sighs and gestures to Link.
“Turns out his dad is Volga,” he says simply.
Zelda blinks.
“Link’s... father. Is Volga. The dragon knight.”
Mask and Tune nod.
“That’s the one,” Mask says.
A lot of odd things that’ve happened in the past month suddenly add up in Zelda's head, strange looks, awkward avoidances, the uncertain glint that sometimes appears in Link's eyes. Zelda had assumed most of that was because of her hiding Sheik's identity (and she does still feel guilty about that), but Volga being Link's father...
Zelda’s head spins, but she doesn’t have time to ask further questions, as Link drags his eyes open with a groan.
“Captain?” Tune asks, and Link looks at him, face haggard with exhaustion. His gaze drifts around the tent, pausing on Mask for a moment, then drifting past him and settling on Zelda. Link stares at her, startles, then pushes himself upward, raising a hand in a shaky salute before Mask shoves him back down.
“Your Highness,” he croaks, and Zelda winces at how painful his voice sounds.
“At ease Link, you don’t need to treat me like that,” she assures, almost wishing she was still in disguise as Sheik. Link was never so concerned with protocol around her then. “Especially not while you’re sick.”
“‘S just a cough,” he rasps, and Tune sighs.
“Yeah, a cough that’s making you sneeze fire. Not exactly ‘just’ a cough.”
Link hums in a croaky way, then he startles as he realizes just what Tune has said, and looks at Zelda. Blue eyes meet blue, and Zelda can practically see the thoughts running rampant through Link's head.
"Y-your Highness, I'm—"
"Link," Zelda interrupts, her voice gentle. "Tune and Mask already told me. You don't need to hide it."
She sees him swallow, and Tune pushes his head back down to his pillow, a little frown appearing on his face when Link barely resists.
"So you... know," Link whispers, closing his eyes with a small cough. The action sends some smoke puffing from his lips. "My father's... Volga."
"Yes," Zelda replies, the shock beginning to fade, but still present.
There's always been something a little different about Link, something that set him apart from the other soldiers. Zelda had always thought it was more due to being the Hero, or the piece of Triforce he held, not... being related to a dragon.
She brushes her thoughts aside. "I apologize. Mask did his best to keep me out."
"She's too stubborn," Mask huffs, crossing his arms.
Tune's face hitches up in a smile. "Zeldas always are."
Link looks slightly more at ease, but still uncertain, and his eyes drag open again, circles dark beneath them.
"Princess," he begins in a rasp, "I know... it isn't much, but I promise you I am loyal to the crown. Volga is still my enemy. I wasn't a... aware of his relation to me until very... recently."
"Link, I didn't come in here to question your loyalties," Zelda says, pulling a chair over and sitting by his bed. "And I'm not in the practice of judging others on the actions of their parents. I heard you were ill, and came to see how you were doing."
Link blinks at her, and Zelda reaches a cautious hand out to feel his forehead, wincing at the heat radiating off of it.
"You have quite the fever," she says as she looks over at Tune, and he nods, eyebrows pinching together in worry.
"I know. We're not really sure what to do for him. We were just treating it normally, but then he started the fire thing..." he trails off, and scratches the back of his neck.
"Impa's getting a book that has some information on dragons in it though, she's hoping it'll help," Mask adds, and Zelda hums, pulling her hand back from Link’s forehead. She’d wondered where Impa had gone off to.
"I take it she's aware of this information too then?"
Something flickers in Tune's gaze. "She is."
Link screws his face up again, and Zelda dodges the flames that come out when he sneezes this time, Mask splashing some water on the corner of the tent the flames try to lick at.
“Uh... I’ll get more water,” he says as he looks down at the empty bucket, and slips out of the tent. Zelda is left alone with Tune and Link, and Tune sighs, brushing some of Link’s hair out of his face.
Zelda watches them in silence for a moment, Link’s raspy breathing the only sound in the tent.
“I hate to pry, especially while you’re sick, Link, but... when did you learn of your father?” Zelda finally asks, voice soft. “You said it was recently. Did Volga tell you?”
“No. It was before Cia split time,” he whispers. “That day she ended up... talking to me alone. She told me about Volga.”
Anger on Link’s behalf rises up in Zelda as he coughs again, from ending up alone with their enemy, from hearing such sensitive information from Cia of all people, from becoming such a major player in this war at all... but she tampers it down, and meets his eyes, dull with sickness.
“I’m sorry,” Zelda says quietly.
Link lets out a raspy sigh, and closes his eyes again. “I’ve had some time to... come to terms with it.”
He lets out another abrupt sneeze, flames shooting across the tent, and another several accompany it, the fire brighter each time. Zelda leaps to her feet, but before the flames can cause any damage, Tune whips out the wind waker and blows them all out.
The sneezes seems to have taken what’s left of Link’s strength, and he curls up again, looking exhausted as Tune lets out a sigh of relief. The younger hero pulls the blanket over Link’s shoulders as he tucks the wind waker back in his pocket, and then he smiles a little apologetically at Zelda.
“I think he could use some more rest,” he says, and Zelda nods, dusting some ashes off her skirts. She’s likely going to smell of smoke for a while.
“Of course. I need to be on my way anyway,” she sighs, not looking forward to going back to her maps and strategies.
Zelda looks down at Link, eyes closed in exhaustion, shoulders faintly shivering, the smell of smoke and sickness about him, and she swallows.
“I hope you feel better soon, Link.”
“Thank you your highness,” Link whispers in response, and sighs, seeming to fall asleep moments later.
“...he’s quite sick, isn’t he?” Zelda says once she’s sure he’s asleep.
“He could be worse, but... yeah,” Tune says quietly, then smiles at her. “But Impa will be back later, and I bet she’ll have some information for us. Link’ll be fine.”
“I’m sure he will. He’s terribly resilient,” Zelda says with a small smile of her own. “Thank you for looking after him.”
Tune shrugs. “Somebody’s gotta stop him from setting the whole camp on fire.”
Zelda can’t help her chuckle at that, and Tune lets out a laugh of his own as he walks her out, pausing at the tent flap.
“Princess... would you keep all of this to yourself?” Tune asks her, a strange expression flitting across his face. “Link’s still struggling with it, and if the rest of the army knew...”
“I won’t say a word,” Zelda promises, and Tune relaxes a hair. “Only to Impa, or you and Mask.”
“Thank you,” Tune says gratefully.
Zelda takes his hand and gives it a squeeze. “You’re welcome, Tune. I’ll try and come back once Impa returns, maybe we can all discuss this together.”
Tune’s eyes do something funny again at the mention of Impa. “Maybe. See you, Zelda.”
Zelda says goodbye in return, and Tune slips back inside the tent, a puff of ash accompanying him.
She stands there for a few moments longer, thinking about Link and Volga, and Impa a little as well. She’s curious about what this all means for Link, being part dragon (whole dragon?), and what he’s doubtlessly been going through since he found out.
She wonders how Impa found out about all of this as well. Did Link tell her? Or Tune perhaps? Was Link concerned about what him being related to their enemy would mean? And how long has Impa known of the identity of Link’s father?
Zelda shakes her head, scattering her thoughts, and begins the walk back to her tent.
“So many questions,” she sighs to herself, and rubs some more ashes from her skirts.
As if this war weren’t already complicated enough.
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kikker-oma · 11 months
LOL Time They Spooky
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Have a “No Sleep” Time😵‍💫
Idk, I think it’s pretty spooky lol
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 months
Please go talk sense into @skyward-floored ignoring potentially broken fingers.
Peggy, what did you do
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james-p-sullivan · 9 months
The show you mentioned, would you recommend looking into it?
That’s a good question. While Carol & the End of the World is a very good show, I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone. It’s definitely slow and introspective, but it’s also raw and unfiltered. There’s a very quiet melancholy and loneliness that permeates through the writing and the voice actors portrayal of Carol that is evident from the first moment she opens her mouth.
The first episode was heartbreaking in a very mundane way. How Carol, while facing the end of the world, is still trying to reach normalcy in her life whether its trying to repay old debts that have long since been forgiven to trying to schedule a dental cleaning. Her gentle desperation for closeness and that day to day humdrum that was her life before the news of the impending apocalypse is strangely relatable. That empty feeling of lost purpose (whether it was there to begin with or not) is present in nearly everyone, end of the world or not.
its definitely not a show for everyone, I’ll give you that. But I feel a sense of camaraderie with Carol and the way she feels so outside they way everyone else is coping, and when she finally starts to break free of her cocoon, you feel like breaking free right along with her.
All I can say is give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the writing and narrative of the story. I’m looking forward to finishing the series!
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adrift-in-thyme · 4 months
For your Fairy Time AU this question struck me earlier but couldn't get on Tumblr to ask. Back before Time was Time, when he was still Mask, Young Link, however you want to call him as a kid, what did he look like in his Fairy Form. Like before exposure to The Fierce Deity Mask did Mask's wings look different?
They did! The Fierce Deity Mask changed his wing colors drastically as he absorbed some of the god’s power. It was gradual but by the time he’d grown up for a second time his old colors were all but gone.
However, they still show up when he’s exhausted, ill/injured, or even just very relaxed (an more uncommon occurrence than the others lol)
Here’s some messy refs I drew up today showcasing the change in wing color
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a-v-j · 1 year
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Commissioned by @hybinger-nova and marroon from discord
Undertale © Toby Fox
Nova © hybinger-nova
Insanity © UTF
Comms open!
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singingvio · 1 year
OK you might only have 3 pics for it but I'm loving your FS D&D idea. Question what are the characters relationships to each other outside the context of the game. Like what prompted Vio to try rolling for seduction with Shadow's Self Insert
Hello yes! I’m very glad you’re enjoying it!
Vio and Red are identical twins (obviously). They’re a very chaotic duo and the motivation behind most of their actions (especially in the campaign) is to get the story going completely off the rails! Vio flirting with the villains, Red constantly messing with Blue, both of them stepping in when it’s important but usually having plans to be of no help whatsoever for shits and giggles.
I know that Blue and Shadow are very close friends (I mean, all of them are close, except Green, he’s kind of new). Shadow has the upper hand in messing with Blue, however. His bad luck always works in Shadow’s favor. Blue is very tired. Help him.
Green is the new guy in the group. He knows them all already, but hasn’t hung out with them that much. It’s likely that one of the twins dragged him to one of Shadow’s campaigns against his will; he’s still trying to figure out the ropes, and struggling to come to terms with the fact that staying on track is a lost cause with these boys. He just wants a semi-serious adventure that stays on script, dang it!
I haven’t really figured out everyone’s relationships in a further fleshed out sense, but I do have some ideas floating around in my head!
- Vio and Shadow are absolutely partners. Romantic, platonic, in crime, for school projects… it’s unclear! But they are together, and they are making it everyone else’s problem.
- I, personally, love the appeal of Green x Vio. However, my good, perfectly sane friend @glitchedfoxx has me absolutely sold on Green x Blue. So, for now any ships are undecided, because I can’t make up my mind.
- I’ve got an idea in my head of Princess Zelda being based off of (or at least named after) Shadow’s little sister! While I like the idea of Zelda and Link being in relationships romantically in some scenarios, personally I tend to prefer her relationship with the colors in Four Swords to be more sibling-like. So, perhaps the Princess Zelda in the campaign could be a character created by IRL Zelda, that Shadow put in because he loves his sister! I just love the concept of Shadow and Zelda having a sibling dynamic, and making Zelda in this AU actually be Shadow’s little sister makes my heart very happy.
- as you can probably already tell, Shadow is not evil in any sense of the word in this AU. He’s just a wicked DM, the kind that takes any opportunity available to completely screw over the party. In real life, he’s a very kind and sweet person— though, his sense of humor can be disturbingly dark. It’s off-putting to people who don’t know him that well.
(Four Swords DND AU)
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unu-nunu-art · 1 year
Isn't it Template's Birthday today? 4/03
Yush it's his birthday today :D
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hauntinghyrule · 2 years
Imagine if someone with Red/Green Colorblindness met the Colors. They'd have so much trouble telling well Red and Green apart XD
Blue and Vio would likely present some problems as well:
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nekophy · 8 months
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Emotes commission I did for @hybinger-nova ! ✨
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hybinger-nova · 1 year
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                                     Bastard (Good)
You're a bastard. A wet cat, if you will. And we love you for it. You're a little shit, but in the good way. You are the baddest babygirl. You killed a man, but you looked good doing it. You flirted with the hero and the enemy. All of Tumblr is madly in love with you. Congrats, I guess?
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skyward-floored · 3 months
prompt: Dig (Or any conjugation of Dig)
The dim light of Twilight's lantern bounced off the cave walls as Twilight pawed through the dirt and rocks blocking the path, Four digging just as quickly beside him.
An ominous rumble came from somewhere above them, but both heroes merely looked at each other, then went back to digging even faster than they had been before.
"We'll make it, we'll be fine," Four panted to himself, sweat beading on his brow, and Twilight bit back a whimper as the ceiling rumbled again, threatening to block more than just their way forward.
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kikker-oma · 8 months
Which LU Link is the most fun to draw, in your opinion.
Mmmmm good question! Probably Four or Wind. I got very used to drawing younger teens because of a personal comic I had going and so those two especially come a bit easier to me.
I do think that Hyrule ends up falling into that category though! And Sky is a soft boy so he's fun, tho his hair gives me trouble😒 I think I end up drawing him the most tho lol.
The hardest lu boys for me to draw are actually Wild and Twilight
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
(the noun not the verb)
Sky held up the item, brow furrowing as he examined it. "Is this... a saw?"
"Why the hell do you have a saw in your closet?" Warriors questioned, disturbed.
Legend shrugged, enjoying the bafflement on the other two's faces. "Never know when I might need it."
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james-p-sullivan · 10 months
Favorite soup, chowders and bisques allowed in the consideration
(I'm tired was all I could think of)
im about to give you the best tomato soup recipe you will ever have in your entire life.
5-6 tomatoes
1 small white onion
1 carrot (optional)
Garlic (as much as your heart desires)
1/4ish cups of butter
Spices (i use salt, msg, pepper, oregano, sage, garlic powder)
Parmesan (you know the drill)
Brown sugar
tomato paste (optional)
the first thing you need to do is get the skin off of those tomatoes. the easiest way i find is to submerge them in boiling water for about 30 seconds until a fissure appears on the skin. after that , the skin will just slide right off. slice them into quarters (i also take out that harder core but its up to you). place them in a glass lasagne pan with the diced onion and chopped garlic and carrot.
melt the butter and put the desired spices into the melted butter for an even distribution, i like to go heavy handed with the garlic and oregano here. pour it over the chopped ingredients and mix until everything is evenly coated.
dont even worry about preheating your oven, turn that baby onto 375F and wait anywhere from 45min to 1hr, stirring at the 25 min mark. the tomatoes should look like theyre getting some colour, that little char is where all that flavour comes from. depending on your oven, cook it until you feel satisfied.
once out, youre going to blend it in small batches for at least 30 seconds each time. transfer to a pot on low/medium heat until everything is blended. youre going to slowly add milk or cream until the desired thickness, usually like 1/2 cup? and then stir until its all mixed.
this is where youre going to add a couple pinches of brown sugar, a little more if you didnt add the carrot, making sure to taste along the way. if you have a dollop of tomato paste feel free to throw that in there. and then go absolutely apeshit with the parmesan. im telling you, add so much that you think surely this will be too much and is ruined and then go and add some more. hell if you have a rind this would be a good place to pop it in.
anyway, add what ever spices you think it needs, if you cant figure it out its most likely just salt that you need. i recommend going hard on the oregano but thats just my opinion hehe. anyway just cook that on the stovetop for like 10-15 min and youre good to go!
genuinely this will be the best tomato soup you will ever have and your house will smell amazing. have this with some garlic bread and die happy
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