#hybrid jisung
minminbunny · 2 months
Cat Hybrid! Han Jisung/Owner Fem! Reader
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💕Drabble Masterlist
❤️Ultimate Masterlist
"Hhgh," you whined, stretching your limbs. Jisung chuckled, nuzzling into your side, "Good morning, pretty owner," he purred, wrapping his tail around your calves. You lifted your head from the pillow, "It's too early," you grumbled, hugging your plush toy. Jisung grimaced at the toy, "I'm right here. Why do you need to cuddle that drool-stained thing," he huffed, playfully swatting the plush with his paws. You whined at his actions, "Leave it alone, Ji," you said, snuggling the plush close to your chest. Jisung sulked, nuzzling between your thighs, "Give me attention," he whined, nipping the hem of your shorts. You glared at him through sleepy eyes, "Perverted cat," you murmured, trying to kick him off the bed. Jisung smirked, hooking your legs over his shoulders, "I'll show you perverted, owner. Just lay back and take it," he purred, licking your ankle.
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"You like that, yeah? My thick cock pounding your Swollen. Little. Cunt," Jisung growled, thrusting his hips at a merciless pace. "Ji, ji, hah, ah," you whimpered, digging your nails into his back. Jisung purred, "Aww, that's it, baby, scream my name. Let me hear you," he said, grinding his hips against yours. Broken hiccups dripped like honey into his ears, causing his thrusts to pick up in speed. "Broken already, baby?" he mocked, reaching between your legs to rub circles on your swollen clit. "Hah, hah, hhgh!" You cried, dragging your nails down his back, leaving red burning scratches. Jisung growled, nosing your neck, "You should really cut your nails, baby. They're sharper than mine," he hissed, rubbing your clit with faster and more precise movements. You arched your body, your mind clouded with blissful haze. Jisung held you close, he pounded your cunt with the sheer primal need to claim you, "You're mine, baby. Fucking mine," he grunted, thrusting deeper and harder up your canal until your body felt like one.
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dean-a-mean-tae · 7 months
Stray Kids as Hybrids
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WARNINGS: Minho and Felix are "defect" hybrids. There's cussing in this. I got the information from research, so if you're an animal "expert" respectfully correct me.
Master list | Not requested, but I don't care.
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Chan (Grey Wolf)
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He has a grey tail with grey ears that have a black rim.
His fur is extremely fluffy, and he sheds a lot.
In his human form, he has curly hair that's so grey it almost looks white.
Though he has a ton of fur, he doesn't feel the heat.
He needs a lot of nutrients.
He'll eat over 13 pounds of meat at least once a week.
A "healthy" amount of meat for a human is 23 to 33 ounces per week. There are 16 ounces in a pound.
You can do the math yourself.
He's never gone over 12 days without consistent meat intake.
You gotta feed him.
Good luck. 13 pounds = 208 ounces
He won't tell you he's hungry, but you can hear his tummy from across the planet.
In his wolf form, his ears stand up and point forward.
In his human form, his ears just do what they want.
Contrary to popular belief, wolves barely bark.
Whines can be a sign of affection or distress.
You need to pay attention to the signs and what's going on to know the difference.
His growls are warnings, and his loud ones are when he feels threatened.
His quiet growls are playful.
Chan has and will go over to Minho or Seungmin and put his paw on them. IYKYK
the pictures of those 2 wolves are hilarious
Minho (Tiger)
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Unfortunately, Minho is considered a defect.
He looks like your stereotypical tiger.
It's just the tip of his tail is white instead of black
In his human form, he has brown eyes that turn yellow when he's in a bad mood
His "defect" is his hair. It's dark brown which makes the orange in his ears stand out.
Believe it or not, he prefers to come out at night.
He doesn't mind the day as long as it isn't hot.
Occasionally, he'll sunbathe, but it's seemingly random.
He, unlike most tigers, doesn't like water. He can take showers and baths, but big bodies of water are a no.
He can't see the bottom. He isn't getting in the water.
He still likes the knowledge of having access to a lake. Preferably a private lake.
His animal form is almost 9 feet at a weight of 650 something pounds. The weight is healthy for his tiger form.
If you thought Chan needed a lot of meat, then Minho is a nightmare. ;-;
Tigers require 88 lbs per week. :)
Since he's a hybrid, he can eat at least 75 lbs. Which is 1200 ounces...
His weight is perfect for snuggling, but his weight is painful if he lays on you.
He doesn't like roaring because it's loud. He grunts and uses chuffs to communicate.
If you are ever cold, just lay on him.
Tiger fur can get so hot that steam might come off their fur when in the snow.
He isn't very sociable and prefers his own space. He doesn't mind you or the boys, but it's obvious if he doesn't like someone.
You know that thing cats do with their tail when they feel mischievous?
The tip of the tail starts flicking but everything else is still?
That's Minho.
You always know when he's done some stupid shit or is about to
Changbin (Hare/Jack Rabbit)
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He has brown fur with a white tummy
He gives off Thackery the hare from Alice In Wonderland 2010 vibes
He thumps, in both human and animal form, when he feels endangered or if he wants something
Usually, it's because he wants something
As an animal, he does the binky thing where rabbits jump high in the air
He only does it when he's extremely happy
Sometimes, his legs kick off too high, and he falls forward, like in the picture on the right.
When he's angry, he'll sit on his hind legs with his paws up like he's about to start boxing
When he's annoyed, he'll flick his feet and walk away
Sometimes, he'll kick whatever or whoever is irritating him (like in the first picture)
If he starts nibbling on you while in animal form, it's a sign of affection
Speaking of nibbling, rabbits eat 2-3% of their weight in vegetables.
He's a big boy, so... yeah... have fun. :)
Side note, he's very cuddly.
He rivals Jisung in his attachment to you
He will change into his animal form so it's easier for him to be close to you
Sometimes he'll go flying around the room
Kind of like the zoomies but for bunnies
He is a little dramatic
When he's really relaxed and feels safe, he'll flop over
If he's in animal form, he just does it. Doesn't matter where he is
If he's in human form, he'll flop on the nearest soft object or on the nearest person
Hyunjin (Ferret)
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His fur is mostly brown, but he has 2 white rings of fur on his face with a brown spot under one of his eyes.
In human form, his hair is brown, and his animal ears have a white rim.
He's so hyper.
If he isn't running or jumping around the room, he's asleep in a dark space.
Probably under the covers or in a drawer somewhere
Ferrets eat 5-7% of their weight a day.
As a hybrid, he can eat 4% of his weight a day and still be considered healthy.
I recommend just feeding him 5% to be on the safer side.
Ferrets have poor vision. Unfortunately, Hyunjin has poor vision in both his forms.
He wears contacts in human form.
He will snuggle under your clothes and against your skin
If you have a bigger chest, he'll lay between your tits/pecks
If your chest his flatter, then he'll curl up on the left side so he can hear your heart better
When he wants to play, he'll run at people and then quickly run off
He'll keep repeating this until they get the message
When he's angry, he glares and hisses at whatever is causing his anger
He makes cute chitter noses and sniffs when he's curious
Just like other ferrets, he squints when he's sick
Don't get scared if you try to wake him and he doesn't move.
When he sleeps, he's GONE!
He won't wake up until his body is ready.
I like the idea that he scrunches his nose when he's confused
Like genuinely confused. Not "What are you doing?" Confused
I'm talking "What the hell is this thing?" confused
Shit you not! If you have salty skin or a hybrid safe lotion on, he'll lick you. Both in animal form and in human form
He has to be near sleep to start licking you as a human, though
Ferrets kiss, by the way
It's how they show affection
So don't be surprised if you get grabbed and you feel thick lips smack your cheek
He's just giving you a little appreciation, that's all :)
Sometimes, Hyunjin likes to be difficult in his human form
So, like a ferret, if he wants something, he will stare at you.
When you acknowledge him, and you will, he'll repeated glance at what he wants
He refuses to verbalize it until you either get it correct or he's tired of you guess incorrectly.
All just depends on his mood and how generous he's feeling that moment
Ferrets with splay out and sigh when they're sad
It's so fucking cute
Hyunjin does the same thing but on top of you
If you're working on something, like a laptop or iPad, then he'll flop onto that.
Or he'll flop onto your book or something
When you're wearing a hoodie, he'll hide away from the others in your pocket
So make sure it has the one pocket thing and not 2
He can still fit in the smaller ones but he wants the space
Jisung (Squirrel)
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He is a ground-dwelling squirrel.
He is usually found sitting on Tiger Minho's head.
Like other squirrels, he is terrified of owls
"Why would someone need to look that scary?! Or turn its head that much?!"
Squirrels do this thing called caching. It's where they find and hide food.
I shit you not! He hides so much food around the house.
He doesn't need a lot of food, but he will gladly stuff his face full.
If you have to travel, then take him with you. He loves to travel and hates being left by himself.
Doesn't matter if you're leaving him with the others. He wants to go with you.
Sometimes he'll sit directly on top of you or pressed against you.
You have no personal space.
If you don't like physical affection, let him down gently please.
He doesn't want to be the cause of your discomfort, so tell him in the most fragile way possible
With that being said, he will use his face to get out of trouble
Quickly turning into his animal form and acting cute so you won't be angry
If that doesn't work, then he's dipping
I'm talking hightailing it out the room and into the backyard
You won't see him until dinner or it's bedtime
Speaking of bedtime, he wants you to tuck him in
So please do it. Give him a kiss on each cheek and then one on his forehead and he'll be good to go.
It makes him feel trapped and like he's in a cage.
Makes him more likely to have nightmares, too.
Felix (Ginger Cat)
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Felix is also, unfortunately, considered a defect.
His fur is a golden orange color with lighter stripes.
His eyes look green in the sun, but they're amber.
His "defect" is also from his human form.
His hair is blond like the strips, so his ears stick out. His freckles are also, unfortunately, considered a "flaw."
Most people think when a cat rubs its head against you, it's a sign of affection, which it is, but it's also them marking their territory.
They're scenting you and showing ownership over you.
It's how cats show pride in their belongings :)
If you let him out of the house to hunt, he will return with "food" for you.
He doesn't really think much of it. It's just his cat's side telling you you're family.
I guarantee you'll walk in on Felix either biting the shit out of a toy or him chasing Hyunjin around the room.
Did you know that cats knead because of their early days of nursing?
Kittens would knead at their mothers to encourage milk production. Adult cats knead to show content or to calm down.
Think of it as Felix feeling safe with you.
Felix is the definition of "If I fits, I sits"
If you're curled up on the couch, then he's curled up in the space behind your knees and thighs.
Small spaces make cats feel safe, so be sure to give Felix spots to hide in.
It helps with his natural instinct to ambush.
If Felix stares at you with thin pupils, try not to stare back.
It's his inner cat on high alert, and it could take that as you threatening him.
Meanwhile, slow blinks are kitty kisses.
If you slowly blink back at Felix, he'll do it repeatedly if he's in cat form. If he's in human form, he'll latch onto you and give you cuddles.
If Felix's nightly zoomies irritate you, feed him before you go to bed, make sure he tires himself out before bed, or get him a food puzzle.
Nightly zoomies are leftover energy mixed with their instinct to hunt during the night.
Airplane ears!
If Felix's ears are just sitting up, then he's listening to his surroundings. If his ears are flicking around, then he's agitated or dealing with anxiety.
Either peacefully help him or leave him alone. If he's in cat form, then leave him alone. He'll come to you if he wants to.
Felix knocks things over only when he is bored, as other cats do. It fascinates him to see things topple over. If you want Felix to stop, find a way to entertain him.
When he flops onto your things, it's him scenting your stuff to show you're his and a sign he wants attention.
When the tip of Felix's tail twitches it can mean he's curious or he's hunting. It'll go away when he calms down.
Seungmin (Golden Retriever)
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Golden Retriever
A sassy, playful ball of golden fur. He needs frequent exercise and sheds a lot.
Unlike your stereotypical golden retriever, Seungmin's fur is more soft wheat than golden yellow.
His floppy ears blend with his hair when in human form.
Seungmin doesn't like to be left alone. He won't tell you to stay. He will follow you around.
Seungmin doesn't actively seek out strangers. If someone tries to pet him, then he'll move away.
He also doesn't jump on people and hates when others jump on him.
He's not as social as your average Golden Puppy.
I recommend having a big yard for him to run around if you don't have one for the bigger animals.
Please make sure you feed him the proper amounts. He won't hesitate to raid the fridge if he's hungry.
When he grabs things with his mouth, he's extremely careful.
Softly grabbing your arms or a book to move it out of the way.
He'll share his food with you if you beg enough. He won't actively go out of his way to feed you unless you're ill.
If he's being "Destructive" it's because he isn't stimulated enough.
He needs more mental and physical exercise.
He doesn't have separation anxiety unless you decide to give him a terrible backstory on how you found him.
Otherwise, he's pretty confident that you'll come back home.
If something comes up, you'll communicate the issue and a general idea of when you might be home.
If you don't, he'll be pissed.
It's like breaking a pinky promise. Don't do that.
He'll bop you in the face
Jeongin (Fennec Fox)
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Fennec Fox
He's got big ass ears and they grow to accommodate his head in human form (Minho thinks it's hilarious)
He's got a cream color hair with white streaks in them
You can barely see the streaks, but the others tell you they're there
He's such a smart cookie until he gets in his animal form.
Then it's like he lost all brain cells except one. That 1 brain cell alternates between Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jeongin. Occasionally, Jisung will get it.
He kind of just rolls around
He's just there, chilling in the silence or the chaos
In animal form, he'll curl up on your lap or on the bed
If you're in an office, pull up a chair next to you and he'll lay in that instead
He may think you're mad at him, but just giving him rubs or head pats and he's good
He's kind of like a cat
You have to gage his moods
If he doesn't want to be touched, he'll look at you as you touch him like the picture on the left
Just "Mittens off, human" paws crossed and everything
Buy him clothes for his animal form. PLEASE
He loves them
Go to Pinterest or something and look up fennec fox in clothes or something and it's so flipping cute
You know that dolphin screech Jeongin does? That but in animal form...
The picture on the right for the header of this post?
That's him when he has too much energy, but no thoughts to put into action
As a human, he's like your average Jeongin, but with big ass fluffy ears and tail.
Sometimes he knocks stuff over with his tail and he's so sorry
After something crashed, you can hear him whine in the kitchen from your bedroom
The others don't tease him as much as they could because they know he's genuinely sad about it
Not insecure, but definitely annoyed with himself for messing something up again
Reassure him please.
Don't make it too obvious because then he'll shut down and tune you out
Not intentionally, it's just his brain's self defense.
It doesn't want to be reminded of his mistakes.
It's the main reason why he likes staying in his animal form.
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This was fun
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091400 · 2 months
CONTAINS: 18+, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation, inappropiate behavior in public spaces and in general. kind of perv!skz.
AUTHORS NOTE: hello! this is a repost of my old blog (hanjiesgf)! enjoy and let me know what you think! i'll open requests soon :)
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Chan is more of an exhibitionist, the one thing he likes is to show off his body as much as he can. He can get shy, but he gets off with the attention he gets, the praises are the best thing to get him going. 
Minho is a watcher, he also likes to show off but his favorite thing is to watch, all the control in the palm of his hand always. The worst part (for you) is begging for his touch, but this time he just wants to watch you, and you have to accept it. 
Changbin is an exhibitionist, no doubt about this, he shares this with Chan. Since he started working out, he doesn’t miss the chance to show off his muscles, but he also likes to be naked in public places (mostly the gym). He has an excuse, but the thing he enjoys the most is the stares at his body.
Hyunjin is also an exhibitionist, he knows he’s pretty. He likes to jerk off and getting you to watch without touching him, he gets off to you watching him with lust in your eyes, knowing you want to touch him so bad. He’s a simple man, he can get anything he wants with a nod. 
Jisung is simply the most careless voyeur of the group. He gets off with anything and everything. He accidentally saw you changing clothes? Welp, he got hard and what he can do about it? Probably just walk quickly to the bathroom and jerk off to the glimpse he saw of your body, and of course he can’t be bothered to be quiet until he comes. 
Felix is careful with it, you won’t ever notice he’s there. He likes to watch you do things, even not remotely sexual stuff, he’s just there, watching every step you take. If you ever notice him, he probably would play it dumb, you can’t know he’s there, he’s just your friend and nothing more. 
Seungmin’s stoic face is his greatest weapon. Like Felix, he’s very careful with his movements. You won’t know he’s there if he doesn’t want to show himself. This started with you, changing clothes in front of him because you didn’t noticed he was there, at first he got flustered and left the room quickly, but with the time he got bold and just stayed silent every time, pretending he didn’t noticed you there. 
Jeongin evolved with time, he was a watcher, like Minho, but him getting big buffer after going to the gym was a game changer for him. The praises he started to get made him dizzy, wanting more every time he went to the gym, and when you started praising him, he was a gone man. 
091400 © do not copy / plagiarize / repost or translate my work on any other platforms.
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vintagesuga · 1 month
Cuddle Party - Ot8
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Genre: Huge fluff, Hybrid A.U
Paring: Polyamorus Ot8 x gn! reader
Warning: Polyamory, brief mentions of food
a/n: I meant to post this ages ago, but ya know 🤷🏻‍♀️. It's just kinda hard to keep consistency with my writing, and I hate that :( I want to write more. Also, this is proofread, but still let me know of any mistakes. It is greatly appreciated!!
Coming home to a quiet house wasn't all that unusual. There were sometimes when you could get some peace, but living with 8 hybrids, it was very rare for said peace. The calmest thing you had come home to was them talking about who knows what in the living room.
Kicking off your shoes and hanging up your coat, you placed your keys on the hook by the door. You moved sluggishly as you locked the door and padded into the living room. Before you could make it in all the way, however, a soft ball of fur startled you as it slinked in between your feet. You looked down, making sure you wouldn't kick it, as you quickly caught yourself on the wall. An orange tabby looked up at you, meowing at you like nothing happened. Like the little demon didn't just almost kill you. But you should have guessed he would greet you at the door. He always did.
"Hi to you too, Minho." You said as you reached down to pet him. He met you halfway, butting his head in your hand. "Where are the others?"
Minho didn't answer you. He just started to stroll down the hall. He then looked back at you, trilling at you as if to tell you to follow. You followed behind him as he climbed the stairs and made his way to your bedroom. All the while, he would look back, making sure you were still following.
Your bedroom door was cracked open slightly, just big enough for an animal to slip in. You pushed it open all the way now, trying to be somewhat quiet. The sight that greeted you was absolutely heart meltingly sick.
There on your bed were all your beloved hybrids. All snuggled up to each other, taking up most of the space on your bed. Each one was in their animal form, the mass of fur rising and falling with their breathing. It was cute. You resisted the urge to coo at them, not wanting to disturb their sleep.
Hyunjin, your panther hybrid, was stretched out just below your pillows. With his legs spread toward the middle of your bed, he looked as if he wanted to take up as much space as possible. In the space between his neck and shoulder was a tiny brown ball. It would seem Jisung, your chipmunk hybrid, thought Hyunjin made for a good pillow. I mean, who could blame him? You had done the same thing once or twice. Jisung was curled in on himself, taking up as little space as possible. It was funny, seeing the difference between the two of them.
In the middle of the bed lay a mass of multi-colored fur. A beagle, fennec fox, and Australian Mist. Seungmin, the beagle, was facing your closet. His back against Jeongin's who faced the opposite wall. Jeongin, the fox, was curled up in a ball. His large ears lay flat against his head and his fluffy tail covering his snout. Felix, your other cat hybrid, also had his back facing the other two, and much like Jeongin, he too was curled up in a ball. What was funny was that on top of all three hybrids lay Changbin. The bunny hybrid had somehow burrowed his way into the junction at their backs. His feet faced Seungmin and every so often would thump against the poor puppy. Although the puppy didn't seem to mind.
Chan, ever the caring pack leader, had taken up the space at the foot of the bed. Curled up with his snout in his tail, the wolf hybrid faced the bedroom door as if to protect his pack. His eyes were on you, and his ears would twitch in your direction every so often. There, by his head, the sheets were disrupted, and you suspected that's where Minho was lying. Offering his silent support to your pack leader.
Like I said earlier, it was an adorable sight to behold. All your hybrids cuddled up together on your bed. Note that your bed is big enough that at least two or three of them could be in human form. I mean, that's the whole reason you bought a king-sized bed. Curiously, though, they all decided to sleep in their animal form, more than likely just for convenience.
You carefully snapped a photo, sharing it with the group chat, before quietly making your way to the bathroom. You stopped by your dresser, grabbing a change of clothes.
When you came back out of the bathroom, nothing changed. Minho had just laid back down in his spot, butting his head softly against Chan's. Like he was reassuring him that everything was ok, it was just you. No threats.
You smiled. Times like this, it's what you lived for. Just the domesticity of it all melted your heart. All of you are so different, yet you worked so cohesively, like you were just extensions of each other. Made for one another. It just made you beyond happy.
Quietly, you slunk out of the bedroom, going back downstairs to eat. You would join the fur pile later, maybe even convince one of them to cuddle in their human form. More than likely, Felix or Jisung. For now, however, you needed food. Craving the Jajangmyeon Minho texted you about earlier. You ate relatively slow, and your moves are sluggish. Your exhaustion is setting in gradually.
By the time you finished and cleaned up the dishes, it was nearing 10 pm. So you made your way back upstairs after double-checking locks and lights. Back in your room, the fur pile seemed to have shifted only slightly. Changbin now cuddled up in Felix’s paws. Jeongin had stretched out, and Seungmin was now facing the door more.
Hyunjin was a rock and didn't move an inch. Jisung had gotten hot and splayed out on your pillows, his bushy tail flicking every now and again. You chuckled, shuffling over to the side of the bed before deciding to disturb them. You didn't want to, but you needed to sleep too.
“Alright you moochers. Pack it up and move, I need in here.” You softly nudged Hyunjin's head. Hoping he would get the memo and at least wake up enough to move.
He huffed, moving his head but making no progress in waking up. So you patted his body a little harder. It earned you a growl as he started to shift, which in turn made everyone else shift. Hyunjin's weight disturbing the bed.
Jeongin let out a yawn as he woke up. Pawing at his face before realizing you were there. He jumped up almost instantly, shoving his face in your hands. Jisung startles awake, making a noise as he hops down from the pillows stretching and moving off the bed.
The others showed their enthusiasm in various ways. Nuzzling against you and cuddling up around you, something that was easier in animal form. Jisung had come out of the bathroom, hugging you from behind as he pressed his face in your neck. Mumbling his hellos against your skin. Chan waited patiently. He had transformed into his human form a bit ago. Waiting for the others to have their turns first.
“How was work?” He greeted you with a peck to your lips. Hearing a couple of groans from those who had shifted. Seungmin made a comment about needing to throw up. Like he wasn't just peppering your face earlier.
You groaned at the mention of work. “It was ok. Had to sit through a dumb meeting that they could have just summed up in an email.”
“That's how it is, though. They just want to make sure you hear it, I guess.” Chan chuckled as you rolled your eyes.
“I guess. It's just so boring, and now I'm tired and just wanting cuddles.”
You flopped on the bed, mindful of those who were still lying down. You got comfy in the middle, opening up either side of you to anyone who wanted cuddles. Jisung dove at the opportunity, nuzzling up to your side as he tangled his limbs with yours. It had been a while since he had his turn with you.
That's how you all worked. Taking turns being cuddled up with each other. Since you couldn't shift into an animal, you were often in the middle of some cuddle sandwiches. The others could shift so they could shimmy themselves wherever there was space. You all had your own rooms but it was nice sleeping all together sometimes. Changbin and Jisung, especially, loved making nests in your bed.
“Why were you all in my room?” You asked as Hyunjin took up the space on your other side. His long arms snake around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
“Cause we missed you. And your scent is strongest here.” He mumbled into your hair, already falling back asleep.
“I wasn't even gone that long.”
“Yeah but still. Missed you.” Jisung pressed a kiss to your forehead.
It was easiest for Hyunjin and Jisung to be the ones in human form when all nine of you slept together. Since they were the biggest and smallest in animal form. The others curled up along the bed in various places. It was hot, sure, that's why you dressed so loosely, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
This was home.
©️vintagesuga Do not repost.
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b1mbodoll · 2 months
i think jwi is some big predator hybrid like a wolf and he looks so scary but he’s really the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet 😭😭 i need him so bad gabi 😭😭😭
ur so right though. big n strong n intimidating wolfboy jisung that literally Terrifies you, a pretty lil puppygirl, at first but 😞 he’s just a big puppy!!!!! he’s so clingy n whiney n it’s crazy to think that such a sweet thing like him is literally a Predator.
he could easily overpower you n rip your throat out but he Doesn’t. but it’s kinda hot that he Could. sure he’s all nice n easygoin with you, but it still doesn’t change the fact that he’s so much bigger and stronger than you. doesn’t change the fact that he could force you down n fuck you if he wanted to.
n you’re reminded of that when he gets a lil rough when he’s … playing with you.
ji’s playfully growling n biting at you, tugging at your tail and pulling on your ears but he gets a little too into it n his instincts have him shoving you into the ground with your ass up, attempting to make you present properly, like the good little bitch he knows you are.
he’s so desperate to breed you n it isn’t long before jisung’s sliding his cock deep inside your cunt. it’s like you were made for him, all tight n warm n squeezing his length so good, coating it in your juices.
poor wolfboy’s humping you so sloppily but he fucks you so deep, the tip of his thick cock ramming into your cervix with each thrust. he feels awful though :( wanted to take him time with you n get you ready for his cock because be knows he’s big :( whines so loud and begs for you to forgive him, broken apologies spilling from his spit slick lips.
but jisungie can’t help himself! his cock twitches when you cream his length n cum spurts from his tip, piercing your womb and flooding your insides completely. his knot keeps you plugged up, keeping all of his thick, sticky globs of cum from leaking out.
the time waiting for it to go down is spent with jisung licking your neck n pressing soft kisses to your skin, his ears and tail droopin cus he feels so bad for usin you. but tell him you liked it n he’s back to bein your sweet sungie again <333
and maybe he’ll fuck you again, since, y’know. you liked it so much <3
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mirisss · 10 days
Chapter 11
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Stray Kids OT8 x hybrid! afab! reader
Warnings: some more spicy thoughts though nothing really explicit, descriptions of someone being shirtless, nightmares, anxiety, like on or two mentions of someone being tortured (not described how), lack of sleep, anxiety/panic attack, someone collapsing/falling unconcious, 
Wordcount ≈ 3.1k
Sorry for the long wait, life has been crazy during the last few months for me but here is the long-awaited eleventh chapter! I hope you all enjoy it! 
Please reblog! 
taglist, some tags aren't working and I don't know why 😭:
@ayoo-bangtan, @lose-lose07, @kingcarrot-thecarrotking, @starjane312, @reighlee-greaves, @hi-39024, @queenmea604, @septicrebel, @justayoungandwisefangirl, @imasimplol, @k-p0p-4ever, @detectivedoodle, @hehe-24-hehe, @jinnie-ret, @0325tiny, @borahae-reads, @shycreationdreamland, @kiaralynn3838, @blondechannie, @theydy-madamonsieur, @boi-bi-ahaha, @riri321, @3rachasninja, @kkamismom12, @yuki-sama6, @fun-fanfics, @turtledove824,
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10,
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Changbin fell back asleep almost instantly, (Y/n) stayed awake for a couple of minutes but eventually, thanks to the warmth and the safety of his strong embrace, the dream world welcomed her as she fell into a deep slumber.
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Third person POV
Once morning came, (Y/n) jolted from the bed as Changbin’s alarm set off, the bunny almost fell off the bed however Changbin’s strong arms held her up even in his tired state. “Morning, (Y/n),” (Y/n) looked up at the rapper, she had almost forgotten that she had fallen asleep with him in his bed, the hybrid thought she would feel ashamed at this but she didn’t. No, she actually felt happy and she yearned to fall asleep like this again.  
“Good morning,” “Did you sleep well?” (Y/n) hesitated for a second before she answered, “Very well,” Changbin smiled so widely that his cheeks began hurting, “I’m glad to hear that, now, how about some breakfast? We need to leave for the company soon,” “Can I have a smoothie? Like the one I got a while ago?” “Yeah, I’ll fix that for you, but you’re eating something more than just that, Minho-hyung won’t be happy otherwise,” “Maybe a sandwich as well then,” “That’s better, go get dressed, it’s a bit rainy today so dress a bit warmer,” 
(Y/n) got up from the bed and went over to Jeongin’s room only to find it empty so she headed over to Felix’s room instead but he too was nowhere to be found. Thanks to her hybrid senses she could hear Seungmin moving around in his room, so (Y/n) went to his door and gave it a tiny knock. “Come in,” Seungmin said from inside, (Y/n) carefully opened the door and peeked inside. “Hey, (Y/n)!” “Hey, um, I can’t find Jeongin or Felix, they usually help me with my outfits,” Seungmin looked a bit shocked, but then he nodded and smiled. “Innie had to leave earlier for a personal schedule so he left about 2-3 hours ago, he’ll meet us at the company after lunch, Felix is probably helping Minho-hyung with the breakfast. You have most of your clothes in Jeongin’s room right?” “Oh, he must be tired if he left that early, but, um, yeah, mostly with Innie and some in Felix’s room and a few things in Hyunjin’s,” 
Seungmin grabbed a hoodie from his wardrobe before he signaled to (Y/n) that they were leaving his room. They walked down to Jeongin’s room and went inside, over to the new wardrobe they had put up to keep (Y/n)’s clothes in. “Alright, let’s see, how about a hoodie and jeans? Or would you rather have yoga pants for the most comfortable outfit?” (Y/n) looked at Seungmin’s outfit, and then out the window, before returning her gaze to the wardrobe. She thought back to previous days at the company building, most people wore expensive and impressive-looking outfits, while she did want the yoga pants because they were comfortable, she didn’t want to make SKZ look bad because she didn’t dress up. “Wouldn’t jeans or something like it be the most presentable option?” 
Seungmin was a bit confused but then noticed how the bunny looked at his outfit and her wardrobe. “I mean, sure, if you were coming with us to schedules where you must appear on screen, then yes a more dressy outfit would be better but for a day like this, a hoodie and yoga pants, are perfectly fine to wear,” “But you look so much more dressed up than I would,” (Y/n) was pouting, which Seungmin thought was adorable. “I’m gonna stay behind after practice and go live for a little bit, hence, my outfit,” Seungmin thought that would be enough but then he thought about what the others would be wearing, “the others will be dressed more comfortably, well, I think so, we’re all so used to dancing in all different kinds of outfits so we sometimes wear jeans and stuff like that to practice as well,” (Y/n) admired how hard Seungmin tried to comfort her whilst also staying truthful to the fact that anyone of them could show up in a performance grade outfit. 
(Y/n) was thinking hard about this, should she choose her own comfort and risk making SKZ look bad or should she choose the presentable outfit and be uncomfortable all day? Some bad memories from the past began surfacing in her mind, choosing herself never ended well. But it’s different now, she tried to remind herself. Her family is not like the monsters from her past. (Y/n) took a deep breath, “I’ll take the yoga pants,” She was nervous to actually say it out loud, but once she had, it felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Seungmin smiled at her, “Then yoga pants it is!” Seungmin took a pair of black yoga pants out of the wardrobe and a light blue hoodie, along with a pair of socks. “Here ya go! Get changed and then come to the kitchen, breakfast should be about done,” Just before Seungmin turned to leave the room, he bent down and kissed (Y/n) on the crown of her head, and then he walked toward the kitchen. (Y/n) stood in shock for a second, her whole face was as red as a tomato. 
(Y/n) couldn’t understand the way she was feeling, kissing Hyunjin and Jeongin made her feel a little embarrassed and tingly but this, this kiss made her feel so weak in the knees from warmth that she thought she might pass out. After a minute, she managed to shake of the shock and she got changed before she walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen. 
The kitchen was noisy, (Y/n) could barely make out the 30 different sounds coming from behind the kitchen door with her enhanced hearing. She gently pushed the door open and walked inside, Minho and Changbin were rushing around making sandwiches, smoothies, and whatnot for everyone. Felix was sitting at the table, eating a sandwich in big bites, (Y/n) noticed his lack of a shirt and that he was wearing pyjama pants so he was probably eating quickly to then change into his work clothes. The hybrid blushed as she saw his sculpted, muscular back, she couldn’t even imagine how his torso would look. Suddenly, she was very grateful to the fact that he wasn’t facing her. 
Hyunjin sat in front of Felix, drinking what looked, and smelled, like coffee, (Y/n) scrunched her nose at the scent, it wasn’t her favorite. Jisung sat beside Felix, resting his head on the other's shoulder. He must be tired. (Y/n) thought. Bang Chan sat across from Jisung, drinking a smoothie, it looked delicious, making (Y/n)’s mouth water. Seungmin stood in a corner, looking down at the coffee maker, waiting for it to finish filling his cup. (Y/n) searched for Jeongin, but then she reminded herself that he wasn’t home, it felt weird, it felt a bit empty not seeing them all together. 
Minho looked up from what he was doing and noticed (Y/n) standing by the door. “Good morning bunny, come on, grab some breakfast, we don’t have long until we must leave,” (Y/n) walked over and grabbed a sandwich from Minho before she turned and looked at Changbin, she smiled expectantly at him, her eyes so wide and bright one could only describe them as puppy-like. Binnie chuckled at the realization, their bunny hybrid giving him puppy eyes. “Here is your smoothie, as promised,” “Thank you,” (Y/n) said as she accepted the glass from Changbin. 
The bunny walked over to the table and sat down beside Jisung, doing her best not to steal any glances at Felix’s bare upper body. All the boys at the table mumbled somewhat of a “good morning”, some had their mouths filled with food or drinks, and some were just really tired. “Hi,” (Y/n) answered back before she took a big gulp of the smoothie Binnie had made for her. It was full of delicious fruits, she felt mango and strawberries the most, and maybe a hint of peaches? “Mmmm,” “Was it as good as the first one you got?” Changbin asked before he emptied out his own glass that was filled with a smoothie. “Well, the first one will always be the best because it was the first one I ever got, but this one is really tasty too!” 
All seven boys who were in the room with the hybrid felt their hearts swoon at the happy smile that rested so naturally on the bunny’s lips and the spark in her eyes as she enjoyed her second ever smoothie. To think that there were people out there who had harmed such a beautiful and kind soul. 
“If you ever want another smoothie, just ask for one, next time, I might be able to teach you how to make one even, so that you can do it for yourself if we can’t help you,” “Thank you,” Minho walked over and looked down at the table, noticing that (Y/n) hadn’t taken a single bite out of her sandwich yet and neither had Jisung who was as good as asleep on Felix’s shoulder. Lee Know lightly hit Han on the head to wake him up and then he gently put his hand on top of (Y/n)’s head, making the bunny look up at him. “Eat your sandwiches, you two, and Ji, no sleeping at the table, also-” Minho turned to Felix, “you, go get dressed,” Felix gulped down the last of his breakfast before he stood up and walked out of the kitchen. 
(Y/n) couldn’t help her wandering eyes as she watched the dancer stand up, the way his muscles flexed and stretched, she felt tingly all over and she suddenly felt very thirsty but she thought that was because of the sandwich she was eating and not because of Felix. 
Both Hyunjin and Chan noticed the way that (Y/n)’s turned red, the sudden big gulp, the wandering eyes. No one can deny that Felix has a good body, and apparently, their little bunny finally noticed it too. Hyunjin felt his lips tingle a little as he remembered how soft the bunny’s lips were, and how he wished he could kiss her again, for real this time. Chan looked down to (Y/n)’s lips, seeing her tongue run over them to catch a stray crum from the bread, he didn’t want to rush her but damn did he want to feel her lips against his, would they feel as soft as they seem? Would she taste as sweet as she looked? He knew it might take a few days, weeks, months or even years before she would be comfortable to do things with all of them, maybe she wouldn’t ever want to be with all of them in that way, and that’s okay. However, he couldn’t deny the yearning that he felt deep inside for her. Her soul was so beautiful, so pretty, so kind and warm, not to talk about her looks, Chan sometimes forgets that she isn’t even human because she looks more like a goddess in his eyes. 
Jisung didn’t notice what everyone else saw, he was way too tired to even keep his eyes open. That night he had dreamt nightmare of (Y/n)’s past. He hadn’t even been there, experienced what she had gone through, but whenever he had closed his eyes, all he saw was dark shadows chasing (Y/n), they held weapons in their hands, eventually, she couldn’t run any longer, and the torture began, Jisung would jolt awake as he heard her scream. After the fifth or sixth time it happened, he gave up on sleeping. He wished he could have checked in on (Y/n), to see if she was sleeping, but he didn’t dare disturbe her or Changbin if they were asleep so he waited and waited until morning came to see if (Y/n) was alive and well. Deep inside he knew she was okay with them, but the anxiety from the nightmares clouded his mind with doubt of her safety. 
After a few bites of his sandwich, Jisung’s head once again felt heavy with exhaustion, he couldn’t hold it up anymore and eventually, he let it fall and it landed on (Y/n)’s shoulder. He fell asleep almost instantly as he inhaled her sweet scent, seeing her awake and smiling, hearing her talk and be so lively, so different from when they just met, he felt relieved, part of his anxiety slowly washed away as he rested on her shoulder. 
(Y/n) was surprised when Jisung’s head landed on her shoulder, but she welcomed the closeness, until she felt unease rush through her veins. His breathes were shallow, stressed, his body felt like it was burning up, her sensitive nose picking up something that smelled awful, she couldn’t even describe it, all she knew was that the scent came from Jisung, from inside him. (Y/n) gasped, catching the attention of everyone in the room. “What’s wrong, (Y/n)?” Seungmin asked as he walked over. “Jisung,” (Y/n) couldn’t form a coherent sentence, she was stressing, anxiety filling her own body. She didn’t understand what was wrong with Han, what if it’s something serious? 
Chan looked between (Y/n) and Jisung, only now noticing how exhausted and stressed Jisung looked, he looked sick. “What’s wrong with him? Can you feel something?” Chan asked. “I… I don’t…. know… um, scent, warm,” “Shhh, it’s okay, calm down, everything will be okay,” Minho immediately walked over to (Y/n) and enveloped her into his arms as Seungmin gently moved Jisung’s head away from the hybrid. “He’s burning up, hyung,” “This seems like a reaction to an anxiety attack, remember, he used to get like this often back when we just debuted?” Chan said as he too walked over to the younger rapper. Jisung was unconscious yet he seemed like he was in the midst of a panic attack, his breathing hurried, sweat forming on his forehead, body shaking and feverish. (Y/n) was shaking, her eyes couldn’t focus on anything, her temperature rising from the panic, tears silently falling down her cheeks. 
“Minho, and Jinnie, can you two take care of (Y/n) whilst Seungmin and Changbin take Jisung back to his room? I’ll go call the company and say that we might not come in today because of this, I’ll ask Felix to message Jeongin so that he knows what’s going on,” Everyone just nodded before getting to work. 
(Y/n) was shaking in Lee Know’s arms, so worried for Jisung that she internalized his own sickness onto herself. “This is similar to how she was when I found her, shaking, scared, confused,” Minho said as Hyunjin came over and gently scratched (Y/n)’s head, right by her long and soft bunny ears. Something she once mentioned calmed her down. “Yeah, it’s kind of how she got in the elevator too,” Hyunjin stopped his sentence to wipe away some of the tears from (Y/n)’s face, “it must be stressful to see someone in her newfound family collapse like this,” “(Y/n)? Should we at least move to the living room? So that you can sit down comfortably on the couch?” 
(Y/n) could barely hear what the two dancers were saying, it sounded like she was under water and they were above the surface talking. All she could do was just grip onto Minho’s shoulders just a little harder and hope that was enough of an answer to whatever question he had asked her. Minho tried to stand up as gently as he could with (Y/n) clutching on to him, Hyunjin helped with stabilizing the bunny and holding the door open for his hyung. They sat down on the couch, (Y/n) half in Minho’s lap and half on the couch, Hyunjin leaned over so that the hybrid was sandwiched between them and he once again began gently scratching her head. 
This had been one shaky morning, it started out so good but it quickly turned bad. Maybe a free day would do them all so good. The company wasn’t happy with them but they approved the sudden day off once Chan promised to work on some songs at home. Once Felix managed to reach I.N, the maknae hurriedly finished his personal schedule so that he could rush home as fast as he could. They all wanted to be there to comfort their family. When Jeongin got home, he found Minho, Hyunjin, and (Y/n) asleep on the couch with some low music playing in the background, Chan, Felix, and Changbin were sitting on the floor of Jisung’s room, half asleep as they watched over their brother, and finally, Seungmin was in the kitchen, cleaning up from the breakfast and prepping to make tea for everyone once they woke up again. Jeongin joined Seungmin in the kitchen, helping with the final pieces of the clean up, before he went to the living room, joining the hug-pile on the couch and letting himself fall asleep as well. Perhaps, the afternoon, will be kinder on all of them. 
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And that was this chapter, I hope everyone enjoys it, what do you think will happen next? Will Chan get his moment to kiss our dear (Y/n)? Or will someone else perhaps steal her next kiss before him? Will Jisung be okay? I guess we will see, next time! 
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puppyplayhouse · 3 months
sorry if you have been asked this before but i feel like you would have the best opinions on this!! what kind of canine hybrids do you think skz would match well with? (the idea of either of the aussies with a dingo hybrid ☹️ adorable)
I'm going family Canidae over just dogs! Give it some pizzazz. I don't think this turned out as much as "what they'd like most" as it is what I think would be good for them!
Chan: Poodle!
Poodles are highly intelligent, sporty, and in my experience, simultaneously eager to learn yet stubborn. I think a poodle hybrid would match Chan well because there are shared interests there (soccer, swimming!) But they'd have a sense of pride and independence that could challenge him a bit and I think he'd enjoy that factor. Poodles also tend to have bursts of clinginess, and he'd love that! I also selfishly think that learning to take care of his hybrids curly hair would teach him to love his own, and he needs that.
Minho: Raccoon!
Raccoons are curious and intelligent but are also introverted and would enjoy quietly observing what Minho was doing. I think he'd also really enjoy cooking for a raccoon hybrid because they'd always be very enthusiastic about their food, and he'd get a lot of validation from that. Raccoons can also be aggressive, so I picture Minho's hybrid as one that is very weary of strangers and takes a while to warm up to them, which Minho could probably relate to.
Changbin: Leonberger!!
Large, loyal, strong, and confident! A Leonberger dog hybrid would have no trouble matching Changbins energy and they're even temper and tendency to be very playful would balance Changbins bursts of frustration because they wouldn't pay it any mind, often completely ignoring his bad moods to avoid encouraging them. They easily challenge him in the gym, and I think they'd also become a bit of a safety net for him at times. Dynamic duo type.
Hyunjin: Bush dog!
Bush dogs are compulsively sociable and have no set hierarchy in groups, so Hyunjin would get an outgoing yet attached hybrid who treats everyone the same regardless of status and he loves that. His hybrid would be by his side at all times and loves to insert themselves in conversations, which gives Hyunjin an easy out when he starts feeling drained or overwhelmed. A bush dog hybrid would be happy to sit by him while he painted or wrote, only demanding some form of physical contact, which could be as simple as their knees touching.
Han: Maned Wolf
The maned wolf is shy, distinctive and usually solitary. I think this is something Hannie could benefit from because they bring a sense of calm and predictability to his life that really does wonders for his constantly racing mind. This hybrid would really love sitting and listening to him play songs on his guitar and would be really interested in the way his mind works without ever being pushy about it and I think they would have a deep connection whilst both being very independent of one another.
Felix: Dingo
Dingos are intelligent and affectionate, yet very individualistic and cautious. I think they'd end up being a bit of a Sunshine Protector in the sense that Felix wants to see the best in people and isn't always aware of their intentions, whilst his dingo hybrid is always cautious and looking out for what is truly in Lixxies best interest. They can match his need to feel loved without becoming absorbed in their owner and still maintain a very deep bond with him! They can also be quite playful at times, and he'd enjoy that in small bursts.
Seungmin: Dhole!!!
Dholes are very social within their packs and tend to have a dominance based hierarchy and I think this hybrid would match Seungmin well because he benefits from having a leader who can guide and still be flexible and fluid in their interactions. I think Seungmin would find comfort and stability in his dhole hybrid and they'd be able to match his goofy antics with ease.
Jeongin: Coyote
Coyotes are tricksters, and each has very unique personalities! I picture Jeongins coyote hybrid being very bossy and adventures, and they'd be both a fun challenge and a partner in chaos to Jeongin. He'd enjoy trying to put them in their place almost as much as he'd life their eagerness for any pranks he wanted to plan, and they're always up for a 2am adventure when he can't sleep!
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jinxhallows · 7 months
𝐔𝐧𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 .
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☾ -- ᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ᴏғ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛs
prologue | chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five | chapter six | chapter seven | chapter eight | chapter nine | chapter ten | chapter eleven | chapter twelve | chapter lucky thirteen | chapter fourteen | chapter fifteen | chapter sixteen | chapter seventeen | chapter eighteen ((you are here)) |
ᴍʏ ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜs ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ -- @sikebishes @hamburgers101 @felix-housewife @agnes-king @exfolitae @brojustfknkillm3 @skzswife @just-randomm-stuff @thunderous-wolf @3rachasninja @katsukis1wife @hanjingin @mylilliposts
☾ -- ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ɢᴇᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ? ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ʜᴇʀᴇ
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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴ | ᴡᴄ: 8.6ᴋ
A dense smoky fog blankets the ground as you navigate through it, obscuring everything but the silhouette of barren trees in the distance. Their branches reach out like grasping fingers, lending an air of malevolence to the journey. It feels as though every element of the landscape is vying for a piece of your soul. 
The vampires, purportedly devoid of soul, remain unaffected by the eerie atmosphere. Jisung, however, betrays his unease by idly rubbing his amulet between his fingers. Though he maintains his stoic facade, a flicker of apprehension glimmers in his eyes as he catches your gaze. His smile is unfamiliar, lacking its usual warmth—it's akin to the polite nod given to a stranger who holds open a door.  
This isn't the Jisung you're accustomed to. 
Time is running short for Jisung. He's almost resigned to his fate, harboring a faint hope for a swift, painless end once this journey concludes. The prospect of returning home to face the slow decay of his essence over the remaining years weighs on him. 
Thoughts of his long-lost fiancée flit through his mind. He's yet to encounter her in his frequent visits to the afterlife, but perhaps he'll spend his eternity seeking her out instead of perpetually evading death. 
A tender glance at your stomach reveals his excitement at the thought of becoming an uncle. Even though he likely won't be around to see it happen, he finds comfort in knowing that your child will carry his legacy through their magical bloodline. Someday, they'll cross paths again. 
The dark aura emanating from the coyote demon casts a shadow over the group. The silence is difficult to tolerate in its absolute stillness. Wasn't this supposed to be the most dangerous part of the journey? Only a day ago, you were under siege by demons, yet now, on the brink of the final stretch, there's nothing. Certainly, if there were something in the distance, any one of the supernatural creatures on your sides would be able to detect it. 
Hyunjin listens to the crunch of twigs under his feet, lost in his thoughts. He ponders his mother's cryptic words, wondering if tonight will mark the loss of one of his brothers. Maybe even you. Hyunjin had grown incredibly fond of you, and you had earned his loyalty by rescuing him.
Hyunjin even entertains the idea that it should be him instead. Many uncertainties plague his mind. Returning to the mortal world has been a jarring experience, and true peace eludes him. Hyunjin wonders if he'll ever find any sort of peace, or if this perpetual unrest is his eternal atonement for past sins.
"Hold on, you see that?" Chan's voice breaks through Hyunjin's runaway train of thought, directing everyone's attention to a sudden clearing that appears before you, seemingly out of nowhere. The forest, dense and forbidding just moments ago, now yields to an expansive open space. The nearby sounds of water reach your ears, and squinting reveals the clearing's boundary—a cliff shrouded in thick fog. The archway formed by the bending trees at the cliff's edge invites them to peer beyond, where the natural sky seems to disappear. The impending sunrise has vanished from view, leaving behind a darkness that blankets the forest in a timeless haze. 
"This must be it, I can feel it." Santiago declares, drawing a deep breath as he surveys their surroundings, his senses on high alert despite his formidable power.  He didn't clue anyone else in on it, but he had a strange feeling that they were being followed the last hour of travel. When nobody else made note of it, he attributed it to the twisted curse of this place and let it go.
Is this Abysmora? Or does it lie beyond this mysterious veil of smoke? 
You wrap your arms around yourself tightly, a surge of nausea unsettling your stomach. 
"What did you say?" Chan's concerned voice breaks through your thoughts as he turns to check on you, his expression puzzled by a sound he thought he heard. 
"I didn't say anything," you reply, feeling perplexed. Had your thoughts accidentally slipped out aloud? 
"Weird. I could've sworn I heard something," Chan mutters, his brow furrowing in confusion. 
"Maybe your mind's playing tricks on you," Jisung suggests, joining the conversation. "I didn't hear anything either." 
Chan is still skeptical, approaching you with a frown. He squats down to press his ear against your stomach, and you allow the gesture, gently resting your hand on his head, the weight of the moment heavy amidst the strangeness of the situation. Standing up, he scans the group, finding no confirmation of his earlier perception. 
"Nobody else heard it?" he asks, met with shaking heads all around, including yours. 
"In Abysmora, believe only half of what you see and nothing you hear," Santiago advises, breaking the tension. "I don't wanna tempt Fate; she can be cynical. We have to pay the Coyote demon before we cross over."  You avoid eye contact as Santiago looks at you again, instead averting your eyes to the coyote demon close to the water. Somehow, your anger has shed it's skin to reveal your fragile hurt. You wonder why you aren't worthy of the truth from him, even now, after all you had accomplished.
The sight of your mysterious guide at the cliff's edge draws your attention like a moth to a flame. It hovers there, a few inches above the ground, an enigmatic presence, its form shrouded in shadow. Despite its lack of eyes, it seems to peer intently at the ground below, as if deciphering some hidden message written in the earth itself. The air around it crackles with an otherworldly energy, adding to its mystique as it stands sentinel at the edge of the abyss. 
"I'm sorry, pay him? With what?" Jisung's voice rings with alarm. 
"What do you think, my friend?" Santiago responds, unsheathing his knife. "Our life force." With determined steps, he approaches the coyote demon, and the rest of the group follows suit. It remains unfazed, its attention fixed firmly on the ground. You cling tighter to Chan, who slows to let you grip his arm. 
With a wave of its bony hand over the water's edge, a makeshift raft emerges from the foamy stream. It appears flimsy, like a discarded piece of construction material, hardly capable of supporting its own weight, let alone the rush of the rapids with you all atop it. Yet, it remains steady, held aloft by the coyote demon's power. Santiago steps forward first, slicing his palm and allowing blood to spill onto the demon's outstretched hand. Every drop is absorbed without a trace, prompting Felix to follow suit, eyeing the demon warily before adding his own sacrifice. Jisung, surprisingly, steps up next, his usually cautious demeanor overshadowed by the gravity of the situation. 
Hyunjin's turn comes next, and as you and Chan approach, a sense of dread begins to well up within you. The fear seems to seep from the ground itself, creeping up your legs and constricting your throat.   
Chan, hearing something again, looks down at you, his expression troubled. It's a sound he can't quite place, like a whisper in his mind, indecipherable yet unsettling. He blames it on Abysmora's influence, steeling himself against its effects as he watches Hyunjin make his offering. 
As you and Chan present your own blood sacrifices, the sting of the cut fades, replaced by a tingling sensation that signifies rapid healing. Chan pulls you close, whispering words of reassurance as he guides you onto the raft. "I think she's helping you," he murmurs, speaking of the unborn child you two share and her mysterious powers. You wish those powers could alleviate the nausea that still lingers, but as if in response to your wish, the sickness vanishes without a trace. 
Jisung's voice trembles with a mix of anxiety and bravado as he settles onto the raft. "How sure are we that we’re gonna survive this waterfall drop?" he asks, his words filled with a nervous energy. 
Santiago's response cuts through the tension. "You're asking the wrong questions," he declares cryptically.  “I’m still in a mortal body that has never been to Abysmora, about to go over a waterfall, what questions am I supposed to be asking right now?” 
Perched on the edge of uncertainty, you suppress a chuckle at Jisung's retort, stealing a glance at Felix, who struggles to conceal his amusement behind clenched lips. 
“The toll is paid.” 
With a final decree from the coyote demon, the atmosphere shifts. The ethereal guide dissolves into obsidian mist, and in an instant, the raft is swept into the rushing current. 
Chan's arms encircle you protectively as you bury your head in his chest. His embrace offers a semblance of security, though beneath the surface, fear lies in wait in his veins. It's not the fear of death that grips him, but the fear of loss—of you, of his brothers, Jisung; of the life he's only just begun to consider worth living. 
Chan yearns to utter words of comfort, to quell the storm raging within you. 
Casting a sidelong glance toward Hyunjin, he extends a tentative gesture of affection, seeking to bridge the chasm between them. Though initially stiff under the weight of fraternal embrace, Hyunjin gradually yields to Chan's touch. 
Across the raft, Felix's gaze meets Chan's in a quiet exchange. But before their unspoken bond can solidify, in an instant, the world tilts on its axis as the raft hurtles over the precipice, plunging into the yawning abyss below. 
For a heart-stopping moment, gravity claims dominion, and the sensation of free fall grips you all. The wind whips around you, snatching at your clothes, your hair, as you all hurtle downward into the void. 
But just as suddenly as it began, the vertiginous descent comes to a halt. The world around you seems to freeze, time itself holding its breath as the raft settles into the stillness of Abysmora's dark embrace.    "Fucking Hell—" Felix's expletive pierces the air, jolting you from your reverie. 
"Jisung, little witch, are you—" He begins to ask, worrying for the mortal passengers.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. You?" Jisung's voice wavers with the remnants of adrenaline. 
"I'm... still here," you manage, your voice a fragile whisper amidst the chaos that surrounds you. 
Chan's senses begin getting assaulted by a familiar itch—a primal instinct clawing at the edges of his consciousness.
Surely, he’s not going to turn? Not now? Not like this? 
The same inexplicable murmur tugs at Chan's senses once more, this time drawing his attention squarely to your stomach. An involuntary pang of tenderness wells up within him, a protective instinct he struggles to suppress. And for that second, perhaps two, he doesn't feel his monster trying to come up for air. With a will of its own, his gaze flits away, his jaw clenching with the effort to regain control. 
‘Abysmora is playing tricks on my mind,’ Chan reminds himself sternly, his thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind of uncertainty. He grapples with the realization that, in this strange realm, he may not be able to shield you and his daughter as he wishes. 
But the memory of Amelia, her sacrifice, cuts through the haze of his thoughts like a knife to the heart. He can still feel her absence, a haunting guilt for the price paid for their survival. Chan's arms wrap tightly around himself, his fingers digging into the fabric of his jacket in a desperate attempt to anchor himself in the present, to get out of his own head, to banish the ghosts of the past that threaten to consume him. 
The raft creeps languidly through the dense, murky waters, now a deep, suffocating shade of purple that seems to swallow light rather than reflect it. The waters are calm, yet their opacity hints at untold depths and secrets submerged beneath. Small islets punctuate the expanse like broken teeth, each hosting clusters of weathered gravestones that stand as silent keepers of forgotten lives. Some stones are cloaked in a dense mantle of moss, their inscriptions eroded by time, while others lean precariously, half-engulfed by the encroaching, swamp-like embrace of the water.
The air itself seems to congeal around you, infected with a sense of despair and decay. 
As the raft drifts aimlessly, a disturbing ambiance pervades, heightened by the mist that clings to every surface, weaving through the air like the breath of the isle itself. This mist carries with it an odor so foul, a blend of rotting flesh, sulfur and damp, decayed wood, that it assaults the senses, a physical manifestation of the corruption that seeps from the very soil of this place. 
“Oh God, I- I don’t feel good–” Jisung body convulses slightly as he heaves over the side of the raft, expelling a noxious, black substance—a memory of his earlier possession. The sight is disturbingly out of place against the backdrop of unnatural stillness that surrounds you. He coughs violently, a raw, hacking sound that seems too loud in the oppressive silence, wiping his mouth with a shaky hand, his expression one of revulsion and deep unease.
He speaks, his voice barely above a whisper, but it's clear the very air of Abysmora is anathema to him, a venom to his senses.  “I can’t…I don’t think I can be here very long.”    "I don’t think any of us can…” Felix's voice carries his concern, tasting the bitterness of the venom in his mouth, something he hasn't felt in a long time. Swallowing becomes a chore as the acrid taste spreads, worsening his already noticeable thirst. He keeps his discomfort to himself, knowing his brothers need him now more than ever. Despite the absence of the Full Moon tonight, Abysmora's sky holds no celestial bodies, just an endless void stretching upward into an unseen realm. 
“Where’s Santiago?”     The question of Santiago's whereabouts lingers, as you survey the desolate landscape. Memories of the heated argument with him resurface his words cutting deep. Could he have abandoned the group at the gate, his duty fulfilled by merely delivering you to Abysmora? The worry eats at you, the fear that your past conflicts might have jeopardized the journey for everyone, with no guide to navigate the treacherous unknown ahead. 
None of you have any experience in Abysmora, a daunting realization. It's a frightening thought, to be on an even playing field with some of the strongest creatures you’ve come to know, and all the while carrying your first child.    In truth, Hyunjin has rejected the idea of forming an alliance with Santiago for some time, ever since he inadvertently overheard the conversation back at Lysandra's. Despite the pressing need to focus on capturing Santiago after the Blood Bloom, time constraints forced the brothers to prioritize other tasks. However, with Santiago's sudden disappearance, urgency seeps into their thoughts, amplifying their concerns.    Finally, the raft nudges against the mainland with a soft, almost imperceptible thud, coming to rest at the edge of a larger isle. Here, the tombs are more imposing, grander in their decay, arranged in a deliberate circle that borders the perimeter.
These larger mausoleums and monuments loom like giants, their shadows casting long, dark fingers across the ground as if to welcome—or warn—any who dare to trespass. It feels even heavier here, if possible, threaded with a history of sorrow and darkness that permeates the very ground upon which you’re about to stand.
"No time to figure it out," Chan declares, rising to his feet, his actions prompting the others to follow suit. Stepping onto the mainland, he extends a hand to assist you ashore. Meanwhile, Hyunjin swiftly rips off and repurposes the hood of his jacket into a makeshift mask, covering Jisung's nose and mouth for protection.    “There you are!” Santiago turns the corner of a mausoleum and lays eyes on you.  He seems out of breath, worked up as he shakes his head, catching up with everyone.  
And yet, despite his outward appearance of concern, there’s a flicker of something in his eyes that doesn’t quite match his urgency—a subtle shift in demeanor that leaves you feeling uneasy in his presence.  You hadn’t felt this just moments earlier getting on the raft with him.  
“How did we get separated?” Santiago asks. 
You are the first to answer, unaware of the suspicions of everyone else and just relieved to see another familiar face again.  Though, that nagging doubt gnaws at your mind, whispering of the questions surrounding his sudden reappearance.   
You wonder if Abysmora is playing mind tricks on you too? 
“No idea, but we’re all here, Jisung’s getting sick, we��ve gotta get the Blood Bloom and get out of here.”  You look around, “But where is it?”    "In there." Santiago's gesture directs your attention to a towering statue of a knight, its sword thrust upward toward the darkened sky. "It's always inside the tomb of the One, the very first of our kind." Santiago approaches the statue, touching it with reverence, in a way that strikes you as odd, because it’s as if he hasn’t seen it before, and Santiago said he had taken prior trips to Abysmora, albeit via other routes. 
He must know what the tomb of the “One” looks like? Right?
Muttering under his breath in an unfamiliar tongue, Santiago circles the statue, his intent clear as he seeks a means of entry. 
Felix, ever perceptive, senses a subtle shift in Santiago's aura. Vampires as ancient as he can detect things far beyond micro expressions in mortal faces, no matter what’s wearing the skin.  It’s how they can tell when something isn’t exactly human, or when mortals lie. Yet, this time, something feels different. Is Santiago under some form of influence? What drives him to lead them into the depths of this tomb? He hears the spells the archdemon chants but doesn’t recognize the tongue. 
"Where did you land?" Felix's inquiry interrupts Santiago's prayer, prompting him to refocus his attention. As you join in the search, kneeling amidst the moist earth, the ground squirms with repulsive creatures disturbed from their slumber by your intrusion. 
 "Land?" Santiago straightens up, his confusion evident. "I just woke up behind that grave," he gestures toward a nearby tomb. "I have no idea what happened." His explanation is abruptly interrupted by Jisung's retching, the soul of this environment taking its toll on him once more. As Jisung lifts his makeshift mask to expel another bout of black, putrid vomit onto the soil, Santiago's attention remains fixated on unlocking the tomb's secrets. 
Hyunjin, growing impatient, voices his concern, stepping back to avoid the splatter onto his shoes with a lifted brow. "Can't you do something about him? We can't exactly conjure." 
"It's my bloodline—" Jisung's words are punctuated by another fit of dry heaving. "I can't—my body—" 
You spring into action, rushing to Jisung's side with mounting worry. His suffering raises questions about the influence of this place, and you fear for the well-being of his soul. 
"Jisung, tell me what to do," you plead, desperation clear in your voice as he struggles for breath. But Jisung, consumed by his own distress, cannot offer guidance. With trembling hands, you place your palm against his stomach, channeling an unfamiliar power in a desperate attempt to alleviate his suffering. As your energy flows into his body, Jisung convulses one last time before finding his breath returning in ragged gasps. 
Santiago stays oblivious to the commotion around him, his concentration fixed on the statue, lost in prayer with closed eyes. Meanwhile, Hyunjin's attention wavers as he catches the scent of blood emanating from your ear, a telltale sign of overuse of your conjure. His sudden cough startles you, drawing curious glances from his brothers as he hurriedly wipes his nose, trying to conceal his reaction. The scent reaches Felix next, prompting you to check yourself, and your fingers come away stained with blood. Panic sets in as you hastily wipe your neck with your hoodie sleeve, inadvertently spreading the stain further into the fabric.   
You’ve made it so much worse, and you don’t even know it.      "This can't be what I think it is," Chan says as he uncovers something amidst the infested soil. He holds up a fragment that appears to be from a golden beret, the gold melted over one of the encased jewels, evidence of a failed attempt at destruction. "Do you see this or am I imagining things?"    Felix's heart races as he snatches the fragment from his brother's hand, his senses heightened to every sound, every scent around him. "This is it, this is... I have no doubt," he declares, his voice tight with apprehension. He turns to Hyunjin, whose eyes are fixed on the cursed fragment a few feet away. But instead of their usual crystal blue, they shimmer with a bright amber hue, a telltale sign of a loss of control. Hyunjin shuts his eyes tightly, fighting against the onslaught of disturbing images flooding his mind. He feels the creeping sensation of tiny toothed imps devouring his flesh in the depths of Purgatory, a sensation he fights against with every fiber of his being. Is it the curse or is it just him? 
Passing the fragment to Chan, Felix approaches Hyunjin; and he gently shakes his younger brother from his trance, their eyes meet, and Felix is struck by the vulnerability in those familiar baby blues, a contrast to the centuries of resilience he's come to expect. 
"Brother, what’s—how do you feel?" Felix's voice is soft, a rare tenderness breaking through his usual stoicism. He sees the innocence in Hyunjin once more, a vulnerable human amidst the vast expanse of their immortal existence. 
“Afraid, brother,” Hyunjin confesses, his voice laced with raw emotion. He blinks back the bitterness in his eyes, unable to maintain the eye contact with Felix. “I can’t go through this again. I–I can’t, I’ll die, Felix. I’ll die first.”    Felix's voice cuts through the chaos, gentle yet firm, as he addresses his brother. "Hey now," he begins, his words carrying a sense of his own certainty, a vow to himself amidst the uncertainty surrounding them. 
"I’ll die before you go through that again." 
Hyunjin meets Felix's gaze, feeling a rush of emotions within him. Even that has become foreign after being gone for so long; feeling emotions he'd forgotten the weight of. In that moment of silent connection, he senses the weight of their bond, built over countless centuries of shared trials and unspoken understanding. Despite the shadows of their tumultuous past looming over them, Hyunjin finds safety in the unwavering intensity of Felix's gaze, a silent promise of protection and support. This rediscovered depth in their relationship speaks volumes, highlighting the profound significance they both place on each other's well-being. 
━━━━━━━━   The tension in the room is filled with anger and resentment as Chan confronts his younger brother, his voice echoing off the stone walls. Hyunjin's defiance matches his elder sibling's intensity, his eyes ablaze with righteous fury. 
"Are you mad, brother?! You're in bloodlust!" Chan's words cut through the air like a whip, each syllable dripping with disbelief and frustration. He can't comprehend Hyunjin's actions, can't fathom the depths of his rage. 
"Now you've killed her son?! Amelia's brother?!" Chan's accusation hangs in the air, a damning indictment of Hyunjin's actions. 
"Did her mother not take our parents from us first?!" Hyunjin's retort is sharp, laced with bitterness and grief. To him, his actions are justified, a reckoning for the injustices inflicted upon their family. 
But Chan's anger simmers, threatening to boil over as he struggles to contain his emotions. With a roar of frustration, he hurls a nearby chair against the wall, the sound of splintering wood punctuating the heated exchange. 
"Those were my parents too," Chan's voice is raw with emotion, his eyes flashing with a mix of pain and fury. "Do you not think me furious as well? Do you doubt that I too, want to drink from their hearts and watch them fall to my feet?!" 
Hyunjin stands his ground, undeterred by his brother's outburst. He remains unshaken, fueled by a burning desire for justice. 
"Yes, Christophe, I do!" Hyunjin's words are a challenge, a testament to his unwavering conviction. "I doubt you want to do anything more than run with your tail between your legs, defending a traitorous witch, the very daughter of the woman who murdered our parents!" 
Meanwhile, on the other side of the closed door, Amelia stands frozen, her hand hovering over the doorknob. A cool hand touches her shoulder, and she turns to find Felix by her side. His silent guidance urges her to stay back, to let the brothers work through their grievances without interference. 
As they move a few steps away from the door, Amelia embraces him, softly crying into the fabric of his blouse. Felix's thoughts churn with concern. The arguments between his brothers have become more frequent, fueled by Hyunjin's growing impatience and resentment. His thirst for vengeance risks engulfing him, driving them to move twice in the last four months alone. 
Felix knows Hyunjin cannot be contained, his actions driven by a primal need for retribution. Yet, despite his own fury towards Amelia's family, he understands the futility of their situation. They are newborn vampires--outnumbered, outmatched, and outsmarted without a plan. 
But what troubles Felix the most is Chan's hesitance, his reluctance to act. And as they stand in silence, away from the fight unfolding on the other side of the door, Felix can't shake the feeling that something is amiss, something he can't quite put his finger on… 
"Santiago," Chan's voice cuts through the tension, his gaze fixed on the archdemon who is still engrossed in his task. With each passing moment, Santiago's words grow more rapid, fueled by a sense of passion that borders on obsession. Chan moves closer, reaching out to get Santiago's attention. "Santiago, hey–" 
The statue begins to shift, its movement accompanied by the harsh scraping of rock and the unsettling rumble of the earth beneath their feet. Hissing echoes around you as the creatures in the soil turn aggressive, some leaping into the air with fangs bared. Hyunjin reacts swiftly, his movements a blur as he dispatches several of the creatures with deadly precision. 
"Protect this at all costs," Chan's command is clear and direct as he locks eyes with you, a brief flash of amber in his gaze before he blinks it away. He presses the beret fragment into your hand, urging you to keep it safe. 
“Come on, hurry!” Santiago hurries down the stairs into the tomb.  You tuck the fragment into your bra and the rest of you have no time to think, and you follow behind, risking the chance that being in the tomb of the very first demon in creation would be safer than being on Abysmora's grounds, exposed. 
If there was anything lurking in this strange place, they certainly know they have unwelcome visitors now.    Jisung's condition noticeably improves as the darkness envelops them, the sickness that had plagued him fading into the blackness. Yet, amidst the near pitch-black surroundings, a distant blue glow emanates from a room at the far end of the underground tunnel. Backed by a surge of adrenaline, you act swiftly, your fingers darting like arrows to ignite the sconces along the walls. Each flame catches, casting a blue hue that bathes the chamber in its glow.    As the dim blue glow from the sconces barely penetrates the darkness, Jisung finds himself momentarily awed by your ingenuity. But any sense of accomplishment is swiftly overshadowed by the atmosphere closing in around you. The tomb of the first demon ever to exist feels suffocating, each breath tainted by the heavy, musty scent of centuries past. With each inhale, Jisung's heart flutters nervously.    In an attempt to summon his conjure to navigate the path ahead, Jisung encounters an unexpected resistance, as though an invisible force is constricting his abilities. A dryness creeps into his mouth, he can’t be powerless yet?! How is this possible?! You were able to light the way without hesitation.  
"Now what?" You whisper, your voice barely audible over the silence. Turning to seek guidance from Santiago, you find him vanished once more. 
"What the–" 
"Little witch, we can’t trust him," Felix's voice cuts through the darkness, his hand pulling you closer to the rough stone wall for protection. 
"But he said–" 
"It doesn’t matter what he’s said," Felix's tone is firm, his words tinged with urgency. "We can’t trust him." 
With no other options available, Hyunjin strides ahead, his figure disappearing into the hallway, with Jisung following closely behind. There is no turning back now, no room for hesitation. You’ve come too far to retreat, your only choice is to press onward.  The confines of the tomb seem to be closing in on Chan, the primal instincts of his wolf beginning to overwhelm him. Sensing the impending shift, he knows he must act quickly, not willing to risk losing control in such close quarters, especially with you nearby. 
With a determined step backward, Chan starts to unzip his hoodie, preparing for the inevitable transformation. His voice carries a note of urgency as he speaks to Felix, his brother, and you. "Felix, you and little witch go on ahead with the others. I’ll catch up with you soon." 
Felix puts his arm around your shoulders and obeys his elder brother’s command. 
As Chan's metamorphosis reverberates through the ancient confines of the tomb, each sinewy shift heralds the awakening of primordial forces. A chill snakes down your spine at the power unleashed, but with Felix's presence guiding you onward, there's little room for fear, only purpose. 
Stepping into the chamber's heart, you feel a lack of control, like you've stepped into public in the nude. This feeling sticks to you as if you're an insect on fly paper, the discomfort follows you. Your gaze is drawn to the raised platform, where a mummified figure cradles a flower in its desiccated grasp. Against the backdrop of darkness, the bloom's vibrant hues stand in defiance, its petals swirling in an ethereal dance.  On the opposite end, Jisung stands watchful, his focus unwavering as he hovers over the coffin. Bathed in the soft azure glow of the chandelier above, the scene unfolds like a tableau of strange beauty, casting shadows that dance across the chamber's walls. 
Your breath catches as you draw near, the allure of the flower irresistible. Its petals, delicate yet sinuous, seem to pulse with a life of their own, their crimson hue a vivid sign of its unearthly vitality. And at the heart, a pool of crimson gleams with luminescence, a symbol of the bloom's power. 
"This is it," you murmur, your voice a mere whisper amidst the hallowed silence of the tomb. "The Blood Bloom." 
Jisung's brows furrow in disbelief, his head shaking in denial. “The legend I remember said it grows in the soil of Abysmora…”    Despite his hesitance, he leans forward, sensing the same energy that grips you both.  
As a sudden stillness envelops the chamber, Jisung's instincts flare, a warning pulsing through his veins. With a sense of alarm, he whirls around, calling out for his missing companions. "Felix? Hyunjin?" His voice echoes off the stone walls, met only by silence. 
Your palms grow clammy, fear prickling at the nape of your neck. "What's happening? What's wrong?" you stammer.    "Oh look, you found it!"     Santiago's voice cuts through the tension, his arrival heralded by a sense of impending doom. Panic floods your veins as you instinctively back away, only to be ensnared by a vice-like grip from behind. Your breath catches in your throat, your thoughts racing to the safety of your unborn child, as fear tightens its grip on your heart. 
"H-Hyunjin..." The name escapes your lips in a breathless whisper, finally realizing the scent. Your body tenses, every nerve on edge as you struggle to keep your composure. 
Before Jisung can react, Felix is upon him, his strength overwhelming as he wrestles the younger man into submission. You look to Santiago, the sight before you twisting your stomach into knots. His head lolls to the side with a sickening crack, a grotesque contortion of flesh and bone. As his eyes roll back into his skull, his skin begins to slough off like molten wax, revealing a smaller, naked figure beneath. 
This new form is like something out of a nightmare, its skin slick with a viscous substance that oozes and drips. The creature's features are twisted and deformed, elongated limbs and sharp, angular joints giving it a disturbed appearance. Its eyes, once human, now gleam with a endless black, reflecting the depths of its sinister nature. 
As the demon's gaze fixes upon you, a shiver runs down your spine, fear gripping you with icy fingers. As Jisung struggles against Felix's overpowering grip, his frustration mounts with each futile attempt to break free. Heat radiates from his palms, a manifestation of his inner turmoil, but it's as if an invisible barrier stifles his efforts, rendering his conjure useless. 
“The audacity only a Han would have, trying to use your conjure here, now don’t you know better? Then again, you want to die, don’t you?” The demon's voice drips with malice, taunting Jisung with cruel words. 
Jisung refuses to dignify the demon's words with a response, his jaw clenched tight in defiance. Beneath his poker face, a sort of fear dances in his eyes. The demon's insight and access into his psyche unnerves him, exposing vulnerabilities he'd rather keep hidden. 
“I have a name, you know.” The demon's grin widens, revealing a mouth lined with jagged, razor-sharp teeth. “Do you want to know it?” 
“Oliver,” you breathe, the name escaping your lips like a curse, triggering a flood of memories from your night terrors that you'd rather forget.  "She's smart, isn't she?" Oliver's voice drips with malicious intent, each word laced with venomous glee. The knowledge that you know his name seems to egg on his perverse joy, a sickening trophy of the power he holds over you, a feeling he rarely gets to feel in his own existence. In the dimly lit chamber, his grin casts twisted shadows across the walls.   
As your gaze darts nervously around the room, searching for any sign of escape, the sound of sloshing footsteps draws your attention to another presence lurking in the shadows. With a sickening lurch of your stomach, you realize that you're not alone, the presence of another demon sending a wave of fear over you. 
The unnamed demon drags a large and furry form into the chamber, its tortured cries echoing off the walls as it's callously thrown against the unforgiving stone. Your heart sinks in your chest at the sight. 
"NO!" Your voice rings out in a desperate plea, the words torn from your throat in a frantic rush. "Hyunjin, let go of me! Stop! This isn't you! That's your brother! Felix! Felix, it's me! Y/N! You're stronger than this! All of you are!" But your cries fall on deaf ears, drowned out by the cruel laughter of the demons that surround you. 
"Chan—Chan, please," you plead, your voice barely a whisper amidst the chaos unfolding around you. Exhausted and defeated, you sink to the ground, your body wracked with sobs as despair threatens to eat you alive and spit you back out with no remorse.    "Y/N, stop," Jisung's voice cuts through the noise, his tone firm as he locks eyes with you from across the room. His gaze speaks volumes, silently urging you to quell your desperate pleas. In this moment of peril, communication is reduced to silent exchanges, a shared understanding passing between you both. 
With a deep breath, you stifle your cries, recognizing the urgency of the situation. Any hope of escape hinges on maintaining composure, lest you risk losing control of your conjure before it can be wielded as a weapon against your captors. 
Exhausted and defeated, you offer no resistance as Hyunjin releases his grip, allowing your body to crumple to the ground. His derisive laughter rings in your ears.    Meanwhile, Oliver's attention drifts to the Blood Bloom, his excitement obvious as he revels in the discovery.     “They really found it, the Blood Bloom!” His voice echoes through the chamber, a frenzied tirade of anticipation as he fixates on the object of his obsession. But his excitement is short-lived, abruptly cut off by a sudden surge of malice directed at the lesser demon. 
"What are you waiting for?! Bring the Mistress!" Oliver commands, his impatience boiling over as he demands action. With a hurried nod, the lesser demon scurries away, his footsteps fading into the distance as he disappears into the darkness. 
Lying on the dirt-covered brick floor, you succumb to silent tears, the weight of anguish pressing down on you like a leaden blanket. With jittery hands, you crawl forward, the distance between you and the wolf reduced to mere inches. As you nestle your face into the coarse fur of the muzzle, a gentle warmth caresses you, soothing the raw edges of your fractured spirit. 
Suddenly, in the darkness, amidst the faint scent of earths and decay, you feel it—a tender brush against your nose, followed by two more delicate licks. Slowly, you open your eyes, greeted by the shimmering gold orbs of the wolf before you. It's a curious sight, this peculiar hue, but within those luminous windows to his soul, you find an unexpected solace—a glimmer of Chan's inherent spirit shining through.    You continue to feign distress, your sobs a desperate symphony masking the turmoil within. Each movement is calculated, every tremor carefully choreographed to draw attention away from your clandestine actions. Your fingers venture into the wolf's mouth, inching closer to the razor-sharp teeth that threaten to sever skin from bone. 
As your wrist hovers over the waiting fangs, fear coils in the pit of your stomach, a visceral reminder of the perilous dance you've chosen to partake in. But you steel yourself against the rising tide of panic, a vow echoing in the recesses of your mind.     You'll fight tooth and nail, even if it means staring death in the face, for you know that within the pits of Hell lies the flickering ember of hope. 
With a nod of assent, Chan's lip twitches in acknowledgment, a fleeting moment of connection. As he closes his jaws with painstaking care, the taste of blood blooms in his mouth, on his tongue, along his gums. Through gritted teeth, you endure the searing pain.    Jisung's mind races as he formulates a plan to wrest control from the clutches of Oliver. With each passing second, the grip of the demon's influence tightens around the minds of Felix and Hyunjin, reducing them to mere marionettes in this macabre play. 
"Felix," Jisung breathes, barely audible in the hushed chamber, "Can you hear me?" 
The vice-like hold tightens, and Felix's response echoes through the silence.  
"Loud and clear, mate," he replies, the words filled with a predatory glee that reminds Jisung of exactly how different they really are from one another when it comes down to being factory reset to pure instinct. 
‘Shit’. A curse punctuates Jisung's thoughts; reaching them in this state seems impossible. Oliver's conjure has rewritten their essence, transforming them into instruments of darkness. To break this unholy connection, the source needs to be severed, and at this moment, Oliver stands as the puppeteer, feeble or not. 
As Chan discreetly drinks from you in his wolf form, Jisung's mind churns with frustration, the invisible chains of restraint still boggling him. 'If he has me restrained, there must be a physical block somewhere' he muses, a spark of realization flickering to life amidst the darkness. 'So how is he doing it? Where is it?' 
A sweeping glance around the chamber reveals the answer, hidden in plain sight. The talismans, hanging down from the ropes strung along the ceiling, catch Jisung's attention. They're no ordinary charms; they bear the unmistakable markings of Korean origin, Bujeok, but warped and twisted into a perversion of their intended purpose.  
These were crafted with him in mind, designed to stifle his magic and render him powerless. 
'Bingo'    He knows what he must do to break free from Oliver's grip, to reclaim control and turn the tide of this deadly game.   Jisung's words slice through the air with a cunning edge as he probes for weaknesses in Oliver's facade. "Possessing the minds of vampires is light work, what’d you do, a blood bind of some sort?" he questions, his tone dripping with sarcasm. 
Oliver's response is swift, a mixture of amusement and hubris. "Well, aren’t you an arrogant little witch?" he retorts, unknowingly stepping right into Jisung's trap. "Demons do more than blood bind to have others do our bidding." 
A smirk plays at the corners of Jisung's lips as he goads Oliver further. "I guess you haven’t figured out how to get a Han to do your bidding though, so you had to use these guys," he gestures disdainfully toward the vampire restraining him. "I mean, I get it though, you don’t look capable of doing it yourself." 
You listen with bated breath, the cool touch of the earth grounding you while Chan's watchful eyes mirror your own tenacity. 
With calculated steps, Oliver descends from the platform, each movement purposeful and deliberate. A glint of steel catches the dim light as he approaches Jisung. As the blade he wields grazes Jisung's cheek, a thin rivulet of blood appears, tracing a crimson path down his face. Oliver steps back, grinning while Felix looms ominously behind Jisung. 
In a mocking tone, Oliver scoffs, "Miss Edith couldn't care less about the likes of you." 
Despite the threat at his neck, Jisung remains steadfast, his gaze averted from Felix's predatory presence. "You're a bad liar," he counters, a beacon of defiance in the face of imminent danger. 
Oliver's smirk fades into a scowl. "I'll have your best friend drain you dry until you're nothing but a lifeless husk." 
Jisung's laughter rings out, carrying a hint of madness. “Yeah, but then you’ll have a mighty angry vampire that can conjure on your hands, and how will you handle that? Oh fuck, you can’t--”  
“You’ll just piss off your Mistress, and I get the feeling that’s a habit of yours—what was your name again?”    The demon's rage is evident, his fists clenched at his sides as he discards the knife, the sound of its impact echoing through the chamber as it hits the ground. His bluff has been called; a demon under another's command lacks the authority to make unilateral decisions, especially ones as significant as ending the lives of captives. Captives that they’ve taken the time to carefully ward against. 
For reasons unknown, they need him alive, at least for the time being. 
"You'll regret this," Oliver seethes, his departure swift as he hurries to investigate the delay in the other demon's return, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the chamber.   Hyunjin stands frozen, his gaze vacant, like a puppet abandoned by its puppeteer. Felix, unmoving, maintains his vice-like hold around Jisung, his thoughts seemingly distant despite his physical grasp.  
With resolve sparking in your weary eyes, you snatch up the knife, ready to act. 
"Little witch, hurry," Jisung urges, his voice barely above a whisper, directing your attention to the talismans hanging from the ceiling. "Cut them down—they're sapping our power."  You swiftly ascend the stone platforms, a strength from an unknown place guiding your every move as you slice through the ropes with the knife. With each talisman that falls, dissipating into wisps of blue smoke, a surge of hope fills the air. Chan, his wolf form a blur, disappears into the darkness, tracking the demons' elusive trail. Your focus wavers momentarily, but Jisung's urgent plea snaps you back to the task at hand. 
"No time, keep going!" he insists, spurring you onward. With steady hands, you continue your circuit around the room, severing the final ropes. Jisung, eyes closed in concentration, channels his purifying energy, causing Felix to recoil and collapse, overcome by the searing sensation of his blood boiling under his skin. As Jisung kneels beside the fallen vampire, a grimly determined spirit, unflinching and serious, settles over him. 
Frustration tinges his voice as he assesses the situation. “Fuck, they’re in deep.” 
You wave your hand in front of Hyunjin’s face but he doesn’t even blink.  “What can we do?” 
"Nothing, yet. We've gotta kill that bastard first." Jisung replies, scanning the room for any signs of their next move. Striding over to the mummified corpse, he delivers a swift kick to the wooden coffin, and you wince, splintering it open. With practiced efficiency, he breaks off a jagged piece of wood, handing it to you before keeping one for himself. 
“But if we have to protect ourselves,” He gestures to the two vampires, “This is the only chance we’ve got.” 
You gaze at the stake in your hand, horror coursing through you at the thought of wielding it against those who have become your kin, your protectors. 
"Listen," Jisung's voice breaks through your turmoil, his tone resolute as he senses your hesitation. “If their souls get away from us again, I can’t help to get ‘em back.  Death is a mercy, but it’s our last resort.”
You agree, though as you look at your friends, lost and locked inside of themselves, you wonder if you’ll follow through with such a promise if the moment were to ever present itself.    Retreating toward the coffin, your gaze fixates on the flower delicately held within its grasp. Without much thought, or perhaps with thought you aren't conscious of, you extend your hand, fingers brushing against the petals, taking it into your grasp. Half-expecting the tomb to quake and crumble around you, like a scene ripped from the pages of a thrilling adventure, you're startled when the chamber remains still. 
"In my dream they wanted to stop us from getting this, I don't know why," you assert, locking eyes with Jisung, an unquenchable fire burning bright within you as you secure the flower in your pocket. "The odds are now in our favor." 
You dart down the corridor, Jisung hot on your heels, fueled by your sudden fearlessness. As the cavern splits into two diverging paths, you and Jisung find yourselves back to back, each scanning for a sign of which route to take. 
Jisung's senses, honed by experience, detect a pulsating energy emanating from the right tunnel. He purposefully directs you away from it, "Go Left!" he calls out to you, his voice echoing down the corridor like a solemn decree. Without a moment's hesitation, you veer down the opposite path, placing your trust in his keen intuition as he forges ahead toward the heart of the mysterious power. In the glow of his flickering flames, Jisung continues on, his back pressed against the unyielding stone walls, each step plunging him deeper, and he can feel himself descending, guided by the flames in his palm, taxing his magick as a necessary means of sight...  You creep, as light as you can on your feet down the hall, and though you don’t sense much, you feel like you’re moving towards something, someone important. A thought crosses you, and you recognize the feeling from before, when you could sense Chan's presence.  You're just not sure how the honing mechanism works in your body. You come to a stop, straining your ears in the silence to hear anything.  How could a place so evil be so silent? Maybe that was a part of its sinister nature, you’re in a constant state of paranoia, questioning everything you encounter.  
That’s when you hear it.    A cacophony reaches your ears—a wet, slurping noise interspersed with sharp cracks and snaps. Despite the unease creeping over you, you find yourself moving forward anyway, your feet carrying you around the corner even as your instincts scream at you to flee. 
As you round the bend, the sounds abruptly cease, leaving a heavy silence in their wake. With shaky hands, you summon a burst of flame, its flickering light casting shadows across the room. You shield your eyes from the sudden brightness, snapping your fingers again to maintain control over the fire with an extended palm, its glow offering a glimpse of the scene before you. 
With a sigh of relief, you realize it is Chan, still in his wolf form, perched atop the body beneath him, methodically tearing away its limbs. Despite the gruesome scene before you, you don't recoil in horror. Instead, a strange understanding dawns upon you—a glimpse into Chan's cryptic intentions. He's systematically dismembering the body.   Catapulted into action, you scour the area until your eyes land on a discarded plank embedded with rusted nails. You don't carry natural nightvision like he does. With a snap of your fingers, flames dance along its surface, casting a flickering glow that barely illuminates the chamber. You hope, to be able to talk about how much you've improved with Jisung once you're all out of this mess. To thank him for everything's he's done for you to get this far with your conjure. Armed with a knife of strangely high quality, the one Oliver had dropped earlier, you set to work, slicing through the demon's flesh with surprising ease. It’s as if its appendages were made of gelatinous cartilage rather than solid muscle. 
With a final, resolute stroke, you lock gazes with Chan, something primitive passing between you two. Taking a deep breath, you shift your focus to the grisly sight before you: the half-mauled neck upon which Chan still labors. You issue a directive, "The leg," you command, indicating the limb lying closest to you. You direct Chan to the leg on your side, trading places to continue the task. You hack away at the remaining flesh of the neck until the head is brutally separated from its body. As the final blow lands, the detached leg collapses to the ground with a sickening thud as the wolf by your side finishes alongside you. 
Chan nudges your wrist, smearing your hoodie sleeve with the dark ichor of the fallen demon. Bewildered, you meet his gaze. "What's wrong?" 
The massive black wolf pads over to the plank, its end nears the final embers of its burn. With a sagacious air, he settles down, resting his head upon his paws. You nod in silent comprehension, scrambling to your feet and surveying the room for flammable materials. Hastily, you gather anything combustible, stacking them in the center of the chamber—a rickety wooden stool, dusty tomes whose contents held no value, and any other debris within reach. 
Chan prowls around the scattered body parts, a low growl rumbling from deep within his chest, and you begin to deduce the demon isn’t gone yet.  "Let's go," you command, stepping backward as Chan joins you at the entrance. With a steady focus, you close your eyes, channeling the power within you. In an explosion of heat and light, flames engulf the chamber, forming a barrier that forces you to retreat, the intensity making you stumble and fall to the ground. Though the flames lick at your skin, they do not scorch, leaving you breathless as you gaze at your hands.    How did you just do that?!    A sharp itch on your forearm draws your attention, prompting you to hastily roll up your sleeve. To your astonishment, you find a series of canine tooth marks left by Chan's earlier bite, unhealed, the crescent pattern etched into your flesh. Frustration bubbles within you as you scratch at the irritated skin, rising to your feet just as the flames begin to dwindle.
"Fuck, Chan, what is this?" you demand, only to find Jisung's figure illuminated by the dying embers, his eyes glinting an unnatural complete black in the dim light.  He grins wickedly as he snatches your wrist tightly, looking down at the bite. “I don’t know, looks pretty bad though.”  Before you can react, he painfully twists your wrist, and darkness consumes you, consciousness slipping away as you collapse into oblivion. 
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hall0ween-twn · 11 months
jisung would be so messy fucking into his fleshlight, trying his hardest to hold back his moans
okok hear me out.. hybrid!jisung who's in a rut and can't bred you yet bc he's just nothing but an excited puppy about to burst :(( he's ruined so many toys from both his giant cock and how much he cums.. and he cums so much!!!
he's covered in cum when he's done, lowkey needs a new bed too. and when he's in the tub, letting his muscles relax from all that exertion, he just can't help but go one more round, his cock so sensitive.. his pretty nose sniffing the pair of panties you left in the bathroom on accident.
you know those scenes in hentai where you get a shot of sperm spilling inside in the vagina? yeah, i want that but jisung and the fleshlight.
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slytherinbangchan · 11 months
Chap 6: Snooze. (Wolf hybrid Jisung x fem reader)
Finally updating this. Please don't forget to leave likes, reblogs or comments if you enjoy my writing💕 It's 2.3k words. (18 min read)
🔞Contains smut❣🔞
This is part of my Han Jisung & Hwang Hyunjin x fem reader hybrids au.
Hybrids!Au Masterlist Chap1 here
Learn More about the characters here
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“Are you okay?” Jisung asks, checking on your trembling hands as your tears fall over them. “He hates me.” You say, unable to look at him, and Jisung scoffs. “No, he doesn't.” He says, checking your arms too.
“Y/n.” He calls, squating a bit so you look into his eyes. “He was just worried, and jealous.” He tells you in a soothing voice and you sniff as more tears fall down, making him chuckle at how cute you look. “Ah...” He says, picking you up to make you sit on the porch's railing. “I know his feelings. He'll be fine after a walk.” He says, but you're not so sure about that.
“You know... This is the second fight I got into tonight.” He tells you, trying to distract you from what just happened, and you sniff again and wipe some of your tears. “You got into a fight?” You ask as you sob a little, and he bites back a smile. “Mhm.” He says. Sweetely combing your hair back with his fingers to see your face better. “You fought Channie?” You guess and he nods. “Did you win?” You keep asking, making him scoff. “Of course I won. He's a city wolf.” He says with a smug smile on his face, making you chuckle softly.
“We're okay now though.” He tells you. Wipping the few tears left on your cheeks with his thumb. “Yeah, you looked all cute when I opened that door and you were laughing together.” You say, then you feel the tears coming again. “It had been such a long time since I saw you that happy around other people.” You say, making him chuckle again. “Ah, what's going on?” He asks as more tears fall down your cheeks suddenly.
“Y/n, I'm very happy.” He says, doing his best to carefully wipe all of them. “I just don't like people in general, not even hybrids. I don't like strangers.” He says. “But I love you.” He pecks your lips. “And... Hyunjinnie is not that bad.” He says and you dramatically gasp, making him laugh. “Yeah, yeah. I said that.” He says, and you finally chuckle again before the thought of Hyunjin growling at you earlier comes back to your head. “Ah, I shouldn't have brought him up.” He says after seeing your sad face appear again, and you smile softly. “I'm sorry. I was just thinking...” You sigh. “I'm just hoping I can talk to him tomorrow.” You say, and he nods, caressing your face with the back of his hand.
“Sung-ah.” You call him. “Mhm?” He answers. “Thank you for loving me.” You say. “I really love you too.” You tell him, making his heart skip a beat as he blushes lightly. “Mhm.” He says, too shy now to look in your eyes, and you chuckle softly, taking a better look at him. “You look so cute right now.” You say, taking a dry leaf and some spider web off his hair.
“It grew a lot.” You tell him as you comb his fringe out of his face with your fingers. “Should I give you a haircut tomorrow?” You ask, but his head is somewhere else. He holds your hand, taking it out of the way to kiss you, and you pull him closer, deepening the kiss.
His hands on your thighs now. “Let's go to bed.” He tells you, noticing how cold your legs are, and you pout at him. “Wait, I want to stay for a bit.” You say, a bit wary of going back to your room to avoid thinking of Hyunjin. “You're freezing.” He says, stepping back a bit so you can get down the railing, but you pull him closer again. “You're warm enough for both of us.” You tell him, hiding your arms on his chest. “You're literally just wearing a shirt, Y/n.” He nags at you, then he just picks you up, and you reluctantly allow him to take you inside. After all, Jisung has always been really good at making you forget hurtful stuff.
“At least let's watch a movie while you warm up if you don't want to sleep.” He says, leaving you on the sofa and handing you a blanket. Your heart flutters a bit seeing him like that. He would always behave just like a cute puppy not that long ago. Following you everywhere and only wanting your attention. No matter what else was going on in your life, how tired you were. He just wanted to play. But he's changed a lot. Now he really sees you.
“Stop pouting.” He chuckles. “You were freezing cold.” He says. “Well, stop nagging and come cuddle me.” You simply say, lying down a bit, and he happily takes his place between your legs. “So you're not mad at me?” He asks with puppy eyes. His fluffy tail waggling. You shake your head and he nuzzles your cheek, making you chuckle at how cute he is. Maybe he hasn't changed that much after all. “Were you worried about me getting angry cause you took me inside?” You ask him petting his head, and he nods. “Mhm. I thought I'd be sleeping down here all alone today.” He says, and you chuckle. “Nah, not tonight. I missed you too much while I was away.” You tell him, and he shyly hides on the crook of your neck. “I missed you too.” He says, his voice all muffled cause he's still hidding. He kinda smells after the night hunting and the fight with Chan, but that only makes his natural scent stronger, and you're feeling all kinds of ways about it. Cause your heart is fluttering at how deeply you love him, but you're also getting incredibly horny. Even more so having his body weighting on yours just in the right places.
You gulp down some saliva as your throat dries thinking about him. He stops moving completely for a second, and his ears twitch. Can he hear your heart racing? It skips a beat as you feel him getting hard against your heat, and another as he moves again, sitting up just enough to see your blushing face.
He scoffs before a cocky smile draws on his face, and he bites his lower lip as he leans over to meet your lips in a slow, sensual kiss, that makes your whole body ache for him.
You pull from his joggers, hinting that you want them out of the way, and he distractedly pulls them down, just enough for him to slide inside of you. You moan softly as he stretches your walls. His breath heavier as he tries so hard to keep in line. “Baby...” You call him in a needy tone, and he chuckles softly, resting his head on the crook of your neck again. “I'm going crazy.” He says, and you bite back a smile and peck his cheek. “It's okay baby, you know I don't mind you being rough.” You try and soothe him, and he scoffs. “Seriously... You have no idea how many times I've fantasized about this just today... You smell so fucking good, y/n...” He says and a sweet chill runs through your body. “Then why are you not fucking me?” You ask before meeting his lips again. You know how dangerous having sex with him can get when heat hormones are involved, but tonight you really just don't care. You've missed him too much. “I've been waiting too...” You tell him, moving your hips a bit. His hands grasping on that sofa, leaving dents on it. “God, y/n...” He says, trying to hold onto his last bit of sanity. “I really don't want to hurt you tonight.” He confesses, and your heart hurts for him. “You won't.” You cup his face on your hands so he'll look at you. He takes a deep breath and you nod and meet his lips again. “I'm sorry. I was being selfish.” You apologize and he pouts. “Should we just kiss for now, then?” You ask, and he nods, leaning over to meet your lips. He rests some of his body weight on you while you make out, and you don't know exactly why but feeling how heavy he actually is makes your heart beat faster. “Are you okay?” He asks, a bit confused about your heartbeat, but you don't even know how to explain what's going on, so you just kiss him again, and you do so until his body is ready to listen to his brain.
His hands on your thighs now, sweetely caressing your skin. His cute lips all red and puffy after all those kisses. His breath a bit more steady. You take his hand and guide it to your tits, making him squeeze, and his dick twitches inside you. “Baby...” You call him between kisses, and he nods and thrusts into you a couple times, very slowly, allowing you to feel every inch of him. You bite on your lips, so aroused after all that touching and kissing that you could come just like this. “Please...” You beg, and he groans before picking up the pace a little.
“God, you're so fucking big...” You say, and he scoffs and pecks your forehead, nose and lips. “You keep saying stuff while sounding like that and it'll get even bigger.” He tells you before pecking your lips once again, making you blush lightly just at the thought of it.
Your hands grasping on his hair as he bites on your neck and tits. It kinda hurts, but it feels amazing too. “Faster...” You whine softly, and he meets your lips, picking up the pace once again. “Sung-ah...” You moan, making his dick even harder. He grunts. His hips moving on their own for a second, thrusting into you so harshly. “Sorry... I-I'm sorry.” He apologizes, but he can't control it anymore. You smell too god, you sound heavengly, and you feel too fucking amazing wrapped around his cock. He just can't take it. “No... It's good...” You manage to say. “It's really good.” You tell him, meeting his lips. Moaning in the kiss as some pleasure tears fall down your face while reaching your high. And seeing you melting under him like that is just too much for him. “Y/n...” He calls you. “Mhm, cum inside me, baby.” You tell him, sweetely cupping his face with your hand. “Ah... fuck...” He groans grasping on the sofa's fabric as he cums.
You meet his lips before he collapses over you, resting his head on your shoulder as his shaky breath fans on your neck and you try to catch on your breath. “Are you okay?” He asks you, and you turn your head a bit to see his face. “Mhm~.” You say, and he smiles. Making you chuckle at how cute he looks. “Are you happy?” You ask him. His hair sticking on his face cause of the sweat. “Mhm, I'm very happy.” He says as you comb his hair back a bit, and you just feel the urge to kiss him again. His ears twitching before he suddenly sits up. “W-What?” You ask, following his eyes to the top of the stairs. “I think your friend woke up.” He says, and your heart stops for what it feels like a minute. “Oh god...” You say, sitting up too.
“What..? Oh... Did you forget your friend was here?” He asks as you frantically look around until you spot the blanket he threw at you earlier. “Let's just go to bed.” You tell him as you blush, pulling from the blanket that's under his butt to cover yourself, and he confusedly follows you upstairs. You can feel his seed dripping down your thighs as you walk up those stairs. God, you can't believe you completely forgot about her. Did she really just heard all of that? Like, it doesn't matter, right? She already knows you're dating Jisung, but... It's kinda embarassing too having her hearing you moaning like that...
He gets in the room after you, closing the door behind him. “It's okay, master. I think she fell asleep again.” He tells you, but suddenly you don't care about that anymore. Your eyes are fixed now on your messy bed with your messy clothes on it, and now you're totally aware of why you didn't want to come back to your room.
You sigh, picking up your shirt from where Hyunjin left it as Jisung silently watches you. You still don't understand why he was so mad at you. Was he jealous again? Maybe you should have stayed with him and just wait for Jisung to come upstairs, but your body was moving by its own will when you rushed to check on him. You're sure it would have done the same for Hyunjin if he was the one missing and howling in the woods. But he probably wouldn't believe you even if you told him that. And you don't blame him either. “Y/n...” Jisung calls you, carefully taking the shirt from your hands to toss it away. “It's been a long night.” He says, sweetely caressing your cheek with the back of his hand. “Stop torturing yourself.” He says before pecking your nose, and you bite your lower lip trying not to cry. “I... I'm scared about him not coming back.” You say, and Jisung chuckles softly. “Love...” He chuckles again. “He'll be back by tomorrow.” He says, pulling you into a hug. He feels so helpless right now though. “What can I do to make you feel better?” He asks, pouting a bit, and you squeeze him tighter as you think about it. “Maybe help me wash up and cuddle me to sleep?” You ask, looking at him, and he softly smiles and nods before meeting your lips.
Hybrids!Au Masterlist
Taglist: @a-crazylittlekillerqueen @hellothisisprincesskitty @redstayrosie
(let me know if any of you guys wanna be added to the taglist)
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ficclings · 3 months
Taglist: if you would like to be tagged or I forgot to tag you, let me know! @laymegentlytorest@im-sinking-in-mud @hydroyaksha @hehe-24-hehe@neohyxn
It didn’t take a lot to panic Felix nowadays, with everything going on, but he never thought he would be panicking over the sight of water bottles. 
“What’s the matter?” Minho’s voice was groggy and filled with the want for sleep. 
“We don’t have much water left and I’m not drinking from the tap,” Felix tried to keep his voice down, as not to worry the hybrid currently sleeping for the first time in a couple of days. 
“I would suggest the water back at my workplace but I’m not even sure that’s safe to drink,” Minho paused, “I don’t know how long water can sit there and be safe,” he added with a pout forming. 
“I’d use the internet but that’s down,” Felix rubbed at his forehead and sat down on the kitchen floor, feeling defeated. 
A small smile returning when Pepie padded over to him and rested at his side to give Felix some comfort; which it did. 
“Do we go for a supply run?” Minho suggested, joining Felix on the floor, head smacking against the lower cabinets, “We just went out for one; we’re exhausted,” he hesitated for a second before putting an arm around Felix’s shoulders, “we have enough for a couple of days,” 
Felix sighed and ran his fingers through Pepie’s soft fur, “yeah, I guess,” he chewed his bottom lip and closed his eyes, “I’m so fucking tired,” 
The expletive made Minho snort with laughter; quickly covering is mouth when he heard the hybrid on the sofa stir a bit. 
“Me too,” the older man closed his eyes too and let Felix rest his head on his shoulder. 
The sound of a hand slamming down on a table echoed around the small apartment as the three friends bonded over a game of snap, the hybrid taking the most recent win and accepting her prize of a couple of squares of the Dairy Milk chocolate bar they had found on their recent supply run. 
“You have animal reflexes!” Minho whined and pouted despite himself making her giggle at the sight. 
“Such a sore loser, Hyung,” Felix playfully shoved the older man to the side, letting out an oddly high-pitched cry as Minho pounced on him with a cocky eyebrow raised. 
“Pinned ya again,” clearly mocking Nala from The Lion King, Felix rolled his eyes with a small smile on his handsome face, “wait, that makes you Simba,” Minho paused, “you’re not nearly cool enough to be Simba,” he added teasingly and the hybrid watching nearly choked on the chocolate she was currently enjoying. 
“I’m totally cool enough to be Simba,” Felix argued back crossing his arms across his chest. 
“You realise this means that you two have to get married now, right?” the woman across the table to them was smirking suggestively at them and it caused an immediate flush to brush over the two men as they quickly sat up. 
“Does this make you Zazu?” Minho asked with a chuckle, very entertained by the appropriate gasp of surprise on her face. 
“I happen to love that funky little bird,” she replied with a bright smile, canines on show; catching Felix’s eyes; a light dusting of pink returning to his cheeks, “I miss watching movies,” she added with a loud sigh, shoulders falling with a pout on her lips. 
The electricity had almost completely wiped a couple of days ago, causing them all to panic quite a bit as they had practically been giving themselves what little of their old lives they had, back. 
The only thing still running were the lights in the building as they were the only things hooked up to the emergency backup in case of a power outage or natural disaster. 
“And my games,” she added looking woefully at her giant collection of games that decorated the many shelves both under and beside the television. 
“I think I miss just the action of browsing through websites,” Felix chuckled as he gladly accepted a chunk of chocolate that the hybrid had kindly decided to share more of. 
“Getting updates on things,” Minho paused for a bit as if debating with himself if he should even finish his sentence, “like friends,” he flickered his eyes to Felix who was now fiddling with a loose strand on his jumper, “is something I miss; even the dumb updates that Han and Changbin used to post up,”  
This made Felix laugh, making the hybrid smile warmly again. 
“The anime updates and gym updates,” Felix shook his head, and this made her sit up a little straighter with interest. 
“Who...who liked anime?” she asked shyly. 
“Hannie,” Minho replied fondly with a tone that he had greeted Felix with when they were reunited, “he loves the stuff,”  
“Me too!” the hybrid blushed darkly at how quickly the words left her, simply excited by the prospect of somebody finally understanding her love for the animation world. 
“We all do, to an extent, but Han goes to conventions with Chan Hyung in full cosplay,” Felix grinned as he saw how her mouth hung open and her eyes glittered as if he was talking about an anime deity. 
“Much more fun than the gym, anyways,” Minho muttered with a shake of his head, clearly thinking about Changbin, “the number of times I saw Changbin doing suggestive stretches, is too many times,”  
All three of them fell into a quiet rumble of chuckles, a small moment of calmness, the background of the apartment filled with the loud snores of Pepie and the scurrying of Harvey kicking his bedding around the small area they had set up, once again. 
“Look after your brother,” she whispered as she cupped Pepie’s face and gently stroked his cheeks, her fingers then gently running over Harvey’s back. 
“I will,” Pepie chuffed and then whimpered, “please be safe; don’t forget about us,”  
Her heart ached as it just reminded her that he and Harvey had essentially said goodbye to their mum and dad the morning of the outbreak, only to then be left alone as the owners clearly met a horrible fate. 
“We’ll come back, I promise,” she pet his head, “I’ve put your water and food in that corner and this is where you go to the toilet,” she pointed out the places as she prepared herself to shut them both in her bedroom, an extra layer of protection. 
“I’ll be a good boy!” Pepie let out an ‘Uff!’ and nosed at Harvey; making the rabbit flinch in surprise and he stomped his foot on the ground. 
“You two are always good boys,” she added before gently waving at them, switching a battery powered lamp on for them and then shutting the door with a loud sigh. 
Exhaustion and worry for the travelling they were going to do for the next couple of days, hung heavy on her shoulders and her stomach twisted up in knots at the thought of not being able to keep her promise to Pepie and Harvey. 
“You ready?” she looked up at Minho, who was leaning against the wall, strong arms crossing over his chest. 
“Uh,” she cleared her throat, “yeah, just anxious...as usual,” she rubbed the back of her neck before tutting as she felt her hairband rub against her skin, reminding her that she wanted to keep her hair far away from both her face and prying rotting hands. 
“There,” she waved her head from side to side to make sure it was tight enough, flushing a bit when she spotted Minho carefully watching her every move, “what?” 
“Your ears,” Minho smiled a bit, more to himself than her, “cute,” he added quietly and turned on his heel to help Felix move the furniture away from the front door. 
“Oh,” she squeaked, tugging on her ear out of shyness; shaking her head soon after and rushing to help them as well. 
She had quickly concluded that owning a baton that had been modified by Minho to have barbed wire on it, was a brilliant investment. 
Despite the baton still being covered in small fleshy pus, strands of hair and jellied substances that she’d rather not think about, she was able to take zombies down a little faster than usual and it made her feel just slightly more confident in her ability to defend not only herself, but Felix and Minho as well. 
Said men were currently searching the abandoned cars along the side of the road; peeking in through the window in case one of the undead happened to be in there. 
Her eyes caught dried blood that seemed to have been seeping from the boot of the car; she had an awful feeling that somebody had had to trap a zombie in there as she could hear quiet mumblings and light, weak scratches. 
“Felix,” she whispered, gently tugging at his long fingers, “be careful,” she then pointed at the car he and Minho were currently crouched next to, “zombie in the boot,” she added when he gave her a confused look. 
She watched Minho step lightly towards the back of the car and then knocked on the boot once, before promptly jumping backwards when a gargled growl came from inside. 
“You sure it’s a zombie, not just a trapped animal?” Minho asked slightly worried that they were mistaken. 
“It’s a zombie,” she tapped the side of her nose, “they smell dead, like everyone else,” she then bent forwards to check under the car that she was about to approach, just in case a zombie was under there. 
“Oh,” at the startled tone of Minho’s voice, she and Felix spun around in their places, “it’s a zombie,” he then cringed a bit when he pointed out the large intestine that was dangling out the side of the closed boot; it had been severed in half and Minho was now looking at the bottom half of the body of whoever was in the boot. 
“Lovely,” he muttered. 
It was as if her body shrivelled several times smaller when her eyes investigated the dark train tunnel before them.  
The sense of foreboding washing over all three of them as they shuffled closer subconsciously. 
“Are you sure this is the direction your friends might be?” she asked flicking the torchlight around to try and see if anything was lurking in the darkness. 
“It’s the direction that Changbin-hyung and Hyunjin-hyung are,” Felix replied and gently ran his thumb over her soft ears to try and settle her anxiety, “you can stay here with Pepie and Harvey if you’re really that nervous, I don’t want to pressure you into coming with us,” he was faintly aware of Minho watching him as he pressed his forehead to the hybrid. 
“No, no” she pouted a little, “I want to come with you; I’d lose my mind with worry that something had happened to either one of you,” she mumbled shyly and felt a soft flush reach her face when Felix smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead. 
“I’d be fine,” Minho shrugged his shoulders as he twirled his bat around with a relaxed grace that both she and Felix were jealous of, “dunno about him though,” he eyed Felix with a teasing grin as the wind picked up outside of the train station, the breeze dancing across them. 
Rolling his eyes with a puff of laughter, Felix motioned for them to follow him into the darkness. 
“Careful of the maintenance doorways,” Minho whispered and then jiggled his torchlight towards one said doorway, “don’t want to have to save you guys again,”  
“Awfully smug today,” Felix remarked with a playful sigh. 
“I have reason to be,” Minho turned to face his younger friend, carefully walking backwards just so he could shine the light at Felix’s eyes; making him yelp and shield his eyes. 
A shiver went up her back at the sound of him yelping as it echoed all around them and she stopped walking to focus her hearing. 
“I hate this,” she whispered as she searched herself; finally figuring out how to use her bra strap to hold the torch forwards; keeping her hands free. 
“Stay close and you will be okay,” Minho replied with a very deadpan tone, his eyes squinting as he turned to investigate the darkness behind them, clearly checking their six. 
“Quiet!” Felix hissed and held his hand up in the air to emphasize his words, his feline-like eyes wide as he scanned the area in front of him; reaching behind to carefully change the direction of the torchlight. 
“Oh,” she held her breath to stop herself from blushing as his fingers grazed across her skin. 
“What is it?” Minho whispered and crouched down with Felix as the younger man slowly moved forward. 
“You can’t hear that noise?” Felix frowned as he looked back at his friends, who were now sharing a confused expression, “even you?” he watched her shake her head. 
“There’s something in that room,” Felix turned his entire body towards the room in question and it was only the that she picked up on the shuffling, scratching noise that he was going on about. 
“It sounds like a zombie,” Minho stood up straight and spun his bat around with his long fingers, stretching a bit, “stay here,” he was already on his way up the small stairs, hand yanking the door open, and she cringed at the sound of a bat crushing down into something soft, crunchy and most disgustingly of all, wet. 
“You might want to see this,” Minho’s out of breath voice echoed slightly. 
“Are you okay?” she dashed up the stairs before Felic could even stand and she was immediately on guard, teeth baring in what was supposed to be a threatening growl, but Minho found it quite adorable. 
“I’m fine but I really don’t like the look of whatever the fuck that is,”  
She could sense his nerves as he used his bat to point at a large mass of something in on of the corners. 
“I might be sick,” Felix warned them as his face scrunched up at the sight of expanding flesh bubbles, that then popped audibly, moans and scratching sounds coming from somewhere inside of the mass. 
“That’s the noise,” he added, and the hybrid had to quickly steady him as he suddenly jumped backwards with a strange noise leaving him. 
“There’s a fucking face in there,”  
Pulling the torch from her bra strap, she focused the light on where he was pointing and quickly felt the air go cold around her as a dead face, but moving, was pushing against the thin sheet of skin; teeth snapping shut every now and then. 
“Oh my god,” she felt her tail fall and hit the back of her leg, “there’s more than one face,” she watched Minho move forwards. 
“Why are bubbles around?” he asked quietly, and this made Felix tilt his head in equal curiosity. 
“They smell,” the hybrid brought her shirt up to her nose, “they smell so rancid,” she tightened her hands to try and block the scent. 
“It’s a meat...sack,” Minho frowned at his choice of words and slightly poked the place where four faces were now crowding, possibly trying to get to him, “there’s liquid in there,” 
“Hyung, don’t get too close!” Felix warned with his hands immediately grabbing his friend and pulling him back as he caught the action of a hand pushing against the skin as well, “they are trying to get to us,” Felix concluded and shared a worried glance with them. 
“We should go,” she urged before jumping at the sound of ripping; the room suddenly having a floor covered with water close to that of sewage, teeth riding the water as the heads they had seen came rolling out. 
More skeleton than zombie. 
It was then that she couldn’t care less about being quiet in the tunnels. 
“We should fucking GO!”  
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paintedstories · 1 year
♥ song of the story OWN MY MIND -maneskin
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gif from @yonglixx ⚠: mentions of zombies: mentions of blood and death; mentions of Felix killing zombies; mentions of his family being dead(I'm sorry 🙏 its for the plot); mentions of readers family being dead(sorry again) ⚠: can be considered a fluff story if you don't mind the theme ⚠: Survivor Lee Felix x Survivor fem reader (she/her) ⚠: In this AU skz doesn't exist, meaning, that Felix doesn't know any of the members.
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panting could be heard from the girl hidden in a long ago abandoned house.
"ahh, shit-" she breathed under her breath, exhausted from running, punching, and killing all day. She started searching carefully throughout the house, carefully to not make too much noise, walking and finding things that might be helpful. After putting all the things she found in the middle of the room, things such as cans of fruits and food, screwdrivers, knives, soap, and ladies' necessities, she decided to choose what she exactly needed and go on a run outside, maybe find some abandoned shops or hopefully a pharmacy, as she was in a new city.
while walking she stumbled across an alley and decided to go in it to rest, as she did not see or hear any of those horrifyingly disgusting creatures she sat down close to one of the big metal trash bins, fortunately for her, it did not smell that bad, as it has had not been used for at least 5 months. while she carefully opened one of the food cans she found, she suddenly heard something, or rather someone walking. Scared she rapidly put the can down and got up with her knife to kill who was coming next.
"hey- woah, woah, mate slow down, I'm peaceful!" he whisper shouted while putting his hands up making her put the knife down and look at him with a serious face. "I'm warning you if you try stealing from me, I won't hesitate to murder you," she said sternly while sitting down and starting to eat from the can. But he continued staying on guard next to her. "what are you doing?" she looked at him weirdly but he doesn't say anything, only smiles and sits next to her, after approximately 2 minutes the hands him the other half of the can that she didn't finish intentionally. "eat" she said not looking at him. "woh thanks!" he exclaimed and smiled brightly "didn't eat something non expired in ages haha" her face fell after hearing that. How, how, what happened here. she thought while slowly peeking to look at his shadowed dirty face. poor guy was all she could muster in her thoughts. "want more?" she looked at him while handing him another can, now with a different type of food. " no, no, I can't, it would be too much! I don't have anything in return!" he said while shaking his hands showing that he meant it. "No, really take it, I have more, found a house, 30 minutes away, very quiet no monsters, and it has a lot of food. maybe you would want to come with me, you know, two is better than one," she said while scratching her back of the neck.
"Really?- are you joking with me? because if not I'm coming!" he smiled while sitting up and holding his hand to her. As she took it, first time making skin-to-skin contact with the stranger she felt a spark in her heart and worms in her stomach, no she felt butterflies, she shacked her head gently and started to walk a little bit in front of him to lead the way.
On their way to the house, they chatted and found out that his name was Lee Felix, an Australian. They encountered 3 zombies too but decided to just run off, as it was night time and they wouldn't be seen.
Arrived at the house she shows him around, and he helps her to patch the broken windows and unnecessary rooms.
While searching for a good room Felix found a basement, the basement of the said house, deciding to investigate right then, as it was night and the zombies were mostly asleep and easier to kill. Big luck for them was that inside was only one, a guy, the owner of the house they declared. After y/n killed it and Felix helped by dragging it outside the house in front of the yard and throwing it on the fence, as protection from other fellow zombies, because if they smelled the blood of the said zombie on the fence they would pass the house and not get in even if heard any sounds from inside. Of course, it would smell bad but good thing that the smell didn't get too close to the house.
After rearranging the whole basement, meaning, getting all the things in the living room, then putting on a big bed for two inside the room, of course, cleaning it very well. They might have been in the apocalypse but to be clean still helps. good thing the basement was as big as the house, large enough to put some of the kitchen and bedroom furniture down, creating a little house, sadly inside the basement was only the installation for water, not the toilet too, so the bathroom remained inside the house. Not too big of a problem as the house looked like it never been touched by the filthy hands of those zombies.
"few, we're finally done!" Felix said happily while slumping on the bed."ey get your dirty butt off the bed, you need to change and shower....." she realized that the water from the bathroom didn't work anymore, only the one in the basement, the reason being that the installation was made so that water will work even without electricity, but that only in the basement. " haha shit, we got to wash with cold water" she sighed as she plopped next to the bed resting her back on the bed leg next to a now floor sitting Felix. "haha jokes on you, not washing with cold water" he laughed "then sleep on the floor"
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hey, hey, hey! my cherry's hope you liked this story if you want part two ✌ tell me master list 📃 feel free to request your deepest desires!
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091400 · 2 months
CONTAINS: slightly 18+ (chan's part.) but the rest is sfw.
AUTHORS NOTE: hello! this is a repost of my old blog (hanjiesgf)! enjoy and let me know what you think! i'll open requests soon :)
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Chan is a wolf hybrid, no doubt about that. He cares deeply about his family and friends near him, he can go through rough patches alone but in the end, all he wants is the best for his loved ones so he insists on prioritizing them before him. When it comes to you though... his only thought is breeding you, has a literal primal switch, and only thinks with his cock (that is massive, by the way.)
Minho is a panther hybrid, he’s a big cat after all. Calm and collected, with great agility he can get whatever he wants. He’s mostly territorial over the people he loves so expect him to not like your other friends at all, consider yourself lucky if he doesn’t growl at them. He likes to keep you to himself all the time.
Changbin is a tiger hybrid, yes sir. Kind of similar to Minho, and almost as protective as Chan, he likes to be alone and do everything by himself not bothering to trouble anyone with his problems. But he’ll lead if he needs to, don’t worry about that. Highly protective of you, he's like your shadow and will step in if needed.
Hyunjin is an arctic fox hybrid, his playful nature showing off everywhere he goes. Usually isolating himself when he’s in trouble, he needs to fix everything himself. But don’t be fooled, he always gets what he wants in the end, and everyone falls for him.
Jisung is a deer hybrid, matching totally with his personality. Usually shy and modest, and hates confrontation so he avoids it at any cost. Always caught off guard, Jisung usually empathizes with everyone and tries to help in any way he can.
Felix is a cat hybrid, but like a house cat, always by your side purring against your leg type of house cat. He likes to nap more than anyone he knows and will sleep and eat for the whole day if he can.
Seungmin is a golden retriever hybrid, with fluffy ears and a big smile always he sees you. His personality shines through his wagging tail, he knows he’s cute and he takes a big advantage because of that. Don't let his puppy eyes fool you.
Jeongin is a fennec fox hybrid, with his pretty face he will get him anywhere he wants. Always sly and showing off, he will get aggressive if you get in between something he wants.
091400 © do not copy / plagiarize / repost or translate my work on any other platforms.
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mooncakesofpan · 1 year
Chapter 2
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The life of a top designer is stressful in itself how much will change when you find 2 glowing eyes peering back at you from your yard.  
Poly!Skz x Tall!Nonbinary!Reader
Series Warnings: mention of abuse, hybrid au, omegaverse themes, strong language, suggestive topics, and themes (see individual chapters for specific warnings)
Chapter warnings: unwanted advances, mentions of food, mentions of stress, anxiety, slight angst, mentions of possible neglect, Reader uses they/them. Use of Mx.
Word count: 5.2k
An: I'm so sorry this took so long my life got really crazy and it took me a bit to recover.
| Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter |
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I stir awake only to feel my throat dry, I reach for my water bottle and go to take a sip only to realize the bottle is empty. I stumble out bed and attempt to get out of the tangle of blankets that adorn my bed. Phone and water bottle in hand as I head out my room, using my phone to light my way through the house to accompany the moon light shining through the windows. As I move down the stairs with soft steps trying to keep to keep quite not wanting to wake the two hybrids. I can hear the soft snoring from Felix and Chan’s room. As I step into the hall I notice a figure sitting on the floor next to the slightly cracked door.
He's curled up against the wall with his knees firmly pressed to his chest. The light from the moon barely makes his face visible, yet I can still make out the stern gaze glued to the front door further down the hall from his and Felix's room. The furry ears on the top of his head twitch hearing the wood creek under my feet. Though his eyes on the door don’t move one bit.
“Hey you okay?” I sit on the wall opposite of him.
“Oh— uh yeah,” He gives me a tired look from his spot.
“Can’t sleep?”
I see his head shake.
“Something on your mind? I’m all ears if you need someone to listen,” I say fiddling with the bottle in my hands,almost dropping it.
“Just stuff from the past you know, old habits die hard,” He sighs with a false smile shaking his head looking at his hands.
“Wanna talk about it?” I say looking back down at my hands.
“One day, but you should head back to sleep. You said you had an important interview in the morning, right? wouldn't you want to be exhausted in the morning.”
“... yeah I do, I’ll uh— head back to bed,” I say slowly getting up from the floor moving to head to the kitchen.
“I thought you were heading to bed” his voice raises in confusion.
“Oh– I came down to fill my water bottle” I say, shaking the water bottle.
Looking at Chan, it’s obvious that he wants to talk about things. I don’t want to push him, but hopefully one of these days he’ll feel comfortable opening up and talking about it. He seems to have a lot of weight on his shoulders.  
I finish filling the water bottle and head back to my room glancing back one last time at the man. Still curled up against the wall, staring at the door. He glances up at me, his eyes soften  looking back at mine as I hesitate going up the stairs wishing I could offer him some comfort.
Chan was right, the alarm felt like a rude awakening, I was way too tired to want to deal with anything this morning . The repetitive beep and the fact I didn't want to wake up to to go to this interview anyway is already making me miserable. I trudge out of bed to change into some dark form fitting slacks, a wide brim hat and a suit jacket with nothing under it. If I have to be in front of the cameras I might as well look good while I do it. I look through my drawers to find a simple chain to clip around my neck. The simple loafers picked out to go with my outfit, makes it a little more practical. I carry the shoes to put on at the garage door.
My thumb flicks across my phone  screen as I look through my notifications as the sound of the coffee maker feels in my ear and the strong smell of the coffee fills my nose.
A quiet “Oh shit,” fills my ears as I move to the island. I look up worried seeing Felix looking at me having spilled a little coffee on the counter.
“Are You okay?” I say hurrying to grab a paper towel to wipe up the small mess. “You didn't burn yourself right?”
I take his hand in mine double checking that the hot coffee didn't scald it.
“No I’m okay, y-you look nice,” he says looking at my clothes.
“Oh thank you I have that meeting today then I have to meet with some model agencies and higher-ups about the status of that project I told you and Chan, I was working on since we're getting closer to the deadline—,” I start.
My hands run down my face, tired.
“God, today just seems like it's gonna be so long and it hasn't even started,” I say with an awkward chuckle leaving my mouth.
The slight pink on Felix's cheeks almost goes unnoticed as I throw the paper towel away.
did he get burned and he didn't tell me?
“Oh uh—Let me know if you guys need anything okay, I might be out late,” I put on my dress shoes and grab my bag giving Felix a hug before he doesn't let go for a minute rubbing his face in my neck a little bit. The motion made my face warm.
I’m about to head out the door wishing I could say bye to Chan but he doesn't seem to be up yet. This seems to be a continuous trend. Waking up a little later than me and Felix
Is it related to him sitting outside the door this morning? Does he do that every night? They've been here for a few weeks. Maybe I should invest in a security system or something? Since he looked like he was watching the front door?
 I shrug the idea off to deal with later as I get into my car and head to the address for the interview. Getting escorted into the building and my dressing room. The morning was already chaotic on top of my interview today. It seems today just isn't my day already and its just started.
I had sat down to check my text messages from Felix and Chan on my personal phone. A text from Felix from about 30 minutes reads on my lock screen.
☀️Lixie☀️: Hey we ran out of eggs, sorry I didn’t realize yesterday that there were only few left.
Me: It's okay I’ll pick them up on my way home.
☀️Lixie☀️: K thanks see you when you get home :)
The sound of knocking reaches my ears.
“Come in!” I say looking toward the door.
A young women in her early 20′s with red panda ears adorning the top of her head I almost miss them as they lay against the braids in her hair decorated with beads that knock together in a rhythm as she peaks her head in.
“Hi Zinnia, I'm here for makeup.”
“Oh yeah come in,” I say with a smile.
She looks between me and her bag and pulls out brushes, palettes,powdersand tubes as I sit looking through my work phone.
“So you work with Script right?” she asks, touching up blemishes on my face.
“Yeah I've been working with them for a few years almost straight out of college.”
“That's cool,” she says with focus making sure I won’t be shiny on the camera.
“How long have you been working here?” I mumble, trying not to move too much.
“I think I've been with them for about  4 months. I just got finished with cosmetology school,” her voice let out.
Her soft voice is quiet as the orange and white tail flicked back and forth behind her, I almost missed her nose scrunching up.
”Do you mind if I ask you a question?” She lets out cautiously, putting some of her stuff away.
“Yeah go ahead,” I urged while watching her move around the room.
“Do you have hybrids?” She looks at me curiously.  
“Uh, yeah I recently took in some a few weeks ago, how did you know that?”  The words spilled out curiously.
“I could smell him on you,” she points to my neck. The same spot that Felix had rubbed against this morning when he hugged me.
“How?!” I asked, a bit with surprise and eyes wide.
The question honestly sounded a little stupid I've been trying to research hybrids but some of it has been hard to find conclusions too. Like, nesting, hierarchical systems, more instinctual stuff I honestly should suck up my pride and embarrassment and just ask Chan and Felix more questions .
“Hybrids have a really good sense of smell, and he scented you,” She pointed to her button nose with a smile.
Scent— I've come across the word but I haven't really been able to come up with a cohesive answer based on all the things online.
“Sorry I've been trying to research about hybrids and stuff since they moved in, what does that mean?” I let out nervously
“Oh, scenting is like trying to mark that someone belongs to someone for a hybrid to scent you; it's typically a sign of trust and a want to stake a claim.” The words left her mouth so casually as she described what it meant.
“We’ll typically scent around chest and neck areas and wrist.”
“So say the hybrid I live with hugs me and like nuzzled into my neck this morning—”
“That would be scenting,” She chuckles.
I nod along listening to her words as she talks about a few hybrid typical things. The conversation eventually moves to interest and I end up offering my phone number so we could keep in touch and talk some more.
“Who’s one of the biggest people you’ve worked with?” she asked, sitting in the chair across from me.
“That’s a hard question, I’ve been brought on a lot of projects but, I’d have to say Rihanna I worked on a project with her. It was a very exciting experience. I was so nervous to mess up. What about you? You’ve been out of beauty school for a few months, who is a celebrity you’ve done work with. ”
“That’s hard, a lot of celebrities have their own make-up teams. I think it might be you,” she gives me a shrug.
“I wouldn’t really consider myself a celebrity though,” there’s honesty in my voice.
I really don’t consider myself a celebrity. As she goes to speak again there’s a knock on the door.
“Mx. L/n you're needed backstage.”
“Okay thank you, it was nice meeting you. let's definitely talk more in the future,” I say, getting up and waving.
The hybrid women waves back as I leave the room and head to the studio where I would be interviewed. The audience of people there  Makes me dread coming to interviews and being on talk shows. Discomfort is obvious in the way my hands fiddle with the sleeve of my jacket.
As I'm told to walk on stage I wave to the audience and make my way to the empty seat.
I shake the interviewer's hand before sitting down in the chair. “So Y/n can I call you Y/n, you've been very busy for the past year haven't you,” her words run quickly out of her mouth
I nod and give confirmation that the use of my first name is okay.
“ Yeah this has been a really big project and probably the biggest of my career,”
I don’t even really take in most of the questions mostly on my work and when the Colra x Script line comes to the public. Then things got personal and I’m a very private person I don't like revealing things in my personal life to the public.
“So, got anyone in your life?” The woman sitting across from me says causing my eyes to widen.
“Oh no I don't really publicly date,” I say, nervousness itching its way back to the surface.
“No ones caught your eye recently?” there was a flirty tone in her voice as our chairs sat closely together. The tone in her voice makes me uncomfortable.
“No, I’d prefer to not talk about that aspect of my personal life though,” I say, voice unsteady with nervousness.
She nods, thankfully moving on to a different topic.  
“We'll, I think that brings us to the end of today. Thank you for coming on and talking with us!” her voice changed back to the tone before she started asking about my love life.  
As she closes out the segment I rush off to my dressing room feeling my discomfort and awkwardness eating away at me and I pack up my stuff and leave the building.
I considered taking the rest of the day off  but decide against it knowing that would just move the rest of my meetings to next week.
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I sit in my studio, reading through my emails, things people want me to do piling up deadlines, new projects, and clientele. I said I wouldn’t take on another project till the one with Colra gets out to the public, but my boss keeps pushing me to work with other clients when Script has already pushed out so much money. Trying to make sure that the Colra is happy with designs, advertisements making sure they showed proper representation of hybrids and humans alike. Along with  how we had to redo everything I need to at least see that this all goes through well.
The knock on the door frame startled me from work in my room. I look up to see a lanky man with light brown wavy hair and a cardigan.
He has a black tie, and seems well put together.
“Uh hi I'm Theo we've been emailing back and forth for a while, and I wanted to look over some promotional material with you being the leader of the team working on this,” he says smiling at me, his British accent filling my ears.
“Oh yeah of course come in,” I wave over to the workbench in the middle of the room.
We stand at the table as he pulls out some of the pictures with the pieces that have been finished. The photos are amazing. The color of the outfits are bright and beautiful, they pop against the background and give a regal feel paired with the elegance of the models  in the photos. The soft purples and whites on the models looked graceful and beautiful. Looking through the photos I noticed that the hybrid models we had hired for this campaign were missing from the photos.
“Theo, where are the hybrid models? We were supposed to have a good mix of both in the pictures, modeling the outfits.” I shuffle the photos he placed out the folder double checking I didn't miss it.
The brunette opened the folder sifting through the contents to find the ones with the hybrid models in them too.
“Great I like these too, they all look great. I know these are supposed to be going out to socials soon so if I can suggest something?” I question looking back up from the table to the male around my height.
He nods in response. I point to the 2 photos of a few of the models in a flower field and one with a few other models on white crystal-looking steps. the photo is well-balanced and has a good diversity of the models that we worked with to do the photoshoot.
“I would suggest these two, Script has a wide range of demographics and I think these will do the best with going out first, they really pop as ones that catch my eyes.”
“Yeah you're right those two will work great. I'll go ahead and let the rest of marketing know, thank you again for taking the time out of your day,” he confirms back to me as I smile kindly at him.
“Of course, happy I could help,” I  respond to him, excited to finally see some of the advertisements going out as he is putting the contents of the folder. his cheeks a slightly tinged pink.
Maybe he's a bit warm in his sweater vest.
As he leaves I decide to put the final details on one of the last designs that needed to be finished and sent out for photoshoots and to models. Some of the remanding sets got sent out to other people in the company to make to take the pressure off of me. I had found out we had money in the budget too and I had gotten an email right before Theo had come in that  the last 2 pieces that had been sent out had been finished and were going to be given to the models for photo shoots tomorrow and I was the last person to send the last piece out, which I need to hem the bottoms and ad a spot for a tail and then it’ll be good to go out. The rest of my afternoon was free aside from finishing the bottoms for the last outfit and which hopefully wouldn't take all night should take maybe an hour. Once the entire line gets sent out things are left in the hands of the stylist for the shoots.
Needless to say, Im glad that the day is almost over, I'm so exhausted. It was 6 and the goal is to finish by 7:30. That way I can still go to the store before it closes to do some light shopping. I get up to move to work on the bottoms for the outfit.
I pin the lace to the cuff of the bottoms and feed them through the sewing machine. The fabric is soft under my fingers. The lace at the bottom is a great final touch. The time spent putting it on with care. The model who was supposed to wear this is a ferret hybrid and has a long tail so a slit is made in the back for his tail. I glance down at my phone just now seeing its  7:20 pm, thankfully I had finally finished everything. I packed up my belongings and grabbed a garment bag and put the completed masterpiece in it. a sigh of relief leaves my mouth, happy that the day is finally over.
My feed carry me through the building as I hold a small smile feeling great about the the line being finished. I'm supposed to come in tomorrow too, which will mean this week I've been in the office a lot. But tomorrow is a Friday and I've had a stacked week. I told the photographer I would sit in on the shoot since I missed the first one. I find the rack for the outfits to go on and place my bag next to the other two  black garment bags. I look around to see if anyone is around, of course there is not, I one of few people still here this late. I peek in the bags getting a good look at the Wonderfull work of the other people on my team.
I head to the parking garage to start to head out. The grocery store is my last stop of the night before going home. I slide into the drivers seat and pull out my phone to text Felix.
Me: Was there anything else we needed? im at the store right now
☀️Lixie☀️: we're getting low on coffee. I think we need some more
Me: Okay thanks, I'm gonna grab a bit of other stuff.
Walking through the store I pick up some more meat, chicken, beef, pork, and bacon. The hope of having more time to cook this next week warms my chest. I found some kombucha squash and put it in the cart thinking of finding something to make with it. The line for check out is short but the store closes in an hour. Most people are home this late in the evening. Most people take this time to enjoy time with their family.
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I work on dinner deciding to use the squash, taking out the onions, beans, carrots, and ground turkey I got at the store to make some stuffed squash. I cut up onions, and add beans and other vegetables to the ground beef and seasoning while the squash sits in the oven roasting. Felix sits on the counter talking to me about things he watched,some of the recipes he found, and what he got up too toda. My brain wonders to this morning and the conversation about scenting I had with Zinna.
“So they ended up not making it to the finals—”
“Sorry it’s on my mind,— did you scent me this morning?” I interrupt his ramblings, and in that moment Chan walks into the kitchen looking up from his phone.
I probably could have handled it a bit better.
“What?” he looks a bit worried at my question.
Felix Jumps surprised by Chan's voice.
“I was asking if Felix scented me this morning, I was talking to a hybrid this morning and she had asked me about it—I'm not mad I was just asking if it was purposeful,” I speak quickly to try to justify why I asked the question in the first place.
Chan is Stands still in his spot and looks at Felix to answer the question.
”Yeah I did sorry I should of asked.”
”It's fine I just wished you had asked I would have let you if it makes you feel more comfortable,” I shrug it off. If it's a sign he's more comfortable with me I'll take it. Im glad he’s feeling more comfortable around me.
Chan sits down, patting Felix's shoulder.
“I'm still learning about what it's like to live with hybrids, just gotta give me heads up about things,'' I admit,with a soft smile
We eat the quash in silence, the feeling of something that hasn’t been spoken into the air yet lingers. I Scoop one of the last pieces of squash in my mouth. I look back at my bag near the garage door reminding me of the work I had promised to my friend tomorrow. I've been out of the house a lot this week. It's definitely weighing on me but I'm worried that the boys are gonna feel like I'm too absent and like I'm neglecting them. Technically they don't belong to me and I frankly don't like thinking of the gross owner pet implication of having a hybrid but emotionally I know that they rely on me— or at least Felix does, Chan I know still has a hard time being comfortable with me. I don't blame him for that of course I don't know his or Felix's history.
For the past few weeks, I've been worried about them feeling stuck in the house.
“I'm gonna be out the house again tomorrow, hopefully next week won't be as busy. I should hopefully be home early” I let out, pushing around a bean on my plate.
“It's okay, we know this week was big for you” Chan says.
“I know I just feel bad like I'm worried you guys feel stuck here all the time alone—” I take pause
“Do you guys feel stuck here?” I question
“I mean it would be nice to get out” Felix says perking up a bit.
“You’d have to adopt us,” Chan said still eating his food not making eye contact trying to seem more focused on his plate.
“Yeah I wasn't sure how you guys felt about that. I was looking into independent hybrid programs and that tends to require prior adoption for about a year,” I say, nervous about their response.
“it would probably be best if you adopted us. I know I'm fine with it, we trust you enough, you don't seem like you'd abuse that title,” Chan explains, finally looking up to meet my eyes.
“Okay then I'll see how to get the paperwork for it and try to get those filed,” I fidget a little under his gaze. Looking back down at my food to keep eating.
I wash the dishes alone. This is the first time today I can truly relax, and knowing that adopting Felix and Chan would at least  be granted a little freedom helps to ease my worries with their adoption. Them being able to go out more should give them some type of freedom.
I got to my room, and open up my laptop to look at what the process to adopt the two hybrids looks like. The page I find belongs to one of the hybrid centers in the city Stating that they help rehome and rehabilitate hybrids and have been rated one of the best in the area;
“Are you open to welcoming hybrids into your home? We’re here to provide you with the knowledge training and help prepare you for a new friend!”
Seem good enough.
“We won’t rehome a hybrid without they’re expressed consent from the hybrid Stating verbally that they would like to go home with you. Knowing that they’re from our own facility we prefer you spend weeks getting to know them and get comfortable with each other, after that we can start the adoption process!”
Bringing in strays or having been aiding hybrids and wanting to adopt them and give them a home will have a similar process! We start with an interview with you and then the hybrid making sure that they are comfortable going home with you! After the interview will be an exam of the hybrid making sure there is anything that needs to be watched or addressed. After The exam we will survey the new home and make sure the place is suitable and livable for your new hybrid! If you’ve made it to this point then you’ll be in the home stretch to fill out paperwork and take your hybrid home! We do checks in 3 weeks 6 weeks 9 weeks and then 6 months and a year check in to make sure everything is going Aye Okay!”
The page was very helpful and it said I can set up an appointment to get things started. I spent the rest of the night filling the form about Felix and Chan filing in the section concerning  their situation and pressing send before I closed my laptop for the night.
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Today was more casual. I pull white pants and a Blue oversized sweater. It’s a lot more casualI seeing as I'm going to watch a shoot and not spend all my time in the office, I prefer it that way.
I got a text from my friend Johnny on my work phone,who's the photographer .
Johnny : Hey make sure you're here at 10 I wanna go over a few things with you.
Me: sure thing I should be there a little early if anything.
The door to Felix’s and chans room opens right as I hit the last steps of the stairs. Chan's back is to me as he tries to close the door quietly.
“Morning Chan you're up bright and earlier.”
My voice must have startled him because he jumps as he turns to me with a hand over his heart. Seeing it's just me he lets out an awkward chuckle
“Oh yeah– I slept pretty well last night actually,” he smiles softly at me. sleep was still slightly evident in his eyes, but the smile made me feel warm inside and something inside me fluttered slightly.
“I was gonna make something,” I motioned down the hall.
”Yeah you should try and eat before you head out. It's not good to start the day on an empty stomach,” he presses.
I had a bit of time before I had to go so making something wouldn't hurt. I pulled the milk out of the fridge with some eggs. Before I could pull anything else out the voice of Felix coming down the hall is hurd by both me and Chan as he entered the kitchen phone in hand.
“Would you mind if I made breakfast?” he smiled, ears twitching on top of his head.
“No not at all, whatcha gonna make?” I ask and move to sit the milk down on the counter and move to the barstools to watch what Felix might be making.
“I found a recipe for pancakes. I wanted to try it,” he continued to check his phone assumingly for ingredients and measurements.
Me and Chan watch him move around the kitchen making the pancakes, the batter being mixed together and fried on a skillet. The pancakes were fluffy and buttery as they pile on the plate .  
 “Felix this is really good,” Chan says digging into the pancakes
“Yeah you did an amazing job.”
Felix’s face is a bit red seemingly from our compliments. I can see a smile as he mumbles out a thank you while still eating the pancakes. The morning was peaceful, small talk about the food and other recipes Felix wants to try and what I’m up to today. It starts getting close for me to leave. I go to grab my work bag just in case but I plan to come home after the photo shoot. I notice the freckled brunette Felix leaned up against the wall near the door.
“Hey Felix, need something?” I say, making sure I had a jacket just in case it rained.
“—Do you mind if I scent you?” He's standing in front of me with space between the two of us the space being filled with quiet but low sounds of his voice.  
“Oh—no, not at all!” I put my stuff down and smile as Felix comes close. He placed his face in the crook of my neck  to rub his face against it  and moves to rub himself against my clothes. He continues for a minute before he decides in his head that I've been scented enough, but before I move he takes the moment to grab my wrist and rub it against his neck.
“Okay I’ll probably be back earlier. I didn't have plans to really stay after this shoot,” I smile as I start to head out the door.
“Tell Chan I said bye!” I walk out the door.
Today feels nice, the sky is still overcast with the late October weather moving into winter.
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Pulling up to the set and getting to see the line together was so satisfying and it made me feel like everything was coming together. Fake sets and lighting stood out, waiting to find Johnny, I started to look around talking to some of the makeup artists thanking them for their help. I start to see some of the models dressed and coming on set, one was sitting in the corner quietly flipping through his phone also seemingly waiting for directions on what to do. He has soft round white ferret ears and a tail that slightly curls to be in his lap and he’s wearing the outfit I finished sewing yesterday.
“Hi I'm L/n Y/n, I'm the top designer on this project. I just want to thank you for working and modeling with us,” I say sticking out my hand.
A soft smile graces his full lips as he reaches his hand to greet mine.
“I’m Hwang Hyunjin.”
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Bismuth Taglist :
@fuck-you-im-gae​ @i-dont-know-me-either​ @betray-jaes
Don’t forget to reblog and let me know how you like it
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mybodyfails · 1 year
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5-star dome tour: han
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mirisss · 8 months
Chapter 10
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Stray Kids OT8 x hybrid! afab! reader
Warnings: Crying, mentions of some members acting violent (in response to (Y/n)’s past), mentions of scars, some anxiety, eating/food, sleep problems, I think that’s it, let me know if I’ve missed anything. 
Wordcount ≈ 2.2k
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I can’t believe I’ve been working on this series for two years, it’s crazy, I didn’t think it would take this long but I am so happy to see so many people enjoying my story. I just want to say thank you for all the support, but don’t worry, this is not the end of the story, we still have a long way to go! 
Please reblog! 
Taglist: @ayoo-bangtan, @lose-lose07, @kingcarrot-thecarrotking, @starjane312, @reighlee-greaves, @hi-39024, @queenmea604, @septicrebel, @justayoungandwisefangirl, @imasimplol, @k-p0p-4ever, @detectivedoodle, @hehe-24-hehe, @jinnie-ret, @0325tiny, @borahae-reads, @shycreationdreamland, @kiaralynn3838, @blondechannie, @theydy-madamonsieur, @boi-bi-ahaha, @riri321, @3rachasninja, @kkamismom12, Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 11,
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(Y/n) closed her eyes, fully trusting Jeongin, just as she would with any of the eight boys she now called her home. Jeonging couldn’t help but smile as he too closed his eyes. 
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(Y/n)’s POV
I closed my eyes and leaned in, I wasn’t too sure what to do, but that didn’t matter. I knew I wanted this and I felt safe. Soon I felt Jeongin’s soft lips, gently press against mine. An electric feeling spread through my body. It washed away any anxiety that I felt, leaving me with only curiosity and love. Jeongin gently ran a hand through my hair as he put just a little more pressure into the kiss, I tried responding by leaning my head a little to the side, something I had seen in a movie. I felt Jeongin smiling into the kiss, it made me relax even more. His scent was intense yet calming, so much contact with his warm skin, the feeling of his hand gently running through my hair, soothing me. I never wanted this moment to end. All too soon, he broke the kiss by leaning back. A bright smile and sparkling eyes greeted my gaze as I opened my eyes. 
“Wow, your lips are so soft,” He whispered, but I heard him loud as day. “It was nice,” I whispered back. He kissed me on my forehead before he stood up, giving me a hand to help me stand as well. “You should get in the water before it gets cold, I’ll head out to the others, and we’ll see each other soon again, okay?” “Yeah, that sounds okay,” “Just call for me or anyone if you need us,” “Thank you,” Jeongin left me alone as I undressed and got into the warm water. The bath salt scent was strong, it felt like being embraced by the ocean and a summer breeze. I relaxed in the water, breathing calmly as I felt better after sharing some of my past with Hyunjin. I knew he was telling the others about what I told him, it weirdly felt nice to know that I didn’t have to share it on my own, telling it once was hard enough. 
Third Person POV
Once Jeongin came back to the living room, Hyunjin began telling him, Minho, and Felix about (Y/n)’s past, or the part she had shared with him. Felix began crying at the thought of the sweet bunny being put through such trauma. Minho felt angry, he wanted to find the people who hurt (Y/n) and make sure they couldn’t do it again, once he calmed down a little, he felt almost a little happy, happy that he found her and took her home. Here she would be able to live happily, in a home filled with love. With their family. Jeongin understood why (Y/n) had asked him to stay, not wanting to be alone, he wanted to run back to the bathroom and hold her, telling her she would never be alone again. 
“We’re going to have to tell the others too, do you think you’re up for it, Jinnie?” Minho asked, concerned that it would be too much for the younger. “I think I can do it as long as I’m not alone,” “We’ll be here with you, someone will have to hold back Chan-hyung and Binnie, they’re going to go berserk when they find out,” Minho said, half-joking as an attempt to make Felix laugh instead of cry, though he knew that it was true. Bang Chan and Changbin would not take this well, if Minho thought he felt angry it wasn’t anything compared to those two. 
“Hey, you okay, Lixie?” Hyunjin asked as he moved closer to the crying boy. “Yeah, I just hate thinking of our sweet bunny being in so much pain and being alone. I hate feeling lonely, it’s the worst feeling,” “She’s not alone anymore, she has us. You have us, we have each other. We have all felt lonely but we’re together now so we don’t have to be alone anymore,” Jeongin said, it resembled his talk with (Y/n). Stray Kids was quite a fitting name, all of them having been astray, lonely, and isolated, but now they have one another and together they chase away the hurt and pain of their past. In each other they found a family, they found love, and most of all, they found a home. 
(Y/n) emerged from the bathroom a little while later, Felix and Hyunjin were gaming, Minho was in the kitchen preparing some food, and Jeongin sat on the couch, scrolling through instagram. “Hey,” the hybrid said lowly, Jeongin looked up with a smile. “Hey, feel better now?” “A little, the bath salt was nice,” “What do you want to do now?” “I think I’ll go help Minho out, and get a snack,” Jeongin just smiled and gave her a thumbs up. His eyes scrunched together, making him look so cute, and (Y/n) couldn’t help but smile too. (Y/n) walked over to the kitchen, hearing Minho curse lowly just before she walked in. Finding him glaring angrily at a pot on the stove. “Hey,” (Y/n) had during her time with the boys heard them joking about Minho being scary but she didn’t see it, to her he was someone with a soul so kind that it could not know any hate. He was gentle and sweet, (Y/n) was never cautious around him, perhaps it was because he was the one who found her, the first human who ever cared about her. 
“Oh, hey (Y/n), are you hungry?” “A little, but I also want to help you, with whatever you’re doing,” “Can you help me glare at the pot for ruining the food I was making?” The two chuckled at how Minho blamed an inanimate object for messing up the recipe and not himself. Minho reveled in how comfortable the hybrid was around him, his heart feeling just a little lighter to see her smiling and cheerful after everything. “What did the pot do?” “It burnt the food, so I have to start over,” “I’ll help you,” “Okay, well, just stir this and I’ll make a sandwich for you, okay?” “Yes!” And so the two made some food, this time without burning it. Shortly after they finished with the food, the other guys came home. Happy to find the table set for dinner as they were all starving. The nine of them sat down and ate, Chan and the others telling everyone about the information they received during the meeting and whatnot. 
After dinner, (Y/n) and Felix volunteered to take care of the dishes, so that Hyunjin could tell the others about his and (Y/n)’s conversation. Minho and Jeongin sat down beside the tall dancer, ready to help him explain anything in case he found it too hard to say for a third time. Minho had been correct in thinking that Chan and Changbin would be angry, but he had never thought that Seungmin and Han would react just as strongly in anger toward the hybrid’s past. “Do we have their names? Or anything? We could contact the authorities if we did, even if it is in the past, what they have done isn’t allowed,” Chan said, looking at Hyunjin, hopeful that they had more information on these people. Hyunjin shook his head, “She didn’t tell me any names so if she knows, she didn’t share them with me,” Changbin clenched his jaw and his hands, anger flowing through his body, he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “She seemed quite cheerful now though,” “Yeah, she took a bath and just spent some time with us, grounding herself in the safety of our home,” Jeongin answered. 
“Do you think we should buy some scar treatment lotions? Or something to treat her scars, they may be old but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t at least try to treat them,” Seungmin said, imagining how uncomfortable it must be for her, he also wondered if maybe (Y/n) was ashamed of her scars. “I’m not sure, we’ll have to look into it and maybe bring her to the vet for a check-up, just to see what the vet will say,” Chan answered. “Honestly, I don’t know if she’s ready to see a vet or a doctor, you see how she is around other people, to have someone come so close and touch her, I’m not sure it’s a good idea, not yet,” Minho said, the others agreed with him after hearing his argument. 
“There’s one more thing, or actually two, that happened earlier,” Hyunjin said, everyone directed their attention to him once more, worried about what he would say. “(Y/n) had a panic attack in the elevator, which caused this whole ordeal, and when we got out of the elevator she kind of collapsed on the floor, and when I tried to calm her down, she kind of kissed me,” Everyone except Jeongin was surprised when Hyunjin told them about the kiss, after all, (Y/n) had told him so he already knew. “What? She kissed you, ahh, I’m so jealous,” Han said loudly, whining at the thought. “She kissed me too, or well, rather she asked me to kiss her before she took her bath,” Jeongin said. 
Just then, (Y/n) and Felix came back out from the kitchen, just in time for Felix to hear Jeongin tell the others about their kiss. (Y/n) shyly looked at Felix as he looked down at the bunny in surprise, he gave her a smile before he continued walking. “I’m sorry,” “Why are you apologizing, (Y/n)?” Han questioned. “Because I kissed them, and not all of you,” “Hey, no pressure. You need to take everything at your own pace, we can wait. There is no reason to rush into something,” Seungmin answered, his honey-sweet voice made a warm sensation spread through (Y/n)’s body. “Are you sure?” “Of course, we are, bunny,” Chan said, standing up and walking over to her, he opened his arms, inviting her into a hug, and (Y/n) gladly accepted it. 
For the remainder of the night, everyone did some different things, some were gaming, others like Hyunjin and (Y/n) were painting, some had gone to bed, and some (*cough* 3racha *cough*) were still working. Soon it was time for everyone to try and get some sleep. (Y/n) got ready and changed into cozy pajamas, then she followed Changbin to his room as she would spend the night there. She got into her bed, enjoying the soft feeling of it. Changbin whispered good night as he lay down in his own bed. 
(Y/n) tossed and turned in her bed as the comfort escaped her all too soon. Her body was on full alert, not allowing her to fall asleep. She tried to think of how soft her pajamas were, or how warm the blanket was, yet it didn’t work. (Y/n) then tried to think of the boys, how warm they are, how nice and kind they have been to her. How much she loves them and how much they love her, but not even this could help her relax. After 2 hours of frustration, she sat up, contemplating going to the kitchen and getting a snack. The hybrid was a bit startled to find Changbin sitting up only a second after her, her hybrid senses allowing her to see even in the dark, (Y/n) could clearly see his eyes being open, he was awake. 
“Can’t sleep?” He asked in a raspy voice, indicating that he had woken up from his sleep. “Mm,” Was all (Y/n) could answer. “Come here,” The rapper said as he lifted the covers on his bed, inviting her into his bed. While the thought scared her a little, she couldn’t decline the invite as the idea of falling asleep in his safe embrace just seemed too good. (Y/n) stood up and walked over to the bed, lying down beside (Y/n). Changbin gently put his arms around her, guiding her to rest her head on his chest, (Y/n) inhaled his scent, calming her body. (Y/n) focused on the steady beats of his heart and his calm breathing. Changbin fell back asleep almost instantly, (Y/n) stayed awake for a couple of minutes but eventually, thanks to the warmth and the safety of his strong embrace, the dream world welcomed her as she fell into a deep slumber. 
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