regalia-solvieg · 2 years
An Odd Proposition
Kida sat in her Father’s throne room with a far-away expression on her face. Her Father and all his men were up in the War Room, and no matter how bad she had begged to join them he just wouldn’t accept. Some nonsense about ‘a War Room is no place for little girls’. She wished she could counter that she was actually an adult, but he’d believe that as much as he’d believe that Bryce was going to eventually betray hm. 
She sighed and looked up at the Shield of Galar that was hung and displayed proudly above the King’s Throne. If she was stronger she could force her point or even go after Bryce herself... but she couldn’t even lift a weapon, let alone use it - and it would take years to master and even then, Bryce was already so much more practiced and advanced than her and was still learning more everyday. No - physical strength or swordplay wouldn’t win her this fight... but then, what would?
The sound of the door opening on the far end of the Throne Room snapped Kida out of her thoughts and she straightened up in her seat. She immediately relaxed though when she saw who entered - 
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“Oh, it’s you.” Kida sighed - but then she suddenly tensed up. It was Noel - someone she hadn’t seen yet since coming back in the past. Putting on the old familiar mask she added, “Where have you been hiding?”
(( @hygefrymm​ )) 
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sv-npc · 3 years
“Ah, I’m sorry, did I interrupt something?” Tatsu asked from the doorway, his red eyes avoiding eye contact with the Lady as he stood at the door, his hands behind his back as he looked to the elderly man with a nod of apology for interrupting. Clearing his throat once the man left the room, he would show her the gifts he held behind him as the door clicked shut. A bouquet of flowers and a medium box of chocolates. “Valentine’s Day is drawing near, as I’m sure you know, so I made a bit of a trip today, apologizes for my absence…”
His voice was quiet, cheeks red as he continued trying his best to avoid eye contact. How long had it been since he gifted such a thing…?
“Business as usual.“ Angela attempted to wave off his concern with casual tone.
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She looked down at the gifts in Tatsu’s hands and smiled, “I can see that. Though, if you wanted flowers I have plenty in my garden.” She teased, “Who is the lucky lady?”
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aresite · 3 years
A large tavern rested on the outskirts of town. It was about three stories tall, with a cobbles base, and a a traditional, old fashioned wooden frame above. There was loud music blaring from inside the tavern. It was a loud, up-tempo beat that bounced up and down in a jolly manner. 
The inside of the Tavern was packed. People sat around circular tables with tankards of ale or beer in hand and talked loudly over the music. There was a thick layer of cigar smoke that wafted up in the rafters and the air smelt a mixture of smoke and freshly cooked meat. 
At the far end of the Tavern stood a large stage. A band of minstrels lined the back of the stage and played their instruments and sung loudly loudly. These people were dressed in brightly colored clothing that were all decorated in gold accents that caught and reflected the torchlight brightly. There was a woman with long black hair standing in the center of the stage in a layered skirt and sung along to the music. 
It was this sight that would greet Noel as he approached. There was a girl sitting outside the tavern... though it was impossible to make out her features in the darkness. She had a silk shawl draped around her head and face, and had a Purrloin draped across her shoulders. 
She was quick to her feet and held the door open to Noel with a playful wink. The warm air inside the tavern immediately flooded out into the cool night air - feeling inviting and welcoming.
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hobard-knights · 4 years
The Beast in the Mine
Not too long ago, Lady Angela had asked Tatsu to investigate the Galar Mine, that rested outside of Turffield. 
The mine was the main source of income for the town, but ever since a strange Pokemon started rampaging within the mine, the Miners were unable to work, and thus, the town was starting to suffer.
Angela herself could not venture down to the mine for her own safety, but she sent Tatsu down with one of her Guards to meet with the Miners that awaited in a small Miners Outlet near the Mines. To get there, she lent both Tatsu and the Guard a pair of Mudsdale to quickly reach the Outlet from the town. 
The road between Turffield and the Outlet was primarily farmland. It meant a swift ride through acres of wheat fields before they reached what looked like a small encampment of tents and rickety wooden structures. 
The people that awaited them were all large, burly men - stereotypical miners. They greeted the guests without words, as the Guard dismounted from his steed. 
“I am Sir Wilkens of Turffield, and this is Sir Conley of Motostoke.“ The Guard announced, as the Miners started to close in, in a curious circle, around them. “Sir Conley has arrived from the Capitol, and was sent by Lady Turffield to inspect the mines.“  “Inspect?“ A large, growly voice erupted from somewhere deep in the crowd, and the men around them moved aside to reveal a giant of a man.
The man was easily two feet or more, taller than the Guard, and was all muscles and scars. Given the way the other men stepped aside for him, it was clear that he was the one in charge. He pursed his lips under a large, thick mustache, and reached up to stroke his soot-filled beard as he inspected Tatsu.
“This guy was sent from the Capitol?“ He let out a large belly laugh, and leaned down until he was almost level with Tatsu.  Before he could say anything, the Guard spoke up, “Yes. Lady Turffield believes that Sir Conley can help.” 
The large man straightened up, and folded his arms, “Well, we here know better than to judge a man by his cover.” He turned around and waved Tatsu after him, “Ya really here to help us with our pest-problem?”
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regalis-solveig · 4 years
@hygefrymm​ asked for an M!A starter from Kida!
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“I suppose you have some questions...“
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kefi-balter · 4 years
The sound of heels against gravel could suddenly be heard approaching.
Approaching from the back of the gardens, was a girl. She wore a slender red dress that looked quite a bit more ‘revealing’ than what most other of the party-goers were wearing. It hung low off her shoulders, and clung to her curves as she walked. There was a long slit up the side of the dress that went up to nearly the top of her hips, and it caused the dress to billow around her legs.
Her hair was pinned up in a bun, which clearly showed her face in the moonlight... it was clearly recognizable. It looked nearly identical to the Princess. In fact, nearly everything about this girl looked modeled after the Princess. Her build, her appearance, even her hair and eye colour. She looked like she could easily pass as the Kida’s twin. 
But, unless Kida left, got changed, and somehow made it all the way to the back of the gardens, before walking back towards the Castle.... then it was clearly not her. Whoever she was though, she either did not notice Noel sitting there, or she ignored him as she turned and started walking towards the shadows of a slumbering hedge maze. 
(( @hygefrymm ))
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ao-sky-dreams · 5 years
Sora slowed to a stop in front of a large Rayquaza statue that stood proudly before a large, modern, geometric-styled building. She sucked in a deep breath, and slowly exhaled, shifted the weight of her bag on her shoulders, and started around it, and towards the large, sliding glass doors leading into the front lobby.
She felt the heated air hit her in the face as she walked through, and she paused for a moment to take a look around. The inside of the building was modern and welcoming, and almost overwhelming in size. 
Nervously, her eyes locked on the front desk, and she walked over towards it.
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“Um... hello? I am sorry to interrupt... but I am supposed to meet with Mr. Conley. Is he in?“
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lasslottie · 5 years
That kid looks around her age! But she hasn’t seen him around before...She should say something to get his attention.
“I wouldn’ go that way if I were you.”
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“Kids have been goin’ missin’ on that route,”That was an absolute lie,”People are sayin’ that they’re gettin’ spirited away by a ghost.”
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regalia-solvieg · 2 years
3 -Noel!
Send in a number or send 🎃 for a random autumn starter!
The smell of warm cider in a mug. 
Kida sat beneath a large tree. She had a warm shawl over her shoulders and a warm glass of apple cider in her hands. The heat from the mug warmed her hands and gave her a pleasant feeling in her chest. It was enough to distract her for a moment from her worries.
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"Thank you." She said aloud. She had almost forgotten to thank the person that had given her the mug.
(( @hygefrymm ))
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regalia-solvieg · 3 years
Stares at the princess expectantly....
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“I don’t!“
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regalia-solvieg · 2 years
@hygefrymm​ requested a starter
Kida had been sitting in her office and leaning over her studies with a bored expression. Normally she loved reading about history... but this book was about military history and that did not align with her interests at all. She knew it was important to learn, but she was not at all interested in reading about it right now.
So, when someone came in and announced that ‘Sir Conley wished to see her’, she was relieved at the break and sat straight up in her seat once more and told the Guard to admit him. The Guard bowed, and quickly ducked out to fetch Noel. 
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“You wished to see me?“ Kida asked after he had entered.
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regalia-solvieg · 2 years
“My Queen, we have a problem.“ 
Harold Brooke, their Minister of Defense’s voice cut through the silence that had enveloped the room, and both Mother and Daughter broke their attention from each other and turned towards the door. There was a serious look on his face... which wasn’t all too abnormal for the Minister, but something about his tone caught both of their attentions. 
Both Kida and the Empress rose to their feet and stared, and for a moment the Minister just looked at both of them. Kida feared she had a strange look on her face and struggled to keep a neutral mask. The two had just gotten in an argument, and then the Empress told Kida a story that she was barely trying to register when the Minister entered. 
“Go ahead, Minister Brooke.“ The Empress sighed.  Brooke hesitated for a moment and looked between Kida and the Empress, but then nodded and entered the room, “I have received word that rumors that the Princess was missing and ‘rescued by a man on a Dragon’ have already started to spread. It appears we cannot keep this under wraps as we had hoped.” “What? But how?! So quickly?“ The Empress gasped. 
Kida pressed a hand to her chin and thought about it for a moment. Of course... it had to be those Bandits that tried attacking her at the base of the willow tree after she had run off into the storm and gotten lost. After a few seconds she sighed and looked back up at the other two, “It was those men. I had some men approach me while I was out, but when Noel arrived he scared them off. I hadn’t thought the encounter significant enough to mention before now though...” 
The Empress looked back at Kida for a moment and sighed, “Well, what are we going to do about this?” “I suggest we make a formal address before rumors get out of control.“ Brooke stated, “We will tell the people the truth. Tell them that the Princess got caught out in the storm and lost-“ The Minister’s face suddenly lit up, “And if I may be so bold to mention - I do believe we could use this to our advantage!“ The Empress raised her eyebrow and looked back to Brooke, “How so?“
“We could use this as an opportunity to ease the people’s concerns over Galar! Inform them that Sir Noel is a nobleman, and the heir to Turffield and give them a reason to believe that despite the King’s death, our alliance with Galar is still strong, and-“ 
Kida stopped listening to the Minister there. She had no tolerance for schemes and plans. She crossed her arms and sighed as he continued on. After a few seconds she turned away and started to walk from the room. 
“Kida?“ The Empress asked after her.  “I am going to go check on Noel.“ She replied, “You mentioned he caught a cold while out in the storm, correct?“ “Oh...” There was a hint of disappointment in the Empresses’ voice, “Okay then, we’ll continue our talk later, honey.“ 
Kida simply nodded, and walked out. She quickly had her handmaids redress her, and then went straight down to the Infirmary where Noel rested. There was something she wanted to talk to him about. She was still furious with him, but she still wanted to see if he was okay. She entered his room with a stone-faced expression, but that softened when she saw him in his bed.
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“I heard you were sick-“ She started, “How are you feeling?“
(( @hygefrymm​ ))
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regalia-solvieg · 2 years
@hygefrymm​ liked for a Starter!
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Oh! It’s Noel! Oh wait... Noel was one of those ‘Pokemon Trainers’, wasn’t he? She should probably avoid him. But then again, maybe she could somehow get word to him about her situation and maybe he could somehow get her some help?
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regalia-solvieg · 2 years
A Mother / Daughter Talk
While Tatsu was down in the infirmary talking to Noel, Chiyo had decided to come upstairs to Kida’s room to talk to her. She also wanted to know what happened... but had decided to let the Princess rest for awhile before doing so.
Instead she had taken the time to make sure Noel was tucked in and in the care of the Healers and had everything he needed, and then sent word to Tatsu that Noel and Kida had been caught out all night in the rain and that Noel got sick from it. She had felt terrible about it, but she knew that Tatsu would want to know.
It was late evening when she finally heard word that Kida was up, and went upstairs to talk to her. Sure enough, she found Kida in her quarters, seated on an overstuffed chair in a warm chemise gown, and reading an old book. The Princess looked up as Chiyo entered, and then gently put down her book.
“Sorry to bother you sweetheart,“ The Empress greeted at she walked across the room towards Kida.
Kida watched her come without a word. She had technically been awake for hours now, but she did not want anyone to know yet. When she was ready to see people though - her Mother was the first one on her list.
She watched as the Empress sat down across from her, and looked at her with an almost sad look.
“How are you feeling?“ The Empress asked, “I am well.“ Kida replied.
There was a moment of awkward silence that fell over the room for a moment, before the Empress added, “It appears Noel caught a cold. I am not surprised with how you two were out all night.” She paused again, and then sighed deeply, “You worried me - worried all of us.” “My apologies, I went out to investigate an old well and we got caught in a squall.” “I understand that, but how did you end up alone?” Chiyo chastised, “How did you get separated?”
Kida thought she was prepared for this question, but when it came to talking about it, she sighed, “I am not sure.... well, I mean...” She paused, “Mother... he proposed to me. Or more so, asked what I would do if he proposed.” “And?” The Empress asked.
Kida looked up at her with a rather surprised look, “And?” The surprised look faded and she looked away, “And I was not expecting that, so I left.” “He proposed to you?” There was mixed emotion in the Empress’s voice. Kida wasn’t sure how to respond to that, and looked away, “...Yes.” “And that was a bad thing?” The Empress asked, “Bad enough for you to run out alone into a storm?”
Kida looked back at her Mother with a look of utter disbelief, “Yes!” “Why is that?“ The Empress pressed, “He obviously cares about you if he asked you a question like that. And didn’t he confess to you a year ago? Why, just one month ago you told me you didn’t care who you married as long as it benefited the Empire and wanted me to choose someone for you?“
Kida stared at her Mother and felt a knot form in her stomach. She felt like she had a bluff that was being challenged and did not like the feeling at all. She crossed her arms, “Well... yes. I did. But I fail to see how Noel will benefit the Empire.” “Noel has access to technology and resources from another World. Certainly things that he can bring to the aid of the Empire should the need arise.“ The Empress pointed out,  “And on another hand, I do not see a need for me to find a future suitor by my eighteenth birthday.“ Kida continued as if she hadn’t heard her Mother speak. There was a sharpness in her tone that she hadn’t expected and it startled her slightly, but she was too angry to stop now, “I understand that with Father gone that you are worried about the succession, but I do not think you need to worry about that so much-“ “I am not worried about the succession!“ The Empress cut in. 
Tears were already filling the Empress’s eyes and she leaned forward to put a hand on Kida’s knee, “Please don’t think that way. Kida... I love you so much. You don’t understand how much this pains me, but its for your own good.”  “My own good?“ Kida balked, “You do not have to lie to me. I am a Princess, and I know my role in society. I know what is expected of me.“ “Its not about the succession!“ The Empress repeated with a cry.  “Then tell me what it is about then.“ Kida snapped. Her voice had raised loud enough that she nearly shouted it, “If its not, then tell me why you are so worried about my marriage!“ 
The Empress looked stunned for a moment, and then looked away, “I-I can’t...” “Tell me!“ Kida snarled. 
Something seemed to break in the Empress’ eyes, and tears finally escaped her eyes and drained down her cheeks, “Alright... you do deserve to know... but Kida... my darling daughter... what I have to tell you could change everything - everything about how you view yourself, your future... even down to your core. I need to know you are actually ready to know...” 
A chill washed down Kida’s spine, and her anger immediately dissipated. She leaned back in her chair, and let out a deep sigh. Gently, she placed her hands on her knees, and looked out across to her Mother, “Tell me.”
So the Empress did. She too leaned back in her chair, and told her everything...
“And that is why... in one months time - you will either marry Noel if he will still have you, or an alternate suitor I have chosen... unless you choose someone for yourself between now and then.“ The Empress finished with a sob after her long explanation
This time, Kida didn’t argue. She just closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath.
The Empress was right. After knowing the truth... nothing would ever be the same again.
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hobard-knights · 4 years
“Decorations...?” His red eyes trailed around the room, Mewsmas decorations was it that time of year already? He was so caught up in everything going on. It wasn’t long until his eyes drew upwards to see the two of  them under the mistletoe, and it took him a minute before a blush crossed his cheeks.
This was clearly a trap! “Lady Angela...”
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“Yes?“ She ‘innocently’ replied.
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regalis-solveig · 3 years
“You shouldn’t knock a chance to experience something new ya know...” The boy by her side mumbled, snacking on some cotton candy. Had Kida ever had such a thing. His yellow eyes trailed to her as he offered her some. A smile came across his lips as he did too. “Try some, it’s really good! Not something I think you’d eat every day, but it’s good as a snack! Hey, hey! Sirfetch’d should try some too!” The boy seemed brimming with energy, always positive! His smile stayed solid on his face, clearly he was having fun. He didn’t get to hang out with Kida like this anymore!
Perking up, the boy eyed a ride, some giant wheel with carts on it! Spinning on his heels, he faced Kida and beamed brightly at the other. “Hey, hey Kida! You wanna go on that! We’d get a good view of the whole carnival around! That’d be pretty cool!”
Yet he paused, and cleared his throat!
He offered his hand out to her, bowing low before the Princess as he did so, yet never tore his eyes from her. Was it embarrassing for him? A bit! But he still was the friend to a Princess, he needs to treat her like one, right? “If you would honor me, Princess?”
Kida looked interested in the cotton candy for a brief moment, but then turned away, “Hmph.” She crossed her arms, and for a mere second it looked like she was going to refuse - but then she turned around broke off a small piece. She inspected it for a second... and then gingerly put it in her mouth.
Kida’s expression dramatically changed from apprehensive to surprised as she felt the strange fluffy candy turn to pure sugar, and she scrunched up her nose, and tried to brush it off her tongue with the roof of her mouth. 
By the time she was done that, Noel was suggesting they go on a ride. She turned back to look at him, right as he held his hand out and bowed to her. Kida hesitaated for a moment, and looked up at the machine... 
It was tall - that was for sure. She had no doubt that they would have no problem seeing the whole place from up there...
She fought back the growing nervousness that was forming in her chest and instead, added in an off-handed tone, “I suppose.” She reached out to accept his gesture with one hand, and raised the hem of her skirt with the other to start walking towards it.
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The ride looked bigger than she expected as they got closer though, and a small crack slipped through her uninterested disguise, “W-what do they call this ‘ride’?”
How could something containing so much metal and stretch so high up into the sky be safe?
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