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angelvvrath · 4 months ago
Was just diagnosed with “need to bite you” disorder. Yeah sorry it’s terminal. The only cure is biting you. C’mere.
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apollophanes · 7 months ago
Αὐτὰρ ἐγὼν οὐ λήξω ἑκηβόλον Ἀπόλλωνα ὑμνέων ἀργυρότοξον, ὃν ἠύκομος τέκε Λητώ. And I will never cease to praise far-shooting Apollo, god of the silver bow, whom rich-haired Leto bare.
- From: Homeric Hymn 3, To Delian Apollo
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artemis-potnia-theron · 1 year ago
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Apollo and Diana by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
"Muse, sing of Artemis, sister of the far-shooter, Parthenos the virgin who delights in arrows, who was fostered with Apollon.
She waters her horses from Meles deep in reeds, and swifty drives her all-golden chariot through Smyrna to vine-clad Klaros where Apollon god of the silver bow, sits waiting for far-shooting delighter in arrows.
And so hail to you, Artemis, in my song and to all goddesses as well."
- Homeric Hymn 9 to Artemis (trans. Evelyn-White)
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my-name-is-apollo · 1 year ago
Found a translation of hymns to Apollo and Dionysus where their epithets have been arranged in alphabetical order and this might be my new favourite thing because
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- Book 9 of the Greek Anthology, translated by W.R. Paton
Look at the contrast between some of their epithets (Apollo and Dionysus respectively):
"hater of lies, giver of the soul" - "liar, tearer of the soul"
"soft speaking" - "noisy" (lol)
"sober" - "Deep drinker"
"Sweet-spoken, sweet-hearted, gentle-handed" - "Prone to anger, stout of heart"
"Gentle, sorrowless, giver of wealth, saviour from trouble" - "Jealous, very wrathful, envious, bestower of envy"
"father of fruits" - "eater of raw flesh" (BRUH)
"father of light" - "God of the night"
"Cheerer of the spirit" - "Disturber of the soul"
BUT they still have a lot in common:
"stiller of grief - healer of sorrow", "strong hearted - lion hearted", "soft haired - tender haired", "dweller on the hills - dweller in the woods" "thousand-shaped", "desirable" and my favourite, "common to all".
And it really does encapsulate the relationship between Apollo and Dionysus so well (and the duality of Apollo and Dionysus as individual gods too)
I'm also a sucker for epithets that describe appearance and I'm absolutely delighted with Apollo being "rose-coloured", "golden, golden-complexioned" and "glittering" (but is anyone surprised? XD)
Dionysus on the other hand, a bit concerning cause "slender, wrinkled"? And also he's "liquid"?? (idk what that's even supposed to mean. A reference to wine?) But "golden-filleted" and "Golden-horned" sound lovely <3
Also the fact that Dionysus is called "Satyr" and Apollo "Titan" is very interesting to me. Apollo - Titan makes sense when you consider the conflation between him and Helios. But Dionysus is a surprise. Are there any myths where he's syncretised/conflated with Pan (since he's the only Satyr god I can remember)? Of course it could be to show his chthonic nature, or that he's mostly around satyrs. But this piqued my curiosity.
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apiswitchcraft · 7 months ago
orphic hymns to apollo and diana
i should mention that i did NOT write these!! they are from like the 1st century AD lol
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Blest Pæan, come, propitious to my prayer, illustrious power, whom Memphian tribes revere,
Slayer of Tityus, and the God of health, Lycorian Phœbus, fruitful source of wealth.
Spermatic, golden-lyred, the field from thee receives it's constant, rich fertility.
Titanic, Grunian, Smynthian, thee I sing, Python-destroying, hallowed, Delphian king:
Rural, light-bearer, and the Muse's head, noble and lovely, armed with arrows dread:
Far-darting, Bacchian, two-fold, and divine, power far diffused, and course oblique is thine.
O, Delian king, whose light-producing eye views all within, and all beneath the sky:
Whose locks are gold, whose oracles are sure, who, omens good reveals, and precepts pure:
Hear me entreating for the human kind, hear, and be present with benignant mind;
For thou surveys this boundless æther all, and every part of this terrestrial ball
Abundant, blessed; and thy piercing sight, extends beneath the gloomy, silent night;
Beyond the darkness, starry-eyed, profound, the stable roots, deep fixed by thee are found.
The world's wide bounds, all-flourishing are thine, thyself all the source and end divine:
'Tis thine all Nature's music to inspire, with various-sounding, harmonizing lyre;
Now the last string thou tuned to sweet accord, divinely warbling now the highest chord;
The immortal golden lyre, now touched by thee, responsive yields a Dorian melody.
All Nature's tribes to thee their difference owe, and changing seasons from thy music flow
Hence, mixed by thee in equal parts, advance Summer and Winter in alternate dance;
This claims the highest, that the lowest string, the Dorian measure tunes the lovely spring.
Hence by mankind, Pan-royal, two-horned named, emitting whistling winds through Syrinx famed;
Since to thy care, the figured seal is consigned, which stamps the world with forms of every kind.
Hear me, blessed power, and in these rites rejoice, and save thy mystics with a suppliant voice.
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Hear me, Jove's daughter, celebrated queen, Bacchian and Titan, of a noble mien:
In darts rejoicing and on all to shine, torch-bearing Goddess, Dictynna divine;
Over births presiding, and thyself a maid, to labor-pangs imparting ready aid:
Dissolver of the zone and wrinkled care, fierce huntress, glorying in the Sylvan war:
Swift in the course, in dreadful arrows skilled, wandering by night, rejoicing in the field:
Of manly form, erect, of bounteous mind, illustrious dæmon, nurse of human kind:
Immortal, earthly, bane of monsters fell, 'tis thine; blest maid, on woody hills to dwell:
Foe of the stag, whom woods and dogs delight, in endless youth who flourish fair and bright.
O, universal queen, august, divine, a various form, Cydonian power, is thine:
Dread guardian Goddess, with benignant mind auspicious, come to mystic rites inclined
Give earth a store of beauteous fruits to bear, send gentle Peace, and Health with lovely hair,
And to the mountains drive Disease and Care.
Dividers by @vibeswithrenai
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reformedfaith · 7 months ago
Return, my wandering heart, To thy dear resting-place; Nothing in nature, nor in art, So fair as Jesus’ face.
Henry Fowler, In Returning and Rest Shall Ye Be Saved
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dionysianfreak · 1 year ago
Prayer to Hephaestus against wildfires
Lord Hephaestos of the Smoldering Kilns—
tamer of the flame and shaper of smoke,
lover of the ashes and crafter of unmatched skill.
i plead with thee to tame this wild beast.
quell the roaring spirits whom consume all they touch,
their greed unquenchable, destructive, and smoldering.
thus I call to you, my savior, undying Hephaestos—
Klytomêtis, Klytos, Aithalóeis Theós—
bend back this unruly beast and strike down your mighty hammer.
show mercy to us, God of the Scorching Heat,
that we may sing your praises to the unburned skies.
for i will remember you with this prayer, and again with another.
Klytomêtis (Κλυτομητις) - Famed for Skill, Crafts
Klytos (Κλυτος) - Renowed, Famed, Glorious
Aithalóeis Theós (Αιθαλοεις Θεος) - Sooty God
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hyakinthou-naos · 6 months ago
Hello! Could you explain how you make your own authorial prayers? Or even explain how they are made?
Khaire Dollovee,
Thank you for your question! For my answer, I am going to assume that you mean authorial prayers as as synonym for self-written prayers -
When it comes to the hymns I write, I don't have a specific formula or process. I have personally been writing my own poetry and music since I was about 7, so for me most of my hymns are lyrical and/or poetic in nature. I personally believe that every hymn I write is divinely inspired through Lord Apollo himself or the Mousai. (Not that they are speaking through me, just that their blessings guide my work).
However, when I write formal prayers, I follow ancient tradition in how I try to structure my words.
"Any devout worshipper may compose such a verse. A prayer begins with the invocation, including the appropriate epithets and identifying characteristics specific to the particular God or Gods. Thereafter, the request or petition follows..." - Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship (2014, pg 67)
You can see examples of this in this post in the "Opening Prayer & Deity Invocation" section, as well as in the other Hyakíntha ritual posts.
I hope that helped to answer your question. If you have follow up questions please don't hesitate to ask! Additionally, we offer free customized written works as a service the Temple provides to patrons and visitors. You can read more about that here.
Eirene - peace and farewell,
- Aön
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twinsfawn · 1 year ago
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reno-matagot · 10 months ago
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''Gold is his cloak, and the clasp also; gold the Lycian lyre and bow, and the quiver; gold also the sandals. Apollo is all gold and all wealth; we see this clearly through Pythô. God always beautiful, God always young; no down ever covered her tender cheeks. Her hair spreads the perfumed oil that she distills onto the ground; but the drops are not greasy; no, it is the panacea itself; there, in the city where the dew slides to the ground, there everything is salvation.''
Callimaque - Hymns
Rɪᴊᴋsᴍᴜsᴇᴜᴍ ᴠᴀɴ Oᴜᴅʜᴇᴅᴇɴ • Aᴘᴏʟʟᴏ (ᴡʜɪᴛᴇ ᴍᴀʀʙʟᴇ, Rᴏᴍᴀɴ (50-350 AD)
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cringebun · 7 months ago
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Today trash dump of personal art 😤
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angelvvrath · 4 months ago
Hearing them mutter “God…” under their breath and responding with a very cheeky, “Yes?”
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apollophanes · 7 months ago
Οὐδέ τίς ἐστιν αὐδὴ οὔδ' ἐνοπὴ οὐδὲ κτύπος οὐδὲ μὲν ὄσσα, ἣ λήθει Διὸς οὖας ὑπερμενέος Κρονίωνος
And there is no voice or shout or noise or sound that escapes the notice of the ears of Zeus the very mighty son of Kronos
- From: Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zeus
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homewardskies · 14 days ago
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"O Delion king, whose light-producing eye views all within, and all beneath the sky; whose locks are gold, whose oracles are sure, who omens good revealest, and precepts pure; hear me entreating for he human kind, hear, and be present with benignant mind..."
-Orphic Hymn 34 to Apollo (trans. Taylor) (Greek hymns C3rd B.C. to 2nd A.D.)
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my-name-is-apollo · 1 year ago
Just Hestia being besties with Apollo and Hermes :3
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(Homeric hymn to Hestia)
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(Aristonoos' hymn to Hestia)
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(Homeric hymn to Hestia)
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