kidsmartnola · 2 years
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Edward Hynes Lakeview
5th Grade
ELA + Visual Art/Poetry
Mr Adam & Ms Maher
Ms Maher's 5th grade class has been learning about the elements of poetry including lines, stanzas, rhyme, rhythm, and meter. Through independent writing practices, students used an ABAB rhyme scheme to write poems about an impactful event in their lives.
Through collaging with Mr Adam, students were able to visually convey the events and emotions from their writing. These creative artists sought out new ways to change their pieces and express the intentional mood of their poems. Some students used ripped scraps of paper, some included only clean edges with bright colors, and others intentionally frayed their pieces to convey distress or power.
The most exciting moment for a majority of this class was the chance to share their work. The presenting student used their stage voice while their classmates practiced active listening in a safe studio space. Both Mr Adam and Ms Maher continue to be proud of the enthusiasm and dedication exhibited by these KID smART students!!
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kidsmartnola · 8 years
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Hynes Charter School 3rd + 4th Grade, Visual Arts & Library Ms. Jennifer / Ms. Tran
During our KIDsmART Library time, third and fourth grade students read and discussed the book Tar Beach, by Faith Ringgold. Author Faith Ringgold  is an artist who creates narrative story quilts. In the story, a young girl named Cassie Louise Lightfoot dreams to be free to go wherever she wants for the rest of her life.
“One night, up on ‘Tar Beach’ -- the rooftop of her family’s Harlem apartment building-- her dream comes true. The stars lift her up…”
We used this book as a jumping off point for an exploration of identity and story telling through art. We explored how artists use shape, composition, pattern, and texture to convey personality in portraiture. Using these techniques, students created self portraits that reflected themselves at this present time with cut paper. Students then chose a reflection question to write about in order to delve deeper within themselves and their identities.
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kidsmartnola · 6 years
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Hynes Charter School 1st grade, Visual Art & ESL Ms. Andrea / Ms. Cunningham
In Ms. Cunningham’s class we wanted to write narratives in which students recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure. What better way for the students to demonstrate their understanding of these objectives than through the art of comics?
First we learned a little bit about comics: it’s a sequential art form in which image after image (or panel after panel, in comics) tells a story. We read a Peanuts four-panel comic strip, and a longer story called Tippy and the Night Parade by Lilli Carré. Then we set out to tell our own stories in comics; our theme: favorite winter activity. We sketched panels on index cards; starting with four, though we could add more if we needed to.
Next we took a closer look at sequence. We read another four-panel Snoopy comic, but this time the story didn’t make too much sense. The panels were out of order! The panel where Charlie Brown tells Snoopy he has a phone call should go after, not before, the panel showing the phone ringing. We looked at the panels we drew and sequenced them so our stories made sense. We took care to add dialog, thought bubbles, and onomatopoeia to help readers understand our stories.
With our panels in order, we set about inking them. We looked at examples of how comics artists trace lines and fill in shapes to add texture and shade. We also looked at ways to arrange our panels on our paper, or compose our comics page.
Lastly we shared our work, looking forward more than ever to winter fun with our families! Creative learning at Hynes is supported by the Oscar J. Tolmas Charitable Trust.
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kidsmartnola · 6 years
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Hynes Charter School 2nd–3rd grade, Visual Art & Sp.Ed Ms. Andrea / Ms. Smith
In Ms. Smith's class we wanted to practice listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion, and answering questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally. What better way for the students to demonstrate their understanding of these objectives than through the art of puppetry?
First, we imagined characters other than ourselves. We wrote their names, sketched what they look like, and invented backstories. We answered: what do our characters do for fun? Where do they live? What are their favorite colors and foods? What three traits describe them?
We constructed our puppets using various materials: construction paper, pipe cleaners, pom poms, yarn, glitter, you name it. We practiced performing using our characters' voices. Our troupe is called The Pondering Puppeteers.
The day of the show was supposed to be stormy, just like the previous day and the one to come, but we found ourselves in a pocket of sun. We took our show on tour outside to the stage, where an impromptu audience, another class, awaited.
One by one Ethan, Liam, Abby, and Shapiro performed as their puppets. Ms. Smith asked questions about their characters’ interests, and the performers answered, their scripts handy just in case. The audience listened carefully and answered correctly questions about the puppeteers’ characters.
It was truly a joyful learning experience. Check out the video here https://youtu.be/rpU1XEfjN1I
Creative learning at Hynes is supported by the Oscar J. Tolmas Charitable Trust.
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robwiltontv · 8 years
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Had a little teacher meeting today and got to visit the boys. Proud of these dudes and thankful for a great school! #hynescharterschool #hyneshuskies
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kidsmartnola · 9 years
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Hynes Charter School 1st Grade, Visual Arts & ELA Mrs. Hingle / Mrs. Hood / Mrs. Loughran
Arts Objective: Identify details and key concepts in a work of art (e.g. line, shape, color...)
Content Objectives: Literacy SL1.4 Describing people, places, and things with relevant details
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.1.B Use common, proper, and possessive nouns 
1st grade practiced observation skills by looking closely at “mini” artworks from the New Orleans Museum of Art permanent collection. We searched for proper nouns by finding the title of the piece and the name of the artist and noticing how these words were capitalized. We created our own “mini” pop-up museums and collected artwork after we had carefully observed each piece with a magnifying glass and discussed them with our partner using the protocol “I see... “I think...” “I wonder....” Last, we had room in the museum for one more piece and created a masterpiece of our own complete with a title. 
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