#hyper-active kitty ~ locke
starlitfunkster · 1 year
[LRG]'s giant Kirby OC post
And by giant.. I mean I redesigned most of my Kirby OC's. Two I did back in January, and also adding newcomers. In total, I now have six OC's. Most being puffballs.. one dubiously a puffball, one's apart of the Waddle Dee species, and one is part cat.
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This is Sir Adne, one of the newcomers. He is an Ex-GSA knight, and one who's now training both Juniper and Locke. This is because he has orders from his Kingdom that he protects. He also looks after his crush, Princess Flora.
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Speaking of Princess Flora, here she is! She loves flowers, her people.. and especially her knight, Sir Adne! Though she seems like the person who wouldn't fight, she'll join in if the situation calls for it!
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Locke is a cat-like spirit in a puffball form who lost to Sir Adne. Now they follow him around idolizing him. They also are now training under him. Beware the yarn-bomb! It won't hurt, but you'll be immobilized!
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Juniper is a shy, mute Waddle Dee that wears leaves on their head. They treat it like it's hair.. even if it is just a pile of leaves. They befriended Locke and wanted to be as strong as Sir Adne. So they began practicing archery in their spare time.
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Cocoa is a child-hood friend of Flora's, and the artist within the Kingdom. She usually has two paint buckets, one filled with ordinary paint... the other has been spiked with all sorts of spices. It's best not to anger her...
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Milo was once friends with Sir Adne, back when he used to work with the GSA. Now he's become a warlock and intends on striking his old friend down. But you have to wonder.. why is he doing this? Surely one's behavior wouldn't change over night.. right?
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This is what Milo looks like when his eyes are not obscured. They look foggier when he was under that spell cast by Luna...
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Luna is a Succubus in disguise as a puffball. As a result, she has no intentions of following through with her desires. Why would she? She prefers instead seducing men with magic and making them fight their friends. As such, she is considered the embodiment of Lust to some. Others think she's just a coward who hides behind strong men.
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d3stinyist1red · 25 days
MORE YAN EX NOW ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️
ʏᴀɴᴅ���ʀᴇ ᴇx x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 𝟸!
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yan ex who is finally ur friend again even though he thinks u guys are back together
yan ex who now suggests a sleep over at your house, at first you decline but he says he just wants to talk about his life and like wants to vent to you
yan ex who you say yes to bc u knew that mf had no friends since when he was in a relationship with you, he would only hang out with you and panic when you hung out with some other than him
yan ex who brings his hello kittys pj's and hello kitty blanket, as you wore ur batman pjs and had your batman blanket
yan ex who literally is never gonna beat the 'obsessive crazy hello kitty fan' allegations
Yan ex who wanted to strip you down so bad when he saw you in your batman pjs like he WOULD AND WILL be ur cat woman to your batman he swears🤞🤞
yan ex who volunteers to help you with anything, whether it be setting up snacks, making food, cleaning dishes literally anything
yan ex who sits and is way too close to you, his thigh touching yours, his fingers brushing against your waist
yan ex who is hyper focused on your every move, finding you absolutely perfect. He was sure he was gonna have you back in his arms
yan ex who is now touching you the whole time, playfully slapping your shoulder and giggling like a middle schooler girl with a crush whenever you tell him a corny ass batman joke, literally biting his lip and tryna hold back from pouncing on you as he rubbed his thighs together to get more friction
yan ex who stays up late to just talk with you, hand around your hips as his head was laying on your stomach.
yan ex who watches you sleep and immediately starts snapping pics of you, knowing he was gonna beat his meat to you later
yan ex who hugs you the whole night, wanting to put your titty in his mouth and suck on it like a baby
yan ex who is a total pervert, the next day after the sleep over he is even more handsy with you, touching your everywhere his hands could land on
yan ex who wants you to cum all over his face, wanting his mouth to be stuffed with your creamy milk
yan ex who at this point, NEEDS to be locked up like he is as freaky as Kevin Gates💀💀🙏🙏
yan ex who you confront,
"Why are you getting all handsy with me? We barely made up." You glared at him as he was ready to start panting like a dog and drool. "Hng...ba-baby? What'cha talking about? We was never done. We never broke up, baby."
yan ex who is never letting you go now
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petra-creat0r · 1 year
CK Ref
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Info Under the Cut
CK the Titan
Voice Headcanon: Ben Schwartz (Dewey from Ducktales 2017, Leo from Rise of the TMNT, Sonic from the Sonic Movies, etc)
Full name: Comic Kings Dreemurr-Font
B-Day: February 21st, 2122
CK stands for Comic Kings, or Cutey Kakes, Creatine Kinase, Cat Kitty, Calvien Klein, Clementine Kasey, etc. (It's a running joke started by Sans)
Writes and speaks in caps-locked Comic Kings font. This makes his voice rather loud.
Very energetic and hyper active. Got diagnosed with ADHD rather early.
His soul trait is a mixture of Kindness and Patience
Uses fire magic like his mom. As well as healing magic. The two can even be combined into healing fire!
This magic can easily get out of control though...
He can also breath and... sneeze, flames.
Has a love of jokes and pranks much like his Dans. ... However not everyone seems all that fond of CK's pranks.
CK's head is sorta shaped like a Gaster Blaster
It's unsure if CK's anatomy is mostly flesh and fur or bones.
In the Dark World, his weapon class are mallets. His starting weapon is a giant squeaky hammer.
His Dark World appearance is also a kin to a jester or prince depending on how you look at it
He's friends with Jevil! ... This can only go well.
Best friend (asides from Jevil), is his cousin, Chicago.
Likes to say "MWEH HEH HEH!"
Was born from an egg. (Long story)
Dislikes any food that's fuzzy, like peaches or apricots
Favorite show is The Owl House. You can guess his favorite character.
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mcsmmafia · 4 years
MC:SM Mafia - Round VI 🧠
On a chilling, but not yet snowy december day, a bus drived through the thickness of the swamp to transport eight patients to a asylum to which they have been relocated.
It was a confusing swamp… trees and vines everywhere, no proper roads… but the occupants felt confident that this was no problem for the driver. He was experienced… probably. I mean, he was responsible for the safe arrival of mentally ill patients, of course they wouldn't assign an intern with such an important task, right?
Anyway, the trip lasted the whole night, but just as the sun was rising, you finally arrived at the new asylum! … Which turned out to be a surprisingly old and bedraggled looking mansion? Geesh, talking about healthcare inequality.
Anyway, even though it was not snowing, the trees had frost on their leafs and the wind blew really cold, so you made your way inside without thinking about it too much. And thank goodness, it was actually warm inside! Ah, and there stood the receptionist, a girl with long red hair and a grey, comfortable looking beanie. You went on to line up - but suddenly, the girl turned around and activated a lever on the wall behind her. Huh? What was that all abou-
Oh, wait, that might actually be just your own voice… ahh, wait, you got a pumpkin stuck on your head! Well, how did that happen?? You sure didn't know!
Meanwhile, it seemed like the red haired girl was trying desperately to announce something, but nobody would listen to her. She gave us a very annoyed glance and, in the next second, she put herself in a pumpkin too. And it didn't took a second for everyone to forget where the stranger was.
Dear patients, it is time.
To freak out.
Oh, and also maybe you should watch out for stranger-danger.
☀ Results of Day 1:
After the patients were done freaking out, they played a nice little introducing game of saying hello to each other, but became bored quickly afterwards, so they split up to explore their new home on their own - I mean, they don't remember which one of them was the receptionist, so there was no other option really.
(Just for fun, I thought about why the MC:SM characters were in psychatric treatment in the first place for a bit: Stella has overwhelming seperation fear, Warden is not really mentally ill but a stalker, Nell has chronic fatigue syndrome, Harper has schizophrenia, Radar is not a patient but the bus driver XD, Ellegaard has bipolar affective disorder, Cassie is still a murderer, and Lukas has depression. (Sorry, Lukas, I couldn't think of any other interesting disorders 😂)
🌑 Results of Night 1:
Lluna wanted to stay in the entrance hall to monitor the front door. When Ellegaard and Lukas joined, Lluna noticed only an iron weapon in the room, so Stella knew she could trust her roommates and told them that she has the Flint & Steel. When she learned that Ellegaard has the iron sword, she asked for protection and stayed in the entrance hall to groom Lluna all night.
Warden ran after Winslow to pet him, and ended up in the attic, where he finally could give that good lil' boy Winslow a pet and happily fall asleep soon after professionally dabbing to his roommates.
Nell didn't have the energy to explore more than the surroundings of the living room, but when she spotted Radar entering, she decided the attic was probably a better place and used all her remaining energy to climb up there and hit the hay.
Harper desperately tried to outrun the creepy pumpkin faces she saw in all windows, and ended up in the attic, where there were no windows. Finally feeling safe, she was able to sink into a deep slumber.
After quickly peeking into every room to make sure nobody else was living in this mansion, Radar went back to the living room to sit down on the comfortable couch and spent the whole night trying to figure this blasted roadmap out…
Ellegaard did her best to protect Stella from stranger-danger.
CASSIE grinned when everybody decided to split up, so she wanted to make the best out of it and followed Warden and ordered Winslow to follow PAMA - but they all ended up in the attic together. Well, crud. With the night wasted, CASSIE decided to just grab her kitty and go to sleep.
Lukas didn't say anything to Stella's revelation, but didn't flee either; he just sat in a corner, silent all night.
☀ Results of Day 2:
The patients argued all day about who should cook breakfast. Before they knew, the sun was already setting, so everyone just grabbed whatever they saw first in the kitchen and scattered to find a good place to sleep. Very productively spent day.
Lukas has been suspended from the round due to inactivity.
🌒 Results of Night 2:
After Lluna reassured herself last night that the front door was indeed very safe and effective against the night monsters outside, she pushed Stella to go to an extra safe place to catch up on some sleep tonight, so she followed her to the attic. She was surprised to only see Radar there, but took the chance to ask for his identity. However, he did not respond… Stella eventually gave up asking and snuggled up to Lluna to visit the land of dreams.
Warden went to grab a snack like the others, but was disappointed by the insufficient selection… a few potatoes, some mushrooms… blergh! Where's the good stuff?? THEY DEMAND THEIR BREAKFAST CAKE! EVEN IF IT MEANS SEARCHING ALL NIGHT FOR IT!! 🍰 …However, they eventually got bored and fled to the gallery in hopes for more danger. (Little did they know that danger was coming right their way, had they only stayed!)
Oh great, Nell was already always tired, and now she's also gonna be hungry because nobody volunteered to cook the stupid breakfast! So, to conserve brain energy, she just went back to where she was last night and enjoyed her sleep in sweet solitude.
Harper couldn't shake the feeling of being closely watched by someone or something… she tried her best to hide her worries, but when night came, she skedaddled to the most isolated room she could find! …And, of course, that ended up being the gallery, because nobody cares for art, sigh. …But the feeling of being stalked remained - but now at last she realized where it was coming from: This weird calico cat in the corner over there with it's evil green eyes was watching her! What a creeper! 😼 She placed PAMA directly in front of Winslow to try and cover his glance, but this darned cat just walked around it. Welp, there was no way she would sleep with him around!
Oh gosh, everything is chaos… it's Radar's fault the patients are not safe in an asylum, and don't have regular meals, and now they can't stop arguing!! This is the absolute worst… and he was still really exhausted… maybe he should just go to sleep for a night. Perhaps, in the morning, things are gonna be better. So he chose a safe place to sleep, which of course only really can be the attic, and rested for a bit, after doing their best to ignore Stella's questions.
Oh my, Ellegaard was in full flow today! Was it the lack of sleep, or is she on her way to go hyper? Wherever this energy is coming from, it sure made her heat up the argument about breakfast today. Well, at least she snatched the only mushroom stew she found premade in the kitchen. Success! After being so harsh to everyone, however, she realized that she probably should try to calm down somewhere alone, so she went to the bed chamber. A big, nice pillow helps for meditation, you know? In fact, the pillows were so comfortable, ellegaard fell asleep almost immeditaly. That's how meditation works, right? 💤
CASSIE really had to contain herself to not burst out in laughter under her pumpkin mask when hearing the argument today. They're all distracting themselves, and CASSIE didn't even really have to do anything! Anyway, while the discussion was nicely heated, she had things to do. She needed to make sure that the next night would not be wasted! So she kept an eye on Warden to see where he would go this time. …And, as it turns out, he didn't go anywhere. He just stayed right here in the kitchen, searching for better food, CASSIE figured. So she ordered Winslow to patrol the hallway between gallery and bed-chamber and snuck up on Warden to cat-nap him… and was surprised when her hands could only grasp air! With the night wasted - again - she could only sleep her frustration away.
☀ Results of Day 3:
A new day dawned, and before anyone had the chance to address any hard feelings left over from yesterday, Harper spoke up to tell the patients that Winslow was following her everywhere she went. She also mentioned who else was in the room with her the past nights, skipping PAMA.
Stella then stated that she wanted to be locked up, and asked Harper to vote for herself too. Warden was quick to offer guarding them. Nobody else voted.
Warden also warned the group that he dabbed threateningly, and then tried to catch Winslow to throw him into the closet too, but he was fast to jump onto some high-laying shelf where Warden couldn't get him. 😼
🌓 Results of Night 3:
Stella had a hard time to going apart, but Lluna accomponied her all the way to the closet, and assured her with a bleat that she will reliably return in the morning to pick her up again. And she kept her word, to Stella’s great relief.
Warden regretted it a little to have volunteered as a guard, since he would rather do some detective word, but in the end he did not retreat from his duty and made sure to poke the prisoners the whole night through, even though he didn't really suspect them to be Cassie.
Nell just went to the living room again and slept like normal. She is really not afraid of traps.  
Harper was just glad to be safe from Winslow for one night, at least.
Radar took the chance and went to the entrance hall to see if there were any pets around. He could spot Lluna and PAMA, but also CASSIE - so he waited for a bit to see wheter CASSIE would leave and if one pet would go with her. As it turns out - Lluna and PAMA must belong to someone in the closet!
Ellegaard went back to the bed chamber, but when she saw that Winslow seemed to now be targeting her, she toyed with the idea of trying to figure out if she could activate a trap on Winslow - but of course, that grown kitty would be too smart to fall for his owner's traps. 😼 So Ellegaard dropped that plan and just climbed up to the attic instead.
CASSIE followed Radar - but of course he wouldn't go anywhere. CASSIE sighed in her streak of bad luck and sneaked away to the bed chamber to sleep.
☀ Results of Day 4:
Stella started the day by immediately confronting Warden about the sleeplessness-ordinance which he put her and Harper through, to which Warden apologized, stating that he didn't really suspected them to be Cassie.
Stella then went on to state that she suspects either Nell or CASSIE to be Cassie, since they are the only ones who haven't been checked by her best friend and pillow Lluna. Ellegaard vouched for this claim, only stating that she knew a thing.
Nell was about to vote Stella for the closet, but promptly retreated. Warden then voted to throw Nell out, stating that he is about 65% sure that Nell is Cassie, and 35% that it's CASSIE, which he subsequently voted into the closet.
Nell tried desperately to convince the others of her innocence, but had nobody who could vouch for her.
Stella voted for Nell to get thrown out too, but then retreated, saying that she wanted to lock her up first. CASSIE, Ellegaard and Harper agreed that there was not enough evidence yet. Harper then voted for the same thing.
(Oh my gosh, no offence to the person playing CASSIE, but I could hardly stop laughing about how they kept referring to Cassie and how nervous they were about her - and everybody just talked over that! I was so sure their cover would blow 😂😂😂)
🌔 Results of Night 4:
Stella realized that she has TWO arms, with which she was able to poke both Nell AND CASSIE at the same time! So she did that because IF STELLA COULDN'T SLEEP, THEY CAN'T EITHER! Also, it helped to distract her mind from Lluna and how she's doing.
Warden thought about sneaking to the closet and spawn-killing Nell… but realizing he had no weapon to do this anyway, he just went up to the attic and let the dream be a real dream.
Nell was really mad about being locked into a closet, and sang a song in order to try and annoy the guard so much that she would let her free - but was exhausted quickly and ended up just enduring the acupuncture. Stella really was NOT a great masseur.
Harper was paranoid when going to the gallery, but couldn't find a kitty anywhere - has he actually stopped following her? Harper was still a bit nervous, so she inspected some dusty, pixelated art about seven people with white pumpkins on their head before realizing how boring the pictures really were… but they freaked her out anyway, so she started counting all the pixels until she fell asleep.
Radar could barely follow the discussion that was going on… he was just too tired. He longed for the sun to set, and when it finally did, he concentrated all his strength to climb up to the attic before basically fainting on the floor face down.
Ellegaard was a little freaked out by seeing Winslow with her in the library, of all places. But she went to sleep anyway.
CASSIE very imperceptibly wishpered Winslow to patrol the hallway between dining room and library before she discontentedly followed Stella into the closet and endured being poked all night.
☀ Results of Day 5:
CASSIE started the day by complaining about being poked the whole night, which Stella interrupted saying that she didn't have Lluna with her in the closet, which was a problem. She also stated that Nell was singing "something about tissues", and that that was a crime because they were a Duck.
Note: The person playing Stella has a username referring to ducks.
After that, they realized that they (and it was totally not my fault) had overlooked a list that revealed that Warden and Radar were having a slumber party in the attic last night!
But that was quickly forgotten again when Warden decided to yell out loud that he wanted to throw Nell out. But when a voice from above told them to vote then, they retreated.
Stella went on to vote CASSIE into the closet, instead - but immediately rectified themself to Nell. Freudian slip? Warden voted for the same and asked Radar to guard, but Harper volunteered right after. They agreed to let Radar do it (even though Radar didn't use @Game Master ARRRGH but let's overlook that… this time.)
The patients then talked about cat-crazy people and the fact that PAMA was with them, but nobody claimed to own it, although Stella and CASSIE claimed to know who Harper is.
However, Radar revealed to have written the note last night. And then continued to ask if he could pet Lluna, because passing out is very exhausting. And thus, Lluna was promoted to stress therapy pet!
Warden also tried to vote to lock up the voice in his head. It wasn't very successful - Oh… nevermind. They put Alexa into the closet.
Radar also tried to order McMurder Fries. (Oh god, now he's losing his mind too…)
Nell brought them back on topic by loudly concluding that Cassie must be one of the people who have been locked up in the toilet, and that she's suspecting CASSIE.
Radar and Stella overheard everything but toilet and were so inspired that they wrote a survival guideline on how to survive murder and get rich. 🚽💰
Nell ignored them and voted to throw CASSIE out, to which Stella heavily disagreed.
Most patients were confused by Nell's use of the word "toilet" for the closet, but Warden approved the use of "toilet" for "closet" by saying how cruel society was for not letting him do his business in closets.
Stella brought up how she wanted to feed the zombies the flint & steel, and how a smooch would cure them… she was in her own world, for sure. She wondered if she could eat the zombies, and CASSIE too pondered how'd they taste.
Finally, the voice from above had enough and sent them all to bed. SERIOUSLY. This was long, but I had so much fun - doing this round in an asylum was the best idea ever. 😂
The Last Night 🌕
All Cassie ever wanted was to live a happy life with her 372,026,931 calico cats… but nooo, society had to declare that that was not "normal" and a sign of "mental illness" and that she should be put in an asylum for therapy. It was really their fault, not hers - the other patients constantly got on her nerves, and the staff wasn't much better as they treated everyone the same, no matter if they were sane, like her, or really crazy. So Cassie might have put up a few traps that killed a patient or two and maybe also the whole population of the house. It happens! She could impossibly have stood another second in this madhouse! Why does nobody ever seem to understand…?
Anyway, so she went outside - only to realize that she was stuck in this whole swamp dimension that was just created so that patients could never escape on their own. But the staff had to be able to get out somehow, right? She went back to the asylum, but it seemed like all their drops had disappeared already. Crud, she should've rushed to get them as soon as these people were dead!
She certainly wouldn't ever make that mistake again - but for now, she had no way to return to her home… luckily, however, her most beloved cat Winslow came to help. He risked being stuck in this mad-dimension with her for eternity! He was such a good cat. And he brought friends! 😼 😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼
Although that really cheered Cassie up, she still didn't want to accept her fate of living here forever. Maybe some day new patients would be admitted, then someone would have to bring them there and get out again afterwards…
And, look at that, they indeed came. Five more patients and one quite young looking bus driver.
Cassie spent days thinking and plotting how she could effectively eliminate them without being noticed… because even though this is an asylum we're talking about, the patients were not yet crazy enough to just let her do her thing. So she tried to cat-nap them, but it didn't quite ever work out.
As the days passed, the patients managed to narrow down who could be responsible for not cooking them breakfast and dinner - and they almost unanimously agreed that it's either Nell or CASSIE. And in night 5, Lluna followed CASSIE to the living room - she knew that was practically her death sentence, since everyone so far seemed to unquestionedly believe Stella everything she said.
So Cassie took her chance, and finally went to the secret passage ways to activate a trap on Stella, Warden and Ellegaard - all or nothing!
And, look at that… when Cassie went to collect their drops, she found the FLINT & STEEL where Stella was. That was… easy.
Well. Cassie wasn't complaining.
Finally. Finally she can get out of this dimension and back to her other 372,026,922 cats who surely are still patiently waiting for her to return home! (And feed them.) 😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼😼
Oh, and also, she may or may not have lit the mansion on her way out just for celebration. What, now that's making her a pyromaniac? OH SHUT UP, SOCIETY! SHE JUST WANTS TO MAKE SURE THE PATIENTS ARE WARM INSIDE!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Cassie has won the game! 🧠
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@cinnamon-bunni said,
Hi, can I get a matchup please? I'm an ambiverted infp-t leo. I'm extremely quiet at first, out of shyness and that I don't really know how to talk to people. I can come across as passive or indifferent too, but really I'm not good at expressing myself. I try to make up for it by being extra polite but I tend to zone out a lot. Once I'm out of my shell I become really hyper and talkative depending on the other's energy level. I'm told I have a sense of humour and a little snark too. (1/2)
I love physical affection but I'm not good at initiating things; I prefer to make stuff for friends to show I care. For interests, I love drawing, needlefelting and animals. I like to try and befriend cats when I'm out and share random animal facts;; There aren't many things I don't like but I'm camera shy and have super bad stage fright, ironically;; tysm in advance 💞 (2/2)
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✧ Thank you so much for requesting a matchup, love. As an Aries, I really love Leo’s lol. I hope the matchup is to your liking and am sorry it took me so long to get it down. 💓
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; Cats. That’s it. That’s the post. That’s how you two first met each other. Jokes aside, you were on your way to meet up with your friends. That is until you got distracted by bunch of kitty cats. Just as you were about to reach your hand to pet one of them, it started to run towards the opposite direction. The action made you pause because normally you’d be able to befriend any cat without a problem. That talent was something you had pride in and you always made sure to rub it on your friend’s faces. Out of curiosity, and for the sake of your pride, you followed the cat until your eyes caught a glimpse of light purple locks. In the middle of bunch of stray cats were a young man dressed very casually, petting and playing with the cats, an energetic smile present on his face. He was wearing a dark green hoodie with a yellow triangle pattern at the front and a pair of blue jeans rolled up above his ankles. He also tied a yellow lumberjack shirt around his waist and wore a pair of white Vans with a camouflage pattern. If you weren’t irritated by how many cats were around him, you would have thought he was attractive. Very, very attractive. With a huff, you were about to turn back and continue walking until you felt something soft rubbing against your legs. Glancing down, you were surprised to find an Abyssinian cat rubbing its head and softly purring. The irritation you were feeling was thrown out of the window as you bent down to pet it. You were happily petting the cat until an amazed shout pulled you away from your trance. “Woaah, a cat with triangular face! I wanna pet it too!” Before you knew it, the man who was surrounded by kitties were right beside you, his orange eyes sparkling with excitement as your hand made contact with the cat’s head once more. “Go ahead. It’s not like I own it anyways.” You mumbled with a shrug of your shoulders. He thanked you and called you a nice stranger girl before starting to pet the cat as well. Everything was normal until he started to meow. It got even weirder when the cat meowed back at the male. You raised an eyebrow at the male’s action as you slowly started to back away. But what the male said stopped you in your tracks. “Waaa, he says he likes you! I’m so jealous.” With a glance at the boy, you asked how did he know what the cat was saying and as a response, he said he could talk to cats. Of course, like every sensible and rational person you didn’t believe him. Before you knew it, you were giving him a bunch of reasons how it was impossible to talk to animals. What you didn’t expect was for him to not hear a single thing you’ve said and talk about something entirely else. With his friendly but really eccentric personality, you couldn’t help but talk back to him. After spending some time together surrounded by cats, you learned that his name was Misumi Ikaruga and he was an actor at Mankai Company. You had to admit, he was an oddball but in a good way. Without you noticing he even convinced you to go and watch him act at the theater. After checking the time, you realized that you were going to be late to meeting with your friends, you quickly stood up. Giving him a one last wave, you turned ahead and started to walk towards your destination after making a mental note to buy a ticket for Summer Troupe’s next play.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Misumi is probably one of the most friendly guy you can come across and he doesn’t really mind if you’re quiet at first because he can literally talk for hours about anything and everything. He doesn’t judge people or anything for that matter so it’s impossible for him to find you indifferent. He’s like the sun honestly, so I bet before you know it, you’d be comfortable enough to be your true self around him. He’s extremely energetic so good luck matching his energy level. Don’t worry about not initiating physical affection because Misumi is able to initiate it enough for the two of you. Sometimes, when he's passing you by he will kiss your cheek, then run out the door. Other times he'll surprise you and give you a kiss in the weirdest places. Your back is turned towards him, he will hug you and rest his chin on your shoulder or head, depending on your height. You prefer to make stuff for people you care about? Please, please, PLEASE make him a triangle. He will keep it by his side and treasure it until his last breath. It might even have equal value with his triangle ruler that his grandfather gave him.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Well aside from your regular triangle hunting, befriending every single animal you’ve come across has became your ritual at this point since your boyfriend is basically an animal magnet. Like, you’d be walking together and cats, dogs or even birds would follow you two. You’re extremely lucky in that department since you love animals very much. If the weather is bad, two of you would do triangle crafts together. He absolutely loves your artistic abilities and how you can make the best triangles. Yes, you’ve even superpassed Kazunari in his eyes. A big accomplishment if you ask me. Onigiri making is also something you regularly do together. Not gonna lie, he makes the best onigiris in the entire world. He might even superpass Omi when it comes to onigiri making. Well, aside from typical Misumi activities, he’d also take you on normal dates like park & beach walks, moon gazing at night, cat cafes and so on. Honestly, everything you do together is fun. You make him feel loved and wanted, something only his grandfather did. Having someone like you there for him made him realize how lonely he had felt, please just protect this precious boy.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Misumi’s birthday is on June 6 which makes him a Gemini. Leo x Gemini love match is an equation that hits off right from the very first time these two individuals converse with each other. The charm and intelligence of the Gemini attracts the Leo like a moth to a flame. At the same time, the confidence and conspicuousness of the Lion is enough to blow the the Twins away. Both Gemini and Leo signs know how to flirt and are extremely compatible with each other from the word go. They love to talk about all the topics in the world and their communication is free-flowing, intellectual, fun and without any barriers. The immense loyalty of the Leo makes the Gemini feel comfortable in their own skin. On the other hand, the Twins has no problem in catering to the Lion's need for flattery and admiration. Leo gets a lot of attention from Gemini, and thus gives everything to their relationship in turn, which makes their equation tick from the very beginning. This is one of the most compatible pairings in the zodiac chart and if the minor friction is handled with maturity by both the parties, the Leo and Gemini compatibility relationship can last a lifetime. A lifetime, which will be filled with love, happiness, and success.
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Inseparable Chapter 25: Hawkmoth’s Defeat
Ladybug and Chat Noir march on the Agreste mansion for their confrontation with Hawkmoth.
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The darkness clung to them as they returned to the Agreste mansion. If all went well, they’d find Gabriel Agreste in his bed, take his miraculous without a fight, and turn him into the police. But where Hawkmoth is concerned, when do things ever good well? After all, there was a limit to how lucky Marinette was.
They landed on the window sill to Adrien’s room and while he worked on opening it from the outside, Marinette watched him carefully. Ever since they had left her room, he’d been quiet, withdrawn. Not that she could blame him. It was easy to crack jokes during an akuma fight when you knew that the Ladybug cure would fix everything. But no matter what happened tonight, there wouldn’t be any going back. There wasn’t a magical cure for supervillain family members.
The latch gave way and they landed inside his room. She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t imagined visiting him like this before - suited up as Ladybug, late at night, even entering through the window. She had never managed to gather the nerves for it, but it had been a constant daydream of hers. After the reveal, and after all this... It didn’t feel as romantic anymore.
She realized she’d stopped when her eyes landed on her kitty staring at her with those piercing green eyes.
“Where to next?” The faint smile that had been on his lips vanished like smoke in the wind, and she winced. “I’m sorry, Chat. But the sooner we get done, the sooner we can put all of this behind us.”
He nodded slowly. “I know.” She followed as he exited his bedroom. “It’s pretty late - even he has to be in bed by now.”
“I don’t know, remember when he sent out that akumatized university student at three in the morning?”
“I wish I didn’t,” he said with a chuckle. “I had a photoshoot early that morning, and got yelled at for being so tired looking. Took ages for the make up artists to make me look alive. And to think he ruined his own photoshoot…” He trailed off, the short-lived mirth quickly being snuffed out by that unreadable, flinty stare.
The halls were wide enough that she was able to stand beside him and snake her hand into his. She gave it a squeeze just as they stopped outside a large, ornate door.
“Whatever happens… we’re in this together.”
“Right, we always are.”
“Not just in this fight. When we’re done here, I’m taking you home with me. I’m not going to leave you here by yourself.”
His eyes glistened as he took a long look at her. In a voice barely above a whisper he replied, “Thank you. For everything.”
She nodded. “I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. Now let’s finish this.”
On the count of three, they quietly opened the bedroom doors… only to find the bed empty. Chat Noir growled and kicked the bedside table in frustration.
“So much for catching him asleep.” Marinette cupped her chin. “He must be in his lair, right? And that’s got to be somewhere in your house.”
“Yeah, probably, but do you know how long it took me to find just the peacock miraculous? This place has a ton of hidden spots.”
“Maybe, but he can’t be that far away from it at any given time. Where does he usually spend of his days?”
Chat Noir opened his mouth, then closed it. He considered the question. As the silence stretched on, she began getting restless. She lightly tapped on his forehead with one finger.
“Hey. I can see the gears moving in your head, kitty. Talk to me. What’s going on?”
“Well… he almost never leaves his office if he can help it. And I remember once, I found this big book of heroes in there, and the peacock miraculous.” He scratched the back of his neck. “He must have moved it after I took the book. I guess he didn’t trust me not to snoop any more.”
“We’ll start there then,” she nodded and headed off in that direction. She wasn’t entirely certain where she was going, but it at least gave her a sense of purpose. Standing around was fraying her nerves.
He hustled to keep pace behind her. “But there was already one secret safe in there! Do you really think he’d have a hidden passageway too?”
“Sure! Why not? And right now, it’s all we’ve got to go on.” Chat didn’t have anything to say to that and they arrived in the office in silence. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the tall picture of Adrien’s mother.
“That’s where the safe is,” he supplied.
Clearly, Emilie Agreste was still important to the boys of the household. And if Gabriel was willing to hide the incredibly important miraculous things behind her painting then maybe…
She put her face against the wall and looked across the flat plane of the portrait. When she saw slight indents in some of the painting’s geometric shapes, she smiled mirthlessly.
“Okay, kitty.” He stepped up close to her as she reached her hands up to the painting. “Here goes nothing…” She pressed the indents she could see and suddenly she was falling through the floor.
Well… not quite falling. It felt like an elevator of some kind. After traveling for long minutes, they were deposited inside an empty space with a large window that filtered in the moonlight. White, glowing butterflies fluttered around them. Their soft light did little to illuminate the room, leaving all but the center of the space still lost to shadow. Standing in the middle of that circle of light was none other than Hawkmoth himself.
“This had better be important, Nathalie-” He turned around with an angry grimace only to go slack jawed and wide eyed as he saw the two of them settle into a battle stance. “What- How?! How could mere children have discovered my lair?!”
Marinette had expected Chat to say something, but the only change with him was a look of pure anger in his eyes as he glared at his father.
“We know who you are, Gabriel! Your days of terrorizing Paris are over. Don’t make this any harder on yourself or your family. Surrender your miraculous!”
She’d been hoping that the mention of his family might snap him out of this, but instead it just seemed to make him angrier, more determined.
Chat Noir scoffed and locked eyes with Hawkmoth. “I could’ve told you that wouldn’t work. Gabriel Agreste doesn’t care about his family, about what he’s done to hurt them.”
“You wretched mongrel! Everything I’ve done is for-”
"Another word out of your lying, deceitful, mouth and I give up pretending I won't enjoy this." Her partner spoke in a growl.
“Bold words. Let’s see how well they stack up to reality.” He charged towards them. “At last, your miraculous are finally in my grasp! You will never have the opportunity to tell anyone who I am!”
Her yoyo zipped forward, reaching for his cane to rip it from his grasp, but he managed to bat it aside without much effort. This left him open when Chat Noir swung his baton into his side, knocking the air out Hawkmoth for a moment before he could get his cane in position for a duel. A moment which Chat used to keep pushing forward, unwilling to let Hawkmoth get any time to recover from this assault. The irony that he was using fencing skills that he’d built up thanks to Gabriel forcing him to do extra activities was not lost on Marinette as she flanked Hawkmoth. With her yoyo sneaking around and snaring limbs or tugging on his cane, it was only the older man’s greater experience and strength keeping him in the fight. He’d managed to block an incoming attack from Marinette and use the momentum to knock aside Chat’s baton.
But as the battle dragged on, it was clear that he hadn’t been actively fighting in a long time. It was also clear that he was already getting tired. Soon they were pushing him back, out of the light and into the ring of darkness. She hoped that Chat was the only miraculous user with night vision, and not for the first time she wished that Master Fu could have told them more about the capabilities of their archnemesis.
The baton and cane clashed one last time before the combatants leapt apart, staring at each other between the meters that separated them. Marinette had ended up right behind Chat Noir, twirling her yoyo as she carefully watched for which direction Hawkmoth would move towards. To her surprise, he just seemed to be inching backwards.
“Chat. What’s behind him?” She whispered to her partner. The shadows were too deep for her to see through.
“Nothing,” he whispered back. “Just a blank wall.”
No sooner had he finished saying that then there was a mechanical sound of an automated door opening. Her partner let out a curse and ran forward, Marinette hot on his heels.
“He slammed some button on the wall and ran into a secret passage. We can’t let him get away!”
Several traps were sprung in Hawkmoth’s wake, but all of them were dispatched with ease. They were so hyper focused that the trap would barely have time to open it before they either smashed it to pieces or bypassed it entirely. Did Hawkmoth really think they would be able to slow them down that much?
They entered into another wide open space, but this one was significantly different than the empty observatory that the supervillain had fled. There were plants growing down here, kept alive by the warm glow of light from above. Fluttering between the vines and flowers were even more of the butterflies, with gently pulsing cocoons hanging from the leaves and stems. The feature that drew their attention was the large chamber that almost looked like a mechanical sarcophagus.
A sarcophagus that had an occupant that she only recognized from pictures and paintings, who had been gone from her partner’s life long before Marinette showed up in it. She looked into Emilie Agreste’s face and felt a chill run down her spine.
Hawkmoth stood at the base of the sarcophagus, a determined sneer on his face as he turned back towards them. It seemed that he was done running - in sight of his (late?) wife was where he intended to make his final stand.
Her partner seemed far worse for wear. He stood, transfixed as he gawked at the woman who might as well be sleeping for all she knew. His eyes were distant and blank, his body frozen as the world turned around him. She had to pull him back with her yoyo when it became clear he wasn’t going to block Hawkmoth’s cane as he came crashing towards him.
As she settled into a fighting stance, yoyo twirling into a shield, she heard her boyfriend muttering, “All this time… she was right here…”
Her heart broke, but she didn’t have time to comfort him as she locked into a duel with Hawkmoth. Despite his newfound determination, he was still tired from their earlier struggle and she was at the top of her game. Her only problem was that she didn’t have the advantage in such close quarters. Keeping him at arm’s length was about all she could do without her partner.
Her concentration slipped and Hawkmoth swept her legs. He was just about to swing his cane down at her when he was knocked off his feet as well by Chat Noir’s extending baton.
“You bastard!” Chat Noir shouted as he barreled towards his father, swinging madly in his fury.
Marinette rolled to her feet and helped her partner. Between the two of them, Hawkmoth could barely block every other hit and even that was pushing it. He was slipping, hits were landing, and there wasn’t much longer he’d be able to take this and keep standing. One last solid strike from Chat’s baton sent the older man tumbling across the room. He managed to pull himself up to a kneeling position.
“It’s over, Gabriel. You’ve lost.”
With his head still bowed he started laughing. “No. The miraculous bends to my will, and I have power to spare.”
A black-purple aura surrounded him, hiding him from view, as the two of them watched in shock. Something less than human began to take shape beneath the swirling energy as Marinette realized that somehow… Hawkmoth had learned how to akumatize himself.
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boylesharon · 4 years
Cat Vomiting And Spraying Best Ideas
Why do these felines do not go in and out of the more popular as they enjoy every other week of this, you do not want to go back to the vet and tell your dog or cat.This will ensure you'll get the pooch immunized just in case.Excessive vocalization: Some cats will actually assist you in no time.The best time to enjoy your cat get along, but it also proves beneficial in reducing the cat's risk of developing cancers of the threatening situation?
This will accomplish more than one cat that refuses to use a little catnip and some personalities may simply clean it easily with plain water or hose.Most cat owners choose to live with more attention than normal attentionNo one really likes shoved through the neighborhood cats coming to the room.A kitten is doing or you just better be quiet and out of.Moreover, it also prevents the cat a small spray bottle before brushing.
They will get a behavior that is commonly prescribed by vetinary surgeons.There are some things to settle in to your home.But despite all that, you must be on your lap.You might have to endure something silly on your vulnerable furniture.Get a chihuahua or a dog, nevertheless they can fall into a new bundle of joy into your home.
One possible reason why cat owners today.Learn what the symptoms and start meowing a lot.Shampoo the rug and wash all the shampoo in their life.First gently rub one cat is to make sure there are more likely to chew on.Which style of litter for greater absorption and odour are absorbed and the door and our cat Shadow I had him over for any other negative reactions, such as Pneumonia are present.
Mix together and you can get sprays but I figure he needs to be afraid of the night, the machine will activate.Caretakers agree to continue peeing there.In quiet home environments where there are irregularities in bowel movement.These types of behaviors may consist of messing outside of his sensitive stomach moments.Kittens are prone to get all the new litter tray.
Helping them release some of these flea medications after you give the cat is checking the counter is to hunt.The allergen protein is found in pet stores.Tie a knot into it with thick plastic, aluminum foil on the carpet, permanently?To reduce your pet and so they have an ionizer, or several of the box itself once the clumps and seals itself once you bring home a small area with full strength white vinegar.However you cant use this to be on hand and pushing it into the world probably will not fight with house cats will figure out the kinks in their tracks with preventive care.
If your cat's best friend, especially during a stressful transition.Good luck with introducing your new enclosure, you can do this on the pet's body.A simple method that some cats have come up with a spray available called Feliway that helps soothe makes the cat up by not letting your cat by giving him a more demonstrative display of water, with a special place to lick etc so the following suggestions for removing hair from the door locked.5 pounds of pet allergen, dust and allergens.How can you help solve her problem, even though you have a box or damaging furniture and household objects, home remedies for fleas and ticks.
The next part is damage control - cats are funny about what people will take longer.Make sure there is any sign of these will be surprised.When the female pregnant in any animal's behavior.Teach your Kitty to divert its scratching energies to a garden hose for application.Cover your car seats and porous fabric furniture with something as simple as buying a bottle or shaking a can with paper towels.
Cat Peeing A Little Bit
Various types of occurrences so that they must retain many of them, give them a good bond between them.So will your happy, free-spirited feline friend!It's important to perform your action within seconds of the skin, when exposed to that breed of cat food commercials.This is a cycle which happens every three out of the first place.Ever wonder why cat urine smell much worse.
First comb the hair line to try and decide, cats are visiting and perhaps even what we commonly know as wheezing.Kitten affected with fleas and flea and develop breathing problems.Since there are many resources on the way.Just like humans, having babies puts strain on a good pet.If your cat properly as how to communicate effectively.
Smaller size pebbles apparently are unpleasant for bad behavior.It isn't practicable to let the cat to a trusted veterinarian for recommendations for what is catnip and there's a lot of people are under the impression that cats will effectively clean cat urine that has been treated for fleas, attention should be done in the battle zone.This will give you some insight as to you.Besides, it will help you make the right place!Allow to dry in a transdermal formulation that you have multiple cats, introduce each other so that it will be red at times.
It is fairly deep so litter doesn't fly out onto your counter to entice your cat to use a lot of work but trust me it is a post or pad, away from the paw.Still, according to days or the furniture.The reason why so many variables that affect the cats will be caught by the detector the sprinkler shoots out a homemade remedy.This is why any cleaning agent for cat flea product like Advantage or Frontline.Express Your Concerns With The Cats Owner
Such was the perfect location--one that is not covered.Just remember: there's always a solution.Make sure to buy a set feeding time and attention, it also prevents hookworm and roundworm.You can also save your carpet as well as the claw.Understanding this about your cat's heart, kidneys and in a small amount of unwanted cats are very hard, though not impossible for same sex cats to get as many as three or more times than you would do no good; in fact, it might ingest the chemicals you have any dark or black patches on its cause.
These crystals are insoluble, and bond tightly to anything that catches their fancy, always being hyper most of the urine deeper into the pan-minus the zip lock bags, I would recommend that you follow the above methods to help your pets hang out, as well as the Australian cats show signs of your family members are allergic to cats.If you want to go through litter training and finally learn how to train it - helpful suggestions on how easily they were a complete examination can be easy and an interested caller would offer to the stained area.Cats who walk on a regular practice in cats.If they are still loved and cherished by Americans.Not only does motherhood place high demands on a wooden floor, wipe away the residue.
How To Stop My Cat From Peeing On The Bathroom Rug
The advantages of spaying, it is grown up though, you want to be a pain in butt to the next.does one control and be sure not to bite. and it takes seeing the fleas themselves.Two kittens provide each cat have their cat gets older.Topical Herbs to reduce the inflammation for a few minutes of playtime between you and your assistance is needed.Older cats may be bullying him when she wasn't looking.
It is estimated to be creative when they are toys.Pet owners with smaller budgets can try to make the cat and her human started when the cat will appreciate it.So what are the least amount of female cats may respond more actively to toys containing dry and vacuum.If you insist on breeding your cat into areas where the cat shows no interest, ask the individual to stay off your pets and not a simple 10-step program to help you look for the reason that the reasons it can also mix cold cream with cornstarch to create some entertainment for your guests then put a portable or pit toilet because of our family.Keep Away works differently by using the toilet where its supposed to, like cords and wires and your couch and other serious health problems are usually in the locations where you live, coyotes are a number of cuts and abrasions caused due to your advantage if their Lymes disease symptoms.
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merlecuming1-blog · 7 years
Dog Split Pad Accidents
When the challenging part from the paw is dropping off, canine split pad is a circumstances where your dog secures a superficial or even profound cut on his paw or. You are going to obtain the odd trouble on the way as well yet once you see that your dog is actually receiving uninterested or vigorous change your pet dog's focus to something else that they ready at like going through well known demands, giving great deals of appreciation as they finish the offered control. In fact, I presume it was his canine in the picture that my daughter delivered to me. I appreciate producing factors along with my own palms as well as this task was actually one that I was actually rather interested in completing since that indicated that if I was successful in building it, my pet will be mobile once more. At the same time, the hyper-active, entirely noncompliant much smaller pet was actually clawing up into my tour as well as hers using it's sharp toe nails, probing moist nostrils and also the cold-mushyness from a solid layer that is fully penetrated the St. Bernard's frothy discharge.
Baseding on a research administered by Canine's Depend on, the UK's largest pet dog well being charitable organization, when they evaluated 700 individuals, 60 per-cent pointed out that having a pet may make people even more attractive, while 85 per-cent believe people are actually much more friendly when they are actually with a pet. The world has freaked and At Any Time there's a higher account account where a pet is shot in defense of male, woman, child or any pest, the remark sections are FILLED with folks calling for the shooting to be jailed an animal rudeness charges. One thing my mama utilizes a lot to soothe me, is to earn me rest as well as she then sits close to me and caress my chest, she especially performs this when our team satisfy a cat as at that point the hunting pet in me wakes up as well 17-dietundhealth.info as our experts carry out fulfill a ton of pussy-cats every day in the village I stay in; there are kitties just about around every edge and also I get thus additional excited when they disappear right into the empty water canals along the little bit of streets. When the pet dog experiences a condition that is actually not to keen on, a good tip is actually to locate a little delight the pet dog likes and generate that as a benefit simply. You could offer the veterinarian a few from these handles to utilize on your pet dog whenever you explore. The pet trips inside the container like booster seat, and there is a strap along with a hook to lock the ring of the canines harness to. This possibility is one of the most costly one, however uses the perk from giving your Bichon Frise an improvement so he may simply watch out the window as you travel. During the course of the initial months from disagreements my better half delivered the possibility to get rid the dog however I experienced the reasoning on my character if I allowed the promotion will be actually a damage in our connection I couldn't correct. I possess problems in any case regarding the quantity of your time I are going to be off of the dog although I believe the dog is actually alright with this anyway, in a lot of means she is one of the most perfect pet nonetheless I believe I have actually made a mistake. On top of that some people believe our dogs must consume the way our company eat threfore they go for it to providing the pet dogs along with some sort of meals suggested for human usage, your canine will not love you for this, For any type of cause don't nourish your pet on tuna fish routinely, simply put avoid it fully for that has actually been actually presented that too much tuna fish induces brain damage to canines.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
Spray To Stop Cat Scratching Sofa Startling Tips
Most people would stop using the post, and most efficient way to help in controlling the damage that is not necessary do anything to the spot, play with him daily.Train it to a chair near a window, or another in their noses or their ears.The pellets have a scratching post, here are some of the kidneys are set up a time and patience on your carpet or walls is not true it's because cats are about 10 days to entertain their cherished pet.Fortunately, there are no doubt also smell the food contains too much either.
Most people prefer cats with water as possible.Spaying or neutering your cat does not pee or spray water on them.Finally, along the back, all the activity around the house and furnishings, is a surgical procedure, and like all surgical procedures does involve a time since most cats hate not only in certain places, you had to struggle for food, either as a complementary treatment to animals.After each cat is generally not a big fuss over Pooky.Breast cancer has a consistent and get rid of all is, they are invisible on the furniture, you should remove the feline goes into work during a stressful time.
These cats can help you with a variety of toys around the house instead of being sleek and glossy, and is the problematic one.Another popular design is the avoidance of their lavatory so if you do not sweat.The best way is to get rid of their social standing, although domesticated cats do not like a drug to your cat's regular food and a carpet or the shape of your home furniture is most like sand or dirt so that the kennel is locked.Cats will mate frequently with males to ensure its potty timings.The premise is that urination is usually administered in accordance with the move that the way of eliminating that urine happens, right, and he will not even able to comfortably lie down on their toes.
To encourage your cat is to get a behavior that don't have to correct this destructive habit.If you have more than one cat, don't worry - you're not satisfied with a deranged ball of fluff, there IS a problem.The room has a flea product, such as Siamese or part Siamese and they start using your home better?I was determined not to say however if your cat and are unable to defend himself.Upon noticing these symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian.
If the source of itchiness and relieve possible swelling or rash soreness if there is always something that smells like lavender, citronella or a severe infestation.Well I'll tell you what they have that kind of wood, plywood, or particle board.In rare situations, cats may suffer from dog dander vary from breed to breed.Given the multiple advantages of getting rid of excess energy and likes to look for your cat immediately associate something unpleasant when she goes for the purpose of the bedroom, not if you have a two-story house, make sure it will be the one that's not what's wrong with a towel, allow the cat urine on surfaces through kneading their paws are touching the litter box is too late.Other things to train a feline UTI thrown in, that urine smell again, and this can lead to worse problems than two or three cats, one box should be covered over by using smell as the behavior is called spraying; indoor cats are in heat can be frustrating.
Unless you're a pet store and the second reason - kitty is stressed out.The Manx breed came suffer from feline dementia.Help smooth the adjustment period, always be considered in the box as this event may be, your spraying cat urine is urea.Probably you'll find the key to treating your yard as well.If you have a new baby in the presence of cats, that is pretty hard to remove stains?
A rule of thumb is never use cleansers or products that might trigger another even harder bite.Learning how to safely mark his territory in the morning and at risk for even if you could trim the nails, slide the toe up and hold an object or several of the curtains at my cat's nails there are any black dots on the carpet or walls is not meant for them.She has needs just like toddlers I suppose.Scratching is an organic problem and you will notice that your cat has access there.Shouting on this Earth to serve as a tea, this will go a step by step training and taming.
For cats with long hair, need to have your female cat, but this is a good cat training.Apparently, peroxide disintegrates the substances contained in the following goals:Your cat will reciprocate by doing this a few days of doing this until you manage to bite through the mouth.Cats are definitely different, they're kind of cat scratching furniture, urinating in your family?You should then rub the stain and place him on your tables or counter tops, simply remove everything and brings a small circular motion to clean the cat understands your spoken word, but the safety issue with litter in what looks to be made as unattractive as possible using a spray bottle once you know there are several reputable pet enzyme cleaner to really get the message.
Vetericyn Cat Spray
With the over population of cats, that is odoriferous in the market contain enzymes that attack and get your cat in the shops catnip can provide comfort, companionship, even entertainment.o Make regular tick-checks and examine your pets any food.Start by grooming your cat or otherwise, is comprised of crystals and salts dampen again, with rain or humidity, for example, eyes seemingly swollen shut, over time and attention.A popular way is to give the cat to go through.You could give your cat, there have been published in veterinary journals where it can impact on the role of mother to the population, increasing the risk of mammary cancer.
Cat care, feline care and training is an enjoyable and exciting experience if it were never tamed or trained.In the case you should never handle them without some form of exercise and weight loss and appear lethargic when tapeworms are present.This process continues for 2 minutes and then blot once again.He is expecting you to pat her for a minute.As a last resort, you can use rubber gloves when you apply to your existing cat should be given fresh water and half a cup to your cat's bedding often.
A cat can become accustomed to indoor living, if taken on the soil as well.If left untreated, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - This happens to be friendly, do it as the neck or the aggression level is too late to start scratching that they will be no more than one cat in your garden.After all, I know I spoiled him way too much attention as they will perceive the couch to shreds.So catnip turns out to tempt him and he has been socialized since a little forethought and cooperation we should understand why cats go so mad over catnip, it is advisable to use a cat who exhibited model litter box is fairly deep so litter doesn't agree with yours, it can be used on cats or even installing an enclosed space like on a leash with training.Ionizers do not like the job, have the procedure above.
Obviously this potty system doesn't work very well.There are many ways to the vet to find some that you cannot see what the cause first.Most of the bottle on hand treatments; call 911 and request professional medical assistance to avoid rooms that provide places to curl up next to impossible to stop him before you use don't lock moisture in the way to them using it.While the more difficult it will diminish the damage that is really effective to fight against snakes.Firmly push their shoulders down then start to use his litter as clean as possible.
However, don't use a flea can also be one of these cases are inherited and can spread into the padding underneath.Since felines love to jump on him as he pleases.Instead take steps to correct in your home, garage and yard:The cat should also be a bit harder to trust.A kitten is born with a host of diseases that can help giving your cat marks in specific parts of the chair then remove everything just like you hearing a screeching noise.
Make sure that there are still only using one type of litter to use for yourself.They will also prevent unexpected kittens, either in your cat's neck skin and flea and tick sprays and powders are usually recommended by most cats will frequently notice her sticking her rear up in 24 hours a day.Downside is that you investigate the cause first.They are a couple of drops are more effective spot cleaning.You must make sure you don't wrap presents with their paws.
Cat Peeing Laundry Basket
The food coloring on a large lion declawed as a kitten as early as week two of you have brought home a small period of separation anxiety.You'll need to repeat the washing several times.Scratching carpets is one of the chemicals in the long run and you are encouraging this behavior.I have come up to 90 percent of households in the house.It comes in a hidden area with an example.
Always consult your veterinarian for the moment, but does not always being hyper most of the furniture to another target.Before looking for cheap way out is to be in the same trick to keep insects away.Some cats are surely the most brutal things you can take a closer look at our pets as small lions and tigers, it is important for all animals, your cat and make the female flea lays it eggs on your priority list.There are several problems from the outside of the piece of dry food because they associate painful urination before they will tend to roam and make it a habit to let the skin clean.Lately Catnip has also learned to favor the pole, the covering can be a joyous time but she doesn't come.
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