#i AM having fun tho. i keep checking in w myself to make sure of that lmao
wabblebees · 1 year
so uh. today i learned the origin of the quote "i survived bc the fire inside of me burned brighter than the fire around me"
when i stumbled into it (smacked me upside the head more like) while playing fucking. fallout new vegas ??
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useyourwordsdarling · 2 months
hii, was feeling super shy to write but it's mid of the night, I am half asleep, half horny and I can't help it anymore
first of all thank u for the great posts, you're honestly such a good writer
sooo it's not exactly my area of expertise but I'm thinking of coding an AI that can write just like u.. for funsies (or more) (hope u don't mind)
also u talked about being a calc tutor and enjoying it and I relate sm! I peer tutored stats and calc courses during the beginning of my 2nd year of uni (I still want u to tutor me tho 💕), didn't think I'd enjoy it but it was fun interacting w new people and helping them out but it got stressful so I quit 😞
any tips for juggling work, school, & life? I feel like I have too much I wanna do but not enough time/energy/motivation
anyways this was all over the place so thanks for reading, hope u have a good day/night 🦋
Awh that’s actually so sweet, thank you. And as to the AI part, even if it’s out of my area (I’d love to learn to program on that level tho) it does seem possible. But it’s probably easier to make an AI bot rather than code your own. There’s plenty of those AI bot websites you can check and if you have a sample of text big enough to input into it you might be able to get somewhat similar results. So if you just used my posts for that it should work? But I can’t say for sure
I wouldn’t mind if someone did that especially since it’s out of my control people can do it either way. But I really do wonder just how accurate it would be because I can see it being shit too and that’d be pretty funny. Teaching can be fun but it’s definitely tiring and not for everybody, I wouldn’t say it’s for me either but it was a nice experience to have
I’m probably one of the worst people you could ask how to have a work life balance like that…While working at my final project at my uni my professor who was assisting me with my thesis started to actually be worried and feel bad about how much time I spent on it…I’d sometimes spend the night working on it, and he felt pretty bad so I started working on it in the dark in the lab we got in hopes he wouldn’t notice I was there which isn’t great..
But I do think this balance it’s an important thing to have, I certainly should work more on it myself. I think it comes to not trying to be as productive as possible too, it’s okay to take breaks. It’s okay to do things that aren’t “productive”. We are still human at the end of the day, if we keep trying to work work and work, we’ll inevitably hit a wall. That’s why burn outs are a thing. This might not feel much of an advice, since I don’t know the solution myself. But I think related to knowing your priories, especially people in your life you want to keep close. And know when to spend time with them, because that’s still much more important than work or studying in the end
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 months
hello pmd9, I am interested in hearing your thoughts about monitoring ones media intake, screen time etc .. I've been doing a digital ""fast"" lately that has increased my clarity. I'm coming to realize seeking a more healthy relationship with tech without withering away seems like it will be enduring & lifelong... seems to me there is a need for a digital diet these days and was wondering if you have struck a balance or if this presses you aswell
hello :) my thoughts are that ... its crucial !! to be a little distant
For me it's like. hard to be online as i used to. part of that is surely jst getting /old/ and no longer feeling 'fomo' when i,m offline because Well i've already seen/experienced So much from the online world lol. Sadly nothing can compare to the way the inernet felt to me 10+ yrs ago u_u it doesnt hook me in like it used to, its like building a tolerance to a drug or st
but i still try to be online a little bit and maintain balance by scrolling the dash a few times a day so i dont completely lose touch.. keeping it real tho i usually cant make it past 2-3 mins of scrolling before i lose interest cus yeah idk nothing Hooks me anymore ! This makes me feel like a bad online friend sometimes that im not very active in ppls notes i dont see a lot of things ....... but it is what it is! i just like being irl or thinking in my mind more than being online now unless im Posting
Basically my main reason for staying online is to Post because Posting is fun and engaging. And in that sense the internet is still my most effective portal to the outside world. i feel a responsibility to keep posting. But i also feel more than ever its important to be a little distant & offline, for everyone. U can def have a healthy relationship w social media and use it in benevolent or even just neutral ways when u have strong boundaries !
U must use the website, not let the website use U . . .
This Pochita incident has also been a big dosage of reality-check, like, i want to be present irl even more now, because life is precious and fragile and i want to really know the moment. know every moment vividly & intentionally
But yeah the internet is just neutral to me, it's good as a tool, u must be aware of your limits and able to step away when u feel frustrated or overwhelmed. times when i was REally addicited to the internet i was not enjoying myself. i enjoy it now because i figured out a way to use it that feels personally fulfilling. That method will be different for everyone ^_^
Thanks for the question anon, good luck in maintaining your digital boundaries ~~~PMD9
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boxwinebaddie · 2 months
hi uncle nina!! i hope youre doing okay! i would love a life update. i was also wondering who you think initiates more, jerseykyle or ravenstan? and thats for everything. like kisses, cuddles, and sbst 🤭
eeeee! allo, moya nonneshka! c': <3 xxxx
but before i tornado-type myself into a tizzy and lose my train of thot: thank you so SO much for checking on me, babycakes! :) MWAH!!!
like ( i'm soz ), but the fact that, oof...has it been Several Weeks Now? ( yikes! execute-ive dysfuncle nina strikes again! :/ ) where day in and day out, the only thing i've been servin y'all up is...a big, heapin bowl of: 'go on girl! Give Us NOTHING!,' -- and you were Still willing to take time out of your busy irlife to worry about mine?! tldr; Angel Behavior! heaven wants you back btw, but that's too bad; i'm keeping you. <3
also tysm for the rest of your v precious message as well, lovie~ your... press(h)age? oop...that is,, horrifYINg? ok, what about: thank for your...messcious? ur preshmesh! ya mesh, presh! ...your blessage? you know like *marj vc* your...blessed mess? ( can we tell that i spend too much gd time assisting k-garten and trying to say things like:
'wooooah there, girlpool! no need to get atatudie w/ me, jude-ring! i mean, gee, if i didn't know any better...i'd say it sounds like someone caught...A BAAAD Vibe! uh oh! cowabummer, dude! but thats ok! just be sure to grab a tissue and blow ur nose bc i didnt achoochooocaChoose the rules; i just enforce 'em, booboo kitty!' <3
kssds like...can you tell my skull tell is gettin so soft that you'll prolly be able to stick a straw thru it soon? ( can't lie tho, bbkit is my fav like *me but over it* alr! no cryin in baseball, booboo kitty! Game Time! )
but anyways! onto my life update ( ft. how i've doing for the past few weeks ) which, when i tell y'all i have been waiting for a slow-ment to come along so i can just...catch my breath and catch up, but its been
...A MESS.
( alright, fair warning, i HAVE TO ANSWER YOU CANON HC QUES IN ANOTHER ASK BUT I KNOW THE ANSWER!!!! so i will get it done asap, my friend, but i have to seperate them...so this is just nina talks abt skool and how she's been doin...ravesey can go in diff ask. )
but anyways, in essence; i'm busy pretty much every day from 5am in the morning when i am up until probably 4-5pm everyday depending on what prep i have to work out with my lead teacher ( who is a very sweet mid forties early fifty y/old lady who always makes sure i eat breakfast ), as well as getting to and from my job site particularly towards the end of the day...which is not easy when ur a lame, boof, no driving ass bitch like me.
( which, i know talk a lot of shit on myself about it...but oddly enough; i am proud of myself for knowing my limits, valuing my comfort and being the ceo of the bus and slaying on public transport. xx )
but all this to say, i love my job! my lead teacher ( aka educ major slang for the teacher who's class you assist in ) is literally such a nice lady and she has been teaching me so much! i was having a little difficulty getting in the groove because the summer camp kinders aka the children actually taking kindergarten in the fall are pre-kinder basically so they're like...t-k or preschool, almost? which....ooooough.
( i must confess ) i have a age/limit with teaching.
and it's having to do bathroom/mommy anything.
like i’m…ur aunt/unc, your older sister, mom's sbf, but i am noooooot your mom, lol! i am not super maternal. like there was a little girl who on week one was askin for mommy ( which was already driving me NUTS ) but on week three was still doing it and crying i was like...
...but yeah, idk. kindergarten/pre-k has been fun, but i'm more of an older sister-adjacent type teacher who likes to wear crazy outfits, draw you pictures even if i pop a blood vessel in my eye drawing all night bc i think its nice when the kids get excited haha, if you talk while i'm talking, i really will pretend to get my stuff and leave like 'i'm sorry, i thought you were gonna teach the class!', wear all the stickers on my face...all of them especially the really big ones,
will tell u the picture u drew for me is so much better than the baloney pizza whatev that one blue ninja turtle painted, idk, and fall to my knees like ( bonus points if i have no idea what it is ), but if you give me attitude later about putting the toys away and taking your letters out, ill pretend to EAT the sticker i was gonna put on ur work.
( uncle nina stop being a CLOWN, i cannot stop, like omfg so the other day...a TINY five old girl's jacket was brought in for this girl in my class....and tell me why i said! Oh Sorry! That's Mine! ;) AND PRETENDED TO PUT IT ON AND MODEL IT???? HEEELP. my KIDS were dYING!!! my lead teacher was lafffffin, skds. that jacketless little girl was like >:( miss nina thats My Jacket! and i was like, you know what, baby! you are so right...Mine Is Smaller. <3 KLHSLKHKLDSD )
i...did not always use to be like this. i used to be a mousy, nervous gal, who let the sweet, lovely, very loud children walk all over me...BUT! i've been around the block! aka! i've have a block thrown at my head! AND A STAPLER!!!!!! ( that was my favorite kid btw, thx, stink! )
but yeah, a soft-spoken queen in my class asked me if you just 'stop feeling anxious when you're an adult' and i was like N! O! baby! it doesn't get easier when your an adult, but in order to teach you guys things, i have to be brave enough to talk to you and try my hardest! i still get super nervous talking to new people, i get nervous when i think i put my sock on wrong...but that doesn't mean, we should give up! i think you should go right up to a new friend and tell them hi, my name is Blank and my sock feels funny. do u wanna look at it. BOOM.
but also just because...ah, jeez. very cute, the children are...but the nina i was two years ago would be picking kids markers off the floor, packing my kids backups up for them, carrying their things...no, girl. they know better than that. like i specifically have a little girl, who istg, is very stan coded because she wants to do the right thing, but she's a really bad listener, i have to tell her stuff like 749374093 times,
wants me to help her with everything because she's nervous she's gonna mess up ( which, baby i love u but i can't print every letter for you ) and wears impractical things to school, ( which i feel like stan would do...like take 749374930 light up toys and weird pens ) so you know i gotta give her the little 'girl, you can do; i believe in you' and then come back when she's done and go oKAAaY mAdaME??! MISS INDEPENDENT OVER HERE GETS TWO STICKERS FROM ME!!!!!
and conversely, we got kyle coded kids, like, i had a little girl ( my class has had a lotta girls rotate into it idk ) who was smarter than god, but my gooooodness, THAT LITTLE GIRL TRIED IT EVERYDAY! ( she’s a ken n cart too ) i popped my eye blood vessel for that lil lady! bc she RUSHED ME! but no, she was a smart cookie, so she knew that so she used to give to try and cut deals with me, or put stuff on other kids tables or whiiiine and baby, i might have been born at night but...
she is going to dismantle whatever kindergarten class she gets put into...best of luck. she is probably going to be our president someday. her vocabulary was bigger than mine. sending light out to that girl.
but okay, i have to end this soon but...i am doing a lot! we have a different theme in my class every week: last week was dinosaurs! we did safari animals, bugs, deep sea creatures, next week....*sigh*
Is Sports. ( y....ay! )
so if i am not around...I AM PROBABLY TIRED! like i didn't want to get into it too much bc it's a lot but the week that i lead teach, like...i did not sleep for two days...i was very sick, it was very, very bad. which is not to say that's gonna happen again but...it's like, i want to post and i want to be present, but when i throw all my energy out there to the little people, i come home spent most of the time...so it's hard to get my fingers to crawl across the computer to do an ask meme or be present when i should rly cook dinner or do some dishes, yknow?
all this to SAY...i am here, but i am...There. i also took such a long break from writing, i am a little scared that i don't know...how to anymore? aaaaa??? but i think i should probably sit down and write ONE THING ONLY ( so if u have one thing u really wanna see hmu ),
i'll probably pop in to do updates every so often, maybe an hc ask a bigger ask if i finish it, but i am busy again starting monday. i will try to keep giving u an rm fun fact if i can remember, but please know, i would love to be here and i wish i could write more...but it's a lot all at once...also? i really did enjoy my break. <3 always take breaks. if i am not around, i promise i am okay! i am probably just being teacher nina, trying to better my life or i am a little tired and need a second.
either way don't be a stranger, and send me stuff any time! i am going to try and go back to answering stuff that's in there again.
-uncle teacher nina, ceo of boo boo kitty...
...girls, boys and children....
p.s. i hope this wasn't too much info, haha! i hope it was fun its nice to be able to tell you guys about parts of my life! if you ever want pictures or have questions, as long as they aren't too invasive, specifically bc of my student's safety, i will answer em! <3
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Those who weave (New Series Snippet)
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So, I’m starting a new series! I’m not dropping Nostalgia of course, and that series is still my priority so this one won’t have scheduled updates, but I’m having a really tough time writing (in general, and for Nostalgia in specific) so I decided to start posting this one.
It is a Reincarnation fic, basically, with some curse elements. Of course, an AU, takes place mainly in the Viking era, late Middle Ages, and modern times.
It is an Ivar/Reader fic, but it does have a lot of Freydis in it, because...it’s me, of course it has Freydis on it. I am trying a new side of her on this one tho!
A few things about this story:
It is a Reader-insert, and though I do have a faceclaim for her (Turkish actress Özge Törer) it is for graphic thingies, no descriptions in the story. However, it isn’t very inclusive, since in some of their lives her and Freydis are half sisters. I’m sorry for that.
It will be divided into three acts/lives: Sight, Love, and Time.
It is a fucking mess. I have to leave behind very important themes of the canon story, like the aspect of Valhalla, and Ivar’s ambitions of fame, and many other things, because they simply don’t fit as conflicts or themes with a multiple-lives dynamic. But I have fun writing this, and I hope you will have fun reading it.
So yeah, I really don’t know how to make these announcement thingies, but I wanted to make one for this cause a) I worked really hard on that graphic thingy and I want you to see it cause I’m stupidly proud of myself, and b) I wanna check who wants to be tagged for this.
I’m tagging those on my ‘All’ taglist, please lemme know if you wanna be added or removed! Love ya!
Snippet of...something under the cut. It technically happens during the Love Act, but it is a scene that doesn’t happen in the main story, an alternate POV of sorts.
So, quick ground rules: Ivar remembers their past lives (not all of it, but he remembers the Reader and Freydis, and sometimes other people), Freydis and the Reader don’t remember anything most of the time (but Freydis has premonitions regarding her and her sister’s futures).
I hope you like it 😉
Katia sits before you on the bed, her back to you and her eyes closed as you methodically brush her hair. Just like you used to when you were children.
Your mother taught you differently than Katia’s mother did, and she remembers how endlessly fascinated you were while growing up at how she chose to wear her hair with rarely any coverings, just as she was so delighted in finding linens and jewels to make and adorn your shawls and veils.
Your fingers replace the brush, and she feels you carefully toying with the strands of her hair.
You sigh, a little wistfully, a little lost.
“I liked it better when your hair was blonde,” You tell her, chuckling after your words like you haven’t just stopped her heart with but a sentence, “I miss braiding it.”
Katia tells herself this is nothing out of the ordinary. Since you were children she has heard you talk of a world neither of you ever knew, little lost promises of a life that was nothing but a dream.
She remembers how you’d wake her up saying your chest hurt and that you didn’t want to leave her alone, how you’d sit at her side in the mornings and ask if you’d ever be back home even as you had breakfast in the only home you had known; and she remembers how just as easily you’d lay by her side and sleep again with no memory of your pain come morning, how you’d smile wistfully and forget your nostalgia with a bite of a biscuit and the start of your day.
All her life, she has written it off as nothing other than illusions, nothing other than the soft heart of her sister lingering in a world of dreams.
Now, she isn’t so sure they are dreams. Now, she isn’t so sure she doesn’t know Ivar, now she isn’t so sure he is crazy.
The man towers over her, but strangely enough, Katia doesn’t feel fear.
All she feels is anger. All she feels is rage and hate.
And a part of her feels strangely vindicated at the lost look in his eyes, like someone she never was -or someone she never stopped being- is cruelly delighted at his pain.
“You are Freydis,” He tells her, and she keeps careful eyes on him but says nothing, “You’re playing games with me, y-you’ve cursed me.”
“Cursed you?” She asks, the beginning of a smile on her lips. To anyone else, she might look like a woman that has lost her mind, but, to him, she dares think, she looks like a woman powerful, a woman he’d wage war against. “I would think I’d have a reason to curse you. Tell me…did I?”
There’s something there, something human in all the rage of a monster, something like pain, like grief. But the man doesn’t allow it to linger for long, and the pain morphs into wrath before her eyes.
“You took everything from me.” He snarls, rough hand grabbing Katia’s arm and forcing her closer. His eyes are piercing and wrathful as they look into hers.
“What is going on here?” You call out from behind her. And the man’s eyes leave her to focus on you as you approach. His hand drops from her arm, and Katia holds her breath.
Pale blue eyes shine as your soft footsteps approach, and as the man’s expression trembles with something like pain, something like hope, something like love; Katia finds herself afraid to turn around and find a woman she doesn’t recognize in her sister’s place.
She notices the change in him at the sight of you, and for the first time she feels fear.
And she waits now, with baited breath, for you to shake off the veil of dreams, the chimera of something that never was, that never would be.
But you don’t. You continue trailing soft and delicate fingers through her long hair, as if you aren’t making dread and fear poison her from the inside with each passing breath of silence.
“Blonde?” She asks, and her voice trembles, but she doesn’t care.
“Mhm,” You mumble, not really paying attention. After a moment, you take a breath and start again, “Ivar’s eyes were very blue today, di-…”
“His name isn’t Ivar. You should know that by now.”
“That’s what he said his name is.” You insist, but there’s a strange stillness to the way you hold yourself now, when she turns to meet your gaze.
“And he says my name is different too, do you believe him?”
“You aren’t Freydis,” You chuckle, saying the name that haunts Katia’s dreams with terrifying ease. And it feels familiar, coming from your lips. As familiar as the curve of your smile, as familiar as the way you look at that monster that pretends to be a man. You reach with your hand to put a lock of dark hair behind her ear, and offer a soft smile, “Your hair is different.”
She asks what she hasn’t dared ask in a whole life at your side, “W-What else is different?”
“Everything is, and…nothing is,” Your eyes are dazed, and though you are looking directly at her Katia would swear you cannot see her. “You’re my sister, and you love me. That hasn’t changed.”
She doesn’t quite understand why a part of her sighs in relief at hearing you admit you know -knew?- of her love for you, but she does understand why a part of her tightens in fear at the implications that swim in her mind.
And she voices another question, “And what he is to you, has that changed?”
She doesn’t say his name, maybe because she doesn’t know which one to utter.
You smile, and your eyes focus a bit on her, see more of her, “That could never change.”
Her eyes fall from yours, for she cannot keep looking into a familiar hue and see familiar warmth.
She feels you lean forward and press your brow against hers, a gesture of comfort that only makes her shut her eyes tight and bite back a sob.
“Alll our Fates are woven together,” You promise, a death sentence as you grasp your sister’s hand. “We may forget, but those who weave our Fates cannot.”
Come morning, you won’t remember the previous night; come morning Ivar’s eyes will be less blue; come morning, his pain won’t make the memories return to you like strings that tighten and tell you he needs you, or who you once were.
Come morning, you won’t remember. But Katia will.
And she will vow to do whatever it takes not to lose you to him.
____ ____ ____
Thank you for reading! Hope I could catch your interest! The first chapter will be up between Tuesday and Wednesday :)
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @1950schick @ietss @peachyboneless @encounterthepast @maggiescarborough @fae-sedai @zuxiezendler @crazybunnyladysworld​ @stupiddarkkside​  @northumbria​  @aprilivar​  
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pfft-yikes · 4 years
Hey I wanted to say I LOVE your work it's amazing but I was wondering can you make a Shino one I love him (even tho they ruin him in boruto) and can you make it where his s/o already lost her Virginia but he hasn't and he wants to lose it (sorry I am horny bitch :>) it's ok you don't want to do it but again your work is amazing keep it up.
Oh.. thank you!! ^^
Don't worry, if I wasn't a horny bitch myself I wouldn't be thinking about these things all the time;; comrades!!!
This sounds like a fun prompt! not sure how she lost a whole state though
Shino: Pure! "Why? It's Yours." (SFW/NSFW)
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Shino is really used to getting talked over by his more rambunctious friends, so he's a bit quiet
In that sense, it took a while for you to learn how to read him and what he wants
He's only ever unfurled his brows when kissing and hugging you LOL, what an angry looking man
He also exudes scary vibes when he notices other guys checking you out
Every time you visit his place, he makes sure that you get escorted by a few of his scouting beetles
All of these small things you notice are indications of how he feels and what he wants, and it makes you happy to see he cares
But there is something you can't really place
Lately he's been really quiet- even for him- and he seems..distracted you suppose?
He's very blunt, so
"Maybe if I just ask him.."
Shino, on the other hand, had been contemplating this "something" far longer than his s/o had thought
I.. Really want to do it with her.
But I don't want to pressure her into something she doesn't want..
I haven't done it before either, so she might be disappointed or think she'll be dissatisfied.
..I have to bring it up at some point.
All his bugs were nervous for him
The next time you saw him, you decided to muster up the courage to ask if something was wrong
"Has..has something been on your mind lately?"
"Oh..I guess you caught on. It's probably best if we talk about this is private."*
Oh my God, this is it, he's breaking up with me isn't he
Shino has no idea how scary his words were*
Once you two were alone at home, he looked at you
Without thinking you panicked and blurted out
"No, I-"
*Confused swarming*
"I'm not breaking up with you."
"..B-But lately you've been-"
"It's because I get nervous about what I wanted to talk to you about."
"Oh. Then.. What's on your mind?"
You could've sworn you saw some bugs leak out
They were too nervous to stick around
Bastards, leaving me alone like this
"I.. Lately I've been trying to control myself. Every time I kiss you, I want to make it deeper, to make you melt. I want to touch you more, make it known that you're mine. I thought it was selfish, so I tried to restrain myself."
..Did I say too much out of nervousness?
My lovely bugs, please just eat me alive. I'm begging you.*
Although he's embarrassed, he looks like a real fucking G on the outside, straightfaced and everything*
Oh no, she h a t e s me.
"C-Can..we d-do it.?"
..h u h
"Are..you sure? I'm new to this sort of thing, you know."
"That doesn't matter to me. What I care about is that it's w-with you.."
Oh no; she's cute
Don't look at me like that, I'll lose my composure too quickly
"If you're okay with it, then alright."
He took off his coat, and gently pushed you onto the bed
Oh my god, he's fit as fUCK? Like he isn't buff, but he certainly isn't a twig.
He starts kissing you rougher than usual, and starts leaving you hickeys and bites on your neck
He starts trailing down to your torso, giving you light nibbles on your inner thigh
Obviously Shino doesn't talk about sex with anyone, but he certainly fantasizes about what he wants to do to you
Now he can put his thoughts into action
You're right in front of him, after all.
He pulls your legs forward, gripping your thighs tightly
"I've always wondered how sensitive you'd be. I guess I can finally find out?"
He looks you dead in the eye, and lightly licks your slit
He picks up the pace after a while, and starts to suck and lick what seems to be your favorite areas, judging by your moans
He hummed a bit, and noticed that the vibrations of his voice makes you quiver
When you try to pick yourself up to stop him from making you cum, he pushes you back down with a free hand and keeps you there, humming a simple "no" into you.
He felt you tense up while cumming with his tongue. He knew he did a good job when he saw how much of a shaking mess you were.
There's no way in hell that this was his first time doing that, right? ShiT
You look up at him, watching as he licks his lips
"You taste good."
Shino starts getting giddy (unbeknownst to you), and leans on top of you
He lifts your leg and aligns his hips with yours
Feeling his dick rub against your clit >>>>
You feel him slowly push into you, your pussy feeling full
"If you're okay, I'll start moving now."
Fucks you slowly for a good 15 minutes, giving you kisses and hickeys on the leg he's been holding against his chest
Honestly you probably needed that cause he do be kinda big ♪
His dick twitches every time he feels you squeeze
His grunting and groaning: delectable
You called his name under your breath
This may have been a mistake but honestly; we all know it wasn't
He flips you over, raises your hips, and pushes your shoulders down to make a nice arch in your back for him
Then starts slamming into you until you practically forget how to speak correctly
*chefs kiss* m w u a h. Fucking immaculate.
"Say it again. Say my name. Scream it if you have to, I just want to hear it."
He lifts you on top of him so he could see your face while he pumps into you
He absolutely loves it
And the eye contact while you call out for him?
You've already came too many times to count and you're a drooling mess, so your inner whore decided that now is her time:
Without thinking, you beg him to cum inside you
Shino is having a fucking meltdown, his brain broke
This is the first time you've ever heard him cuss:
"F-Fuck. I love you."
Head empty!
A quaking mess with cum dripping out of her
This sight both engraved itself into Shino's memories, and embarrassed the fUcK out of him
His bug babies are so shocked with how this all went down
They'll never unsee what just happened today. N e v e r.
But they will forget, because bug memory. Teehee
The aftercare: god-like
Makes a fuss over how he shouldn't have lost control like that, asks if you want him to cook something for you, let's you wear his glasses
You both fall asleep together, and he holds you without even really realizing he's doing it
Moral of the story: Shino is a Dom, be wary of the quiet man
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hey!! Ok so about me ummm i have curly/wavy brown hair, a bit longer than my shoulders, and hazel eyes. My personality, im very talkative but still introverted and i get awkward at events where i dont know a lot of ppl (i still love partying and dancing w friends tho) so i am a fan of my down time that involves either reading, writing, or watching tv. i love talking to people and friends, I’ll always listen if someone needs to vent to me and I love hearing ppl talk about their nerdy sides lol. i also tend to ramble a bit in conversations and im open to sharing a lot of things about myself. I’m also a very honest person who keeps it real with people and is straightforward about how i’m feeling and i like honesty from other ppl as well. I sing in choir and love music, I’m also sort of into theater, I’ve watched a good amount of musicals and LOVE Funny Girl. I read a lot, mostly cheesy romance books like red white and royal blue or to all the boys i loved before. I also love Harry Potter and can talk about that for ages. Feel free to ship me w who you think is best I’ll love anything but if it helps, part of me kins todd bc of his anxiety, i really feel like charlie is my spirit animal at times, i just resonate with his vibe, and i love neil. Thanks!! :)
beth !!!<3 i hope i did justice with this and you like it just as much as the anderperry piece from the other night (; thank you for all you do. here it is:
going to ship you with the cutest little baby himself, todd anderson. even though you’re very similar in terms of personality, you were juuuust a tad more outgoing than him, which allowed him to open up really well because you showed him how (:
neil would love talking theater with you. he’d try to convince you to come tryout for the upcoming play, but when you refused nicely, he took it in stride, just grateful that he was able to geek out with someone about something that meant a lot to him
he’d be so, so supportive of you singing in choir and would always take initiative in planning how he and all the other poets would get to and from your recitals
you and todd would grow together so much in your relationship, moving forward with your social anxieties, and making your bond that much stronger (see: “grow as we go” by ben platt)
you and cameron got on fairly well, mostly he just helped you with any school work you would get confused on (and he always found you cute, but never ever said anything in respect for both you and todd)
consider you and meeks the hugest harry potter geeks in the friend group, charlie giving you guys a hard time about it. but once you lent him your books, he would join the discourse between you and meeks, wanting to know what house he’d be in and talking about hp nonstop
having to encourage todd to trust himself as a person and open up a bit more was a hard task at times, but he’d just watch your example of how honest and comfortable you seemed with yourself, and it got easier as the months went on
sitting in a room with knox, charlie, and neil listening to them rant about how much they didn’t want to follow in their dads’ footsteps, and only giving advice if they asked (they were just thankful that you listened to them)
todd would fully understand and respect your down time/alone time, asking if there was anything you’d need to have a nice afternoon to yourself
even if you didn’t say you needed anything, a new book and a couple of hand-written original poems would find their way onto your desk while you were out (:
charlie always giving you a “hard time” for how you were so quiet in class, but would talk nonstop when it was just you and the poets (“do you want me to not be comfortable around you guys ? because i can make that happen,” you’d say. to which his response [slightly panicked] would be, “no ! of course not, i’m merely making an observation and  commenting”
you and todd finding a nook somewhere on campus where you could just sit and read together, enjoying the silence and each other’s company
you and pitts would most certainly have a show that you would binge together; hours at a time. i mean seriously, to the point where meeks would have to check if you guys were still alive after he’d been in a study group all afternoon on the weekends
todd would also love to play with your hair because it was so pretty (i’m sure a description of your looks was utilized in countless poems of his)
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on the night of one of your choir performances, you had left the poets in the midst of an argument about how todd didn’t want pitts to wear his plaid blazer because todd wanted to wear his, claiming it was “his girlfriend’s performance and wanted to look good,” (which he always did in his plaid blazer and black slacks). neil was worried they’d be late, constantly checking his watch, and charlie was running around messing up cameron’s and pitts’ hair for fun.
by the time they had gotten to the performance hall and seated, the lights were dimming. neil was just glad that they got there on time, and todd was so excited to see you doing something you loved. needless to say, you were the star of the show, and todd’s eyes were gleaming as he watched you (later on he’d tell you that he’d never heard something so pretty come out of someone’s mouth ever). when the performance was over, they would cheer so loud, earning dirty looks from all the preppy parents in attendance. you’d be so excited to see the boys, but todd in particular. after you came out of the stage door, they’d all be waiting, todd holding a bouquet of flowers, and the other boys giving you a humongous round of applause (complete with “whoops”/shouts) and congratulating you on doing such a good job.
“you are amazing, beth,” charlie and neil would say, giving you big hugs. the other boys would agree, and you’d turn to todd who held the bouquet out to you, clearly speechless. he kept starting to say something, but could just give you the most humongous hug ever,
“you are everything,” he’d say quietly just so you could hear. he truly didn’t know how to convey just how much you left him in awe, but when you woke up to a poem about it on your desk the next morning, it meant that much more to have him in your life.
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patchdotexe · 3 years
doip.: session.. 3?? / 8.30.21
oh shit i cant hear the recap music bc of my fucking headset
LAST TIME ON DRAGONS OF ICESPIRE PEAK: we killed the shapechanger and stole(?) a barrel crab!
michael: i feel like we have to use the barrel crab now, because the announcer guy included it in the recap jorb: the announcer guy. michael: i don't know his name!
notes may be sparse bc im doodling alidaar while listening to the others talk
we have given the funny little animal arson powers
time to go to the dwarven excavation! also i finished doodling so im listening now
"i'm going to roll perception to see if some shit is up-- ahaahaa. aaahahaeehahaahaa . aaa"
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michael to the rescue! with a better explanation of what he's trying to look for (if anythings been raided or messed up) and also a better roll in general
are the wyatts still arguing about horses? (no! somehow.)
nyx: are you trying to perceive jorb: are you trying to use your eyes, sir?
dwarven excavation has a big ol temple! which has dwarven statues out front that have "evil grins" or smth. so, uh, this is fine
michael: i dont think i trust those stone piles, they look like theyre drawn on an animation frame.
it has been 4 sessions and nyx's character still doesnt have a name btw
nyx: i am the most stealthy binturong that has ever existed, i am squeaking out loud, i am throwing rocks everywhere nyx being a Funny Little Animal is so good bc even tho his stealth check sucked, the dwarves he's stalking just ignored him bc it's a lil binturong vibing on some rocks
every day im shufflin'
(jorb shuffling tokens around trying to remember which npc is which)
nyx: [coughing] leo: ..is nyx dying? jorb: no - wait no i thought that was part of the ambience but yeah that's nyx dying
dwarves :>
alidaar is fun. snarky bastard. pronouns aren't real
temple has an infestation of goops!
michael: hold on let me cast a spell on myself before i recall high school physics
alidaar: i'm gonna be real i'm just here for violence and p much nothin else, sooooo
alidaar: alriiiight! venture forth, fuckos!
oh hey ali has darkvision. apparently that's a house rule thing bc for some reason dragonborn?? don't have darkvision???? normally??????? ty based jorb
leo, as alidaar: i've just discovered i have darkvision! i've never been in a dark room in my entire life! michael: alidaar scratching the side of his head like "what does this little switch do?" click. "oh my god i have darkvision!"
jorb: you're checking out the ceiling, huh? leo: y.. ye a ...
uh oh, oozes!
leo: i'm.. going to back away. jorb: that's probably a good idea. leo: i'm going to knock on the wall [over by tobias] and go "hey uh, i found a problem. i found TWO problems."
having a group huddle!
WHOOPS I FORGOT TO EQUIP MY RUNES good thing i figured that out right before combat started lmao. alidaar's a rune knight now!
leo: [checking something] jorb: [@ nyx] ..you now have an initiative of 23. leo: w
distracted from d&d by cat
LITTLE GUY HAS DEPLOYED AN ORBITAL LASER (moonbeam) lmao the jelly walked right into it bc. int of 2-- WHOA guiding bolt op
one jelly down! -AH BEANS im getting owned
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woo, combat done! i was the only one that got hit lmao
nawball is talking abt eating grass.
alidaar found a secret door! while both tobias and nameless failed lmao
man i keep not taking good notes bc its mainly us fighting stuff and then exploring around. which is fun! but not interesting to take notes of asides from funny quips
remember how i said the wyatts werent arguing abt horses? i was wrong
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jorb: ..okay, because its a 1, im gonna say youre prone again leo: GODAMNIT
jorb: do you want to spend half of your movement to get up? you don't have anywhere to go-- leo: LET ME UP. I WANT TO STAND UP jorb: okay! whatre you gonna do now- leo: VIOLENCE. I WANT TO KILL [rolls to attack]
jorb: how do you wanna do this? leo: i am going to fucking splatter this jelly like jam on toast.
little guy is putting on a cool necklace they found in a strange tomb! This Is Fine
rubbing my face on a pillar to investigate it leo: [rolls a 5] i go up to the pillar, and i put my face against it, and i just.. stand there leaning on it with my face smooshed on it
leo: i'm gonna keep rubbing my face on it [rolls a 10] jorb: your face hurts a little bit.
npc: hey, uh, whatre you doing over there? alidaar: my best.
tobias: alidaar, did you find anything? alidaar: i found a pillar.
leo: okay, naptime. i fall asleep where im standing - im leaning on the pillar, face smushed against it, and i fall asleep standing there
oh shit, orcs these are the like. generic angy orcs. which is a shame but eh at least i ooc get to feel less guilt about ic alidaar going off the shits in 0.5 seconds surprise round! tobias bisected the first orc and alidaar's breath weapon nearly knocked out the other two. in the surprise round. man i love alidaar's breath weapon WOW. LITTLE GUY JUST DID A CRITICAL HIT. I FEEL BAD FOR THESE GUYS
leo: i feel kinda bad for these orcs! michael: they probably eat babies its fine
michael: i'm going to go full todoroki on this ass [...] yes i had to google to make sure i was getting the name right
all the orcs are just. Obliterated. OH MY GOD THEY DIDNT GET A TURN. THEY DIDNT GET A SINGLE HIT IN WE JUST ANNIHILATED ALL OF THEM michael: ..are we the baddies?
potg: michael sniping an orc in half
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majicmarker · 4 years
so i’ve had a lot on my mind lately — the good, the bad, the ugly, you know the drill. i’m used to the bad and the ugly, but i think (and ofc by my therapist’s rec) i need to give a little credit to the good, too. not to mention the good is largely comprised of people, and those people deserve a sports stadium wave, yk? idk shit abt sports, whatever, but i know what the wave is and it’s like the grandest gesture i can think of, SO
listen, y’all. to get real here, i hate fandom. my time spent therein has been hit-or-miss, but the misses got me hard and contributed to some major self-loathing, etc etc. we’re not gonna get into the specifics, i don’t owe that to anyone, but suffice it to say things got Rough.
but so much of it can be so, so good. and rn i want to keep on my rose-colored glasses, and the rosiest parts for me have always been @kitten1618x and @mygutsforgarters
(quite a few others, too, but i no longer have everyone’s info. and some ppl are newer friends, or relationships that have moved more slowly. i have mad love for u guys too, obvs, but ik melissa and gus irl so we know each other More and they’re who this post is rly about atm. pls know i don’t want to harsh on anyone’s feelings)
the tl;dr version of events is i met them both via fanfic. i happened upon theirs like “bitch!!!! **i** wanna do this, they’re bomb as hell” and then i made them be friends w me. they’ll tell you they wanted to be friends w me first, but that’s not important bc **i** am the one making this post, so they can both like,, suck it.
@ melissa : so bitch listen. here’s the thing abt melissa…… i found her while browsing jonsa fic back when i cared abt GOT, and she brought me back to what i loved so much abt romance when i first started, way back in junior high, what’s up. i bad a fascination w historial romantic epics for a loooooong time — those formative yrs, amirite ladies??? — but girl i could never write it so well as melissa. immediately she struck this balance between the drama you expect from historicals and the levity of a good romance, and i was just like, “hand to god this woman must be published already, surely???”
(she’s not, but that’s ridiculous so we’re gonna skip that)
(also she’s busy?? we’ve been friends for like six years and i will never know how many kids she actually has, but the point is she’s a goddamn superhero and i’m obsessed w her, MOVING ON)
i just Had to be her friend for two reasons: 1) she’s too talented, and b) i have said that abt 2 ppl my entire life and she was the first, so i was like, “AH YES MY HOLY GRAIL”
so ofc i slid into her DMs just as effectively as that one guy i had a crush on when i was sixteen and he’s still shooting me texts every valentine’s day bc of the societal pressures i guess (it is Far Less Effective these days, he’s my age and therefore too young for me, gross, but i digress), except me and melissa go way stronger.
she reminded me of why, half a lifetime ago, i started writing romance — bc it’s fun, bc i want to. bc i can do absolutely anything i want, bc who else is gonna read it but me and whoever i share it with? it was all up to me what i wanted to do with it, and i could do anything. nothing really mattered but what i wanted, and i hadn’t felt that way abt anything in such a long time — let alone abt something i used to love so much.
melissa’s writing is so beautiful, it’s everything i wanted to achieve when i was fifteen and never got around to perfecting. and i’m totally okay w that now, bc what do i need to do myself that she’s not already doing/wants to do in the future? when i found melissa’s writing i found a missing part of me — a part i’d maybe lost, maybe i gave it up, idk, but it was totally gone until i found her fics and they fucking clicked. i had to reach out bc there was a part of me that was a part of her, and she helped me find that again w/o even knowing it.
so i found melissa via GOT, and from the start she’d been trying to get me to write some bethyl. years and years, she dropped not-so-subtle hints — and by “hints,” i mean legit directives that i watch just enough TWD to write her some beth/daryl fic. real crafty, she is.
eventually the stars aligned: i was bored w the same dynamics i’d been writing for years, i wanted smthn new, i was restless, i was line editing a bethyl fic she’d written, and — again — this shit clicked. her fic made me want to explore this dynamic i’d never done before, so i watched the prerequisite episodes (no more than that tho, i super hate the show and i’m begging y’all to not @ me abt it anymore). i found smthn that i’d been missing, smthn that challenged and excited me and brought me back around to why i love romance and, more importantly, why i want to write it myself.
so as i was starting to write bethyl, i was poking around the ao3 tag to get a feel for what had been done, what hadn’t, anything i might be missing. and goddamn BAM —
@ gus : this is where u enter dramatically thru a red velvet curtain that i don’t wanna touch (Metaphorically bc you do romance better than me and i’m cool w that bc your talent simply Cannot be touched, and Literally bc i hate velvet) — i was like, “please for the love of god let her want to write contemporary romance, i need some good fckin food”
i happened upon “doo wah diddy diddy” first. ofc the summary hooked me, forget my usual hard no against pregnancy fics (i have issues w pregnancy and that’s all anybody Needs to know, back off), but This Bitch !!!!!!! has a way with words and i wanted to be friends w her straightaway. lmao too bad for her, now she’s stuck w me
gus’s fics gave me what i wanted without having to write it myself. her style is so distinctive, she hits the notes between porn and Actual Affection that is missing from uhhhh, every romance i’ve tried?? (why is everyone so intent on the sex part?? fckin chill. at best it’s unrelatable and at worst u sound like u’d rather wear someone than fuck them, check urself)
she writes w such care, she wants you to know what she’s doing here, and what she’s doing here is combining the physical and emotional needs of both characters w/o infringing on anyone’s comfortability. you root for these characters bc they simply want to be together, no strings (and if there are strings, damn, they talk abt it).
gus makes you believe in love in the modern age. like, not to sound like one of those ppl who post fckin “no one in this generation knows how to love!!!1!!11!!” memes on facebook, those are dumb, but gus’s writing made me think “yeah man, love ain’t dead, it’s just abt how we approach it.”
(if y’all haven’t guessed yet, i have some hang-ups abt relationships. i’ve goddamn earned those. but melissa and gus both brought me back to where i needed to be — in this place where, yeah, we’ve got some shit to deal with, but we all still deserve the things we want, and those things are achievable. i could not have gotten here without them, so jot that down.)
gus is Real, she’s funny, she’s unapologetic in the way she writes. ofc she has her personal hurdles, but who doesn’t?? and tbh nobody writes a sex scene like gus does. physical, realistic, but balanced w the emotional depth that makes you root for these characters bc you can Feel how much they want each other — not just sexually, but in the less-erotic aftermath of that passion. it continues to blow my mind, bc i’ve never seen anyone do what she does. i can’t even pinpoint the specifics, bc she just… Does It. and you’re reading it like “yeah bitch that’s it,” and That’s It.
it’s fckin wild.
these two — my best friends, the lights of my life, both of whom always make me crave chicken tenders at THE most inconvenient hours bc somehow we always talk abt chicken or ice cream or ultimately DQ, but they're both so hot idec — have something special.
i really, really want them both to know that: it’s not just in how they’ve treated me as a friend, but who they are as people, in their creative pursuits. i’ve never known support the way they’ve shown me; i’ve never known this much enthusiasm or investment or belief that i can do what i want with my talent. i want them to know that i feel the same way abt them and their works.
sometimes, when i look back at their writing that completely kicked my ass, i still can’t believe that they’ve become two of my best friends. it’s totally bonkers. they’re This Talented, and they wanna be friends w my spastic ass? GIRL. i’m out.
i’m not always the best at being present, at giving people what they need when they need it. but with everything that melissa and gus have given me in the past few years, i need them to know this — honey!!! i need all y’all to know this, bc i know fandom shit is hard, but you should know some of these friendships are so, so worth all that bullshit, so —
they have so much to give, so much to say, so much to offer. i could not have kept going without them. i couldn’t believe in myself without the faith they’ve given to me. i hope that i can always give that same faith right back.
and that, babes, is what real soulmates are all about.
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morethanonepage · 3 years
11 14 15 22
11. What do you envy in other writers?
Every time I hear about someone who has actually become more productive during quarantine/recently finished ~their second novel I get so angry/sad I have to go lie down.
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
I usually have a provisional title when I start (almost always a quote from a song that captures the ~vibe I hope the fic will have) and sometimes I keep it, but usually the feeling of the fic changes by the time I finish it and the original quote doesn’t fit anymore, or else it’s too long/Too Much Cringe, so. 
When that happens, I usually input the fic text into AO3 and do all the tags and stuff in the hope that a title will just. Come to me.
Sometimes it does! Usually it does not. And then I start doodling around various song lyrics, sometimes just picking one random word that i feel captures the ~vibe in some way that usually just makes sense to me. or else something totally random, just to get it over with.
i’m generally not good at titles, is the point. except when i am? i think there’s like. one or two per fandom i AM genuinely proud of. but mostly....eesh.
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
I cheat with summaries and usually just post a ~representative passage from the fic itself (picking those is always fun for me, actually! It can be tricky to find something that IS representative of, if not the plot of the fic, then the general mood/dynamic; I also like for them to be at least a little funny? But my fics are way more about the general mood/dynamics than the plot, usually, so it works out [or so i think???]). 
tags...i’ve stopped having as much ~commentary in tags (that was a livejournal bad habit, imo) tho i might through in one or two jokes. mostly my concern with tags is making sure i warn for anything that could be conceivably upsetting/controversial -- i’d hate to trigger someone bc i forgot to tag something, so i try to be as thorough as possible, though sometimes i do also worry that by being too careful i’m scaring off people who think that bc i’m warning for something it’s worse in the fic than it actually is and then they don’t read it. but it’s better to be safe than sorry, and it’s p easy to add new tags if someone asks for additional warnings, so.
but in general -- titles are harder, lol.
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
It really depends on how long it’s been -- it’s a bit of a curve of cycle for me, when I first post fic i usually think it sucks (i post it anyway bc i know, objectively, that even tho in that moment i hate it, it’s probably not THAT bad), after a few weeks/months when i’ve forgotten what went into writing it i’ll re-read it and think it’s great, and then a year later i’ll  check back in and start cringing again bc typos or awks dialogue or sex scenes or w/e. and then the cycle starts again lmfao.
i think the funniest thing is when i re-read something i wrote ages ago, think it’s good, and use that to beat myself up about how much better a writer i used to be. 
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 4: “I'm sorry Daddy, I've been very naughty.” - Keegan
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Wow! Today was A Day to say the least. I feel like boo boo the fool with how things went down today, but hopefully, I can recover from that now that there’s a new tribe. I’m excited to get to know new people, but sad to see my old alliances have to come to an end. I guess we’ll see what happens
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Finally a swap and golly 5 OG Palazzo! I really hope this works in our favor. Kinda nervous for Joey and Stephanie tho because now they are in the minority of their tribe. I do hope they’ll find a way to survive till merge
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LMFAO IM... watching the tribal council for the other tribe and I'm SORRY??? Who the fuck is Jake S he is the most condescending man I've ever seen in my entire life YIKES. Anyways this swap is nice.. I think I've got a good group, I really hope we win the next few immunities because I 1) really dont want to see Rachael on this tribe and 2) i want to try and rebuild my um. tattered relationships. I did the best I could in the challenge for tonight, I'll try to come back tomorrow a little more renewed cus I'm kinda wiped out from today's events. Now that my tribal council cherry has been popped for this Org its time to go crazy woop
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So good not to check Luxor anymore! 
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Well last tribal went fine, I got to see what was in the Prize Vault which is awesome; now I have a better idea of the twist. Big problem though- Our swap put me in the minority. I was running Luxor and had a core 4, now they have 5 OG Pink so they can pluck us off, one at a time. I went from drivers seat to getting driven over. We need to win the challenge, so I'm gonna go ham in winterbells and hope to pull it out.
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We swapped! I think I made a confessional already, but honestly I don't remember. I gave Livingston some of my chips so he can go visit the vault after the immunity challenge. We'll see what is in there and for how much, and maybe snatch up some real nice items to help us out. I've also got Andrew on my side, which is great and he's apparently quite tight with Pat, which is fantastic. Mo is a pretty decent dude and I've been talking with Jake a lot today. Things are going alright. I just hope we can win this challenge. 
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Phew, while the swap was not ideal. I was really liking my tribe, we were kind of quiet but individually everyone was great and we also kicked butt at challenges! Anyway, the swap with numbers wise not great, but I know Xavi from a previous game and we have a solid relationship, I hope he and John and Joey and myself can build a solid squad to make it to the merge. The challenge was rough tbh, I am not great at video games, but I think I did ok... Jaiden got like 20 trillion points on a game so really I have no idea how I did. Hoping for the best!
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I am losing my mind in my personal life so I am sorry that I have been mia. I appreciate the patience from the hosts and my tribe. It makes me still want to play even though I've been kinda invisible. I'm aware of that. I'll fix it. I promise. Otherwise, its been pretty good as a tribe so far. Andrew, Pat, and NIk and i are all really close from other games, so we're good and Andrew and Pat and I are together, which is just really unfair if you ask me. I can't wait to start scheming!
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Uhhhhhh.................................... anyways........ yall hear somethin? Oh I hear something. It's the sound of Joey literally blowing himself up to me hardcore!!!! The narcissism and arrogance really jumped out on this one. So Joey had the idea of calling tonight to go over some stuff and honestly out of the 2 hours we spent, I think about 45-60 mins of it was rather nice and I do feel that I enjoy his presence, but omg... his desire for control is so noticeable and its kinda gross. Joey and I debriefed on what went down on Bellagio and I totally understand why there was the difference in us discussing tribe dynamics - I had to give up all my info while he kinda kept things more reserved. I want to assume this is because of the fact that I went to tribal and he hasn't until now. I won't judge him for that. However, after this he's kinda like dictating the fact that an OG Bellagio needs to go home. Ben is the easier person to throw under the bus since he didn't even bother to do the challenge/let us know what's up. Not a big fan of that, but aight. Then Joey starts suggesting we vote out Kailyn...?? Uh... not on my watch. I have to make it up to Kailyn at least a little bit so even though she's probably got a loaded gun pointed at my head rn, I want to defuse the situation rather than start throwing her out there as a potential target. Even if it isn't coming from me, I'm not here for that. The information that Joey did give up to me relates to the chips in the game. I've never paid much attention to the chips, but I guess it takes 10 to get into the vault and Joey's got between 11 and 15 (he changed his answer on the subject SEVERAL times). He says there are three idols worth 40 chips each, then a super idol worth I think 50 or 60 (can't remember). On top of that, there are nullifiers, vote advantages, and a legacy advantage, too. He seems fixated on the legacy advantage and really wants the chips to get it. Like.. ok do you but we NEED the super idol?? Does he not realize that thing has more power than anything else in the vault combined..? ANYWAYS. What really started to turn me off about Joey is that there was this sudden expectation that I'd be giving him all of my chips thus far. I don't care about them to begin with but knowing what I know now, it doesn't make sense for me to give him my stash just to fuel his hunt for... a measly legacy advantage... I put myself in a compromising position. I told him that once a host gets back to me on my exact total, I'd be willing to trade him my chips for I guess an allyship going forward. I mean that. I want to work with Joey at least through this vote, but I can't guarantee that it'll go much further than that. He is a very risky person for my game right now because if he's coming off this strong to everybody, it's only going to hurt me by association to stick with him longer than a vote or two. However, I'm going to try and divert the attention and just be like, maybe we need to use my five as a bartering piece for new allies at this point. I want to try and build meaningful partnerships right now, especially since that was the only reason I wanted to make it to the merge.. Rebuilding is crucial as well. Kailyn and possibly Nik/Rachael are not going to be fond of me once we all have "the talk" about last tribal. I put myself in an even more compromising position with them, but I'll find my way out of that mess. I think........ As far as this tribe goes, I think between Joey's WILD imagination/constant over-analyzing and the lack of direction this tribe has taken so far.. I'm doing okay. Nobody is really standing out besides Joey and I guess myself in a way, so if I keep him around it MIGHT even shrink my own target little by little - unless people find out we're together then FUK. 
......five seconds later
In terms of my other relationships right now, I love John Coffey but this is old news, I've been in love with this man since like 2016 and it's fine - totally fine - just fangirling a bit rn since I get to spend more time with him!! woohoo. Xavier and Stephanie are straight up non-entities which makes me SO scared of them especially since Stephanie's won an ORG before... how can someone be so irrelevant yet still win something? Hmm... Makes me think that she's secretly a ninja, you never even see her around. Nik has grown more and more quiet as the days go along and I wonder what's goin' on with that. Maybe they've decided since Biden won the election that moving to New Zealand is a bad idea? Lmfao. I dunno. Nik stresses me the hell out because I have no idea what they're thinking at any point in time even in the off-chance that we are talking. I think I might just have a personality they don't mesh with because I noticed on call forever ago that none of my jokes were particularly landing but Nik had a lot to say and a LOT to joke about there... rip. If it's a personality conflict - go off, I guess. I'll try on a couple different hats w this person to try and see if I can get things to go better than they have been. Kailyn.. like I said before, pretty sure she's after me but I am really trying to sell it to her that I like her a lot, because I do. I literally compare her to my best friend irl because they have very similar attributes and I consider Kailyn kinda messy but fun and quirky like my BFF so I hope that Kailyn did truly appreciate me making that comparison. Ben's inability to do this challenge is going to be his undoing. I think the only acceptable move is to vote him off this time because I HAVE to prove to Kailyn that I can stay the course, and I also need to whittle down Bellagio numbers to prevent people from targeting us and having everything go to shit that way. Let Joey control this, please dear god. Don't let me get blood on my hands. Let Rachael integrate herself well on this tribe. Let someone else blow themselves up in the process. Just not me plz and thanks. There is no fear in my soul tonight. Joey might be a fucking crackhead but so am I. I'm breaking down walls that I didn't think existed but Joey basically told me tonight that he thought I was confrontational, rude, chaotic, and all these other things but was impressed at how calm, optimistic, and outgoing I was. Love to hear it. He might think he overestimated me but he was right about the initial impressions... too bad he won't be around long enough to see that side of me :~) 
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FIRSTLY, DeNara was robbed. Okay so I already wrote this a while ago in my host chat about how the fact jake and dan are praying for my downfall because after the swap i am the only og bellagio on a tribe with 5 palazzo and 2 luxor. so after I slowly blinked at my screen for a bit I was like okay how do we survive this if I go to tribal. Because I’m under the impression tribes are gonna stick together especially going into merge but since Luxor is already down so many members it’s kinda Bellagio Vs. Palazzo. but then I was like okay wait I’m the only member of bellagio on this tribe after coming from a tribal so I’m the only one who can say what happened and I can create what narrative I want to help me get through the next couple rounds. Because if I was like oh blah blah I was in majority im so fucked then of course they’re gonna target me to get me out. But if I play the victim card and milk the fact that I voted in the minority acting like I hate my og tribe maybe they’ll think to use me as a pawn. To take down others moving forward. Listen if I have to be labeled a goat to move forward then BAA bitch.
.....five seconds later
Things are going good, because not only am no longer in danger this round but that means Rachael is going to the enemy tribe which if she came to our tribe that might’ve disrupted the narrative I had going of me being against og bellagio. Also DeNara should still be here, don’t think I didn’t clock the fact that Ben scored a 0. I also found out from Andrew that Rachael and Ben are apart of the same Tengaged group which explains why Rachael was so set on Ben staying but like, listen, if I end up in a game with someone I’m friends with, and they’re not active and helping the tribe. Good riddance.
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What the. We lost yet again. I have lost everything since the start of the game. It's crazy. There are 4 from Bellagio, 2 Palazzo and 2 Luxor. 2+2 seems like an obvious plan, but it looks like it is falling apart already (read: Joey). Sucks to be across the world, so instead of scheming, I'll be sleeping.
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Forgive me father, for I have sinned. is the same as I'm sorry Daddy, I've been very naughty. 
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The swap did happen. Expected it. Glad we won this first challenge in this new tribe tho in worried for Stephanie and Joey
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Vault Shenanigans - Holy shit I did not expect this to be as powerful as it is. I was preparing myself for some sort of payment based search system, but being able to straight up buy the items I want, but its also the same for other people. I had a misconception at how generous the wheel was so I'm probably behind some people with the amount of chips, but I could very well start scooping up some of the steal votes and just say "see ya" to the idols, although getting a super idol would be very wild, it still seems risky to hold out that long to get it, even though there's a great amount of power associated with it. The other issue with a super idol is that I think that its very likely that if I get into a position where I need to use it, that I lose a lot of respect with the jury if it does happen. The only benefit from actually having it would be that I no longer have to worry about someone else whipping it out, so it'd be less for me wanting it, but more for others not having it. As of now, I think my optimal play is to hold on to my chips until around ~40, and then buy both vote steals at once, OR go all out for the super if someone has already bought an idol by that point, because I would be operating under the assumption that the frontrunner is already out of the running. Tribe Swap Shenanigans - This is a hell of a tribe swap. 5-2-1 is always a great spot to be in, I am already good within the 5 that I have so I don't have to worry about anything there, it should be relatively smooth sailing as far as getting to the merge. Mo/Jake are alright so far, neither particularly speak too much. Kevin has not reached out at all, probably will try to talk to him tonight for general purposes, even if he seems like he'd be an easy one to get out first should we go to tribal the next time. But generally I really don't plan on losing so it's kind of a wash. I'll take the smooth sailing, easy path to merge. Premerge is never as relevant as merge is when it comes to FTC as long as you have something to show for yourself at the merge. I've got all game to make my presence known, and I plan on using the entirety of the game to do so.
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I feel super anxious today because even though I had a great conversation and built a good connection to Joey, there hasn't been any talk about the vote quite yet. I mean obviously names have rolled out but nothing solid is out there still, I think I just need to let go of the urgency for a name to start being spread early on and just let things be. Stephanie and I have been chatting a bit here and there today so I feel more comfortable with her and hopefully she sees things from a similar perspective as everyone else - the Bellagio foursome needs to get broken up right now. As long as it's not my name of course!!!!! Plz vote Ben @everyone. Or Kailyn tbh save me a little bit of trouble now. Talking to Xavier is SO HARD LMAO. He doesn't immediately contribute information into a conversation and as bad as I wanna get rid of Ben, I almost..almost think going for Xavier is the smarter move, since Xavier doesn't seem too motivated to actually get to know ME and work with me. I'm selfish that way. Kailyn doesn't seem like she wants to do Ben which is a little frustrating but I totally get it, if Ben stays he's going to go after her hardcore but like she needs to actually pitch me an alternative lmfao. I don't wanna go bending over backwards just to appease her right now so if she doesn't gimme a name.. sorry sis but then I think it's gonna be Joey's call on this one :/
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I am being very cautious now. The 4 of us (me, John, Joey and Steph) are going to vote together. Now Jaiden wants to vote Nik. And Kailyn wants to vote Ben. Why can't we just agree on one?! And it always has to go down to the wire. Stick together, people!
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I think I am possibly leading the charge against Nik rn?? Joey told me he wanted Ben and then I told him I wanted Nik and now he wants Nik LOL take that Stephen 
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Okay well I have no idea what's going to happen tonight, but I'm going into tribal not afraid of the vote I am probably going to have to make ... I think the best move is to just vote for Nik and be done with it, but it's going to cause a serious rift in a lot of my relationships if I do so. I've been super wishy-washy to a lot of people I think and right now it doesn't make sense to continuously do one thing when I mean another.. especially since there seems to be zero ground to move upon when it comes to getting the vote to turn from Nik to Ben. Nik doesn't even SEEM ACTIVE?? Why are we making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. Ben can't just walk around deciding what's going on and I think Kailyn would prefer to keep Nik around rather than Ben but it's like... so push for Ben to be the target hun! She's feeding into someone else's move no matter what she does, it's either Ben's agenda or John's agenda. Pick a side, but pick the side I'm on, too. Why don't we just vote for Kailyn tbh. lmao
0 notes
queenraikichi94 · 4 years
A song to heal a tired soul 2 (Raikichi x Piers)
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Rated: Teen and Mature
Warning: Bad language, I guess?
Note: Raikichi is around 25 years old
-------------------Part 2------------------
I woke up with a groan and after rolling many times in the bed, I checked the hour on my Rotom Phone. 4:30 am. I sighed and I groaned again, seeing that I wasn’t going to get anything if I kept rolling on the bed, so I stood up of the bed and I went to the living room, Glaceon right behind me. 
Ninetales, Centiskorch and Arcanine looked at me, calling the attention of Torkoal and Salazzle as well. I blinked and smiled as I approached them. “Hey buddies” I said as Glaceon interacted with them “I suppouse uncle Kabu is sleeping, isn’t him?”
His Pokemon nodded and I smiled softly after noticing their gazes on me. I knew those gazes and I chuckled. “Okay, okay, I’ll give you some food”
As I prepared the food for the Pokemon, I remembered the talk I had with Guzma before coming here. I tried to keep those thoughts away of my mind; I couldn’t let them to affect me. Once I was done with the food, I gave the bowls to the Pokemon, including my lovely Glaceon. “I hope you like it” I said as I laid down on the couch and turned the TV on, turning down the volume enough to not disturb my uncle. As the Pokemon ate, I watch some replays of the matches that took place days ago, including some from my uncle. I got surprised after seeing that Piers was the only one who didn’t use Dynamax, and he was really good without using Dynamax. 
Slowly, I started to fall asleep, closing my eyes as Glaceon curled next to me on the sofa.
“Time to wake up, kiddo”
I opened my eyes and yawned, feeling a soft pressure on me. When I sat up a bit, I saw that I had my uncle’s coat on me, as a blanket. “Good morning, uncle” I yawned again
“I thought you were sleeping on your bed” he said taking his coat and then, he gave me a soft blanket that I quickly wrapped around myself
“Yeah, I was...But I woke up and I couldn’t sleep more...What time is it?”
“8:00 am”
“Oh...” I said with another yawn as I rubbed my eyes “Oh, I gave them food” I said pointing at his Pokemon “They were looking at me with puppy eyes”
Uncle Kabu laughed and ruffled my hair. “I think I spoiled them a lot sometimes” he said “Did you have breakfast?”
“No, do you want me to help? I know some recipes of malasadas that I learnt when I was in Alola”
“Good idea” my uncle said “Let’s make some malasadas!”
“Can you keep up with the race?” uncle Kabu asked as we ran softly around Motostoke Gym “Do you want me to reduce the speed?”
“Don’t worry, uncle” I said keeping myself at his side “I’m acommodate doing exercise, so I can keep up with the race”
He nodded and we kept running, Glaceon running as well next to me. People put their gazes on us, and started murmuring things that I tried to ignore the most since I wanted to enjoy a morning doing some exercise with my uncle.
We stopped after an hour and we took seat on a bench after stretching. While my uncle went to buy two bottles of fresh water, I closed my eyes, letting the soft breeze play with my hair while Glaceon stretched herself.
“Here. For you”
“Thanks, uncle” I said taking the bottle he gave to me and drinking some fresh water
“So...Who is that Guzma?” uncle Kabu asked and I spitted some water before coughing “Raikichi?”
“W-Why do you ask that?” I said once I recovered my breath
“You mentioned that name when you were sleeping on the couch”
I sighed, running a hand through my head before shaking my head “He is someone I met in Alola...He is the leader of Team Skull” my uncle rose an eyebrow, telling me that he knew about them “I tried to help them, to understand them...”
“And that Guzma...?” he asked 
“He is...Someone difficult to handle, specially when he gets angry”
“Wait, did he dare to put a hand on you? Did he hurt you?”
“What? No, no, he didn’t” I hurried to said
“And now there is a but, right?”
“Yeah...Remember when you asked me about the scars of my face?” I said and he nodded “I got them when I pulled one of Team Skull grunts away of the claws of a Totem Salazzle, and I recieved the attack. Then, the Salazzle threw me to the inside of the Wela Volcano and if my Pokemon didn’t rescue me at time, I would have probably got charred in the lava” I drank a bit more of water before continuing “In that moment, something between me and Guzma was growing a bit, but everything ended broken when he yelled at me, telling me that I was a fool cause I was near to die in the lava...In that moment I saw that I couldn’t be with him. I tried to udnerstand him, to help him...And I got that as a pay...”
“I was a fool, uncle. I was a damn fuckin fool when I decided to believe that I could feel something for that damn bastard”
“You’re not a fool, kiddo” uncle Kabu said putting his hand on my left shoulder “You felt something for him, you tried to do something for him. It was his fault that your feelings didn’t ending flourishing, not yours, so don’t call yourself a fool” he added and then, he grinned “And if you want, I can go to Alola, search that boy and teaching something about not messing with my niece”
I smiled and I shook my head “Nah, it’s okay. I told him not to follow me...I think he still has some feelings, cause he gave me a Buginium Z and the grunts gave me a chain with the symbol of the Team Skull. It was an idea of the grunt I saved that day”
“I see...”
“It looks like I have to lock my heart, avoiding anyone to have it”
“Don’t say that, Raikichi. Don’t let those bad experiences to lock yourself. I’m sure you will be able to find someone that you will really love” my uncle said before getting up “Let’s go back home. I’ll need help with the dinner since we will have a guest”
“Who?” I asked as we went back home
“Wait, Leon? Champion Leon?”
“Yes, I asked him to have dinner with us in my house cause if we went to a restaurant, I’m sure we would be surrounded by a lot of press” uncle Kabu said while we entered home “And I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed”
“Thanks” she said
“Your welcome” he said with a smile before going to the bathroom
I sighed and I sat down on the couch after removing the jacket. To be an old man, my uncle knew how to keep the rythm when he did his dairy exercises. I stroked Glaceon’s fur and I closed my eyes before opening them when I heard my Rotom Phone to answer the call, and when I did it, I regreted doing that.
“What do you want now, Guzma?”
“The grunts were worried and Plumeria somehow forced me up to call you” he said
“I’m fine”
“Ya don’t sound fine, babydoll”
“Don’t call me that, Guzma...” I murmured between hisses
“Don’t call me that!!” I said, trying to hold my tears “You damn fool, you don’t know what you did, didn’t you?!”
“What are ya talkin’ about?” Guzma asked
“When I was recovering in the Pokecenter, you yelled at me, broking the feelings I had for you in that moment, idiot!”
“Wait, you had feelings for...”
“Yes! For you! And you ruined everything!!”
Tears ran through my cheeks as my hands were closed into fists. I didn’t want to continue the call. I didn’t want to keep talking with him. My heart has forgotten the major part of thos things I had for him. He was over for me, and I would make sure he knew it.
“It’s over, Guzma. You’re over for me” I said, trying to control my sobs “And don’t dare to call me again”
And with that I hanged the phone and curled myself in the couch, My nails pierced the skin of my arms as I tried to control my sobs. Glaceon tried to comfort me, but it didn’t work; the same tried my uncle’s Pokemon.
“The bathroom is free to-Raikichi?” 
I heard him calling him and approaching me, but I didn’t move until he wrapped his arms around me and hug me firmly. “C’mon, kiddo, don’t hold those tears. You know you can count with me. We’re family afterall”
He was right, I couldn’t hold my tears anymore, so I cried loudly as I cursed Guzma for how he treated me, for how he broke my heart. My uncle waited in silence until I started to calm down before giving me a tissue that I took with tremble hands. “Tell me, Raikichi, What happened? I heard you yelling”
“Guzma called me...” I said wrapping my arms around my legs “And I told him what I was holding inside me...That made me remember how break he left me when he yelled me like that, when I was recovering...”
“That’s why you don’t why to let another person to have your heart? The reason of why you want to hide yourself?”
“I...I’m tired of being betrayed like that...Trying to help someone and then...” I said and then I shook my head “That’s why I should keep my heart away of anybody”
“Listen to me, Raikichi” he said “I’m sure you will be able to surpass this, and then, you’ll be able to find the perfect partner for you”
Uncle Kabu nodded and then ruffled my hair, making me smile “See? That’s the adorable niece I know” he laughed as he stopped the cushion I threw to him playfully “Do you feel better?”
I nodded and smiled, and after hugging him and thanking him for cheering me up, I went to the bathroom in order to take a bath while my uncle prepared the ingredients of the dinner.
After having a warm bath and putting some simple but comfy clothes, I exited the bathroom. “Oh, what’s that?” I asked as I helped my uncle with the dinner
“I’m making curri, and don’t worry, your curri won’t be very spicy”
“You love spicy food a lot, that’s not good for your health, uncle” I said as I kept helping him
My uncle laughed and we kept making the dinner until everything was ready. Now, we needed to wait for Leon. While we watched the TV, I was looking some apps in my Rotom Phone when I recieved a message from one of the Gym Leaders I met yesterday, and I smiled when I saw that it was from Piers.
“Hey, what’re ya doing?”
“My uncle had invited Leon to a dinner. He wants me to meet him since I couldn’t meet him yesterday”
“I hope you aren’t very hungry”
“Leon gets lost very easily. His sense of direction is terrible.”
“He’s the Champion and you make fun of that?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I could use that if he tries to tease me with taking my World Title away”
“If you do that like you did it with Raihan yesterday, that will be funny”
“Yeah...Oh, Piers?”
“I listened to one of your albums last night. I really like it. Your voice is really pretty”
“Thanks...I guess”
"Raikichi, someone is ringing the bell. Can you open it and hope that is Leon?”
“Ok, uncle” I said before texting a ‘I’ll write you later’ to Piers and then, I went to open the door. There was a tall man-not as tall as Raihan-but taller than me, with tan skin, long and dark blue purple hair and golden eyes. But the thing that called more my attention was the big red cape he was wearing, and by Arceus, he had a terrible fashion taste “So...I suppouse you’re Leon, right?”
“Yeah, I’m Leon” he said shaking my hand “Luckily I didn’t get lost. The Flying Taxi left me at the door”
“C’mon, enter”
I let him enter and after saying hello to my uncle, we had dinner. During the dinner, Leon teased me with winning my title, and of course I teased him back very well.
“How do you want to beat me if you have a terrible sense of direction?”
We kept talking until I started to feel tired, so after saying goodbye to Leon and goodnight to my uncle, I went to my bedroom, getting on my sleeping clothes and trying to fall asleep, with Glaceon at my feet, and listeting to the new songs Piers had sent to me while I was having dinner. When I was ready to fall asleep, my Rotom Phone buzzed with a new message. From Piers.
“Hey, sorry if ya’re sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you up”
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t sleeping already”
“Oh, nice then...Do you like the new songs I sent you this night?”
“Yeah, I really love them! Thank you so much...I needed that”
“Something was wrong?”
“Oh...no, just...I’m still acommodating to this place and all those things...I should go to sleep. My uncle wants to bring me tomorrow to his Gym”
“Oh, then I let you sleep. Sleep well and good night”
“Good night, Piers”
With a smile, I closed my eyes after leaving the phone next to me, falling asleep quickly as I heard to Pier’ songs.
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hmm here’s me talking about su sort of lmao like i said i’m not here to be particularly scentamentle?? just say funney stories....and some opinions.....it’s really been a hot minute and i haven’t been making Long text posts about things so i can throw one out there even if it’s got no thesis statement
also like i said i just so happened to like, actually watch the first ep on actual tv when it actually premiered....all i super remember knowing about it beforehand was like “oh rebecca sugar getting her own series right on” and i was gonna check it out on that alone and then also i remember before it debuted there was an article about it in the wapo in the sort of “local”-ish section b/c it was like. hey this is based in uh yknow the dmv....delmarva area.....this whole Region.....and i (from nova and in nova at that time, and flipping thru the print wapo every day) was like haha. neat. also god damn it was 2013, hell of a year. i can tell you little about it b/c it was so crappy i just like did not bother much with things like “distinct memories” lmfao. great to have like, a weekly thing towards the end of that hot mess (november??? or smthing??) back when....god........it aired weekly.........anyways yeah i was pleasantly surprised from the start i don’t Get when people are like “can’t watch this in order :/ the first few eps don’t sell it well” like okay speak for yourself god dman....more on that later i’m sure lmfao. hot takes
my brother started watching it too just cuz he’s game for shit that way and i was keeping up with it. like i remember i thought cheeseburger backpack was extra fun and i think i showed him a rerun and i remember he thought it was funny lol the Raft Gag......and when i was watching tiger millionaire i kept For Real Laughing and he came over like what is going on.....and i think he was signed on from there........again pretty fun for it to be this weekly thing. also maybe i’m not here to be Sentamental but i was also like “oh no that Spoke to my feelings unexpected :(” during tiger millionaire when amethyst was all “you can’t let anyone make you feel like garbage” and “i only feel how i wanna feel” like guess who was in the early stages of “my self esteem is so crappy it’s starting to circle around into [trying to increase self esteem]”.........like i said hell of a time. though then that’d be 2014 by then i think?? still a hell of a time
started to get “i think i will draw the same character one million times” about it at some point in 2014 too lmfao......every instance of [me drawing the same shit one million times], which is the only way i ever draw anything, then like, benefits whatever i draw later cuz like. sure get some practice out of it. and even though like, it wasn’t quite as huge an Internet Thing as it was gonna get once i started to draw shit, it was already like, classic-me Kinda Niche to be like “hey gang who is going ham about the bored dumbass teens”....not so niche that there weren’t other people going “yeah i am” at any given time tho. and then we put our hands in the middle and go Yeah!! and jump up hsm style. it was also a great time for something Fun and (easier than marble hornets lol) to draw b/c. it simply was a good time for it.....struggling to draw shit back then even more than is like, usual. oh and also i forget but i had sort of Withdrawn from the mh fanbase b/c it got this whole influx of randos after fjsfdking the Video Game we all know the one and i was like. i am gonna.....sidle over here. nobody Likes to be in a fandom actually lmfao. and i mean even while su was getting to be A Whole Thing i was like. bro i am over here in the Donuts section and it is a little quieter and i use the tag sometimes but i’m all set, thanks. still the least Niche niche i’ve been in probably lmfao....see: the fact that probably still way most of my followers are here from su times even tho idk who’s even active still
also had a high time making some great Long Text Posts. i kind of always fail 2 grasp that even as much as my drawings that stuff leads to me actually getting to interact with people, b/c like, those text posts have me actually saying Words in them, which helps lmfao..........i think it’s like, these posts are probably Not That Fun for most people, but then for the people who Are like “oh sweet this is something that i actually want,” that’s obviously a helpful way to find a kindred spirit lmao.....like hey cool you already know i can’t shut up and am opinionated and obviously a lil much? fantastic let’s do this. plus idk it’s fun to Not Shut Up Actually. like, not the biggest deal. ppl can just Scroll Past. or not
speaking of “getting practice Not Shutting Up and Drawing Shit”.......hilarious when in late 2018 i find myself like. oh so you’re telling me this excellent character who is a self-sabotaging struggling-to-know-how-to-cope-with-shit-and-connect-with-others insecure af Teen is not appreciated / ignored / deemed Awful (and then ignored) by the majority of the fanbase?????? hahaha you don’t say....but No Problem. let me just talk about how this person has Complexity actually and is a lot more sympathetic than not and i hate all of you omg like do we have to do all of this ourselves lmfao........guess so, Fine
what am i talking about funny stories who is this funny to lmfao. okay no but okayyy what an experience when the island adventure preview came out and for like the next 4 days i did not experience depression lmao........i Jumped on the opportunity b/c it was like, early fall i wanna say??? i think sept?? 2014 and i was kinda mulling over going to gmx (which was this convention the Marble Hornets gang kept getting invited to & i’d been 2 twice b4 but missed the previous yr coz it was 2013 and i was way not thriving) and yeah jumped on the “depression / (as much) anxiety who???” superpower to Ask if it was cool if i went to a friend’s wedding in georgia for a weekend. there was no friend’s wedding in georgia. and then i went to gmx AND. ironically (not really im sure. idk what irony means and idc) gmx weekend ended up being the same weekend island adventure actually aired and when i left that morning (gmx being in nashville) my lil bro (getting up for school) was like GO GO and i actually made it in time to catch it in the hotel room but. they didn’t have the channel despite it being listed on the channel guide. i about flipped lmfao but i did see it later that weekend and flipped again. gmx was an a-okay time as well lmao that was the last time i made it
they may have never sold a licensed Lars S1 Green/Purple Snake Tee but look when i have this green racerback with a neat snake print & this necklace of purple quartz crystals and also when i was at gmx i bought this necklace with one (non purple, non actual crystals but plastic shaped like it / glossed) pendant In The Spirit Of It All and it gets compliments. anyways the point is. indirectly representing
speaking of crystals = lars i’d just like to reiterate that i’m always right. like sure i was like “look i don’t know how lars could have Crystal Magic in him but something is up with the fact he’s = pink magic flowers with crystals inside them Means Something.” i think it’s reasonable to Not have predicted he dies and gets revived w/ crystal magic that’s in him now. but that’s still a Win for realizing somethings up....tfw as early as like s2 times i’d be like “well the donuts gotta get involved in the center of adventure at Some point and also i Know it is important that steven is just lars’s rly annoying little brother and y/n do you think lars would die to protect him i think he would...” like. i didn’t wanna be That right :/
tfw me and my brother were watching rose’s scabbard while my mom was napping it out in the armchair and like silently Sharing A Look at the whole “she was beautiful” thing like. lol harold
i still don’t know how much of a Thing(tm) magfest is but as far as i can figure it it’s No Comic Con (like, thank god :| ) but still kind of a thing. anyways i learned of it cuz i saw there was gonna be a couple su panel thingies & i looked it up & we were less than an hour away and so it was like midnight but i ask my brother like hey wanna swing by this thing on this one friday. and he was like Sure. so i made it happen and he was 17 so we had to drag our dad to the bank to Notarize a form that he was allowed to be there accompanied by me. it was a big place and it also took us a while to find Registration or whatever and when we tried getting sandwiches later it cost like $7 each go figure. anyways but we were just there for the one Event & there was a room like filled with arcade games and a bunch of other consoles (also Retro though. like old computers n stuff) and they had Galaga, thank fucking god. we 2 playered that shit and wandered around and also 2 playered a game called toobin, which was funny. real gamers know. 
when we were in the (pretty long) Line to get into the Panel, i actually like. spotted a then-mutual who i (was pretty sure i) recognized from her occasional selfie lol and who i guess had travelled all the way from the west coast for the weekend. when we were actually Seated she happened to be a couple rows back and both of us on the end of the aisle and i asked my brother if he could read her nametag (to verify lol) and i bopped over to have the cringe and fail exchange of “hey do you have a Tumblr” and then i was like “haha i’m milo i’m ummmwine” and she got up to hug me and then i had to scamper back to my seat cuz shit was starting lol
like my life was not changed by this event but we had fun and. the Hilarious story is that it was also partially a Q&A and i had a Q and my brother encouraged me by again whispering “go go” as soon as the first syllable was spoken implying Line up For Questions.....i was in like, the last idk, haaalf dozen or so ppl who made it to the mic? and look i knew i was gonna be asking a niche question that like 3 other people of the hundreds in the room would care about but So What. deal with it gang, let’s have some Variety. but i was still nervous. and when i’m nervous, i a) Have A Script and b) get even chattier. and right after the person Right In Front Of Me got their answer, i guess it was noticed that it was getting down to the wire so they were like “haha okay lightning round :)” and i was like NO.......GOD..........lmfao like too late im sorry i Can’t make it lightning round. i was muy anxious.....just that, again, hundreds of people there, i have the floor, nobody’s gonna Like my quastion......and they didn’t know the answer (which i figured was v possible lol) so i was like oh no sklfjd hope this entire room doesn’t hate me. i mean of course i didn’t care if they did too much but, Nerves....also im valid, but were the like half dozen people who asked prior to me about shit that would CLEARLY be too spoilery to answer valid????? no lmfao. cmon. that’s what’s Really cringe
well here we ffw a bit b/c Mid To Late 2015 is certainly a time for me and it doesn’t really make for an interesting story so just to tldr it lmao like, got some beautiful moral support from someone as i was makin a Lifestyle Change lol and continued to get beautiful moral support from that same person and i continue to benefit from it....You know who you are!!!! tyvvm....and it occurred to me that the reason i am where i physically am is via someone i met thru su-posting.......which is true of the You Know who you are person too, which is why i brought it up lmao
uhh god not as many Stories after that lol.....def got to engage in “i’m ___ i’m gonna [draw the same character i always draw] so i won’t be so ___” during interesting times lol. love that for me
tbh the uh. Wanted arc was truly one of the best Serial Arcs, just dramatic & solid af and also it’s lars time and for a second i go “god well at least maybe now ppl will acknowledge lars is a gr8 character” and then a second later i go “Oh No they’ll only say he’s a good character *Now*” and that’s exactly what happened lmfao but well we still got as much lars fanart as we ever got outside that couple weeks aftermath... l o l . . . i had to wait One Zillion Years for my little brother to catch up to this b/c. he was watching via hulu i think where like, a full season would come out a good while after the finale. seriously i think it took him almost 2 years. im like dammit lmfao this is What Matters dfslk....fond memories when hulu was free / no login req’d / shit would be available like the day after airing
uhhhHHH crazy how this show muscled through the weird scheduling change where it was like “no weekly eps Only Erratic Hiatuses”......ppl were so foolishly Into the first “5 eps in a row” release and i was like “no i don’t like this” and then a year later i was like “you see. You See.” rip
i think we can even ffw to sutm at that point lol....im like im in this for lars okay lmfao kinda Shrugggg @ things by this point lol like finale shminale. where’s he at. and i really wasn’t paying a world of attention to like, prior-to-release lore n announcements so i was just plunged into this chaos of like sorry???? excuse me?? of all the people in the world sarah stiles?????? lfsdj like noooo don’t show me these tweets lmfao......truly it’s fine i’m being Hilarious but it’s also very real that like, when i see things like “showtime(tm)” or “SHO” or “billions content” i’m just doused with Dread b/c i hate this series lmao i swear to christ. but it’s really Fine lmfao like. i was kinda “eh :/” to “yea this is alright” about the rest of it but spinel was The Highlight lmfao and having $50 to go ham on her animation was great but really the voice acting Made It.....like the entire takeaways was uh the other friends sequence and fuckin uhh this part. fuck it up ms. stiles........hit it out of the park..........cain was the first funny bitch and spinel was the second. that thought just came to me and i will not elaborate. call that a revelation. oh and also it was a relief cuz i was like “i s2g if this Antagonist is like, aquamarine-style annoying af....i will die” but No. spinel is annoying af in another way which is her rights and i don’t want to die about it lmfao. she’s good.......i don’t even resent the “how come whenever some rando shows up ready to literally kill everyone for no good reason, all of you are ready to be like ‘wow an icon’ and we can’t have 10% of that energy for the teen who’s kinda bitchy b/c he’s annoyed by life and crap???” thing b/c i mean, she had her whole Arc all at once and also is good enough for it i think. the nadir was when the one rando shows up for like One episode like “i Don’t want to kill everyone :3 syke >:)” and for some reason people were like “omg iconic. call them on their ‘don’t kill everyone’ bullshit” like lol i hate you guys
well i like lars’s [last outfit we see him in] and i feel like it only backs up the bi agenda. another epic gamer moment had been when it became a Popular Hc that lars is trans b/c he is lmao. and everyone was all “why is everyone sayign this why would you want him to be trans he sucks” like get good grandma!!!!!!!! it’s too late. well that’s the end of my post. me in 2014 being like “wow way to have something to keep up with b/c now i have to outlive it to get all the dnads content i guess” and here i am. but it’s almost April 2020 so. haha 
hmm what’s a less ominous ending. oh shit another thing that was funny is i was like So about these Skull Plugs featured in this semi-official drawing of lars once and then horror club came out (fun b/c i like horror) and had the skull plugs for Real & they were glow in the dark. that was a big day for me even seeing the promos lmfao. except then i guess it was foreshadowing, so again i end this with Death. don’t we all
wait no lsfdjs What tf was matthew moy talking about “i like your hair.” dude dropping an i-guess cut line on us lmfao. alright alright im done
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Is it easy to find a job in your preferred field in your hometown?           preferred field *chuckle*
Ladies: Would you ever consider proposing? If not, why not? Gentlemen: How would you feel, if you were proposed to?     yes, I have an idea
Have you ever played the original Mass Effect trilogy?           I haven’t
If so, which Shepard and who do you like romancing the best? -             
Let’s say there’s a person in need. They need money which they can’t make. Would you be more likely to help them out, if a celebrity asked you to?       celebs should help them, not me, I need help myself!
When you go to a restaurant, do you have a go-to dish? Or do you always try out something new? usually
Would you rather live next to a kindergarten or an old folks’ home?       old folks’ home for sure
What is the best part of your most ordinary day?   sleeping :x
Do you enjoy being on your own or are you happier when there’s a crowd around you?           I’m a loner/introvert
Do you ever look up what foreign idioms mean?     yep
What’s the strangest saying you’ve come across? I don’t recall atm
What’s a First World problem that you have?         hmm...
Have you ever made a parody version of a popular song?     me and my sister were doing puppet shows for our parents, mostly her ideas as she was forcing me to perform those until I got sick of that
Which game did you play the most as a kid during recess? nie bawiłam się w większość gier przez brak zdrowia, ale lubiłam plac z huśtawkami czy drabinkami, albo udawać rodzinę/dom i te fajne białe “krateczki” z kolorowymi “guziczkami” co jak się je wpinało w dziurki to układało się z nich obrazki (nie pamiętam nazwy)
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Is there a pattern on the pants you’re currently wearing? Which one? there isn’t
Does your mother annoy you when the holidays come along in the year? my mom annoys me all the time lol Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? I’m too short but I manage and still some ppl sometimes ask me for help anyway Do you check the texture of things first or the smell of them? used to smell them but now just texture Have you ever broken the arm or head off of a figurine? How did you do this? I’m no Chunk :P
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Do you believe in superstitious things such as breaking a mirror? I wouldn’t do that on purpose but I don’t believe in most of the superstitions, luckily there are some things you can do to avoid bad luck like throw salt over your shoulder or knock on non painted wooden thingy etc. Do you get sick of people who call themselves bi polar all the time? I’m sick of ppl who use mental and physical illnesses as excuses when they don’t have them - single headache ain’t a migraine nor being an ass makes you a border, shut up! Ever have an ultra-sound performed on you?  more than once Do you like those ‘end of the world,’ ‘Armageddon’ movies? some are good, some not Ever been choked severely on something? just a feather Has anyone ever compared you to an animal? Which one(s)? several like monkey, raccoon or cat Ever been in one of those church Christmas plays before? Why/why not? I didn’t participate but I watched/looked at them when I was younger Have you ever thrown a roll of toilet paper at someone before? ... why? Have you ever found yourself talking to an inanimate object? at times I talk to my computer (because I hate it so we argue), kettle and fridge, also my stuffed animals of course Something on the human body that grosses you out the most: penis Ever think of what it would be like to be a mermaid or merman? I thought and I wouldn’t like it besides maybe finding some cool stuff that drown  What is something that bothers you about most surveys in general? creators lack imagination, they ask the same stuff over and over again, it’s boring What is your favorite color of apple? Red, green or yellow? red Ever want to be a doctor? Is it because of all the hospital shows? noooo Do you like drawing smiley faces or do you think they’re overrated? rarely and I’m ashamed of that tbh Are you someone who actually likes to babysit children? hell no but I’m not that bad at it Do you hardly ever remember where you put things at? I have good memory when it comes to that most of the time - not counting my green scissors grrrr Where did you last buy socks from? What do those socks look like? Archelan - Christmas themed and fuzzy  Do you ever lay in the grass and look up at the sky, just because? not as often as I’d like to? Are you afraid of being kidnapped if you go outside at nighttime? raped, killed or robbed more likely Do you like showers or baths better? Why did you choose your choice? baths as I like to sit and I don’t like the glass nor have water over my head  Are you a controversial person? Do your views oppose others? it seems Have you ever thrown a surprise party for someone? Who for? nah, I dislike surprises and there weren’t opportunities/possibilities to do that Do you tap fingernails on desks? hardly ever Have you ever wanted to be in a band? What position exactly? vocalist (who can play instruments) but I have no talent but don’t worry, it was a childish dream that fade away when I found out more about live of a band member Do you ever call your cousins just to talk to them randomly? nope, we don’t talk, just say HI if anything  Do you find any of your friends’ parents creepy or really mean? yep Do you ever had to wash your clothes at someone else’s house? camp When is the next time you’ll go to the library? Why is this? we’ll see, covid situation isn’t helpful and I can’t focus on books lately Do you treat others as you’d like to be treated? Have you always? I treat them how they treat me (not authority figures/dangerous ppl tho) Were you a really mean kid or a sweet and quiet kid? sweet and quiet Are you someone who likes to get in arguments or fights a lot? I don’t like to but I still end up arguing, sigh... How do you make sure people know you don’t like them at all? avoid them, block them, ignore them fight with them when they don’t stay away (not physically yet)
How much was the cell phone you have at this moment in time? about 200 PLN  What would you do if you woke up randomly with purple hair? cool but wonder how that happened What color is the closest desk to your body? What all is on it? ugly light brown with shitload of stuff The most painful medical procedure you’ve ever had? gonna have it soon so don’t remind me Ever have a dream you’re being abducted by aliens? Was it scary? aliens tried to abduct me in dreams but didn’t succeed ha!  What would you say is the color of your favorite bra? white Do you like people who are loud or people who are quiet? not too tiring but not completely silent either Does personality weigh out the sense of ‘good looks?’ look is important but not as much as personality for sure, it’s like 1:9 I think Do you hate it when people copy the things you do? could say so Has anyone ever told you that you’re good at cooking? r u kidding?... Do you have any enemies who you think are dangerous? anyone can be Do you ever try to squeeze information out of people? Konrad once told me I’m like a private detective about it because I’m so sneaky they don’t realize until it’s too late but I sadly forget infos quickly due to stress last months so it’s not as useful as it sounds Does it freak you out when the police drive/walk by? somehow Have you ever been pulled over by the cops for speeding? I don’t drive Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? I had a friend who was a firefighter
Have you ever woken up to a good morning letter beside you? left in the kitchen but informative like - I went there or feed the dog etc. Would you ever get your nails done? I can do them myself if I ever want to
Are you afraid of worms? maggots Do you wear rings on your thumb? why not How many shirts of yours are red? less than 5 Does the color red look good on you? my first therapist told me I should wear it to be more brave but it causes anger in me so I prefer not to Do you pray before every meal? Sunday lunch with parents Have you ever been caught cheating on a test? not caught but been cheating in high school How many white tank tops do you own? 0? Do loud people bother you? omg YES Does your head itch? not currently but frequently Do you know anyone named John? my ex friend had a nickname like this Have you ever tried the cinnamon challenge? I’m not stupid Are you a fast runner? like Gimli Did you ever want a pet rabbit? no way
Do you ever want to own a house? apartment more likely How do you feel about men? blergh Do you know any police officers? my neighbor was a police officer Have you ever signed a petition? lots Have you ever aspired to start your own business? I wish Who is the oldest person living in the same building as you? mom The youngest? me Would you rather pay with cash or card? cash, cards make me nervous Have you ever used a pager? I have not Do you like visiting the beach? beachcombing is fun Do you like to buy things? but not spend money lmfao Have you ever been in a polygamous relationship? I didn’t know that I apparently am - jk Is there anyone you haven’t spoken to in a long time but you still think about daily? my grandma for example Would you like to be rich? not filthy, having enough money to live and not barely survive
have you ever behaved like a stalker? *crickets* can you lie and keep a straight face? poker face game strong when situation calls for it
have you ever feared for somebody else’s life? especially dad’s do you prefer honesty, even when it hurts? hard to tell if you could pick your own pet name, what would it be? picked my dog’s  have you ever masturbated while driving? wtf, don’t do that, gross how do you feel when someone takes the last of something? without asking? *cringe* how do you feel when people tell you “bless you” when you sneeze? thank you unless I sneeze many times in a row and they bless me every single time - then it’s annoying what are you supposed to say when somebody coughs? r u ok? have you ever committed a violent crime because of a video game or rap song? who said I play/listen to those? have you ever actually overheard one of your friends talking shit about you? possibly how many partners is too many? at once or in your entire life? do you believe that wearing an aluminum foil hat will stop the government from reading your thoughts? that reminds me of the RED movie XD
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would you rather have a hook for a hand or a peg leg? peg leg 100% elseway I’d end up with an eye cover as well if you know what I mean bonus points for/to being a pirate tho how close does someone have to be for you to feel obligated to wait and hold the door for them? either right behind me or carry heavy/big load do you examine the tissue after you blow your nose? for example when I worry about it bleeding  what is your cure for the hiccups? wait
Do you miss Brittany Murphy’s appearance in films? awwww she was such a good actress RIP
Is Christmas stressful? to me it is but I’m stressed 24/7
Do you make your own smoothies or juices? meh
Do you think time really does heal all? NO
Are you more sensitive to heat or the cold? cold
Did you care at all when Steve Jobs died? ... he died?
Has anyone searched your room for anything recently? my mother for dirty laundry
When do you decorate for Christmas? as soon as possible
Would you be cool with wearing sweatpants to the grocery store? yes
Have you ever been pranked via a hidden camera? am glad that didn’t happen 
Do you know any of those people who are depressed during the winter? I’m depressed year round
If a job makes you unhappy, do you choose to stay or leave? if I can change it without ending up on the street then I leave
How does your being here in the universe change humanity for the better? nothing? Who is a person that you don’t like yet you spend time with? my family member[s] How is your relationship with money? we don’t see each other as often as I’d like to ;) get it?  How do you feel about growing old someday? won’t live that long
Are you wearing two shirts? too hot for that Have you ever owned the socks with toes on them? disgusting! Can you point out constellations in the night sky? I can not What was your favorite part about studying ancient Greeks and Romans? not interested What’s the last thing you bought at a mall? food, antibacterial gel and a blanket
Is there someone who you can turn to for money and not be ashamed? parents but I’ll feel crappy about it  Have you ever swam in a river? as a child Are there any dirty clothes underneathe your bed? ewww seriously?  What food do you love the smell of while it’s cooking? smells make me sick In what month do you start Christmas shopping? I seek presents whole year then store them for later Have you ever had a crush on a celebrity of the same sex? as a lesbian What kind of flowers would you plant in your garden? bushes, grass, moss and trees, wild flowers, if they want to grow, can stay  Do you believe that kids should be taught abstinence? I agree When’s the next time you’ll go to the grocery store? not in next weeks
Where’s your car keys? not applicable Did you keep any momentos of school dances? pics Do you still have clothes from your high school? and middle school  Do you think you could do better drawings than Napolean Dynamite? this question...
Do you own anything skull print? had a shirt that I gave to John ages ago Who are the three people you consider yourself closest to? parents and my gf Which ex of yours means the most to you? my partner as we’re back together Have you taken prescription medications that didn’t belong to you? oh well... How are your social skills? awkward Have you ever stayed at a hotel for longer than two months? I’m poor Do you ever go outside to look at the stars? there were some days in past summers when me and dad been going to stadium for a walk at night, that’s when and where we saw UFO  Who breaks away from the kiss first? she as she forgets to breathe  Do you know what you weigh? thx for a reminder - they’ll ask in hospital Have you ever smoked anything other than tobacco? one cigarette was all that I smoked in me life Have you ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle? nope Do you say koala bear or simply koala? koala  Do you usually travel anywhere in the winter? I’d freeze brrr Do you wait for someone else to take the garbage out when it’s full? we take turns Are most of your friends white? it’s not America so...
Does your hair reach your boobs? not even my shoulders
What’s something that fills you with anxiety? what doesn’t?...
What age do you think is too old to still live with your parents? there’s no expiration date
Have you ever watched Bob’s Burgers? fragments
Has a teacher ever caught and read a note you were passing in class? I wasn’t that much of a note passer 
Do you know anyone who is afraid of horses? nah
Do you clean things that are already clean when you’re bored? tha hell?...
Would you rather live in a tropical or arctic climate? tropical
What do you do when someone overweight complains about being overweight? I say it’s important to be healthy but weight isn’t always a sign of being ill
Is there any Irish, Scottish, or Danish in your heritage? none that I know of
Do you find Asians attractive? yes and no
Have either of your parents ever been to jail? nooooo
Keep Calm and Carry On or Screw Calm and Get Angry? there’s time for one of each?
Do you think Urban Outfitters is overpriced? like every other similar store 
Are your colarbones prominent? yeah
Have you ever in your life worn overalls? I have indeed
How did you react when you heard Whitney Houston had died? sorry but I didn’t care
Do you think Helena Bonham Carter is attractive? she is
Would you rather listen to Dolly Parton or Dusty Springfield? Dolly
Are you watching The Walking Dead? I’m scared of zombies and gore 
Are you a light sleeper? became lighter
Would you consider cuddling cheating? it’s complicated
What does the purse/bag you last used look like? it’s black with red embroidery and white beads
Can you make a clover with your tongue? impossible
What’s your favorite coffee brand/flavor? I don’t drink coffee
Is your belly button pierced? no piercings!
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leafticket · 5 years
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im posting this late lol but here’s a recap of day 3 in Madeira!
gulliver must’ve made it back safely cuz a) he wasn’t on the beach anymore and b) he sent me a letter or smth with a present but I forget what it was. Also he ended the letter with “love, gulliver” UMMMMMM i would die for him 🥺
i also got a bandana in the mail that i ordered from the nook miles program which is. why im wearing a bandana. i look SO cute honestly i just wish i could find my glasses and then id b all set!!! usually i just wanna wear dresses in acnl and acpc but i like the sweater and jeans look here a lot more actually (either that or i just havent found the right dress yet!)
DAISY MAE VISITED!!!! BABY!!!! she showed up on my title screen and i yelled KDJFKSJDJF and i bought 10 turnips from her even tho i hate the stalk market and never do it in new leaf but i will do it here just to make her happy!!!!!! and i listened to her whole speech just to like b supportive even tho i know how it works and it was so sweet how she was talking 2 herself and trying 2 be confident and like. :”~)
Tom nook has been like on shady phone calls for the past few days and i was Concerned but i caught him in the ACT!!!! and he told me 3 ppl were interested in coming to my island so i ended up having to build a bridge and make 3 plots for houses! it was a lot of work and im not rly happy w the way things r located (im an idiot and i couldn’t put the bridge where it would have been best to put one bc i put charlise’s house there. real clown hours) but it’s ok!!! the new islanders moving in are rex (plot 1), winnie (plot 2), and NORMA (plot 3)!!!!!!!!
nook’s cranny opened and we had a celebration for it! also Mabel showed up at one point when i went inside for the first time and then left w/o me getting to talk to her lol so i hope she comes back soon cuz eye... wuld like some clothes. especially glasses.
antonio and charlise got houses out of nowhere which is cool i guess. they’re simple and sweet and i want their diy workbenches so badddddd im tired of this tree stump bullshit 😔
I CAUGHT A WASP!!!!!!!!!! two actually! and then i got stung a 3rd time but we don’t have to talk abt that 😌 also i saw no t*rantulas and idk whether to be relieved or disappointed JDJDKFJDJF
Harvey visited and i went to photopia! im not sure i like it but maybe it’ll grow on me. Also i want the little rainbow wind spinner thingy outside of his house SO BAD and i will stop at nothing to get one for myself
i paid off my first home loan and immediately started the 2nd one!! Tom nook said he’ll expand my house (i always am antsy abt that cuz i like the rooms to be tiny but whatever) and i asked if he could also change my roof color to red so there’s that. also i made a mum wreath for my front door but i rly want other wreaths too.. i keep finding mums everywhere on my island AND on my mystery tours so i wonder if ppl have like. native fruit and native flowers! cuz mine are mums!
i saw a sunset and it was rly nice 🥺 ALSO i got a ladder so now i can access every part of my island and later in the day when i had no other tasks to do i just explored around and checked out the sunset from different angles and vantage points and it was rly fun!
Antonio gave me some joy reactions which was rly sweet of him!
i went on 2 mystery tours but it was just me there like there were no islanders or anything and that made me rly sad. the 2nd island i went to was a bamboo forest tho so that was cool
at night WISP SHOWED UP!!! i saw him drifting around across the river on my first night but i couldn’t get to him then and i was rly sad... but this time i talked 2 him and scared him so bad he lost 5 pieces of his spirit 😔 honestly i don’t blame him KFJDKSJDJ but i found them and gave them to him and then he gave me a tiger print floor in return which like whatever. im glad he’s doing more than just amiibo stuff in this game!
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w-re-writes · 5 years
Fictober - Day 17 - “an honest muttonhead”
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1867
Rating: General Audiences
Prompt: “There is just something about them/her/him.”
Unbeknownst to him, Cleos is the third wheel in a ridiculous road trip. His wife helps him through it.
(read on ao3)
Cleos Frey had never been a saint, but he was sure he did not deserve this punishment.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" His cousin, Jaime, said from the back seat. "Of course the Warrior would beat the Maid. It's right there in the name."
The gigantic woman in the passenger's seat exhaled with resignation. Brienne Tarth, she was called. Another employer of Catelyn Stark's. Reliable, strong. She’d been his manager for the past months, and Cleos liked her. Not the least because she’d also done an enviable job of ignoring Jaime’s constant japes. At least, until he managed to get under her skin.
"You're bypassing the fact," Brienne explained in a tired tone, "that the Warrior cannot harm the Maid. She's an innocent. But if she asked him to fight for a just cause, he could even get killed. She’d win any fight between them."
"But the Warrior cannot die!"
"But that’s not the point!"
Mother have mercy.
Cleos hadn't seen Brienne upset by anything until Jaime arrived to the Tully headquarters to oversee their negotiations with Tywin Lannister. Purchasing company branches was a merciless bloodbath, and Jaime had been sent to do what he did best—to rail people up until they yielded.
Jeyne help , Cleos texted his wife as soon as he got signal. They were waiting for Jaime to return from taking a leak in the woods. He’d insisted, despite the pouring rain.
What is it?
I’m this close to put myself in front of the car. Miss u.
Miss u too. It's Jaime, just tell embarrassing stories re him as a kid. Thats how genna shuts him up
Cleos glanced up at Brienne, who was also frowning and tapping on her phone.
Its nit just him , he typed back.
The girl too?
They nvr stop fighting
Its exhausting. Like Ty and Will
At that moment, Jaime closed the door with a self satisfied smile.
"All good, coz," he said ruefully, shaking his umbrella in an obnoxious way. "Let's go."
Cleos glanced at Brienne, who nodded her approval, and he started the engine.
This whole excuse of a road trip had been Jaime's idea. Cleos had said it was a ridiculous notion, with the weather they’d last the Seven knew how long. But Jaime had argued back. Flights had been canceled due to the storm, but by car it'd only be 7 hours to King’s Landing. "Shorter than waiting for the storm to blow over," Jaime had smiled. "We all win."
Yeah, right . Cleos had begun to wonder if he was trapped within one of the gods’ big jokes.
"Everyone knows that a blade blunts after hitting bone," Brienne was saying, raising her voice over the rain outside. "So a sword is not a good weapon during a zombie apocalypse."
"But the aesthetic," Jaime shook his fists at her, faking emotion. "What else do you have during the zombie apocalypse but aesthetics?"
He makes her laugh tho , Cleos texted Jeyne later, when they stopped at a petrol station in the middle of nowhere. They were all slightly damp, but for some reason Jaime managed to make it look classy. Brienne and him just looked annoyed.
Thats good?
Yeah, shes young but very serious, tries to hide it
That she's serious?
That she laughs
Brienne returned to the car from her expedition into the management store. "The road is closed," she announced, squaring her shoulders and handing Jaime and Cleos an apple juice box each. "But the man said they're cleaning it up and it should be done by tomorrow."
"There's no way around it?" Cleos asked. Of course the gods would make it harder for him. Of course.
Brienne shook her head.
"It'd take us three hours to get to the other road," Jaime chimed in, slurping his apple juice. "Not worth it."
"Then another five hours to circle back to King's Landing," Brienne agreed, not reluctantly. "Can you stop that?"
Jaime gulped his drink with added noise. Brienne rolled her eyes before turning to Cleos.
"The man said there's an inn further down. We should stop there for the night."
Cleos felt his face wrinkle in pain.
"Slumber party" Jaime finished his juice, looking straight at Brienne. "Yay."
Cleos u old fool , Jeyne had texted, adding two laughing emojis. Cleos frowned.
We r eating smtng n staying at an inn, call u soon , he sent her. Then he quoted her last message: Why?
"Coz, the Boss says they only got one room," Jaime's hand patted his shoulder. "We'll all have to share."
"The boss?" Cleos deepened his frown.
"Two beds, though," Brienne walked past them, carrying most of their bags on one hand. "And if you keep calling me Boss I’m going to expect you to shut up and do as I say, Lannister."
"Am I not doing that already?" he teased her, watching her stomp upstairs with determination. He gave a short laugh, picked what was left of their luggage, and trailed after her. Cleos checked his phone and followed, wondering just how insufferable dinner would be.
"No no no no no," Brienne was shaking her hands. "Under no circumstances would the Blue Knight lose to the Golden Knight. There’s a story about it."
“But only the one story,” Jaime insisted, nudging Cleos with an elbow as he cut his meal.
The inn was packed, and they’d been cramped into a corner. Cleos was not a short man, but he was sandwiched between the biggest woman he’d ever met and his cousin's inflated personality in the tiniest, primpiest table in the seven kingdoms. The tablecloth even had lace, which he knew because he had been inspecting everything in his immediate surroundings while his companions spoke nonstop.
"Are you saying it’s not canonical?"
"“I’m saying there’s a chance they never actually fought."
Cleos tried to remember when his remark about the decorative armour in the parlor had turned into a discussion about the age of heroes, or whatever this was. His mum used to tell him and his cousins stories about knights and dragons, and Brienne had been delighted when he'd told her. She loved all of that stuff. As for Jaime… Cleos hadn’t even known Jaime still cared about the stories.
Is she touching her hair? Jeyne’s reply chimed in his phone.
Cleos stopped the fork halfway to his mouth and glanced at his left. Brienne was talking about a historical TV show, tugging her hair behind her ears at least twice in the process.
Yes. What does that have to do w anythng? He texted back.
Is he listening to her? That message had a laughing-with-tears emoji.
Cleos looked to his right. Jaime had cupped his cheek on one hand, following her every word.
His brow furrowed so fast in realization he felt a muscle tear.
Can't be, he sent. It didn’t feel adamant enough. Impossible , he added.
Cleos had been at some office events where both Brienne and Jaime had attended, and he never thought… Surely Jeyne was wrong.
Brienne had sighed in relief when she had told him they’d reached an agreement. They were about to sign the contracts with Uncle Tywin, which was why they’d been traveling to King’s Landing in the first place. Jaime had been unfazed by the result, as usual, even though him and Brienne had written the final document.
Then again…
Cleos looked at Jeyne’s stream of emojis making fun of him (including some suggestive combinations of hand gestures and eggplants), and then again at his manager and cousin.
They were radiant.
Like everything else in that godsforsaken inn, the room was small and cozy, with lace decorating every textile in view.
Cleos sat on the edge of one of the beds, while Brienne threw herself in the other. Jaime was opening cabinets and doors, like a cat inspecting a new room.
Their not flirting , Cleos texted Jeyne, one handed, opening a couple of buttons on his shirt.
Sounds like it to me
"Hey," Jaime produced a box from one of the shelves. "Kingdompoly! What say you, coz? Shall we play, for old time’s sake?"
Cleos huffed. "Will loves it," he said. "So that means we’ve had to ban it from the house. I pass."
Jaime laughed. "Very well. And you, Boss? Fancy a play?"
"What are you, ten?" Brienne was decidedly not looking up at Jaime, intent only on her book, the edge of her mouth curling up just so. "Only if you’re prepared to lose."
"Ah, a challenge. You boast."
"Of course. My sisters hated me because I won all the time."
"That's because you weren’t playing me."
Are u still up?
Cleos had grabbed the spare key and beseeched the safety of the lobby. The rain was still pounding, but the waiting area was quiet in comparison to the tourney-worth of cackles the two blonds had been making.
The phone rang at the tune of the Rains of Castamere and Cleos picked up gratefully.
"Hi, husband mine." Jeyne's grin was palpable in her voice. "How’re the lovebirds?"
"Fighting," Cleos chuckled. "Over Kingdompoly."
"See what I do for our sons?"
Jeyne laughed. "I know. They miss you."
"And me them."
"But are you sure? I was rather hoping I had something to tease your mum with. Her favorite nephew, flirting with a Stark. Can you imagine?"
"I just told you. It's not flirting. They fight. And she's not a Stark, exactly."
"Is it fighting or is it bantering?"
Cleos mentally ran through months of constant teasing, chattering, endless nights of working together, heads bent into one single purpose.
"It’s not flirting," he insisted, stubborn as ever.
That made his wife laugh. It was warm.
"Well," Jeyne continued. "Come home as soon as you can and I'll show you proper flirting, then."
Gods, he missed her.
Cleos walked into their room an hour after. He'd assumed Jaime and him would share a bed, so his surprise was genuine when he discovered two large bulks in Brienne's.
Tip toeing his way through the carpet, Cleos peeked over the pink dossel. Kingdompoly was sprawled out on the mattress in disarray, Brienne asleep against the headboard, and Jaime tucked against her leg, his curls resting on her thigh.
Cleos bit his lip.
His first instinct was to wake Jaime up, a million arguments about impropriety crossing his mind. But they both looked strangely peaceful. And gratefully quiet.
Look what I found , Cleos typed to Jeyne.
It was a bit clumsy, but he managed to angle the camera, adjust the flash, and snap the picture.
Jeyne sent back a billion head-exploding emojis.
I told u!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She didn't have to seem so smug, but Cleos didn’t mind too much.
I got u something to bother mum with , he replied, sliding into his own bed.
My hero ! She said, with a heart emoji.
Cleos chuckled for himself, and peppered his text lingo with a smiley face for his wife.
Sinking into the pillow, Cleos glanced at his travel companions one last time. They breathed slowly in absolute comfort, holding each other in the bed. Maybe Jeyne wasn't so far off, after all. There is just something about them.
With a knowing grin, Cleos drifted into sleep.
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