#i CANNOT get enough of them uRGH
nnnyxie · 1 year
Hcs about the Rise boys with a younge rsister who is totally like nimona??
Punk music, always thinking about action, super into manipulating and robbery, whines every time one of the brothers knock out an enemy “how come you got to kill them??” <- an actual line from the movie- And basically yeah lol.
please and thank you so much!! Don’t forget to take breaks and take good care of yourself!!
okay so i haven’t watch nimona yet BUT i will do my absolute best at trying to embody her
(aka i did research and i’m praying it was enough)
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raphael ;
your relationship with raph is so !!
you respect him so much— like seriously!!! when they first found you, you were very intimidated by him, which made you dislike him.
but overtime you realized he was just a softy that could get mean when needed.
and honestly?? you respected that.
it’s like with mikey— complete opposites but besties!!
you hold him on such a high pedestal, he’s kind of your idol (strength wise mainly).
he’s always saying ‘remember no killing!’ and ‘you cannot kill that guy for not liking your outfit!’.
he’s the cool older brother and you love him!!
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donatello ;
now. you’d think that you and donnie would get along great considering you’re both yk… borderline murderers/psychopaths!
but… y’all fight ALL. THE. TIME.
it’s always over who gets to fight which person and who gets dibs on killing ‘knocking out’ said person.
poor raph ALWAYS has to break up your fights. the fights are to the point where it gets PHYSICAL.
BUUUT!! there are times where the two of you get along.
usually it’s when it’s super late and you both are very sleep deprived and running on 16 cups of coffee!
but hey, a win is a win i guess???
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leonardo ;
urgh leo… i feel like this is a very one sided hateship (if that makes sense?).
like, you love hate him and his dumb, corny jokes but he adores you!! he adores his little sister!! he’ll shower you in affection like he does w/ the others!!
all the hugs, head-locks, knuckle rubs (i think that’s what they’re called), etc etc.
he just adores you and really doesn’t care if you want to curb stomp him into oblivion (don’t look up curb stomping, just know that it’s violent).
your relationship with him is almost like his and donnie’s except donnie doesn’t actually want to stab him sometimes.
thoughhhh there are times where you’ll show him some love, whether that’s in the form of not attacking him for a few days or silently laughing at one of his terrible one-liners.
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michaelangelo ;
first of all—
you and mikey?? complete opposites but absolute besties!!
i feel like he’d see you try to do some dumb illegal shit but immediately go ‘no no no! let’s not do that!’ and pull you away—
he has to talk you out of a LOOOT of illegal things. like. A LOT.
one time you tried breaking into the empire state and almost killed a guard……… mikey thankfully followed you and stopped you!! (why did you try to break in? i haven’t the slightest clue!)
it just fits!!
you’d lay your life on the line for him!! honestly who wouldn’t??? just because he’s too good for this world doesn’t mean he should leave it!!
plus, you and doctor delicate touch are such a duo when need be.
OMG ALSO!!! i feel like you two would totally vibe to bratmobile, bikini kill, le tigre, jack off jill, & just so many riot grrl (fem led punk) bands!!!
y’all are just THE duo!!!!
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pls i hope i got her personality correct dkgsldna
also!!! i hope you liked this :)
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Gala Couture Vignette
"Through all of this..."
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Ballroom]
Leona: Hips straight, feet forward… With every step, square the knees straight…
Leona: Put one foot in front of the other, as if walking on a thin line… However, take long strides with an open chest.
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Leona: …So, how's that, then?
Leona: You can't have no gripes with my runway walk now, can ya?
Vil: …It's perfect.
Vil: It's like you've become a completely different person from how you were a few days prior. When did you suddenly decide to actually take this seriously?
Leona: I couldn't be bothered to care about this lame fashion show, but…
Leona: It's even more of a pain having you dogging me day in and day out.
Leona: Just thought it'd be easier to get it all over with.
Leona: How's that, honest enough for ya?
Vil: So, you'll take things seriously just to make it easier on yourself? …I can't help being astounded at the depths of your laziness.
Leona: Anyway, I'm done with the walking. Looks like I'm done with your "lessons."
Vil: How naïve. Did you truly believe that "walking" in my world is just putting one foot ahead of the other?
Leona: Hah? There's more!?
Vil: Naturally. You're missing the most important thing needed for a show. That is…
Vil: Posing!!!
Leona: Posing…?
Vil: You walk down the runway and strike a glamourous pose, while all eyes are upon you. That is what a fashion show truly is.
Vil: I'm sure even amateurs like yourself have seen examples on television or in magazines.
Vil: For example, you can place your hands on your hips at the end of the runway before turning back around…
Vil: …
Vil: And pose like this.
Leona: That's got nothin' to do with walking.
Vil: "Posing" is just another aspect of "walking."
Vil: If you cannot nail that down, then there's no way you'll pull the gaze of the audience.
Vil: In addition, a model's pose is a reflection of their own personality. It does not mean you can make it look exactly like mine does.
Leona: Ughh, what a pain. You just figure something out for me, then.
Vil: …Ugh. I thought you would say that.
Vil: That is exactly why I have arranged for these people to come help motivate even someone as uncooperative as you.
Leona: Somehow…
Leona: I have a bad feeling about this.
Rook: Why hello, Roi des Lions! Your mane is absolutely stupendous today, très bien!
Cater: So rare to see Leona actually putting some effort in~! I should snap a pic for Magicam to keep a record forever ♪
[snaps picture]
Leona: …
Leona: Rook and Cater, huh… Two more annoying people just showed up, now…
Leona: How're these guys gonna be of any help?
Vil: Rook has a keen eye for beauty. Cater has his finger on the pulse of the current trends.
Vil: They are the most suitable to provide advice on posing.
Rook: We just need to bring forth Leona-kun's beauty, is that right? Leave it to me.
Cater: We'll show you some poses that'll make you look awesome ♪
Leona: …
Leona: …Haah. Fine, whatever. Having all three of you nagging me just wears me out.
Leona: Let's just get this over with.
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Ballroom]
Vil: In order for Leona to be the most dazzling thing at the fashion show, we need to develop a pose for him…
Vil: First, let's see what Rook and Cater have as suggestions.
Cater: Hmm, well~
Leona: …
Cater: How about a mysterious, upturned gaze that'll definitely be alluring? …So, pull your chin in like THIS! ☆
Leona: Urk!!!!!
Rook: I feel he still lacks a certain evanescence. Leona-kun, would you extend a hand towards me?
Rook: Gaze fervently into nothingness… Yes… As if you were in want of a prince to come rescue you…!
Leona: Hah? Stop saying weird sh―
Rook: Non! Face forward!! Square your shoulders and keep them parallel with the ground!!!
Leona: Urgh!!!!!
Rook: Oh yes, what if you held a flower? I wonder whether yellow or pink would suit you better?
Rook: This is too difficult to decide… How about we put both types on your shoulders to see!
Cater: Ooh, then what if we completely envelop his face in flowers, to give the effect of a more diminutive face…
Leona: …THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!!
Rook/Cater: Ouch!!
Leona: Stop touching me. It's grossing me out.
Leona: I don't need you telling me every little detail, like pulling my chin in, or sticking out my hand, or whatever.
Leona: Cut the small talk, and just let me do it myself. It'll be much faster that way.
Vil: …Oh? Sounds like you're quite confident in yourself.
Leona: You want a pose that's "mysterious" and "evanescent," right?
Leona: I can give you that. Just shut up and watch.
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Leona: …There you go. That should be good enough.
Rook/Vil/Cater: …
Rook: Roi des Lions…
Rook: …That was an absolutely beautiful pose!
Cater: And it looked totally natural~! You sure you're not used to doin stuff like this, Leona-kun!?
Leona: Back home, I'd have to pose properly for a buncha portraits and other commemorative photos and the like.
Leona: This is elementary.
Cater: P-Portraits, huh… Makes sense for a royal family.
Vil: …
Vil: …True, it's not bad.
Leona: Hahah! See!?
Leona: And with that, these lessons are finally…
Vil: However.
Rook/Leona/Cater: "However"?
Vil: …It's average.
Rook/Leona/Cater: !?
Leona: You make me go… through all of this…
Leona: And you have the gall to call me average…!?
Vil: I thought it was pretty, sure. Also, "mysterious and evanescent" isn't a terrible concept at all.
Vil: …However, that isn't enough.
Vil: For the sake of "Operation Steal the Tiara and the Audience," you need to have something more that's not just average.
Vil: Your posing just lacks that something.
Rook: …I see. Now that you mention it, I would definitely like to see just how far Leona-kun is able to go.
Rook: As always, Vil, your insights on beauty is dead on!
Vil: However, I'm having trouble determining what that "something" he lacks is.
Rook: This is rather perplexing. What do you think, Leona-kun?
Vil: ? Where did Leona go?
Cater: So, Leona-kun, uh…
Cater: He said "I'm done." and went back to Savanaclaw ♪
Rook/Vil: !?
Vil: What an irresponsible man…! We're going after him!
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Leona's Room]
[knock, knock, knock]
Vil: Leona!!! Unlock the door.
Leona: It's that annoying trio again…
Leona: Yaaawn. I think I'll just take a nap…
Ruggie: …Hm? Why're all of you hangin' outside Leona-san's room?
Cater: Ah, Ruggie-kun. We're just in a bit of a pickle, see…
Leona: …
Ruggie: …Oh, okay. So Leona-san's locked himself in his room.
Leona: …
Ruggie: Well, he always leaves his bay window open.
Leona: !?
Rook: Thank you, Monsieur Dandelion!
Rook: Excuse us, Leona-kun.
Vil: Must be so soothing… To be snuggled under your blankets and taking a nap like that.
Leona: Ruggie… You little…!
Ruggie: W-What else could I do!?
Ruggie: If the show goes up in flames 'cause of you, then I can't swap the tiara.
Vil: …I absolutely abhor doing things half-heartedly. Once you've decided to do something, you carry it out perfectly.
Vil: That spirit of tenacity held by the Fairest Queen is exactly what those of us in Pomefiore take pride in!!!
[throws off covers]
Leona: Hey, don't rip off my covers!!
Leona: I've been doin' all this, helping you out, but I get in return is complaint after complaint…
Leona: I even did exactly what you asked of me. But we're gettin' nowhere.
Rook/Cater: Well, that's…
Leona: I got no interest in wastin' any more effort on you all.
Leona: I'm takin' my nap now.
[pulls covers up]
Vil: …!!
Ruggie: Oh, man. He's just completely curled up under his blankets now. Don't think we'll be getting him up for a while now.
Cater: What should we do? With Leona-kun like this, I don't think we'll be able to work on his posing…
Vil: Fufu…
Rook/Ruggie/Cater: Hm?
Vil: Fufu…Fufufu! There it is! My inspiration!
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Cater: It's almost time for Leona-kun's fashion show.
Cater: Leona's posing'll have to wow the Queen of Faeland.
Cater: Sounded like Vil-kun had some stroke of inspiration, but he didn't give me any hints…
Cater: Makes me worry a bit~☆
Idia: Uh…
Idia: A-A-Actually… Cater-shi… W-Well…
Idia: C-C-Can you not… uh, j-j-just look at my, uh… d-d-d-drone feed without… a-asking…?
Cater: Hm, what'd you say~? I couldn't really hear you there.
Idia: Eh, uh, oh. Um, nothing.
Idia: Uggh~ This is why I can't stand extroverts who can't be bothered to listen. Maybe their personal space function is broken?
Fairy Emcee: Please give our next group a round of applause as they take the stage!
Cater: Oh! Looks like their show is starting now.
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[Botanical Garden – Runway]
Cater: Kalim-kun and Jamil-kun are dancing so cool~ Wish I coulda streamed it to Magicam directly.
Idia: Good job, Jamil-dono…!
Fairy Emcee: The fairy in the center seems to be just as majestic.
Leona: …
Cater: It's Leona-kun!
Fairy Emcee: He's got eyes as bright as the sun, and a beautiful tanned glow! And look at that pure white robe that envelops his powerful frame!
Fairy Emcee: So gorgeous! He truly embodies this year's Fairy Gala theme of "fabulous."
Fairy A: Each perfect step he takes feels so somber. I wonder what kind of fairy he is.
Fairy B: With how he exudes grace and carries that splendid attire… He must be some kind of celebrity!
Leona: They're all already in an uproar…
Leona: …They should clutch their pearls while they still can.
Fairy Emcee: They're finally at the end of the runway. What kind of poses do they have in store for us?
Leona: As much as it pains me… I'll show them that special pose that Vil lauded.
Leona: I'll be the one to bring success to "Operation Steal the Tiara and the Audience"!
Fairy Emcee: WH-WHAT'S THIS!!!???
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Fairy Emcee: …...
Fairy Emcee: …How astounding.
Fairy Emcee: Up until a moment ago, this fairy was exuding a mysterious and evanescent air…
Fairy Emcee: But with a flip of that majestic cape, he's swept his legs around and made a  graceful turn!
Fairy Emcee: He still has the original ennui he started with… with a dynamic twist!!!!!!
Fairy Emcee: I've never seen a fairy demonstrate such a bold and powerful pose!!
Fairy Emcee: The entire audience has been completely captivated by what they're seeing on the runway!
Cater: Th-That movement!
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Cater: That…move…
Cater: That's how he cocooned under his blanket!!
Idia: Oho! Makes sense, cocooned…
Idia: …Eh? His blanket? Huh? Why?
Vil: That's right!
Idia: Eek! More people!
Cater: Ah, Vil-kun, and Crewel-sensei.
Vil: When Leona yanked his covers over his head to sulk in bed…
Vil: This pose idea was born.
Vil: Leona may be slovenly, but he has one merit of note. …And that's his level of intensity.
Vil: What all of his previous poses lacked was his own brand of "wildness"!
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Leona: …
Fairy A: Look at all his ruggedly beautiful movements… I want to be one of those stray strands of hair that frame his face.
Fairy B: He looks difficult to approach, but I could watch him forever… What an amazing aura…
Leona: Hey, you lot. Stop whispering amongst yourselves…
Leona: And heap on more praise, why don'tcha?
Fairies: Kyaaaa!!!
Fairy A: Please! Sprinkle some of your dust on me!!
Fairy B: Toss some my way!
Leona: Here ya go!
[tosses fairy dust]
Fairies: KYAAAA~~~!!!
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Crewel: Good boy, Kingscholar. See how you can actually do it when you apply yourself?
Crewel: His gallant movements puts a radiant luster in his attire, as well. That assures me that it was worth my effort to make them.
Idia: Everyone's eyes are glued on Leona-shi… To the point where just thinking about it is making me sick.
Cater: He was totally against it, but he's somehow managed to captivate all the fairies in the Fairy Gala…
Cater: That's Leona-kun for you ♪
Fairy Emcee: Everyone… Please give them a rousing ovation!!!!
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Jamil: Leona-senpai, that was well done.
Leona: All the cheering's gratin' on my ears… I'm gonna grab some air.
Kalim: Eh? But we have to wait for Ruggie and the others at the entrance to the greenhouse!
Leona: …I'll go after I'm done.
Leona: The show's done already. I'm gonna do what I want now.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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Helping Hand 11
Warnings: non/dubcon, mentions of divorce, manipulation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Jonathan Pine, 40s reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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“I don't want them,” you try to wave Jonathan off as he offers a pair of pills, “I don't, urgh, need them, I'll deal–”
“You can barely speak for the pain, darling–”
“Stop calling me that,” you hiss, shaking as your hip throbs. Even the bed offers little comfort. Bigger and softer than your own yet entirely unwelcoming. “Can I… Can I have the coffee? My head is pounding.”
You reach past his hand and he clucks, “better reason for you to take your pills.” He moves the mug away, “take them and you may have some coffee.”
“Are you ser–”
You try to sit up straight and fall back against the heaped pillows, “argh, why are you doing this?”
“Why am I taking care of you? Well, anyone with decency–”
“You did this to me–”
“You tripped on the rug. As for your shoulder, I believe that was the creature you call an ex-husband. You would do yourself a favour by letting him go… like he did you.”
“You don't know shit about my marriage,” you growl, eyes pricking hotly, “fine, fine,” you wince as your muscles raze with fire, “I'll take the damn pills. I can't stand it.”
You grab the pills, scratching his palm, and throw them between your dry lips. You moan and gurgle as you try to force them down. He offers the coffee and you take it without a second thought, gulping down the bitterness and pasty tablets.
“Why… why don't you find someone who isn't broken? Someone younger?” You croak, resting the hot mug over your chest.
“You speak so unkindly of yourself, it's no wonder you refuse my kindness,” reproaches, “you're not broken, you are malleable…”
“Jonathan,” you breathe, his words slicing to your core. He's not wrong, you let Andy mold you into his cookie cutter and all for what?
“Enjoy your coffee, please,” he grins, “you've earned it.”
You flinch. You feel so small and weak. Exactly how you felt with Andy. How you've felt ever since. And now this man, no better than the last, only better at playing the gentleman.
“I want to sleep,” you murmur and look away from him.
“Yes, lots of rest,” he coos, “darling, I only want you happy and healthy.”
You only drink half the mug before you give in to dread. You're trapped here. Not just in this house but your own body.
You close your eyes as the painkillers kick in. They cannot soothe your anxiety but dull the world enough for you to doze. You have no way to track the time but you wake in a similar light, still racked and cramped.
You push your elbow into the bed and lift yourself. Even just a half cup has your bladder urgently full. You rock and writhe until you manage to sit up and sidle to the edge.
You look around, just the idea of standing is defeating. You need to stop assuming things can't get worse. You brace the bed with one arm and repress a yowl as you force yourself to your feet.
You lean on one foot, your hip giving a frightening thrum as you slowly move your leg. You limp, inch by inch, shuffling as you whimper with each step to the door. You sniffle as you enter the hallway, leaning on the wall as your body shakes.
You feel along and find a bathroom and nearly fall through the doorway. You catch yourself on the sink and sob. You kick the door shut but it doesn't catch. You don't care.
You use your unslung arm to get your pants down and angle down onto the toilet. You lean back with a heave and let go. The soft trickle underlines your mewling.
You finish up and pull yourself up with the counter. You flush, bent over the marble as you slide over to wash your hands. You just need to get back to the bed. One thing at a time.
You put a foot flat and push yourself straight. Your lower back spasms and you cry out, crumpling onto the bath mat. You curl on your side and whine, gulping as your eyelashes stick together.
Footsteps near softly and you look up at the figure standing over you. Soft tisks tickle your ears as Jonathan bends to touch your forehead. He lets his hand wander down your cheek.
“Darling, you should've called for me. You know, that's your problem,” he shifts around and scoops his arms under you. He grunts as he stands straight, his strength a harsh contrast to your futility. “You try to do everything on your own. I'm here, darling. Whatever you need of me.”
You drop your head, hunched in his hold as he carries you into the hall. You don't argue. You learned better than that years ago. You should have realised then too that trust is a dangerous thing.
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animentality · 9 months
In the fic that I may never write I like the idea of a short little scene that goes like this: Gortash and Durge out among the citizens of the Gate, probably on their way to or from some nefarious business, definitely dressed to blend in and maybe even acting the part of a normal couple/friends/partners. This alone is fun to think that perhaps they had moments of normality as they went about blending in on the outside while plotting death and tyranny in private. But imagine- and I usually picture this as being from Durges perspective- they pass another couple. A pair of lovebirds holding hands, giggling and making eyes. Maybe holding their weekly shopping and teasing each other over who owes who flowers. Perhaps they spy some newlyweds still beaming after their nuptials. Or for a Durge who has avoided siring children for fear of the tragic outcome, perhaps they pass a young family, the parents the same age as themselves and Enver, with their adorable, normal children who won’t grow to kill their own parents. Who will know love and safety with parents who will go home that evening and tuck their offspring into bed and curl up together, happy and safe and content with their simple lives. I imagine Durge pausing, watching, transfixed by a longing for what could have been, a longing for something from their own earliest childhood that they’ve all but completely buried. For them it’s a glimpse into a mirror showing what could have been in another life and another world. Maybe theres a moment of bitterness that they know they won’t ever live that life. No matter how they wish they could have that with Enver- an innocent partnership, a family perhaps- the gods will never let that come to pass. They can only watch with envy as others get to go about their lives while they themselves hide their bloody, wretched reality in plain sight.
And perhaps Enver notices their pause. Sees them stop in their tracks uncharacteristically. Follows their gaze across the street and understands the longing that has twisted so briefly across the features of his nearest and dearest. Maybe feels a pang of grief himself that this- a normal life- is the one thing that he cannot offer them. Or perhaps it strengthens his resolve to go through with the plan and to grab at enough power to defy their gods and be free at last. To grab at power so he can offer them both the very simplest of life’s pleasures that have been so unfairly denied to them.
Anyways. Enjoy my ramblings in this form because I’m not much of a writer ehehe
"Not much of a writer"
I don't even have a RESPONSE, because that just took me the fuck out.
You crafted a whole ass novel there, anon, you made a whole UNIVERSE for durgetash to experience in what would be, what?
A second of real time?
URGH, I am a fucking sap for...little moments, so quick you don't even get to appreciate them.
But they last forever in your heart.
And you shattered mine.
Good job!
You're a writer, anon.
You should write things. Not just asks, but answers.
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lee-hakhyun · 1 year
do you think that the side story is trying to tell us: we, fragments of kdj, are also ourselves like despite being a small percentage of kim dokja, we also have our own identity and thats okay, that doesnt make us less important to the story? like we are still part of them and we are also important and we, too, should dream about ourselves too...... like it's trying to tell us eventho you are not special, you are still important idk
ok, i was going to answer this expanding on my thoughts i put in tags on one of your posts, but i overestimated my energy for longer posts. i will (probably) make a clearer post rewording this to not be.. all this, but here's a whole rant i went on in discord relating to your ask
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text: i mentioned this before but i'm like pretty sure the the side story is meant to reach out to us (not for the sake of saving another, but to save you, personally) i'm planning on cleaning this up in a tumblr post but here's just a VERY disorganized early ramble
everything kinda clicked for me yesterday. the ask ru sent me about the open-endedness of orv got me thinking about the purpose of the side story because yeah, orv has the perfect ending. so why would there still be more? from what i'm seeing. orv will get a clear 'good' end. no more open-ends. and for a good reason. 'omnisicent reader's viewpoint' is over, this is reiterated so many times throughout the side story. but it goes on, which means the story still has a reason to continue. as singshong said, this isn't a story for just that one kim dokja anymore, but it's still a story about kim dokja. and the 'kim dokja' in the side story, it's the orv readers. the kim dokja fragments. as in,, us. if orv had to continue, THIS would be the perfect way to truly complete the story. as much as orv is a story about tragedy it's also about love. orv has saved people even, with an uncertain ending, because the story is about surviving, to have someone live on. and it's supposed to be meant for YOU, you are supposed to dream of a happy ending because you deserve a happy end. but that's not enough for some people, even when everything pointed to kdj waking up, there were still two portals in the end. there were still some people who thought kim dokja, and subsequently themselves, couldn't be saved. so the story continues on, because it hasn't truly reached everyone yet. (1/2 i hope you see where i'm going with this)
so what i think is going to happen, the side story is going to absolutely burn in the message that YOU deserve to live, and leave on an ending that cannot be misconstrued for anything else. because if kim dokja lives on, then so will we. because we are kim dokja. so he NEEDS to live in the end. we're not even close to the end of the side story and this message is already being pushed so much through lhh. he refuses to ignore anyone, 'extra' or otherwise. he wants everyone to survive. just. see his talk with ye hyunwoo. telling him to survive no matter what, that this was his response as an author to his readers, that if he needs to use 'i am kim dokja' then do so
(there's so much about lhh i could theorize on but i can't word it right now)
i'm gonna cut this off here because i will start repeating myself but if an open end was enough to change some. it wouldn't be for others. orv needs a clear happy end to reach anyone that didn't get it the first time around.
it's this ask that changed everything for me. orv's end may have been clear to me, but not everyone thinks the same way
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just. urgh. something about this story going so far to reach out and say you deserve to live
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legacyshenanigans · 10 months
An outing for Rerek
Rerek: *coiled around Ominis shoulders and neck* Urgh...Everyone is staring at us.
Ominis: Well, yes, I suppose they would..I have a massive python draped over me..
Rerek: I'm bored...Its boring here
Ominis: *chuckles* Hogwarts is not boring Rerek..And you're suppose to be helping me get around right now, since I've lost my wand.
Rerek: I am! I'm tapping you with my tail aren't I?! To make you change directions.
Ominis: True. But I could do with LESS of your complaining..*sigh* I just hope Marvolo is able to find my wand at home and bring it to me so he can take YOU home.
Rerek: *dramatic gasp* You dont LIKE spending time with me? I'm hurt, Ominis...
Ominis: *rolls his eyes*
Sebastian: *wandering over to them* Hey.
Ominis: Ah hello Seb *smiles* are you good?
Sebastian: Yeah not bad, why the fuck is Rerek here? *chuckles*
Rerek: Urgh..I can't stand this fucking-
Ominis: *parseltongue* Be nice..Please.
Rerek: *sigh* Fine..
Professor Sharp: *approaches* Mr.Gaunt, care to explain why you have a snake around you? You know Hogwarts doesn't allow snakes..
Rerek: Who's this cunt?
Ominis: *clears his throat* My brother is looking for my wand at home, I cannot see without my wand, Sir..So my brothers snake is my eye's for the time being..He won't be here long I hope.
Professor Sharp: You couldn't get one of your friends to help you?
Ominis: I don't like to depend on my friends to hold my hand and lead me around, Sir..
Sebastian: I would of though *smiles*
Ominis: *chuckles* Very kind, Sebastian..
Professor Sharp: Well..In any case I'm going to have to ask you to atleast go to the grounds with that thing.
Rerek: Thing?! Listen here, whoever YOU are..I will NOT be called a THING by the likes of-
Ominis: *whispers in Parseltongue* Rerek..I beg..Enough.
Rerek: *sighs irritated*
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 months
Ange dearest, here for my post-show thoughts; this really is the literal first thing I do after every episode. Kinda like last week I'll try to start with some positives:
Aemond looked cunty asf
Sowing the seeds of Alys and Aemond, I really am just dying to see this
Jeyne Arryn sighting
The performances were amazing as usual, but particularly the grief from Lord Corlys, I really felt for him, honestly
Baela, that's it.
Now for my not necessarily negative but other thoughts-
Daemon. Daemon. Daemon. Fucking his mother? Eating her out? Um....what??????? Sir.....SIR- also side not she kinda hot but NOT THE POINT UM WHAT. Also, what are they doing to Daddy Uncle, talking about Rhaenyra can't succeed- where is the loyalty that I've been yearning for, URGH
The Helaena and Aemond scene was literally a fragment pls- that wasn't even a full conversation. I suppose it was profound in a way, yes, but still. Also am I the only one hearing a child laughing before he turned to see Helaena? Is that some of his guilt over Jaehaerys? Idk, just thoughts
The lack of balance between showing the greens and blacks was blatant in this episode, it felt like for every thirty minutes on Dragonstone we got 2 minutes in King's Landing.
Lastly, what the FUCK is Aemond doing to Aegon in the trailer. Please, Please, Please, tell me that's him feeling a sliver of remorse, and that he's not going to try and KILL HIM FUCKING JEEZ MAN
That last part of Aegon wheezing, 'Mummy' just broke my heart.
Let's hope that that scene of Alicent and Cole means an official Alicole breakup, yes I'm still annoyed by how much we were waterboarded with them in the first two episodes.
Overall, despite the general grievances that we've reiterated from the beginning, I enjoyed the episode, I giggled every time Aemond came on screen and I screamed when Daemon fucked his mom- because frankly, if we don't just focus on the things we enjoy, we'll end up storming HBO and demanding Ryan Condal's head.
Look forward to your thoughts too <3
-🦋 anon
I live for your weekly thought dumps! What am I going to do without them once season two ends?! :( Here are mine:
This, to me, felt like a filler episode. We have a shorter season this season, THERE ISN'T ROOM FOR THAT. I just felt like nothing noteworthy really happened? I thought Aemond becoming Prince Regent would be made a bigger deal of, but once again it's overshadowed by Alicent's negative reaction to it. Uuuggghhhh.
I adore Alys, I cannot get enough of her, and I squealed and kicked my feet at the hint of Alysmond. Give them to meeee. I am chomping at the bit for season three.
We have had two episodes of Daemon tripping off his nut though, so I am over it at this point, we didn't need a third. ADVANCE THE PLOT. I feel like it's character assassination from the writers that they are pitting Daemon against Rhaenyra - another effort to villainise him and make his character two dimensional. This could not be further from Daemon in the book, it's sad to see.
The hallucination of him fucking his mother was wild. I get that it's meant to symbolise his desire to be loved by a woman who holds power over him (i.e. he feels spurned by his queen, Rhaenyra), but it was weird! That being said, I enjoyed the visuals because Daemon is insanely hot.
I would, however, have gladly swapped that hallucination for a more meaningful interaction between Helaena and Aemond, because what the hell was that? The first time they have spoken the entire series and it's five fucking words from Helaena that Aemond doesn't even respond to?!?!
I loved Corlys, Baela and Jace in this episode. Jace and Baela's on screen interactions are always great to watch, they have such natural chemistry, and Corlys being angry with Rhaenyra felt very realistic.
Once more, I am left feeling as though Team Green is being given the shitty end of the stick, while Team Black are stealing the spotlight. I don't like having to flesh out the characters through guess work, SHOW ME SOME DEVELOPMENT.
Wondering if we will get Aemond in the Conqueror's crown at any point this season?
I don't think Aemond is doing anything sinister to Aegon in the trailer for episode six, but I do think it's been deliberately cut to appear that way. When he initially arrives at the foot of the bed, and looks at Aegon, you can see in his face that he feels awful about the state he's in. There is guilt lurking beneath the surface, I know there is!!
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starrbright · 4 months
NO BCCC imagine your period came the night before you, makki, and mattsun had to hang out and go to iwaizumi’s birthday party (totally not saying this bc his birthday is in two days 🫣)
anyways you guys are all suppose to go to his surprise birthday party but obvs Mother Nature said heyyy time for your monthly organ shedding and the symptoms that come with it soooo you cramp all night and don’t get any sleep. you’re sleep deprived, irritated, in pain and not in the mood to go out. you just wanna rot in bed the whole day. you finally get the energy to atleast take a shower but obvs it’s like the afternoon now so you’re two pair of besties come to your apartment to get ready for the birthday boy’s party preparations.
you trust them enough to have keys to your apartment so they come in unannounced and hear that you’re in the shower so they wait for you to finish up. by the time your done with your shower and get into a new, fresh pair of comfy clothes, you walk to your living room and are startled when you want see the tall pair of menaces sitting on your couch all sprawled out like they were in their own house.
“what are you wearing we’re suppose to —“
you clear your throat and they both look up from their phones.
anyways let me get to the plot.
they ask you why are you wearing your house clothes when you should be ready to go help them finish up preparations for the surprise party but you tell them that they should go without you and you will apologize profusely to iwa bc you just aren’t in the mood to go out today. they look at you like?? that’s not a valid excuse but then in the middle of your ranting you get a sharp stomach pain and you double down and clutch at your tummy. since both issei and takahiro have sisters they already know what’s happening.
“oh so that explains why you 180’d. valid. you took any pain meds for them?” the raven haired man questioned.
“ran out. couldn’t get anything since the stores were closed. I have been miserable since last night.”
you sat on the floor and huffed out trying to think of anything other than the current pain you were feeling.
“explains why you look like shit” the strawberry blonde rang in.
“fuck you”
hanamaki lets out a hearty laugh.
“we could help you out ya know?”
you wonder how the fuck you got and were convinced into this position. every thought felt mushy and your body felt like it was on fire. your limbs felt tired but somehow you were still able to move whenever they commanded you.
hiro was currently fucking into you at an insane pace. you were trying to keep up with what was going on, but the pleasure and sleep deprivation was catching up to you first.
“quit hogging her, it’s my turn now.” he scolds his best friend.
smirking the tall, ex middle blocker quips
“had hiro prep you for a bit bc I don’t think you could have taken me first. even with your blood serving as some kind of lube, it still wouldn’t be enough to me to fit in baby. tell you what? how about I take this pain for nine months huh? you don’t have to worry about your uterus throwing a tantrum next month after I’m done with you.”
[sorry to cut it short but I’ve been sooo out of the writing game I feel like this could turn bad 😭.. also I’m bad at writing smut. SOBS] anyways here’s something? idk 🥹
[in actually this is bad. STARRR IM SO SORRY 😣 ]
oh wow.....
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whyd you cut off issei?!??
see this is what i meant when i said flood my inbox 🤭🙏🏼HWJHDWHDHWHWHHSILOVEYOUILOVETHISLMAOOO
mattsun horsecock iktr💯🗣️💥 need his babies in me, IMMEDIATELY. Urgh, makki🥰🥰🥰😚
i cannot read this properly without giggling and rolling on my bed
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I know you've already yapped about them before, but I really just cannot get enough! It's been angst and autism, but that's not a complaint.
I mean,, angst and autism is pretty much their main feature lmaooo
But urgh yes I need to yap about them more cjfncjfnf if you’ve got anything specific you want me to cover lemme know, if not I’ll try and do maybe like a general yap at some point when I figure out what I want to cover
I wanna do a one shot or a microfic or something for them at some point too
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wordsandrobots · 2 months
Right. Again, not intending this blog to offer advice on the regular but I think a bit of basic analysis guidance is on theme. So:
If a text does not target its criticisms towards the profit motive and private ownership of the means of production, it is not meaningfully critiquing capitalism.
Capitalism is not 'there are rich and poor' or 'greed is bad', or even 'money motivates people to act'. These existed prior to the capitalistic revolution and could very well endure under any successor systems. A text that deals with them alone -- without targeting the way the pursuit of profit *specifically* leads to distorted social priorities (like running healthcare as if it should generate more money than is put in) and how this manifests when things everyone on the planet needs are controlled by individuals -- is not making an effective argument against the economic arrangement currently buggering us all six ways to Sunday.
This is especially important to bear in mind if dire consequences are presented as a result of 'human greed', because doing so abstracts the problem away from its technical causes, which is one of the key ways capitalism diverts attention from its flaws. If the issue is merely people being 'greedy', then we just need to operate with more checks and balances. No need to tackle the core concept of a system geared to maximise profit over everything else . In fact, maybe capitalism is simply an extension of human nature and therefore *can't* be changed. Isn't it comforting, to know this is just what we're like?
(Urgh, what's the keyboard equivalent of washing your mouth out?)
A story isn't doing anything wrong if it does not concern itself with capitalism as a system. Heck, there's not anything wrong with grappling with the question of greed in general, because that is indeed something we need to grapple with: what does it mean, how does it work, how can we best mitigate it and the other worst aspects of ourselves? Many stories do exactly this while clothed in the aesthetics of capitalism and its many, many horrible outcomes.
But aesthetics are not an argument. And getting mad about social inequality and wars ignited by the whims of the rich is not the same as zeroing in on capitalism as the major cause or catalyst. It is in fact quite common to hate all the consequences of private ownership and the profit motive while still believing those things in and of themselves are neutral, normal ways of organising the world. This filters into fiction, producing ultimately toothless attacks on 'big business' or 'corporate greed' or even just the insidious idea that if we put the right people in charge of the system, everything will be OK.
(I cannot think of a better example than the first Iron Man movie, an almost pathologically deflective piece of cinema.)
Take the time to consciously read fiction through a capitalistic lens! Pick apart how it reflects the world at the point the story was written! Ask how the author approaches the issues they raise!
At the same time, avoid crediting them with an argument they aren't making. Identify what they actually say above all else and check it against the definition of the things they evoke. Only then will you be on solid ground to state whether or not they are attacking capitalism.
To beat a favourite drum, words have meaning. That matters quite a lot when talking about the meaning of a story.
This has been me vague-posting at the entire Gundam fandom. You're generally lovely but I do occasionally feel the strong urge to start pelting you with dictionaries, and burying this point in an essay about McGillis Fareed was apparently not enough to sate my need to grumble about it (c.f. section A digression into narratives about capitalism).
Thank you for your time. I shall be standing by the position that Iron-Blooded Orphans is the only solid critique of capitalism the franchise has produced (as a subset of exploring exploitation in general) until further notice.
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And now it is time for ~random annotations from that one fic I wrote self-indulgently with no context in order of appearance~
"the snake and medusa symbolism is there too"
"you're in a mirror situation of my own design"
"first to get on the train, last to get off"
"dichotomy bitches, i'm giving you so much whiplash"
"I want to make it so obvious this is fictional and should in no way inform any real-life scenarios."
"Still trying to figure out who actually asked who to be their lighthouse." (and directly after this one) "Hehe, nice extended metaphor"
"Jesus Christ Liam, he just said living without you would kill him"
"way to set up the dramatic irony sir"
"Please excuse me I designed her when I was 13 and the teenage angst was kicking."
(this one might require context of the fic but it sounds slightly unhinged on it's own so) "This is why I write like this, to settle the ever-present fact that shit could have and still can go sideways so quick because I was born when I was."
(Also might need context but) "Please imagine this little doctor running down to the apartment, banging on the door until they realise Sherlock is incapacitated, running halfway across town to get Billy cause their afraid something's wrong and he's the only one with a key, coming back just to realise Sherlock forgot to unlock the door and basically did their job for them XD."
"Billy: You fucking Twat! Also Billy: is that a baby?"
"Nice Double entendre, is he going to let go of the fear or let go of Liam, OoOoOh"
"How the fuck do children talk???"
"not subtle at all, you may as well just tell him he's his mama by that point"
"so you have chosen death"
"I'm very proud of this little thing I do where a character will ask a question about why they do something and then it immediately cuts to the reasonTM"
"still kind of proud of this one"
"and so it begins, the older brother-fication of the only child" (directly after) "and there's the middle child"
"Don't mind me just throwing random coffee orders out there."
"I really like going all in on the symbolism huh?"
"Aka. "When did you two fuck?"
"It's called dramatic irony"
"I'm demi, ok? I don't know what waking up sex would feel like and I'm not sure I want to know but that sounds romantic to me ok? Shut up"
"1. can babies inherit ocular albinism but not full albinsim? 2. this feels like it would happen but what do I know"
"me too dude, me too"
"URGH, right in the heart"
"And that's what it's all about"
(the = is my equivalent of the shaking hands meme) "Mycroft = Louis: Why are you going for the guy who could fuck you up?"
"Let it be known that Albert may be the first one to get on the train of redemption but he is far from the first on to get off."
"Fred just grinning in the corner"
"yes on the purity but my book says nothing about rebirth"
"CAtch me if you can"
"Can you tell I was super into The Moon Will Sing at this point?"
"Don't know how he's not dead, the plot armour is strong on this one"
"I cannot stress enough that this should not be taken as reality. I as the god of this universe have strung together enough circumstantial and well thought out plot for them so they can be together again without the toxicity and I'll explore this later. This should be catharsis for all the peeps who are going through breakups where they want to go back but can't. Live vicariously through these two, don't go back to your ex unless the circumstances are almost suspiciously in your favour and even then, don't."
"and not rationality as in "oh I can't live without Liam," NO, rationality as in "this baby has RIGHTS""
"I'm not afraid to admit this came at the height of my Girl, Goddess, Queen hype"
"Because any decent man who can understand where he might have gone wrong in gaining your trust will not continue to be unworthy of your trust. If he does not continuously try to earn your trust earnestly, toss him."
"we love a self-aware man who can own up to his mistakes"
"Mycroft and Albert Holmes, William and Sherlock Moriarty. I rest my case."
"at the end of the day, it's a name and he's happy to know it."
"who thought sending the two year old was smart? *looks in the mirror*"
"still crying over this"
"Babies' have no right smelling so cute when all they do is poop and vomit"
"I won't lie. he was probably thinking of ways to murder him for making fun of their kid"
"The Bloodline Continues"
"Liam, you're catharting. After a year and a half of basically being on your own, you're finally having simple human contact and it's nice."
"le gasp"
"Moran slander is fun I don't know what you're talking about"
"Relationships are all good and well until your isolated with only one person you can truly let go with"
"I don't know what kind of relationship Americans had with British people at this time but this seemed most plausible"
"Cana two year old have a thought process like this???"
"wouldn't that be crazy *laughs in polyamory*"
"i like this metaphor"
I had to cut out a few that were actual notes about the story and if it hadn't become abundantly obvious, it's yuumori kidfic. I make myself laugh and I'd never write anything I didn't find enjoyment in myself so HERE YOU GO. I hope my ridiculous ramblings make someone laugh today.
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away-ward · 11 months
Newcomer here and i just finished nightfall, wanted to share because i saw your fics. Unwanted confessions, and idk if you've received these kinds before: dn series made me feel old. These characters mature so fast and were so sexualised since they were young, and later on being only in their mid 20s, acting as if the world will collapse just because they dont have kids or make babies at 24. They gave me white christian religious parents trauma frfr. Their obsession of being liberal but gender roles still being so conservative put the feminism movement back to 200 years ago, i fucking hate every characters in this series except for emory, frfr. Like they can be dark romance rich billionaires and have amazing char arcs but what the fuck was that series? Dn made me believe, rich white privilege people and blonds are really THAT fucking stupid. I'd like to go to the US just to see blond white privileged americans act like rika & winter frfr.
oh, And that wuss ass "lover" guy will grayson who "claimed" to love emory scott so much (🙄) reach out to her yada yada, while fucking around with other women and having threesomes here and there so easily, it was NOT swoony or romantic. He's cheap as fuck, i hate manwhore male characters like him so fucking much. And they just excuse his shit because he was pining for emory, as if he fucking deserves her or somthing. I swear, will grayson does not deserve emory scott, but thats my unpopularopinion. if he had cared enough about emmy, he shouldve fought for her harder. Urgh, i hate weak male characters, such a turn off. All that nightfall plot happening only because he was the weakest of them, yikes. Cant believe he was only ever a man with emory, it's giving "she's only tough when a man saves her" trope, but in reverse, and oh, what does that looks like? Rika fane and winter ashby's arcs! Rika, winter and will, three dumbest characters of the series, frfr. No wonder damon liked them, theyre so similar with one another. Emory scott's patience is truly better than mine.
And Dont even get me started with alex. I hate her in noghtfall. Why did pd butcher her charcter like that? I was shocked, girl! Shocked! Not even banks and rika who treated her like shit initially got a slap, and emmy who didnt even bother got one? In a conversation thats not even about her? The fuck? Where's the girl's girl personality at? Out the window now that her love life with aydin was threathened? Wow. Worse is, they're friends (emmy alex).... i hate pd for this, they just cannot write two pretty female friends who thrive. They always make their male caharcters have amazing bonds with each other, but all fmcs had some sort of internalised misogynistic catfights. If pd can give us willdamon, they can give us rikalaex, banksemmy, alexemmy amazing female frienships alright. Pd just chose not to. And notice how all of their other books, the girls were always around men, but no amazing same-age female presence in their live? Even emmy admitted she was not familiar around woman. Like?? She had amazing relationship with her mom and grandma was compared to the rest no? Why cant we have at least this in this whole disgusting male worshipping series? Istg, there was no reason for pd to build up a powerful and empowering worldbuilding for a women like the horsemen's wives but only to make their same teachers to be men, who never had to know what it feels like to struggle as a woman, ESPECIALLY in their society in thunder bay? This happened in birthday girl, in fall away, misconduct, like??? Its a pattern atp. I hate it. If you have any book recs thathave amazing female relationship between women, please do share, i need some cleansing from all these stupid male chars.
Other than that, i guess i shouldnt have ever expected monogamy or exclusivity in relationships when it comes to pd's books too. These chars are all so overly touchy. I heard about the rikabanks bonus, and it ruined hideaway and corrupt for me. Because why is banks whole ass personality about being jealous of rika, being so caught with damon and kai, AFTER A WHOLE DECADE. does she not have a fucking hobby or go to therapy or something? Stupid as hell. And why is rika being in the centre a.fucking.gain. God, shes dull af, pd just stop! What also pisses me off even more is when people can freely kiss and touch will (like alex, winter to will in killswitch and noghtfall train scene), but god forbid emmy had the same attention or touchesfrom other men, that bitchass grayson starts to act up, as if he fought for her life or something. Fuck him honestly, atleast damon admitted he was a literal piece of shit. I hate people and chars like will because theyre so hypocritical. Never in a million years i would expect to hate will in his own book, but god damn, he really really ruined nightfall for me. Not a single redeeming quality to that fucker. He made me swore so much. I already hated him for his treatment to rika banks and winter in the previous books, and now him with emmy? And just watching emmy getting hurt again again again, not only by her world and herself, but also by will, by his own friends, and by the people associated to his world like aydin and taylor, and never standing by her side through it all? Yea. No. Fuck man, i hate will grayson so much. I wouldve given up on him by the end of the train scene, ngl.
will grayson will never be a real man to me. Like he's a wuss, my girl emory deserve better. "His only mistake was he loves too much", no his mistake was being a hypocritical self-righteous shallow privilege entitled narcissistic assaulting male whore. And Thats only the tip of the iceberg of his shitty character. Nightfall ws the biggest scam.
i honestly just wanna vent out my feelings about this book, because i just finished nightfall, and hooooo i never thought i'd hate will, man. Never thought i'd hate him like i hated michael and damon but here we are. It's always the hypocritical angelic male ones that ends up being scum like this. Oo at least kai was only whiny and hurt rika/ banks and bare in mind, kai was still fucking shit and i hate him, but god damn, will grayson really was the biggest disappointment of devils night series for me. I immediately went to tumblr to check out his tags and found your fics, and i'd like to say, i like your will only 5% more. I cannot imagine will being that good to emmy honestly, so i guess it stays as a wish fulfillment for me as a fan of emmy. I might fucking hate will, but emmy loves him so wtv. If emmy had done one wrong thing, its will grayson. i cant lie, this was shocking to me because i went into this book expecting to like will. But i only came to meet a whiny loser ass white privilege guy who never had to suffer anything other than the consequences of his and his friend's actions? Wow, not enough that we had this kind of man irl, theyre everywhere in fiction too, god! And people hate rika more? Nah, i hated rika, but never more than will grayson frfr. Theyre all so fucking dumb. And on that dumb note, whats with the chars (except for emmy) always anticipating damon? He never served? He talked shit so much, but never actually served? The fuck? At least in haunting adeline, zade meadows did what he said. Damon was just the guy thatblabbers too much, but do nothing. And even when he had plans, its always with someone else's help? Huh? Cant believe they compared zade to damon. Theyre both scums, but at least zade had creds, and then theres damon, the bland no-skills wolf-like guy.. ughhhh 🤮🤢 i hate when author tries to use shock value to hide their awful arcs, because damon torrance and rika fane were two of their mostshitty ass chars arcs written so far. Plus michael. Michael was like a standee to his friends, but thats a whole nother topic.
i honestly dont know if its fine for me to rant here since im a newbie but if you dont feel comfy, you can just delete this post, just wanted to vomit my rants yk.
i honestly dont know if its fine for me to rant here since im a newbie but if you dont feel comfy, you can just delete this post, just wanted to vomit my rants yk.
Honestly, I have inadvertently cultivated a place for people to send their anonymous rants, so I guess why not? It’s fine.
To be perfectly honest, though, there’s not a lot for me to reply to.
First, thank you so much for reading my fics! And for hating them 5% less that the series. I’m going to take it as a compliment. If it wasn’t meant that way, then let me live in delusion.
Of course, the characters in my fics are a bit more idealized. I write them the way I wanted them to be, which if you read other portions of my blog, is far from what PD has given us. That’s fine, they own the characters; they can write them however they want. But I wrote something that was self-indulgent and soothed over the parts of the series that hurt the most for me, or that I felt were the most intriguing. I wrote them for me first, and posted them in case it helped anyone else. I’m happy that people enjoy them, but I know they’re not everyone’s tastes.
Second, I guess I’ll say I’m sorry about Nightfall. The sour feeling of being let down, I think, is one that most of us are familiar with here.
Ummm. I do think it’s a little weird that you’ve read multiple PD books, and even finished the DN series… especially since you were looking forward to Will. Because I hated Will for the first three books and if I weren’t curious about Emory, I wouldn’t have finished the series at all. I also find it equally weird that your first impulse after finishing a series you hate is to go to the tag of the character you hated the most? I mean, I’ve definitely clicked on hot-takes I know I’m going to disagree with and hate-read things, but it’s not my go-to.
I’m sure the Emory tag is lovely.
I haven’t read any of PDs other books, so I don’t know how they compare.
Beyond that,
I swear, will grayson does not deserve emory scott, but thats my unpopularopinion.
Maybe if you were to poll everyone who has ever read the series, that would be an unpopular opinion, but I think if you look back about six months on this blog, you’ll probably find a dozen or so messages almost exactly like this. So, around these parts, it’s not such an unpopular opinion. I think most people who message me probably feel the exact same way.
But I’ve already written essays of poorly done character analysis to defend Will, Emory, their relationship, and his relationship with others. There’s not much for me to add to that without just restating myself. I share some of the same opinions as you, and some different ones. I don’t think your thoughts and feelings are very unpopular at all.
If you have any book recs thathave amazing female relationship between women, please do share, i need some cleansing from all these stupid male chars
Unfortunately, I haven’t had a lot of time to read lately, so all of my recommendations would be old. When I do have the time, I’ve been rereading stuff.
I also don’t have KU, so I’m not familiar with the catalog. I had it at one point, specifically to read Nightfall, and afterward I started a lot of different series, but there wasn’t a lot that caught my attention. I’m sure there are a lot of KU readers with blogs around that would be able to offer you a rec.
I have recently reread the English version of Hana Yori Dango, or Boys Over Flowers. One thing I noted was how amazing the female relationships are. They’re so positive, even when the girls are conflicted. It’s a manga, 37 volumes long, so of course it would take a diagram or a PowerPoint to break down how this is, but it was something I really appreciated on this read through. The girls are all very different, too, without feeling like they're cardboard cut-outs. If you’re at all interested in manga, and I know not everyone is so no worries, I highly recommend it. It’s honestly a superior take on the “4 rich boys who cause trouble” and their romances.
I’ve also been rereading Sempre, which I mentioned before. That’s sort of a mafia romance, but I would categorize it as dark. I’ve been noting how supportive the female relationships are there as well. I’ve really been enjoying that this time around.
And that brings me to a TV show, actually. I’ve mentioned it and reblogged a lot of Leverage stuff, but it truly is a comfort show for me. Parker sits very close to Emory in my heart, and I had hoped that Emory would have some of the same opportunities to develop relationships that Parker had. Parker’s relationship with Sophie is so interesting and nice to watch unfold.
In fact, something I haven’t said before because I don’t think anyone would understand it, is that I had hoped that Alex would become more like a Terra-type character. For anyone interested, here’s an episode. You’d need Amazon to watch it, but it’s probably free somewhere anyway.
Anyway, that’s all I got right now. I truly am sorry that it was such a bad experience for you. You’re welcome to stick around, but I’m sure since you hated so much, you’re ready to move on after unloading like that. But it’s all good either way. I hope you’re on to better and better things.
Take care of yourself!
With love and appreciation,
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Idia Shroud Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 3
"Even if you say you believe in me..."
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Noble Bell College]
Silver: We've almost arrived at the lecture hall where the masquerade is being held.
Sebek: Silver and I are going to be watching you carefully to make sure you don't try to slip away!
Idia: Urgh. The showtime's getting closer… and closer, and closer... This is my biggest nightmare…!
Idia: Urk, I hate this. I can't do this. There's no way I can do this… How can I possibly sing besides those two who're brimming with confidence…?
Sebek: Are you still griping to yourself? You sure are a hopeless human…
Idia: I mean, think about it… We're going to gift a song, but is anyone actually gonna be happy to receive this?
Idia: Both Malleus-shi and Azul-shi, as well as all the other backing chorus folk were practicing and getting super into it, but…
Idia: What makes any of them think that our singing voice is worthy of gifting? Sorry, but I'm def not as optimistic as they all are.
Sebek: What did you say…!?
Idia: I don't want to hold all you happy-go-lucky folks back, so don'tcha think I should just not participate?
Idia: Don't think anyone'll notice if just one of us disappears… Or, I could just join the backing chorus and lip sync…
Sebek: How dare you come this far and still be constantly whining…!?
Silver: ...THATS ENOUGH!
Sebek/Idia: HUH?
Idia: Was that bellow… Was that from Silver-shi, not Sebek-shi…?
Silver: Idia-senpai. Why do you always state such self-deprecating things?
Silver: At times, even pessimistic words can alleviate expectations… But that doesn't mean you should only ever be speaking like that.
Silver: Your behavior, as well as your future actions, will be pulled down by those dark words in the end!
Idia: Wh-What's with that super serious tone… Huh!?
Idia: And it's not really being self-deprecating, I mean, I told you guys from the beginning that there's no way I could be a main vocalist, didn't I?
Silver: I disagree. I know that you want to sing with everyone deep down in your heart.
Silver: Were you not practicing in your room every day by yourself ever since you were chosen as one of the main vocalists?
Sebek: …Ortho came to Diasomnia when you weren't there.
Sebek: He came to tell us and Malleus-sama to believe in you, because you were properly practicing in your room.
Idia: Ortho did…?
Silver: It matters not if the song is a success. It is meaningful enough that we all did our best as one cohesive unit.
Silver: I'm certain you understand that, Idia-senpai. That's why you continued to practice, did you not?
Silver: And yet, just before the performance, you wish to give up and run away?
Idia: …
Silver: There are people who believe in you.
Silver: Not just Ortho. But Malleus-sama, Azul, and everyone else, too… That includes me, as well.
Silver: Please, do not let us down.
Idia: …
Idia: Even if you say you believe in me… Hearing it from people I don't really know isn't really… What am I supposed to do with that…?
Sebek: …Humph, he's clammed up. That was an uncharacteristically long speech, coming from you, Silver.
Sebek: Let's go, human. We're here at the masquerade venue.
Idia: …
Idia: …I really don't know what I'm supposed to do with that super serious lecture just now. Ugh, so scary. This is why I don't like Diasomnia.
Idia: …
Idia: Don't let them down, huh…
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[Noble Bell College – Lecture Hall]
Malleus: Well then… Is everyone ready?
Malleus: Come, this shall be one unforgettable night.
Idia: It's starting…!
Idia: Urgh… Singing isn't in my character at all.
Idia: I know that better than anyone.
Idia: But…
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Sebek: …Ortho came to Diasomnia when you weren't there.
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Silver: Please, do not let us down.
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Malleus: Shroud, you seem to be clutching your head, are you alright? We will begin the song soon.
Azul: Please fix the position of your hat quickly. You cannot run after coming this far.
Idia: I'll do it, 'cause I have to.
Idia: I'll show them all what I can do!
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Idia: Aah… It's finally over… The gift of song… At the masquerade…
Idia: …Huh. I mean, once I started singing, it actually wasn't that bad.
Silver: Idia-senpai.
Idia: Urk. It's Captain Serious…!
Idia: Wh-Wh-Wh-What do you want!? If you're gonna try to flatter me, I've already heard enough… Ah!
Idia: Or what, are you coming to find something else wrong with me…!?
Silver: I thought perhaps the way I worded everything earlier did not reflect my feelings to you properly, so I've come to speak to you once more.
Silver: I apologize for my rudeness before the masquerade. In my desire to give you an encouraging push, I may have gone too far…
Silver: That was a spectacular performance. I think you had a lovely singing voice that truly conveyed the song's emotions to everyone.
Silver: Ortho was absolutely correct when he said that your singing was sublime.
Silver: I will make sure to tell Ortho of your brave effort once we return to Night Raven College.
Idia: …I mean, it's nothing that amazing?
Idia: I-I don't really need you to say anything, I'll be telling Ortho about this myself…
Silver: Is that so? You two are very close.
Idia: Yeah. There's a ton I want to tell Ortho about this social exchange, so…
Idia: I guess I can tell him the song was a hit… And if I can survive the masquerade that comes now, then…
Idia: Then I think he'll be very happy, and I won't have let him down.
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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King commentary- With our exes- RoboKing commentary for maybe half to mix it up? (Plus i like the depressed robot boi.)
((oh boy. everything under cut))
Patchwork: "Mm? Is that... Zatch...? No, Zeno...? No, it's Patchwork!"
The Angel: "Ah, The Angel! Er... they do not look too happy with Us."
Amalgamator: "How many Employers does this make...? Anyway, how did you not notice them?"
111A: "No! Get that thing off of Our Katamari!"
Blood Sun: "It's setting the Katamari on fire! Get it off!"
Strife.FLA: "Arrgh, get off! You're damaging the Katamari!"
Astray: "Hm. That's an ill-tempered mage... Did he bring a body onto the Katamari?"
The Guide: "Agh! Father?! Oh, wait, that's just the Guide..."
Father: "No! No one wants to make a deal with you!"
Iles Medgeworth: "We cannot tell if he's being serious or if he's just making fun of Us."
Faya Mey: "Huh. She does not seem angry with Us about being rolled up."
General Klepto: "Do not listen to a word this thing says! You're better off making stars!"
The Angel of Death: "You rolled up an... angel... We think? It's hitting the Katamari."
Gone: "Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it..."
Lura: "Hm! No woman is as beautiful as Our Queen!"
Yatagarasu: "Our face! Our beautiful face! Oh, there it is..."
The Winds: "...HOW and WHY."
Yumi: "Oh, stop crying, you'll be fine! Hopefully your father isn't around."
Sticky Keys: "The Katamari's already sticky enough... this is just overkill."
Ashes: "Such annoying whining..."
Kudamono: "Aaargh, it's messing with the fruit on the Katamari!"
Menes: "What if We keep asking questions...?"
Bezzle: "Hm... We wonder if this will turn everything on the Katamari gold..."
Cinder Moon: "Look what you did, now the Katamari's burning!"
The Drive: "Don't let it touch Tricky."
The Broken God: "Ah, ignore his ramblings. He makes no sense."
Pieces: "Get him off before he-- breaks... the Katamari."
Soul of The Cards: "Just... don't look at its face."
Wish: "Hmm, how unfortunate... To have two minds in one body..."
Colladus: "Urgh... don't let him near his minions."
White_Strife.FLA: "Ugh... We cannot bear to look at them."
Goddess of Law: "...what the Prince is doing is not illegal, We swear."
Proto Prince: "Did... you roll up yourself...?"
Charon: "Oh-- ew! We do not want that on Our Katamari!"
The Obsessed: "We do not see the problem-- he only wishes to win everything."
Darkest End: "Hm. Let Us hope it doesn't try anything funny on the Katamari..."
V.E.R.N.: "Mm. It had better not break the Katamari."
The Pillar: "...the temptation to anger her rises within Us."
Supreme Sorcerer: "Hmph! You are not that Supreme of a Sorcerer!"
Darkslide Gator: "At least this one operates on cartoon physics..."
Specter Jovia: "Nope. Nope! NOPE!"
Mimic: "Ohh, it's Mimic. Poor child... an existence more painful that I can fathom."
Oracle/Whispers: "That's Oracle and Whispers, isn't it? Oracle just doesn't get a break, does he...?"
Fog: "A mission doomed to fail... Just like my job."
The Merge: "I can't see why this Machine is so determined to do its job. It'll get replaced eventually."
Tutorial Sheriff: "Hm. I can't get why he's so happy. He's trapped in one place."
Jeb.FLA: "Hm. That has to be the worst existence I can think of. Aware of what you're doing, but unable to control yourself."
Origin: "...get it off. Just get it off."
Virulent: "Ah... an unfortunate way to go, but I'm surprised he's not just an angry spirit."
Retribution: "Hm. Let this be a lesson to not be angry when you pass on."
Blaze: "Way to go, the Katamari's on fire. Maybe you'll finally stop."
Thorns: "Nope, nope, get her off!"
Furious: "You just... rolled up three things. None of them look too happy. Same, you three. Same."
Usurped/Derailed: "Ah-- let's hope their master isn't around... otherwise you might have a problem."
The Parasite: "RUN!"
Timelines: "Ahh, another one dealing with a crisis. Here's what I do: grumble about it. Works 1.11111111% of the time."
Dr. Finite: "SOMEone doesn't look too happy that their comic was SHELVED. That was awful, I'll shut up now."
Bansai: "...if he's here, his son's likely near... oh dear."
Maneki: "You have enough things to do in this game, just ignore him."
Cerby: "There go the dogs... GREAT job."
Shooting Star: "Put. The lighter. Away. Please. If you want to. I won't bother you, but I'd recommend doing that to not burn."
The Reaper: "Mind taking me with you? Please?"
Pasta Pest: "...well, have fun dealing with a pasta planet."
Faceless Follower: "That's... worrying."
Sunny: "Abandoned... my eventual fate."
Tricky.FLA: "Just... don't bother telling him what to do."
Project Destruction: "How?"
Phoenix Wrong: "Little does he know, Faya never blamed him..."
Allure: "Hm. I do not feel anything for her. There's no point, after all."
Granny: "Don't eat the candy."
The Forgotten: "Ah, there you are. Well... this may not be fun for you."
The Greatest Slayer: "Fighting a slowly losing battle, and yet too optimistic to realize..."
Fiery Will: "...so... unfortunate..."
Cyber Leo: "Well... that was not easy... He doesn't look too happy, though."
The Punished: "...you... look awful, I'm going to be honest."
The Critic: "Like that TV show guy, but murderous. Hm."
The Zero: "Ah-- stop shifting, you're shoving things around the Katamari!"
Blood DCA: "Ah-- be careful, this one's... nowhere near peaceful... Let's just say it shouldn't be allowed near children."
Jovvy: "Don't get her near me. Ever."
Nature's Wrath: "It had better not have rabies."
Specter Moon: "AGH! Ugh... get it away from me."
Moony: "Don't look at it."
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(Trigger Warning: CSA and grooming)
So, umm... Little vent incoming (Feel free to ignore)
About the new netflix series and Zvtara/K@t@@ng discourse (regarding if any of these ships will become canon)
I sincerely hope than neither will become canon and they will just stick to Svkka and maybe M@1ko (correct if I'm wrong and either of the actors is underage when the other is not, in which case I will take back what I said). Acting is acting, I get it, but the age difference between the actors rubs me the wrong way and feels extremely uncomfortable.
That said, seeing some Zvtara fans try and delude themselves into thinking, that their ship might just become canon in the series, citing that there are shows out there that had actors with a much bigger age gap play out romantic scenes feels so... fucking wrong.
Like... just because other shows had it (and even emphasizing that the other shows had a much bigger age gap, as if it would make the netflix one any better) doesn't automatically make it morally correct. Especially when it comes to real fucking people.
This goes not to just Zvtara/K@t@@ng fans, but all other fandoms - please for the love of everything holy, leave the authors/actors out of your shitty shipping wars. It's one thing when it's just fictional characters (still stupid, but, at least, no one is getting hurt), but when it comes to real people please have some respect and decency for these people.
Like, I'm a non-apologetic LoliSho fan. I shipped things that would make 80% of the entire atla/lok fandom pass away from just thinking about it (seriously, this fandom is vanilla af), but I keep things strictly fictional, obviously (was abused myself, lolisho is partially my coping mechanism). Yet still, seeing all of these posts that go "It's okay, zvtara still has a chance to become canon, because the age difference between two actors, despite one of them being underage, isn't that bad compared to these other shows!" make all of the alarms in my head go off. Because, as I've said it before, we're talking about real people here, not fictional characters. If that won't make some of the zvtara fans that are hate-stalking this tag/blog, step back and reconsider everything after reading this - then I have officially lost all hope for this shipping community, because the amount of red flags simply cannot be ignored anymore.
And to be clear - same thing goes towards K@t@@ng, because the age gap would still be creepy to me, but I've only seen this take with zvtarians, which is why I'm writing here.
Yeeaaah, so, that's that! Sorry for the vent/rant, lmao. Hope the trigger warnings were enough...
"Seriously, this fandom is vanilla af" Urgh, I felt that one in my soul. Truer words have never been said.
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sincerelyvinus · 2 years
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Your voice, my name.
CW: suggestive, very suggestive but no actual nsfw, pretty gay shit, also cursing [this fanfic will be fatui scara not wanderer]
Author note: For some friends also some fanart gave me inspo, this is the most gay shit ive ever seen in my life so brace yourself. Also this is based on some rp yes but no i am neither the childe nor the scara that rp'd to make this mess but the xiao eating popcorn. in the back
It's already midnight and the balladeer has just been given a letter informing him that Tartaglia, the eleventh harbinger has boarded a boat and is on his way back from Liyue.
"His letters always come out so childish and unprofessional, it's something I can't understand why it makes him so interesting to me."
Scara's deep sighs can be heard from outside his tent. He was thinking about how he felt for said Eleventh harbinger for the past months and weeks while he was away. It kept him up but it's not like he sleep at all without thinking about the orange haired man. He hated how the harbinger made his mind wander and spiral but he couldn't help it.
"Lord Scaramouche-" "I am not on duty at the moment so unless you want to get electrocuted I suggest you leave my tent."
He wanted to end this never ending mind spiral and just tell the damn man how he felt and he was not in the right mind set to take any orders from the Tsaritsa.
"Should I just write a poem? No that's to corny..Maybe directly just tell him? Sounds too bland..Urgh what would a human do?"
He wandered around his tent wondering what he was suppose to say and do when the man arrived to the camp. He ripped poems and burned them, he practiced his confession but then proceeding to cringe at his attempt to sound human. It was starting to get frustrating, in anger he pushes his candle off the table and toke a sharp breath.
"What's the Sixth harbinger so angry about this time?"
Scara's eyes widen faster than lightning. That cocky voice could only belong to one person.
"You arrived earlier than I thought Eleventh." "Awh why did you miss me?"
His overly confident personality made Tartaglia intolerable for Scara. But yes he did miss him and will admit it over his dead body.
"You wish." "They told me I'll have to room with you tonight, they didn't set up my tent you're the only one of the harbingers that has enough space for me"
What great timing, it seems like celestia above is helping him. He mentally face palmed but he did not have the mind to argue with him right now. He didn't want to be a coward and do it the next day so it's now or never.
His words seemingly stuck in his through as he turn to see Tartaglia ruffling his hair and fixing for bed. His beauty perfectly illuminated by the moonlight through the fabric of the tent. It blew his words away.
"Yeah? Something up Scara?"
Scara's eyes glued to his face, he couldn't look away it was honestly terrifying. He couldn't say anything either his brain turn off for the moment.
Tartaglia's leaning his head to the side in confusion his brain thought of something.
"Awh are you thinking of me in that pretty head of yours?" "What if I said yes."
Scara's mouth just had a mind of it's own just then while Tartaglia was quite surprised but pleased it's something he cannot miss to mock
"Oh? You're just gonna admit it like tha-"
With his eyes closed he did not noticed Scara rapidly approaching him from across the room. His hands gripping the taller one's collar, pulling him near
"Listen here. I am fighting every urge to kiss you for the sake of my sanity but I am no creep to kiss you without knowing if you would do the same or not"
Tartaglia was speechless for the first time in a while. He has feelings for the Sixth but he never knew this side of him and that made him fired. up.
"Oh, my dear. you're so cute..But I'd like to confess that you're my first kiss. I want it to be special at least." "Want to make it special huh? How childish, But you are mine too..so I suggest you go on before I change my mind" "Let's keep me it that way shall we? I wouldn't want anyone else to take those lips first other than me."
With a swift move Tartaglia had the Sixth close to him. holding him by the waist with his free hand and the other man's hand close to his lips.
"May I my dear?" "You may."
A soft kiss on the puppet's knuckles, one on each bump.
"I never knew you were so corny Tartaglia."
Before Scara could say anything else his back waist met the edge of the table in his tent. Tartaglia's arms caging him on both sides
"Call me Ajax, my given name Scaramouche. I want my to hear my name fall out your beautiful mouth" "If it is what you wish Ajax" "Fuck..."
The air felt heavy and the tension kept on building with every second that passed, Ajax's voice changed as he begs the Sixth to say his name.
"Say it again please, the way you say it makes me go crazy. Fuck Scaramouche you say it just the right way.." "Beg for me to say it again..."
The taller man's voice morphing into a whiny and desperate tone. Scara was pleased to see him so whiny it made his face flush and his stomach flutter.
"Please Scara say my name..I'll do anything.." "Kiss me Ajax and I'll scream it for the whole world to hear.."
The two men couldn't handle the tension anymore than simultaneously smashed their lips to eachothers. Both they're hands roamed and had minds of their own. They muffled their own noises.
"Ha..Scaramouche.." "Mgh..Ajax.."
Saying eachothers names under their breaths just enough to hear eachother. They toke eachothers breaths away. Losing themselves in eachother they still had one more thing to say to eachother before completely forgetting their own worlds.
"Gods I am in love you Scara. You make me go more insane than I already am" "And you make me want to burn the world down for you" "Scara I love you.." "I love you to Ajax..I- Mgh.."
Ajax's lips finding Scara's lips once more while they hungrily indulge themselves with eachother the rest will stay within that tent till the rest of their lives.
[I'm not gonna do a taglist for this one]
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