#i actually have an account but i cant download anything for whatever reason
capriszn · 9 months
every day i wake up and miss zlibrary and li ziqi
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Tiffany Amber Vs Walmart
             IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ARLINGTON COUNTY Tiffany Amber Address Sealed Plaintiff                                                            Case #:    ______________                   v. Walmart 14000 Worth Ave, Woodbridge, VA 22192 Cc Walmart Headquarters 702 Southwest, Bentonville, Arkansas 72716 HP 3000 Hanover St, Palo Alto, California 94304 Defendant                                                                 COMPLAINT PLAINTIFF, Tiffany Amber, comes this day, November 3rd, 2017, pro se, and for the reasons and causes for this Complaint, states as follows:                           COUNT I, II, III, VII,  :Intentional Emotional Distress,  Conspiracy, Racial Prejudice, Harassment, and  Unfair Business Practice            1. Tiffany Amber,  is a loyal customer of Walmart. Unfortunately I’ve had numerous of runs in with Walmart due to  the employees Walmart has hired. Conspiracy as crazy it sounds is not a fucking distant dream. It is real  HP will be included in this suit. Which Is why I’m requesting Walmart Be CLOSED and the sum of its stores be sought in damages.  I have IC3 reports and I have Walmart Complaints.  Today is the fifth coat of icing on an already well frosted cake.  I’m a nice person. I do not need money. But these people act this way because there is no correction. The nicest person gets tired. IS TIRED OF TALKING.  Walmart is cheap but it is still a store in which policies must be followed  and competent law abiding BUSINESS Professionals are hired and  show customers respect and CUSTOMER SERVICE above all ACT in a LEGAL WAY. ESPCIALLY using Walmart’s name. Otherwise it  places doubt on Walmart. There are crimes which will be listed in this complaint that exceed bad employees a bad place to shop. THAT’S A crime. And I’m  seeking you be closed for it. Today is  fucking judgement day. Is the emergency CORD on all these events. When I cant just go somewhere and just shop. It becomes a scene every other day. You don’t have a store. You don’t have employees. I’m going to make it real for you.  These woman should not have been hired and I doubt this is the first of their criminal behavior.  I will list all the events  but Walmart has proven unphased by one event after the other. Different locations but still Walmart. Must be Walmart’s culture. Have become  lax in the fact that Walmart has become peoples saving grace but it’s come at a PRICE. Greater than 50 percent savings. I am a law abiding citizen, a respectable citizen of society, who follows the law. When you trample on those things.  You OWE yourself and then  YOU OWE ME. Double whatever you paid yourself. You fucking owe me more than a fucking check. Im not explaining but im in a nice neighborhood and people are behaving like this more than likely because im BLACK. On my WORST day. I will leave money for a FUND. It has not been recently but im not going in to detail. YOU OWE ME FUCKING MONEY.            2. The First incident is Georgia Avenue NW Washington DC. I Do not live in DC but I was in Walmart saw that they had a sell on computers my old one is dead. I purchase it with cash due to the fact I have been to the bank that day and I have money on me. I’m made aware that HP is acting criminally. It’s a new computer. Its saying things like memory is low day 5 of purchasing it. I have downloaded nothing. My cursor is slow or behind. Like I cant type a sentence without the cursor jumping or seeing spaces causing me to misspell nearly my whole sentence.          I obviously can’t do any word document even type in GMAIL type anywhere this brand new computer would be considered useless. When I do an IC3 report record as Im typing  the typing malfunction  stops. I am aware of why HP is  acting criminally but it should not be possible. I didn’t know you could interfere with someone’s computer to that magnitude. Gmail also doesn’t allow me to attach documents. On the spot typing become slow or sluggish to the point I’m usually a whole word behind. Even today when I’m typing the complaint to Walmart in comparison to right now typing is the way its suppose  to be. Noone thinks about these types of things but you notice a difference right away. I will suffer to  a point. I am suing but the mouse just stops working. You cant do anything on the computer which mandates I return a 10 day old computer back to Walmart. I’m aware its HP acting criminally and I was going to pursue a suit at a later date but its equal to a defective computer and so I returned it to Walmart making them responsible. I probably have about 10 IC3 reports on a BRAND NEW computer. I return to Walmart without a receipt because I’ve never had to return a new computer in my life. When I buy brand new things I usually don’t make a mental note to keep the receipt. I did however keep the (note typing is messing up this section of the complaint  Slow, sluggish.) Box it was purchased in and I figured that was equal to a receipt because he scanned the box upon me purchasing it. I have my new computer ready for a swap and he says oh do you have a receipt. I say no but you can scan the barcode right? He’s adamant he cant.  I say well can you pull receipts? I know Walmart has done this. Ive had it done a few times in the past. He’s also adamant he cant pull a receipt unless I purchased the computer with a debit card. Im enraged that night because the whole reason I brought a computer Is because I’m in need of it or was in need of it at that time. Im going to buy a computer I cant use. I walked in with a mint condition computer.  A  computer fit for a trash can was exchanged after numerous of complaints. He can exchange a computer with the bar code on the box. He can also look up a cash receipt. Both he adamantly denied upon me attempting to exchange the computer. One must wonder if WALMART is on HP acting criminally. Ive made them aware of HPS behavior. They don’t seem phased or bothered yet they are selling these new computers. I feel like that would make them accomplices to a crime. After two weeks Walmart is refusing to exchange anything lets say this computer blacks out right now. Walmart says they are not exchanging it.  That’s a crime They  ARE aware and are still selling the computers.  Note my word document is LOADING.  Never heard of it in my life.  Text has been changed. This computer is probably 4-6 weeks old. IC3 report every other day. I’ve never experienced it in my life. Also note black boxes are splashing across my screen. My WORD document froze took ten minutes for it to allow typing. This happens very frequently with word document. I’ve never heard of it before in my life Until buying this computer. Walmart owes me a 40.00  gift card. It should have been sitting with my computer when I came for the computer exchange for the third time. It was not. I had to complain they called on an inconvenient day and said I could come pick it up. Have not had the opportunity to do so. The gift card was MY idea. The computer should have been exchanged day one. I had to come back after numerous complaints and spending 10.00 each way three different times.  And I had to fight them for it.            4.  The next event is todays incidences. I am a frequent shopper at Walmart. I went to the Walmart on Worth Avenue in Woodbridge Va. I notice immediately Walmart employees are following me in the store. They stop at some point. I will note here that this is on the heels of me leaving Costcos and calling the police.  Because Costcos is harassing me upon attempting to ENTER the store. Ive never been there before I’ve been meaning to go because I hear you can buy things in BULK. She tells me I need to go to a counter to be allowed admittance. You really cant tell new comers they cant come in if they don’t have a membership card which cost from what I can see a hefty price. And I have not been inside. It’s not happening. I’m not buying a surprise meal from MCDONALDS. COSTCOS didn’t want a store. I’m about to take it. Anyway I’m in the store for two minutes and I leave. I do watch probably five people with books bags large purses leave without being asked for their stuff to be checked. I’m in the store two minutes and they want to check my bag. I’m going to note 99 percent of the people I saw were white and light. You OWE me money and I just walked in the door I walked out while she was attempting to tell me she needed to check my bookbag. I NEED TO CHECK HER FACE. I kept walking and ripped the pamphlet up and threw it on the ground outside of COSTCOS and I called the cops. Anyway back to Walmart. I get to the self check out line. There is A HUGE UGLY light broad  directing people to cash registers. She actually follows me to the registers and is attempting to put on MORE plastic bags on a half empty rack. I want to say a good 10 to twenty more people could have 70 or more dollars of stuff and it  would still only START to appear like it needed to be filled.  Like its OBVIOUS she has created a ruse to watch me scan items. Which is a suit by itself. I have never looted at WALMART or any store and I never will. I use self check out because its easier. I tell her I think the bags are full enough she can leave. Like she is literally blocking me from putting things in the bag there. There are people behind me and ALL the registers are full and she is in my face. And she’s not SMART about it. I mean its OBVIOUS.  I scan my items. I go to pay THREE TIMES. The card doesn’t process the Walmart icon is turning. Is says processing for a good five minutes each time. That would mean Walmart is ACTING criminally. There is money in my account. The police from Costcos are actually calling me while I’m trying to process the transaction. I have to call him back. I finally after the third time ask the light whore do you know what’s wrong with the machine sarcastically. She says it has to be rung up over here.  Another Whole register. I insert my card and I see when they screens says approved. She attempts to tell me its declined. I tell her to repeat herself so she can say it out loud. She says it went through over here but it declined at the other station. It’s a lie. All the three times the transaction stalls at processing. THE LIGHT WHORE OWES ME MONEY. SHE LIED TO A GROUP OF PEOPLE.  I’m under the belief it was her or it was Walmart tampering with my transaction. I actually wait for the next person to use the same machine I was using. Nothing is wrong with the machine. The man has the same  Bank of America Card as me even the same color. Transaction goes through in 5 seconds. I applaud him and say I’m happy for him. I then ask for a manager for the second time.  She has an attitude because I asked for the same manager right after my transaction is rung up at the other counter.  She now has an attitude and is saying she has nothing to do with an EMPLOYEE SHE MANAGES. SHE is not at all concerned with has taken place. She has an attitude I ask for her name. I say is there anyone here above you?  She says not right now. The managers name Is Julie the light skin whores name is Natasha. I leave and call the cops. The cops give me a hassle. I’m angry so they got the special I don’t do to well with people attempting to tell me what I already know. I CALL back the same officer that calls me in the store. I have to fight with him. I finally get a report number AFTER I make it clear I can and will call the cops as many times as I want as long I feel as though a crime has been committed. It a crime and its racism at its finest. I wanted proof this happened. That case number I PD17101200261020 OFFICER CW Dooley.                       Relief follows, See Attached.                                                                Respectfully submitted,                                                            _____________________                                                                Tiffany Amber, Plaintiff                                                          Address Sealed Relief 200 Billion. No request. Just CLOSURE of your stores. 20 Million AND the two whores are HUMILIATED FIRED BY A LETTER I WRITE. I want it recorded. Want customers to watch.  No references no severance pay.  It is very sad Walmart actually had someone call me, a manager ,I am presuming, and she did not delete this suit off my computer.  While I was not looking for money 140.00 gift card would have done the trick. A 100.00 gift card would have done the trick. Gave you proof as life saving as Walmart is  you didn’t hire the right people. Im just quite frankly irritated. You do not have a store if you don’t have customer service. When employees become the problem you need to start over.  And upper management Is not concerned when your STORE EMPLOYEES cause a scene in store with a loyal customer. It doesn’t fly in my book.
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boyshoujo · 7 years
what kind of music do u listen to??? 👀, i judge people by their music tastes so if u have a shit taste then ur #canceled,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so do u like rock??? do u like sad music????? old (by old i mean from 2000 or 2005 but it can be from 1950 if u want) or new music???? do u like vocaloid???? japanese music???? do u listen to music in other languages???? do u like happy music??? do u care abt the lyrics more or the beat???? what kind of music do u dance to???? name ur 10 fave artists or bands???
blease dont judge me by my music taste……………….. i like everything ?  like………………basically anything but taylor swift/ed sheeran/bastille type of songs lmao but i like everything and anything tbh ???
I TOLD YOU THAT THE CHARMING CHERRIES GAME SUCKS BUT U DIDNT LSITEN AJWKSMKFSICNJ!!!! u picked him “accidentally” huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , abt the donut kink: there was a pic of asra eating a donut, some anon was like “draw asra eating or smoking” so the artist picked the eating, someone tagged it “smoking” cuz asra would never smoke, i didn’t understand and i was like??? “do u mean smoking hot??? actually now that i think abt it the way he’s eating the donut is hot, wow i have a donut kink now…….”
gril i downloaded the charming cherries game BC U TOLD ME TO !! ! ! and i wanted to believe in u !!!!!! ! ! and i wanted to make fun of the fedora guy lmao 👀 wtf i thought u were gonna tell me something #Juicy like u saw some comic about some police officer fucking a donut or something ? but it’s just asra eating a donut ?????? wow :/ disappointing :/
u wanna kno more abt me?? my name starts with an A and ends with an A, and its not angelica JFSLKSDISJUSID!!!!! im still in highschool and im younger than u but its just 2 or 4 years so it doesn’t count lmao,,, im very manly (in my personality not in appearance but im not like a girl at all?? kinda in looks yeah but anything else?? no) AND NO IM NOT A TOMBOY EW KPSIEJDIMDJS!!!!!! ive known a lot of tomboys and let me tell you,,, some of them act like animals,,, u don’t even know if they’re human
is ur name aaliyah ? alayna ? ashana ? adriana ? is ur name [screaming] AAAAAAAAAA ? is ur name Arcana A(non) ? i dont know any a names lmao4 years wtf…………………….. ur a baby lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s ok if u dont want to reveal urself tbh bc im a stonky Olde person 👴 and tbh ? i wouldnt lolalso tomboys r cute? :/ like some r gross but ? theyre cute ? 
i have cat ears too but its just like an empty triangle and its black,,,, i want the cat ears that move but i don’t know where do i buy it??? and no, i can’t buy it from the internet (amazon) cuz my mom thinks that they’re going to steal her money,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but isn’t thanksgiving in christmas??? did native americans got killed in christmas?? im not christian so i don’t know shit lol,,,, and u go to an art school???? tell me more abt it 👀
JSKJKLSJFL r u talking about those fancy cat ears that react to ur brainwaves or whatever .. arent those like 29034902348 dollars …(american) thanksgiving is in november, and christmas is in december ! they’re separate holidays lolin america, christian holidays r treated as national holidays lmao :/ (also bc america runs on extreme consumerism and they want a reason for us to buy shit all the time!!!!!!!!) like ?? my grandparents on my dad’s side r buddhist but they still celebrate christmas w us bc its ingrained into the “””American Culture”””” which is kinda lame but yeah lmao :/
GIRL some of the people at my art school r so corny,,,,, like i changed my major from animation to illustration and i instatntly noticed how normal everyone in the illustration department is ??????????? we’re Normies??????? we’re Basic as hell?????? meanwhile all the animation students WERE SO WEIRD I CANT,,,,, like at least 60% of them were furries (INCLUDING THE PROFESSORS KFLJSKJLFD OMG i heard a story about how a bunch of students found one of the professors’ old furaffinity accounts with a bunch of furry porn and KJFLKJSFLJ FKSJFLKFJ I WANT TO DIE THATS SO EMBARRASING! !!  ! ! !) but like . everyone in the animation department speaks in babie voices and says “hewwo???? :3c” or “doge” and other bullshit weird ass tumblr lingo OUT LOUD . in Real Life and im just like ?? ?? why cant yall be normal………bplease……………….. 
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pjihoon · 7 years
Hi~~ I'm really sorry to bother you! But I saw your gifs in my dash and they're so pretty! I don't even stan wanna one but I just went through your gif tag for so long cause they're so nice 😍 Would you ever share your sharpen / action / topaz or coloring settings or tips? 😊
ahh omg anon thank you so much for your kind words! you’re so sweet
i think i’ll just share generic tips! From each stage of the giffing process. i still have so much i can improve with in giffing, so i’m sorry if i give you super wrong advice ahhh but i hope this helps a little?it got super long so it’s under the read more!!
Downloading Videos
make sure it’s the highest quality video you can get. 1080p is your friend. ok honestly, when i’ve giffed, i havent really noticed a difference in quality between 2k/4k and 1080p? maybe im doing it wrong but honestly the only thing ive noticed is that 2k/4k just slows down my computer drastically and takes up way too much space on a computer that already has like zero space to begin with. so i tend to stick with 1080p. 
Also! if you can get 60fps, thats also nice bc it helps your gifs look smoother.
yaknow how i said 1080p is your friend? well ts files are your best friends/family. if you can torrent them or download the, your gifs will look super pretty. i highly recommend this for live performance gifs. you can find ts files for a lot of shows, but again, since my computer has
kpop24hrs and kpopexciting are two places i go for those live perf ts files! kpop24hrs tends to have more i feel (it’s where i go when i want to gif my rookie groups that dont have too much attention on them)
you can also find torrents on twitter, if you search the right things
Extracting Videos
ok for this, if you have a pc (so like not a mac) i HIGHLY recommend looking into avisynth. there’s this tumblr account named brandinator who i’ve heard gives really awesome tips for avisynth and made it really easy for people to get avisnyth.if youre like me and your stuck with a mac, or if you just want to stick with photoshop then you can read the rest of this
i have photoshop cs5? so my tips are generally based around that. 
for youtube videos (so basically mp4/avi format) i use photoshop’s video extraction feature. file—>import–>video frames to layersif your photoshop is like mine for whatever reason and it doesnt want to recognize mp4 files, then what i do is changed the .mp4 extension to a .avi extension (and its super easy to do on mac….i dont have a pc so idk how different that is) the quality doesnt really change either with that simple changing of the ending it sorta just tricks photoshop i guess lol idunno
when youre on the ‘video frames to layers’ window, make sure you don’t hit the ‘limit to every _____ frames’ bc that makes it lose the smoothness quality of gifs. maybe back when the gif limit was like 1mb that would have been important, but we live in a world of luxury now. so for smoother looking gifs, make sure that box is unchecked. other ppl (pc users i think) tend to use other video extraction softwares. i cant remember the name, but all i remember is that for macs, that software cant extract frames so its useless for us. i think it was kmplayer? not sure. like you can download kmplayer on mac but it doesnt have the same features rip.for ts files, i use vlc player (since ps can’t open it) and sit there and capture each and every frame lol. 
Actually Giffing
here’s where things get a bit interpretive
(im assuming you know how to make a gif since you’ve asked for specific things like sharpening and stuff)
for coloring, 
ive found that not changing the lighting too much of the video youre giffing leads to higher quality stuff…but i also hate not changing the lighting too much which is why a lot of my gifs turn out grainy hahah (my coloring is really centered around how to make the person in the gifs look the most ‘natural’? so that usually involves trying to take out video filters). but yea the gifs in which i didnt change too much with coloring, tended to be my most high quality gifs. 
i don’t use other peoples psds and make my own everytime for each gif, and i only usually just adjust ‘curves’ and ‘exposure’ yea.
if there’s an ugly color background that you want to make look more white, when youre in ‘curve’s, go to each color (red green and blue) and drag the little line thing in the top right corner a little to the left. idk what is actually happening there and why it only really addresses the bg but thats a good way to try to make your bg whiter without actually whitewashing the gif. 
for sharpening
lol sharpening, my enemy. its what i struggle with the most
i use .4 at 500% for smart sharpen
and then for topaz i make sure clean color is at 0 first of all, and i mess around with ‘overall strength’ and ‘reduce blur’ until i get the quality that i wanted. i nvr go higher than .07 strength. 
but an important thing for sharpening i think is deciding when you want to crop the picture? do you crop it before or after the sharpening/topaz? i dunno honestly, but for me ive found that cropping first, and then applying sharpening settings leads to the highest quality (or maybe thats what im used to so it turns out better). 
oh yea i dont resize, i crop instead. i’m not sure if that does anything but when i was first starting i found that resizing made my gifs look more blurry…? and that cropping was nicer to my gifs? i’m not sure if that does anything though lol maybe cropping is worse who knows, but its something ive stuck with ever since ive started
save settings
i’ve recently switched over to diffusion! but sometimes that doenst work out so i use the pattern one. i play around with adaptive/selective to see which one looks better or takes up less space haha
last but not least: pray
i spend a lot of my time praying that my gif will come out good haha bc even if you think you did everything right, once you hit that ‘save for web’ button, it’ll look like the ugliest thing in the world it’s really frustrating. like even when i make a gifset from the same video using the same everything (coloring, sharpening, save settings) one gif will look like trash and the other one will be like the best thing ive ever giffed so its like?? pray
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