#i admire his ability to just keep going and moving like he does
izzy-b-hands · 2 years
finding out that Taika's working on multiple projects at once rn and i both want that energy and drive (without my body or mind KOing me after a few days of it lmao) but also i hope he's able to nap when and wherever he wants if he's gonna Energizer Bunny it like this
also the one show sounds really good but also like it will only be on apple's streaming service :(
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
George Weasley x Reader
You broke up with your ex, but said ex refuses to believe you moved on. That you found better than him. So, you figured you had to prove you did. Time to call a favor
Warnings: 18+, topics of abusive ex, satisfying revenge, ablism, oral sex (male receiving) public, choking (very light) fake dating, voyeurism, peeping Tom, Very Soft George, cuckholding? Sorta? Not really? But like maybe on a technical level?
Writing Comission’s Open
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“George, pretend to be my boyfriend.” You asked, quickly. Hardly gave him a chance to even look over his shoulder, when he saw a man storming into his shop. Looking utterly pissed, and you anxious. He’s got a little sister, and plenty of brothers. As if he needed to put two and two together. His arm was quickly around your side, and he leaned into you. As if it was all natural.
“Was wondering when you would get here, Jellybean!” He announced, making your ex quickly look over to you two. His stare hardened, and George stared right back. Snearing. Keeping up a smug complexion through it all. You quickly stuffed yourself into his arm. As if trying to hide, as your ex came over. Nearly stomping in the process.
“The hell you doing with em-?Your ex demanded. “Uh…..Snuggling? Kissing? Whatever we want in MY shop-?” George would puzzle, as he was wondering where the such nerve came from. George would make sure to keep you close, with a hand on your hip, as he protected you. You would rest your head on his shoulder, and took in the comforting scent of fireworks and sugar. Helped you get grounded, as your ex was looking ready to fight.
“That’s what Im suppose to do, you fucking cripple-“ The man snapped, making you gasp. You were about to say something, but George was quick to slap a hand on your mouth. Knowing damn well what you would say next might get you slapped. As if he wanted that.
“Really? That’s your first course of action? Get creative buddy. Could have said something impressive. Like One Eared Arrogant Bastard. Like that’s creative. Just dropping heavy words like that doesn’t make you smart. Even Malfoy got creative.” George mocked, making you giggle. That was something you admired about him. His ability to go with the flow. Able to fight with words so easy.
“I-“ He tried to say something else, but George cut right in. “Do you sound smart to make up for the fact you don’t have a personality? Even Percy had more of one than you. What about that temper? Short temper isn’t the only thing short, is there?” George egged on and on. Wasn’t long before people were watching, and giggling. Leaving him red faced.
“How about-“ And the man was storming off. You couldn’t help your relief, as you relaxed into George. He seemed gone, but not entirely. You noticed he was still outside. Just far enough away from the shop to not be loitering. That made your stomach drop. Seemed you were dodging a bullet, and George was making sure there was plenty of cover.
“Guess he isn’t buying it…..Wanna help make sure he does?” He offered, as you rose a brow. At this point, you would do anything to get that bastard off your back. Was being a total creep now. Just waiting for you outside. With a nod, you gave your consent. George would soon whistle at someone, who would nod, as he was taking you towards the back.
“Let’s give him a show~” He offered, before you were pushed out of a side door. Your body hit against the neighboring building, as your lips met. You were wide eyed, until you noticed your ex peeking from around the alley way corner. Guess a show will be what it takes. Couldn’t imagine a better person to trust yourself with anyway.
You couldn’t help it either, as you melted into the kiss. Your hands fighting at his suit jacket, while he explored your mouth. Leaving your tongue to taste like sweet orange flavored candy. The scent of ash, the taste of sweet, and the feeling of heat. It was getting you more excited than you wanted to admit.
“Come on, love, on your knees.” He whispered, as he threw the jacket to the ground. Despite how rough he was acting, the fact he gave you his suit jacket for your knees spoke volumes. Even in the heat of the moment, he was trying to make sure you were given the best care. Made your heart sing, as you let your knees rest on the expensive fabric. Right all over the dirty alley way.
He was quick to take his belt off, and adjust his vest and dress shirt. Everything was moving so fast. There was such a thrill from it. A spur of the moment. Just no thoughts, only desire. Was so exciting. Gave you such a pleasure you didn’t know you could get. Weren’t even doing anything. Yet.
“Open that pretty little mouth-“ He asked, and you did. Just as he pulled his cock out from his pants, making your heart pound with excitement. You were really about to do this. You felt like you were in a wet dream. You always did find George so attractive. Never thought you would ever score a chance. Yet, it was this easy. Those Weasleys and their big hearts.
You let the tip pass your lips, and swallowed. His hand was gentle in your hair, as he let you go at your own pace. Not forcing it down your throat, and letting you take your time in adjusting. Letting you control your breathing, as your hands found his thighs. Just those deep breaths of fire works, and sugar. Was hypnotic.
Once you felt well adjusted, you forced your head further down. Your signal to let him keep going, and going he did. How he tangled his fingers in your hair, and forced you deeper down his cock. To the point your nose brushed against that ginger hair. Made you gag, by how much, but you quickly relaxed. Knowing you were in safe hands.
“Better be louder. I’m crippled, after all~” He teases, making you unable to stop the giggle around his cock. That earned you a moan from him, as the vibrations ran up through his body. God did his moans sound like sweet music to your ears. It gave you the motivation to try and take lead a little bit. Pulling yourself to the tip, and moaning around it.
He was soon leaning against the wall of his shop, as he was at your mercy now. His free hand busy with keeping his vest and shirt up. Exposing that slender stomach. Happy trail, freckles, and ink. Such a dashing man, with many scars. You were the lucky one to get to see it. See it all. Like how his face was flushing, and his kept hair ruffling. It was addictive.
Up and down you bobbed, as you kept your grip tight on his slender thighs. Not quite as meaty as his upper arms, given his beater history. Still was great to grab, as you milked him for more sounds. Such as the hisses, and whimpers when you ran your tongue over a vein just right. Oh you didn’t know who was in more heaven.
“Fuck, Im going to cum. Oh fuck-“ He gritted his teeth, and made an attempt to pull you off. How considerate. You figured that kind gesture deserved a reward. So, you fought against his hand. That surprised him, as you would force yourself deep down again. Moaning, as you returned to his base. Looking right up at him, and locking with those pretty doe eyes. That was the last straw.
He let his head roll back, as he came down your throat. You coughed, but you were handling it like a champ. Using those thighs for support, as you watched his stomach spasm from the pleasure you gave him. How those pretty cheeks were so flushed, and his ear so red. Oh what you would give to see more of that.
Once he was breathing steady, you finally pulled off. You panted, as he cupped your cheek. His thumb rubbing away at the spit that ran down your chin. You didn’t know if your ex was still there, and genuinely didn’t care anymore. The tender moment was to sweet to make you think about anything else.
“Say….Think maybe we can do this again some time? Gotta keep up appearances and all~” He winked, as it was your turn to be blushing. All flustered, as he would put himself away. Along with being a gentlemen, and helping you off the ground. With his jacket as well.
With a quick spell, the jacket was clean. Just some tidying up, as you were still a soft pink. Same for himself. A stupid grin on his face was keeping you flushed as well. Especially with the arm hooked around you, as you returned inside. Having to keep up appearances after all. Just for appearances.
“My lunch break should be soon, wouldn’t mind some drinks with you. Gotta wash that down after all.” He offered, making you elbow his delicate rib. He wheezed, but laughed. Yeah. Maybe this fake dating thing will really put your ex in his place. Severs him right for losing such a catch like you. Least George was the lucky one to nab you, wasn’t he?
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billythesimp · 2 months
His Starlight
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎...
I was requested for write more Billy headcanons with a fem!s/o so here's some short snippets. So thank you for the request! I'll be opening requests after I finish another piece so letting you all know ahead.
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙
tagging: None
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tw: none
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⋈ Billy makes some strange decisions at time, either cuz he’s trying to be cheap in order to save more, or he’s just not thinking straight and makes an impromptu purchase. As his s/o, you’re able to reel him in and help him make smarter decisions that’ll leave him so grateful that you care as much to aid him. Of course, this doesn’t count when he decides to splurge on you, because his girlfriend deserves only the best.
⋈ The girls in the Cunning Hares have at least met you a couple times before, after all they do care for Billy so only want to know who his new girlfriend is. That being said, Nicole is probably the one who can see the benefits of keeping you around, only to drop them once she sees just how much you adore their android friend that they’ve started noticing changes in him that are for the better. He still is goofy and oftentimes causing a ruckus with the others, but he’s become more thoughtful and acknowledges when things are going wrong or when they need to make a decisive decision in their work or expenses. Nicole doesn’t mind having you come around often, as long as you don’t become another mouth to feed. 
⋈ Best part of having such a cute girlfriend is being able to binge watch movies together and go out on dates. His favorites being the ones where they explore Lumina Square and stop to take photos. Of course, he loves doing the iconic poses from his favorite shows and movies, impersonating the actors to the point that it embarrasses you but he does it in a loving matter. But he also loves taking photos of you, drinking coffee at the Tin man’s shop, fawning over the shop bangboos, or even experimenting with the makeup in the salon there. He has a whole file saved of his favorite moments from your dates. 
⋈ Of course, dating Billy has its cons. For one he is usually cold to the touch because he’s made of metal and need to have his joints lubricated. But no worries, he does his best to maintain himself and makes subtle changes that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. Like buying a heating module to help increase his body heat, though the dealer he bought it from was kinda sketchy and now he overheats too quickly just from seeing your cute face. And when it comes to lubrates, he gets only the finest of lubes to help him move to the best of his ability. A little too well as you’ll have him turning head at record speed when you call him. Maybe even trip over his own feet trying to catch up to you. 
⋈ Billy can be a fool but he’s your fool. He loves and cherishes every day he gets to spend with you; And whenever he’s in a pinch, down in the hollows completing the hardest of commissions all for the sake of getting by with the Cunning Hares, he can only think of how you’ll be waiting for him on the outside. Ready to give him the biggest hug and rewatch Oh~ Sweetie where now he no longer finds joy in admiring the main actress as you shine brighter than any other starlight knight.
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lou-0111 · 24 days
I Won’t Say (I’m in Love)
y/n doesnt believe in love, taylor, their best friend (who knows their view on love) tries to convince that luke would be a great boyfriend for them: bit of a long one today - 3.4k words
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Love is stupid, ok? It’s pointless and there is absolutely no need for it. And no, It’s not just because I've had bad experiences, it’s the whole thing. Girls changing themselves for the boy they like. Boys being mean to people to get girls attention, the whole thing is just stupid.
If there's a prize for rotten judgement I guess I've already won that
I feel like I’ve made a series of poor decisions in my life, each one heavier than the last. This pattern of regret and self-reproach feels like it’s consuming me from within. It's become almost second nature to make mistakes because I've fallen into the habit of making them, and each misstep adds to the weight of my past errors.
No man is worth the aggravation
No guy at Camp Half-Blood is worth going through that emotional turmoil again. It’s simply easier to avoid falling in love altogether. The past is full of lessons learned—the kind where you thought you'd finally moved on, only to find yourself trapped in the same old cycles. The gods had their trials, and there's no need for us to repeat their mistakes.
That's ancient history, been there, done that
This happened to the gods in the past, it shouldn't be repeating with us again
Who d'you think you're kiddin'? He's the earth and heaven to you
“Y/N, you have to listen to me on this.” My best friend, Taylor starts, “Luke would be the perfect boyfriend for you. First, he’s genuinely kind-hearted. It’s not just something he puts on for show—he’s consistently thoughtful and considerate in everything he does. You’ve seen it yourself, right? How he interacts with everyone around him, always making sure people are okay and that they’re feeling included.
And let’s talk about his skills—he’s an exceptional swordsman. His dedication and proficiency with a sword are impressive.
But it’s not just about physical skills. Luke is amazing with the younger campers. He’s got this natural ability to connect with them, to mentor them, and to make them feel important. He treats them with such patience and respect. You know how much that matters, seeing someone who doesn’t just see the younger kids as a burden but genuinely enjoys helping them grow.
So, don’t let your past experiences cloud your judgement about him. Luke isn’t just another face in the crowd; he’s someone who genuinely fits what you need in your life. It’s worth considering that maybe, just maybe, he could be the one who changes your perspective on love.”
Everyday, every damn day, Taylor goes on about how me and Luke would be great together. But I don’t see it. Love is stupid, Taylor is stupid for thinking I like him.
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Try to keep it hidden Honey, we can see right through you (Oh, no) Girl, you can't conceal it We know how you're feelin', who you're thinkin' of
We were walking back from training one day when again, she started the whole luke chat. “Y/N, I need to be real with you here. It’s becoming impossible to ignore how you keep watching Luke. You spend hours just observing him as he trains. It's not just casual glances; you’re practically mesmerised by how he moves with such skill and focus. Every time he picks up his sword, there’s this look in your eyes that I can’t ignore.”
Excuse me? He’s the best swordsman at camp, obviously I'm going to watch him, to get pointers on how to get better, nothing else. 
“And it’s not just during training. When Luke interacts with the younger campers, your attention is entirely on him. You’ve seen how he takes the time to teach them, to encourage them, and how he genuinely connects with them on their level. You watch him as he patiently helps them learn and grow, and there’s this soft, almost admiring look on your face. It’s clear that you’re moved by how he treats them with such kindness and care.” “I just think it’s sweet how he takes his time teaching them, nothing more, I'd be the same way if anyone else did what he does.”
“I know you’re trying to play it cool and act like it doesn’t matter, but let’s be honest—your feelings are showing. It’s like you’re trying to hide behind this façade that love isn’t worth it or that you’re not interested, but it’s obvious to everyone around us. We all see how your face lights up when he’s around, how you hang onto his every word and action.”
“Woah, you need to slow down, someone might hear you, my face doesn't ‘light up’ ok Tay? I’m a listener, sorry if i listen when people talk to me, I don’t like luke, never have, never will.”
Stop denying it. We can see right through you. It’s not just about admiring him from a distance; it’s about the way you light up when you talk about him or when he’s in the room. Your actions are screaming that you have feelings for him, even if you’re trying to convince yourself otherwise. It’s ok if you like him, if you’re in love, it’ll be good to put your heart out again.”
Where my heart can get hurt again. I mumble walking away. I do not like Luke.
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You swoon, you sigh Why deny it? Uh-oh It's too cliché (Ah-ah-ah-ah) I won't say I'm in love
Being in love feels like a foolish, unnecessary risk to me. It’s as if admitting that I’m in love would be an act of surrender, a sign of weakness. I keep telling myself that I don’t need a man to complete my life or make me happy. My independence has always been my strength, and the idea of falling for someone seems like it would undermine that strength.
I’ve managed perfectly well on my own, navigating life without relying on anyone else to validate my worth or fill a void. I’ve built my own stability and happiness through my own efforts, and I’m proud of that. The thought of opening myself up to love feels like an invitation to vulnerability and potential heartbreak, and I’m not ready to risk that.
Admitting that I’m in love would mean acknowledging that I need someone, and that’s something I’m determined to avoid. I don’t want to be in a position where my happiness depends on another person’s actions or feelings. I’ve seen how love can complicate things, how it can lead to disappointment and pain. It’s easier to stay detached and focus on myself rather than deal with the unpredictability of a romantic relationship.
I keep convincing myself that I’m better off without the emotional upheaval that love often brings. I’m self-sufficient and capable, and I don’t need anyone else to complete me or make me feel whole. Embracing love feels like it would disrupt the balance I’ve carefully created in my life. So, I put up a wall and tell myself that I’m not in love and that I don’t need a man to be content. It’s a way of protecting myself from the potential pain that comes with opening my heart.
I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out (Ah) My head is screaming, "Get a grip, girl" "Unless you're dyin' to cry your heart out" 
I won’t put myself through that again. I’ve been burned too many times by love to let it happen once more. Each time I’ve opened my heart in the past, I’ve ended up disappointed and hurt. The cycle seems to repeat itself with every relationship I’ve been in: the initial charm and allure give way to a painful reality that shatters the illusion.
Every guy I've been with starts off presenting the best version of themselves—perfectly polished, attentive, and seemingly sincere. They act like they’re everything I’ve ever wanted, showing me a side that makes me believe in the possibility of a true connection. But as time goes on, it’s like a switch flips, and suddenly, they’re no longer the person I thought they were. The transformation happens so swiftly and so completely that it feels like a betrayal. One day, everything seems perfect, and the next, I’m left grappling with someone who’s changed overnight.
It’s as though these men wear masks, carefully crafted to win me over, only to discard them once they’ve achieved their goal. The facade falls away, revealing a reality that’s often disappointing and disheartening. I’ve come to expect that this pattern will repeat itself because it always has. Each time, my trust and hope are eroded, and it becomes harder to believe that someone can truly be genuine.
I’ve reached a point where my heart simply can’t handle any more of this emotional turbulence. The pain of investing my emotions into someone who ends up disappointing me is too much to bear. The cycle of hope and heartbreak has left me exhausted and wary. I’m trying to shield myself from further damage, to protect my heart from the predictable cycle of rising expectations followed by crushing disillusionment. The idea of putting myself through that kind of emotional rollercoaster again feels unbearable. So, I shut down, convinced that avoiding love is the best way to preserve my peace and prevent further pain.
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You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby, we're not buying Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling (Oh, no) Face it like a grown-up When ya gonna own up That you got, got, got it bad?
"Y/N, It’s becoming impossible for anyone who knows you to ignore the signs. Your reactions when he’s near, the way you talk about him—it all points to something deeper than just friendship or admiration. You might be trying to downplay it or act like it’s not a big deal, but everyone can see it. We all notice how you light up when he’s mentioned or how you subtly seek out opportunities to be around him.
"Well why don't you go out with him? Since you notice every small detail about him."
You’re not fooling anyone with your attempts to mask your feelings. The way you talk about him, how your mood shifts when he’s mentioned—these are all clear indicators that your feelings for Luke run deeper than you’re willing to admit. It’s written all over your face and in your actions. It’s not just a small crush or a fleeting interest; it’s something more significant, something you’re clearly struggling to acknowledge.
So why keep pretending? It’s okay to have feelings for someone, especially someone like Luke. The sooner you accept and embrace your feelings, the easier it will be to figure out what to do next. Hiding behind this facade of indifference only makes it harder for you to deal with the truth." "Taylor, I cannot keep having this convosation with you, it's getting on my nerves, please just drop it." I'm never falling in love, with anyone.
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(Shoo, shoo-doo, doo-doo) No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no Give up, give in Check the grin, you're in love This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love You're doin' flips (Ooh-ooh) Read our lips, you're in love
The idea of opening myself up to another relationship feels like an invitation to endure more pain. The thought of investing my emotions again, only to face the inevitable disappointment, is almost too overwhelming to consider. My heart has reached its limit; it feels battered and fragile from past letdowns. The fear of another heartbreak is paralysing, making it hard to even entertain the idea of risking my emotional well-being once more.
I want to protect myself from the cycle of hope and disillusionment that has characterised my past experiences with love. The emotional toll has been significant, and I’m desperately trying to shield myself from further damage. The prospect of enduring another emotional upheaval is daunting, and my heart simply can’t handle the strain of another potential letdown. "Y/N, I know you don't like talking about it, but I csn't help it. Why csn't you see it? We’ve all see how you blush every single time you talk about Luke. It’s not just a subtle thing—your cheeks practically light up, and there’s this undeniable warmth in your voice. It’s impossible to ignore the way your eyes sparkle when his name comes up or how your entire demeanour shifts to something more animated and bright.
And let’s not forget how you watch him during mealtimes. It’s like you’re drawn to him in a way that’s hard to miss. You’re always glancing over at him, whether he’s chatting with the others, helping out with the food, or just enjoying a moment with his friends. You might think you’re being discreet, but it’s so obvious to everyone around. The way you steal glances and the way your gaze lingers just a little too long—these aren’t things you can easily brush off.
Trying to deny your feelings for Luke doesn’t change the reality of the situation. Your reactions and behaviour make it clear to all of us what you’re trying to ignore. We see through the act of nonchalance you’re putting on. It’s not just a case of mild interest; it’s something deeper. We can tell that you’re emotionally invested, even if you’re not ready to admit it to yourself.
It’s time to face the truth about your emotions. The more you try to suppress or deny them, the more obvious it becomes to everyone around you. There’s no need to hide or pretend anymore."
Taylor says before walking off.
I keep convincing myself that nothing will come of this, and that denying my feelings will make it all go away. I’m certain that nothing will happen between us, and so I refuse to acknowledge my true emotions.
Despite my best efforts to conceal my feelings, it's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore them. I try to pretend otherwise, but my actions and reactions betray me. Deep down, I think I’m in love, but I can’t bring myself to say it.
You're way off base (Shoo-doo, shoo-doo) I won't say it (She won't say it, no) Get off my case (Sha-da, sha-da) I won't say it (Ooh-ooh-ooh)
I’m adamant about not admitting my feelings. It’s a protective mechanism to avoid vulnerability and potential heartache. I want to be left alone to keep my emotions private.
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Girl, go be proud It's okay, you're in love
Admitting my feelings would mean exposing myself to the possibility of heartache, and I’m not ready to take that risk. The emotional turmoil that follows when feelings aren’t reciprocated, or when they lead to disappointment, is something I’m determined to avoid. I’ve learned from past experiences that letting my guard down can lead to deep, sometimes overwhelming pain. By keeping my feelings to myself, I maintain a sense of control and safety, shielding my heart from potential harm.
I want to be left alone to keep my emotions private because it feels like the only way to maintain my emotional stability. Sharing my feelings would mean inviting scrutiny and potentially having to navigate the complexities of another person’s reactions and responses. It’s easier to keep everything internal, to process my emotions in solitude where I can control the narrative and avoid the unpredictability of others' reactions.
This private handling of my emotions is a means of self-preservation. It’s my way of creating a barrier between myself and the risk of emotional pain. The prospect of vulnerability, of exposing my inner thoughts and feelings, is daunting and unsettling. So, I prefer to keep my emotions hidden, managing them in the confines of my own mind where I can protect myself from the uncertainty and potential hurt that comes with opening up to others.
However, Taylor did not agree with my choices.
"Listen, Y/N, it’s really important for you to understand something: it’s completely okay to embrace your feelings. Love, as complicated and intimidating as it can be, is not something to be ashamed of or to hide from.
You deserve to be happy. If you have feelings for Luke, acknowledging them doesn’t make you weak or foolish—it makes you human.
There’s no shame in being vulnerable; it’s a sign of strength and courage. It’s a step towards allowing yourself to experience love and all the happiness that can come with it.
Hiding from your feelings or pretending they don’t exist only prolongs the emotional struggle and prevents you from fully engaging with the positive aspects of life."
"Yeah, whatever Tay, I'll see you later."
She raises her eyes at me, noticing I don't tell her to shut up about the topic.
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At least, out loud I won't say I'm in love
It feels ridiculous to admit that I might be in love. I’ve convinced myself that I don’t need a man to be happy and that I’m fine on my own. Declaring my feelings feels like an invitation to heartbreak, something I’ve vowed to avoid.
I do have feelings for Luke. I’ve come to realise that I am in love with him, but I can't bring myself to openly acknowledge it. I’ll keep these emotions to myself, hidden away where I can manage them privately.
Who knows, maybe one day I'll tell him?
Doubt it.
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curly fries | s.c.b
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-> the first i love you m.list
pairing... bf!changbin x gn!reader tags... fluff, established relationship, beach shenanigans cw... a slightly cringe and unfunny joke that im only a little proud of
you don’t know what he’s about to do, but if the devious glint in his eyes is anything to go by, it’s going to be something loud for sure.
wc... 880 words a/n... thank u xi my love for helping me w this 😽 i've had this prompt in my files for months and i finally got around to writing it, i hope you all enjoy!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Seo Changbin is beautiful.
Maybe it’s the way his natural hair curls into bouncy, raven locks. Or how his loose white button-up flows in the wind that blows gently against you, enveloping you in a warm breeze under the golden sun. Perhaps it’s his honey skin glowing as radiantly as the smile he constantly wears on his face when he’s around you—the same smile his bubbly personality urges you to reciprocate. You can’t be sure, really. It’s hard to pinpoint what makes the very incarnation of beauty beautiful.
Changbin’s hearty laugh snaps you out of your daze, his eyes twinkling as he looks at you.
“Baby, if you keep letting your food dangle out of your mouth like that, a seagull is gonna come down and swoop it up.” Teasingly, he points at the curly fry hanging out of your mouth, forgotten from the moment your hand had let go of it and slowly fell during your Changbin-induced trance. “Something on your mind?”
You blink once. Twice. Three times. Shoving the fry in your mouth, you shake your head.
“There’s nothing you’re thinking about?” Changbin probes, tilting his head in disbelief. “The way you’ve been staring at me—for like a whole minute, by the way—like I hung all the stars in the sky says otherwise.”
“Nothing, it’s nothing. Was just thinking about you and how you look so handsome today, I mean you’re always handsome, obviously, and wow, it’s quite hot, no?” You fan yourself with your fingers as heat rushes to your cheeks, though the flail of your wrists does absolutely nothing to help. “Well, I suppose it should be hot. We are at the beach after all, and you know it’s sunny so—”
Fondly, Changbin reaches out and tucks your windblown hair behind your ear. This halts your rambling, drawing out a shy smile as your boyfriend looks at you, admiration swimming in his pupils.
“You’re so cute. I love you.”
Your eyes go wide. Your hand, previously reaching for another fry, stops dead in its tracks, going limp at your side.
Collecting yourself to the best of your abilities (which in this current state, were not a lot), you manage to sputter out a very elegant, “Huh?”
“I love you, silly. Say it back?”
You scan your boyfriend’s face. His gentle smile and sincere eyes warm your heart. He’s patient as he waits for your reply, but you can’t keep him waiting. Of course not.
Reciprocating his smile, you tell him, “I love you, too, Binnie.”
Changbin’s lips morph into a grin, and he leans over to press a sweet peck to your mouth. He jumps up from his beach chair, reaching his hand out, inviting you to take it in your own.
“Come on, let’s walk along the shore while there aren’t too many people.”
Though you lace your fingers with Changbin’s, a pout appears on your face and you make no move to stand. “I don’t want to get up yet. Can you carry me instead?”
Changbin crouches down and kisses your pursed lips, giggling when he feels the corners of your mouth pull into a smile. He brings his free hand to your face, caressing your cheekbone with his thumb. Similarly, he mimicked this with your intertwined hands, rubbing soft circles into your knuckles.
“Of course,” he breaks away from the kiss, gently pulling you up from your seat. “Hop on, bun.”
Gingerly, you climb onto your boyfriend's back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he secures his hands around your thighs. He makes his way to the shoreline, leaving you bouncing gently with each step he makes.
“Hey, if I’m giving you a piggyback ride,” Changbin flashes a cheeky smile over his shoulder, "wouldn’t it be called a dwaekkiback ride?”
You roll your eyes, letting out a breathy laugh at the stupidly endearing joke. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t, you loooooove me!” He picks up his pace as he trudges on the wet sand, screaming into the air, “You love me!”
“Binnie, be careful!” You laugh as he runs along the shore with you on his back. “You’re gonna trip and fall—”
Unceremoniously, Changbin loses his footing on a small mound of sand, falling and pulling you down with him.
Rolling onto your backs, the two of you share fits of giggles as the water comes up to brush your toes. Changbin sits up and skips further into the water, turning back to meet your gaze. You don’t know what he’s about to do, but if the devious glint in his eyes is anything to go by, it’s going to be something loud for sure.
“I love Y/n L/n!” Changbin announces proudly.
Loud is an understatement.
A few heads turn at Changbin’s boisterous voice, but you pay them no mind. Your attention is directed solely to the man professing his love for you to the entire ocean. You prop yourself up, digging your palms in the sand behind you. Matching his volume, which was a challenge in itself, you yelled to the water, “I love Seo Changbin!” 
As you stand up to join your boyfriend by his side, splashing in the shallow water, a seagull squawks in the distance, happily munching on an abandoned bowl of curly fries.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
taglist: @kflixnet @jinnixxn @elllisaaa @captainchrisstan @laylasbunbunny @starsandrqindrops @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @forlix @mires-empire @quesweebs @the-swageyama-tobiyolo @hanstarrs
comments, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated! © like-a-diamondinthesky 2023
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satoruzlove · 1 year
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jjk boys as your boyfie <3
featuring megumi fushiguro, itadori yuuji and gojo satoru !
•okay i feel like you start dating after a LONG time, he’s the kind of guy who takes his own sweet time getting to know a love interest
•he’s a firm believer in being best friends before any kind of romance happens
•when you first start dating he’s kind of shy and very , very stingy when it comes to physical affection. if you’re going somewhere and he won’t see you for a while he’ll give you a little hug from the side but that’s it. however, VERBALLY IS ANOTHER STORY CAUSE WOW
•will ask you a thousand things before you go anywhere and will make it sound like he needs to ask or you won’t survive
•” have you got your phone? just asking, y’know cause you’re soooo good at remembering it.” “you sure you can do that by yourself? if you need some help just ask,”
•he doesn’t mean it to be mean. he just blows at showing her cares but he does fr care and wants to make sure you’re okay
•when he’s with itadori and nobara, and he sees you? he smiles so hard
•like they’ll be talking to him so happily and he’s on cloud nine because omg !! my partner!!!
•he’s just smiling and you can barely see his eyes cause his cheeks are squishing them
• “and then gojo sensei said that-megumi?” “wh- oh, y/n is here,”
•his voice is so soft when he talks to you. he’s soooo soft and speaks to you with such fondness
• “move one second kugisaki- hey, gorgeous, you get here okay ?”
•sometimes you’ve got to ask him to speak up because it’s almost like he’s whispering
•will never admit it but megumi adores being babied, adores when you coddle him
•like if you ask him how his day’s been, if you rub his shoulders or even just sway him when you guys hug he’s soooo. his head is like
• “ my baby is so sweet, god my partner is amazing, this feels so nice, theyre so soft against me,i wonder if they’d like it if i- oh my god i can feel them smiling into me. wow. okay. okay. aAAAA-“
•he will start smiling
• do not point it out. he will deny it.
•when you guys hug he does the thing where he nuzzled his nose into your neck and you’ll feel his eyelashes on your skin
•call him pretty, call him handsome
•if he sees you looking at him from afar he goes so red because he just loves the feeling of being admired
•kisses behind your ear in a rush for whatever reason god knows
•gets sooo embarrassed when gojo tells you stories of his childhood.
•will cling to you anywhere. also the type to hide behind you or stand behind you in public unintentionally just cause he wants to keep you close
•NAP!!! DATES!!!!!
• will cry if you tell him that he doesn’t have to be so strong,he values the ability to be vulnerable with anyone. if you’re a good listener he values you so much. he knows the way out a situation, but it’s the way you listen and just validate him that matters.
• VERY. very mature and it’s so rare to fight with him.
• so soft. i love him.
•oh my god
• he’s just. such a simp he thinks you’re an angel idk save him
•it’ll take a few months for him to fall. he LOVES fun people who will give anything for their friends.
•everything about you becomes so special to him and he begins seeing it in everyone else
•like if you have brown eyes he’ll start liking his eyes more, because there’s no way something isn’t absolutely perfect if it isn’t on your face.
•a huge fan of touching. even as friends he will hold your hands in his, he’ll hug you so tight. he just loves touching because it reminds him that you’re around and that he’s able to protect you
•as you get into the relationship he hugs your waist ( with consent. he almost cries with nerves when he first asks if it’s okay.) , he’ll squeeze it and rub his thumbs along the sides of it too.
•HE LOVES BEING HELD THOUGH. LIKE if you wrap your arms around him and he’s against your chest he’ll just smush his cheeks into you and and hum
• “you smell so good.” “your shirt’s real’ comfy, baby.” “love it when you hold me, y’know?”
•baby just values you soooo much.
•if you wear lipstick he wants to be COVERED in it. in a modern day au he’ll take so many pictures covered in lipstick kiss marks and post them with songs like dark red by steve lacy or sure thing by miguel .
•he lives to be yours. god
•please kiss him w it on and pull back, look at him and go “ nice lipstick, yu.”
•he will FOLD IN HALF
•does the thing where y’all kiss and he smiles into your lips, but refuses to pull away and will grab your hips even closer to him just cus he can.
•pls spray his clothes w your perfume
•gojo? tells him about you, his friends? tells them, panda ? asks him for advice, sees a cute cat w your hair colour? mumbles, “woah you and my s/o are matching. you’re really cute, little guy!!” ( no he doesn’t care if it’s a girl he will call it a dude.)
•names it after you even if he never sees it again.
•kiss his hands and watch him plan your wedding
•megumi loves you and he looks up to you both a lot. you’re definitely a part of their little family .
•if you’re sleeping next to him and he’s awake ( rare. he sleeps like a boulder.) he will sit there and watch you, memorising everything on your face. if you have long lashes or brows he’ll lightly brush his fingers against it and if you’ve got acne he’ll make patterns in his head. ( he is grossly inlove.)
•your biggest fan. 1948382/10 amazing bf
•he is a child i don’t care
•he’s so needy and teasy. he KNOWS what he’s doing .
•in his case i think it takes AGES. years even. he’s very scared of what could happen, he doesn’t even blame you or use your own qualities to form any negative outcome, he just says that love is really screwed up and pretends he isn’t aching to be with you.
•i’ve said it before, but best friends to lovers !!!!!!
•once you guys are together oh jesus
•he’s already so comfortable, already sees you as his forever, already is so inlove with everything ab you.
•when satoru touches you, you feel like the most valuable thing ever. it’s so gentle and so caring. you’re like an expensive tea cup.
•satoru kinda holds you to a pedestal but for this reason respects you alot. he’s so aware of your boundaries and appreciates when you do the same
•he’s a little ( fucking huge)ray of sunshine though
•will always be making small jokes and poking you, squishing you
•loves when you smile. your smile is his favorite thing. your laugh makes him believe that the world is good.
•i feel like when you guys are alone satoru is very intimate in a not sexual way, he’s very slow and intentional with his love and you would’ve never guessed because he makes all those jokes.
•DEFINITELY A “ what if we kissed? ahahaha jk not really tho “
•will hold your waist, LOVES TO PUSH YOUR HAIR BEHIND YOUR EARS IF ITS LONG!! IF IT ISNT THEN HE JUST STROKES YOUR CHEEKS!! loves when you hold his whole arm or when you guys bump your noses together before a kiss
•wait okay
•just imagine y’all are cuddling because he just couldn’t wait, and he’s nuzzling your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses ( his specialty!!!) on your collar and neck, and when he comes up to your mouth he glances at your lips and smiles at how flustered you are. “ shy, angel? aww, how come? don’t go getting so shy, you’ll make me all self - conscious too.” and you just tell him to shut the fuck up cause bro you’re so fine just KISS ME🤲🤲🤲⁉️ will giggle and bump noses and then kiss you silly
•looks so good after too cause he’s pale and he’s so flustered
•he goes everywhere with you, never lets you leave alone.
• “ why would you wanna go alone? off to see your other boyfriend?”
“toru, hush-“
“exactly, pretty baby, let’s go. i wanna hold your hand while you drive , ‘kay?”
•loves himself someone who bosses him around by the way. MAKE HIM kiss you. force him. he’ll be on his knees .
•this came from how long he let his love for you soak and mature. just loves you so deeply.
•apart from the whining and man child persona, so cute. 9/10!!!!!!!:$:$2!:
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
♥️💙 I thought this is cute but Please request like this kinda a prologue but the day when Gabriel was born, Miguel is holding his son for the first time and thanking shyreader for giving him a chance being a father. https://www.tumblr.com/gay-dorito-dust/719858448136896512/would-you-be-willing-please-to-write-a-miguel-x
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When Miguel caught wind that you were going into labour, nothing else mattered in that moment to him other then being there with you to welcome the new life you both had a hand in creating.
Lyla had never seen this man move as fast as he did upon hearing the news that it almost replicated how he reacted when you told him that you were expecting; worried, scared, frightful, all of which hid the underlying excitement and happiness that he felt. And if she was being honest? It was defiantly a welcomed change to the usual brooding, solemn, isolated male she was use to, and she had you to thank for that.
Not only does Lyla thank you for coming into Miguel’s life when he needed someone with a gentle touch, but also for bringing back life and optimism into Miguel’s life. She may take the piss out of him now and then but she only did so in hopes of helping him lighten up from loosing…everything.
‘Want to hold your baby?’ You asked Miguel, looking up from admiring the bundle of joy that was fast asleep in your arms, his tiny hands gripping onto you tightly.
‘Are you sure? I don’t want-‘
‘You won’t hurt him,’ you cut him off to sooth his worries, ‘you could never hurt our Gabriel. He’s as tough as his daddy, or so I’m told.’
Miguel visibly perked at this. ‘Gabriel.’ He repeated the name that came out of his mouth as a whisper filled with fondness with a hint of bittersweetness for the past long gone. ‘Yeah, I named him Gabriel, in honour of Gabriella, I know how special she was to you and I wanted to keep her memory alive in anyway I could.’ You told him, unsure as to how he would react to your reasoning behind it but you didn’t expect to see tears streaming down his face.
Naturally you assumed his tears were a result of you reopening his old wounds, you tried to raise a hand to wipe away his tears without waking up Gabriel, ‘I’m sorry sweetheart, I can change the name of it’s too much, I didn’t meant for you to cry.’ You rambled on but were cut off when Miguel held your hand to his cheek, pressing a flurry of kisses into your palm, whispering praises into your skin. ‘Don’t apologise my beloved.’ He reassured you, letting go of your hand so it could go back to cradling Gabriel as Miguel rested his forehead against yours, purring softly, which never failed in drawing a smile on your face as you felt yourself physically relax into him when you knew that Miguel wasn’t upset.
‘I’m just incredibly thankful for you for blessing me with the opportunity to be a father.’ Miguel told you before pressing another flurry of kisses into your forehead. ‘You deserve this Miguel, you deserve to live the life you’ve always wanted, to live the life as a father to our baby boy who very much would like to be held by you.’ You told him as you gently passed the small bundle over to Miguel, who held him snug against his chest as he looked down at his son with so much love and affection that it almost made you cry just looking at him.
Miguel could immediately tell apart which features Gabriel had inherited from you and the ones he inherited from him by the way his chubby little hand was reaching out to grasp at something; only to make little noises of disgruntlement when he couldn’t latch onto anything but air. ‘Daddy’s here Gabriel, I’m right here, I’ll always be right here, there’s no need to get stressed.’ Miguel cooed as he managed to free a hand to stroke his son’s warm chubby chipmunk cheeks, chuckling to himself when he saw how quick Gabriel was to latch a hand onto his pointer finger. Gabriel’s grasp was a strong one that Miguel knew he wouldn’t be surprised if his son had inherited some of his spider-abilities.
‘You and your mother are both blessings to me, I hope you know that Gabriel and just know that for you and your mother, I’d do anything to keep you both safe…I can’t afford to loose you both…I’d loose my mind if I did. So I’m sorry if I come off as overprotective but just know it comes from a good place.’ Miguel states as he looked over at you when he felt you head rest against his bicep; only to see that you were fast asleep. A smile broke out of Miguel’s face as he leaned over to press another kiss to your forehead. ‘Thank you for all your hard work in bringing about our baby boy, now it’s time for you to rest and to let me take care of you both because that’s what a father does; protects his family.’
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iwhyzumiihajimee · 10 months
chefs kiss [ hq imagine ]
pairing: Miya Osamu x fem.reader
content: after outing, Osamu takes you to his home to cook and bake for you as promised. You struggle with self worth and you both open up to one another in the process.
genre: fluff/angst imagine, timeskip! au
word count: 2.9k
author's note: tbh this was originally written for iwaizumi, but i thought it would fit osamu character as well.
credit towards original artist (art work below)
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Osamu opens up the front door with a smile, letting you go ahead of him. Once inside, the house has some things laid out for cooking that he talked about earlier. You notice a couple of pictures on the wall of him playing volleyball with his old High School team, so you can tell that it was an important and precious phase in his life.
“I was going to make a cake, but I think I can do something a bit simpler, as long as I can spend time with you. What do you think?”
Observing his place he brought you back to reality, and you responded with a nod "Mhm... I'd like that.
He smiles. “Then come on, let’s get to it. I’ll even make you lunch after.” He gestures for you to follow him and he leads you into the kitchen. He starts getting out some ingredients and putting some things together in bowls. “I’ve done this lots of times, so I can do it pretty fast now.” He smiles, he knows that he is very good when it comes to things in the kitchen. His hands are quick and sure as he moves around a lot.
"Was cooking and baking something you started as a hobby very early?"
He chuckles. “It's almost definitely my favorite thing to do. It's fun to be creative and see what I can come up with, even with simple dishes, like the one I'm making right now, I try to put some personal touches to it. Plus, it's fun to share it with other people. Cooking is awesome, I can't imagine my life without it now. But, it also helps that I'm lucky enough to be very good at it, so I'm glad I found this passion in my life.”
You admired his response. Because you were nowhere great or had the passion of cooking and baking. As long as you knew the basics and got something edible to eat on a plate then, it was all good. "Well seeing in the kitchen makes you very attractive." You said as you kept watching him.
He laughs and shrugs. “I don't know how to respond to that. But I'm glad you think so.” He smiles as he continues prepping everything. He seems quite confident in his cooking and baking abilities, and he seems pretty focused. He seems to really be enjoying himself, the cooking process is very relaxing for him. After a couple more minutes, he has everything ready that he needs and he starts mixing it all together.
"Need help?" You couldn't help, but asked. Him moving around so much made you anxious and just chilling across from him waiting patiently was not your thing. You're more hands on and want to make sure both of you are entertained.
“Sure, you can help me, I can tell you're interested in it too. Do you know your way around the kitchen? It's not actually too hard, I think you can do this.” He smiles at you and hands you something to mix together in a bowl. He seems more focused on you than he does on the cooking process, like he wants to include you as much as possible.
"Tell me what to do, chef"
“Just mix it together with both hands for about 5 minutes. I can teach you other things too if you want.” He leans in closer to you, watching your hands carefully as you mix the ingredients together. So far you guys have been getting along very well, and he loves that you seem to be learning this new skill fairly easily. It seems to be making him extra attracted to you, if that’s possible.
"Yes chef!" You say following his directions
A few minutes pass by and he checks the mixture. “Okay, keep going for a couple more minutes, I think it just needs to mix together a bit more. I can show you other recipes later too, but this is a really simple one.” He smiles at you and it seems to make him extra happy that you’re willing to learn more.
Finishing up being his assistant, you come back to you seat across from him. He comes over and gives you a quick kiss before finishing up his dinner preparations. “Alright all, it’s almost done. We just need some time to let everything come together, but I think we have enough time for you to see the end product.” He looks very happy with the way the dish turned out, there’s definitely a sense of pride in how it turned out. He then brings out the dish we made and it looks great.
He has it set at the table and he pulls you in for a kiss before starting to sit down and eat. “I really love cooking for you. You make me so happy. I feel really great when I’m with you, and just being able to make something special like this makes it all even better. I’m glad you really seem to like this dish too!”
Osamu watches you take your first bite, and you savor the taste. Tasting each flavor as it melts in your tongue.
"Woah~ this tastes amazing!"
He smiles and gives you another kiss. “I’m really glad you like it. My dad taught me this recipe, and it’s one of my favorites, and now you are my favorite person to cook it with.” He laughs softly, it seems like he really enjoys your company as much as he enjoys the cooking process.
"Aww appreciate that~ Now your kiss gives it extra flavor..." You joked.
He laughs at your joke, he’s very proud of this meal and your compliments only make him feel better about it. He can’t help but kiss you again, he just feels so happy with you. After finishing your plate, he grabs some ingredients out of the cabinet to get ready to make a dessert. “Let’s make dessert next, we gotta get something after this incredible meal. I’ve got a pretty easy recipe for that too, you think you’d like to help me?” He looks at you expectantly.
"Uhmm... The only thing I can think that's easy are cookies, but whatever you feel is good. I like watching you~" You intertwine your fingers and prompt them up for your chin to rest on as you smiled sweetly at him.
He chuckles. “Cookies are always a good option, but I’ve got a recipe for a chocolate cake that isn’t too difficult. I think I can explain it to you too so you can make it for me too sometimes later,” he says as he gets out the ingredients for the cake, his eyes are always on you even when he’s focused on the cake preparation.
He starts mixing everything together in a bowl. “This is really easy, I’ll tell you the ingredients you need to add and when. I’ll give you the easy job,” he says with a laugh, as it really doesn’t take much effort to mix the ingredients together in a bowl, but he’s still careful to not take the process too lightly either. He’s definitely putting a lot of himself into this cake, he wants it to turn out perfectly. It’s kind of like he wants your relationship to turn out perfectly too.
As you listen to his instructions and the way he explains everything in each detail. You understand his metaphor and you melt.
After some time the cake was already out of the oven and cooled down. He adds frosting and gives you a taste. You licked his finger subconsciously and the frosting tasted yummy "Mhmm!~" You hummed in happiness.
His eyes widened for a quick second when you licked his finger, there was definitely a small reaction. He looks at his finger and chuckles awkwardly for a second, but quickly he smiles again and keeps putting on the frosting. “I’m glad you like it. This was one of the first desserts I learned how to make all by myself. It’s one of my favorites because of that.” He’s very proud of this cake and the result. You can tell it means a lot to him.
He continues to frost up the cake and every once in a while he brings up his frosted up finger for you to taste.
He blushes as you lick his finger. It’s kind of cute how excited you are when you’re licking the frosting. He seems kind of turned on by it too. He continues to cover the cake in frosting, slowly icing the rest of it up with it. You patiently wait smiling, then sighed watching him.
He smiles as he watches you. Even though he is putting the frosting on the cake, his eyes are still on you. You can tell that he just really likes being around you. Once the cake is covered in frosting, he finally finishes the cake and sets it on a cake plate. He takes a deep breath and looks at it for a moment, making a mental note of the cake and how well it turned out. He starts to cut the cake and he makes sure to give you the first piece.
"Ehhh?~ It's soo goood!~" You faked cried as you took the first bite, then you take another piece and give him a taste as you two shared the piece.
He takes a bite of it too, and he seems even more impressed than before as his eyes light up while he takes a bite. “Oh man, this is really good, it turned out perfectly. I can’t wait to make more stuff like this with you around!” He smiles and leans in and kisses you on the cheek. He’s still so happy with the cake and he’s glad that you think it’s good too.
You continued to feed him pieces of the cake slice he gave you, and you enjoyed it as well. He then notices you had frosting on the side of your lips and he wipes it with his thumb and brings it over to his lips. He tastes it with a playful smile.
“Mmm, that’s really tasty frosting, it tastes even better on you though,” he says with a little laugh as he leans in and gives you another kiss. Your eyes widen and you blush away.
He’s still licking his lips after tasting your frosting. He looks straight into your eyes when he sees that you’re blushing. “You’re so cute when you’re blushing.” He leans in and whispers into your ear. “You taste good too.” He gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before smiling and cutting another slice of cake for himself.
As he did this, you suddenly got shy and quiet as you continue to eat.
He continues eating as well for a few minutes before he looks over at you. “Why so quiet?” He seems really happy with himself and the way this night is going.
"Ehm, you make me a little nervous, that's all."
He chuckles. “Sorry. It's nice being a little nervous every once and a while. The excitement can be fun too. Does it really make you that nervous?” He seems to be taking it as a little bit of a compliment.
"You attract me..." You glance to his eyes quickly and quietly say.
He looks surprised for a second and he smiles. “Wow, well thank you. I think I can say the same about you too though, you’re very attractive.” He seems to like the fact that you find him attractive and he’s taking it as a compliment. After taking a few more bites, he looks over at you and he can’t help but find you just as attractive as before. “You’re even more beautiful looking at you now.” He smiles and leans in to kiss you again.
He kisses you as he still had a piece of cake in his mouth which ended up in yours. He releases from the kiss and you then swallow the piece of cake he transferred to you.
He pulls away from the kiss and smiles. “You’re even better if there’s cake in your mouth. I could kiss you all night like this if I could,” He leans in to kiss you one more time, still impressed by all the flavor you give off. “I can’t get enough of you though,” He seems very sincere about this.
You shyly look away with your flustered face. He seems to love how shy you get, it’s really attractive to him. He leans into the kiss even more, and his hands move towards your hips while he does so. He takes his time with the kiss and you can feel that he really wants you. He seems to really like this side of you that comes out when you’re shy. He leans away with a smile on his face, he really enjoys taking his time with this kiss. “You’re super sexy when you’re like this.”
He pulls you up to the counter where you sit and he holds you between his arms at your waist. This surprised you, and you responded with an uhmm...
He smiles and kisses your cheek before saying “You’re very sexy when you’re like this, and I really want you in these moments. Is getting lifted up the part that makes you nervous?” He leans into you, his arms holding you close as he gives you his full undivided attention.
"A little... Your whole presence gets me nervous. You're too good for me..."
He seems a bit taken aback at this. He looks at you with eyes full of surprise. “I think the opposite. I don’t think I deserve you. You’re so beautiful, and it’s unbelievable how lucky I am to have gotten you in my life. I could not ask for someone more perfect to love.” He smiles and kisses you again in hopes of conveying his feelings. He genuinely thinks that he is not worth you, you are out of his league.
Shocked by his response- "Me? YOU'RE wayy out of my league... You were an amazing athlete, you can cook, your place is spotless, you're caring, loving, good looking... What is it you don't have? You have everything figured out and settled. I'm nothing compared to you."
It takes him a second to respond to what you’re saying, but eventually he leans in again to kiss you so as not to interrupt you. “That’s not true at all though. Being an athlete doesn’t make me better than you. If you saw the practice I put in to get to where I am now, what most people don’t see, you’d see how imperfect I am, just like you’re saying. But with you by my side, I’ve finally felt complete. I’m missing one piece, and that’s you.”
You held his shirt as you tucked your head leaned into his chest, having the sense of hiding. Every emotion hits you as you recall your past and the hardships you went through.
"You're dedicated, well mannered... Everything a girl wants... I'm not-"
He takes your hands in his, his eyes wide as he looks directly into yours. “No, you absolutely are. You are just as dedicated as me and you’re kind and selfless. You’re everything I could ask for and I truly mean that. I don’t see why you think so lowly of yourself, you’re amazing. I can’t ask for anything more than you.”
You let a tear drop as you tried so hard holding them.
He wipes those tears away and wraps you up in a hug, comforting you. “Hey, hey everything’s ok. I don’t ever want you to doubt how amazing you really are. Don’t cry, I know that you’re more than enough for me. You make me the happiest I’ve ever been, just being your boyfriend is the most satisfying thing I can ask for. Please don’t doubt yourself, I won’t stand for it.” He wraps you even closer, trying to cheer you up.
Letting out a breath to calm yourself down, "Sorry... It's been a while since I heard anyone appreciate me..."
He seems genuinely surprised at this again. He was not expecting you to say that. He takes a quick breath and leans in close to you. “You don’t hear that enough? I know that a lot of people talk down to you or don’t think much of you, but that is the one thing I can’t handle. You are too amazing to not have those close to you recognize that.” He seems genuinely upset about the fact that you don’t have people that appreciate you. You’re just too precious for anyone to think that.
He hugs you back, tightly now as you cry. “Hey hey no need to cry. I don’t know what you’re dealing with exactly, but there is no need to cry because all of that is behind now. Look, I promise that I’m here for you and I’ll always do what I can to make sure it’s all behind us. Ok? Are you feeling better now?” He seems to mean it as he talks, he really wants to comfort you and make sure you’re ok.
You nod and slowly pull away, "I'm okay, just needed this... Gosh I ruined the moment."
“Nah you didn’t ruin anything. I love being there for you whenever you need me. All I want is to be able to put a smile on your face and make you feel happy. You didn’t ruin anything at all.” He seems to mean every word as he looks at you.
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dearest-and-nearest · 11 months
Okay, so, i want Gortash in party so badly, here's few things i headcanoned for how it would be. Durge run, because it seems more fitting for me
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- After the destruction of the grove, only Wyll leaves, Karlach stays behind and, when she meets Gortash, gives you an ultimatum: it's either him or her. Gortash's taunts don't help the cause, but in theory you can convince her to just leave without attacking. Afterwards, Gortash joins the party, as he needs to deal with Orin personally.
- You can go to him from any LI, you don't have to be a loner for the whole game.
- The personal quest is tied to the House of Hope. Maybe it's about the contract with the sale of Gortash, not sure yet. If you take him there, you can get unique interactions with almost everyone on the location, when you meet the man who used to be the jailer you have to pass a persuasion/intimidation check so he doesn't raise the alarm and shear everyone at you
- There's unique dialog with Raphael too, even at the deal-making stage (Gortash won't approve it). He mocks Gortash by suggesting him go back "home", calls him by his real last name, and says that he became like that solely because of his upbringing from Rafael. After the deal, you can talk to Gortash about it, he'll snap at you and won't let the subject develop. Full dialog will be after Raphael's death, then the start of the romance can also be...?
- Additional unique dialog when meeting Gortash's parents. In the romance, Gortash will laugh that he invited MC specifically to introduce his dear parents to beloved of their lovely son. At the same time, he will disapprove for trying to contact them by tadpole, and if you do try to talk about it, he will emphasize that they got what they deserved.
- Alternate quest options with the factory and the prison. On both we instead of releasing prisoners on the contrary more oppress them + the opportunity to personally chat with Gortash's subordinates (they will snort that he told them about you all the time, they're sorry for Bhaalites, if you are the same), in addition, if Wyll previously left the party, it's Gortash who gives a quest about the dragon. He also is the main fan of dragons here and with all the polite impossibility to refuse asking to be in a party to go to look at the dragon
- Because of dragons, here are banters with Laezel, where he tries to ask more about them and sighs that he wanted a dragon when he was a kid, but even Bane didn't give him one, and someone in this world talks about justice.
- There's no good route with him. Like at all. Just no. Just like Wyll and Karlach have no evil and they argue and angry when the MC tries to move in that direction, so it is with good and Gortash. If you try to draw an analogy between his slavery and what he does to those around him, he disapprove on 30 points and warns you that okay, you don't remember, but bring it up again and blame yourself. If you try to continue, he gets angry and either attacks or leaves the party, saying that Urge has really changed too much.
- If you come to Sarevok with him, a free dose of grandfatherly grumbling is assured. If there is romance, he can also start mentioning how much Urge admired Gortash, which will give Gortash a satisfied grin. With Orin, if Gortash is in the party, it will be much harder to save the hostage (checks 30+-) and after the duel, your father will additionally condemn your choice of the chosen one (but I would like this with all romances, not just with the Gortash personally).
- The butler doesn't call him by name, but keeps telling that his lord/lady deserves much better than this. Gortash finds it funny
- He doesn't die at the brain like stupid, instead he can meet Emperor again. Thinks that becoming illythid is stupid if there's already a squid here, and after all it would be easy to betray him. Also in the finale gives the ability to summon a squad of Steel Guardians. Of course, will agitate to become an Absolute
- If you still destroy brain, then obviously romantic dialog after the finale, where he sighs that okay, to rule the world is still a little failed, but you two will practice for now on one city.
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pralinesims · 6 months
is it bad that I wanna put luca and vale on the spot (microphone) 😁 I wanna know 50, 37 and 12 & 13 💗
THANK YOU FOR SENDING MWAH <333 They have to put up with it for once lmao, as they do deserve some spotlight 🎤
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50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
For Vale esp a lot tbh, but the biggest factor probably is that he has trust issues enough for more than 10 lifetimes, which is not ideal while considering the fact that Luca's friend circle is pretty large. So his mind runs through fears of getting replaced or forgotten quite regularly, which is a feeling he still can't shake off, even years into their friendship.
Luca, though while being a much more trusting person in general, sometimes wonders if Vale would cut him off out of the blue, which is a very valid thought because this event literally already has happened once. Just that his main fear is that next time their friendship wouldn't be salvagable.
37. How did they become friends?
Both met each other a short while after Luca had to transfer schools, due to his dad switching work places and the resulting move. They didn't go to the same class, but parallel classes instead, so they didn't meet immediately. The actual first meet happened when both sneaked off for a smoke during lunch break.
Of course Luca was the first one to initiate conversation, as he possesses this introvert radar (iykyk) that literally almost every extrovert has lmao. Anyways, shortly summarized, they felt a connection rather fast, mainly because both of them were rebellious outcasts, had pretty similar interests + most of their opposite qualities complimented each other well. The more they started hanging out and spending time with each other, their bond got deeper and deeper.
Also, in Vale's case it much helped him that despite Luca being such a social butterfly, he is in a not so obnoxious way, which is one of the reasons that kinda intrigued Vale, as he usually does not feel the need to get closer to people that have a very social nature.
12. What would they say each other’s worst quality is?
Vale would most likely consider Luca's impulsivity to be his worst quality. While on one hand, he mostly appreciates this very fact about him a lot, it also has led to some negative consequences which he would've wished for Luca to not happen or having to go through.
For Luca, the fact that Vale relies too much on lying through many aspects of his life. While his ability to lie without effort often helped them out during dire situations, he dislikes that he also carries this on during other things just to shield himself off, for example his emotional issues, private problems in life, et cetera...
13. What would they say each other’s best quality is?
There's lots of qualities that Vale considers to be good about Luca, but his resilience is something he admires extremely. No matter how many rocks life has thrown against Luca, he always keeps on going on and finds ways to continue, even if he'd rather would not want to and giving up was easier. Hell, he's even the one that apologizes first for arguments, even if Vale was the one who initially fucked up.
Luca above all very much cherishes about Vale that he is a ride-or-die companion, no matter what ever happened, like that he has never spread his entrusted secrets, ratted him out for personal gains if he could've, him being there for Luca when he needed to be bailed out, and many more situations which require intrinsic and unexplained trust.
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ultfreakme · 8 days
Jon and Co-dependence: my boy's mad at me. i'm going to make him move in w/ me and make him popcorn
Absolute Power: Super Son gave me a lot to think about. In terms of writing I really can't complain, it was executed very well for a one-shot. But in terms of characters, I'm frustrated(in a way indicative of good writing) about Jon and Nia.
This issue does not resolve Jon's problems, it brings them to audience awareness in an explicit manner. People who've been keeping a keen eye on Jon saw this coming since 2021 in SOKE but no writer stated it in clear terms on page this way. Avoidance, denial, and an inability to think in terms of his humanity and only as a tool or a part of a whole(family, romance, friendship). Jon knows he's avoidant, he doesn't like thinking about his trauma or talking about it, he will suffer through it alone. Even in his deepest, most lowest moment, he speaks of his own trauma in terms of his family.
His autonomy and individuality have been slowly chipped away by the prospect of being Superman. Superman does not live for himself, he takes risks and sacrifices himself for the greater good. That label and the shadow of his father in that suit has been following him since he was 9-10 years old.
The only thing Jon seems to want solely for himself, is Jay.
Up until this point, Jon has been fairly chill and normal about seemingly on the surface. Their relationship was always very sweet, they were always on the same page and never had a reason to fight. There is a deep admiration and respect between them. But the understanding, the ability to see the person for who they are at their core, has yet to happen.
Regardless of that, Jon loves Jay in a way that is damn near unhealthy and codependent.
His love for Jay is what breaks Jon out of Brainiac Queen(BQ)'s control, but it makes him reckless and impulsive. He needs Jay in his life. Throughout the issue, Jay was pointedly not present in the dreams Nia constructed to keep Jon's mind safe from BQ's attack. This is precisely what kept breaking any shield Nia put up.
Jay's absence drives Jon deeper into spiraling. The lies Nia made for Jon never, ever worked because Jay was missing. A dream of his which Nia repeatedly showed Jon and which Jon has admitted is his wish to move to San Fran and get an apartment with Jay in it.
Nia gave him the apartment and the city but not the man and that always, ALWAYS broke Jon out. When Nia isn't around to keep things in-check, Jon just spontaneously remembers Jay on his own and inserts him into the dreamscape.
Nia built those dreams to protect Jon, but also to help him in fighting back but Jon was extremely weak to BQ's control regardless of those efforts. The only time Jon manages to find the strength to fight back is when Nia drops the dreams and instead just shows him the truth of BQ and acknowledges his trauma. She correctly identified that Jon needs help to fight back, but not through falsehoods, but through the truth.
That's when Jon fights back and breaks out of the control. At every turn, Jay and the things he stands for are what pull Jon out of false comfort.
There's those phrases right? Sweet dreams. Ugly truths. That's Nia and Jay.
The reality with Jay is nothing like a dream but Jon would rather take the pain of reality than be trapped in fake happiness. There was a pattern in the issue where Jon kept texting Jay after every dream session with the Amazonians. Jay checking in asking if he's okay, Jon replying he's 'totally fine' despite not feeling like that. Jay was his guide to the truth in SOKE, AOSJK, and now Super Son.
Jon's had his reality fucked with a LOOOOOOOT. Manchester Black, Waller & BQ, Injustice Universe, and the whole space trip. Jon has had this existential turmoil since he was a child, it was made worse by his trip to space with Jor-El. The impossibility of his existence is frequently emphasized. Most people see it as a miracle, Jon sees it as point of fear and doubt about his existence. He needs something, anything to stay above the surface and that is Jay.
Like, it is now canon, that Jay is Jon's tether to reality. He is the one thing he will selfishly ask for himself and by golly is he selfish about it. He clings. It's a repeated pattern.
The night they become official, the tendencies start showing.
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SOKE establishes that Jay is always the one letting go, and Jon is always the one holding on by any means necessary. This leads to so truly ✨Problematic✨decisions on Jon's part.
A list, if I may:
Gives Jay a new suit and half-proposes to him with a legion ring
Nearly fights Batman over him
Goes to Jay's counterpart in the injustice-verse with no evidence of if he may be good or not and just trusts him blindly
Took Jay to his own Fortress of Solitude and planned on keeping him there during the Siege of Gamorra
Burst in through a wall because he thought Jay was in danger
Asks to move in with him and move across the country with him
Safe to say, Jon needs Jay in some deep, fundamental, and kind of unhealthy way. The last one happens when Jay suggests it's not going to work between them if Jon insists he must forgive Nia. You don't define your own reality based on one person if you don't got issues, and unfortunately Jay does dish it like it is and calls himself the truth so like Jay was doomed from the second he opened his mouth and posted his recordings online.
Jay suggested breaking it off-- for understandable reasons- and within five minutes Jon dropped his very first "I love you" to Jay and asked him to move in with him.
This kind of leads to Jon deifying Jay and not seeing him entirely as a person. Jay is deeply upset about his mother's death, when Jon just rush at him with moving in together, Jay cries but doesn't immediately agree. He actually pulled away and seemed like he might have protested if not for the Amazonians calling Jon in to stop Waller.
Jay's relationship with Jon is filled with this, and Jay has to call Jon out to slow down and address Jay's issues(this makes him sound so bad, he really isn't, he' just gets too caught up in "protect him protect him protect him" mode when he's under distress). He does this when Jon is about to leave him to go fight Bendix, and in AOSJK when Jon's being all happy about getting to go out freely in public while Jay's stuck wearing disguises.
Jon's tendency to view Jay as his tether leads to him dismissing Jay's very human, raw and awful emotions. It's why he's so shocked when Jay feels nothing about Nia's death. It's also why he's quick to just ignore the topic and because yeah he feels terrible about it but if he keeps pushing this, Jay will leave him.
Jay's story.....is one of a loss of autonomy, just as much as Jon's. It happens in how he gains his powers, the way Nia betrayed him, the loss of his secret identity which he HEAVILY relied on to convey news, the seeming loss/ lowered involvement with The Truth news streams, and frequently with Jon where Jon chips at it with his desperate need to keep Jay by his side.
Jay doesn't dream of San Fran. Jay doesn't dream of shared apartments. No one has yet to properly let Jay cry about the loss of his country and his mother. Jon's avoidance strategy HURTS Jay here in an immense way.
If this keeps going, this relationship is going to break. Jay's always putting up with this, with Jon, because at this moment, he has no family. Jon is his closest tie to anyone, he can't let him go either because if he does he loses his entire support system but he's willing to since he actually prioritizes his grief over his mother. Jon centering Jay as a concept around his desire for himself is going to cause huge problems in the future.
Anyways, Jon's a freak, free Jay. Stan toxic yaoi.
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spacexseven · 2 years
to let a good deed go unpunished
NOTE: for the anime-only's, there may be a few spoilers about tecchou below, so please keep that in mind. i and Hopefully this isn't too ooc lol :< still waiting for more tecchou content ^^ i'm spelling his name as tecchou here, instead of tetchō :>
REQUEST: general y! tecchou headcanons from @shumidehiro
CW: yandere character, manipulation, unhealthy relationships, obsession, jealousy, stalking
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- an encounter with tecchou is an opportunity that is hard to come by outside of his work, since he's more devoted to his duty of upholding justice more than anything
- that's not to say it's impossible. besides, as long as he recognizes you share the same values as him, you'd easily make an impression on him, even if you didn't plan to do so
- due to tecchou's nature, he easily focuses on things that pique his curiosity or admiration. he can spend hours watching you display your sense of justice or leadership (much like the ants he watched without moving)
- while tecchou can be either a platonic or romantic yandere, his overall intentions are the same. he wants to protect you from the cruel, imbalanced world he's used to. he knows your beliefs can change in a moment once you realize the true nature of people, and doesn't want that to happen
- tecchou doesn't like lying to you or deceiving you. he's an honest person by nature and hates using force or mind games to get you to do something. since he believes sincere discussion is the best way to ease tensions, arguments with tecchou never get out of hand - most of the time he's not able to pick up on what you're feeling, nor does he stop to consider how you're affected as a consequence of his actions. in fact, he's surprised to know that you actually feel more paranoid than safe because of his constant surveillance - because unfortunately, as you'll quickly realize, tecchou genuinely believes his actions are helping you. you may be upset at his rigid rules but he only wants to protect you - he thinks you don't understand that his actions come from a place of good intentions, so while he's ready to hear out your concerns, it's impossible to get him to change his ways when they're so rooted in his personal values, and so he'll keep justifying his own actions to you. - tecchou feels responsible for protecting you from the evil intent of anyone else. due to this, he indirectly restricts your social circle so that all your friends are all either in the hunting dogs or involved with them in some way
- tecchou doesn't ever toy with you or harm you. however, that's not to say he won't hurt others...
- he revels in his ability to make any potential target tremble in fear from just his glare. and even if they don't back down from that, he has an array of methods to silence anyone who dares come in his way
- while tecchou doesn't consider himself violent, he's willing to dirty his hands to protect you. but at first, he doesn't actually consider hiding it from you
- it's likely a hunting dog member (jouno) would be the one to advise him about keeping it a secret. jouno's the one who explains to him that even if he was protecting you from who he deemed as 'evildoers', you'd probably not appreciate the sentiment
- in fact, you'd likely be horrified at the thought that tecchou would be so cruel as to harm someone who only wanted to talk to you. you could only justify tecchou's actions if you believed he was only truly apprehending criminals, which is ultimately why he makes sure you never catch him hurting someone else
- he doesn't want you to lose your trust in him, which is why kidnapping and imprisonment are also not in tecchou's plans; not unless he absolutely has no other choice. he fights off the evil from your shadow, and ensures that you are none the wiser
(softer hcs below that i felt didnt match with the rest)
- tecchou's not used to physical affection, but will quickly adapt to your preference. since he's physically a lot stronger than a regular person due to his modifications, it'll take him a while to figure out if he's holding you too tight or if he's hurting you
- he'll be happy if you want to join him while he's working out. whether you want to help out, watch or try working out alongside him, he'll appreciate the company
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touchlikethesun · 7 months
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while this scene of hinata hugging his knees and missing his friends after moving to rio is extremely painfully relatable, i think it’s really important to note that… that’s the only scene we get like that. hinata’s not a monster, he does have human emotions and he feels loneliness and helplessness. what makes him admirable is not that he just, is never sad upset or disappointed, no what makes him admirable is his resiliency and his ability to bounce back and find the positives in every situation.
he’s not doing the best in this moment — he’s alone, in a foreign country where he struggles to communicate, and he just lost the wallet his sister gave him — but after not even a few minutes of wallowing, he’s already restless.
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i see the first panels around a lot, but i almost never see these ones included, even tho they are on the very same page. sitting alone in his room feeling sorry for himself won’t get hinata closer to his goals, and that’s never been who he is as a person. and i think it’s really important, no matter how relatable the first panels are, to remember that hinata doesn’t accept things as they are. he forces himself to go out, to keep active, to keep striving towards what he wants. and it pays off!
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because he dragged himself out of his room, he was able to play more volleyball, and make connections with others by playing together! and, if he had stayed in his room, he never would have run into oikawa or been able to play games with him!
this whole section is really quite good, because, hinata can’t magically make himself feel better on his own, of course he can’t. but because he pushes himself out of his comfort zone, because he is open to new experiences and making new connections, he’s able to find support. the solution isn’t to be a lone wolf striking out on your own, the solution is to put yourself in situations where you’re open to human connection, and to capitalise on any chance that is given to you.
i just really like the brazil chapters, and i love how hinata faces adversity. i think it’s really damn admirable, i really really do.
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freyyzu · 2 years
silly head cannon but I like to think Mammon and Asmo have a habit of posing for the mc if they knock on the door or they know mc will show up. Asmo totally goes for ether a cute pose or a seductive one. Meanwhile Mammon tries to look cool or tough. Whosever around the mc probably calls out how forced both are.
in which they pose by the door in an effort to look cool and impress you, but end up looking kinda stupid instead.
a/n; honestly this sounds so cute lol it’s 100% something i can see mammon doing, especially since he’s a model.
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Mammon thinks he’s got this in the bag
c’mon now, he’s a professional model. mammon’s used to staying still for long periods of time as flashing lights are going off while people are constantly moving where his arms go every couple minutes. whenever he goes for a modeling gig he’s giving sultry looks into the camera that make sure even asmo can’t deny makes him look extra handsome.
surely just leaning against the door frame would be a piece of cake, right?
so maybe he practiced leaning against the door just a bit. and what lines he was going to say once you open the door… and what type of look he should go for in order to make sure your heart jumps—but he swears he has this in the bag! he just wants to make sure he always looks his best, yeah, that’s all it is.
when it’s time to finally pull it off this man is a mess and a half. he’s leaning against the door before he even knocks. and then when you do open the door everything he had planned so meticulously for falls apart.
“mammon?” the moment he hears your voice every word he was going to say just disappears. please don’t look at him he’s short circuiting. “mammon, are you okay?”
no, he’s very much not okay. can you really blame him, though? you’re just so pretty you take his breath away!
“you look lame.” for a second he thinks you’re the one that says that and his heart almost drops. but then he realizes that the voice came from behind him and also very much sounds like one of his brothers. “could you move? you’re blocking the door.”
of course it’s belphie.
mammon practically starts a fight in the front of your room, completely forgetting about looking cool. this was a matter of pride now
and of course the person who has to stop it? you.
so much for looking cool.
Asmodeus does this on a regular
he doesn’t necessarily do it to look cool (at first), it’s just a minor habit he’s picked up from satan. whenever there’s nothing else to do but wait fore a while, what better thing is there to do than just kick back for a while and admire how pretty your nails are?
not to mention he looks extra cute in certain angles whenever he leans on something.
you’ve seen him do this on the regular already, and the one time you mention off-handedly how cool he looks leaning on the door you swear he’s begun to do it more intentionally.
and he’s not exactly subtle about it, either.
everywhere he thinks you’re going to be around he’s leaning against something. honestly, it’s kind of funny, because a few of the places he chooses are just completely unnatural but because it’s asmo, he still somehow manages to pull it off.
honestly, you’re kind of jealous at his ability to do anything and still make it look nice.
if you’re hanging around anyone while asmo’s in the middle of his posing they’re for sure going to point out how often they’ve been seeing him do it.
especially satan.
he’s beginning to regret his own habit.
“why are you leaning against a chair? just sit down.”
“you don’t understand, satan, leaning on a chair can look super seductive!” he glances over at you, “don’t you agree?”
well… maybe you’d agree in another circumstance, but it was almost dinner time so he really should sit down. it’s kind of bordering the line of ridiculousness now.
it’s only when you finally confront him about how out of hand it was getting does he finally stop. as funny as it was, “you always look pretty asmo. you don’t need to keep trying to force it.”
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hwnglx · 10 months
enha jay real personality reading, please !
jay's real personality behind the scenes
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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5c&ju, 7sw, kingc&6sw, pagw, hang&acw, tow
+ behind closed doors, jay is an exceptionally righteous person. someone with clear moral principles, who puts a lot of importance into taking accountability for his actions. he's a guy who strongly believes in always staying just and fair, as well as doing the right thing, and taking responsibility for when he ends up messing up. he isn't the type of person who will try and cover up his mistakes, or twist things in order to shift the blame onto someone else. he believes that a respectable man, should be able to admit his wrongdoings and actively work on himself in order to make sure not to make the same mistake again.
he's a very humble person. he's always willing to improve himself, never feels like he can learn enough lessons from life. he lives his day to day while believing that every single experience of his, even if negative, can later aid him in becoming a better person. he is like a student of life. a lot of curiousity about things the world can offer him, as well as interest in finding out what he can offer this world in return.
jay is also someone immensely respectful and considerate of people's individual boundaries. he isn't a nosy person who oversteps lines or digs his nose too deep into other people's business. he respects their privacy, and always makes sure to remain polite with the people around him. he has great manners. you will rarely catch jay act out of impulse and behave without thinking about his actions beforehand. very tactful guy, on and off camera.
there is also this sense of emotional understanding in him, which makes him very mature beyond his young age. he's someone who's very receptive of people's feelings. the type of friend who, if you're going through something, would notice your sadness, quietly watch you from afar and end up asking you if you're alright once he feels like you'd be comfortable with the question. very comforting energy in him. he has this great ability of consoling you and easing your struggles, without ever making you feel uneasy, like he's getting too close to you.
behind the scenes, the enhypen member is someone who can bring a lot of inspiration and creativity into situations that might be starting to stagnate. he's a bright existence that can light up any room once he enters, someone who's great at encouraging people to be more brave and courageous in life. if the mood is down and the members are feeling kinda lethargic and lack motivation, jay is the guy who will change the mood in an instant. he has excellent ability to absorb energies, and can easily recognize when it's time for him to step up. he's definitely one of the crucial members in enhypen, who keeps the team going whenever they feel like things aren't moving anymore. almost like a second leader. he is a person who can leave tremendous impact on the people he meets. so much that you're likely to rethink your perspective on certain things, once you talk about them to jay.
3p, 4p, 7p, 5p, empr, mo, 9op&tem
- the abundance of pentacles, my god. it does make sense with his chart being so earth prominent.
jay can stick to his own opinion way too much and be overly persistent, to the extent where it can affect his ability to compromise sometimes. especially when it comes to collaborating with people, he can struggle giving in and will usually stand by his point till the very end.
i remember when jay was participating in i-land, and he kept on trying out for the main part, over and over again. he never gave up, till the very end. (i was very impressed actually) it seems like he has the same tenacious attitude off camera as well, does not enjoy the idea of giving up or "losing". although it obviously is an admirable trait in many ways, jay can sometimes take it to the extreme and insist on things that aren't really worth being so stuck on. he can still find himself struggling to understand when it's time to surrender, and take the most trivial things way too seriously sometimes.
he isn't someone who sets himself limits in regards to his own work. he will work and work and work, and seems to never be able to actually end his work in a satisfied manner. he's likely to be one of the members who stays behind after practice has finished, and goes over the same moves over and over again until he tires himself out immensely. he's a person who's very prone to driving himself into a burnout. and even then, he might still obsess over the things he didn't and couldn't do. he can turn into an obsessive and self-demanding person.. this can distort his self-image a lot and have a negative impact on his self-esteem. jay has such ridiculously high standards for himself, he rarely feels like anything he does is truly good enough, deep inside. he can be way too self-deprecating ☹
i say this a lot, and i feel like this is something many people with prominent earth placements deal with, being very work-oriented. (i see jungkook being this way a lot as well) jay has this very specific image he envisions for himself, which can easily drive him into dissatisfaction. he seems to attach a lot of his pride and self esteem to his financial security, and believes that he'll only truly feel at peace with himself, once he reaches a certain level of independence and stability.
jay's cancer 🌙 can also transform him into a person who's very nurturing, to the point where he worries over his loved ones extremely quickly, almost like a protective mother. he can get very smothering and have some control issues, in a manner that can become overbearing to some people. though this is more exclusive to people he holds extra dear (he won't be like this to everyone), jay caring so much about someone can sometimes result in him expressing that concern in this preachy or almost pushy way.
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contentment-of-cats · 3 months
The Intimacy of Debility
Though Thrawn is nearing sixty Coruscant-standard years, he has never really thought about age. His body and mind are sound, both work without intervention, and he goes about his life much as he did in his twenties. Yes, he has taken wounds, been ill, but recovered. It's something of a grim joke that had he returned to Coruscant for that long, long talk that he would likely be the terminal opposite of alive.
Or worse.
As he lies in the medical bed, he catalogs his progress from 'let me die from this' to 'how do I get out of here?'
The answer is Pyrondi who has sliced her bed snitch and is removing her leads. He catches her eyes through the transparisteel partition.
Take me with you, Thrawn signs to her in the gestures used by stormtroopers.
Affirm, she signs back.
He doesn't know why the medics thought that leaving 'Pyro' naked aside from a blanket would forestall an escape attempt. Her culture does not have body taboos, and she has only observed them out of politeness to the dominant gender-segregated culture. She sits up, wraps the blanket around her hips, and comes to his bedside with a datapad. He no longer asks where it came from. Pyrondi seems to have a great many stashed in surprising locations. There are times when he considers the most unlikely probability that his WSO is pulling them out of another dimension altogether.
"How?" he asks.
"I divert my telemetry to another patient's readout that's a close match."
Once she's merged the telemetry, Thrawn takes off his leads and sits up, wrapping the blanket similarly around his hips. His culture doesn't have body taboos any more than Pyrondi's, so keeping him bare as birth isn't going to work with him, either. "Have you considered the escape route?"
"The ductwork. They have lifts, ladders, and stairs just like the main corridors." The ventilation systems for an ISD have to carry a lot of air mix and maintenance routinely drives a landspeeder down the wider ones. "We'll be exposed once we leave the system just before the scrubber complex at the foot of the tower, but can pick up the main airway to bridge officers country."
She's Human-warm as she sits next to him to show the plan. It's a good plan, and they might just make it. Anything is better than staying here. Pyrondi goes in first, she's not as tight a squeeze into the capillary as he is even if he has lost muscle mass in recovery. There are a few times that he has to shed the blanket, wiggle through, and then recover himself. It's not a question of being taboo so much as it is the impropriety of a Grand Admiral being naked with a similarly naked subordinate whether or not there are 'goings on' going on.
They discuss the possibility that they may have overestimated their ability and endurance as they park briefly on a ladder.
"Almost at the scrubber complex." Pyrondi checks her datapad. "It's night phase, we have some cover."
Thrawn looks over her shoulder at the screen, and is concerned to see a slight tremor. Blinking his third eyelid into place, he can see pain response in her infrared. "Can you make it?"
"I can, sir. I just..." She swallows and looks away.
"I understand." So many of her shipkin lost. "Is there a lift to get us to our deck?"
"Yes, sir. It's a prayer bead style. You have to step in while it's moving."
He's dealing with a head injury, healing bones, torn flesh, and torsion injuries. Pyrondi has spaceburn, shrapnel wounds, and pulmonary trauma. All wounded things seek a den. He can pick her up and carry her into the lift with him if he must. She is small for a Human, a match for Eli. Surely he can still do that?
The memory burns and Thrawn mentally flinches away from it.
Not now.
Pyrondi removes the vent cover, then both of them slip out, replace it and run barefoot around the scrubber complex, looking for the tower access. For this section of their escape, she wraps the towel over one shoulder and in doing so, gives her legs less encumbrance. Thrawn emulates and both run as quickly as their conditions will allow. There are more pauses than he would wish for himself before they reach the shaft that brings the cleaned air mix to the command tower. The cover pried off and replaced, both rest inside the duct before continuing to the strange lift.
It is aptly named, with lift compartments following one another like prayer beans in the hand of a religious. One must jump in, hold on, then jump out - or gather courage at the terminus and try again.
"The key is jumping in just before the rising floor of the lift becomes level with the deck. When we arrive at our deck, we jump out and down." They have many decks to refine their exit strategy on the slow, ancient fashioned lift.
They wobble on landing, but as Thrawn reminds Pyrondi any landing you can get up and walk away from is a good one. They are on the deck for bridge officers and instead of using the main corridor, Pyrondi shimmies down three smaller ducts leading to officer's quarters and stamps open the vent cover over her bed. It's a soft landing, and Thrawn lands in a nest of blankets, bolsters, and pillows. He closes his eyes, unable to move for long moments. The bedding shifts and he hears Pyrondi closing the cover, then she sinks down next to him. When Thrawn opens his eyes, she's crumpled, eyes closed but breathing steady. In infrared, he still sees indications of pain, but fading from the cool blue of shock. Without thinking, he reaches out and strokes a cheekbone with the back of his hand.
"Pyrondi, I am not going to ask how you know the vents and ductwork so well. You are my senior weapons officer, not my senior life support systems officer."
Pyrondi's lips curve in a slow smile. "Since you will not ask, I will not tell you."
He helps her to sit up, and then she helps him to sit up. Thrawn is reluctant to give up her company.
"I'll get you some sleep pants. Agral didn't pack everything when he went on leave."
"It's appreciated, Lieutenant. May I use your 'fresher?"
"Of course, sir."
He does and comes out smelling like Pyrondi's hair and bath products. Right now the water system is working, but not the regular cleaning spray. The blow-dry is down, so manual towels have to do. The clothes cleaner works, so the blankets and towel go in there. Agral is close to Thrawn's height, but not his mass, nonetheless the loose sleep pants are soft and comfortable. Pyrondi comes out with her long hair damp and combed, but looking exhausted.
"They'll find us sooner or later, so lets catch up on sleep." Thrawn yearns for that soft nest of a bed. "You'll behave, sir. I know."
A little of that impish humor comes through. Thrawn, however is not too sure. Pyrondi is Interesting, and his attraction comes from that. He moves to Pyrondi can arrange the bed to her liking.
"They will find us, but I am concerned for you. Your reputation."
To his surprise, she pats his cheek. "Compared to what they usually have to say about me, it would likely be pretty mild. Come on, sir. Hop in."
He doesn't hop, but slides in and sinks into the bed. Humans want softness and dark for their eight hours of sleep, while Chiss brains sleep alternating hemispheres. When healthy, that is, and he is manifestly not. Pyrondi folds half of quilt over him. He can't say why he thinks of Rentor, just from being folded into a quilt and Pyrondi folding herself into one similarly. Bed sharing, but chaste in message. The bed has a warmer underneath, and is so soft that his wounds don't hurt from pressure. Pyrondi lies down, the quilt up to her chin. He's warm, and comfortable, and safe-
No other thoughts cross his mind for some time.
He has no idea how she does it. Only a crazy person or engineer (same difference) would crawl into the ductwork, but here he is. Commodore Marinith, standing in Pyrondi's sitting room, looking in the doorway at a sleeping, still badly injured weapons officer. And behind her, a blue arm looped over her waist, spooned around her is his next nightmare. Thrawn, who has been two breaths from death for weeks, spooned around Pyrondi and out like a light. Well, honestly, throwing Marinith into bed with a pretty lady would make him want to live, too.
He leaves them be, lets the medics know where they are and to keep them on the ding and dent list. It's going to be a long ride home. They'll need their rest.
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