#i already ate pasta today & the leftovers were pasta again
berrymeter · 2 years
i lied & grabbed three cookies. and ate them. are you proud of me mama.
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Charles cooking for the kids and they are not the biggest fan of his cooking
"Mama isn't home?", Hervé asked as Charles parked the car in the garage, the spot where you parked your car empty.
"She's having dinner with her friends", Charles explained. As much as he loved spending time with his family in their own bubble, he would be lying if he said that he wasn't looking forward to having his kids' undivided attention on him for the night.
"We might get lucky tonight, maybe she left something made already for us", Hervé mumbled as he got out of the car, "might not be that bad after all", Amélie completed his sentence as she hopped off her seat while Charles carried Thomas up on his hip, walking up to stairs and letting the kids get comfortable in house clothes while he prepared their snacks.
"Do you have any homework, Hervé?", he asked as he cut up some fruit, waiting on the toaster to jump so he could add the bread to their plates.
"No, Ms. Rouvière said we had been well-behaved today, so we didn't get any", your son said as he sat on the stool, making silly faces and playing with Thomas and his building blocks.
"I'm very hungry!", Amélie ran inside the kitchen, sitting on the stool and waiting for her plate as Charles distributed them, "are you, amour? I have this here, and if you want more, let me know and I'll make it. I just don't want you to waste food, that's all", Charles smiled as he kissed the top of her head.
When dinner time came around, Charles had the kids set the table and patiently wait for him to bring the pots and pans to the table, "do you think the pasta will be hard like last time?", Amélie asked her older brother, "I heard mama tell him to leave it longer in the stove", Hervé reasoned, "maybe he did listen to her this time".
"It looks okay... I guess", Amélie added, seeing the pasta on the pot before looking at the giggly Thomas on his high chair, "at least you get the soup mama made for you", she shrugged. Amélie almost always joined you in the kitchen when you batch cooked soup for your little one. Because it made your routine easier, you would often make a big batch and store it in single servings so meal time for Thomas would be easy and you could do it without a hitch everyday.
Granted, the pasta bolognese wasn't the best they've had, but the pasta was considered al dente and the meat wasn't too flavourful, but better that last time where it was too salty.
"It's a good thing papa always let's us have two rounds of dessert", Amélie giggled as Hervé gathered the plates to leave them at the spot on the table where you usually sat, "maybe mama will bring some leftovers", he smiled.
When you got home, the two older kids were first to greet you, "Hi mama!", they said, "Papa is upstairs putting Thomas to sleep", Amélie offered as she looked for something. "You didn't bring anything from the restaurant?", she asked, "no, amour. I ate the last slice of cheesecake they had for the night actually", you said, quirked brow at her question, "did papa not cook the pasta again properly?", you chuckled.
"It was okay, didn't taste of much, but better than tasting bad, I guess", Hervé shrugged his shoulders much like you had done.
"Amour, you're back!", Charles announced his presence, kissing your lips, "did you have a good dinner?", he asked.
"It was good, but I must say I'm feeling peckish, maybe some cookies would be nice", you pouted, prompting him to get them for you.
"This is just once, okay?", you tutted to both kids as they nodded, asserting that eventually you'd have to leave something for them next time you had dinner out without them and Charles was the one in charge of the food.
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror” [Kou ver.]
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Original title: 夜更かしヴァンパイアの食テロ飯 [コウ編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO Vol. 2 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Take notes everyone, do not EVER let Kou into your kitchen because he will destroy the place. That being said, it was really cute to see him be such a disaster in the kitchen. Especially all of the shrieking and cries of panic had me giggle more than once. (Sorry Kou) You know it’s bad when the MC had to resort to eventually having him pour hot water over a pre-made onigiri and call it a dish. :p
*Rustle rustle*
You approach Kou in the kitchen.
“...Oh? You’re awake too? Are you thirsty, maybe? ...Personally I’m here because I got hungry so I’m looking to see if there’s still any food around. 
I know I already had seconds, but just dinner isn’t enough to tie me over. I’m still a growing boy, you see? So I end up needing a small snack before bed every now and then. 
Seems like everyone ate a lot today though so there aren’t any leftovers...So, perhaps I should indulge in your blood instead~? That doesn’t sound bad either.”
You shake your head.
“Hahaha! I’m joking! Even though your blood is delicious, there’s a difference between being hungry for blood or actual food. I’ll have your blood some other time, okay~? ...Anyway, guess I have no other choice but to have a slice of white bread and go to bed. It’s at times like this where I wish I could whip up something real quick. I shouldh ave learnt how to cook at some point in my life.”
You offer to teach him some easy recipes.
“Eh? Really!? You’ll teach me!”
You seem somewhat surprised that he’s willing to cook.
“Of course! I’ll gladly make something if you’re the one giving me instructions! Well then, today you’re the instructor and I’m your student! ...Sensei, I’m starving!”
You ask Kou what he wants to eat.
“Hm...What I want to eat? I’m not sure...I’d say pasta but we’re all out after tonight’s dinner...”
“Ah! In that case, doria! (1) A piping hot plate, loaded with extras and topped with a generous amount of cheese!”
You nod.
“Hooray! Let’s get started then!”
“All set! What should we do first?”
You explain.
“Hm...The bechamel sauce, huh? Let me handle that!”
You give him instructions.
“Uhm...I should melt some butter? I’ll a pot...”
Kou turns on the stove.
“The flour goes in next, right? Let me just open the bag...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Huh...? The bag won’t...Huh!? ...How does it work!? It won’t open!”
“Coff, coff...Gosh, I didn’t think I’d end up dropping the whole bag. You’re completely white right now, M-neko-chan...Eh? So am I? Ah-ahー The pot’s a mess as well. ...Aah, no biggie! One more time! I’m starting over from scratch!”
*Rustle rustle*
“Eeh!? The butter turned black! ...Uwah! There’s smoke! Look!”
“One second, the pot got knocked over...Uwaaah!!”
“Flames!! It’s on fire!! M-neko-chan, water! Quick!!” 
“...Uu...The kitchen’s a hot mess...How come I just can’t seem to get it right? Am I just too clumsy...!? Whatever, I’m never cooking again in my whole life...”
You try to motivate him to keep going.
“It’ll turn out a disaster no matter how many times I try! I’m just not cut out for it! Besides, we’ve blasted through most of our ingredients as well...Even if we were to try to buy new ones, almost all stores are closed at this hour.”
You grab hold of his hand and start dragging him out of the kitchen.
*Rustle rustle*
“Eh!? ‘Let’s go’? But where!? ...Hey! M-neko-chan, listen to me!”
*Rustle rustle*
“We’re back...”
“I was wondering where you’d take me, but I didn’t expect the convenience store...And on top of that you bought onigiri. If you’re no longer in the mood to cook, you could have at least gotten me a proper bento.” 
You tell him that you’re going to cook with the onigiri.
“Eh? You actually haven’t given up yet? Then why did you buy these things?”
You ask him to have faith in you.
“Well, if you say so...Fine, this is the final try! I promise that I’ll make a delicious late-night snack this time!”
You nod. 
“Mmh! Well then, Sensei! Please give me instructions! Okay, I’ll get a bowl first...”
“Then put the onigiri we bought in the...”
“...Eh? We’re going to use the onigiri!?”
You ask him to have faith in you.
“Okay. I’ll put it in then! I chose one with grilled fish roe and seaweed inside!”
You continue to give him instructions. 
“Then with that...Eh? We’re putting this in as well? Uhm...”
“In goes one packet of dried bonite flakes from the convenience store!”
*Rustle rustle*
“And then a splash of soy sauce...”
“Hm...That should do, I guess? Last but not least we pour in some hot water...”
“Mix everything up and it’s done!”
*Dun dun*
“Easy-made dashi-chazuke (2) from the convenience store!”
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“Eh!? Are you sure we’re done!? All I did was pour hot water in!”
You prompt him to try it.
“I mean, I’ll try it now that I’ve made it...”
“Thanks for the meal...”
“Phew...Phew...Hahn...Mmh...Mm! It’s delicious! The dried bonito flakes really helped to give the broth that extra punch of flavor! Hahn...!”
“The rice is nice and hot as well, warming me up from inside.”
“I made the right choice with my onigiri fillings! I love how fluffy the rice is in comparison to the fried fish roe which pops in your mouth! The saltiness makes it so that I could eat several bowls of this! The dried seaweed gives off flavor as well, so it’s very hearty and savory! ...Here, you should give it a try as well! Phew...Phew...Say ‘aahn’.”
Kou feeds you.
*Rustle rustle*
You tell him it’s good.
“Right!? I honestly could grow addicted to this! ...Here, you can have one more bite!”
You shake your head.
“Nu-uh! This is your reward! I have to show my thanks to you for teaching me so well! Come on, open your mouth~ ‘Aaahn’“
“Good girl ...You’re really enjoying it, huh? Seems like you haven’t even realized that eating from the same chopsticks counts as an indirect kiss~”
You suddenly become flustered.
“Oh geez, you’re panicking now? Too late~ Besides, we’ve kissed plenty of times before, no?”
*Nom nom*
“Thanks for the meal! Haah~ I’m stuffed! I ended up scarfing it down! I didn’t think such an easy recipe could count as cooking as well.”
You remind him that he just cooked a dish by himself.
“Huh? ...Right! I managed to make something by myself! ...Thanks for keeping up with me till the end. ...My fine motor skills aren’t always the best, so I always thought that cooking just wasn’t for me. Ruki’s been cooking for me for as long as I can remember. But ever since you started making food instead, I’ve been getting the urge to help out where I can, so I’m glad I challenged myself today!”
You ask him if that was his real objective for wanting to cook something tonight.
“Fufu~ I spilled the beans. Still, it’s not like I wanted to hide it or anything. I know I messed up a lot, but I’ll improve step by step starting with the little things I can manage.”
You agree and cheer him on.
“Mmh! Thanks! I’d love to thank you with a kiss but...I’m pretty sure I’ve got fishy breath from the ochazuke so let’s leave that for another time.”
You blush.
“Oh come on, look at you acting all flustered again~ We both know that you’re happy deep down.”
You puff out your cheeks. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry! Well then...Guess I’ll go brush my teeth and then hit the hay.”
“Ah...The kitchen...What do we do about it?”
*Cling cling*
“If Ruki-kun sees this, he’ll explode... (3)”
You tell him that you should clean up.
“R-Right! Let’s clean everything up while we can! Ruki-kun might be an early bird, but there’s no way he’d be awake at this hour!”
They hear Ruki approach the kitchen. 
“Ah...These footsteps...Uh-oh. ...Let’s quickly make a run for it, M-neko-chan!”
The two of you run away.
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) The best way to describe ‘doria’ would be an Asian lasagna. It’s a very popular Italian-inspired Japanese dish consisting of rice in a bechamel sauce (I believe sometimes it can be a mixture of red and white sauce too) with vegetables or meats of your choice, topped with a layer of grated cheese and then baked in the oven so it gets that crispy crust just like a lasagna has.
(2) Ochazuke is a very simple Japanese dish consisting of boiled rice in a broth, in this case a traditional dashi-broth.
(3) Literally Kou says that a bolt of lightning will come striking down.
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I promise.
TW!! Eating disorder, depression, throwing up, just sad things
Modern and non magical au :)
Word count: 4 000
The idea for this fic was from @ Singularity_vi in Wattpad <33
He woke up, into an empty bed, like most mornings. But still every time it was just as sad. It was always cold there without Remus. He pulled one of Remus' pillows close to him, trying to fall back to sleep, so he could simply sleep the day away. But he couldn't. The slight sunlight coming through the window was starting to bother him. And he never slept well without Remus there anyway. So, he rolled into his back, grabbing his phone from the nightstand, seeing that it was already one pm.
There were no notifications, nothing out of the ordinary. Still, he opened it, scrolling through his socials and reading the headlines of the news, but nothing was interesting enough to actually open and read. He knew he had to get up, before Remus came home, and actually look like he had been doing something else than laying in bed.
So, he sat up, a dizzy spell hitting him, but he was already used to that. He opened the low bun, only to tie it up again, this time with a hair clip. He got up, pulling one of the hoodies on that was laying on the floor next to him, it was a light green one, the same one he had yesterday and the day before that.
Remus would be home in a few hours, and before he'd come home, he knew he had to eat. Because Remus had made him lunch, like every single day that he wasn't home at lunchtime. It was easier on the days that he actually ate it. But today wouldn't be one of those days. Even the thought of eating made him feel sick. But lucky for him, it only needed to look like he had eaten. Because he knew Remus would check. He hated that Remus had to do that, hating being a burden on him.
So, he made his way to the kitchen, taking out the plastic container that had leftover pasta from last night, now meant to be his lunch. He put about half of it onto a plate, putting it in the microwave to heat it up. While it heated up, he put the rest back into the fridge and filled his water bottle.
He felt tired as he made his way to the living room, turning on some random show, more for background noise than for actually watching. He slowly got through his meal, when he was finally finished, it had already gone cold. He felt really sick.
With his water bottle clutched tightly in his right hand, he made his way to the bathroom. He slid down the wall to sit on the cold tile floor in front of the toilet. The water bottle dropped to the floor and fell down as he leaned forward, he shoved two fingers down his throat, and soon he was loosing why he had just eaten.
A few tears fell down as he threw up, and his hands started shaking as he opened his water bottle to wash out the taste. He had gotten quite used to the feeling now, he still hated throwing up, but it was much better than having it in his body to make him gain weight. That was definitely the last thing he needed. He leaned his head against the wall, a few tears escaping as he closed his eyes. These ones were not caused by what he had just done, it was something else.
If Remus would find out, he'd be so disappointed and have even more reasons to leave him. Why wouldn't he? He had every reason to. Who would want to be together with someone like him. Someone who got tired from just getting up from bed, someone who had stupid eating problems, someone who was embarrassing and someone who was so-
He was pulled out of his thoughts by a gentle knock on the door. How long he had sat there, how hadn't he noticed? This was bad, so bad. “Can I come in, baby?” He whispered, loud enough for Sirius to hear through the door. He nodded, but then realized that Remus couldn't see him.
The door opened after a moment and Remus slipped in, sitting down on the floor beside him. Sirius played with the water bottle that he was holding, not daring to look at him, he blushed from embarrassment as he watched Remus lean forward and flush the toilet, closing the lid at the same time.
“Why're you crying, love?” He asked, wiping away the tears that Sirius didn't even realize were still falling. Sirius shook his head, how could he possibly tell all that to Remus? He just couldn't. Not again, he didn't want to be more of a burden than he had already been.
“Just tired.” He whispered, glancing at Remus, seeing that worried look, he absolutely hated that look. It made him feel even more guilty. “What time is it?” He asked, wanting to change the subject.
“Almost three.” He said. “I came home a bit earlier today.” He explained, and Sirius nodded, leaning his head against Remus' shoulder. He wrapped his arm around the boy, to bring him closer.
“I'm sorry.” He whispered. “I'm so sorry, rem.”
“Shh, baby, it's okay, I promise.” Remus' tone was so soft and gentle it made him want to cry, but he tried not to, not wanting to embarrass himself even more. “Wanna get up from here, maybe move to the sofa?”
Sirius nodded, watching as Remus got up, holding his hand out for him to take. He let Remus pull him up from the floor and lead him into the living room. He laid down onto the couch, opening his arms as Sirius just stood there. “C'mere, I missed you.”
He laid down, resting his head on Remus' chest, who wrapped his arms around him. He opened his hair, throwing the clip next to them. He started running his hand through Sirius' hair, seeing him relax almost immediately.
If he was being honest, he was worried of his boy. He wasn't eating, and if he was it definitely wasn't enough. He wasn't even sure why Sirius was doing it, he had tried to ask and tried to help, but he still didn't know why and wasn't sure if what he was doing was even helping.
“Can I ask you a question, love?” He asked after a while, Sirius nodded, scared of what he was going to ask. “Why are you doing this?”
Oh. “I um- I wanna be pretty.” He whispered quietly. It was the truth, well, half of it. He wanted to look good. But he just wanted to be good enough for Remus because right now, he definitely wasn't. “Wanna be enough.”
“You are.” He whispered, he wasn't sure what he should say because in his eyes Sirius was perfect and pretty and all what he thought he wasn't. “You're perfect just the way you are, perfect to me, Angel.”
Sirius closed his eyes, wanting to believe him, but his thoughts wouldn't let him. Remus was saying that just because he had to. Right? It didn't have to mean that he was being honest. Sirius shook his head after a moment.
“Why do you put up with me?” He asked quietly, not sure if he even wanted to hear the answer.
“What?” He whispered, trying to hold back the tears, even though Sirius had asked that before, still every time he heard it, it brought tears to his eyes.
“Like why haven't you left me? Why are you with someone like me?”
“What do you mean?”
“I'm worthless and no good and never do anything, and I'm just a burden on you and everyone all the fucking time. It would be better if I wasn't here.” The last part was so quiet he barely even heard it.
“Sirius, look at me, please.” He just shook his head, a few tears falling. “It's okay, don't worry. Baby, I love you, literally my everything. You're not a burden, you know I love taking care of you. I know you're having a hard time, but please, I need you.”
“You don't.”
“I really do, and I want you to believe me when I say that I love you and that I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna stay right here with you, to help you and just be there for you. No matter what.”
He nodded, although he wasn't sure if he could believe what he said. It just felt unreal. Remus kissed his head, and he saw his hand going up to wipe something away. Probably tears. Now he felt bad for making Remus cry.
“You know, I don't have work tomorrow, and then it's the weekend, we can do something, if you'd like.”
“I'm tired.”
“I know, but we don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I mean, we could lay here until Monday if we want.” He saw a small smile for a moment, and considered that a very good outcome.
“Right now all I wanna do is take a nap, so wanna stay here with me?” Sirius nodded, making himself more comfortable as Remus pulled a blanket over them.
–- --
Remus was busy with work. Sirius was alone most of the time, except for the evenings. Being alone meant getting lost in his thoughts and doing what he had promised he would stop. But he couldn't. He couldn't stop doing it.
Yes, Remus noticed that he wasn't eating what Remus had prepared for him. But he wasn't sure which he hated more, the worried glances he got from him, or the fact that when Remus came home and made dinner, he made him eat.
He felt like something was wrong the moment he opened his eyes. He was alone, like usual. It might've been just that. Although it didn't go away like it usually did when he got up.  He felt tired, even though it was closer to two when he got up from bed. He didn't quite understand how he can be tired after sleeping over twelve hours.
He didn't feel like doing anything, but that was nothing new. He decided to make some tea, as he settled onto the couch with his cup, he remembered what they had talked about last night.
He had promised that he'd go outside or do something productive. But he didn't want to go outside alone, maybe they could go for a walk together when Remus would be home. But he had promised, so now he needed to do something.
He could clean their bedroom. Remus hated when it was untidy, so Remus would probably like it if he'd clean in there. So, after he was finished with his cup of tea, he got up.
He started with taking all the dirty clothes from the floor and put them in the wash. He changed their bedsheets, and lastly he picked trash out of the room. That would do for now, at least he had done something else than laid in bed or on the sofa for the whole day. It wasn't much, and he knew that, but it was something.
After he was done with everything, he felt exhausted, even though he hadn't really done much, but he couldn't help it. He didn't mean to fall asleep when he settled onto the couch to watch something, but when he was woken up by Remus a few hours later, he was surprised.
“Sorry, didn't mean to.” He muttered, sitting up on the bed, looking up at Remus, who was just smiling at him.
“No need to be sorry for sleeping.” He said, sitting down next to Sirius on the couch, smoothing out his hair that had gotten messy during his short nap. “What did you do today?”
“I um- I cleaned a bit.” Remus looked surprised, but he was still smiling. “Just did some laundry and changed the bedsheets, it's not a lot, I know, sorry.”
“It is a lot, baby.” He smiled, taking Sirius' hand into his. “I'm really proud of you for doing that, like really, really proud.” Sirius smiled at him, letting Remus kiss his forehead before he got up from the couch. But his smile quickly faded as he realized Remus shouldn't be proud. He shouldn't be proud when his boyfriend does something else than just sleeps. It was stupid, and he definitely shouldn't feel good when he's told that it's something to be proud of.
“I thought, if we could, maybe go on a walk today.” Sirius said, as Remus came back into the living room, he had gone to change into something more comfortable than what he wore to work.
“Of course we can, love.” Sirius nodded. “How about we eat something, and then we go out to get some fresh air, sound good?”
He wanted to shake his head, eating didn't sound good, but maybe he should eat something? Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Just, maybe. So, he nodded, and Remus smiled, taking his hand to lead Sirius into the kitchen.
He started to make some chicken soup, while Sirius sat on the counter next to him. Sirius didn't talk a lot, which always felt weird, as the boy had always been talkative. He could go off about something for hours before taking a breath, if he was in the mood, but lately, he hadn't been. And to be honest, Remus missed that.
But then again, he'd take any version of the boy he could get. No matter if he was happy and chatty, or sad and tired. It was enough just to know that Sirius would be home when he got from work, or he'd be next to him when he wakes up or goes to sleep. Or just listens, even if he doesn't talk.
He liked these moments too, when they were just together, they didn't even have to talk. It was just nice and comforting when they spent time together, even if it was a moment like this. Sirius was sitting on the counter, swinging his legs every now and then while he cooked.
When they had both eaten, they got ready to go outside. Sirius ate more than he thought he could, in reality, it really wasn't that much, but he still ate and that was better than just starving himself or throwing up. So, Remus was proud of him, like always.
They decided to walk around the park that was close to their flat, it wasn't a long walk. It was nice to go outside, the fresh air, and the sun shining slightly, could make anyone feel a tad bit better if they had spent way too much time inside. And like usually when you go outside, it helps you clear your thoughts, so maybe going on a walk was a good idea.
“Sirius?” Remus asked, after a while of walking, there were some small flowers just starting to bloom at the root of a tree they walked past. Sirius hummed, glancing up at him, before focusing back onto the flowers on the grass. “I got invited to a party by one of my work friends. It's two weeks from now, and I thought if you'd like to come with me?”
His first thought was why? Why would Remus want to take him somewhere, where his friends would be? Just why? “You don't have to come, baby, if you don't want to. But I just thought that maybe you'd like to, and besides I'd like them to see you, but you don't have to.” He said, as Sirius didn't answer.
“You want me to come?”
“Of course I want to, why would I ask if I wouldn't want you to.”
“I just thought, never mind.” He said, glancing back up at Remus, once again he had a worried look on his face. “Mm, yeah, I can come, if you want to.”
-- --
It was Saturday now, meaning the party would be today. Sirius was still feeling like he was just going to embarrass Remus by going with him, but he didn't want to say that. If he thought about it, it would actually be nice to meet Remus' colleagues, and talk with them, and actually go out somewhere for a long time.
But he didn't get to think about that for long until the other thoughts came in. The ones that just made him anxious, and doubt everything. The ones he had gotten way too used to lately, but today, he tried to push all that away because he did want to go, and maybe, just maybe he wasn't feeling that bad this morning when he woke up.
He ate breakfast, fell can you call it breakfast if you eat it at almost two pm, but it was the first meal of the day, so basically his slice of toast was his breakfast. But he still ate, even if it wasn't a lot.
They were meant to go there around seven pm, and it was now around four, so he went to take a shower because his hair had been unwashed for longer than he'd like to admit. Lately, all he's put on has been joggers or the same hoodie or jumper he had been wearing for the whole week. So digging out his jeans and a t-shirt felt nice, and getting dressed up decently actually felt nice.
Yes, it wasn't really anything special, he just put on black ripped jeans, a band t-shirt and his black leather jacket, he brushed his hair, and put on some earrings. But it felt like he was doing something, but he probably shouldn't feel like that.
“You look good, baby.” Remus smiled as he came into their bedroom, just as Sirius was securing the cross earrings into place. He blushed, meeting Remus' eyes in the mirror, as he came to stand behind him.
“I don't.” He whispered, turning around to look at Remus, who wrapped his arms around his waist.
“Mm, no, you do, really good.” He said, kissing Sirius' forehead. “How are you feeling?” He asked, brushing Sirius' hair behind his ear.
“Just a bit tired, but I'm okay.”
“Still okay to come with me?” He nodded. “Good, I'm excited that you're coming.”
Sirius smiled, brushing his hand through Remus' hair. “You gotta brush your hair, and get out of your pyjamas.”
“That's my line.” He chuckled, kissing his forehead again, before going to find clothes for himself and fixing his hair.
When they got to the house the party was held in, Sirius started feeling anxious. All those thoughts he had been trying to avoid and push away all day, just came rushing back, when they walked up the stairs to the house. But he just smiled, deciding that he definitely shouldn't say any of those things out loud because Remus had been excited about this, and he seemed happy, so he didn't want to ruin his good mood with all this, not now.
Remus introduced him to a few of his colleagues, they seemed nice. But he couldn't help but feel like he was just embarrassing Remus by just standing there next to him, while he talked to his friends.
Because who wouldn't be embarrassed when he was the one they had to introduce to their friends or colleagues, or anyone for that matter. He didn't look good, and Remus deserved someone who looks good. Someone pretty and skinny, someone who was everything that he wasn't. He tried, he tried so hard to be that someone, but no matter what he did, he still felt like he failed to do that.
“I'm gonna go to the bathroom.” He whispered, and Remus nodded, smiling slightly at him, before focusing back onto the conversation he was having. He found his way to the bathroom, his hands shaking as he locked the door behind him.
He looked at himself in the mirror, not seeing anything good enough or worth it. All he could see was flaws and mistakes. He sat down onto the closed toilet lid, hiding his face into his hands, trying to steady his breath.
He dug out his phone to check the time, it was a little over eight. He didn't know what he should do, he knew he should get up, smile and go back to where Remus was. But he felt like he couldn't. He didn't want to cry, because that would give Remus even more reasons to think that he was just embarrassing him. Because that was exactly what he was doing.
He wiped his eyes, his hands were still shaking, more violently than they had been before. So now he'd have to wait until they stopped shaking. Because Remus would notice, he always did, and then he'd get worried and that's not what he wanted.
Then suddenly he heard a knock on the door, he flinched, trying to think what he should do. He checked the time again, seeing he had spent way too long there. “Sirius?” Oh, no. It was Remus. This was exactly what he didn't want to happen.
He opened the lock on the door, and it didn't take long that Remus slipped into the bathroom, locking the door after him. Remus crouched down onto the floor, brushing Sirius hair slightly, to get him to lower his hands from his face.
“What's going on, baby?” He asked, his voice sounded worried, but still soft like always when he talked to Sirius. Although, he was still sure Remus was going to be mad at him.
“I'm sorry.” He whispered. “I'm so sorry, rem, I'm sorry.”
“Shh, calm down.” He whispered. “What are you sorry about?” Remus said, gently taking Sirius' shaking hands into his, so he could look at the boy.
“I'm embarrassing you.” He admitted quietly, not daring to look at Remus. Remus furrowed his brows, not really understanding what Sirius was talking about. “I'm not good enough for you, or anything.”
“But I promise I can try, I can try to be better and like lose weight to be better, or anything, I just want to be good enough for you.” Tears were threatening to fall from Sirius, as he went on. “I'm sorry, rem, I'm so sorry you have to deal with all this, you really shouldn't have to put up with me.”
“But I can do it, I can-”
“Sirius baby, listen to me.” He said, making Sirius look at him, stopping his anxious rambling. “I don't know where this all is coming from, but I promise you, you don't have to do anything, absolutely nothing for me.”
Sirius looked like he didn't believe what he was being told. “Sirius, you're perfect for me, you don't need to lose weight or try to do anything to be better because you're the best.”
Sirius shook his head, tears spilling out. “You're, and I really need you to believe me because it's true.” He squeezed his hands, looking at him. “You're more than good enough, did you hear me, more than good? And I don't know what got you thinking that I'm embarrassed because you're there or of you, but I can promise that you never ever make me feel like that.”
It was quiet for a moment, as Sirius tried to process what Remus was saying. He looked at Remus, more tears falling, even though he tried to hold them back. “I'm really sorry for this.”
“Shh you got nothing to be sorry for.” He whispered softly, wiping his tears away. “It's all okay, I promise.” Sirius nodded slightly, maybe Remus was right. “Wanna go home? Because I do, just wanna go cuddle up with you.”
A/N: wow, I posted. It's been a few months, since my last fic. I've been kinda busy with school work and other stuff, and probably will be for the next month or so, but I hope to slowly get back to writing.
Anyway I hope you liked this one
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vodka-redbull-daily · 10 months
November 19th, 2023
*Graphic Sexual Content*
I finally said A---- today.  he has been making a big deal about how he says he's different than everyone else, how he's  going to be such a good teacher, how he's so much better than all these other guys. I was talking about how he would  help me get over J----.  he had me call him for a whole hour the other night. he was one of the guys that was saying that he really didn't want me sleeping around with everyone else, as if that's not what the whole point of that site is. yesterday, he had gotten pretty annoyed cuz I didn't text him all day even though I told him I was going to be out with somebody else. I did actually have a plan to see M-- this morning, but he ended up canceling on me last minute. so, I went out with A---- instead.
 he was kind of demanding and rude. kept saying I was too shy and that I needed to not be shy. I think maybe he was trying to neg me? it was weird and it kept telling me how I  needed to dye my hair black cuz it looks good with my skin tone, how I needed to not get any more tattoos because guys didn't like that, basically everything he thought I should change about myself. I was already pretty annoyed with him I figured I wasn't going to see him after that. don't fucking tell me what to do.
 we went to go to The Cheesecake Factory and he was pretty rude to the waiters. super bossy, super demanding. he also made me do this weird thing where I sucked on his fingers in the parking lot. anyway, we ate some food and he forced me to eat some of his salmon. I mean it was good, but it was kind of weird cuz he kept just piling it on my plate even though I knew I wasn't going to be able to finish my own pasta. I'm never really able to finish food in front of other people. we also got some cheesecake afterwards,  but didn't get to finish. so come I got to take home leftover pasta and leftover cheesecake.
 after that, we went back to his place even though I kind of just wanted to go home. at this point, I could already tell that he wasn't going to pay me. he seemed to be one of those “ I'm going to pay you in experience”  kind of people. sure enough, he just ended up demanding and bossing me around for a little bit before I took off my clothes and we went to the bedroom. there, we proceeded to have some of the worst sex I've ever had. M--- Was pretty bad,  but that was excusable seemings as he's barely had any sex. A---- put on this whole Persona of how amazing he was and how much he knew. maybe he was just blowing smoke.  I mean, he had to be, right?
 I was actually wet when he took off my pants. to be fair, I'm usually wet. but then he went and got paper towels and started wiping me off. it was so weird. that's the point of sex. he literally wiped away all the natural lube.  then, he started rubbing  my clit, was so extremely rough with it. since I just had kind of a wild night with W----  the night before, he was going at it so aggressively that I was painful. anytime I would try and close my legs or push him off, he would super aggressively tear my legs open again. he kept pulling my lips so wide apart, way past where they were supposed to go. it was almost like he was trying to get inside of my clit. it was so weird and so painful and I kept pushing him off because it was so uncomfortable.  he only ever put a finger in me once and I tried to make it very clear how much I like that and he almost immediately stopped.
 the entire time, he was sweating profusely. it wasn't even that warm in the apartment and we were both completely naked. he wasn't even moving that much or doing that much work. I was doing 90% of the work with all that sucking and shit that men  always have me too. he kept grabbing my Fistful of my hair and yanking it so hard, being so painful for no reason. he was sweating so much that when he was leaning over me to finger my clit terribly,  it was dripping down on to me and made a little puddle in my stomach. it smelled so bad. it was so gross.  with how rough he was, how gross it was, how uncomfortable the whole thing was, I was honestly on the verge of telling him to stop or starting to throw fists. I wasn't going to get paid for this terrible experience, he was going to get his own satisfaction and I was just going to be left there annoyed and covered in his nastiness.
 after way too long, and of course too much dick sucking,  he finally put on a condom and tried to actually fuck me. but it didn't work of course because he had wiped away all the natural lube.  I was incredibly dry now cuz he kept wiping me off with paper towels and those latex condoms just wouldn't go in. plus I think he got soft almost as soon as he saw me. maybe he's closeted gay. it was really weird. it obviously wasn't working so he had me suck him again. After a minute, he just decided that we were done.  he said something about wanting to shower and we went over to the bathroom.
 we got in, I rinsed off, then he just started pouring soap on me I started rubbing me up and down. he was still incredibly rough, but at least I was getting all this fucking nasty sweat off me. he kept saying random shit like “ oh I bet you've never had anybody wash you off before”.  first of all, it's kind of weird,  so no people don't normally do that. second one I actually have had somebody do that for me. T---- did that a few times when we were dating. but that was more like reaching my back or for places that I couldn't.  of course, A----  demanded that I wash him as well which obviously turned into more dick sucking because what else do guys want.  this time, he actually came and I swallowed it. which was good, because hopefully that meant that he was fucking done finally. 
He kept asking me if I wanted a towel, but I just got dressed trying to signal that I was ready to go. he spent like a good 10 to 15 minutes in the bathroom doing God knows what. after he came out, he tried to ask me to stay there and watch TV with him, but I was pretty strict about saying I wanted to go home. on the drive home, he asked me if I had a good time and I told him flat out no. maybe a little bit ironically, but that was the loudest  I had said anything to him and it kept telling me to be loud.  he seemed a little bit annoyed,  but it was whatever. it was one of the most horrible experiences of my life.  he dropped me off, told me to text in the next day, then blocked me on everything.
 fucking men. I hate them.
Total Earned: $3,360
Body Count: 15
Dick Pics: 13
Sex Ranking:
M--- (x2)
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kariachi · 2 years
Okay so I wrote this Pern crossover, featuring dragons in the Ben 10 universe and our one and only Beirith.
Here’s some more fic in that universe.
Kevin woke to the already familiar feeling of someone else’s panic in the back of his mind, heaving a sigh before he bothered even to shift position. At three weeks old Beirith had already shown herself to be sweet as sugar, soft as rose petals, and prone to panic. This was, he was sure, part of why she’d bonded to him- what in the galaxy would she ever face that he didn’t find old hat?
‘Kevin! Kevin there’s a thing!’ The image of a small, shiny brown creature sitting on the stairs flashed behind his eyes. Presumably the only reason it hadn’t bolted was because it was as confused as to what she was as the other way around.
‘It’s called a cockroach, Bei. Call Zed, she’ll handle it.’ Kevin’s lack of concern calmed her, though he could damn near feel her shuffling uncertainly in place. After a long moment a small bugle rang through the apartment, followed closely by the slicking of Zed’s claws on the stone floor as she bolted over from wherever she was.
‘She ate it,’ he was informed. ‘Are there more?’
‘Probably,’ he answered. This was the sort of thing that happened when you were forced to abandon your apartment for nearly a month. Bugs tried to get a foothold. ‘We’ll clear them out later today.’
‘Okay…’ Sighing again, though not unfondly, at her apprehension Kevin forced himself to sit up, fumbling for his glasses. A quick glance at his phone said it was nearly noon.
‘It’s nearly lunch, why didn’t you get me up?’ The couch squeaked as one of the two jumped onto it.
‘You were still tired after last night.’ Kevin cringed. Try though he might, there was only so much of his mental health shit and trauma that he could shield someone who was literally attached to his mind from, especially when he was so prone to nightmares. Twice the night before he’d been woken up from shit he couldn’t remember but knew was bad to Beirith dropping as strong a sense of love and safety as she could into his brain.  She couldn’t do anything about his trauma and illnesses, something she was very pouty about, so she had decided the least she could do was try to counter whatever his ‘mean, rotten’ brain threw at him with just how wonderful and beloved she thought he was.
He didn’t know if it was helping, but if it made her feel better it was good enough for him.
‘That doesn’t mean you have to go hungry,’ he threw back before being hit with the realization that she wasn’t. His bottomless pit, who he’d last fed over twelve hours ago, wasn’t hungry. ‘Bei?’
‘There was stuff in the cabinet.’ The image of one of the lower cabinets- which she shouldn’t have been able to get into given the baby locks and her lack of any suitable manipulating appendages- sitting open and devoid of the rice and pasta he kept there flashed behind his eyes. ‘It didn’t taste very good.’
‘No, I suspect it didn’t.’ How? Why? If she could get into the cabinet she could’ve gotten into the fridge where there were plenty of meaty leftovers- a thought he immediately regretted as he felt her file the knowledge away for later. Shaking his head, Kevin threw his legs over the side of the bed and forced himself standing. Hopefully, she wouldn’t get sick off the stuff, though if she was feeling fine…
“You know,” he called out, “when my mom said I’d have a kid just like me someday? I assumed an entirely different situation.”
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Surprise Adoption - Pt 2
Ingo held the crying Dawn in his arms, considering his options. He decided right then and there. She would stay with him and Emmet for the time being.
Word Count: ~1200
The three of them entered the home, swiftly shutting the door behind them and the two Bosses shedding their outer layer, hanging the coats and hats up on their hangers in the closet. They toed off their boots, as well, indicating to Dawn that she could remove her tennis shoes. Then Ingo led her to the spare bedroom in their apartment, as he and Emmet had been sharing a room since his return. Neither of them were truly ready to sleep apart yet. He opened the door to what used to be his room, his clothing still hanging in the closet and his things still strewn on the desk.
“You are welcome to stay in this room. I’ve been occupying Emmet’s room at night anyway, so this one does not get much use currently.” Dawn squeezed his hand.
“Thank you, Uncle Ingo. Really.”
Ingo laid a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. “Of course, young Dawn. The safety of our passengers is of utmost importance” He looked at her, his voice shimmering with warmth. “Are you hungry? Me and Emmet have not eaten and there are some leftovers in the fridge.”
“N-no, I’m okay, thank you though. I think I might just turn in a little early.”
“That is alright. We sleep in the room next door, just come wake me if you need anything. The bathroom is just down the hall. Do you have any changes of clothes?” Dawn revealed a knapsack that Ingo had not noticed slung across her back. “Lovely. If you need anything at all, do not hesitate to ask. We will likely be a few minutes before we rest our cabs ourselves, but we will make sure to be quiet.” Dawn nodded, hugging him tightly again. He hugged her back. Then she detached, bidding him good night as he left the room.
Ingo entered the light of the kitchen, finding Emmet had already heated up two portions of pasta and was shoveling one into his mouth at an alarming speed. “Can you taste it?” Ingo asked as he came over and sat down, earning a dirty look from Emmet.
“I never make fun of how you eat.”
“Because I chew.” They sat in a comfortable silence as the two of them ate their food, the meal quickly gone. Ingo collected their plates, taking them to the sink to wash them. Emmet followed him. He stood close by, not asking any questions. He did not have to.
“Her mother passed away,” Ingo whispered. “Back in Hisui we bonded. She refers to me as her uncle. She showed up on the platform today, crying. She says she has no other family. I told her she was welcome to stay,” Ingo glanced at Emmet, making for 100% sure that was okay. He had not asked ahead of time.
Emmet looked… sympathetic. He nodded solemnly. “She is welcome here. You did not tell me I had a niece,” he grinned softly.
“I did not think it was relevant.” Ingo finished placing the dishes in the dishwasher, closing the appliance. The Rotom inside immediately began the cycle. “I do not know how long she will stay for. I did not want to pressure her. She is such a kind child…” he trailed off. “Dawn blames herself for her mother’s death. She passed due to poisoning from a Pokemon while out looking for her daughter while she was in Hisui. I did my best to reassure her, but I worry I made it worse.”
Emmet grabbed his hand softly. “I am Emmet. I doubt that.” Ingo turned his gaze back on Emmet. “It is still a fresh wound. It will take time.” Emmet’s normally flat tone did not reveal anything, but his face told a different story. There was a reason Ingo slept within reaching distance of Emmet, after all.
“She tucked in early. What will the schedule entail for tomorrow? I am unsure that we should leave her alone tomorrow.”
Emmet rubbed his chin. “We can take a day off. Clean up the room for her. Invite Elesa over. She will likely know what to do.” Ingo nodded. Elesa was much better at the offering-comfort thing than either of the twins. “We should rest our cabs.” Emmet lightly pulled Ingo to their now-shared bedroom, both of them changing clothes and climbing into bed. No sooner had they stilled than Ingo heard a noise. It was coming from Dawn’s room. He and Emmet locked eyes. Emmet could hear it too.
Ingo stood, creeping quietly out of their room, Emmet close by on his heels. He pried the other door open, peeking in. The noise was louder. It was a droning cry, a long, pained sob. Ingo’s heart broke. Emmet laid his hand on his brother’s shoulder, squeezing.
Ingo entered the room, seating himself at the edge of the bed. Emmet stood nearby, just behind Ingo. The bed was shaking with Dawn’s shivering body as she curled in on herself, holding herself in a tight ball as she rocked back and forth, not noticing them. Ingo gently touched her shoulder to see if she registered his touch. No reaction. “Dawn,” he murmured, trying not to scare her. Nothing. Emmet sat next to him as he slowly reached around the girl, pulling her upwards. She did not give any indication that she recognized her body being moved. He pulled her into his lap, holding her head against his chest. He gently rocked back and forth, rubbing his hand along her back. Emmet, at a loss of a way to help, stroked her hair.
She continued crying for a long time, the sobs wracking her small frame. Ingo noted that she weighed much less than the last time he had seen her. That was concerning. He began humming, deep in his chest. It was the tune from Hisui. The four of them sat there like that as the minutes ticked by, allowing Dawn to calm down slowly. Her hiccups quieted down, her shaking slowly subsiding. Ingo continued humming, Emmet slowly combing his hands through her hair, working out the knots. “Are your systems operational now, Dawn?” Ingo asked softly. He got a small whimper in reply.
“Would you like to sleep with us tonight? We can all sleep on the couch together,” Emmet offered. A nod. Ingo stood, Emmet standing with him as he carried Dawn to the main room. Emmet grabbed some blankets from the hall closet, laying them across the floor and along the couch. Ingo laid Dawn in the middle of the couch, taking up a position on her left. Emmet sat to her right. Usually Emmet did not warm up to people this quickly, but Ingo thinks he could understand where he was coming from. Ingo felt a similar urge to ensure the girl was cared for and safe.
The twins ended up laying their heads on one another, Dawn sandwiched between them. The blankets over them kept them cozy until the morning came, tears drying and sleep settling in gently like a second skin over the three of them.
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teddy06writes · 4 years
hi!!! could you maybe do a fic where the reader is recovering from an eating disorder? or suffering from one of you’re comfortable writing that! it can be with anyone :)
Fundy x reader
trigger warnings: a few swears, obviously mentions of eating disorders
premise: Fundy is always there to help you eat, even when it seems impossible
You sighed, listening to the sounds of your boyfriend tinkering around in the kitchen, after hearing that you were having a harder time with eating today Floris insisted on making you dinner.
Oh god, dinner. The thought of a big dinner -which was almost certainly what he was preparing- made your stomach churn and your hands shake. You’d tried eating today, you really had, nearly got almost half a bowl of cereal down at breakfast, and a few grapes around lunch, but you couldn’t get down more than that.
The road of recovery from your disorder was a long and rocky one, and lately it seemed like every little thing was setting you back by miles.
“(y/n)! Dinner’s done!”
Floris’ call pulled you out of your thoughts as you slowly pulled yourself up from your desk chair, wandering out into the kitchen, where he was setting plates out onto the table.
“I made pasta and chicken.” He smiled.
You did your best to smile back, “Thank you babe.”
Sitting down you took a sip of water, you glanced warily at the large plate he’d set at your spot.
He noticed this, trying to smile encouragingly, “I know you were having a hard time- I just kinda wanted to make sure you at least ate a bit.”
You nodded, trying not to let your hands shake as you picked up your fork, pushing the pasta around around plate.
Biting your lip you tried not to notice the way Floris was watching, a sad look in his eyes as you quietly whispered, “I- don’t think I can.”
The smell of the food had your stomach swirling as your boyfriend held up a fork full of food, “Here, I’ll eat first so it’s less scary, yeah?”
You nodded as he took a bite, motioning for you to do the same.
After a deep breath you did, reluctantly putting some of the pasta into your mouth.
He smiled, “See, it’s not that bad.”
You nodded again, forcing yourself to take another bite to mirror him.
It continued on, the two of you back and forth taking bites until your stomach felt like it’d explode from over eating, even though you’d barley had a quarter of the plate.
You took another sip of water, your hands shaking as you set the glass back down, still trying to avoid Floris’ gaze, fearing his judgment.
“Have a little more baby, you’ve gotta eat more.” He tried gently.
You bit your lip, abruptly putting down your fork as tears pricked in your eyes, “I can’t- I can’t do this. I feel like I’m gonna puke cause I ate too much.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay,” Floris was already standing up, moving around the table to pull you into his arms, “You did good, and that’s good.”
You melted into his embrace, tears flowing freely now, “It- it just seems like I’m never gonna get out of this. And- and I know I have too but- but- but I can’t- it’s like my head won’t let me.”
Carefully he shifted so you could both sit on the floor, though you were now more in his lap, murmuring, “It’s gonna be alright. Your gonna get through it, I promise. I mean just look at how far you’ve already gotten, you’re doing so good, a tiny set back doesn’t mean your failing.”
You sniffed, leaning closer to him as he continued, “I can clean this up, and we can have the leftover tomorrow if your up to it, yeah?”
You nodded slowly and Floris got up, quickly taking the plates and moving around to begin putting the food into Tupper ware containers as you began to clear the rest of the table.
He took the glasses from you, “Why don’t you go find a movie to watch? When I’m done we can cuddle.”
You nodded again, shuffling out of his way and out to the living room, pretending not to notice as he quickly started eating the rest of his portion.
Not ten minutes later he was sitting down beside you, pulling you against his chest and asking what movie you’d picked.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled a few minutes later.
“I ruined your dinner.”
“No you didn’t,” He pressed a kiss to the base of your jaw, “You could never ruin anything by doing your best. You couldn’t ruin anything by having a small set back.”
You smiled a little, leaning back against him, maybe things were rough, but you’d always have Floris.
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Can you hear me screaming please don’t leave me
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Summary: Bobby Nash and his niece were always really close. But on one fateful day he and his team were called to her house after her suicide attempt. After saving her his niece decided to go in the same line as work.
“You behaved yourself I’m proud of you.” I said. Buck just glared at me. “Oh come on you know you love me.” I teased.  I looked over to see that Eddie was putting stuff away next to us. Uncle Bobby walked pasted us and patted Eddie on the shoulder. “That was a good call Eddie.” Uncle Bobby said as he passed Eddie. “Thanks cap.” Eddie said as he closed the door to where he was putting stuff away. “Nice job.” Chimney said as he passed us. Buck had closed the door to where we putting stuff away making his way passed Eddie. “Yeah. Good call.” Buck said as he walked past Eddie. “I would give him a little time. I think he’s just not used to another cute guy. I think he feels threaten.” I said. Eddie let out a laugh. “I think you might be right.” Eddie said. “Come on you two.” Uncle Bobby said. “We listen to Cap.” Eddie said. I nodded and made my way over to the other side of the truck where the doors are. Eddie followed me and opened the door for me. “Thanks.” I said giving him a smile as I climbed into the truck. I got back into my same seat I was in when we were on the way here. Buck again glared at me as I took my seat. I gave him a weird look in return. “What?” I asked. “Nothing.” Buck said as he looked away from me. “Okay grumpy gus.” I said rolling my eyes.
The rest of my shift was as normal as it could be. Well according to Uncle Bobby. I changed out of my work and put my street clothes. I grabbed my bag and left they women locker room. As I left the locker room I passed Eddie. “So how did you like your first shift?” Eddie asked. “Pretty tamed to be honest.” I said laughing a little. “Well it won’t always will be like that.” Eddie said. “Yeah every day can’t be like today. I know there will be days were it will be nonstop.” I said. “Well you probably want to head home.” Eddie said. “Well I don’t mind staying and talking for a while. But if you need to get home to Christopher I understand.” I said. “I think I should get home to see Christopher.” Eddie said. “I understand that. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I said giving him a smile. “Yeah see you tomorrow Y/n.” Eddie said. “See you tomorrow.” I said walking away and out of the station to my car. I got my keys out of my purse unlocking my door. I opened the door to my car throwing my bag into the passenger seat along with my purse. I buckled in then put my key into the ignition I turned on my car. I pulled out of the parking lot of the station. I drove back to the house that I recently moved into. Luckily Uncle Bobby and Buck had helped me move in. The house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a decent size kitchen, a living room, a two car garage and a decent size back yard.  I opened my garage door and pulled in and closed my garage door. I turned off my car and pulled the key out of the ignition. I grabbed my bag and purse then opened the car door getting out then closed the door. As I walked closer to the door leading into the house I got hear my dog marshmallow scratching on the door. I unlocked and opened the door. Marshmallow ran up to me jumping on my legs. I laughed and picked her up from the ground. She started licking my face making me laugh. “Alright come on you must be hungry.” I said as I put her back down on the ground. As I walked in the house she was at my heels. I sat down my bag and purse near the door.  I went to go feed and water marshmallow. As she ate I started to fix me something to eat. I pulled my phone from my pocket and unlocked it outing on one of my many playlist then put it on the counter.
I decided to make some pasta. As the water was boiling I started to hum to the music I went to grab the noodles. The music stopped at my phone started to ring. I went over to my phone and sat the noodles down next to my phone. I looked to see who was calling me and it was Buck. I answer it and brought it up to my ear.  “Hey Buck what’s up?” I said. “I just saw my sister naked.” Buck said. “I’m sorry.” I said. “I saw my sister naked. So you know how I’m staying at Abby’s place for the time being.” Buck said. “Yeah.” I said. “Well when I got back. I saw luggage’s and heard the shower. So I thought it was her.” Buck said. “I got I don’t need that image in my head.” I said. Buck started to laugh. “Oh come on you know you want that in your head.” Buck said. “No buck I don’t.” I said laughing a little. “So what are you doing?” Buck asked. “Just making me something to eat.” I said. “Yum what are you making?” Buck asked. “Just pasta.” I said. “Well with Bobby as your Uncle I bet you can every make pasta taste good.” Buck said. “Thanks Buck. So what you going to make?” I asked as I picked up the noodles and went to put them in the water. “I don’t know I might just fix some scrambled eggs.” Buck said. “Who are you talking to Evan?” I heard a female voice say. “Y/n. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Buck said. “Alright Buck I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said. I hung up and smiled as I shook my head. I finished my food and got my food plated I went over to my table as sat it down then I when to get something to drink. When I came back to the table I saw Marshmallow sitting down net to the chair looking up at the table. “Oh no sorry baby you can’t have any.” I said as I sat down. But she continued to look at me. “I’m not giving you any.” I said. Marshmallow let out a huff as she laid down on the floor.
Once I got done I went to take my dirty dishes to the sink then went to go put the leftover food away. After putting the left over away I put the dirty pan into the sink also. I started to play music again as I washed the dirty dishes and then put them in the dishwasher. After I got the dishwasher loaded I went to clean up around the kitchen.
When I got done cleaning up I decided to get some laundry done since I need to get some done. While the load of clothes were going thru the washer I grabbed the laundry basket that had laundry that needed to be folded and brought it into the living room and sat it down next the couch. I sat down and turn on the TV and put some supernatural on. Marshmallow jumped on the couch and lay down next to me as I started to fold what was in the basket.
I finished folding what was in the basket just as when the clothes in the washer needed to be switched over to the dryer. It had taken me a bit longer to fold because I got distracted by supernatural a few times. I switched the clothes over and started another load. I got done with that I walked back into the living room and grabbed some of the clothes. As I was putting my clothes I heard my phone ringing. I rushed over grabbing my phone from the couch to see who was calling me this time. It was Buck again.
“Buck I swear if you tell me about seeing your sister naked I will end you. Okay Bucky bear I will end you.” I said as I answered his call. “Okay you and I both know that you wouldn’t hurt a fly. Besides you’re so tiny. Which is why I’m going to help you get some muscles on those noodle arms of yours.” Buck said. “Okay first of all I don’t have noodle arms their weak nerd arms.” I said. “Okay weak nerd arms then. Bring some workout clothes with you when you come in tomorrow.” Buck said. “Uggg but that sound like hard work. I’m happy with my weak nerd arms. Why must you put me through some much tortured? Here I thought you loved me.” I said. “I do love you. You know that. All I’m say is that a few workouts won’t hurt you. We gotta stay fit in this line of work.” Buck said. “And I’m not fit now? You’re cutting kinda deep there Bucky bear.” I said. “I didn’t mean it like that.” Buck said. “Buck I’m messing with you. With as long has you’ve known me I would have think you be able to tell when I’m messing with you.” I said laughing. “I so knew you were messing with me the whole time.” Buck said laughing too. “Whatever helps you sleep at night Buck.” I said. “So what are you up to?” Buck asked. “Just watching some supernatural and getting caught up with my laundry.” I said. “You’re watching it without me how dare you.” Buck said pretending to act upset. “Clam down I’m watching episodes that we’ve already watched. Beside I’ve watching this for a while now I only just now got you into it.” I said. “And it has ruined my life so thank you.” Buck said. “Hey I tried to warn you.” I said. “It’s getting kinda of late I should probably go to sleep.” Buck said. ‘Yeah I’ll probably wait until I put my last load in the dryer then go to sleep.” I said. “You better.” Buck said. “Yes dad.” I said laughing. “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/n.” Buck said. “See you tomorrow Bucky bear.” I said. “I love you. You know that right?” Buck said. “Yeah I know. I love you two Bucky bear.” I said. “Bye Y/n.” Buck said. “Bye Buck.” I said and hung up.
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Pack it Up
This is something based upon a headcanon that I have about Beth bringing lunch to Rick on a daily basis because she obviously likes stuff like that (she’s usually using food as a way of connecting with her parents when they’re distancing from her, and I see it as one of her love languages and also something that Rick needs, as pointed out in this post.) 
She had seen him do this before. Sometimes, he HAD lunch, but it was… lacking, to say the least, and some days, like today, he had nothing. He used to just vandalize the table or something whenever he didn’t have lunch, or skip and get into trouble at some point before the day was over. Rick had been turning over a new leaf, though and the things that he used to do to cope were no longer “how he is.” 
But, some things he COULDN’T change. That was definitely just two slices of bread and mayo. Like… she’d seen him have lettuce on a bun before. He’d barely eaten it, even though he was probably hungry. He wasn’t a small dude and teenagers had pretty significant appetites. But, he WAS somewhat of a proud dude, and still at times a tad bit… standoffish. She didn’t want to offend him. She didn’t want to presume that he didn’t have money or food or worse, to ASK him and make him mad.
So… she… decided to try to play it smart.
The first time was pretty simple, at least from her POV. She came into the lunchroom, where Yolanda and Rick were already sitting and talking. Court wasn't there yet. And Beth, making sure that she was noticed and heard, laughed as she came to the table. Yolanda jumped, a little startled by the sound and Rick narrowed his eyes, suspiciously, but followed it with a smile and a, "Something funny happen, Beth?" 
She gestured a finger towards her brain and commented, "Just realized that I left the house with TWO full lunches today!" She laughed more than was necessary and now Rick and Yolanda both looked at each other, u sure of where Beth was going with this. "I mean, what am I gonna do with an ENTIRE extra lunch? I can't eat them both."
"You can bring one home," Yolanda suggested, at the same time that Rick said,
"Just eat it later."
"OR!" she cut them off and pulled out the plastic container, "Rick… you look like you packed a light lunch today."
"I didn't pack lunch today."
"Well, what do you know. Maybe the universe DOES help things sometimes, because I very accidentally packed an extra one, as we've established!" She cheered and excitedly slid him a plastic container. Yolanda was still confused. Rick just shrugged and accepted. 
Beth felt good. In her mind, that went well. She didn't even notice the looks that Yolanda and Rick exchanged to indicate that she was being totally odd. 
Rick ate pretty eagerly and Beth felt proud of herself. He had needed that. She was sure of it. He hardly breathed as he shoved pasta salad and broiled chicken into his mouth. When he did stop to breathe, he put a hand over his belly, seemingly satisfied and offered her a smile as he picked up the dish to go clean it out and bring it back.
The next time… she thought it would be too much if she tried for the next day, which she ultimately hated, because he didn't have lunch again and he laid his head in his arms on the table while she couldn't make herself enjoy her own lunch and Yolanda and Courtney didn't seem to even… notice. But Yolanda DID ask, "You okay, Beth?" To which, Rick looked up, head still on his arms and Beth turned from him, sadly.
"Yeah. Just… not much of an appetite, I guess." She pushed her food to the center of the table, "if anybody wants this, I can get the container later. Gonna hit the library." 
Rick sat up and looked at the other girls before pulling it in his direction, with a shrug of his shoulders.
Yolanda and Courtney gave each other knowing smiles, but then glanced at Beth's back as she left the cafeteria. "Okay, so like… she's definitely feeding him on purpose, right?" Courtney asked.
"Absolutely," Yolanda said. 
"Why doesn't she just say that?"
"Probably worried that Grumpy's gonna be a meanie about it." 
"What?" Rick asked when he saw the two of them looking. "You want some?" 
"No," Yolanda said, laughing. 
Courtney texted Beth, "Hope you feel better soon. He ate it ALL." 
Beth smiled when she saw the message. At least one of them did. The next day, she'd be more prepared! She had a big breakfast and she packed a big lunch. Just ONE day of being hungry was far too much for her, and there was no way that she was gonna leave her friend in that condition again, even if it was just for a day. 
He had one of those struggle sandwiches. A bun with a slice of cheese. He didn't even have a drink! "Boy, oh boy!" She started. Yolanda snorted and buried her face in her hoodie. Rick looked exhausted already. "I guess not having lunch yesterday made me big eyed this morning. I had SUCH a big breakfast, I'm barely hungry today. If anybody wants some of this casserole, I definitely can't eat all of this myself." She was only looking at Rick and he stared back at her, incredulously.
"Is… that an entire casserole?" Yolanda asked, on the verge of tears from stifling her laughter.
"What? No! I mean… it's very close. Neither of my parents were home last night, so it's… like… I had like two helpings and this is the rest, so like… a whole casserole...ish…" Yolanda got up, "I have to pee…" she was snickering and practically cackled as she stopped to chat with Courtney on her way out.
"She's in a joyous mood today!" Beth said, turning back towards Rick. "Soooo… want… some?" 
He eyed her and she felt her core warming up. Was he suspicious? Was he about to call her bluff? Call her out? Go off on her? "If you had a large breakfast, why did you bring so much? This container is twice as big as the ones you usually pack."
"Oh! I… didn't plan on eating so much this morning and I just took the whole leftover container with me, since they let me use the appliances in the lounge… so… I didn't prep my lunch. I just grabbed the container and left…" he saw that she was nervous. He also knew, for sure, at this point that she was definitely lying.
But, he just said, "Okay." She split the container down the middle and passed him an extra fork. An extra fork from her bag. He didn't bother with why she had it. It was clear to him, by now. She'd been doing this all week long. 
Courtney and Yolanda came to the table together and Court exchanged glances with Rick, who rolled his eyes and looked back at his food. Beth was watching him. That's what she did when he ate. She watched him and felt better, knowing that he had at least one decent meal for the day. Whenever he'd glance at her, she'd smile and look down. 
"Yolanda, can I have some of your milk?" He asked. 
She handed it over, "Finish it," she said with a shrug. 
Beth made a mental note to remember to bring him a drink tomorrow. The last few swallows of a pint of milk was… not ideal.
They were all three at the table whenever she showed up the next day. Courtney and Yolanda perked up when she arrived while Rick slumped a little. She noticed, but she decided to presume that had nothing to do with her.
"Ohhhh, that looks appetizing," she said towards the trays that Yolanda and Courtney had. Yolanda's face said it all, but still, Beth persisted. "I may just skip my sandwich and go buy a tray today. Rick do you want a sand.."
"You've GOTTA stop this," he said, shaking his head and sitting up. "Beth, I'm not stupid. I know what you're doing. EVERYBODY here knows what you're doing!" Yolanda and Courtney looked nervous and a little sad as Beth sank into the seat, obviously feeling defeated. Rick smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you. I appreciate it. Just PLEASE stop with the lies, you're terrible at it." Beth laughed and covered her face with a hand. "You're honestly like… the worst liar here." Yolanda nodded, laughing too. 
"I thought you'd be insulted if I mom-friended you at lunch, everyday. I didn't want to insult you."
"I'm not insulted. It's actually pretty sweet, but I mean… that's who you are. We're friends. There's no need to lie to me. And why would I turn down free meals? Especially good ones. Like, you never miss. What are we having today? Or… I mean, I'll take the tray if you were gonna buy a…"
"I was gonna buy one to keep my cover, but I absolutely have an additional lunch in my bag." They laughed and she pulled them out, "We've got pot roast sandwiches with side salads and a bought juice so you don't have to hydrate with Yolanda's milk backwash." She pulled out a carafe of juice and a cup. "I only have one cup, so you can have it and I'll… drink out of this…" she stared at the carafe and frowned.
"Would you feel better if you had the cup?"
"I really would. Drinking out of this thing seems very improper." He laughed and accepted the container, filling her cup as much as possible and pouring juice into his own mouth whenever he did drink, in case she wanted more in a little bit.
It was SO MUCH EASIER to just pack two lunches with no excuses and slide him one when she arrived in the cafeteria. And, everything went back to flowing smoothly without her trying to figure out an excuse. Yolanda and Courtney still gave the two of them looks that Beth didn't quite comprehend, though. Sometimes, Rick would notice and throw them an expression of his own that she couldn't quite place, either. They'd always look away, but with knowing smiles. Great. What the heck was it that they all seemed to know that she didn't THIS time? 
The looks she didn't notice - all those soft ones from Rick, when she wasn't paying attention. But the other girls noticed. They sure did.
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80srichie · 3 years
just a bet, part 9
30 days remaining
Richie woke up to his phone ringing with a start. It was Eddie calling him. He missed the answer button a few times since he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Hello?”
“Richie! Good morning.” Eddie was talking cheerfully.
“What time is it?” Richie asked, rolling over on his bed to grab his glasses off his nightstand.
“11 A.M.” Eddie replied, then paused. “Did I wake you?”
Richie snickered a little. “Yes.”
“Well, good, you should be up anyway. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? My mom is visiting her sister.”
Richie paused for a moment, stretching out his arms and legs. “Well, toots, I’d be delighted.”
Eddie laughed a little. “Okay, well, get over here after you shower and all that. Please brush your teeth, Rich.”
Richie pouted, even though Eddie couldn’t see him. “Are you implying my breath stinks?”
Eddie laughed again. “Yes. See you soon.”
Richie heard the telltale beeps of an ended call and he put his phone down. He stretched again, finally standing up out of bed. He grabbed a new pair of boxers and headed into the bathroom to shower. Richie more than thoroughly washed his body, purely for the sake of Eddie, and brushed his teeth afterward. He threw on a shirt and some pants, not bothering to make his hair look presentable. He was out the door within the hour Eddie called him.
When Richie arrived, Eddie had already opened the door and was ushering him inside. Eddie seemed very upbeat and excited. “What’s going on with you, huh? Excited to see me or something?” Richie teased.
Eddie smiled. “You could say that. I was making lunch and I got a perfect idea and you get to taste test it!”
Richie raised his eyebrows. “Oh, really? You can’t taste it yourself?”
Eddie frowned a little. “I can! I just want another opinion, asshole.”
Richie smiled, nudging him with his shoulder and bringing him close to him. “I will try anything you make for me, Eds.” He paused, “even your.. bodily fluids…”
Eddie shoved Richie off of him. “You are disgusting and I hate you. I thought you were being sweet.”
Richie scoffed, feigning hurt. “I was Eddie Spaghetti. That was endearing.”
Eddie made a face. “Your definition of endearing is very wrong.” He turned back to the stove, grabbing a wooden spoon and stirring something in a metal pot. “Anyway, come here. I want you to try this.”
Richie leaned over Eddie to peer into the pot, a red sauce lightly simmering. Richie took the wooden spoon from him and sipped a little sauce off the utensil. It was a sweet and spicy tomato sauce. “That’s good, Eds! What is it for?”
Eddie smiled and took the lid and placed it back on the pot, turning the heat on the stovetop down. “Ironically, spaghetti. Unless you’d rather have a rotini or penne pasta, that’s an option too. I didn’t know what pasta shape you liked but thinking about it now, it probably would be something like a bowtie.”
Richie chuckled. “I appreciate the consideration you took into my pasta shape preference, but honestly, I’ll eat anything.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “I know that Richie, you eat everything. I just want you to actually like it.” He put another pot on the stove with water in it, turning on the other stovetop to boil the water.
Richie smiled, feeling his heart swell with affection. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He paused for a few moments, before continuing. “Of food poisoning, of course.”
Eddie groaned as he put the box of spaghetti noodles on the counter to await the other pot to boil. “You can’t just compliment me normally, can you?” He turned, staring at Richie with a small grin on his lips. “You’re the worst.”
Richie smiled widely, reaching forward and pulling Eddie towards him by his hips. Their height difference was clearer this way and it was Richie’s favorite. Being able to look down on Eddie and see his innocent brown eyes stare back up at him - it was heavenly. “Eddie…” He started, wetting his strangely dry lips. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie bit his bottom lip to cry and contain the smile that yeared to appear. “Depends, did you brush your teeth as I asked?”
Richie chuckled, already leaning down to meet Eddie halfway, mumbling out a yes that was muffled by their lips connecting. They fit together seamlessly. Both of them had wordlessly learned each other’s favorite ways to kiss and it never ceased to amaze Richie just how easily their lips fit together. Their first kiss was messy and off-kilter, but every one after that continued to get better and better.
Eddie pulled back after a moment, staring up into Richie’s eyes before taking his hand and sliding it up the back of his neck. Eddie’s hand tangled into Richie’s unruly curls and gently tugged, pulling him back down for a deeper kiss. Eddie had gotten increasingly more forward as time went on and as they both got more comfortable with each other. Richie loved it.
The two of them spent a good few minutes kissing before Eddie, lips a bit swollen, pulled back and detached himself from Richie. “I have to put the pasta in the water.”
Richie made a noise of dissatisfaction but let him go, watching as he dumped the entire box of noodles into the now boiling water. The meal itself was done not soon after, two bowls of perfectly sauced and portioned spaghetti sitting in front of the both of them. They ate in comfortable silence before Richie spoke up. “Hey, Eds, I have a game tomorrow. You’re coming, right?”
Eddie smiled softly, wiping off his mouth with his napkin and setting his fork in his empty bowl. “If you’d like me to.”
Richie nodded. “Of course, I love seeing you in the stands. I always play better knowing a hot guy is watching me.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes and stood, picking up his bowl and taking Richie’s as well.
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” Richie protested.
Eddie laughed a bit. “I know, dickhead. I’ll put the leftovers in a container but my Mom will be home soon, so…” He trailed off, letting Richie fill in the rest on his own. He watched as Eddie put the extra spaghetti in a Tupperware and closed the lid, handing it back when he was done.
Richie took it from him with a smile. “You’re practically my perfect housewife. House… husband?”
Eddie blinked at him, intentionally not playing into his joke. “Uh-huh... Okay, bye, Rich.” He ushered him to the front door and left him outside with a peck to his lips. Once Richie got home, he checked his phone for the first time since that morning and noticed he had multiple texts from Stan, as well as a missed call. He pushed Stan’s number and held it up to his ear. It only rang a few times before Stan picked up with a sigh. “Why didn’t you answer my texts?”
Richie shrugged, laying down on his back on his bed. “I was with Eddie. Why? What’s going on?”
Stan paused for a few seconds. “I wanted to talk about Eddie, actually.”
Richie sat up, looking at the ground in confusion. “Why?” He could hear Stan talking to someone in the background, as well as some shuffling before Stan spoke again.
“I think this has gone too far. The bet.”
Richie scoffed. “I did try to say that like, a month ago, Stan. Why are you bringing it up now?”
Stan sighed again. “You’re going to hurt him if you continue with this and you know it. It’s not fair to him, or you, for that matter.”
Richie took a moment to process what Stan was saying. “Stan, I don’t know if I haven’t made it clear enough, but I like him for real. Like, seriously, genuinely have feelings for him.” The line was uncomfortably silent. “Stan?”
“Okay. How are you going to tell him why you went after him in the first place?”
Richie frowned. “I don’t fuckin’ know! Unless you have an idea, I have no intention of telling him until it’s on my deathbed.”
Stan exhaled dejectedly. “You have to at some point.” He pointed out.
“I know,” Richie groaned. “I know and I will, so, just let me deal with it. Why did you call me anyway?”
Stan clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “No reason, I suppose. Is he going to be at the game tomorrow?”
“Okay,” Stan said and took a few beats before continuing. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” Without another word, Stan hung up the phone, the line going to dead static on Richie’s end. He pulled the phone back from his ear and stared at the screen, frowning.
The night of Richie’s soccer game was uncharacteristically chilly, most patrons wearing hoodies or light jackets to cover themselves from the cold. It was nearing the end of Fall and the Fall soccer season, so Eddie came prepared. He stood among the rest of the audience in the stands, his hands balled up inside the sleeves of his hoodie and tucked into the front pocket to keep warm. He was rocking back and forth on his heels, watching the soccer game in front of him. Since he had started dating Richie, the rules of soccer started to make more sense. He could easily name the different positions and even knew some of the penalties and why they were called. Half-time had just been called when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder. Eddie turned, a bit startled. “Oh, sorry, hi, Bill. You scared me.”
Bill offered him a friendly smile. “H-Hey, Eddie, can we talk real quick?” He jutted his thumb over his shoulder to a grassy area beside the bleachers that was mostly empty, apart from a man and his dog.
Eddie glanced back at the game and nodded. “Yeah, sure, I just wanna get back before the game starts back up.”
Bill nodded in agreement, leading Eddie down to the area he had pointed to, the man and his dog moved on from the area, leaving the two of them alone. “So, um, what’s up?” Eddie asked, bouncing on his feet to keep himself warm.
Bill wrung his hands together anxiously and Eddie waited patiently with a confused smile on his face. “You okay?” He eventually asked.
Bill nodded. “Yeah, I juh-just don’t know how to p-phrase it.” He let out a long sigh before talking again. “I… I like you, E-Eddie.”
Eddie’s friendly smile dropped from his face, hating the way his stomach clenched uncomfortably. “Um…”
Bill continued before Eddie had the chance to talk. “I h-have for a good wh-while, too.”
Eddie managed to crack an uneasy grin. “Uh, Bill…” He laughed awkwardly. “You... Why are you telling me this?”
Bill frowned. “Because I wa-wanted you to know, a-and I think y-you deserve better than Richie.”
It was Eddie’s turn to frown now. “I don’t think you have a say in that.” He mumbled, taking a step back towards the stands. “If that’s all, I’m going to-”
“Wait!” Bill reached out, grabbing Eddie’s arm.
Eddie gently pulled back from his touch. “Sorry, Bill, I have to get back to wa-”
Bill grimaced. “No! There’s something you need to know.” When Eddie made no move to leave, Bill sighed and spoke. “Richie never liked you.”
Eddie laughed. “Okay, Bill, seriously? We have been together for a good few weeks, I would know if-”
“He’s dating you because of a bet, Eddie!” Bill exploded. “It was Beverly’s idea and Stan knows about it too - He hasn’t told you yet because you guys haven’t slept together and that was part of the deal.”
Eddie’s movements faltered, his body growing colder as Bill spoke. “What?” He asked, shaking his head. “No, you’re making that up. He told me the bet Beverly was talking about had to-”
“-do with Stan. He lied. She was talking about you, Eddie, she always was. Richie’s been lying.”
Eddie let out a shaky breath, turning his back to Bill and facing the field. He could see Richie jogging towards them and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “No… You have to be lying.”
Richie approached them, smiling at Eddie. His smile faltered, though, when he saw the look on his face. “Eds? Bill? What’s going on?”
Eddie felt his tears prick with tears. “Tell me he’s lying, Richie. Tell me right now.”
Richie was alarmed. “Lying about what?” He turned to Bill. “What did you tell him?” He demanded.
Bill stood his ground. “The truth.”
Eddie was staring at Richie, his eyes burning from oncoming tears. “Did you date me… Are you dating me, for a fucking bet, Richie? You told me Beverly was talking about you and Stan.”
Richie’s face fell, his heart twisting painfully in his chest. “Eds-”
“Tell me!” Eddie cried, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Richie’s jersey and shaking him a bit. “Tell me right now.”
Richie could feel his entire life fading in front of him. “You have to let me explain.”
Eddie abruptly dropped his hold on Richie’s jersey and took a step back, tears finally finding their way out of Eddie’s eyes and rolling down his cheeks. “You promised me, Richie.”
Richie tried to close the gap between them, but Eddie pushed him away. “Don’t!”
Richie couldn’t breathe, his world was spinning anxiously around him. He felt like he could get sick right here. “Eddie, please, let me explain. It will make sense, I promise, none of this was fake!”
Eddie scoffed, using his sleeve to wipe away the tears pilling under his eyelashes. “You’re so full of shit. I can’t believe I trusted you, you stupid fucking asshole.” Eddie’s voice was laced with malice and regret; It made Richie’s heart hurt more. Bill made a move towards Eddie, and he backed up from him as well. “I don’t want to fucking talk to you, either.” He threatened, sniffing and glaring at Richie. “If it wasn’t clear, do not ever fucking call me, text me, speak to me again.” With that, Eddie was gone, disappearing around the backside of the bleachers and into the poorly lit school parking lot.
Richie stood there, shocked and heartbroken, before turning to Bill. “What the fuck did you do?” He asked angrily, moving towards him.
“I-I told him the truth!” Bill said, backing up a bit. “He d-deserves better than you, R-Richie, and you know it!”
Richie pushed Bill harshly by his shoulders. It all clicked. “Oh, and you’re much better?” He pushed him again, Bill falling into the wired fence behind him. “You are a selfish fucking prick, Denbrough, and I’ll make sure everyone fucking knows.”
Bill stood there, leaning against the fence. “Everyone already thinks you are, Richie.” He said, pushing past him to leave, heading the same way Eddie had gone.
Richie stood alone in the grassy area, attempting to calm his rapid thoughts of anger. Bill told Eddie and Eddie believed him and now he was gone. Richie knew he needed to tell Eddie himself but he couldn’t find any time that would have gone better.
Someone approached Richie from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Richie?” It was Stan.
Richie pulled away from his touch. “It was your idea, wasn’t it?”
Stan blinked in surprise. “What?”
“Bill telling Eddie! It was you, wasn’t it? You put the thought in Bill’s head so he would end this stupid bet!”
Stan frowned. “Bill did what? Eddie knows?”
“Yes!” Richie cried. “Eddie fucking knows! Do you see him here, Stan, huh?”
Stan grimaced at Richie’s yelling. “I didn’t tell Bill to do anything. He had a crush on Eddie-”
“Isn’t that fucking sweet,” Richie mumbled, moving past Stan to chase after Eddie. He was going to make things right, he was going to explain himself.
“What about the game?” Stan asked and Richie nearly exploded.
“I don’t give a fuck about anything but Eddie right now, Stan! Isn’t that obvious?”
Stan nodded his head. “Just tell the truth. Tell him how you’ve always felt, Richie, he needs words.”
Richie stared at him for a few beats, before turning to walk away without another word.
30 days remaining
Richie woke up to his phone ringing with a start. It was Eddie calling him. He missed the answer button a few times since he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Hello?”
“Richie! Good morning.” Eddie was talking cheerfully.
“What time is it?” Richie asked, rolling over on his bed to grab his glasses off his nightstand.
“11 A.M.” Eddie replied, then paused. “Did I wake you?”
Richie snickered a little. “Yes.”
“Well, good, you should be up anyway. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? My mom is visiting her sister.”
Richie paused for a moment, stretching out his arms and legs. “Well, toots, I’d be delighted.”
Eddie laughed a little. “Okay, well, get over here after you shower and all that. Please brush your teeth, Rich.”
Richie pouted, even though Eddie couldn’t see him. “Are you implying my breath stinks?”
Eddie laughed again. “Yes. See you soon.” 
Richie heard the telltale beeps of an ended call and he put his phone down. He stretched again, finally standing up out of bed. He grabbed a new pair of boxers and headed into the bathroom to shower. Richie more than thoroughly washed his body, purely for the sake of Eddie, and brushed his teeth afterwards. He threw on a shirt and some pants, not bothering to make his hair look presentable. He was out the door within the hour Eddie called him.
When Richie arrived, Eddie had already opened the door and was ushering him inside. Eddie seemed very up-beat and excited. “What’s going on with you, huh? Excited to see me or something?” Richie teased.
Eddie smiled. “You could say that. I was making lunch and I got the perfect idea and you get to taste test it!”
Richie raised his eyebrows. “Oh, really? You can’t taste it yourself?”
Eddie frowned a little. “I can! I just want another opinion, asshole.”
Richie smiled, nudging him with his shoulder and bringing him close to him. “I will try anything you make for me, Eds.” He paused, “even your.. bodily fluids…”
Eddie shoved Richie off of him. “You are disgusting and I hate you. I thought you were being sweet.”
Richie scoffed, feigning hurt. “I was Eddie Spaghetti. That was endearing.”
Eddie made a face. “Your definition of endearing is very wrong.” He turned back to the stove, grabbing a wooden spoon and stirring something in a metal pot. “Anyway, come here. I want you to try this.”
Richie leaned over Eddie to peer into the pot, a red sauce lightly simmering. Richie took the wooden spoon from him and sipped a little sauce off the utensil. It was a sweet and spicy tomato sauce. “That’s good, Eds! What is it for?”
Eddie smiled and took the lid and placed it back on the pot, turning the heat on the stovetop down. “Ironically, spaghetti. Unless you’d rather have a rotini or penne pasta, that’s an option too. I didn’t know what pasta shape you liked, but thinking about it now, it probably would be something like a bowtie.”
Richie chuckled. “I appreciate the consideration you took into my pasta shape preference, but honestly, I’ll eat anything.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “I know that, Richie, you eat everything. I just want you to actually like it.” He put another pot on the stove with water in it, turning on the other stovetop to boil the water. 
Richie smiled, feeling his heart swell with affection. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He paused for a few moments, before continuing. “Of food poisoning, of course.”
Eddie groaned as he put the box of spaghetti noodles on the counter to await the other pot to boil. “You can’t just compliment me normally, can you?” He turned, staring at Richie with a small grin on his lips. “You’re the worst.”
Richie smiled widely, reaching forward and pulling Eddie towards him by his hips. Their height difference was clearer this way and it was Richie’s favorite. Being able to look down on Eddie and see his innocent brown eyes stare back up at him - it was heavenly. “Eddie…” He started, wetting his strangely dry lips. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie bit his bottom lip to cry and contain the smile that yeared to appear. “Depends, did you brush your teeth like I asked?”
Richie chuckled, already leaning down to meet Eddie halfway, mumbling out a yes that was muffled by their lips connecting. They fit together seamlessly. Both of them had wordlessly learned each other’s favorite ways to kiss and it never ceased to amaze Richie just how easily their lips fit together. Their first kiss was messy and off-kilter, but every one after that continued to get better and better.
Eddie pulled back after a moment, staring up into Richie’s eyes before taking his hand and sliding it up the back of his neck. Eddie’s hand tangled into Richie’s unruly curls and gently tugged, pulling him back down for a deeper kiss. Eddie had gotten increasingly more forward as time went on and as they both got more comfortable with each other. Richie loved it.
The two of them spent a good few minutes kissing before Eddie, lips a bit swollen, pulled back and detached himself from Richie. “I have to put the pasta in the water.” 
Richie made a noise of dissatisfaction but let him go, watching as he dumped the entire box of noodles into the now boiling water. The meal itself was done not soon after, two bowls of perfectly sauced and portioned spaghetti sitting in front of the both of them. They ate in a comfortable silence, before Richie spoke up. “Hey, Eds, I have a game tomorrow. You’re coming, right?”
Eddie smiled softly, wiping off his mouth with his napkin and setting his fork in his empty bowl. “If you’d like me to.”
Richie nodded. “Of course, I love seeing you in the stands. I always play better knowing a hot guy is watching me.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes and stood, picking up his bowl and taking Richie’s as well.
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” Richie protested.
Eddie laughed a bit. “I know, dickhead. I’ll put the leftovers in a container but my Mom will be home soon, so…” He trailed off, letting Richie fill in the rest on his own. He watched as Eddie put the extra spaghetti in a Tupperware and closed the lid, handing it back when he was done.
Richie took it from him with a smile. “You’re practically my perfect housewife. House… husband?”
Eddie blinked at him, intentionally not playing into his joke. “Uh huh.. Okay, bye, Rich.” He ushered him to the front door and left him outside with a peck to his lips. Once Richie got home, he checked his phone for the first time since that morning and noticed he had multiple texts from Stan, as well as a missed call. He pushed Stan’s number and held it up to his ear. It only rang a few times before Stan picked up with a sigh. “Why didn’t you answer my texts?”
Richie shrugged, laying down on his back on his bed. “I was with Eddie. Why? What’s going on?”
Stan paused for a few seconds. “I wanted to talk about Eddie, actually.”
Richie sat up, looking at the ground in confusion. “Why?” He could hear Stan talking to someone in the background, as well as some shuffling, before Stan spoke again.
“I think this has gone too far. The bet.”
Richie scoffed. “I did try to say that like, a month ago, Stan. Why are you bringing it up now?”
Stan sighed again. “You’re going to hurt him if you continue with this and you know it. It’s not fair to him, or you, for that matter.”
Richie took a moment to process what Stan was saying. “Stan, I don’t know if I haven’t made it clear enough, but I like him for real. Like, seriously, genuinely have feelings for him.” The line was uncomfortably silent. “Stan?”
“Okay. How are you going to tell him why you went after him in the first place?”
Richie frowned. “I don’t fuckin’ know! Unless you have an idea, I have no intention of telling him until it’s on my deathbed.”
Stan exhaled dejectedly. “You have to at some point.” He pointed out.
“I know,” Richie groaned. “I know and I will, so, just let me deal with it. Why did you call me anyways?”
Stan clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “No reason, I suppose. Is he going to be at the game tomorrow?”
“Okay.” Stan said and took a few beats before continuing. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” Without another word, Stan hung up the phone, the line going to dead static on Richie’s end. He pulled the phone back from his ear and stared at the screen, frowning. 
The night of Richie’s soccer game was uncharacteristically chilly, most patrons wearing hoodies or light jackets to cover themselves from the cold. It was nearing the end of Fall and the Fall soccer season, so Eddie came prepared. He stood among the rest of the audience in the stands, his hands balled up inside the sleeves of his hoodie and tucked into the front pocket to keep warm. He was rocking back and forth on his heels, watching the soccer game in front of him. Since he had started dating Richie, the rules of soccer started to make more sense. He could easily name the different positions and even knew some of the penalties and why they were called. Half-time had just been called when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder. Eddie turned, a bit startled. “Oh, sorry, hi, Bill. You scared me.”
Bill offered him a friendly smile. “H-Hey, Eddie, can we talk really quick?” He jutted his thumb over his shoulder to a grassy area beside the bleachers that was mostly empty, apart from a man and his dog. 
Eddie glanced back at the game and nodded. “Yeah, sure, I just wanna get back before the game starts back up.”
Bill nodded in agreement, leading Eddie down to the area he had pointed to, the man and his dog moved on from the area, leaving the two of them alone. “So, um, what’s up?” Eddie asked, bouncing on his feet to keep himself warm.
Bill wrung his hands together anxiously and Eddie waited patiently with a confused smile on his face. “You okay?” He eventually asked.
Bill nodded. “Yeah, I juh-just don’t know how to p-phrase it.” He let out a long sigh before talking again. “I… I like you, E-Eddie.”
Eddie’s friendly smile dropped from his face, hating the way his stomach clenched uncomfortably. “Um…”
Bill continued before Eddie had the chance to talk. “I h-have for a good wh-while, too.”
Eddie managed to crack an uneasy grin. “Uh, Bill…” He laughed awkwardly. “You.. Why are you telling me this?”
Bill frowned. “Because I wa-wanted you to know, a-and I think y-you deserve better than Richie.”
It was Eddie’s turn to frown now. “I don’t think you have a say in that.” He mumbled, taking a step back towards the stands. “If that’s all, I’m going to-”
“Wait!” Bill reached out, grabbing Eddie’s arm. 
Eddie gently pulled back from his touch. “Sorry, Bill, I have to get back to wa-”
Bill grimaced. “No! There’s something you need to know.” When Eddie made no move to leave, Bill sighed and spoke. “Richie never liked you.”
Eddie laughed. “Okay, Bill, seriously? We have been together for a good few weeks, I would know if-”
“He’s dating you because of a bet, Eddie!” Bill exploded. “It was Beverly’s idea and Stan knows about it too - He hasn’t told you yet because you guys haven’t slept together and that was part of the deal.”
Eddie’s movements faltered, his body growing colder as Bill spoke. “What?” He asked, shaking his head. “No, you’re making that up. He told me the bet Beverly was talking about had to-”
“-do with Stan. He lied. She was talking about you, Eddie, she always was. Richie’s been lying.”
Eddie let out a shaky breath, turning his back to Bill and facing the field. He could see Richie jogging towards them and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “No… You have to be lying.” 
Richie approached them, smiling at Eddie. His smile faltered, though, when he saw the look on his face. “Eds? Bill? What’s going on?”
Eddie felt his tears prick with tears. “Tell me he’s lying, Richie. Tell me right now.”
Richie was alarmed. “Lying about what?” He turned to Bill. “What did you tell him?” He demanded.
Bill stood his ground. “The truth.”
Eddie was staring at Richie, his eyes burning from oncoming tears. “Did you date me… Are you dating me, for a fucking bet, Richie? You told me Beverly was talking about you and Stan.”
Richie’s face fell, his heart twisting painfully in his chest. “Eds-”
“Tell me!” Eddie cried, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Richie’s jersey and shaking him a bit. “Tell me right now.”
Richie could feel his entire life fading in front of him. “You have to let me explain.” 
Eddie abruptly dropped his hold on Richie’s jersey and took a step back, tears finally finding their way out of Eddie’s eyes and rolling down his cheeks. “You promised me, Richie.”
Richie tried to close the gap between them, but Eddie pushed him away. “Don’t!”
Richie couldn’t breathe, his world was spinning anxiously around him. He felt like he could get sick right here. “Eddie, please, let me explain. It will make sense, I promise, none of this was fake!”
Eddie scoffed, using his sleeve to wipe away the tears pilling under his eyelashes. “You’re so full of shit. I can’t believe I trusted you, you stupid fucking asshole.” Eddie’s voice was laced with malice and regret; It made Richie’s heart hurt more. Bill made a move towards Eddie, and he backed up from him as well. “I don’t want to fucking talk to you, either.” He threatened, sniffing and glaring at Richie. “If it wasn’t clear, do not ever fucking call me, text me, speak to me again.” With that, Eddie was gone, disappearing around the backside of the bleachers and into the poorly lit school parking lot. 
Richie stood there, shocked and heart-broken, before turning to Bill. “What the fuck did you do?” He asked angrily, moving towards him.
“I-I told him the truth!” Bill said, backing up a bit. “He d-deserves better than you, R-Richie, and you know it!”
Richie pushed Bill harshly by his shoulders. It all clicked. “Oh, and you’re much better?” He pushed him again, Bill falling into the wired fence behind him. “You are a selfish fucking prick, Denbrough, and I’ll make sure everyone fucking knows.”
Bill stood there, leaning against the fence. “Everyone already thinks you are, Richie.” He said, pushing past him to leave, heading the same way Eddie had gone.
Richie stood alone in the grassy area, attempting to calm his rapid thoughts of anger. Bill told Eddie and Eddie believed him and now he was gone. Richie knew he needed to tell Eddie himself but he couldn’t find any time that would have gone better.
Someone approached Richie from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Richie?” It was Stan.
Richie pulled away from his touch. “It was your idea, wasn’t it?”
Stan blinked in surprise. “What?”
“Bill telling Eddie! It was you, wasn’t it? You put the thought in Bill’s head so he would end this stupid bet!”
Stan frowned. “Bill did what? Eddie knows?”
“Yes!” Richie cried. “Eddie fucking knows! Do you see him here, Stan, huh?”
Stan grimaced at Richie’s yelling. “I didn’t tell Bill to do anything. He had a crush on Eddie-”
“Isn’t that fucking sweet.” Richie mumbled, moving past Stan to chase after Eddie. He was going to make things right, he was going to explain himself.
“What about the game?” Stan asked and Richie nearly exploded.
“I don’t give a fuck about anything but Eddie right now, Stan! Isn’t that obvious?”
Stan nodded his head. “Just tell the truth. Tell him how you’ve always felt, Richie, he needs words.”
Richie stared at him for a few beats, before turning to walk away without another word. 
hi all!
I'm not dead and i clearly have been rusty with writing reddie specifically, is it as obvious as it feels?
I do intend to finish this fic at some point in the near future. writing this chapter was not as bad as I imagined it would be. i was terribly afraid of how out of my element with these characters I was - but I went back and watched the movie and re-read some of the previous chapters and felt like I could give it a go. i hope to be able to wrap this monster up in one more chapter, so be on the lookout for that. for those of you who have stuck around and are reading this - I love you. thank you for your continued support. this fic was my baby and I intend to have a finished product that I'm at least happy with the last 20% of it. also, if any of you are into anime, I have a separate ao3 account under the name kenmqs so be sure to visit me there.
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chubbyhl · 3 years
Vault Fic #2 - The First Stuffing
Hi all -- my girlfriend suggested I post another installment of the “vault fic” aka the feedee Louis fic I started writing a year ago and never finished or showed anyone, but people seem to dig it now. I got some suggestions from awhile back to post more content from it, and people seemed to really like the idea of Louis’s first stuffing, so here you are! A nice long one. Happy Chubby Friday, and enjoy! Please note - this is a feederism centric fic. It won’t be for everyone. Also contains some unrealistic eating for entertainment purposes, don’t try this at home lol. 
“I forgot if you put this on your list, but this one my favorite recipes to make,” Harry said. He pulled on two oven mitts and then kneeled down, grabbing the hot dish and pulling it out. He set it on the stove and then closed up the oven, waving to the dish, “It’s five cheese baked mac and cheese. I put a bit of everything in it. White cheddar, sharp cheddar, parmesan, asiago, Swiss…and then some bacon bits, because why not.”
“Oh, that sounds so good,” Louis said, “Probably good I’ll have leftovers of that, too.”
Harry just looked at him, and then smiled, shaking his head.
“Oh, no no,” he said, “This is all for tonight.”
Louis blinked at him.
“Harry, you can’t be serious,” Louis said, “That thing could feed a family of eight.”
“That’s exactly the serving size, yes,” Harry said. He took off his gloves and waved at the dish, “Give it a minute to cool off and then we can start.”
“Harry,” Louis said, “You – you can’t expect me to eat all of that.”
“Well,” Harry shrugged, “I mean, I’ll take you having half at this point. But at some point, I’m going to make this and you’ll definitely have all of it.”
Harry kept moving around the kitchen, getting out dishes and some glasses, and Louis kept staring at the dish of macaroni. What had sounded so delicious a few minutes now loomed in front of him like his personal white whale, something Harry was expecting him to finish. Or at least, finish half of it, when Louis wasn’t even sure he could finish half a regular serving size.
Harry turned around and caught him staring, and smiled softly and came over. He tucked Louis’s cheek into his hand and kisses his forehead.
“How are we feeling?”
“Like you’re fucking with me,” Louis said, “You said today would be easy.”
“Yes, and most of today has been,” Harry said. He held up a hand, ticking down his fingers as he started a list, “Breakfast, just a bowl of cereal. A large bowl, but that’s it. Then some apple and Nutella, then a couple chicken sandwiches, and then a bagel with peanut butter. And lots of Coke.”
“Thank you for reminding me,” Louis grumbled.
“Hey, hey, that’s all easy stuff,” Harry teased, “You didn’t expect me to not spoil you at least a little today, did you?”
Louis wrapped his hands around himself, looking down. He swallowed weakly, and Harry tucked a hand under his chin and lifted him to look at him.
“Hey, it’s alright, love,” Harry said, “Seriously, just eat what you think you can. But I would be very, very happy if you had half this dish. Like, you have no idea how thrilled I would be.”
Louis glanced at the dish of the pasta again, and then back at Harry. The other man was looking at him firmly, but his eyes were wide and kind, and Louis tried to remember why he was here in the first place. The Kink, yes, but also, he liked Harry. Harry was funny and sweet and cared about him. He wasn’t going to push Louis too far past his boundaries. He would be fine.
So eventually Louis nodded and murmured out “okay,” and Harry grinned and kissed him again before going to grab everything and set it on the kitchen.
Louis sat at the table, right next to Harry’s own seat. Harry poured him a tall glass of water, and then pulled the casserole dish a bit closer to the two of them. He had laid a big spoon next to the dish, and picked it up, glancing at Louis.
“Want me to feed you?” Harry asked, “Not going to lie, I’ve been dying to do that all day.”
“Yeah,” Louis said quickly, “Sure.”
Harry smiled, and then dipped into the dish. The spoon cracked past the crispy layer of baked cheese and breadcrumbs at the top, and Louis licked his lips, which made Harry smile.
“I could eat,” Louis said. He was only a bit hungry, maybe enough for a snack, at most, because he’d been eating for a lot of the day. But he could still eat, so he was going to.
Harry grinned, and then picked up the spoon, loaded down with pasta and cheese.
“Okay, open up,” Harry said, and then softened when Louis did so, “Good boy.”
Louis flushed in spite of himself, and let Harry tuck the spoon into his mouth. He chewed, closing his eyes as he tasted it. It was creamy and so, so rich, and he hummed happily as he ate it.
“Wow, oh, man,” he said once he had swallowed, “That’s so good, holy shit.”
“Thanks,” Harry grinned, “I’ve made this more times than I can count and I haven’t gotten any complaints yet.”
“You making your mac n cheese for other boys?” Louis asked as Harry got another spoonful ready.
“That’s funny,” Harry said flatly, “Open up.”
Louis did, letting Harry give him another delicious spoonful. This would be no problem, he thought. The food was so good, surely he was hungrier than he originally thought.
Harry kept tucking pasta into his mouth, smiling at each bite Louis took.
“Doing good, love,” Harry said, “Still taste good?”
Louis nodded and smiled, letting Harry feed him. He took sips of water in between, enough to help him swallow but not enough to get him too full. Harry looked far too pleased with himself as he fed the other man, his movements as steady as his encouragement.
And then, he hit his first wall.
With a quick glance at the dish, he could tell he had only had about a regular serving and a half of the dish, and he was already full. Like, very full. Like he was having trouble chewing the mouthful Harry had just given him.
The other man watched, carefully, and frowned when Louis swallowed.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, and Louis shrugged.
“I – I’m full, s’all,” Louis said.
“Ah,” Harry nodded, “I see.”
He set down the spoon and nodded towards Louis.
“Lift up your shirt, pet.”
“Um,” Louis said, “What?”
“Lift up your shirt,” Harry repeated, his voice growing a bit firmer. Louis swallowed weakly, and then did what Harry asked and lifted up the hem of his t-shirt.
When he glanced down his stomach was a bit rounded, mostly bloated-looking more than anything. Harry reached out and tugged down the hem of Louis’s sweatpants, under the curve of his stomach. Then he put his hands on the warm skin of Louis’s belly and started rubbing, pressing in firmly. Louis groaned, hiccupping weakly as Harry put pressure on his full belly. Harry just watched him, and kept rubbing, then hooked his thumb into Louis’s belly button and held the curve of his stomach with the rest of his finger and gave his belly a firm jiggle. Louis gasped weakly and then covered his mouth with his hands, trying to stifle a burp working its way through his throat. Harry rubbed his stomach harder and then gave it a gentle pat.
“Any better?” he asked, and Louis blinked at him.
“Uh,” he said, “Maybe.”
“Okay, good,” Harry said, “You let me know if you feel a bit full again.”
Louis just stared at him, but Harry was already gearing up another spoonful. Louis ate it, and he felt like he could swallow with far less difficulty. And he felt fine through another spoonful, and then another.
He hit another wall when they were a fourth of the way through the dish, and once again, Harry went back to rubbing and jiggling his tight belly, which was now rounder and tighter. To Harry’s credit, he was handling it all like a true professional, even though Louis could see his eyes getting darker and wider. He kept digging into the dish, and Louis kept eating it, like another force had taken hold of him. His stomach was screaming at him, bloated and stretched far beyond capacity, but the pasta was so good, and Harry was calling him a good boy as he shoveled food into Louis’s mouth, so he kept going.
He finally, finally hit his final wall when he was nearly into the fifth serving of the dish, and he clamped his mouth shut and shook his head.
“Harry, I can’t,” he panted. He was hot now, and sweating, and his stomach was in pain, and he just couldn’t keep it up.
“Okay, lovey,” Harry said, “Just one more bite? Please? Would make me so happy.”
“I – “ Louis choked out, “I dunno.”
“Come on,” Harry teased, wiggling the full spoon in front of him, “For me?”
“God, fuck you,” Louis breathed out, but even then, he opened his mouth. He accepted the food, and then chewed and swallowed with more effort than he had ever put into anything before, and then when he was done, he leaned back in his chair and cradled his belly delicately. It felt rock hard, and it was stretched, pressing out in a generous curve that stretched out the outline of his abs. Louis stifled another burp and held his hands in front of his mouth, his face turning red.
“Jesus,” he breathed out, “Oh my God.”
Harry leaned forward in his chair, his eyes dark but his smile sweet, and he reached out and put his hands on Louis’s distended stomach.
“Oh, what a good boy,” he cooed, “What a perfect, perfect boy you are.”
He rubbed Louis’s stomach carefully, pushing hard to make Louis hiccup and then just skimming his hands over the curve, touching and enjoying.
“Oh, Louis, we’re going to have so much fun,” he sighed happily. Louis just hiccupped again.
“I need to lay down,” he got out weakly.
“Of course you do,” Harry said quickly, “C’mon, I’ll get you up, and then I’ll give you another nice rub down. Does that sound good?”
Louis just gave Harry a nod, and then the other man was on his feet, helping pull Louis up. Instinctively, Louis’s hands went to his full, bloated stomach, and he whined, but Harry just held him, kissed the back of his head.
“Let’s get you to the couch. Good boy. Come on,” he said, “You ate what I made you so well, you deserve some rest.”
Louis’s eyelids were already drooping, the food in his belly making him sleepy, so he just nodded and let Harry guide him.
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1-800-hellraiser · 4 years
Teeth (Yandere!Eyeless Jack x Reader) 
Requested by: no one
Pages: 5.1
Words: 1,821
Genre: Angst kinda (I promise this is gonna be the last angsty fic for a while-)
Associated song: Teeth - 5SOS
!Tw! Swearing, gore, yandere themes, almost puking, and mentions of murder.
"Blood on my shirt, rose in my hands, you're looking at me like you don't know who I am. Blood on my shirt, heart in my hand, still beating."
        Eyeless Jack has, for lack of a better term, an infatuation with you. Ever since he met you, he couldn't get you off his mind, you're the eternal flame he's been looking for to light up his life. He would do anything for you, and when I say anything, I mean anything. This mans would sacrifice himself for you, and pray for any poor soul that tries to flirt with you around Jack. Ej will absolutely smite them, not around you of course. He wants you to see the clam, collected, stoic side of him, not the monster side. He will never forgive himself if you saw him like that.
        You met Jack about six months ago at a house party, you were supposed to be his target along with a few others. But, the way you fought against him, he knew you weren't going down without a fight. Jack was captivated by how you fight, you managed to stab him in the ribs with a piece of glass from a broken beer bottle. He had to give himself stitches when he returned to the mansion that night. You're a real life final girl, you somehow managed to defy death and instead get brought back to a creepy mansion in the woods full of serial killers. It's not the best outcome, but hey! At least you're not dead! 
        Now you're training to become a pasta, and you're still Ej's roomie. You enjoy sharing a room with Ej, he keeps his room pristine and orderly, unlike some other pastas *cough cough* Jeff *cough cough*. You'd think Jack's room would smell like rot and death, but he is actually provided a lab to work in. Now that, that room smells like death. No matter how many candles you light, no matter how much Fabreeze you spray, that room will always smell like rot. It's a good thing that everyone has gone nose-blind to the smell though. Anyway, being roommates with a cannibal has it's perks, such as Jack keeping a mini fridge in his room for his "food". He lets you keep food in it too, because he knows how much you hate it when someone eats your leftovers. Jack is also a very comforting person, he's helped you out with your nightmares before. His presence is also just comforting in general.
        Anyway, enough of me simping for Jack, we have to get on with the story at hand. You just got out of your morning shower. You've already brushed your teeth, dried and styled your hair, and put on deodorant. You step out of the misty bathroom and pad into Jacks room. Your e/c eyes catch a small, yellow square off paper stuck onto the top of Jack's desk. You peel the Paper off of the polished wooden surface and read the note. 'Dear Y/n, I have to go on a quick mission, I don't know when I'll be back, but I already made coffee for you, Enjoy! - Ej.' You smile, blood rushing to your cheeks. You realize you're blushing and rub at you're cheeks, you shouldn't be feeling like this about your cannibalistic demon roommate. Part of you says no, but the other screams yes. You're torn.
        You decide to push your thoughts out and drink your coffee. You take a mug off of the handle screwed into the wall. Yes, Jack has not only a coffee machine in his room, but also mugs. Anyway, you take the pot and pour the steaming, bitter liquid into your mug. You like your coffee how Jack likes his, black and very bitter. The only difference between your coffee and his, is that Jack puts certain types of blood in his coffee. Certain types of blood have certain effects on him, which is cool, but also terrifying. Taking a sip of your coffee, you shudder at the taste.
        "Oh yeah, that's good shit," you mutter to yourself. You happily plop yourself on your bed and take another long sip of your bitter beverage. Since you and Jack share a room, you both decided to split the room down the middle. For example, Jack's side of the room is painted royal blue, he has a bunch of shelves for his medical equipment and a filing cabinet full of every resident's medical records. He also has a desktop and a coffee machine next to it, on the desk a bunch of unwashed, empty coffee cups and paperwork.
        Your side however, is almost completely different. Your walls are painted a dark f/c and have posters everywhere of your favorite bands and singers. You also have a shelf that holds cute figurines and a place to charge your phone and laptop. You have put up LED lights around the shelf and fairy lights around the top. You also have hooks on the wall next to your bed holding your hoodies and other things. It's funny, because when a creep walks into your/Jack's room, they see one side that's organized and professional looking, Then, they see your side. You know you're messy and quiet proud of it. Anyways, you open your laptop and scroll through Youtube, trying to find something to watch. You found something, but your stomach growled. You realize you haven't ate anything yet, reluctantly you stand up and amble out to the kitchen.
        Once you make it into the kitchen, you open the fridge to try and find something to eat. You rummage around and find f/s (favorite snack), jackpot. You smile and walk happily back to your/Ej's room. You get back into your shared room, you begin to watch Youtube.
        Almost halfway though bingeing Markiplier's Fnaf series, you get a message from Clockwork. Your e/c eyes quickly read over the text.
Clocky :)
Hey Y/n! Do you wanna walk around the woods with me?
Sure! Just give me a few minutes
Clocky :)
Ok! I'll be waiting outside
        You hide your snack and grab your shoes, you slip on your shoes and a jacket, since it's pretty cold out today. Exiting the room, you manage to navigate through the long and twisting hallways. You finally reach the front doors and step out of the house. "Took you long enough," Clockwork huffs jokingly, you playfully jab her with your elbow and laugh. "So, how are you?" "I'm doing good, waiting for Ej to get back from his mission," you explain, Clockwork gives you a strange look. "Slender didn't give him a mission today," Clockwork says, you give her a weird look back. "Really? He wrote me a note, saying he had to go on a mission today and he'll be back."
        Clockwork thinks for a minute, then it clicks. "Ooooooh~ somebody might have an admirer~" Clockwork gushes at you, poking your cheek. Your cheeks immediately heat up. "Oh my god shut uppppppp," Clockwork giggles at your flustered-ness. "Jack and Y/n, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g-" you put a hand over her mouth, "cease" you grumble, now flustered to hell and back. You hear clockworks muffled chuckle under your hand.
        Once you get back to the mansion, you say your goodbye to Clockwork and trudge back to your room to think. You flop face down on your bed and groan into your pillow. You turn over to face the ceiling, you hate to admit it, but, you think you're starting to crush on Ej a bit. Don't get it twisted, Ej is fucking smoking hot. Even though, you've only seen him without his mask on twice, mans could commit arson with just his face he's THAT hot. But on the other hand, he's a cannibalistic demon serial killer. You feel like you have morals, but you shouldn't because you have to kill for a living too. You're no better than him in all honesty. You sigh and flip over to your side, now facing Jack's bed. 
        Come to think of it, you feel like he's way out of your league. Jack's not only stunning, but he's very smart, he was a health major for god's sake. Your heart cracks a bit, realizing you're not good enough for him in your mind. You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes, you squeeze your eyes shut and silently cry to yourself. But before you could get any tears out, you hear the bedroom door squeak open. "Y/n? Are you awake?" You immediately sit up in your bed, "Hey Jack, how was the mission," you ask as jack closes the door and flicks on the lights. Jack is covered in blood, with a beautiful red rose in one hand, and a human heart in the other. This doesn't freak you out, considering he's a cannibal, Jack hands the rose to you. "I saw this and though you'd like it." Jack mumbled sheepishly.
        You break out into a genuine smile. "Thank you, Jack, it's beautiful," you say, lightly grazing the soft petals with your fingertips. Then, Jack hands you the heart, you instantly pale. You look up at Jack, "T-this is for me?" You ask, Jack nods, you take the squishy organ in your hand. You almost vomit when the bloody organ contacts your hand. "where did you get this from?" "The guy who sold me the rose." Jack explains. You stare at him in shock, you ask him simply why, and Jack says "Because he knew you, He was going to steal you from me. And we can't have that." Jack says, stroking your cheek. "What was his name," your heart drops, you hope you weren't close with this person. "His name was...Jay, I believe?" Jack answers, and you burst into tears.
        Jay was your best friend since fifth grade, he's helped you through so much. You just got told that your crush murdered your best friend, and now you're holding his heart. Jack tries to put a hand on your shoulder and you scoot as far back on your bed as you could go. You look Jack in the eyes and tell him to leave you alone, he tries to reason with you again and you just tell him to leave again. You don't think you can ever forgive Jack for what he's done.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Have you cuddled with someone today? No.
Can you smell anything right now? I smell my coffee.
Have you spoken to a relative on the phone today? No, not so far anyway. My mom will likely call to check on me later.
Do you use the toilet paper with the colourful designs on it? No.
Do you wear your hair up or down most often? It’s always up in a messy bun.
How does alcohol affect you? It made me chatty and annoying I feel like and I’d have fun for awhile, but then most often ended up feeling sad and shitty towards the end. And sometimes sick. :X I don’t miss drinking at all.
When was the last time you had a cold or flu? Over a year ago.
What was the first thing you ate today? I had scrambled eggs and blueberry Eggos. 
Do you have anything more important you should be doing right now? No.
Do you still buy the paper or do you get your news elsewhere? I’ve never bought the paper. I get a lot of my news from the news app on my phone and online. 
Have you ever eaten tofu and if so, did you enjoy it? No, I’ve never had any desire to try it. 
Have you worn make-up today? Nope. I haven’t worn makeup in like 4 years now.
Do you ever get dizzy and nauseous when you’re extremely tired? Not nauseous, but dizzy sometimes. 
Have you ever tried lemon brownies? No, but that sounds delicious.
Can you hear anything right now? The ASMR video I’m listening to.
What was the last type of meat you ate? Pork.
What colour is your toothpaste? White.
Have you taken any medication today? Yes.
Have you ever been suspended from school? Nope.
Have you ever inhaled helium? No, I’ve always been too afraid to try it lol.
Have you bought something that was on sale today? I haven’t bought anything today.
Are you a fan of Adam Sandler? I like some of his movies.
What was the last fruit you ate? There were blueberries in my Eggos, ha.
Off the top of your head how many aisles are in the supermarket you shop at? We do our grocery shopping at Walmart, there’s a ton of aisles. 
Have you ever watched Parks and Recreation? I’ve seen some episodes.
Have you watched a movie this week? Nope.
How far away is the closest McDonald’s from your house? Like not even 5 minutes away.
Have you ever been to a wedding? Yeah, a few.
What is your favourite kind of pasta? Spaghetti and meatballs, pesto, ravioli, and pasta salads. 
Have you set an alarm today? No.
When was the last time you visited relatives? I saw one of my aunts a few months ago.
Have you asked someone for advice today? No.
What was the last website you were on, other than this one? LiveJournal hunting for surveys.
Did you ever play Habbo Hotel? No.
Do you speak any languages other than English? Only a little Spanish.
Have you ever been to Hawaii? No, but I’d love to go.
Have you watched more than an hour of TV today? Yeah.
What’s your best talent? I don’t have any.
Do you know anyone named Nicole? Nope.
Have you ever had a true FML moment? Uh, yeah. A lot.
Are you considering having children right now? Nooo. I don’t want to have kids.
Do you enjoy the darkness? No.
Are you afraid of being single? No.
Do you have a new boy-/girlfriend every week? Ha, not even close. I’ve been single for several years and haven’t even been talking to or interested in anyone for the past few years.
How much memory does your computer have? I don’t feel like checking.
Do you play video games? Sometimes.
What color are your eyes? Brown. Is your hair layered? No.
What’s the closest yellow thing to you? Some of my leftover scrambled eggs.
Have you ever shot an animal? No, omg.
Do you exercise daily? I don’t at all, but I just got some little 3lbs hand weights because being bedridden and dealing with health issues has made me loose strength, so I need to start trying to build that back up. Slowly.
Can you do cool things with your hair? I haven’t attempted to in a very long time, it’s just always thrown up in a messy bun cause I don’t have the energy to deal with it. I’m going to cut it short again soon, actually. I was never good at styling hair, though.
Do you have a couch in your house? Yeah, we have 3.
Would you like to have a soda machine in your room? That would be kinda cool, ha. I’d have some sodas and some Starbucks Doubleshot energy drinks in it.
Are you impatient? Very.
Would you pay someone to drive you around everywhere? Nah.
Do you think soap operas are too good to be true? I think soap operas suuuper cringe. I can’t watch ‘em.
Are you conscious of your weight? Very.
Have you ever jumped out of a window? No.
What kind of mood are you usually in? Moody, irritable, depressed, frustrated, tired, blah.
Do you have a webcam? My Mac has one built in but I’ve never used it.
Do you finish other people’s sentences? Sometimes.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? A few.
When’s your birthday? July 28th.
Do you feel important where you’re at right now? Huh?
Are you short-tempered? It takes a lot to get me angry, but not irritated that’s for sure.
Have you ever been homeless? No.
How many online accounts do you have? >> A lot? I'm not going to try to tally them up. 
Do you drive through red lights? I don’t drive at all, but if I did I wouldn’t be driving through red lights and possibly causing accidents or worse for others or myself.
What sound puts you to sleep? ASMR can help with that.
Are you a fast or slow reader? Fast.
Are you a good speller? I think I am.
Do you have a TV in your bedroom? Yes.
How long can you go without sleeping? It varies, but it’s funny cause I’m sitting here doing this and my eyes are getting heavy, ha. I’m still tired. I had a busy day yesterday for the first time in over a year and I’ve been going through a lot health wise the past couple months and have been very fatigued.
How long can you go without talking? Awhile. Especially these days.
Do you currently have a job? No.
Do you tend to always be in some sort of drama? No.
Do you collect quarters from every state? Nope.
Would you rather sleep all night or sleep all day? Sleep all night.
Do you hate getting up early? I’d much rather sleep in.
Could you see yourself being a bartender? Nah. Not my thing at all.
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? No.
Are you currently tired? Ugh, yes. I can’t keep my eyes open. 
What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee.
Do you like to take walks? No.
Have you ever had deja vu? Yeah, many times.
Are you a fan of anime? No.
Do you draw a lot? I don't draw at all.
Do you plan on going to college? I did and graduated already.
Do you feel at home in your own home? Yes.
Do you pay for your own cell phone bill? No. I’m on a family plan that my parents and brother take care of.
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Goodnight, Aaron (Aaron Hotchner x Reader) Chapter 3
Summary: Day 2 of the trial, a Sunday where Jack is allowed to choose his own adventure with Sebastian along for the ride.
AN: I hope you are all taking care of yourselves <3 and that tomorrow is kind to you.
Tagging: @sunlight-moonrise, @clean-bands-dirty-stories, @genevievedarcygranger, and @davidrossi-ismydad
Chapter 2 // Masterlist // AO3 Link // Chapter 4
“Morning, Jack,” Sebastian greeted the soporific Jack Hotchner as he entered the kitchen. Jack mumbled back and climbed into his place at the table. Sebastian set the place, poured his cereal, got his juice out as well, before joining him in breakfast.
They ate in quietude, that is until Sebastian’s phone buzzed with a text.
Once he’d read it, he held the phone out to Jack across the table, “Hey, do you wanna talk to your Dad? He’s free to call you quick if you want.”
A bolt of energy shot through Jack and he clutched the phone tightly.
There was Sebastian’s watchful eye remaining on Jack while he was clearing up the dirty dishes. Jack knuckled one of his eyes every now and again, but there was no doubt that he was beyond excited to speak to Hotch. His legs swung under the table.
“I love you, Daddy,” Jack said before he passed the phone back over, but Hotch had already hung up. Pocketing it, Sebastian finished up his breakfast with Jack officially cheered up – for now at least.
“I was thinking we could go out somewhere, treat ourselves.”
“The zoo!” Jack crowed immediately
“The zoo?”
“I haven’t been for ages and ages!”
“Well, I shall see if that’s possible while you go brush your teeth.”
Completely unplanned, Jack was dressed in a green polo that matched Sebastian’s shirt. Not the pattern but they were the exact same shade.
“My mum used to dress me and my sister up in similar outfits when we were kids,” Sebastian said as he was tying up his laces.
“Sometimes, Henry and me wear the same things,” Jack replied, double knotting his shoes up. A wise move.
“Who’s Henry?”
“My friend, his Mommy works with Daddy.”
“Ah, gotcha.”
The drive over had a much more confident sing-a-long. Sebastian played the same CD (but just the songs that Jack liked) and Jack was starting to pick up on some of the lyrics. Or at least what they sounded like. He was currently favouring that of Sara Bareilles. So much so that, after they circled the car park of the zoo and found a space, they finished the song before turning the engine off
As they were lining up to buy the tickets, Sebastian bent over and whispered to Jack, “I know you’d much rather have your dad here instead of me.”
“I don’t mind you,” was the reply, and a shrug to boot.
“I don’t mind you either, kid.”
And the second they entered the park, map in hand, Jack was grabbing at Sebastian, pulling him along, “Come on, I wanna see the elephants!”
The pair did pause to glance in the direction of the other animals, give them their moment of glory. But their focus and their hearts were set on finding the biggest land mammal, past the bug house and the birds, along to where the wider paddocks were situated.
Across a wooden bridge, they finally landed at the edge of a wooden barrier, about five feet from a ha-ha wall that wrapped around the elephants’ land. Jack stood on his tiptoes, his chin on the wooden slat.
Already knowing the answer to his questions, Sebastian said, “Can you see alright? Or do you wanna go on my shoulders?”
Jack fidgeted, scuffing his shoes on the dirt path, “Yes please.”
And he raised his arms over his head. Sebastian ducked down and lifted Jack over his head with some difficulty. He didn’t tell Jack that though.
“Now, don’t go farting on me, young man,” He patted Jack’s leg.
“Thank you, Seb.”
From his elevated position, Jack cheered up. He made sure not to hit Sebastian when his legs stretched out in excitement at the baby elephant trotting about the enclosure. He waved to the baby elephant who waved their trunk clumsily back at the crowds, eliciting a series of “awws”.
“Baby elephants stay with their mothers for their whole life,” Sebastian read off the plaque, “And these ones are from India. That’s where my mum’s from!”
“Is that why you sound like that?”
“Like what?”
“All funny,” and Jack flapped his hand about.
“Nah, that’s my dad’s fault. From the exotic land of Bolton.”
“Is there any animals from there here?”
“Probably not, bud.”
“That one’s the Mommy,” Jack pointed out the elephant the wee baby was now showing off to. He laughed loudly when another baby elephant submerged its whole head into the artificial watering hole for a drink, “It’s still learning!”
A gentle meander took them all the way back to the café, once again ignoring the other animals. They were thinking with their stomach.
Upon arriving at their destination, Jack went for the classic fish, chips, and peas. Sebastian had made a New Year’s resolution to not order something just to get the chips on the side, so he went for the lasagne and broccoli.
“I used to call them ‘baby trees’, made me feel like a giant.”
“What about peas?” Jack scooped several of the vegetable up onto his fork.
“They’re boulders, the kind that roll all the way down mashed potato mountains.”
“I don’t have any mashed potatoes though.”
“Maybe next time. Eat your boulders.”
Third time lucky, the other animals were given Jack’s attention. His second favourite after the elephants? The meerkats. There was a bubble at the centre with a tunnel underneath the desert-like paddock that he could go into and poke his head up. He waved and shouted (albeit muffled by the thick glass) at Sebastian, who waved back and took some photos. Back around by Sebastian’s side of the wall, Jack would hold the meerkats’ attention with a clementine segment pinched in his finger and lure them around the wall’s edge. Then he would eat the fruit.
Sebastian preferred the otters, slipping and sliding down the stream. His laugh trilled with the kids that watched the otters cawing at each other. Chattering between their little whines, they wriggled around in the pool.
Just as Jack was adding to his birthday list every other item in the gift shop. Sebastian’s phone buzzed in his pocket.
About to fly back to Virginia, will be in around nine.
All good our end, hope it’s good with yours too
And Sebastian sent his reply with the photo of Jack hypnotising the meerkats with the promise of citrus fruit.
Jack was very clearly worn out from the day but still had enough energy to tap his toes along during the drive back. The news that Hotch would be home that evening was what got Jack through until dinner time. Sat on the countertop, he watched TV placidly, while Sebastian got on with the tuna pasta. He did get to pour the sweetcorn in, a proper little chef.
“Thoughts?” Sebastian asked when Jack chewed through half his plate, apparently without breathing.
“It’s nice,” Jack said, his mouth half full, “I like the chips.”
The crushed salted crisps sprinkled on top were just a bonus that Sebastian’s dad had introduced to the world. His best invention by far, besides his two kids of course. And Jack ate it all up with gusto.
As the dishwasher was being loaded, out of nowhere, the front door unlocked and not even halfway open before Jack was up on his feet and shouting, “Daddy!”
He sprinted full force and was caught in his father’s arms just as Hotch stepped into the flat. Hotch, despite seeming very worn out, cradled his son like he was a newborn.
“Hey buddy,” He whispered into Jack’s hair, “How have you been?”
Jack’s reply was muffled in his suit jacket, “Good!”
“How was your time with Sebastian?”
“We went to the zoo!”
Sebastian caught Hotch’s gaze over Jack’s shoulder, and immediately Sebastian busied himself with clearing the table, “Lucky you caught him on his way to bed.”
“Come on,” Hotch patted Jack’s back, “Let’s get you off to sleep.”
He carried Jack off to his bedroom, leaving his briefcase at the door. Sebastian watched them go with a half-smile. One that disappeared when it turned to the chores at hand.
First things first, he placed Hotch’s dinner onto a plate and placed it in the oven, still warm from the initial cooking. Of course, he didn’t put the salad in the oven. He wasn’t an idiot. Then it was putting the leftovers in the fridge, scrubbing at the dishes and cutlery, cleaning down the table, sweeping up the stuff. Somehow he was always more productive when the repercussions were next to instantaneous.
“Did Jack go down OK?” Sebastian asked once Hotch had returned to the kitchen.
“Yes, he’s quite worn out from your trip.”
“How was the case?”
The question was offered with a levity that Hotch understood as merely checking in, not an attempt to mine the grisly details from his mind. That much was clear when Hotch set his gun down on the table and Sebastian tensed before moving around and away from it. Hotch then picked it back up and deposited it in a drawer.
“It was fine, glad it was over quick. Is that my dinner?” Hotch opened the oven, standing clear of the hot air that escaped from it.
Nodding, Sebastian passed the dying up cloth between his two hands, “Yeah, plus salad, crisps – sorry, ‘chips’ - for the top.” He corrected himself only because Hotch’s eyebrows knitted at his choice of words.
“You put chips on top of your pasta?” He said slowly.
“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it.”
Looking unconvinced, Hotch closed the oven again, “How did you find your time with Jack?”
“He’s a good kid, we had fun today. Plus, he didn’t kick up a fuss eating his five-a-day which is a bonus,” Sebastian twisted the dish cloth around, “You’ve done a good job raising him.”
Hotch nodded with what Sebastian was saying, and while his face stayed neutral, his eyes held a glint.
“Then you wouldn’t have any objections to becoming his nanny full time, would you?”
Offer sank in and Sebastian’s face broke out into a toothy grin, “Yeah? Even with the crisp-chips?”
Hotch’s shoulders dropped about half an inch of tension, “Do you have your documents with you? We can get the paperwork done tonight.”
A little undainty on his feet, Sebastian went to his room and grabbed his folder of his important paperwork that was still in his unpacked suitcase. He tried to keep his clothes neat now that they were out on the carpet.
“Can I get you a drink?” Hotch asked, already pouring himself a scotch. He had served his dinner while Sebastian was out of the room. He’d even sprinkled a few chips on top like Sebastian had suggested.
“I’m good with water, thanks,” and Sebastian sat opposite Hotch’s place at the table.
“You don’t mind if I eat while we do this? I haven’t since lunch time.”
“Go ahead.”
Sebastian waited until he was a few forkfuls into his meal before speaking again, “Thoughts on the chips?”
He had to severely mute his reaction as he watched the corner of Hotch’s mouth quirk up and stay there, “Surprisingly good.”
With glee, Sebastian snapped his fingers, “Success!”
Once settled, Hotch and Sebastian discussed fees, records, emergency contacts. A copy of the background check Hotch had already completed sat atop the contract. Hotch let Sebastian read through to his leisure while he polished off his dinner. By the time his plate was cleared, Sebastian’s signature had been scribbled alongside Hotch’s on the few dotted lines that concluded the sheets of paper.
“You’re officially hired,” Hotch slid a pair of newly cut keys across the table. When Sebastian pocketed them, he held up his tumbler.
“To having a job,” Sebastian clinked his glass against Hotch’s and took a sip, “Thank you. Forgot to send you this yesterday by the way.”
And he sent the photos off to Hotch’s number. Not a moment later, Hotch’s phone beeped and he picked it up, his thumb swiping over the photos. To fill the quiet, Sebastian asked, “Do you have a preference on what I can send you and when while you’re away? I don’t wanna bother you too much while you’re working.” His rambling faded as he watched Hotch’s face soften.
“Send me photos whenever you can.” Hotch’s voice had melted too, warming Sebastian’s already soporific heart.
Sebastian stifled a yawn before swallowing, “And I think that’s the end of my day approaching. Goodnight, Aaron.”
“One more thing,” Hotch slipped his phone into his breast pocket, “Why did you move over here, Sebastian?”
“I had a pen pal over here, we met on holiday when we were kids, and I wanted to move away from home. So I got a Visa and moved in with her.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
Satisfied, Hotch began to clear up his plate, “Goodnight, Sebastian.”
Sebastian went to say goodnight but, remembering he’d already said that, he just left for his bedroom.
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pigsiescribe · 4 years
Pisa watched the soil spin down the drain as she washed her hands at the sink. What she wouldn't give to sit down for a hot meal. However, it was quite obvious that Idola Haruspex, one of the professors, loathed Pisa's existence. Popular theory was that she hated Pisa's mother for taking the position of royal advisor back in the day, leaving the woman to teach divination at Arbor Academy. A part of Pisa's unique coursework was to assist the staff in the form of service hours. All the other professors gave reasonable tasks (deliver fertilizer to the greenhouses, arrange furniture for an event, clean beakers), but this woman would always make sure Pisa's task was grueling. Today's was catching wolpertingers; hares with the antlers of a deer and the wings of a pheasant.
The lass unbuttoned the top part of her orange coveralls to reveal the tank top underneath, as well as various bruises. She knew they were wild animals, but those wolpertingers know no fear.
And probably what was most frustrating was that Professor Haruspex couldn't bother to find her out in the forest by the school and let her know that dinner was being served. The woman "just assumed" that Pisa would have completed her task by the time dinner was served. (Of course! It's not like wolpertingers are NOCTURNAL or anything, and dinner is served at sunset.) As if agreeing with her, Pisa's stomach released a particularly ferocious growl, the sound reverberating off the walls of the restroom. Thankfully, students were supposed to be in their dormitories at this time of night. No one was there to witness her pathetic state. Pisa pulled out a slip of paper Professor Haruspex gave her; it was directions to showers that were still unlocked so that she could at least go to bed without being caked with dirt and sweat.
With a sigh of resignation, Pisa began her trek to her dorm room to retrieve her bathing essentials before heading to the showers, pondering on the idea of maybe popping into Miss Herschel's room. The woman had a stash of snack foods that she handed out to students.
Am I drooling? Pisa wondered, realizing there was something wet on the corner of her mouth, and it wasn't blood. Why would she be drooling? Wait... That smelled like steak... Pisa could practically hear the meat sizzling in the pan as she followed her nose to wherever the delectable smell was coming from.
It lead to one of the home economics rooms. Were there night classes? She opened the door slowly and peeked inside. No teachers; just an upperclassman. Pisa had heard of him; he was one of the popular kids that had a pretentious name to match. He wasn't bad looking; his skin was quite literally black, his curly hair just as dark, so any and all colors looked vibrant on him. Even in the dim light of the room, Pisa could see the definition in his arm muscles. Of course, it was hard to miss; the guy was cooking in a tank top, slacks and a simple apron.
While Pisa weighed her options, her stomach grew just that more impatient with food being seven feet away and released another ferocious growl. The guy slid the steak onto a cutting board, turned around and scowled at her.
"You can't have any," he declared.
"I didn't come here to ask," Pisa half-lied, allowing herself inside. "I was just wondering what a student was doing out of the dorms."
A look of terror flashed in his eyes. Yeah; he was one of those goody-two-shoes type. "Don't tell anyone and I'll let you have some," he offered, still scowling. Despite the unwelcomg attitude, Pisa pulled up a seat to the bar area of the kitchenette. "My name is Saiph Naledi," he briefly introduced himself with a bow before turning back around to tend to whatever else he was cooking.
"Cezanne. Pisa Cezanne." So the Gregory Uppercrust she had heard of must have been the other guy with fair skin and chestnut curls. Duly noted. A sliced apple was set in front of her. She took a bite before asking (again) what he was doing out of the dorms.
Naledi noisily chopped the steak and some mushrooms before admitting: "Cooking helps me relax."
"That makes sense."
His shoulders broadened and he stood a little taller at her response. Was he embarrassed that cooking helped him relax or embarrassed of the fact he was stressed to begin with? Probably the latter.
"My problem is that I'm terrible with proportions," he added. "Especially when I'm cooking a new recipe. I usually make too much and just put the leftovers in teachers lounges, so whatever you eat will help me."
"What are you making, anyways?"
"I'm experimenting, actually. I'm making pasta with chopped up steak and mushrooms and a cream sauce. I think it would make a good meal for autumn."
"I could see that," Pisa agreed, already visualizing the deliciousness.
"Well, in about ten minutes, you will be the first to sample it," he replied as he poured the chopped mushrooms and steak and a small pot full of sauce into a wok that had fresh pasta sitting in it. Challenge accepted, Pisa thought, not at all daunted by the amount.
That first bite was practically heaven to her salivating maw. The flavors were rich without being too heavy, and almost refreshing, while warming her up inside from the late autumn chill. The first bowl, she practically inhaled. The second bowl, she savored only to give Naledi some critiques (maybe add a vegetable like green beans or broccoli). By the third bowl, Naledi started talking about himself; more specifically what was stressing him out. Mainly school with some family drama mixed in. He seemed content to have someone to just listen. Of course, he asked Pisa some questions too.
Within an hour, an entire wok (minus two bowls that Naledi ate) of pasta was churning in her stomach, her belly so bloated that there was no way she'd be able to button up her coveralls.
"And with that, the evidence is disposed of," Naledi chuckled, giving Pisa's belly a gentle pat.
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