#i already did redecorate i just need to type it out
A Pirate’s married life
Jun Guevara x female! Reader
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Author note: this is just fluff, I’ll go back to nsfw soon but for now enjoy this cute dynamic between you two. I hope you enjoy this really short story and please leave your comments and requests I’m open to them all.
***************story begins here************
As soon as you and Guevara start living together as a married couple a lot of things in his life will need adjusting, some against his will, some he doesn’t really mind but ultimately he is trying his best to be the perfect husband for you so as long as it makes his love happy he would do it.
* The first and most important thing is redecorating, although guevara lives a very humble life giving a majority of his earning back to the community his home still looks like a tree house before you. This man had no time for colour coordination and he did not care if his interior looked good because until now he spent the majority of his time out on the sea. But to put it simply almost every aspect of his home was dark Oakwood brown, the ceiling, walls and floor seemed to match, and all the colours of the furniture clashed (green, red, blue, basically anything he looked at and bought for the sake of it).
Once you got his permission you got rid of almost everything in the house leaving the floors as the colour they were, then painting the ceilings white and the walls light grey, even though he wouldn’t boldly admit it he loved the change but he loved working with you to paint and redecorate even more, the furnitures now matched the colours of the ceiling and floor blending well with the environment.
Installing the furnitures took forever because your husband’s large hands prevented him from twisting smaller knots so you had to do it while he watched and then lifted the heavy object sometimes showing off by doing some bicep curls with the objects and winking at you or just lifting you and the object at the same time, it made no difference to him cause he always got a cute giggle out of you.
* The next thing you worked on was comfort, Guevara being a man of the sea was used to sleeping on a hammock without any sheets or anything bothersome for him to tidy up later, his room was quite empty because he was a busy man, switching to a Bed was a no brainier, the issue was finding a big enough bed for him that was also very sturdy for his body weight and when he wanted to have fun with his wife. Guevara might be busy and humble but you were built for the budgeting life so when you saw the prices of some of the beds you both decided to just build your own.
Well he fully intended to help but his big hands put him in the position of muscle, overall he was very impressed with your work, he had no idea your grandfather used to be a carpenter, and you had learned from him so much so that you had engraved carvings on the headboard to keep the bed interesting, and even though Guevara protested about getting the bed the loudest he ended up being the one that slept in it the most, his constant excuse being “well I can’t just let the hard work of my wife go to waste, I’m a good hubby” to which you always rolled your eyes before cuddling with him.
* Another thing you got to was hygiene, we have already emphasised how busy your husband is, being a very important figure in your community, he never had time for change and barely had time for himself, which is on if the reasons why he has always wanted a housewife, sure he is the type of man to obey his wife like a lost puppy led by a string, he is also the type of man that values housework never making the mistake of underestimating his much work goes into the maintenance of a home, he is grateful for you, all your actions makes him want to take care of you so well, spoil you rotten, I mean you have important duties in the community that come with being his wife (making you a half housewife) but you never failed to serve him freshly made breakfast in the morning before work, “Is this freshly squeezed…..where do you get the time to be such an amazing wife” he dotes “bye honey” you said kissing him and then walking out of the door.
What he wasn’t grateful for was you throwing his half dead toothbrush into a black bag you held like a beach cleaner, “ugh so much junk” you moaned getting tired of finding new things to throw out “hey, no I don’t like this” he protested but you did not listen, bending down to clear the cabinet, “I do love the view though” he chuckled, relaxing into the door frame. You threw the bag out with no mercy, cleaning the bathroom like it had been dirty in the first place, then you brought in a new bag organising new essentials that made Guevara nervous, a stack of white clean towels with face towels on the top, 2 toothbrushes and a ceramic toothbrush holder that cutely showed off your marital status, some small decor in the bathroom, cleaning essential for the cabinet under the sink, new soap, soap holder and even better quality sponges. “You are enjoying this aren’t you” he scoffed, “can you tell” you answered sarcastically, letting him kiss your hand, he has to admit your prepared state was very attractive.
* “I’m so bored” Guevara whined as you stared at the blue wardrobe in your room, opening it “no wait-“ an avalanche of clothes buried you, you quickly swam out, pulling out the rest of the clothes, he helped you move the wardrobe out of the house, installing a new one, same size, more organised compartments, better long lasting wood quality and a better design compared to the old one. “Since you are bored come and help me fold these clothes” you said patting the floor next to you from where you sat.
Out of everything he did with you to adjust to the married life, this has to be his favourite, just sitting close to you, folding clothes and talking about nothing that mattered that much, laughing with each other and sometimes stopping to play fight, even if the process of organising your shared wardrobe took forever and a part of the two of you wishes it could be like that forever.
* You both finally finished and looking at the final results Guevara would be the biggest liar on earth if he dude say he was happy with the results, wrapping his big arms around you he kissed your forehead “I’m so glad we did this, I love you so much” he said in his corny Casanova voice, if made you giggle a bit before facing him, a mischievous grin plastered across your face, you placed your hand on his shoulders looking into his handsome eyes “I love you too honey…..but what do you mean we, techno this was me, how ever I do have something for you to do” you said holding him by the wrist and leading him to the backyard.
“Babyyyyy I don’t want to do this” Guevara whined, looking to you for mercy, “if you be a big boy I’ll get you a toy, do you want a toy” you teased sarcastically sipping apple juice with a straw as you watched him. Placing his large masculine hands on the mower he pulled the string to get it started and began to drag it along the grass, a chore that he had been putting off since you both had been dating, you had begged him to just do it claiming that you couldn’t grow flowers in such a messy place only to recieve bouquets after bouquets of flowers, but at least now he was doing it and he was so focused about it to and you could have sworn that he kept glancing at you searching for a gaze of approval from your part, once done he dramatically laid on the floor acting as though he had just solved world hunger, in these small ways he was such a big baby, you walked over to him as he sat up, handing him a cold glass of juice and kissing his forehead, “so I did that good huh?” He asked teasing you, “yes you did, in fact you did so good I got you a toy after all” pointing in the far distance, Guevara stood up to look around, finding his precious hammock installed between two palm trees in his garden, with a hand knitted pillow adorning its comfy cozy beauty, overjoyed Guevara grabs a hold of you dipping you and placing a deep long kiss on your lips, he didn’t care who say because at the end of the day your husband was the type of man that expressed a lot of pda as much as he damn well pleased.
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xerofresh · 2 months
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Yeah, vampire x vampire hunter au lets go.
Lore time! Larry was turned into a vampire when he was young and found out how to integrate with society easily, even getting a job at the league. But one day (I’m not sure how yet) he accidentally spreads a vampiric epidemic and turns Paldea into a high-alert modern-victorian hellhole. The league finds out he's a vampire because of this, so he runs away and secludes himself to not hurt anyone else, but the damage has already been done. The league closes off the league building because it's contaminated, Larry sees this and just moves back in and turns it into a combo league building and Victorian castle. For years they have had to fight off vampire spawn and they need reinforcements, so Kabu volunteers and moves to Paldea to help. Then a few missions later he stumbles across Larry chilling somewhere by Medali not hunting or anything. Again, I don't know exactly what happens after that but there are a lot of very gay feelings between them and they are both confused as to why.
Alright now that's over, I modified vampires a little bit so stick with me.
Vampires are not limited to humans for blood! They can drink the blood of any warm-blooded creature, mainly mammals, like a Chupacabra. They can also eat berries because fruitbats (humans still taste the best though)
There are vampire spawns and then true vampires. True vampires are what Larry is, typical Hollywood vampires. Vampire spawns are more like animals, they don't have much cognitive thought other than animalistic desires and following their leader, Larry. They're kind of like dogs in the sense that they can be trained to do tasks and stuff. Dogs with rabies.
Vampires are killed/repelled by the typical things, sunlight, garlic, wooden stakes, and decapitation. Some things I've changed are one, vampires can only be damaged in combat by the stakes or silver weapons; two, crosses and holy water do nothing, it's just an outdated legend. Most people don't know this because when they do use it, they're just startled and/or confused so they're vulnerable, people: three, vampires can only be burned by the magical fire from Pokèmon, no man or nature-made fires can hurt vampires; four, I will not be implementing the rule that vampires can only attack you if you invite them into your house, but I will implement the scattering of seeds or grain to distract vampires. Some stories say if you scatter seeds, vampires are compelled to count them. This only applies to Larry though since vampire spawns don't have the cognitive ability to count, and it is just the autistic Larry thing to do; and five, only vampire spawns are affected by sunlight. I only really did this so there's a sense of suspense even though the league knows who the vampire is. The general public doesn't know because the league is bad at communicating.
All vampires can turn into bats (or bat Pokèmon idk) Larry can stay in his bat form for much longer.
When a true vampire settles somewhere, vampire spawns are drawn to the location and it serves as a home base. Some vampires are lone wolves (or bats in this case) but most serve under Larry.
Alright, now for some other character tidbits!
Larry is a bit lazier in this au. After he finishes redecorating he doesn't need to do anything because if he wanted food he could just get one of his servants to fetch someone. If Larry does have the rare urge to hunt somewhere, it’s mainly by Medali for the nostalgia and good options, or Cortando since it’s the closest (other than Mesagoza but he has standards he's not killing kids)
Larry cultivates a berry orchard in front of his castle when he doesn't want blood that day. It’s also kind of a maze to get through and only Larry and any spawns that help in the orchard know the paths to get through.
Larry is still a foodie and knows exactly which berries and what blood types work together.
Larry has named every single one of his servants. He has them all written down just in case he forgets.
Kabu is a very skilled vampire hunter, stories of vampires started in Europe after all. With his athleticism and powerful fire Pokèmon he is well-known by hunters worldwide. Any fire type trainer is a danger to vampires with their Pokèmon, but a fire type vampire hunter is a whole new ball game.
Kabu’s a bit more serious and jaded, but he still has that fiery passion that he's known for, it doesn't really show while he's hunting because it’s not really his favorite thing to do you know? It more shows when he's training and battling with his Pokèmon like canon Kabu.
So yeah uh cool gay vampire stuff! We love to see it.
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brimarie0512 · 10 months
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Stray kids fanfic ot8 series part eleven
Slow burn
WC: 3.3k (3,392)
There are pov switches, female reader, use of y/n, nicknames
Warnings: Mentions of food
Summery: Chan comes up with a plan and to keep it a secret Hyunjin takes you out on a spa date
Chapter Eleven “Hyunjin’s Date”
Chan’s pov-
Y/n was asleep in my arms like always but I still could not sleep. I hate knowing that she felt alone. I could see the hurt behind her eyes when she talked about it. It is too bad there is nothing I can do about it. Or is there. I softly turned a little to reach for my phone, careful not to wake up y/n. I went into the groupchat with all the guys but not with y/n and started typing .
Thursday 9:41 am
Hannie🐿️: Idk bro y/n gives amazing head
Minnie🐶: Jisung shut the fuck up
Hannie🐿️: Whatever you're just jealous
Minnie🐶: Just hurry up I want to get to the studio
Hannie🐿️: Okay okay i’m coming
Binnie🐰: With both of you just get here already
Minnie🐶: Yeah I was just setting up our little I.N. with y/n
Chan🐺: Ooo do tell
Minnie🐶: Well since you need me at the studio I can't go to the fair with Innie so I asked y/n to go with him
Innie🦊: And she said yes
Chan🐺: Of course she would say yes why wouldn't she
Innie🦊: I don't know it was still nerve wracking though
Minnie🐶: You will be fine, also Jisung and I are on our way to the studio now
Binnie🐰: Finally
Thursday 10:37 pm
Chan🐺: Guys I want to ask you something
Min🐱: What is it?
Jinnie🥟: Very ominous of you but go ahead
Chan🐺: Okay so you know how we have that extra room we use as storage?
Min🐱: Obviously, come on Channie get on with it
Binnie🐰: I agree you're really dragging this out
Chan🐺: Assholes
Chan🐺: Anyways, y/n was telling me that she had to stop by her apartment today because she needed some stuff but she felt really alone without us, so I was thinking since she stays here anyways and since she is going to be working with us soon we could redecorate it and move some of her things in for her so she can stay here but feel like she has a place to call her own to do whatever and she would have her things.
Hannie🐿️: That's so cute Chan
Lixie🐥: Awe she would love that
Innie🦊: She would she did seem off when she came back to the dorm
Chan🐺: Okay yay so what I was thinking is one of you could distract her while the rest of us work on it tomorrow
Jinnie🥟: I call dibs, I want to take her on a date after my stunt this week
Minnie🐶: But I want to take her out
Chan🐺: You both can but I think Hyunjin should take her out, Seungmin I am going to need your help keeping everyone else on track
Minnie🐶: Fine but I want to plan something for saturday with her
Chan🐺: That's fine, you can but I need you tomorrow
Minnie🐶: oaky Channie
Jinnie🥟: Yaayyy!!!
Now knowing that I could help y/n I put my phone down and I was able to sleep.
Y/n’s pov-
I woke up to Chan and I wrapped around each other. He was already awake and on his phone quietly, I looked over at him and he just gave me the warmest smile.
“Good morning doll.”
“Good morning Channie.” I said, curling into his side more. “Do you have any plans for the day?” I asked him.
“Yeah I actually have to go to the studio later sadly.” He said looking at me
“Oh okay.” I said, smiling at him.
I wish I could spend more time with him but because he is the leader he has a lot of responsibilities and I do not want to get in the way.
“Why don't we go see the rest of the boys?” He said pulling me into him.
“Okay, yeah lets go.” I said before getting up.
Chan followed after me, also getting out of bed and walked with me to the kitchen with his hand around my waist. When we entered the kitchen everyone was already in there but we all still had on our pajamas.
“Good morning.” I said to the room filled with everyone.
“Good morning jagiya.” Jisung said.
“Good morning sunshine.” Felix said after.
The whole room followed by greeting Chan and I. Suddenly Hyunjin comes over standing on my side opposite of Chan. He just had on a long bathrobe and his hair was down looking slightly messy like he just used his fingers to comb through it.
“Hey pretty, I still feel bad about the other morning.” Hyunjin said from beside me.
“Jinnie, I already told you it is okay.” I said, giving him a smile.
“I know, I know but can I take you out today to make up for it?” He asked, giving me puppy dog eyes.
I looked over at Chan and he gave me a slight nod while squeezing my waist that he was still holding to tell me it was okay.
“Yes Hyunjin, I would love that.” I said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
Once again all eyes were on us as everyone smiled.
“Perfect, go get ready and I will do the same. Dress comfortably.” Hyunjin said before disappearing to his room.
I nodded at him letting out a hum so he would know I understood and then I gave Chan a kiss before going back to his room to get ready. I took a shower first just to wash my body. When I got out of the shower I braided my hair loosely and then did some light makeup. I went to my designated drawers and picked out a pair of black leggings and a black tank top. I then put a cream colored sweater over it and just put on my black converse. I paired it with my everyday jewelry and left the room. When I entered the kitchen everyone was still there just talking among themselves and Hyunjin was by Felix’s side now dressed as well. He and Chan were the first two to notice my presence looking over at me. Hyunjin was wearing a pair of deep gray jeans and a black sweater.
“You dress comfortably and still look amazing pretty.” Hyunjin said, looking at me.
“He is not wrong.” Lee Know chimed in.
“Thank you.” I said blushing slightly.
Hyunjin came back over to me taking my hand before leaching a chast kiss on it.
“Well we are off. Don't wait up.” He said winking before basically dragging me out of the dorms.
He led me out of the building and into the car. He told the driver where to go and then brought his attention back to me.
“How are you feeling?” He asked me.
“I am good Jinnie, I am excited to see what we do today.”
“You will love it. First we are getting breakfast though.” He said smiling.
He grabbed onto my hand tight and cuddled into my side cleansing his head on my shoulder. I obviously knew Hyunjin was sweet but he has never been like this with me. He was always very forward and flirty so it was cute to see this side of him. He stayed cuddled into my side humming as we drove. When we arrived he got out first and took my hand. He brought me to a little coffee shop.
“Come on pretty.” Hyunjin said, pulling me into his side as we entered.
We both studied the menu for a moment before he looked at me.
“Do you know what you would like?” He asked.
“Yeah, a coffee and a bagel.”
“Okay perfect, I will order, go pick out a seat.” He said releasing me from his hold.
I nodded before turning around to find a place to sit. There were a few places to sit seeing as the majority of people were taking their orders to go. I decided it was best to be safe and I chose the table all the way at the back in a dark corner. I sat there patiently waiting until Hyunjin arrived.
“Here you go pretty.” He said placing my food and drink in front of me.
“Thank you.” I said smiling. “I hope this seat is okay, I know you guys have to be private about your life, especially if you're with me.”
“It is perfect, and honestly I should care but I don't. So what, if anyone asks I am getting to know my new makeup artist is that a crime.” He said in a flat tone clearly meaning that he does not care.
“I appreciate it but I do not want any of you getting in any trouble over me.” I said reaching across to hold his hands in mine. “Don't worry Jinnie, I understand it okay?”
“Yeah, thank you. How did we get so lucky? Your understanding, caring, kind, beautiful, and overall amazing.”
“Thank you Jinnie, but you guys have done so much for me as well you're all amazing and caring and just everything about you I adore.” I said, giving his hand a little squeeze.
“Thank you pretty. Let's eat, I have something else planned after this too.” He said, smiling brightly.
“Okay, thank you.” I said smiling as well letting go of his hands.
We both ate our food and took our coffee with us on the drive to the next place. Once again I was holding Hyunjin’s hand while he rested his head on my shoulder. This ride was a bit longer as I took in the scenery passing by us. Soon the car came to a stop and Hyunjin got out first again. He took my hand and led me inside. He walked up to the receptionist and gave her his name for the appointment and she disappeared into one of the back rooms.
“Ready pretty?”
“Yeah, but what should I be ready for?”
“Its a spa”
“Awe Jinnie, this is amazing. Thank you.” I said hugging him.
The receptionist came back a few moments later.
“Right this way.” She said, leading us into the room she was just in.
When I walked in I could see it was equipped with everything you could need to have an amazing spa day. Two massage tables, two wash bowls, a nail station. It was perfect.
“You may change into these robes and then our masseuses will be in shortly.” The receptionist said motioning to whe robes on the tables.
She left the room and I went over to Hyunjin and gave him a hug.
“Thank you Jinnie.” I said with my head in his chest.
“Anything for you, pretty.” He said bringing me in tighter before he released me and started looking around. “Hey, do you want me to turn around so you can change?” He asked, clearly concerned about making me uncomfortable.
“I am okay with it if you are.” I said, giving him a smile.
“Okay, y-yeah.”
I started undressing, happy that I wore a cute matching pair of underwear. I had on a black lace bralette and matching panties. I took off my shirt first and Hyunnin was staring at my chest but I did not mind. Next I slowly took off my leggings bending down to get them over my ankles. When I looked up Hyunjin was still looking at me. He came over and approached me eagerly, placing one of his hands on my cheek and the other on the small of my back connecting our lips instantly. He was so intense with it but I soon melted into the kiss until he started moving down my jaw onto my neck.
“You're…so…beautiful.” He said between each kiss down my throat.
“Thank you, but Hyun we need to get our robes on, they could be here any minute.” I said breathless.
“You're right. You're just so addicting.” He said leaving one last peck on my lips before breaking away.
I put on my robe and looked over at Hyunjin who had started undressing. He pulled off his sweater revealing his body to me. He was toned, they all were considering the fact they were idols, a piece of information that keeps slipping my mind. His arms were toned, not too big like Changbin’s but still muscular. He had abs but they didn't look too hard. I could still imagine laying my head on his stomach comfortably. I could feel myself blush but he paid me no mind and started to undo his belt. He pulled down his jeans and folded them, putting them aside. I could see the outline of him. He was a little longer than Jisung and decently thick but slimmer than Chan, what I would give to just have him right here and now but that wasn't possible. He kept his black boxers on now looking at my face, my eyes trained on his lower half.
“Like what you see pretty?” He asked smoothly, making me look up at him.
“Oh I definitely do.” I said now looking at his lips.
“Too bad we don't have time to indulge in your wandering thoughts. Like you said our masseuses could be here any minute.” He said putting the robe on.
He tied the robe around his waist and stalked over to me, giving me another tender kiss. He pulled away and adjusted himself before lying down on his table. I did the same following his lead now laying on my stomach. We both turned our heads to face each other. Hyunjin reached over, stroking my cheek with his thumb. After a moment we heard a knock at our door.
“Come in.” Hyunjin spoke as he retracted his hand and placed it back under his head.
With that two masseuses entered, both being female. They introduced themselves before explaining the services. They both started by taking some oil in their hands, warming them up before starting to work on our calves. I didn't realize how much I needed this until it started. After properly massaging our calves they asked us to remove our robes while they left the room. Hyunjin and I both stood and took our robes off and he gave me another quick kiss before laying back down. The masseuses entered the room once again starting on our shoulders this time. They worked out every muscle down to our lower backs. Every once and a while they would break apart a knot just right leading me to let out a sound. They finished us off by going over everything with lotion and then they left to allow us to put our robes back on before our facials.
“You make some pretty noises.” Hyunjin said as he stood up. “However, I already knew that. I didn't forget about Chan’s little show with you.” He said laughing now.
I started to feel embarrassed but then I looked at him and he was hard so I decided to retaliate. “Well it looks like you enjoyed it.” I said motioning to the problem in his boxers.
“You're a brat. Minho and Seungmin are going to love you.” He said laughing once more.
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“They like to put brats into their place, don't worry pretty I am sure you will love it.” He said as he put his robe on.
“I am sure I will.” I said giving him a wink before also putting my robe on.
We laid down once again but on our backs this time. Once again there was a knock but this time it was two different people that entered. Both being females once again. They explained they were estheticians who would be doing our facials today. They started by whipping our faces with a cleanser to remove any dirt or makeup. They double cleansed us, the second one being a fone. After that they exfoliated our skin and removed it once again. They then used this tool that zapped us slightly to tighten our skin before using these cooling wands. They waxed us and then applied moisturizer. They explained that our hairdressers would be next and arriving soon. Hyunjin and I sat up and he came over to sit next to me on my little bed.
“So what do you think so far?” he asked, taking my hand and playing with it in his.
“This is amazing Jinnie, I didn't know how much I needed this until they started. Thank you.”
“Of course pretty, anything for you.”
The hairdressers walked in next. They asked if we wanted anything specific and we agreed on some hair masks and a scalp massage. They brought us over to the sinks as they started to wash our hair and give us our scalp massages. They applied the hair masks and said they would be back soon. As they left two other people entered. They were nail techs and asked us what colors we would want. Hyunjin went with his classic black nail polish and I chose a nude with a french tip. They started with a pedicure and foot massage. As they were painting our toes the hairdressers came back in to wash out the hair masks. The hairdressers and nail techs finished at the same time. They brought us over to the styling chairs and started drying our hair as the nail techs started doing our manicures. The nail artist finished first leaving as the hairdressers were styling our hair. Hyunjin just asked for product while they curled my hair. Hyunjin was done first and I was finished soon after. They left the room as we thanked them for their services.
“Wow, I feel like royalty.” I said laughing slightly.
“Well it is what you deserve.” Hyunjin said, walking over to me placing a hand on each side of my waist.
“Thank you.” I said leaning to kiss him.
We stayed like that a moment, allowing him to explore my mouth before he broke away.
“Let's get dressed so we can go get something to eat. It's getting pretty late.” He said handing me my clothes.
We got dressed and left the room. Hyunjin had paid before the appointment but still left them a generous tip. We walked out to the car and got in. He gave the driver instructions to bring us to dinner. He refused to tell me where. This time I rested my head on his shoulders. I felt so relaxed and cared for I almost felt like I could sleep. Before I could get too comfortable we pulled up to a small sushi restaurant. Hyunjin took my hand, leading me inside and asking for a table in the back.
“I am sor-” He started.
“Stop, I already know but you don't have to be sorry, I understand, plus it's more intimate when we don't have to worry about other people. Trust me I am fine with it.” I haid giving him a smile and a slight squeeze to his hand.
“You're so amazing.” He said before following the host.
We sat down and looked at the menu. Hyunjin had decided to order a few different kinds of sushi and I did not complain. He didn't let go of my hand once while we talked at ate. When we were done I tried to pay but he refused to let me. We walked back into the car and once again my head was on his shoulder. This time however I did fall asleep. When we got back to the dorm Hyjin woke me up softly.
“Y/n, pretty, we are here.” He whispered as he stroked my hair.
I started to stir awake and looked at him and he got out taking my hand.
“Thank you for today Hyunjin, it was amazing, I am sorry I fell asleep on you.” I said, rubbing my eyes.
“It is okay, let's go upstairs.” He said, leading me inside.
When we entered the dorm it was quiet which was odd. It was late but not that late and it was a Friday. Where was everyone? Hyunjin led me down the hall stopping in front of a door. I had been staying at the dorm but I have never been in this room. I was told it was just storage. Hyunjin suddenly reached for the door and opened it. My eyes instantly lit up when I saw what was inside.
Taglist: @strawberry31
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fandoms-in-law · 1 year
Stories Chapter 9 - final chaper
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8
Summary: The redecorating is done, and all that's left is getting used to it. So Steve arranges a movie night for everyone
Authors comment: I had so much fun writing this and cannot thank everyone enough for all the support you've given me.
 According to Eddie all the kids were thinking about now was how Steve had decorated other bits of the house and if he'd let them see it all at some point. That, at least, was the reason Steve gave for arranging a family movie night with everyone invited, from all the members of Hellfire, to Joyce, Hopper and Murray and even Argyle if he managed to get back to Hawkins for it. 
It wasn't a lie, just not the full reason because the bigger motivation was that Steve had finally got the carpet changed, and the furniture switched out with the old things put in storage. He was hoping not to store all of it for long, and was going to offer to the adults and young adults of the group that they should have a look through and decide if any of them want some of it. As long as the kids didn't steam-roll the evening he'd make the suggestion while everyone is together.
"There's no mural?" Dustin asked, staring around the living room as if one would appear on the walls. "I was sure that you'd have asked for one in here since you got one in the dining room along with that painting." 
Steve huffed a laugh, "Good observation Dustin. Thanks for a quieter reaction though. Did any of you actually think of films you want to watch or was everyone focused on how I've changed the living room?"
"We can watch films whenever. You'll surprise us with redecorating only this once. Of course that's what we want to judge." Mike stated as if expecting anything else was stupid. "But at least you kept the TV. That would have been a waste to get rid of."
Max scoffed form where she'd pulled El and Lucas down onto one of the massive cushions slightly shaped to be sofa like. "And you're not even judging it right. Like the mix up of these cushions and proper sofas is so weird. Couldn't just pick one type, could you?"
"So you want us to throw these out, right?" Steve countered, not even needing to glance at Robin for them both to grab an end of the cushion the trip were on and start pulling it towards the door.
He got squeals of laughter before Lucas and El were taking Max's words back for her. "Guess I'll have to keep it then."
Steve smirked when he saw Hopper quietly stepping away from the noise of his living room when they were between films and Robin was corralling the kids into actually making a decision on the next one.
"You finding parenting them all a bit hard." He asked, following and a teasing tone in his voice.
"Not sure how you manage it, even with all the energy of youth to help you." Hop grumbled, grabbing one of the beers he'd brought over.
Steve shrugged, "It's a gift."
"By the way, you had any luck getting hold of Owens?" The chief asked, keeping an eye on the door in a clear desire to not be interrupted asking about it.
"I think the number is either disconnected or he's got a way to block our numbers cause I can't get through." He answered, disgruntled. "But I'm still ready to put it right using that page to claim the money off Mr Harrington if you and Joyce will let me."
"Just call him the asshole. People round town are already calling you 'that young Mr Harrington' sometimes like this is some Austin nonsense. And no, we're not letting you risk him trying to fight back if he's not realised what he signed. You just got your place safe and made it a home." Hopper insisted.
"Then at least go through the furniture I'm getting rid of and take some of it, even if it's just to sell on. I bet a fancy bed could do wonders for your back." Steve segued easily. He'd hoped he could do something like that just to make Hopper more likely to accept.
There was still a moment where he was stared at as if Hopper knew what he'd tried to do and was trying to decide if he should reject the offer just in principle. "I'm paying you something for anything I decide to take. Don't care if you don't think you need it or shouldn't ask for it, and God knows I'm not going to get close to however much the asshole paid for the stuff, but you're taking something." Hopper sighed after a moment. 
"I'm offering to just give it to you though." Steve protested, but stopped at the flat look he was given.
"And I'm saying you shouldn't just give this stuff away. At least tell me you're going to properly sell the rest of it."
He was nodding before the sentence was finished. "I've gone to the auction house in Indie to get them to resell it. Plus Robin is scheming to get Hawkins High kids informed of this to see if some of the furniture gets brought back."
It was clear Hopper was going to say something more but both men picked up some call saying they couldn't explore. "Guess there's still some curiosity among the brats for all they hated not getting lifts from you."
Robin and Eddie were laughing on each others shoulders when they re-entered the living room, near the other door to the room.
From the look of Dustin and Lucas it was clear they were the ones to stop the laughing pair, which honestly made Steve start laughing too.
"It wouldn't be exploring when they were my main help in getting everything done,but how about I give everyone a tour, settle your curiosity before we eat and the next film is put on?" Steve decided. 
"Two rules: Judgement is okay, telling Steve what he should have done when it's really just your preference is not. Go through the shelves or cupboards and be sent back here. If that's not enough to stop snooping we can take tips from 'Charlie and the Chocolate factory'. Consequences are exaggerated and plausibly deadly." Robin cut in, grinning at the noises of complaints nobody actually voiced.
"No deadly or plausibly so consequences, including no throwing my kids in the pool." Steve countered, snapping his fingers back at her before leading the way upstairs. "I will let you see my room. Will's mural deserves to be shown off, but no brats are allowed in without supervision."
"Come on Steve. It fits with how they're acting." Robin goaded, still laughing as they all followed behind him. 
“Hang on a second. That's freaking metal!” Gareth stated, one of the last of the group to enter Steve's room and now frozen staring at the mural Will had painted covering the wall behind the door. “How do you dress all prep and pretentious, when you want something so – so metal on your walls? I thought Eddie convinced you to do it for the dining room, but here? What?”
The other elder Hellfire guys had pushed forwards while Gareth spoke to see and were nodding along with his words. The kids instead just stared at them for a moment, before Dustin scoffed. “I told you, Steve is metal. He's like awesome. Why does no-one believe me when I'm always right?”
“Ego check.” The groan came from Steve, leaning in the door frame before he shrugged at the other teens. “And this is what I'm used to wearing. That's what I keep ending up doing and we all protect each other. It's just life, with a twist Will gave it to make it look cooler.”
Eddie snickered, nodding at his friends, “And I am trying to convince him to have a makeover, try out a better style. It's slow work though.”
“One group of big changes at a time, Eds. Let's get used to the house being redecorated before redecorating me.” Steve countered, nudging him.
Gareth was still looking from Steve to the mural, before finally deciding, “You had better include trying out DnD at some point. If even half of what the shitheads say, and that mural shows, is in you then you'd be a great player.”
“Don't encourage them trying to make me join.” Steve groaned over a chorus of agreement from the kids to the words.
Since they'd actually changed the furniture of Steve's room, he'd spent a month sleeping in the guest bedroom. He liked it in his room during the day but adjusting to having all his things around him openly felt terrifying, even more so after he decided the shelves were a good place for his notebooks of stories.
The thought remained in his head that his parents would see and destroy everything was too ingrained in Steve to simply be shaken off. If he wasn't staring at it while trying to sleep it was easier to believe he was as safe from his parents as everyone was finally beginning to believe they were safe from the Upside down and government torture.
Robin and Eddie still haven't been allowed to look in the notebooks since the kids found them. They hadn't asked, nor really pished him to share his storytelling. The most that had been done was Eddie asking him for ideas on where he could take campaigns next and that Steve was happy to offer suggestions for. He'd never gotten in trouble for helping someone else share a story so it was safe to do.
Eddie begged for a sleepover after everyone had headed home from the movie night. He dragged Steve into his room as soon as he agreed, insisting they go to sleep cuddling on the bed, atop the covers since Steve didn't let go long enough after being pulled in for them to be pulled over after getting permission to cuddle.
It's that night that he finally starts to relax. He had spent the evening here with his family and their friends all around him, and even people he was still getting to know felt safe enough to comment and invite him into things, most people wouldn't imagine he'd enjoy.
With Eddie there now, his room must seem alive and welcoming to his friends, that meant it could be his now. He had his own space that he could decide when to share it and other people actually wanted to help him.
That meant some of his stories happy endings were real and as much as he denied it, wanting to believe in happily ever after but struggling to was the precise reason why he never shared them or tried to join in with others.
This felt a lot like a happy ever until the next change and Steve was happy with that. His friends would be with him through whatever came next regardless.
"Can you read me a story?" He asks, not trying to escape Eddie's arms until he pulled back to look for a book.
Eddie wouldn't find any, but that was fine cause Steve was already reaching for the notebook he wanted.
"Sure Stevie, anything particu-" It was clear when Eddie recognised what he was doing. "Are you sure?"
"We've got a happy ending so I want to hear about my friends getting one too." He shrugged, silently asking that there isn't a big deal made out of this.
Nothing is as the notebook is taken from his hand, Eddie flipping through the pages to a bookmark he'd watched Steve replace while moving his things onto the shelves. 
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wafflesinthe504 · 2 years
The Rookie 5x07 Thoughts
Spoilers for The Rookie 5x07 down below. If you've watched the episode or don't care about spoilers please enjoy!
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The cold opening this episode was hilarious. I honestly cracked up, its easily one of the funniest cold opens the show has had in a while.
Nolan and Celina's case this episode was also pretty funny. The fact that three people tried to kill the guy was just absolute insanity and I loved every moment of it. Nolan, Grey, and Tim all trying to figure out what to charge the lady with since the guy was already dead was nice bit of rare humor between the three of them. Also, Tim suggesting to give the lady the least punitive charge of discharging a weapon and just giving her a ticket was just funny to me.
I really liked the fact that we heard Celina actually give solid concrete evidence of how she was able to figure out the body was already dead before the lady had shot it instead of the writers making it so that she just went off of a vibe. Even though I don't actually mind Celina explaining things through her dreams or a vibe that she got her relying on actual evidence there shows progress in her character development that makes her character feel more real. I hope we continue to see this in her work life as we get to know but still get some of it in her personal life. I would love to see her, and Angela have a chat about curses and dreams.
Nolan and Bailey were fine this episode there's still not much zest to them that makes me heavily interested in their relationship. (but Celina nearly convincing Bailey to redecorate the entire house was pretty funny. I never thought I would see Celina and Bailey become friends)
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I can never and will never get enough of Angela and Nyla working together. Honestly I would love to see them and their families hanging out together. I just need more of them.
Anyways, onto the UC operation.
Lucy "Don't disrespect me" Chen is absolutely amazing. I love seeing her do UC work because of how good she is at it. She's a natural. But during this episode I could see her questioning it during the op. Particularly, when she couldn't help Tabin. I think she still enjoys the adrenaline rush of it, but she's also considering the cons that come with being a UC operative. If Lucy decides to move onto something else I actually wouldn't want to see her join the detective bureau or at least not directly with Angela and Nyla (I know unpopular opinion but hear me out). We have already explored what a detective's life looks like so I would actually like to see her in something like the major crimes division or the CT and Special Operations unit. I feel like this could possibly add something to both Lucy's character and the show.
With Lucy in one of these divisions it could give her a chance to truly showoff some more of her skills and give the show a chance to create more interesting storylines with the cases they would be able to do and Lucy would be able to interact with more naturally with everyone.
I will say when Tim and Aaron were handling the arrest, I don't know why Lucy had to get out the car. I mean I get she wanted to support them when she saw them pull out their guns, but she said she wanted to maintain her cover and I don't know how much help she really would have been if things did go sideways.
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Aaron got his own puppy! I know Tabin is mad at him right now but I wouldn't mind seeing him again asking Aaron for help or maybe end up seeing him at the community center with James.
Aaron definitely should have told Tabin and his mom that he didn't really agree with the plan to use Tabin in the UC op. He definitely would have had a good point with cautioning them against the risks. Its those types of stunts that that put normal members of the community at risk and cause the community to lose trust.
Aaron was right to call Tim on his crap with not pulling Tabin out the moment he became unnecessary to help Lucy establish herself as a potential member for the gang.
Don't get me wrong I love Tim, but he was biased towards Lucy in this during the UC Op. It would have been nice to see him actually acknowledge and say that to Aaron at the end of the episode.
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Last, but not least Elijah Stone vs the Mid-Wilshire crew. This is gearing up to be a very interesting storyline. Elijah serving Grey, Angela, and Wesley and threatening to sue everyone else unless Wesley apologized on live TV was a crazy powerplay. Even though he chose to settle there is no way he's done messing with them.
(Also Elijah being petty enough to give Wesley a restraining order while he's at his favorite morning spot and making it so he can't get his daily scone and coffee cracks me up just a bit.)
That's it for now. Hope you enjoyed. Until next time have a great day or night!
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richardsphere · 1 year
Lets watch Ice Queendom cause i got a month of Crunchy-Blog S1E3
Ok before i start the episode, I hope this is where the timelines start to diverge. because duck fammit everything so far has been a rethread. ---- First thing in the episode “redecorating complete”. If i remember right that means we’re probably not diverging stories yet because of course we need the port classroom scene that happens imediatly afterwards. I dont remember ML!Port’s speech, but my gut says there might be a tiny rewrite to hint at things that have since been written into the series lore in more recent seasons. That RT probably didnt have defined in S1 yet. But also his speech is generic enough i might just be imagining it. (that is not a put-down. Generic is not always the same as bad.) Ports face is a lot more angular then i remember. the boarbatusk battle is pretty much identical,  Weiss sees herself.
Im betting that there must at one point have been some of those “Yang is a bad sister” types complaining ML!Yang didnt interfere, and thats why IQ!Blake tells her this is something Ruby has to do herself. Is it me or is the size disparity between IQ! Rose-pin bigger then the ML! equivalent? Could be trying to emphasize Ruby’s youth.  The Port and Ozpin scenes are both still not that great. IQ!Cardins eyebrows are really unsettlingly thick. IQ! Jaune has a neckscar matching Weiss. the Cardin V Jaune scene is entirely offscreen, focussing on the teammates in the stands with some generic “sword vs sword” sounds. (presumeably to save on budget). Personally i think they could have thrown in a few “dustsplosion” sounds to sell the weight of Cardins Mace offscreen. The Pyrha unlocks Jaune’s aura scene is moved to the rooftop where she accidentally told him to “do a flip”. this scene happens AFTER aforementioned Cardin fight. Which features Aurameters that imply its already been unlocked.  Unlocking increases Scarsize. IQ!Weiss is secretly watching Pyrrha and Jaunes rooftop gettogethers. IQ!Weiss takes more then just Port talk to decide to be a good teammate, and instead decides “well if my girlcrush can support the inadequate noodleboy, clearly its a secret test by the school that awards extra credit and Pyrha realised this before I did”. As a result IQ!Weiss attempts to be a good teammate feel somewhat hollow. (also on a note, the whimsical life-threatening bunkbeds remain unchanged) I’ll be honest, im not entirely certain i remember what JNPR’s room normally looks like, but the presence of a dividing curtain in IQ! has been noted. (i dont remember seeing it in cannon, but also it could just be peeled out the way when everyone is awake) We didnt get the sleepover, but the BunnyJamas are here! (also Jaune wont wake up after GhostJaune brambletangled him) Turns out scars are more like Bramble-tattoos.  Only “closest friends” can enter the dream. Presumably because IQ!Jaune and IQ! ruby never had the “first friends” scene, IQ!ruby doesnt go and its IQ!NPR only. Nightmare environment has Carrot-lance wielding bunny-knight statues with the Rabbit logo on the shield. Because IQ was released after S4 and they dont need to hide Jaune’s “true symbol”. Tiny todling Jaune with rabbitears, Im still annoyed they didnt go for “Jaune ascenscion shows his true leporine symbols” in the V9 climax. This was only yesterday so i cant NOT make note that they ACTUALLY MADE HIM A RABBITFAUNUS IN THE SPINOFF.  VINDICATION. if only for this one dreamscene. There’s a dreamphone. Bunny Jaunes ears wilt when sad. We need more Bunny!Jaune. (if only because, having only 1 of the 8 “core” ensemble castmembers be a faunus always felt like a fantasy tokenism-thing) IQ!Glynda mentions that jaune’s aura is underdeveloped This is not a change in the series. (cannonically aura regeneration can be trained, such as shown by them mentioning him starting to regenerate quicker during an Atlas Arc Trainingmontage), but i suspect some people might have thought it goes counter to Pyrrha claiming Jaune has a naturally large aura.  Oh no, time to see if this spin-off treats the “Weiss is racist against faunus in general, then Sun in specific then continues to equate all faunus with the White Fang and never apologises for it, instead expecting Blake to apologise for getting angry at her racism and cannon treats this like an apology”-arc better then ML! did. PENNY! *sobs in five languages* The one thing about this arc i hope they dont change, is Penny being Penny. Ghost weiss is looming I get they’re using that line about “the nightmare grimm gets stronger the more stressed you are” to justify including this arc at all.  Teleporting Penny! you know, rewatching this scene now, it becomes rather obvious that they probably didnt have the finer details of Blake’s backstory worked out yet, because otherwise Penny (who probably has a database of political VIP’s) wouldnt have felt the need to verify that “blake” was “the faunus girl” as she’d have recognised her as being basically a princess of a foreign kingdom. IQ!Penny “saw her without it” and doesnt hiccup. whereas ML!Penny just has the detailed cameras and processing power to identify them beneath the bow. Dockyard battle happens entirely off-screen (for budget reasons presumeably) and the conclusion of this arc is still dissapointing and still includes no apologies. Just a “dont run away in the future” with a non-specific implication she’ll try to be less racist in the future and a total unwillingness from Weiss to admit she commited any wrongs during this storyarc. IQ!Ruby wants blake to “give her those kitty ears”, i dont know enough about fantasy catgirls but that feels like something you cant demand, catgirls have a right to consent too you know. Oh ok, so not only is the ending of this arc still as bad as it was before, with refusal to acknowledge past wrongdoing. IQ!Weiss is also lying about her intentions to become less of a racist person in the future. Thanks for confirming that Ghost!Weiss.  ------- I can barely believe it myself. But they somehow managed to take, what was already widely recognised as some of the worst dissapointing characterwriting in RWBY’s history and managed to make it worse in this adaptation. Congratulations!
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vlvtmnky · 3 years
no chances - scaled and icy
 okay so i did a full breakdown on this song and i figured that i should share it with you guys. hopefully you guys can help me out with this and we can bounce theories off of each other.
(btw i stole stuff from genius lyrics thats why it’s formatted like that)
these are just my personal theories don't come for my throat if you disagree with me pls it's not that deep i promise you.
okay this is gonna be kinda long so
okay my main theory is that this song is between the bishops and the banditos, possibly fighting over tyler and josh.
[Intro] We come for you, no chances We come for you, no chances
i think the really deep voices are the bishops speaking. these voices appear multiple times throughout the album and this song specifically.
they are telling tyler/josh/the banditos that they will come for them and they have no chance of escaping them
sai is propaganda directly corresponds with this because we only hear what the bishops want us to hear through tyler and josh. 
[Verse 1] In my house shoes in a foot race In this house we got feng shui Get the door to blow you away Flamethrower, you a switchblade
the only connections that i could really make with these lines is in the last one.
Flamethrower, you a switchblade
in the song levitate tyler says “ And ever since the seventh grade I learned to fire-breathe ” we know that the banditos like fire as well and use it as their main source of light at their camps. we also see that nico has a blowtorch looking thing to heat up the glass.
i cant figure out much about the switchblade part, since he might have just added it to rhyme or something but if i do i will reblog this post with what i find.
Feet planted on grip tape With my shoulders squared, and my back straight Got a good base and a loose tongue Notorious in the octagon, now
i used to take tae kwan doe, and these are just basic things that you learn while practicing, so maybe he is getting ready to fight something or someone.
Notorious in the octagon, now
okay i might be reaching with this one but hear me out. how many sides does an octagon have? eight right? okay how many bishops are there (minus nico)? eight, that’s correct. also when you look at the city of dema 
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if you look the right way those little buildings around the center nine, are divided into four sets of two or whatever. this image is a bad example but i don't care enough to look for the right one LMAO.
anyways, to the point. i think notorious in the octagon is a reference to how well know tyler would be in dema, since they all know about twenty one pilots because of the feature performance event.
 We got people on the way We want you home in one piece now (Run away, run away)
i think this is actually the banditos trying to reach tyler and josh, not the bishops. why would the bishops tell tyler to run away? they already have him. I also think that home for tyler and josh is with the banditos, not the confines of dema.
the banditos are also telling tyler and josh that they have people on the way to come and save them like they went to save tyler in NATN.
it could be the banditos but i severely doubt it because it is tyler singing and not the deep voice symbolizing the bishops.
We get bodies every day We want you home in one piece now
okay the bodies everyday part is throwing me off but my best guess is that they may be talking about clancy. we know that scaled and icy is an anagram for clancy is dead, so this could be alluding to that. they could also be talking about the residents of dema that lose their fights in dema and pass away.
“we want you home in one piece” again i think that this is the banditos telling tyler to come home with josh safely and to avoid trouble as best as they can while doing so.
[Verse 2] How'd you get the location? Put together pieces? They say they sell the information In those terms of agreement
this could be about the banditos or the bishops. let me explain.
if it was from the banditos they could be asking the bishops how they got the location of their camp to snatch tyler (levitate music video) in the first place since they cannot see the color yellow. 
maybe the banditos sell the information on the bishops and other things to the people trapped in dema (or possibly others???) 
if it was the bishops they could be asking the banditos how they get the locations of the residents and how they know to get into dema in the first place.
maybe a dema resident sells information to the banditos (like clancy? we know keons is the nicest bishop from his letters) 
We spent some weekends on the grind Surveillances outside, we see when you arrive
this could connect to the outside. we know that the bishops have some sort of surveillance system because on the control center for the live stream it is set up like an old fashioned surveillance system. (i will do a breakdown on that too)
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maybe the bishops are telling the banditos they see when they arrive because of said security system.
Ride or die, my son
reminds me of the song ride, whos bishop is listo. so he could be talking to one of his subjects. this could be any bishop really i think that its the bishops and not the banditos because the second time that they repeat this it’s in that super low voice that definitely signifies the bishops speaking.
- from then it is just the chorus and the outro which is the same as the intro.
anyways that was just my take on the song, feel free to let me know what you think i love hearing other’s theories. 
i will also be doing this for all the songs on scaled and icy and may do it for some on trench and how they correspond to sai. 
i will definitely do other theories and breakdowns because i really enjoy going through everything and piecing it all together. as i work ill make a master post and a tag so you can search my account for it and find it easy.
i will also break down the live but that will take longer because its literally over an hour long and not a three minute song lololol.
(p.s. i dont care enough to proof read this because i just watched the live and im tired)
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MC is Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar
(Lessons 1-5!)
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 5-6 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
So we obviously know that things would run a little differently with L!MC instead of a normal human MC, but just how differently do things go?
No Mammon, you are not allowed to babysit!
Unlike in canon, Mammon needs to be kept away from MC at the start. Why? He’s known this kid for less than a day, he’s gonna try and use them for scams.
Everyone else in the house? Well, they’re of... observing MC. This is a first, a half human kid just wandering around the house...
MC and Lucifer, despite their amicable meeting, were in this really awkward beginning stage where they didn’t really know what to do with each other.
“So...” MC resisted the urge to twiddle their thumbs as they followed their father through the halls of the House of Lamentation. This was their home for the next year. It was very grand... and also very creepy in some places. “Where’s my room?”
“Right here.” Lucifer stopped suddenly in front of a door in the hallway, nearly causing MC to crash into him. He opened up the door, the room was very very pink. “Asmodeus decorated, you can redecorate as you see fit.”
MC popped their head in and looked around, there were approximately a thousand pillows scattered around the bed. It was the perfect amount! The very pink colour scheme was... okay. Maybe they’d be able to switch some of it out for a nice blue.
“It’s nice! Thank you,” MC was about to say Lucifer, then father, then just shut their mouth. What were they supposed to call him? They had known each other for like... an hour. He seemed like the type to want to be called father, he was too posh to be ‘dad’ or ‘pops’, and calling their father by his first name seemed way too casual as well... Parental Figure..? Guardian? Sir..? Should they call him sir???
The fact that MC ended their sentence like they were going to continue it left the two in a very awkward silence. A+ job at conversation.
“Anyway,” Lucifer finally broke the silence. “If you need time to settle in, we can pick up the tour later.”
“N-no, it’s okay! I didn’t really bring anything so...” MC was in the middle of mentally cursing themselves out, they thought they had successfully avoided falling into the awkward middle schooler stereotype! “We can keep the tour going.”
“Alright then.” Lucifer turned and motioned for MC to follow. Wow... he was very... curt? Was that the right word to use? MC hoped this was as awkward for him as it was for them.
The next stop was the portrait staircase, Lucifer explained each one down to each minute detail, MC listened in rapt attention.
“We received that one from a painter from the sixth layer of the Devildom, it was quite a rare find.”
“How many layers are there?”
“Nine, we’re in the centre most layer. This is the most highly defended part of the Devildom.” Lucifer explained.
“Oh,” MC smiled. “Cool, so it’s like how Dante described it in the Divine Comedy?”
“Mostly, some changes have been made since that time.”
“Ah, okay.” MC nodded, a thought came to them which made them clear their throat to suppress a giggle. “May I ask a question that might bother you?”
Lucifer turned and raised an eyebrow at them. “You may ask one such question.”
“Why did Dante say you were frozen in an ice lake?”
Lucifer looked around, once he was sure that no one was listening, he turned back to MC, his voice was slightly lower when he answered. “I was ice skating with Lord Diavolo, I fell through the ice and into the lake right as Virgil and Dante arrived. Of course, Dante had to embellish or I’d smite him, if only he left out the ice part.”
To MC’s credit, they didn’t laugh, but they weren’t doing a very good job of hiding how hard it was to not burst into laughter. “Oh my... how upsetting...”
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “I’d tell you not to tell anyone but,” his lips quirked up into a smile. “No one would believe you if you said anything anyway.”
MC gasped, but the gasp ended up releasing the laugh they were holding in.
The half demon noticed some of the other portraits on the wall, each of the brothers had a portrait, there were two demons that MC didn’t recognize. So that was their family... they wondered if their picture might be on that wall one day...
“Who’s he?” MC pointed at the portrait between Mammon’s and Satan’s.
“That’s Leviathan, the third eldest, the Avatar of Envy, and the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy.”
‘Oooo, so he’s a military guy!’ MC thought to themselves. ‘And the third most powerful brother? Wow... he must be crazy scary...’
“What about him?” MC pointed at the seventh and final portrait.
It may have just been MC’s imagination, but they swore they saw Lucifer’s expression sour slightly.
“That’s Belphegor, the youngest and the Avatar of Sloth.” Lucifer explained. “He is currently in the human world as an exchange student.”
“Oh,” MC studied the portraits a bit more. “Cool! I hope he’s having a good time up there.”
“As do I.” Lucifer replied. “Now we should move on to the Underground-”
Lucifer sighed and dragged a gloved hand down his face. “We’ll continue this tour later, MC. Feel free to explore some more, try not to break anything.”
“Because the things might be cursed?”
“That and the things are old and expensive.”
MC spends the rest of the day chilling in the house with Asmo, who peppers MC with ALL the questions.
They does their best to answer... but it’s clear Asmo was hoping for something a little more interesting.
“So, do you run the human world?”
“No. No I do not.”
Finally, Mammon escapes whatever punishment Lucifer’s got him caught up in and tried to get MC involved in something that’ll probably make them lose their money.
Mini HC! A demon’s wings, tail, or horns might pop out randomly if they aren’t paying attention! The demon doesn’t even need to be in their true demonic form for this to happen. It happens more often with younger demons like MC!
Mammon stops his little scheme when he notices that MC’s wings have popped out and left a few stray feathers lying about... he can hear the CHA CHING sound already.
Our favourite dummy tried to Mission Impossible his way into MC’s room but MC caught him trying to make off with some loose feathers after they came back with a dustpan to clean them up.
Eventually, it was dinner time, and Levi was still camped out in his room. Mammon got sent to get him out, and he decided to drag MC along with him.
“I don’t think we should bother him-”
“Sh! We gotta get him out of his stupid room or he’s gonna stay in there until the exchange year’s over.” Mammon snapped, stopping in front of Leviathan’s door.
“I still don’t think we should-”
Mammon rudely interrupted poor, aghast MC by slamming his fists against the door. “LEVI! GET UP! DINNER’S READY!”
The only response was someone increasing the volume on whatever show was playing behind the door. Wow, petty. MC suppressed a snort until they realized exactly what they were hearing.
Was that...
“Is that the Sailor Moon theme?” MC turned to Mammon and asked. The moment the question left their lips the pair heard someone practically bolt to the door. It swung open and hit Mammon right in the face.
Ah, so this was the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy. MC didn’t know that track pants and headphones were a part of the uniform.
“You like anime?!” Levi asked, MC slowly nodded.
Quick as lightning, MC was pulled into the room, and Levi slammed the door shut, tragically, the door hit Mammon again.
Leviathan didn’t seem too interested in Mammon’s chorus of curse words and angry knocks, he was grabbing some figurines off shelves and showing some to MC.
“Do you know who this is?!”
“That’s White Blood Cell from Cells at Work. What about Mamm-”
“How about this!”
“Violet Evergarden from the show of the same name, now Levia-”
“Whose this?!”
“LEVIATHAN!” MC stomped their foot and pointed at the door. “Mammon said we need to go eat dinner.”
“Don’t interrupt me, human!” Levi hissed, MC rolled their eyes and snorted.
“Nice to meet you, by the way.” MC crossed their arms and let their wings appear and puff up behind them.
“We have to go to-” MC was cut off yet again by Levi passing out. Wow... what a day...
Mammon was still pounding on the door, MC rolled their eyes and opened it.
“He passed out, can you carry him?”
Mammon was decidedly not careful with his dear little brother when he dragged him out of his room and into the dining room. When Levi finally woke up, he got an earful from Lucifer, and tried to kill Mammon.
Apparently money was owed that Mammon wasn’t about to pay.
So yeah, MC and Levi’s alliance did not stem from desperation, it stems from otaku-camaraderie.
MC and Levi planned their credit-card hostage situation over a fun evening of watching anime.
Mammon never knew what hit him...
“Okay Mammon, pay up or your credit card gets cut up.” MC playfully opened and closed the scissors before poising them to cut up the helpless credit card. Mammon let out a shriek and shook his head.
“NONONONONO- don’t do that!” Mammon put his hands up and let out a nervous laugh. “MC... wh-what’s with all the animosity..? We’re buddies, right?”
MC snorted and rolled their eyes. “Buddies don’t try and make money off each other’s feathers.”
“You heard them, Mammon.” Levi snickered. “Pay me back the money you owe me!”
“I don’t have the money right now!”
MC shook their head. “Pity... oh well, bye bye Goldie-”
“The money’s in my sock drawer- just please put the scissors down!”
They slowly lowered the scissors. “What do you think, Levi?”
“Hmmm... you have two minutes.” Levi said, Mammon took off in a sprint out of the kitchen.
“Nice job Agent L!” MC chirped, holding their hand out for a high five, Levi looked positively elated and gleefully hit his hand against MC’s.
“We did it! I’m finally going to have enough money to go to the live show! Couldn’t have done it without your help, Agent Near.”
“Wait- why am I Near?” MC asked. “You get to be L and I have to be Near?”
Levi crossed his arms and huffed. “Would you rather be Mellow?”
“No! I want to be Light! We agreed that I’d be Light!” MC hissed. Levi, literally hissed back.
Anyway, Levi got paid, and everyone had a very entertaining breakfast. Well, Mammon didn’t have a very good time, but boo hoo he should have paid Levi back sooner.
I think MC felt legitimately bad for Mammon, all the insults and jabs being aimed at him made MC feel a little guilty...
MC took care to be extra sweet that day, and it made Mammon feel a bit better. You know what made both of them feel amazing?
Screwing with the dipshits that were talking crap about the two of them.
MC didn’t need super-hearing to notice that some of the demons at RAD found it to be peak comedy that Mammon got slapped with babysitting duty.
“...do you want to mess with them?”
“Too late, I’m doing it with or without you.”
Mammon was totally in, obviously. A little magic to move some of the lesser demons’ things around and voila! They were all at each other’s throats and Mammon and MC got to enjoy a fun lunchtime show!
The Purgatory Hall crew got to meet MC too, of course!
“And this,” Lucifer gestured to MC. “Is the other human exchange student.”
MC popped up from behind one of the rows of desks and gave the three newcomers a toothy grin. “Nice to meet you!”
Simeon’s calm and serene expression dropped almost immediately as he quickly looked from Lucifer to MC. The latter just gave him an innocent smile and tilted their head.
“Is something the matter?” MC asked, through the corner of their eye they saw Lucifer smirk slightly.
“N...” Simeon snapped back to reality. “No, nothing’s the matter, it’s nice to meet you, MC.”
“You awful demons!” A much younger voice yapped. “You brought a human child down here?! Shame on you!”
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “I’m overwhelmed with guilt, put me out of my misery.”
“Oh!” MC gasped. “You’re the chihuahua!”
“What?” MC shook their head and shrugged. “What’s the matter with me being a kid? You look like you’re ten.”
“I’ll have you know that I’m well over-”
“Am I just going to go ignored?” The third and final stranger asked, a cheeky/very suspicious looking grin on his face.
“Right, you.” Lucifer sighed. “This is Solomon, another human exchange student.”
“It’s nice to finally meet the other... human exchange student.” Solomon offered a nod.
“Likewise.” MC pretended not to notice the pause before he said human.
The first bell that meant “haul your ass to next period because if the cleaning staff finds you skipping class you will be maimed” sounded. MC slung their bag over their shoulder and brushed past their fellow students.
“Have a nice rest of your day, everyone!” MC chirped as they and Lucifer headed off to their next class.
“What do you stand to gain by pretending you aren’t my child?” Lucifer asked.
MC snickered. “It’s funny! Didn’t you see their faces?”
Lucifer half smiled and shook his head. “Perhaps.”
“That kid is Lucifer’s.” Solomon said the moment Lucifer and MC were out of earshot.
“Oh thank heavens someone else saw too... I thought I was going crazy...” Simeon sighed in relief.
“Hey! We’ll be late to class if you guys don’t hurry!” Luke called from down the hall.
Solomon chuckled under his breath. “This whole year just got way more interesting...”
A lot of MC’s time got devoted to getting to know their newly found family.
Satan was proving to be very... polite? Almost weirdly so? He’d address MC like he would address a formal acquaintance, not like one would address a family member... or even a roommate.
MC tried the delicate dance of trying to respect his boundaries and trying to get him to like them...
Once the glasses incident happened everything kinda caved. MC had been quite rudely shunned by Satan and they were quite done trying to be his friend! Hmph!
...hmph :(
At least Beel was nice... despite MC being a little intimidated by his size and resting bitch face, MC soon found out that Beel was a massive cinnamon roll.
In return for all the snacks Beel shared with MC, they introduced him to at least five human world cooking shows.
“MC, why is the music so dramatic? They’re just revealing the cooking supplies.”
“It’s a reality TV thing... everything is 10 times more dramatic than it needs to be. The music’s doing its job though, I’m very impressed by that pie dish.”
Overall, MC’s first week at RAD was pretty decent! Until... well... until Friday.
MC could only hide their demonic side for so long...
“That’s them?”
MC slowed their steps and turned to look for the source of the voice.
“Yep.” A second voice confirmed. “Human kid, like I said.”
Ugh... of all the times to have needed to stay late after school... the hallway MC was in was completely empty and they had no clue where anyone they actually knew was-
MC whirled around to see the two gossiping demons standing right behind them. They instinctively took a few steps back before the taller of the two demons grabbed them by the wrist and yanked them forward.
“Geez, are all humans this tiny?” The taller one asked as he slowly lifted MC off the ground. MC fixed him with the nastiest glare possible, he tried to scowl back, but ended up looking away and laughing to the shorter demon. “Look at them, barely enough for a snack, no wonder Beel hasn’t eaten them yet.”
Turning to the shorter demon, MC gave them a similar glare. “Put me down.”
“Tsk, quiet.” The taller demon snapped, he turned back to the shorter demon. “So if we just nab them now, how much do you think someone’ll take for their soul?”
“I-uh...” the shorter demon couldn’t pry their gaze away from MC’s as they tried to sputter a response. “I don’t think we should...”
“Why not? The exchange program’s still in its trial phase anyway, we kill this human and they’ll just bring in another one.”
The way he was speaking about them made MC’s skin crawl. How dare he? How dare he talk about them like they were just common trash? Who did this... person think he was?
An old familiar feeling bubbled beneath the surface. It had always been there, the intense, sometimes overwhelming desire to let the whole world know that they were better. The feeling coiled its way up MC’s spine and wormed its way into their head where it settled.
“You can’t be spoken to like that.”
Every single time this feeling had flared up, MC had done their best to suppress it. They didn’t know what would happen if they gave in, and frankly, they didn’t want to know.
“Let them know you’re not to be trifled with.”
The burning desire to crush the two demons like ants was almost impossible to ignore. MC felt their hands twitch and sparks snap between their fingertips.
“I’m not going to tell you again,” MC growled. “Put. Me. Down.”
“Human,” the taller demon turned back and cooed, his mocking tone made MC want to rip his throat out. “I said be quiet.”
His grip on MC’s wrist tightened until a sickening crack echoed through the empty hallway.
Bile immediately rose in MC’s throat as they let out an earsplitting scream. Their wrist seared in pain and their heart began to race hammer against their ribcage.
The desire to give in only grew and became harder to control, MC could feel themselves slipping. The feeling only had one simple question to ask, one that MC knew the answer to.
“Are you going to let them get away with that?”
Their face morphed into a cheek splitting grin despite the pain, their head tilted to the left as they stared down the two demons.
Horns twisted and burst out of their skull as they dug their rapidly sharpening nails into the demon’s arm. Their teeth grew and sharpened while formerly hidden fangs burst through their upper gums. The agonizing pain of their bones growing, snapping, and shifting in and out of place as their demonic form took hold for the first time numbed as MC revelled in their new power.
Through the reflection in the taller demon’s horrified stare, MC could see their pupils stretch into almost catlike slits. He dropped them onto the floor while he and the shorter demon backed up. MC’s impossibly wide smile only grew as they watched the realization dawn upon the lesser demon as he stitched together what he had just done. The human he had decided to bother wasn’t quite so human after all.
“Oh?” MC cooed as their wings split through their back and unfurled behind them. “Where do you think you two are going? We haven’t even gotten started yet.”
Lucifer was jolted from his conversation by a sharp blast of blue light and the sound of screams from a nearby hallway. He instinctively rolled his eyes.
“Lord Diavolo, pardon me but I need to go deal with a disturbance in the halls.” Lucifer said, Diavolo sighed mournfully on the other end of the call.
“Alright, if you must, but make sure to come over later! There are events that need to be scheduled.”
Lucifer knew full well that Diavolo was making half of the school events up as an excuse for basic social interaction. Oh well, it wasn’t the time to think on his prince’s social woes, he had a problem to solve.
How many times did he have to tell some of those idiotic students to take their petty squabbles outside?
Lucifer made his way over to where the fight was happening, he wasn’t walking with particular urgency, a fight on school property wasn’t too unusual, until a massive shockwave spilled through the hallways and slammed into him.
The Avatar of Pride felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight up, that was his magical signature... wasn’t it? No, it was just different enough...
“Dammit.” Lucifer doubled his pace, when he reached the end of the hallway, the sight was just what he feared.
MC stood straight in the middle of the hallway with their back to him, two other demons were lying in crumpled heaps on the ground, one was next to an incredibly dented row of lockers while the other was lying next to an almost completely broken drinking fountain.
Lucifer’s own true form was out in a flash as MC turned to look at him. their eyes glowing a shining blue. Their lips curled into a snarl as they let out an otherworldly growl.
“Go away.”
“MC, calm yourself down.” Lucifer said slowly as he approached them. “Return to your normal form.”
The half demon bowed their head slightly and took a few steps back as he stepped closer. Lucifer almost patted himself on the back for such a show of authority, until MC paused and looked up defiantly. The glow in their eyes doubled as any sense of fear left them completely.
“I said, GO AWAY!”
They lunged at him, which he easily sidestepped, only for MC to quickly turn and latch their claws into his arm.
The child packed a surprising amount of force into their strikes, but he was able to block and redirect almost every single one. If this were any normal fight, Lucifer would have just swatted them away and have been done with it, but this wasn’t any ordinary opponent.
MC was his child, the exchange student, and going through their first transformation. They weren’t exactly rational or directly responsible for any of their actions at that moment.
During a first transformation the demon is almost completely relying on base instincts to function, they’ll go completely ballistic for a while, trying to tear through anything in their way until they run out of energy and pass out. Which is why during a demon’s first transformation usually happened much earlier in their lives under the watchful eyes of parents or guardians.
It was clear to anyone with even casual knowledge of demons that MC had fully given themselves over to their pride and wouldn’t stop trying to prove their superiority until they passed out.
Even though Lucifer was blocking and avoiding most of the blows, MC had managed to get in a few good scratches.
They snapped at Lucifer’s right hand, narrowly missing it and aimed their elbow at his jaw. Almost casually batting the hit away, he hissed in frustration.
“Damn it... MC, control yourself!”
MC snarled and sloppily lunged forward, only for Lucifer to use his wings to bat them to the side. They slid across the floor, their glasses falling off and skidding away from them. MC lay still for a few moments, their chest rising and falling rapidly.
Lucifer stood in place, waiting for any sudden movement. For a few moments, the hallway was quiet, save for the massive gulps of air MC was taking and the occasional groan of pain from one of the demons on the floor. MC slowly sat up and blinked a few times, then looked from side to side.
Something important dawned on Lucifer, he didn’t know just how blind MC was without their glasses.
MC’s rapid breathing began to slow as they continued to squint and search the area around them for their glasses. Lucifer almost audibly sighed in relief as the blue glow in his child’s eyes began to dull.
“MC.” Lucifer allowed his demon form to disappear as he slowly moved towards them, making sure MC could hear him approaching.
The half demon stopped scanning the area for their glasses and looked up at him, they awkwardly covered a yawn with their hand as their wings sleepily fluttered behind them. It would have been much cuter if MC wasn’t spattered with blood.
Lucifer slowly offered his hand, which MC eyed suspiciously. “Come on, let’s go.”
MC blinked a few times, then yawned again and awkwardly accepted his hand. “Mmph... m’tired...”
“That’s good,” Lucifer said quietly. “Everything’s okay.”
MC half nodded and awkwardly stumbled as they tried to find their footing. Lucifer tried to help steady them, but it proved ineffective as MC collapsed into his arms. Sighing, he picked them up and began to walk back to the House of Lamentation.
Just before leaving the school, Lucifer passed by Simeon and Solomon, who looked from MC, who had curled their wings around themselves and was sleeping soundly, to Lucifer, who had a few scratch marks on his face and whose hair was a complete mess.
“Ah, you two, one of you do me a favour.” Lucifer said as he brushed past them. “One of you go to the biology hallway and pick up MC’s glasses.”
Simeon and Solomon nodded and mumbled out an affirmation as Lucifer left the school with MC. Hmph, it seemed MC was right, their confused/shocked faces were quite funny.
MC woke up the next morning with the worst muscle pain they had ever and hopefully would ever feel. On the bright side, their wrist wasn’t broken anymore :D
They had literally built their true form. Their skeleton just stretched and rearranged itself, horns grew out from their cranium, their wings broke through their back and a new set of fangs decided to break through their gums... and then all of that new stuff was gone as MC lay in bed in their normal form like a deflated beach ball.
Not wanting to seem like a wimp, MC dragged themselves to breakfast, and everyone was all: “MC, go back to bed, you can’t do anything when you’re like this.”
“Quiet, I’m fine.”
“MC, if you’re fine, then give Beel a high five, make sure it makes the slap sound.”
“Alright then, Beel, come here.”
Beel didn’t exactly think to take MC’s shorter stature into account when holding up his hand for a high five. He’s tall, okay?
MC then proceeded to grit their teeth and try not to scream as they lifted their arm to weakly hit their hand against Beel’s.
“It made the noise..!”
“No it didn’t, I didn’t hear it.”
“Couldn’t hear it, go back upstairs.”
When MC trudged upstairs, Asmo practically squealed and pointed out that MC had called Lucifer father for the first time. It’s a shame no one took a picture of happy/surprised Lucifer.
Side note: after the whole event calmed down, Lucifer was crazy proud that his kid kicked the asses of two grown demons.
Funnily enough, this incident is what kickstarted MC and Luke’s friendship! Luke heard MC got into a fight and brought over get-well cookies! Sure... Beel, Mammon and Levi stole most of the cookies but they were still good!
At school on Monday... hooooooo boy... the two demons that tried to kill MC had lived to tell the tale thanks to MC getting distracted by Lucifer, and now the entire student body knew NOT to fuck with MC.
A few weeks into the exchange year, things had settled into a somewhat normal routine... until one really shitty night in particular.
MC was curled up in bed, their new comforter and sheets were a pain to put in, but they suited MC’s taste much better than the pink that had been there previously. Sighing in contentment, MC felt themselves drifting off to sleep-
Mother fucker who was texting at the ungodly hour of 10:30 pm on a Sunday? ‘Twas the lord’s day and the lord of the house stated that everyone needed to get their asses to bed at a reasonable hour.
MC picked up their phone and put on their glasses. After being blinded by the light of the phone for a brief moment, MC read the text.
Not-Rich Uncle Pennybags 💰🕶: Oi! MC! U want a snack?
Not-Rich Uncle Pennybags💰🕶: I’m in the kitchen! Get down here!
After debating whether or not to throw Mammon to the wolves and rat him out, MC decided that they did in fact want a snack and hopped out of bed to go to the kitchen.
“Hey kiddo!” Mammon said through a mouthful of something in a container, a loose note hung limply from a piece of tape that was stuck on the Tupperware. “Next time, hurry it up, got it? Ya can’t keep me waitin’ like this!”
“Mm...” MC grumbled, rubbing their eyes and looking around the kitchen. “What are you eating?”
“Custard!” Mammon smiled brightly. “Ya gotta try this!”
Oooo, custard! MC grabbed a spoon and practically skipped over to try some. Right before they were about to try a bit of the heavenly deliciousness, MC paused and finally caught a glimpse of what the note said.
‘Property of Beelzebub, you eat it, you die.’
Uh oh-
Okay, the next few bits of this WILL come out in order, I promise! Kinda... not really... eh... but it matters not! I hope you all enjoyed this! I didn’t leave you with a cliffhanger this time considering Lessons 5-6 are already out ^_^
So uh- wanna fight the demons that tried to hurt MC? I’m bringing the pitchforks, who’s driving?
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Tumblr media
August Walker x fem!reader
Summary: Never in a million years did August expect to have this type of life, however, years after meeting you, he finds himself as a doting father.
Wordcount: 995
Warnings: Mentions of sex
August never expected something like this to happen. For years he could’ve sworn that he’d stay alone and grow old by himself and he was cool with it.
However, he never expected you to barge into his life. You were the complete opposite of him. Happy, cheery and always ready for a new lovely adventure. He hated himself for falling in love with you, because you made him vulnerable and besides: you were out of his league anyways.
But living without you, that was out of the question, because he simply couldn’t. You were like oxygen to him, the main reason he got out of bed and forgot about the things he did in his past.
It almost scared him how domestic he got with you. Asking you to move in with him since you lived in a tiny studio, letting you completely redecorate his house, which meant all sorts of cute accessories and your clothes scattered all over the place.
He made hot water bottles for you when you were on your period, massaged you when you wanted and kissed you on your forehead when you were grumpy or an emotional mess. When you dragged him out to go shopping with you, he’d watch you try on piece after piece after piece, holding the bags and insisted on paying for everything.
After two years of dating, he proposed to you, because the sheer idea of never being around you anymore, was simply too much for him. You two had a small and intimate wedding and a honeymoon that lasted around three months.
And then it happened: you got pregnant. He knew you wanted kids and in his mind, he saw a few kids running around, but when it happened, everything caught up with him and he started to panic.
With everything he had done in his past—pre-you—and with the childhood he had, how was he able to raise a child?
In his mind, he wasn’t.
You were right there, to calm him down and ease his mind. You were his rock and he knew that. You were in it for the long run, you promised that to each other in your vows and you were the one to keep those promises.
But when his first child was born, a little boy, he had even more difficulties accepting fatherhood. To not wanting to hold his child for the first three days, to having sleepless nights. Not because his boy was keeping him up with endless crying, but because his mind was racing with words of worry and fear.
Those doubts, fears and thoughts? It’s all history now, because twelve years later, he is a doting father of three: two boys aged twelve and ten and a little girl who just turned five.
‘What did I say to you about your coats?’ August asks when he walks into the living room, holding up not one, not two, but three sets of coats?
Liam, your oldest, clears his throat. ‘That we can leave them on the floor?’
‘Very funny,’ August deadpans, folding Liam’s coat into a ball, throwing it at him. ‘We have a coat rack for a reason, son.’ He ushers his other son Mason as well, handing him two coats.
‘But dad, that’s not fair,’ Mason exclaims, ‘this is Jazzy’s coat.’
‘Yeah, but my little princess is too small to hang up her coat, since she can’t reach and you can.’
Mason mumbles something, but one stern look from his dad is enough to shut him up. ‘Hi princess,’ he says to his daughter, as he sits down on the couch next to her. ‘How are you?’
‘Good,’ she says, still too mesmerized with whatever is on the television.
As the four of them watch tv, he hears the front door open. You walk inside, dropping your coat in the doorway with a bright smile on your face.
The kids clearly take after you.
‘So,’ you say, ‘guess who brought home pizza?’
While the kids all start to cheer ‘Yes!’, August asks: ‘Again?’
‘Well, if you don’t want it, you don’t have to eat it. I think there is some salad left over in the fridge.’ With a mischievous spark in your eyes, you wiggle your eyebrows. ‘That means more for us.’
Liam runs up to you, giving you a hug. ‘Yeah, dad, you clearly don’t want it.’
Mason grabs the pizza boxes from your hand and the three of you walk to the kitchen. Jazzy looks up to August and says: ‘Dad, you can have some of my pizza.’
He smiles. ‘That’s my girl. I love you, princess.’
♡ ♡ ♡
Later that night, when the three kids are all in bed, it’s finally just the two of you. He wraps his arms around your waist, as you stand near the kitchen counter, prepping some meals for the kids as they all go to school tomorrow. ‘What are your plans tomorrow, darling?’ he asks, pressing a kiss on your temple.
‘I have a few errands to run, but other than that, I’m all free.’ You look to the side. ‘Why?’
It’s that damn smile of yours, that causes him to growl. ‘I was thinking about how the two of us could engage in some adult activities. The entire fucking day.’
‘Hmm,’ you say and you have the audacity to pretend to think about it. ‘What kind of activities?’
‘You’re naked,’ he whispers, ‘I’m naked and we manage to put ourselves in some compromising positions.’ He turns you around and gives you a peck on your lips. ‘It’s been awhile.’
‘That is correct.’
‘What do you say?’ he asks. ‘Because I need you, darling.’
You snake your arms around his neck. ‘Good thing I need you too. Can’t wait until tomorrow, honey. Just promise me one thing.’
‘You cook and pick up the kids from school,’ you say, ‘because I already know I probably have some walking issues after you are done with me.’
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luna-the-moth · 4 years
Lucifer, Leviathan, and Satan with a Plant-Loving S/O (SFW)
I accidentally deleted the ask, but here’s what was requested: @hey-its-spades : Hello! For Levi, Lucifer, and Satan if you dont mind uwu . Mc has a knack for plants and has taken it upon themselves to put plants everywhere. ( hanging from ceilings,crawling ivy on outside walls,in the kitchen, library, even luci's study.) All the rooms look a liytle greener and None of them say anything but the student body is saying that it makes the old place look alive and home-y. It makes mc really happy.       
Oh I adore this ask! SFW, with a GN! reader. I’m assuming by student body you mean the HoL residents? Since almost nobody outside the household residents visit there. I got really carried away with Levi and the Lucifer angst as well-
My vampire poll for the OM characters
My ask box is open, but please read my rules and guidelines before requesting! Please send them in my ask box, as I can keep track of requests better.  Reblogs, likes, and comments are greatly appreciated!
Lucifer, Leviathan, and Satan with a Plant-Loving Reader (SFW)
Prologue/basics for all of them:
Ever since you came to the HoL, you decided that it was too....lifeless.
Sure, there were bright candles lighting the halls, but the house was devoid of any life, besides the brothers and Henry.
So you took it upon yourself to decorate, of course!
While many human world plants didn’t fare well in the Devildom due to the poor soil quality, Lord Diavolo had agreed to bring you enchanted soil, guaranteed to grow any plant.
Regardless of temperature or sunlight needs, whatever plant grew in that soil would flourish to its upmost potential.
Asmo had a great deal of amusement with you decorating, advising you on what colors would fit specific areas of the household, and what species of flowers would bring beautiful symbolism as well.
In the house’s entryway, you left a pair of Strelitzia nicolai (giant bird of paradise) plants, as they added a subtle flair.
With long, stemmed leaves, it contributed a touch of elegance and flair.
On the a few windowsills, you had placed Begonia rex-coltorum (Rex begonias), their dark, vivid, colors standing out.
You had planted crawling ivy on the outside walls, making the house seem more inviting.
Lucifer hadn’t minded your redecoration, as it had matched well with the house’s aesthetic, adding to the beauty.
In fact, he had quite enjoyed seeing you pore over catalogues and books, deciding which one would fit the space best.
Over the next few weeks, he watched as the House of Lamentation became brighter, more colorful.
It was a nice change, he thought.
However, he was surprised when he had woken up in his study, rose bushes in the corners of his study.
Deep, red roses greeted him as he surveyed his study with a pleased smile.
It was no secret Lucifer adored roses, and he was appalled when he had first arrived in the Devildom, as the soil quality was so poor, it could hardly grow anything.
Which meant he couldn’t grow roses, one of his favorite flowers.
The fact that you had thought about him, and wanted to gift him such a beautiful display, greatly moved the stoic demon.
Making his way to one of the bushes, he took off his gloves and knelt down on one knee.
The soft, sweet fragrance immersed his senses, filling him with memories of laughter, smiles, serenity, and Lilith.
Roses were her favorite flower.
As the memories flooded his mind, Lucifer suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of longing, and his vision became blurred.
He remembered the way Lilith used to brighten up when helping him with his garden, an eager grin ever-present on her face.
The way she would make him a colorful bouquet of roses whenever Michael had given him more stressful tasks than usual.
He quickly wiped a stray tear that had fallen from one of his eyes, and calmed himself.
Taking one of the velvety flowers in his hand, Lucifer gently brought his lips to the flower head, leaving a soft kiss, almost as if it was Lilith’s forehead.
The next time you went over to his study for some tea, he brought you into his arms, bringing you close to him.
Kissing your cheek, he lets a small smile break through his usually-serious facade.
“Thank you for the roses, my love. They compliment my study’s aesthetic nicely.”
Placing a small kiss on your neck, he smirked.
“Perhaps I can thank you with a date tonight?”
Levi actively enjoyed watching you redecorate the HoL.
It was like one of his favorite games, The Grims! (Yes that was a terrible pun for The Sims.)
He had listened with interest as you went off on the best plants that would fit his aesthetic, and would match well with water.
What caught his attention, was when you brought up the topic of bio luminescent plants.
Of course, they weren’t naturally grown in the human world, but scientists had recently found a way to genetically modify tobacco plants.
In doing so, they had spliced the genes with four fungus genes related to bio luminescence, then carefully cultivated them.
From a seedling to maturity, the plants presented a small glow, visible to the naked eye.
The gene modification had no harmful effects on the plants, and the only difference between the lab-modified plants and wild plants, were height.
The entire time you had explained the plant’s origins passionately, Levi sat in awe, watching as you had gestured your hands in an excited fashion.
So this is what you meant when you had said you enjoyed him being so passionate about an anime or game.
At first, Levi had thought you were merely exaggerating to cheer him up, but as he looks at you now, eyes shining with delight, he understood.
You decided that since you were decorating the HoL, you would decorate Levi’s room as well.
You didn’t have access to the bio-luminescent plants, but you decorated his rooms to the nines nonetheless.
So, you had pooled together your money and resources, to create a mini lily pond for him!
You had miraculously gotten him out of the house, for a cosplay con, in which you had ‘accidentally’ forgotten to buy yourself a ticket.
Which we all know is a lie, you had just not bought one for yourself in order to stay at home, assembling the pond with Solomon’s help.
It was small, enough to fit around 6-7 lily pads/lotuses.
You had carefully grown the lily pads in your room, watching as they eventually bloomed into light, almost ethereal flowers.
By the time Levi came home, you had just finished cleaning up, getting the mud washed from your hands and arms.
Upon seeing the lily pond, Levi’s eyes were wide with amazement and shock.
You created and did this, for him?
Absolutely sets down his handfuls of merch, (gently, mind you) and silently steps over to you.
He does his best to hug you like in anime, wanting you to know how much he appreciates this.
Yes, it may be awkward, but it warms your heart knowing that he stepped out of his comfort zone, just to thank you.
He’s too embarrassed to say it while looking at you, but you can hear his voice as he rests his head against yours.
As he pulls away, a blush is evident on his face, his head turned to the side as he awkwardly places his hand against the back of his neck.
“T-thank you, Y/n. It’s a b-beautiful lily pond.”
He fully supported your botanical excursion
After all, he’s always had an affinity for plants.
Whether it be for potions, poisons, or mere decor, Satan had a green thumb, through and through.
If his room weren’t full of books, scriptures, and all sorts of literature, he’d fill it with various plants.
So when you had announced that you were going to re-decorate the HoL with various flora, he was buzzing with excitement.
He gathered every human botanical book he knew of, and started leaving them for you on your desk.
Within a week, you had stacks upon stacks of books, knowledge ready at your disposal.
And so you began to research.
Satan was considerate to leave footnotes in a few of them, like what type would pair well with what color schemes, etc.
You smiled while reading through them, seeing Satan’s elegant handwritten flow across the pages.
Within a few weeks, you had skimmed through the books, thoroughly reading a handful of them.
After ordering the plants you wanted on Azukon, (courtesy of Lord Diavolo’s credit card-) you were eagerly anticipating their arrival.
Especially because a few ‘special items’ were in the package.
After all, you wanted to thank Satan properly for his help.
When the various flora arrived, you had carefully cultivated each of them, encouraging their growth.
Satan had assisted you, monitoring their progress, and making sure none of his brothers ruined them.
The following weekend, Satan had a student council meeting planned, as did the rest of the brothers.
Which left you with the perfect opportunity to set up Satan’s gifts.
In his room, you had placed Senecio rowleyanus (string of pearls) plants, their bright green globes spilling over the bookshelves.
Along with that, were lavender candles, with dried lavender crushed inside.
After all, Satan had always (usually) been the most level-headed out of his brothers, despite his title.
He’s much more than the avatar of wrath, and has gone through painstaking time and trials to overcome that.
That’s why you had picked lavender, which without a doubt, would be noticed by Satan.
When he had come back from the meeting, he was already in a pissy mood, as things didn’t go as planned, ending in an argument between the brothers.
However, when he stepped into his room, seeing lavender candles lit, and garlands of plants over the bookshelves, he immediately broke out in a smile.
A real, genuine smile.
Seeing you sitting on his bed, lavender candles lit, plant garlands stringing down from the bookshelves, it was almost like one of the romance novels he had read...
Quickly, he scooped you up in his arms, spinning you until you were laughing for him to stop.
Finally setting you down to gently kabeddon you, he playfully kisses the corner of your lips.
“Thank you my love, these are absolutely beautiful. I shall preserve these for all eternity.”
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tricksters-captain · 4 years
Benny Watts/The Queens Gambit imagines - From Pawn to Pen Part 4
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AN: I’m sorry I missed posting last week. I’m currently going through a hard break up and it’s really taking a lot of energy out of me so I struggle to write at the moment. 
Overall Summary: You’re a young journalist for Chess Review, with a love for chess and a desire for knowledge. One day at a tournament, you come across the famous Benny Watts...
In this chapter: You return to Boston for the week. 
(PART 1) (PART 2) (PART 3)
Pairing(s): Benny Watts x Fem!reader
Word Count: 1,940
Warnings: Some strong language
You smiled as you looked at the copies of ‘Chess Review’ on the racks. 
Your first front page piece for Chess Review. 
They had used one of the pictures of Benny that you had taken at the hotel and you were pretty proud of your photography skills. 
You picked up a copy and took it inside to pay for it. 
On second thought, you picked up two so you could mail one to Angelie. 
You left the store quickly after and started to walk back to your apartment. 
Boston was busier than you had remembered and you finally had some time to sort out the apartment after your article went down well with the big man. 
You opened the door to your apartment and put down your groceries on the kitchen counter top. 
The last tenant hadn’t left the place in too bad a state, just a carpet stain here and there and a broken lamp. 
You had bought some paint to redecorate your living room and bedroom since it seemed too boring after where you lived in Paris. You had spent the last couple days painting and then you finally left to go check out your title page. 
The books that Benny had given you were still on your small two person dining room table where you had left them when you first got back. You looked over at them and furrowed your brow as you thought about whether you are actually going to bother to read them or not. 
Your phone started to ring and your frown disappeared when you realised it was probably Angelie. No one else had your number besides your work. 
“Hello?” You answered it, taking the phone off the wall as you leant beside it. 
“Miss (Y/L/N)?” You’d recognise that voice anywhere after listening to it so much over the last tournament. 
“Benny Watts?” You asked, almost in shock. 
“Have you read those books I leant you yet?” He asked, not even bothering to confirm it was him. 
“It’s been four days.” You told him flatly. 
“You could’ve easily gotten through at least two of them by now.” Benny challenged you which caused you to shake your head (even though he couldn’t see). 
“You know, Benny Watts, I do have a life to live.” You defended yourself to which Benny found amusing. 
“So, you’re back in Boston since you picked up this phone.” Benny changed the subject completely. 
“How did you even get this number?” You asked, genuinely curious and a little worried. 
“You really think Chess Review won’t hand over your telephone number to their favourite US chess player?” 
“You got it from Beth Harmon then?”  You teased the boy to which he responded with a dry laughter. 
“Ha Ha. Very funny.” Benny retorted, “If you’re in Boston, it means you currently aren’t working. Fancy an educational trip to New York City?” 
“Benny, I told you. I’m not coming to New York.” You reminded him about how you declined previously when he asked. 
“Come on, just for the weekend? We’ll play some chess, do some tourist shit and eat some food?” Benny asked, trying his best to persuade you Benny Watts style. 
“I’ve also told you before that I don’t play.” You felt a small bubble of excitement in your stomach as you considered going to New York but you quickly squashed it down. 
“What are you afraid of?” Benny asked. Deja Vu. 
“Why are you pushing this?” You closed your eyes as you let your head roll back to press against the wall. 
“Because I see that same light that’s in Beth Harmon, that’s in every decent chess player when you see a chess board.” Benny confessed to you. 
“I’m sorry, Benny. You’ll just have to find someone else to play with. I don’t want to be apart of this little game.” You hung up the phone with a sad sigh before Benny could respond. 
You found yourself looking at the books again. 
You picked up Benny’s and you opened it...
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“I’ve been waiting all day for your call.” You half scolded Angelie as you answered the call. 
You heard Angelie’s laughter through the phone and it made you home sick. 
“Je suis désolé!” Angie apologised. “This new project has me so busy, constantly on set, costume changes, make up changes, redoing scene..!” 
“It sounds awful.”  You chuckled, 
“It is! You wouldn’t understand... You’re just a big time American journalist.” Angelie pouted. “Anyway, how are you?” 
“I’m okay.” You lied. 
“Menteuse!” Angelie called you out. “Tell me the truth. What is bothering you, Mon Cher?” 
“Benny Watts called me today.” You had filled her in on the tournament with him once you had first arrived back in Boston and she had already previously told you off for not taking his offer to New York. 
“He did?!” Angie gasped. 
“Yes, he did. He got my number through work and called me to ask if I had read the books he gave me which I haven’t because it’s been less than a week since. the tournament.” You explained. 
“That boy is in love with you, I am telling you now.” Angie was always the hopeless romantic type. It’s how she has had her heart broke so many times. 
“The boy wants to play chess with me to assert his masculine dominance over me and boost his ego with an easy win.” You argued. 
“You are always so negative about men! You hardly know this one!” Angelie groaned. 
“He’s Benny Watts. That’s all I need to know.” 
“I think you should go to New York and meet with him.” Angelie told you. You hadn’t even informed her about the fact he asked you again. 
“I think I should stay here and enjoy my first weekend off in six months.” You shook your head at the idea. 
“(Y/n), you only live once and how many girls are invited to New York by the Benny Watts?!” 
“Probably quite a lot.” You knew Angie was only trying to hype you up but you couldn’t help but knock her down. 
“Even if that is so. You could probably get another article out of it. Benny Watts and his life in the big apple?” Angie suggested. 
“I’m sure ‘LIFE’ has already done that piece before.” You pushed another idea aside. 
“Trust me, (Y/n). You need to stop being so afraid of the unknown and who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy yourself?” Angelie had had enough of the negativity from you at this point. 
There was a sudden knock at your door. 
“I’m sorry, Angie. Someone’s just knocked on my door, I’ll have to call you back.” You looked over at your front door and wondered who it could be. 
“Ça va. Call me back!” She told you as the knock occurred again. 
“Je t'aime.” You hung the phone back up on the wall and went over to your door. 
You opened it and you felt your face go white at the sight of who stood there. 
“Jesus, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Benny Watts. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” You asked him. 
“Well,  you wouldn’t come to me so I came to you.” Benny shrugged. 
“You can’t just stalk someone. This isn’t okay. This isn’t cute!” You were bewildered. 
“This isn’t stalking. It’s simply coming to Boston to visit a friend.” He defended himself as he stood out in the hallway. 
“I wouldn’t call us friends, Benny.” You scoffed. 
“Ouch.” Benny put his hand on his heart. 
You went to close your door on him but Benny stopped you. 
“Wait.” He pleaded. His cocky demeanour suddenly dropped. “Look, I know this is weird but I really wanted to see you.” Benny started to explain. 
“I––” He cut you short. 
“–– This isn’t some game. I just want to help you. I want you to play chess again. I want you to play with me.” Benny stayed with his hand against the door and his foot in the gap as he spoke. 
“This is crazy, Benny.” You told him, your eyes locked on his as you felt your heart race. 
“I know.” Benny stepped back. “I’m staying in the hotel down the block. I’ll be here all weekend. If you don’t want to see me, then don’t. But if you change your mind. I’ll be around.” 
You watched him back away from the door and head back down the stairs. 
Benny fucking Watts. 
You rushed back to the phone and dialled Angelie’s number. 
“Bonjour?” She answered, 
“You’ll never guess who was at the door.” 
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You ended up tossing and turning all night. 
You caved in at around 3am and started to read Benny’s book again. 
You finished it by the time the sun was rising. 
You had a cold shower to wake you up at around 9am and then you stared in the mirror as the thoughts racked your brain. 
You walked over to your chess set that rested on the dresser top and you took it over to your bed, opening it up. 
You set up the board and stared at it.  
You picked up the queen. The same queen that Benny had held in the photo you took. 
You caved. 
You dressed and did simple make up before heading to the hotel that Benny had told you he was staying. 
“I’m looking for Mr Benny Watts.” You asked the elderly lady at the front desk. 
“He’s staying in room 306 but I’m almost certain I saw him leave about an hour ago for breakfast.” She informed you. 
You thanked her then sighed. 
You left the hotel lobby and started down the street. There was plenty of places to eat around the hotel, you almost considered just waiting in the lobby for him to return. 
Then you saw it. 
Through a window of a small diner. 
The famous black hat. 
You pushed open the diner door and walked towards the booth where Benny was sat. 
He had his back to you but he didn’t seem surprised to see you when you sat down opposite him.  
“Morning.” He greeted you as he munched on some pancakes. 
“I won’t play chess with you.” You stated. “I won’t play chess with you but I will spend the weekend with you and you can talk about it.”
Benny remained silent as his brown eyes watched you carefully. 
“I finished your book.” You told him. “I'm ready to learn.” 
Benny placed his knife and fork down, picking up the napkin beside his plate to wipe his mouth. 
“Great.” He nodded, interlinking his fingers above his food as he elbows rested on the table.  “Let’s begin.” 
@sumebreaks @rainbowpowaa @momsteeeve @timelesstay @carostar2020 @rose-moon-mist @alwaysbeanunknownfan @liatlyn @weirdowithnobeardo @supercalifragilisticprincess @blushingpogue @heartofeden @airwaveee @subaehun @gonnashinelikestars @soundbreaker-harms @gothicwidowsworld @leilanixx @gold-star-for-me @number-0-iz @goinggoinggonzo @iiwontgiveuponmilkk @a-tel-o-pho-bia @tearvnclw @reecebib @chouetteschaussettes​ @lilypander​ @gatheringstormclouds @pig32​ @oliviazinnegan​ @tattooedmuses​ @someone-you-dontknow​ @gemmamitch​ @chims-kookies​ @jasmine2042003​ @sxperncturalimpala67​ @ausblack​ @gingerspicetalks​ @epistrofh-twn-ypogeiwn-poihtwn​ @lizziel1410​ @stephyra17 @hannah-olivia​ @ausblack​ @kylobien​ @vampirestookmydoubts​ @that-one-shitty-blog​
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
For the Colton Imagine can it be something like proposal or with kids (he just looks adorable with children)
Kids - Colton Parayko
A/N: Of course, baby! I chose with kids because I just couldn't say no to that. Here it is.
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Words: 2.7k+
Type: Fluff
Warnings: Reader is a kindergarten teacher. Kids (?). Just Colton melting over kids and being their favorite.
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To say that your boyfriend looked cute when with kids, is an understatement. He’s just the purest and most adorable person when he’s close to a kid. His whole expression can change when his eyes land on the small young humans, and so does his smile and his tone of voice.
Colton is just a sight to see. And a great helper too.
The reason behind that is that you’re a kindergarten teacher. You, as someone that has always loved the idea of being around kids, are still young and learning in your job on how to be a great teacher and even role model to such young kids.
Right off when you started your career, before meeting Colton, you wanted kids to have the best of experiences in your classroom. You wanted to be the coolest teacher, all because you also had that when you were younger. And that came with a lot of fun activities throughout the week and a lot of decorating to do in your classroom. 
Is it tiring? Yes. But is it worth it when the kids run in every morning all excited to see you? Oh, absolutely.
Close to any festive date, you remodel your classroom with the help of your coworkers - and Colton, when he’s free - and always do a list of all the activities you want to do during the week.
Imagination is key in this job.
You met Colton a year into your job. It was a random date you had set yourself in by a dating app - something your friends had forced you to try and see what would happen.
On that date, the first minutes were a bit awkward, you felt nervous and Colton felt all anxious. You were scared that it would all just be a recipe for disaster. 
For an example, the thoughts that ran through your mind were all about: what if one of you just said something completely random or talked too much? 
Ugh, it was stressful, to say the least.
But that was until you said what you do for a living. Oh, the heart eyes he gave you.
“So, you like kids?” He had asked you.
“Of course! Ever since I was teenager and babysat my neighbor’s kid.”
You won your way to his heart right away. He made you all sorts of questions about your job and just smiled all the time you would mention your favorite moments with the kids. 
And when you asked about him, and he told all sorts of opportunities he has had with his job to hang out with kids. And you felt like you melted into a puddle. 
He would mention how many times he has infiltrated himself onto small kids’ skating-classes at the Enterprise center and how they would always let him help out. Kids are, honestly, who rule the soft spot on his heart.
All the stories the two of you had, were just what saved that date. It was what made you talk for hours and hours about one another and make you notice how much more you have in common, other than liking kids.
Both of your friend groups would just think that their ears would fall off if they heard you talk about one another one more time, during the following weeks.
Three dates in and you’re dating. Living your absolute best life.
And two years later, which is now, you’re still dating Colton. You, now, go and see him in every home game and he picks you up from work every time he’s free. He also helps you with buying stuff for your classroom - when it needs redecoration, or when you need help with getting stuff ready on big days.
“Can you pass me the scissors, babe?” Colton asks you as he stares intensely at the piece of paper.
You pass him the scissors quickly and he whispers at you a little ‘thank you’.
You’re both sitting in one of the small tables of your classroom while cutting up some drawn and painted balloons. 
Today marks a week away from your class’s last kindergarten day, so you’re getting everything ready for it to the best last few days with them.
Most of the classroom, if not the school, is decorated. You, honestly, just need to add the little details you weren’t able to finish on Friday’s afternoon, and Colton, which had a day off, decided to come in with you super early to help.
You look over at the clock on the wall and you almost let out a gasp. The first kids, the ones that always appear before time for class, are almost here.
Quickly you stand on your feet and go get the other things ready while Colton continues to cut up balloons or drawing cute faces on them.
You open the bags of candy and start putting two down by the desk of each kid, probably looking like a maniac at how quick you’re moving around. 
You dunk the rest in the bowl by your desk, and you hear, very faintly, a little giggle at the end of the hall.
Oh, here they come.
You grab onto your sheets of paper and look over your shoulder at the door of your classroom, seeing it open very slowly. A small head of dark curls appears and a group of gasps escapes the children at the door.
“Good morning, Miss Y/N!” The girl that peeked in first says with her big smile.
“Good morning!” You say back with a smile.
Colton lifts his gaze from his little balloon and he sees the small kids, all staring up at you by the door. He smiles as you let them in the class and all their eyes land on him as he comes into view.
“This is Colton, he’s just helping me out, today.” You explained to them.
Some of the shyer kids hesitated a bit when walking in the colorful room, but the extroverts just sprinted to him with their toothless smiles.
“Hi!” They all screamed at him at different timings. “I’m Jacob!” One of them screams while everyone else also begins their introductions.
Colton smiles at them and soon a wave of questions hits him.
Children, when not scared, are one of the most curious beings in the world, so they will ask anyone about anything. And that comes with a large lack of filter too. But that is not something anyone that has come close to a child doesn’t know.
Colton, to your surprise, was able to answer every single one of them without ignoring any kids. Something you, their teacher, still have some difficulty doing, today.
While most of the kids are distracted with him, you go and drift your attention towards the shyest ones. You walk over to the door and go help the ones who are hesitating to walk in, holding up your hand at them before crouching down to their level to say a little ‘good morning’.
In a matter of very few minutes, you’re able to warm them up with the idea of walking in - which, indeed, has a lot to do with the candies that are resting on their desks. 
When the small group of kids clears out your door, you notice a special girl you’ve grown to love ever since you started working here.
Her name is Addison and she is the purest, yet the shyest kid you’ve ever come to meet. She’s timid to the point of preferring to be alone all day, even in the park in recess. She has had to change classes a bunch of times due to that lack of talking and not making friends, yet she landed on yours a year ago.
Throughout this year, you have been trying your best at winning her trust. She’s a very scared little being and you can’t just leave her in the corner, especially when most of the stuff you do in class is for everyone to be involved and have a great time as a group.
There have been good days and bad days, yet her good days are able to make your heart melt. Those are the days where she’s able to do more than half of the stuff you offer her to do and with a smile. The most precious smile in the world.
“Good morning, princess Addison.” You tell her as she stands behind the doorway. “I love your dress, today!”
A small little curve appears over her lips and she starts taking small steps towards you. You smile brightly at her, still crouched to be at eye level, and she quickly is standing in front of you.
“Mommy did my hair today.” She whispers at you.
You let out an enthusiastic gasp and she smiles at you.
“Oh, well, let me see the masterpiece.”
She turns around to do a little twirl and you look to see her coily hair separated in two perfect buns, which are held by two glittery light blue elastics - Addison’s favorite color.
“Wow!” You tell her and she turns back to you.
She is smiling so brightly that you swear you’re already a puddle. She’s just this adorable human being. 
If there’s any kid that will make you emotional when leaving on the last day, it will be her. No offense to anyone else, she’s just the princess of the classroom.
Colton, who is still sitting at the table, has found himself done with all the cutting and coloring, but also with two young boys climbing his back to dangle over his shoulders.
You weren’t kidding when you said that the kids are always in a good mood right in the morning.
He laughs at something one of the boys says and he looks over to check on you. You’re talking to a little girl in a blue dress and your smile is just as wide as it can be, as well as your eyes, which just twinkle with love.
When you finally stand back on your feet and extend your hand over to the little girl, Colton notices how her expression changes. Her small eyes study the room anxiously as she walks with you, and when they land on him, even worse.
Stranger danger, Colton, come on! Of course, the kids won’t like you right off the bat.
Before Colton could stand up or say anything to announce how he’s already done with his task at you, a little voice stops him.
“Mister Colton?” A little boy says while waving his arm around, “Are you and Miss Y/N dating?”
Half an hour later and your classroom is almost full, as hell as it’s almost time for class to begin and Colton’s time to leave. You stand back to look at what you just put on the wall, just to make sure it’s centered. 
Yeah, looks good.
The usual giggles, ones you’ve grown quite accustomed to, are louder, yet only now you’re looking back to see what’s happening.
Colton is still sitting with the kids, he has two boys laying over his shoulders, which look like they’re about to do a handstand, and he’s talking to a whole other group that is sitting on the floor in front of him.
You walk over to your desk to check something on your computer before you announce the time to everyone - and end up breaking everyone’s hearts. And as soon as you take a seat on your chair, you notice that Addison has gotten up from her seat.
One of her little drawings is still sitting on her desk, but you can’t stop yourself from looking for her in the big group of children around your boyfriend. And that’s when you see her, walking towards him with a paper in her hands.
Colton continues to talk to the kids, but that’s when he notices a small figure appear beside him. He looks over and the girl from before - Addison, you already told him the name of everyone in the room - is standing right beside him.
He gives her a smile, which she gives back, just a little shyer.
A sudden weight is lifted off his shoulders - quite literally, because one of the boys became tired of hanging on his shoulder, but also because she had just smiled at him. 
So, he decides to try his best.
“What do you have there?” He asks Addison, pointing his finger at the paper on her hand, honestly, just trying to make conversation.
Why does he feel nervous?
He notices her lips moving, but he can’t hear what she said. So he leans in, turning his head to the side, so she can repeat right over his ear.
“A drawing.” She tells him, again, in a whisper.
Colton snaps his head back to her and smiles widely in excitement.
She nods.
“Can I see it?”
Her lips move again and Colton leans in again so she can talk on his ear.
“It’s for you.”
“For me?” Colton asks extremely excited and looks over at her.
Addison nods with a little shy smile and a little giggle escapes her mouth as he looks at her with an open mouth in shock. She, slowly, raises her hand with the paper on it and Colton, just as slowly, takes it.
(Kind of looks like this - but make it hockey)
As his eyes land on the paper, he feels his heart burst at how adorable it is. He can tell that it’s a bunch of hockey players, all of them with blue jerseys and with hockey sticks on their hands.
“Oh my god!” He whisper-yells, making the girl look at him a little worried, “It’s amazing!”
Another giggle escapes her mouth and Colton, probably getting too confident, extends his (now) free arms to ask for a hug. She looks at him a little hesitatingly, yet before he could even think twice about what he just requested, she throws herself into his arms.
Colton, like with any other kid from class that requested a hug, wraps his arms around her and pulls her into the hug. Her giggles fill the room and you smile at the sight.
It’s impressive, to say the least. It took you so long to get that little girl’s trust and with one simple morning, Colton, not only got a drawing but a hug?!
Sounds unfair to you. Even though extremely adorable.
“So, you’re a blues fan?” You hear him ask her, making you let out a laugh.
If she isn’t, he sure is going to convert her into being one.
She nods her head and decides to do the same thing as another kid is doing beside Colton - sitting over his leg. Colton, now with one kid on each leg, and still one over his shoulder, looks over at you.
His smile is just the brightest ever. He’s having the time of his life.
He looks back at Addison and shows the drawing she just did to her.
“Am I in this?” He asks her and she nods.
Her little finger points at one of the figures with blue jerseys and the only difference between him and the other guys is that he’s holding hands with someone. He eyes the other person with care, and just by the clothes that they’re wearing and from the hair.
It’s you. Holding his hand while he holds a stick with his opposite hand.
He unconsciously pouts at how cute it all is and fights his urges to stand and run to you, just to show you the amazing drawing.
You must have read his mind, because right as he thought that, you appeared beside him, also taking a seat over the carpet with everyone. It didn’t take long for some of your students to move over and sit close to you.
Colton hands you the drawing, which you carefully grab it, and he points at the pair of people in the middle of it. You smile brightly and Addison gives the two of you her biggest smile of the day.
She was proud of her drawing, but, now, more than ever.
“Ms. Y/N, can Colton stay for the rest of the day?” Someone asks in the crowd of children.
Colton laughs beside you and you smile at the boy who asked it. Before you could even open your mouth to answer him, Colton does it.
“No, but I can come back tomorrow (?)” He says, almost as if it’s a question.
He’s looking at you, and that’s when you understand that he’s asking you for permission. And as soon as the kids also notice that, a wave of screams hits your ears.
“Please!” and “Let him!” are screamed at you and you smile.
“Yeah, of course.” You tell him and he smiles.
The kids celebrate, some by jumping around, others throwing their fists in the air while screaming victoriously, and others - like Addison - just smile at the both of you.
Ugh, things can’t get better than this.
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Hope you liked this! Sorry it took me a little long to post it, but I was a little stuck on one part. Really hope it was worth the wait.
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Special Present - Hwang Hyunjin & Park Seonghwa
Stray Kids Masterlist
Ateez Masterlist
Note: This is a gift for my girlfriend for our anniversary. So all the bi/pan Staytiny can thank her for that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go lose my shit over the filth I just wrote...
Pairing: Dom! Seonghwa x Switch(Sub lean)! Female Reader x Sub! Girlfriend, Switch(Dom lean)! Hyunjin x  Switch(Sub lean)! Female Reader x Sub! Girlfriend
Genre: Smut, literally pure filth, with hints of fluff
Summary: Your girlfriend may be an open book, but put her in the right company and maybe she does still have a few tricks up her sleeve. Tricks that involved some of your very attractive friends. - Girlfriend’s going to be called bunny in this piece. 😉
Warnings: Foursome, Dom/Sub themes, Soft and hard dom themes, this is gonna just be pure filth, oral (giving + receiving...there’s a lot of oral going around in this), fingering, sir kink, hair pulling, spanking, hand job, mommy kink, spit, slapping, some overstimulation, face sitting, unprotected sex, choking (slight), edging, biting, praise, degradation.
Word Count: 5,415
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Your girlfriend liked to think that she was sly, you had to disagree. Her face, if not her voice, gave everything away and led you to figure things out before she could surprise you. Not to mention the fact that she was just bad at keeping secrets. So with your anniversary approaching, you figured this would be the same type of situation. She would try to surprise you and even if you didn’t actively try to figure it out, details would be given away or figured out at some point even if it didn’t reveal everything.
You knew she'd likely want to talk to your friends to get ideas of what to do. The question was just who among your friends she'd go to. Though you had a pretty good idea of who she might pick. She'd at least go to Hyunjin, having a soft spot for him that you often teased her about. After all, she had the perfect excuse to go talk to him now too, flustered or not. 
As the days passed though you put together that if she had gone to Hyunjin he wasn’t the only one she had gone to considering things were too quiet still, for it to be just the two of them plotting something. It intrigued you though how determined she seemed to be to actually keep this a surprise...even if you had no idea where to start when considering what it might be.
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Bunny’s fingers tapped anxiously on the table at the cafe she agreed to meet the boys at, sipping her latte as if it would help calm her despite the obscene amount of caffeine in it. Her cheeks adorn a bright blush when Seonghwa enters, smirking at her flustered state as he moves to join her. Her state is not getting any better when Hyunjin joins a few moments later, brows furrowing as he sits beside Seonghwa across from the jittery girl. 
“Bunny? Is something wrong? You seem worked up about something.” Hyunjin reaches out to place his hand over hers as it fidgets on the table still. She was shy and quick to fluster, this seemed excessive even for her. Only adding to the growing curiosity of the men across from her over why she’d want to speak to them without you here or knowing.
“Everything’s fine, there’s just something that I wanted to ask you guys for help with...it’s a bit unconventional though, so I’m not entirely sure how to ask.” Bunny’s voice almost fades into the air as she speaks, her words so soft as if afraid to commit to the reason she came here today. The pair across from her patiently waiting and reassuring her that they were in no rush for an explanation. They may not have met Bunny until after you’d started dating her, yet they knew they could trust her not to be concerned about whatever it was, knowing she’d never want you to be hurt. 
“You guys know that our anniversary is coming up right?” Bunny finally speaks up, eyes flitting nervously between the faces of the two before dropping to her drink again, or the last remaining drops at the bottom of the cup anyway, “I thought of something special to do for her, but it involved the both of you and is well...explicit...so I understand if you would have no interest in being a part of it.” 
Seonghwa hums, licking his lips as his smirk returns picking up on the little clues and already piecing things together, “Are you asking us to join you two in the bedroom on your anniversary?” 
Bunny’s flushed cheeks were a dead giveaway, the little squeaky yes not even necessary. Though the verbal confirmation is what had Hyunjin adorning a matching blush in a matter of seconds.
“Well if that’s the case then you’re going to have to spare some details to help us prepare. After all, it is a special night for you both.” Seonghwa reaches out to tilt Bunny’s chin up and finally meets his eyes for more than a moment, “Besides we’ve heard from kitten all about how shameless her sweet little bunny really is.”
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To anyone who didn’t know you and your girlfriend the whole day of your anniversary might have seemed like a competition over who could spoil the other more. You both had it in your nature to be like that with those whom you care about. The two of you however were used to it at this point, and despite the playful scolding that happened you were both enjoying yourselves. Though there would be some redecorating and arranging happening after the day with the gifts that needed homes and the creative ideas some of them were spurred on. 
Three full meals and endless treats that seemed to be appearing out of thin air later and you two decided to go on a walk through the park since it was nice out and watching the sunset was always nice. Though it is a sudden idea that Bunny had today of all days did intrigue you. Assuming something was meant to happen on your walk, yet nothing did. Just some gentle conversation between you two along the way, though something seemed odd again when she led you home through the back entrance as if hiding something. Stepping into your apartment it appeared as you had left it, so perhaps it was just what she had felt like doing today to mix things up without doing anything else excessive at the end of your day.
When you go to the kitchen to get some water, Bunny follows behind. Her arms slipping around your waist as she leans against you, placing a soft kiss on your temple, “I have one more surprise for you...I’ll be waiting.”
She slips away from you as you bring the bottle to your lips, sipping the water as you watch her walk to your bedroom and shut the door behind herself again. Something that made you raise a brow, wondering what she could have hidden from you in there. You did have a pretty good idea it was something less than innocent, however. Not entirely surprising considering what today was, it simply intrigued you that she seemed to be the one that was initiating something new which wasn’t a common occurrence for her. Still, it was in your nature to tease a little bit, so while you didn’t keep her waiting for long you still dragged out what you were doing on the way to the bedroom wanting to see just what would happen.
You weren’t surprised to find your girlfriend sitting on the bed when you entered the room. Her fairy lights and other little fixtures all lit the room right now, it enough to see everything, just in a low glow now. Not that you noticed what she planned to surprise you with yet until the clearing of a throat sounded making you jump. Looking towards the sound your eyes lock with Seonghwa’s, him smirking at you, while you between him and your girlfriend for a moment.
“So this is your little surprise hm? You invited Seonghwa to join us?” Your own expression mirrors Seonghwa’s, as you look at your flustered girlfriend, only she’s not the one to speak next.
“Not just Seonghwa.” Hyunjin speaks from behind you, where he closes the door, “Of course, she extended the invitation to us. We’re waiting for your say as well though.”
“Just know that if you agree there’s no going back.” Seonghwa licks his lips taking in your form with hooded eyes, lust already hazing them over. The two men have been anticipating this moment for a while now, but still waiting for your go-ahead before doing anything. 
You look between the other three, who all seemed rather eager as they waited for your answer, it was enough to let you know everyone was on the same page about wanting this, “Well I’m certainly not opposed, especially after Bunny put in the effort to plan this.”
Seonghwa hums, rising from the spot he’d sat in across the room for the sake of the view of the door. Wanting to see you when you came in and gauge your reaction, “And yet you made her wait like a little tease didn’t you kitten? You should be grateful that she did this, but you were trying to test her patience weren’t you?”
You blink at Seonghwa with an innocent smile, “I don’t know what you mean, why would I do that to Bunny?”
He looks at you with a raised brow, “Oh is that so? What do you think Bunny? Did she do it on purpose? Did she just lie to me?” 
Bunny’s eyes widen as the two of you look at her as if both willing her to disagree with you and side with the other. A battle of dominance already stirring in the group. She’s so distracted by her thoughts she misses the fact that Hyunjin comes up behind her silently, his hand slipping around to grip her jaw firmly and turn her to face Seonghwa directly. Leaning in to feel his breath against her ear.
“He asked you a question Bunny, you better answer him.” Hyunjin whispers, clicking his tongue disapprovingly when she tries to nod in answer to Seonghwa, “Vocalize.” 
You all hear the whimper Bunny lets out at his command before she swallows the lump in her throat to finally squeak out an answer to Seonghwa’s questions, “Yes sir...she did it on purpose...she likes to tease.”
Hyunjin licks the shell of her ear as praise while Seonghwa chuckles, looking at you triumphant, despite knowing you made a mental note to get Bunny back for this later.
“You know you’re lucky that tonight is special otherwise you’d be in a lot more trouble, but I think you’ve tested Bunny’s patience enough for one night...so you’re going to get a reward with a punishment. Well, unless you decide to pull anymore sly little stunts.” Seonghwa steps closer to you, hands gripping your hips and turning your back to him so you’re facing Hyunjin and Bunny on the bed. Hyunjin leaning back slightly and making Bunny lean against his chest, nudging her legs open while toying with the hem of her little sundress, slowly dragging it up to expose more skin before letting it fall down again repaying you for dragging out your trip to the bedroom.
“Don’t you think that she deserves a thank you for arranging all this for you? Or are you trying to really put her patience to the test? Do you think she’ll do something if you do? She won’t, Bunny’s a good girl after all.” Hyunjin praises your girlfriend for her rare display of patience. Seonghwa urges you closer with his grip on your hips, while you bite your lip glaring at Hyunjin trying to get him to back off, but he only smirks at you instead, pulling Bunny’s dress up again exposing her panties now.
“You never answered kitten...do you think bunny deserves a thank you?” Seonghwa leans over your shoulder so he can look you in the eyes when he asks, raising a brow as if daring you to do something.
“I don’t know, it seems to me like she did it for the both of us. Not just her, so why should she get a treat without earning it?” You shrug looking Seonghwa in the eyes smugly, not backing down from his apparent challenge.
Seonghwa rolls his eyes slightly looking at Bunny now, “What do you think? Have you earned something yet Bunny?”
Bunny licks her lips as if debating her options, Hyunjin’s fingertips on her thighs and lips brushing against her neck serving to make that task more difficult, despite the view it gave you, “Only if you think so sir, she’s right...this is for me too, but I didn’t mean it to be selfish. I wanted to do something nice for her.” 
You tsk softly, knowing she was sweet-talking with her answer and that the boys knew too. Even still it wasn’t enough to get her into the small amount of trouble that you were, only because you had managed to test their own patience some as well.
“We know, that’s why you are going to get a treat. Only if you can stay a good girl for all of us though.” Seonghwa moves you onto the bed.
Hyunjin toying with your girlfriend’s panties before pushing them down. Making her blush at the fact that all three of you now had that view of her, even if she was still half-dressed. Hyunjin nudged her thighs open again as Seonghwa moved to settle between them. Seonghwa’s hand weaving into your hair and gripping to move you closer to her pussy.
“Well, kitten? Get on with it. Or are you not interested in earning your reward?” Seonghwa practically presses your mouth against her cunt for you, still, you decided to tease. Tongue slipping out to slowly drag through her folds before licking around her clit without giving direct pressure, smirk showing in your eyes as they look up into hers. Loving how she whimpers at your teasing already and you can tell she’s trying not to squirm too much, but behave instead.
“Are you trying to drag things out again?” Hyunjin’s voice shows he’s ready to be firm with you, but your eyes flick to his with the same smirk already knowing how to answer him perfectly.
“Only enough to hear her beg, then I’ll give in. She’s pretty when she begs though and I know you both would love to hear it, so why wouldn’t I make her.” Your plan seems to work as the two don’t say or do anything to stop you from continuing your teasing.
“Go on then, make her beg kitten.” Seonghwa hums, before his hand smacks your ass, clothing providing some protection for now, “Just know that you don’t get to cum until she does.”
As appealing as that sounds you’re not sure how it’s supposed to be a challenge as you continue to leave barely-there licks to your girlfriend’s dripping folds, well not until Seonghwa starts to work on undressing you in the same way Hyunjin had done Bunny. Worried more about seeing what was between your legs than stripping you entirely for the time being. Another smack meeting your now bare ass before two of his fingers press over the growing wetness soaking your panties.
“And you can’t even lie about wanting to cum.” Seonghwa teases his fingers spurring you on, knowing that he’ll only tease as long as you do, and while your girlfriend was by no means quiet she wasn’t begging yet.
Bunny’s hands move hoping to grip your hair and press you closer to get more, but Hyunjin stops her, pinning her arms in his own, “That’s not your job Bun, just be a good girl and take it or ask for what you want.”
She whines, squirming slightly in effect grinding against Hyunjin’s bulge and making him let out a little grunt. That being the only reason you don’t stop her hips from moving, the fact that she was dooming herself to fail if she continued to subtly pleasure Hyunjin like this. Seonghwa takes some pity on her though, or using it as an excuse to manhandle you a little more...you weren’t quite sure, and gripping your hair himself pressing your mouth against her a little more.
“Please...I’ve been good, just please don’t tease me anymore.” She finally cracks, starting to beg. It’s not enough for you yet, however, as you shake your head and while it gives her more pleasure for a moment it stops too soon, “Fuck mommy, please I’ll be good for you I swear...just please make me cum.”
Your eyes meet Hyunjin’s for a moment before you pull away from your girlfriend enough to look back at Seonghwa who nods, pleased with the fact that you seem to know that while you’re more dominant than your girlfriend you still aren’t in charge right now. His hand presses your face back towards your girlfriend’s obvious need, before moving back to your ass again. His other hand works to pull your panties down, before he disappears between your legs. Two fingers pressing into you too slowly not to be a tease as his tongue slips out to lap at your throbbing clit. It is quite the view for Bunny and Hyunjin to see, though yours isn’t bad either. Even when Hyunjin moves to stop her hips, she is not satisfied with the fact that his sounds stop. Her hand reaches to rub over his bulge before fumbling to undo his pants, something that’s difficult for her with the way your actions have her attention, especially when Seonghwa curls his fingers against your spot making you moan against her clit. Bunny barely manages to undo the button before Hyunjin helps her out, freeing his cock to let her finally wrap her hand around. That doesn’t last long however before Hyunjin grips her small wrist and moves her hand away, guiding it to her mouth only moving it back to please him once it’s thoroughly slicked with spit. Spit that she practically drooled out between fucked out moans and whimpers of pleasure. 
Seonghwa chuckling softly against your clit, “Are you getting off on the sight of them, kitten? I’ll bet that’s what has your pussy throbbing like this hm? Is the sight of them turning you into a little slut? Or were you already one?”
Seonghwa’s words don’t do you any favors, especially with the way he speaks against your clit, sending vibrations through it and only bringing you even more pleasure. Internally debating over whether it would be worth disobeying and cumming before you made Bunny did or if you should listen and hope for a reward. Seonghwa seems to pick up on that though, his hand swatting at your ass again to remind you that he had no problems punishing, not that you were sure you’d mind. A small part of you did agree though that Bunny deserved a bit of a reward for orchestrating this for you...and you just might have wanted to give that to her yourself. So you found yourself listening for now and focusing on making her cum first like you were supposed to. Not that it took long for that to happen, Seonghwa humming in satisfaction against your clit, before suckling the bud while his fingers pressed deeper inside of you, wanting to bring you your reward for listening so well. Knowing that you’d been on edge and holding back from cumming for a little bit did nothing to quell his eagerness, his actions showed that he was putting everything into making you orgasm with no reservations on his part. The sight of your fucked out girlfriend still stoking Hyunjin’s cock only makes it that much easier for him to throw you over the edge. 
Seonghwa gives you a few moments to recover from your high before moving you to sit up on your knees again, hands moving to finish undressing you while Hyunjin somewhat reluctantly moves Bunny’s hand away to do the same to her. After you reach out to Bunny impeding Seonghwa’s actions for a moment and almost making him think you were bratty until he sees what’s going on. You stop her from trying to take Hyunjin’s shirt off and putting her hands down on her thighs.
“Did he give you permission, Bunny?” You question raising a brow, “You know better than to do something without being given permission, what do you need to do?”
She looks between you and Hyunjin with big pleading eyes trying to get away with not having to say anything as you lean into Seonghwa’s touch again, letting him remove your bra now and leave you entirely undressed. Seonghwa chuckling softly into your ear, while his hands knead your breasts watching to see what happens.
“Have you been soft on her?” He teases in a whisper into your ear.
You shrug, “Maybe a little bit, teasing just seems to be a more effective punishment for her though. She looks innocent, but she likes to try and be a brat to get punishment sometimes.”
“I’m sure she’s not the only one.” Seonghwa nips at your ear, smirking as he calls you out. 
Hyunjin watches Bunny as she still doesn’t speak, leaning back to slowly unbutton the top to buttons of his shirt, toying with the material before his hand drifts down over the material to his cock and stroking it softly.
“You won’t get anything without words Bunny.” Hyunjin tsks as he watches her squirm and whimper softly. Not giving into her that easily.
“Please I want to touch...to help...”Bunny speaks quietly, flushing brightly even if she could barely be heard. Hyunjin nods and moves his hand away to let her do it though, having no doubt any of you would be able to get her to be as loud as you wanted later, so why not let her save her voice for now.
“Alright Bunny that’s enough.” Seonghwa’s voice commands firmly from behind you, sending shivers down your spine. Bunny practically jumping as if touching Hyunjin burned, having just barely touched him now that she’d gotten his clothes off. Seonghwa patting your butt before motioning Bunny over, “Why don’t you go give Hyunjin some attention kitten?”
You and Bunny switch places, her going to undress Seonghwa now while you go to Hyunjin. Your hands running slowly down his chest, gaze flicking down before meeting his eyes again with a small smirk.
“What got you so worked up Hyunjin?” You tease fingers dancing over his thighs after your hands move down past his hips and not to where he wants them. Making him raise a brow at your antics.
“The sight of you and bunny falling apart like good little girls for us, that and the fact that she’s not bad with her hands.” Hyunjin licks his lips, not giving you the satisfying reaction that you were hoping for. Instead, he is confident in his position of power in the room, even if it wasn’t the top. 
“Oh Hyunjin, she had barely gotten started...don’t worry though. I’ll pick up where she left off for you.” You lean in to place a kiss to his neck, planning to move down to his dick until you hear quiet choking sounds from behind you. Looking back to find Seonghwa’s cock already down Bunny’s throat while his hand fists some of her hair to help guide her actions.
He raises a brow at you, “What? While you two were busy chit-chatting we wanted to have some fun...now why don’t you get on with it or we’ll never even get to the best part.” 
You snicker, rolling your eyes as your turn to face Hyunjin again. He picks up on the action however and grips your jaw, slapping your cheek enough to sting but nothing truly harsh, “Fucking brat rolling your eyes at him like that.”
You practically laugh at the way he seems fired up now, gripping your hair and guiding your mouth towards his own hard cock, “Don’t even think about being a smart ass either, there are other things your mouth should be occupied with right now.”
You don’t have time to retort with words, but the chuckle you let out before taking his tip holds enough attitude to further prod at Hyunjin, his eyes darkening further as he looks down into your eyes. You weren’t done yet though, you had something else you wanted to say to push Hyunjin. To see if you could get his dominant side to truly snap. You were saving it for just the right moment, however, waiting for his grip to ease up on you and for him to get a slightly glazed over and fucked out expression on his face. That moment of apparent weakness would present the perfect opportunity for you, so now you just had to make that moment happen.
That seems like something that would be coming to you fairly easy as you hollow your cheeks around him again, making his hand slip from your hair and his head fall back in a groan. You don’t take advantage of that just yet though, keeping up your actions for a few more moments just to be sure he’s turned to putty for you. Then pulling away and replacing your mouth with your hand as you move to whisper into his ear.
“Look at you acting like you’re all tough, but when it comes down to it you can’t even follow through can you? You fall apart for just a little pleasure, don’t you? Almost like you want to be a good boy for me.” You taunt, kissing the corner of his mouth just to tease more, “Is that it Hyunjin? You want to be a good boy for mommy?”
For a second you think you have him, the way he shudders under your gaze as his cheeks flush. Yet in a moment it’s over as quickly as you made it happen and Hyunjin is gripping your jaw and making you face the fire in his eyes. The monster of your own creation, just his expression letting you know that you were fucked. 
“Having one good girl and one bad one at the same time is making it really hard to treat you tonight...you just had to go and be a little brat didn’t you kitten?” Hyunjin raises a brow and you hear Seonghwa sigh softly before Bunny whines. Hyunjin refuses to let you turn and see what’s happening, however, his grip on you remains firm even as you hear shuffling behind you.
“Guess Hyunjin gets to punish you now hm?” Seonghwa’s voice sounds as Hyunjin’s grip drops to your hips, turning you to face away from him and instead at Seonghwa and Bunny. 
Seonghwa laid back, guiding Bunny to straddle his face looking at you and Hyunjin. His hands reach out to help Hyunjin lead you on your knees between Seonghwa’s legs before Hyunjin grips the back of your neck and moves your face closer to Seonghwa’s cock.
“Come on kitten, your bad behavior interrupted us before Bunny could finish. So now it’s your job.” Seonghwa informs you before his arms lock around Bunny’s thighs to hold her in place as he starts his task of eating her out. It is necessary as your girlfriend always seemed to struggle with staying still through the pleasure. 
You had your own task to focus on though, it seemed like you wouldn’t be let off that easy, however. As your lips wrapped around Seonghwa, Hyunjin drew a whine out of you by spanking you harder than you expected from the softer man. It didn’t stop with just one either...no, he seemed intent on letting you know just what your bratty behavior made him feel at the price of your ass. Not that you had any complaints about the reminders his hands would leave in their wake. It seemed to you that your relief came relatively quick when you felt Hyunjin slowly pushing it while pressing your head down to take all of Seonghwa with a moan. That was too good to be true of course when he stopped fully inside of you, staying still even after you’d had time to adjust to the way he stretched you out and filled you so well. Instead of bringing his hand crashing down on your ass again instead of fucking you the way you thought he would.
“The second you stop taking care of Seonghwa, I stop too.” Hyunjin warns you with a single hard thrust, “ That still doesn’t mean you’ll get what you want easy though.”
You concede, brain already turning to mush from the pleasure as he slowly builds a pace, watching closely for any slip-ups from you. When instead he sees you diligently sucking Seonghwa’s cock he doesn’t hold back any longer. His skilled hips provide you with hard, controlled thrusts. For someone who was letting themselves become unrestrained, he was awfully controlled. His thrusts never sloppy, even as pleasure coursed through his own body. Instead, they only seemed to throw more determined, chasing after as much pleasure as they could get for both of you. Craving it more and more, already addicted. Still, he had told you that it wouldn’t be that easy and he intended to keep his word. His hand meeting your ass again, not holding back even as he thrusts into you.
“I’m not stopping until Bunny cums, so if you can’t keep from cumming then you better be prepared to take everything. “ Hyunjin warns and when you hear a whimper you look up to notice that Seonghwa has pulled away from Bunny to smirk down at you, letting you know he was in no rush right now. Or perhaps his need to teach you a lesson just outweighed anything else right now. Whatever the case it was making Bunny more impatient as she tried to squirm in Seonghwa’s hold again. Only this time it was consciously and in an attempt to get more attention again. Making you smirk at the thought that this might just lead to her doom as well, the little Bunny who’d been obedient all night now breaking down into disobedience. Something that would only make this more fun and the thought helping ground you through the mind-numbing pleasure Hyunjin had been relentlessly providing. He had every intention of making you crumble though, hand snaking down rub tight little circles onto your clit without missing a beat. His other hand moves to wrap around your throat and pull you up away from Seonghwa’s cock and instead to look at Bunny who whines again as Seonghwa bites her thigh in warning.
“Look at her kitten, you’re teaching her to be disobedient. So now you should show her what little disobedient girls get, don’t you think?” Hyunjin’s breath is hot against your ear as his hand tightens slightly, the final push to throw you over the edge. 
Even as you come down from that high though he’s not finished with you. Instead, continue on as he releases your neck to let your mouth return its attention to Seonghwa’s cock. While Seonghwa’s attention returns to Bunny, putting up with the tad bit of brat behavior coming from her...for now. Though as she gets close again, around the time Hyunjin has urged you towards another orgasm as well Seonghwa gets fed up with her squirming and lack of manners. So he pulls away, releasing her thighs and tossing her back onto the bed. Hyunjin gets his cue and pulls out, moving you away from Seonghwa as well. 
“We’re finally teaching one brat to behave only for another one to start acting up.” Seonghwa sighs gripping Bunny’s jaw, “Where did our good little Bunny go, hm? Did you just get so desperate that you turned into a little fucking whore?”
Bunny flushes brightly giving a small shrug, “I get it from kitty.”
Seonghwa chuckles, looking over at you with Bunny still in his grasp, “Oh, I don’t doubt that for a second. I guess we should be grateful to you though Bunny you did say something about a whole night full of fun when you made this proposal...so we have plenty of time to put you both in your place.”
Seonghwa pulls Bunny up and hands her over to Hyunjin before motioning you over to him. The two men moving you both onto all fours facing each other, but too far to reach one another. Communicating wordlessly through their eyes and thrusting into you both at the same time.
“So I hope you two are ready cause you have a long night ahead of you...don’t worry we’ll make it extra special.” Seonghwa’s smirk bleeds into his voice letting you hear it even if you're not the one able to see him right now.
“Besides it’ll be fun to see who holds out the longest now that both of you are misbehaving.” Hyunjin adds, “I wonder who will be the first to break...”
You smirk looking at Hyunjin and Bunny. Hyunjin raises a brow at your smug nature, while Bunny shakes her head slightly already knowing what was coming, prepared for your taunts to make another appearance.
“Guess you’ll just have to find out, won’t we?”
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Note: I’m not super proud of this, I felt it was a bit rushed and lacking in details. I wanted to get it out though, so be prepared for a rewrite at some point in the hopefully near future.
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vdlest · 3 years
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2am knock on my door
Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
After Tony's death, Cap's disappearance, and end of Thanos, everybody go on separate ways to continue their lives. You became alone. But one rainy night, you heard a knock on your door, only to find Bucky Barnes soaking wet outside your apartment. You soon realized that you're not the only person who feels that kind of sadness and loneliness. That makes the two of you.
Nothing that I could think of
It is not a secret that after Tony and Nat's death, Cap's disappearance, and your fight with Thanos, everybody go on their separate ways.
Wanda may have experienced a tough time to accept everything that has happened, but she did anyway. She's somewhere out there, preparing herself for the time that she'll be needed to exercise her powers and strength.
Spider-man kept his promise that he'll always be in the neighborhood. He's a full-time student and a full-time Spider-man at the same time. What a great kid.
The Guardians, of course, they are in the galaxy, doing what they have to do, alongside with Thor. They're doing everything in their power to protect the galaxy from going chaotic again.
Sam, as the new Captain America, is having a mission with Torres as they are tracking down the rest of the Flag Smashers. The ex-Winter Soldier, the White Wolf, James Buchanan Barnes, is doing his amendment to those people who are still on his list.
And here you are, all alone in your two-storey apartment. Waiting for the call of mission, and doing some training on the side with Sam and Bucky, when they're not busy of course.
Everyone check-up on each other from time to time. In fact, everyone's planning to have a Christmas party this coming December, but that's too far to be excited about. It's only May for Christ's sake. They are always reminding you that they are always around, for you, no matter how far they are. But you still feel empty and feel lonely.
Steve's not here anymore to have late night talks and coffee with.
Tony's gone for real.
Nat's not coming back and you got to live with that.
You are just with yourself.
But one rainy night, you heard a knock on your door.
You sleepily checked the time on your alarm clock. It was 2 am. 2 in the freaking morning.
You're not the type of person who invites people at your house, especially at this time. So, you questioned yourself as you get up and grab your robe.
"Who could this human being be?" you groaned as you make your way downstairs.
You are too sleepy to open the lights, so you just reached for the nearest lamp and that served as your light. You walk towards the door and removed all the locks that Sam and Bucky installed for you, for your safety.
As soon as you finished unlocking your door, you opened it.
"Barnes?" your eyes widened as your y/e/c eyes traveled to the blue-eyed soldier in front of you, "What on earth are you doing up here at this hour? And why are you showering in the rain?" you asked him.
He is soaking wet because of the rain. He must be riding his motorcyle without any rain coat.
After you questioned him, you realized that the James Buchanan Barnes in front of you right now is different from the James Buchanan Barnes you always interact with. That cocky and naughty James Barnes who always bully Sam when the three of you are together. There's sadness and loneliness in his eyes. Apart from that, you can also sense longingness in him for unknown reason.
"I didn't want to wake you and bother your sleep, but..." he paused for a moment to find the right words to say to you, but he didn't find any lucky, "Anyway, I'll just leave."
Before he could turn his back on you, you grabbed his wrist.
"No, don't go, Barnes."
You have no idea why those words escaped through your mouth. All you know is that you didn't want him to go back to his house and be more miserable and lonely. You didn't want to push him away, as you can already sense that he's not okay. So you decided to ask him to stay since you have a spare room in your apartment.
"I'm not yet asleep when you knocked anyway," you lied to make him feel less guilty for waking you up, "I could use some company."
You and Bucky has been civil and professional with each other. You can call each other friends but you know that there's a borderline between the two of you. But seeing him in front of your house in the middle of the night, there must be something. And maybe it was the time that you and him will finally erase that borderline.
As soon as both of you entered the living room, you asked him to stay there and you quickly get a towel upstairs.
While waiting for you, Bucky roamed his eyes around your living room and he noticed the newly displayed pictures on your wall, which he can clearly see because of the lamp near it.
Your picture. Your picture with your family. Your photo with Steve. Your photo with Wanda and Nat. Your photo with Dr. Banner in a form of green, big guy and with Clint.
But the picture that stunned him was a picture of him and Sam.
As he was about to grab the picture frame, you saw him while you were holding the towel.
You've been unoccupied with the last few weeks, so you decided to have some redecoration on your apartment. You bought new printer and new picture frames. You decided to put the important people in your lives, until you've come to realized that you don't have pictures with Sam and Bucky, and they helped you once in a while.
"Barnes, here's your towel," you said as you walk towards him and handed him the towel.
His stare let go of the pictures and accepted the towel.
You offered him coffee but he refused. You also offered him with water, something to eat or anything, but he refused too. So, to make things not so awkward, you asked him the question you've been meaning to ask him.
"Barnes, wha---"
He cut you off, "Call me by my last name again and I'll leave."
He used the voice that he's using when Sam is annoying him with the use of his redwing. You were stunned when you heard him using that kind of tone to you.
"What do you want me to call you, then?" you confidently asked, trying to hide that you were kind of scared when he used that kind of voice towards you.
You didn't have the guts to call him that because you once heard him telling Sam that he shouldn't call him Bucky because he's not Steve, so you thought that only close friends and family can call him that.
So you asked yourself, are we that close now?
"I installed your book shelf in your bedroom, I put up your headboard, I even fixed your dresser, and here you are, still calling me Barnes?" he scoffed as he sat down in the couch.
You sat down on the couch across him and cleared your throat, "Okay. So, Bucky, why did you really come here?" you asked.
The sadness and loneliness came back in his eyes as soon as you asked him. All of a sudden he remembered what really pushed him to go in your place.
"Before the Flag Smasher fiasco in New York, Sam advised me about making amendments," he started.
You nodded, "Which I'm already aware."
He glares at you, giving you a look if you want him to finish talking and explaining or you'll conitnue to give comments.
"Anyway, I came to Yori last night and..." he paused for a moment as he look down and avoided your gaze, "...and I told him about what I did to his son. I...I told him that I am the murderer of his son...I was the one who...who," the moment you saw him struggling to continue his story, you immediately stood up and walked towards him, "Fuck!" he hissed and closed his eyes while his palm is already on his face.
You are very much aware of everything that Bucky have been through. You also knew how much he wanted to forget everything he unwillingly do when he was still under Hydra's spell. You saw in him how eager he is to become a better version of himself.
"Bucky, it's not your fault," you said, trying to calm him down.
You were hesitatnt to sit beside him and put your arms around him to comfort him, but you could see that he really needs a friend, and that's the exact reason why he knocked on your door in the middle of the night. He needs a friend and the friend he needs is you.
You squeezed his shoulders as you calm him down.
"You are not the Winter Soldier anymore, Bucky," you reminded him, while waiting for him to meet your gaze.
"Winter Soldier will always be marked as me," he countered.
He finally removes his hands from his face and you saw how red his eyes were. He was holding his tears back.
This is the first time that you actually saw him like this, but your belief and confidence in him and his heart hasn't changed a bit. You've always believed that there's a good person in him despite his dark past. You know for a fact that he's already far from the man he was before. You believe tat one day, people will remember Bucky Barnes as the man who had his redemption by saving people's lives. You believe in him. You have faith in him. And you wanted him to know that.
"Did you know why I chose you and Sam to be my trainor when everybody left?" you asked him.
Of all people, you chose him and Sam.
His blue eyes finally meet with your gaze and he is totally waiting for you to asnwer your own question.
"Because when everybody left, you and Sam constantly checked up on me. When I told everyone that I am moving, you and Sam instantly came to my old place and helped me without asking you to do it. Especially you, Bucky," your hands traveled all the way his knuckles and gave it a squeeze, "I know we're not really that close, we don't tell everything to each other, but every single time we cross paths, you are very concern and you are always taking good care of me as if I'm your sister."
"I don't look at you like that," he suddenly said, stopping you from talking.
Suddenly, his metal arm was already on top your hand, holding it like it's a fragile flower vase.
You waited for him to continue from talking but he was just staring at you. You felt uncomfortable the way he looks at you because you feel butterflies roaming around your stomach so you decided to avoid his gaze and continue on making him feel better.
"As I was saying," you cleared your throat and closed your eyes for a second before you move your eyes back to him again, "Bucky, you should stop letting your past determine what you will be. Steve saw something good in you and that's what we're seeing in you. Unfortunately, you don't see that because you're too busy thinking of what others will think about you and your new life. You should stop that, Bucky. Do this whole thing for yourself, for the people who believe in you and that's us. We're here. I am here."
A small smile came up in his oh-so-perfect lips.
"Thank you," he said while his eyes are pinned on yours.
You looked down and smiled, "It's the least that I could do for the person who fixed almost everything in this apartment of mine."
"Hey, Sam helped too," he said, being too humble to accept the compliment.
He and Sam helped you, but knowing that Bucky have vibranium arms, he's much more help than Sam.
"Well, since only the two of us is here, let's just keep it a secret that you did all the work here," you joked as you moved your eyes back to him, "Just so you know, you are always welcome to come here, Bucky. I could also use a friend sometimes," and when you said that, you suddenly felt loneliness in your heart as well.
All those times that you've been in your bedroom, watching a dumb-romantic movie just because you're bored, the times when you had to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and even midnight snack alone, because no one's around to accompany you. And you don't want to oblige everyone to accompany you 24/7 since everyone has their own lives to fix and run.
You were too shy to tell Bucky about how welcome you are for him, however, you're not too proud to seek new friendships.
"And just so you know too, I'm here," he said as he gave your cheeks a caress. "And I don't want you to think that I only see you as a sister or what, because you're not."
Your brows formed a frown when you heard what he said.
"Just don't, okay?"
You gave him a nod and a smile, even though you are completely puzzled with what he said.
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the-kaedageist · 3 years
This scene was cut from my most recent chapter of More Things in Heaven and Earth, and as it is cute and not spoilery, I thought I would post it here! You don’t really need any familiarity with that fic to enjoy this interlude, other than knowing that Caleb is currently in Guinevere’s body and Essek is in Oskar’s, and they are in Rexxentrum.
As they made their way back through the gate to the Shimmer Ward, Caleb shaded his eyes against the setting sun, struck by another idea. “It is nearly time for dinner,” he said, “and I know just the place, if you are interested?”
Essek nodded. Caleb began to lead him back through the streets of the Shimmer Ward, towards Soltryce and the neighborhoods that he’d frequented in his youth. Things here and there were different – it was hard to say if it was due to time’s passage or the fact that they were in another universe – but the majority of the city remained the same, and Caleb began to grow excited at the thought of sharing his favorite beer hall with Essek. Perhaps he could invite him for a dance…
They came to a stop in front of the place where the beer hall should have stood. Caleb glared with utter disdain at the upscale wine bar that had taken its place.
Essek wandered up to the window and peered inside curiously, his eyes alight. “This is where you intended to take me?” he asked with a small, pleased smile.
Caleb bit his lip, his frustration dying as quickly as it had flared up in the face of Essek’s enthusiasm. “It was intended to be a beer hall,” he said. “This was my, ah, old haunt when I was a student; it appears, in this world, that it has been gentrified. But I think you would be interested in trying it anyway?”
“I have not had as many opportunities to sample Empire wines as I would have liked,” Essek said. “Shall we?”
The wine bar that had replaced Hofbräuhaus had a cozy, dark interior lit with magical fairy lights, with a dimly lit map of the Menagerie Coast painted across the side and large, plush booths lining the walls The new ownership had retained the dance floor that featured so prominently in Caleb’s memories, but redecorated it with dark, stained wood flooring and lovely crimson curtains. Beautiful carvings of Nicodranas and other cities of the Menagerie Coast dotted the walls, and Caleb found his gaze caught by a particularly fetching relief of a very familiar building as he and Essek were led to a small, out of the way booth. The Lavish Chateau looked very similar in this world, it would seem, and he was immensely pleased to see it still existed.
They were seated in a booth that was plush beyond belief; Caleb immediately sunk into the crushed velvet of the upholstery. Across from him, Essek’s eyes crinkled into a smile as the dragonborn host left them with menus etched in a tiny, neat hand and glasses of water.
It was absurdly high class, far more than the beer hall had been. Essek looked positively delighted by every detail.
Caleb glanced down at the menu, squinting to read the details. “They have Lionett wine,” he said immediately, his eye catching on the familiar name.
Essek raised an eyebrow. “Beauregard’s family?”
“Interesting that the décor is themed after the Menagerie Coast, yet the wine is from the Empire,” Caleb observed.
A stuffy-looking waiter popped up at his elbow, surprising him. “Actually, we carry a wide variety of selections from all across the Marrow Valley, western Wynandir, and the Menagerie Coast,” the man said. He was wearing spectacles and had a neat little moustache, exactly as Caleb would have expected of such a place.
“And eastern Wynandir?” Essek asked, his expression deeply serious, which Caleb had learned was one of his tells that he was absolutely fucking with someone. “I have heard the Dynasty has many fine vintages.”
The waiter scoffed. “I’m sure they do, but you try getting those shipped into Rexxentrum with the war on. Might I suggest a bottle of ’20 Plumgroves Red? That was the year the hurricane swept through Feolinn, and only 300 bottles were ever produced. A rare delicacy, to be sure.” 
Essek’s eyes lit up.
“And undoubtably quite expensive,” Caleb said carefully, immediately knowing they didn’t have the cash for such a purchase. “I think we are looking for something more…affordable.”
The waiter didn’t even blink, reaching into his pocket and whisking out two more menus. “Here is our tasting menu, which may be more to your purse’s liking,” he said. Despite the lack of judgment in his voice, he’d lost much of his salesman’s panache with the realization that they weren’t high rollers.
Essek scanned the smaller menu. “I think perhaps we would be interested in the Feolinn sampler,” he said. He glanced up at Caleb. “If that is to your liking?”
Caleb smiled. “Anything you wish to try, my friend.” They also put in an order for a few of the small-plate dinner items in the Menagerie Coast style to be shared between them and the waiter left them to themselves, returning a few moments later with the sampler of Feolinn wines.
Essek sipped at the first offering the moment the waiter had vanished, closing his eyes while tasting it. Caleb watched, amused and just enjoying being present with him, distracting him from the events of the coming day; he could focus just on Essek, his reactions and his soft questions and his occasional smile, with soft music from the small quartet in the corner. Despite his pique at his favorite beer hall being replaced, the wine bar’s romantic atmosphere was absolutely perfect.
“How is it?” he asked as Essek sipped the first sampler once more.
He made a face. “Interesting. Drier than most Dynasty vintages, although I suppose perhaps that is the style.”
“I had no idea you were as much a wine snob as Beauregard,” Caleb said with a laugh. “Although I suppose you did bring us that expensive bottle back in Rosohna.”
 “Wine was one of the markers of status in my family,” Essek said. “I was trained to know it well.” He sampled the second option, his face much more agreeable. “This is much better,” he added.
“We shall have to bring you and Beauregard out to have wine together,” Caleb said with a small smile. “I think you will find much to speak on.”
The small plates arrived soon after, with samplings of various types of Menagerie Coast fare – richly seasoned carrots and asparagus, a delightful mix of seafoods, and some interesting spiced potato fritters. Caleb and Essek split the dishes between them, and it was quite nice to indulge in dinner, just the two of them, in a city that had once captured his heart and then broken it into a million pieces.
By the time they finished eating, Essek had already snagged the waiter for a second sampler, this time of Marrow Valley wines. Caleb could feel a pleasant tipsiness settling through him; he was used to having much more alcohol tolerance than Guinevere.
He looked over at Essek, who was critiquing his current sampler of wine with a delighted expression on his face that suggested he’d rather be nowhere else but there. Caleb couldn’t draw his eyes away. Even in a body that was not his own, in a world that was completely foreign, Essek was the brightest thing in the room.
Essek stopped speaking mid-sentence when he caught Caleb’s stare. “What?” he asked.
Caleb knew the smile that spread across his face was far too fond, but had absolutely no incentive to hide it. “It is nice, to see you so passionate.”
A flush went up the back of Essek’s neck, all the way to the tips of his ears. The small quartet in the corner struck up a new tune, soft and romantic. A few patrons from other booths began to move to the dance floor, and Caleb had the sudden impression that this was a popular date spot.
He reached over and took Essek’s hand, not sure if it was the haze of the alcohol, the rich attraction between them, or the strangeness of this world, but caught up in the magic of him all the same. It was strange, to realize that despite the revelations of the evening before, despite the coming day with all of its challenges, Caleb was happy.
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scuttling · 3 years
(You Want To) Make a Memory
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Latina Original Female Character Word Count: 19,858 Chapters: 5 of 5 Complete Tags: 18+, NSFW, Amnesia, Anxiety attacks, Sex dreams, Dom/sub, Daddy kink, Praise kink, Unprotected sex, Vaginal fingering, Dirty talk, Choking, Biting, Hickies, Oral sex, Making love, Angst and feels, Shower sex, Size kink Summary: Sophie gets amnesia while working a case and forgets everything from the last two years: her friends, her job at the BAU, and her boyfriend, Aaron. Note: This is a reformatted, previously published work. :)
Link to AO3 or read Chapter 1 below!
The thing Sophie finds most complicated about her work at the BAU is that it’s their job to predict the unpredictable. Yes, they are all highly educated, knowledgeable profilers, with decades of experience between them, and human behavior typically follows patterns that are easily discernible if you have the right training. But even armed with all the information, all the statistics, all the data, there’s one thing they can never really know for certain: what a desperate person will do in the heat of the moment.
The unsub they are looking for is a white male, aged 25-35, who lives alone, has a steady daylight job, drives a red pickup truck, and has a problem with older female authority figures. Sophie could go on and on about this particular type of unsub—she could tell you where he shops, how he spends his evenings, his favorite sport/team/player, probably even what he’ll eat for dinner tonight—but there’s no way she can know how he’ll react to the FBI at his door, or the consequences his actions will have.
The team is canvassing the neighborhood they believe the unsub resides in, and she and Spencer were assigned the four hundred block; they each take a separate side of the street, and work their way down house by house trying to find someone who fits the profile, or knows someone who does.
“Any luck?” Sophie asks Spencer when they meet back up at the end of the the block. He grimaces, uncertain.
“There was one guy, but…” She gestures toward the SUV and they walk toward it together.
“What happened? Profile didn’t fit?”
“He was the right demographic, the vehicle fit, but he wasn’t disorganized. In fact, his home looked like it belonged in a catalog: photos on the walls, decorative items, nothing out of place.” She frowns a little, because it’s clear this guy has raised some red flags for her partner, and she trusts his intuition when it comes to stuff like this.
“And he lives alone?” she asks, confirming. That’s a pretty big part of the profile, considering what he does to the victims. He nods.
“Yes, no indication of a girlfriend or wife living there.” Sophie blows out a breath, leans against the side of the SUV.
“Okay, let’s brainstorm. Maybe... he hires a housekeeper.” Spencer shrugs.
“He didn’t seem like the type, but I guess it’s possible.”
“Alright, well… Okay, so our profile is of a man who kills older women because he has an issue with an older woman who is an authority figure in his life. We thought maybe his boss, but what if it’s his mother?” she asks, face lighting up a little. This theory makes more sense, actually. “What if she comes over while he’s at work, cleans the place up, redecorates, just takes complete control of his life, even his private space, and he loses it?” He nods enthusiastically.
“That is extremely more likely. Now that I think of it, all the photos were of him and an older woman who could be his mother.” Sophie pulls out her phone, gestures over her shoulder with her thumb.
“Let’s head back there; Hotch and JJ are just around the corner, I’ll let them know we might need backup. 412?”
“Yeah—hey, that’s the truck. That’s the truck,” he says with more urgency, pointing down the street at a rapidly approaching red pickup truck that matches the description of the unsub’s. Shit.
“Okay, get in the car, call Hotch,” she instructs, and they both barely make it in before the truck rear-ends the SUV on the driver's side; Sophie’s head hits off the steering wheel hard, and the car rocks, and she looks over at Spencer, a little disoriented, to make sure he’s okay. He’s holding his wrist, like maybe he hurt it bracing himself.
When she gets her bearings, she starts the car, throws it into reverse, ready to apply a little force and potentially keep him from striking again, but he backs up, speeds up, and cuts the wheel to go around them, striking her door and driving past. It’s then that another SUV cuts him off, and Hotch and JJ jump out, guns drawn; the unsub raises his hands, surrenders, and it’s over as quickly as it began.
“Sophie?” She can hear her name, but her head is swimming. She touches the cut above her temple, pulls back a hand covered in blood, but she knows head injuries bleed heavily, so she’s not worried. She’s more worried that she can’t tell where that voice is coming from. It’s like she’s in a fun house, sounds echoing from all sides. “Sophie, can you hear me?” She hums in response.
Kind hands are on her face, turning it toward the sun, and she scrunches her eyes at the brightness. She knows the hands are trying to help, but her head already hurts, and the light isn’t doing her any favors.
“Gotta… get up,” she mumbles, and the hands hold her waist, help her out of the car. Her left foot hurts when she puts her weight down on it, and she almost folds, but the hands hold her up, and she thinks she smiles.
“Reid—is she okay?” That voice is a voice that makes her want to answer immediately, even if her brain hasn’t quite caught up. She stumbles over her words.
“‘M okay. Just my… head.” A different pair of hands hold her up, and her brain is working enough to recognize that she loves the smell of the person attached to the hands. They are serious hands, and one of them sweeps gently over her face.
“Can you open your eyes for me, baby, please?” that good voice asks, and she wants to do anything the voice asks, but her eyes really hurt. She must say that out loud, because the voice says softly, “That’s alright, don’t strain yourself. Medics on the way. You’re going to be fine.”
“Tell him…” She is placed back in the car, can feel the softness of the seat against her back, and it’s nice. “Tell him that was mean… and not to do it again.” She feels lips on her face, turns toward them, sighs when they brush over hers. “Mmm. Or I’m going to… tell his mother.”  When Sophie wakes up, she feels like she’s been repeatedly punched in the head, thrown down a flight of stairs, and then run over by a truck, so, naturally, she groans. She doesn’t dare open her eyes at first, can already see the fluorescents flickering through her eyelids, but her mouth is dry, and since she knows she must be in a hospital, she knows that there’s a little plastic pitcher of water somewhere within her reach.
Cautiously, she cracks one eye, finds the pitcher and a kind looking woman with fair skin and dark bangs staring back at her.
“You’re awake!” she whispers excitedly, and she leans forward for a hug, which Sophie does not return, because she doesn’t know the woman. The woman must feel the tension in Sophie’s body as she sits, arms at her sides, and waits for the hug to end, because she pulls back, concerned. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No,” she begins, unsure of how to put this politely. Her voice is dry, rough, and the woman pours her a glass of water, which she takes gratefully. “I’m sorry, I just… I don’t… Do I know you?” Her face falls, and she looks confused, and then abruptly worried.
“My name is Emily. Prentiss. Does that ring a bell?” Sophie thinks back, tries to navigate around the pounding in her temples, and ultimately shakes her head.
“No, I’m sorry. And I mean no disrespect—I meet a lot of people for work, so sometimes it’s hard to keep track.”
“Where do you work?”
“I work for the FBI. Intelligence.” Sophie takes in the woman’s outfit—black turtleneck, gray pants, boots, government issued handgun—and tilts her head curiously. “And you?”
“FBI. Behavioral Analysis Unit.” She pulls her bag closer on the seat beside her, pulls out her credentials, lets Sophie hold them. “Have you heard of it?”
“Sure, of course. I have an interview there next week, actually.” She hands back the badge with a smile. “Small world. Uh, do you think that what happened to me occurred because of a crime, or something? Is that why you’re here?"
Agent Prentiss gives her a sad smile, then stands, pulling out her cell phone. “You know, we’re really not sure what’s going on. Excuse me for one moment, I need to make a call. I’ll get your doctor while I’m out there.”
“Okay. Thanks,” Sophie calls as she heads out of the room, and she pours another glass of water.
When the agent returns with the doctor, she looks tenser, but the doctor just shoots her a kind smile. “Hello, Sophie. I’m glad to see you’re awake.”
“Thank you; I’m glad to be awake. How long have I been out?”
“About two days. You were in a car accident, do you remember that?” She’d catalogued her injuries while alone—laceration to the head, some pain and swelling there; aching wrist, sore but unbroken; bruised ankle, tender but okay to put pressure on—and they are consistent with a car accident, but she shakes her head.
“No, ma’am, I don’t remember.” The doctor frowns, an expression the agent behind her mirrors.
“What’s the last thing you do remember?”
“Um.” She closes her eyes, thinks hard for a moment, but it hurts her eyes. “I was driving home from work, I think? Or about to leave for the day. It’s kind of blurry.”
“That’s alright, don’t press too hard. It should come back to you in no time.” She steps around the bed to pull her chart off the wall, skims it briefly. “We’re going to have to run some scans; I’ll give you a moment with Agent Prentiss, and then I’ll send someone in to take you down to the lab, okay?”
“Sure. Thank you, doctor.” The woman smiles and walks out of the room, leaving her with the clearly unhappy agent. “Is everything okay, Agent Prentiss? You look about as bad as I feel.” The woman sighs, drops back down into her seat, folds her hands in her lap.
“The doctor believes you’re suffering from retrograde amnesia. You don’t remember some things you should remember. Quite a bit of time.” Her throat goes dry again, her heart beats rapidly in her chest.
“That’s not possible. I remember driving home from work… or, getting in the car to drive home from work, just the other day.” She shakes her head like she’s not sure what to say.
“I know, Sophie, but that’s not a recent memory. You don’t work at the Grant building anymore.”
“What do you mean? I’m the Intelligence liaison. I mean, I applied for the BAU job…” She’s wanted to work there since she found out about it, to put her degrees to good use; to get an interview is almost unheard of, everyone told her, but she made the cut, even bought a new suit to wear. It’s still hanging in her closet.
“And you got it,” Prentiss says gently, reaching forward to take her hand. “You and I have been working together at the BAU for almost two years.”
Sophie can’t be blamed, she doesn’t think, when she leans over, reaches for the wastebasket, and promptly vomits.  “So I’m a profiler, and I’ve been one for two years. I work with you and we’re friends,” Sophie repeats as a bit of a recap. Prentiss nods.
“Yep. Those who profile serial killers together, stick together.” She says it with a smile that doesn’t touch her eyes.
“Wow. Okay. I’m really sorry I don’t remember you.” She shrugs it off, and Sophie sighs. “Any other major life events I should know about? Did I get a cat, go vegan?”
“You don’t have time for a pet, and you like cheese too much,” Prentiss jokes, but that does sound like something she’d say. Her face gets serious after that, and she even looks nervous. It makes Sophie nervous, too. “You have a boyfriend.”
That raises her eyebrows.
“I have a boyfriend.” She smiles softly, nods.
“Yes. He’s… it’s funny, because he’s actually... our boss.” Sophie blanches. Talk about a close-knit group.
“I’m sleeping with my boss? That is not like me.” She barely sleeps with anyone, too busy focusing on her career and not that into one-night-stands, but her boss of all people? That’s just plain stupid.
“It’s really not like that, trust me. You two are in love.” Okay, she’s heard enough. Maybe Prentiss is a prankster, playing some wildly hilarious joke on her amnesiac pal.
“I’m in love. Did I actually say that?” She knows herself pretty well, flaws and all, and she’s been a vehement skeptic when it comes to love for… god, as long as she can remember—no pun intended. Prentiss nods, looks very serious.
“Yes, I’ve heard you say it many, many times. You two live together.”
“We live together? For how long?” This can’t be right; one of the things she values most is her privacy, her solitude. She lives a quiet, simple life, aside from being an FBI agent, and she likes it that way.
“About six months,” she answers carefully.
“We’ve lived together for six months? How long have we been dating?” Her voice sounds a little shrill even to her own ears. Prentiss is being very cool about it all, doesn’t so much as blink.
“It’s a year next week, actually. He’s been trying to come up with a surprise for your anniversary.” Sophie feels a little lightheaded.
“Anniversary. Fuck.” She squeezes her eyes shut, which hurts, opens them only so the pain will go away. She knows they’re teary, can’t help it, but she doesn’t want Prentiss to see her like this. She hates being vulnerable, always has. “I can’t remember two years of my life. I can’t remember my own boyfriend, my own job. My friends.”
“I can tell you about them, if you want,” she offers cautiously. “The doctor said it could help, but if you feel like it’s too much, let me know.”
Sophie nods carefully. She wants to know, she needs to know.
Prentiss—Emily—is so genuinely kind. She sits there for an hour, tells Sophie about work, and their team—their friends, because the group is very tight, gets together for dinner and drinks, and they all support each other’s non-bureau endeavors, and she feels so sad that she can’t remember them, can’t recall anything Emily is rattling off so easily it’s like she doesn’t even have to think about it.
She talks about some tough cases they’ve worked on, and how they always end with a cookout or a family dinner so they can remember why they do the hard things, why they keep fighting. She talks about people they’ve helped, saved, brought comfort to. She talks about flights home on the jet, how sometimes they sit in quiet, companionable silence and other times it’s all teasing and laughter and the good things in life.
Then she starts talking about Aaron—the boss/boyfriend—and Sophie does cry, a couple of tears rolling slowly down her cheeks. She’d never imagined in her life that she would be as loved as she is, if Emily’s stories are true, and the fact that she can’t remember any of it is like a knife to the gut. She wants to scream, to make someone pay for what she’s missing, but she knows none of that will bring her memory back, so she dials back the rage as quickly as it came—huh, that’s new.
Usually, her particular brand of anxiety attack would happen right about now, always worse when she’s afraid or angry. She anticipates tightening in her chest, shortness of breath, ringing in her ears that takes forever to go away, but it doesn’t come. She’s able to calm herself with a deep breath, and despite the fact that the rest of her life is a dumpster fire right now, this feels kind of good. It feels like progress, not a story told through someone else’s eyes, but a tangible feeling she can hold onto and think, I am a different version of Sophie than I was two years ago. A better version, maybe. But at least different. That, above everything else, makes it real.
A nurse walks in to take Sophie down for scans, and Emily just smiles, a bit sadly, and tells her she’ll be there waiting when she returns.
It’s a small comfort, something she holds onto as she’s taken down to the lab. When Sophie makes it back to her room, Emily is waiting there as promised, and she has a duffle bag sitting on the bed. “The doctor says you can go home while they wait for the scans,” she says with a smile; she probably thinks it will make Sophie happy, and it does, but the idea of going to a home she’s never been to is a little unsettling. Still, it’s nice to know there are people who care about her who will help her through it, that she’s not alone. That’s not something Sophie of two years ago would have been able to count on.
She smiles back, and Emily helps her change into clothes that somehow still smell like the hospital, but it feels better to be dressed and not stuck in the flimsy hospital gown that always makes you feel weaker and sicker, more injured than you really are.
She hears a voice from out in the hall, a voice that catches her attention immediately, and she walks over to the door, peeks her head out to see if she can find the man it belongs to.
She does, and he is almost too good-looking to be real. Somehow, she both instinctively knows that this man is Aaron, and can’t see how that could possibly be true.
“Emily. Is that Aaron?” she asks to confirm, pointing to the tall, serious-looking, frankly smoldering hot man having a conversation with her doctor at the end of the hall. She peeks her head out the door too, looks toward him with a smile.
“Yeah, that’s him. Do you remember him?” Her tone is guarded but hopeful, and Sophie sighs.
Remember him, no, not in the way she means, but every cell in her body feels alive and on fire just from catching a glimpse of his face, so she’s pretty sure Emily is right and she’s crazy in love with him. And his suit. Who looks that good in a suit?
Her boyfriend, apparently. Who she lives with. Who she’s been with for a year. Her mind is still a little blown.
“I don’t recall any memories of him,” she whispers, as if he can hear her from down the hall, “but, uh. I think my body remembers him.” Emily looks at her, eyebrow quirked, and she blushes. “Or, you know. Parts of it.”
Realization dawns, and Emily grins. “Okay yeah, that tracks. You two are kind of all over each other. It’s an intense vibe.” Sophie takes a moment to imagine that, what it would be like to be in a relationship with this man.
He looks intense, which can be good or bad, with the kind of mouth you could kiss forever, smile against. He’s taller than her by about a foot, which thrills her, and broad, as evidenced by the jacket stretched across his shoulders, which really thrills her. He’s older, maybe early forties, which she doesn’t feel particularly strongly about one way or another, with gorgeous dark hair and eyes, and when he shakes hands with the doctor, silver wrist watch gleaming under the fluorescent lights, her mouth practically waters.
“Earth to Sophie. You’ve got a little drool, there,” Emily teases, pointing to her own mouth, and Sophie groans.
“You didn’t prepare me. You didn't tell me he was hot.” Aaron turns away from the doctor, starts walking down the hall toward her room, and she ducks out of the doorframe, Emily following suit. She puts a hand to her forehead, not in physical pain, but mental pain for sure. “God, this is going to be so awkward. I’ve got a total lady boner for the guy I’m in love with that I can’t even remember.”
“It might be a little awkward at first, but you guys are sweet together. He’s going to be so caring and understanding, give you all the time you need.” She puts her hands on Sophie’s arms, grounding her. “We’re going to focus on trying to get your memories back, but the doctor said you shouldn’t stress.”
“That’s easy for her to say,” she mutters, crossing her arms, “she didn’t forget her big sexy boyfriend.” She hears a soft chuckle from behind her and instantly flushes, which makes Emily grin.
“Sophie, this is Aaron.” She physically turns her, and Aaron is smiling gently, which makes him look even better than when he was serious and expressionless. Her heart thrums in her chest.
“Hi. I’m sorry I don’t remember you. I want to.” She sticks out her hand for a shake, feels dumb instantly, but he takes it anyway, holds it for a moment. His hand is rough, so much bigger than hers, and part of her hopes he never lets go.
“That’s alright. Dr. Bracken is confident you’ll recover all of your memories in time. She’s given me some instruction on ways we can try to jog your memory, but no stress, like Emily said.”
“I guess we’re not considering the fact that losing two years of your life is a little stressful,” she counters, and he laughs again.
“You haven’t lost anything. Just misplaced them for a while.” He steps toward her, like he wants to touch her, comfort her maybe, but freezes, thinks better of it. She’s torn between wanting to get to know him better first and wanting to jump into his arms immediately, so she decides to let him set the pace. “So… Do you want to come home with me?” His voice is soft, hopeful, matching his eyes. “Garcia—our friend, another coworker of ours—has offered to put you up at her place if you’re not comfortable with that, so no worries either way. You have a place to go.”
Her stomach sinks a little at the thought of being anywhere but home, even though she has no idea where that is, and she looks back at Emily, who smiles encouragingly.
“I think I want to go home,” she decides after a moment, and she turns back to look at Aaron. “Is that okay with you?” He nods seriously.
“Yes, of course. I want you home with me. I just wanted you to know you had other options.” Emily slips past her, a hand on her elbow, and finishes gathering up her belongings while they talk. “The rest of the team is going to come over for a little bit, if you’re okay with that. The doctor said it would be a good idea, since you spend most of your time with them, but if at any point it gets overwhelming, let me know. No hard feelings if we send everyone home.”
“Okay,” she breathes, her head already swimming a bit just from talking to Aaron, and he does step forward, then, giving her her space but indicating that he wants to come closer, if she’ll let him.
“May I put this on you?” he murmurs, and opens his palm to display her rose necklace, the one she wears, must still wear, everyday. At least that hasn’t changed. “The EMTs gave it to me when they brought you in. I’ve been holding onto it for safekeeping.” She nods, turns around, and he slips it around her throat, clasps it, brushes a careful hand over her neck to move her hair out of the way. “That’s better,” he says, his breath ghosting over her skin, and she sighs, wants to sink back against the heat of his body; she just knows how comforting it would be, how safe she would feel. Instead, she turns and smiles softly.
“You’re welcome.” They hold eye contact for a moment, and then Emily appears at her side, making a face like she knows she’s interrupting something.
“Ready to get going?” she asks, handing Sophie’s duffle bag over to Aaron. “I’m going to stop at home and then I’ll head to your place.”
“Absolutely. Thank you, Emily,” Sophie says sincerely, stepping forward to pull her into a tight hug. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I hope I remember more about you soon.”
“I’m happy I could be here, and I know you will. Just give it some time.” She pats her on the back, and then leaves the room.
Aaron carries her bag and leads her out to the parking garage, toward a standard federal issued SUV, and he opens the door for her, closes it behind her with a gentle smile.
Time to go home.
Taglist ❤️: @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix @meghannnnnn @disgruntledchowchow @azenpal
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