#i also have im's i need to get to i'm a potato shaped sloth lately i know
whitesuited · 2 years
now that's 5's birthday month is in the rear view, i can hopefully get back to keeping a little more of my mental capacity here and actually focused for more than 5 minutes at a time ...
so the plan of attack is as follows ------ i'm going to go through my follows and shed some inactives / archives i'm still following. i'm going to go through my Mariana Trench of an inbox as well and clear out what i can, and keep what i feel like is still answerable ( this also means you might be seeing replies to memes that you don't even remember sending and for that i apologize unless you like surprises then ... yay? ) same will happen with drafts, and i'm going to make a physical list of both because somehow i tend to follow through on physical lists i can touch and cross off myself better than a digital tracker.
aaaand go!
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