#i also have really great and amazing friends who i’ve met and only talk to bc of this
greynatomy · 8 months
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katie mccabe x reader
this was requested from wp
kinda made caitlin as the ‘bad guy’ but it’s for the plot
i also updated my rules for requesting and added the footballer who i’ll take requests for
Another day, another training done for the Arsenal women’s team. Katie sat on the sidelines, catching her breath and winding down from the scrimmage. As she’s drinking from her bottle, a shadow casts over her.
“Hi, Katie.”
“Caitlin.” She acknowledges the Australian.
“Uh, well, I was wondering if you wanted to try this restaurant I found last week?”
“Yeah. They have really amazing food. So?”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll tell the team.”
“No, wait.” She tries to clear up her intentions, but Katie already walked away. “Great.”
Two hours later, the whole team had met at ‘Sapori’ and waited at the front of the building for everyone to show up.
Looking to her left, she see’s Caitlin shuffling closer to her.
“This is a really great restaurant. The ambiance is amazing so I’m glad you’re here to try it out.” Caitlin breaks the moment of awkwardness.
Katie’s lips form a tight smile. “Yeah, I’ve only heard great things.”
“Alright, let’s head in.” They heard Leah say as everyone that could make it has finally shown up.
It took a while for everyone to figure out where ghey want to sit, but they made it work. Katie took her place at one end of the table, Caitlin taking place on her left side.
Conversations were flowing freely, everyone with a smile on their face. Katie was chatting it up with Beth and Viv when she feels a hand delicately going up and down her arm, making her flinch her arm away.
“What’re you doin’?” Katie snaps, eyebrows furrowed.
“Sorry, just wanted your attention.” Caitlin frowns.
“Okay.” She slowly nods. “Just don’t do that again.”
The food came out soon after, everyone hungry and diggin in.
“Sorry, excuse me? We didn’t order these.” Leah spoke up when extra dishes were placed on the table. Katie didn’t care, she dug into all that she could reach.
“These are just some dishes that the owner would like you all to try.”
“Well, please thank her for us.”
Everyone was in their own little groups talking about anything and everything at the same time. A couple of moments go by when Katie feels small hands on her thighs. Looking down she sees a little girl who seems to try and get onto her lap. So what does she do? she helps the girl up, getting her comfortable on her lap and wrapping an arm around her.
Said child, once content on Katie’s lap, grabs the fork and starts eating the food in front of her. Katie occasionally wipes her mouth with a napkin, the child unbothered by it.
Too occupied in helping the kid eat, she doesn’t see the looks on her friends’ faces. The group silently observes Katie and the kid, seeing how comfortable they are with each other.
The kid turns in Katie’s lap, hands going on both cheeks pulling her close. Katie thinks she’s going for a kiss so she leans down, except instead of a kiss, the gnocchi that was once in the kid’s mouth, was now in Katie’s.
“Ugh, Em! Not again.” She spits it out, wiping her mouth after. All Emmy does is laugh and goes back to eating. A couple of throats can be heard clearing, making Katie look up to see all her friends staring at her. “What?”
“What do you mean ‘what?’ You’ve got a child on your lap.”
“Ye’ and?”
“Who’s child is that?”
“Completely hers.” A voice speaks up before Katie could answer. “She’s a menace and gets it from her mammy.”
“Mamma! Io mangio!”
“I can see! You’ve got sauce all over your face.” You wipe her face with a napkin. “How are you guys enjoying everything?” You ask the group.
“Oh, it’s amazing! Best thing I’ve ever eaten!” Beth exclaims.
“Who are you?” Caitlin asks.
“I am the owner of Sapori, Y/N McCabe. So nice to meet all of you. And yes, I know the last name isn’t Italian, but I just so happened to fall for an Irish.”
“Oi! Don’t make it seem like that’s a bad thing.”
“Oi!” Emmy echos.
“Wait!” Kyra says very loudly. “McCabe? So does that mean Katie’s your—”
“—Wife? Yes, unfortunately.”
“You’re beeing cheeky. Stop it.” She boops your nose.
You start to pick up some of the empty plates, giving everyone a smile.
“Hey, hey, hey! What’re you doin’?”
“I’m gonna take these back?”
“You’re not allowed to carry anything!”
“Katie, babe. I’m pregnant, not crippled. Plus, I’m barely even showing.”
“Aww, you’re pregnant?” Kyra goes to touch your stomach, but her hand gets smacked away by Katie.
“Katie! Be nice. And yes, I am.”
As the rest of the team fusses over Emmy and your belly, Caitlin decides to speak to Katie.
“So, you’re married?”
“Why’d you make it seem like you were interested in me.” Katie didn’t know if she was being serious or not, but started laughing out loud.
“I don’t know what you’re on about mate. Probably just a figment of your imagination.”
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literally-izzy · 4 days
Just Friends?
summary: you’re in love with your best friend who doesn’t feel the same way. right?
Modern AU!Anakin Skywalker and Fem!reader
A/n: ah! this is my first time writing a fic and i might’ve gotten carried away… there’s also original names. not all of the names are star wars related. please feel free to reblog! it would mean a lot!
cw: smut; unprotected piv, pet names, car accident..
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Love. It’s a funny thing. I’ll never understand it. I only know that when it hits you, it hits you hard. Here I am, 25 and still pining over a man who doesn’t want me. You would think that after ten years I would forget about him and move on. It’s hard when he’s your best friend. Anakin Skywalker. I met him my sophomore year, his freshman year. Our moms worked together and became best friends. It was only inevitable that we would too. Every weekend was a movie night at the Skywalker house. Filled with love and laughter. The only times I hated it was when an unwanted visitor came. But I denied the real reason I disliked her.
I told myself it was just because she was too quiet. Not outgoing. Definitely not because she was dating him…. I hated the way he held her in his arms. I eventually began to realize it was because I wished it was me. Any moment I had alone with him was bliss. She didn’t go to our school. They met at summer camp the year before we became friends. So, school, especially choir was a safe place to be with him. He made me laugh like no other. And never changed the way he acted around me when his friends were around.
Now here I am, teaching a class of annoying seventh graders how to sing. Anakin is still in med school. I always admired him for it. He never thought he was smart enough for it. It took my encouragement. We still keep tradition and every Friday night; I go over to his apartment for movie night. When he graduated, he and his girlfriend, Padme, split up. So, for the past 6 years, I’ve never really had to worry about anyone else. He only had a few short relationships throughout the past six years since he graduated. Occasionally his sister joins us for movie night, that’s when we have to watch cheesy hallmark movies. Not that I hate all of them, but I dislike most of them.
I looked down at my desk and saw a text on my phone.
“Just you and me for movie night. Up for Fast and Furious?”
I smiled at the text. My students were currently working on their assignment, so I replied,
“That’s a stupid question, Anakin”. I put my phone down and I sat my chair.
He texted back almost immediately, “so I take that as a yes, y/n?”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s a yes. I’d love to talk more but I have a class to teach. Love ya”
“I’ll say a prayer for those students lol. Love ya.”
I smiled at the last sentence. We’ve been inseparable for ten years. Of course, we love each other. Mine just goes deeper than his. I’ve thought multiple times about telling him. But I just couldn’t. He’s always with someone new when I finally muster up the courage to tell him. And its not like I’ve stayed single. I’m actually with someone right now. He’s amazing in every way. He’s just not Anakin. I looked down at my phone again and realized I had a text from him.
“Hey babe, I’m gong out of town to see my parents for the weekend. I know you’re going to Anakin’s apartment for movie night, so I figured i’d tell you now”.
I feel like such a bitch. At least he’s not jealous of Anakin. My last relationship ended because I refused to stop seeing him.
I texted back, “okay, have fun!” I know I should’ve said more, but I really didn’t care. I saw another text from him but before I could answer it, the bell rang.
“Okay class, that’s homework if you didn’t finish it. Have a great weekend!” All the kids quickly piled out of my classroom. Once I was alone, I read the text from Trey.
“Okay. I will. Be safe on your drive up there.”
“I will.” I replied. I got my things together and walked out to my car. Once I got in, I connected my phone and started blasting love songs. I’m a hopeless romantic. I started driving.
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He lives in the main part of Coruscant. Which is about 45 minutes away from where I live. I spent the drive belting love songs, consciously daydreaming about the life I could have with Anakin.
Once I pull into his driveway, he’s already outside waiting for me.
“Jeez, y/n, took you long enough” he smirks.
“Fuck off, Anakin” I laugh and flip him off. I walk closer to him and give him a hug. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but it felt like hours. His muscular arms wrap around me tightly and contract as we breathe in sync. He smelled like the woods behind his house, where we used to explore. His curly dirty blonde hair that shaped his face brushed against my cheek as he finally pulled away. He stood aside, gesturing for me to enter his apartment.
“Wow, you cleaned!” I teased him as I took off my shoes and sat on his black leather couch.
“Yeah, but not for you. It is my bachelor pad after all” he smirked as he sat down beside me.
“Of course,” I said with an eye roll. I tried not to sound annoyed, but I know I did. Part of my annoyance isn’t even because I want him to myself. Some of it is because he’s not as careful as he should be. He just whores around because his good looks and charm let him. One day, he’s gonna end up being a baby daddy to at least three women. And I know i’d still be around to help him. Always being his best friend. Never the love of his life.
“Pizza should be here soon” Anakin interrupted my thoughts.
“Okay great” I give him a warm smile as he sits down beside me. He pulls out his phone and starts to text someone. I know I should give him his privacy, but I’m a nosey bitch. I discreetly shift my head and side my eyes towards his phone. He’s texting a girl named Aayla. From what I could see, they’ve obviously been hooking up.
“Who’s that?” I asked, letting my jealousy get the better of me. He looks up and smirks.
“Just a girl I’ve been seeing occasionally. Why? You jealous?” He teased. I knew he was teasing but I couldn’t stop my face from turning bright red. Every normal word went out the window. I couldn’t speak. Finally, I shook myself out of it and responded nonchalantly.
“Hell no. I don’t need whatever diseases you’ve contracted from your escapades” I teased. He laughed and playfully rolled his eyes. He put his phone face down on his lap and shifted his body to face me. His black ‘KISS’ tee shirt tightened around his body, outlining his stunning six-pack.
“So, how’s everything with Trey?” His face was calm. His lips pressed into a peaceful smile.
“Everything’s great. We just came up on 4 months together.” I couldn’t think of anything interesting to tell him. As bad as it sounds, my relationship with Trey is vanilla. Nothing daring or exciting.
“Can I ask you something?” He raised his eyebrows slightly.
“Of course,” I smiled.
He paused, thinking of what to say next. “So, I’ve only seen him a few times, but he looks awfully boring. Is he any good in bed?”
My jaw dropped. I started laughing a little. “I guess so. He’s only the second guy I’ve been with. I don’t have much to compare him to”.
“Wait, really?” He looked astonished.
I immediately started blushing. I felt embarrassed. “Um, yeah…”
“How come you never told me?” He looked genuinely hurt that I didn’t tell him I’ve only slept with two men.
“I don’t know. We’ve never really gone into detail about our sex lives”
“Yeah, but I mean, I told you when I lost my virginity at least. You didn’t even tell me that.” He sounded so hurt. And I could see where this was coming from. Besides this one topic, I tell him everything. He looked down at my hands that were fidgeting in my lap. All of a sudden, he grabs them. His big strong hands gripping my smaller ones, with a look of compassion on his face. “y/n, please don’t feel like you have to keep things from me. I’m your best friend. I would never judge you”.
How was I not supposed to melt. I nodded and swallowed, keeping my hands in his. “I lost my virginity when I was nineteen. In college. I was with Maul. I was embarrassed to say anything because you lost yours before me and I felt, different, I guess. After we split, I was scared to do it with anyone else. I’ve only recently slept with Trey.”
Just as he was about to speak, the doorbell rang. We knew it was the pizza, so he went up to get it. Once he got it, he walked into the kitchen. It only took a couple of minutes before he came back in with two plates of pizza. He set the plates down, walked back into the kitchen, and came back with two bottles of ‘Mikes hard lemonade’. He then sat beside me, turning on ‘Fast and Furious’.
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We had gotten through the first three movies before I started to get sleepy. I tried to stay awake for another movie, but I couldn’t. We had talked about various things. Work, school, family, etc.
“I’m sorry, but I better leave. I’m starting to fall asleep.” I yawned tiredly.
His eyes widened. Then he started to look sad. “Wait, why don’t you just stay the weekend? I know you keep clothes in your car, and you said Trey would be at his parents’ house all weekend.”
I smiled. But then I started overthinking. What if I annoy him too much? We’ve never spent a whole weekend together without breaks. Or what if he wants to bring a girl over? I’d just get in the way. “Are you sure? What if you want to put your bachelor pad to use?” I slightly teased. Only slightly because part of me was serious.
He smirked, “Do you really think girls are over here every weekend?”
“From the way you talk about them, yes.”
He started laughing. “No, y/n. I’m really not that big of a man whore.”
I looked down at my hands, “Oh. Well, what about that Aayla girl?”
“Not important. We aren’t exclusive. She’s just something fun. There’s no relationship there. If there was, I would’ve told you, y/n.” He said seriously.
“Okay. I’ll stay. I don’t have pajamas in my car though.”
He smiled, knowing he had won. “I have a shirt and sweats you can wear.”
“Okay. Do you have a pillow for the couch?” I asked with a soft smile on my face.
“Yes. But not for you. You can have my bed. And that’s non-negotiable.”
I rolled my eyes as I stood up. I was too tired to fight. He motioned for me to follow him into his room. I’d only been in there once, and that was when he moved into the apartment. As we walked in, I was hit with the refreshing smell of his light cologne. His bed was in the corner, facing the door when you walk in. Across from his queen-sized bed was a tall, dark wood dresser. He walked over to the dresser and pulled out a gray shirt and black sweatpants.
“Here, they might be a bit big, but you’ll just be sleeping in them.”
“Thank you” I smiled. He set the clothes on his bed before walking closer to me. Once he was close enough, he wrapped his strong arms around me. I hugged him back, breathing in his scent. His head rested on my dirty blonde curls.
“Goodnight, y/n”, he breathed out before pulling away. I sighed and smiled.
“Night, Ani”. With that, he smiled and walked out, shutting his door. I began to remove my clothes and replaced them with his. I was immediately engulfed in his natural woodsy scent. I then crawled into his bed. It was very soft, like laying on a cloud. His black sheets smelled like him. I laid there and started thinking about the future I could have if I just grow a pair and tell him. Eventually, I closed my eyes and drifted off, wishing he was laying beside me.
While I was sleeping, I felt something on my hair. I decided to ignore it. But I can't help but hope it was him. But I won't bring It up.
I woke up to the sound of sizzling. I sat up and admired the way the sun shined on my body through the window above the bed. I tossed my legs over the side of the bed and walked out to the kitchen. I was hit with the smell of bacon, my favorite. I walked further in to see Anakin humming and cooking. He was so focused on breakfast; he didn’t even notice I was awake. So, I started to sing the words of the song he was humming. He quickly turned around with a huge grin on his face. His robe was open, exposing his bare chest. His body was God-like.
“You have such a beautiful voice, y/n/n” he complimented me. Sure, he knew I could sing, but this felt different. I blushed a little before responding.
“Thank you, Ani”. I smiled.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked with his eyebrows slightly raised.
“Yes, I did. Your bed is very comfy” I smiled.
He let out a small chuckle. “I know. So, I deserve a big thank you for letting you sleep in it for this weekend”
I rolled my eyes. “Thank you for letting me sleep in your incredibly comfy bed.”
“You’re welcome.” He turned back around to get our plates ready. Once he was done, he took them to the table and sat down waiting for me. We sat there and ate the eggs and bacon he had made. Then I remembered something.
“Last night, what were you going to say before the pizza got delivered?”
He looked down. He was thinking. “Well, I guess I was just surprised, I guess. It’s hard to believe you’ve only slept with two men.” I looked into his eyes and knitted my eyebrows.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Oh, c’mon y/n/n. Just because we’re best friends, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate how beautiful you are.” I choked on my water. I coughed for a few minutes before responding.
“Oh. Really?”
He smiled and laughed lightly. “Yes. Really.” I could’ve died right there. Why couldn’t he be mine?
Once we finished eating, I walked into his living room and sat on the couch. I got on my phone to check any missed calls or notifications I might’ve had. All I had was a text from Trey.
“Good morning, beautiful. Missed waking up next to you this morning” I didn’t. I wished it was Anakin.
“Why is he so cheesy?” I heard Anakin ask from beside me. I can’t blame him for being nosey, considering I did the same thing last night.
“I don’t know. It’s not my favorite if I’m being honest” I said with a slight grimace. He laughed before focusing back on his phone. I looked back down at the text and decided to respond.
“Good morning! Don’t miss me too much. Enjoy your time with your parents”. I rolled my eyes as I pressed send. I started scrolling on instagram. I stopped when I saw an engagement post an old friend from High school made. An instant feeling of jealousy and heartbreak came over me. I heard Anakin sigh as he started to speak.
“Oh yeah, I saw that.” He spoke as if it made no difference. It probably doesn’t to him. But to me, I feel behind. I thought I still had time to start all of that. Is 25 too old? He started to speak again when I didn’t say anything. “Hey, what’s wrong?” His voice was soft, like velvet
“Am I wasting my life?” I looked up with tears begging to be released from my eyes.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He knitted his eyebrows together.
“I though I still had time before starting a family. I thought 25 was still young. But now, Casey is getting married.” I sniffled. The tears finally leaving my eyes. Without saying anything, Anakin pulled me into a hug. Once again, his woodsy smell engulfed my senses and I felt calm. My face was pressed against his bare chest, since he still hadn’t changed. He gently rubbed my back with his hand. After a few minutes, I pulled away to save myself from falling for him even more, if that was possible. He began to speak.
“I don’t think there’s a time limit. You start it when you’re ready.” He smiled softly.
“When did you get so smart?” I teased. He scoffed and playfully put his hand to his chest.
“I am deeply offended y/n.” I pushed him and we started laughing. He paused. “Hey, I have an idea”
“Let’s go see my parents. It’ll give us something to do.” He shrugged. I smiled. I hadn’t seen them in a while.
“I love that idea. I just have to get my clothes out of my car and change” I stood up and did just that. I walked back in with my book bag and went into his room and changed. I walked out with my slightly ripped jeans and my favorite ‘Nirvana’ tee-shirt. Anakin smiled and walked into the room to change while I waited. He walked back out in black jeans and a plain gray shirt. Even in the plainest clothes he was ethereal. I grabbed my phone and his as we walked out the door.
On the drive to his parents’ house, we blasted our favorite songs. We belted our hearts out, laughed at the stupid shit he said. My heart fluttered every time he looked at me. The way he says my name. After 20 minutes, we pulled into his parents' driveway. We got out and he rang the doorbell. Their house was white and older. There was a wooded area in their backyard where Anakin, his sister Ashoka, and I would explore and mess around.
When I moved closer to my job, I was sad to be so far away. But when Anakin moved to Coruscant to go to college and Coruscant Medical School, I was elated. We were now only 45 minutes apart instead of an hour. I hadn’t been home in 6 months. My parents haven’t even met Trey. Which is intentional.
After a few seconds, his mom Shmi, opened the door and a huge grin appeared on her face. She then gasped.
“Oh! y/n!! It’s so good to see you!” She pulled me into a tight comforting hug. Anakin rolled his eyes.
“Nice to see you too mom” he teased. I pulled away and smiled. She walked forward and pulled Anakin into a hug as well. Just then, his Step dad, Cliegg, came out and gave me a side hug before hugging Anakin. Shmi finally spoke up.
“Well, come on in! I just made some chili if you’re hungry”. I walked into their house and was hit with the smell of her infamous chili. My mouth immediately started watering. I proceeded to the kitchen and didn’t waste and time on grabbing a bowl. Anakin soon entered behind me and did the same.
Once our bowls were filled, we went into the dining room and sat at the table. His parents joined us, and we began to make some small talk. Shmi smiled and began to speak.
“So, are either of you seeing anyone?” Before I could say anything, Anakin spoke up.
“Well, y/n has a boyfriend. But I’m not seeing anyone right now.” I smiled awkwardly, knowing Shmi would tell my mother. Shmi’s face looked almost sad, as if she wanted me to be single or him to not be.
“Oh, that’s wonderful! What’s his name?” She asked brightly. I looked up from the table and smiled.
“His name is Trey” I said quietly.
“Is that short for anything?” Cliegg spoke up.
“His name is Daniel Jones the third. Because he’s the third, he goes by Trey.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that.” Anakin said almost offended.
“Well, you never asked” I replied. The rest of lunch went well. After a few more hours, we decided to head back home. We hugged his parents goodbye and got back into Anakin’s truck. Once we started driving, Anakin cleared his throat and started to speak.
“Are you mad at me?” He said as if he would start crying if I said yes.
“What? No. Why would I be mad at you?” I asked genuinely.
“I don’t know. You’ve just been distant recently, I guess.” He shrugged, keeping his beautiful blue eyes on the road.
“I’m not trying to be. You’re my best friend, I would never try to distance myself from you.” I sighed. He was right. But I’m only trying to save myself from utter heartbreak.
“Okay. I believe you.” And with that, we stayed silent the rest of the ride home. The only time we spoke was when we stopped at a drive-thru to get food. We ate in the car. Still staying silent. Once we pulled into his driveway, I got out and went straight to his room to change.
In had just finished changing, when Anakin walked in. He just stood there. He didn’t say anything. I spoke up.
“Is everything go-” I was cut short by Anakin when he pressed his lips onto mine. I didn’t even have time to react before he pulled away. His eyes widened.
“I- I’m sorry.” With that, he walked out of his room and shut the door. I wanted to follow him, but I could tell he needed to be alone. I sat on the end of the bed and ran my hands through my hair. I looked down and spoke quietly.
“What the fuck just happened?” I crawled onto the bed and laid down. Did he mean to? Was he fucking with me? Did he want me as much as I want him? No. He couldn’t. It’s been too long for him not to have said anything. I curled into a ball and fell asleep thinking about what just happened.
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The next morning, I woke up ready to talk to Anakin. I changed into leggings and a plain blue shirt. When I walked out, I didn’t see him anywhere. I checked every room until I saw a note on his fridge.
“I went for a drive. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’m so sorry. I’ll see you next weekend, I hope. - Anakin. I wasn’t angry at him for leaving, surprisingly. I understood. I walked back into his room, grabbed my stuff and left. As I drove back to my apartment, I couldn’t help but start to cry. I cried because I was hurt, confused, frustrated, in love.
When I pulled into the driveway, I sat in my car and cried some more. Eventually, I got out and walked into my apartment complex. I got in the elevator and kept my eyes on the floor so no one could see me cry. When the elevator rang, I walked out and ran down the hallway to get to my door.
I walked in and ran into my room. I crawled into my bed and cried. He kissed me and he regrets it. I was stupid to think that maybe we could be something. I fell asleep with tears still running down my cheeks.
After what was probably a few hours, I heard loud knocking on my door. I got up and opened it. Trey.
“Hey gorgeous” he smiled.
“Hi.” I said quietly. I stood to the side allowing him to come in. I couldn’t stop sniffling, so he turned around with a concerned look.
“What’s wrong, beautiful?” He said softly.
“I just don’t feel good” I lied. I couldn’t tell him that my best friend kissed me, said sorry, then left and I wished he wasn’t sorry. Trey walked over to the couch and sat down. He gestured for me to sit beside him. I did. Once I sat down, he pulled me close to him. I wont lie, Trey is very comforting. He is so sweet and honestly very good looking, but he’s not him. As much as I try to enjoy being with Trey I can't.
I sat there for what felt like another hour, before I got a call. I sat up and answered.
“Hello?” I didn’t recognize the number.
“Hi, this is Coruscant Hospital. Is this y/n y/l/n?” My heart dropped.
“Yes, it is”
“We have Anakin Skywalker here. You were number one on his emergency contact list. He’s in our trauma room right now. He got into a pretty bad accident. I would suggest that you come down and call any other family members”.
I froze. I couldn’t speak. I felt tears running down my cheeks, but I couldn’t make any sound. Finally, I said okay and hung up. I told trey what happened, and I left. I drove as fast as I could without getting pulled over. I sobbed thinking the worst. I called his mom and told her. She immediately tried to calm me down and told me she was on her way.
I pulled into the parking lot and ran in. I told the receptionist his name. She looked him up and told me he was taken into emergency surgery. I sat in the waiting room. His mom eventually came, and I told her. She held me as I cried. We sat in the waiting room for 4 hours. Eventually a doctor came out.
“Are you the family of Anakin Skywalker?”. We both nodded. “He’s out of surgery. He’s in a coma right now. He shouldn’t be asleep for long, but don’t expect him to be awake tonight.”
We nodded. A nurse came and led us to his room. As soon as I saw him, I immediately broke into tears. I pulled a chair up to the side of his bed. I sat down and grabbed his hand. He had a black eye, and his arms were covered in cuts and bruises. He had stitches visible on his chest, before they went under his gown. Shmi grabbed his other hand and gave it a kiss. We sat in silence before she finally spoke.
“He’s so lucky to have you, y/n.” She said softly with a light smile.
“What do you mean?” I asked with utter confusion.
“You bring out the best in him. He trusts you more than anyone. You’d drop anything the moment he asks you to. And you care about him so much. You’ve shed more tears tonight than I think I have in the last 4 years.” She explained.
“Of course, I care about him. He’s my best friend.” She just hummed in response. After an hour or so, another nurse came in.
“Unfortunately, only one of you can stay with him. It’s hospital policy.” I immediately went to stand up when Shmi spoke.
“y/n, stay. You need to. I’ll be back in the morning.” I she said sternly. I didn’t even try to argue with her. She left and I curled up in the chair and slept the best I could.
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The next morning, his mom walked in and woke me up. She had brought me some coffee and a breakfast sandwich. We turned on the television and occasionally had a conversation. I barely let go of his hand.
Shmi left to get some lunch. I stayed. I held his hand with my left hand and used my right to caress his face. I whispered softly.
“Please wake up. I need you. I-I love you. Please Ani.” I begged. I couldn’t help but shed a few tears. All I wanted was to hear his voice.
After a bit, Shmi returned, and we talked some more. Once it got late, she left and went back home. I sat there and cried some more. I needed my best friend. I needed my Ani. All of a sudden, I heard a knock on the door.
“Come in” I said calmly. Trey walked in with some food,
“I got you something to eat. Figured I could sit with you for a bit and then take you home.” He spoke.
I sighed. “Thank you for the food, but I’m staying here. I refuse to leave him.”
“Can I ask you something?” He said softly.
“Sure” I said staring at Anakin’s beautiful face.
“If that was me, would you stay all night, not eat and hold my hand?” He spoke softly, but I could tell he was sad and angry. How could I blame him? But I was tired of lying.
“No.” And I said that with full honesty. “He’s my best friend. We’ve been inseparable for ten years. Why would that change now?” I spoke quietly. Not once taking my eyes off of Anakin.
“You love him. Don’t you?” He questioned. I didn’t know what to say.
“Of course. He’s my best frie-”. He cut me off.
“Cut the shit, y/n. You love him. More than a friend. And I won’t stand in the way.” He said solemnly. He walked out and I didn’t say anything. I just kept my red teary eyes on the love of my life. Whether he felt the same or not, it’s true. I kissed his hand. And for the first time in years, I prayed.
I prayed to God that he wakes up. That I get my best friend back. I turned off the television and the lights. I sat there with only the beeping of the machines. I leaned forward, laid my head on the side of his bed and cried.
After a bit, his nurse came to check his vitals. I watched as she did her job. I could tell she was very meticulous, and I was thankful for that. After she left, I felt the urge to cry again. So, I pulled out my phone and called the only other person who comforts me. My mom. The phone rang for a couple of seconds before she answered.
“Hello?” She said calmly.
“Hey mom” I said, my voice cracking.
“Oh, baby. I heard what happened to Anakin. Shmi told me you haven’t left his side in almost two days.”
“How could I mom? He’s my person, my safe haven. I need him. I love him.” I said hesitantly.
“We all know that. We’re positive he does too. We were just wondering how long it would take before you noticed.” She said with a laugh in her voice. She was always good at seeing the positive in everything.
“Damn. We’re dense. I just called you to calm myself down but I’m getting tired so I’m going to try and sleep.” I said in a calm tone.
“Okay, sweetie. Call me if you need me. Bye.” And she hung up. I set my phone down and leaned forward again so I could keep holding his hand.
I laid my head on his arm and drifted off to sleep.
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I heard talking. I thought it was just nurses until I heard his voice.
“No, don’t wake her. My mom said she barely slept. I want her to get as much sleep as possible.” It was Anakin. I shot my head up. When I did his beautiful ocean blue eyes were on y/e/c ones. I brought my hand up to cover my mouth as I burst into tears. He smiled and brought his hand up to cup my cheek.
“Never mind.” He let out a soft chuckle.
The nurses all walked out and shut the door leaving us alone. I removed my hand and spoke.
“You’re awake!” I exclaimed.
“Am I?” He teased. “y/n, I’m so sorry about what happe-” I cut him off.
“I love you. So much actually.” I blurted out.
“Wait, really?” He knitted his eyebrows
I nodded. “I love you. More than just a friend. I’ve loved you since the day we met. I’ve loved you through every friend, girl, or fight we’ve ever had. I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I just needed to tell you.”
His face calmed and he smiled. His hand grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward. When we were close enough, he pressed his lips on to mine. We kissed passionately for what felt like hours. When we pulled away, he spoke.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that. I only got girlfriends to distract myself from the fact that I loved you. I thought I finally had a chance until you got with Trey. I’ve tried so hard to contain myself, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want you to leave Friday because I couldn’t handle having to wait another week before I saw you again. And at night I came in and kissed your forehead against my better judgement. y/n, I love you more than any word could express.”
I started crying again. He pulled me close to him. I laid on my side with my head to his chest. And I stayed like that for the next three days until he was discharged.
I helped him walk out to my car. Once we got in and I started driving, he put his hand on my thigh. I smiled as I drove us back to his apartment. Once I pulled into his driveway, I got out and helped him get out. We walked into his apartment, and the moment his door was shut, his lips were on mine.
Anakin moved his lips from mine down to my jaw and neck. I let out small moans of pleasure. He moved his hands down and grabbed the hem of my shirt. I raised my arms so he could remove it. Once my shirt was off, we walked into his room. When we got into his room, he began to remove everything except for his boxers. I removed everything but my bra and thong.
“Should we be doing this? You just had surgery 5 days ago” I reminded him.
“Baby, I need exercise to strengthen my heart again. That shard of glass really fucked it up. And what better way to get it working than to do this?” He smirked while he explained. I chose to just nod.
He walked closer to me and caressed every inch of me. He brought his hands around my back and unclipped my bra. I let it slide down my arms as he admired my bare chest.
“You’re so fucking beautiful baby” he grabbed my breasts and began to place kisses on my neck. He pushed me onto his bed and got on top of me. He brought his hands down and removed underwear in one go. I smirked and took my hand and placed it over his boxers, rubbing the impressive bulge. He let out a whimper, which drove me crazy. I pulled down his boxers and widened my eyes. He was huge.
Anakin took his fingers and began to rub my clit. I moaned and threw my head into the pillow. He leaned forward and placed my breast into his mouth.
“That feels so good Ani” I moaned. He began to move his fingers faster around my clit, causing me to squirm. It didn’t take long until he removed his mouth from my nipple and moved his body down.
He spread my legs open, and I felt him sucking on my clit. The feeling was phenomenal. He then started lapping at my pussy like he would die without it. He then took his middle finger and ring finger and began fingering me.
“Oh my god, Anakin. I’m gonna-” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. He let out a dark chuckle before he moved his body up.
I felt the tip of his dick at my entrance. He looked at me and smirked.
“Are you ready baby?” I looked at him and nodded. “Use your words, pretty girl.”
“Fuck, yes I’m ready.” With that, I felt him push his length in me slowly. I threw my head back and moaned loudly. Once I adjusted to his length, he began to thrust into me at a decent pace. He leaned his head down and kissed me deeply while bringing a hand down to rub my clit.
“Ani, go faster” I begged. He began to go faster and felt the knot in my stomach begin to unravel. I let out louder moans until they became incoherent babbles.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good around my cock.” Anakin let out the most glorious whimper I’d ever heard. That was enough to send me into orbit.
“I’m so close” I told him, and he began to thrust faster.
“Fuck baby, me too.” He whined. He kept thrusting faster until I felt my orgasm coming.
“Ani, I’m gonna come.” I moaned. He looked into my eyes and smiled.
“Come with me baby” and with those words I felt my orgasm take over my body as his thrusts began to slow down as he came in me.
“Fuck, y/n” He panted as he pulled out. He bent down and pushed his cum back into my leaking hole, eliciting a moan from my lips.
He got off of me and laid beside me. He then pulled me close to him, so my head was on his chest.
“You have no idea, how long I’ve wanted to do that for.” He confessed and I smiled as I began to trace circles on his chest with my finger.
“Me too” I replied. He leaned his head down and kissed the top of my head.
“I love you, y/n. So much.” He said softly as his hand ran up and down my back.
“I love you too Anakin.” I replied. We laid there, talking. At one point he brought the blanket over us. After a bit, we started to get tired, and it didn’t take long before I fell asleep in his arms. Where I belonged.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 9 months
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(It has been one year since I joined the pokeask community with my silly absol. One whole year. How did I get here? Like, damn. It’s just been such a lovely community and I’ve met some truly wonderful people.
I’m sorry I couldn’t get more of you on here. I wish I had the time to draw each and every one of you. This is why I needed the head shot so thank you to everyone who sent it over. Thank you to everyone in this community for being my inspirations, my joy and my friends. I cannot thank you enough. If I could make you all something more to say thank you, I would. (Also forgive me if the image quality is garbage. Tumblr does that sometimes. If you click on it, it'll be clearer.)
I suppose I’ll just go on and say I’ve always admired the community from afar. So many stories I was following. So many inspirational people. The events. The characters. They are all so wonderful. And I followed these blogs for years.
Getting hooked into everything about the ask blog community. At first, I was going to making an ask blog about a royal Goodra/Vespiquen fusion who goes to other places to make political connections for their hive. I drew up a couple of concepts but I didn’t go ahead with it.
I kept following the community, constantly being inspired and amazed by everyone inside of it. I’d wanted to join a community for a while. At first, I joined the Pokémon fusion community. It was fun. I met some great people. But, after a few years, it didn’t fill me with joy. I did fusions on multiple platforms, even making some fusions for the infinite fusions game (they’re still in there). I had a go with commissions. It just became a bit of a chore.
I tried making my own region. It only lasted a month. It left a gap which I didn’t know how to fill. I also did dnd with friends which mostly satisfied this but we didn’t do it consistently enough. I definitely miss doing it. I probably did fusions for 6 years. The blogs are still up. There was nothing I wanted to draw consistently.
Near the end of last year, I had a really tough time. My mental health took a really big dip and I was struggling. It was an incredibly dark time. I didn’t have much going on. Maybe we were doing dnd. I don’t remember though. I started drawing Pokémon because I wasn’t in the mood to draw dnd art.
I don’t know why but I started to draw an absol. I think it may have been inspired by my current dnd character. As I was drawing this absol, ideas started to form in my mind about who this absol was and the world they were from. Ideas kept flowing and flowing.
Once the absol was finished, I drew another character, and another and another. And I just kept drawing. Soon, I started drawing maps and a prophecy for this absol and their world. The name Destino came from the word Destiny. It brought me so much joy. I worked on it for a few days and put it to the side.
Then came around the 27th December 2022. I looked back on my planning for this world and thought perhaps I could turn it into an ask blog. At first, I was so nervous. I didn’t want to go through with it. My partner convinced me to make the blog. That’s when I began to draw the first post. And on December 29th 2022, I created the blog and made a reference post for Destino.
Soon, the first post was posted and I got asks. Exciting stuff! And it was so much fun deciding how Destino would respond. More asks kept coming and I eventually started sending asks to others. The most exciting part would have to be seeing people follow me who I was a huge fan of. Gonna be honest, I’m still so incredibly excited when talking to these people and when they like my stuff.
My love for this blog grew and I’ve spent a lot of my time working on it. I have loved each and every moment of it. It was fun having this smug, egotistical absol interacting with many characters who I am a huge fan of and entertaining to see their reactions. Destino was becoming a bit of a thing. Memes were made of Destino. Destino was insulting every legendary they could come across. For me, it was hilarious. And it seemed others were enjoying their antics too.
I am incredibly thankful each day with every interaction, every like, every follow, every reblog, etc. I’ve had. I’m grateful for this entire community. Every one of you has been so friendly and I love talking to you. This community has filled a void which I wasn’t sure would be filled. And I hope I can continue loving being in this community for a while. Destino is going to stick around for a while. I’ve got big plans for them and I hope to enjoy this journey with you all.
Thank you everyone. I hope I can continue to work with you all and have fun! Let’s get ready for another year of Destino.)
164 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 3 months
Be Mine
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 4.6k
Includes- Fingering, oral, pussy eating, blow job, deepthroating, cum eating, marking, riding, missionary, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000 @amyz78 @blueie-things
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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Hobi POV
I stare at her
I can’t keep my eyes off her
She’s not even doing anything special, just sitting in my room at the dorm surfing the web
It’s just me and her here.
The guys went out to eat.
They asked me if I wanted to go and I did but I’m so far behind in writing my lyrics for our new songs that I decided to stay
She said she’d keep me company
So we’re in my room, me on my bed with my notebook and her at my computer
I can’t concentrate
I can never concentrate when she’s in the room
She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met
She’s short and beautiful
Her black hair is long and her dark brown eyes always shine
She has a tattoo sleeve on her right arm and scattered tattoos on her left.
She also has double eyebrow rings on her right eyebrow, which I hate on everyone else but love on her
Her personality is nothing like I’ve see either.
She’s feisty and doesn’t take anyone’s shit.. She proved that the minute she walked into our photo shoot and was announced as our new makeup artist three years ago.
She came in looking tough and honestly scary.
That day Yoongi was in a bad mood.
When he made a snarky comment in English about BigHit being desperate that they hired an American makeup artist she snapped back.
“Really? I don’t see your qualifications to determine what makes a good makeup artist. From what I see BigHit did everything to make this job worth my while because of my skill. I left an amazing job on "The Walking Dead” to put make up on singers and rappers. And I don’t need lip from said rappers and singers on some thing they have no idea about. So how about you stick to rapping and let me handle my job?“
Then she started talking in Spanish.
To herself I guess.
All of us had our mouths hanging open in surprise.
Surprised that she had the guts to answer Yoongi back.
Usually no one says anything to us.
Yoongi looked just as surprised and pissed off.
I don’t know if he understood what she said.
I got parts of it but anyone can tell by the tone of her voice and her body language she was pissed.
"Look I really don’t care how famous you are. I don’t take shit from anyone and I don’t let people walk all over me. If you respect me, I’ll respect you ten times over and will bend over backwards for you or to help you. If you fuck with me, be prepared to get fucked back.”
“Well then, I promise not to fuck with you”, Namjoon said
She nods
“I was told to do Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook’s makeup?”
“Yea Yoongi’s the one who made the comment.”, Namjoon says
“Great I’ll start with him”, she smirks
Namjoon translated every thing she said and Yoongi paled.
After that none of us gave her a problem and were afraid to talk to her at first.
But after awhile Namjoon started talking to her since he spoke fluent English.
And she was friendly and nice
Turns out she meant what she said.
If we were nice and respected her she reciprocated ten times over.
Even Yoongi apologized and they were cool.
She became one of our best friends
She is tough but once you get to know her she’s very loving, caring, funny and sweet.
Just don’t get her angry because then there will be hell to pay.
And when she starts going off in Spanish, it’s best to steer clear
So I’m in love with her
I fell for her the second she walked into that photo shoot
So imagine my disbelief when I found out that she slept with Namjoon and Yoongi.
Apparently, as they say, because she didn’t tell me, they did, it was only a one night stand.
Namjoon was teaching her Korean since she moved here three years ago.
She wanted to learn and he really was the only one who could help her since he spoke English and Korean.
She picked it up quickly and studied a lot to become better.
She basically fluent in speaking it and getting better at reading it
Namjoon told me that it happened one night while he was quizzing her in Korean.
He just kissed her and it went from there
The same with Yoongi.
She was in his studio.
He wanted to play the song he was working on and get her opinion.
While she was leaning over him as he explained the song on the computer and looking at the screen,
Yoongi said he stood up and kissed her.
It wasn’t planned and neither was the sex.
It just happened.
All this happened the first year she was here and hasn’t happened since.
She didn’t sleep with any of the other members and she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
I just found this out a few weeks ago when Namjoon let it slip.
Of course I’m pissed off and jealous but she’s not my girlfriend.
She can do what she wants
I wonder why she never slept with me though.
We’ve been alone together a lot of times.
We’ve fallen asleep together and cuddled during movies.
I’ve held her hand, kissed her cheek and nothing, not even hinted she was interested.
And I can’t help but wonder if it’s something about me.
Is something wrong with me?
Or does she just not want me?
These are the thoughts in my head as I watch her
She giggles at something on the computer
I love her laugh.
I can listen to it all day
She catches my gaze and smiles at me
“You ok Hobi? Having trouble?”
“Uh, yea a little.”, I answer, looking away embarrassed at getting caught looking at her
“You want help?”
“No, I’m good thanks”
“Ok. Let me know if you want any help though”, she says
“I will”
She turns her attention back to the computer
I want her.
I’m not gonna lie.
I thought about what sex would be like with her a million times
I love her but I know she doesn’t love me.
Not like how I love her
But if the only thing I can ever get is one night with her, then I want it.
So I decide to go for it
“Uh Jo?”, I ask
Yeah Hobi?”, she turns her attention to me
“Would you uh, I mean do you..”, I stammer
I can’t do this
“What Hobi?”
“Uh nevermind”, I mutter
“C'mon Hobi. Tell me, you can tell me anything”, she urges
I look down at the floor
“Do you uh want to have sex with me?”
I should of known.
I shouldn’t of ever asked
“Neverm-”, I start to say right as she said, “Yes”
“Wait what?”, I asked surprised
“Yes Hobi. I want to”, she says blushing
“You do?”
I’m totally caught off guard
“Yes. I’ve wanted to for awhile”, she answers turning redder
She nods
I can’t help it, I smile at her.
She wants me.
I’ve never been more happy.
She gives me a small smile then comes over where I am on my bed.
She climbs on my lap, one leg on each side of me, straddling me, my hands going to her waist
Holy shit
This is really happening.
She looks at me and smiles, reaching up and touching my cheek, looking in my eyes
I stare at hers, drowning in the beautiful brown of her eyes
Her hand goes in to my hair and she runs her fingers through it a few times
I close my eyes and shiver from her touch.
When I open them, I see her watching me
Then she leans in closer and presses her lips to mine.
The second they touch mine, heat runs though my body and stars explode in my vision.
I’ve never felt this way when being kissed.
By anyone
I pull her closer to me and deepen the kiss.
She opens her mouth for me and I slide my tongue in, caressing hers
Fuck she taste sweet
She kisses me harder, her tongue sliding on mine, her hands flying up to my hair.
I groan when she tugs on my hair
“Hobi”, she moans, making me harder than I was before.
“Hobi, I want you now”, she whispers
I want her now too
My hands grab the hem of her shirt and I pull it over her head, my lips reattaching to hers the second the fabric is over her head.
My hands start touching her all over
She grabs my shirt and takes it of me while I unclasp her bra, taking it off.
I turn and roll so she’s on the bed on her back.
Sitting up, I finally look at her
Fuck, her body is so sexy
I see things I never knew she had and just stare.
She has her belly pierced which is such a turn on.
She also has a tattoo on her side that I’ve never seen.
It's large and takes up her entire right side of her torso and ribs.
I run my hand down it and she trembles at my touch
She has huge breasts, that are perfectly circular and her nipples are hard.
And both of them are pierced
That’s hot
I look at her and see the that she’s looking at me and my body the same way I’m looking at her.
I like that she’s looking at me like that.
It’s nice to have someone do that
To everyone else, I’m the funny, adorable sunshine J-Hope.
I’m almost never called hot or sexy as much as Jungkook, Tae, Jimin and Yoongi are.
I’m cute and adorable, not hot or sexy
But the way she's looking at me, like I’m the sexiest thing in the world, makes me happy.
She reaches up and touches my abs and then chest muscles that I happen to have now.
I’m glad I can be with her before they inevitably go away.
It’s hard to keep abs on my body
“You’re so fucking hot”, she whispers
“I have abs now”, I reply
She gives me a weird look then sits up
“Hobi..I don’t care about abs, if you have them or not”, she says
“You don’t?”
“No Hobi. Having abs doesn’t make you hot. The way you are, you’re personality, how funny you are, how sweet and caring and lovable, those things make you hot. The fact that you’re beautiful and have an amazing body, abs or not, is just a bonus.”, she explains
“I..I….”, I stutter
I can’t believe she’s saying this.
She’s the best girl I’ve ever known
“Anyone who cares about abs or looks is superficial and doesn’t deserve you. You have the best personality and that’s why I fell in love with you, not because of stupid abs.”, she says
I nod, freezing, realizing what she just said
She’s in love with me?
She feels the same?
Is this a joke?
Cuz it’s too good to be true
“You….You’re in love with me?”, I whisper
Her eyes widened, like she just realized what she said
“I..uh…I”, she stutters looking around
Then she sighs and mumbles, “Fuck it”
She looks back at me and says, “Yes Hoseok, I’m in love with you. I have been for the past two years”
I’m completely shocked and elated that she said this
“I know you don’t feel the same, and I was never going to tell you-”, she starts
“You’re wrong”, I tell her
“What?”, she asks confused
“You’re wrong. I do feel the same. I’m in love with you too. I have been since the second you walked in the photo shoot and told Yoongi off, three years ago.”, I confess
“Are you being serious? This isn’t a jokeright?”, she asks worried, “Because if it is it’s really not funny”
“No Jo. It’s not a joke. I love you”, I tell her
I can’t believe this is happening.
I’m getting the girl of my dreams.
If I ask her that is
“So does this mean you can be mine?”, I ask suddenly shy
“Yes Hobi. I want that very much”, she smiles
I feel my face break out in to a smile
I grab her and kiss her like I’m never going to let her go
Because I’m not
She kisses me back just as fiercely
I break the kiss and kiss down her neck to her collarbone, then to her shoulders.
She’s finally mine.
I’m so happy
I gently push her back so she’s laying down again
“I want to make my girl feel good”, I whisper to her
“Hobi”, she sighs
“Shhh Baby. I want to. Will you let me?”
She nods.
I’ve never felt like this with sex before.
I honestly don’t care about me or even if I cum tonight.
I just want to make her feel good and make her cum over and over
However I can
With every other person I just wanted to orgasm and then that was it.
Yeah I made sure they did too, I’m not an asshole.
I think I’ve only gone down on one girl.
But I can’t wait to do it to her
I want to make her shake and moan and scream in pleasure.
I want to watch her cum over and over.
I want to feel it.
And if I do, great.
But it’s not a priority this time
I pull at her shorts and slowly take them off.
She’s wearing some lacy panties thing that doesn’t cover anything and instead of taking it off, I just rip it off her body
“Fuck Hobi, that’s so hot”
I smirk at her, then open her legs.
I look down at her and see she’s so wet.
It’s one of the best sights I’ve seen in my life
“Baby is that for me?”, I ask
She nods
“Do I make you this wet?”
She nods again
I touch her and she jumps
“It’s ok baby relax”, I say
Slowly I push two of my fingers in her pussy and she moans.
Fuck, she feels so goddamn tight.
I start to move my fingers in and out and she groans
God I love the sounds she’s making
After a few minutes I take my fingers out and move them to her clit.
I start rubbing and massaging her and she yells out in pleasure.
I keep touching her until she starts shaking
“Are you going to cum baby?”
She nods
“Good girl”
She shouts out as she cums
I watch her pussy as she does, watching her cum soak my sheets.
Holy shit.
I’ve never be so turned on so much.
And my first thought is: I want it in my mouth
So I lean down and lick her cum off her
It tastes so good, so sweet and I want more.
I move her to the edge of the bed, then I kneel on the floor
“Hobi”, she says
“Shh. I want to lick you.”
“Hobi”, she says again as I lick her from the bottom of her pussy to her clit
“Fuck”, she screams
I move my tongue all around her, swirling around, up and down.
I flick her clit with the tip of my tongue and she screams so loudly
So that’s where she likes it most.
I put my mouth around it and suck
“Ahhhh”, she yells
Is that where you like it baby?”
“Yeah Hobi, fuck right there, don’t stop”, she whines
“Ok I won’t baby”
Then I suck her clit hard and she cries out
“God Hoseok!”
I keep playing with her clit in my mouth and she gets louder and louder
“I want you to cum”, I tell her, “Can you do that for me?”
“Yes fuck yes Hobi”
I lick her rapidly and I feel her getting closer
I hit the spot she likes on her clit and she screams, “Hoseok!”
She cums in my mouth and I can’t get enough of it.
I swallow it and go back to lick more.
I’ll never get tired of the taste of her
She’s screaming, “More Hobi, more, don’t stop, please don’t stop. More”, as she slides her hand into my hair and pulls
Fuck I love when she pulls my hair.
She wants more and I give it to her.
She cums again, then again and then a fourth time.
And each time I lick up her cum like it’s candy.
Because to me it is
She relaxes a little but I want more
“I want more baby. Please, I gave you more, can I have more?”
“Mm..mm..more what Hobi?”
“More of you’re cum.
It tastes so good and I want it in my mouth”
“Fuck Hobi, that’s fucking hot” she moans
“Can I have more?”, I ask again
I’m not asking to be hot, I really want more
“You can have as much as you want baby”, she replies
I look up at her and she’s smirking
Two can play that
“Good because I want a lot”
Then I go back to licking and sucking.
I get her to cum two more times and I’m working on the third time, when I get an idea of something I want to try as she cums
I hear her moaning louder and louder and I know she’s about to go.
Right before she does, I slide my tongue inside her pussy and move it around
“Hoseok” she screams and this time her cum soaks my tongue as her pussy clenches and pulls it
I moan at the taste and sensation.
I only take my tongue out when she relaxes and lets go of it
“Fuck Hobi, that was…fuck..”, she says
I smile at her
“You’re amazing with your tongue baby”
“Thanks. I’ve only done that once so its nice to hear I’m good at it”
“No shit only once? You’re like a pro”, she praises
“Yeah well I didn’t like doing it so I stopped quickly”
“Oh Hobi. If you don’t like doing it then you really don’t have to”, she says looking concerned
“No Jo. I didn’t like doing it to her. I love doing it to you. I can eat you out all day”, I smirk
“Are you sure?”, she asks looking doubtful
Positive. Why would I beg you for more if I didn’t like it?”
“I guess”
“I promise you Jo, I love doing it to you.
"Ok Hobi.”
She smirks at me
Then she tackles me and pins me under her.
She kissed my neck and I moan from how good it feels.
I can never get enough of her kisses
“Now I’m gonna make you feel good”, she says
“You don’t-”, I start but she puts her fingers on my lips
“No Hobi. I want my boyfriend to be satisfied. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
Her boyfriend.
That’s me.
I’m her boyfriend.
I’m still in awe of that.
That she’s mine and I’m hers
She leans down and kisses me, her tongue in my mouth.
I moan and as she pulls away she grabs my bottom lip with her teeth and gently bites
That’s amazing
“I like to bite Hobi. Is that ok?”
“Yes, yes!” I moan so turned on, “You can bite me anywhere”
She kisses my body, gently nibbling on me but when she gets to my bicep she bites down harder and I groan in pleasure
It doesn’t hurt, it feels good
She continues kissing me down my body, her hands pulling at my pants.
She sits up and in one motion pulls my boxers and pants off
“Fuck Hobi”
“What?”, I ask, leaning up and seeing her stare at my dick
“You’re so big. Bigger than anyone I’ve been with”
For some reason that makes me really happy.
She’s still staring at it, while she licks her lips absentmindedly.
I almost cum from watching that and I know some pre-cum probably came out.
She doesn’t even have to touch me to get me to orgasm
It amazes me how my body responds to her.
And how hers responds to me.
I watch as she leans over and licks me from the base to the tip.
She wraps her mouth over my cock and she sucks hard
“Shit”, I cry out
She starts moving her head fast, sucking and licking at the same time.
She moves up and massages the underside of my head with her tongue
“God that feels amazing baby!”, I yell
Then I watch as she leans all the way down and takes my full length in her mouth, deep throating me
Holy shit
That’s fucking amazing.
She sucks and I feel my cock all the way in her throat.
I’m very surprised that she doesn’t gag, she just keeps on sucking.
She lets go and looks at me
“Fuck my mouth Hobi”
“Fuck my mouth. I want you to fuck me hard as you can. I want to feel your cock slide in and out of my throat.”
“I..uh..I”, I say incoherently, so fucking turned on
“Please?”, she asks and I nod
She takes me half way in her mouth and waits.
I snap my hips up and I feel my dick hit the back of her throat and go down a little farther
“Fuck!”, I shout as she moans
I start moving, in and out of her throat and it feels incredible.
She’s moaning while I do it.
I slide my hand to touch her pussy and feel that she’s all wet again.
Holy shit she likes this.
My other hand grabs her hair and wraps it in a ponytail around my hand and I can’t help but pull everytime I move
I feel her sucking as I move and before I know it I’m screaming her name, coming down her throat.
I feel her swallowing and it pulls on my cock, making me cum more.
I collapse when I’m done and she sits up.
“Damn Hobi”, she says, “You taste really good baby.”
I look at her and smile
She smiles, then looks down and says, “You’re still hard”
She climbs on top of me, hovering above me.
I feel her wetness slide down on my cock and I get turned on again.
I could have sex with her all day
“You want it Hobi?”
“Yes, baby, I want it”, I answer
She slides down onto my cock, so fucking tight and I groan as she does.
Then she starts bouncing hard and I yell out.
She tightens her pussy around me as she moves and the pleasure increase
God she knows how to work me.
I grab her hips and slam her down on me, going in so deep.
She cries out, throwing her head back and her body arching towards me.
I sit up a bit and I kiss her stomach, sucking on the skin and making a hickey on her
“Yea Hobi, mark me up, so everyone knows I’m yours”, she moans
I give her a few more hickeys on her stomach, her moaning for each one.
I lie back down and thrust my hips up so that we both meet when she’s coming down.
We both yell out and go faster
“Fuck baby you’re pussy takes my cock so well”, I shout
“Yeah baby, your cock belongs in me. Just yours and only yours”, she whines
“Yeah this is my pussy, mine to fuck, my to eat”, I growl
“Fuck Hobi!”
“Cum on my cock baby. I want to feel you pull on my cock like you did on my tongue”
She listens and as soon as I finish talking she cums on me, pussy tightening and squeezing as she screams my name
I keep slamming her on me, yelling, “Scream my name louder baby. I wanna hear you scream louder!”
“HOSEOK! HOSEOK!”, she shouts and she cums again
I slide out and roll her over on her back.
I grab legs and open them wide pounding back into her.
My bed hits the wall over and over as I ram my cock deep inside her.
I want her to cum again.
I love feeling the way her pussy grabs my cock and doesn’t let go.
I hear the door to downstairs open.
The guys must be back but we’re too far gone to care.
I slam her and shout, “Who fucks you this good?”
“You, Hobi, you!”, she screams
“Seriously?”, I hear someone downstairs
I keep fucking her as I lean down and suck on her skin leaving marks on her neck, her breasts, her shoulders, her chest, so everyone knows she’s mine.
Just like she wants me to.
I suck on her nipple and I feel her clench me.
I get back up, still ramming her hard, feeling her getting ready
“Scream baby, let everyone know who makes you feel this good, who makes you cum this hard”
“Hobi!”, she screams and I feel her cum
“Louder!”, I command
“HOSEOK, fuck, yes, HOSEOK”
I look down and as I’m moving in and out of her, I see my cock covered with her cum.
It’s so fucking hot to see
“Who is he with?”, someone else asks
“We’re not done baby”, I tell her
“Yes Hoseok, yes more! More! I want more baby!”, she yells
I put her legs on my shoulders and I get up on my knees.
From this angle I can hit her deeper.
I slam my cock deep in her pussy and she screams for more
“Harder Hoseok. Fuck me harder, don’t stop!”, she screams at the top of her lungs
“Whoever it is, he’s giving it to her good”
I move harder into her and she’s just screaming incoherently in ecstasy
I hit a spot and she shouts, “Fuck right there Hobi. Right there. Yes, fuck yes, don’t stop.”
I slam that spot again
“Right there baby?”
“Yes! YES!”
“He’s going to break his bed with all that banging”
“Is that going to make you cum again?”, I ask her
“But you came so many times today baby. You want to again?”
“Yes Hobi please! Make me cum again”, she cries loudly
“Ok baby.”
I pound her spot over and over waiting for her to explode
“Be a good girl and cum for me”, I yell
“Yes Hobi yes!”, she screams and cums again this time her clenching and pulling making me cum in her
I scream her name as her pussy sucks the cum from my cock, deep inside her
“Baby! Joanne! Fuck! God! JOANNE!”, I scream in pleasure
“Joanne? Oh my god he’s with Joanne!”, someone shrieks
When we both finish and I fall on the bed beside her.
She reaches for me and I go over laying on her chest.
Her arms wrap around me, and she strokes my hair
“They stopped. Did he really have sex with Joanne?”
I roll my eyes and shout, “Do you mind if I have fun with my girlfriend?”
She laughs
“Girlfriend? What? When is she you’re girlfriend?”
“Today!”, she yells, “Hobi’s mine and I’m his so get used to hearing us!”
She keeps playing with my hair and I start to fall asleep.
“I love you Hobi”, she says
“I love you Jo”
I lift my head and give her a soft gentle kiss
“Night baby”
I lay back down and fall asleep in my love’s arms
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 months
4, 7, 9, 12 for the ask game <3 (all glee if possible)
Yay, thanks for these Crys! 7 was previously answered so I went ahead and skipped it :)
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
I don’t ship St. Berry, but I am of the opinion that if it couldn’t be Finn, I’m glad it was Jesse. He and Rachel really are two sides of the same coin and they seem to love each other very deeply and I hope they’re happy together!
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Samcedes 😭 they are my emotional support heterosexuals your honor. But also, they are two genuinely good people who care deeply about one another samcedes you will always be endgame to me
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
Okay this is gonna be a lot because I AM going to do all the active fandoms I’m in! So under the read more!
First of all you, Crys! And @backslashdelta You are both so talented with your gif making that it kind of drives me insane.
@kurtsascot is probably one of the most talented writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. I feel so lucky that we’ve gotten her so late in the game! I feel similarly about @rockitmans and @thelegendofjenna
@esilher @twinkkurt and @justgleekout make the most BEAUTIFUL fanart I’ve ever seen, and I also wanna thank @carsonphillips for klainegifs and keeping the fandom interesting with their events!
@somefeministtheatrepls is not only an amazing friend but the most thoughtful beta reader and honestly partner in my writing?? Writing is much less stressful because I don’t even worry about things being clunky or weird because I know her ass will help that chapter SHINE
@nancysgillians @kurthummeldeservesbetter also get shoutouts because they are wonderful people to have in your life
I could fill novels with how much I love and appreciate @somanywords! Their amazing storytelling and also volunteering to make art for the MiniBang I hosted earlier this year??? On top of listening to my insane ramblings?? They don’t make em like this anymore folks
@one-paper-bag is also SOOOOOO incredibly talented with their art, and their lovely comments on my Spider-Man AU keep me going (on GOD we are gonna get you another chapter ON GOD!!!!)
@livesincerely and @agentsnickers are some of the most prolific and INSANELY TALENTED writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, and also genuinely lovely people! You know when you see someone on your dash and ur just like “wow. I hope they are having a FANTASTIC day and life. They deserve one.”
@piedoesnotequalpi and @regina-cordium are also so incredibly FUNNY and have the most correct takes on every single newsie and that’s on that ❤️
I’m relatively new to this fandom, so I don’t know a ton of people yet, but there are def people I see on my dash that I have noticed!
@cranberrymoons @lesbianrobin @insertlovelyperson have written some of my absolute FAAAAAAVE fics! I feel like they really have a handle on who the characters are in a way that’s true to the show and kind of difficult to pull off!
@texasbama makes amazing gifs and honestly anytime I see her on my dash I laugh bc genuinely she’s so funny. Also on the list of hilarious contributors is @buckgettingstruck
And a couple of people who I think have genuinely great vibes are @buckera @leathercouchcushion and @yaz-the-spaz
And of course I can’t talk about 911 without a second mention to @regina-cordium who puts up with all my Texas!Buddie nonsense andbansndbsk
Okay yeah so that was a LOT sorry!! I didn’t mean for it to get so long BUT I do mean every single word! I’m really blessed to have met so many amazing people through fandom and my experience on this site has been nothing less than superb because of yall ❤️
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b0r3dtod3ath · 2 months
hello! could you maybe write something for Andrey and tennis player reader? where they know each other since juniors and they end up falling for each other over time, I was thinking about something really fluffy in the vibes of "paper rings" by Taylor you know? :)
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I also combined it with a request from @antadogoias from my DM’s:  they met while they were still young and maybe they start to develop feelings for each other but they don't have the courage to admit it, but at some point they cross the barrier of just being friends.
It all started when you and Andrey were barely teenagers, meeting for the first time at a junior tennis tournament. You remember the moment vividly: Andrey’s shy smile, the way his eyes sparkled with excitement, and him hiding behind his friend’s body. Daniil, with his tall frame and confident demeanor, nudged Andrey forward, encouraging him to go up to you and talk. Little did you know, this wasn’t the only time he helped you two..
You were practicing your serves when you noticed the pair approaching. Andrey, with his unruly blonde hair and wide, nervous eyes, looked like he’d rather be anywhere else. Daniil, on the other hand, wore an easy smile.
“Go on, Andrey. She won’t bite” Daniil teased, giving his friend a gentle shove.
Andrey stumbled forward, blushing furiously. He hesitated for a moment, glancing back at Daniil, who gave him an encouraging nod. Gathering his courage, Andrey took a deep breath and walked up to you, clutching his racket tightly.
“Hi,” he mumbled, barely meeting your eyes. “I’m Andrey”.
You paused mid-serve, turning to face him fully. For a moment, he thought you were going to murder him for interrupting but there was something endearing about his nervousness, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Hi, Andrey. I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you”. 
Daniil stepped closer, giving you a friendly nod. “And I’m Daniil. Sorry for interrupting your practice. We just wanted to say hi. We’ve seen you play, and you’re really good”. 
Your smile widened, feeling a warmth spread through you at the compliment. “Thanks! I’ve seen you guys play too. You’re both amazing”. Andrey’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of red as he fixed his gaze on his feet. “Thanks,” he murmured, his voice barely audible.
Daniil chuckled, clapping a hand on Andrey’s shoulder. “He’s a bit shy, but he’s got a killer backhand. We were just about to get some ice cream. Want to join us?”. The invitation took you by surprise, but the thought of ice cream on a hot day and the chance to make new friends was too tempting to pass up. “Sure, I’d love to”.
As the three of you walked to the ice cream stand, Daniil filled the silence with easy conversation, talking about the tournament, the matches, and his love for chocolate ice cream. Andrey, on the other hand, remained quiet, but every now and then, you caught him stealing glances at you, quickly looking away when you noticed.
You wanted to include him in the conversation. “So, Andrey, what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?”. He looked at you, surprised that you’d addressed him directly. “Uh, strawberry,” he replied, a small smile playing on his lips. “Strawberry’s a great choice,” you said warmly. “I think I’ll get that too”.
When you reached the ice cream stand, Daniil ordered first, followed by you and then Andrey. You all found a spot to sit, enjoying your ice cream and each other’s company. As you chatted, Andrey gradually began to relax, his initial nervousness fading away. He started to share stories about his tennis journey, his eyes lit up anytime he was talking about his beginnings in the sport. 
As you said your goodbyes, Andrey hesitated, then quickly handed you a small piece of paper. “It’s my number,” he explained, his cheeks turning pink again. “Maybe we can practice together sometime?”. You took the paper, your heart skipping a beat. “I’d like that, Andrey”. 
As you walked away, you glanced back to see Daniil playfully ruffling Andrey’s hair, the two of them laughing.
As a few years passed you and Andrey had become inseparable, your friendship growing stronger with each match, each shared victory, and each comforting word after a defeat. Climbing up the tennis ladder together brought you closer. 
It was during one of those long training sessions when you first realized your feelings for Andrey were more than just platonic. You watched him from the other side of the net, drenched in sweat, his hair a mess but his smile radiant as he nailed a perfect serve. Your heart skipped a beat as he hit an ace, and you found yourself blushing, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
But he did notice. He always noticed. He caught your gaze and gave you a playful wink, unaware of the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You laughed it off, pushing the feelings aside, convincing yourself it was just a fleeting crush.
But years went by and the feelings only grew stronger. The two of you became top tennis players and with fame came rumors. The media often speculated about your close relationship, but neither of you ever confirmed or denied anything, keeping your true feelings hidden behind friendly smiles and inside jokes.
At this point both of you were madly in love but were too scared to confess. It was painfully obvious for everyone around you. 
One evening, after a long season, you found yourself at a small gathering organized by Daniil. He had invited a few close friends to his place to unwind, and as usual, Andrey was there, by your side.
Although the night wasn’t very warm, the group had migrated to Daniil’s backyard, the air filled with laughter and the soft hum of conversation.
You sat on a garden sofa next to Andrey, his shoulder hanging on yours ‘to keep you warm’. His hand brushed little circles on your arm, sending little sparks through you. Daniil, ever the observant friend, had noticed the lingering glances and unspoken words between you and Andrey for years.
As the evening wore on, Daniil grew more and more determined to bring your feelings to light. He watched as Andrey absentmindedly tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. It was too much, it was time to intervene.
Daniil cleared his throat and stood up, catching everyone’s attention. “Hey, guys, let’s go check out the stars by the lake,” he suggested, his tone casual but his eyes focused on you and Andrey. “It’s a clear night, and the view is amazing”. 
There were murmurs of agreement, and soon the small group was making its way to the nearby lake. You and Andrey walked side by side, his arm still around you, keeping you close.
When you reached the lake, Daniil subtly maneuvered everyone so that you and Andrey ended up slightly separated from the group, standing on the edge of the water. The moonlight reflected off the surface, creating a serene and intimate atmosphere.
“Alright, everyone, I think we should give these two some space. Let’s go, they will come back eventually” one of your friends suggested pointing at you and Andrey standing in the distance.
The others nodded leaving you and Andrey alone by the water. The silence was comforting.
Andrey turned to you, his eyes reflecting the moonlight. “It’s beautiful out here,” he said softly, his words referring to something more than just nature. You nodded, unable to tear your gaze away from him. “Yeah, it is”. You stood basically glued to each other, ‘it was cold’ you reasoned. 
Finally, Andrey took a deep breath. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” he began, his voice trembling slightly. “Something I’ve kept inside for a long time”. 
Your heart pounded in your chest, and you squeezed his hand, silently encouraging him to continue. “I’m in love with you,” he confessed, his eyes searching yours for a reaction. “I’ve been in love with you for so long, but I was afraid of ruining what we have''. Small tears welled up in your eyes, a mixture of relief and joy washing over you. “Andrey, I feel the same way,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. “I’ve loved you for so long, but I was scared too”. 
A smile spread across Andrey’s face, and he gently cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear. “We’ve been so silly, haven’t we?” he murmured. You nodded, a laugh escaping your lips. “Yeah, we have”. You felt his soft lips on your forehead and smiled feeling the weight being lifted off your shoulders. 
The next season you came back stronger than ever. You won match after match while Andrey’s on-court mentality improved a ton. Everything felt different but in the best way possible. You continued to support each other on and off the court, but now there were stolen kisses, secret smiles, and late-night whispers of love. Your relationship became a beautiful story of childhood friends turned lovers.
At a press conference during the Madrid Open, a reporter asked about your relationship. Andrey smiled at the thought of you. “We’ve always been close, but now we’re happier than ever,” he said. “Being able to share this journey with someone you love makes everything better”.
Everyone around you, especially Daniil, were happy for you. During tournaments, he would occasionally snap photos of you and Andrey in your candid moments, posting them with captions like, “My favorite lovebirds”.
During the final of Madrid open you were watching him from the stands. Your mind filled with happiness and concern as he was sick for the entirety of the tournament. When he finally reached his victory he fell on the ground, unable to believe that he had achieved it. As he stood up, his fist action was to look up at you, his biggest supporter, cheering louder than anyone. 
He ran to the stands as soon as he could, and without hesitation, he pulled you into a passionate kiss. The crowd erupted in cheers, seeing their favorite couple on tour. That kiss became an iconic image, shared by everyone everywhere.
July 25, 2024
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liaredrose · 1 year
Okay, time for a kinda serious post.
As some of you might know, I write Dramione. No great author here, just a girl who enjoys writing and likes the ship.
In the last week I’ve received a series of comments on two different FanFictions that have left me quite speechless.
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There are others but I think that’s enough.
I’m not offended.
I just don’t understand.
I thought the whole point in writing FanFictions was that we could take the characters we love and make them do something which is obviously not canon or none of us would be here.
Did I miss the meeting where we decided this was not okay any longer and we have to stay canon compliant?
Do I have to poll some committee before posting a fanfiction?
Do I have to do a research on the grades of Draco Malfoy?
If that’s the case I’ll keep on writing for myself and my closest friends because I most certainly will not anyone tell me what to do.
We are allowed to have opinions. We are allowed not to like something. A trope, a story, a ship.
But we are also obliged to be respectful, that’s the only rule I care about.
Constructive comments are wonderful. Asking someone you’ve never met in your entire life if she is drunk is not.
If you don’t like a story, there’s no need to be mean. Just stop reading, no one is forcing you.
I love this fandom, I really do. I was a silent reader before deciding to post my first story and I loved that. I met wonderful people and made amazing friends. But god, lately it’s become toxic.
Hate posts on Facebook.
Bashing stories and authors on every platform. For stories we can all read for free.
Are we all right? Like seriously.
We are talking about Dramione. Dramione.
Can we all just chill out and leave people write whatever they want to? Canon. Fanon. Nonsense. Smut. Werewolf Draco. A/B/O. Whatever.
Have fun.
Life is already difficult enough without having to deal with mean comments or posts.
That said, peace and love.
I’m going back to write stoned Draco and Hermione talking in the RoR.
Love ya
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pedroscurls · 2 years
Title: The Teacher (Part 4).
Character(s): Joel Miller, Reader (female, first person POV) Summary: Your relationship with Joel develops.  Word Count: 5,240 Author's Note: So, we’re definitely gonna dive a bit more deeper into the Reader’s history after the outbreak, so please be wary! Warnings are listed below. We’re in for an angsty chapter, but I promise it ends on a good note. (btw, this chapter definitely got way too ahead of me lol, enjoy) Warning: Mention of implied rape, killing, violence
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Maria had visited you the following day. While Joel brought you comfort, so did Maria. You wondered if it was because she saved your life; though, she had always been so welcoming and understanding since the moment you met her. She never put any unnecessary pressure on you to open up or discuss things you weren’t ready to talk about. 
“So,” she began with a smile. “You and Joel seem to hit it off.”
You blushed instantly, trying to hide your feelings for the man. “He’s nice,” was all you said.
“Just nice?” Maria chuckled.
“He’s becoming a good friend,” you smiled. 
Maria gave you a knowing look, her head tilting in amusement. “Well, you must be really special.” 
“Why’s that?”
“Joel just doesn’t normally like to make friends,” Maria admitted. “It’s like he’s a different man when you’re around though. I mean, I’ve never seen him smile or laugh this much and I’ve known the man for years.”
You blush deepened and you shrugged a shoulder. “That’s a good thing, right?”
Maria nodded with a smile. “Oh my god, are you kidding? It’s the greatest thing. He’s less of a grouch.”
You laughed to yourself as your mind drifted to Joel. You had only been at Jackson for a couple of days and already, you had developed a crush on your next door neighbor. 
“Well, I suppose I should say you’re welcome,” you teased. 
Maria laughed at that, leaning back against the couch. “Aside from that, how are you doing?”
You cleared your throat, dropping your eyes for a moment. “Doing okay.”
“You sure?”
“I just–” You sighed. “I’m still getting used to everything. You and your father built this amazing place and don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful, but it’s just– It’s a lot.”
“That’s understandable,” Maria replied. “Everyone has their own process… You had been out there by yourself for a while so being here, in a place like Jackson, it can be overwhelming.”
You nodded in agreement. “I’m grateful, Maria. I am–”
She gave you a small smile. “Move at your own pace. Trust me, we want you to be comfortable here and we want you to feel safe. So, however long that takes, so be it. Just– Don’t rush it.”
You sighed, glancing over at her. You could see the genuine look on her face; her eyes were soft, displaying an emotion of empathy, and you felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders. “Thank you, Maria. I think once I start teaching, Jackson will start to feel like home.”
Maria nodded, “With that being said, I wanted to give you some updates.”
Your interest piqued and you listened intently. “Oh?”
“We’re building the classrooms right now and we’re deciding to put it in the middle of the community. There are plenty of parents who work around that general area, so it seemed like the best place to have the school,” Maria began. “We’re also going to have a meeting with the families next week so that they can meet you, you can meet them, and you can also meet the kiddos.”
You grinned as your mind drifted to the upcoming week. You figured that once you started meeting the kids and started teaching that you wouldn’t be so on edge; you hoped that Jackson would at least start feeling like a place where you could finally start living again. 
“I’m excited,” you replied. “I really can’t wait.”
“How do you feel about coming with me to the bar tonight?” Maria asked. “No pressure though.”
“Maybe for one drink.” 
She grinned. “Great. I’ll see you tonight.”
Later that night, you walked into the bar and noticed Maria immediately. You were wearing your boots with white fitted shirt tucked in with your light washed jeans and a flannel on top. She handed you a beer as you sat on a stool near the counter, looking around with a smile. 
It was cozy. There were string lights hanging from the ceiling, music filtering through the room, but you noticed how warm and welcoming it felt. Plenty of people had come up to introduce themselves, even meeting some of the parents and expressing their excitement for the school opening up. It started to feel like you were part of this community and you felt all anxiety and worries disappear when you started to get more comfortable. 
“Having fun?” Maria asked, leaning against the counter of the bar as she noticed you were halfway finished with your beer. 
“Surprisingly, yeah,” you smiled. “Thank you for inviting me out.”
“Anytime,” she grinned, pointing towards your beer. “Want another one?”
You shook your head. “One’s enough, thank you.”
Maria nodded and then grabbed your hand, motioning towards the dance floor. “You dance?”
“It’s been a while,” you replied, following her eagerly. “I might make a fool out of myself.”
Maria laughed and kept a hold of your hand. “Don’t we all?” 
“Fair point.” When she released your hand, you let your body sway to the music. The effects of the alcohol were burning through your veins, allowing you to fully calm down and just embrace the moment. Just a couple of days ago, you were so sure that you were going to die, but then Maria saved you and here you were, feeling surprisingly content and happy. 
“You can dance!” She exclaimed, her arms raising in the air as she danced to the music as well. 
You smiled, downing the rest of your beer and setting it on the counter. Returning to the dance floor, you shut your eyes and continued to sway, moving your hips rhythmically to the beat of the song. 
Tommy and Joel had walked into the bar with a groan. Their patrol was easy, but tiring. There were no signs of any Infected or any threats, so it was a good day. When they entered the building though, both men were surprised to see a crowd forming in the middle of the dance floor.
“That’s new,” Tommy said, ordering two beers. 
“Hm,” Joel said. “I’m only havin’ one beer and then I’m callin’ it a night. My back hurts.”
Tommy laughed to himself, handing his older brother a beer and shaking his head. “Alright, old man. One beer, that’s all.” 
Joel shut his eyes for a moment, taking a long swig of his beer as he felt himself slowly relax. Though, when he heard Tommy gasp, Joel opened his eyes to look over at his brother.
“Look,” Tommy said, pointing to the dance floor. 
Joel turned his attention to the dance floor, his eyes immediately finding you. Though, his eyes drifted to the rest of your body, watching your hips move expertly to the song that was playing in the room. He grabbed his beer and took another long swig as he forced himself to look away.
“Looks like she’s havin’ fun,” Tommy smiled. “And she’s havin’ fun with my girl.”
Joel just nodded.
“Joel,” Tommy said, nudging his brother. 
“I should get goin’,” Joel said, eyes flickering over to you.
“Oh, come on. You know you don’t wanna leave.”
“Well, she’s havin’ fun and I don’t wanna–”
Tommy shook his head, calling out Maria’s name. You looked over at the sound of Tommy’s voice and immediately noticed Joel. Your cheeks had turned red and you removed your flannel once it had gotten a bit too warm. You were smiling though, following Maria to Tommy and Joel. Your eyes though hadn’t left the older man’s; once more, it felt like everyone else in the room had disappeared and the only person you saw was him.
“Hey baby. How was the patrol?” Maria asked, kissing Tommy’s cheek.
Tommy wrapped his arm around Maria, holding her close. “Was fine,” he said. “Nothing too out of the ordinary.” 
Joel didn’t reply. He kept his eyes on you once you were now standing near him. He wanted nothing more than just to sweep you off your feet and take you back home, but he couldn’t. He shouldn’t. 
“Wanna dance?” Maria asked Tommy, giving her husband a look to signal that they should give you and Joel some space.
“With you? Always. I’ll see you later Joel.” Tommy then turned to you and winked. “Nice moves you got there.”
You blushed, looking over at the younger brother. “It’s no longer a secret.”
Maria chuckled. “Now I’m wondering what else you got hiding.”
You laughed, shaking your head as the couple moved to the dance floor. Turning your attention back to Joel, you noticed how he was avoiding your eyes, sipping at his beer. 
“Um,” you started. “I’m glad you’re home safe.”
“Me too.” Joel replied. “How are you?” 
“Feeling really good,” you smiled. “Though, that may be the alcohol.”
“How much have you had to drink?”
“Just one beer,” you blushed. “I’m a lightweight.”
Joel chuckled. “Well, good to know. It’s good to see you havin’ fun.”
You nodded. “All thanks to Maria. She invited me out tonight.”
“That’s good,” Joel said, finishing his beer. He cleared his throat and motioned towards the door. “Well, have a good night.”
You furrowed your brow, pulling your flannel back on. “Wait, what?”
“I told Tommy I was just havin’ one drink and then I’m headin’ home.”
You bit your lower lip anxiously. “Would you be surprised if I told you that I told Maria the same thing?”
Joel’s eyes widened just slightly and when he looked you over, he noticed that you weren’t holding another bottle. So, he assumed that you were also now ready to go home. 
“Want some company on your walk home?” Joel asked.
“I’d like that.”
Maria and Tommy watched the both of you leave the bar and they turned to each other with a grin.
“They’re good for each other,” Maria told Tommy.
“Just as long as Joel gets outta his head,” Tommy replied.
The walk home was quiet, but you both were taking your time getting home. There was no rush and you enjoyed each other’s company anyway.
“So,” Joel began. “You mentioned last night that you were married.”
You nodded, looking down at your feet. “I was, yeah.”
“Lucky man,” Joel commented.
You blushed, looking up at him as he kept his eyes forward. “You remind me of him actually.”
He arched a brow, glancing over at you. “That so?”
You both stopped walking once you were at your porch, turning to face each other. It was a quiet night, the outdoor string lights illuminating both of your features just right. Joel’s hands were in his pockets and your arms were crossed over your chest. 
You looked up at him, staring into his dark brown eyes. You wanted nothing more than to just kiss him, to feel his lips, to feel safe again.
“Yeah,” you replied. “You make me feel safe, Joel.”
Joel cleared his throat, looking down at you. He inched closer, taking his hand from his pocket to move a strand of hair away from your face. His hand lingered on your cheek as his thumb gently brushed against your soft skin. He smiled, feeling you lean against his touch. 
“M’glad,” he whispered. “You’re somethin’ else, you know that?”
Suddenly, you took a step back. The look on your face shifted instantly and it was no longer a look of desire, of want, but was replaced with a look of fear. You weren’t looking at Joel anymore. Instead, you were looking at a different man. A man from your past and when Joel took a step closer, you immediately raised your hands up.
“I said don’t,” you repeated. “Get away from me.”
Joel’s brows furrowed, but he stopped himself from moving closer to you. He didn’t know what caused the drastic shift, but he hated the way you were looking at him. The fear in your eyes, but the threatening stance you were in… It was like you were a different person. 
“Okay,” he whispered. “Okay.” 
“You don’t get to hurt me again,” you mumbled, dropping your hands to your sides as it curled into fists. Tears were filling your eyes and Joel was at a loss. He didn’t know how to calm you down, how to make you see that you were safe and that whoever you were seeing wasn’t reality. 
“Darlin’,” Joel repeated. “You’re in Jackson, okay? You’re safe. Ain’t no one gonna hurt you, I promise.” 
“Stop!” You exclaimed, looking around frantically. You were vulnerable and when you realized you didn’t have any weapons, you kept taking a step back to further your distance. It wasn’t until you tripped over your own feet that you had fallen backwards, passing out in the process.
“Shit,” Joel mumbled. He scooped you up into his arms and brought you inside your home, looking around quickly. He gently set you on the sofa and grabbed a match to light up a candle. It was too dark, even for him, so once the candle was lit, he set it on the coffee table and sighed. He didn’t know what had just happened and he wasn’t sure if he should even stay, but Joel couldn’t help but stare at you. 
You were sleeping, but you didn’t look peaceful. Your lips were formed into a pout and your brows were furrowed together. You had curled up into a ball once Joel set you on the couch and he could hear your quiet mumbling. It pained him to see you like this, especially since just an hour ago, you were dancing, smiling, and having fun. 
Joel opted to stay, at least until you woke up. His back was killing him and he was exhausted, but you were far more important than sleep at the moment. He had to wonder how often your flashbacks occurred; he was fortunate to have had someone nearby, whether it was Tess, Tommy, or Ellie. He wasn’t ever alone and it put a lot of things into perspective when he found out that you had been on your own for over a year. He couldn’t imagine it. 
It had been a couple of hours later when you awoke. You sat up in a quick motion, looking around the room and noticing the single candle that illuminated the living room. You noticed Joel had fallen asleep on the single loveseat, realizing what had happened. You felt embarrassed; you had tried to keep the negative parts of your past to yourself, but Joel had managed to see it firsthand. 
You tried to think about what had triggered you. You knew you were both sharing a moment. You remembered the feel of his hand on your cheek and how you had willingly leaned against his touch. Then, you remembered what he said.
“You’re somethin’ else, you know that?”
To anyone else, it could have been sweet and special, but to you, it brought back memories of a past that you had tried to forget. It had been a year after you left the QZ in Washington, stumbling upon a group who had been happy to take you in. You kept your guard up though, making sure to keep your head down and contribute in any way that you can. 
But the leader. The leader had a thing for you. 
He had cornered you one night and said those same words. You could still remember the sound of his voice, the feel of his body forcefully against yours, the pain you felt when he hit you every time you tried to scream for help… It was something you would never forget and hearing Joel say those words had practically transported you back to that moment. 
You slowly stood from the sofa, trying to quietly tiptoe down the hallway, but you didn’t get far. Joel had woken up and called your name in such a soft tone that you immediately looked over at him.
“I–I’m so sorry,” you whispered.
Joel stood with a low grunt, walking over to you slowly. “Ain’t gotta apologize.”
“That wasn’t your fault,” you mumbled. “It was– It was just my shit coming back and I’m sorry you had to see that.”
Joel stood in front of you. He understood exactly what that meant, and experienced it almost every night. “Hey…”
You bit your lip, bringing your eyes up at him. “Joel–”
“I’m here,” he replied. “For you.”
“Joel, you barely know me… We just met and–”
“You make me feel alive again,” Joel blurted out. He brought a hand to rub the back of his neck, sighing quietly. “M’sorry if that’s a bit too forward, but–”
Your response was to wrap your arms around him in a tight embrace. His scent filled your senses, causing your eyes to fall shut. When his arms moved around to wrap around your waist, you held onto him tighter. 
Joel was taken by surprise when he felt your body press against his and your arms wrap around his frame. It didn’t take long before his arms wrapped around you as well, which caused him to feel your arms tighten around him. It was comforting, holding you this way and inhaling your scent. It felt like home. 
He then buried his face against the side of your neck, his nose brushing against your skin. Joel could have held you like this forever. 
You let out a shaky breath when you felt him move to bury himself against your neck. You felt his facial hair tickle your skin and his hot breath breathing against you. You had only known Joel for a couple of days and yet, this felt normal; it felt like you belonged here, in his arms. 
You hadn’t felt this safe in so long. 
You both stayed in each other’s arms for a few more minutes before you slowly pulled back. Your arms remained around his shoulders and his hands moved to rest on your hips. The distance between you both were mere inches and you could feel his breath against you. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
“Anythin’ for a friend.” 
“You should probably get home.” You said, pulling away from him and immediately missing his warmth and his strong arms around you.
Joel nodded, biting the inside of his cheek. “You gonna be okay?” 
“I will be. I’ve survived this long,” you let a small smile line your lips. “I’ll be fine.”
“Well, I’m just right next door. Don’t hesitate to come over if you need anythin’, okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
Before Joel left, he pulled you into another hug, his eyes falling shut as he felt his entire body relax. It had been so long since he felt this way, but there was just something about you that made every concern, doubt, and worry that Joel felt, disappear. 
“Goodnight, darlin’.”
You smiled against him, reveling in this moment. “Goodnight, Joel.”
It had been two weeks since that incident. You were slowly getting used to Jackson, now feeling like a part of the community. You still had nightmares, which happened more often than you liked to admit, but you kept it to yourself. Even when Joel asked how you were doing everyday, you had lied to him and said everything was great. You were glad he didn’t pry even further, simply just nodding and going about his day.
Since that night, it seemed like you and Joel had gotten closer. When he had the early morning patrols, he would come by your house with Ellie for dinner that it had become a routine for the three of you. You enjoyed their company though and Ellie knew just exactly how to get your mind off things; she was truly a breath of fresh air and you always found yourself laughing and having a good time with the young girl.
The school was finished; two rooms connected with a variety of small tables and chairs in each room. You had already met the parents and the children, thoroughly excited to start teaching again. You were going to teach all ages, but you had found that there were more younger kids than there were older ones. It seemed like most of the students you were going to teach would be around five to six years old with a small group of ten to twelve year olds. 
You had started teaching and it gave you a sense of purpose and reminded you so much of the old world. It was tough in the beginning, but once you settled into a routine, the kids had found it so enjoyable. You ended every day in the reading corner that you created. All of your students gathered around you, listening intently as you read to them; each day was a different book, but your students were so engaged.
You always stayed until each of your students were picked up by their parents or family members. One day, however, a little girl stayed later than usual. She was sitting at the table, drawing on a piece of paper when you walked over to her.
“Hi Rosie,” you smiled. Her hair was curly, messy, and sat on her shoulders. She looked up at you and flashed you a toothless grin. She had told you all about losing her front teeth and how excited she was that she was now getting bigger. 
She called you by your name with the Miss in front of it and then lifted the piece of paper for you to see.
“I drew a picture.”
“I see that, it’s beautiful.”
“It’s Jackson,” she grinned proudly.
“Looks exactly like it,” you smiled.
You were interrupted by the sound of footsteps running into the room. You looked up and noticed it was Rosie’s father. He was out of breath and had begun to apologize.
“I’m so sorry,” he said. Rosie grinned at the sight of her father, raising her arms to be picked up. “Patrol ran late.”
“No worries. Rosie here was just drawing a picture,” you smiled. 
“Thank you,” he said. “For staying with her. Having this school– It’s been a relief.”
You nodded. The other man was a bit older than you, taller, and definitely muscular. He had blue eyes, brown hair, and dimples whenever he smiled. He was handsome, but he definitely was no Joel Miller. 
“I’m glad,” you replied. “It’s been great to teach again.”
“I’m Jack. Rosie’s dad.” Rosie was already resting her head against her father’s shoulder, her eyes falling shut. 
“I remember,” you said. “We met during the meeting with the other parents.”
“Right,” he chuckled. “Sorry, it’s just been–” Jack sighed. “It’s been tough. Patrols are getting tougher. We’re encountering more infected…”
“Well, if you’d like, I don’t mind staying a bit longer with Rosie until you get back to Jackson after patrols.” You offered as your mind drifted to what he had said. Infected. You had killed plenty: clickers, runners, stalkers, even encountered a Bloater once, and it still terrified you. 
“Really?” He asked. “I mean, that’d be great, but you don’t have to. I can figure it out and–”
You shook your head, taking the drawing that Rosie had done and handing it to Jack. “I don’t mind, really. It’s okay.”
Jack smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. “You’re amazing. I owe you.”
You simply gave him a smile. “I’m your daughter’s teacher. It’s part of my job. Don’t worry about it.”
You were surprised to see Joel sitting on your porch once you finally walked home. When he saw you, he gave you a small smile and stood from his seat. You walked up your steps and looked over at him, giving him a tight hug.
“Hi,” you said.
Joel returned the hug and immediately missed your warmth once you pulled away to open the door. “Long day?”
You nodded, though you couldn’t stop thinking about what Jack had mentioned about his patrols. It was brief and not a lot of information, but it was enough for you to start ruminating on. Joel followed you inside and you quickly lit up a few candles to illuminate your living room and he noticed how quiet you had gotten again. It was something he took note of for the past couple of weeks. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” you lied. “I’m just tired.”
“Should I go?”
Then, you blurted. “What’s going on outside of Jackson?”
He sighed. “Nothin’. We got it handled.”
“What’s going on?”
“Darlin’, you ain’t gotta worry about it.”
“Well, I am!” You exclaimed, not realizing how loud you had gotten. For weeks, you were putting on a facade, a front, masking your emotions and pushing away the nagging thoughts and flashbacks. 
Joel was taken aback, looking at you with a furrowed brow. “It’s under control.”
“You’re lying,” you said. “Don’t lie to me, Joel.”
Joel sighed, running a hand over his face. “You’re safe here, in Jackson.”
“Bullshit,” you spat. 
“What’s really goin’ on?”
“I can’t relax,” you mumbled. “I can’t sleep and when I do, I wake up in a sweat and frantic state.” You admitted. “Teaching is a good distraction, but I just thought– I thought I’d be okay.”
“You are,” he sighed. “I’m tellin’ you the truth. We have it under control.”
“The last time someone told me that our entire group was overrun,” you replied almost immediately. “So please… I can handle the truth.”
“The infected…” Joel let out an exhale. “We’re encounterin’ more of them on our patrols, but darlin’, we do have it under control. It’s just tiring.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“I didn’t wanna scare you.”
“I’m not this fragile little thing that you have to handle with care,” you said. “Stop treating me like I can’t handle myself, like I can’t handle what’s out there. I’ve done it! I’ve experienced it! I was out there, on my own, for over a year!” 
“Okay,” he said. “Okay,” Joel repeated, trying to step closer to you but noticed how you had moved back and away from him.
“You don’t know half the things I’ve done to survive, Joel,” you admitted. “It haunts me… Every second of the day and I can’t run away from it.”
“You did what you had to, to survive,” Joel replied. It was ironic that he was saying the same words that Tommy had told him. Joel understood your dilemma, related exactly to what you were feeling, experiencing, and here you were, being open and vulnerable with him.
“No,” you shook your head. “No.”
“Did you ever stop to think how I made it this far?” You asked. 
“I don’t need to,” he replied. 
“I’ve done so– so many unthinkable things, Joel,” you said with a shaky voice and teary eyes. “I’m so broken…”
“Hey…” Joel hated seeing you like this, hated hearing you talk about yourself like this. “Look at me…”
You looked up at him and felt yourself relax. You had been on edge for weeks and it finally came crashing down. You thought you could push this aside, to force yourself not to think about your past, but it was tough. Your nightmares served as a daily reminder of the things you had done, the people you killed… It was just too much.
“You ain’t alone in feeling like that,” Joel added. He knew that feeling all too well; being broken, damaged goods, and feeling like he didn’t deserve anything good because of the bad things he had done. He took a step closer and sighed in relief when you didn’t move away. “I– I have nightmares too.”
That wasn’t surprising to you. You had heard stories from the people in the community, but truthfully, it didn’t scare you. In fact, it made you feel safer to know that Joel would do anything for the people he cared about. 
“H– How do you deal with it?”
“I don’t,” Joel admitted. “But I probably should.”
“We’re quite the pair, aren’t we?” You sighed.
“Come ‘ere,” he whispered, pulling you into his arms. When he felt your arms wrap around his shoulder, Joel moved his arms to wrap around your waist. Once again, he held you like this, feeling your warmth radiate against him and the feel of your chest heaving against his own. 
“Joel,” you whispered to him. “You’re the only one that can calm me down, that can make me feel safe and I don’t know what that means, but–”
He held you tighter, pressing his lips to your temple. Joel sighed contentedly before he quietly interrupted you. “I’m here… I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
You pulled back to look up at him. Your lips were mere inches from his and your arms remained around him. “Joel…”
“Hm?” He whispered, moving his hands to your hips. Joel rubbed circles against the fabric of your shirt, feeling it slightly lift upwards as the pads of his thumbs touched your skin.
“Can I– Can I kiss you?” You asked. A blush crept along your neck to your cheeks, biting your lower lip in anticipation.
Joel smiled and moved a hand to cup your cheek. The pad of his thumb brushed against your cheek as he leaned down to capture your lips with his own. 
It was electrifying, feeling your lips slowly move against his. Joel kept his hand on your cheek and used his free hand to bring you flush against him, his hand moving from your hip to your lower back. 
You had imagined this moment plenty of times and yet, this was far better than your imagination. Joel kept a protective hold around you as you felt yourself mold against his strong frame. Your lips moved expertly with his and when you whimpered, Joel used that as an opportunity to dart his tongue out. It was perfect and it was intoxicating.
Joel had to pull away, feeling the center of his pants tighten from the pressure of his member pressing against the fabric. 
“We should–”
“Can you stay?” You interrupted. 
“You sure?” Joel asked.
You nodded. “I just– I don’t want to be alone.”
“That makes two of us,” he whispered. Joel leaned down to peck your lips, smiling once he pulled away. 
You led him down the hallway and to your bedroom. You removed your boots and socks, tossing your flannel to the side. You lied back in bed, clad in a t-shirt and jeans before watching Joel do the same with his own boots. When he climbed into bed with you, you felt yourself instinctively move closer to him. 
Joel was lying on his back with his arm stretched out for you. You smiled to yourself and moved closer until your head rested against his shoulder, his arm wrapping around you. 
The string lights from outside illuminated your room, giving you and Joel a perfect view of each other. You were staring into each other’s eyes before he leaned down to press his lips against yours once more. 
You moved to lie on your back, feeling him move to hover above you. Joel gently bit at your lower lip, hearing you quietly moan against his lips. The sounds you were making immediately caused a reaction from him, blood rushing straight down to the center of his pants. 
“Joel…” You mumbled against his lips.
He pulled back, his arm propped up with his other hand resting on your hip. “M’sorry, we should stop.”
You shook your head. “I want you.”
Joel grunted lowly. “A– Are you sure?”
“Take me, Joel.”
Part 5.
Taglist (let me know if you'd like to be tagged!): @rye-flower, @3zae-zae3, @orangevtae, @flippittygibbitts​, @blairfox04, @ohthemisssery​, @avengersfan25​, @somebodytookmyusername​, @littleshadow17​, @beltzboys2015-blog​
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 3 months
If you had to rank all the ships involving Coffin (like Doomsday, Dead End Job, Deathbed + others) how would you rank them and why?
I’m a multishipper so I don’t really hate any ship unless it’s like…weird…so this is gonna be more of me explaining my dynamics for them ^_^
Doomsday/Time of death (Tony x Coffin)
I really like Tony and Coffin as a duo a lot due to time and death being linked together in a way, I don’t think I’ve mentioned this but Coffin definitely views death as a reward of some kind, they don’t think life is meaningless or horrible, they just view death as a reward for getting through life and its many obstacle
While Tony views time almost like some ethereal god like being that controls every waking moment of the puppets lives, they get along through their outlooks on life and how they both think Time is great and amazing (Coffin doesn’t view it as something ethereal like Tony though she views it in a much more natural way)
I think Tony would definitely develop a crush on Coffin of some kind mainly because he hasn’t met anyone that actual cared about time on a similar level to him (also in my mind they’re queerplatonic partners but shhhh)
Dead end job (Briefcase x Coffin)
They are getting their own post. You will wait for my madness.
Tissue Box x Coffin (I don’t think it has a name)
I view them as found/foster siblings so I don’t personally ship it myself but I do like the trope of old married couple that care a lot about each other that I usually see it presented as
But in my mind they were those siblings that always seemed to absolutely hate each other as kids and fought all the time and then mellowed out completely in their adult years and are now chill around each other
Deathbed/Foreversleep (Lamp x Coffin)
like Doomsday, I think this is one where their lessons are kinda connected in this case, by Coffins words “Death is just like an extra long nap so it’s like infinite dreams!” I think they would be friends but on more terms of “if their the only person who’s available and they wants to hang out, I’ll do it.”
They definitely have smoked weed together before. I never told you guys Coffin wasn't a stoner.
Bluescreen (Colin x Coffin)
Coffin and Colin would get along cause they’re both kinda nerdy and have a dislike for being touched out of nowhere, Coffin would actually be one of the few allowed to mess around in Colin’s digital world with him since Colin would feel comfortable enough around her and knows Coffin probably won’t install a virus in him somehow
Lethal love/Till death do us part (Shrignold x Coffin)
I’ve already talked about them being fucked up little frenemies but there is a bit of romantic subtext to it like Coffin is Shrignolds semi-lesbian awakening like Shrignold just looks at Coffin laughing or doing something and thinks “Wow, she’s pretty…” before calling themselves several slurs internally
I think that’s all the Coffin ships, that I’ve seen at least, if I missed any just tell me and I’ll put it in the comments :3
dead end job
Lethal Love
Tissue box x Coffin
literally do not hate any of these btw ship what you want idk you are welcome here
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745voiceofthepeople · 10 months
Hello @745voiceofthepeople !! How’s it going?
Got an ask for you this time.
A reversal AU where Katara is the princess of the Water Tribe and Azula is a peasant from the Fire Nation. The Water Tribe isn’t the bad guys. There was never any war in this AU.
Azula and her family journey to the South Pole when the FN goes there for a diplomatic meeting. Azula is one of the servers at the feast and Katara can’t stop staring at her because she really thinks Azula is gorgeous. After the feast, Katara seeks Azula out and starts talking with her.
It’s slow, but they do bond a great deal while Azula is there. Whenever Azula is done with her chores and Katara is done with Princess lessons, they met up and hide away. Azula is worried about how people will react if they find out she’s seeing a princess and, while she never says it outright, Katara is also a little worried about how people will react if they find out she likes a peasant from the FN so they keep everything under wraps. The only people who know are Sokka and Zuko.
When Azula has to go back to the FN, Katara tries to find every reason to visit. Eventually, her parents let her and Sokka go to the FN and Katara tries to find Azula again. No one in the FN knows Katara is a princess so when she takes off the expensive furs and crown, she looks like a regular Water Tribe girl and two can be seen in public together. Now Katara gets to spend some time in Azula’s world.
That’s all I got for now. What do you think?
I’m doing well @waterfire1848 , thank you.
This scenario is really interesting! I’ve never really though about the reversal of royal positions for Azutara before, so this is pretty cool.
In a no war Au, I can see this happening sort of like the following (maybe)
Its like you present, a peasant Azula can at first charm a (princess) Katara with her looks and then her personality as the two get to know each other.
I can picture a scene where there is some sort of international dispute being discussed between the SWT royal family (by Hakoda or his father) and the diplomats of the FN. And it is in the midst of this discussion when the FN diplomats call for wine bearers to come and bring in more drink.
This is when Azula comes in and stars pouring wine in everyone’s ones cups. Meanwhile Katara is having a discussion with an FN noble about fishing rights and Maritime boundaries between the South Pole and the Fire archipelago. While Katara is conversing she see’s her glass being filled up (with wine) and turns to look at the servant doing so. Only to stop dead in her grace as she sees the most beautiful women on the planet pouring the wine.
Katara openly gapes at Azula and she trails off in the middle of conversation. Sokka (who would be sitting to her right) has to stomp on her foot to get Katara to pay attention to the diplomat.
After everyone retired for the night, Katara would sneak out of her room (wearing what she believes is a “good disguise”) and try to get into the guest quarters. That held the FN diplomats and their retainers.
She’d find Azula randomly, and the two would have an enjoyable conversation. Talking about everything and anything. Life as a princess, as a servant, Waterbending, Firebending, politics, etc. And for the rest of the diplomatic mission, the two would have secret rendezvous at night. They quickly becomes good friends. Even showing each other their bending ability. Katara being amazing at Waterbending is expected. What Katara would not expect is for Azula to be powerful at firebending. Yet the peasant girl was. With Blue flames and the raw power to match even a princess of the Southern Water Tribe.
So for the next fortnight, Azula and Katara’s nights are spent talking, (sneakily) flirting, laughing, and sparing (discreetly so as to arose the suspicion of anyone else).
These rendezvous would continue until one night, Katara overwhelmed by desire, and falling in love with the beautiful Fire peasant, gives into her courage and kisses Azula.
From there, their secret rendezvous becomes more romantic. But eventually reality sets in and they have to “end” the affair. Even though neither of them really wish to do so. Katara is greatly worried about her parents and the rest of the Water tribes reactions to finding out she their prodigal princess has fallen for a peasant dorm the Fire Nation. Another girl at that!
Later when Azula goes back to the Fire Nation Katara becomes greatly depressed. Her love for the Fire girl is all consuming. So much so that he even begins to trump the bonds of duty. Eventually, Sokka notices Katara downtrodden state and (correctly) assumes that that is has to do with the beautiful servant girl from the Fire Nation that Katara drools over.
Sokka eventually goes to Hakoda (the high chief the United Water Tribes) and convinces him that he and Katara need to experience the Fire Nation for themselves. So as to better understand their newfound allies and financial partners.
Hakoda agrees, and Sokka goes to tell his sister the big news. Who is of course ecstatic.
Once the Water siblings get capital city, they check into the palace and greet the FN royal family. After this greeting, Katara goes into their library and reads their book of records. Once she finds the info she’s looking for (Azula adress, sir name, typical occupation, and other personal info) Katara puts the book back into its resting place.
Katara then flees the FN palace. Evading both the FN royal guard and the Water Tribe guards is a laughably easy affair. Had Katara not been so cornermen’s with finding Azula, she might have been concerned. As it was her mind was solely focused on the Fire Nation breaty. She had even forgotten to warn Sokka. She decided to leave her crown and other royal effects behind. With the exception of a coin purse.
Katara commanders a dingy in the docs. She paid for it though! And traveled via bait and Waterbending to Hawk-crab island (name I just came up with). Which was a small island in the southern archipelago, where Azula and her family lived. The trip itself took nearly two days. Katara spent the time alternatively thinking about Azula, how angry her parents would be, how she forgot to tell Sokka the good news, and damning her impulsiveness and forgetting to pack food. Fortunately, Katara being a royal Water bender can de-salivate the ocean water and make it potable.
Eventually, Katara arrives at the small port on the island. Anticipation and momentary panic erupting in her very bones. Still she steels herself and goes looking for her beau.
Walking through the port…town was an odd affair for Katara. She was used to be stared and gawked at all her life. Being a princess of the Water Tribes and all. Here? After Katara had gotten rid of anything signifying she was royalty? No one gave two cares about her. Sure, people would still occasionally stop and stair for a second. Because I she was WT on an FN island. And II she was great beauty in her own right. Still, now one belived her to be a princess. Such a realization was both dreadful and exhilarating for Katara.
She finally comes to a small shop in the middle of the port town. Katara had been directed to this shop by a kind women, after she inquired about Azula’s whereabouts. She entered into the small shop. It was duels designed. One area for black smithery and the other for glassblowing. And their Katara see saw her. The women of her dreams and and waking thoughts. Azula.
Azula looked up and saw Katara, her jaw dropped to the floor. She dropped the the glass she was working on and it shattered at the floor. Neither Azula nor Katara payed attention to that though.
Azula rushed to Katara arms and the two spun around. Laughing and crying tears of joy. Katara brought their lips together. Finally she was home.
For the next few month, everything was perfect. While it lasted. Katara got to know Azula and her family. Her father Ozai (a blacksmith), her mother Ursa (a tailor), and her brother Zuko (an apprentice-blacksmith). Katara didn’t believe that life as a peasant could be so fulfilling. To be sure, it could be exceedingly frustrating. And it took a long while to adjust from being a princess to peasant. But nothing could be the simple of joy of returning to the arms her girlfriend future wife(?) after an honest days work. Katara fished off her dingy that she brought over from capital city. Zuko would often tease Azula about being a trophy fishwife to a WT princess.
Katara and Azula are able to be together incognito. Katara is able to enjoy the simple life in the Fire Nation. Just her, her fishing boat, and the her pretty Firebending girlfriend.
Until of course, the Water tribe arrives. You see the guards panicked when the princess Katara disappeared with out a word. They had assumed she may have been kidnapped. And so the Hausa quickly rushed to inform the Chief Hakoda just what was going on.
Sokka assumed that Katara had found where her Fire Nation lover was and gone after her. So he was not overly worried. Especially, when he found (and later hid) Katara’s royal effects. Sokka would keep up a girl of ignorance to confirm the guards and the Fire Nation nobility at the FN palace. Sokka would do a good job of it too. Until Hakoda showed up in the Fire Nation personally.
Under his fathers intense scrutiny, Sokka lasted maybe V or VI minutes. Then he blabbed. Both about Katara’s love for a Fire Nation peasant (Azula) and her intentions to find her.
Hakoda and Sokka subsequently travel to Hawk-Crab island to find Katara. They find her to the Fire Family home. Hakoda demands that Katara abandon this peasant foolishness and return to the South Pole. Katara tells him of her feelings for Azula, but Hakoda replies that it is irreverent next to her duty. He offers a choice to Katara stay with the peasant and become one yourself, or return to the South Pole and remain a princess of the Water Tribes and a member of their family. While Hakoda does not like separating Katara from her love, he feels it is something me must do to maintain order in the tribes.
It is at this point, that Azula interrupts Hakoda and request permission for Katara hand. Right to the chiefs face. Impressed by the peasant girls audaciousness, Hakoda decides to give task reminiscent of say Beren and Luthien of the Silmilrilion. If Azula retrieved the pearl of spirit Sharks cove. A jewel of myth and legend, important to the Water Tribes culturally and materially. Then he allow Azula to marry his daughter, and even for Katara to retain her title and place in succession.
It was an near-impossible task that may mean Azula’s death. But she accepted it gladly. She traveled to the hive and retrieved the pearl. Overcoming all obstacles. Though only because of the aid of Katara (who did so secretly).
Azula presents the pearl to Hakoda and true to his word, grants permission for Azula and Katara to marry. Which they do gladly. Several years down the line.
Eventually, the two will bare a child (spirt shenanigans) whom will inherit the chieftenship of the Water Tribes.
Anyway, that’s one way it might go. Thanks for the awesome scenario @waterfire1848 !!!
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temper-temper · 1 year
It’s Me Birthday
I was going to draw a cute lil picture but due to a lil bit of art burnout I wasn’t able to- so instead I’m gonna write a bit of an update of my life by looking back at the past year since my last birthday.
Last year at this time I was working a job that made me miserable and wondering what I was doing with my life. It was a few months after meeting Flash, Flux, and Guru (Dawn and Doe too!) and I had just gotten back into military history- something I felt for a long time was wrong and bad for me to be into. I ended up quitting that job and starting a job that is my favorite to this day (though sadly I moved and couldn’t keep the job) and getting closer to a lot of people I’ve met through this community.
The people I’ve met here- like Silver, Doe, Daw, Flash, Ally, Flux, Guru, Summer, Aw0, Captain Molasses, Saryn ( and Fly Guy through him), Sugar, TechBro, Dainty, Paint, Dark, and so so many more- helped me so much in being comfortable and confident in who I am. They have been a constant supportive force in my life since I’ve opened myself up to them here and helped me through one of the hardest transitioning periods in my life.
In this time I’ve moved states, starting a new job, started a new Church, started a new relationship, and started being unapologetically me and I have my amazing friends to thank for helping me get to this point!
I also need to sing raises to God because where I was just s year ago was a place that looking back on it I really wasn’t happy- I didn’t know it myself but He did. I was around people who put me down (mostly those old jobs) and made me feel I wasn’t good enough and an idiot and now I’m around people who love and value me! Only God could of so perfectly brought me from where I was to where I am now.
I gotta give special thanks to a few key players in helping me out over these last few months and if you aren’t in the list don’t think that doesn’t mean I don’t value you! I think I means we need to chat more! Seriously, feel free to dm me! :3
Doe: Honey- thank you. You were the first I came to when I realized what I did and you were so patient with me, you gave me a distraction and an ear to listen while I was figuring life out. You never said “oh do this” or “do that” just listened and held me to my decision. You even gave me the kick to tell Guru how I felt!
Flux: You stayed up with me in late night calls- helping me process everything when my world was falling a part. You helped me understand my feelings and realize that feeling my feelings was okay. You’ve been the big brother I always wanted and it was so nice to bound with you while we courted out S/Os. I’m grateful for you being there when I was so scared.
Ally: You ALSO helped me understand my feelings and understand that it’s okay to feel my feelings. You sat with me while I toiled with anger and sadness; and you vented back to me your own. You have been steadfast in your support and love for me and I’m grateful to have a friend like that- you also have been nothing but supportive of me and Guru and always know what to say when I need it. Yeah misses “you are cute,” I see you
Flash: Fella you started it all! You brought me to these friendships. Your a quite strong wall of support for us and I just hope I can be one back to you. You remind me repeatedly “is this under God?” And it’s great to have a friend like that. Your a great artist and I’m glad to have you as a friend- we gotta do more with Fell and Celeste!
SilverWing: Honey get OVER HERE! You’ve been so supportive and kind to me in your feral way and I love it. It’s so nice having someone in my life who wants to pop off about the interests I thought for YEARS I wasn’t allowed to have. We don’t talk as much as I do some others on this list but we don’t have to either. Just vibes all the time 😎
Dawn: We don’t talk that much but I can always trust you. No doubt you are my friend and that being around you is always a blast. Your art is amazing and I do hope we can grow closer- but we really don’t need to, it’s just vibes all the time and I’m grateful for you.
Dainty: Girly we may not be extremely close or whatever but ASSDSDSD YOU ASADSF!! Always supportive and kind to me, always saying nice stuff about me!! You are really awesome thanks for bring my friend!
Dark: Dark, you know well by now I call you my dad. You have been in my life since I was 16 and have supported me though so much- you watched me grow up and grow into my own and I do hope I made you proud. When you saw all that stuff happening with me you stepped up to help me in your amazing Dark way and I’m so grateful for it and you. I just wish I knew how to return the favor. Please don’t undervalue yourself of your art- you are a huge inspiration to me and I don’t want you to leave my life. I trust you.
Guru: Well honey it’s your turn now. I’ve been writing this for the 30 min.
You have had such a healthy and happy impact on my life. You support me and love me just the way I am! You are an amazing and godly man that I can say wholeheartedly I love. You were part of why I got back into the military and you’ve been so crazy supportive in that time I really needed it. I’m so glad we grew closer and you ended up catching feelings for me like I did you. Having a great Christian man by my side is nothing short of amazing and the fact that on top of it all you are handsome, outgoing, well rounded, bubbly/friendly, understanding, and patients. You are the whole package as they say.
I love you hun and don’t you forget it
but honestly I love everyone I mentioned- thank you guys (and so many more) for being in my life ❤️
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onthewaytosomewhere · 3 months
Guess ‘hot goddamn mess’ is your type then (Got Weird - dodie) Buck/Eddie
alright so it's been a crazy weekend and i've worked on this in bits and pieces but here it is :) - actually my first buddie as my only other person who wants 911 regularly wants bucktommy so here's hoping it's alright 💚
“Seriously, Eddie, you and Buck are made for each other I’ve never met two men that the description ‘hot goddamn mess’ fit quite so well. One of you needs to make the first move and well, it’s not gonna be him.”
Eddie looks at Chimney, and the breath he was apparently holding slowly escapes his lips. “What makes you an expert on Buck? How do you know he won’t eventually make some sort of move?”
“Well, I may not be an expert on Buck, but I am married to a Buckley. He’s had time to get over Tommy leaving, and I have heard over and over how he’s been in love with you since before he even knew he liked men, too. So, maybe for my sanity, do something about the feelings you also have for him, so my lovely Maddie will stop talking my ear off about the two of you, please.”
“First of all, just because Maddie thinks Buck wants anything to do with me more than friends, we don’t know if that is the case. Also, I have seen no sign that he is ready to move on from Tommy. He’s not looked at anyone that I know of. When he’s ready, I’ll be here, but I’m not going to rush him; he needs to get there on his own. I want him to want me not because I’m there but because he can’t stand to be without me.”
The voice behind Eddie throws him for a loop, as he’d know it anywhere, “What if he’s just been waiting for you all this time, probably for longer than he’s realized?”
Eddie seems Chimney turn and walk away, and he sees the smirk telling him he knew Buck was there for at least part of their conversation. He turns to Buck and says, “Well, then maybe he should use his big-boy words and say something.”
“Big-boy words, you’re such a dad, a great dad; I love how wonderful a dad you are, really. If I think back on it, it might actually be one of the things that drew me to you all those years ago. Not that I just want to be with you for your kid, but he is pretty damn amazing.” Buck stops talking and chuckles, “You should know you’re also amazing, and I’m so in if you want to do this, we can be “hot goddamn messes” together.”
“Wait, how much of that conversation did you overhear?”
Buck laughs, and Eddie thinks it’s one of the best sounds he’s ever heard. He wonders how he never realized before how melodic Buck’s laugh is. “Enough, but I know that are the three words Chimney and Maddie have been using to describe us for a while now, so I figured he had said it, considering he mouthed it to me when you turned around. Eddie, I—”
Eddie cuts off whatever words Buck is going to say with a kiss; as the first kisses go, he’s surprised by how much it feels like they’ve been kissing forever. Not that it really should be surprising, but they’ve been major parts of each other’s lives for so long, and it’s probably inevitable they would get to this point. They may have taken their time to get here, but Eddie won’t let this go now that they are. He stops thinking and just kisses Buck, hearing the catcalls around them and the occasional “about time” from their friends, and he has one last thought that they are right. It’s about time they got here.
can also be found on ao3
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
I recently listened to the HTP playlist again and realised just how long you’ve had this thing planned out? If I remember correctly it was made around the time that part 1 was released and only now can you really start to see how well the songs line up. Some lines that caught my attention were
“Who’s that knocking at your door, you’ve got lots to answer for”
and “Never know who walks through the door, is it someone that you’ve met before?” Which are now SO PAINFULLY ACCURATE for when Bravo turns up at the Ranch. “Now you’ve got no one you can trust, think it’s wrong, your soul unjust, point your finger and deny”
Is again a great Bravo line and perfectly encapsulates his thoughts after being sent to Hels.
I know the Bravo playlist was made later on but Sharks by Imagine Dragons was so spot on for him
“You think you’re better than them, better than them. You think they’re really your friends, really your friends. But when it comes to the end, to the end, you’re just the same as them, same as them.” Crying screaming throwing up. I can imagine a sick animation during the bridge, “My blood is pumping I can see the end is right in front of me, Don’t take it from me I could be everything, everything!” the moment where Atlas screws over the whole operation and Bravo has had ENOUGH. Same with Snakes, “Wish I could knock your skull in, but I’m rising above it” I just- ajdybsfajcikdn!
You’ve written such an insanely complex character and then managed to create a playlist that summarises him better than words can? You’re so insane for this /pos
However this does make me concerned for future chapters. What lyrics have we glossed over that are also going to be perfect foreshadowing? I am sooo hyped for the next edition, meanwhile I will be rereading the entire thing. Thanks for the delicious angst Aqua!
CORVID. HOLY SHIT. if only u could see the way this made me pump my fist in the air.
bdubs voice: YOU ARE CORRECT. while i’ve definitely added new things as inspiration comes and made some changes here and there for logistical purposes (or for extra angst), the main plot of ‘from eden’ was planned before i even wrote the first chapter. the confrontation scene between bravo and tango+jimmy was one of the first things mel and i talked about when we were developing the au in summer of last year, which is why i was SO pumped to finally release it and thrilled by the positive response.
it’s been maddening to keep future plot points under wraps, but that also makes it fun when ppl theorize- whether they’re wrong or right (i’ve seen a little of both thus far). and mannnn it’s amazing to finally reach those long-foreshadowed moments and see the reactions. there should be at least a couple more of those kind of moments in the last few chapters ✌️
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Rottmnt: Mikey, April, Splinter, and Cassandra
2012: Raph and Casey
Haikyuu: Okiawa, Kuroo, nishinoya, and Hinata
(For the bingo game!)
[I hope you’re having a great day Crow!]
Hi Moo! I am! I hope you are too :)
Putting it under the cut because this got kinda long XD
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I love Mikey, this version of him especially, but I find I tend to like him best as part of a duo (be that PB&J, Portal Pals/Tide Pod, or Sunrise Crew)
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I adore Rise!April. She’s amazing and I love her. That said, she would absolutely intimidate me with her chaos at first XD
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I think Splinter is villainized a lot in the fandom. I can’t say I love Splinter, but I don’t not like him either. He’s a complicated character and I think he deserves to be treated as such.
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I love Cass. Cass is hilarious XD That’s pretty much all there is to it.
2012 RAPH
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I love 2012 Raph! He isn’t my favorite Raph ever, but he’s pretty close. I think a lot of the fans are too hard on him and his anger issues though. He is trying, and siblings aren’t all sunshine and rainbows. Especially when one of them has a hero complex paired with self-sacrificial tendencies, another who when he isn’t walking into trouble deliberately pushes your buttons because he thinks it’s funny, and the last one is a shut-in who’s obsessed with the only human girl you’ve ever met and also he constantly talks over your head.
I just think the fandom should cut Raph a little slack, y’know?
(I’m skipping Casey because I haven’t actually met him yet. I’ve read a lot of analyses on the 2012 turtles though and I am mostly through season 1)
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Okay, explanation about Oikawa’s markings. Oikawa seems to be largely treated by the fandom as the surface-level facade he uses: a pretty-boy. And he’s so much more than that! He’s incredibly driven and resilient, he’s very smart on and off the volleyball court, he’s perceptive, and he’s an uncle who takes lots of pictures of his nephew. He’s also snarky, a bit of a jerk, a very sore loser, and he struggles with his self-worth. But the thing I think gets overlooked the most and that I really love about him is the fact that he’s a friend. Look me in the eyes and tell me Iwaizumi would’ve stuck around if Oikawa didn’t behave like a real friend to him, if he wasn’t there when Iwa needed him. Iwa’s a smart guy and he knows his own worth. If Oikawa didn’t act like a friend when it counted, Iwa would be gone.
As far as him not getting enough screen time goes, it’s only in reference to season 4. I would like to see his reaction to the Inarizaki match.
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So I just got through the two Nekoma episodes (so far they’re my favorite episodes of the season btw) and I love Kuroo. I liked Kuroo okay before, but I love him now. Kuroo is a sweetheart and he cares so much about Kenma. Their friendship is adorable. I feel like he very often gets reduced to another good-looking face by the fandom though, and that’s sad. I’d love to see more talk about how he seems to step into an older brother/best friend role for Kenma! Also I love his dynamic with Yaku XD Their arguments are hilarious!
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Okay first of all Moo thank you so much for including my boy.
The only things I really feel like I need to explain are the top left two boxes. “If he was real I would be afraid of him” - He’s extremely extroverted and chaotic and hyper and he’s always yelling. And he’s intimidating while doing so! The way he carries himself and his posture when he’s snapping at someone speak very clearly to me of “I can kick your butt if I need to” and I believe it. After I got to know him though we’d get along great. “If he was real I’d marry him” - I’d marry time-skip Noya in a heartbeat if he was real. I think our personalities would compliment each other nicely. I’m quiet and scared of people, he’s a chatterbox. I have a hard time standing up for myself, and he’s ready to throw hands whenever need be. He’s forgetful and spontaneous, I have a mom-friend override for responsibility and I’m flexible. We’re both feelers instead of thinkers. We’re both adventurous (to varying degrees), we’re both chaotic (to varying degrees), and we’re both physically affectionate. Plus we’re both short so getting items off the top shelf at the store would be hilarious, and I think he’d give great hugs and I want a Noya hug. Also, to be honest, he seems like someone I could be best friends with while being married to him.
Am I somewhat embarrassed to admit I’d marry time-skip Noya? Yeah. A bit. But that’s okay :) I’m cringe, but I’m free!
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I love Hinata dearly. He’s very precious to me. There just aren’t enough positive boxes that I think fit him! He’s a very deep character canonically, he has all the screen time, and the fans are usually nice enough to him. I don’t relate to him enough to project onto him. But I love Hinata so so much, he’s an absolute sweetheart and he’s perfect as the main character of Haikyu.
Thanks for asking, Moo!
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neptunes-sol-angel · 2 years
𓈒 ⭒ ݁ .#onecardthreeways 𓈒 ⭒ ݁ .
This is my submission for the challenge that I've been postponing for the longest. If you'd like to participate, then here are the instructions.
@gryphis-eyes did an amazing post for this challenge by using only one card, so that inspired me to do the same. This was great exercise for my intuition, and I'd love it if more people took a shot at this.
The card that I pulled, is the Three of Pentacles.
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Pile One
I'm seeing "Dragonballs" and coins being flipped into a fountain, both of these things relate to a wish being granted. Some of you are wishing for you and another person to make amends, I'm strongly getting that this is about a classmate or co-worker, because professionalism involved. Someone is being stubborn, which the other person doesn't really care about, because their focus is making sure that a goal in an assignment or project is being met but pettiness is holding back the cooperation that both of you guys need in order to make progress.
If this is really important to you, then I'm getting that a peaceful resolution will happen for you, but not with the person that you expected to finish this matter with. You could be assigned to someone else or you will have an opportunity to find a replacement. I feel like this is a lesson for you guys to realize that you don't have to sacrifice your comfort or safety to get the things that matter to you. You could have the habit of constantly putting others above you, but there's only so much that you can tolerate, furthermore, you betray yourself by being the only person to make adjustments in a partnership, the 'co' in compromise is supposed to mean for the both of you to take action in. Even if this particular scenario isn't your situation. I feel like your message in general is that if one way doesn't work, then it doesn't mean that you've failed or that you're the problem, that one way just gets you closer to the other possible ways that will work.
Pile Two
"Skeletons in closet" Quality > Quantity. It isn't wise to tell everyone your business, but it's also best to be wise about that one person that you choose to tell your business to, because the one wrong person could be the type to tell everyone about yourself so that you won't even have to. I feel like someone's going to expose themselves, but it isn't you. There's something that you told someone, that they misinterpreted but got extremely excited to tell others about because they think that it's "tea". But the real tea is that you have nothing to hide, you'd just rather not share, but now you know who's your friend and who's not really your friend. I know the card is the three of pentacles, but I keep getting threes. Three as in the three of swords which could explain the betrayal, but also threes as in multiple people being involved in something that they shouldn't. Even if you are the type that knows how to share stuff without telling anything about you, that's significant, pay attention to your circle, because I keep seeing this person stacking up "receipts" to use against you, or to make you appear scandalous even though they have not a clue what they're talking about. There are sick people in the world and you cannot control what others say about you, but for your safety and peace, cut them out of your life.
Pile Three
I'm getting multiple messages and they all somewhat deal with recovery. I see someone looking through some kind of storage, whether it's an actual unit, or a small fireproof box filled with items that remind them of you. You could get an apology soon. I'm getting that this could be from a family member, but it could be someone from an old romantic connection.
For one of the other interpretations, I feel that maybe this is a message for some of you to be careful with your belongings, to keep track of something small but of big importance to you, or to try not to take on so many things at once because you could either forget an appointment or miss out on an event related to someone that you care about. This could also mean that you actually are already taking on too many things at once and to stop because you're heavily overwhelming yourself to the point where it  could affect your health, or too much of time for yourself is being taken away to external situations.
The last interpretation, is that if you lost something awhile ago, then don't worry, you will get it back or finally will find out where you lost it.
Pile Four
You could be worried about a task because it appears to be difficult, but I think it's hard for you to try something without getting the proper directions on how to do it. I'm getting that you should seek instructions from outside resources, like online forums, or video tutorials, and other places for different methods. Once you get a different perspective on it that makes sense to you, you will find the task to actually be easier than you thought.
The general message is to not discourage yourself while learning something or downplay your intelligence because of what looks to be intimidating or because you haven't grasped it immediately. The very thing that you're worried about is going to make you very happy because of how you overcome your doubt over your own abilities, and the reward that comes from finding individuals who you can learn from and a deeper connection with your own distinct way of gaining knowledge and experience in different subjects, and could also be your favorite thing to practice and teach to others who share the same fears that you had.
This could also look like beating procrastination or finding a way to be more organized so that you can be consistent with breaking or gaining a healthy habit.
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calyxthenerd · 3 months
i learned my passion in the good old-fashioned school of lover boys
Percy stood in front of the conference room, as several guys poofed in “Hello, my dudes, welcome to the ‘bi guys who love their girlfriends’ meeting, my girlfriend’s cousin did something like this and I wanted to do it too, I am Percy Jackson, he/him, and I got pretty cool water powers, feel free to introduce yourselves”
“I’m Leon Vargas, he/him, and I’m in a band?” He phrased it like a question, because he was very confused and slightly panicked, the closest he has ever come to magic is sharing dreams with his girlfriend
“I’m Sokka, I use the guy pronouns I guess? I don’t know, I don’t really get that stuff, and I am a pretty awesome warrior” he grins
“I’m Dexter Charming, he/him, and I love gaming” he waves awkwardly, man he was bad at this
“I’m Hunter Noceda, and Luz taught me about the difference between pronouns!” He beams “I use they/them and I’m a clone!” Everyone is disturbed, but they decide to ignore it
“I’m Adrien” he paused, letting the blue haired boy he was holding hands with, talk “and I’m Luka” “I use he/him and I can speak four languages” the blonde countinued “I use he/they and I’m also in a band” he looked at Leon briefly
“And now, we rant about how cool our girlfriends are and bond over it” Percy explained “My girlfriend, Annabeth, is soooo smart, her plans are always awesome and she’s so pretty too! missions with her are the best” he rambled, a lovesick grin on his face
“My girlfriend, Suki is really smart too! I’m usually the one with the plans, but she’s an incredible warrior and she’s taught me so much, when she joined us on our missions it was really great as well” he and Percy went to the corner to bond over fighting in wars and having girlfriends who were the same brand of badass, completely ignoring the rest and the fact that Percy was supposed to lead this meeting
��Violetta, my fiancé, is the best, she’s one of the most wonderful musicians I’ve ever met, and that’s saying a lot, considering I know so many of great ones, she’s my soulmate, it still baffles me how in sync we are, we wrote at least five songs together in our dreams over the course of our relationship” Leon smiled
“That’s so cool! My girlfriend Raven, is a witch, and she’s also really good with music! She’s the most talented person I know! And the way she gets when she’s arguing for something she believes in, it’s the most beautiful thing…” he trails off, zooning out in a daydream
Hunter looked at Dexter weirdly before starting his rant “Willow is the best! even when I was… not the best person to be around, she stood by me and helped me see the error of my ways, she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, in the form of caring for all our friends, but she does it with such grace, it took me a while to realize it was doing her harm, but now our dynamic is much more balanced and healthy, at least that’s what mama Noceda told us” leaving Adrien, Luka and Leon, the only ones still listening, very concerned
“How do you do these trips across universes? I’d like to talk to this girlfriend of yours” Luka said
“I’m afraid I don’t know, I’m sorry” Hunter lowered his head
“How about we talk about Mari now, Luka?” Adrien asked, desperate for a subject change
“Melody is wonderful, she’s so lively and creative, she inspires me to do things i never saw myself doing before, and her being the one person, besides her girlfriend, to truly understand my sister certainly doesn’t hurt her case” Luka stated
“Mari is amazing! She helped me understand the world in a way I haven’t been able to before, being homeschooled and never having any friends, she is my guiding light, I love her so much” he sighed, his gaze far away, as Luka squeezed his hand
“I really need to get him and Vilu in a room together” Leon mumbled
“What was that?” Adrien questioned
“Nothing” he pooked Percy on the shoulder, interrupting a discussion between him and Sokka about the best kind of weapon
“And that’s why swords are supe- what?” the demigod turned around
“I was just wondering how you chose us specifically? Because aside from those two” he points to Adrien and Luka, who are flirting back at the table “none of us know each other”
“Well, you see- look at the time! You guys should get going, I’ll tell you as you leave” he declared
“Hunter is from a show my friend Clarisse pretends not to like” he poofs back to the Noceda house, where he decided to stay after everything that happened
“Leon is from a show my friend Piper told me about” he poofs back to the apartment he shares with Violetta
“Dexter is from a show my friend Will loves” he poofs back into his classroom, where a class was still happening, not even noticing anything was happening around him, still daydreaming about Raven
“Sokka is from my baby sister Estelle’s favorite show” he poofs back to the room he was staying in on his diplomatic trip to the fire nation
“And lastly, you two” he looks at Luka and Adrien “are from my brother Tyson’s favorite show” they poof back to the liberty
Magnus pokes his head into the room “how’d it go?”
“Perfect, thanks for teaching me that trick, Maggie!” He smirks
“I told you not to call me that, now let’s go, Alex and Annie are waiting on us for lunch” he grumbled, and they walked away to meet their girlfriends who they loved very much
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